slowsweetlove · 5 months
Welcome back to another Special Voice Sunday.
This month is all about playful, naughty sense of humour (Catherine Martin's words, not mine) Austin Butler. These clips from Comic Con 2016 are so playful and a bit flirty and I just love his vibe here.
Tagging my dear ABVA members:
@areacodefan @girlnairb @klizzie93 @presleysdarling @generoustreemystic @chasingwildflowers @austinbutlermischief @arianatheangel-girl @feral-fae-writes @justafangir1 @kiankiwi @ellie-24 @butlerette @darlingelvis @butlersbabe @prompted-wordsmith @purejasmine @kingdomforapony @faegoddessog @richardslady121 @austinswhitewolf @easy-peezy-squeeze-a-lemon @armoredbutterfly93
If you'd like to become a member just send me a dm. I post on every first Sunday of the month. Follow/search the tag '#abva' or '#special voice sunday' to find previous installments.
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klizzie93 · 1 year
The way it takes me forever to get through one of those Veronica Roth audiobooks because when it comes around to a chapter Austin reads, I’m out like a light in about 3 minutes. 😂
@slowsweetlove I know you relate to this 😏
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areacodefan · 1 year
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girlnairb · 2 years
ABVA for Life
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Thank you for this @slowsweetlove
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chasingwildflowers · 2 years
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I’m so honored, truly!! thank you @slowsweetlove 🥹
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india-lgbt-news · 1 year
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legalupanishad · 2 years
Same-Sex Marriage in India: Laws and Cases
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This article on 'Same-Sex Marriage in India: Laws and Cases' was written by Pramod Sanap, an intern at Legal Upanishad.
Marriage is one of the most important aspects of a person’s life it is well-recognized in all cultures throughout the world. The right to marry is a well-recognized right under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. Whereas for a long time, most of society only recognized heterosexual marriage, after a lot of struggle and discussions, many western nations have recognized same-sex marriage. In India, there is no law that recognizes same-sex marriage due to this many are unable to get benefits and services from insurance and healthcare. Although the supreme court have decriminalized homosexuality in the historic judgment of Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India there are many hurdles that same-sex couples face due to the non-recognization of their marriage by the law.
Same-Sex Marriage Legal framework
It is well known that society constantly evolves and the law needs to evolve or change according to the circumstances in that society is living. But the originalist interpretation totally ignores this fact and there are many laws that forbid various freedoms of an individual whose roots can be traced back to the colonial era.    Timeline: Various activists and NGOs a long time are fighting for the recognization of LGBTQ rights by the legislature and courts. The ABVA which is an activist group fighting for the people infected by AIDS released a report in 1991 where it exposed how gay people face abuse and blackmail from the police. The Naz in 2001 for files a PIL in Delhi High Court opposing section 377 and to legalized homosexuality but the High Court dismisses the appeal on the basis of no cause of action. While in 2009 the Delhi High Court strikes down section 377 arguing that it violates the basic rights to equality and liberty which are enshrined in the constitution. But later the supreme court overturns the verdict of the Delhi High Court. In 2018, in the landmark judgment of Navtej Singh Johar & Ors. v. Union of India, the supreme court strikes down section 377 which criminalizes homosexuality. Legal Recognition of Homosexuality by Countries: Denmark was the first nation to adopt legislation that recognizes same-sex marriage by a registered partnership. Soon Sweden also follows Denmark’s reforms and introduces Registered partnerships. After this many western nations followed the same step that Denmark took in the 90s and reformed their marriage laws so to recognize same-sex marriage. Recognition under the Constitution of India Article 21 of the Indian Constitution: Which talks about private, consenting sexual encounters. Article 21 of the Constitution prohibits the state from meddling in a person's domestic matters. It is hard to develop an extensive and comprehensive definition of privacy due to the concept's vast nature. The South African court ruled that privacy recognizes that each of us has a right to a space of intimate privacy and autonomy that allows us to form and nurture human relationships free from interference from the outside community in the case National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality V. Ministry of Justice. Even internationally, the right to privacy has been respected for lesbians and homosexual men.  The maintenance and succession benefits that are given to heterosexual spouses are not authorized to be received by heterosexual couples. Article 15: Sexual identity is included in the term "sex." As a result, sexual propensity-based harassment is prohibited under both civil and criminal law. LGBT couples are essentially denied social acceptability, legal protection, and other benefits that marriage gives since the present family law exclusively recognizes heterosexual partnerships. Discrimination based on sexual orientation unquestionably breaches the fundamental rights protected by Article 15 of the constitution.
