#A rencounter fic
Bloody Tiger iceberg with explanations
If you don't know what an iceberg is: an iceberg is a type of template, where in the highest levels you put light fact or theories about something, and the more you go down more dark and sick the things become.
I did this with my Az, with all the facts from the fic until the latest chapter. TW: VERY heavy theames:
Tumblr media
Level 1 (very soft and easy things, most People that follow our blog know)
Azedi's norturing nature: Azedi had to take care of her siblings since she was young, so she has developed a norturing nature for anything that is smal
Azedi's bi
Azedi's dream: to live a normal life, away from war, away from chains.
Azedi's love for music
Azedi's eyes: key element of the fic
Azedi is a cat person
Azedi and Ocelot: their iconic mutual hate
Lay laya: Azedi's grandmother's lullaby
Level 2 (still kinda soft but not so much)
Azedi has adhd (even though Im not really sure that Ive portrayed it right in her :( )
Azedi has sensorial sensibility
Azedi and Eli's breakup: literally the whole point of my main fic
Afghan civil war (and Azedi's infancy during it)
Akam: Azedi's brother that she rencounters in her adulthood in chapter 13
Azedi (as a character) is a metaphor for anarchism
Level 3 (surface level angst)
Azedi's coma in chapter 19
Azedi's toxic relationship in prison: Azedi had an older girlfriend when she was in prison that was very toxic towards her, even though Azedi only loved her to cope with the loss of Eli in her life
Azedi was forced to be an adult even before she knew what the word "child" meant
Azedi and Eli are kinda toxic: he is very sticky with her, and he is kinda the cause of her becoming a professional killer (and other stuff that happens post fic)
Azedi loosing her eye in chapter 19
Level 4 (not Just angsty, straight up very sad stuff)
Azedi's relationship with her body: from the abuse of he rmother, Azedi in her teen years mostly but also in her early 20s had a twisted vision of her body, finding it unproportionated and ugly. Especially since in her teens she was underweight, she would put on several baggy clothes not only because their texture gave her comfort, but also to hide herself
unaliving herself attempts: most notable is when she was in the jungle and tried to drown herself. She delevolep talassophobia afterwards.
her father: he was literally the cause of everything in her life
sh: Azedi used to c*t herself
her prison
her mother
Azedi's substances addiction: she in her adulthood was addicted to many drugs, that caused her to waste all the money she had
Azedi has worked for mafias: since she is an hitwoman, it's logical that some of her clients where members of local gangs or mafias.
Level 5: (traumatic experiences and fucked up stuff)
her abduction and her forced to become a childsoldier: after running away from home, she was found by some XOF soldiers, and forced to join them.
her homelessness life: in New York, after the kingdom of the flies, she lived most of her years homeless, in the dirty streets of the Bronx
Azedi was forced to become an hired killer out of poverty
Azedi's panic episodes
Chapter 10: I don't need to explain. Just read it and you'll know.
running away from her home and living in a forest unprotected for months
Level 6: (very fucked up stuff)
Azedi's mother attempting to unalive her
the torture she perished during her child soldier years (12 to 13 years old): the soldiers that had took her in treated her like a little toy for 2 whole years, abusing of her in all ways, damaging permentely her mental health
Azedi killed all of her rapists
SA (Sexual Abuse)
child marriege
Level 7: (hell)
just read it yourself. I'm too disgusted to write it down again...
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Finding the Right Present
This fic is a present for my greatest friend in the whole world, I thought I have a lot of things to say, but sadly I don’t at the moment.
Its in the same universe as my Rencounter Fic, with our two main Ocs, Amy is hers and Ashlen is mine; please check out her blog if you like My Hero Academia, Game of Thrones or Marvel. She makes great content and I love her for it
Happy Birthday @ice-cream-kitsunegirl
Enjoy this Fic I made for you.
“Come onnnnn. . .”
“No. .” deadpanned as Shinsou stared into his game system. Which I’m fighting the urge to throw it across the room and pin him to the couch and try out the new technique I’m working on.
“Please,” I begged, “I never did this before, and you know her better than anyone.
“Why don’t you ask the ‘Pomeranian’ to help you?” He countered, he still hasn’t looked up from his game.
“Weeeeelll,” recalling the bicker three hours ago, “let’s just say we turn it to competition after asking, and then we may have broken a gallon of orange juice or two.” Which led to a full hour of the Class Pres lecture of proper conduct inside dorms and owe him a gallon of orange juice. Shinsou paused his game and face me with his usual dead expression that clearly said, ‘You idiot.’. Usually, I find that endearing when it’s not towards me.
“Sooooo, will you please help me find a perfect present that’s better than the fluffy dog for Amy?” It has been close to a half a year being here in U. A and remembered that on July 9th, which is more than a week away, will be Amy’s birthday; plus it’s been a year since we were friends when we talk through the internet. Now I had a chance to know her beyond that, I wanted to give her something special as thanks for being my first friend and best friends.
Then I gave Shinsou my saddest look since all my cute faces don’t seem to work. But in all seriousness, I’m kinda nervous. “Please Shinsou, I never have done this before, and you know this.” Shinsou stares at me, which it always gave me a funny feeling, but I ignore it for the hopes that he will help me.
I added a small pout on my bottom lip, which is my trump card whenever I really want something; it works... most of the time. It only works on one of the older sisters and my stepfather. His left eye and a corner of his lips twitched and turned his back towards me, and I swore his ears are red, and that’s when I knew I won.
“Fine, I’ll help you out, but I won’t just hand over on what to give her. I’ll give you some ideas, okay?” he relented. To which I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck and give a little squeeze,” Aww Thank you. Thank you!” I nuzzle on the side of his head, I noticed that his ears are a bit warm. “That’s all I need! I’m sorry that refer you as the living zombie!”
“What…” He turned to the side and looked at me with a slight annoyance along with some redness on his cheeks. I gave him a guilty grin, “Oh, it’s nothing really.” I let loose my grip, and with only one arm around his shoulders, “Sooo, when shall we get started?”
“Get started on what?”
I bit my lip to prevent me from screaming, and my shoulders tensed up; I also felt Shinsou’s shoulders tense up as well. We both looked back and behind the couch was Amy with her signature shit-eating grin, all with casual, yet she made it look fancy clothes. With hands on her hips, “Welll,” she giggled and glanced at my arm around Shinsou, “I REALLY hope I am not interrupting anything.~ And you didn’t answer my question. Soooooo can I assume you guys are a ‘thing’?
Her question snapped us back to reality, and we both looked at each other and just now realized how close we are. The second, after looking at each other, I pushed him away to the other side of the couch and scrambled off the couch. “N-no! I j-just asked if he could help me do some training exercises that Aizawa-sensei taught us, and I wanted more practice!” I rambled, and I rubbed the back of my head as I continued, “So I asked Shinsou to be my sparring partner. Right Shinsou?” Please buy this! Please buy this!
Shinsou also got up from the couch, straighten his clothes and gave me a slight rude look, although it might have worked without the small red tint on his cheeks, “Yea, its because she slacked off on the lessons, so she asked me for my help since she’s a total airhead.” he smiled smugly. I growled and merely looked away from that so called charming smile and muttered, “Am not.” Amy starred as us for a  second, trying to see our lie, but she merely smiled “OOOO-kayyy,” she snickered, a telling sign that she didn’t believe us. She’s a witch, of course, she can sense what’s wrong and all that; a quirk that I like about her except for this very moment. I shrugged and gave her a lopsided smiled and winked at her, a telling sign of me saying, “I’ll tell you about it later.”
