#AF PRE MOB Training
defensenow · 5 months
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Tagged by: @jjohnson217
If you could change (or rather fix) the background and/or paternity of any five characters, who would they be?
Sam McCall - While I liked early Julexis, what the writers did to them pissed me off and turned me off of the couple.  Sam understandably kicked Julian out of her life, but has nothing to do with the rest of her Jerome relatives?  I liked her scenes with Ava when she was sick with toxoplasmosis.  She and Kiki interacted a lot and got along well when Sam dated Kiki’s dad Silas, but they don’t acknowledge the fact that they are cousins.  She doesn’t interact with Lucas or even babysit her baby brother Leo.  What was the purpose of making Julian Sam’s dad?
Franco - I hate this character for many reasons and the only time I liked him (as played by Roger Howarth) was when he and Nina were together pre-baby issue.  James Franco’s Franco was a fun psycho villain.  I hate all of his paternity rewrites.  First, he was Betsy Frank’s son.  Nope, he is Jason’s fraternal twin via Alan and Susan Moore.  Wrong, he is Heather Webber’s son by Scott, despite not looking like either one.  I like Roger Howarth, but he is miscast in this role.  I would rather Franco be Betsy Frank’s with the probably abusive creep Jim Harvey (who he resembles) rather than tarnish the Baldwins (Scott, Karen, Serena, Gail and Lee), even by association.
Nelle - There is so much wrong with this character.  If they were going to connect her to Carly, she should have been a Spencer relative, capitalizing on the fact that she previously played a younger version of Luke and Bobbie’s sister Pat, and not a Benson.  While in her early days, I liked that she was like a young Carly set on revenge.  They could have made her Carly’s daughter somehow, either from pre-Port Charles days in Florida (possibly from sleeping with Reese’s dad) or a previously unknown twin of Michael’s.  That way we wouldn’t have had to suffer through the train wreck that was Melle.  Or if they wanted her to be an original character, why not utilize the chemistry she had with Nina and reveal that she was Nina and Silas’ baby that was supposedly miscarried after what Madeline did?
Avery - Like many of you, I wish Avery was Morgan’s daughter.  It wouldn’t change much of her story.  Carly would definitely try and rig the paternity test.  Maybe we wouldn’t have suffered through more MorKiki and Ava wouldn’t have been indirectly responsible for Morgan’s death.
Griffin - I would make him Anna’s son with Duke, the child she supposedly miscarried when Olivia Jerome pushed her in the elevator.  In one of Olivia’s last scenes, she made an ominous remark about Griffin’s mother.  It would be amazing if she knew that Griffin was Anna’s and kept that secret out of revenge against the woman who “stole” Duke from her.  Plus, he is basically Anna’s son already with how protective and caring she is for him because he is Duke’s son.  Also, Robin and Emma already see him as a brother/uncle-like figure.  If Josh Madden, Erica Kane’s famous abortion, could be transplanted into her doctor’s wife as an embryo, why not the same treatment (in a good way) for Anna and Griffin?
****BONUS****  If we are stuck with Anna having a child with Faison, I would rather it not be the obvious path - Valentin lied about it being a girl and it will be Henrik/Peter August, who we know is Faison’s son and cohorts with Valentin.  I don’t mind Peter being Faison’s son and in league with Valentin, because we all knew the boy was shady af.  However, I would prefer if Anna did have another daughter and it was revealed to be Dr. Kim Nero.  She looks a lot like Anna.  It would give Tamara more story to work with and more avenues to take the character of Kim in.  Kim and Oscar would have more family (Henrik/Peter, Britt, Maxie’s baby, Robin, Emma, baby Noah, Alex Devane Marick, Gabriel Devane, Aidan Devane).
What five storylines would you rewrite?  And how?
Sam’s paternity/Port Charles re-visited - As I previously mentioned, I would change Sam’s paternity since she doesn’t utilize her Jerome heritage.  I would have made her Ryan Chamberlain’s daughter.  Ryan is Kevin’s dead psycho twin brother.  Ryan would still fit in with Alexis’ bad boy dating profile and it would make since that she would be a dead ringer for Livvie Locke.  I also would have kept Kevin as Livvie’s father since it was a disservice to Port Charles and its fans to rewrite such a story.  I would have kept the nods to Port Charles but they could have left out the supernatural elements, which were only brought into the later seasons of the show.  Port Charles did start out as a show about young doctors (including Scott’s daughter Karen Wexler) and nurses working at General Hospital, when the main soap went to more mob-related stories.  There were a lot of crossovers to begin with.  Also, there would be mention of Scott and Lucy’s adopted daughter Christina.
