#A Tarot Reading: Headcanons
autumna-potentia · 2 years
Brain is bleh, but I want to write something up really quick:
Witch is a system, a single 'entity' with multiple alters and not multiple entities/souls living in the same body.
If I had to deacribe with analogies, the way their brain and (for the purposes or roleplaying only) their soul is divided the same way a country's states are divided.
They originate and are still part of a whole, but have separated due to necessity for their survival.
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403tarot · 7 months
i want him so bad i'll kms. disclaimer: reading based on what he currently likes, which can change. tarot is a game, take it lightly.
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well, where should i start... he has a dark side. from the moment he enters the room he assumes a totally different posture.
he likes rough, sweaty sex with A LOT of mind game dynamics. a partner willing to jump on the bandwagon with him is someone he will treat like a winning ticket.
he can be cruel in words. wonbin uses and abuses his resting bitch face and likes to arouse some fear due to his seriousness.
i'd say wonbin is a dom for sure, and not one of those soft ones. he enjoys being in the mood of chaos, adrenaline, and fear swirling in the room... like in a predator and prey game.
enjoys mistreating and playing with his prey before eating. he's the kind who grabs by the hair, drags to the middle of the room and makes you kneel to suck him because he wants to see you pathetically kneeling on the ground giving him pleasure.
dacryphilia, he gets pleasure by seeing his partner's eyes with tears while their mouth is full of cock. "oh, can't take it anymore? i thought you wanted this."
he likes to spit and WILL do it if he gets the chance. in the face.
he's into shorter and physically smaller girls than him, (really) big boobs and an innocent appearance to feel like he's going to corrupt them. wonbin likes manhandling so he can treat as if they were just his little doll.
he likes deep kisses that start calmly but wonbin quickly loses control, pulling them by the waist, pressing his body against theirs and then rubbing his dick against them so that they feel how obedient girls makes him so hard.
wonbin is very possessive and enjoys marking, whether by gripping his partner's hips or moving his mouth to their neck. he likes to lick, kiss, and bite the skin, using his teeth to pull, and if his girl have issues with being marked by his teeth for everyone to see, he doesn't care. in that moment, she belongs to him and him only.
"what a pathetic useless hole you are"
he likes controlling his partner's orgasm and uses it as a form of torture. he teases enough until the limit, and if the partner climaxes without his permission, he continues with overstimulation until they beg because they can't take it anymore.
he likes anal, so if his partner allows it... but his dick is above average, so i wouldn't risk it (lol).
wonbin might enjoy when they resist him, ask him to let them go, try to escape... and he might even let them almost get away just to have the fun of dragging them back to him again... by their hair.
he likes being rough, seeing his partner's eyes rolling and hearing screams that blur the line between pain and pleasure, confusing all senses.
LOVES dry humping and fantasizes about a naked girl rubbing herself against his clothed bulge until he cums and makes a mess.
breeding; "i'll fuck a baby into you so you'll remember what a pathetic whore you are and who you belong to"
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nori-the-cat · 2 months
What does dating the RIIZE members feel like?
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With everything going on in the riizevile, I thought I should post something light-hearted and cute. Although there are many of these kinds of posts circulating, I'd like to add my own twist on this by adding tarot.
Remember: I don't know them personally. These are just interpretations based on tarot cards. The true nature of dating each member would depend on their true individual personalities.
☆ Shotaro (The Magician) The magician card was strong in this one. A relationship with him could feel exciting and full of surprises. He might be full of surprises and constantly have something interesting up his sleeve. He brings playful energy to the relationship, keeping things fresh and interesting.
He might be the type to surprise his partner (you) on their birthday or during anniversaries. The giggly and happy-go-lucky Shotaro you see on screen might be the Shotaro behind the screen. I think he is secretly attentive, so, surprising his partner is something he likes to do. He might get something you've been talking about or wanting to get, and then, BAM! comes your birthday and he got it for you as a surprise. My assumption is that he likes to see them smile and he appreciates a good "Aw, thank you, babe".
☆ Eunseok (The Page of Wands, The World, and The Empress) Eunseok is a "little" hard to read. He is clear as day but is also full of surprises. You will not know what is going on in his brain. He is unexpectedly full of surprises. I admit he is a bit of a wild card.
In some ways, he is a little similar to Shotaro. Dating Eunseok could be exciting and full of life. He might be impulsive and bring a fun, light-hearted vibe to the relationship. I say could because he gives off a serious vibe to me, but he can still poke fun at his partner (you), throw playful/sarcastic remarks, and banter with him is fun.
He might be the boyfriend who unexpectedly brings/invites you to a board game cafe, cat cafe, dog cafe, park, or late-night food adventure. Your reaction would be something like this, "Huh? Now?" and he would nonchalantly say "Yeah, now" with a shrug.
He could be the type to make you become the centre of his world once he’s down for you. Similar to Sungchan, Eunseok is also someone who values personal growth. But he focuses on inner work. So for him a relationship is about a journey of self-discovery and shared growth. Filled with surprises and tricks up his sleeve, Eunseok is a weird yet romantic guy.
Another thing about Eunseok is that he might be a nurturing and supportive person. He is a softie at heart. Behind that mischief of his, he can provide emotional warmth and stability to his partner (you) making you feel cherished and cared for.
☆ Sungchan (Strength, The Star, and The Wheel of Fortune) With Sungchan, you might find a relationship built on stability. He could be the kind of partner who provides constant encouragement and is always dependable. He is the guy who would drop everything when you need help. I think Sungchan is reliable and Sohee thinks so too.
I know I said this is a tarot reading, but Sungchan is such a Virgo. He also has his Venus in Leo. Being needed and then complimented will make him smile from ear to ear.
Dating him will make you feel like you're bettering yourself. So you might need to be on your toes! He will help you become a better person while still showing you support and becoming a shoulder to lean on. Definitely the type of guy who wants to see his partner (you) succeed.
Do you want to lose weight and become healthier? He will make you go to the gym with him. Do you want to become a better person? He will buy books about self-development for you. Do you want to have new hobbies? He will try it out with you.
Sungchan is like your life coach (not in a bad way). Additionally, I also think this is because he is continuously bettering himself, so he expects a partner who is more or less just like him. He is someone who is a little spontaneous but with a plan.
☆ Wonbin (The Hierophant and The Wheel of Fortune) His was unexpected. I thought he would be into the non-stereotypical relationship dynamic. The type to does not mind if the girl leads, but he does mind. He turns out to be quite traditional and grounded.
In a relationship, Wonbin is a bit unpredictable. Definitely not like Shotaro, Eunseok, or Sungchan. These three are spontaneous and full of surprises for different reasons. But Wonbin isn’t like them. He is unpredictable in a way that makes the relationship fun, interesting, and exciting for him. Being with him might make someone feel they’re in a constant change.
