innerwav · 6 days
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Wowzers manifestation!
Okay so like I for the first time since the start of my whole manifesting journey I’ve gotten genuine results and it’s kind of crazy?????? Like I did not expect this but I love where I’m headed and this just gave me so much inspiration so I’m making this post to hopefully reach out to all those people who’ve been trying for years and never got like physical results cuz I feel you 😭 Okay so this is like a really small thing so don’t expect a crazy big manifestation but just this small little thing helped me start believing in myself again so YIPPIEEEE!!!!
Basically I’ve been trying to get in the void state right? I know it’s a really easy thing but girl I be falling asleep so for me it’s been a little tough but yeah so on my list of stuff I had written down that I wanted to manifest once in that state is a better charger! And for the longest time I had the old iPhone charger (like yk the old one that actually LOOKED NORMAL AND FIT IN WITH MOST CHARGERS) and then it just stopped working so I bought a NEWWWW one and this shit started tweaking like it did not want to fucking work so now I got on my list that I want a new charger and honestly I didn’t even put much thought into it I just knew I wanted to manifest a new one, tell me why one day I just wake up and like I go get my charger where I knew I last left it and it’s a brand new fucking charger and like new version too 😭😭😭😭 it didn’t even register to me what happen like genuinely I had to take some time to realize oh shoot I didn’t use to have this wtf, bro I searched my whole house and I did not find my two old ones and I asked my brother how long did I have this and he was like, you’ve had it for a long time and OMGGGGGG like I swear even now cuz it’s been like two days I’m still like trying to believe this really happen because I’m genuinely still in shock and I know it’s small but to me this is a huge deal though, and this isn’t even the only thing cause like literally like just Friday I remember going to bed and being like yeah I’m going to the void tonight so I put on this silent booster subliminal and I started like lucid dreaming but I didn’t even realize and honestly it’s all kind of blurry but I remember I was freaking out because I hate lucid dreaming cause I’ve had really bad experiences with it and then boom I made myself go into the void for like a second- craziest thing I was like, oh I’m in the void but like I just came from a freaky ass dream and I want to get out because like I’m still scared and bro I didn’t even get to like really manifest anything but that’s okay because since I’m just now realizing how easy this is, I think I could do it again no trouble because like all I did was start lucid dreaming and then like just want to be in the void and I did so honestly when u hear people saying “it’s so easy!” “It’ll happen randomly” and all that stuff I know it’s like really annoying because you’d think otherwise knowing how epic it seems but really when u get there you’ll understand that it’s honestly not that hard, I hate saying this because everyone’s journey is different really but I feel like it’s just something u need to hear to know that this thing that seems so out of this world and like you couldn’t even grasp how it’s possible really isn’t so out of ur reach, because I used to view it as that but as I’ve detached and I don’t really care much if I get into it or not, the journeys just been so much more carefree and easy. I know that I didn’t give a method or real advice but for me seeing and like hearing peoples results always gave me a bunch of motivation so I’m sorry that I don’t have a step by step guide to give u to help but I hope this small success story helped you at least because for me this has meant so much so for all of those that always felt like u were so out of the loop and out of everybody’s league on here who seems to just be getting so lucky with results, just know u can be like that and u can achieve that and one day u will and that could be today and it all depends on u really. Wish u guys the best honestly and sorry if this is written wonky or awkward I’m just not used to making post with my own words or making motivational stuff so yeah 😭 thx for reading this tho ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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quidcrusheu · 2 years
Katie's beating in the Wildlynx friendly game was from another world!
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dramioneasks · 2 years
So I am newwww to the dramione world and unfortunately my adventure started with Manacled and was follow by The Auction. So now I am desperately searching a fic that is anywhere near as good as Manacled. I read that entireeee thing in three days because I was hooked!
I started both breathmints/battle scars and Isolation and as it turns out, asshole Draco does not do it for me, I need a bit more depth to be intrigued. (Don’t get me wrong, both lovely fics, but doesn’t have my preference)
So would you have any recommendations with a good in depth character build and a good plot?
