cannibalpool · 1 year
Sometimes you might see my Spotify activity and wonder, "Oh, why is this boy listening to the Skrillex remix of Levels by Avicii?"
And I can guarantee you it's because I'm high as shit and questioning the fabric of my own personal philosophy and existence, because I realized that I daydream in third person of things happening to me or things I'm doing, instead of first person and seeing it with my eyes.
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cloudiurmoon · 10 months
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I find it funny that you can literally see how tall other characters are just by being John next to them
Garcia's a whole whatever 2 pixels are shorter :)
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Let him make his pancakes and his grilled cheeseburgers
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takemyeternity · 25 days
I’ve been tagged by the absolute angels @prinxashbicth & @hanhowls to share my Lock Screen, the last song I listened to, last movie I watched and the last photo I took.
Thank you for the tags angels ✨
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No pressure tags @silent-cha0s @readingfolklore @emily-jpg @arcananyx @arcadiaa-layne @moon-times
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animepopheart · 2 years
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★ 【Aeus】 「 War Freak 」 ☆ �� republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on instagram
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ztmachine · 2 months
PSA to the ZERO Forts map makers on this site. Stop making what I have dubbed "cave fortress"/"foxhole" maps they are fundamentally flawed map design, and generally horrible to play on. (and for people hosting them why you shouldn't play these maps on deathmatch) Example:
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This is the typical foxhole map, high eco cap, and, most importantly, the forts are directly behind each other (okay this one has a bit harder than usual to reach cores but it's not that big of a difference). This map type is appealing for both players and mappers. There's a lot of eco, there (appears to be) lots of room for weapons, and the barrels allow people to continue playing after they die. Theoretically this map is supposed to be played in a "bunker" style, where the player behind the first gets time to build up weapons and stuff while the player in front has a tense battle with the opposing player. This leaves you with an optimized build style like this
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While this is bad in theory, only allowing one person on each team to interact and actually play the game at any given time because if they do attempt to attack the enemy then...
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Yeah. The people who aren't in front don't really get to do anything. This is not a fun strategy. It is, however, optimal.
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This is a screenshot of a game I played on one of these maps. On the left you can see that they are using the optimal strategy, there's a wall of solid material that makes it impossible to hit anyone except the first player in line. While the right is using a different, more fun strategy that allows more than the first player in line to interact by leaving most of the bracing as BG (see how as far as the 3rd player is making a gun that could be effectively used) eventually the first player does secede to playing entirely support and end up winning.
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and you might well notice that there appear to be two more forts on one side of the map than the other. And you'd be (effectively) right.
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these are the other two forts, weapons ready to fire that have dealt ZERO damage. Not a single interaction with the other team over the course of a thirty minute game. Foxhole maps are fundamentally broken on deathmatch (as most of them are meant to be played). So... yeah don't make these maps. If you do either make them clearly for co-op or use a fun way out of (some of) the problems like this one.
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Thank you for listening and I hope that this did something for you. I don't hate anyone who makes or plays on these maps, at the end of the day that's their decision and I can just leave if I don't want to play on a selected map.
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: Candyman
Code Name: Candyman, the Demon of Five
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Memetic kill agents have been placed in the graffiti, products, books, art, advertisement, and other items regularly viewed by the public. These memetics influence regularly influence the people of [data expunged] to ignore or not care about the "Candyman Legend". It should be noted this will not destroy SCP-AEU but will prevent it from harming civilians ever again. Unfortunately, this is confirmed to be the best containment method for SCP-AEU.
Description: SCP-AEU is a number demon and a lore parasite that currently take the form of a tall man of African descent. His right hand is replaced with a hook and his chest is filled with ravenous bees. Unfortunately, even with D Class sacrificed to take samples it has proven impossible to capture these bees as they seem just as metaphysical as SCP-AEU himself. The physical form of SCP-AEU was made form the local story of the "Candyman" who seeks revenge after being killed simply for loving a white woman back in the 1800s.
However, it should not be mistaken as SCP-AEU has no actual relation to the man in the local tale, it just takes the form of him. SCP-AEU as explained before is a number demon which for those that don't know are demons that curse a particular number in a unique way to have people summon then and be devoured. In SCP-AEU's case, the number is five, it's summoned through a little folk lore game where you must say "Candyman" five times in front of a mirror.
