#A Epiphany 4 Wednesday
whencyclopedia · 17 days
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Holidays in the Elizabethan Era
During the Elizabethan Era (1558-1603 CE), people of all classes greatly looked forward to the many holidays and festivals on offer throughout the year. The vast majority of public holidays were also religious commemorations, and attendance at service was required by law. Still, the feasts that accompanied many of these 'holy days' were anticipated with pleasure, and many secular traditions began to appear alongside them such as playing football on Shrove Tuesday and giving gifts to mothers on the third Sunday before Easter. Holidays were also an opportunity to visit towns for a local fair or even travel further afield. The Elizabethan period was the first time the idea of a Grand Tour of Europe caught on amongst the rich, seen as a way to broaden a young person's horizons and round off their general education.
Holy Days
The concept of an extended holiday as a period of rest from work is a relatively modern idea. Throughout the Middle Ages, the only time a worker had off work was Sundays and holy days, that is days established by the Church to celebrate a religious matter such as the life of a particular saint or such events as the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas and his resurrection at Easter. In the 16th century CE, these holy days became known by the now more familiar and wholly secular term, 'holidays'. The Elizabethan period was also the first time that such religious holidays came to be associated less with Church services and more to do with taking a 24-hour break from everyday life and, if possible, enjoying a little better quality of food and drink than one usually consumed. However, it is to be remembered that attendance at church on the main holy days was still required of everyone by law.
In the second half of the 16th century CE, there were 17 principal holy days recognised by the Anglican Church, some of which, as today, moved particular dates depending on the lunar calendar. These holy days, and their celebratory or commemorative purposes, were:
New Year's Day (1 Jan) - the Circumcision of Jesus Christ.
Twelfth Day (6 Jan) - the Epiphany when the Magi visited Jesus.
Candlemas (2 Feb) - Feast of the Purification of Mary.
Shrovetide/Shrove Tuesday (between 3 Feb & 9 Mar) - the last day before the fasting of Lent.
Ash Wednesday (between 4 Feb & 10 Mar) - First day of Lent, the 40-day fast that leads up to Easter.
Lady Day (25 Mar) - Annunciation of Mary and considered the first day of the calendar year in England (when the year number changed).
Easter (between 22 Mar & 25 Apr) - the Resurrection of Christ and including nine days of celebration.
May Day (1 May) - commemorating St. Philip and Jacob but also considered the first day of summer.
Ascension Day (between 30 Apr & 3 Jun) - Ascension of Christ and a major summer festival.
Whitsunday (between 10 May & 13 Jun) - Pentecost when Christ visited the apostles.
Trinity Sunday (between 17 May & 20 Jun) - Feast day of the Trinity.
Midsummer Day (24 Jun) - also commemorates John the Baptist.
Michaelmas (29 Sep) - marks the end of the harvest season and commemorates the Archangel Michael.
All Hallows/Hallowtide (1 Nov) - the feast of All Saints (Hallows).
Accession Day (17 Nov) - commemorates Elizabeth I of England's accession.
Saint Andrew's Day (30 Nov) - commemorates St. Andrew.
Christmas (25 Dec) - the birth of Jesus Christ.
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i984 · 1 year
Masterlist (ew)
Here is an ugly emergency master list that contains the exact total of 20 stories. I am in a rush. Will fix it later. Maybe. I don't know. Enjoy.
In chronological order (but not really):
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Ran Out of Paper:
Who would've thought Wednesday running out of typing paper would get you to spend New Year's Eve with her?
Festival Trouble:
You go on a carnival date with Wednesday. Chaos ensues.
Grump Black Cat:
Wednesday Addams is more feline than you had thought.  
Snowy Escape
Wednesday witnesses a bewitching sight thanks to your powers.
I Love You- Wait, What?
You ruin everything for Wednesday Addams, be it sleeping peacefully or good potion-making. (dont read this please)
Dreams of Lavender Confessions
Through the years, Wednesday has loved you the same way; tonight is just a ritual.
Your Love, My Religion
It only takes half a semester away and a stupid (yet surprising) school event to get Wednesday quit being a coward.
A Letter to the Yearning Moon
Wednesday Addams receives a love letter.
Sweet, Foolish
They say too much of something is never good. Well, too much of something sweet proves different.
Mattress Laid, No Questions Asked
Wednesday needs a little caring after the final battle with Joseph Crackstone.
Tonight, the Moon is Yours
Sometimes, slow dancing with Wednesday Addams is all you need.
In Sickness and In Health
Wednesday has a cold. You are ready to be by her side.
Wounds, Not Dreams
Wednesday doesn't like bad nightmares.
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I Want to Be Yours
Part 1: Your Christmas epiphany hits you like a truck.
Part 2: You're caught in the act (in a library no less), now what?
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(1) Sweet Words Make a Lovely Shade:
You test your luck by putting Wednesday Addams in a compliment jail.
(2) A Scarlet Touch:
Wednesday investigates what makes you tick just so she can give you a pay back.
(3) Not So Peachy of a Trick
Your whole entire relationship with Wednesday Addams is apparently a lie.
(4) My Thoughts Echoing Your Name
Even after Wednesday Addams broke your heart, the ache for her is unbearably still there.
(5) Blazing Promises
Wednesday Addams breaks down in front of you.
