thevelaryons · 5 months
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Rhaenyra and Addam by Nozomi Matsuoka // A Feast for Crows, George R. R. Martin
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drowningparty · 1 year
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I envy the Greece that is taking you away.
Iphigenia (1977)
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ltcdrmcgarrett · 1 year
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Unnecessarily big gifs of Steve McGarrett [38 of ?]
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darknessdrops · 1 year
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and we dreamed of his long teeth in our necks. We wanted them to wander over, place deep wet underarms to our lips, and then their white asses, then those loud mouths.
Dennis Cooper: After School
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busyreadingerotica · 1 year
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Camille Pissarro | Peasants' Houses, Eragny (1887)
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Birth of an Idea by Norwood Hodge MacGilvary, circa 1920.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hi new fan here!!! i made tumblr as soon as i knew that you also write prompts here and i finished reading it all in one sit🤣
I am loving this mob rival bosses prompt, it is so sexy. I liked the plot of the last one you posted, so i have a little idea with me that maybe you could write.
What about them going in some event or party with different dates? Gil with the heiress and Thena with someone idk who, Kro??🤮 This time they're trying to make a way to be together. They came to the party with different dates, but they are leaving having each other as dates.
I'd really like to see them glancing at each other in the midst of the crowd, having a hard time escaping their dates. And can you add some little jealousy and drama, i really find it cute when they're making each other jealous but still reassures that their hearts belongs to one another.
Thank you! please don't stop writing about these two🙏🙏🙏 i am living for them.
He walked in with a scowl on his face and the little heiress on his arm.
It was a private party--a gathering for people 'in the business' to have some fun and make some connections. This year the reinforcement specialists were handling it. The mobsters in Little Italy, the private security sectors, the yakuza, and of course, the group who all-but-owned Koreatown.
Gil looked bored. He felt bored. He half listened as the little heiress chattered next to him, telling him about what strides her family had been making back home in Korea. The subject of him going back kept coming up, only furthering his feeling of being trapped at a family gathering and being set up with someone his family had picked for him.
She entered with Kro, the Prince Eternal's replacement, in a sense.
Kro had been selected by Ajak's right hand to try and rebuild the business they were all lacking since the little prince had gone back to his asteroid. As annoying at the little prick was, he'd had endless wealth to his name, and they all had businesses to run.
Thena looked stunning, as always. She walked down the stairs with him, her hand in his in a display of courtesy. Her dress was white, even longer than usual, with a cape draping over her back. Because looking - let alone touching - the Ice Queen was not free.
"She's pretty."
Gil nodded, only so the little heiress wouldn't feel blatantly ignored. It was one hell of an understatement, though. Thena was a specimen of beauty able to outshine any of the silly little jewels she owned. They were on her fingers, they sat around her neck, they clipped her hair behind her ear and shimmered in all the right spots on her dress.
But they were just decorations. And he'd never been able to see the smaller details when he was looking at a masterpiece.
Thena knew where he was, and made a concentrated effort not to look. It was almost strenuous as she walked by him. The most use Kro had been to her as of yet was blocking the view of Gil and his date on the left side of them as he guided her into the ballroom.
"Are you thirsty?"
Her mouth was dry as a desert and she was in desperate need of some fresh air. "Chilled sparkling."
Kro wasn't great company, but he did listen...somewhat.
She stood out like a white rose among red. Her hair rested on her shoulders, and Gil felt the ever-present desire to pull that lace into his hand from around her shoulders. His memory knew the feeling of winding it around his hands at the ends and using it to pull her closer to him.
Her lips were red, but he missed the cute, pale pink they usually were.
"I'm gonna get a drink," he murmured, interrupting his date in the middle of yet another suggestion they buy out a chain of hotels in Seoul for 'business'.
He didn't ask if she wanted anything. He was going to get a reputation of being a terrible date this way, but he didn't particularly care. He was the Tyrant King, after all. And only one woman in the world could handle him.
Only one had permission, and she was the only one he wanted.
"Tyrant," she greeted, keeping her voice low and still not looking at him. They seemed to be acknowledging each other in passing.
"You look stunning."
"So I've been told," she purred, because she liked seeing him flustered. She liked seeing him jealous.
"Oh, have you?"
"Are you surprised?"
"'Course not," he chuckled, fidgeting with his cuff-links. They were melted down from silver fillings--mementos from some of his career milestones. Distasteful?--maybe. Hilarious?--to him, yes. "But did they mean it?"
"I assume so," Thena raised an eyebrow as he leaned just a little closer.
"Do they really know?" he whispered, looking down at her shoulder under her lace and knowing she had just a hint of perfume clinging to her skin. God, he wanted his lips on that line of her collar bone. "Just how beautiful you are?"
"Gil." She was warning him this early on into the night? Thena glanced up at him, the first instance of it since she'd arrived. "We are here for a reason."
They were here with other people for a reason, she meant. They both had business to conduct, and whatever they were would just have to wait.
Gil had other ideas. "I'm just saying."
Thena used all her practised poise to cover up the shiver in her spine as he brought her hand up to his lips. She glared at him--he was playing too dangerously.
"You look good enough to eat."
An increasingly familiar flush in her cheeks--faint and delicate, but there. It was impossible not to see, when she was as pale as snow. She snatched her hand away from him and drew her lace tighter around her. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean."
Gil let her go. They were colleagues exchanging pleasantries at a party. He retrieved a scotch for himself. He did not watch the way Kro's hand touched Thena's back. Even with the cape of her dress separating her skin from his, Gil tossed back his drink and asked for another.
"Let's dance!"
