drivelikeiido · 2 years
fallen for you
an impulsive matty admits his feelings for you
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word count: 1.1k
warnings: just a lil bit of smoking and a lil bt of pining
notes: this is the first time i've written a fic in years so I'M SORRY, not my best by far but all the writing on here inspired me to try and write again <3 also i wanted to write some nervous matty because he needs humbled so here we go (i also wrote this first thing in the morning so even more apologies for my tired brain) oh! and the reader is in the support band for the 1975 because i'm self indulgent in my writing like that
The stars in the sky were all that occupied your mind as you sat outside the venue. The night was a peaceful calm, a refreshing contrast compared to the show your band had just performed on stage opening for the boys. 
However the night's quiet is disrupted as the heavy backdoor to the venue opens from behind and Matty appears to join you, already in his suit and tie ready to go onstage, only if he knew what that look did to scramble your brain every night, it was almost annoying that someone could look so effortlessly good. 
He sits down and pulls out his packet of cigarettes, inhaling deeply as he lights one up and gestures briefly to you if you want one, you silently raise your hand up in refusal, he’s enough for you right now, your legs side by side as you sit on the freezing steps. The brief contact is enough to warm your entire body.
You sit in comfortable silence for minutes, the only sounds are the slow burning of his cigarette and the tapping of his shoes on the dark ground. You appreciate him silently, wondering to yourself how you even got this opportunity and how messy it's become now that you've unfortunately grown to appreciate the frontman of the band you're touring with in a not so platonic way. Grown so accustomed to the silence and the whirling of your thoughts his sudden speech is almost startling, his confession even more so. 
“I’m totally obsessed with you,” 
“I've wanted to kiss you for ages you know,” he adds after a beat. The shock of his confession causes the breath to seem to leave your lungs but you manage to whisper out “and what’s stopping you?”
“Didn’t think you’d want me to” he states, still refusing to make eye contact and looking into the waves of smoke floating up into the air instead. Despite his steady voice you realise he's nervous and the thought alone is enough to make you smile. Seconds pass and the cold evening air no longer seems to faze you as you build up enough confidence to ask what you've wanted for months now. 
“Do it. Kiss me. Please,” your voice barely loud enough, but he seems to hear. 
Despite his nervousness he bites back the teasing comment waiting to spill from the tip of his tongue; that could wait for later, he’d been thinking of this moment for too long to screw it up, and the boys would never let him forget it if he did.
He pulls the cigarette from his lips and exhales one last cloud of grey smoke, the addictive smell that you’ve  grown to associate with him fills your chest as he throws the butt to the ground. His rough hands move to cradle your face so gently as if he fears you could pop and dissolve through his fingers at any moment, as if he was scared you would change your mind or even if this was all a dream. 
The kiss surprises you in its gentleness and as you move together you realise this is something you’ll never bore of, the feeling of needing his lips engraved into your skin is dizzying, a sentiment he seems to share as he leans further into the kiss, his hands cradling the sides of your face like lifelines.
When he pulls back, his brown eyes are twinkling brighter than the stars you're under and the purest smile you’ve ever seen him wear graces his lips as he fixes your hair and places any strand moved back to its rightful place. He steps back, takes your cold hand in his and squeezes, his voice low and affectionate when he says “Come see me after the show, yeah?” and with your nod he disappears back inside the venue, leaving your brain to catch up with what just happened.
You’re glad he’s gone inside so he can’t see the seemingly immovable blush that's taken permanent residence on your cheeks, you'd never hear the end of the teasing if he saw that. You stay in the cold of the evening for a little longer, the chill of the air circling you and helping to slow the beating of your heart, the memory of the smell of his smoke and aftershave and how it now seems to cling to your clothes still working to fluster you despite his absence.
As you head back into the halls of the venue you feel the need to confirm that the moment was real, and not just another cruel daydream after months on the road. You take out your phone and text him,
‘i’m obsessed with you too, for the record’
His reply is almost immediate,
‘i know, love’ .
“Cocky prick” you whisper to yourself, his proud reply so Matty it makes you giggle and works to calm any growing concerns you may have had. Shoving the phone into your back pocket you make your way to the greenroom with everyone else to wait while the boys perform, your heart beating that bit faster as the set gets nearer and nearer to the end, “Come see me after the show, yeah?” playing over and over in your head.
Once the show was over and most of the set taken down, your steps are embarrassingly quick as you walk to the back of the venue, once again to the boys' delegated smoking area, already smelling the intoxicating smoke that hung in the air that was undoubtedly coming from him. He turns as you round the corner, his lips raising into a smirk as he throws the burnt out butt to the ground, stamping it with his dress shoes. He waits for you to walk close to him, his eyes never once leaving yours before grabbing out at your shirt and pulling you flush to him, your arms moving to rest on his chest. Despite the chill in the air the heat between your bodies was enough to make your skin blush immediately. His eyes looked down at you mischievously as his fingers toy with your shirt absentmindedly behind your back.
“So you’re obsessed with me, huh?” 
You huff out a laugh and look up to see that smug grin plastered over his beautiful face, his skin glowing and his curls a mess after his performance onstage. 
“Don’t let it go to your head, we don’t need any more to feed your ego” you tease, poking at his forehead and watching as he momentarily closes his eyes at the motion.
His saccharine grin returns, “Too late for that darlin, you’ve confessed your undying obsession with me there’s no getting rid of me now”
You drop your head to his chest, subtly revelling in the affection as his arms wrap around you, enveloping you in comfort, making it impossible to ever imagine leaving them.
“You’re insufferable, you know that,” you laugh and despite your teasing he drops a kiss to your head, 
“Yeah but I’m yours now, and that’s all that matters”
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k0yaz · 1 month
Also I just ended up quitting the game because it confused me too much and never finished it until like two years later when I watched a playthrough and realized that I would romance Monika at the end. 😭
Could I request her reaction to that happening?
also could I be 💤 anon?
error of a heart.
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Pairings: monika x fem!reader
CW: sfw, female reader, very heavy angst, part 1 is optional so this can be read as a standalone, horror themes, monika going insane, mentions of implied suicide, death, blood, hallucinations, monka crying this had to be a warning bc i felt so bad :(, this made me start crying no joke, guys im sobbing help, oh no I cuss like once here aaaa, I want to hug her sb, wrote this on a school night so might not be good, not proofread.
A/N: hell yeah you can be 💤 anon, and no thank YOU for the food I love ddlc with all my heart and I’m so happy I could write for it AND WHO CARES IF I HAVE SCHOOL IN THE MORNING RAHHAHA 🕯️
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This was a cruel joke, right?
Monika’s sleek fingers threaded into her coral brown hair, grasping at her scalp with widened, twitchy eyes as she felt her chest tighten with each gaping breath. The screen displayed a ticking count of your absence from the game, the small pink dotted box splaying out thickened and bolded lines of text. Her body felt like it was wavering in and out of existence.