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krispyweiss · 2 months
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Todd Rundgren at Andrew J. Brady Music Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 24, 2024
Todd Rundgren had nothing to say besides Thank you and We love you, Cincinnati at the end of the gig on Wednesday night in the Queen City. The typically talkative musician instead let a career-spanning collection of deep cuts handle communications with his audience, which on April 24 filled about half of the Andrew J. Brady Music Center’s 2,800 seats.
The Me/We tour is one for the faithful, with long-dormant tracks such as 1995’s subdued “Beloved Infidel” and novelties like 2004’s “Stood Up” returning to the setlist for the first time in ages. “Down with the Ship,” Rundgren’s 2022 joint with Rivers Cuomo, meanwhile, is just getting its sea legs and the goofy sea shanty works well alongside the eclectic sonic smorgasbord that found Rundgren conducting synth strings and soprano sax with a baton on the balladic “Kindness” from 1991, playing a searing guitar solo on 2000’s “Buffalo Grass” and proving his compositional prescience on the now entirely relevant rap-rocker “Fascist Christ” from 1993.
In a nod to any casual fans who may have attended, Rundgren began the encore with the first half of “I Saw the Light” segued into the bridge of “Can We Still be Friends?,” which led into the coda of “Hello it’s Me” before the dramatic fan favorite “The Last Ride” and “A Dream Goes on Forever” ended the gig.
Backed by five long-time compatriots - bassist Kasim Sulton and drummer Prairie Prince; Bobby Strickland on keyboards, woodwinds and programming; keyboardist Gil Assayas; and guitarist Bruce McDaniel - Rundgren played 24 songs over 125 minutes, as the black-clad band was bathed in white, red, blue, green and yellow hues from a generous light show that augmented the selections flawlessly.
Strong visuals notwithstanding, sublime audio, from the band and the venue’s sound system, was the focus. Drawing from more than one-dozen solo and Utopia albums connecting 1972’s Something/Anything? to 2022’s Space Force, Rundgren, per his wont, also covered a diverse stylistic template, as he switched from lead guitarist to band leader who paced the lip of the stage sans instrument and tossed in some EDM in the form of “Flesh & Blood” from 2015’s Global for good measure.
Opening with 1974’s ethereal “I Think You Know,” Rundgren celebrated the nature of his fanatical followers on Utopia’s 1985 dance track “Secret Society” before showing off his grimy guitar and gritty growl on 2008’s “Weakness.”
The initial triptych set the evening’s tone as Rundgren, 75, used his deepened voice to bring the songs into the present while the band provided the backgrounds that tied them to their era. To that end, Sulton and McDaniel joined Rundgren around a single mic for the a cappella “Honest Work,” which hushed any grabbers in the house, and “Hawking” came off as a hybrid metaphysical worship service thanks to the veritable choir and a soaring saxophone solo from Strickland. The passage of time seemed to be a loose theme of the Me/We tour as Rundgren plumbed his discography for songs that explore the unknowable to come up with such tracks as “Lost Horizon” (1985), “Afterlife” and “God Said” from 2004 and “Worldwide Epiphany,” the 1993 celebration of figuring it all out.
The latter got the audience on their collective feet where they remained until the show ended.
Grade card: Todd Rundgren in Cincinnati - 4/24/24 - A
See more photos on Sound Bites’ Facebook page.
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siberian-xanadu · 7 months
Progvember 2k23 Iconic Albums Ask Game! (Day 1)
Sorry guys, I meant to put this up on Wednesday, but I got busy. Anyway, these asks are all based on iconic prog albums! Enjoy! 1) In The Court of the Crimson King: Which prog band was your "gateway drug" into the genre? 2) Close to the Edge: What was your last major breakthrough/epiphany that you feel comfortable sharing? 3) Tarkus: Favorite fictional creature (yes, Tarkus counts!)?
4) Tubular Bells: Favorite instrumental composition?
5) Thick As A Brick: Which childhood accomplishment are you most proud of?
6) Dark Side of the Moon: What extremely popular band (or album) do you still think is underrated? Why?
7) The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway: What's a concept that you still can't seem to grasp?
8) 2112: What's your favorite dystopian novel/tv show/movie (if you have one)?
9) I, Robot: Are there any bands that you, personally, consider to be prog even if the wider community doesn't? Any accepted "canon" prog bands that you don't think are actually prog?
10) Images and Words: What's your favorite post-70s prog album? 11) Polygondwanaland: Do you have a favorite modern prog band? Any recs?
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writingmochi · 1 year
i don’t do this much often but i just wanna write my opinion on tnc: temptation as a moa that also listen to many songs of differing genres (and also has been straying away from kpop/stan community—i may say that i have a pretty clear helicopter view). if i don’t write this, i would not live w/ myself, yet in the end it is my opinion so…
a honest review of tnc: tempation purely from musical observation (not proofread)
1. devil by the window: when this song was first announced w/o hearing any snippets of it until the release, i predict it’ll sound towards dark fantasy-esque genre, ethereal sounding like bts’ jimin’s “lie” or dpr ian’s “1 shot”. but it is dark fantasy-esque but more towards “cysm” kinda macabre type. i can see this playing in the wednesday netflix show.