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Same-Sex Marriage in India: Laws and Cases Which position does the government adopt? In answer to the Delhi High Court's petitions calling for the recognition of same-sex partnerships, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta for the Centre said that under the law, marriage was permissible between a "biological man" and "biological woman." Additionally, he asserted that the Navtej Kaur decision had been misinterpreted. It practically decriminalizes, according to Mr. Mehta, but marriage is not discussed. This was denied by the petitioner's counsel, who said that even if the term "same-sex marriage" was not used in the 2018 ruling, its recognition was still the "inevitable conclusion." Way forward for same-sex marriage:  After India's Supreme Court decriminalized homosexuality, many questioned whether same-sex marriage should be made legal. To officially recognize interfaith marriage, the Special Marriage Act (SMA) was first enacted. LGBTQ couples are now requesting that their marriages be recognized by the SMA. Indian law does not recognize same-sex marriages or civil unions. Additionally, it is against the law for gay and lesbian couples to produce a child through an Indian surrogate mom. To avoid moral objections being voiced, another tactic is to attempt to amend the Special Marriage Act of 1954 to authorize homosexual marriages. The Special Marriage Act, a nonreligious statute, makes it simple to wed individuals of other religions or those who don't want their laws to be honored. Instead of executing a religious ritual, the registration official just certifies the relationship. The Special Marriage Act currently requires men to be 21 and women to be 18, giving the impression that it only applies to heterosexual couples. Even though there is increasing awareness of the LGBTQ community in India, stigma and resistance to full acceptance persist. As of this writing, same-sex marriage and civil unions are legal in 33 countries.
The sole elements of equality are kindness, autonomy, and refusing to wed those of one's fellow citizens who deserve it. It involves restricting their rights, treating them unfairly, stigmatizing them on a social and psychological level, and endangering their lives. Disbelief systems should only impose tight regulatory limits if they are confident that particular injunctions are required to avert interpersonal and individual damage. Forbidding someone from getting married is a punitive action that requires a compelling justification. Yes, a gay relationship has an effect on everyone. No one's union is hurt by the actions of others, and a person's freedom to marry is legitimate regardless of whether other people find it acceptable or not. The idea that homosexual marriage, in any form, is harmful is false.
- Mahesh Kumar, As India's top court takes up same-sex marriage, couples hope, and activists say there's a long fight ahead, CBS News, 6 January 2023, available at: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/india-same-sex-marriage-supreme-court-lgbtq-rights-narendra-modi/ - Will India legalize same-sex marriage?, Hindustan Times, 6 December 2022, available at: https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/relationships/will-india-legalize-same-sex-marriage-101670342675170.html Read the full article
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salonioil · 2 years
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On May 11th, 1998, India  became a nuclear country with three successful nuclear tests at Pokharan..
Saluting the visionary leadership of late AB Vajpayee, Dr. Kalam, great scientists and brave soldiers on the anniversary of operation Shakti Pokhran.
Happy National Technology Day from Saloni Family.
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quillsand · 7 years
me and jessie are SO drunk now but happy 2k18 everyone we lov u xxx💕
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slowsweetlove · 4 months
The ongoing granola joke is my little highlight from this Dune press tour interview. His witty sense of humour shining through.
Tagging my dear ABVA members:
@areacodefan @girlnairb @klizzie93 @presleysdarling @generoustreemystic @chasingwildflowers @austinbutlermischief @arianatheangel-girl @feral-fae-writes @justafangir1 @kiankiwi @ellie-24 @butlerette @darlingelvis @butlersbabe @prompted-wordsmith @purejasmine @kingdomforapony @faegoddessog @richardslady121 @austinswhitewolf @easy-peezy-squeeze-a-lemon @armoredbutterfly93
If you'd like to become a member just send me a dm. I post on every first Sunday of the month. Follow/search the tag '#abva' or '#special voice sunday' to find previous installments.
