#999's name is pumpkin
trashyswitch · 2 years
Day 24: Candy/Potions
Logan and the sides are surprising Pumpkin with lots of candy for Halloween. Then, they all find out something incredible about Pumpkin:
Part 4 of The Adorable Slimy Stranger Part 3
Part 2
Part 1
Logan walked out to the living room and smiled eagerly. It was getting close to Halloween, and there were two reasons to celebrate this. 1: because Pumpkin LOVES halloween…and 2: because it was almost the year anniversary of bringing Pumpkin into their home! And that was definitely worth celebrating!
Logan had gotten a bag of goodies ready for Pumpkin. He had bought all the goodies at a nearby dollar store so the goodies were nice and cheap to buy in bulk. Logan then spent 10-20 minutes removing every wrapper from the chocolate and candy, before dumping them into the bag. 
Logan brought out the bag and looked around at the other sides who were watching and hoping to get Pumpkin’s reaction. 
“Hey Pumpa! What’s that?” Patton asked in his high-pitched baby voice, pointing to Logan. 
“Hello Pumpkin. I brought you something.” Logan told him. 
Pumpkin gurgled and started bouncing around like a big orange bouncy ball. Virgil couldn’t help but chuckle at Pumpkin’s excited reaction already. 
Logan tipped the bag upside down and watched as the candy and chocolate spilled out of the bag and onto the floor in front of Pumpkin in a large pile. 
Pumpkin’s mouth was WIDE. She couldn’t believe how much candy they were giving her! Pumpkin squealed and picked up as much of the candy as she could, before hugging the chocolate and candy tightly. 
All 4 of the sides laughed at her reaction. It was really cute to see her so happy. 
But then…Pumpkin looked up at Logan and slid up to him. She looked at her candy in her hand, and offered Logan a twizzler™. Logan smiled as he took the twizzler. “Thank you, Pumpkin.” Logan replied. Pumpkin gave him the puppy eyes as she smiled with pure, unconditional love. 
Then, Pumpkin slowly slid up to Patton, and handed Patton 6 connected pieces of a milk chocolate Hershey™ bar. Patton gasped and happily took it. “Thank you!” Patton replied. Pumpkin stared at Patton with loving eyes, as if Patton was his little baby. 
Then, Pumpkin slid up to Virgil and gave Virgil a total of 10 gummy spiders. Virgil giggled. “Aww…you know me really well. Thank you.” Virgil replied. Pumpkin smiled at him with starry eyes for a long 10 seconds. 
And lastly, Pumpkin slid up to Roman and looked in his pile of candy. He decided to give Roman a Nerds™ rope. Roman giggled. “Awww, thank you!” Roman replied. Pumpkin looked at Roman with pure love and care in her eyes. 
Pumpkin turned around and looked around. He started gurgling questions, and looked to the other sides. 
Patton tilted his head. “What’s wrong?” Patton asked. 
Pumpkin walked up to the yellow fluffy blanket and chomped on it. She pulled it off the couch and looked at Patton. Looking at the yellow blanket told the sides everything they needed to know.
Patton sighed. “I don’t know where Janus is.” Patton admitted. 
Pumpkin picked up a plastic container filled with candy garbage. Pumpkin looked towards Roman and gave him sad eyes. 
Roman looked down. “Oh…You want to give Remus his favorite candy…” Roman muttered. 
Pumpkin nodded and looked down at the purple plastic trash can. He dropped the trash can, showing pure sadness. 
Roman grabbed out his phone. “I’m gonna text Remus to come up.” Roman told them. 
Virgil nodded. “I think that’s a good idea.” 
“And I’m gonna text Janus.” Patton told them. 
“Okay.” Logan replied. “I think Janus really likes…sour keys.” Logan told Pumpkin. He picked up the sour keys and showed Pumpkin the sour keys. “These things.” Logan told her. 
Pumpkin nodded and started collecting the sour keys from her pile of candy and chocolate. She also picked up another purple plastic garbage can from the pile. 
Roman growled and closed his phone. “He’s such a pain…” Roman reacted. “Remus doesn’t want to come up.” 
Patton sighed. “Janus isn’t coming up. He’s too busy…” Patton told them. 
Roman frowned and looked at Pumpkin. He softened his frown. “I’m sorry, Pumpkin. Remus isn’t coming.” Roman told her. 
“Janus isn’t coming either.” Patton told her. 
Pumpkin looked up at them for a few moments. Then, he started to whimper and close his eyes as little black tears started falling down his face. 
Patton widened his eyes and covered up his mouth. 
Oh my gosh-  Was Pumpkin crying?! 
Roman bit his lip as he tried his hardest not to cry along with her. 
Logan was staring at Pumpkin, unsure how to properly react. 
And Virgil had quickly taken a picture of Pumpkin and sent Remus and Janus the picture. 
[LOOK WHAT YOU FUCKING DID TO PUMPKIN!] Virgil texted to Remus and Janus. 
Pumpkin sniffled and whimpered as he covered his black eyes with his little hand nubs. Almost immediately, Pumpkin slid up to Logan and started crying with her face shoved into Logan’s middle. Only, Pumpkin just barely reached Logan’s stomach…
Logan looked at Patton, unsure what to do. He looked so confused…yet, so conflicted. He awkwardly tried petting Pumpkin for a bit. But Pumpkin only shoved his face further into Logan’s stomach. 
Logan widened his eyes as his voice wobbled somewhat. He knew Pumpkin was not meaning to cause this…but Pumpkin’s face-snuggling was tickling his belly. 
Patton looked up at the nerd the moment he heard Logan’s voice wobble. What- Was Logan laughing?! 
Logan was tense and nervously staring at Pumpkin. He didn’t want to laugh. He knew that now would be the worst time to laugh. 
But…Pumpkin’s supposed to be a tickle monster…and Pumpkin’s face…
Virgil walked up to Pumpkin from behind and gave Pumpkin’s side a poke. Almost on command, Pumpkin jumped and raised her head out from Logan’s belly. She stared off into space with shock on her face as she comprehended what happened. 
Logan looked up at Virgil with a slight frown. “Virgil…” He said, both calm, yet annoyed. 
“What? I wanted to try something.” Virgil admitted. 
Logan looked down at Pumpkin, and noticed she was turned around to look at Virgil. Pumpkin stared at Virgil’s hand…before looking down at her own side. 
Then….Pumpkin started gurgling and reaching her nubs out for Virgil’s hand. Virgil gave Pumpkin his hand and let Pumpkin maneuver it. Eager to try something, Pumpkin moved the hand into a fist, and pushed out the index finger. With that in place, Pumpkin placed the index finger onto his own side. But…it didn’t work. Not like it did before. 
Virgil tilted his head. “Are you trying…to see if you’re ticklish?” Virgil asked. 
Pumpkin looked up at Virgil and nodded with a look of curiosity and surprise. 
Virgil nodded and took a moment to first wipe the black tears off Pumpkin’s face. “But first…” Virgil cupped Pumpkin’s cheek. “Do you still want to cry?” Virgil asked. “Or are you ready to laugh?” 