but, the autotune makes the voice fuzzy in a way that it made my head a tad bit hurt. i think the sound engineer pushes the voice near the lower eq that it sounds as if its drowning in the instrumental and almost having its breath all taken out + the autotune is not great that i cannot make out taehyun’s voice from the song (why can’t i find my boy?!). i can hear some inspiration from billie eilish’s “bad guy” and “bury a friend” and w/ the peter pan concept, definitely make peter pan more like a creep. it’s also an all english song and i have a bad sentiment w/ kpop group singing all english song but that’s just my preference
2. sugar rush ride: the guitar sample is very nice, giving a funky taste to it. mid-verse parts w/ the voice sample before each pre-choruses are also very nice, probably my favorite parts of the whole song.
ngl, i think the producers has an epiphany w/ enhypen title tracks and realize that txt should do the same thing which is “making a title track without a bridge”. the format is literally verse > mid-verse > pre-chorus > chorus > post-chorus > verse > mid-verse > pre-chrous > chrous > post-chorus > outro. the idea of “sugar rush ride” doesn’t get elevated in the end and that is probably the reason why i think the song is “empty” instrumentally and the anti-drop in the chorus part doesn’t help. the song, imo, could be better w/ more instrumental tracks added at the end as if the song is stacking up to the climax that is the last chorus and outro. if “sugar rush ride” was a roller coaster, it wouldn’t feel thrilling for every1 who ride it
3. happy fools: the intro with the bossa nova melody and double bass sound makes me think it is a bossa nova sounding song but when the 808 drum beat starting, it becomes a hip-hop song that gen z likes to hear and in my opinion, a very common one that it doesn’t stand out as a txt track. it also has some salem ilese’s “ps5” coding to it. i think this song will blow up in tiktok as a background sound for a diy tutorial arts and craft type of stuff cuz it is artsy in a way. i’m also more convince it is made for tiktok because of its 2:35 length which very short and it cuts very abruptly at the end. i don’t like songs that are cater to tiktok even though it is the best way for them to market the album and this song has a whole “this song is made to be a tiktok sound that would go viral” all over it
4. tinnitus: this song definitely has a more tropical sound to it and it combine with the dancehall beat makes it feel that it is made to be danced by the ocean. the song is also stagnant as if it supposed to be a bgm for a video game that is supposed to be repeated. though the song fades unlike happy fools, the fading sound cuts to quickly that it is so abrupt i can’t even catch a breath fast enough. a short review for a short song…
5. farewell, neverland: when i hear the guitar intro, i already guess it’s gonna be great song. i imagine it like they’re going to tell a story by a campfire on the neverland sands as a farewell for them to go home. a good track to end the album! and even though it doesn’t have a bridge (cuz it’s 3 mins long aka i want more), the song has a clear arc on how it will be sing/presented especially with the closing that we met the guitar again. kinda like the hero’s journey but a small one, a current summary for the bigger hero’s journey txt has done in this album and the lore of it. though i haven’t read the lyrics, i could guess it’ll also be as beautiful as the melody, harmony, n rhythm of the song…
final ranking:
5. happy fools
4. devil by the window
3. tinnitus
2. sugar rush ride (the mid-verse part is very memorable that it pushes the song up the rank)
1. farewell, neverland (a clear no. 1 in my heart and soul)
closing remarks: why is the album so short? why are the songs not even pass a 3’ 30” mark? why are you making songs w/o bridge bighit n by proxy hybe? the problem w/ autotune is still there especially in devil, probably in the mid to low tier rank of txt’s discography but for album visual concept, it’ll be at the top along with tcc: fight or escape n tdc: magic
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usereste · 2 years
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Speak Now Tour (2011-2012)
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taylorswift: Wearing a cap and gown for the very first time - see you soon NYU 🥺🥰🗽
107 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
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northiowatoday · 15 days
OBIT: Mary Lou Blake
OBIT: Mary Lou Blake
Mary Lou Blake, 83, passed away on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at Heritage Care Center, Mason City, Iowa. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:30 AM Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at Epiphany Parish – St. Joseph Catholic Church, 302 5th St SE, Mason City with Rev. Ben Valentine as Celebrant. Burial will be held in Elmwood St. Joseph Cemetery, Mason City. Visitation will be held from 4:00 PM to 6:00…
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mksrector · 4 months
Evening Prayer Wednesday 4 Epiphany 2024
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i984 · 1 year
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#wednesday addams - 4 posts
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#then in the middle of reading i had to actually take a 15 minute shower to clear my thoughts and the scenes was playing in my head
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Couple of beers got me wondering if I should change my writing style?
Like I'm aware i tend to put one bulky paragraphs after another.
should I try like a more carefree approach of writing?
I feel like i worry too much about putting too much dialogues
that I ended up putting too much long complicated awkwardly worded paragraphs instead
i need beta readers 😭😭😭
3 notes - Posted December 31, 2022
okay apparently all of my posts aren't showing up in the tags? pretty sure my first fic post showed up in tags but today it doesn't? HELP
@staff pls help :) thank you
6 notes - Posted December 29, 2022
Ran Out of Paper
|Pairing|: Wednesday Addams x gender neutral reader.
|Genre|: Fluff if ya' squint real hard 💞
|Warnings|: Grumpy! Wednesday, Weems is alive for plot-progression purposes, Wednesday wanting things to be set on fire, bulky paragraphs, reader is a stationery-nerd, bad fruit puns, no making moves; we die like virgins.
|Summary|: Who would've thought Wednesday running out of typing paper would get you to spend New Year's Eve with her?
|Word count|: 1.7k words
|A/n|: Wrote this one as a present for the New Year to y'all a while ago, and I'm still not sure how winter break works in boarding schools, but I hope you enjoy!