I think he might also prefer to be the provider or the one who wears the pants in the relationship. Might I say, the decision maker too. He is also loyal and respectful. But, he expects you to do the same. If you don't do the same, it would make him have second thoughts about his partner (you). Hence, for him creating a sense of security and stability in a partnership is important.
Yeah, this is why I think he’s unpredictable. You just need to follow his lead. Just imagine the actual wheel of fortune, whatever you land on is what you get. That’s how it is with Wonbin.
☆ Seunghan (The High Priestess, The Emperor, and Strength) Being with Seunghan could feel like it’s your anniversary everyday. He might be the kind of guy who listens really well and cares a lot about having a strong emotional bond with his partner (you). He would make you feel super special by showing you his unwavering focus and attention.
If any of you guys watch his fan sign video call videos, he is exactly like that. He engages and communicates with his fans. He might be the type to actually do that to his partner (you).
I, personally, think there is no hiding for Seunghan. He is straightforward with his feelings, emotions, and love for his partner (you). Have you seen how he dotes on Sohee? He is pretty much like that with his partner (you). He wants his partner (you) to feel loved.
I also think this stems from his desire to keep a peaceful relationship or a harmonious dynamic. He has Libra placements in his Sun and Venus. For him, listening to his partner and catering to them is his way of keeping the relationship peaceful. So, do not worry if you argue with him. He will prioritise making you happy.
☆ Sohee (The Sun and Temperance) Dating Sohee could feel like sunshine and laughter! He might be the kind of guy who brings happiness and fun to the relationship, making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. For reference, I did a tarot reading on him as your boyfriend.
Anyway, he is someone who doesn't take things too seriously (in a good way). He is pretty much optimistic about life.
As your partner, he might secretly admit he is proud to have you as his significant other. He would also show his love warmly by playfully throwing jokes at you just to see you smile.
For Sohee, a relationship is a mutual bond between two people. Unlike Seunghan whose main focus is his partner’s happiness. Sohee thinks a relationship is when two people are happy together.
A little similar to Seunghan, he also craves harmony in a relationship, but his focus is on balancing the dynamic between the love. He might prioritise finding a balance between his partner’s (you) needs and his, fostering a relationship built on compromises and understanding.
Lucky for you! His smile is contagious, so fighting/arguing with him will make you admit defeat because of how sweet his smile can be.
More or less, this relationship will be built on humour, balance, and friendship.
I'd say Sohee is a mixture of Shotaro, Eunseok, Sungchan and Seunghan. Though he likes surprises like Shotaro and Eunseok, because he will make things fun. But is also pretty serious like Sungchan. He also have similar thoughts on relationships like Seunghan does.
To Sohee, a relationship might be based on two things and that is communication and trust. Hence, for the relationship to be positive, he expects two-way communication and trust. He thinks it takes two to tango.
Imagine this, the sun shines its light on everything and that is Sohee. A relationship with Sohee will be filled with warmth, joy, and laughter. He is sweet, considerate, and playful. (SIGH. He is my bias. I want to date him too.)
☆ Anton (The Moon, The Knight of Wands, and The Emperor) Shy and reserved Anton. He is just like how he portrays himself on screen.
My reaction while doing his reading? "Aw! How cute!" Another friends-to-lovers trope. He is a little bit like Sohee.
However, going out with Anton could be like a puzzle! At first, he might seem a little shy, but as you get to know him, you could discover a whole new side to him – deep and interesting. It could keep things exciting!
A disclaimer, it might take years to figure him out. I think it's best to get to know him as a friend rather than going for a confession. That might intimidate him.
Anton is someone worth getting to know. He might not be an open book at first, but the effort of getting to know him could be rewarding. Hence, I do think it's better to be his friend first. He might have interesting hobbies, thoughts, or experiences that he doesn't reveal right away.
As you engage in conversation and share experiences, he'll likely become more comfortable opening up. You'll constantly be learning new things about him, which can prevent things from getting stale. He's like that big bag of his that he carries everywhere, filled with surprises.
Once you get to know him, being with Anton feels like having a reliable and dependable partner. He might be someone who takes charge and provides a sense of security in the relationship.
He is passionate and energetic. He is a little similar to Eunseok. He might be spontaneous and adventurous, keeping the relationship dynamic and full of surprises. So, expect a planned yet unplanned dates.
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astroyongie · 5 months
Enhypen January 2024 Reading
note: please take it lightly
Love: he is currently single and it does seem like Heeseung has once more lived a dissapoitment in love after his current crush as rejected his confession. He regrets a lot having done this confession (it was to a non idol working in their company) 
Career: he is very disappointed as well with his current career. I think heeseung is very stressed and he suffers a lot form anxiety due to all the work that is put on them. He feels overwhelmed and he doesnt know how to deal with all the fear he has toward his career 
Self: despite all, he tries his best to keep moving forward. Heeseung seem to like wanting to keep a strong personality in from of others and show no weakness 
Love: single at the moment, Jay isnt seeking for love since he just came out from a relationship very recently. Whatever this was about, It kind of annoyed him to this story not to last (but at the same time it seem like it was his decision to terminate things) 
Career: he too, like Heeseung feels very pressured by his career and by what the company demands on him. His schedules and hard work are defintily affecting his physical health. I feel like he is very tired and overworked 
Self: he is trying to recover from this dark period that had been lingering around his head. Jay is trying to be strong as a person and move forward with things 
Love: he is equally single. I feel Jake had been trying to get in a relationship with someone since August but that the person refused his advances which have left him frustrated. At the moment he his withdrawing from the love affairs 
Career: like he is happy with his idol situation, he likes what he does and he is enjoying what his work has been giving him so far. Yet I feel like Jake isnt totally satisfied and that he seeks to do more than what he has been doing so far (probably seeking outside opportunities other than with enhypen) 
Self: he is on a very dark side of wealth and fame to be honest. Here it seems like he has become a little bit too attached to money and the power that it gives him to do whatever he wants without being punished by it or judged 
Love: He is dating someone and what it is intersting to see, is that Sunghoon might be leaving some clues behind him about the person he is currently seeing. I also feel that this is an idol 
Career: he feels like the company are doing a terrible job at managing the group. Sunghoon feels like he has too many schedules to attend, many opportunities to work on yet everything is disorganized and he feels over committed by the company and his sponsors 
Self: he is very focused on his career at the moment and also on his image and what hes shows to the public. I believe that Sunghoon has been focusing a lot lately on changing his idol image and showing something more mature 
Love: if he was in a relationship before, he isnt anymore as he had a huge conflict with his partner which provoked them to break apart. They disagreed a lot on things and they didn’t had the same goals for what they wanted the relationship to be. Their relationship ended in bad terms 
Career: Sunoo have been having some extra opportunities when it comes to his career and one should expect him to shine brighter this year thanks to the work his company and his sponsor are putting behind him 
Self: he feels okay, he feels more in touched with his emotions and with what is happening around him. Sunoo has been taking decisions with his heart more than his head 
Love: he is currently single and quite bored about it. It feels like Jungwon is longing to be in a relationship again but he havent found anyone that could take that spot. He is needing love and yet being very lazy about searching 
Career: he is trying to take a lower profile on the group. I feel like Jungwon has no wish to take decisions for the group, he doesnt want to be in the spotlight. Almost like the “filler” member is what he is seeking 
Self: Jungwon is someone very ambitious and he thrives for success. Just music success might be just a path he choose to take to later change (perhaps acting?)