Nikolas’ storylines 2014-2016.  I’m not sure how I would write it, but Nikolas wouldn’t take over ELQ, be involved involved in “Jake Doe”/Drew/Jason drama, try to blackmail or kill Hayden, fake his death, or be killed by Valentin for Cassadine holdings.  I don’t mind Nik getting some dark Cassadine on, but don’t destroy his character like these years did.
Port Charles Mayoral Campaign of 2018.  I would have kept Laura as the anti-Charles Street development candidate (screw you, Frank!).  Olivia would have been in-character and struggling between supporting her husband Ned and fighting for the down-to-earth people living on Charles Street who are a lot like her Bensonhurst neighbors.  Laura would win, despite the dirty tricks pulled by Jim Harvey.  Ned would run a clean campaign.  Julian would run his bar and have little to do with the story.  Alexis would assist with Laura’s campaign, but otherwise stay out of politics and Charlie’s Pub.
There would be no Friz relationship.  Elizabeth would have dated Griffin instead (sorry, Grava).
Sonny wouldn’t have killed AJ.  While I enjoyed the distance between Michael and Sonny (as well as Carly) because of Sonny’s actions, it didn’t last long enough.  Sonny escaped the consequences yet again.  Also, there would be no Ava/Sonny sex on AJ’s grave, which would mean that Avery would have to be Morgan’s.  Michael would still have good relationships with all of his parents.  We would get to see AJ’s reactions to “Jake Doe” being “Jason” before finally revealed to be Jason’s twin Drew, as well as the real Jason being alive.  I would need all of Alan’s sons to reconcile their feelings toward each other.  AJ would be an attentive uncle to Jake, Danny, and Scout.
Three most annoying retcons in General Hospital history?
Franco’s crimes are a result of a brain tumor.  Such bullshit.
Anna willingly sleeping with Faison when she is a WSB trainee to get info and having his child, who is probably Henrik/Peter.  I may not have been alive when Robert, Anna, and Robin first came on in the 80s, but many fans have said that a flashback showed that Anna was a virgin when she first slept with Robert.  Writers, stop screwing with GH history.
Ignoring Sam’s relationships with Silas and Patrick in favor building up her relationship with Drew.  While I did like Siam, I did feel they were a rebound.  But Samtrick was a real relationship and it was going very well until Carly outed “Jake Doe” as “Jason”.  Sam was still her investigative, risk-taking self and a mom back then, compared to whoever she is now.  Yes, I feel like she would have went back to Jason and Patrick to Robin, in the end.
Favorite incarnations of characters who have been played by multiple actors?
Tamara Braun as Carly Benson Corinthos (I love all Carlys, except for Jennifer Bransford, but Tamara is my fave)
Kirsten Storms as Maxie Jones
Tyler Christopher as Nikolas Cassadine
Julie Marie Berman as Lulu Spencer-Falconeri
John Ingle as Edward Quartermaine
Constance Towers as Helena Cassadine
Aaron Refvem as Morgan Corinthos
both Sean Kanan and Billy Warlock as AJ Quartermaine
both Jonathan Jackson and Greg Vaughn as Lucky Spencer
both Dylan Cash and Chad Duell as Michael Corinthos III
tie between Emma & Sarah Smith, Kali Rodriguez, Lexi Ainsworth, and Lindsey Morgan as Kristina Corinthos-Davis (I’ve loved all of the girls who played Krissy since I started watching GH)
Five character deaths that destroyed you?
Georgie Jones
Emily Quartermaine
Alan Quartermaine
Lila McCall
Nathan West
Honorable Mentions: BJ Jones, Jason Morgan’s not-death, Sabrina Santiago, AJ Quartermaine 
If you could bring back any characters, which ones would they be?  And why?