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klizzie93 · 2 years
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Thank you for this honor @slowsweetlove ❤️❤️
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areacodefan · 2 years
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I’d like to thank the fandom and @slowsweetlove for this profound honor, my family, my best friend who always puts up with me, the guy at the Taco Bell drive thru who also loves Elvis, @karamelcoveredolicity who joined hands with me in the early days of Elvis movie obsession, but most of all Austin Butler and Elvis Presley. I’m so emotional. This means so much. Good night.
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74 for RA!
74: “You’re a dork, just like your father.”
Horace knocked on the cabin door. ‘Will? You still here?’
‘Yeah, coming!’ A moment later Will opened the door and stepped back to allow Horace to step in. He glanced  at the sling on the taller man’s back. ‘Hi Maddie!’
‘Ba!’ Maddie said. She reached a chubby hand out of the sling and Will lifted the baby into his arms. The moment he had her settled there she grabbed his oakleaf and started playing with it.
Horace looked around the cabin. Will’s bedroll was neatly packed, along with some clothes and travel food, and his weapons were by the door - though, Horace noticed, the quiver had been hung high on the wall in anticipation of their visit so Maddie, who had been increasingly willing to get into trouble after learning to walk a week ago, couldn’t grab them and hurt herself. His cloak was slung over the back of a chair. ‘Looks like I caught you just in time.’
‘Yeah. Sorry, I would’ve liked to be there for Maddie’s birthday, but Alyss needs me in Meric, so...’ He shrugged awkwardly. ‘I wanted to get her gift to you first, at least. Alyss made it.’
He gestured to a small wooden box and Horace reached inside. He pulled out a rag doll wearing a white dress and ranger cloak. Horace grinned. ‘It’s perfect. She loves rangers. Gilan came by a week ago and she wouldn’t let him leave till he let her play with his cloak.’
Will laughed and sat down, bouncing his goddaughter on his knee and speaking nonsense to her as she giggled.
‘Hey, Will,’ Horace said, and Will looked up. The other man had swung the mottled cloak around his shoulders and drew the hood up to hide most of his face except his cheeky grin. ‘Can you see me?’
Will grinned in answer and rolled his eyes. ‘No. There’s just a floating mouth and some feet standing in my cabin. Dork.’
Horace laughed and dropped the cloak back over the chair. ‘Got time for a cup of coffee before you go?’
‘There’s always time for coffee,’ Will said, setting Maddie down to let her play and lighting the fire in the stove.
A moment later the men turned as they heard Maddie’s excited babbling behind them. ‘Abva! Dadada! Ba!’
Maddie had pulled Will’s cloak down from the chair and it had fallen on top of her, leaving only her legs sticking out and a baby-shaped lump near one end. As they watched she pulled up the cloak and peeked out at them from under the cloak, giggling madly.
Will laughed again. ‘Oh, Maddie. You’re a dork, just like your father.’
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keare-linnua · 5 years
The phone call got me choked up. Imagine he gets off the call and Wraith overheard the whole thing, sees him in such a vulnerable state. She isn't the most "touchy feely" person but, since she cares and he's been there for her for her rough moments, they have a silent exchange and she just holds him while he just lets his emotions flow as needed.
"Ye-- yeah that's right, mom. Yeah, I'm your son."
Confirming this always felt like a slap in a face.
It wasn't her fault she didn't remember it was her brain acting up, she would never choose to forget if she could.
"Yeah, yeah, of course, I will win for you today, don't worry! Always for my number one fan." Yet why did she remember all the complicated chemical formulas, all the crucial algorithms, every single coding language she'd learned and yet she somehow kept forgetting about... him?
"Yeah, you go enjoy your pork chops, I know they're your favorite."
Perhaps it was better for her. If she forgot about their existence at all she would never be hurt by the thought of them being dead, she would never miss them.
