#AIMERS 2nd Single
kdram-chjh · 7 months
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AIMERS 에이머스 'Somebody' MV
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzUgdLsRFjc
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kpopmultifan · 1 year
Rookie boy group AIMERS has released the 2nd MV teaser for “Bubble,” the title track of their upcoming 1st single album “Bubbling” which is scheduled to be released on May 12th.
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pompadourpink · 3 years
Bonjour maman,
I was learning French via Duolingo for almost 18 months, and I think u have a comfortable grasp on basic concepts. The thing is, I do not feel that Duolingo is compatible for me. Can you tell me how long does it take to learn it by immersion? (I am a High school student from India and I rarely have time). Do you think that I can learn French by watching french captioned English shows or vice versa?? Or if it will not go well with my shedule, can you suggest alternatives??
+ Hey can you plz suggest some good free French sources. And any tips on how to learn French fast and go from A1 to B2?
Hello dear,
It is a complicated question that doesn't have a single answer as I don't know how your brain works, what will make information stick or not, or the level you currently have. But!
When I work with someone, I have them focus on reading first. I'll have them read newspapers articles, children's books, headlines, tweets, etc. until they get very comfortable with French syntax, extra words, and vocabulary and conjugation. I don't bother speaking French or hyper-focusing on pronunciation for months.
French and English are very different and we would rarely be able to translate a sentence word by word and have it still make sense in the other language. So I don't think going for movies or shows is the right move now because you will have no idea what's going on, you don't have enough knowledge to be able to understand jokes, etc. and you will get disappointed in yourself and frustrated.
What you should do:
Learn the conjugation of the indicative present, perfect (passé composé), imperfect, simple future, present conditional and subjunctive, for Être, Avoir, Faire, Devoir + Aimer (1st group) and Finir (2nd group) and bookmark the website to check out irregular past participles when you need them Read every day a newspapers article made for kids
Take two hours a week to research a fandom (read fanfiction?)
Make your to-do lists and have a diary in French
Read very young children's books with a dictionary
Social media, social media, social media (Reddit?)
Change the language of your tech
Sign up for newsletters
Sing old slow songs (Piaf, Brel, Barbara come to mind, switch to Aznavour, Joe Dassin or Céline Dion when you get better)
Pick a children's book, get the corresponding audiobook, listen as you read, record yourself and listen
Learn words every week: get a little notebook, one theme per page, make fr/en columns, hide one, recite the other
Listen to TED talks with the captions on
Check out my Google Drive (cf. pinned post) and find a book you already know pretty well in its original language and read one chapter every week - not more, you'd get disgusted
Try out French recipes?
Hope this helps! x
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alyona11 · 3 years
French musicals recs (aka my previous special interests listed in one post)
Actually I wanted to make a post a while ago, since there're some nice musicals that mostly go unnoticed by tumblr even though they are really cool (and have a DVD records)! Before I start I wanna say that these are very different from what Broadway or West End usually stages, so I advise you to just relax and enjoy without purposefully comparing the two together. I bet this gonna be a pretty big post, so clock on "read more"! @machine-without-feelings, hope you'll have fun!
I'm a little extra so it took quite some time to write, so please join me in my weird interest leave a like/rb. Under the read more you'll find:
1) My excited rambles
2) Links to these musicals (proshots with English subs)
3) Some songs to vibe check whether it's something you'd enjoy listening or not
1) Notre-Dame de Paris! Gonna start with this one since it was one of the main reasons I've started to learn French. There was a time where I would watch it every single day. I probably watched it a millions of times by now and was obsessed with it for a good couple of years.
About: What can I say? It's a Hunchback of Notre Dame adaptation that sadly usually goes overlooked when English speakers talk about the book. Which is a shame! Cool French-Canadian cast, good grasp of the original, really nice lyrics and music. Love from the first song for me.
Where to watch: here with English subs, the quality isn't the best, I have a better one on my google drive so you can DM me for link. Plus there're some DVDs of different productions (notably Italian one) just waiting in the internet for free.
Songs recs (to get the vibe of the musical): Actually it's hard to choose, because I love the thing so much, but here're some.
Classic Belle, Le Temps des Cathédrales, Ma Maison C'est Ta Maison, Pretty Guys In Pants In The Background song, Song after which I became Daniel Lavoie fan lmao could add some more but you haven't got all day, just check the whole thing.
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2) Le Petit Prince! I said that I wanna promote it and I will. As I said earlier I really liked Daniel Lavoie (aka the guy who played Frollo) and here he plays the pilot!
