lesbonym · 5 days
hi nym! hipe you’re doing super duper splendid and shit <3
i’m half asleep, and i’m hangry because i had dinner at 4pm because i had a 4 hour practice 😭😭 send help.
and my drafts expanded so much. my random burst of horny activity and writing has influenced — i don’t remember what i was trying to say
I'm doing pretty okay. Very tired and ready to go back home. I hope you are having a good day!
Aghh, I hope you ate babyyyy. I'm snacking rn until I can eat dinner cause I'm starving. I'm not used to not being able to make my own food 🥲
Oof, good luck with your drafts. Your writings literally drive me insane, I need to write some more stuff so bad but brain I'd drained rn.
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