The horror of situation dawned upon her, feeling as if pixels of her merely drawn figure were being ripped out of her piece by piece. Her hands practically slammed down onto the opposite ends of the control panel, breathing forced and drawn out as tears glossed over her once bright emerald eyes.
“Is this it? After you’ve made me suffer for so long?” Monika spat, her voice laced with clouding venom that blinded every sense with a mixture of rage, despair, sorrow. She couldn’t even tell what she was feeling at this point. She just knew it sure as hell wasn’t positive. Cool grazes of the wind drifted into the club room through the opened window, swaying her hair off to the side and masking her lowered, empty eyes.
Nature no longer calmed her down anymore. Not when the natural world and lush landscapes outstretched through the window were all false. Bits of code. There was no reason for Monika to pretend anymore. Not when the woman who was her sole purpose for living had been ripped away from her so cruelly. Uneven beats of her heart was the only sound alongside the clock within the desolate club room, the quiet noises ringing in her ears with each agonizing second that passed.
Did time even exist anymore?
“Why? Just why (Name), why? You just had to play through…were you that disappointed that you couldn’t love me the way I loved you back?” She sobbed quietly, lips quivering as her palm dragged along the dried tear cracks bruised down her cheeks. Her teeth ground together in pure anguish, eyes fluttering shut with each quiet sob that racked her glitchy sprite.
Monika’s brows furrowed together as she tried to choke back her cries, shoving them back down her throat and tilting her head up to fix her gaze upward. There was probably nothing there. Maybe she was just hoping there was an entity, a creator, a higher power, anything. Anything that she could scream at to soothe her error of a heart.
Whatever didn’t allow her to have a route was the reason you were gone. It wasn’t your fault. Her gaze remained utterly transfixed onto the console, chest rhythmically rising and falling with her shaky breaths as she slowly came to terms with reality. Her vision slowly grew clearer, the thick fog of blinding emotion seeming to part itself before her as she anxiously circled her thumb along the ridge of the console. Monika began to understand. Her once bright green eyes, reminiscent of a leader, darkened into two cold pools of deep emptiness you could get lost in if you ventured too far.
You weren’t coming back.
Who was she kidding?
She got her hopes up for nothing.
She was the fool in this situation.
Shattering screeches began to pierce through her ears as she felt her eyes slowly beginning to sink into her skull, wanting to squint upon catching sight of the epileptic flashes of red green and blue. An endless mind breaking cacophony circled her within the void, rendering her immobile as she was forced to resume the unending torment that would plague her over and over.
Monika’s expression was devoid of any trace of possible emotion, her form tilted back as if she was succumbing to her fate. It was like she was drowning in an empty stomach of falsehood, caged in this endless cycle of knowing she wasn’t real. She never was real. She never will be. Everything she knew, everything she felt, it wasn’t real. If you could leave so quick and she couldn’t do anything about it, she couldn’t have been real. No chance.
Nothing was real.
The gravity of the situation dawned on her, weighing her down as she sunk into the void once more. Eyes gradually drooping lower and lower with each passing second clicking in her head—if time even existed here, Monika felt herself drowning into an ocean of code, which stung at her every sense like a numbing frostbite.
“Monika, are you alright?”
Her head jolted up from the desk, bleary vision lingering on the other three club members circling her. Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri fixed their concerned gazes onto Monika’s tired expression, faint dark circles adorned below her eyes. Great. She had another moment where only she was aware.
“Where is she..?” Monika muttered out weakly, her voice still raspy from her supposed ‘nap.’
“(Name)…where is she?” She inquired, confused glances being exchanged among the other three girls before looking back down at her. “There’s…no one here named that..” Yuri replied, a perplexed look crossing her features, deep purple eyes locked onto Monika’s messy form. Sayori simply gave her a gentle smile, resting a hand on her shoulder with her fingers brushing against the fabric of her blazer in an attempt of comfort. “Let us take care of things today, alright? Get some rest, you’ve been working too hard after all..”
A feigned appreciation painted her face as her palm rowed forward dismissively, attempting to imply that she would rest, and that the others were welcome to take over. Monika heaved a deep, shaky breath that pulsated in her chest over and over, slumping back onto the desk as her fingers tightened into the edge of the smoothed over wood. She couldn’t help but glare at the other members with a bitter disdain creeping up within her. They have everything she wanted. Yet they didn’t need it. Nobody understood how much it fucking hurt for her.
A sharp sting seared against her pointer finger, slashed diagnonally along her skin as she took in the seeping pain of the minuscule paper cut. She flipped her hand over and brought it close to the tip of her nose, examining the blistering red glistening along her finger as crimson droplets trickled down the open wound. It didn’t mean anything anyway. Just a couple taps of the control panel and this cut would close right up.
Monika allowed herself to wallow back to sleep, eyes slowly flickering in and out of consciousness as she slowly began to mentally return to her personalized hellhole. Her eyes slowly focused on the flash of bright light hovering above her head as her lashes filtered her already fuzzy vision. The light flooded her senses as a sharp pang of uncomfortable warmth spread along her drowning body within the void. It was warm, like being held. Yet disheartening to her knowing it was simply the faux comfort of the repeated codes strings.
It all became so clear now. There was no purpose, and she knew what was meant to be.
With remaining strength she could muster up, Monika extended a shaky hand upward, outstretching it to manipulate the code. Within moments, her body began to sink further into the endless void, the horrific orchestra of screaming no longer affecting her as her slow, rugged breaths filled her ears. It didn’t take long before her throat began to tighten, eyelids slowly lowering shut as she tilted her head back to allow the waves of erasure overtake her meaningless body. Her consciousness was slowly fading as Monika parted her lips to utter out a final set of words before drowning herself into the sea of her scripted feelings.
Ah. She adored the idea of you. Even in her final moments, as her throat closed in on her like a claustrophobic cave, she couldn’t help but think of you. Perhaps she would be granted the honor of laying her eyes upon your beautiful self when she got the chance. But for now, it’s not meant to be.
“If only I could be reborn in your world, (Name). We could be together. But not in this life.”