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189 notes - Posted December 31, 2022
I Want to be Yours
|Pairing|: Wednesday Addams × gender neutral reader.
|Genre|: I intended to write angst, but it turned not angsty?
|Warnings|: Brief mentions of gore, lots of watching from a far, Enid and Ajax being stinkin' cute, Bianca still not over Xavier if you squint real hard, Thorpe being a simp, goofy ass precious Yoko, reader being an awkward character hopelessly in love.
|Summary|: Your Christmas epiphany hits you like a truck.
|Word count|: 0.7k words
|A/n|: This is my first time writing a fic, I hope it's tolerable :")
Part 1 | Part 2
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378 notes - Posted December 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Finally Hers
|Pairing|: Wednesday Addams x gender neutral reader.
|Genre|: Fluff 💞
|Warnings|: Stalking, mentions of gore, Wednesday being mean, mouth-on-mouth kissing, ooc Wednesday Addams.
|Summary|: You're caught in the act (in a library no less), now what?
|Word count|: 1.2k words
|A/n|: This was kinda rushed but I hope you enjoy!
Part 1 | Part 2
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409 notes - Posted December 29, 2022
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fitnessthought · 6 months
Dascha Polanco Weight Loss: Transformation Diet, Workout
Dascha Polanco, celebrated for her role as Daya Diaz in Netflix’s “Orange Is the New Black,” had aspirations of acting from a young age. However, her weight became a significant personal obstacle. She once reflected, “A lot of my life as a young adult has been influenced by how people will accept me… I was very fearful of going out on auditions and being told, ‘Well you have to lose weight, your hair is curly’”.
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Turning Point: Role of Daya Diaz and Beyond
After a stint in nursing, Dascha experienced a pivotal moment. She realized her beliefs about her weight were self-imposed barriers. This epiphany led her to audition for various roles while simultaneously embarking on a weight loss journey.
Her decision bore fruit swiftly. Within six months, she landed the role of Daya in “Orange Is the New Black,” which proved to be a significant career breakthrough. This role not only showcased her acting prowess but also marked the start of her physical transformation.
Dascha Polanco Weight Loss Regimen
Dascha’s approach to weight loss was methodical and disciplined. Her diet included egg whites with truffles for breakfast, abundant papayas for fiber, and a focus on Dominican vegetables like yams and yucca. She emphasized, “The most important thing is to always eat after you work out. So after I am done with a workout I have a grilled chicken with vegetables”. Her workout routine was diverse, including cardio, squatting, and cycling, tailored to her preferences and lifestyle.
Workout Routine
Dascha Polanco’s fitness regimen is a mix of high-intensity and low-impact exercises, along with strength training and cardio. Here’s a breakdown:
Wednesday: 40-minute High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on equipment like an elliptical, treadmill, or rowing machine.
Friday: A combination of a 45-minute gentle yoga class and a 25-minute low-impact hiking session, followed by 30 minutes of mountain biking.
Saturday: A 50-60 minute speedwork session on the Elliptical/Treadmill.
Sunday: Rest day.
Her routine starts with a 10-minute warm-up focusing on flexibility exercises and stretches, followed by cardiovascular exercise using Tabata intervals. She then moves on to strength training exercises targeting the lower body, including squats, lunges, and single-leg deadlifts with resistance bands. She concludes with vigorous cardio workouts featuring sprints and HIIT sessions.
Diet Plan
Dascha Polanco’s diet is inspired by the traditional Dominican diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Here’s a glimpse of her daily diet:
Breakfast: Not specified.
Lunch: 3 cups of chopped romaine lettuce with cucumber and tomatoes, topped with 2 tablespoons of hempseed dressing, shredded carrots, red pepper flakes, and crumbled goat cheese (optional).
Evening Snack: 1 piece of fruit (like apple or grapes) and 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed.
Dinner: 4 ounces of grilled chicken breast or fish, steamed vegetables (such as broccoli and cauliflower), and 1 cup of brown rice.
Dascha is not a vegan. Her diet plan emphasizes fresh, local ingredients, making it nutritious and affordable. This combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise helps her maintain her fitness and energy levels.
The Impact of Transformation
Dascha’s transformation was not just physical. She also embarked on a journey of self-love and acceptance. She admitted, “I could not find self-love. I always thought that self-love would come from outside. But I was wrong”. This realization was crucial in her journey, underscoring the importance of internal acceptance over external validation.
Becoming a mother at 17 added complexity to her life. Juggling motherhood and career aspirations, Dascha’s story is one of resilience and determination. Her journey resonates with many, especially those grappling with similar challenges.
Facts about Dascha Polanco
Early Education and Career Shift: Dascha Polanco graduated with a Bachelor of Psychology from Hunter College. Initially, she worked in the healthcare sector with aspirations of becoming a nurse, a path she pursued before her acting career took off.
Advocacy for Body Positivity with Dove: Beyond her acting, Dascha has teamed up with Dove on its self-esteem project. This initiative focuses on teaching young girls about self-acceptance and self-love, highlighting her commitment to positive body image.