SCP-AEU is also a lore parasite which are spiritual anomalies taking the form of local stories to gain power and influence. The more widespread the story the stronger the parasite becomes. This and the "Candyman game" have given SCP-AEU more power than any lore parasite and number demon on their own.  Allowing it to torment and haunt the entire community of SCP-AEU for decades. Shockingly, SCP-AEU normally just kills and devours those that summon him, but it is possible for SCP-AEU to simply kill those around them and have the victim blamed for his own crimes.
SCP-AEU was discovered in 1992, when dozens of murders were reported in the [data expunged] public housing project. It was reported that the rumor of the "Candyman game" reached some of the locals and after one of them did the dare, they all died. Foundation agents disguised as police officers covered up the scene as just a mass homicide and as instructed, damaged the bodies to further sell this cover story. Afterwards as a precaution a Foundation Field Researcher was deployed who specialized in lore parasite. They found traces of demonic particles on the bodies and in the building where they were found.
Foundation agents sent D Class to the area more specifically abandoned buildings with mirrors to see if they would be devoured by SCP-AEU and sure enough he showed up. Unfortunately, in initial testing there were Foundation researchers and agents standing guard over the D Class. SCP-AEU killed them all instead thinking the Foundation would pin the blame on the D Class. The D Classes were killed anyways as they were now acting as anchors for SCP-AEU which would lead to SCP-AEU's influence growing. From here it was determined that SCP-AEU was too dangerous to be left as it was, leading to the current Special Containment Procedures implemented.
Currently the memetic kill agents implemented around the [data expunged] community have shown at least 89%. Unfortunately, there are still those that play the "Candyman game" leading to incidences still occurring. As such The Ethics Committee has approved the implementation of Protocol "The Unknown Killer" to deal with any "unwanted variables". There has not been given a single codename for the killer and every time the public comes up with several others are to be introduced onto any dead bodies. This is done to prevent SCP-AEU from regaining its strength by latching onto a new story. It is with hope that all of this will result in SCP-AEU's eradication. Though unfortunately if it ever does happen the Foundation will have no way of knowing for sure.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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therosecrest · 2 years
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acornmaybe · 4 months
a e i o u may as well be a i u. e and i are so close. why even distinguish between the two. same with o and u.
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jestersking · 2 years
Owen: “Hi, Martyn. It’s been a good while, huh? Spring just started. We built ourselves a little house. We even left a room for you, I think you would have liked it. It’s been... Hard without you. You were such a reliable part for all of us, that it’s kinda hard to actully... Live without you. And managing the rats became so much more difficult! It’s like your chaotic attitude helped them being calm, huh.  Besides, I would really love to hear your advices on some things... Well, it doesn’t matter where you are - we always have a room for you. Or your spirit. I prefer not to think about it. We miss you.” Apo: “Hey, Martyn. Since you left I became a main tailor in the house. It’s kinda funny ‘cause the only thing that I really can’t do is hats. But I’m trying. Sometimes I work in your room. It just feels like you are right here, right beside me and you watch me. I hope you don’t mind me here.” Scott: “Hello, Martyn. I’m sorry.” Bek: “HOYYYYY MARTYYN!!!  You WILL NOT BELIVE THAT!! Me and El are !!OFFICIALLY!! married!! Yep! I did it! Acho was our priest! I hope you are proud of me!  Sometimes when she says something incredibly cheesy I look around hoping that I’ll hear you scuff or laugh. But you are not here. And it’s fine! Truly, it’s okay! I will take care of your room! And your Ratsune Miku wig too!  i miss you” Will: “Hello-hello, Mraty.  How aeu you? Wee doing jusut fine. I hope yu dotoo.  Acho is techin me, how to wiret poems! Its rally fun and i love it. it’s knd hadr to hold a pen but im dong ny best! I wuld luve y to jion us.  Can i aks yo someing? Do you like daises r rsses more? I wnt to decoaret ur door.  