narika-a · 7 years
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Good Timing ✽ 161203 MBC Show! Music Core
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inferno-loop · 7 years
did those anons actually told you ugly just because you're indian...? `-`
Yep yep which is something I don’t get because I’m clearly not ugly. *flips hair* 
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smuttyfairy · 7 years
can i help you with spanish?? ;;;
would you like to? ^_^ I wouldn’t mind at all 
-Admin Sf
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bangtanlegion · 7 years
i really miss you kiddo ;( i hope you're doing okay :(
this is so sweet, thank you lovely
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sunshinekookie · 7 years
Rules: tag 10 followed you’d like to get to know better
Tagged by @fentitrbl thanks love!
Name: Lu  
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Cancer
Sexuality: Straight
What’s your current wallpaper?
My lockscreen is Jungkook in yellow bc sweet bb boy
my home screen is my boyfriend and I
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
No because all of them are really old and the youngest one just looks too much like my brother
If you could be someone else right now, where would you be?
I want to be in Italy bc I love it there or Germany so I can use my 4 years of German I JUST WANT TO TRAVEL
Coolest Halloween Costume?
I was Baekhyun last yer from the Monster music video but the coolest one I’ve had is either a skeleton where I painted a reaallly detailed skeleton on my face or I was once a sock monkey
Favorite 90’s show?
I don’t watch TV very much
Who was your last kiss?
kiss on the lips was my boyfriend but last kiss given to me was from my dad on my head
Have you ever been stood up?
nah fam
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?
No but I have been out west before it’s hot as bALLS
Favorite Pair of Shoes?
I have 5 billion Converse they’re my favorite style. My favorite shoes i own though is a holographic pair of combat boots
Favorite fruit?
I’m allergic to all fruit soooo
Favorite book?
I am loving the Dexter series right now but my favorite single book without a second book in the series is probably Between The Shades of Grey I highly recommend if you like history
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done?
I don’t do a lot of stupid things but I have talked to a senior when I was a freshman hahahha I hate myself
People I wanna know mare about: @mochiikook @tae-yeontan @9byul and anyone else who I follow 
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bangtangurlarmy · 7 years
1K FOLLOWERS! + Appreciation Post
In exactly a month, my blog will complete one year and I’M JUST SO HAPPY
Thank you to all the lovely people who’ve read my works and have reblogged/liked/commented on my posts, it just makes me so happy that some of you look up to me and I’ve heard that there are fanfictions based on my book Wings and that just makes the news all the more better!
I remember how 2-3 years back I had searched online for ‘cute relationship stories’ (please don’t judge) to read to simply pass time. I came across Wattpad and I read a shit ton of books that actually were quite impressive - now that I think about it - both plot wise and writing wise. Then, last year, I had the sudden urge to write my own work.
Growing up, I read books on different genres and story lines - today’s book would be a thriller and tomorrow’s would be a cute romantic novel. I tended to collect books and although certain people frowned upon my habit of reading and hoarding up books, it never stopped me from loving paperbacks. It was last year that I had decided that I definitely would want to see my name on the cover a book in the future. I don’t care if it’s just one book I’ll ever end up writing - as far as my name is out there in the world, I would love to get a hand on that opportunity.
But of course, in order to be worthy of other’s attention, I definitely would have to practice my ass off. Thus, had come to existence my first book - Playing with Destiny on Wattpad. Now, I knew nothing about creating plots, making up character or villains, or even writing as a whole. I just assumed that every writer would randomly begin their book with a line that popped into their heads and then it would develop into this massively intricate plot with all sorts of twists nobody could think of.
I still laugh at my naivety to this day.
When I figured out that writing a book involves way more elbow grease than what people assume, I deleted the book and thought ‘You know what, maybe writing’s not my thing.’ So I gave up. So easily, I gave up on that dream. But my subconscious was pretty insistent.
Then, my friend introduced me to BTS. Then, I discovered the world of fandom and fan fictions. Then, I discovered @imsarabum (I LOVE YOU SARA!)
It was her blog that had brought to life that spark of writing in me, and her writing that made me believe that ‘Screw the me who thinks I can’t do this. I’m gonna write, and nobody’s gonna stop me.’