“Soooo, how was the date with Yap Dog?” I asked Amy; not a second later, from the kitchen, “I HEARD THAT MS. FANCY!!” barked Bakugou.
Amy giggled at our antics, “Now now, guys chill out,” and answered my question, “It was great!∼We went to our usual restaurant, and we were surprised by the owners saying that we were their 5,000 customers and we get to eat the buffet FREE!!” She pulled out her cellphone, “They took our picture so they can place it in their wall along with other customers who are also thousandth customers! They gave me a copy! Which is SO CUTE!” and showed us a photo. Right at the center is Amy, with a happy grin, with her arms around Bakugou with his usual bitch face, and along with two old guys, who I assumed they are the owners, one on either side of the happy couple. The owners hold a banner above them saying, “OUR 5,000th COSTUMERS!” in bold letters and all decorated in sticker balloons and stars.
“How. .cute. .right Shinsou?” I looked over at Shinsou, he was done looking at the picture and went back sitting down the couch and opened up the game system, “Very cute.” he deadpanned. I rolled my eyes and smiled at Amy, “Wow, free buffet, huh? Lucky. Is that all you did?” Amy shook her head, “No, we did some small shopping at the mall, but it most of it was window-shopping, there were a lot of cute stuff that I wish I can get, but man those prices are so cringe-worthy!” As she continued on, Bakugou came out of the kitchen with a two sports drinks in hand and a bag of chips in the other, he spotted me staring and gave me his cocky grin in his face. DAMN IT! He already has an idea on what to give her! No doubt it was one of the things she was mentioning at the mall!
I force my smile to remain as I continued to listen to Amy, “Me and Katsuki are going to my dorm room and gonna watch a movie to finish our date! I’ll text you and Shinsou to come over after it’s done, okay?” she waved and walked along with Bakugou and head upstairs. Once they’re gone, I sighed and collapsed in the couch; grabbed the remote to turn on the tv and surf through the channels. Once I found the channel I wanted, I turned to Shinsou, who once again playing the game system. “Shinsou deeear?” I strain out the last word, he tensed but remain firm into looking at the screen of his game system. I faced him and took his off his hands and gave him my playful glare, “You said you would help me,” I gave my him my pouty face.
He turned flustered and cave in immediately, “Alright! Alright. Just answer me this then, what were things that you talk about when you talk to each other online?”
I thought about it and list some topics in our earlier days when we started being friends, “We talk about puns, stories of our favorite tv shows and movies, friends and family, and lastly our music.” I fondly think about our taste in music, it was almost identical that we freaked out when one of us mention bands that we like, especially our favorite songs from those bands. It was one of my best days ever, I started to go on till I paused...
I . . .
I think I know what to give her. . .
I hug Shinsou, “Oh my goodness! I think I know what to give her! Thank you so much! You are the best!” I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, he gave me a startled look, and his face turned a deep red, and rush to my room and begin preparing my gift for my best friend!
Day of the Party
Everyone is having a blast at the party, everything is Amy’s favorites, the snacks, drinks, music, even the theme colors! The Baku Squad, minus PomPom, were dancing to High Hopes on the dance floor with the birthday girl at the center with the silliest moves I have ever seen. Me and Shinsou were with the Deku Squad at the snack table with the birthday cake at the center, and the rest of the class were playing or watching video games at the main tv. At one corner are a pile of presents for Amy. I haven’t put mine in there because I’m a little nervous about what would she think, so I kept it in one of the large pockets of my jacket.
Shinsou senses my nervousness and tries to reassure me, “Don’t worry about it, no matter what you give her, she’ll be ecstatic by anything.” “Yeah, I know, it’s just that she’s my first friend ever and I want to give her something to repay all that she’s done for me, ya know?” Shinsou gave me a smug smile, “Heh, yea I get it, Amy... .is a type of person that really gets into your skin and will annoy the heck out of you,” we laugh in agreement and he continued, “yet. . for us. .we don’t mind at all.” To which I fondly look at Amy, who is trying to convince the Pomeranian to dance and he’s working so hard to remain where he is at till Amy gave him a tearful look. He relented and let her pull to the dance floor, and everyone including Amy cheered.
I chuckled at her antics and agreed with Shinsou, “Yeah, she’s pretty unforgettable.”
After 10 minutes of dancing and eating, Amy demands her cake, me and Shinsou put on the candles and light them up; she stood in front of her cake, and the whole class sang her happy birthday.
“Happy birthday dear Amy!! Happy birthday to YOUUU!”
She blew out her candles, and we all cheered and gave her hugs, Kaminari asked, “Hey Amy! What did you wish for!?” She shook her head, “Can’t tell you!” she sang song, “Otherwise the wish won’t come true!”
“AW!” Mina whined, “I bet it’s a really cool wish!”
“It IS!” Amy jumped right in front of her presents, “ITS PRESENT TIME! I WANNA OPEN THEM NOW!” “Will you chill out Sabrina!? It’s not like they are going away if you don’t open them!” Bakugou scolded.
Each one gave her their present, Izu-chan gave her new headphones with cat ears, which she squealed and gave him a bone-crushing hug, but not to Izuku’s standards. Shinsou’s present is an actual witch hat, which made Amy laugh as she put it on, “OH MY GOSH TOSHI!! This is the cutest hat I ever had! Thank you so much!” She gave him a hug but with enough force that almost made him fall. “Geez Okay. You are welcome, you really shouldn’t eat so much sugar sticks.”
“Hehe! Sorry I couldn’t help it Toshi! They are just sooo good!”
Bakugou rolled his eyes as he gave his present to her, “Don’t say I don’t give you nothing! Got it?!”
“Aww,” she kissed him on the cheek, “I Luv You Too babe!”
“Yea Yea.” and Amy opened the small box, which I couldn’t help but bit my lip as she removed the wrappings from the present. She gasped and showed it to everyone, it was lapis lazuli earrings shaped into a small hearts. She squealed even louder as she jumped into PomPom’s arms, “These are the ones I saw at that Mall, you were paying attention! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!”  Bakugou growled but hugs her anyway, “Of course I pay attention you’re my girlfriend aren’t ya?!?”
“Yes, you are! And I love you for it!” She lets go and look at the present table, all of her presents was open, but she kept looking for more, and I have a feeling what’s she’s looking for.
I teasingly asked Amy, “Whatcha looking for Amy-chan?”“Yours, of course, It must be hidden from all the wrappings for the other presents! And I know it is yours cuz you haven’t given me your present!”
I shook my head as I pull out the box from my pocket, “That’s because I didn’t put it at the table, silly.” She saw the box and squealed as I give her my present, this time she carefully unwrapped the gift and opened the box. What she pulled out was a cd case with a white cover that reads:
Happy Birthday Amy!: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLflxyrJQiDpqho2tU44l1_NBJmHh8mCe_
Amy opened the case and saw the disc and found the note that I wrote for her, which she read aloud:
To my best friend. . . who always have my back when I need the most. These songs represent our treasured memories, so whenever we are apart, these songs will bring each other closer. No matter how far the ocean or land parts us.
With love, Ashlen
Amy looks up with her eyes started to water as I added, “One of our first conversations was about music, so I gave you song that we talked about, and there’s a list at the back. Look at the last one.” Amy flipped it to the back where there’s the list of songs.
And the last one is from the Queens: You’re My Best Friend.
I was surprised when she hugged me out of nowhere, I felt tears fell from my neck, “Amy? You okay?” She sniffed, “Yes! This is the best present you could ever give me!”
My eyes widen and hesitantly hugged her back, “I mean it’s not extravagant as Bakugou’s or cute like Shinsou’s.”