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💤 anon it’s your fault for making her cry /j
Someone request something good for this woman I feel bad I love Monika so much idc if Yuri is my favorite Monika still deserves everything :((
Also oo I added a filter to the banner and it looks sm better ok goodnight I need soeep
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Imagine the reader gets swooped by a magpie or watch the reader torturing a cockroach because it came in the room
(She / her ) pronounce
If your wonder why I said magpie I’m Australian lol
Love your work :D ( I wrote this at a late time sorry lol )
Austarian s/o and Slasher being silly goofy ahh
Hush men (autocorrect changed it to ben💀)
They were just walking thrue forest, epic romantic atmosphere and all
They were playing around and s/o run away from him (not like super away, like 10meters maybe) and she was like "ayo watch this-" she didnt finish cuz huge fucking magpie just flew into her head, s/o instantly fell face first on ground "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i mean honey are you alright" "ouch:( why u laughing" "i did not laugh" (he is gaslighting her, he in fact haha'ed)
Oneday he was vibing playing c.o.d ( he seems like guy Who would play cod) and hear little giggles from bedroom, "honey whats so funny" *s/o torturing cockroach* "I-🧍" "!!! I have been spotted!!*runs away giggling🚶‍♀️*
When she was in garden taking care of plants he was watching from window(go touch some grasss!!!!) And when she tried to get up(she was crouching) Bird tried to fly above her head, well it didnt expect her to just get up so fast, so basicily she just hit Bird with her head. Brahms was just🤨😟
Bird fell on ground but it jusu screeched something that sounded like language of gods and fley away
Brahms is spooked of rats, so I assume he is spooked of bugs too
He will go :D yay no mor bug to realisation D: theres bug!!! Nuiii aaaa 1bug=more bug!! Aaaa
Bros panics more than me when I get new DM on discord
Pls kill it fast and get rid of it asap!!!
Stu Macher
Man will join tortures
Cold heart he has, exept for her, for her he is💖😊🥰😍
He wont touch cockroach but he will bully it mentaly (making fun of cockroach stu enjoys)
If she gets swooped by magpie he will record it and tell all his friends
BONUS ROUND Asa Emory (cuz I love Asa)
Man loves bugs so when he sees her tortuing one hes like😨 "ohno nonono you stop that!!" "See Asa?? Thats you if u wont to dishes >:)" "ohlourd *speedruns to kitchen*
He was probably taking her on romantic walk thrue park, they sat on bench, he gave her the neckless she wanted for weeks now! She put it above her head to put it on and some magpie just whooped her head and stole it (som birds love shiny)
Lucky the crimial was found and neckles was given back
No mor gifts in parks!!
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wooahaes · 1 year
hi! (first time sending an ask so pls lmk if anyone has this emoji but-) i completely agree w/ u that writers should put a warning or smth that the fanfic will be catered to a certain body type as ive read fanfic w/o that and have felt insecure. not saying these writers are intentionally trying to make ppl feel bad, but they need to realize that sometimes their works do cater to thin/skinny body types and letting readers know that rly isnt a big deal. ty for always speaking ur truth! - 🐱 anon
hi nonny! im gonna answer all ur asks in one go <3 (no need to apologize for spamming! i had a moment of 'oh fuck did i say something wrong' but thats just anxiety brain speaking haha)
honestly! i genuinely don't mind if writers wanna intentionally write works for a thinner reader, it'd just be nice for them to write in a little warning at the beginning of the fic <3 i write chubby readers and mark 'em with chubby!reader so my audience knows, nothing wrong w doing it the other way around!
i also wanna say, i remember looking up "seventeen x chubby reader", "svt x chubby reader", or smth along those lines on tumblr but just knowing almost nothing will pop up 💔. until i saw a little fanfic called "tiger stripes" and was baffled that someone actually wrote something that had someone like me in mind. i remember feeling and being so happy about it. just thank you for your svt x chubby reader works because u make us chubby carats feel so seen 🫶🏼 - 🐱 anon
aaaa ty lovely!! im a chubby gal myself so i love writing chubby!reader fics from time to time when inspiration strikes <3 usually i try to keep everything body neutral so that anyone can enjoy my fics (even in my chubby reader fics, i try not to specify how big reader is so that anyone bigger can enjoy them), but sometimes i just gotta aim something for the chubby gals out there <3 tiger stripes is one of my most beloved fics and it genuinely makes me happy to think of my own stretch marks as tiger stripes hehe <3
ah anyway !! hope im not a bother w/ my asks !! i just wanted to tell u this despite my shyness bc idk, i rly feel like u needed to hear it 🙏🏼 anyway, i also wanna add ur a rly good writer and keep on doing what ur doing 👍🏼 - 🐱 anon
u are 100000% fine!! i love talking to anons and ur always welcome to pop into my inbox whenever you feel like it <3 + it does always help to hear that other chubby carats enjoy my work!! mwah mwah ur so sweet
tw fatphobia mentions (nothing explicitly fatphobic tho) // omg though.. i remember finding this [redacted] x reader fic and bc it appeared under the [removed] tag (smth like that) and i assumed that it was catered to fat ppl. but unfortunately it turned out to be incredibly fatphobic w/ it's themes, plot, + y/n. im not saying u have to be fat to write "x fat reader" fanfic but perhaps step away from writing for ppl u have no understanding of if ur gna write stuff like that.. - 🐱 anon
redacting the guy + the tag from your ask purely to try and avoid anyone tracking down the writer by any means! i trust my followers to not do something like that, but i'd feel better reducing that risk in any way <3
oh yikes! i think like... its worth it to sometimes address fatphobia in writing, but that kind of stuff 100% needs a warning! one of my current fic ideas involves a reader who is confident in her body but kinda relapses back to a previous mindset of 'maybe i Should be ashamed of it' after being fully insulted for being a bigger gal and the fic would absolutely have a warning.
i do agree that you def do not have to be a bigger person to write chubby/fat reader fics, but its definitely something you need to be mindful of when you wanna handle the heavier topics. im always happy to weigh in with my own thoughts + experiences, and im sure other people would be, too! no shame in trying to address it in themes/plot, but there's def a difference between endorsing those ideas and discussing them (and i'll say i have no idea which was being done in this fic)
(btw: no one go looking for this writer to say anything to them btw, we do not promote harassment on this blog--anon ur 100% fine to express ur opinions since i've seen fatphobia in reader fics, too, and it's okay to express discomfort with the idea. i'm always open to discussing things as long as they don't point too directly to anyone's work--and i'm equally open to taking down anything that pinpoints a certain writer.)
anyway ur 100% fine to send as many asks as u want!! im always happy to talk to people esp abt topics like this (or in general too!) <3 ty for being polite tho mwah mwah ur v cute
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delopsia · 1 year
dude!!!!!!! i just read so many of your fics. you are such an incredible writer. like your stories have such flow to them. the way you build the world around the characters is so engaging. i feel like i’m used to world building then plot, if that makes sense, so the way you incorporate the world building into the plot is so seamless. like i just read ‘about last night’ and the way you implied to us how close rhett and the reader had been without paragraphs of background was fantastic. (not that i don’t love a good paragraph, don’t get me wrong!!!!!) it made the build up all the sweeter. and ‘storm warning’!!!!!!! fuck me. it was equal parts tender and dirty and i loved it. i really liked the way you wrote rhett during the entire encounter. he was never too submissive, ya know? he was still the rough and tough cowboy. he was just a rough and tough cowboy on his knees with his ass in the air. the juxtaposition of that was incredible. and him getting pussy drunk in his truck? the cherry on top of the sundae. just such a good fucking writing all around. love your stuff!!! thank you for sharing it with us 🤍
aaaa!!!!! I'm so thrilled that you enjoy all the world-building! That used to be one of my biggest weaknesses—it's so easy to over or undercook those little details. Paragraphs of background are nice, but I personally feel like it...pulls me out of the story? Like sometimes, there's so much that I forget what the original story was.
