#ACOTAR theory
8bitrosethorn · 2 days
One of my favorite things to do is discover new parallels and breadcrumbs in ACOTAR that SJM strewn for us in her writing.
SJM has been actively planning the Archeron sisters’ books since ACOMAF.
In an ACOSF interview, SJM talked about how while editing ACOMAF, she was currently writing ACOWAR and already thinking about the journeys Nesta and Elain were “in the middle of,” laying the foundation for their books after she infamously pitched her editor their stories over drinks.
Which brings me back to the larger Sleeping Beauty meta that Elain and Azriel have been interwoven with throughout the series and a prediction I have for their book.
Let’s begin 🤓
In ACOTAR, the inner shields of a characters’ mind are a large part of the imagery surrounding them, as seen through Feyre’s Daemati powers.
Let’s start by looking at Elain’s:
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Solid iron. Covered in vines of flowers. Blossoms sealed, sleeping buds tangled in leaves and thorns.
This imagery screams Sleeping Beauty. And it also harkens back to the post I made about the imagery of the beasts in the Hewn City, who Feyre compares to Azriel and Cassian.
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This repetition of imagery and symbolism isn’t a mistake. The sleeping beast amid vines of jasmine and moonflowers. It’s a deliberate echo of language used to tie both couples and their themes together.
Which then leads us to Nesta’s mind:
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Nesta’s mind evokes images of war, a continually repeated motif that aligns with Cassian, their larger roles in their family structures, their drive to fight and protect, and for Nesta in particular, the visual manifestation of what she has to overcome in her journey. Not just within herself but with Cassian.
How do we know? Well, SJM told us.
In ACOSF, when Cassian and Nesta’s mating bond is revealed.
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It’s only after Nesta bares her soul to Cassian and they meet in their mutual coupling of acceptance together that their mating bond truly comes to light and the threads of that bond are finally woven together in harmony.
So what does this mean for Azriel and Elain?
For the restless Spymaster, who “can’t sleep” despite his shadows imploring him to, and the Seer who’s “always dreaming these days,” I believe that like how Nesta’s inner walls came down when her and Cassian accept the mating bond, Azriel and Elain’s mating bond is somehow asleep, waiting to be awoken like the slumbering gates to Elain’s mind. Only then can their bond be brought to light like the sun at dawn, as right now it is asleep and half-hidden in shadows.
While the nuances of the narrative for how their “sleeping bond” would be revealed are still a mystery until we get their book, the foundation for a story of their love awakening and blooming is scattered across the series (“color bloomed high on Azriel’s golden-brown cheeks,” anyone?).
Some ideas to consider:
Could Azriel and Elain’s bond be Mother-blessed? Could the faebane arrow from ACOMAF have led the Cauldron to give Elain to Lucien instead, in defiance of the Mother? Did Koschei cast a spell to tie Lucien to another when he alone could be one to break Vassa’s curse with True Love’s kiss as a Spell-Cleaver? Will Elain and Azriel “weave” a bond of their own making?
I’m so excited to find out what SJM has in store for Elain and her journey where she will fully bloom with the love of her life 🌸💙
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bookbitchx · 19 hours
I know Elriels are going to come for my throat, but I don't see the ship, you guys.
Like I see why you want them together, but I don't see it in the books?
I honestly don't.
It's a pattern with SJM of mates fighting the bond at first and then slowly warming up to each other, falling in love, etc.. and from my POV, that's exactly what's happening with Elucien?
They're just at the frosty stage rn.
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dawneternal · 4 months
What did Azriel whisper in Eris's ear???
Where is Elain going so early in the morning???
Why is Rhys being so extra???
What did Eris trade to keep Keir out of Velaris???
What are Eris hounds named???
Eris Eris Eris???
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vellichor01 · 6 months
Lucien deserves to laugh. He jokes so much with Feyre and Tamlin in the first book. And then everything gets so serious so fast for him. But he deserves to be happy, to be able to laugh and joke again. That's all I want for him, a love full of laughter.
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If SJM has it revealed that Rhysand was always the villain he was in the beginning and Feyre has a realization of how much he used/abused her I may have to admit that she’s a much better writer than I give her credit for.
The bad guy who pretends to be the soulful sweetheart was putting on an act plot twist I would love to see.