She pulled back a bit so I could see her head shake, “That doesn’t matter Ash! Sure they are really cool presents, but yours came from the heart. And no one can beat that ever!”
I felt my eyes started to tear up and smiled so bright and hugged her again, everyone ‘aww’ our moment except Puff Ball, which he rolled his eyes, muttering “whatever.”
“Happy Birthday, you’re my best friend, my witch-bitch,” I said fondly. She laughs and squeals happily, “Oooh bitch! And I say that playfully… You’re my homegirl for life!”
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myfavoriteficss · 3 years
I am looking for two fanfics:
1. Natasha and reader are in a high school AU, and Natasha has a terminal illness. Reader takes multiple pictures of her and stands by her bedside, Natasha reveals she will never make it to college etc
2. Reader is immortal and she keeps rencountering Natasha in different centuries. Reader was once queen of Russia and burned an entire city because of Natasha; its a multi-chapter fic
thank you!!
Hello darling! Unfortunately I am not too familiar with those two fics. I am so sorry! I am really behind on the fic reading because of school. I hope someone else can help you out!
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anxiousgoldengirl · 3 years
I am looking for two fanfics:
1. Natasha and reader are in a high school AU, and Natasha has a terminal illness. Reader takes multiple pictures of her and stands by her bedside, Natasha reveals she will never make it to college etc
2. Reader is immortal and she keeps rencountering Natasha in different centuries. Reader was once queen of Russia and burned an entire city because of Natasha; its a multi-chapter fic
thank you!!
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dabiboy · 4 years
Here you will find my works! If you have doubts when it comes to requesting, you can always visit the rules. You’ll find my works under the cut! 
Last update 27/03/2021
Little secret
A Dance
Belated Birthday
First ‘I love you’ 
Cold fire 
Dad!Dabi [HC]
Smoke and kisses
Shoto kills Dabi’s s/o [HC]
Dabi comforting his s/o [HC]
Something Other than Pain
A Tight Hug
Rencounter [Part 1]  [Part 2] 
Stress [Drabble]
Touch [Drabble]
Cuddles [Drabble]
Make a Wish 
Helping their s/o witha anxiety [hawks/dabi]
After care [nsfwish]
Blue Lights 
Late night drive [HC]
Christmas [HC]
Dabi falling for a pro hero [HC]
Midnight praises [drabble]
Corrupt me [nsfw]
Babbles [Drabble]
My angel 
Show me [nsfw]
Clockwork Hawk [Part 1/?]
Hawks hating game nights [HC]
Shower Time [nsfw]
Until the Hurting is Gone
Clingy Hawks [Drabble]
Free fall [nsfw]
4 months [nsfwish]
Helping their s/o with anxiety [hawks/dabi]
Christmas Night
Worried [drabble]
Fic [chapter 1]
Fake texts:
Sickness [Dabi]
You flirty thing [Hawks/ kinda nsfw]
Revenge [Dabi/ nsfw]
Lots of love [Hawks]
Teasing [Dabi/ nsfw]
Hurt [Hawks]
More teasing [Dabi/nsfw]
Pregnant [Hawks]
3am [Hawks]
Affection [Dabi]
I’ll try [Dabi]
Spending time [Dabi/Hawks]
Broken Boys [Dabi] 
Somebody [Dabi]
Haru and Kaji information [likes, appareance, etc]
Bird boys [Hawks]
Their kid is bullied at school [Dabi/Hawks]
What did you do? [Dabi]
Hugs? More than hugs [Dabi]
Birthday [Hawks]
First kicks [Dabi]
Broken wings, Warm heart [Hawks]
A-Z NSWF Alphabet
Tiny thing [dabi]
Comforting their son after a nightmare [Hawks/Dabi]
J-Jack off  [Hawks/Dabi]
M-Motivation [Hawks/Dabi]
P-Pace, W-Wild card, X-X-ray [Hawks/Dabi]
K-Kink [Hawks and Dabi]
D-Dirty secret and C-Cum [Dabi]
F-Favorite postion, N-No, and V-Volume [Dabi]
H-Hair, O-oral and Q-Quicky [Dabi]
A-Aftercare [Hawks/Dabi]
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steviesays · 3 years
July Fic Recs
*walks in 3 days late with starbucks*
The Closed Circle by hmmingbird - complete
Fandom: FMA:B
I travelled all the way to ffn for this one and boy was it worth it !!!! its a royai get together after the promised day where they’re like ..... kind of already together but they’re not on the same page and the TENSION
Rencounter with a Lady Writer by Eissel - complete
Fandom: FMA:B
It’s an AU where Roy and Riza are an artist and writer (respectively) and it was so !!! fucking !!! cute !!! they’re in LOVE but they cant SAY IT because they’re not NORMAL !!!! anyway I really liked the rest of this author’s royai week works as well - I didn’t understand what was happening in most of them but damn did the writing keep me hooked
Controlled Burn by @okiedoketm - in progress
Fandom: FMA:B
Roy/Riza and Ed/Al are age swapped in this fic so Ed and Al are in the military and Roy and Riza are children making horrible alchemy decisions!! I’m so excited to see where this one is going
i’d meet you where the spirit meets the bones by @lantur - complete
Fandom: FMA:B
I know this one is complete but I want more from this AU so bad !!!!!!! its a modern AU where Roy is VP of the US and Riza is his chief of staff - its a long one shot thats mostly a character study and I really love how it was written
also extra points for the ivy lyrics in the title :)
To Withstand the Force of Storms by Pininfarina - complete
Fandom: FMA:B
so I don’t usually ship Olivier/Riza but this one hooked me - it also helps that there is a good amount of royai pining! I saw too much of myself in disaster bisexual Riza
hold your hand out in the dark by @bringingglory - complete
Fandom: FMA:B
So this one is mainly focused on Roy’s trauma from the Promised Day and how Riza helps him through it - I LOVE how it was done, just so well written and the introspection was incredible!!!
Heatstroke by mar_b - complete
Fandom: FMA:B
Its basically just Roy and Riza arguing and then they make out ajldshdhk which I personally very much enjoyed - i’ve actually noticed that its quite hard to do a short simple argument fic like this where the tension is clear and doesn’t feel forced without a good amount of context but this one is done so incredibly !!!!
also please read everything else this author has written as well they’re incredible and it took me a good amount of time to choose my favorite to rec for this list!
when a flower grows wild by @megthemighty - complete
Fandom: FMA:B
pls .... this one was so soft I literally started crying ......... I love young royai SO! MUCH! this fic is short and sweet and perfect ok please read it
an almost madness, a decisive mistake by yourendlessblue - complete
Fandom: FMA:B
when I tell you I loved this fic ...... so much ...... and need a sequel immediately ......... yourendlessblue has done it again !!!!! This one is a college AU where Roy is a chess champion and him and Riza have a hot one night stand after a game of strip chess - if that’s not a perfect storyline for these characters then idk what is
But Monsters Are Always Hungry, Darling by @iruutciv and @orchids-and-fictional-cities - in progress
Fandom: Yuri!!! On Ice
now if I didn’t save the best for last :))))))) this truly is the end all be all of victuuri fics. this isn’t just a fic, its a lifestyle, a reason for living, the air I breathe, this fic ???? saved my life on more than one occasion - I can’t even describe the serotonin rush that courses through my body every time I see that this fic has updated its THAT good !!!!!! Its a noir AU - thats all I have to say go read it RIGHT NOW
I’m so glad I was able to pull this list together, even if it was a few days late - I really enjoy going over what I’ve read for the last month and remembering how much I loved them - with how hectic my life has been the last few weeks, reading is really one of my biggest sources of joy and I’m so grateful to all the wonderful authors you guys see on these lists every month! If you noticed I didn’t tag an author and you’re friends with them, please send their @ my way so I can follow them and tell them that their creations are much loved!!! I’ll see you guys again at the end of August 😗
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craniumculverin · 6 years
Bound Rencounter
The first of a few fics of @donc-desole‘s Ripper!AU I’ve had in the works for a while. They act as a sort of prologue to the actual events of the AU.