About: A very very very good adaptation of The Little Prince book. Literally quotes the book in most songs. The music is written by the same composer as NDDP, so it's good. The set and costume design is amazing! It's very colourful and inspired by author's illustrations. I cry each time I watch it cos it gives me FEELS. Also a good musical for beginner French learners imo, not as hard as NDDP, can be an addition to reading the original book. Wholeheartedly recommend, it's criminally underrated.
Where to watch: There's a playlist with English subs, French subs are also to be found on YouTube if you want them.
Songs: Dédicace, C'est un chapeau, Apprivoise-moi.
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3) Well, cannot avoid mentionning Roméo et Juliette. Kinda a classic, to be fair. Was probably the 2nd French musical I've heard. More active in terms of music, some tunes gonna stuck in your head for days.
About: Well, it's obvious from the name. Kinda cool actually? Weird in some places but not in a bad way. Good musical to have a fun time (well. at least act 1 is fun, right?). The costumes are a bit cheesy, but that's not important. Still sad the pandemic ruined its tour I hope to see it live one day.
Where to watch: Actually it has two DVDs of different versions from different productions. Some songs changed, I vibe with the earlier version more, but the newer one is nice too.
Songs: Oh these slap, haut my mind since the second I first heard them. Kinda pop. But not that boring pop that modern French musicals have, it kinda has its style. Here're some of my favs: Vérone, Les Rois Du Monde, Aimer (aka the song I can listen for hours).
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4) Starmania. Speaking about classic. To be fair, never watched it, only listened to the albums, but I mean it's still looks more like a concert.
About: deppressive cyberpunk and anti-utopia. A lit of bandits. Evil capitalist included. A classic. If you were interested in French songs you've probably heard some of these multiple times.
Where to watch: here
Songs: SOS d'un terrien en detresse, Le Monde Est Stone, Le Blues Du Businessman
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5) Le Roi Soleil. Ok, I cannot explain why I like this one. Can't say I was obsessed with it, but I liked it a lot. I like the songs, enjoy relistening from time to time.
About: Louis 14. That's it, that's the musical. Kinda about his romantic relationships and king issues. A bit about La Fronde. But mostly about romance, lmao.
Where to watch: boop
Songs: Être à l'hauteur, Contre Ceux D'un Haut, Un Geste De Vous.
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6) Mozart L'Opéra Rock. Was kinda hesistant to add it to the list because I mostly wanted to mention least well-know stuff and it feels to me that Mozart is kinda hype-ish? But I got that it may be not so well-known for the English speakers and it's worth checking out!
About: Well it's about Mozart and it's rock! The songs slap! probably will get in your head and you gonna whistle Le Bien Qui Fait Mal or something. Also Mozart and Salieri are pretty gay.
Where to watch: here! and the quality is great!
Songs: L'Assasymphonie, Place je Passe, J'accuse mon père, Bim Bam Bim Boum
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Ok, I'll stop there cos this post took me a few hours to write, I could have added some other musicals, but I guess I need to rewatch them first, cos I barely remember them.
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greatworldwar2 · 4 years
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• Rhodesian Air Training Group
Motto: Tica Simba Nezana- "Strength will come to us through our fledgelings."
The Rhodesian Air Training Group was a Royal Air Force (RAF) training unit and base for Allied and commonwealth pilots to train in africa in Rhodesia, (modern day Zimbabwe).
Before WWII even started the British Air Ministry had begun planning to set up air training centres outside Britain; away from where there was air activity over the country and where the weather could be relied upon to be consistently good. Canada was the first country to be first chosen, the scheme being called the Empire Air Training Scheme. Ultimately the countries involved in training aircrew comprising pilots, navigators, bomb aimers, air gunners, wireless operators and flight engineers included Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Southern Rhodesia and the United States. At the outbreak of war in September 1939, the facilities in Rhodesia for air training were too small to be of any assistance to the Royal Air Force (RAF) Major D. Cloete, M.C., A.F.C. had been charge of a small air training scheme from 1937 of two RAF Officers and twelve other ranks who were seconded to Rhodesia with four Audax and six Hart aircraft and based at Hillside (later renamed Cranborne) but they only trained local Rhodesian territorial forces and personnel from the Rhodesia Regiment. In 1938 the unit was separated from territorial force and on May 12th, 1938 the Governor, Sir Herbert Stanley, presented the first seven Rhodesian flying badges at a parade at Hillside. There was an agreement that, in the event of war, Rhodesia would send an air unit to Kenya for service with the RAF and accordingly three Audax and three Hart aircraft were despatched on August 28th, 1939, six days before the actual declaration of war.
