#Rotunda dos Descobrimentos
rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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World Sea Turtle Day
World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated every year on June 16 to raise awareness about the plight of sea turtles. Did you know that every year, about eight tonnes of plastic are dumped in our oceans? That is extremely hazardous to sea turtles, so much so that six out of eight marine turtle species are on the verge of extinction. There are many other threats to sea turtles, such as encroachment of coastal development on nesting beaches, marine pollutants, accidental drowning on fishing gear, and the international turtle meat trade. Join hands with us to raise awareness about this important issue and save lives.
History of World Sea Turtle Day
World Sea Turtle Day is observed on July 16, the birthday of Dr. Archie Carr, known as the “father of sea turtle biology.” Dr. Carr is well-known for devoting his entire career to the research and conservation of sea turtles. Sea turtles are among the oldest creatures on Earth, having remained ‌unchanged for 110 million years. Most information on these creatures has focused on their nesting females and hatchlings, but new research techniques, such as satellite tracking technology, have allowed scientists to gain insights into their lives.
During summers, turtles follow an ancient reproductive ritual, in which the female leaves the sea and crawls to shore to dig a nest in the sand. The female turtle uses her rear flippers to dig the nest hole and then lays about 100 eggs. After laying the eggs, the turtle covers them and camouflages the nest site before returning to the ocean. Nesting turtles may return to the nesting site for laying eggs several times and usually nest every two to three years.
Temperature has a significant impact on the sea turtle sex ratio. Warmer temperatures produce more females, while cooler temperatures are found to produce more males. Eggs hatch after an incubation of two months. The hatching moves towards the sea in the night by using the bright view of the night sky. Artificial lights can distract the hatchlings from finding their way to the ocean.
World Sea Turtle Day timeline
17th Century A Decline In Green Turtle Population
Green turtle populations decline from 91 million to 30,000.
17th Century A Decline In Hawksbill Turtles
The population of Hawksbill turtles decreases from 11 million to less than 30,000.
2001 — 2011 Loggerheads Declined
The population of loggerheads in the North Pacific declines by about 80%.
2014 Increase In Population With Conservative Efforts
Leatherback turtle nests increase from 27 in 1989 to 641 in 2014.
World Sea Turtle Day Activities
Clean the beaches
Join a coastal conservation group
Research and read up
Turtles can get confused and consider trash as food. They can get caught in plastic loops, and after consuming plastic, they suffocate. So, to celebrate this day, we should help keep our beaches clean.
Work together with like-minded people to protect these endangered species. Find out different ways to protect turtle nests and share the information with family and friends.
Many things in our daily routine that can disrupt the life cycle of turtles. Read up and spread the message to people about the ways to save sea turtles and offer healthy alternative practices.
5 Facts About Sea Turtles
Turtles don’t have teeth
Turtle shells are made of bones
The biggest threat is plastic
Only one in 1,000 turtle's eggs
They can swim long distances
Turtles have exceptionally strong upper and lower jaws, which are made of keratin.
Shells have over 50 bones fused, so turtles' shells are just their bones.
One out of every two turtles consumes plastic after mistaking it for jellyfish.
Littering on the beach is drastically stopping hatchlings from reaching the sea.
The female leatherback is recorded to swim nearly 13,000 miles over 647 days.
Why We Love World Sea Turtle Day
This is a day to spread awareness
World Sea Turtle Day promotes protection for our sea creatures
It encourages us to save lives
World Sea Turtle Day is observed to raise awareness of sea turtles. On this day, we join forces to save these magnificent creatures.
It is a day of protection and education about sea turtles. This day explains why their protection is critical for all living things.
By celebrating World Sea Turtle Day and by practicing in the community's efforts to make life better for sea turtles, we save lives. It is honorable work and can be accomplished only by a collective effort.
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pipsmartins-blog · 5 years
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Aqui no mar!
“O novo projeto do street artist português Asur está a dar que falar. Intitulada 'The Ocean 2019', a pintura percorre todo o túnel pedonal que fica por baixo da Rotunda dos Descobrimentos, em Albufeira, no Algarve.” 
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Public Art, Albufeira (No. 5)
It is called “The Ocean Wall” and it is “a real ocean entering the heart of the city”. This is the name of the street art work by Filipe Neves, from Albufeira, that already embellishes the pedestrian tunnel of the Rotunda dos Dois Mundos, on Avenida dos Descobrimentos, in Albufeira.
The vice-president of the Albufeira City Council says that the initiative arose from the need to renew the old painting of the tunnel, which was damaged, and to give more light to the underground passage that connects the city center to Parque do Ribeiro, a green space and of leisure used daily by hundreds of residents and tourists.
Ana Pífaro, who is in charge of Culture, underlines that, «in addition to the urban rehabilitation itself, the project intends to pay tribute to land fishermen and marine life, important areas of economic activity and traditions of the county».
The work, which was inspired by the work “Gente de Mar”, an edition published by the municipality in 2009 to mark the National Fisherman's Day, covers an area of ​​700 square meters, where about 500 spray cans were used.
«The result is visible, with the traditional boats, where there is no lack of a boat dedicated to Nossa Senhora da Orada, the fishermen in their work and all kinds of marine life, which has attracted many visits to the place and praise in the media and in the networks. social", says the Albufeira Chamber.
In addition to this work, the artist was also invited to paint the Rotunda dos Golfinhos «which became more beautiful, thanks to his intervention».
The execution of the two works cost around 38 thousand euros.
ASUR, the artistic name of Filipe Neves, «is already well known in the region for the beauty and enormous realism of his paintings, which can be seen on the facades of the Volunteer Fire Departments of Albufeira and Silves and throughout the block of the old canning factories of Olhão”.
It also has in its curriculum some partnerships with several brands, in festivals and several murals in the country, as well as internationally, as is the case of Amsterdam, Milan, Kosovo, Frankfurt, Bangkok, Bali and Osaka.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Public Art, Albufeira (No. 4)
Albufeira has another attraction: the new Rotunda dos Descobrimentos is one of the most beautiful in the Algarve; and the beautiful artistic work, which is imposed in the landscape, arrived even before the completion of the requalification of the road between Ferreiras and the capital of tourism.
The adventure of those who paved the way for the construction of the Lusophone world is honored there with garbo and good taste.
Thus goes Albufeira consolidating its 1st place as a city of beautiful roundabouts. A brand image denoting the pazer that albufeirenses have in hospitality to visitors. Gaining ground on difficult slopes and trying to reconcile development and well-being.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Public Art, Albufeira (No. 3)
At the “main gateway”, on Avenida dos Descobrimentos, essential access to the city from Albufeira, from those who come from the Vale Paraíso area, a sculptural composition emerges, whose public character only calls for a passing look, not having the intention of visiting. It is a tribute to the grandiose vision of the Discoveries Man, to the ability to human achievement, between ingenuity and art. Development towards the future takes place between the contemplation of the past and visionary action – a gaze projected on two worlds.  
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