The breeze is pleasant and the air remarkably clear on this Autumn afternoon in Yharnam. The constant cloud cover that accompanies the season is missing, leaving the sun free to warm the brick and stone of the city, along with the multitudes of people enjoying the respite from New Pthumeria's typically gloomy weather. Here and there along the main avenues, where streets branch off into the more residential areas, conversations can be heard, and the occasional sound of instruments or boisterous laughter from the locals' rarely-opened windows. Such a beautiful day was not to be ignored in the valley-bound capitol, especially with the ever-daunting Winter just around the corner.
Despite the out-of-place cheeriness all around, Alfred is in a downright foul mood. As he walks through crowds and down bustling streets his focus is entirely elsewhere, ignorant of how nice the weather is or friendly the faces are. No, his mind is still back at the University, in the meeting he's just come from.
"Why I'm even required to attend any of Byrgenwerth's administrative functions is beyond me - I rarely ever have anything to add to the proceedings, and rarer still are the times I'm asked to share if I do! I'm just another student more than anything, not some official!" If his unnecessary inclusion were due to anything he'd hazard a guess it has to do with his late mentor's status, what with how highly revered his work and contributions still are to the Healing Church, and thus Byrgenwerth University. As proud as he is to be the great man's last and only living protégé, the status has certainly brought on… unexpected expectations from his new peers and superiors. And far too many questions.
Alfred scowls and grips his cane even tighter as he mulls over the Professor of Theology's most recent salvo of disparaging remarks and sly insinuations. Since the very first day he'd been introduced to the department head, the shriveled old coot has had it out for him. A pompous, rigid gaffer born into both his money and position, with nary a lick of work put in to get him where he is - and he has the gall to ridicule Alfred's work, offhandedly or not!
So what if his dissertation is taking longer than their arbitrary time limits - lulls in productivity affect every great work in progress! Regardless of how old you are, or who your mentor was, or how long you've technically been attending! Everyone is prone to a block from time to time! And his topic of study is not a pointless cause! As if it wasn't bad enough that the Professor and a few other Byrgenwerth fellows have taken to belittling Alfred, they're also incredibly nosy. Every time he's forced to attend some event or meeting the questions come, every one of his answers scrutinized and dissected. Why can't they just take him for what he's been proven to be? Why can't they just accept him as what he is now instead of seek out what he once was? It's all so damn infuriating! If not for having to finish this bloody doctorate by their rules, he'd have given those bastards what for ages ago!
Pausing his brisk pace near an overlook, Alfred realizes he's letting himself get riled up again. With a harsh sigh he decides to take a break to calm himself down before unnatural thoughts start creeping in. That's always been a problem for him, ever since he was young; anger boiling over into something truly… disagreeable.
He steps off the path to lean against the warm stone of the balustrade, only now noticing the rarity of the day's direct sunlight. Looking down on the buildings and streets below helps him to calm and refocus, the comings and goings of the city's denizens a welcome distraction. After a while Alfred sighs again as the last of his tension dissipates, this time almost wistful in nature. It used to be so much easier to keep from falling into such negative lines of thought. When there was always something to be doing, somewhere they had to go, people to be met, knowledge to be shared…
He promptly pushes away from the edge and continues walking. No need to dwell on the past in such a melancholic fashion - it does nothing and no one any good. And the acceptable time for mourning is passed.
Alfred's fumbling to find a new topic to ponder is cut short as he rounds the next corner. Mid-stride, he manages to quickly sidestep just in time to avoid a gaggle of screaming children as they bound up the sloping street, cheering and ordering each other on. Watching them go with a frown, he just catches sight of a little mongrel as it tears away from the rowdy bunch and down an adjacent alley. As they disappear his annoyance is replaced with amusement, the idea of such a tiny mutt evading so many tenacious hands drawing a chuckle out of him. His expression slowly shifts the longer he looks back. Brows knitting together, he turns in the direction he'd been going to take in the buildings and businesses around him. The frown slowly returns the longer he takes in his surroundings. Nothing here is familiar.
He hasn't a clue where he is.
His frown turns to a scowl as he steps and weaves through the crowded area to search the skyline. His target is quickly found - the enormous Astral Clocktower, his and just about everyone else's go-to landmark when trying to navigate the bizarre city. Alfred curses under his breath. It wasn't at an angle or distance he's used to seeing - which means he's nowhere near the district he was supposed to be headed! And if the tower's time is to be trusted, he's been walking for hours! Anger wells up, hot and tempting as Alfred curses even louder, causing a couple passersby to nervously glance his way. With a harsh exhale that sounds more like a snarl he swiftly stifles it, eyes closing as he tries to reason with his temper.
There's only himself to blame for such a stupid mistake, and it was his own damn anger that caused him to get lost in the first place! Getting angrier will just make things worse, like usual. Besides, this is a chance to explore new territory, something he wouldn't have done otherwise - at least while there's daylight. Maybe he'll find a shorter way to get to and from the gate he must take to reach Byrgenwerth, cut down on the time he has to dedicate to those blowhards. Plus it's not like he has anywhere to be for the rest of the day - his dear Siegward has gone much longer than this without a walk, and is too well-trained to make a mess indoors. In fact, an unplanned walk on a lovely day might be exactly what he needs to loosen his persistent writer's block! The hands of fate have changed his path in greater ways before, with far worse situations than this!
With that Alfred smiles and opens his eyes, ready to continue his jaunt now that the urge to hit something is gone. He looks up and down the street before heading for the nearest corner, eager to put a name to wherever he is. It's definitely a more business-oriented area as there's plenty of glass-fronts with displays and placards denoting different services, but with how many people are loitering there must be housing very close by. Many of the buildings are of the New Pthumerian style, the ornamentation and stonework as distinct as any Pthumerian handiwork. Most bear the scars and scorch marks to prove they've stood since prewar. Other buildings are obviously newer being of a plainer European or English style, while a few scattered lots are still in the midst of being rebuilt or renovated.
Turning down another street, Alfred notes both sides are lined with uniform New Pthumerian terraces, roofs like stairsteps as they follow the curving, slanting street. The paths aren't nearly as busy as on the last stretch, and as he peruses the various forms of signage he sees why - most of these appear to be private offices. A good deal of them look to have been at least partially rebuilt or repaired, as many of the roofs and windows are noticeably newer. Likely whatever fire or barrage that took the other buildings stopped before it could finish these off.
Alfred shakes his head at the thought of so much being lost for such ridiculous reasons. "The sick people would've died anyway - why let so much of historic worth be destroyed in the process? There may have once even been a library or museum with records of the Old Pthumerian religion, destroyed as if it were some plague-ridden hovel! What a terrible waste…"
Coming to the end of the street Alfred turns his mind to figuring out which avenue he's about to enter, when something in his periphery grabs his attention. His pace slows considerably until he comes to a halt at the corner, now a ways beyond his new focus. Above the doorway of the end terrace hangs a bracket sign, much like many others along this street, except that it's an eye-catching off-white instead of the usual black or brown. Even from across the street every word is legible, the large, neat letters painted in a deep Prussian blue. There's an English surname at the top, which isn't uncommon to see nowadays in the capitol, but it's the familiarity of it that has Alfred lingering.