Thaaaanks a million!!
Hi, try these:
Wait and Hope by mightbewriting - M, 12 Chapters - “Harry,” Hermione began, voice very controlled, but she could feel the blade of panic slicing at her vocal cords. “Why was Draco Malfoy just screaming bloody murder about his,” and the word almost strangled her as she said it, “wife?”  Harry's green eyes blew wide. Healer Lucas pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly displeased with the recent series of events.“He was referring to you, my dear,” she said. “That was the other question you got wrong. Your name is Hermione Jean Granger-Malfoy.” Hermione had to be sedated again. [In which Hermione loses the last six year's worth of her memories, including the entirety of her relationship and marriage to Draco.]
And its prequel:
Beginning and End by mightbewriting - E, 48 Chapters - Years. Broken into months into weeks into days—into hours, minutes, seconds—into moments. Simple at one end, complex at the other. In Draco’s experience, moments, even when simple, had a habit of becoming irretrievable. Moments grew, stretched, multiplied into ages and eras that defined whole stretches of measurable time. Draco regretted several moments in his life, some within his control, some without: all of them irretrievable in nature. At a certain point, wedged between ‘what-ifs’ of his own devising, he’d stopped trying to keep track of those regrettable moments: now and then, pushing and pulling, coming and going, beginning and end. Moments were only moments for just as long. After that, he had no control. [In which Draco is forced to work with Hermione, falls in love, makes many mistakes, and eventually becomes his own man. A Draco POV prequel to Wait and Hope.]
The Politician's Wife by pir8fancier - M, 14 Chapters - This story is set twenty-three years after the fall of Voldemort. Our main characters are Ministry employees, middle-aged, and the majority of them not very happy.
Apple Pies and Other Amends by ToEatAPeach - M, 29 Chapters - It’s not until she’s brought a basil and strawberry sponge cake to Neville Longbottom and his new girlfriend, Hannah Abbott, a dozen rhubarb hand-pies to Luna and Xenophilius Lovegood, and another basket of ganache-covered muffins to Dean and Seamus, that Hermione admits to herself what she’s actually doing: she’s making a thing of this. It’s a veritable PTSD tour. With pastries. And hand-skimmed clotted cream. And she has no idea why she’s doing it, but it’s becoming very apparent that she is. Sometimes you're sad. Sometimes you need dessert. And sometimes, it's a little of both.
Measure Of A Man by inadaze22 - E, 42 Chapters -To truly know someone is to differentiate between who they once were, who they are now, and who they're capable of being. Hermione realises the duality of one man as she rectifies what she knows of the past and begins to understand the pieces of who Draco Malfoy is now: a father, a son, and a man.
Traditions by raven_maiden - E, 14 Chapters - She straddled him slowly, still biting her lip, her hands on his shoulders. He held her hips tightly as he stared up at her.“So beautiful,” he whispered, and she flushed prettily, like she always did from his compliments. “You never need to hide from me.” ** Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy fell in love during the war. One year later, they're heading home for the holidays so he can finally meet her parents. There's just one teeny little problem: her parents think they're both Muggles.
Love and Other Misfortunes by senlinyu - M, 23 Chapters - Draco Malfoy is dying. He's part-Veela and needs his mate to survive. Post-war, Hermione Granger is a workaholic, up to her eyeballs in legal activism on behalf of Magical Beings, and hasn't yet noticed that Malfoy is the Magical Being who needs her most.“Because I don’t want to be saved by you just because you feel like you have to.” He was properly furious now. “I’m in love with you." Hermione stared at him. She knew but somehow hearing him say it made the air shimmer with magic. "I’m in love with you,” he said again, despairingly. “And that means I want you to be as happy as you possibly can. And you won’t be, not with me.”