Nobody would miss him. It made Elliott choke on air, the feeling of being absolutely alone suddenly overwhelming.
"I'm gonna go win a cha- uh- abva-. I'm gonna go be the best."
Not that it mattered. She would forget who he was the moment they hung up.
"Alright... love you, mom. Bye."
It was such a bad idea to call her in the middle of the match, what was he thinking?! And now his stupid heart wouldn't calm down, making it suddenly hard to breathe. His eyes stung, he tried blinking and looking to the side but that didn't help too much and his nose got stuffed, and suddenly the more focus he was putting on calming down the more jarring the pain was.
"Elliott?" Wraith's gentle voice sounded right behind him, making him slightly panicked.
He sniffed loudly and forced a smile. It felt like cracking a clay mask.
"Oh boy, it's so cold!" he exclaimed fast, turning to the side just to not look at her, to hide his probably red eyelids and nose. The snow creaked under Wraith's boots. "I think I'm catching something, you may not want to come too close, this whole winter thin-"
He was interrupted by a sudden weight leaning onto him and arms wrapping tightly around his torso. Confused to the bits he just froze in place, arms lifted up careful not to touch but an inch of Wraith's skin, despite her embracing him from behind with all of her wraith-being. Elliott couldn't believe it, the same person who was always avoiding any touch now suddenly plastered to him, it was completely out of place, especially now, even if welcomed. She didn't say a word and he only managed to utter,
"You left the comm open," Wraith said into his back matter-of-factly.
"No, listen, I-"
Elliott ceased because she let go off him only to walk around and give him a proper hug this time. He let himself embrace her lightly, still startled about that sudden outburst of affection. He had to man up, Wraith shouldn't see him like that.
"Is it getting worse?"
Elliott felt the rapid flutter of his heart, this question bringing the heavy weight to his chest again and filling his eyes with tears for no reason.
"No, no it's o-okay, I'm-" he couldn't make himself finish that sentence. Not with a throat clenched like this. It was getting worse with every phone call, Evelyn kept forgetting almost everyone, she didn't even recall his name last time. Grief gnawing at his heart made him lose composure at once. He never finished the sentence just babbled something and sniffed aggressively when he couldn't see anymore through the tears. Where was all this water coming from? He took a ragged breath, trying to focus on something - anything else - on Wraith's warmth close to his heart, where she rested her head.
On her calm and steady breath, her small form pressed against him, her warmth sneaking through layers of fabric, her smell of fresh frosty morning. There was something more in that hug than a regular pat on the back, although he was afraid to name what he felt even in front of himself.
His heart calmed down and Wraith being so close must have heard it cause she raised her head to check on him. The smile Elliott gave her was lined with hurt but it was something... real. For a minute he wasn't Mirage, he was Elliott.
"Thanks." He sniffed. "I'll make this up to you..."
Wraith's piercing blue eyes met his gaze when she stepped back with a worried smile dancing in the corners of her lips.
"Now let's go win a chma- chmp ch- let's win it."
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Sanırım ben, aynı korkuları yaşamaktan korktuğum için uyuyamıyorum. *
Abva Kırmızıya Boyandı **
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carcer-mods · 2 years
[GTA SA] Boeing 747-400 GE [Livery Pack]
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CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD A livery pack for Boeing 747-400 GE, includes 18 liveries:
- Aerolineas Argentinas LV-ALJ - AeroSur 'Súper Torísimo' CP-2603 - Air France F-GEXA - Air France 'Farewell' F-GITD - Atlas Air N464MC - Canadian C-GMWW - China Airlines 'Dreamliner' B-18210 - Eva Air B-16410 - Garuda Indonesia PK-GSI - Japan Airlines JA8914 - KLM PH-BFN - Lufthansa D-ABVA - Lufthansa D-ABVM - Qantas Airways 'Wunala Dreaming' VH-OEJ - Rossiya 'Amur Tiger' EI-XLD - Varig PP-VPH - Virgin 'Lady Penelope' G-VFAB - Virgin 'Forever Young' VS-VROS
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