Patton looked at Virgil, then over to Pumpkin. 
Pumpkin closed her eyes and leaned into the hand for a few moments…she let herself sit there, being comforted by anxiety of all people. But…Virgil had a really empathetic way of understanding her. It…seemed to help her a lot. 
Then, Pumpkin opened her eyes and nodded with a smile. This was her symbol to tell him she was ready to laugh. Virgil nodded and readied his fingers. Pumpkin raised up her little nubby hands, giving Virgil the go ahead. 
Virgil started poking Pumpkin’s sides and armpits first, just to get a general understanding of where Pumpkin was ticklish. But her reaction was immediate: She squealed and widened her eyes along with her smile. 
Virgil moved on to actually tickling. He started by skittering his fingers on Pumpkin’s belly region, before moving over to the sides, and then moving up to the underarms. Pumpkin closed her eyes and started doing these gurgly, giggly sounds. They sounded like regular gurgles, yet mixed with really high-pitched laughter. 
Logan silently gasped and slowly pulled out his phone. He NEEDED to get a video of this! 
Why? Because science, obviously! 
Roman was giggling as he watched. Virgil was visibly beaming with happiness from simply seeing Pumpkin smile. But to hear some sort of laugh leave her mouth, was HUGE! Pumpkin had been spending so much time tickling others and making others happy…that everyone, even Pumpkin herself, forgot to see if she was ticklish and loved being happy too! 
How could they have forgotten to look for such a crucial detail?! 
Virgil stopped tickling for a moment. Even though it had only been 2-5 minute, Pumpkin was already a little collection of giggles and gurgles. 
Virgil picked up Pumpkin and placed Pumpkin into his own lap. He wrapped both arms around Pumpkin, and started skittering his fingers on both of Pumpkin’s sides.
Pumpkin widened her eyes and squealed super loudly! All 4 of the sides yelled and cheered in reaction. It was the loudest they had ever heard her! 
Pumpkin quickly fell into a fit of giggly gurgles as she wiggled and jiggled around in Virgil’s surprisingly tight grip. But the tightness of his grip didn’t really matter too much, thanks to Pumpkin’s density. So Virgil could literally squish him down, and Pumpkin would probably be completely fine. 
How do we know this? 
Well…Let’s just say that Pumpkin has had to be rescued from Remus’s homemade crushing machines…More than once…
Virgil decided that now would be a good time to try something new. Virgil stopped tickling before picking up Pumpkin and turning her around so her little black eyes were facing Virgil’s eyes. Then, Virgil took in a deep breath, and blew a wet raspberry all over Pumpkin’s belly. 
Pumpkin SCREAMED and gurgle-giggled almost hysterically! It was incredible! Pumpkin was also wiggling around, and throwing his nubbies all over the place. And the best part? Pumpkin’s body was jiggling from the raspberry’s vibrations! That made things even MORE hilarious! 
Virgil removed his face from Pumpkin’s belly and gave Pumpkin a dorky grin. With his face free, Virgil took in another deep breath and shoved his face into Pumpkin’s belly again. He blew another wet, wild, and humongous raspberry all over Pumpkin’s belly. 
Pumpkin squealed and giggled hysterically! He was just a wiggly, floppy, wild mess of gurgles and squeals and giggles. 
Virgil removed his face from Pumpkin’s stomach again. “Anyone else want to give Pumpkin a raspberry?” Virgil asked. 
“ME! ME! ME! ME! ME!” Patton declared excitedly. 
Virgil handed Pumpkin over to Patton, and watched as Patton took Pumpkin under the arms. He got a firm hold on Pumpkin’s sides, and took in a deep breath. With his lungs filled, Patton placed his face down on Pumpkin’s rough-outline-of-a-neck, and blew. 
Pumpkin SQUEALED like her life depended on it! She threw her arms up in the air, and squeezed her eyes shut as she laughed and giggled all freely with glee. 
Patton removed his face from Pumpkin’s neck so he could giggle too. And when Pumpkin was ready, Patton took in another breath and blew another big raspberry on the other side of her neck. 
Pumpkin covered her mouth and squealed like the little toddler she is. It was SO TICKLISH! And she loved every second of it! 
Patton removed his face from Pumpkin’s neck so he could also laugh himself silly. Then, Patton lifted up Pumpkin and turned him around so Pumpkin was facing the others: 
“Alright. Who wants to tickle Pumpkin next?” 
9 notes · View notes
graciellasamma · 8 months
Persona (series) x KR Ghost x Yokai Watch
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Name: Takeru Tenkuji
Nicknames: Take-kun, Sempai, Shuichi-sama, Pumpkin Face, Ghost Boy
Codename: Ghost
Age: 18-19
Gender: Male
Species: Human//Ghost
Home Residence: Daitenku Temple, in Taito City, Tokyo, Japan
Ethnicity: Japanese
Native Language(s)//Language(s) Spoken: Japanese, English, Spanish, French
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Birthday: October 31st
Blood Type: O
Hair Color: White
Eyes Color: Purple
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 96 kg
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Species: Human, Ghost (Temporary), Ganma-Youkai Hybrid (Previously)
Body Build: Lanky but bit of a muscle
Scars//Tattoes: Despite he is a ghost he still has the scar from the Shadow who killed him
Style Dress: Regular Clothes, School Outfit, Phantom Thief Attire, Phantom Thief Mask
Voice: Masahiro Itou (JPN) / Sam Duke (ENG)
Takeru is generally calm, but he can be mostly hot-headed, energetic, impatient, and carefree. Despite his quirks and the criticism, Takeru is said to have a personality that draws people to him, inspiring friendship and loyalty through acts of genuine kindness that could change a person's worldview and thus build meaningful relationships that he lacked in early life; Takeru deeply cherishes these bonds and will go to great lengths to protect them, best seen with Makoto when he tried to still his Eyecons and Tohru when he was been manipulated by Saionji when he control him with the power of Dark Ghost. Likewise, even in the face of people close to him committing horrible deeds, Takeru remains loyal to them, pushing aside his grief enough to see the nature of what they did. Along with this nature, he is extremely perceptive, able to notice the smallest of details from a quick observation. From this, he can quickly discern the nature of a person and their life to make correct conclusions on situations at hand.
After he became Ghost, Takeru's personality suffered a main change. He became even more friendly and wise, retaining his carefree Nature, but to a lower degree. Another good point in him is that this made him capable of recognizing a person and their potential, something he saw in Kosuke Kimijima and his skill in playing piano. This made the girls (Rise, Yoko, and Shia) develop a crush on him, something he's oblivious to, but later in "Enma Daio to Itsutsu no Monogatari da Nyan!" he started to slowly notice, mostly in Rise.
Takeru also seems to get angered by anyone who does not value their own life or the lives of others, as being dead has given him the perspective to cherish/protect all life and enjoy the time he has left while trying to restore himself. This trait seems to override his common sense at times, as he is willing to put his own existence in jeopardy to save someone's life such as Kanon Fukami.
