#911 s6e10
kaktusaufbalkon · 4 months
Oh no no no Buck did not just get hit by lightning, right?!
Jfc I'm shocked.
Not as much as he is, of course. But still.
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abbyholmes · 2 years
Ok. I saw THE episode.
Best episode of the Season so far. Maybe one of the show’s overall best. What I loved:
- The way Buck is once again amazing at calming down two scared children. I mean I‘m not a parent-y Person, but that man is so Dad-shaped it melts my heart.
- May and Athena undercover!!! I was LIVING for May‘s sarcastic addict performance. She clearly has her mom‘s investigation-genes. And I love that they are supporting Bobby in investigating his sponsor‘s death.
- I still hate the Buckley Parents but I do like that there is some kind of progress. Don‘t get me wrong I think cutting ties with bad parents is totally legit and I hope Maddie and Buck always Keep them at an arm‘s lenght. But I do like that there seems to be some kind of healing going on and I hope it will bring Maddie and Buck more peace of mind in the long run. (Bobby and Athena are still Buck‘s parents and the 118 is his found family, Zero doubts there.)
- Albert being back!!! Even though I wish he hadn‘t brought his dad. But maybe it will be good for Chim to finally tell his father how angry and hurt he really is.
- Buck‘s smile after his conversation with Maddie on a world where Daniel hadn‘t died. It was so short and yet had so many layers. Buck looks so content in this moment. As if, yes, life isn‘t perfect and his biological family is Even further from perfect, but he has Maddie and Chim and his niece and his 118 family and life is good anyway. Idk the smile did something to my heart.
- Mom-Hen. I just like her. And I hope Danny comes clean about his Dad soon and they can find a good patchwork solution that works for everyone and makes Danny feel happy, loved and protected.
- Hen saying That Karen Lobes surprises but the definitely does not. (Same, Hen. Same.)
- Athena worrying about Bobby. I just love those two so much.
- Buck offering to listen to Bobby and really actively being there for him. It is just the essence of Buck and I‘m so here for it.
- THE. CHILLI. CONVERSATION. I mean…it had me smirk with tears in my eyes. Peak Television. They are father and son, your honor. (And I prefer to put very dark chocolate in my Chilli instead of coacoa powder. But you do you, Bobby.)
- The way the pregnant Woman on the Uber was hilarious before the Crash. I love me some light-Heartedness in the darkness.
-And then: All the foreshadowing in the episode. Buck going up instead of Chimney. ‚Go get them, Cowboy‘. ‚What is that?‘ (A THUNDERSTORM, you adorable dumbass), THE SILENCE After Buck gets hit by lightning. Eddie struggling back to his feet. Buck dangling up there. The disbelief on everyone‘s faces. Eddie screaming Buck‘s name in growing desperation. ‚Come here, kid‘, Chimney forgetting Medical facts because this is Buck and Buck can‘t be in cardiac Arrest, ‚Eddie, You’re driving‘, Eddie’s desperate ‚Talk to me, Buck!‘ (IS THIS ANOTHER TOP GUN REFERENCE After ‚you can have my back anyday- or you know, you could have mine’? Is this a ‚Talk to me, Goose‘?!? I HAVE QUESTIONS), the immense shooting / Eddie trapped Below the ground Parallels!!!
- Stellar Performances all around!
This Episode has WRECKED me. My Heart hurt so much for Buck and for all of them. I am seriously worried for Bobby. It‘s going to be so difficult for him. A Part of me hopes That there might be some Buddie-Realization on the Horizon for both Eddie and Buck. (I love them both as bffs and as a ship and I think both interpretations are equally valid even though I would prefer a Potential bisexual slowburn on a popular Show actually becoming canon).
I am excited to See how Eddie will Deal with his emotions. How the Team, Maddie and Athena will Support each other through this. Who will sit watch at Buck‘s side. What Cheistopher will say. If Eddie will Talk to Coma-Buck and be angry with hin for Not Waking up. What Coma-Buck will experience. It‘s…the storyline is so sad and so intriguing and has so many layers. 911 did it again and I love it.
I‘m so glad Fox already gave us some pictures of Oliver still being on Set. I would have seriously worried if they are going to kill Buck otherwise.
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metallicabirder · 4 months
Chimney: Evan!
Buck: 🤨 howie 🤨
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the-immortal-asshole · 4 months
I'm loving coma dream Bobby. He is just a scruffy little mess. May is a sweetheart, love her. The whole Grant-Nash family is badass and they have my whole heart.
Still don't like either set of parents and I don't care for their excuses. I don't mind Albert's mom though. Buck is too forgiving but I get why kind of.
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tails89 · 2 years
911 6x10 coda - 561 words
I’m getting in on the action 😂
He looks like he’s sleeping.
That’s the worst part— that it looks like he could open his eyes at any moment.
Eddie stares at Buck through the window into the room. He’s not supposed to be here. He’d followed a nurse at Bobby’s insistence he get checked out, and after being cleared hadn't been able to face returning to the waiting room.
