elceeu2morrow · 2 years
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[9.16.22 / 9.30.22]
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rocals · 2 years
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Ray Toro performing at Riot Fest in Chicago, 9.16.22
pc: Ashlee Rezin for the Chicago Sun-Times
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lsdunesarchive · 1 year
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🦂 lsdunes on film 🦂 9.16.22 @ Riot Fest | 📸 Kate Russell
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callmeblake · 1 year
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From KateRussellftw on twitter:
🦂 @lsdunes on film 🦂 9.16.22 taken by my short self immediately before the band’s first performance at @RiotFest 🧡
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blueenthusiastalpaca · 8 months
Pink floyd nation laser show. 9.16.22 Selby
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hopelesslyxddicted · 8 months
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sakrumverum · 11 months
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Brief des Apostels Paulus an die Römer 16,3-9.16.22-27
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painossodeus · 11 months
Leitura do Livro Sagrado: Leitura da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 16,3-9.16.22-27 | 31ª STC ⚪
Essa leitura faz parte do capítulo 16 de uma das cartas mais importantes do apóstolo Paulo, que foi escrita por volta do ano 55 d.C., quando ele estava em sua terceira viagem missionária pela Ásia Menor. Nessa carta, Paulo expõe a sua visão sobre o evangelho de Deus, que é a boa notícia de que todos os seres humanos são pecadores e precisam da salvação pela graça de Deus, mediante a fé em Jesus…
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lecturasdiarias · 11 months
Lecturas del Sábado de la 31ª semana del Tiempo Ordinario
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Lecturas del día Sábado 11 de Noviembre de 2023
Primera lectura
Lectura de la carta del apóstol san Pablo a los Romanos 16,3-9.16.22-27
Hermanos: Saluden a Prisca y a Aquila, colaboradores míos en el servicio de Cristo Jesús, que por salvar mi vida arriesgaron la suya. A ellos no s��lo yo, sino también todas las comunidades cristianas del mundo pagano les debemos gratitud. Saluden también a la comunidad que se reúne en casa de ellos.
Saluden a mi querido Epéneto, el primero que en la provincia de Asia se hizo cristiano. Saluden a María, que ha trabajado tanto por ustedes. Saluden a Andrónico y a Junías, mis paisanos y compañeros de prisión, que se han distinguido en predicar el Evangelio y en el apostolado, y que se hicieron cristianos antes que yo. Saluden a Ampliato, a quien tanto quiero en el Señor. Saluden a Urbano, colaborador nuestro en el servicio de Cristo, y a mi querido Estaquio.
Salúdense los unos a los otros con el saludo de paz. Todas las comunidades cristianas los saludan.
Yo, Tercio, el escribano de esta carta, también les mando un saludo en el Señor. Los saluda Gayo, que me hospeda a mí y a esta comunidad. Los saludan Erasto, administrador de la ciudad, y Cuarto, nuestro hermano.
Que la gracia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo esté con todos ustedes. Amén.
A aquel que puede darles fuerzas para cumplir el Evangelio que yo he proclamado, predicando a Cristo, conforme a la revelación del misterio mantenido en secreto durante siglos, y que ahora, en cumplimiento del designio eterno de Dios, ha quedado manifestado por las Sagradas Escrituras, para atraer a todas las naciones a la obediencia de la fe, al Dios único, infinitamente sabio, démosle gloria, por Jesucristo, para siempre. Amén.
Palabra de Dios
Salmo Responsorial
Salmo 144, 2-3. 4-5. 10-11
R./ Dichosos los que aman al Señor.
Un día tras otro bendeciré tu nombre y no cesará mi boca de alabarte. Muy digno de alabanza es el Señor,  por ser su grandeza incalculable. R./ Dichosos los que aman al Señor.
Cada generación, a la que sigue anunciará tus obras y proezas. Se hablará de tus hechos portentosos, del glorioso esplendor de tu grandeza. R./ Dichosos los que aman al Señor.
Que te alaben, Señor, todas tus obras y que todos tus fieles te bendigan. Que proclamen la gloria de tu reino y den a conocer tus maravillas. R./ Dichosos los que aman al Señor.
Lectura del santo evangelio según San Lucas 16,9-15
En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: “Con el dinero, tan lleno de injusticias, gánense amigos que, cuando ustedes mueran, los reciban en el cielo. El que es fiel en las cosas pequeñas, también es fiel en las grandes; y el que es infiel en las cosas pequeñas, también es infiel en las grandes. Si ustedes no son fieles administradores del dinero, tan lleno de injusticias, ¿quién les confiará los bienes verdaderos? Y si no han sido fieles en lo que no es de ustedes, ¿quién les confiará lo que sí es de ustedes?
No hay criado que pueda servir a dos amos, pues odiará a uno y amará al otro, o se apegará al primero y despreciará al segundo. En resumen, no pueden ustedes servir a Dios y al dinero’’.
Al oír todas estas cosas, los fariseos, que son amantes del dinero, se burlaban de Jesús. Pero él les dijo: “Ustedes pretenden pasar por justos delante de los hombres; pero Dios conoce sus corazones, y lo que es muy estimable para los hombres es detestable para Dios”.