Lieut.-Col. C.W. Meredith arrived in Rhodesia in June 1939 as Staff Officer Air Services and Director of Civil Aviation. The British Air Ministry were very interested in expanding the air training into a much larger program as they wanted most, if not all, air training out of England and to involve the training of other allied personnel as well as Rhodesians. It was decided to start off in Rhodesia with one initial training wing through which pupils would pass on to three Elementary Flying Training Schools (EFTS) and matching them, three Service Flying Training Schools (SFTS) The establishment of six new Air Stations required a considerable amount of building, all of which had to be done using local resources. In Salisbury (now Harare) the EFTS was at Belvedere, with the SFTS at Cranborne; the second pair of schools would be established at Bulawayo (Induna and Kumalo) with the third pair at Gwelo (Guinea Fowl and Thornhill). At this early stage in January 1940, Meredith’s staff consisted of two territorial officers who had joined at the outbreak of war for administrative duties, and a typist. Initially RATG headquarters were based in the Salisbury suburb of Belvedere and with a heavy building program ahead, the immediate need was for staff to cope with layouts, design and construction of airfields and hangers, supplies of building materials and finance and accounting. At Cranborne total strength of the air station was 137 officers and other ranks with 16 aircraft available for training. These comprised four serviceable Harts, one Audax waiting rebuilding, eight serviceable Tiger Moths and one being repaired, and two Hornet Moths.
Major C. W. Glass MC, an architect by profession, was released from his civilian employment with the Public Works Department and agreed to transfer with the rank of Squadron Leader, later Wing Commander, with the title of Director of Works and Buildings. His Section was wholly responsible for the layout of Air Stations and the design and construction of buildings for whatever purpose. Later after building had been completed additional sections were added included air staff, air training, signals, armament, administration, equipment, engineering, personnel, medical and legal. In April 1940 the Rhodesian Air Force Training Scheme and the Empire Air Force training Scheme really began; but was known locally as the Rhodesian Air Training Group. In the same month the first draft of pupil pilots arrived at Belvedere and the air station was declared officially opened by Air Chief Marshall Sir Robert Brooke-Popham, in the presence of the Prime Minister Godfrey Huggins, E.L. Guest and C.W. Meredith. The first group graduated from elementary air school in July and by November 2nd, 1940 the first pilots to be trained by the RATG passed out at Cranborne air station, five of whom were Rhodesians. When war broke out in 1939 the Air Ministry employed the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (RAFVR) as the principal source of aircrew into the RAF and this continued into the 1950’s. In fact the programme was such a success that it soon was realised that the Rhodesian Air Training Group could become vital to the war effort for training aircraft personnel and although the bulk of the trainees were British, they also received Greeks, Yugoslavs, Australians and South Africans. Ezer Weisman, later to be President of Israel, trained as a pilot in Rhodesia. RAF training units would still be based in this country until a decade after WWII had finished.
The war time Elementary Flying training School (EFTS) gave a recruit 50 hours of basic aviation instruction on a simple trainer, such as the de Havilland Tiger Moth. Pilot cadets who showed promise went onto training at a Service Flying Training School (SFTS) where they were awarded their “wings.” The SFTS provided intermediate and advanced training for pilots, including fighter and twin-engined aircraft, on the North American Harvard and Airspeed Oxford aeroplanes. Other trainees went onto different specialities, such as wireless, navigation, or bombing and air gunnery. The next air station to come into operation was at Guinea Fowl, Gwelo (now Gweru) in twelve weeks from bare veld to the commencement of flying training. Its construction included provision of water supplies, water-borne sewerage and building a rail siding for the special trains bringing aircrew from Cape Town. To relieve congestion at the air stations, six relief landing grounds for landing and take-off instruction were established. Two aircraft and engine repair and overhaul depots were set up and a central maintenance unit to deal with bulk stores of aircraft. In late 1940 it was decided that Cranborne and Thornhill would be used to train single-engined pilots, or fighter-pilots, and Kumalo and Heany air stations would train twin-engined pilots.
At its peak there were about 12,000 adult male white personnel and about 5,000 adult male Africans employed. There were also about 200 white women in the Women's Auxiliary Air Service who were employed in post offices and on clerical duties at various stations. A Rhodesian Air Askari Corps was formed under Wing Commander T. E. Price to provide armed guards and non-armed labour. From the May 1940 until the March 1954 the Royal Air Force (RAF) had a presence in Rhodesia in the form of the RATG which trained aircrew for the RAF, from many different countries, including Great Britain but also from Australia, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, USA, Yugoslavia, Greece, France, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, Fiji and Malta as part of the Empire Air Training Scheme. On November 27th, 1947 after the wat the Southern Rhodesian Air Force (SRAF) was re-established as a separate unit and from that date until RATG closed, both the RAF and the SRAF took to the skies above Rhodesia. The beginning of the Cold War brought a renewed need for aircrew training; the RAF re-vitalised the Rhodesian Air Training Group (in May 1948) which continued to grow with the Korean War, although nothing like its WWII level.