Remain Nameless by HeyJude19 - E, 51 Chapters - How did it feel? It felt like he was barely holding it together. She, of all people, should shun him. Or yell at him. Curse him. Spit at him. Take out her wand and blast him off the face of the earth. It was crushing guilt and relief and confusion all at once when he looked at Hermione Granger. The monotony of Draco’s daily routine had become both a lifeline and a noose. But this new habit of grabbing coffee with Hermione Granger is quickly becoming a reason to get out of bed and is unfortunately forcing him to re-evaluate his inconsequential existence. Hermione is living her life in fragments, separate pieces scattered about, and she can’t find a way to step back and let the full picture form. Why are morning meetings with Draco Malfoy the only thing that make sense anymore?
The Eagle's Nest by HeartOfAspen - M, 71 Chapters - Hermione's eighth year at Hogwarts is already going to be difficult in the aftermath of the war, but is further thrown into upheaval when Headmistress McGonagall orders a re-sorting of all students to promote inter-house unity. But when the Sorting Hat sends Hermione to Ravenclaw with Draco - and without Harry or Ron - how will she cope? [Epilogue? What epilogue?] Prevalent alchemy.
Gravity by floorcoaster - T, 10 Chapters - It's about arranging stacks of books, wall colours, and jumping off a cliff. Draco/Hermione
The Fool, the Emperor, and the Hanged Man by ianthewaiting - E, 28 Chapters - Ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord, Hermione Granger leads of life of self-imposed obscurity, that is, until the day Headmistress Minerva McGonagall is murdered and a certain 'hero' is responsible.
Don't Take This Sinner by hexmionegranger - E, 25 Chapters - Hermione Granger couldn’t help but think that no matter how difficult they had all figured rebuilding their society would be, no one was expecting anything quite like this. It was another stark reminder that just when things were finally starting to level out, they would never truly have peace and stability. Her entire life in the magical world had been full of shocks and stumbles, and this one seemed like the biggest of them all. A post-war Dramione marriage law fic... with a twist!
Seven Days in April by inadaze22 - M, 7 Chapters - They were still the same people with the same problems on either side of a bathroom door.
He Becomes by Abroma - T, one-shot - Things keep worming their way into Draco's heart and, to be honest, he's sick of it. Or: Draco fosters bunnies to impress a co-worker.
Aurelian by BittyBlueEyes - T, 43 Chapters - Two years after the war, a young stranger pays a visit to the burrow. His arrival alone is baffling, but the news he brings of an upcoming war turns the world upside down. Hermione's quiet, post-war life will never be the same.
Revert by SUPRNTRAL LVR - M, 25 Chapters - Six months post-war, Malfoy is in serious trouble. He's on the run from the Ministry, Death Eaters, and a deadly curse which is eating him alive. When he hits rock bottom, a change in fortune lands him in 12 Grimmauld Place under the Ministry's custody - and forces Hermione to remember the secrets they've both kept for years. Dramione, Sick!Draco, flashbacks to Hogwarts
Heavy Lies the Crown by floorcoaster - M, 36 Chapters - For seven years, Draco has carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, and just when he thinks he'll be released, something happens that will make him seek help from the last person he could have imagined.
- AgnMag
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reapers-game-blog · 7 years
Don't Make Me Laugh || Ryo Trial 6.3 || RE: Megami, Kousei
[TW: Cannibalism mention]
Ryo lets out a snort through his nostrils as he looks away from Kousei. Did that low level intellectual really think that Ryo Shinjitsu waste his time by killing people? Or better yet, blame people without any sort of basis? He almost laughed. He would have if he wasn't laughing at whom he believed to be the murderer of his friend and, you know, the one who put them all in this mess! 
"Clarity and I were friends too! We had a seance, we talked about our lives and the inevitability of nothingness. We are all lambs to the cosmic slaughter, don't you know? But there was a comfort that I had in Clarity. She gave me... a really weird sense of hope. That beyond our senses there was something to have faith in! But as I explored the manor one last time, I began to sense that there was something wrong. Something malevolent about this manor and where we are... That is why I actually struck up a conversation with our resident pretty boy Anatol!" 