Net Worth Achievement: As of the information available, Dascha Polanco has an estimated net worth of $5 million dollars. This reflects not just her success as an actress but also her impact as a public figure.
Role in “Orange Is the New Black”: In the Netflix series, Dascha’s character, Daya, faces life in prison and becomes involved in the prison’s drug trade, showcasing her ability to portray complex and challenging roles.
Inspiration from ‘Rocky’: Dascha finds motivation for her fitness goals from the classic film “Rocky.” She often watches Sylvester Stallone’s iconic movie during her workouts, combining her love for cinema with her fitness regime.
FAQs about Dascha Polanco Weight Loss and Before & After Journey
Q: What sparked Dascha Polanco’s decision to lose weight?
A: Dascha Polanco was inspired to lose weight due to the challenges she faced with her body image, which she felt were hindering her acting aspirations. This led her to change her lifestyle and focus on her health.
Q: How much weight has Dascha Polanco lost?
A: Dascha Polanco has impressively lost between 30 to 40 pounds, going from around 230 pounds to about 174 pounds.
Q: Can you describe Dascha Polanco’s diet during her weight loss?
A: Dascha Polanco’s diet focused on nutritious foods. She included egg whites and protein shakes for breakfast, fiber-rich papayas, and wholesome Dominican vegetables. She avoided fast and processed foods, emphasizing healthy eating, especially post-workout.
Q: What type of exercise routine did Dascha Polanco follow?
A: Dascha Polanco’s exercise routine was varied and personalized. It included cardio workouts, squats, and cycling, with an emphasis on exercises that were both enjoyable and effective for her.
Q: How did Dascha Polanco’s weight loss journey affect her acting career?
A: Dascha Polanco’s journey has likely enriched her acting career by enhancing her confidence and allowing her to take on diverse roles with a renewed sense of self.
Q: What role did self-acceptance play in Dascha Polanco’s weight loss journey?
A: Self-acceptance was a key factor in Dascha Polanco’s journey. She learned that true self-love comes from within, which was a turning point in her transformation.
Dascha Polanco’s weight loss story is more than a physical transformation. It’s a narrative of overcoming mental barriers, embracing self-love, and breaking stereotypes. Her journey is a reminder that personal beliefs can be the biggest hurdles and that changing them can open new doors to success and fulfillment.
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 months
Another reflection on one's youth, via Vikram...
Vikram Joseph: "Younger & Dumber" is overwhelming in the sheer scope of its emotions. It's the confusing, intoxicating feeling of growing out of your teenage shell into someone you don't recognise. It's the knowledge that pain and heartbreak shape you into the person you've become, for better or for worse. It's the realisation that you contain tidal waves of feeling, enough to drown another person, enough to rupture the dams you may have built around your own heart without even knowing it. It feels like epiphany and takes me back to moments where I lay awake in bed and understood that my life was changing. And yet, for a song so heightened, the transformative power comes from its composure. An alt-country ballad that builds and breaks, builds and breaks, "Younger & Dumber" is so utterly self-possessed: unhurried and lucid, every production detail shimmering and perfect, from the crystalline piano to the billowing walls of percussion. (I will always be a sucker for pedal steel, but I'm not sure the instrument has ever glowed as much as it does here.) Indigo De Souza delivers a sensational vocal performance, exhibiting a wavering control that renders almost every line emotionally shattering. Just listen to the way she lets a syllable gently cave in on "prouder", the tiny vibrato on "over you" in the first chorus, her intuitive grasp of cadence, her flawless instinct for when to go big and when to drop to a whisper. In mood, scale and palate this makes me think variously of "All Systems Red", of "Thirteen Grand", of "Song For Zula", but it really is an absolutely singular achievement. "And the love I feel is so powerful it can take you anywhere," De Souza sings at the song's climax. May we all get to have that, at least from time to time; may we all get to remember how it feels when our lives change. [10]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: My favorite Indigo De Souza songs have a certain bite to them, an acrid taste that cuts through the lushness of the song's arrangements and the hookiness of their riffs. "Younger & Dumber" is more of a torch song, a vast and loping thing, and try as I might, I cannot quite get into it. Maybe it's missing some last lift, or maybe I just am not in a place right now to be moved by something this meditative and dreamy. [4]
Hannah Jocelyn: Slow-burning theatrics from Mitski and FKA Twigs, bathetic Midwest angst from Wednesday, slide guitar and chord progression from Mazzy Star, piano chords from The National, "lonely/alone" wordplay from everyone. I don't know why I would listen to this over any of the artists I just mentioned; it feels like a meal of tasty leftovers. [5]
Taylor Alatorre: A strung-together bracelet of country affectations that's crafted with such patience and tenderness that they cease to be affectations anymore. [8]
Brad Shoup: The lyrical bones remind me of Bill Callahan, following Chan Marshall to a little South Carolina town. She mended herself there; he eventually hightailed it to the big city. This is half a song about someone following someone they outgrew. And it's half a song about the peculiar intoxication of towering over everyone in your mind. That second half is supposed to justify the power-ballad structure, maybe, but I can't even detect the love, let alone wilt before its force. [4]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Indigo De Souza's voice is the primary focus here, but the straightforward lyricism and general emotional arc only work because of the supporting cast. That first cymbal strike, in particular, arrives with the perfect amount of force. It feels like the warmth of a friend's hand during a hug -- the kind that comes without warning but is obviously needed because the rest of your body's so numb. The congeniality feels like Over the Rhine for the Phoebe Bridgers set. [6]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: Saccharine, maudlin, and wailing to the point of self-indulgence and self-parody. I had to look up Indigo De Souza's age (26) to confirm, but this is just bait for twentysomethings who are soon headed for 30. This is all to say: I'm the prime demographic. [7]
Katherine St Asaph: A colossal build and a devastating story. Despite the title, De Souza doesn't really blame her younger self for being dumber. Who among us gets to choose our formative influences? [8]