Today there are almost no memorials monuments and plaques within Zimbabwe to mark the great efforts and personal sacrifices that were made by African and European servicemen and women and civilians to the Allied cause during the World War. However the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) does an outstanding job in commemorating those who lost their lives for their country and are buried within Zimbabwe.
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leapingtitan · 6 years
R∃/MEMBER (Individual Song Thoughts) - SawanoHiroyuki[nZk] 3rd Album
I made a review on the 2nd album, 2V-ALK a while ago so here is the next installment. This is mostly for the Sawano Discord server but I’m posting it here for convenience and safekeeping purposes.
01. Glory -into the RM- (violin: SUGIZO from X Japan; vocal: Yosh)
I really love the instrumental parts of this track. It works well as an introduction piece and is up there with ~prologue~ for me. The vocal parts with Yosh are a bit weak and turn the track from a badass instrumental piece to a stadium football game chant. The track can do without it. However, there is that one section after the chorus where Yosh whispers like he’s singing in a 2000′s alternative rock band and the vocals do this cool panning effect. SUGIZO from X Japan is on the violin and his parts are really good and have a lot of synergy with the sampled bagpipes and piano. The guitar chugs are also pretty cool and remind me of TBFworld a bit. Overall, it’s a good track despite the vocal section being a bit unnecessary. Speaking of, them lyrics. “Honor of dying alone”? Was this made for Thunderbolt Fantasy or something?
02. EVERCHiLD (vocal: Akihito Okano from PornoGraffiti)
I admit the track has grown on me a bit and I definitely like it more than I did when the first preview video of it showed up. Still, as I’ve stated many times, I don’t really like happy and bright songs too much and prefer something with a stronger emotional impact. Still, the track is nice and again I’m glad Sawano did something different with the drums for once rather than layering electronic beats over an acoustic kit. My biggest problem with the track is the last chorus and the outro. “Tiny world is so stuffed all day, but nothing’s gonna change my story” is sung 6 times back to back and gets repetitive after the 2nd one. Should have just kept it as an instrumental. Other than that, I’m not the biggest fan of Akihito Okano’s voice. I like him more in the first Bnha OP for instance.
03. never gonna change (vocal: SukimaSwitch)
One of the tracks I’ve been most hyped for since the preview has dropped and boy does it not disappoint. I love the guitar and the drums and SukimaSwitch’s voice is really nice. It honestly reminds me some of the pop-ish music I used to listen when I was younger. The “2nd chorus” in the original PV was actually the bridge, to my surprise. The 2nd verse, which is new here, is really good. Love the guitar that comes in after the first few measures. Overall, the track is great.
Lastly, that instrumental outro section with the piano and guitar was completely unexpected but it’s amazing. It sounds like it would be a track rearrangement if never gonna change was an OST piece. Really good and honestly adds a whole new dimension at the end of an otherwise great track. My favorite so far.
04. narrative (vocal: LiSA)
Now we get to some of the tracks which have already been heard before in other releases. I’d be repeating myself if I go in detail like with the other tracks so the tl;dr version would be that I don’t think LiSA’s voice fits this type of Sawano music at all. Not that it’s a surprise considering the track wasn’t even composed with her vocals in mind. The instrumental is, for all it’s worth, actually not that bad. I don’t really mind the strings, or “casio pad strings” as dante calls them and it makes the song at least a bit more interesting.
05. i-mage (vocal: Aimer)
It’s been a long time since an Aimer and Sawano collab and unfortunately I don’t think the wait was that worth it. For the record, I really love Aimer’s voice but the song composition itself is what I dislike. Similarly to EVERCHiLD, the song just doesn’t have enough emotional impact, at least for me. I can see the appeal of it otherwise but personally it doesn’t do much on my end. The intro and verse are alright but the chorus is where it gets too playful for me to take it seriously and I found myself spacing out and losing focus on the actual track which hasn’t happened with the other songs so far. The 2nd verse has some cool bass going on but it sounds really noisy in the mix for some reason. Lastly, again, same problem with EVERCHiLD where the standout English portion of the lyrics, in this case “Light and dreams that children hold tight, now you have them in your right hand” repeats way too much in the last chorus and outro portions. Same formula.
Despite all of these complaints I think if I listen to the track enough it might grow on me. Might. But other than that, a bit underwhelming and personally my least favorite Sawano and Aimer collaboration for now.
06. NOISEofRAIN (vocal: swan with nishi Takanori Nishikawa from TM Revolution)
I’m gonna be honest here, it’s really hard for me to talk about this song without any irony and memes to go with it. This song just slaps. That’s it. I listen to it on an almost daily basis and have been doing so since it came out at the end of November. Can’t really say much other than it’s my favorite [nZk] song and Takanori Nishikawa is the OG.