Love: he is very successful with girls around him. I believe that Niki is still single yet he doesnt stop himself to enjoy the company of people whenever he has the opportunity to do so 
Career: expect niki to have a lot more solo opportunities this year that he had previously. Either they are for solo music stuff, for acting/mcs or shoots/marketing. He is booked and sponsors are trying to snatch him 
Self: he has been a little bit cold and too upfront with one of his members. This might have generated a few conflicts with one member because he often loses his chill self lately.
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leixo-demo · 8 months
I heard you take drawing prompts? How about Harmony just kinda chilling?
Yeah sure, but in this house of splatbands we call her Paruko, Cod bless.
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headcanon of the day, Paruko enjoys tarot cards and enjoys readings, she really enjoys the paranormal and has a lot of witch material on her apartment. She can even read your future with pokemon cards
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highesthealer · 1 month
Which members would fall for the same person
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based on astrology and tarot
Heeseung, Jay and Ni-Ki
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The standards of these guys change more often than others. They like something unforgettable because they can give the same. They tend to be in relationships with famous people or just creative individuals.
Sunghoon, Sunoo and Jungwon
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They like emotionally strong people they can turn to and work out problems together. They are sensitive, so they see one picture of a person who is their comfort zone. They love to observe people who are on the side of justice. In general, serious but kind people are their type.
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He will not allow anyone to have his partner. He has his own criteria that he follows and looks for in people. Jake takes a long time to get to know people, so he decides when and where to take the initiative.
Ask any questions!
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themoonistalkingtou · 3 months
☆ Tarot (random) Headcanons:
(this is just for fun!)
The empress and the high priestess are BESTIES, idk.. they just are- I feel like they hang out and are going to have tea somewhere cutie patootie
The magician is hot !!!
The moon is fuckin' scary-
The page of cups- he's a gay man/them. (My gay radar say it)
The Lovers give me weird vibes- i don't know...
The emperor is also hot- hear me out please...
The nine of pentacles is a baddie
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powderblueblood · 5 months
eddie brings you to the fortune teller at the county fair even if you think it's a grift. "it's just cold reading, eddie, there's no way some kook with a bunch of picture cards can predict the future." now, he believes in it too much to EVER think that, but he'd never admit it. he's like "c'mon baby it'll be FUNNY" when in reality he's standing outside the fortune teller's tent shitting himself as you get your cards read because if he's not in your future or vice versa he'll fucking alter fabric of reality and punch fate in the dick. you're welcome
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starwell-tarot · 1 year
What are stans of different Ateez members like? A tarot reading ✨
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Hello peeps and atinys; I had this idea cross my mind one day, hmm I wonder what fans of a specific idol would be like. Would they take after the idol or be completely different?
I thought it would be a very interesting social experiment to do so I chose Ateez!
I asked three questions per member:
1. What are stans of (member) like in general?
2. What do stans of (member) have in common with each other?
3. What about (member)'s personally attracts his stans to stan him?
From what I've seen, i think they have a chance to at least a little bit accurate 😂 You guys will be the judges! Let me know who you stan and if it is accurate for you or not! It is an experiment after all, let's discuss and get to know each other better! 🖤
Disclaimer: This is for fun purposes only and should be treated as such. Tarot can absolutely be wrong.
TW: mentions of anxiety and insecurities
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Hongjoong stans: The rebels
How are Hongjoong stans like (in general) // the high priestess, the emperor R, VI of wands
Hongjoong stans are people who want to carry themselves in the world with pride. They want to showcase/ achieve confidence in who they are and also inspire others to do the same. Their power comes from within, from their self knowledge, from the fact that they know that things in the world cannot stop them from being themselves and living their own truth. They want to be the complete leaders of their own lives and not be afraid to speak up or stand out in a crowd.
What do Hongjoong stans have in common? // II of wands R
Hongjoong stans want to carve out their own path in life. They don't want to follow the norms or give in to what others want out of them when it comes to their life path.
What about Hongjoong's personality attracts Hongjoong stans? // Wheel of fortune, page of wands
Hongjoong stans love how he appears to be so fearless, so unafraid of failure, setbacks, opposition or hardship. One could say Hongjoong 'makes his own luck' with the way he shapes his reality to make the best out of it no matter what happens. All cycles in life can be reformed, rules can be rewritten, perspectives can be changed. Hongjoong strives to reform all those cycles and make this world a better place, and Hongjoong stans are highly thankful of that and want to follow in his lead and do the same.
Hongjoong stans might have prominent fire placements (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) in their natal chart.
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Seonghwa stans: Energetic angels
Also known as the ones who gave me way too many cards
How are Seonghwa stans like (in general) // The Star R
Seonghwa stans are gentle and pure beings. They are optimistic despite the circumstances in society or the hurt they've felt before, and believe in a better world yet to come. Their hopeful persona makes them shine out between their peers as having an almost healing-aura. They can be quite quirky and definitely love helping out people.
What do Seonghwa stans have in common? // VIII of Wands, Knight of Wands
Seonghwa stans are very determined and passionate people. They tend to get really fired up and excited over their likings and tasks, and put a lot of drive into whatever they do. Sometimes they can become quite hyperfocused, even. They might also have a tendency to make impulsive decisions and make it their mission to learn self control throughout their lives.
What about Seonghwa's personality attracts Seonghwa stans? // Death R, King of Pentacles R, III of Swords R
Seonghwa reminds his stans that every single new day is a new beginning. And that new day, can always be turned around to something positive, wether it is a productive day or a day of healing. I get the message that Seonghwa heals people's inner child, actually. His balance of being a responsible, productive adult and a pure hearted boy who loves his Lego and friends, it makes people feel reassured. You can be both, you don't need to kill off parts of yourself to be proper or successful. The inner child is scared they will always be stressed and tired - but Seonghwa reassures them it doesn't have to be that way, he takes them gently by the hand and allows them to play around and get excited again.