Favorite(s)//Like(s): His friends and family, Youkai, Ghost, Mythical beings, Legends, History, Acting, Eating food
Least(s)//Dislike(s): His friends and family being hurt, Vegetables, People who don't value life, Corrupt people, Police, Masayoshi Shido, People who abuse others
Hobbies//Habit(s): Singing, Playing his guitar and violin
Talent(s): Nagisa Shiota-Style of assassination, Persona-Dex
Dreams//Goals: Find the 15 Heroic Eyecons to make a wish to bring himself back to life and live his life to the fullest without any regret.
Fears: Not able to finish the deadline and leaving his friends behind.
Character's Mind:
Guts: 5/5
Charm: 3.5/5
Kindness: 4/5
Proficiency: 3/5
Intelligence: 4/5
Character's Combat Status
Agility: 8/10
Strength: 6/10
Tricky: 7/10
Attk Power: 7.5/10
Dfns Power: 5/10
Health Bar: 568/999
SP/Mana Bar: 320/999
Arcana: Fool//Death//World//Hope//Wildcard
Melee: Gan Gun Saber//Sunglassesslasher
Gun: Gan Gun Saber//Sunglassesslasher
Velvet Room: Train
Velvet Attendant: Eve
Awakening: Takeru awakens his Persona after he is killed by a Ganma but doesn't want to die yet, that's when he meets his shadow, who asks him whether he is willing to accept his fate, which Takeru doesn't, that's when they make a vow and where he awakens his Persona and gain the power of Kamen Rider Ghost.
Persona: 1. Orpheus Picaro (Fool) Weak: Curse Repel: Elec Null: Bless - Agidyne - Cadenza - Maragidyne - Repel Electricity - Fire Boost - Fire Amp - Endure - Tarunda 2. Thanatos Picaro (Death) Resist: Phys Repel: Curse - Door of Hades - One-shot Kill - Bloodbath - Charge - Ghastly Wail - Almighty amp - Enduring Soul - Apt Pupil Evo) Messiah Picaro (World//Hope) Evolve from Orpheus and Thanatos Resist: Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind, Psy, Nuc Repel: Bless, Curse - Megidolaon - Oratorio - Firm Stance - Enduring Soul - Spell Master - Repel Curse - Magic Ability - Almighty Amp 3. Black Frost (Fool) Repel: Fire, Curse Drain: Ice Null: Nuc - Diamond Dust - Ice Age - Ice Amp - Ice Boost - Freeze Boost - Miracle Punch - Apt Pupil - Magic Ability 4. Metatron (Justice) Weak: Elec Drain: Psy, Wind Null: Curse - Salvation - Angelic Grace - Makougaon - Debilitate - Spell Master - Dodge Phys - Bless Amp - Concentrate 5. Titania (Empress) Weak: Psy Null: Nuc, Bless, Curse - Mafriendyne - Friedyne - Ice Age - Dormina - Nuke Amp - Mediarahan - Marakukaja - Sukunda 6. Seth (Tower) Weak: Bless Resist: Curse Repel: Fire Null: Wind, Psy - Riot Gun - Gun Boost - One-shot Kill - Gun Amp - Maragidyne - Null Physical - Trigger Happy - High Counter 7. Cybele (Priestess) Resist: Fire Repel: Elec Null: Bless - Salvation - Vacuum Wave - Panta Rhel - Wind Boost - Wind Amp - Magic Ability - Spell Master - Repel Elec 8. Beelzebub (Devil) Repel: Bless, Curse Drain: Fire - Maeigoan - Death Flies - Demonic Decree - Repel Bless - Magic Ability - Mudo Boost - Curse Boost - Curse Amp 9. Fafnir (Hermit) Resist: Electric Repel: Phys, Gun Drain: Fire, Nuc - Cosmic Flare - Debilitate - Psycho Force - Atomic Flare - Magic Ability - Nuke Amp - Nuke Boost - Spell Master 10. Kohryu (Hierophant) Repel: Electric Null: Psy, Bless Drain: Nuc - Psycho Blast - Psy Boost - Psy Amp - Life Aid - Spell Master - Magic Ability - Drain Nuclear - Concentrate 11. Yatagarusu (Counciller) Drain: Curse, Wind Null: Bless - Magarudyne - Drain Curse - Sukukaja - Mediarahan - Regenerate 3 - Wind Amp - Drain Wind - Dekunda 12. Sraosha (Star) Repel: Bless Drain: Curse - Hama Boost - Hamaon - Debilitate - Makougaon - Angelic Grace - Amrita Shower - Drain Curse - Bless Amp 13. Quetzalcoatl (Sun) Weak: Psy Resist: Wind Null: Fire - Garudyne - Magarula - Memory Blow - Endura - Agidyne - Heat Up - Defense Master - Growth 3 14. Alice (Death) Repel: Bless, Curse Null: Psy, Nuc - Die For Me! - Megidolaon - Almighty Boost - Almighty Amp - Mudo Boost - Spell Master - Repel Bless - Survival Trick 15. Cerberus (Chariot) Weak: Ice Resist: Nuc Drain: Fire - Vorpal Blade - Blazing Hell - Firm Stance - Arms Master - High Counter - Fire Boost - Fire Amp - Enduring Soul 16. Baal (Emperor) Resist: Bless Drain: Wind - Vacuum Wave - Charge - Ayamur - Panta Rhei - Apt Pupil - Magic Ability - Wind Boost - Wind Apt
Father: Ryu Tenkuji
Mother: Yuna Tenkuji
Sibling(s): Toshiro Kasukabe (cousin/older brother figure), Makoto Fukama (older brother figure), Kanon (younger sister figure)
Uncle(s)//Aunt(s): Takuto Maruki (uncle), Chisato Dojima (aunt), Ryotaro Dojima (step-uncle), Yuki Kasukabe (aunt), Toshiki Kasukabe (step-uncle), Rumi Amamiya (step-aunt), Tohru Adachi (step-uncle)
Nephew(s)//Niece(s)//Cousin(s): Toshiro Kasukabe (cousin/older brother figure), Ren Amamiya (cousin), Nanako Dojima (cousin)
Best Friends: Ren Amamiya, Teddie, Ryuji Sakamoto, Toru Fuse
Friends: Whisper, Yurusen, Onari Yamanoichi (guardian/friend), Rika Ryuzouji, Ririn Ueda, Shiang Sun, Kanji Tatsumi, Rise Kujikawa, Gakuto Inoue, Vince, Honey Sweet, Morgana, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Niijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura, Kosuke Kimijima, Yoko Kimijima
Love Interest: None
Before he was known as Takeru Tenkuji he was also known as Shuichi a hybrid of Ganma and a Youkai, as well as the protector of peace in both the Youkai World and Ganma World, thanks to his Persona Messiah, and thanks to him the Ganma worship Shuichi as if he is a God, but he sadly passed away due to an unknown illness, which he was poisoned by Adel, then he reincarnated as a human named Takeru Tenkuji and Messiah for some reason has been split into two.