Michael Hong: The title itself implies growth: that with aging, De Souza has become smart. The proof is how she turns a track built around rage into love, a series of pained and furious howls shifting into a tender acceptance of the woman she's become. [8]
Dorian Sinclair: I can see two paths stretched ahead of me when I sit down to blurb "Younger & Dumber". One of them is deeply personal and is about the aching vulnerability and pain that can come with trusting somebody who abuses that trust, and the way that can rewire your entire brain for years after. How sometimes it means not only not feeling at home "in this town," but not feeling at home anywhere, and most especially not feeling at home with yourself. That blurb is about how despite (or because of) the lack of detail in De Souza's lyrics, it's easy to hear my own experiences reflected in her narrative. But that blurb is scary to write, and it's been too long since my last therapy appointment, so instead I'll just note that her voice is very expressive, her instrumentation is very pretty, and I'm a sucker for this kind of folksy confessional writing even when it's not reinventing the wheel. A pleasant song, even without any deep emotions involved. :) :) :) [8]
Ian Mathers: Too often, for very human reasons, we recast everything that's come before as either for the best because of where we are now, or the source all of our current problems, probing it like a wound we can't leave alone. But the same things that have helped build your strengths and brought you to your joys can be inextricable from the pains and traumas that you're still struggling with. De Souza saves "I didn't know better" for the end of the song, and by then it means something different from the clichéd way it's often used. How wonderful, and terrible, that we all start out not knowing any better. How wonderful, and terrible, that we never stay that way. (And the pedal steel. Why does the pedal steel here just kill me?) [9]
Nortey Dowuona: Indigo's voice is so deeply bracing that when she begins doing runs towards the end of the third verse, it is warming to feel the frustration -- not anger, not repair, not fury, frustration -- bleed though the words and through John James Tourville's slight pedal steel. It braces you because anyone who has loved and loved the wrong person feels that frustration; once one has finally vented their speed, all that is left is the frustration, the realization that the time spent chasing love with this person was a failure and is now gone. When we are young, loving that way is simply the way we know to love since we have no frame of reference of how to love someone, so the first time we feel it -- even and especially for friends -- is all and completely. As Indigo says, "Which way will I run when I'm over you?" Why stay or wait or try when the best option is to run from what has hurt you? Better to heal somewhere where you are safe. But "the love I I feel is so very real it'll drag you down," and so running feels at first like an admittance of failure. But that's what the young feel when they fail -- when I fail. It's the end of the world, the end of everything, we cannot survive it. And we -- I -- Indigo learn that we ran, we survived, we kept living, and we chose to love again. We learn but stay dumb. We age yet stay young. We keep wanting to lick the spoon. [9]
Aaron Bergstrom: I've spent most of my life angry at younger versions of myself. With the dangerous gift of hindsight, I have seen that my younger selves regularly failed to achieve perfection: they didn't know things, they didn't see things, they didn't take risks, they didn't possess the necessary skills, they didn't act when the moment was right. Those selves let me down over and over again, and it has always been so easy to blame them for my current hardships and failings. It's taken me a long time to forgive them, and even longer to realize that they had nothing to apologize for. This is the project of "Younger & Dumber," an immersive journey that clicks when you realize that every pronoun is one version of Indigo De Souza addressing another. No outside force made her somebody, just as no outside force made her sour. The song takes time to reveal itself, opening on the vulnerability of a plaintive country ballad, the flower waiting to be picked, dumb but proud. Each turn picks up layers of depth and texture, tentatively reaching out into the darkness for more, different, better selves. The way De Souza whispers "run" at 1:31 is the vocalization of an ambient, directionless longing that I've felt since before I can remember. "Go. Somewhere. Anywhere." It builds, slow but unstoppable, the march of time. Add but never subtract, even if you want to. Carry those mistakes, those failures. Try to use them. It gets bigger, louder, better (yes, better!), but also more complicated, splintered, fragmented, dissonant. At its apex, De Souza briefly harnesses the power of all those younger selves still inside of her, the power that could take her anywhere, the power that could drag her down. That's an incredible accomplishment. It ought to mean that she no longer needs to run. It ought to mean that she feels at home. But it doesn't. It's just one more self that will be seen as younger and dumber by those to follow. May your future selves be quick to forgive. [10]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox ]
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notesandchai · 1 year
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Winter 2022 (Q2)
01.24.23 | Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday mesh together
Week 9 Day 2 + 1 + 3 + 4
So I had a bit of an epiphany this morning. Just kidding, but was thinking; I am the fool on this journey, I accept this and I undertand that part of the learning curve is to lower my expectations to a novice level. H8 it but it is wot it is m8. I was reviewing the plan I have in place for my courses and practicums and there are exactly twenty-one 5-credit courses that I complete. The first one felt like the orientation of the fool, I learned to experience the wonder and envision what I wanted to down the line. This quarter, the Theories, Techniques, and Ethics feel like the first three figures of the Major Arcana. Theories is the study of how to embody the different aspects of the theoretical approach
Ok so I watched the Fundamentals of Caring for the Ethics Discussion. I want to make sure I am able to put together the PowerPoint presentation and then I can record the audio tomorrow
I am watching the Narrative Family Therapy video -- make sure I connect the video to the post!! Still using the same case for the conceptualization, but each new theory gives me a bit of a headache. It's a bit jarring to comprehend it without any sort of lecture or explanation by the professor. All interactions happen within the Discussion Assignments ~ and I don't know how to process the fact that I hate online class discussions. I knew it would be a challenge with the Online School vibe, but here we are. And why is it so hard to get 10 points? This course has been humbling to say the Least. I am still in Fool Territory here.