I'm not crying you're crying, wHat
Seonghwa stans might have very balanced natal charts in terms of the distribution of the 4 elements, but there is definitely clear mention of Aquarius, Scorpio, Aries, Sagittarius and Leo.
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Yunho stans: The ones with tense shoulders
How are Yunho stans like (in general) // The high priestess R
Yunho stans may have a very developed intuition, and they're observant and wise. Their intelligence guides them well in life, and they might also be very introspective, knowing themselves well and being in touch or aware of their thoughts/feelings. That  makes them very grounded and self sufficient, their power comes from within and the connection they have with themselves. They might also have an interest towards mysteries, the occult or spirituality, perhaps they're psychics or witches.
What do Yunho stans have in common? // Knight of pentacles R
Yunho stans are diligent, cautious and responsible. They're the types to really think things through before saying/doing anything, weighting their options carefully so that they don't end up in risky or detrimental situations. However, sometimes when weighting options they discover none of them are actually satisfactory for them, so they often look for loopholes, therefore making them a bit rebellious too even if it looks like they always play by the rules. Also might be prone to procrastination, missing the initial push of going through with something because their minds are racing to find the perfect way to do something.
What about Yunho's personality attracts Yunho stans? // X of pentacles & king of pentacles
They admire Yunho's ability to look spontane and carefree. Perhaps he isn't fully like that on the inside, but on the outside Yunho looks to be such a loving, optimistic person who can be content with life. He gives off the vibe that everything and anything can be handled when the time arises and that there's always a way for things to be okay. That is very comforting to Yunho stans, who might struggle with going with the flow or letting things be out of their control.
Yunho stans might have prominent earth placements in their natal charts (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).
I'm a Yunho stan and this is hella accurate for me
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Yeosang stans: the truth seekers
What are Yeosang stans like (in general) // The Tower R
Yeosang stans are honest and straightforward with their expression. If they don't like something, they express it. Likely to be opinionated (in a good way) and go getters. They are driven and motivated, and even if they might not realize it, very tough and resilient. Even if they are afraid of facing failure, they still persue their goals and desires with genuinity.
What do Yeosang stans have in common? // Ace of Swords R
Yeosang stans might feel confused or anxious very often. They have many ideas, and like I mentioned previously they have a fear of failure and it's making them insecure about the best way to approach things. Both skeptical and curious, Yeosang stans question everything all the time - their own morals, beliefs, society's as well. Finding the answers to all these questions tends to overwhelm them and make them overthink, or stop them from even making a decision at all.
What about Yeosang's personality attracts Yeosang stans? //  IX of Cups
They love how he isn't afraid to voice out his dissatisfaction. Yeosang is known to be quite the truth spitting Queen, and Yeosang stans absolutely adore that. They love his humour and the way he knows his own worth. They probably find him very like-minded to themselves.
Yeosang stans might have prominent Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius, Libra and Pisces in their natal chart.
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San stans: the emotion swimmers
What are San stans like (in general) // IX of Cups R, X of Pentacles
San stans are very emotional beings by nature. They don't care much about material things and probably all the things they do is for the better of their family. (That could also be friends or lovers of course, people close enough to consider your family.) They probably also prefer the indoors and conferable spaces and people. They tend to have a pretty thick protective bubble around themselves and might not open up easily to people. Afraid to get hurt, they want to protect their emotional welfare at all costs.
What do San stans have in common? // The hanged Man
San stans are probably very anxious about the way they are seen by others, and/or have a bad vision of themselves. They've often felt out of place or different in their lives and that has made them very self judgemental or self-condescending.
What about San's personality attracts San stans? // Ace of Cups R
They love how San is an endless overflowing fountain of love. Wether he's offering love outward to his family, friends or fans, or he's offering love to himself through self-love, San is always so loving. He's so comfortable with the feeling and so unafraid of it, it baffles San stans. Love is San's biggest strength, and San stans often need some of that strength. There's a mutual exchange of love and strength and hearts beat a bit happier.
Wow I'm corny
San stans might have predominant water placements (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) in their natal charts.
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Mingi stans: the badasses
What are Mingi stans like (in general) // Queen of Swords
Mingi stans are quite tough and resilient people. They are fighters, not afraid to get their hands dirty. Independent and self-reliant, they constantly search for more wisdom to help them out in life, too. In some cases, they can even be grumpy cats, but for the most part I would call them realists.
What do Mingi stans have in common? // Knight of Cups
Mingi stans chase after real feelings and real connections. Their feelings and thoughts run very deep and they can't stand being shallow about anything. Due to their intelligence and devotion, their dreams are never too far away. They follow their heart with grace and know how to make decisions that will lead them to live a fulfilling life. They're romantic and charming.
oMg sexy beasts hello
What about Mingi's personality attracts Mingi stans? // The Hanged Man R, IX of Pentacles R, Queen of Pentacles R
Mingi stans appreciate how different Mingi is. He's unique in their eyes, and they love listening to the views he has about the world. It feels eye opening to them. Mingi also just .. melts their hearts. Perhaps Mingi stans usually strive to be in control, tough and pokerface, but they can't do that when it comes to Mingi. Their hearts go badum and they get heart eyes. He warms them up on any cold day.  They want to protect him at all costs and shower him with affection. 
Mingi stans might have a pretty balanced natal chart of air, water and earth.
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Wooyoung stans: the loving wild cats
How are Wooyoung stans like (in general) // Judgement
Wooyoung stans are open minded philosophers and fearless explorers. They view life kinda like a journey, of ups and downs which can teach you many important lessons. They could probably write a novel of all the important life lessons they've lived that they keep close to their mind. And they're always open for more, more experiences, more knowledge and adventure. They are also likely to be oriented towards social justice, and be very keen on enforcing good morals and getting rid of closed-mindedness in the world.
What do Wooyoung stans have in common? // King of cups
Wether they are introverted or extroverted, Wooyoung stans actually love spending time with people. If they're not popular and with a lively group of friends, they surely have those few people they love to the moon and back and wouldn't mind spending all day with. Wooyoung stans know how to gracefully receive the gifts of love given to them by their community or close circle, and they're friendly and empathic too, in return. But sometimes, they might wear their heart on their sleeve without realizing.
What about Wooyoung's personality attracts Wooyoung stans? // Strength R
They love his wild and untamed nature. They love how he isn't afraid to show off his true colors all the time. The raw honesty of his personality, wether it's something socially accepted or something seen as weird, is very attractive to Wooyoung stans. They admire it and probably aspire to have such courage of expression, too.
