#AFOL (Adult Fan of LEGO)
cherylbomb1138 · 1 year
I recently got my submission for a Lego Portal Test Chamber accepted on Lego Ideas!
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I recently took on a small pet project of redesigning one of my earliest MOCS into a diorama and decided to submit it to Lego Ideas. It was accepted for the site so if you are a fan of Portal and Portal 2, give this a support! We can make more Portal merchandise a reality and we can start getting some Brick-Based Testing done! 
Click Here to Support on Lego Ideas!
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legendscon · 9 months
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Featured Exhibitor: LUGOLA (LEGO® User Group of Los Angeles) is a LEGO Adult Fan Club for the Greater Los Angeles area. LUGOLA’s mission is to provide a venue for Adult Fans of LEGO to meet and share their passion for LEGO.
"At our monthly meetings, we display MOCS (My Own Creations), draft parts, buy, sell, trade, share information and building techniques, and engage in many fun challenges and games. LUGOLA members have participated in many events and public shows, displaying their LEGO creations."
LUGOLA will be displaying their Star Wars MOCs at Legends Con!
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driver270 · 1 year
Lego Up-Scaled Minifigure
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For size reference, this big boy costs slightly less than a Leader Class Transformer and is much bigger than one.
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Mobile Suit Minifigure
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Where's he going to in such a hurry?
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That's not a giant Servbot, Megaman! 😲
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"Mind if I borrow this?"
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He's staring into your soul. 😐
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He's not a bad set for an impulse purchase. He's got the same amount of articulation as your average minifigure, and all his joints are pretty tight for his size. My only major gripe is how easy his head & legs can unexpectedly come off when you're trying to pose him. He's a fun build for any AFOL.
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bluenpinkcastle · 2 years
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20220813: today’s haul from the Adult Fan of Lego (AFOL) meeting. We did a “dirty brickster” gift exchange, in which I won Vidiyo Candy Castle Stage (43111) and two Friends boxes, 41401 and 41402. and then we drafted the Classic Space Mission (11022), which is how I wound up with a HUGE selection of WONDERFUL Lego bricks I can use for colorful castles intended to be horribly painful to look at :) (I am very excited about this :)
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purplewinterstache · 2 years
When you're playing with Legos and you accidentally get the off-brand stuff mixed in...
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jaystepher · 5 days
Let's build a go-kart using LEGO bricks for today's tutorial!
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karimac · 2 years
One of these days, if I can find all the right parts and put them back together, I will post pictures of the LEGO versions of whatever Avengers I can find sitting around this house and a certain red haired avatar. I got her wings a week ago! That's a start!
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theneoncaster · 7 months
(I am so mad I caught the CC sizing issue a fraction too late but I am not re-rendering this, TikTok's video editor is a curse, forgive me)
I continue to be fascinated with games as toys and toys as games. I'm very new to Lego as a hobby (I only learned of 'AFOL' as an acronym for Adult Fan of Lego in the last 4 months) but more than builds I love the customisation of minifigures.
They are, in a way that Funko Pops aren't, a basic form that manages to be so expressive in its variations and designs.
Using them as figures in tabletop games makes me think of the opening cutscene in Smash Bros 64 where Master Hand turns the toys to life with a snap of the fingers.
My latest release as a designer was a randomised roll table that I've been using as prompts for designing cyberpunk miniatures, called The Blacklight Sprawl (you can get it for free!). I've previously documented my kitbashing a miniature using it, but I also wanted to apply it in other ways, hence the above.
If you ever decide to use The Blacklight Sprawl in anything, please do tell me about it! Knowing that others have found use in the things you make is what makes designing worth it.
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eraserdude6226 · 1 month
If you're an Adult Fan Of Lego (AFOL), here's a great idea.
I guess I gotta go back and start doing this!!
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metarix-studios · 2 years
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Hello people of Tumblr
My name is Metarix and I am an AFOL (adult fan of LEGO) from Chicago! I’ve been an avid LEGO builder since the age of 4 and have been a Lego photographer for around 7 years now!
Some of my favorite LEGO themes that I enjoy to build and photography are, Lego Superheroes 🦸‍♂️ and Lego Castle 🏰. I also enjoy creating original stories of my own. I currently have a medieval fantasy adventure story, Age of Wonders going on my Instagram, which will surely be posted here too!
Hope you guys enjoy my posts!
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fourbrickstall · 1 year
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"Eight Stud" interiors
I always smile at the little details the designers create inside of LEGO models. This is a fan-designed model; a limited edition I bought from the AFOL Designer Program on BrickLink back in 2018.
AFOL means "Adult Fan of LEGO" for those new to the LEGO world. I'm one of them!
Anyway, I feel like these details get lost once we finish the build and put them on our shelves to admire and later gather dust. You can see a little dust has gathered on that stool.
I have also been looking for a way to get LEGO photographers to try new things: put away the minifig (I know! They're too cute!) and focus their attention on other parts of the LEGO system to shoot.
So "builddetails" is a new permanent theme and here's my example.
