#A lot of modern druidry doesn't use the full wheel of the year but still use the cross quarter days including the Irish names
traegorn · 7 months
Sorry my question brought you such grief. :( Thank you so much for answering, though. Your explanation was perfect, and that person inadvertently gave a perfect example of what you were talking about. Still sorry you had to deal with that, though. Thanks for your help!
Eh, your question didn't bring me any grief.
Like the strongest argument I've ever heard was the fact that Gardner and Nichols used the Irish names for the cross quarter days instead of the English ones when putting together the Wheel of the Year, but I don't think that really holds any weight. These are not closed practices, they're shared holidays across the region.
And, like, I don't see anyone banging down the door of modern Druidry yelling at them about the same thing. Which is, y'know, telling.
(Also - If you take two seconds to look at the English or Scottish names for them, and understood the context, you'd realize why they didn't want to use them)
Like the usual examples people bring up are Wiccans taking from various indigenous practices, like using white sage in "smudging" -- but these are, not actually "Wiccan" (as in the religion) practices, but things "Wiccans" (as in the people) have done. Which is, y'know, bad -- but an issue the entire modern witchcraft movement needs to come to terms with, and not inherent to Wicca the religion or exclusive to its practitioners.
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