marril96 · 2 months
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Criminal Minds 1.02 | Compulsion
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reidiot · 1 year
this guy, he doesn't go on dates
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he doesn't go to parties
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he doesn't feel comfortable in front of groups
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and of course he's a total psychopath
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writtenbyevie · 2 years
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made this to cope™️
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lailoken · 3 months
Hi there! I was wondering if you know and could share any simple spells for making someone call/message us back? Thank you!
Dress a small candle with some form of drawing oil and/or powder and light it, raising your power and aligning the forces you work with in ways pertinent to your craft.
When ready, take up a Bay Leaf and write upon one face of it the full name of your target, as well as the phone number (or social media handle) they use to communicate with you. Say thrice, "I call on you, [Name]!" Flip over the leaf, and on the other side of it, proceed to write your own full name and phone number (or social media handle) that they use to contact you. Say thrice, "I cover you, [Name]!"
Take up a second Bay Leaf and repeat this process exactly. Once this is done, spread a bit of molasses and ground calamus root on the sides of each leaf that bear your target's name. Press and stick these leaves together, sandwhiching the molasses and calamus between them, with your information facing out from either side. When these are satisfying stuck together, use the flame of the dressed candle to ignite and burn the Bay Laurel, Molasses, and Calamus (ideally within a flame-safe vessel.) As it burns, give a thirteenth and final call of, "Ashes to Ashes; Dust to Dust; and [Name] to me—and [Name] to me!"
Give a call of conclusion, disperse the powers gathered, and collect the burnt remnants of the leaves. Allow the candle to burn down and take the Ashes from the spell outside to be scattered on the wind—that it might help to carry your desire to the target of your spell.
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whumperer-86 · 4 months
Mental episode
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mentoillnesspolls · 9 months
According to the DSM, most people with excoriation disorder usually don't skin pick in front of others except for immediate family members, which was personally surprising to me since all my life I have skin picked in public. Wanted to see how applicable this was, so here's a poll!
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gene-forrester · 1 year
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About all this Nietzche stuff. Do you really think there are super-intellects?
Yes, as matter of fact, I do.
Compulsion (1959) dir. Richard Fleischer
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Thinking about it, Two-Face would be the weirdest person to date sheerly due to the fact that he would want to be #2 with everything. He can't try too hard with his romantic gestures. It always has to be at least a little disappointing lest he loses the #2 spot and becomes #1.
Can you just imagine. Two-Face and Bruce are dating and Bruce can't help but to tell his partner how much of a good time he's having.
Bruce: Harvey, this is the best date I've ever been on. Harvey: *Screeches* Harvey: Take that back! Say it was the second best date you've ever had! Bruce: But… It wouldn't be true… D': Harvey: Bruce, do you know how fucking hard you make it for us to be your second best relationship when you never fucking go outside and interact with people like a normal human being!????
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reidshand · 1 year
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| “COMPULSION” - 1.02
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does anyone else have these compulsions where like whenever i’m on my phone i have to check who’s fronting for all my simplyplural friends (even if i don’t/barely know them)??? please this can’t be just me
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marril96 · 1 year
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Criminal Minds 1.02 | Compulsion
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zombieon3rd · 10 months
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Having played all these systems. THIS is what I do to most boardgamers. For those curious I have played everything here in tournament level- need help? ask!
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hisdyingwish · 4 months
OCD in summary but instead of "if I do this", it's "if this happens"
It starts with obsessive thoughts like "oh if [this] happens it will cause [that] to happen" or "if [this] happens, it will prove if [that] is right or wrong" ([that] being something usually unrelated). These thoughts then cause a compulsion to avoid the [this] in these scenarios from happening, even if it's sometimes impossible to avoid or stop said thing (like it being something not within your control).
Which, to be honest, I don't see talked about often as much as it should be. OCD is often portrayed with thoughts like "if I do [this], [that] will happen", but never "if [this] happens, [that] will happen" where the [this] refers to something out of your control (aka it not being something you did or will do, or have to do, but instead it being something someone or something else did or will do)
This is just something I wanna throw out there, so hopefully any of that made sense OCD varies a lot, from type to person/mind, let's keep that in mind!!
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josie-blackandcherry · 5 months
Estou a 2 semanas num ciclo infernal de compulsão/purgação e, embora eu tente de todas as formas mudar isso, quando percebo já estou lá repetindo tudo novamente. Estou cansada, me sinto patética e é tão desgastante...
Engordei e por não saber lidar com isso voltei os velhos hábitos de auto-punicão, dei uma pausa em NF'S para ver se algo mudava, porém não adiantou, estou sem ânimo para me exercitar ou para viver. Nada me conforta ou me anima, nem mesmo a comida, então sequer consigo entender porque algo em mim insiste em tentar preencher esse vazio dentro de mim com comida, mesmo sabendo que ela só me destrói.
Minha falta de esforço só mostra o quanto mereço o enjôo do estômago cheio, o inchaço, a culpa, as lágrimas, as roupas apertadas, as piadas maldosas, os números aumentando na balança, o nojo e tristeza ao se olhar no espelho...
Mereço morrer com esse corpo gordo que eu criei.
É, é isso...
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whumperer-86 · 4 months
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mentoillnesspolls · 9 months
Similar poll will come out next week about excoriation/skin-picking disorder!
According to the DSM, most people with trichotillomania usually don't hair pull in front of others except for immediate family members, which was personally surprising to me since all my life I have pulled hair in public. Wanted to see how applicable this was, so here's a poll!
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