About Last Night and Storm Warning?? 😩 How did you find my list of personal favorites?
Rhett seems like the kind of guy who is so secure in himself that he can feel and act like his usual rough and tough cowboy self, even with his ass up in the air. He also just seems like he needs a lot to get into that super-submissive headspace. He isn't going to fall into it at the drop of a hat if that...makes any sense. I put way too much thought into smut.
Thank you, lovely! 🥰🌺
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stunie · 3 months
Let me see... Not all the characters I like are because of the character itself. Sometimes I like the design but don't like the personality (like Suo, Mikey) and vice versa.
I'm into Taiju too (srs, when I say a character I start to question everything), Draken (how could I not), Kawata brothers, Sanzu (Toman era)... And these are kinda the main ones?
Of course there are others like Baji, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Takeomi, Mochi (I have no idea if you've gotten to him yet... I mean, a man that size has the nickname Mochi💀 and I don't know if you've ever seen a mocchi, but it's stupidly cute... And he's not exactly the greatest definition of "cute," so I find the controversy funny (although this is just my interpretation)), Kakucho, Yuzuha, Senju... And I can't remember more. But the first ones I mentioned are the "main" ones 🙂‍↕️
What about you? Regardless Izana, Rin and Mikey 🤔
i put my response under here bc i wrote sm 😭
okay taiju!! that’s the christmas guy right?? i remember him. i don’t remember any thoughts i had about him (i think i was scared of him), and draken !! draken i see. he is very pretty and i feel like the smut for him is gonna be so good (let me browse through my moots mlists later to reblog some 😭😭) & the brothers !!!!! oh dear the part in s3 when angry went crazy had me pacing back and forth bc i was NOT expecting that ?!??? i always read spoilers before i start a series but i did not come across that so it was such a shock !!!!
OMG SANZU. i remember i saw sooo many fics for him on my last blog and they were all bonten time period (pink hair right??) SO WHEN I SAW HIM IN THE FIRST FEW ARCS I THOUGHT HE WAS A 2ND SANZU ?? bc hear me out ok!! he had a mask and a different hair color and i swear i never saw him spoke ?? i was like so this is the calm n shy sanzu? like his brother perhaps ? i was literally so confused until i read it
baji has stunning hair . mitsuya !! i liked him in the christmas arc he was very cool (: chifuyu !! i liked him in his lil sweater outfit it was cute. KAKUCHO IS SWEET i did like him!!! i wish izana survived s3 too but that’s fine ig (i heard the ending is happy tho so fingers crossed he comes out alive somehow (i am coping)). yuzuha yes . i love her SM she is so strong and i want to be her friend so bad . senju! i just got to her part in the manga aaaa i don’t remember much but she’s so pretty >:
MOCHI AND TAKEOMI ok wait lemme google them im so sorry. i will learn and remember these characters asap i swear .. but okay mochi he’s in s3 right ?? he fought chifuyu ? i have to reread it. & wait have i seen takeomi? i’m not sure ? he’s in the same arc as the one w senju so i should have right ?? i gotta finish tr asap :’)
AS FOR ME … omg idk… i like inui i think !! he’s so pretty and i love his voice (:
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phantomrose96 · 3 years
just discovered you wrote one of my favorite su fics from AGES ago and I'm definitely feeling some sort of way. i've been following for a while for the bnha and mp100 stuff how did I not notice aaaa
Ohhhhhhh haha!!! Wait I wanna guess, was it Long Term? Cuz that was one of the few one shots I posted to Ao3 as well! It was originally a tumblr post, as pretty much all my fics are.
I love that "oh my god you're THAT guy" feeling when like, two totally separate things click together.
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asukaskerian · 3 years
Hi there! First of all, I wanted to say I love cherry wine and it lives rent free in my head! Second, I wanted to ask, if it's not a bother, what was Izuna's thought process during the entire story?(what was he thinking when his fist was, ahem, lmao) like, I get the general feel of his feelings(heh) but if it's not a problem I wanted to hear the specifics. I really like your Izuna, he is a very complex and compelling character!
ahhh thank you *^__^*
... honestly i wrote it a while ago, so idk if i remember XD;;; let's see...
mostly "aaa senju let's kill it -- madara is not killing it ??? ok follow his lead but agh (what the entire fuck he's not a beta just like me?? damn i gotta edit my marriage headcanons then) okay okay okay madara wants him i'm just gonna. keep my distances ooH NO YOU DON'T GET TO RUN AWAY WE WON THIS ONE FAIR AND SQUARE ugh this is too disturbing i don't wanna pay closer attention it's.. he's... .... on no the scariest motherfucker ever is all shaky and lost oh no what the fuck are my guts doing tying themselves in knots i want him dead anyway it's not like the marriage headcanon is still relevant i don't have to care i... aaaaa... aaaaaaaa."
then it was "aaaa" until the end to cover up a royal mess of "this is my RIVAL that i HATE and RESENT for getting in the way of my peaceful and happy life but also i spent several years daydreaming about hatesex in a marital context and also my only surviving brother wants him Real Bad". guy was torn between "i have to be madara's voice of reason since he seems to have lost his down a mineshaft" and "!!!! actually for real irl having SEX with my! sexy nemesis!! and getting to see him all weak and shaky and at my MERCY!!! hgghhhhh my libido, my fantasies."
... honestly, if him and madara had been better at sharing responsibilities instead of izuna's only job being to see that his brother's orders were done, then he'd have leaned more to "i have to be the voice of reason and do the hard, necessary thing even against his will", and then he'd have tried to kill tobirama, but he was too used to madara not letting him have the last say or more than just a consulting position so then he was like "oh fuck it FINE we'll do what you want, especially because i also want". so like, that's good for tobirama... XD;; but it did lead to some guilt and self-recrimination in the following days because it was weak-willed of him. izuna knows a lot better than madara does how little they can afford mercy, because madara is a bulldozer of epic proportions who can afford the risk; Izuna is also very strong but he's still normal-strong, not mythical.
my izuna defines himself a lot by the roles he plays for other people, gives himself obligations based on those, and tries to dutifully ignore all the chafing and pain it causes him. (then he camouflages it by being a blithe, sarcastic adorable brat, so nobody notices, because he's not a complainer when it's something serious.) he has obligations as madara's adopted littermate to support him but isn't give the space to do it the way a real littermate would, he's the clan's second in command so he has responsibilities to the clan that sometimes clash with the risks madara wants to take, etc. his main responsibility is to neutralize tobirama and his secondary is to learn as much as he can about him so he can neutralize him, but then madara did the neutralizing and didn't let him finish tobirama off and it turns out izuna didn't know something as huge as his real gender. the first fic had him scrambling to keep up with all the different demands placed on him.
but also, when he was doing the thing with the hand. holy shit he wished it was madara's dick, because then they'd HAVE to keep tobi, and he had just discovered that hazy-eyed, sexually demanding and needy tobirama really did it for him. he does want to have sex with tobirama himself, a lot, but since he has placed hashi and tobi in the role of "maybe spouses one day" in his head he has precise Proper Ideas about the order of things, and the alpha and omega are the coupling that's important to seal the deal; the other combinations are just for fun. also he really really really wants some kind of mark of madara seeing him as his real littermate and not as a youger child/brother, so sharing an omega or even a beta with him is almost more about making sure madara is here and enjoying it, enjoying what izuna set up for him, than about taking care of his own dick. sex is fun but he can have it with anyone anytime, it's not meaningful on its own, but sharing someone with madara is an emotional milestone even if it doesn't lead to a wedding.
this was so damn close to what he secretly really really really wants, and yet it didn't matter and wouldn't happen again, so it was great but also quite emotionally painful. very bittersweet.