His past is almost the same as the canon, as his father, Ryu Tenkuji, was killed by a Ganma and Takeru has been living with his uncle, Takuto Maruki, and Ryu disciple, Onari Yamanoichi, at Daitenku Temple. Since then he hardly sees his cousin, Toshiro Kasukabe, whom he sees as an older brother like Makoto Fukami before he and Kanon disappear, and Ryotaro and Nanako have been visiting the Temple more often to make sure that Takeru is okay, as well to Ryotaro have them babysit Nanako for him while he still working to find his late-wife and his step-brother killer.
As he grew up he started to hear voices but he couldn't see anything until he met Ren on the train with his uncle Takuto when they were about to go to Shujin together as Takeru wanted to go there to visit his old school and Takuto was about to work there as their councilor. That's when he, Takuto, Ren, and another boy named Ryuji Sakamoto found themself in front of a castle which is ruled by the perverted king, who is also the volleyball team coach, Suguru Kamoshida. When they're inside the dungeon, Kamoshida is about ready to kill Ryuji but before that happens, Takuto stands up and defends Ryuji when the guards try to pin him to the wall, with that much commotion Kamoshida decides to order the Ganma, the same one that kills Ryu, to kill Takuto first instead. When the Ganma is about to kill him Takeru shakes off the guard and shields his uncle with his body making him have a large wound on his back, bleeding him to death.
As Takeru is dying he can hear his own voice but distorted saying, is he seriously just lay there and die, to just accept his fate?, when hearing this, Takeru doesn't want to die and leave all his friends and family behind, that he wants to continue to live, that's when he open his eyes and found himself inside a room in a train and in front of him is an old man that called himself Sennin and a young girl named Eve. Sennin and Eve explain to Takeru about the Velvet Room, that Sennin isn't truly the owner of it and that he was taking care of it for his old friend and also explain to him that if he wants to be alive again then he needs to collect all the 15 Heroic Eyecons before his 99 days are up and if he does that then he can make a wish to be alive again.
When Takeru agrees, Eve tells him to sign his name on a contract, and when he does he meets his shadow and starts making a vow where a mask appears on his face and rips it off awakening the power of his Persona, Orpheus. Sennin then gives Takeru an Eyecon and a Belt to transform him into Kamen Rider Ghost, he also gives him a Youkai Butler named Whisper and his other assistant Yurusen, to guide him about the Ganma and Youkai and to help him to find the Eyecons, he also told him that thanks to his power as Ghost (as well as his power from his reincarnation) his Persona gain new strength and weakness than their previous power. After being given this power, Takeru starts to wake up as a Ghost and protect his uncle and his new friends with the help of Ren who also awakens his Persona.
After that, the story is still the same a combination of the Youkai Chronicles except that Takuto joins the Phantom Thieves as he is able to face his own Shadow as well as Toshiro when he rebels against his father, Toshiki Kasukabe when he becomes the next target after Madarame's confession and facing his own Shadow, including the Liberation Team from Dx2 with a mixture members from the Investigation Team from Persona 4 also joins the team as well as Tohru Adachi and Ryotaro Dojima after Futaba and Rise joins the team, to joins the team as well Tohru's background is different as he is the younger brother of Rumi Amamiya but after the murder of their parent and Rumi catatonic depression Tohru was sent to the Adachi family for them to raise him.
Even though Tohru never really cared for his parent considering they hardly ever were home even at Christmas or his and her sister's birthday all because they were busy with work, he cared for his sister since she was the only one who took care of him so seeing what happens to her he wants to make the killer pay by becoming a police detective and sending them to justice but on a darker path, Tohru still has the same personality as the canon but is less of a jerk and non-psycho.
After an incident with his partner Ryotaro Dojima, who is like a father to him, where Tohru asks about the pillow that his partner always holding which makes Ryotaro accidentally gets into a one-sided argument with Tohru to the point that he says that he didn't matter to him which really hurt Tohru a lot to the point that he runs out of the Police Department and somehow on the top of the Mall roof. Tohru then starts to reflect on his life as he recalls all his memories of his parent never being there for him, his sister being in the hospital and not responsive, and the only person that he considers his father figure now hating him, his life really sucks and he wants his pain to end so he jumps off the roof and landed on the ground where a person found him barely alive and call the hospital in a coma. That is when Saionji used this chance he meet Tohru's spirit and was willing to help him avenge his sister and all the people who hurt him by giving him an Eyecon and a Belt to transform himself into Dark Ghost in exchange for Tohru helping him on getting him the Eyecons.
But that went off the rails when Tohru and the Phantom Thieves learn that the true killer of Rumi and Tohru's parents is actually Tohru's Shadow, because of Tohru's hatred of his parent due to them rarely being home because of their job's many responsibilities (which is involve about Cognition) and being a target of getting bullied. Apparently, when Tohru's parent decide to spend their day off with their son to go to an amusement park to make up for all the time they've lost, someone from the cognitive researcher decides to do an experiment on them by transporting them to the cognitive world where Tohru's Shadow appears and taunts at his real self about how he hates his parent and they are better off dead, and when Tohru denied his Shadow, it has gone berserk and tried to kill his real self but thanks to his parent they were able to protect him.
After Tohru's parent died, his Shadow decided to continue to torment him more by showing him the truth about why his parents never came more often at home, that his parent tried to find a way to heal and save people by curing their mentality by controlling their cognition, and if he had just open door whenever he was to go home instead of running away, he would be able to spend more time with his parent when their home. When Tohru learned this he was so shocked to the point that he passed out from a panic attack, that's when his Shadow decided to make this even more fun, he rewrote his real self memories thinking that when he was about to go home there was a robber at his house and his parent got killed because of it. When that's done he takes his real self and his parent to their house in the real world and makes the place look like it was robbed and somehow spirited away into Tohru's body.
When the flashback is done, Tohru just freezes in his place not believing what he has learned, that all this time the one who killed his parent and made his sister suffer was because of him and that his parent was able to spend more time with him if he didn't run away, making him blame himself and put him in despair. This despair causes his Shadow to possess him and transform into a new form of Dark Ghost called "Dark Ghost Despair" (basically the Dark Ghost version of Toucan), lock away Tohru from his mind, and tries to steal the Eyecons, the keyword is "try" thanks to Takeru, Ren, Takuto and Ryotaro (who got involved when he tries to save his partner) were able to save him. After that, Tohru's spirit goes back to his body and regains his consciousness from his coma.
Extra Information:
He's a history, mythology, and youkai nut, he loves looking into any history, youkai, legends, and mythos from all over the globe.
He loves escape rooms.
He's always blunt when he comments on stuff.
He has a big metabolism and tends to eat a lot.
This was inspired by: Kamen Rider Ghost: Youkai Chronicles by GammaTron, Lupin vs Pato: Personification by Seanzillea1988, Wanted it to be a Game by SkylaDoragono, Walk Backwards (with Open Eyes) by harardous lucent lightshows (Esoterika), A Meadow Watered by Tears (father, can't you hear your baby crying?) by charlietheepic7, The Jester Fathers the Fool by Purpli, Persona 5: Tainted Soul by striberx and Persona V: Reversing the Wheel of Fate by CaptainBlueoftheFleetingDream & ViolettheCutieFarplaneReaper
Welp, I hope you guys like my oc of Kamen Rider Ghost, even though my oc has the name as the canon, I want to keep the last name but I couldn't find any name that just fits so I just keep the first name as it is, he also has his own Social Links but with different character, and sorry if my information is not enough all that, I'm just tired with college stuff and all that, I'll update on this whenever I can.