One thing I have to point out though is that the mix in this album’s version is slightly different than the one in the narrative/NOISEofRAIN single, specifically the start of the first verse where there’s two synths that are either made really quiet or missing. Yeah, I’ve listened to this track way too much in order to notice the smallest things like that..
07. Binary Star (vocal: Uru)
This is the one older [nZk] song I can’t put my feelings into words for. I really like Uru’s voice and I hope Sawano collaborates with her again in the future, but the song itself is just... strange. Specifically the instrumental. It’s just really weird, having the strings and piano portion at first and then adding drums later on. I just don’t know what to think. I definitely don’t dislike it and I do enjoy it but that’s it. I actually really need to listen to it more often... 
You know what, Binary Star is really nice.
08. ME & CREED <nZkv> (vocal: Sayuri)
Okay... so... uhm. I guess this is it. This is the track. I’ve made fun of this song a lot back when we only had PVs to go on. I called it a lot of things and overall shared the server’s opinion that it’s not that great. But you know what? I listened to it once today, in the full album. Just once, didn’t really need to listen anymore to open my eyes.
By the way, little fun fact: It’s actually spelled Me & Creed in the original Blue Exorcist OST, or I guess if you want the full name.. “Exorcist Concerto First Movement”... something like that, don’t !songtitle me... but yeah I’m just delaying the inevitable here.
So, I have finally been able to have a fresh, reformed opinion on ME & CREED <nZkv> and express my true feelings. Because, well, the truth is...
It still fucking sucks.
Honestly... just.. why? First of all, out of all of the “High Pitched Jpop Vocalists That Do Not Match Sawano’s Composition Style” category members, Sayuri is by far the worst. And, you know, that might just be be for not preferring this kind of voice that a lot of Japanese singers, but I’ve listened to some of Sayuri’s own stuff and it’s not bad because the SONG ACTUALLY FITS HER VOICE.
Now, despite all of this the verse is alright. The chorus is where the harmonies really get out of hand and only make the already bad vocals worse. And it wouldn’t have been as jarring if the instrumental was decent but it’s not. Me & Creed is not at all the type of song that would benefit from overly punchy kick drums and toms and it loses its entire flavor just with the drums alone. It sounds like a below-average pre-rec demo of the original track and doesn’t even respect what kind of song the original is.
Also, this is made for a mobile game. I don’t know about you but if this was in a game as its main theme that would not give me a good impression.
Fun fact, this is the only track on the entire album that is under 4 minutes long. I guess you can say it came short in multiple departments. I give it an Aldnoah Zero out of 10.
09. Unti-L (vocal: ASCA)
After the traumatizing experience that is the previous track, I come to something that is actually good. Unti-L and never gonna change are my favorite new tracks from this album. I’ve been looking forward to this one since the first 5 second PV and I’ve been listening to the short version a lot for the past week. The song is incredible. 6/8 time signature, ballad-y sound, strings and good sound design in general makes for a solid and near flawless track. ASCA’s voice is very enjoyable and I find that it works well with the song since it was probably made with her vocals in mind unlike narrative and... the other thing.
I can’t really say much else, really. Great intro, verse, vocals, melody and overall sound. The instrumental break/bridge is also very pleasant with the simple guitar. Probably the most emotionally impacting track on the album and I love it.
10. Cage (vocal: Tielle)
The original Cage is interesting but I have to say I find it inferior to the <NTv> version from the narrative/NOISEofRAIN single. I’m not the biggest fan of the synth in the intro and the electronic drums don’t quite do it for me in terms of the overall sound. The <NTv> version is still superior in every way and has fits more with the melody and Tielle’s voice. Overall though, the composition is great but you can’t really look at the instrumental alone in both cases since Tielle’s voice makes the track what it is.
11. REMEMBER (vocal: mizuki, Gemie, Tielle, naNami, Yosh)
Should have just credited it as [nZchoir]. 
On a serious note, this sounds like something you would hear in a Disney Channel movie, especially the chorus. The track is surprisingly pleasant to listen to and I find it really catchy and easy to jam and sing along to. Also like the parts where there’s just one vocalist singing and the choir effect in the chorus is really nice as well. Again.. Disney movie.
I actually want to say more about this track but I definitely need to listen to it a bit more to make other comments. Other than that, it’s nice.
As a whole, this seems like a much more fresh album than 2V-ALK. It still doesn’t compare to the diversity and variety in o1 or how solid UnChild is, but I still think it’s at least on par with 2V-ALK despite not having all that many songs. Still, the new original tracks here (well, almost all of them) are interesting and despite my comments on some of them I do think they do their thing and make the album.. work, I guess. I definitely have some tracks I want to go back and relisten to a few of them though, which is a good sign.