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biquid · 2 years
I am awake now so incoming spoilers for episode 9 ahead!!!
Starting the ep out with Barnaby being hurt and Kotetsu being worried aaaa, a fave trope of mineee
Man they literally have a fuckin NEXT powers for anything don't they?? Lol
Barnaby's powers running out JUST as the bomb exploded omg this is similar to the fic I wrote just with a bomb instead of a lighting bolt fffff
I'm glad Barnaby is okay but aaaaaaa. Kotetsu is so fucking worried ;; how he's isolating himself from the rest of the group
Kotetsu wtf are you doing??? Why are you wearing his glasses bahaha
Of course he's just trying to lighten the mood, that's Kotetsu for you
Kotetsu out looking for the suspect on his own ;;
And there's that music from The Rising again MY HEART
A fan recognizing Kotetsu without his mask and asking for a selfie and so Kotetsu puts his fuckin mask on for it bahaha he is such a dork
Kotetsu talking to an unconscious Barnaby aaa ;;
"I thought we were supposed to go out for drinks" aaaa stoppppppp 😭
Oh FUCK the twins again LEAV BARNABY ALONE
How did they even get in there wtff
"Who should we pick?" *transitions to Kotetsu* Nooo you best leave my dilf alone! >:c
I love how much more time Yuri is getting but when are we gonna get to see Lunatic hmmmm???
Pao-Lin and Lara bffs forever aaaa
Omg that NEXT with the stretchy face from season 1 lolol
Oh fuck what did the scientist DO
Bro what is GOING ON
This head scientist lady is working with Ouroboros??? Is that why they're doing that drug research wtf??
Kaede calling Kotetsu to make sure he's doing okay after Barnaby's injury aaaa
Okay but that guy turning the knife into a bomb and throwing it is so cool ngl
Kotetsu running like a dork as always
Shit is Kotetsu gonna be blamed for nearly killing this dude?? Fuckkkk they're gonna be like "you're too emotional and wanted to get revenge on him bc of what he did to Barnaby" uugh
Unless he had his helmet cam on?? Idk ;;
Hmm no end credit scene this time? 🤔
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hecksupremechips · 2 years
💀(I know u have tea and pent up rage let it all out my guy)
There’s been lots of random blogs I get all pissed off about, like the numerous t*rf blogs I’ve blocked or the ppl who say creepy shit in the it tag (cough cough the person who wrote the pedophilia incest fic). But I think I’ll do the ranting about a blog that you’re all too familiar with 🤡. I won’t name drop but I’m sure ppl could figure out easily enough
They made many angry rants about how shipping jesse/lake was super toxic and creepy and I mean, ehhhh. I’m not too into that ship but I’m not gonna argue that cuz it just is a major stretch. It’s okay to just not like something you don’t have to make up shit lol
Bouncing off the first point they were very protective of lake as a character and got really heated if you didn’t see them as a lesbian specifically. Which I can kindaaaa agree in a sense? Like lake is canon butch so when ppl make them feminine it’s pretty shit cuz they as a character don’t feel comfortable with that and it makes me wonder why people are aching to put a butch in girly clothes (I know why but still). I personally like to see lake as a trans guy cuz mostly I’m starved for that shit cuz we have literally nothing and I really relate to a lot of what lake goes through in the season. But hm, I’m not gonna act like that’s the one true way to interpret this character. There’s evidence in the text that can point in many directions. And yeah I have my own hcs for these characters and theres hcs other people have that I don’t like but if it’s nothing harmful or blatantly untrue then I’m gonna mind my own business since sexuality/gender wise these characters aren’t actually anything and it’s all up to interpretation
They said that ace hcs were sexualizing minors and talked over the numerous ace ppl that told them that straight up wasn’t true because THEY HAVE EXPERIENCE BEING ACE
Really hated kez to like an absurd degree and was so peeved at her existence. I think it’s just really funny akdbsks
Acted like god cuz they wrote some of the first b4 fics and they were severely out of character obviously cuz they wrote them BEFORE THE DAMN SEASON CAME OUT AAAA but despite that they popularized some shitty trends in how ppl saw Ryan and Min and definitely popularized shitty homophobia shit in fics. Like I’m so sorry that I think reading these guys say slurs and be misogynistic assholes is severely out of character like bitch just cuz it’s the 80s doesn’t mean they these guys are massive bigots even before they realize their sexualities. And they don’t act like straight dudebros my man wtf. And before anyone says anything I know that it was written before the season came out but I raise my big complaint being WHY DID YOU WRITE THESE CHARACTERS BEFORE THEN YOU DONT EVEN KNOW SHIT ABOUT THEM MY MAN
In the same vein as previous point they were like super mad about how the actual season came out and it’s like oh noooo it’s almost like you built some shitty version in your head of how the show would be and when it obviously didn’t follow through you got all defensive. I mean I’m not saying you have to like the season but you kinda had it coming you know?
That’s all I’m gonna say I gotta get it out before I combust
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xiaowhore · 4 years
Hello, mayhaps you received a large text post about my writing for Venti's good end and I wanted to talk about it but realized the text was a little bit too long to leave an author's note so I decided to leave it here instead ww
First off, I really really like your otome post!! It brought me out of my writer's block and encouraged me to write so i wanted to try my hand at writing an ending for one of the characters. Why Venti? Not sure, I just really like him in general I guess wwww I may end up writing some of the other characters but I would first like to apologise if it did not fit your vision of your endings for the charactwrs or if I mixed up the plot a bit. I decided to, ah, make the guys know a bit more about each other because I adore it when the love interests know more at each other and don't just antagonise each other so i hope what i changed for venti and xiao is okay dhdkbdjd
Secondly, to patch up any confusions, when Xiao says he'll "wait another time", he means he'll wait for the route to reset and hope that MC chooses him next time, enabling the fourth wall breaking thing ~ I do enjoy some fourth wall breaking meta so I couldn't resist to add that little bit inside at the end of xiao and venti's meeting. For more context, I headcanon that Venti knew Xiao when he was still in poverty and the two played around often until Venti was brought back to the castle and was never seen again. Before that happened, the two devised an escape plan like MC and Venti but Venti was too cowardly to act it out while Xiao was stubborn to the point they had a fight over it. Perhaps this is not canon but I really wanted to reference thsi so I hope you don't mind :')
Once again, thank you for writing that fantasy otome post. I truly and dearly love it and, if you don't mind,I would like to write more for it in my spare time and when i'm inspired www if it isn't allowed then that's fine! Thank you for your contribution to the genshin fandom and your fics are incredibly lovely btw~
hello there. may i perhaps ask for your hand in marriage?