How do you shoot a "builddetails" photo?
Go get a LEGO set, peer inside, and see what looks interesting. Find the light and a good composition. Find the hero. Then take the shot(s).
Tag them with builddetails so the team can find them.
It's a great photography exercise, but also a good building exercise for the MOC builders out there!
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julia1x5 · 1 year
Can I ask you, what's the meaning of 1x5 in your handle?
Absolutely! A 1×5 is a slang term used by the Adult Fan of LEGO (AFOL) community for a cute girl into lego. A standard 1×5 brick doesn't exist (yet) so the idea is that there aren't any cute girls into lego. But! I'm a cute girl into lego so I'm a 1×5 :3
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johnreiley · 2 years
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As an AFOL (Adult Fan of LEGO), it can be too easy to fall into becoming a "brick zombie." What I mean by "brick zombie" is having the attitude of merely buying LEGO for the sake of buying LEGO instead of enjoying it as it's meant to be, a building toy. This applies to other aspects of life as well when we forget to stop and enjoy what we have. There's so many things to be grateful for! Remember to have fun and play well 😊
The zombie minifig came from this year's BrickSlopes which was a blast! I lit the photo with colors inspired by this year's awesome t-shirt designed by Kevin Walton.
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bluenpinkcastle · 9 months
mixed feelings and complicated thoughts
Next week, 07-10 September, is BrickCon 2023, the longest-running LEGO fan exhibition in the United States. The convention is usually in Seattle, Washington, but this year, it's in Bellevue, which is perhaps a little bit closer to where I live. It's a wonderful convention and if you are local or have the ability to attend, I strongly recommend it :) Meanwhile. I am registered to display a MOC (My Own Creation). This will be my first ever public display and I'm a little bit nervous. I've built a pink castle defending against a skeleton army, which will likely be categorized into the "fantasy" display area. One of the other women in my LEGO Adult Fan of LEGO (AFOL) / LEGO User Group (LUG) posted elsewhere on social media that she would be displaying her "Umbridge House" and that it would probably be placed for display within the "fantasy" display area. I'm mildly concerned about how our displays might be placed near each other, as they are both pink and "fantasy". Why is this a concern for me? I'm part of the QUILTBAG (Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Lesbian, Transgender, Bisexual, Asexual/Agender/Aromantic, Gay) community and I don't feel comfortable around JKR/HP (abbreviated to avoid algorithms, henceforth known as "the garbage human") because of how damaging that author is to the entire community. The garbage human not only says and supports positions damaging to queer lives, but she is one of the only authors I've heard of who read her entire publication contract and kept her rights to her work. This means that for every HP toothbrush sold, the garbage human gets money. So while the LEGO Group is not giving the garbage human money directly, they are required to pay a certain profit/percent of the licensed LEGO they sell back to the owning company, in this case Warner Brothers, who then generates a royalty check back to the garbage human. The garbage human then uses the millions of dollars made in profit to purchase lobbyists all around the world. These lobbyists spend a great deal of time and effort drafting political bills in countries all over the world, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and a whole bunch of other countries, in order to specifically remove the rights of all QUILTBAG personnel. I have a really difficult time understanding how people can claim they love and support the QUILTBAG community only to actively give money to those who are using said money to take away rights and endanger lives. I know there's a lot of thoughts out there about how people have a right to like what they like and it's too much work for people to care about issues like this. I know many people who have a very powerful sense of nostalgia for HP. HP got a lot of people through some very tough times. But. The love/obsession of many of the fans often chooses to turn a blind eye to the actual and real damage and danger of financially supporting the garbage human. I know it's possible people don't understand that buying LEGO HP is giving the garbage human money to fund horrible things. Or maybe they don't care, as they can't actually see the damaging actions and they would rather remain ignorant. Or they know and just don't care because their own comfort and happiness is more important than "other" people's lives and rights. If I arrive at BrickCon and I find that I am displaying next to HP MOCs, is it fair for me to ask to be moved? I know this is a very sensitive topic and I am open to all well-thought-out and considerate comments. It's possible I'm missing something and I do appreciate the views of people who aren't me, so long as those comments are respectful.
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siabuildsbricks · 2 years
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Hey folks, I'm Sia, an adult fan of LEGO (AFOL) living in the US. I started getting into LEGO more during the lockdowns and eventually started building out a city.
I really love the creativity involved in building out the "glue" to really tie in the different parts of a city to make them into a whole. I'm also learning to build MOCs (my own creation) along the way.
It wouldn't be as fun to build all of this without sharing it, so I've started trying to learn how to make better photos of LEGO. I have a camera 📷 in my sigfig pic here, but most of the time I'm using my phone 📱 since it squeezes into tight LEGO spaces better. I welcome tips to make that easier 😅
I'm excited to see the LEGO and LEGO photography community on Tumblr. Nice to meet you all!
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jaystepher · 12 days
Storage Shed Built With LEGO Bricks
Let's build a storage shed with LEGO bricks for today's tutorial!
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