Wooyoung stans might have prominent Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer or Leo in their natal chart.
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Jongho stans: The champions
How are Jongho stans like (in general) // Knight of Sowrds R
Jongho stans are absolute warriors. They are headstrong and courageous, their intelligence aiding them greatly in powering through any obstacle and overcoming any challenge. They are oriented towards fighting for justice and love spreading words of encouragement to their peers.
What do Jongho stans have in common? // IX of Pentacles R, Queen of Wands
Jongho stans are honest and genuine. Despite their strong will and courage, they are not reckless or chaotic, they are actually quite calm and down to earth. But they do know when you fire up, and stand their ground. Their confidence and fierceness makes them very charismatic in the eyes of many.
What about Jongho's personality attracts Jongho stans? // II of Pentacles R
They appreciate how Jongho picks his own fights. He puts upmost priority of what and whom is important to him, and zones in on that. He's always concerned with being the best at what he does, (aka in his preferred domain) he doesn't try to be the best at things that don't concern him. He sets his priorities tight. Plus, Jongho stans find him very motivating and empowering. He puts fuel on their fire, puts gas in their tank. To them, he's living proof that nothing is impossible if you have the drive to do it.
Jongho stans have predominant air and fire placements in their natal charts.
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I thought this to be so interesting. For most, it turned out the stans were really similar to the idol, but then Mingi and Yunho... LMAO. It's cool there's some ying yang energy in there too!
Thank you for reading and let's discuss!
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cheolsfae · 3 months
☾ Enhypen: Future Spouse's as songs
I was going through my requests and deleting repeats of ones that are on the wips list, and I accidently deleted the original request! So this one is for you anon!
I'm really exposing my taste in music here. Embarrassing, lmao
*Disclaimer: just for fun!*
Jungwon's - War of Hearts - Ruelle
"Come to me in the night hours, I will wait for you...I know that I'd die without you. I can't help but be wrong in the dark cause I'm overcome with war of hearts"
They could end up having a lot of issues going on in the relationship. They both could feel like they aren't sure where they ultimately want this to go. It could come to a fork in the road at some point. A pros and cons list might be made. Generally, if you have to make a pros and cons list, it's better to end things, but I don't know. We will see what happens.
Jake's - Training Wheels - Melanie Martinez
"Letting go, letting go, telling you things you already. I explode, I explode, asking you where you want us to go"
So because I suspect this is his Twin flame (as suggested in other readings I've done for him), they could end up fighting a whole hell of a lot. They both have a lot of things to work on. More internal work is needed.
Jay's - Love Somebody Else - George Ezra
"Love somebody else cause I'm giving up on myself. And I bought an old Mercedes and drove it down the motorway. And on every inch of that car, babe, I spray-painted your name. I took a lighter from my pocket, set it up in flames... is there anybody out there in the silence? Give me a sign let me know that you're there."
Why are they all so angsty? Lmao, anyway, again another rough patch. Could be a little bit over dramatic, but not completely sure. Someone could be.
Heeseung's - You Were Beautiful - Day6
(Looked up the English Lyrics) "Every time I got out of bed to (Oh, no). Start my days when I would hear you (Oh-oh-oh). And with a tired yawn, you'd tell me that you loved me, I'll be fine. And that's what got me through the day, alright"
So, this tells me he really is going to rely on this person just to get through some days. Sometimes you just need someone. Sometimes just a simple I love you is enough to keep going and I feel like that's the kind of person he needs.
Seonwoo's - Cure - The Rose
"Let the rain fall and wash away. To find a way to heal the world, without a single word, recover us"
They have a very healing energy towards one another. They might end up healing each other's childhood wounds. They might be really positive influences on one another.
Ni-ki's - A Thousand Years - Christina Perri
"Time stands still, beauty in all she is. I will be brave, I will not let anything take away what's standing in front of me"
This man is so into who ever his future spouse is! I absolutely love it! He's willing to go to the ends of the earth for this person and its so adorable. He's a little dude who wants a little dude(tte). Wholesome wholesome wholesome. They are both down bad for each other.
Sunghoon's - Who Makes you Feel - Dido
"Who touches and holds you quite like I do? Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel? Who loves you and knows you the way I do?"
His have been a little much! This is the PG version because this song...his person might be a Scorpio or have it in their big 3. Anyway, they feel like they know how this person is. They know each other like the back of their hand.
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sugaringcozy · 6 months
Donghyuck/Haechan Natal Chart Reading - Part 3: Childhood and Education
☁️ This natal chart reading is for entertainment purposes and this is just my perspective. Take this with a grain of salt.
☁️ My intention from this reading is just to understand Donghyuck better and appreciate the person he is, where any sensitive topics come up I do not claim to know them as fact or wish to speculate.
☁️ This idol has given two different birth times, 10am and 6pm. This reading is based of his 6pm Natal Chart as I am not sure which birth time was given more recently and this chart seems more accurate to me.
Please do not copy my work and credit me if referencing!
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🪐Neptune in 3rd House is a very interesting placement and there is a lot to cover here. 3rd house can suggest a lot about your childhood and early education. What I have picked up with the Neptune ruling third house is that Donghyuck was probably very imaginative and spent a lot of time daydreaming as a child, which is encouraged by the Aquarius placement as this is a naturally imaginative sign. Likely had a lot of ideas and was clumsy due to his mind being elsewhere. Can suggest anxiety in childhood - either in the child themselves or in circumstances which caused the child to worry excessively. For Haechan I imagine this would have been a result of being left with his grandparents as the eldest of 4. He likely felt a lot of uncertainty and insecurity around his family situation. Third House Neptune in Aquarius also suggests distance from your parents growing up. Neptune in the third house also suggests a parent was absent from your life during childhood, which we know was true. When Aquarius is in the third house, these adults tend to like to distance themselves from their childhood and as such Donghyuck likely prefers not to think about that period of his life. Donghyuck would have learned a lot through play, imaginative games and socialising with other kids. This placement also has a tendency to concentrate heavily or not at all. This house is on the Pisces cusp so Haechan would have learned best with no distractions. Neptune also rules dance, music and acting so Haechan is naturally talented in these areas and would have been drawn to them since he was little and started dance classes young. 🎭
👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 3rd House can give some insight on childhood as well as sibling relationships growing up - in Capricorn this represents being the responsible sibling, could have “parented” other siblings or feels a need to protect them. Capricorn in 3rd also shows the importance of the native to their family - Donghyuck is a main authority in his family and has caused a big shift in dynamic - which could of course be the fact that Donghyuck has brought a large amount of wealth to his family through his career.