Emily Quartermaine - pointless death for tragedy and ratings, she is a moral compass for many characters, need more Quartermaines, doctor
Nikolas Cassadine - part of me believes he is still alive, I need him to take back his inheritance and home from Valentin, need more Cassadines, need him to work things out with Britt (since he did far worse) or get back together with an alive Emily
Georgie Jones - pointless death for tragedy and ratings, moral compass for Maxie, Dillon’s OTL
Dillon Quartermaine: TPTB did the character, fans, and Robert Palmer Watkins dirty, need more Qs, more Crimson storylines, he could still be a filmmaker
Hayden Barnes - Elizabeth needs family in PC, need a resolution (and hopefully a reunion) for HayFinn, update on her and HayFinn baby, friendship/maternal relationship with Spencer, still needs to meet biodad Jeff and siblings Steve and Sarah
Lucky Spencer - need to build up the Spencer family, he needs to be (and be seen doing it) a father to all three of his boys, help rein in Lulu’s Spencer traits, help build up the PCPD, support and call out Elizabeth when she needs it, meet his niece Charlotte
Thomas “Tommy” Hardy Jr. - member of Hardy family, Elizabeth needs family in PC, doctor, brings in more diversity
Laura Spencer Collins - Lulu needs her mom’s guidance, she should be mayor, her other grandkids need her too, she needs to bring Spencer home, she and Kevin have barely been married before she left
Spencer Cassadine - he’s so much fun to watch, keeps Valentin in check, needs to reclaim his home and fortune, should reconcile with cousin Charlotte, we might actually see Liz’s kids if he is around, love his relationships with his extended family
Britt Westbourne - emotional support for mom Liesl after Nathan’s death, reconcile and potentially bond with Maxie and cousin Nina over loss of Nathan and love for Naxie baby, resolve things with Nikolas if he is alive, friendship/maternal relationship with Spencer, doctor, meet and have some sort of relationship with half-brother Henrik/Peter, friendship with Brad
Kristina Corinthos-Davis - need more Davis Girls, LGBTQ representation, missing out on stories regarding her families, reconcile with Alexis, potential for character growth
basically the whole Scorpio-Drake family (Robert, Robin, Patrick, Emma, baby Noah, Dr. Noah, and Dr. Matt Hunter) because they are one of my favorite families, doctors, Anna needs more family
more Quartermaines than those listed above for obvious reasons
What storylines would you like to see General Hospital tackle?
big event stories that we had 10-15 years ago that affected the whole community and characters (both contract and recurring) who don’t usually interact shared scenes
better representation of mental illness
more diversity
better LGBTQ representation and stories - utilize the characters they have and introduce Joss & Oscar’s friend
autism (Night Shift did a story with Jagger and his son Stone)
school shooting/gun control plots (for the younger characters) because of the ongoing relevance
If you watched any other ABC soaps (All My Children, One Life to Live, Port Charles, Ryan’s Hope, Loving, The City and I’m including SoapNet’s General Hospital: Night Shift), which characters (living at the time of the soap’s demise) would you bring to GH for a visit/story since they share the same universe?
Dr. David Hayward, All My Children - Anna’s ex-husband and father to her late daughter Leora, cardiologist/cardiac surgeon, a fun and dynamic villain to root for, has brought people back from the dead via Project Orpheus
Dr. Kyle Julian, General Hospital: Night Shift - doctor, adopted brother Leo was Maxie’s heart surgeon in 2007, LGBTQ representation, sweet and dorky character, potential boyfriend of Felix if he and Donny don’t work out
Oliver Fish, Dr. Kyle Lewis, and Sierra Fish, One Life to Live - Kish was a popular couple, LGBTQ representation, police officer and doctor, potential friends for Brad and Lucas especially in light of their adoption storyline
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lifeinechos · 5 years
A Cult named “AF Matthew”
26 June 2017:
 I joined IIM Kozhikode to pursue my Masters considering:-
Engineering job at an MNC in India is low paying and has a low growth curve (Though my work was exciting, and for a fresher R&D job was a dream come true)
My family’s financial health didn’t allow me to go abroad and take admission in a great MS institute (i loved engineering), and didn’t want to settle there as well in the long run in order to pay-off the loan undertaken
So, i wrote CAT(admission test for MBA in India) and got into this college. Though i was engineer by blood, but who cares. You have to feed yourself and in India, you need an MBA to swing up the ladder. It was here i came across this legend!
5 March 2019:
I bid like all my fortune(in this case grade-points), to get allotted the subject taught by AF Matthew! Had heard a lot about him, and as i was few of those unlucky souls who weren’t given an opportunity to attend his sessions in the first year, this was long due.
And, well fast forward to the end of the session, it was all worth it! He challenged my thoughts, ideals, questioned my beliefs and swiftly moulded me. Whatever he said wasn’t at all sweet and soft. There were times when the entire world which i was a part of for 25years in my life, came tumbling down. But he had his facts, and he was RIGHT! 
