circular-bircular · 4 months
alright last thing I'll be saying about this, promise. one of the latest thing AEV said is that apparently it's now SAS' fault for *checks notes* being an adult who "started beef" with a minor?
dude you started this??? you started this by spreading a wildfire of misinformation in your so called anti misinformation blog??? and got extremely defensive to be point of aggression?? in your so called "not condoning harassment" way??? I'm so. I'm just so exhausted I swear. it's the cognitive dissonance for me. I can't do this it confuses the fuck out of me. it's also the using their minor status + NPD as shield for me. no the fuck not, it does not protect you from criticism, we don't have to sugarcoat and be nice for you to read what we have to say lest you "don't know how to reply because I'm very sensitive :((" sounds like a you issue.
(same anon as the last AEV vent post, the one with the blocklist thing and shift in thinking of SAS. I might as well tag my asks or come off anon at this point lmao. only reason I stay on anon is because my main is not sys related but also it's not a secret, and I've been following you for a while, so I'll be pondering the orb with future asks)
Nothing much to add.
I’m likely not going to be saying much more, unless more progresses.
Just shame on the few adults in this picture who are encouraging this behavior, and an encouragement for everyone to let it die at this rate. I knew these were kids, but not just how bad it was until I saw a literal middle schooler arguing alongside everyone.
When I was 13, I was playing games on my computer and didn’t have tumblr yet. I was a child. Please let yourself be kids.
For those who are “almost adults” — don’t grow up too fast. Don’t let these people convince you to grow up this fast. You don’t need to stand up against ableism at 18, especially if you have DID; you just need to focus on surviving and recovery.
And to the adults: get a goddamn life. Seriously? You have nothing better to do that out someone’s main blog to a minor and stir up shit? Calling them “your kiddo”? It’s giving all the red flags, to the degree it makes me sick.
AEV, if you’re reading this: at the start, all we were upset about was the misinformation that you were spreading. Your sources were shit, and you did more to prove endogenic plurality than any pro-endo has with your little antitoxins blog. But then you made it disinformation, slandered my friend, and continued to do so against all the critics.
This isn’t harassment; this is just an adult’s playground.
Please step back, for everyone’s sakes.
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circular-bircular · 4 months
i dont really like how antiendovents is all "oh im a minor!" as if minors cant do anyrhing harmful. talking about how sas is throwing a tantrum, god yeah i'd fucking hope so??
That’s the thing. Point to where Dude’s thrown a tantrum. I genuinely don’t see it.
I work with children. I know a tantrum when I see it.
What I see in syscourse right now is a grown ass man being dogpiled by children - children who are refusing to consider they might not have all the facts about an incredibly intricate disorder. And said children decided the best course of action was to share a private blog of his, one that has no connection to any of this, one that he has worked fucking hard to protect the privacy of so he didn’t have to have them connected — “for blocking purposes.”
Pray tell, what evidence is there that this is needed?
None. No evidence whatsoever. Because this isn’t about misinformation or protecting people. It’s about hurting a traumatized person because you don’t like that they called you out on your bullshit.
Posting that near-doxxing ask was the tantrum. Being angry about it is justified.
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