Hewlett Private Practice.
"Surely it's- it couldn't be… There's plenty of outsiders in Yharnam, it could be someone else entirely…" Alfred worries his bottom lip as he stares, people and the occasional cart milling between he and his conundrum. "But he did say Yharnam… and it is a private practice, with that name. It must be Percy…Well, good! Did what he set out to do and… and did it well, by the looks of it! Good for him!" He firmly nods as if in conclusion before turning away to continue along the busy avenue. A scant distance from where he'd stood he suddenly stops, wringing at the head of his cane as he starts worrying his lower lip again. "Would he… I wonder… It's been years since we saw one another, and so much is different now…"
Looking back, Alfred finds himself unsure of what to do. He'd like to go visit his old acquaintance, but what he needs is to maintain as much distance from his past as possible. The doctor only knows him as a man that, for all intents and purposes, no longer exists - a past life those Byrgenwerth bastards would gleefully use to destroy his current one. To reintroduce himself would be terribly unwise. However…
Alfred's been rather lonely since his move to the city. Though he'd never trade in the life his late mentor afforded him, he has to admit it's become less than ideal as of late; between his superiors' barely disguised aggression and the persistent lull in his work since arriving, living in Yharnam hasn't been the most pleasant experience thus far. Someone he knows he could trust would make everything so much more tolerable… And who better to put his trust in than someone that saved his life? "What was it the old man used to say? A wise decision doesn't mean it's a good decision, a foolish decision isn't always a bad decision… It went something like that…"
His mind made up, Alfred turns and makes his way back to the end terrace, a giddy smile on his face despite himself. As he comes to the entrance he pauses as a woman exits, tipping his hat with a small bow as she passes. With a quick glance up at the sign to solidify his resolve, and then through a curtained window to no avail, he enters the doctor's office. Immediately behind the door are a few steps down, leading to another door which opens to a small landing that gives him an elevated view of a surprisingly light and airy space.
Directly below and in front of him sitting at a tidy desk is one Dr. Percival Hewlett, his features hidden as he looks down, intent on his writing. The physician must have heard him on his way in, as he glances over his spectacles before continuing his paperwork. "My apologies sir, but office hours are over for the day. If you're able to come back tomorrow, I've plenty of times available to schedule an appointment."
Alfred's smile broadens as he hears the familiar baritone voice after so many years. With a flourish he whips off his hat in one hand, and with his cane in the other holds them aloft at his sides as he practically shouts, "Percy!"
The other's head snaps up in response, one eyebrow dangerously quirked. His expression of perplexed annoyance quickly shifts to one of scrutiny as he takes in his visitor. Silence hangs between them as the moment lasts a beat too long, but then the doctor's features soften into bewilderment as he slowly sets aside his pen. "…Alfred…?"
A hearty laugh erupts from the blond before he swiftly takes the stairs down, utterly delighted to be remembered and amused at the other's shock. "Percy, my good man! It's been so very long!"
"…Yes it has," Percy says rather absentmindedly, removing his lenses as he stands to come around the desk, "my word, I hardly recognize you!"
Another bout of jubilant laughter escapes Alfred as he leaves his effects on a chair and comes to stand before the shorter man, immediately raising his arms to draw him into a hug. Just as the doctor stiffens he remembers himself and pulls back, instead extending a hand in proper greeting. The tension in Percy's shoulders evaporates on accepting the firm handshake, further relieved when all the younger man does beyond shaking is to place his other hand atop his own. On noticing how ecstatic Alfred is to see him he can't help but break into a smile as well. "Goodness - how have you been?"
The blond can hardly contain himself as he shakes with renewed vigor. "Very well, Percy - very well!"
"I can see that!" Percy chuckles as he places his other hand atop Alfred's before gently pulling away. He gives him another subtle once over. "You've certainly done well for yourself, haven't you! I must admit I'm surprised to see you here, let alone in such fine attire and with- ah…"
The blond shakes his head, grinning at the other's discretion. "A tolerable sense of propriety? Even a hint of gentility? I can't blame you at all - I'm a very different man from last we met!" They both laugh, the doctor more out of relief.
"What happened to bring about this change, if you don't mind my asking?"
Alfred's mind flies into a flurry of possible explanations, none of which feel adequate. With a grin, he settles on giving the simplest for now. "I met a most amazing man that took me on as his assistant. I owe him everything, truly. But what of you Percy, how have you been? You've followed through on your plans, I see! How goes the practice?"
The physician's head tilts slightly at the vague answer, but his smile only wanes when questioned. "You've a good memory - I have gotten my practice established here, yes. Sadly I've not as many patients as I did back in England, but I suppose that's to be expected with such a large number of practitioners all in one city… I've decided to see it as more time to dedicate to my research, rather than a hindrance."
"Mmm, I suspect you've received the same sort of hospitality that many others have from the locals - cold shoulder and then some toward any 'outsiders,' from what I've gleaned," says Alfred, frowning for the first time since entering the office. "I'm lucky to apparently look quite like a native from the countryside, so I haven't suffered as much. Let me guess - most of your clientele are foreigners and not Yharnamites?"
Percy sighs wistfully. "You've guessed correctly. I'd hoped at first it was simply my being new in town, but the longer I'm here the more I see otherwise. I can comprehend the sentiment behind their actions, what with recent history, but it's still such a silly way to express their contempt. Ill-conceived and shortsighted, if nothing else."
"And bothersome."
"Ha! Yes, that too..."
Now that his excitement has abated, Alfred is settled enough to really take a look at his old acquaintance. His silver-white hair is of the same style and cut, now perhaps a tad more white than silver. If the passage of time has touched him at all beyond that, it's with wrinkles too well hidden by his wry grin to be seen. In fact, there's barely any evidence of the years since they met! What is evident, however, is the sense of weariness Percy exudes - different from if it were just the end of his shift, or if today had been taxing. It's more the sort of weariness Alfred has been feeling as of late; the sort that lingers, builds up over a long period thanks to constant hardship and dissatisfaction. Perhaps he's putting too much emphasis on what the doctor had said about lacking patients - and thus funds - or their shared but slightly different troubles with the prejudiced locals. Maybe he's simply reading too much into a tired man's manner…
Whatever it is that's different about him, it doesn't suit Percy in the slightest. Alfred comes to a decision suddenly as the doctor shifts to lean against the desk - one he's sure is both wise and good. He leisurely makes his way back toward the stairs and nearby chair. "Well Dr. Hewlett, with your office hours over, I shan't keep you any longer than I already have."
Percy looks up from the papers he'd begun to straighten, more curious than surprised. "So soon? Here I thought you'd want to catch up, extrapolate on all that's happened!"
"Oh-ho I most certainly do! But I don't want to keep you from your off-hours. Perhaps tomorrow we can talk, following my appointment? I know of the most delightful bakery… somewhere close by. I think. How about I bring something along for us to enjoy during our chat?" As Alfred turns from retrieving his hat and cane he catches a glimpse of a rather wide-eyed Dr. Hewlett. He swiftly regains composure, clearing his throat and pulling out a pocket journal as he dons his spectacles, utterly nonchalant. "You'd like to schedule for an appointment? Is there something ailing you?"
"Yes - and no, not really. It's just, despite having the funds and being in a city full of practitioners, I find I've neglected to find myself a personal physician. Irresponsible, I know…"
When Alfred looks up from fiddling with the brim of his hat he's greeted by a knowing smirk from the physician, a touch warmer than he ever recalls seeing. The taller man quickly looks away and masks his own grin by donning his hat. A hum comes from Percy as he looks through his schedule. "If it's an appointment to get you established… How does eleven o'clock sound? By the time we're done and the paperwork dealt with, it'll be about the time I close for lunch anyway. You may stay for that time."