He showed us the classics which was too much for a mainstream person i was, for whom a classic meant Lord of Rings franchise or Rocky Balboa Series, and then i was a transformed intelligent soul, now who could sit in a group and take part in knowledgeable discussions, and not fight based on mob-opinions. Also was I struggling with the aftermath of a life-threatening accident i had on Sept 14th,2018. I was no more a confident girl who was strong-headed in her stance and could think clearly in the midst of difficult situations. I was running from my inabilities and HE gave me the strength to face them! 
The following piece is a tribute to him and the art to which he exposed me and built a better person if not perfect. The journey is long no doubt, but i am forever indebted to have had the foundation stone laid by him.
PS, this is a reflective essay which i wove around my life based on the movies and art (highlighted and referenced in the piece) he exposed me to.
“Everyday I breathe, effortlessly I lie Roll back my tears and curl up a fake smile There THEY stand, every movement do THEY eye With my head held high, its time to push another mile”
The statue of Liberty… Yes, this is where my earliest memory of the word “liberty” takes me to. Today, as I write this piece after 30 hours of mental turmoil, I found myself in GC’s class, it would be rather befitting if once I could stand straight, look into the mirror and confront myself. Its long that I have hidden myself in a cocoon of safety and comfort, and hopefully here in this reflective narrative I am able to “woman-up” to my vices and insecurities. 3 Colours: Blue incited in me an emotion which until recently was a far-fetched dream. For the first time in my life, I felt “liberated” too much to the extent that I don’t shy away from the idea of being alone. The night of 14th September 2018 changed my life or so did I think. Now, as I look at it, I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I speak out loud that it “completed me”. Empathising with Julie’s struggle to let herself free as she tried to pay off all her debts and run away from her past, I understand clearly now why after my accident I found it difficult to be at rest. Always was I trying to push people away- blaming & snapping away from someone who’ll try to give me solace.
It was a time when all I wondered was what could I ever do wrong to have had this fate. After 6-pelvic fractures, 1-shoulder fracture, 1-hip surgery and a bleeding clot that rendered half of my brain unreceptive; I feel I am in a good condition to vouch for Julie’s behaviour to untie herself from all bodily aspirations when you are not able to settle the turmoil of emotions that challenges your mere existence day in and day out. Countless times have I found myself since that day questioning my actions, feelings, thoughts and more than that the people around me. “Why me” was something that kept me up at night and tired & helpless all I could do was hide myself in my room away from the eyes that always seem to follow me. It took me long to realise that those eyes actually were supportive of me and some of them genuinely were ready to take part in my sufferings as I once again started a quest to discover myself. But even that was not enough. No matter how much have I been the admirer of the emotions with which HW Longfellow’s “A Psalm of Life” claims that “Life is anything but an empty dream”, there were times when everything around me felt futile. When anyways everything is supposed to end, why the struggle to end everyday with perfection? In fraction of seconds, the course of life can be changed so much that you never know if it’s the end. These months have been long, tiring and restless to the extent that I would end up scratching myself, inflicting pain just to remind myself that it would all be over soon. Everything is supposed to end and this too shall pass.
In the beginning of the end, you try to treasure onto the memories you have in order to make them last longer. Same did I experience in these last few weeks. Change is inevitable and no-one is ready to accommodate it into their lives that easily. My days in campus are about to get over and all I can see now is a life full of competitions and unnecessary races for which I am not prepared for, rather not been accustomed to for long. Then one day sitting by the edge of my classroom, lost into the serene surroundings into which my college is built; I let my thoughts take a flight just like the flapping wings of the bird I was staring at. I was no more scared to be lost. There is a world full of possibilities and it stuck me that just one setback doesn’t define your future or justify your past. I came onto terms with my life. I accepted my limited ability and sufferings that accompany the same, something which I know will eventually pass no matter how hard it seems now. Something which I was looking and searching for outside, was inside me. That thought gave me power. It gave me freedom. I accepted that the unfortunate incident was no-one’s fault and accepted the things as they are now. I forgave myself,those who were in the car with me that night and decided to move on, following my life’s route destined. The moment I faced these things, I was no more caged. Neither did I feel helpless, nor did I want to hide. Rather, I started respecting and treasuring all the more those who were throughout besides me in these unfortunate times no matter what. And then I decided lets “Leave Footprints on the sands of time”.