I don’t have individual ratings for the tracks but in terms of ranking, a few hours after my first impressions and a few listens I would order them in the following fashion. The best is at the top and the worst is at the bottom.
never gonna change
Glory -into the RM-
Binary Star
you know what goes here.
And that would be it. Thanks for reading!
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FictionJunction Music Member News
Some fairly new and old news that some people may not know.
Yuki Kajiura is slated to work on a new Madokoa Magica anime entitled Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Gaiden. She has recently completed 18 new songs. Whether it’s for Madoka Magica or some other project is unknown. She is continuing to work on additional songs with the Front Band Members. The Composers Summit Concert featuring some of the greatest video game and anime related composers will happen on December 28. Yuki Kajiura, the Front Band Members, Konno’s strings, along with Kaori Oda, Joelle, and Yuri Kasahara will perform. She is releasing a new single with Aimer for the anime Fate Stay Night Heaven’s Feel Part II Lost Butterfly. The song title is “I Beg You.” It’s scheduled to be released on January 9th. The Flying Dog anniversary event will happen on February 2nd featuring FictionJunction Yuuka. On the February 3rd, 17th, and 23rd are new FictionJunction Station Fan Talk Events. On April 24th Sword Art Online Alicization OST will be release with the second OST being released on July 24th. She will be featured in this month’s Lisani! volume 35 and has done two online interviews you can find here: https://www.famitsu.com/news/201811/16167737.html https://www.gamer.ne.jp/news/201811160073/
Kaori Oda has announced on Twitter she is currently in the studio working on a new album. She has also announced a small acoustic tour around March of next year, which will be Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka. In May she intends to go on another tour. In late October she released a single with Mao. The song is called “Can’t Stop Love,” for the visual novel More Love. She will also in the concert event The Score Re;fire #1 ~WILD ARMS Vocal Songs Concert~ scheduled for December 15th. Lastly she will also be at the Yucat x Eggman: Diva 3Man volume 6 on January 21st. In more personal news she revealed she celebrated Yuriko Kaida’s birthday with Yuki Kajiura (no mention of Keiko, but a good chance she was there considering how much she loves Yuriko), and had drinks with Joelle and Yuki. You can see that post here: https://lineblog.me/odakaori/archives/13206078.html She also went to see Shinji Kakijima’s 25th Anniversary Live and had her picture taken with him late last month. She also got a haircut (nothing particularly drastic). Traditionally haircuts symbolize change and a break with the past, which considering her break with Spacecraft feels rather fitting. She also just got her nails done in a pale pink.
Koichi Korenaga is extremely busy! In late October to November 1st, Jungapop (which also has Jr.) did a small tour. This was for a newly released anniversary album 20+1. They also recorded some new songs in September. On November 10th he did a seminar on music equipment. He performed alongside Jr. for his solo 50th Anniversary on November 16th.  On November 23rd, he’s performing with others at the Rock ‘n Roll Yokohama Club. He has three tour dates for Crystal Kay for December 2nd, 3rd, and 6th. He is performing for NOKKO on December 19th and 25th (his birthday). He also is performing for Ami Ozaki on December 14th, 17th, and 24th. In his personal life, he had corrective eye surgery early this year, has been having physical therapy on his shoulders and arms (from his long guitar playing), and just celebrated his mother’s birth or death anniversary. The photo contained flowers and a cross necklace with Jesus hanging on it on a decorative cross. He states something along the line that he knows she’s in heaven as she was a good Christian. He also went to see the new movie about the rock band Queen.
Tomoharu Jr. Takahashi just performed his special solo 50th Anniversary for his 50th birthday on November 16th. This also included his Jungapop friends including Koichi Korenaga. In addition, he just released his first solo album.
Joelle has some concert dates lined up. She performed on November 9th and on October 21st. She has two more scheduled, one for December 19th and another for December 22nd. Some of these have her good friend George Nagata. She also just performed at 5:00AM for a local television station in her hometown of Akita. It was also her birthday in late October.
Yuriko Kaida released an EP called Portia earlier this year. She also went on vacation to Hanoi, Vietnam back in September with a close friend.
Remi and Koichi Korenaga worked on some songs for the anime Non Non Biyori Vacation. It seems she also worked on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Soundtrack 2 released on November 7th. She seems to have been doing a lot of recording this year.
Rie Akagi has a Latin jazz concert trio scheduled for November 30th. She also responded to Hikaru’s twitter post on her eating rice.
Eri Itou performed in a musical called Musical Award that went from October 31st to November 4th.  She is also in a Christmas album that was released on November 14th. It was her birthday on November 16th.
