#A Família de Pescadores by Teresa Sofia Paulino
rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Go Fishing Day 
Fly fishing, worm fishing, boating or wading…whatever your preference, get yourself up and out early to catch yourself the biggest fish you can.
The sun is just beginning to rise over the horizon, painting the sky a vivid palette of reds and oranges. The quiet buzz of insects can be heard as they dance over the water’s surface, punctuated occasionally by the splash of a fish breaking the surface for its morning meal, unknowing that it is destined to become a meal itself. National Go Fishing Day celebrates quiet, meditative moments like this and those individuals who find solace in the pursuit of this elusive prey.
We have certainly all fished before. Fished for compliments, fished for some decent wine to go with our Sunday roast but the act of fishing is indeed considered an actual sport.
Whether you fish with the old fashion maggots, or whether you’ve progressed to the corn bait, you will find that fishing in general is a sport that requires both patience and strength. There are plenty of fish to choose from, depending on where you choose to fish and although some people fish for a living, this little hobby can develop into much more than just a Sunday morning past time…
History Of National Go Fishing Day
While fishing has served to feed civilization since near the dawn of time, and in modern days it is a major industry that has a yearly yield in the billions of dollars, National Go Fishing Day is dedicated to sport fishing, as well as those who fish as part of survival (known as subsistence fishing). Fishing is a great way to help add food to your table while having the satisfaction of knowing that you caught it yourself, as well as a wonderful bonding opportunity for friends and family.
While the most common forms of fishing are rod and reel fishing, fly fishing, and at a distant third bow-fishing, there are many other forms that are practiced around the world for survival and pleasure. Whatever your preferred method, fishing is a great experience and gets us back in touch with nature and ourselves. Contrary to popular belief, fishing is far more than “One jerk waiting for another jerk at the end of the line.”, and instead is actually a result of luck combined with three important processes, the state of the fish, how it encounters the tackle, and the composition of that tackle.
The Ancient Greeks considered fishermen of very low status so they rarely depicted them in art. All civilizations that lived near the water have developed some forms of fishing over time and even relied on fish as a part of their diet to some extent. Eating our fishy rewards after a long fishing stint, seems immoral for some but it is practical for many.
The Benefits Of Fishing
The benefits of fishing are plentiful. Now that isn’t just because of the great suntan you can get whilst sitting on the riverbanks or pondside whilst fishing, but because it is a sport that requires a lot of skill and diligence. Some of the biggest benefits include: boosting the immune system! Yes that’s a fact, if you’re doing something that you love, then your body is healing and strengthening itself constantly. Add this to the muscular strength you need to reel in that tough carp that has bit the line and you’re really working your cardiovascular system also. Good start isn’t it? Fishing also has the opposite effect also, it certainly helps promote relaxation and when you are sat out in nature, you are certainly getting your daily dose of fresh air and vitamin D that will make you feel good on the outside as well as on the inside! For those who have a little bit of a short temper, you could choose fishing as a way to tame that fiery temperament.
Fishing takes patience and promotes a calm nature, which is beneficial for you mentally and physically; it can lower blood pressure and allow you to feel more calm and ready to tackle life! It will help promote self-reliance and the ability to learn for yourself, and it’s a sport that can be enjoyed individually or with family. Think of it as family bonding time! “Come on kids, let’s go catch some Chinook with old pap!” Don’t forget to stick on your ‘gone fishing’ plaque on the doorstep, so the neighbors know where to find you!
How To Celebrate National Go Fishing Day
Get out there and go fishing! It’s as simple as that. Whether you prefer to go boat fishing and troll along with your bait and tackle trailing in the water behind you, or standing in hip waders while casting your fly over the top of the water, there’s a form of fishing that will appeal to everyone. Even if you don’t like fishing, you have to admit that sitting quietly on the edge of a lake with a fishing pole and a case of beer beats even the best day at work!
If you want to further your journey within fishing and you feel you’re ready for another step, then you can celebrate Fishing Day with entering into a competition. There are plenty around and there are often money prizes up for grabs! Now what better way to celebrate fishing than with a big win? Get involved and really start to enjoy what fishing has to offer, with its huge benefits! Time to learn a new skill, so let’s go fishing!
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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International Workers Memorial Day
International Workers Memorial Day is celebrated on April 28 of every year. It is an international day of remembrance and action for the workers who were killed, disabled, injured or made unwell by their work. The International Workers Memorial Day is otherwise called as International Commemoration Day (ICD) for Dead and Injured or Day of Mourning. International Workers Memorial Day is a perfect day to highlight the preventable nature of most workplace incidents and ill health and to promote the campaigns and union organization in the fight for improvements in workplace safety. The major slogan for the day is “Remember the Dead – Fight for the living”.