Palabra del Señor
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9.16.22 12:02 AM
- I am so fucking tired.
I'm tired of being seen as some type of lie. As if anything that comes from each breath, is a lie.
When I'm genuine.
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rocals · 2 years
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Ray Toro performing at Riot Fest in Chicago, 9.16.22
pc: Madison Walters for The Collegian
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flatoutbaroque · 1 year
My Life In Seconds 9.10.22 – 9.16.22
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granhairdo · 2 years
fun fact: i write fics, so heres a post talking about them (only my lm ones)
but everybodys bones are just holy branches
relationship: eponine & marius
publish date: 10.29.22
word count: 2,985
link: but everybodys bones are just holy branches - Chapter 1 - the real courfeyrac (sagetail) - Les Misérables - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
rating: teen
synopsis: as a punishment for trying to get marius killed at the barricades, eponine is cursed to feel the pain of her wounds anytime she feels jealous of marius and cosette until marius' death. she waits through years and years of agony until finally at 80 years old, marius dies. allowing her to be freed from her pain and happy for eternity.
its hard to keep the rainclouds out when the windows never close
relationship: eponine & marius
publish date: 9.16.22
word count: 14,215
link: its hard to keep the rainclouds out when the windows never close - Chapter 1 - the real courfeyrac (sagetail) - Les Misérables - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
rating: teen
synopsis: after an incident with her father, leaving her bloody, bruised, and barely able to walk, eponine seeks out marius' help, who is more than willing to help her get out of her awful position. the two move into a run-down apartment just outside paris with an eccentric roommate, courfeyrac. eponine learns to be a normal part of society, with the help of marius, who teaches her basic things, like reading, writing, and math. the two slowly form a deep spiritual connection that is unmatched by the everyday trials they face in their complex relationship. street girls aren't meant to be with rich boys, after all.
burgundy cap
relationship: cosette/eponine
publish date: 11.11.22
word count: 118
link: burgundy cap - the real courfeyrac (sagetail) - Les Misérables - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
rating: general
synopsis: cosette and eponine's final goodbye before she departs off to the barricades, unknowing if she'll make it out alive.
the boxer
relationship: eponine & marius
publish date: 11.17.22
word count: 790
link: the boxer - the real courfeyrac (sagetail) - Les Misérables - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
rating: general
synopsis: eponine is a homeless street singer, who makes her only form of income from a little donation tin setting in front of her while she sings. when a mysterious boy starts walking by each day and sparing her a little cash, she soon falls a little bit in love with him.
relationship: n/a
publish date: 11.24.22
word count: 21
link: reminders - the real courfeyrac (sagetail) - Les Misérables - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
rating: general
synopsis: a short poem about Éponine, specifically based off the novel
relationship: eponine & marius
publish date: 11.24.22
word count: 760
link: desperate - the real courfeyrac (sagetail) - Les Misérables - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
rating: general
synopsis: a little oneshot spin-off of it’s hard to keep the rainclouds out when the windows never close
relationship: eponine & gavroche
publish date: 11.27.22
word count: 778
link: lullubies - the real courfeyrac (sagetail) - Les Misérables - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
rating: teen
synopsis: on a cold winter's night eponine helps gavroche get to sleep, when suddenly her mother bursts in with news that puts their entire relationship in jeopardy.
a thénardier must know
relationship: n/a
publish date: 12.04.22
word count: 350
link: a thénardier must know - Chapter 1 - the real courfeyrac (sagetail) - Les Misérables - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
rating: general
synopsis: each chapter tells the story of one of the three main thénardier siblings and the things they must give up and learn. told through poetry of course because it's me.
i'll wait
relationship: n/a
publish date: 12.22.22
word count: 78
link: i'll wait - the real courfeyrac (sagetail) - Les Misérables - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
rating: general
synopsis: basicallly it's a poem narrated by marius and cosette's son, who watches as his father struggles with ptsd behind closed doors
sabinus et eponine
relationship: eponine & marius
publish date: 12.28.22
word count: 159
link: sabinus et eponine - the real courfeyrac (sagetail) - Les Misérables - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
rating: teen
synopsis: yet another eponine poem. this one is telling the general story of her death
invade us, an innocent song
relationship: eponine & marius, eponine/montparnasse
publish date: 01.03.22
word count: (still a wip)
link: invade us, an innocent song - Chapter 1 - the real courfeyrac (sagetail) - Les Misérables - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
synopsis: snapshots from the life and death of eponine thenardier.
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jofipopcam · 2 years
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In the neighborhood
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so-idialed-9 · 2 years
Louis has outdone himself, a bluegreener checkerboard path, for chrissake
It's by Ahluwalia. Worn 28 weeks after he wore this Ahluwalia bluegeeener shirt on tour in Seattle. Which was the only shirt he wore twice on tour, 28 days earlier in Houston.
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Smug bastard
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avi-arts · 2 years
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Day 2081:
finished! this challenge this week was to genre swap your ocs, so instead of a traumcom, this is volitation as a cheesy shoujo romance manga
(image description in alt text)
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