Techniques : I have the final mock counseling session with The Client tomorrow (Wednesday) and I want to be able to finish up the worksheet due by Friday? I also want to finish the Skillsetter practice by Saturday.
This week, I want to do nothing on Sunday.... ideal I know. I've been struggling with the timeline of this quarter. I Hope to Howdy next quarter is smoother. But it's hard not to think outside of the present when you're actively pressed in the middle of the 10-week-sandwich.
As of day 4: I got the two discussion posts in, both late, one by a day the other by an hour.
I had my final session with my mock client and so far, it has been the best one. I feel more confident in being able to execute what I want to during a counseling session and being able to get out of my head and stay present and focused on integrating techniques. A game changer.
Now I take a brief break before I actually dive into my techniques worksheet and Mock Counseling Reflection paper...
jeepers yikes eeps
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stjohnschuckatuck · 1 year
Introduction to Ruth and Esther - Epiphany 2023 Bible Study
Introduction to Ruth and Esther – Epiphany 2023 Bible Study
For Wednesday, January 4, please consider these questions and reflections of Ruth and Esther. Ruth and Esther Introduction Vocabulary and definitions Shavuot – the “Feast of Weeks,” is celebrated seven weeks after Passover (Pesach) origins are to be found in an ancient grain harvest festival Identified with the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai Pentecost – in the Christian tradition, 50 days…
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mtnkat3 · 2 years
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By George I've had an epiphany!
wh is fungus!
Why You...Alll did the mushrooms... on trees. & such.
It also explains this morning & making me think about M*A*S*H & my dad.
Fungus... like cancer will clump together & make itself somewhat easier to be cut away. Like a parasitic leech, it's not really a symbiotic relationship. Like truffles are. Such as Spanish moss & other things that grow or use trees, they destroy the tree.. as a disease... leeching the life outta of it!
Wereas me... I wanna nurture & adore the tree.
Guess it shows too what I've found confirmed this morning.
I sleep too much here. That is stress, depression, anxiety. That is my body forcing me to escape. Even sitting in my recliner last night with my crap laptop trying to get things done. Heck, I have started looking at some basic things [bed & bistro table] for my wherever my place to move to is...
[I don't want a lot in an apartment. Wanting minimal as is a stepping stone. That, & I need less stuff around. Maybe some pictures on a frame that I can slide show them. My affirmations, things like that. Oh & plants. I let a lot die off. I think was depression. But I will find new that I can nuture again. Really hurts me to think I let that happen. Shames me.]
Oh wow!
Thank You Jesus!
Thank You my Love/s...!!!
God, thank You for shining that light to me this morning!
Even as I fought my way out of sleep I think I knew!
Ok my Love/s... show me the scalpel...machete whatever I'm supposed to use!
I've still gotta finish the online part of taking my name back but I'm working off a list now. Kinda keep adding as much as subtracting but... that's decades to be changed so...
And with this holiday... sigh. Qdro atty appt is Thursday! [For a flipping call. Whatever.] Then the apartment place was closed by 3pm yesterday. And some of the bank stuff seems to be stopped too. So gotta do stuff that is purely online. Like use the holiday to get better deals$ for things like a laptop/tablet, maybe some of my packing supplies too, & even on furniture. [Wayfair & other places have most deals on holidays. One thing I learned from retail. But logistics...they suck.]
Made me think about my dad's cancer. Grew in less than 4 months to size of a baseball. Glioblastoma Multi Forme Grade 4. Behind left ear, on his memory cortex, & inhibitions.
It was successfully cut away Thanksgiving week 2001. [I was thrown into the fire to do that holiday, I did ok.] He actually had surgery on Saturday, & was home Wednesday. From brain surgery. Just him. But it grew back. Then they did chemo. That's what got him. He mowed the ~2 acre front yard after last treatment. That was my dad. Didn't let things stop him. But the 99.99% mortality rate of the lung infection he got did. Only seen in this cancer.
I was told at the time that it was the most aggressive cancer known. I don't know if that's still true.
I only know that my dad had a witness for God that closed the company so all the subcontractors could be there.
500+ people in the church he helped to renovate into a space that could take that, & more.
My family is still semi involved but he was just ...welll... a robust santa claus! A borne leader. And taught that to me & my siblings.