Well, he couldn't be a completely cardboard date. He could at least dance with the little heiress.
Thena's eyes watched as Gil led her to the floor, his hand lazily held open for the little heiress'. He wasn't exactly a graced dancer, but he could sway and move his feet to the rhythm of the band playing. He looked around the room. Thena darted her eyes away.
Kro led her to the floor, one hand around hers, the other on her back. This was exactly why she'd had the cape added by her tailor. She was a queen, of course - the one and only Ice Queen - and it was fitting for her to have a cape. And no one had any right to her skin but one.
And he was holding the little heiress.
Thena and Gil traded glares as they spun around each other. They were both playing dirty. The heiress stumbled in her insanely tall heels and landed against his chest. His hand steadied her at her waist. Thena debated killing the girl right here and now.
Gil met her eyes over the little heiress' head and smiled, offering an apologetic shrug.
Thena scoffed, focusing her eyes elsewhere. She didn't know why he was bothering; he didn't owe her any explanations or apologies. They were here to do business, she had said it herself.
"You seem distracted."
Right. Kro. Thena frowned as his hand tightened around hers. She was wearing satin gloves, and even then, she could feel how cold his hands were. She was used to being the cold one; did he have any circulation at all?
"Would you say you're able to relax in a room this dangerous?"
It was a sensible enough reply, and it made it seem as if she were paying attention, and not possessed with following the Tyrant King around the room with her eyes.
"I suppose not," Kro conceded, his breath hitting the top of her head. He was too tall--almost frighteningly tall. Every time she had to look up at him her neck clicked. "But you are here with me, are you not?"
Thena scowled as his hand tightened again. "Watch yourself, Substitute."
"Because you're watching someone else?" he growled back, tightening his grip again, now just holding her wrist in quite an ungentlemanly way. He looked down at her with cold eyes. "I did not accompany you here so I could watch you eye-fuck someone else."
Thena didn't dignify his accusations, or his grip. She halted her steps, meeting his eyes evenly. "You accompanied me here because someone else purchased your company and time. You are no investment of mine."
"And the Ice Queen only makes the best investments, is that it?"
"Precisely," she held her ground, glaring up at him as her hand travelled to the seam of her dress, pulling it up her thigh slowly. "And I do not waste my time on those unworthy of it."
"Stuck up c-"
Thena held her knife at his throat, letting the tip poke into his skin. She made no attempts to be discreet or subtle about it, holding it at arm's length and away from her. "Reconsider your words."
It was no longer advice. It was an order.
Kro held his hands up to her. He knew to value his life. "I apologise, Ice Queen."
She drew the knife back but flicked her wrist. "Out--I'm done with you."
He obeyed, still not up to the task of risking his life just to get in the last word. He nodded, accepting his defeat.
Gil moved quickly, catching his arm before he escaped off the dance floor and into the crowd completely. He looked him in the eye. "Scared of her?"
Kro ran his eyes over the Tyrant King. "No-"
"You should be," Gil corrected him with a snarl. "And whatever part of you she doesn't finish off, I will. So I suggest you stick to business and skip the mingling."
It was way too transparent of him to say. Thena was going to be furious with him. But he didn't care. He wanted to see the look on Kro's face as he came to realise that the Ice Queen was not available.
She would argue that it didn't mean she was his, but he was fine with that. So long as no one else thought she could be theirs either.
Gil let him storm out of the room with the few remains of his dignity. He straightened his own suit jacket, looking around him. The little heiress had run off.
"You have misplaced your date, Tyrant."
"She has her own drivers and security," he shrugged, entirely too nonchalant about his date running out on him.
"What a heartless king, you are," Thena teased as he settled beside her. She let her lace slip off her shoulders to sit around her elbows and billow down to her knees.
"Well, I only have one queen," he whispered close to her, his breath clouding the diamonds cuffing around the ridge of her ear. He held out his hand. "Dance with me?"
Thena looked around as she slipped her hand into his. It was far too intimate to look at him as she slipped off her gloves to do it. "I do seem to be in need of a partner."
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noxaeternaetc · 9 months
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Kawase Hasui (1883-1957) Taisho Pond at Kamikochi, ca. 1927.
Via the wonderful Mastodon account of @atomicker:
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tobacconist · 1 year
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greyhairedcanuck2 · 2 years
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drowningparty · 1 year
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F. M. Dostoyevsky, The Gambler (1866).
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bdaemonis · 4 months
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This is their dynamic to me. Middle aged dad with what is both his cat and his stubborn teenage daughter
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lucidloving · 1 year
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@roach-works // Melissa Broder, "Problem Area" // Mary Oliver, "The Return" // @annavonsyfert // Koyoharu Gotouge, Demon Slayer // Haruki Murakami, Dance Dance Dance // David Levithan, How They Met and Other Stories // Tennessee Williams, Notebooks
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loathsome-sickness · 9 months
"people show their true colours in life threatening situations" no, they show you what they act like when they're mortally terrified, an emotion notorious for literally turning your entire brain off to the point where people who go into those situations as a profession need to be literally trained on how to not have that happen
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punk-dad-sharkz · 9 months
guy who says "FUCK!" to every minor inconvenience x guy who says "oopsie daisies" to earth shattering catastrophes
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crabussy · 2 years
hey. don’t cry. crush four cloves of garlic into a pot with a dollop of olive oil and stir until golden then add one can of crushed tomatoes a bit of balsamic vinegar half a tablespoon of brown sugar and stir for a few minutes adding a handful of fresh spinach until wilted and mix in half a cup of grated parmesan cheese and pasta of your choice ok?
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