Yet another gush of emotions I felt was in the face of acceptance of the fact that how society has long demeaned women and have pre-decided their boundaries from the day they were born. And if you decide to over-step these “Lakshman-Rekhas” created, you have exposed yourself to the barbaric world and are immoral for sure if not unholy. The movie Caterpillar lays out one such example and shoves conservatism straight in the face. Lieutenant Kurokawa serves the right-wing parties and rapes the women on his way claiming them as the spoils of war. But once he comes back home mutilated, the desire to dominate still doesn’t seem to leave him which can be easily seen in his sexual intimacy with his wife. He seems to force again himself on her with aggression when all she does is take care of him, feed him and carry out all other “duties” that a woman is bound to carry out for her man. Well, in this case, he is the “War-Lord”. Many-a-times have I seen this in my surroundings, silently closed my eyes and kept quiet because this is how the system has trained me till date. My mother used to feed us, wash our clothes, clean our mess and all I would do was to accept it as it is because its her duty. And why was not it supposed to be? Didn’t I fill in my school almanac “Housewife” against her occupation field! The pain and cries of the women in Invisible War even more made me question the system I have been brought up in. There are facts and then there are beliefs. When and how did I start accepting, or when did my mother start accepting that she has to subdue to my father’s wills. Or when did I justified the sad reality that dress modestly else you can get molested, or worse raped! I was mere 10 years old when every morning while going to the school a man used to swiftly pass by pulling my skirt from the small gaps under my rickshaw. At that time, I didn’t even know how to behave or react. Though I knew something was not right- something that stopped me was the thought that how will I explain it to others or come out in the open. Maybe I am overthinking and wrong about my feelings! Well, now I know the reason to all these questions. The system had trained me to come to consensus with the supremacy of male gender who considers women as objects meant to be fu**ed.
When was I immodest in my simple school tunic, or where did I go wrong when I used to follow the Catholic principles in my missionary school? But in the image of Father Amaro, I received an answer to the same as well. Why is there the need to depress the bodily desires and preach in the name of religion the things which you can’t follow. Humans, so petty they are! They lead sad, depressing and meaningless lives. All they need is a religion to back them up and fulfil the void in their lives. But thousands of wars are being fought under the name of same religion and not to mention countless women get grilled under the expectations that the system imposes on them. Who’s responsible for it? But, yet again if you have power and hold a reputable position in the society, no-one will question you. Rather the voices against you will be silenced at the hands of the mob itself who want to stay in their safe, comfortable cocoons around them. Similar thing was seen in the smile of Gomez in “The Secret in their Eyes” that in its entirety meant that he is untouchable. No matter who he rapes, no matter who he kills, he is the hitman of the right-wing conservatist party and is bound to walk free as he is indispensable to the system; The system that can silence anyone, crush voices and indulge in anything to protect itself and its “ideologies”.
The manner in which the glory of war is demystified and we are exposed to this grim reality of the war, something which physically and psychologically transforms you, is shocking. The idea that the movie Caterpillar and Invisible War highlights is something that stays out of the green light and is something which the system won’t let you talk about. Lost in these wars are the futures of countless children who have witnessed it in their surroundings, suffered losses of their near and dear ones and felt pain which is unexplainable for them. But more than this what I am worried of is the loss of Innocence. At small ages they have seen things which shall scar them for years to come. The character of Chava in “Innocent Voices” brings it in light how these children constantly live in fear of death and even are hesitant to openly discuss on the idea of birthdays as that brings them closer to the D-day, when their childhood officially ends. In Baran as well, the same issue is highlighted as the plight of Afghans who live in Iran as refugees is pictured out. Feelings such as first love, innocent emotions- all get eroded under the idea of things that are beyond their control and they can’t even understand them. The mere thought gives me chills down the spine if today in my cosy surroundings I think of the continuous terror under which the children in Kashmir are living. How difficult life has become for them under the whims and fancies of a selected few who are staying true to their beliefs and justifying their actions throughout in the name of Nationalism.