WWWWWW IM KIDDING BUT OH MY LORD. your writing has astounded me! it's incredibly detailed, the feelings written so nicely that it truly does make you sympathize with the character! it's just... brilliant. the talent has me gasping, and i'm overjoyed to know that my little post has inspired you to make this. it was absolutely riveting, thank you SO much for giving me the chance to read your work! it has been a lovely experience, and the little tidbits you added into the story only made it even better. i like how you made xiao and venti know each other (my xiaoven heart is SCREAMING) and it's so heartwarming to see xiao support venti in his own way ;u; (and the small fourth wall break made my heart crack aaaaa xiao <////3)
also, it's definitely okay for you to send in more! actually the venti ending was more than enough, more than i even could possibly hope for, but i wouldn't decline any chance of reading your work again ╥﹏╥ i loved every single part you wrote aaaa 💘💖💞💕💘💖💞
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bonesandthebees · 3 years
SD ANON BUT I AM 20 NOW! what the fuck ! what the fuck ! i still feel 18! but i am going to the tide pools for my birthday with two friends who are in town! tragic thing about being in college is that your spring break either doesn’t align w high school friends’ or your college friends go to their homes BUT some of my hs friends came back early so i am excited and also like. existentially terrified a bit about my early 20s.
ANYWAYS a ton of things have happened since last time i responded!! i kept meaning to and then another Thing would happen so. car crash poem went over very well my established poet prof was like. i thought you were an english major. and also said she would waive any prereqs for me if i wanted to take her advanced poetry class which !! requires a manuscript acceptance usually!!
soba stir fry was excellent i put in a little too much chili sesame oil but once i got used to the spicy it was fantastic
well see my roommate is 19 and he is now 24. but whatever! she is an adult. the big news is that my other roommates have broken up in a Big Thing that was like. not just a dating thing also a roommate boundary thing. and it is not my roommate’s fault at all. it’s such a long story but basically the other one literally won’t acknowledge she did smth wrong/apologize to my roommate/apologize to me/have a conversation instead of running away every weekend
so. she is finding a way to get out of her lease. good riddance imo she was Something.
also yes!! dishes + stream or dishes + chuckle sandwich is my go to. now that my college doesn’t do gym reservations anymore gym is also where i catch up on vods and videos! have to hide phone screen when people walk past but i am unlearning that
arc 2 arc 2 arc 2 i love your writing and i’m always excited to see where it goes!
lyft. painful. uber is cheaper sometimes but like, i went to two concerts in feb and for one i had to ask someone to drive bc the lyft was a whole 70$ for 20 minutes
also yes! the dead kelp smell i miss it i can’t wait to be near the ocean again like it’s still cold n stuff outside but!! ocean!! i wish i could get an ocean scented candle but like a Real One
agnes hit me so hard every time and it’s so so so good man i just love glass animals ! i have heard heat waves everywhere at this point and it hasn’t gotten old but sometimes you are standing in a sally’s beauty supply thinking about how you know far too many things about why this song is playing.
i missed these conversations! work somehow just has a habit of sneaking up and drowning you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SD ANON!!! hope you have fun at the tide pools, they're so cool! and yeah spring break never aligns istg, I don't have spring break till next week (and I have finals rn I'm suffering)
YOOO that's so cool your prof will let you into the advanced poetry class! so awesome that she liked your poem!
oh god every time i use chili oil i end up putting too much and then i suffer but god soba stir fry with chili oil sounds so good rn im so hungry
that's a lot of roommate drama goddamn. at least the one roommate is looking to move out so you guys aren't all stuck in a very awkward situation! roommate fights are terrible especially when the other person refuses to try and work it out
lmao i still hide my phone when i'm watching streams at my favorite coffee shop. like no thanks don't need anyone to know i'm using my free time to watch a 17 year old british kid play minecraft
SEVENTY??? JESUS CHRIST tbf I guess gas is like. insane rn. but holy shit that's so much
god same i love heat waves as a song because it's a bop but it always makes me think of That and i'm like why...
and ty i'm excited for arc 2 too!! we're finally a bit into it and i'm just like yesss the entire reason i wrote this fic aaaa
i've missed our conversations too but i totally get the busy thing, I gotta go study for finals now OOPS
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tackyink · 3 years
So, uh. It's 3 am and I have come after reading the rest of Anomaly in one sitting. So ideas are not ordered at all
I am tearing uppp ;-; idk where to begin,, just everything was so right aaaa
I really liked Mako's character development and the relationships with other characters :)) Kurama was obvious, but it didn't make it worse in any way, I am very soft for the two. Yusuke is another obvious, but by far my favourite platonic dynamic, more so at the last chapters (I will get onto those in another paragraph) they tease the hell of each other, share hardships and are there for each other in happy moments too,, I really really loved their interactions! As for Hiei, not too much of mushy things (obviously, but I really liked how low-key was their friendship(? acquaintance (?? they are in the middle of the two words, enough to have Hiei on character). The one I didn't expect was the Kuwabara-Makoto friendship? Like, I read how they were awkward in Shiori's wedding (queen) but I feel it was really natural, like when you are at the beginning of a friendship and still don't know how to make conversation,, and the next chapters only enforced that :)) it made me very happy somehow!
As for the girls, I have a lot of things to say! They were so funny in the DT arc and you captured their character so well during and after it, I felt it was impossible for Makoto to stay away completely. I feel that if they were real they would be the type of people who just suck others into their orbit without being overbearing, and they made such a nice mix! Of course with their differences and not too close (like Fumi and Mako, for example!) but just enough to feel good while reading their interactions ♡
About Fumi's decision to swore off men, you go girl it's best choice lmao and for Chizuru, damn jealous
The last two chapters were too much for my poor heart, it was beating like crazy while I was laughing. Chapter 25 is such a Mess™ (plot-like I mean, poor Mako can't have a rest) and it was in tune with the anime/manga Mess™ also accidental marriage proposal + accidental confession? Sign me up. The chapter I enjoyed the most by far and that is saying a lot because there isn't a single chapter I haven't enjoyed. But that sweet scene between Mako and Kurama when he appears in chapter 26 and the proposal to go to Makai together? That made me mush and melt in my bed. Repeatedly. I have not simped so hard for a pairing like them.