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bright-side20 · 20 days
Koschei's Sleeping Beauty retelling 🌹
I've found Koschei's sleeping beauty details so here it is
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_In the tale, it is said that once Koschei focuses his gaze on the chosen princess, he is capable of exerting a powerful influence over her. He recites ancient, arcane words, and the maiden collapses gracefully, falling into a deep, unbreakable sleep, immune to the passage of time.
_ Koschei was described to be surrounded by shadows and swirling mist. He then takes the princess to his grand hall with a bone throne, where she waits for the hero who can break the spell.
*In SF:
The being that stood atop the lake was a shadow. It must be a reflection, Cassian thought. Smoke and mirrors. "Where is Briallyn?" Azriel demanded, Siphons flaring like cobalt flame. “I spend so many months preparing for you,” Koschei crooned, “and you don’t even wish to speak to me?”
*Koschei in the book is described as a shadow being as in the tale. Plus he could be trying to lure Azriel to the lake because once he can fix his gaze on him he'll be able to manipulate him with his power and enchant him with unbreakable sleep.
What I think is that Koschei could have been trapped in the lake using the Starsword, so he needs the TT to undo it. That's why he wants Az because he owns the dagger, so he could curse him with eternal sleep and try to make Elain free him from the lake in exchange for breaking Azriel's curse.
_In the tale, the only way to break the enchantment is through an instrument called the gusli which is very similar to the harp.
Gusli. Harp.
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_The strings of the gusli are made of pure silver and inbued with encient magic, when played correctly they emit a powerful, harmonic resonance that can break the spell and awaken the princess.
*In SF, the harp has ancient magic in its strings, and they are also made of silver:
The golden Harp, covered in intricate embossing, set with silver strings.
The small strings are for games—light movement and leaping—but the longer, the final ones … Such deep wonders and horrors we could strum into being.
_In the tale, for the Gusli's magic to work, it should be played by a hero who is pure of heart and noble intent.
*We know that Elain can use the harp because she's a cauldron made, and we also know that she has a different kind of strength:
“Elain had always been gentle and sweet—and I had considered it a different kind of strength. A better strength. To look at the hardness of the world and choose, over and over, to love, to be kind. She had always been so full of light.”
She is someone pure of heart, and her love for Azriel will definitely be strong and pure, so I think that could be another reason why she's the one who can break his curse 🥰
My theory about the harp is that, since in Hofas it was said that it can transfer one's power to the soul of another. Therefore, Elain may be able to give a portion of her life power to Az's soul through the harp to awaken him.
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highqueenofnarnia · 2 months
Just thinking about Nesta Archeron, Lady Death, the one who the Dread Trove answers to, who regularly pisses off Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court, and how even after the power she sacrificed to save Feyre (and by extension, Rhys) and Nyx, she’s still a character who’s generally regarded as possessing untapped power.
Thinking about the eight-pointed star and the comparison made explicitly by Bryce in HOFAS.
Thinking about all the times Nesta has been referred to as a “Queen” and how in ACOSF, so much of her memories revolved around her mother and how Nesta was raised to be royalty and a Queen.
Thinking about how there hasn’t been a High King in a long time amongst the courts.
Thinking about how canonically, the Inner Circle all possess a healthy caution/fear of Nesta, even Amren.
Thinking about how, even as Nesta grows and changes as a person, she will not bow to Rhys just because she lives in his court. How she unapologetically questions him and defies him in a way that infuriates him.
Thinking about how Nesta’s story can’t possibly be over yet because wtf, her story should not end with a man (no hate to Cassian, love him).
Thinking about the fact that in HOFAS, before Nesta and Cassian are together, Rhys starts putting Cassian in more diplomatic roles.
Yes, hello, welcome to my crack theory about how Nesta will become High Queen and Cassian her king. In this essay I will—
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elainemg97 · 4 months
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❤️ACOTAR multiple bonds theory❤️
🛑MAJOR SPOILERS for ACOTAR and Crescent City Series (especially HOFAS)🛑
Summary: I believe there to be 2 types of mating bonds in the ACOTAR universe specifically. 1 bond is the original bond that spans universes and planets. The kind of bond that is there since you are born. This bond transcends worlds and species. It pairs humans with Fae, demons and Fae, Illyrians with high Fae, etc.