🦁 9th House is always interesting as it can tell you about someone’s father and their relationship. A Leo Moon in 9th House suggests a father who is creatively inclined, proud, brave, dominant and hard-working. Hyuck likely has a good relationship with him and regards him very well, although a theme of independence also comes up with this placement. To me it makes sense as Donghyuck has lived most of his life away from his Dad, but clearly admires him and his sacrifices for their family. You also inherit certain traits from your father - the fact Leo is his Moon would indicate Hyuck has inherited many of his father’s mental traits - his bravery, his fire-like passion, and likely his creative talents too - I think Donghyuck mentioned in ‘Lost Boys’ that his parents met while they were working as musicians.
☀️ Donghyuck’s Gemini Sun and Mars Conjunction tells us more about his father, as Sun represents father and Mars represents warrior - so often this combination can suggest a father who ‘fights’ for a living, like being a fire-fighter, soldier etc or it can be a father who is very warrior-like - fierce and courageous, leading his family through difficulty. Often these fathers are also strict and have high standards for their children.
✨ Square between Jupiter and Uranus can signify an inner conflict between having a very busy career and spending time with family - Donghyuck is likely hyper aware of all the important moments he has missed due to being so busy, and feels a sense of guilt about it :(
✨ Opposition between Gemini Sun and Sagittarius Pluto Opposition - People with this placement are very sensitive to criticism. Also shows a deep fear of losing people, and maybe a fear of losing control. For Donghyuck I think this stems from his childhood, which as we now know had multiple losses and large adjustments. He must have missed his parents terribly and this may have impacted upon his sense of security as an adult.
✨ Opposition between Saturn and Ascendant/Saturn Setting - A negative aspect here, symbolising that as a child he may have felt lonely, worried or struggled with loss/abandonment. As an adult this can make you doubt yourself or fear close relationships unless you are met with lots of self-confidence and stability. It could also mean he has avoided romantic relationships despite many offers because he has had to overcome feelings of unworthiness. However Haechan has allowed himself to gain a new family in NCT, and his closeness with the members certainly suggests he is not isolating himself. It could be that he has worked through this trauma already, or that he is in the process of it. His childhood has also made him a very resilient and tough person - these natives are very reliable and easy to trust.
🐻 Uranus in 3rd House - This placement is associated with geniuses who can only really focus on what interests them, so it's quite likely Donghyuck would have performed less well in some classes and excelled in Music & Drama class. Probably got in trouble for pranks, and could have been teased by other children. Interestingly this house yet again points to an unusual upbringing. Being the oldest of four, and being raised by his grandparents due to his parents working away must have put some weight on Donghyuck’s shoulders. It signifies a feeling of responsibility or often being the child in trouble (either through his mischief or being the oldest). Haechan also feels very protective of his family’s privacy.
⛵ Square between Uranus & Ascendant - This placement seems to suggest big changes in someone’s early life which cause them to lack roots or a predetermined identity - basically, they aren't given much of a secure/fixed identity. Usually it manifests as moving a lot as a child or other big changes in childhood which prevent you from putting down roots and having a strong sense of who you are. This is very interesting because there was a lot of upheaval and adjustment periods in Donghyuck’s childhood, and things got even crazier when he debuted in SM rookies at 14, essentially ending any normal/private teenage years he otherwise would have had.
🗡️ Chiron & Pluto Sagittarius in 1st House in Retrograde - Signifies that his deepest wound is from early life and being in 1st house, it was quite core in making him who he is. Being in retrograde means that Donghyuck’s pain is internalised, and he is less likely to verbalise it. The Sagittarius element reveals that Donghyuck experienced pain or loss when developing his core beliefs/sense of stability and identity. Can make it hard for him to truly believe in anything and know who he identifies with. There is a need for finding meaning in life and to put down roots as he feels lost and unstable. Having a religious faith is likely very helpful to him. Chiron in 1st house can also bring about self-consciousness about your body/looks, which could have stemmed from ways he was treated in childhood. Because it is in the 1st house, this pain is visible to others around him; the people who know him are aware of the walls he puts up, his self-image issues and know he doesn't verbalise all of his feelings. Along with his Leo Moon I again think this means Hyuck prefers to ‘show’ his feelings rather than talk about them, and needs people around him who can understand and comfort/reassure him without needing him to verbalise his insecurities. 
🏰 Midheaven in Virgo - 10th House cusp, Scorpio Rising/Ascendant - Donghyuck will guard his private life very closely, and issues can occur if the people around him don't consider his privacy as important as he does. This is especially true for the privacy of his family.
🌊♀️ Pisces in 4th House - 4th House can symbolise relationship with Mom and how the native sees them - for Donghyuck, this is a Mom who is creative, free-spirited, good-hearted and had to sacrifice a lot while raising her children. Speaks of a Karmic past-life bond with his Mom. ❤️ So cute. Through his mother, Donghyuck has learned unconditional love, loss and sacrifice. 4th House also speaks of childhood generally - Pisces is a childhood in which one or both parents were absent either physically or emotionally. A lot of adults with this placement tend to struggle with emotional processing, which I think is the case here as well. It can also manifest as an adult seeking love from people who do not love them. Often adults with mutable 4th houses find it hard to talk about their childhoods and again are very private and protective of themselves, which seems to be the case with Donghyuck, combined with his Scorpio Ascendant. Pisces in 4th is often a childhood where someone had to learn to care for themselves at a young age and ‘grow up’ quickly. However, I think this is talking about Hyuck moving back to Seoul at 12 years old to become a trainee, rather than about his family.
💘 His Leo Moon and Sagittarius Pluto Trine shows an especially deep relationship with female relatives. One woman in particular will have a profound impact on Donghyuck’s life and he will learn and grow so much through her despite early difficulties. I want to say it’s a soul bond, and with the Pisces 4th house I believe this is referring to his Mom :,) 🤍
👶 North Node in Cancer 8th House & South Node in Capricorn 2nd House - Haechan will dream of creating his own happy family. This is so cute because we obviously know how much he wants to be a Dad one day to show his child “a father’s love.”
Thank you for reading, I hope this was interesting! ☁️ 💖
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autumna-potentia · 1 year
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Galaxy is the kind of gal to make only one hot choco cup so she'd have an excuse to kiss you when you ask to get a taste or a cup for yourself
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403tarot · 8 months
a querent of mine purchased one question about how is mingyu in sex and i just finished it now ! i couldn't help but post this so here it is 🫣 this is purely tarot based. take it lightly and enjoy !