So I created this blog. It had actually begun on Wattpad first. I wrote a Jungkook fan fic called ‘I Wish’ that needs to be heavily refurbished, but other than that, I was like hey, you know, I should definitely start my own blog. Because, why not?
As I slowly began gaining followers, and as I slowly began getting requests, I realized that there are people out there who actually love reading my works, and who’d love to see more of it. So, kudos to y’all because you made me want to work harder.
Which is why I can see such a clarity of difference in my works with the passage of almost a year since the starting of this blog.
I’m sorry I didn’t mean to educate y’all about my life story...I just wanted all of you to know that I hold each one of you very close to my heart, and I love all of you with all of me. And one day, I hope to see my name on a book.
I’d like to thank certain people who’ve been so kind to have stretched out a hand of friendship towards me.
@charrytommoto Auri, darling, you were my first ever friend on this site, and I still remember how you messaged me asking if we could be friends. I know you’re busy these days but I hope you see this and how much I appreciate your friendship. You’re a star in my universe <3
@9byul Ryo, gosh, where do I even start? We have never met, and yet, I feel like we’ve been friends for years. We’ve supported each other; you’ve supported me so much! And I couldn’t be more thankful and blessed to have you as one of my friends. You’re one in a million <3
@my-aesthetic-heaven You’ve been there always to support my works, and so, so many times you’ve boosted my morale and belief in myself. You deserve an award for being that constant support and I’d love to know you better! I love you :”)
@s10bh-n Hiya Bonny! I hope you’re well and not too busy and do see this appreciation post because you’re, also, one of my first friends on here and I am forever grateful that I got to know you :)
There are so many more people to thank, so many big blogs that I would love to dedicate this to since it’s because of all you that I have my own writings existing in this deep cesspit of so many stuff. To know that I’m like you makes my heart flutter~ Thank you everybody <3 I love you.
Just gonna drop a few blogs here who have amazing work and who deserves love!
@versigny @jeonjagiya @fireheart-namjoon @jungblue @btsfiles @lolbtsaus @floralseokjin @jeonbegins  @bangtantaegi  @workofteaguk @btssmutgalore @noona-la-la-la @dom-joonie @tayegi @minx-xyoongi @jungk0oksthighs @chokemejimin @smuttyfairy @btsgirlfriends  @kittae @ask-bts-stuff (okay, not a writing blog, but her drawings are to LIVE FOR) @bangtanlegion @schmudt @noonatrash @lovely-bts @siranghae and so many more but you guys have read so much all ready (I hope you did, lol)
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rremadeeeeee · 5 years
what were ur previous url(s)?
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bangtanlegion · 8 years
i'm honestly triggered for what that anon said lol. but. it's okay. you have our support. little things are the most important isn't it? and don't feel bad about those mean words... the ones who love you understand 💕
please let me hug you bc you are so sweet (♡ >ω
thank you so much, it really does mean a lot and you guys do as well. the love and support is radiating off of you guys and it maKES ME WANNA CRY HAPPY TeARS AHH ♡♡♡
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narika-a · 7 years
Germany .o.
I just answered it, you can read it here~~ 😄
send me some countries!
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narika-a · 7 years
I was tagged by @heebiejbies​ and @rangrids​. Thank you so much for the tag! It’s interesting how many things you can actually find out from it 😂
1st rule: tag 9 some people you want to get to know better.
@ohnosheshere​; @kttendrama; @oppatuan; @bubblyemotions; @lis-redfox; @aleaexo; @daegushoneyboy; @got-7bangtan-boys; @most-fandom-memeber-posts; @leeivonathefish; @beautifulloser92; @9byul; @charlesgrey1875 (Am I getting out of hand? Yes, yes I am. I will stop now 😂)
2nd rule: bold the statements that are true.
appearance: · i am 5'7" or taller · i wear glasses · i have at least one tattoo · i have at least one piercing · i have blonde hair · i have brown eyes · i have short hair · my abs are at least somewhat defined · i have or have had braces
personality: · i love meeting new people (I’m reluctant with this one, it really depends on a lot of stuff, my mood being one of them) · people tell me that i’m funny · helping others with their problems is a big priority for me (it really depends on the person tho 😂) · i enjoy physical challenges · i enjoy mental challenges · i’m playfully rude with people i know well · i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it · there is something i would change about my personality.