It’s a common saying that “All is Well that Ends well”. As I end this piece, I don’t want to be true to the system and the common beliefs where everything is rosy and turns all fine. Rather I wish to confront myself and accept that there are insurmountable pains that lie under the lies that are spoken and preached. There’s a propaganda that is followed by those who are in power and its they who decide the rules to play their game. Amidst all this, An Affair of Love gives me hope. A woman putting out an idea of string-less and pornographic affair was more than a bold step. It challenged the beliefs where identity has to be put on such women & an affair of gossip for all those witnessing it. It was erotic and had its charm at the same time. Similarly, the tale of Yossi and Jagger was moving in the sense that their love was pure and Yossi articulated it as Jagger “died in his arms”, a phrase and scene which is defines tragedy in an ideal girl-boy movie story. It was heart-breaking and sad to find Yossi lamenting his loss as in the funeral he sings Jagger’s favourite song. Last but not the least, the character of Nora in “The Divine Order” stands for women’s liberation and freedom as she fights her way against the social norm to make a place for herself in the society. The day all these emotions shall be respected, and unheard voices given an ear, can we expect an uprising against the system.
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December current affairs - 3rd to 9th. 2018 I Important current affairs 2018 by Harimohan SIr ► 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝗚𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗨𝘀 - 9911119407 / 8 ######## सवालो को जड़ से कुरेद के पढ़ते है हम ######## In this video lecture, we cover 3rd to 9th December current affairs. with important questions, Which are asked in the examination of UPSC, PSC, SSC, CGL, etc. Some students have serious problems and they said they ready every current affair. but they are confused, what type of question is asking in the examination. so don't worry students Hari Mohan sir will help you to understand this serious problem watch this video till the end. in the end, you will understand what is the latest current affair and also you will get to know What kind of questions can it come to. So Subscribe satyaganga channel for more updates like this. Thank you. 3rd December to 9th December 3 Dec. 2018- Monday The Hindu 1. Trade war b/w U.S & china. Started from 22 Jan. decided to hold off fresh tariffs for 90 days. 2. Sunil Arora- retired IAS officer of 1980 batch, took over as chief election commissioner. 3.Train-18- Indian first engineless train Breached the 180 kmph.speed threshold. 4.G-20 summit- India is going to host 2022 G-20 annual summit on its 75th anniversary of independence. 5.switzerland has agreed to shared details of two companies and three individuals who are facing multiple probes in India Geodesic Ltd. & Aadhi enterprises. 6. Maxices Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador assumed the country’s presidency. 7. Brexit issue Labour party, the main opposition party of Britain said that it would press for contempt proceedings against the govt. If P.M. These a may fail to produce the full legal advice she has received in her Brexit deal. 8. Israel Allegations on Israel p.m. Mr Netanyahu & his wife. They awarded regulatory favours to Israel's leading telecommunication company Bezeq telecom Israel, in return for more positive coverage on him 7 wives on a news website, walla owned by the company. 9. Indo china trade deficit issue. China has not accepted Indians proposal to carry out bilateral trade in local currencies, which was aimed at bridging the ballooning trade deficit with the neighbour. 4.december 2018 Sri lanka - court restrains Rajapaksa form functioning as p.m. 2. Mob lynching in Bulandshahr 3. Qatar & CPEC- Qatar will leave the organisation of petroleum exporting countries next month in order to focus on gas production. 4.Johnson & johnson case Unofficial data says that about 50-70 of medical equipment in use in India's Pvt. Healthcare facilities are pre-owned. The national accreditation board for testing & calibration laboratories (NABAL) is there to ensure quality but accreditation is voluntary. The medical device rules 2017 too is silent on pre-owned machines. 5.Indian navy The govt. Has given initial approvals for construction of 56 new warship and six submarines for the Indian navy over the next decade. The budgetary constraints remain a major problem and this may be the problem that the initial approval of the construction of the 65000-tonne indigenous aircraft carrier that was fought in May 2015. For more updates Watch this video to the end. अगर आप हमारे YOUTUBE चैनल को SUBSCRIBE नहीं किया है तो अभी सब्सक्राइब करे और वीडियो का अपडेट तुरंत पाये और अपने सुझाव हमें हमारे SOCIAL LINK पे दे सकते है A new channel which is committed to help those who are helpless to get govt. jobs. satyaganga,competition,classes,december current affairs 2018,important current affairs,imp current affairs for railway group d,upsc current affairs,current affairs course for upsc 2019,railway crash course current affairs,current af,important current affairs for railway group d,current affairs in english,current affairs in hindi,current affairs today,hari mohan sir history,ssc current affairs,upsc current affairs 2018 in english,psc current affairs 2018 in hindi #Deccurrentaffairs2018 #upsccurrentaffairs ISIS I UPSC History Lecture From Harimohan Sir I INTERNATIONAL RELATION UPSC I Current Affairs 2018 https://youtu.be/KBbyFdNUlrc contact us only on whatsapp. 9810152344 Join us telegram group. https://t.me/satyaganga Connect with us our Facebook page:- http://bit.ly/2SsYczP Thank you so much everyone who has watched our videos.Please leave a LIKE, SHARE with your friends and if you feel like being Awesome...Click here to SUBSCRIBE for Regular Updates...
