brosif40 · 10 months
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Its been 500 years a month since I've drawn these guys
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sirrenhd · 2 years
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the things we do for discord memes...
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lesbian-in-leather · 7 months
Ya girl has spent the last two days aquiring a new hobby, how long do we think this one'll last
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hey y'all, apologies for being kinda MIA around here lately. i have a ton of shit going on irl rn and sometimes i just do not have the mental energy to interact even when i want to 🥲 i'm still around tho and ily all so please don't give up on me lol ❤️
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hetchofficial · 5 months
el em a oh i made you open the door
No, I was already leaving. CR's been alone for a while now. It gets pissy after even a day or so.
The last time I was in there was just before OLT started getting written.
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reliquiaen · 6 months
that's me in the corner
that's me in a
losing to flu season
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toiletpotato · 1 year
ok but what was the timeline for matilda at crunchem hall
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oh-warizoro · 2 years
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Roronoa Zoro, Chapter 1053
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safespaceshapes · 11 months
OC Tag Game!
Tagged by @voidendron! (Thankee :0c)
Uhhhh I... don't know anyone else to tag?? So whoever spots this and wants to do it, consider this your unofficial tag! :3c
I have so many OC AUs and not a single consistent one sssooooo,,,, you may see some familiar faces in different environments owo
NOTE: These lil critters are *my* personal OCs, I'm not sure why I developed an aversion to FCs, so what may technically have been my Oldest OC will not be as such on this list.
I think this means Mumble won't make it... I should make a whole new list for FCs :'>
Let's-a go!
Favorite OC: Dare
This was a HELLA toughie run between Dare and Burrow, but ultimately, I fantasize about Dare the most. She's got a pretty conflicting moral compass and is always at odds with herself and the world. Plus, it's super fun to imagine her in different scenarios!
Newest OC: Syrup/Nightshade
Syrup's relatively new! She's a catfolk with a knack for taming wild animals. Her story's still all over the place, kind of, but it's being worked on! Mainly fantastical.
Oldest OC: Princess Acacia
What I believe to be my first ever actual OC, Princess Acacia -- daughter of Betula, Queen of the Charmed -- came to be when I was contemplating on a sort of prince and princess swap plotline. Still heavily under works, but when do I never have anything under works? :'>
Meanest OC: Glowstrike
A mysterious villain hidden behind a visor and under a mechanical suit. Sleek, strong, and powerful. Nobody but those that trained and molded them know their true identity.
They've done awful things, but heroes have noticed they've been... holding back? Something's off.
Softest OC: Black Rosen
This boy just wants to try and make the most of his situation involving demons in his suspiciously-cheap-yet-proved-why home. He's non-confrontational in the slightest, looks like a sleep-deprived vampire, but is an absolute sweetheart that cherishes his suspiciously-smart cat and will take in any strays he finds in need of help.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Syrup/Nightshade
During the day, she's Syrup: A young catfolk with no family to call hers. During the night, she's Nightshade: A vigilante-type character with no mercy. She's currently working day and night to find a certain someone. She doesn't trust anyone save for her loyal companions.
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: Jackie Vera-Alvin
It's gotta be Jackie in any universe. She's just a girl who wants to make friends and sees past the obvious red flags that scream "Stranger Danger! WILL most likely gut you!"
Somehow, things still work out in the end. 🤔
Smartest OC: Coy Paxton
In a world full of superhumans, those that have no superpowers to call their own would mostly live in the support roles. Some end up working office roles, others genuinely enjoy the coziness of local business-owning. Coy, however, began working on his own inventions that could mimic the more 'iconic' powers: flight, invisibility, and speed. (Super strength is a WIP right now). His knack for technology actually got him into the city's hero academy!... But some say it's to keep a closer eye on him...
Horniest OC: Uuuhhhhh
OC You'd Be Friends With IRL: Kolin/Pup
He's just a timid lil guy!! But such a sweetheart!! Just wants to prove himself!! Plus I remember (cringe) when I was but a smol I wanted to be a shapeshifter as well. Pup's eager to help and while it may take some coaxing to get out of his shell, he's a nice guy you can relax and joke around with!
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simp4mothman · 11 months
Happy pride month y'all
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Month 4, day 27, decided to give Knell a Rheddig mask to see how it looks and, uh, as it turns out, I made her head too tall XD I also need to get more references for the mask, because I think I didn't a few details quite right. Namely the shape and curve of the beak and the eye motifs. But that's okay! This is a learning process, and the mask is in its own group so I can hide the whole thing without losing it lol
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luvrhyune · 1 year
happy 100 day bubble anniversary to myself!
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victastuffblog · 1 year
Help, I'm cutting by hand with a scissor the small balls of yarn of my old white sweater, so it looks kinda wearable again for a fancy event tomorrow.
And I will clean and shine some old black sport sneakers since I can't find Actual Shoes.
(It was that or turn up with my worn down, red sport shoes I wear.)
And I didn't even mention the ironing-by-water of my shirt or the whitening of the bad spots of the sweater.
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If anyone can motivate my fucking idiot muses, you’ll be my hero and I’ll figure out some kind of prize to reward you with. It doesn’t have to be all three boys motivated, it can be just one.
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ayo y'all alive over there?
BeEn PlAyInG sTaRdEw VaLlEy AnD mInEcRaFt A lOt
iM sOrRy-
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lovesick-level-up · 2 years
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ughhhh, we went outside today and i forgot how bad the outside is lmaooo. we feel like we could sleep for like, two weeks. 
but! i’ve got requests to do, because i forgot to queue anything for today, so them first!
~ mod ibuki
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