Drummer Kyoichi Satou and keyboardist Hirotaka Sakurada will do a concert with others on January 22nd.
Hiroshi Konno has been recording and performing at various places with his strings unit. Much of the recording is likely for Yuki Kajiura. He also received Jr.’s album and a shirt.
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Theme Song Artists for "Fate/Apocrypha," "Fate/stay night [Heaven’s Feel] Ⅰ" Announced
Aniplex today announced the theme song artists for the upcoming TV anime Fate/Apocrypha and the first chapter "presage flower" of the three-part film series Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel].
  The TV anime adaptation of Fate/Apocrypha, a spin-off novel in Type-Moon's Fate/stay night franchise written by Yuichiro Higashide, is set to premiere on Tokyo MX, BS 11, Tochigi TV, and MBS in July 2017. It will be also simultaneously streamed on Netflix.
  Its OP song "Eiyu: Unmei no Uta" (Hero: The Song of Fate) is performed by EGOIST (SACRA MUSIC) produced by ryo(supercell). This is the first time for the artist to provide a theme song for the Fate franchise.
    And its yet-titled ED song is performed by two-member unit GARNiDELiA (SACRA MUSIC). This is also their
first collaboration work for the Fate franchise.
    TV anime "Fate/Apocrypha" teaser visual
  Visual for Anime Japan 2017
  Title logo
    "presage flower," the first chapter of the three-part film series Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] based on
the third story line of the original Fate/stay night game featuring Sakura Matou, is set for a release in
Japan on October 14, 2017. Its yet-titled theme song is confirmed to be sung by 26-year-old singer Aimer.
Her 8th single song "Brave Shine" released in June 2015 was used as the 2nd OP theme for the Fate/stay
night [Unlimited Blade Works] TV anime. 
  "Fate/stay night[Heaven’s Feel]Ⅰ.presage flower" key visual
  Title logo
  Source: Aniplex press release 1, 2
  © Yuichiro Higashide, TYPE-MOON / FAPC
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kpopmultifan · 2 years
Scheduled New Releases: November 2022 - Week 3
This list will continually be updated when MVs, iTunes/Apple Music, Spotify, & YouTube Music links & additional new release information becomes available. 
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Kim Sungkyu (of INFINITE) - Dear My Fan (10th Solo Anniversary Special Single) Release Date: November 13th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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VERIVERY - Luminality EP.LOVE (3rd Single Album) Title Track: Tap Tap [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: November 14th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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YooA (of Oh My Girl) - Selfish (2nd Mini-Album) Title Track: Selfish [MV] Track: Lay Low [MV] Track: Melody [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: November 14th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Chen (of EXO) - Last Scene (3rd Mini-Album) Title Track: Last Scene [MV] Release Date: November 14th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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VICTON - Choice (8th Mini-Album) Title Track: Virus [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: November 15th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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DRIPPIN - Villain: The End (1st Album) Title Track: The One [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: November 15th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE - Cho Cho TRAIN (12th Single) [MV] Release Date: November 16th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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SUPER★DRAGON - Not Enough [Lyric Video] Release Date: November 16th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Naniwa Danshi - Happy Surprise (3rd Single) [MV] Track: #MerryChristmas [MV] Release Date: November 16th [yesasia] [cdjapan]
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woo!ah! - Pit-a-Pat (4th Single) Title Track: Rollercoaster [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: November 16th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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JUST B -  (NEUN) (3rd Mini-Album) Title Track: ME= (나는) [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: November 16th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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SECRET NUMBER - Tap (5th Single) [MV] Release Date: November 16th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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withus - Dokkebi; Tae (3rd Single) Title Track: Barricade [MV] Release Date: November 17th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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AIMERS - Stage 0. Betting Starts (Debut Mini-Album) Title Track: Fight Inside [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: November 17th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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CSR - Sequence: 17& (1st Single Album) Title Track: Loveticon (♡TiCON) [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: November 17th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Girls’ Generation - Forever 1 (Remixes) iScreaM Vol.19 Track: Forever 1 (Matisse & Sadko Remix) [MV] Track: Forever 1 (Aiobahn Remix) [Visualizer] Track: (Mar Vista Remix) [Visualizer] Release Date: November 17th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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B.I - Love or Loved Part.1 (EP) Title Track: Keep Me Up [MV] Track: BTBT [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: November 18th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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FIFTY FIFTY - The Fifty (Debut Mini-Album) Title Track: Higher [MV] Track: Lovin’ Me [MV] Track: Log In [Performance Video] Release Date: November 18th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Maison B - Masquerade (2nd Pre-Debut Single) [MV] Release Date: November 18th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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EVERGLOW x The Fat Rat - Ghost Light (Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: November 18th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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MustB - Muffin Christmas (Digital Single) Release Date: November 19th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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gundam-gic · 6 years
http://www.aimer-web.jp/ Aimer 2nd album「Midnight Sun」 6/25 on sale! Aimer 2nd single「Midnight Sun」 6月25日発売 01 WHEN YOU WISH UPON A STAR -prologue- 02 眠りの森 0... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS63qqZfvRQ&feature=youtu.be
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kpopmultifan · 2 years
Rookie boy group AIMERS has released the 2nd MV teaser for their upcoming special single “Fireworks” which is scheduled to be released on January 27th.  