I just watched the animation of the Persona series and I really like it, after watching Persona 4 the Animation, Golden, Persona 5 the Animation, Royal, and Tactica on YouTube and Anitaku I really love it, especially Ryotaro Dojima, Tohru Adachi, Takuto Maruki, and Toshiro Kasukabe to the point I want them as my oc family.
If you guys are confused about the family tree don't worry you're not the only one I just trying to figure it out myself but it's more like this: Takuto Maruki, Yuna Tenkuji, and Yuki Kasukabe are siblings while Ryu Tenkuji and Chasito Dojima are siblings, making Toshiro is the son of Yuki and Toshiki Kasukabe, Takeru is the son of Yuna and Ryu Tenkuji, Nanako is the daughter of Chisato and Ryotaro Dojima and that they are cousin, while Tohru Adachi and Rumi are siblings making Ren is the son of Rumi, since that Takuto and Rumi are fiance and all and lets just they one of hell of a night they made Ren as their offspring, which makes Ren the cousin of Toshiro and Takeru.
I also made Tohru become Kamen Rider Dark Ghost cause I thought it would be cool. Plus, in the canon, Tohru wanted the world to end and made everyone become Shadow, while Dark Ghost wanted people to become Ghost, so thinking this part I thought it would fit. I was also thinking of having Ren have a Rider form as well, but I don't know what kind of form should I give I really like Makoto and Alan so I want them to still have their Rider Form so I don't know what kind of Rider Form should I give him, I could give Ren an OC form like Kamen Rider Phantom like this one I see in Deviantart but with black and red, but I don't know, what do you guys think?
I really like the characters from Megami Tensei Dx2 as well as a few of the Investigation Team members' characters so I decided to remove two of the Liberators and added the two members of the Investigation Team and added them to the Phantom Thieves team as Takeru's group as well with Adachi and Ryotaro while Takuto is in Ren's group, and Takuto and Tohru's Persona will be different. If you guys want to know what the Liberators, two Investigation Teams, Takuto, and Tohru codenames are, and what order they join, as well as which Arcana belongs to whom then here's my thought on it:
Ren Amamiya: Joker (Fool)
Takeru Tenkuji: Ghost (Fool)
Morgana: Mona (Joker's Magician)
Teddie: Kumada (Ghost's Star)
Takuto Maruki: Legion (Joker's Counciller)
Ryuji Sakamoto: Skull (Joker's Chariot)
Tora Fuse: Megaking (Ghost's Chariot)
Ann Takamaki: Panther (Joker's Lovers)
Rika Ryuzouji: Dragon Templar (Ghost' Priestess)
Yusuke Kitagawa: Fox (Joker's Emperor)
Shiang Sun: Chalk Eater (Ghost's Magician)
Ririn Ueda: Eileen (Ghost's Empress)
Makoto Niijima: Queen (Joker's Priestess)
Kanji Tatsumi: Ironclad (Ghost's Emperor)
Futaba Sakura: Oracle/Navi (Joker's Hermit)
Toshiro Kasukabe: Takt (Ghost's Justice)
Rise Kujikawa: Melody (Ghost's Lovers)
Ryotaro Dojima: Baron (Ghost's Hierophant)
Tohru Adachi: Dark Ghost (Ghost's Death)
Gakuto Inoue: Meat Balloon (Ghost's Hermit)
Haru Okumura: Noir (Joker's Empress)
Goro Akechi: Crow (Joker's Justice)
Vince: Carbon Black (Ghost's Hanged-Man)
Honey Sweet: Charm (Ghost's Sun)
I hope y'all enjoy it and if you guys have any other suggestions on their codenames let me know. Until then see ya!!~
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 10
901. Would you rather have a candle scented like blueberries and creme or butterscotch pecan pie? definitely butterscotch pecan pie. 902. Which ones are fruits and which are vegetables: Banana f Cucumber v Tomato f Apple f Carrot v Eggplant v Cherry f Pumpkin v 903. Does it annoy you when people talk loudly on their cell phones in public? i don’t really care...unless it’s on public transport and you’re stuck listening to them. 904. Is love a commitment to one person, or can you love more than one person at the same time? for me personally it’s commitment to one person. but i have no doubt that it’s possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time. 905. Cover or original: Smooth Criminal; is it better by Michael Jackson or Alien Ant Farm? Blue Monday better by Orgy or New Order I Want Candy; Is it better by Aaron Carter or Bow Wow Wow? Love Song; Is it better by 311 or The Cure? It's My Life; Is it better by No Doubt or The Talking Heads?
906. What is the most uncomfortable feeling? witnessing or hearing something you shouldn’t be seeing/listening. 907. Do you like Maroon 5? they’re cool but i’m not a fan. 908. Would you ever go on a blind date TV show? nope. 909. How much of your wardrobe is dry clean only? maybe only like five pieces. 910. Who's arms would you like to crawl into? my boyfriend. 911. What the hell is your problem? nothing right now. 912. Look around you. What is the most beautiful thing you can see? my corkboard lol. 913. What is the most beautiful thing you can't see? idk. 914. Take a deep breath. Yawn deeply. Do you appreciate the things most people take for granted, like breathing? sure. 915. Do you appreciate breathing more when you have a cold and you're all congested and can't breathe right? yes, i guess. 916. Is congestion a positive thing because it helps you to appreciate breathing? if you look at it that way. 917. How is your life like a work of art? i guess i’ve had plenty of cool experiences. 918. Do you feel that your life influences and is influenced by many other lives? yeah. 919. Has a smile ever made all the difference in the world to you? not that i remember haha. 920. Have you ever looked at a tree and considered how the roots could be miles long, trailing and entwining with other roots underground, all of them holding the soil together? nope. 921. Do you notice the little things in life? sometimes. 922. Do you feel, as Jung did, that deep down, underneath our individual personalities we are all the same? no. 923. Do you feel a great oneness with the universe? no. 924. When was the last time you decided to really enjoy yourself? ummm. idk tbh. 925. When was the last time you set your self free and acted without caring at all what someone else thought? today. 926. Have you ever held someone and appreciated how delicate and fragile all life is and felt that they were even more precious and beautiful because one day they would die..and so will you? no. 927. In ten years someone else might own your house and the room you are sitting in now. Someone else might be standing right next to where you are sitting now. So that means you could be standing right next to someone but you can't see him or her because they are ten years away. Ever look at life like that? nope. 928. When was the last time you: Soaked in a bubble bath: in niagara falls lol. Read a good book outside: i forgot! Held someone's hand: a couple days ago. Felt truly joyful: a week or two ago. 929. What do you bring to this world that no one else can? tbh i don’t think there’s anything absolutely only i can bring into this world. 930. Do you feel that you are part of every living thing in this world and that all those things are part of you? no. 931. Are you more afraid of death or not completely living? not completely living. 932. What was the last thing you wanted to do but didn't or couldn't do? work today. 933. Why don't you try and do that thing now? no, i called in sick. 934. What is the most wonderful thing happening right now in the world? idk, i’m sure a ton of people are really happy at this very second. 935. Name 7 things going on around you that you normally wouldn't notice: 1. someone being born. 2. someone dying. 3. someone working their ass off just to provide for their family. 4. a couple breaking up. 5. someone turning down an opportunity of a lifetime. 6. someone getting kidnapped. 7. someone winning a huge amount of money. 936. Name three things you hate 1. someone coughing without covering their mouth. 2. arrogance. 3. physical abuse. 937. Name one GOOD thing about each of those 3 things you hate. um, nothing. 