He hadn’t made the conscious decision to go looking for Buck, but now that he’s here, he can’t bring himself to leave.
He stares, eyes tracing the mechanical rise and fall of Buck’s chest. He clenches his fists, remembering the feeling of Buck’s rain slick skin beneath his hands. In all his years as a medic, then a firefighter, nothing could have prepared Eddie for the sick crack of Buck’s ribs as they caved beneath his hands.
The gown hides the bruises that must be blooming across Buck’s pale skin, just like it hides the vivid branching marks that claw across his chest.
Eddie has a matching mark on his hand, feathering up from where he’d been gripping the side of the ladder. It doesn’t seem fair. They’d both been there on that truck, and all Eddie had to show for it was a burn and a few bruises, while Buck…
He looks like he’s sleeping.
“You’re not supposed to be here.”
Eddie jerks back from the window. “Sorry, I didn’t— he’s—” He doesn’t have an excuse ready and the words fail on his lips.
“You’re Eddie?” The nurse's expression softens at Eddie’s nod. “They’re looking for you downstairs.”
“Yeah, I’ll go—” he trails off, turning back to the window, his feet making no attempt to carry him away. “How much longer,” he asks instead, “until he can have visitors?”
The nurse makes a soft noise beside him.
“I’m about to go get his sister.” She turns to Eddie, her expression fixed into something unreadable. “You can sit with him for a minute, just until we get back.”
“Thank you.” Eddie’s already reaching for the door, before she can change her mind. The door swings shut behind him, and the busy hum of the ward fades beneath the beep and whir of the machines in the room.
From the bed, Buck looks like he’s sleeping.
Eddie crosses the room with short, uncertain steps, his shoes squeaking on the linoleum.
Up close, the illusion is shattered.
Buck’s chest rises and falls, with the slow even tempo of the machine counting his breaths.
“Hey.” Eddie almost chokes on the word, clearing his throat to start again. “Hey Buck.”
He reaches out, his fingers hesitating over Buck’s limp hand. He wants to grasp it, feel the warmth of Buck’s skin, the proof he’s still alive.
“I need you to wake up. I can’t—“ he gives in to the urge, his fingers squeezing around Buck’s, careful of the IV lines that disappear beneath his skin. “I need you Buck.” The words that have been playing in the back of his mind come spilling out. “Chris needs you, we— fuck—“ Eddie drops his head down to rest against their joined hands. “You need to wake up.”
He glances up, breath caught in his throat, hoping for some kind of sign that Buck can hear him.
But Buck doesn’t flinch. He doesn’t shift. His fingers stay limp in Eddie’s grip.
He looks like he’s sleeping.
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coffeeblackandneat · 6 months
margaret and phillip buckley they could never make me like you
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danhalen · 1 year
me internally: oh whoa big fire in the rain
buck: "chim let me go up, you got the last one"
me: "oh fuck"
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merlinisnotover · 2 days
Oliver Stark is acting his fuckin ASS off in this arc
I cry
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sawtastic-sideblog · 1 month
911 s6e10 spoilrs
"come here, kid" from Bobby. I'm crying.
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sunkillerlovechild · 12 days
im dying laughing rn
i binge watched 911 like two weeks ago and yk now im just watching some edits whatever and theres a clip from the episode where buck is unconscious after being struck by lightning and i dont remember the number of the episode so i look in the comments and some is like s6 e10 and e11, i think nothing and go look up the name so i can find fics about it and tell me why
i looked up s6e10 read the description to make sure its the right episode, stopped and went "huh, i dont remember ever watching that"
i always just thought it happened off screen, im dying rn, that feels like such an important episode, like bro literally dies and they have to bring him back and i just never saw it
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hisbucky · 2 years
911: S6E10 Highlight
One Sentence Things #4
cw: spoiler GIF ft. major injury from environmental causes
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*Heavy breathing*
Winning but at what cost.
[GIF descriptions]
[GIF 1: Buck stands on the ladder of the truck, confused by the noise of humming electricity, before the lightning strikes and he loses balance, falling over the ladder hanging by his rope]
[GIF 2: Recovering from being thrown off the truck, Eddie looks up at his partner, double taking at the sight of Buck suspended in mid-air]
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metallicabirder · 4 months
Knowing it was coming did not in fact help
Eddie trying to pull Buck up
Bobby saying “I’ve got you kid” 🥺
Everyone freezing for a moment killed me
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metallicabirder · 4 months
A man getting stuck in lightning glass is an insane accident to create
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sawtastic-sideblog · 1 month
911 s6e10 spoilers under the cut
So uh Chim's dad is just a massive cocksucker huh?
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hisbucky · 2 years
911: S6E10
One Sentence Things #1
Chimney when the Buckleys are already visiting and then he sees his dad at the door:
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Send help.
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hisbucky · 2 years
911: S6E10 Highlight
One sentence Things #2
Even in the stormiest of clouds, there’ll be a sun (a son) to light the day. 
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