Examples: Feysand, Nessian, Rowaelin, Quinlar, Theia x Aidas, Elorcan, etc.
Cauldron Bonds: When the Asteri moved into Prythian, they used and corrupted the cauldron to do their bidding. One of these corruptions was to pair people together for the best breeding outcomes. They love to experiment and pair people together to produce the best offspring in CC, and it wouldn’t surprise me that they did the same in ACOTAR. This bond is flimsy and weak. People hate each other after a time because it is based on breeding, not soul pairings.
Conclusion: The Elain and Lucien bond is a cauldron bond— an Asteri bond. It is solely made for breeding purposes.
Conclusion number 2: Elain and Azriel have had a connection since they first met in the human lands, and Azriel is progressively suffering the consequences of having the bond being unacknowledged. He’s having headaches; he can’t sleep; he has “writhing need.” He’s in his “I can’t stay away” moment. 🤭
Conclusion 3: Lucien could potentially break the cauldron bond as it is a possible ancient Asteri spell. That or they could use Truthteller to unmake the bond and possibly de-corrupt the cauldron.
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pinklayla123 · 4 months
Is it a coincidence that three seemingly normal human sisters are now Fae? Is it a coincidence that one of them is mated to and is the High Lady of the most powerful High Lord the land has ever seen, and rivals him in power? Is it a coincidence that one of the sisters stole from the Cauldron, the bowl of Life and Death, and was then blessed by the Mother herself? Is it a coincidence that she is mated to one of the most fearsome warriors the land has ever seen, who is often likened to one of the original heroes who gave his life defending his people against the Daglan? Is it a coincidence that the third sister, blessed by the Cauldron despite its corruption, is able to wield the knife of that long-ago warrior? Is it a coincidence that the male who now bears that knife, a mighty warrior in his own right, has powers resembling those of the Fae who fought against the Daglan, and is unable to stay away from the third sister? Is it a coincidence that the Dread Trove of the Daglan has resurfaced and is in the hands of one of the sisters, who can wield it with little effort? Is it a coincidence that Gwydion, lost for fifteen thousand years, has been returned and is now in close proximity to its dark twin, Narben, both Made in the Cauldron? Is it a coincidence that the history of the Fae who originally took a stand against the Daglan has been rediscovered after being forgotten for millennia? Is it a coincidence that three Illyrian boys, born around the same time despite their long life spans, ended up growing and training in the same war-camp, forming an unbreakable unit the likes of which the world has never seen? Is it a coincidence that each has been inexplicably drawn to one of the once-human sisters since the beginning? Is it a coincidence that there are three sacred sister peaks in the land, barren because of the darkness tainting them, to match the three sisters? Is it a coincidence that the world seems poised on the brink of something that will send ripples across the cosmos? Is anything a coincidence?
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emilystheories · 1 year
Aelin Galathynius created Prythian. She is the Mother.
This theory contains TOG, ACOTAR and (slight) CC SPOILERS!
Many, many thousands of years ago, Amren recalled that a huge "rip in the sky" appeared in her home world. Out of curiosity, Amren flew through this rip, and landed in Prythian.
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This perfectly aligns with Aelin ripping a hole in the sky of the God's realm. This is the most concrete piece of evidence that Throne of Glass took place in the past (something I have already theorised about).
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However, and most interestingly, it is suggested that Amren entered Prythian when it was being made - when the world itself was beginning to form.
If Aelin indeed created the "rip" in the sky that Amren went into - the timing suggests that Aelin's actions led to the creation of Prythian.
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And, although subtle, we actually have proof of this.
Recall that Wyrd was described as the thing that "keeps the realms apart:"
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But, when Aelin shut the gates between worlds at the end of Kingdom of Ash, we have this VERY important (and often overlooked) clue:
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Aelin caused for all worlds to overlap.
I believe this is how Prythian was born.
The Cauldron.
According to the mural that Feyre observes, Prythian was created by a female with "glowing, slender hands," who tipped a fluid with "strange symbols" (wyrdmarks), from the Cauldron, onto the land.
I believe this was Aelin - perhaps not literally, but metaphorically.
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But this begs the question; what exactly is the Cauldron?
For starters, we know that the Cauldron has 3 "legs". These legs provide most of its power (and this is an important clue!)