938. What do you tend to see in black and white, rather than in shades of gray? idk. 939. Admit three things you do that you are ashamed of but shouldn't be. 1. where i am at this point in my life. 2. my body. 3. doing a damn 5000 question survey lol. 940. What qualities make a person “good” in your eyes? kindness. 941. Do you have any of these qualities? i hope so. 942. Are you willing to do what it takes to achieve what you want to? eventually. 943. Name one bad quality about someone you love. lazy. 944. Name one good quality about someone you hate. idk. 945. Are you pro life or pro choice and why? pro choice. 946. If you are pro life write a reason someone might be pro choice. If you are pro choice write a reason someone might be pro life. idk  maybe for religious issues. 947. Can you see the beauty in? A bumble bee: A man skating: A woman combing her hair: A box of tissues: Yourself naked: Light: yes to all. 948. What are you most afraid of? losing someone i love. 949. Whose life would you REALLY NOT want to ever have? Why? idk. 950. Can you come up with a reason why you might want their life? - 951. Name one thing that is beautiful about your body i have nice skin i guess. 952. Name one thing that is ugly about your body my stomach. 953. Name one thing that is beautiful about your mind i like learning. 954. Name one thing that is ugly about your mind i don’t like giving second chances. 955. Who was the last person you were rude to? someone who was rude to me. 956. Are your elbows soft? neither soft or rough. 957. Are you ticklish? sometimes. 958. Are you awkward or graceful? neither. 959. Do you wear glasses/contacts? glasses. 960. If you wear contacts what's the longest you have ever left them in your eyes? - 961. What's going on where you are right now? nothing really, it’s night time. most people are asleep. 962. What is your favorite thing to touch? squishy stuff. 963. What is your favorite kind of incense? i haven’t used incense in years tbh. 964. What relaxes you? sleep and massages. 965. How much time have you wasted? a ton. 966. How do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle? i don’t have that lifestyle. 967. What does teen spirit smell like? idk. 968. Do you mostly listen or hear? listen. 969. Look or see? see. 970. Do you comprehend all the things you read? sure. 971. Is it necessary to be repetitive in order to be creative? not really. 972. Do you control your attitude or does it control you? i control it. 973. Are your relationships mostly passion or conversation? in between. 974. Do you do what needs to be done regardless of the consequences? nope. 975. Is money how you keep score? not really. 976. Who can you do everything or nothing with and still have the best time? my boyfriend. 977. Just because you're angry does that give you the right to be cruel? no. but i can be anyway. 978. What is maturity and where does it come from? being responsible and making rational decision. it comes with age and/or experience. 979. Who is the maturest person you know? my parents. 980. Who is the most immature person you know? my sister. 981. If there was a fire and you could only rescue one thing from your room (all people and pets have escaped on their own, even goldfish) what would it be? my laptop. 982. If you could, what 3 albums would you force everyone to remove from his or her CD collections? 1 2 3 i wouldn’t... everyone’s entitled to their own musical tastes. 983. Does Marilyn Manson scare you or bore you? neither. 984. What do you think of the Insane Clown Posse? a bit eccentric. 985. What's the best movie about high school? clueless or mean girls. 986. Do you like Michael Jackson better in the 80's 90's or today? 90s. 987. Is choosing a different store to shop in from most people really making a statement? not really. 988. What's the riskiest thing you've ever done? idk. 989. Have you ever ridden in a car while the driver had been drinking? nope. 990. Who needs to get a life? me haha. 991. Do write on yourself with milky pens? no. 992. What should be different about high school curriculum? i don’t go to school anymore so i don’t really care. 993. Right now are you exactly the way you want to be? nope. 994. Who can save you from yourself? me. 995. Are you a responsible person? yes. 996. "It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."— Oscar Wilde Do you agree? eh, i don’t agree. 997. How many greatest hits albums do you own? maybe 5. 998. Are you at risk for a.i.d.s.? not that i know of. 999. Do you want to have it all? not really. 1000. Do you collect green pictures of dead presidents? no.
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surveystodestressme · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 10
901. Would you rather have a candle scented like blueberries and creme or butterscotch pecan pie? butterscotch 902. Which ones are fruits and which are vegetables: Banana fruit Cucumber veggie Tomato fruit technically but veggie in my mind Apple fruit Carrot veggie Eggplant veggie Cherry fruit Pumpkin veggie 903. Does it annoy you when people talk loudly on their cell phones in public? yes sooo much especially when a customer comes up to me while talking on their phone and expect me to help to them 904. Is love a commitment to one person, or can you love more than one person at the same time? in my opinion it’s commitment to one person, but i know people who love multiple people at the same time and that’s okay too. 905. Cover or original: Smooth Criminal; is it better by Michael Jackson or Alien Ant Farm? Blue Monday better by Orgy or New Order don’t know this one I Want Candy; Is it better by Aaron Carter or Bow Wow Wow? Love Song; Is it better by 311 or The Cure? don’t know this one It’s My Life; Is it better by No Doubt or The Talking Heads? don’t know
906. What is the most uncomfortable feeling? feeling unloved or unappreciated 907. Do you like Maroon 5? yeah 908. Would you ever go on a blind date TV show? maybe if i wasn’t in a relationship 909. How much of your wardrobe is dry clean only? none??? 910. Who’s arms would you like to crawl into? jack’s 911. What the hell is your problem? a lot lol 912. Look around you. What is the most beautiful thing you can see? my cat 913. What is the most beautiful thing you can’t see? my mom??? 914. Take a deep breath. Yawn deeply. Do you appreciate the things most people take for granted, like breathing? i guess 915. Do you appreciate breathing more when you have a cold and you’re all congested and can’t breathe right? lol yes 916. Is congestion a positive thing because it helps you to appreciate breathing? i guess so 917. How is your life like a work of art? you make it however you want with your own experiences.  that’s an interesting way to think of it though 918. Do you feel that your life influences and is influenced by many other lives? absolutely 919. Has a smile ever made all the difference in the world to you? sometimes it does 920. Have you ever looked at a tree and considered how the roots could be miles long, trailing and entwining with other roots underground, all of them holding the soil together? not really 921. Do you notice the little things in life? sometimes. 