Ryo shook his head and dramatically sighed. Damn, did this young man like to hear himself talk. He waved a hand dismissively at Megami. Let him finish, then you can have his foot.
"I'm a level 99 intellectual, it's not like I'd ever walk into anything without evidence! So, totes offense, Megami-chan. Totes offense Dearest Kousei! I struck up a conversation with Anatol, asking about what could have even happened at this manor! Who was this loser who had a whole statue dedicated to them?? And seeing the flowers Clarity held actually belonging to Saniiro, there must be some unspoken connection! So listen to my tale, young ones, listen to the words of... Ryo the Totally Can See!" 
Ryo pulled his hood down to cover his eyes, chuckling at his own poorly timed silliness. It's a shame he wasn't carrying some sort of instrument with him. No matter, he pulled his hood down and looked at the others with seriousness.
"We are all kidnapped, possibly totally dead, trapped in a world not like our real one where the 'Boss' is one of us who had to murder the previous 'Boss' before them. Saniiro, Anatol and Chuuya's fellow survivor of their own murder game, was killed by none other by the murderer of Clarity, the good ol' lucky pal who used his own social ineptness to fool everyone into thinking he was harmless! Maybe Kousei thought this was all some totally radical cool new game! Where people would be forced to literally massacre one another and sometimes they were even eaten by the hosts!! How messed up is that?! Very messed up, don't you think~? Saniiro is dead because you obviously killed him! But that's not all, Kousei Inori...!"
Ryo grinned widely, laughing maniacally behind a gloved hand. 
" And if you think that's all, I have newwwws for you all! Kousei Inori isn't even part of our group! He's not even one of us!!!"
Ryo scratched his head, smiling softly at Megami and Kousei. He scoffed a little, exhaling as he shook his head. 
"Do you really need my shoe, now? Check Kousei's feet, the muddy footprints were way too big to fit my boots. And anyways, I'm actually a little bit of a decent human being who, you know, wouldn't kidnap and shoot everyone else to become participants in his murder game!" 
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orionsangel86 · 7 years
Have you seen the Aladdin play? (jumping on the anon q). A WHOLE NEWWWW WORRRRRLLLLDDDDD is one of my go-to songs when I'm drunk. Do you have a favourite Disney song?
Aaaah no I haven’t seen it yet and I want to SO BADLY! Its quite pricey at the moment so I’m trying to save up but also find someone willing to go with me as most of my friends are broke. 
I honestly couldn’t say what my favourite Disney song is because that is SUCH a hard question for me!
Hmmmm... I go through phases though and I think I’m in a Little Mermaid phase at the moment. I have a real obsession for all the songs in the Little Mermaid. Under the Sea, Kiss the Girl, Part of That World, Poor Unfortunate Souls... 
Having said that though after the live action Beauty and the Beast came out I must have sung Gaston’s song a thousand times! lol!
I bet you are fun to have a drink with! Anyone who would willingly join me in drunkenly singing Disney songs at the top of our voices is great company! :)
Ask me anything!
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I was disappointed in Alita Battle Angel, tech was hella cool but the damn writing and horrible cringe worthy things throughout, just oh boy
Like the fuckin love interest bullshit and Alita more focused on fullfillong other ppls goals versus finding herself, if you’re going to have a strong female lead and advertise that it a finding oneself story why is it that everything she does in that film is to fullfill someone else’s desire, going to Zolem, or becoming a hunter warrior
And we’ve seen this story so many times before, girl can’t remember who she is and the first guy she meets shows her the world and he becomes her everything, BORING. Move on to something newwww, the cgi was beautiful the robots were so cool, the fancy tech and weapons, give me more that! Don’t have a scene where Alita gets a new body and she has to emphasize that she has more touch receptors, which lead to a kiss, and this also going into women being objects and the dad putting her into his dead daughters body is a whole other thing, like I have so many thoughts about this filmmmmmm
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