With lvoe, Will.” Jimmy: Tubbo: “AT MARTYN. MARTYN RARF. MRATUN. EVERYOEN IS SO DSADD THAT UR GONE BUT URE NOT GONE RIGHN??? UR IN OUR WALLS I KNOW IT!! U WIIUDLNT LEAVE US RIGHT?? RIGHT?? Martyn? You’re here, right?” El: “Martyn. It’s been so long and I’m still not used to the thought of you not being here. That I can’t knock on your door and you won’t be here meeting me with that cocky smile of yours. I know, I should stop hoping. But sometimes I still do. I’m dreaming of your voice. Bek misses you a lot, you know? Sometimes I can hear her crying while she’s cleaning your room. I can’t help her, I would cry too.” Krow: “Dear Martyn: Go Fucking Fuck Yourself.  I fucking hate you. I hate you so much. I hate you more than I hate cats.  I hate you for pushing me into the portal. I hate you for killing Oliver. I hate you because you always were so agressive to our guests. I hate you for leaving. I hate you because you were so dear to everyone. I hate you because you made everyone love you and then YOU FUCKING LEAVE.  I hate you because you made everyone cry. I hate you. You left. You fucking left us. Why? Why? Have I done something? I’m sorry. Please just go back. I’m begging you. Please. Please.” Oli: “’sup mraty  ah i havent said that name in a while. its like a curse in this house. no one talks about u. thats fair. i hate talking about u too.  i know ur not dead. u just better than this. yeah u better than dying. but u left us anyway. why? god if i know. god if anyone knows. but u know i belive thats its a cool reason. like ur saving the world or something. i wouldnt be suprised lol. it doesnt matter. truly it doesnt. whatever you are doing: we still love u. and we trust u. u always will be a shining star for us, a sweet memory.  we love you, Mraty.”
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fangirl-dot-com · 6 months
I've read the au with baby max as reader's brother, and i just have to say
When i saw those baby pictures of max, in my head i was wondering how could anyone hurt this child, or any child in the world???
I love love love love that Au of yours, simply because it reached a depth within me that i don't even know how to explain.
(quite possibly healed my inner child as well)
awww i’m so glad you liked it!! i think once reputations gets started, i might start doing smaller series/imagines and the ones i want to start with are the different aus that were tested in AEU :)
would y’all like that or do you want me to wait until reputations is done?
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imagine if you had 3 pet drones and whenever they were hungry they flew into your arms and legs headbutting you like flying cats
aeu kitty...
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 10 months
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:33 < velop ! this is a little info on the 4th person neopronoun flag, coined by ve !! ^_^
:33 < 4th person neopronouns are neopronouns to be used instead of we/us/our/ours (‼️it is important to note that the pronouns yall will use must be decided by both/all of you, as you will be using those pronouns together and yall may as well pick something nice and shared(or if the other person dosent mind and lets you decide, or other way around, thats fine too. as long as its agreed upon‼️))
:33 < this can be use by couples/people in relationships, friends and siblings/family
:33 < "but how do you use that ?? wouldnt that be over complicated for no reason ?" to that vi say, why NOT over complicate it ?? why NOT confuse people for the sake of it ?? its funny.
:33 < anyways, the flag above shows the flag for 4th person neopronouns !!
:33 < the flag colours meanings:
:33 < light green: masc identifying people who use 4th person neos
:33 < light blue: equal decision making and enjoying/embracing your 4th person neopronouns
:33 < light grey/teal: 2pp neopronoun inclusivity/representation
:33 < white: togetherness, unity and representation for all neopronoun users
:33 < purple: 1pp neopronoun inclusivity/representation and nonbinary/genderless identifying people who use 4th person pronouns !!
:33 < yellow: positivity and co operation between the people using these pronouns
:33 < pink: fem-identitying people who use 4th person neopronouns !!
:33 < here are some examples of pronouns yall can use: !!
non themed:
and any other non themed you can think of !! remember, these are yalls pronouns and nobody can dictate you on how they should be like/what they should be. it dosent have to make sense to others. only you
themed pronouns !!
•voius/voiwe/voidour (void)
•spaceus/spacee/spaceour (space)
•(tw !!‼️‼️mention of g0re !! please dont read if you're sensitive to that !!) goreus/goree/goreours (gore)
•spirus/spirwee/spirour (spirals !)