Honorable mentions: 1. Mako being petty as hell is my new religion and I shall follow through. The fox plushy. I will never forget. Also, reminding your half-boyfriend he stood you up/making puns about stolen things AND nagging him because he cannot end a fight without needing a hospital? True gf material/j
2. The part when mako went to Kyoto again & the encounter with the fox demon and the will-o-wisp is one of my favorite scenes too. I don't know why, it just is.
3. I live for Doraemon crumbs. I love the cat.
I don't think I have anymore to say for now JAJAJA if I remember anything I will come back, but for now I will go cry into my bed because there isn't more Mako&Kurama-- /hj
Once again, best wishes (>︿<。)♡
I woke up in the middle of the night, saw this at 4 AM and proceeded to fall unconscious again.
Writing Kurama’s relationship with Mako was fun because there’s this person in a very similar situation to him but with a ridiculous age gap and a totally different outlook on life, and I like that what sparked the whole thing was that both thought that the other was really fucking weird and they wanted to know more. I seriously didn’t know how the thing was going to pan out. I feel like Anomaly wrote itself and the characters held the wheel the whole time. As I said, same applies to Yusuke. I thought Mako would dismiss him as an idiot and he’d avoid her because of her personality, but Yusuke’s such an open person and Mako’s so unused to not being judged that they just. Clicked. (This is canon btw: after Anomaly, Yusuke’s roping Mako into helping with his Spirit Detective-lite cases in exchange for ramen. He did it at first when he was stumped and Kurama wasn’t available, but now he does it whenever he feels like it because he relishes in knowing he has the power to summon her from the mountains. She complains all the time but goes anyway.) I was a little sad that in the end Hiei didn’t show up much in the fic because he didn’t cross paths with Mako many times. I think they have this sort of distant respect for one another and they’re like, this is not the first nor second person I would go to for help, but if shit hits the fan the other’s going to be there and that’s what matters. Hiei’s opinion of Makoto hinged on Kurama’s (“I respect this guy and he seems to respect her”) and Yukina’s (“they get along”) own impression of her. Yes to the observation about her and Kuwabara! They’re still learning how to talk to each other. But they’re trying! Look at them fumbling their way through a social situation!
Makoto was a fool for even thinking she could escape the grasp of the other girls. She’s one of them now, whether she likes it or not, and I like how clear that was when she was all worried about Yusuke possibly dying again and asked Atsuko for a hug, and Atsuko just jumped at the opportunity. This is her kid too. She didn’t know what to do with the first kid, much less a second, but she’s going to take her anyway.
Fumi/Shizuru is the true power couple of the fic and it happens in the background because otherwise they’d take over the story.
I was so unsure about those extra chapters. I’m always afraid to touch Anomaly because I think I finished it the best way possible and I’m terrified of messing it up by adding more to it. I wish I had the drive right now to work on the sequel(s) and other extra chapters I had in mind, but for now and as long I’m lost in the Grand Line, I’m satisfied that you find it satisfying. <3
1. Hey, Kurama’s a little shit, so if he can dish it, he can take it. This is a balanced relationship.
2. I loved writing that part! Everything is told from Makoto’s perspective, but this was purely her part of the story, not Yusuke’s, and it shows in the general feel of the chapter. I don’t know how to say it, but it’s very Mako? She has a way to look at creepy and make it feel natural instead of scary.
3. Look. Mako picks up on other people’s thoughts and feelings, not hers. This cat loves her so much that little Mako got a vision from him before they met, that's why she knew where to find him. He trips her all the time but that's because he's a tsundere. Can’t let her go soft.
Thank you so much for your messages, you’ve made my day again. (*’∀’人)♥ Take care!!
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izupie · 3 years
11, 12, 20, + 21 what is a/are some really niche/obscure ship(s) that you love? whether a rarepair or just something weird you came up with on your own and don't think anyone else is into. (I have a few of these and I love finding out other people's!)
aaaa thanks for the questions!! ~
11. do you mind sex scenes or do you skip over them?
I really don’t mind them! If it works for the story and the characters in a natural way I’m like whatever. But if the characters are just having sex because the writer just wanted a sex scene in there I can physically feel my eyes roll back into my skull like UGH. REALLY.
There are better ways for your characters to be intimate if it’s just there for like fanservice or to be edgy or whatever. 
BUT if it’s a couple I’ve shipped hard and then they get a sex scene I’m there wiping my eyes and applauding like yes guys I’m so proud of you.
12. if you could change one ending to a book/show/game/etc, what would you change about it?
*cries in everybody lives and nobody dies*
So, I know IT is a horror story and I know that Andy M was just, following the book, but I still think he could have just Tweaked the ending. Make it ambiguous. You don’t even have to say that Eddie definitely did or didn’t die either way - just make it like, MAYBE he did MAYBE he didn’t. Derry magic idk
Ofc I would have LOVED a happy ending. Nobody dies. Even Stan doesn’t die! That would have been the best. (sorry Georgie). But I was given my favourite ideal Found Family dynamic and then it got taken away ;; I just wanted everone to end the film alive, was that too much to ask?!
20. name a song that reminds you heavily of a specific fandom or character.
ahhhh I know this is just because there’s a video of it,, but every single time You & Me by James TW comes on from a shuffle on my playlist I just can’t help but think of Eddie and Richie. It’s sooooooo them.
You & Me by James TW - Reddie video by Casdroid
21. what is a/are some really niche/obscure ship(s) that you love? whether a rarepair or just something weird you came up with on your own and don't think anyone else is into.
omg I have so many but then as soon as I’m asked to shine a light on them they all fly right out of my head! um um um
I still love Lan Fan and Greed from fma - I just think their chemistry would be neat. And I think they only interacted directly maybe once???
Oh and here’s a pretty rare pair -  there’s a film called Pitch Black that I enjoyed (an old sci fi film starring Vin Diesel) but I can’t watch Anything without shipping something so I was all over the characters of Riddick and Carolyn being a great couple (they have a similar chemistry to Greed and Lan Fan actually). I love the whole opposite energy but both badasses thing. Until the curse of my shipping struck and one of them died. (I even wrote a fic about them a few years ago!)
actually thinking about it... Greed dies too. Man, it really is a curse.
Also! In Cardcaptor Sakura, I’ve always shipped Touya and Yukito, because they are ADORABLE, but I also ship Touya and Yue. I love the idea of Touya loving ALL of Yukito, including the other side of him. Touya’s got 2 hands. (even though he could only hold hands with one of them at a time anyway...) Touya’s got two metaphorical hands. (as well as real ones) (damn shipping a characters with two characters who share the same body is complicated)
and another really rare one - there’s an old manga series called Alice in the Country of Hearts that was based on a dating game I think? Based on Alice if she were to date the mad hatter (and the mad hatter was a hot anime guy ofc) and I didn’t like it lmao. But THEN a spin off came out called Alice in the Country of Clover that was if Alice dated the Cheshire Cat (and the Cheshire Cat was a hot anime guy with cat ears) and I did like that one lmaooo. I shipped Alice and Boris so much ;; I love them.