This is very similar to the 3 wyrdkeys in TOG; the very 3 wyrdkeys that Aelin embedded into her arm (and subsequently her blood) when she sealed the gates.
Aelin then gave over the 3 wyrdkeys, and all of her fire power to forge the new lock. It is this very power that is the essence of the Cauldron. 
As evidence of this, when we see the Cauldron's power in ACOWAR, it presents as Aelin's own power; "raw fire power," capable of burning an entire army to ash within seconds.
The Dread Trove.
The Cauldron also created the Dread Trove - and this is another very important clue.
The Crown.
The Crown can control and influence people - just like the wyrdkeys (and subsequent wyrdcollars and rings controlled people in TOG).
The Mask.
The Mask can control the dead - just like the wyrdkeys could create armies of dead people; a power Erawan desperately wanted.
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The Harp.
The Harp can open portals to different locations, and potentially different worlds and realms. This is one of the key features of the wyrdkeys.
In fact, it was said the 3 wyrdkeys were needed to create a wyrdgate.
The Cauldron has 3 legs (that I believe are the 3 wyrdkeys Aelin yielded to seal the lock).
Thus, the Cauldron *IS* a wyrdgate.
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Cauldron = Wyrdgate.
As further proof of this, to "nullify" the Cauldron, Amren had to:
give up her current body,
forget about those she loved,
and unleash her power of "light and flame."
Which is just like Mala Fire-Bringer; who also had to:
give up her current body,
forget about those she loved, (in fact, both her and Amren both warned that they will no longer "remember" their loved ones),
and unleash her power of "light and flame", in order to forge the lock, and shut the wyrdgate.
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But, recall that when Mala's plan didn't work, Aelin (and Dorian) had to give all of their power to reforge a new lock, in order to seal and shut the wyrdgate once more.
This is just like Rhys in ACOWAR; in order to re-seal the Cauldron, he had to give over every inch of his power.
In fact, when Aelin and Dorian's power were used together, and in combination with the wyrdkeys, it was described as "creation and destruction," and the "beginning and the ending."
These are the exact same terms used to describe the Cauldron - and I'd argue the exact same *power* of the Cauldron (but more on that later).
And, as a side note - at one point, the Cauldron's power was even described as "fire and ice"... (ring any bells?)
The Lock.
Further, when Aelin and Dorian were sealing the wyrdgate shut, they had to make a "lock."
The lock they made was the Eye of Elena. This is perhaps the most important clue in this theory; that this very symbol and mechanism allowed for the creation of the Cauldron.
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However, we learn in later TOG books that this symbol isn't just known as the Eye of Elena, but also as the "Eye of the Goddess." This is because it was first a sacred witch symbol, created by Rhiannon Crochan.
Crochan means Cauldron.
Additionally, the Eye of the Goddess was named as such, as it is said to represent the Three Faced Goddess (that the witches worshipped), and her three counterparts;
The Maiden
The Mother
The Crone.
It's for this reason that I believe the Cauldron was created from the Eye of Elena, or the Eye of the Goddess lock, as it too follows the principles of Maiden, Mother, and Crone.
We see clear evidence of this when Elain, Nesta and Briallyn were thrown into the Cauldron.
Elain was made into the Maiden.
The Maiden often symbolises innocence, beauty and blossoming.
In TOG, the Maiden was represented by the Blueblood witches, who were the "oracles, mystics, and zealots."
Elain was made into a Seer.
The Bluebloods also required more iron (as it was said that they were the most powerful), and it is rather interesting that Elain (presumably) wears an iron ring.
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Nesta was made into the Mother.
The Mother often symbolises maturity, responsibility, and power.
In TOG, the Mother was represented by the Blackbeak witches, who were the warriors - known for their "obedience, discipline, and brutality."
Considering the multiple references to Nesta making a fine General in an army, as well as the parallels between Manon's thirteen, and Nesta's Valkyries - it makes perfect sense.
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Briallyn was made into the Crone.
She was, quite literally, turned into an old woman by the Cauldron.
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Creation and Destruction.
Knowing that that the Cauldron was made from the Eye of Elena/Eye of the Goddess, as well as the 3 wyrdkeys, as well as Aelin's own power that she donated to forge the lock, and seal the gate - this can explain Nesta's own power.