ability: · i can sing well · i can play an instrument · i can do over 30 pushups without stopping · i’m a fast runner · i can draw well · i have a good memory · i’m good at doing math in my head · i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute (I used to but haven’t tested this in a while lol) · i have beaten at least 2 people in arm 🤼 · i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch · i know how to throw a proper punch
hobbies: · i enjoy playing sports · i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else · i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else ·i have learned a new song in the past week · i work out at least once a week · i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months· i have drawn something in the past month · i enjoy writing · fandoms are my #1 passion (kind of?? idk I have a lot of passions tbh that would rank in 1st place)· i do or have done martial arts.
experiences: · i have had my first kiss · i have had alcohol · i have scored the winning goal in a sports game · i have watched an entire season of a tv show in one sitting · i have been at an overnight event · i have been in a taxi · i have been in the hospital or er in the past year · i have beaten a game in one day · i have visited another country · i have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
my life: · i have at least one person i consider a “best friend” · i live close to my school · my parents are still together · i have at least one sibling · i live in the united states · there is snow right now where i live · i have hung out with a friend in the past month · i have an iphone · i have at least 15 cds· i share my room with someone
relationships: · i’m in a relationship · i have a crush on a celebrity · i have a crush on someone i know · i have been in at least 3 relationships · i have never been in a relationship · i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them · i get crushes easily · i had a crush on someone for over a year · i have been in a relationship for at least a year · i have had feelings for a friend
random: · i have breakdanced · i know a person named jamie · i have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce · i have dyed my hair · i’m listening to one song on repeat right now · i have punched someone in the past week · i know someone who has gone to jail · i have broken a bone · i have eaten a waffle today · i know what i want to do with my life (does anyone?? omg 😂) · i speak at least 2 languages · i have made a new friend in the past year
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narika-a · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @kttendrama and @9byul. Thanks so much!! It’s so fun doing these 😃 I decided to answer both of your questions in one post~
RULES: Answer 11 questions from the person who tagged you and then make 11 more for the next people that you tag. 
I’m going to put the answers and questions under the cut because this turned out way too long 😂⬇️
1) Queen of a kingdom or general of an army?
How about both world domination, am I right *winks with both eyes* 😂
2) Revenge or forgiveness?
I’m the type to forgive but if it’s something really bad then heck yeah I would want some payback
3) Sparkling unicorn or glorious lion?
Lion!! Cats FTW!!
4) Lots of money or lots of love?
Lots of money 😂
5) If your bias idol group we’re animals what would they be?
I choose MyName for this:
I feel that Seyong would be a peacock because he’s handsome and likes to show off  😂 Chaejin would definitely be a bunny, that sweet boo boo. Gunwoo hmm maybe a dog? Insoo would be a lion because he can be a real softie and then bam kills you with fanservice or something. I see JunQ as a fox perhaps because they can act all cute but have hidden ambitions ‘sly as fox’ 😂
6) Rule heaven or raise hell?
Heyyy how about both again? Not only world but heaven and hell domination, am I right? *winks two times with both eyes*
7) If you had a super power what would it be and how would you abuse it to become a villain :D
I would want to have teleportation and it’s easy to abuse it, just teleport somewhere steal a bunch of shit and bam richest villain that can always escape  😂
8) You’re given 10 million dollars - what do you do?
Give idk half of it to my family and then travel the world~
9) If you were sorted into a house at hog warts - where would you be?
Probably Gryffindor or Ravenclaw 
10) If you were a Greek god or goddess who would you be?
Zeus because world domination *triple wink*
11) Travel into the future or travel into the past? Where would you want to go?
The future? And a nearby one to see if the world has been destroyed yet
12) who is your favorite k-actor?
I actually don’t watch dramas, should probably start tho 😂
13) how did you find bts?
It was one of the reaction videos on youtube and it all went downhill from there  😂
14) a place you really want to go to?
15) what’s something you hate to do?
I hate cleaning the house. Like I love when it’s all clean and neat but I hate the whole process
16) favorite videogame !
Assassin’s Creed and then Resident Evil!
17) what’s something everybody likes that you don’t like?
I don’t know if everyone but a lot of people do but I absolutely haaaaaaaaate beans. Honestly, fuck the beans
18) who is your favorite artist/writer?