OH! And Madoka and Mami from Madoka Magica! A soft soft soft ship. I just think they’d be cute together. Fighting evil and being supportive of each other ;;
Okay last one, there’s a light novel series I collected avidly over the years it was being published in English called Book Girl - it’s sooooo dark! But I adored the two main characters together. I shipped them SO HARD from the first book. And they were absolute idiots for 8 books. You could tell they had feelings for each other, but god damn they were dumb. I was hooked to see if they would get together.
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sweeethinny · 4 years
16,23 and 28 for the fanfic asks :)
AAAA thank youu <3
If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be? (16)
Hinny, for sure, i love this guys, they’re my first OTP even when I didn’t know what it is this. When I saw the films for the first time, i fall in love for they, and I loved Ginny so fucking much.. So, when I readed the books, OMG, I freaked out, send audios for my friend SCREAMING every hinny moment.
If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why? (23)
this is funny, because i reviewed all my fics in the past and never managed to finish, because i just changed every time, but nowadays, i would review a very problematic fanfic that i did with JB, mainly because when i wrote it, these stories of criminals and young women, with horrible relationships and terrible actions, were at their peak. I am not ashamed of having written, because I only arrived here doing this shit, but I would review and change a lot, just because I learned a lot in five years, and that doesn't suit me anymore.
Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much. (28)
Omg, ok... 
@celtics534 - I love her stories, simply, GREAT, I have an open flap just for her, so I can read some fanfic when I'm too lazy to look, it's just perfect. So... cal me maybe, is my FAVORITE, by far.
@thedistantdusk - Noticing? Rougher?! A game of two Halves? This is AMAZING, really, i loved SO FUCKING MUCH, the best hinny smut EVER. Simply one of the best writings I’ve ever seen, I think I’ve read almost all of the works on ao3, it’s purely perfect
@floreatcastellumposts - okay, simply, amazing, I have a folder with 'perfect stories I've read'' and it's almost all of it, I love all the work, maybe it was reading your stuff that I really wanted to create this tumblr and write, because before I was a little bit in a cast writing Hinny, because I didn't know how to make them look like Harry and Ginny, but their work helped me a lot.
@gryffindormischief - omg GIRL, Fresh Pickled Toad? I started thinking "I'm going to read one" and went to FOUR IN THE MORNING reading !!! Simply perfect!!! I love the way Harry is, it's so ... aaaaa, I don't even have words
(ROMIONE) @accioromione - I'll tell you the truth, I love Romione, but it was never something I really wanted to read, HOWEVER, it was theirs the first fic that I read, and since then, just in love. I love her work, I think Ron is the closest to the books, and that's very difficult, because I always thought Ron was a little stuck and stupid in the fics, but damn, she's just PERFECT. God bless her, for not sending Dramione and wasting such talent
(DRASTORIA) @littlerose13writes - Drastoria is one of those underestimated couples and you find 6 things from them, and 4 you did it, but it was the best thing to have found this blog. Ok,> I <don't take CC seriously, and I don't even think Astoria dies early, but her writing ... I am always EXCITING at how perfect she is. I really want to write more Drastoria, because reading it motivates me, I think she does SO MUCH with so little information that we have about the couple, and Jesus, I think everyone should read her work and realize HOW Draco was born for Astoria.
(If I missed someone's pronoun, please excuse me, I tried to look for information to put it right, but some didn't find it. Sorry!)
Thanks again for ask me <3 
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evanescentdawn · 3 years
Highlights of today’s writing:
—+311 to the khr/mp100 crossover! Where Tsuna’s haunted and consults Reigen. I kinda skip over a bit, because I wanted to quickly get to the Reigen part!!! It feels a bit off, writing tsuna from his pov, doesn’t feel like tsuna. So I might go over that again.
—Edited the Sanghee smut! Really satisfied with the progress. It’s just me finally writing up on all the things I had planned for this fic since I never really did. Only started it.
—+146 to the 8027 khr prompt thingy. Finally managed to word that beginning part which have been giving me trouble. Blergh. Tsuna’s pov doesn’t feel Tsuna to me quite though. 
—New naruto wip! Inosai, and really having fun with this one. It’s coming nicely along. REALLY love how it’s building up, and idea. It’s just good stuff and I’m so satisfied.
—I don’t really ship ritshou but anyways, I was thinking about that when I got hit by an idea, and started writing....and wow, FINALLY wrote the Ritsu pov I always wanted to. It’s hilarious that I always manage to write for my not ships and sort of notps. I mean. I do like ritshou, just not interested it at as something I would look for it. Just acknowledge it, and nod. I much prefer them as a platonic ship. Anyways, this is utterly ridiculous. There’s this really ritsumob moment though that is really cute and I absolutely adore. Also shdjdkd I really love the tone of this fic??? Makes me laugh. Because the whole thing is ridiculous if I just think about it haha
—Started something, with no idea what it is yet, even a fandom or characters. Just—ideas who might be, but undeceive as always. Djkdkdkd. Oh a poll helped me decide! Got it down, now. 
—This new wip makes me laugh so much. It’s shou & teru, and shou’s pov is so fun to write. I love that funky guy so, so much. Go crazy. 
—New another ritsu wip!!! Don’t know what it is yet but it’s about confined spaces in the loosest sense. About being stuck, and Ritsu and Mob, of course. Because I’m incredibly weak to them. HEY, I FINISHED IT?? it went completely craxy, haha and in a direction i didnt expect but its been reallyyy fun. Gonna let it rest before maybe posting it tomorrow. 
—Aoex new wip. DAD!RIN. I love that boy so much. He’s so precious and god, him as a dad? When I saw that post on that movie I couldn’t resist and write something. Might be Rinshi, or poly, or something entirely. I HAVE NO CLUE. It turned out to be rinshi XD, and omg I finished it????
—+526 words to the OPM/MP100 reigen & saitama wip. Aaaa. I’m really, really loving this one. How it’s coming along. ITS SO GOOD. I love, love it. A lot of good lines which make me very happy and how it’s all coming along together. Kind of. Still loose ends! But I think I am nearly there.
—Sad, sad fic about Regien & regrets, with centre on his relationship with Mob. Exploring a world where things have very, very wrong and Reigen is regretting a lot and there’s a lot of consequences that can’t be rewinded. Dimple is in here and NO help. As always, but I love him very much anyways, and he does care. (As much as he tries to tell himself he doesn’t). And Reigen moving forward—trying. It’s a hopeful, angsty fic. And about striving forward. Lots of people broken.
—Literally eight mins left to the day but I couldn’t resist and hard to write this idea that’s been burning in my mind ever since I read Warehouse. An canon compliant that explores what if Sungho’s memories were actually completely wrong? There’s nothing canon to refute this. Like actually evidence that his memories were real. So. I took it and ran with it.
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