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► 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝗚𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗨𝘀 - 9911119407 / 8 ######## सवालो को जड़ से कुरेद के पढ़ते है हम ######## In this video lecture, we cover 3rd to 9th December current affairs. with important questions, Which are asked in the examination of UPSC, PSC, SSC, CGL, etc. Some students have serious problems and they said they ready every current affair. but they are confused, what type of question is asking in the examination. so don't worry students Hari Mohan sir will help you to understand this serious problem watch this video till the end. in the end, you will understand what is the latest current affair and also you will get to know What kind of questions can it come to. So Subscribe satyaganga channel for more updates like this. Thank you. 3rd December to 9th December 3 Dec. 2018- Monday The Hindu 1. Trade war b/w U.S & china. Started from 22 Jan. decided to hold off fresh tariffs for 90 days. 2. Sunil Arora- retired IAS officer of 1980 batch, took over as chief election commissioner. 3.Train-18- Indian first engineless train Breached the 180 kmph.speed threshold. 4.G-20 summit- India is going to host 2022 G-20 annual summit on its 75th anniversary of independence. 5.switzerland has agreed to shared details of two companies and three individuals who are facing multiple probes in India Geodesic Ltd. & Aadhi enterprises. 6. Maxices Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador assumed the country’s presidency. 7. Brexit issue Labour party, the main opposition party of Britain said that it would press for contempt proceedings against the govt. If P.M. These a may fail to produce the full legal advice she has received in her Brexit deal. 8. Israel Allegations on Israel p.m. Mr Netanyahu & his wife. They awarded regulatory favours to Israel's leading telecommunication company Bezeq telecom Israel, in return for more positive coverage on him 7 wives on a news website, walla owned by the company. 9. Indo china trade deficit issue. China has not accepted Indians proposal to carry out bilateral trade in local currencies, which was aimed at bridging the ballooning trade deficit with the neighbour. 4.december 2018 Sri lanka - court restrains Rajapaksa form functioning as p.m. 2. Mob lynching in Bulandshahr 3. Qatar & CPEC- Qatar will leave the organisation of petroleum exporting countries next month in order to focus on gas production. 4.Johnson & johnson case Unofficial data says that about 50-70 of medical equipment in use in India's Pvt. Healthcare facilities are pre-owned. The national accreditation board for testing & calibration laboratories (NABAL) is there to ensure quality but accreditation is voluntary. The medical device rules 2017 too is silent on pre-owned machines. 5.Indian navy The govt. Has given initial approvals for construction of 56 new warship and six submarines for the Indian navy over the next decade. The budgetary constraints remain a major problem and this may be the problem that the initial approval of the construction of the 65000-tonne indigenous aircraft carrier that was fought in May 2015. For more updates Watch this video to the end. अगर आप हमारे YOUTUBE चैनल को SUBSCRIBE नहीं किया है तो अभी सब्सक्राइब करे और वीडियो का अपडेट तुरंत पाये और अपने सुझाव हमें हमारे SOCIAL LINK पे दे सकते है A new channel which is committed to help those who are helpless to get govt. jobs. satyaganga,competition,classes,december current affairs 2018,important current affairs,imp current affairs for railway group d,upsc current affairs,current affairs course for upsc 2019,railway crash course current affairs,current af,important current affairs for railway group d,current affairs in english,current affairs in hindi,current affairs today,hari mohan sir history,ssc current affairs,upsc current affairs 2018 in english,psc current affairs 2018 in hindi #Deccurrentaffairs2018 #upsccurrentaffairs ISIS I UPSC History Lecture From Harimohan Sir I INTERNATIONAL RELATION UPSC I Current Affairs 2018 https://youtu.be/KBbyFdNUlrc contact us only on whatsapp. 9810152344 Join us telegram group. https://t.me/satyaganga Connect with us our Facebook page:- http://bit.ly/2SsYczP Thank you so much everyone who has watched our videos.Please leave a LIKE, SHARE with your friends and if you feel like being Awesome...Click here to SUBSCRIBE for Regular Updates... by SatyaGanga competition classes
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