•clownus/clownee/clownours (clowns)
:33 < and anything else you can think of !! (vi cant be asked to type up any more😭😭‼️) make up your own !! go crazy !! you dont have to use these, theyre just examples !!
:33 < a quick example on how to use these neopronouns for those who sre confused:
:33 < "me and my best friend went to the shop ! vee got some sweets !" (instead of "we" its "vee" !! ^_^)
:33 < "wanna come eat with spaceus ?" (instead of "us", its "spaceus !!")
:33 < if you are a neopronoun blog, please repost this to spread this !! /nf vi would really love all the help vi can get ^_^ (any type of blog can repost this though ^_^/nf)
B33 < tagging: @io-archival (dont know who else to tag) (feel free to ignore ^_^)
:33 < we dont gatekeep pronouns around here <3
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swiftthecardinal · 5 months
Jet Set Radio Redux!
So, this is the first post about the silly AU, aside from past drawings. Unlike other AUs, it's more like an AEU (alternate-expanded universe) and doesn't have a specific theme. It's more my weird remix of Jet Set Radio and whatever things I find neat I mixed in built up into a wild little alternate universe I call my own. So yeah, let's get to it.
The actual going ons of this world
This alternate universe is split up into a trilogy of theoretical games, each with their own sort of style and what I'm doing with them.
Jet Set Radio Milennium
The OG JSR of this universe. Sticks pretty close to the original game in the base plot and gameplay style and was basically the original sprout that resulted in the AU, but the fridge horror is very intentional and much more clear than in the real OG JSR, but it's still portrayed in a pretty comical way due to whose point of view it is exactly and keeps the sweet, saccharine, fairly simple artstyle of the source material. Gameplay-wise, it's much faster than OG JSR and isn't momentum-based anymore so the tagging QTE doesn't feel like it's slowing things down too much and you don't slow down on rails like JSRF. I'll explain further about it with the JSRM gameplay post.
Jet Set Radio Overclock
The replacement for JSRF and the sequel to JSRM! Why you're all teenagers still in 2024 needs a pretty damn grand explanation of the lore behind Graffiti Souls, rudies and related magicky hijinks, but we'll have to skip that for now as that'll be explained in a future post.
Basically, 23 years after the events of Jet Set Radio Milennium, Goji's successor and son, Masashi Rokkaku, has totally changed Tokyo-to, now Neo-Tokyo, to a pretty bland metropolis completely absent of real rudies, as in the type of haunted teenager that was present in JSRM. Now it's just a bunch of kids who think they're cool, paint on legal graffiti walls and call each other gay until you bust onto the streets once again in your fresh new bodies like the big damn spooky badasses you are.
Why did no rudies return before? Well, Masashi Rokkaku was using netrium, basically magical Graffiti Soul power as a clean energy source for his big awesome city. Thus, no Graffiti Souls could come around to make any teenagers spooky again because they were getting juiced. This is getting long, so I'll elaborate in a further post.
I'm not sure what to do for the actual gameplay, but it'll actually be momentum-based now. So yeah Jet Set Radio Overclock. This one's plot is... wild...
Jet Set Radio Retro (title in progress)
A prequel game in the 1970's shamelessly filled with OCs. Not done too much work on it, but I have ideas in mind and it's title won't have Jet Set Radio in it because the titular radio station in it at all for obvious reasons. So, this'll be one you get to watch and evolve in real time!
Other Video Games
Ollie King is canon, basically being rudie culture for non-haunted peeps, and lacks stuff like actual vandalism. The predecessor to the "rudies" in JSRO. It's more so me just thinking about the funny skateboard people tbh.
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is non-canon in all forms in JSRR to avoid even more comparisons to Jet Set Radio. It's a thing of it's own. Honestly, I would love to but this is more for the sake of Team Reptile's cool game not just being compared to JSR constantly even if it is a spiritual successor.
So yeah, beware and adore my abominable brainchild.
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toskarin · 1 year
That's realism Toskarin, most flags are bad
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I think the HRL has a realistically bad flag, but the AEU one is inexcusably hideous
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yoonstaxr · 4 months
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when-they-meow · 3 months
so if jenna is beatrice in the echo!umineko aeu then who is battler?
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