"Wonderful, that works splendidly!" Alfred beams down as he ascends the stairs. He stops on the landing to lean against the rail, meeting the doctor's eye as he peers down. "I'm so glad I've found you again, Dr. Hewlett. A friendly and familiar face is just what I've been needing. Truly fateful!"
A chuckle floats up from the older man. "Fortuitous indeed, Alfred."
"Right - tomorrow at eleven! I look forward to it! Goodbye Dr. Hewlett!"
With that Alfred ascends the remaining stairs and is beyond the inner door in a heartbeat. As the outer door shuts behind him, the physician remains leaning against the desk, lost in thought as he looks up at where the blond had stood. Another chuckle escapes him, shaking his head as he moves around to his chair. Pulling out a blank file for his newly returned patient, he can't help but smirk to himself. "…Fateful indeed…"
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nooreva-s2-blog · 7 years
Imagine this:
Season 5: Even
We get to know his family and his relationship with the balloon squad, their backstory is properly told. We see a rencounter between Sonja and Even. A LOT OF EVAK. Moments with: every member of the balloon squad, the girl squad, the boy squad and kollektivet.
Season 6: Vilde
It has to be season 6 (Even though my fic is on s5 hehe) because it's their russetiden. WHO ELSE IS GOING TO NARRATE RUSSETISEN THAN VILDE? Girlsquad, Vilde being gay (nothing new), lesbians, vilde's home life...
Season 7: Chris
First year of university, from Chris' point of view. Everyone knows what they are doing with their lives but her, who has an identity crisis. We get to know her story, her family, siblings maybe?, her sexuality, her relationship with every girl, how caring, funny and nice she is, the beautiful relationship she has with her mom.
Season 8: Jonas
His university life, updates from the boys. Evak's wedding. Experimenting with boys in university, his lesbian sister, his family, his identity.
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A Rencounter Fic
OMG I MADE A 2ND CHAPTER!!! And in short amount of time (not really but short enough)!! This one is really special cuz @ice-cream-kitsunegirl and I work together on this one. She made an amazing intro (in my personal opinion). Once again both of our Ocs are here, I have her permission to use her character, I hope you will like it and please check out her blog if you like bnha x readers fics, I recommend reading her stuff. (She has more experience in writing than I do. XD)
Summary: Ashlen and Amy have been friends online for three months but never knew each other's real names or faces. They are from different countries but feel as if they are very close to one another. Ashlen is on an exchange program to UA High School to Class 1-A for a year. One year away from home in the U.S, will she get along with her new classmates? Why does one of them sound familiar?
Chapter 2: A Sense of Change
Meanwhile at UA…
Amy whooped as she flew her broomstick up in the air, high enough to run a hand through the clouds, the same place where her head was as she grinned at the bright moonlight. It was the perfect amount of light that she would need to charge her gemstones for when she got down. She looked down to see their brightness…
She wasn’t alone though, she had her dear friend Shinsou riding with her on her broomstick, and he wasn’t crazy about how high they were. They were a little too high near the clouds, he knew that Amy was an adrenaline junkie, but how did he let her convince him to do crazy shit like this?
‘It’s like riding a bike she said… it will be fun she said…’ He thought to himself in dread, but he refused to show that he might have been just a little bit scared of falling since this relied purely on her telekinesis to let her fly.
“Hitoshi! We’re so freakin’ high! I’ve officially gotten better with my telekinesis, and now I can fly this thing anytime I want! Haha~! I want to get away, I wanna fllyyyyy away~.” She started singing as she floated about and let the wind blow in her face.
“You shouldn’t sing while we’re up here… you need to focus, so your telekinesis doesn’t break… Let’s just get back to the ground… I don’t think I really like fly-“ Shinsou nearly screamed when she suddenly descended, and he held on tightly to this broomstick as she whooped yet again, swerving a circle around the Heights Alliance building and potentially disturbing some of the other Class 1-A students with the heavy wind blowing through the windows from her fast flying..
As soon as she reached the ground, Shinsou was happy to be back on his feet where he wouldn’t fall to his death. “HA! Never gets old…” Amy laughed cheerfully as she got down off her broomstick, secretly amusing Shinsou despite what his expression indicated. “You’re setting witches back a hundred years by flying on a broomstick, do you know that?” He asked her sarcastically as she laughed a little bit, “Yeah, but it’s fun~. Now watch this! The moonlight is perfect for my gems~.” Amy sang-songed as she cheerfully went over to the gems she had collected to charge up for the perfect night.
They were gleaming, provided by the brightness of the moonlight that shined upon them, Amy stared at them in awe as she started to sing the incantation.
“Crystal, Gleam and Glow
Let your power return
The full moon shine so bright
Return your state of might.”
A low humming radiated from the glowing gemstones, and Amy’s grin grew and looked somewhat crazy from Shinsou’s point of view as she did her best to not let out a dramatic cackle, and instead just giggled happily. “AH! I can’t wait to utilize their power for later~ I’m just mad about gemstones.” She said excitedly, which Shinsou secretly found endearing. Even if he didn’t know why he was out here in the first place.
“Why am I out here again?” He asked in the most deadpan tone she had heard yet, and he wasn’t surprised to see Amy’s trademark smirk.
“Duh, Mr. Aizawa trusts you the most with me, I need you to back me up if I get in trouble, and on top of that… I need to make up being away from you for 4 years… do you know how sad I was without you?”
Amy explained, her smirk turning into a more somber smile, “But you had the other witches. You certainly think highly of them… a lot more than the other girls here, that’s for sure.”
It was true. Amy often mentioned her sisters from the coven at Miss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Girls at New Orleans to her friends and classmates. Her sisters were young witches that had been made public not long ago but were an independent heroine group that followed their own rules thanks to Amy’s Supreme Cordelia Goode demonstrating a heroic attitude despite the witches’ controversial, and some say questionable hero methods. Amy’s dear friends Zoe Benson, Queenie and Mallory lived there, and she missed them terribly, but frequently spoke to them online, along with a new friend she had made in the states. And sometimes she would stay up till the dead of the night talking to them, which had lately been forcing Bakugou to make her ‘go the fuck to bed.’
“I do… I mean the girls here are great… but… my sisters are… pretty badass.” Amy chuckled a little bit, but Shinsou couldn’t help but rolls his eyes. “Yeah, we hear you go on and on about how great they are… Except for Madison… nobody can stand her, I really can’t stand her.” Shinsou reminded her but made sure to remark on his intense dislike for Madison Montgomery, the bitchiest witch who had been ‘taking care of you’ and shadowing a very reluctant Aizawa on Cordelia’s request on most days. But nobody, not even sweet Izuku, Kirishima or Uraraka liked her.
Amy couldn’t help but giggle. Madison was more of her frenemy than anything, compared to Misty, Mallory, Zoey, and Queenie, but Madison was a hedonist who looked out mainly for herself and most definitely NOT a hero. Although, Madison did care about Amy, given that she took her on a wild bender after Bakugou was rescued and was being kind of a distant asshole afterward.
That proved that Madison DID care about her and had a heart underneath the stone-cold bitchiness. “Hee-hee, Madison’s a bitch. But… I can handle her. I mean… look at who I’m dating.” Amy shrugged a little bit and laughed, not fully noticing the look of annoyance on Shinsou’s face.