922. Do you feel, as Jung did, that deep down, underneath our individual personalities we are all the same? no. 923. Do you feel a great oneness with the universe? sometimes ig 924. When was the last time you decided to really enjoy yourself? recently 925. When was the last time you set your self free and acted without caring at all what someone else thought? i’m sure it was recently 926. Have you ever held someone and appreciated how delicate and fragile all life is and felt that they were even more precious and beautiful because one day they would die..and so will you? yeah 927. In ten years someone else might own your house and the room you are sitting in now. Someone else might be standing right next to where you are sitting now. So that means you could be standing right next to someone but you can’t see him or her because they are ten years away. Ever look at life like that? no i haven’t but that’s a crazy thought 928. When was the last time you: Soaked in a bubble bath: a couple months ago Read a good book outside: not recently Held someone’s hand: two days ago Felt truly joyful: all the time 929. What do you bring to this world that no one else can? joy?? but everyone can bring that 930. Do you feel that you are part of every living thing in this world and that all those things are part of you? sure 931. Are you more afraid of death or not completely living? death 932. What was the last thing you wanted to do but didn’t or couldn’t do? idk 933. Why don’t you try and do that thing now? idk 934. What is the most wonderful thing happening right now in the world? people are happy & living life 935. Name 7 things going on around you that you normally wouldn’t notice: 1. my cat moving her ears as she sleeps 2. the lights on the router blinking 3. cars outside 4. the air moving thru the vent 5. coffee dripping off of my mug 6. electricity in the house 7. how all of the electronics in my house work 936. Name three things you hate 1. rude people 2. pain 3. anger 937. Name one GOOD thing about each of those 3 things you hate. nothing? lol 938. What do you tend to see in black and white, rather than in shades of gray? uhhh idk? 939. Admit three things you do that you are ashamed of but shouldn’t be. 1. my chubby belly 2. that i bite my nails still 3. how much water i don’t drink 940. What qualities make a person “good” in your eyes? kindness 941. Do you have any of these qualities? yeah 942. Are you willing to do what it takes to achieve what you want to? i think so 943. Name one bad quality about someone you love. he jokes a lot 944. Name one good quality about someone you hate. i don’t hate anyone 945. Are you pro life or pro choice and why? pro choice. 946. If you are pro life write a reason someone might be pro choice. If you are pro choice write a reason someone might be pro life. bc they don’t want anyone to have to die ig 947. Can you see the beauty in? A bumble bee: A man skating: A woman combing her hair: A box of tissues: Yourself naked: Light: yes to all. 948. What are you most afraid of? dying 949. Whose life would you REALLY NOT want to ever have? Why? donald trump 950. Can you come up with a reason why you might want their life? u know why 951. Name one thing that is beautiful about your body my eyes are cool 952. Name one thing that is ugly about your body my tummy 953. Name one thing that is beautiful about your mind i try really hard to achieve things 954. Name one thing that is ugly about your mind i hella procrastinate 955. Who was the last person you were rude to? a customer lol bc she was a bitch 956. Are your elbows soft? no 957. Are you ticklish? very 958. Are you awkward or graceful? awkward 959. Do you wear glasses/contacts? glasses. 960. If you wear contacts what’s the longest you have ever left them in your eyes? i used to wear them and it was just for the day 961. What’s going on where you are right now? i’m watching youtube videos and my dad is playing a video game 962. What is your favorite thing to touch? slime 963. What is your favorite kind of incense? i like them all 964. What relaxes you? when my feet or back is rubbed 965. How much time have you wasted? lots 966. How do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle? lol not very well 967. What does teen spirit smell like? axe body spray 968. Do you mostly listen or hear? listen 969. Look or see? see. 970. Do you comprehend all the things you read? i try to 971. Is it necessary to be repetitive in order to be creative? not necessarily 972. Do you control your attitude or does it control you? i control it. 973. Are your relationships mostly passion or conversation? both 974. Do you do what needs to be done regardless of the consequences? not all the time 975. Is money how you keep score? no 976. Who can you do everything or nothing with and still have the best time? jack 977. Just because you’re angry does that give you the right to be cruel? absolutely not 978. What is maturity and where does it come from? it comes from within but it’s deciding to be serious when you could make a joke out of something 979. Who is the maturest person you know? my mom 980. Who is the most immature person you know? my brother 981. If there was a fire and you could only rescue one thing from your room (all people and pets have escaped on their own, even goldfish) what would it be? my computer 982. If you could, what 3 albums would you force everyone to remove from his or her CD collections? 1 2 3 i wouldn’t… everyone’s entitled to their own musical tastes. 983. Does Marilyn Manson scare you or bore you? i like him 984. What do you think of the Insane Clown Posse? they’re a lil weird but i don’t judge 985. What’s the best movie about high school? high school musical? lol 986. Do you like Michael Jackson better in the 80’s 90’s or today? any 987. Is choosing a different store to shop in from most people really making a statement? no 988. What’s the riskiest thing you’ve ever done? oh idk 989. Have you ever ridden in a car while the driver had been drinking? no 990. Who needs to get a life? idk 991. Do write on yourself with milky pens? no 992. What should be different about high school curriculum? so many things 993. Right now are you exactly the way you want to be? not really 994. Who can save you from yourself? me 995. Are you a responsible person? i try to be 996. “It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.”— Oscar Wilde Do you agree? no 997. How many greatest hits albums do you own? none probably lol 998. Are you at risk for a.i.d.s.? nope 999. Do you want to have it all? no??? 1000. Do you collect green pictures of dead presidents? lol no
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scottbcrowley2 · 5 years
Annual Halloween coloring contest: Craft the perfect pumpkin - Wed, 02 Oct 2019 PST
Fall is here and it’s time for our annual Halloween coloring contest. The contest is open to children ages 12 and younger. Entries will be judged by a panel of Spokesman-Review staffers who will choose winners in three divisions: ages 4 and younger, ages 5 to 7 and ages 8 to 12. Winners will receive a gift certificate to Mobius, good for admission to either the Children’s Museum or the Science Center, and their entries will be printed in the newspaper on Oct. 26. As many entries as possible will be displayed at Mobius Kids in the lower level of River Park Square beginning Oct. 28. TO ENTER: Mail your entry to The Spokesman-Review Coloring Contest, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210, or deliver them to the S-R office at 999 W. Riverside Ave. Entries must be received no later than 5 p.m. Oct. 21 and cannot be returned. Be sure to attach a separate piece of paper that includes your name, address and telephone number so we can contact you if you win. Photocopies of the form are acceptable, and a copy of the form can be downloaded at spokesman.com/coloring-contest. Annual Halloween coloring contest: Craft the perfect pumpkin - Wed, 02 Oct 2019 PST
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nostalgiaispeace · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 10
901. Would you rather have a candle scented like blueberries and creme or butterscotch pecan pie? uhhh neither. 902. Which ones are fruits and which are vegetables: Banana - fruit Cucumber - veggie Tomato - fruit Apple - fruit. Carrot - veggie Eggplant - veggie? Cherry - fruit. Pumpkin - fruit? 903. Does it annoy you when people talk loudly on their cell phones in public? i don’t care. 904. Is love a commitment to one person, or can you love more than one person at the same time? There are different kinds of love... 905. Cover or original: Smooth Criminal; is it better by Michael Jackson or Alien Ant Farm? Blue Monday better by Orgy or New Order I Want Candy; Is it better by Aaron Carter or Bow Wow Wow? Love Song; Is it better by 311 or The Cure? It’s My Life; Is it better by No Doubt or The Talking Heads?