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he's pretty simple, nothing that deviates much from what's expected
he likes to take control, naturally assuming the position of giving orders or deciding how things will unfold during sex
mingyu enjoys giving more than receiving so he's open to trying other dynamics if his partner is interested
he likes curves; big boobs, thick thighs and a tiny waist
mingyu likes lingerie, especially white and revealing ones
he gets aroused when the girl he's with acts innocent, shy or like a virgin, but he also likes a girl with attitude, so there are these two spectrums
may like girls who don't easily submit to him and who's a bit of a brat because he might find it fun to make them challenge him and end up doing what he wants, letting him take charge
might like to fuck under the blanket and grab his girls' wrists to hold them above their heads while he fucks them... mingyu has big hands, right? he likes to take advantage of this to hold their wrists with just one hand
depends on the type of girl he's with but he likes to be rude with his words
talks dirty without being ashamed and likes people who aren't embarrassed by it either
he has such a good stamina so mingyu likes to fuck several times so... he prefers girls who are kinda thirsty/desperate for dick and who like to ask for more
he doesn't have many kinks, not specifically
he likes girls who show off for him. one thing that drives him crazy seeing his whore masturbating for him to see while moaning his name
prefers to fuck without a condom... could this be considered a kink?
mingyu likes to give slaps but that kind of slap that makes more pop than pain yk... he's a normal one...
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nori-the-cat · 1 month
RIIZE Anton Lee as a Boyfriend
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Disclaimer: This is a general interpretation based on the tarot cards drawn. It's for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered a definitive statement about Anton's personality or life choices.
Let's start with how Anton would approach someone he likes.
How would Anton approach someone he likes?
Cards: the hermit, the lovers, the chariot, five of wands, and knight of swords.
Anton is a private person. Doing this reading took me several tries. Is he now okay with me doing this reading and posting it? Yes.
The hermit card in this reading might imply that in the past Anton was cautious with how he approached love or romance (the hermit). Perhaps his career and personal growth took priority in the past, with little focus on relationships due to the demands of training and debuting. This doesn't necessarily mean he was isolated or lonely, but his dedication to his dream and ambition likely took up a significant amount of his time and energy.
He really wants to find a special someone and is ready to go for it. He's all about soulmates and just wants to be with someone who he can really connect with emotionally. That's why the Lovers card showed up in the reading.
Now, I'm not sure if this is because he sees how his parents love each other or if he developed this mindset during his teenage years. But, it feels like to Anton is secretly into the whole soulmate thing.
Maybe he's also into someone who he can feel that they're gonna be in it with him for the long ride. So, someone who is a ride or die for him.
With the chariot card, once Anton is sure he likes someone he bravely and confidently approaches them. Unlike in the past, he was shy and cautious. He is likely braver now. He might approach the person he likes by initiating a playful conversation or a light and flirty compliment. He would even strike a conversation with them
Our Anton is a grown-up now *teary eyes*
Sometimes, he gets a bit shy and it can make it hard for him to talk to someone he likes. When he wants to approach them, he might take a deep breath first because he's not sure if they'll like him back. It's like he's second-guessing himself and worrying about getting rejected (five of wands).
At the end of the day, Anton still has to express himself confidently (the knight of wands). He will likely overcome any initial shyness and approach with confidence, possibly even a bit of playful remarks that captures the other person's attention.
Now, how would he confess to someone he likes. Aren't you curious?
So, how would he confess?
Cards: the empress, three of cups, and the star.
This guy is emotionally in tune with himself and emotionally intelligent too.
When Anton confesses his feelings. He is the type to really want to open up to the person he likes and he would share his true feelings. He's also someone who prioritises strong emotional connection and believes that being honest and vulnerable is the way to convey his true feelings (the empress).
The three of cups suggests or is telling me that he would choose the right time to confess. He might choose a light-hearted environment for his confession to take place.
I think he'd plan a fun activity that he would share with the person he likes or wait for a special occasion. He wants the atmosphere to feel positive and uplifting.
With the star card, Anton is hopeful that by confessing his feelings to someone he likes, it could be the start of a new chapter and hopes his confession will be the start of something special.
Then, what is he like when you're his partner?
In a relationship, what is Anton like as a boyfriend?
Cards: the lovers, five of wands, knight of cups, the hermit, and ten of pentacles.
The cards paint a picture of Anton as a boyfriend who is both passionate and introspective. He is likely to be someone who values deep connection and strives for a balanced partnership (The Lovers).
However, there might be occasional disagreements or clashes (Five of Wands). Despite this, Anton seems to be a romantic and affectionate partner, always expressing his feelings (Knight of Cups).
The Hermit suggests that while Anton is all in for the relationship, he might need some personal space to process his emotions and maintain a sense of self (The Hermit).
Finally, the Ten of Pentacles might imply that Anton is likely looking for a committed and long-lasting relationship, someone to build a future with.
Imagine you and Anton are planning a weekend getaway. You're both excited, but you disagree on the destination - you prefer a relaxing beach trip, while Anton is set on an adventurous camping trip. This disagreement might lead to a minor argument (Five of Wands). However, Anton, with his romantic charm (Knight of Cups), might suggest a compromise - a cabin by the lake that offers both relaxation and outdoor activities. After the trip, you might notice Anton needing some alone time to reflect on the experience (The Hermit). This doesn't mean he's not interested, it's just his way of processing things.
Overall, Anton seems like a boyfriend who is invested in the relationship, seeks balance and connection (The Lovers), and is looking for a long-term commitment (Ten of Pentacles).
Wonder how Anton would express his love?
Let's find out.
How would Anton express his love?
Cards: the lovers, seven of pentacles, and knight of wands.
I'm even more convince that he learns how to love or about love in general from his parents, especially his dad. I think he grew up in a loving and nurturing home.
The combination of cards suggests Anton is someone romantic with a blend of passion and patience. He wouldn't be afraid to make grand romantic gestures (Knight of Wands) but would also put in the effort to nurture the relationship (Seven of Pentacles).
Imagine a scenario where Anton surprises his partner (you) with a handwritten song (Knight of Wands) after spending weeks perfecting it (Seven of Pentacles). The Lovers card hints that Anton's love would be a conscious choice, a deep commitment rather than a fleeting passion.
He doesn't play around ladies and gents.
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I'm keeping this reading short, simple, and sweet because that's all I got from him.
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Channelled songs:
I've been watching Hospital Playlist lately and the songs below just so happen to fit this reading and Anton's energy.