History of International Workers Memorial Day
In 1970, the AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations) declared April 28 as “International Workers Memorial Day” to honour the hundreds of thousands of working people who were killed and injured on the job every year. According to the passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act by the United States Congress in 1970, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration was created in 1971. In 1984, the CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees) did the same in Canada. The Canadian Labour Congress also declared an annual day of remembrance in 1985 on April 28, which is the anniversary of a comprehensive Workers Compensation Act, passed in 1914. In 1991, the Canadian Parliament passed an Act respecting a National Day of Mourning for persons who were killed or injured in the workplace, making April 28 an official International Workers Memorial Day.
How to celebrate the International Workers Memorial Day
Celebrate the International Workers Memorial Day by promoting the safety and honouring those who have given their lives to their job. The day can be used as the focal point for the remembrance and a day of international solidarity, campaigning and other related activities which continue throughout the year right around the world.    
Workers’ Memorial Day
As we go through our day taking in the wonders around us with a disinterested eye, we often forget to take the time to remember that there were amazing people and lives that went into building the structure of the society we live in. It wasn’t that long ago that everything from the clothes we wear to the buildings we inhabit were built in highly dangerous conditions lacking the rules and regulations that serve to keep workers safe in modern industry. Workers’ Memorial Day commemorates the lives that have been given in the pursuit of modern comfort and convenience, and stands for the worldwide efforts to create safety in the workplace.
History of Workers’ Memorial Day
During the 1950’s an organization was established that stood to unite the Labor Unions in a single unified goal. The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) was established in 1955, comprised of union organizations from many different nations. There were two organizations, the AFL and the CIO that came together to create this organization with the purpose of representing workers all over the world in creating a safe workplace.
In April of 1970 Workers’ Memorial Day was established to bring awareness to the hundreds of thousands of people all over the world who had died just trying to get through another workday. This holiday was established in the same year that the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) came into effect in the United States, an event that helped to both standardize safety protocols and create an organization that would visit sites to enforce them. It didn’t take long before this same practice was picked up and implemented in multiple industrialized countries all over the world.   New York Construction Workers Lunching on a Crossbeam
How to Celebrate Workers’ Memorial Day
Celebrating Workers’ Memorial Day can be an important part of promoting safety and honoring those who have given their lives to the job. Whether you work in a simple manufacturing facility or in the far more dangerous fields that require you to put your life on the line in a daily basis, you can spread awareness of the OSHA requirements that govern your industry. If you’ve had workers die on the job, spend some time to remember them and share their stories (and what mistakes may have cost them their lives) as a cautionary tale to your co-workers, but also as a way to motivate people to report unsafe conditions and get management involved in resolving them. Everyone deserves to come home at the end of the work day, Workers’ Memorial Day reminds us of those who didn’t, and encourages us to take steps to make sure there’s less of them in the future.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Public Art, Albufeira (No. 2)
Fishing is a major economic activity in Portugal. The country has a long tradition in the sector, and is among the countries in the world with the highest fish consumption per capita. Roman ruins of fish processing facilities were found across the Portuguese coast. Fish has been an important staple for the entire Portuguese population, at least since the Portuguese Age of Discovery.
The Portuguese fishing sector is divided into various subsectors, which in turn are divided between industrial fishing and artisanal fishing. According to trade union sources, over 50% of fishing workers work in the artisanal area. There are a variety of trade unions and employers' organisations representing sectoral and regional interests.
Portugal's Exclusive Economic Zone, a sea zone over which the Portuguese have special rights over the exploration and use of marine resources, has 1,727,408 km2. This is the third-largest Exclusive Economic Zone of the European Union and the eleventh-largest in the world.
Both freshwater and marine aquaculture is well-established in Portugal producing from marine fin-fish and shellfish to micro-algae and trout.
Source: Wikipedia
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Public Art, Albufeira (No. 1)
Don Quixote is a Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes. Originally published in two parts, in 1605 and 1615, its full title is The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha (Modern Spanish: El ingenioso hidalgo (or caballero, in Part 2) don Quijote de la Mancha).
A founding work of Western literature, it is often labeled as the first modern novel and one of the greatest ever written. Don Quixote is also one of the most-translated books in the world.
The plot revolves around the adventures of a member of the lowest nobility, a hidalgo ("Son of Someone") from La Mancha named Alonso Quijano, who reads so many chivalric romances that he either loses or pretends to have lost his mind in order to become a knight-errant (caballero andante) to revive chivalry and serve his nation, under the name Don Quixote de la Mancha. He recruits a simple farmer, Sancho Panza, as his squire, who often employs a unique, earthy wit in dealing with Don Quixote's rhetorical monologues on knighthood, already considered old-fashioned at the time, and representing the most vivid realism in contrast to his master's idealism. In the first part of the book, Don Quixote does not see the world for what it is and prefers to imagine that he is living out a knightly story.