Just kinda shows... when I, & maybe my family have somewhat too, have floundered a bit. Well, maybe mostly me. Because I think my dad would've had a talk with me & I wouldn't be so deep in the quagmire of this leech infested swamp. I'd have gotten out back then.
But that's God. Plan, Reasons, Time.
I understand that cancer is just a mutation of a cell that has perpetuated itself. DNA, self replicating, etc.
💡🤓🕯every last cell of a cancer... or a fungus must be cut away. To stop the replication & mutated growth pattern.
-When- I finish severing the ties to wh & this house.
It will be complete.
It has to be.
My grandma's furniture will go to a refurbisher to sell or do with. My canopy iron bed will go to a metal recycler. Mattress to a dump.
All I will take will be things like my clothes I haven't worn because I bought for my new life. My childhood books & toys, stuff animals. And supplies.
My portrait & other things will go ino a crate. Still haven't decided if I'm gonna bonfire that & the clothes specific to here or not.
Kinda depends... on You... Alll.
Do You...Alll... wanna know... do You Alll wanna stand beside me as I burn that bonfire... severing the past.
Heck, making me think of all the things I'd love to throw into that bonfire & make it reach the stars!
I want a gap. Between myself before... & now.
I want to burn wh outta my memory.
I have been starting to understand why the warthog pictures too. They are dangerous yes. But a good food source. Just as fungi are.
But... why were my sinus infections fungal?
The evil growing in this house, & that store?
Does this explain why I avoided coming back. That I literally forced myself to walk in here. When I was having a panic attack at midnight. Could barely keep my grip on that 2021 Jeep Compass [yes, I got that irony. Was downgraded but God...] I could barely keep myself from turning around. It was ~really~ hard to leave... when I saw the xrossings... I smiled. & cried. I have work to do here. Only reason I did. Only I can. I literally almost puked when I opened the door. Here. wh does less than the bare minimum.
As I've described to a couple of people, family & such. I kept those places clean, neat & tidy.
Time to have that in my place. In my misstep place, to my future home.
This place isn't me.
And it's a huge stressor.
Time for me to cut away the cancer... the fungi... everything about this place, & time of my life.
Only a few good things came...
Time for me to relearn how to live.
All I can say my Love/s...
I miss You Alll.
This... this removed a lock & part of the veil!
I could kiss You Alll!!!
[Hearing Thompson Square ...?🎶]
Just trying to figure out the disconnect between my soul's motivation to get this done! And my body's...slump?
That's the cancer isn't it..
I must overpower my body with God & You Alll supporting & guiding me.
Because I am in the hardest fight of my life.
My soul's righteous walk...
vs the lethargy of the body. 🤓💡That's the adversary tricks. That's how it's getting me!
Oh my Love/s!!!
Sliding to my knees to You God!
Before the veil. My Love/s ... I see You Alll more...
And I feel You Alll surrounding me. God's Warrior/s. My angels. The ones who hold my keys.
In this circular prison cell of glass.. much like that 007 movie... I feel each of You Alll... a key for each lock... I hear them sliding in.. but God's Plan. His Hand. Wait. Like a stop sign. Almost My children. As I look up into His Light... tears silent. I know & feel each of You Alll around me. I am not alone. And that alone makes my soul wail! 💡You Alll are seeing me... not the shell. You are seeing the woman I am inside. You Alll always have!?!?! You Alll love & see Tijgeress & kat & Phoenix? From the queen to the wings...? You Alll know all the healing writings too? And everything I have seen? 💡🤓🚀⚡🕯🗽💝💓💖 the puzzle pieces are now sliding into their places... no longer forced. But now... pop. But I still... yes my Love/s. God & You Alll know. And until I am done it must remain this way. But You Alll know this is how the adversary.. bowed. Yes my Love/s. Get. Out. Then God will reveal Alll. That. That is what I must keep foremost. Because that gives me the strength to overcome. Even my body's lethargy.
Humbly bowed to You God.
Your Plans, Reasons, & Time.
My angels fight for me...
Whimpering moan.
As I believe in & always will...
True love never dies & true love always waits.
I must await Thy Will, not mine own.
My Love/s... my soul's precious beloved perfect for me, priceless treasures... Mate/s Alpha/s Bear/s King/s Warrior/s Love/s... husbands, lovers, best friends, confidantes, guides, teachers protectors, Daddys...babies...
Thank You Lord.
Bowed to God.
Queen bowed to my soul's Mate/s.
Thank You...Alll... for loving me.
Love...& fallible,
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. 🌺
📒🔏🛰🚀🌎🎯🧭🕯🎵💋 Kat layers.
Sa.9.3.2022 1.47pm est.
Sometimes transcribing my visual... not easy. T.
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We have come to know and to believe in the love God has for us.  God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him.  In this is love brought to perfection among us, that we have confidence on the day of judgment because as He is, so are we in this world.  There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment, and so one who fears is not yet perfect in love.
1 John 4:16-18 New American Bible (NAB), First Reading for the Wednesday after the Epiphany
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northiowatoday · 2 months
OBIT: Charlotte M. Comer
Charlotte M. (Friedman) Comer,102, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held 10:30 A.M. on Saturday May 4, 2024 at Epiphany Parish-St. Joseph Catholic Church, 302 Fifth Street SE, Mason City, IA 50401. Visitation and public viewing will be held from 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Burial will take place at Elmwood – St Joseph Cemetery following the…
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