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Daichi Miura's Dragon Ball Film Theme Becomes Most Popular Anime Song in First Half of 2019
Billboard Japan revealed the top-selling songs and artists in its various charts in the first half of 2019, including the overall anime song chart. The most popular anime song in the period was "Blizzard," the theme song for Toei Animation's 20th Dragon Ball film Dragon Ball Super: Broly, performed by 31-year-old singer/dancer Daichi Miura.
  The song was released as his 24th single on December 19, 2018, five days after the film's theatrical release in Japan. Its highest position in the Oricon weekly sales chart was second, and its music video featuring his solid dance performance was viewed three million times only in ten days.
    "Billboard JAPAN HOT ANIMATION: The First Half of 2019"
    1. "Blizzard" Daichi Miura (Dragon Ball Super: Broly theme song)
    2. "Haru no Hi" Aimyon (Crayon Shin-chan Honeymoon Hurricane ~The Lost Hiroshi~ theme song)
    3. "Uchiage Hanabi" DAOKO × Kenshi Yinezu (Fireworks, Should We See It from the Side or the Bottom? theme song)
    4. "I beg you" Aimer (Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] II.lost butterfly theme song)
    5. "Peace Sign" Kenshi Yonezu (My Hero Academia 2nd Season 1st OP)
    6. "THE GIFT" Dai Hirai (Doraemon: Nobita's Chronicle of the Moon Exploration theme song)
    7. "Touch off" UVERworld (The Promised Neverland OP)
    8. "BLUE SAPPHIRE" HIROOMI TOSAKA (Detective Conan: The Fist of Blue Sapphire theme song)
    9. "ADAMAS" LiSA (Sword Art Online: Alicization 1st OP)
    10. "Bokuara no Hasshitekita Michi wa..." Aqours (Love Live! Sunshine!! The School Idol Movie Over the Rainbow insert song)
    Source: Billboard Japan press release 
   © Bird Studio/Shueisha
© "2018 Dragon Ball Super" Production Committee
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Gen Hoshino's "Doraemon" Film Theme Song Tops Billboard Japan's 2018 Mid-Year Anison Ranking
Billboard Japan announced its mid-year rankings of 2018 for seven categories today. The most popular song in the "Hot Animation" section during the period between November 27, 2017, and May 27, 2018, was singer-songwriter/actor Gen Hoshio's 11th single "Doraemon," which was used as the theme song for the Doraemon anime franchise's 38th feature film Doraemon the Movie: Nobita's Treasure Island released in March. The song also ranked 3rd in the "Hot 100" section. 
  Meanwhile, "Uchiage Hanabi" by singer/rapper DAOKO, which was the theme song for the Shaft-animated film Uchiage Hanabi/Fireworks and was chosen as the top anime song in the year 2017, still ranked 2nd. 
     Billboard Japan "Hot Animation" top 10 in the first half of 2018
  1. "Doraemon" Gen Hoshino (Doraemon the Movie: Nobita's Treasure Island theme song) 
     2. "Uchiage Hanabi" by DAOKO x Kenshi Yonezu (Uchiage Hanabi/Fireworks theme song)
     3. "Topaz Love" KinKi Kids (Time Bokan: The Villains' Strike Back 2nd ED)
     4. "Peace Sign" Kenshi Yonezu (My Hero Academia 2nd OP)
    5. "-ZERO-" Masaharu Fukuyama (Detective Conan Zero the Enforcer theme song)
Film trailer featuring the theme song
    6. "Ultra Blast" ST☆RISH (Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love Kingdom insert song)
    7. "Ref:rain" Aimer (Koi wa Ameagari no You ni ED)
  Anime PV featuring the OP and ED songs
8. "Sinka Riron" BOYS AND MEN (Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion OP)
    9. "ODD FUTURE" UVERworld (My Hero Academia 3rd season OP)
  Anime OP movie (legitimately posted on Toho Animation Channel)
    10. "POP TEAM EPIC" Sumire Uesaka (Pop Team Epic OP)
      Source: Billboard Japan
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