One of my favourite artists would be M.K.Ciurlionis and Kestutis Kasparavicius. And for the writer, I adore a lot of manga artists/writers but a novel one would be Ursula Poznanski?
19) tell us a joke you made on innocent’s day
Omg what even is this day? It sounds scary? Why would you celebrate a massacre of children what 😂
20) craziest dream you ever had?
I actually dreamed up a lot of my mafia aus tbh, that’s something 😂
21) which is your favorite album?
Ooooh I have a lot of these! The first one that came to mind was GOT7 “Flight Log: Arrival”
22) what are some languages you want to learn?
I want to finish learning Russian and then move on to Japanese, maybe Korean as well~
And now my questions:
1. If you could date/marry one idol who would it be and why? (This question doesn’t apply for @heebiejbies because she’s already married 😂)
2. Warm weather or cold weather? Why?
3. Why did you decide to join tumblr?
4. What’s the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
5. What is/was your favourite subject in school? Why?
6. What’s the most memorable thing that happened to you during vacations?
7. Do you like board games? Any recommendations?
8. Have you ever cheated while playing games?
9. What thing would you associate with your favourite colour? (For example, purple always reminds me of syringa)
10. Is it easy for you to concentrate on tasks at hand?
11. What country you would not like to visit? Why?
I’m tagging whoever reads this and also @heebiejbies; @ohnosheshere; @daegushoneyboy; @rangrids; @imaddict; @miahbtsarmy; @frostii-dragons; @everythingkpopuniverse aaand it will be enough 😂
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narika-a · 7 years
Get To Know Me Tag
I was tagged by @ikonicwriting. I feel like I have done this a few times already but it’s fun to do this and stuff changes, so thanks for the tag~~
Rules: Answer 30 questions then tag 20 Blogs
Nicknames: None besides some random words my sis calls me 😂 I actually don’t particularly like when people shorten my real name. Gender: Female Star sign: Taurus Height: 167 cm Time: 03.01 AM GMT Birthday: May 4th Favorite bands: I won’t even start with kpop, there is too many 😂 Some of my other faves would be: Sakanaction, Arctic Monkeys, Half Moon Run Favorite solo artists: who knows at this point  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Song stuck in my head: History - Might Just Die Last movie I watched: Push Last show I watched: Битва экстрасенсов (or ‘ The Battle of Extrasensory’ in English) When did I create my blog: About 4 years ago?? What do I post: Anything I like tbh, from kpop to science 😂 Last thing googled: Aaron White (I wanted to find out if he’s perhaps of Irish descent. He has been playing so well in ‘Žalgiris’ 😂) Do you have other blogs: Nope Do you get asks: It depends how active I am, definitely not daily Why did you chose your URL:  Just a name I came up with for an original character from a comic I created when I was like 8? or something 😂 I was so proud of it because there was no one with a name like that (except when I googled it after a while I found out that there is one like from a hentai or something and I was like what the fuck and then years later came “Conception 2″, so yeah there are more character like this now) and it stuck with me to this day, I use it almost everywhere 😂 Okay rant over Following: 848 Followers:  6,462 Favorite colors: Purple (any shades of violet) Average hours of sleep: 7-9 on days off, 5-7 on work days Lucky number: 4?? 5?? 7?? Don’t really have one Instruments: None at the moment. I used to play a Lithuanian instrument called ‘kanklės’ tho What am I wearing: My PJs, bathrobe, warm socks and slippers. It’s hella cold 😂 How many blankets I sleep with: At least 2 Dream job: Astronomer/astro physicist/astronaut Dream trip: Out of this Earth 😂 Or if in here then definitely Japan~ Favorite food: 'Cepelinai’!!! I could eat it all day every day 😂 Nationality: Lithuanian Favorite song right now: SF9 - Easy Love
I’m gonna tag more people for once: @heebiejbies, @bubblyemotions, @aleaexo, @lis-redfox, @kttendrama, @got-7bangtan-boys, @pearylove, @9byul, @crying-axolotl, @saki8102, @eoljjangxxi, @turtle-bo1, @miahbtsarmy, @justabreathe, @yueliangs-wonderland, @xilsel
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bangtangurlarmy · 7 years
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30 Questions Tagged by @9byul 🌷 I tag everybody who reads this🌸
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