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This reading was requested by user @pinkmetallics
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astroyongie · 2 months
Stray Kids April Reading 2024
note: please take my words with a grain of salt
Love: It does look like Chan was able to get closer to his crush and that things have been developing so far, however there’s still a lot of miscommunication and not enough emotional connection between the two. Chan might be trying too hard as well, and not listening to his crush's need before engaging themselves in a possible relationship. it feels like his crush isn't in a relationship anymore and be might the reason why 
Career: there’s a lot happening in their career, either the preparation of new music, preparations for new tours, ect that is putting Chan in a more complicated position because he lacks some foresight in some situations. he has been having a hard time adjusting to everything that has been happening on his life. he also wants to stay o the same path instead of trying new things like some members have been asking for 
Self: he is doing okay, both physically and mentally. he has been working  a lot on his inner self and on his self worth and trust. At the moment he believes that he is able to conquer anything and despite these initial fears. Chan has also been turning more into faith when it comes to managing his fears of the unknown 
Love: Boy is frustrated as hell. I believe that he is still in a  relationship with their partner but that things haven't been the same since september. they haven't seen each other much outside of their work which also makes things complicated (due to the lack of time). His partner is also putting a lot of red light on Minho’s actions, which makes him hasty in a sense. there’s high chances the relationship won't work 
Career: at least in his work space things have been doing well and more healthy. Minho has been helping his teammates a lot and he has finally found a healthy way to cope with everything while being productive. he is also happy with how things are turning out of the group. he got especially close to the younger members 
Self: I still believe that he suffers a lot with his mental health (and his relationship also doesn't help him at all). he is in a vulnerable position emotionally and he gets easily overwhelmed and sensitive. there’s way too much grief he needs to work on 
Love: single as always, not looking for any relationship at the moment changbin is already battling against his own mind and his own self. He was however a lot of inner turmoils because it feel like he does have a crush on someone but he isn't exploiting it because he understands that he isn't on a good place to engage relationships 
Career: Things are complicated as well. I don't think Changbin has been having the best relationships with his teammates but also with the people he has been working with. That is because his relationships are usually filled with jealousy and sabotaging from other people and it has impacted a lot on his capacity of trusting people around him. I believe at the moment, the environment he is in and the career itself is the most toxic place for Changbin to be which is really sad
Self: without any surprise, hsi mental health hasn't improved. I sense some depressive energy around him, but also more of dark energy and thoughts surrounding him this probably linked to his work , his self worth and an overall burnout). JYP should pay more attention to him and allow him to rest
Love: Okay so lmao this is a huge thing but take it LIGHTLY!. It does seem like Hyunjin and his crush have finally parted ways. To prove his point hyunjin is currently seeing someone else (it looks like this person is an idol as well) and they have been trying to get something out of here. now in my opinion, he doesn't have feelings for this person but that is probably trying to move in by using this person while also showing his crush that “he doesn't need them”
Career: career wise things seem to be going well for him. one a first instance his relationship with the members seem to be going well and also his sponsor has been also to get him another exclusive contract (so there’s chances to see Hyunjin from April-June to travel somewhere for his endorsement or for some type of public appearance). he getting the bag and the connections 
Self: Despite all of it, I think Hyunjin is also in a dark place at the moment. Firstly because he is trying to portray himself as someone he isn't and also because he is using his wealth to protect himself and to create an image that doesn't suit him. but he is hungry for change in his life which is making him take reckless decisions 
Love: the relationship he had in September is finished now. things didn't work well and the co dependency was becoming toxic and his partner took the decision to call it quits. however Han is upset about it and isnt accepting the break up very well (he probably still is in denial about the whole thing as well)
Career: he has been feeling lonely lately. there’s a chance that Hna has been self isolating himself from the members and also has been procrastinating when it comes to work (like for example husband been writing his music or hasn't been contributing a lot artistically speaking) because he just isn't feeling the spark on it lately
Self: Emotionally there’s a lot happening and i think that Han needs to work on his emotions and also let go of things that isn't serving well (and in this same case, accepting that his relationship wasn't going to work no matter what he did). he is probably very dispirited and struggling to push forward 
Love: Listen y’all.. this guy is also in a very new relationship that started very recently. I have no idea who the person is and how the relationship is going exactly because I didn't get much information. All I can say is that Felix seems to have switched his whole personality (this person isn't the type of person i ever thought he would go for) so I wonder if this is an experiment or if in contrary there are really feelings here.
Career: He hasn’t been talking much with his members either, and has kept an introverted self around them mostly because there’s some members he doesn't want to talk with (cough cough). in any case i believe that he is overwhelmed and way too overwork to actually focus on things properly 
Self: Everything that he has been speaking on social media is a simple side of his idol image. It does seem like Felix is refuging in his idol image because it's the only thing that has been protecting him from the reality of his life. his self expression feels pushy and fake and i wonder if his love life, his whale drastic change is due to something hat has happened this last weeks
Love: Seungmin is still dating the same person however it does seem that lately he has been rather moody about his love life. that mostly because he has a sense of extreme jealousy toward his partner and he doesn't know how to deal with it. Instead of communicating he has been lashing out and just is unrealistic with his own thoughts. there’s the need of him to come down from his delusions 
Career: There has been a conflict between him and another member (I couldn't figure out who) which has provoked some tension in the group. although the problem as been fixed by the management team, Seungmin still holds a few grudges that he hasn't processed 
Self: Other than that, he is doing okay emotionally and physically. he is happy with the life he has and despite the stuff that sometimes happen he is able to regulate his emotions well. he just needs sometimes, a little time to figure it out 
Love: still single and still enjoying his life as a boy of his age. Jeongin isn't interested in anyone, he has a lot of flings opportunities and people around him love him easily. honestly he is just a young boy who is living a life of a person single of his age which is actually healthy 
Career: Boyis thriving on his career, he has the good people around him and he has also a good relationship with everyone he works with. his sponsor is also doing wonders when it comes to Joenging’s lifestyle which is a good thing. he is overall happy with his career life 
Self: He has been doubting a little about the honesty of some people around him but he tries to hide it. I think Jeongin is also going through some sensitive stuff and things that make him a little more immature and emotional but this is also linked to his young age and lack of experiences.
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helldustedstories · 2 months
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As I mentioned briefly in this post, Stolas can read Tarot cards. He initially picked up a book on Tarot because it felt tangentially related to "reading the prophecies" of the night sky, and being better able to read the world around him sounded like it was probably a good idea in general.
When he started to learn more about them, though, he got really interested in being better at doing readings. He found an absolutely beautiful deck that he just fell in love with, and he keeps it wrapped and safe in a special box in his office when he's not using it.
His more everyday sets of cards, while still taken care of, see more use, and they feel handled, for lack of a better word. While he doesn't often do readings for other people, he's very good at interpreting the meanings the cards present.
He actually does general readings fairly frequently; if he's feeling particularly anxious, sometimes just the act of shuffling and setting up a spread is enough to help.
It's one of those things that he absolutely loves doing, but doesn't talk much about since it's not directly related to his duties. But when he does get the chance to do readings for other people, he loves it, letting his flair for the dramatic play into them just that little bit, to make things more interesting.
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