906. What is the most uncomfortable feeling? cramps 907. Do you like Maroon 5? no 908. Would you ever go on a blind date TV show? no 909. How much of your wardrobe is dry clean only? no idea. probably none. 910. Who’s arms would you like to crawl into? Matt’s or my mom’s 911. What the hell is your problem? life. 912. Look around you. What is the most beautiful thing you can see? my husband 913. What is the most beautiful thing you can’t see? Lily..my kitty. 914. Take a deep breath. Yawn deeply. Do you appreciate the things most people take for granted, like breathing? sure.... 915. Do you appreciate breathing more when you have a cold and you’re all congested and can’t breathe right? yeah? 916. Is congestion a positive thing because it helps you to appreciate breathing? no 917. How is your life like a work of art? it’s not.. 918. Do you feel that your life influences and is influenced by many other lives? probably? 919. Has a smile ever made all the difference in the world to you? yes 920. Have you ever looked at a tree and considered how the roots could be miles long, trailing and entwining with other roots underground, all of them holding the soil together? no 921. Do you notice the little things in life? it’s possible that i have. 922. Do you feel, as Jung did, that deep down, underneath our individual personalities we are all the same? no 923. Do you feel a great oneness with the universe? no. 924. When was the last time you decided to really enjoy yourself? I’m fine now. 925. When was the last time you set your self free and acted without caring at all what someone else thought? i do that every day. 926. Have you ever held someone and appreciated how delicate and fragile all life is and felt that they were even more precious and beautiful because one day they would die..and so will you? sure 927. In ten years someone else might own your house and the room you are sitting in now. Someone else might be standing right next to where you are sitting now. So that means you could be standing right next to someone but you can’t see him or her because they are ten years away. Ever look at life like that? no 928. When was the last time you: Soaked in a bubble bath: when i went back to work at Amazon after being on disability. Read a good book outside: when it was nice out..so like spring. Held someone’s hand: yesterday i think Felt truly joyful: now 929. What do you bring to this world that no one else can? nothing special I’m sure. 930. Do you feel that you are part of every living thing in this world and that all those things are part of you? no 931. Are you more afraid of death or not completely living? not completely living. 932. What was the last thing you wanted to do but didn’t or couldn’t do? not sure. 933. Why don’t you try and do that thing now? - 934. What is the most wonderful thing happening right now in the world? LOL 935. Name 7 things going on around you that you normally wouldn’t notice: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 936. Name three things you hate 1. the sound of people brushing their teeth 2. abuse 3. judgement 937. Name one GOOD thing about each of those 3 things you hate. at least your teeth are clean. 938. What do you tend to see in black and white, rather than in shades of gray? life probably 939. Admit three things you do that you are ashamed of but shouldn’t be. 1. 2. 3. 940. What qualities make a person “good” in your eyes? strong, passionate, kind, soft-spirit. 941. Do you have any of these qualities? i hope so. 942. Are you willing to do what it takes to achieve what you want to? sometimes. 943. Name one bad quality about someone you love. lazy. 944. Name one good quality about someone you hate. i can’t. 945. Are you pro life or pro choice and why? pro-choice. because it’s not my decision. 946. If you are pro life write a reason someone might be pro choice. If you are pro choice write a reason someone might be pro life. because they’re idiots. 947. Can you see the beauty in? A bumble bee: no A man skating: yes A woman combing her hair: yes A box of tissues: when i’m sick yes Yourself naked: no Light: yes 948. What are you most afraid of? losing people. 949. Whose life would you REALLY NOT want to ever have? Why? i won’t say. 950. Can you come up with a reason why you might want their life? nope 951. Name one thing that is beautiful about your body no 952. Name one thing that is ugly about your body all of it. 953. Name one thing that is beautiful about your mind learning is my fav thing. 954. Name one thing that is ugly about your mind no 955. Who was the last person you were rude to? dunno. 956. Are your elbows soft? sure 957. Are you ticklish? yese 958. Are you awkward or graceful? awkward 959. Do you wear glasses/contacts? both 960. If you wear contacts what’s the longest you have ever left them in your eyes? dunno. 961. What’s going on where you are right now? Matt’s leaving for work soon. 962. What is your favorite thing to touch? my cat’s fur 963. What is your favorite kind of incense? havent used any 964. What relaxes you? sleep 965. How much time have you wasted? probably a lot. 966. How do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle? lol i can’t afford it. 967. What does teen spirit smell like? ask Nirvana. 968. Do you mostly listen or hear? listen. 969. Look or see? Look 970. Do you comprehend all the things you read? i think so. 971. Is it necessary to be repetitive in order to be creative? no? 972. Do you control your attitude or does it control you? i control it. 973. Are your relationships mostly passion or conversation? both? 974. Do you do what needs to be done regardless of the consequences? no 975. Is money how you keep score? no? 976. Who can you do everything or nothing with and still have the best time? Matt 977. Just because you’re angry does that give you the right to be cruel? no 978. What is maturity and where does it come from? age 979. Who is the maturest person you know? i don’t know. 980. Who is the most immature person you know? lol 981. If there was a fire and you could only rescue one thing from your room (all people and pets have escaped on their own, even goldfish) what would it be? Scarlet’s urn and my stuffed frog. sorry not sorry i’d grab both. 982. If you could, what 3 albums would you force everyone to remove from his or her CD collections? 1 2 3 983. Does Marilyn Manson scare you or bore you? neither. 984. What do you think of the Insane Clown Posse? lame 985. What’s the best movie about high school? the breakfast club 986. Do you like Michael Jackson better in the 80’s 90’s or today? 80s 987. Is choosing a different store to shop in from most people really making a statement? no 988. What’s the riskiest thing you’ve ever done? dunno 989. Have you ever ridden in a car while the driver had been drinking? if you count having a drink at a restaurant and going home? 990. Who needs to get a life? me... 991. Do write on yourself with milky pens? no. 992. What should be different about high school curriculum? i dunno. alot i’m sure. 993. Right now are you exactly the way you want to be? no 994. Who can save you from yourself? me 995. Are you a responsible person? i can be 996. “It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.”— Oscar Wilde Do you agree? not really. 997. How many greatest hits albums do you own? a few i’m sure. 998. Are you at risk for a.i.d.s.? no 999. Do you want to have it all? no 1000. Do you collect green pictures of dead presidents? no.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Shannon: Aww, very cute, Pumpkin sounds like such a sweetheart. Hmm, an orange monster, is Pumpkin that SCP-999 creature? I've always been interested in 999 as it seems like a monster with a lot of cool lore and story, but doesn't seem to be a real character in the game.
Yeah! Pumpkin is 999’s name when they’re with the sides!
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