Nesta's power manifested as "cold" flame, one that seemingly burned without a trace.
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We have already seen this before;
Aelin's moon-fire,
and Kaltain's shadow-fire.
The commonality between these two? Both women were in possession of the wyrdkeys.
The same wyrdkeys that the Cauldron now possess; the same power that Nesta stole.
And, all in all, this makes perfect sense. The Cauldron is a wyrdgate. Wyrd is the "language of the universe," it is the power of both creation and destruction, life and death.
Nesta's power symbolises one half - Death.
And, it's for this reason that I believe that Elain's powers (that are yet to be revealed), will symbolise the other half - Life. Creation. (And, I also have an inkling that she will be the one to rebuild the Dusk Court with this very power).
We also know that the Cauldron loved Elain. If the Cauldron was indeed created by Aelin - that she is it's Mother - then perhaps it's no coincidence that "Elain" is an anagram for "Aelin"....?
A portal too?
If the Cauldron is indeed a wyrdgate - then recall that Feyre threw the Book of Breathings into it.
Now, Jesiba Roga possesses that exact book.
Does this tell us that the Cauldron is in fact a wyrdgate to Lunathion, and the Crescent City world...?
Knowing all the connections between the Cauldron and the witches - and Jesiba being a witch herself, it makes sense...
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sapchat · 3 months
Ways to add simple little details to Prythian in your stories!
For the Autumn Court this one is basic and many people use it: Males gift their fiancées, wives, mates fox kits as a symbol of their love and good luck with the relationship. To make it sadder, Beron never did this for Lady A, so when Eris found out about this tradition he got his mom one!
For the Dawn Court: Like how the night court Illyrians put the women down, what if the Dawn Court was the opposite and the Peregryn females would put the males down. In the real world male birds are held to a high standard for breeding, I feel like Peregryn instincts would cause this and it just gives more to a story than the females constantly being the abused. Also they’re stomach/side sleepers. I talk more about this below with the night court just to not repeat myself.
Day Court is full of bastards. You can NOT convince me that it isn’t. Helion is laying the fucking pipe like he’s discovered oil. And the reason I feel this is because of @florencemtrash ‘s story “The Shadow and the Inkbird” (also it’s really good go read it if you haven’t) where the MFC is Helions bastard, and meets Lucien and instantly realizes that they’re halfsiblings. And I was like ya know the Day Court is probably like Game of Thrones Dorne. Dorne is know for their bastards almost every persons name in that city is ‘Sand’ because they’re all bastards basically. So I just KNOW that Helion probably has other kids than just Lucien. And everyone in that court is fucking.
Summer Court has mermaids. It’s basic, it’s simple and it’s true. There’s mermaids.
Night Court, listen we already now a lot about the Nigh Court but this pertains to Illyrian’s so I feel it’s different. They’re stomach/side sleepers. They are. You can’t tell me that two massive wing sticking out of your back would allow you to lay on your back. It can’t be comfortable. Like have you ever tried sleeping with like a ponytail/claw clip in? It ain’t nice. Now imagine it with two that sit right beside your shoulder blades and the clips are like 3ft long? Idk how long the base would be but like probably pretty fucking long to allow actual flight capabilities. Also when they sleep on their side they just have their wings straight out, now like laying on one and the other out. They’ve got big ass beds for a reason spread out. (Cassian fully takes up a bed like star fish style just on his stomach. Nesta is sick of it.)
Spring Court, during the Spring Equinox the High Lord chooses someone to dress up and hand out spring gifts to family’s (usually kids). When Tamlin became High Lord he appointed himself to do so. During this time Tamlin also gives many of the less fortunate families something they can later use for the Tithe.
Winter Court puts on a celebration for the children called Three Kings Day. Family’s with children are welcomed to the castle(? Do they have castles…?) and the bakers leave a cake outside the doors of the family, inside the cakes (this is a real thing from Puerto Rico/France/Spain too btw, the cake is called la galette des rois (Kings Cake)) are toys/coins. Whichever children find them get to wear a crown for the day and called Kings/Queens (Kallias started the tradition that all kids get to do this, he’s a softy).