“But… as much as I talk about how great my sisters are… they aren’t you Hitoshi… they made me feel less lonely… but they couldn’t replace you at all…” She said softly with a warm smile at her childhood friend, who didn’t seem to expect that as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, willing himself to not blush.
“So sentimental…” He muttered a little bit in slight embarrassment as Amy giggled a little bit, unable to stop herself from hugging his arm affectionately as he sighed heavily in mild annoyance. Although, Amy’s hold loosened a little bit as her brown eyes widened ever so slightly, pausing momentarily as she stared upwards into the distance and looked around.
There was nothing in the area, but her senses were tingling and telling her something that she couldn’t really say. Yet, she felt nothing bad, which was surprising to her since one of Amy’s gifts allowed her to sense bad juju and of bad things yet to come. So naturally, Amy learned to be cautious, even if she wasn’t sensing the usual bad juju…
Which was a little bit alarming to her. She’d been used to bad juju, and for some reason, it seemed to be naturally drawn to her wherever she wants, whether it was at Robichaux or UA. She recalled many times she felt it, such as the attack on Robichaux, the Witch Hunters, the Axeman’s attack, the USJ incident, the Hero Killer’s attack at Hosu, to the Summer Field Training trip. All bad incidents, so why was this so different?
Amy wondered what this could have meant. Whatever it was, it was lingering in the atmosphere, and Amy was growing more curious about it by the minute.
As she thought to herself, Shinsou knew that the witch must have sensed something when she was uncharacteristically quiet, so he could tell she must have sensed something, “What is it, Amy? Is something the matter?” He asked her, a hint of concern in his tone as Amy chuckled and shook her head.
“Nothing really… I thought I sensed something but… now it’s gone… it’s nothing.” She replied with a smile and decided to quickly change the subject somehow.
“Oh! Hello~. Wonder who that could be~?” Thankfully, one of your friends messaged you, which was the perfect distraction from the weirdness you felt.
Ally-luvs-14cats: Hi! What's up Ice cream!?
Ice-cream-FoxGirl: Oh hey girl! Just flyin’ about with my buddy. Almost died lol
Ally-luvs-14cats: Which one? The Zombie one or the Explodo boi?  
Ice-cream-FoxGirl: HA. I haven’t killed Explodo Boi YET. But I’m with my dear Zombie Boy.
Shinsou looked over Amy's shoulder, "Who are you talking to? And who are you calling Zombie boy?"
Amy nearly jumped, and she flashed him a nervous, toothy grin, “Just a friend… Zombie Boy? No…” She laughed very nervously, “Nobody… definitely not you… I don’t think your zombie-like features make you look like a zombie…” She said, not convincingly at all as she tried to wave it off.
Ally-luvs-14cats: XD i bet he pissed his pants!
Ice-cream-FoxGirl: XD LOL I dunno. Maybe. I didn’t check my broom lolol
Ally-luvs-14cats: you better. Wouldnt want a nasty ride XD
"Who are they? Are they your friends from the coven?" Shinso asked, with a face of annoyance from the 'pissed' comment.
“Hee-hee… not this time… Madison probably would’ve said something like that. But no, this is my bud from the States... She ain’t a coven girl, well… that I know of,  but she’s definitely a friend…” She clarified, for once not saying anything really snarky since she had grown to like this girl, she was pretty cool. A LOT cooler than Madison that’s for sure, the witch Amy was stuck with.
"You know, you really shouldn't be buddy-buddy with people online. They could be a creepy old man from Japan." He warned, he heard creepy tales of how disgusting villains kidnap kids over the internet.
Amy almost chuckled, but Shinsou’s concern touched her. “Hitoshi… I’ve already killed two creepy old men back at New Orleans. I can easily kill another. I’m good at killing creepy old men… I LIKE killing creepy old men.” She smiled a little too wide, intentionally making herself look a bit bloodthirsty, which… she kind of was. “But seriously… I trust this person. Everything I’ve read from her doesn’t strike me as suspicious. No bad juju from her.” This time, that was a bit more reassuring since this girl so far didn’t give Amy any bad vibes. "And besides, we haven't said our real names and where exactly we live, just our countries."
Ally-luvs-14cats: ugh my morning was rough XC
Ice-cream-FoxGirl: uh-oh. O.O What’s the T Christine? What happened?
Ally-luvs-14cats: let’s just say i got my ass kicked by one of my older sisters...mannn i thought today was the day im going to win! 😗
Ice-cream-FoxGirl: Eh?! You didn’t win?! Awwww man… well hey, you can do it next time! This time strike when she least expects it! Go all ‘Surprise Bitch!’ on her! Works every time! 😆
Ally-luvs-14cats: XD if only that were easy. I totally went all out! Even used my special move. But she's just too dang good.. unfortunately the next time will be in a year though…
Ice-cream-FoxGirl: DAYUM! >.< That’s almost like when I didn’t pass the Seven Wonders… I mean, most witches usually die when they don’t pass but I just couldn’t do any Divination… I feel your pain though girl… :/ I can’t beat Madison… that bitch is cray-cray… but hey, you can try again next year at least! ;)
"She only knows that you're a witch?" Shinsou asked as they approach Amy's dorm room.
Amy tried not to look so obvious, but that was just in her nature unless she was trying to manipulate someone. “Yup… that’s… that’s all she knows… she definitely doesn’t know all my friends’ names… just the girls from the coven…” She muttered, not being discreet at all. But… Amy was a risk-taker by nature, it was something she needed to seriously work on.
Ally-luvs-14cats: Also I got some news! Like a future warning...
Ice-cream-FoxGirl: Oh? Future warning eh? I wanna hear that T.
Ally-luvs-14cats: pfft..anyways yea im going to be M.I.A. im going to be moving sooo i wont be able to talk to you for a few days...ill be moving to a new country annnd guess where it will be!?
Ice-cream-FoxGirl: AWWW! >.< Booo! Oh well… will miss u gurl~. Have fun with moving! Aaaaaaaaand… France? Canada? New Orleans~? … Norway?
Ally-luvs-14cats: PFFT! New Orleans isnt a country! XD Also none of those are correct btw..
Ice-cream-FoxGirl: XD Yeah but New Orleans is AWESOME!! Aaaand… Taiwan? … London? Paris? Maybe Tokyo?
Ally-luvs-14cats: Ding Ding! It is JAPAN!~
Ally-luvs-14cats: YEA! ill be going to this like fancy school for an exchange student program...ugh i hope this school wont be filled with snobs like the ones here..¬_¬
Ice-cream-FoxGirl:  UGH Tell me about it… I love the lot I’m stuck with, but Robichaux had cooler ladies. Now the guys here though… ;) Ooh la la girl… you’d love the guys here…… I’m licking my lips as we speak~
Ally-luvs-14cats: >u< oh my gosh! Lol! Man i hope soo...i do have a thing for Asian boys..
Ice-cream-FoxGirl: They are only some of the most beautiful men on the planet~. And these guys sure are… I have a picture of this dude I’m dating, took it when he wasn’t aware of it at the pool. Among other photos he doesn’t know I secretly have of him~. Including one of him while he was sleeping... XD
"Is that so? Amy.." A voice came up behind her and almost came out as a growl.
“AHHH!!” Amy’s eyes widened, she managed to read her most recent message, but her furious boyfriend had kind of distracted her as she jumped and screamed when he was getting too close and in a snap, she teleported at least 5 feet away to text as quickly as she could.
Ally-luvs-14cats: XD Well i gttg..I need some breakfast after that defeat..and who knows maybe we'll see other. So bye!