Source: Wikipedia
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Go Fishing Day 
Fly fishing, worm fishing, boating or wading…whatever your preference, get yourself up and out early to catch yourself the biggest fish you can.
The sun is just beginning to rise over the horizon, painting the sky a vivid palette of reds and oranges. The quiet buzz of insects can be heard as they dance over the water’s surface, punctuated occasionally by the splash of a fish breaking the surface for its morning meal, unknowing that it is destined to become a meal itself. National Go Fishing Day celebrates quiet, meditative moments like this and those individuals who find solace in the pursuit of this elusive prey.
We have certainly all fished before. Fished for compliments, fished for some decent wine to go with our Sunday roast but the act of fishing is indeed considered an actual sport.
Whether you fish with the old fashion maggots, or whether you’ve progressed to the corn bait, you will find that fishing in general is a sport that requires both patience and strength. There are plenty of fish to choose from, depending on where you choose to fish and although some people fish for a living, this little hobby can develop into much more than just a Sunday morning past time…
History Of National Go Fishing Day
While fishing has served to feed civilization since near the dawn of time, and in modern days it is a major industry that has a yearly yield in the billions of dollars, National Go Fishing Day is dedicated to sport fishing, as well as those who fish as part of survival (known as subsistence fishing). Fishing is a great way to help add food to your table while having the satisfaction of knowing that you caught it yourself, as well as a wonderful bonding opportunity for friends and family.
While the most common forms of fishing are rod and reel fishing, fly fishing, and at a distant third bow-fishing, there are many other forms that are practiced around the world for survival and pleasure. Whatever your preferred method, fishing is a great experience and gets us back in touch with nature and ourselves. Contrary to popular belief, fishing is far more than “One jerk waiting for another jerk at the end of the line.”, and instead is actually a result of luck combined with three important processes, the state of the fish, how it encounters the tackle, and the composition of that tackle.
The Ancient Greeks considered fishermen of very low status so they rarely depicted them in art. All civilizations that lived near the water have developed some forms of fishing over time and even relied on fish as a part of their diet to some extent. Eating our fishy rewards after a long fishing stint, seems immoral for some but it is practical for many.
The Benefits Of Fishing
The benefits of fishing are plentiful. Now that isn’t just because of the great suntan you can get whilst sitting on the riverbanks or pondside whilst fishing, but because it is a sport that requires a lot of skill and diligence. Some of the biggest benefits include: boosting the immune system! Yes that’s a fact, if you’re doing something that you love, then your body is healing and strengthening itself constantly. Add this to the muscular strength you need to reel in that tough carp that has bit the line and you’re really working your cardiovascular system also. Good start isn’t it? Fishing also has the opposite effect also, it certainly helps promote relaxation and when you are sat out in nature, you are certainly getting your daily dose of fresh air and vitamin D that will make you feel good on the outside as well as on the inside! For those who have a little bit of a short temper, you could choose fishing as a way to tame that fiery temperament.
Fishing takes patience and promotes a calm nature, which is beneficial for you mentally and physically; it can lower blood pressure and allow you to feel more calm and ready to tackle life! It will help promote self-reliance and the ability to learn for yourself, and it’s a sport that can be enjoyed individually or with family. Think of it as family bonding time! “Come on kids, let’s go catch some Chinook with old pap!” Don’t forget to stick on your ‘gone fishing’ plaque on the doorstep, so the neighbors know where to find you!
How To Celebrate National Go Fishing Day
Get out there and go fishing! It’s as simple as that. Whether you prefer to go boat fishing and troll along with your bait and tackle trailing in the water behind you, or standing in hip waders while casting your fly over the top of the water, there’s a form of fishing that will appeal to everyone. Even if you don’t like fishing, you have to admit that sitting quietly on the edge of a lake with a fishing pole and a case of beer beats even the best day at work!
If you want to further your journey within fishing and you feel you’re ready for another step, then you can celebrate Fishing Day with entering into a competition. There are plenty around and there are often money prizes up for grabs! Now what better way to celebrate fishing than with a big win? Get involved and really start to enjoy what fishing has to offer, with its huge benefits! Time to learn a new skill, so let’s go fishing!
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Public Art, Albufeira (No. 3)
At the “main gateway”, on Avenida dos Descobrimentos, essential access to the city from Albufeira, from those who come from the Vale Paraíso area, a sculptural composition emerges, whose public character only calls for a passing look, not having the intention of visiting. It is a tribute to the grandiose vision of the Discoveries Man, to the ability to human achievement, between ingenuity and art. Development towards the future takes place between the contemplation of the past and visionary action – a gaze projected on two worlds.  
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