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8bitrosethorn · 17 days
Tonight, I’m bringing forth a tiny piece of the larger Azriel/Sleeping Beauty theory. I hope to dive even more into that soon, but here’s a small snippet for now 🤓
There’s a passage when Feyre shows up to the Hewn City in Ch 42 of ACOMAF that stuck out to me on my latest reread:
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At first, I didn’t think too much of it, until a page later, Feyre says this:
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Cassian and Azriel reminded Feyre of the beasts carved into the pillars shown earlier… the SLEEPING (Azriel) and FIGHTING (Cassian) beasts.
And how else were the pillars described?
Need more evidence? I gotchoo 🫡
Cassian, as described by Amren:
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Nesta’s way of describing herself:
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Elain, as described by Nesta:
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And finally, Azriel’s Bonus Chapter from ACOSF, where his shadows are trying to tell him to… (wait for it) …. SLEEP.
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And why isn’t he sleeping?!?! 😚 E L A I N 🤪
I truly believe that SJM has had everything planned this whole time, leaving the breadcrumbs she said she’d planted along the way. Especially after recently finishing all of TOG (🥹 no, I’m not okay 😭🫠), even if she’s a “pantser”-style writer, there is still the editing process that allows her to leave intentional, purposeful clues for readers to uncover that align with later revelations throughout her work.
And me, personally? I find it SO FUN AND REWARDING to look for them each and every reread 🧐✨
Thanks for reading, friends 💖🌸🦇
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bookbitchx · 2 days
So, I've been thinking about Nyx.
About how he inherited the bat wings, obviously, and most likely, Rhysand's powers.
Will he inherit Feyre's, though?
Technically, it wasn't hers to begin with. And yes, yes, I know it became a part of her when she was Made, but it's tricky since she's an anomaly. And that's not an insult, it's just a fact.
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freyjas-musings · 5 months
I am not really sure why E/riels don't understand the difference between skittering, skittering back and Skittered away .... But I hoped that they would understand that Azriel's shadows disappearing or vanishing is definitely a BAD THING
Shadows with Elain, this isn't unique to her either it was the same with Mor ... 2 people who clearly aren't going to be his end game
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Shadows with Mor....
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Now , Shadows and Az
They will always be with him, they are his companions and source of power.
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They shield him , protect him and clearly care:
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They give him power and are a source of magic
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They react to him when he is happy , they basically dance.... He is the shadowsinger so that's not surprising that they sing and dance to his voice
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The only other person the shadows react in the playful positive way is Gwyn... They dance in her presence
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They also dance when Az and Gywn are being playful and banter
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They also sing to her .... They Calm in her presence , they are curious about her , they just like lounging and watching Az and her talk ... Far cry from vanishing and skittering back
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If this isn't SJM making it obvious Gwyn is his mate and end game I don't know what to say ... it is wilful ignorance at this point
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luvletterstogwyn · 19 days
I have an odd theory about Azriel.
Azriel is named after Azrael, the angel of death in abrahamic religions.
Azrael is “the benevolent angel of death who carries the souls of the deceased to the afterlife.”
What if his shadows, whom we know absolutely nothing about, are souls of the deceased? They seem to have personalities as well as consciousness. They run from Mor and Elain, dance with Gwyn, and prepare to strike when Azriel commands them to.
We know that Azriel was kept in his father’s dungeons when he was younger. Who’s to say that those dungeons didn’t also hold captives of his cruel father who couldn’t escape his wrath with their lives intact?
Those souls watching Azriel, alone and scarred in the dungeons, and just wanting to offer some comfort to him, go and caress him, making sure he doesn’t feel as cold and alone as they felt. Seeking odd comfort in his embrace, they stay with him, even when he’s shipped off to Windhaven.
And when he returns many years later with his brothers, they exact their revenge on the male who killed them and who hurt their beloved singer.
This is also a reason I despise the “Azriel would feel relieved without his shadows if he ends up with Elain”. Why would he feel good without his first and lifelong friends?
I adore the thought that they stay with him not out of obligation, but out of love.
And when they see his mate, the love of their friend, they dance with joy.
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sadiegirl2021 · 5 months
Interesting juxtaposition used when Nesta is listening to the priestesses singing -
She saw what the song spoke of: mossy earth (Elain) and golden sun (Lucien), clear rivers (Gwyn) and the deep shadows of an ancient forest. (Azriel)
Hints for the future?
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