Ice-cream-FoxGirl: Great! Talk to u later! Can’t wait to see you! I’ll show u pics when u do! Girl bai!! I’m gonna try and not die now XD :3
Ally-luvs-14cats: Oops someone found out something XD sorry but...you are on your own!
                                    Ally-luvs-14cats had left the chat!
Not many things scared Amy and not even Bakugou, but his rage was enough to raise the hairs on her back as she took off running. “No! Go drink some tea or something and ‘leaf’ me alone~!” If she was going to die, she was going to go out on a really lame pun.
Shinsou couldn’t really do anything except watch his best friend and her dumb boyfriend chase each other. He probably should have stopped Bakugou with his quirk, but… Amy wouldn’t learn anything if he did. That’s what he told himself at least.
That’s what she gets for the piss comment…
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A Rencounter Fic
In case you didn't know. . .
I made my very first fic after 5 years!!!
Takes place in Boku no Hero Academia Universe and it's also a collab fic with my awesome friend:
@ice-cream-kitsunegirl. 💜
My Oc Ashlen meets her Oc Amy!!
Summary: Ashlen and Amy have been friends online for three months but never knew each other's real names or faces. They are from different countries but feel as if they are very close to one another. Ashlen is on an exchange program to UA High School to Class 1-A for a year. One year away from home in the U.S, will she get along with her new classmates? Why does one of them sound familiar?
Just look for the tag a rencounter fic
And please check out her blog, if you like My Hero Academia or Game of Thrones, she has both!!! Makes awesome bnha x reader fics, highly recommended!!❤
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A Rencounter fic
My first fanfiction after 5 years. It's a My Hero Academia fic and this fic is dedicated to my friend @ice-cream-kitsunegirl. Both of our OCs are here, I had her permission to use her character. I hope you like it, its been sooo long since I wrote for my own pleasure.
Summary: Ashlen and Amy have been friends online for three months but never each other's real names or faces. They are from different countries but feel as if they are very close to one another. Ashlen is on an exchange program to UA High School to Class 1-A for a year. One year away from home in the U.S, will she get along with her new classmates? Why does one of them sound familiar?
Chapter One: Last Day at Home
I stared at the ceiling, seeing that it is my last time I’ll be in my room before going to Japan, and transfer to the prestigious high school, UA High.
   “Ashlen!! It’s time to wake up now! And she's waiting for you at the training room!”
Sigh and no doubt I’m definitely gonna miss that.
Well, time to get ready and might as well turn on some tunes to start the day, I check the time:
5:15 am
Crap, I got 15 minutes! I press the button of my music player, it's nice that it started on 'Born for This,' and began to dress in a slightly loose shirt and my yoga pants. Mmmm where are my gloves? I could've sworn I put them in my box where I put my other training gear. All my other stuff are all in the moving boxes; there's no way I put them in there. I search around my room, my desk, my shelves...shit. I went on my knees and looked under my bed and AH! Found them! I got them on, and I looked at my clock:
5:30 am
Welp, I'm dead.
I got out of my room and start sprinting across the hall….Damn it why does the training room have to be on the other side of the mansion!? Man, it's my last day here at home, and it might as well be my last day of living! Hopefully, she's also there to protect me from her rage! I pushed the door wide,
"GOOD MORIN-IINGG!!!........ooooowww."
Of course, I just have to trip on air...ughh good thing I didn't bit my tongue like the last time. I opened my eyes and see a pair of white socks; I looked up and see a couple of violet colored eyes, filled with annoyance. This is it, I'm going to die.
"Hehe, good morning sis, beautiful day outside ain't it? OW!" Her foot is putting pressure on the side of my head, and now she's gonna lecture me again.
"How many times do I have to tell you to refer me as sensei when you enter this room?" She added more pressure. "AND how many more times I have to tell you to always arrive here on time? It is your last day here at home, and you would have at least get here on time!"
"Now now, let's not be too rough on her, it is her last day."
Thank the gods! My prayers have been answered!
"Last night, I did ask her to memorize all her lessons for today," explained Ashleigh, "we are planning to make her fight one of us."
The gods had failed me. Why did she have to say that with her bright smile, I've always loved?
   “You know, you shouldn’t let her off that easy,” she starts to lecture. I knew Ashtan isn’t gonna let this go, “ We must show discipline to Ashlen: no matter that she’s our sister, we are training her to be an assas-”
   “It’s hero, Ashtan.” Ashleigh interrupted. I couldn’t help but notice that her eyes are starting to glow a bit; which isn’t a good thing.
Ashtan rolled her eyes, “We are still teaching her the same teachings, there will be a point where she has no choice and-”
“Which is why,” Ashleigh's voice had raised a bit, oh please don’t let them fight. If the room didn’t have any power containment, those two would have destroyed half of the mansion like that one time. “We are also teaching her other methods so that she won’t have to come to that, my dear sister.” I gotta do something, I could feel both of their energies rising; I sooo don’t want this to end as my last day.
“Umm, if I could throw in my two cents here?” They both looked at me as if they have forgotten that I’m here, which by the way ouch. “While I don’t want to die in the presence of two powerful beings, I also want to say that I’m still grateful that both of you are teaching me and wanting to help me reach my dream to be a hero. If it weren’t you and the rest of the family, I’ll probably end up in the streets or be with a family who won’t support me as much as you guys do. And who knows, maybe there will be a time where I might have to. . do that.” My sisters told me their adventures and missions, they traveled across the world, and they made mistakes by going in different paths that were against their morals. They didn’t tell me how many people died in their hands, although something tells me that killed so many, I know that most of them could’ve done worse if they are still alive. Which is why they will do something that they will never do: Kill the Innocent.
“I am going to be the best hero that both of you could be proud of because you two inspire me.”
You know this would’ve been meaningful if I weren’t still in the floor and pin down by Ashtan.
   “Also, could you let me up now?” I gave them a big grin at them, because I still love them, no matter what.
Both of their expressions soften, Ashtan lends her hand and help me up, and Ashleigh came to hug me tightly, in which I return with the same gesture, despite that she’s older than me, we both are the same height, and Ashtan is slightly taller by three inches. Maybe when I’m back after a year, I’ll surpass them both by five inches! But that is just me hoping.
   After a minute later, Ashleigh let me go with her eyes in their normal state, bright with a little bit of shine as if she is about to cry; she is the more emotional one out of the three of us.
"Well, I think we've delayed our training long enough, don't you think?"
"Yes, we delayed long enough," Ashtan agreed, "Well Ashlen, how about you choose who to fight, it doesn't matter who. Either of us will make sure to test you and gauge your abilities."
"Oh, boy, this is going to be a tough one." They are both ruthless when it comes to hand to hand combat, and they say they are gonna test me on some moves.
"Wait, am I allow to use my quirk?"
Ashleigh grinned, "You can, but I'm sure you know even your quirk won't stop either of us! So come on, make a choice, we don’t have all day.”
   Ugh I hate that she’s right, one of my ultimate moves requires extreme focus, if I time it right, I might have a chance, so it doesn’t matter who I choose. I chuckled, “ Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter who I choose, so how about we flip for it?”
So Ashtan pulled out a coin, flip it to the air,
She caught it and flip once more to her other hand. Tails.
I look at Ashleigh and smile, “Well, and so the fates decided.”
We both head to the leading mats, where so many times I have been pinned down, knocked unconscious, worked tirelessly to be strong and have quick thinking and reflexes. We took our places and made our stances, “Are you ready little one? She asked. The very same question she asked when I first started when I was twelve years old.
I smirked.
“Yes, Midoriya-sensei.”
   I wonder how she is doing?
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