notwithoutmyvices · 10 months
This is @willstapeworms askblog about his ocs and the zine/comic/general series surrounding them This blog might be altered in the future to only post about the series but for now it's just an ask blog It's fun and it also helps me further establish the characters so Please send in asks i'm begging you
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threenorth · 1 year
Parker, turquoise, just call me anytime you want.
Parker blue, your always will be mine.
Andrew, green.
You can do whatever you want to..im not controlling you but I do miss your voice...and how I'd like you to call me, then my brain thought of both of these telephone songs.
Keon, purple.
Texted as requested.
Keon red.
More me then you, but I came out when you needed me, but you didn't come out at all... So I guess we're fair? I'd rather not play the blame game and he did she did we did yadada. It just happened okay? Like summer said.. It's life.
Ross, pink.
Only for a few months.. Right? Until I can get some things sorted and we can be sure of the plan.
West, Red 1.
You are my sea, my rocks, my air, my life and more.
West, Red 2.
I'm sure that's somewhere in the playbook.
Ainslie, blue 1.
We have a history, but restarting sounds nice... Sometimes.. I think you mean rekindle.
Ainslie, blue 2.
You think we had taken each other for granted?
I think we play the hand we were delt even if the mind lies, or following what was told to you like being told I'm better off without you.. Or I should put your happiness first...
Elijah, purple 1.
I hate that I'm a stupid poopie butt mush brain.
(panic of the disco)
Whooooooo could love me when I'm out of my miiiiiiind?
Elijah, purple 2.
You may as well put me in a straight jacket because I'm crazy in love... Especially on Friday... The cure
Hello beuiutful.
Kenny, red.
Anytime, any day. I'm reday.
Ben, green. I miss your smile the most.
Even if I can't right now.
Maybe lack of air? Going to my brain.
Maybe it's depressing without you, seeing you.
I don't know but I was most free with you.
Thanks being 29 for 4 days now has been rough.
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“ Updates sobre por onde o vírus tem circulado, no que o pronunciamento do Ministro da Saúde implica e como deve avançar a pandemia no Brasil. 
currículo: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4978322672579487 
Peixe Babel: @canalpeixebabel no Instagram e no Twitter
Para saber mais e discutir notícias e artigos científicos: https://www.reddit.com/r/coronabr/ 
Encaminhe fake news para: +55 19 99327-8829 
Grupo para seguir no telegram: t.me/corona_atila 
Estudo com a simulação: Ferguson, N. M., Laydon, D., Nedjati-Gilani, G., Imai, N., Ainslie, K., Baguelin, M., ... & Dighe, A. Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/impe... 
Comentários de especistas: https://www.sciencemediacentre.org/ex... 
Artigos citados: 
 Cheng, V. C., Lau, S. K., Woo, P. C., & Yuen, K. Y. (2007). Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus as an agent of emerging and reemerging infection. Clinical microbiology reviews, 20(4), 660-694. https://doi.org10.1128/CMR.00023-07 
Menachery, V. D., Yount Jr, B. L., Debbink, K., Agnihothram, S., Gralinski, L. E., Plante, J. A., ... & Randell, S. H. (2015). A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence. Nature medicine, 21(12), 1508. https://doi.org/10.1038/nm.3985 “
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leanpick · 4 years
Italy v UK in America's Cup qualifier
Italy v UK in America’s Cup qualifier
Luna Rossa stormed into the final of the Challenger Series after completing a 4-0 sweep of American Magic in the best-of-seven repechage semi-final in Auckland on Saturday. The Italian team will take on Ben Ainslie’s INEOS Team UK to determine who will face defenders Team New Zealand (TNZ) for the America’s Cup. American Magic, who struggled in Friday’s first two races in breezy conditions, put…
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flauntpage · 6 years
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/29-12/5)
1. On Civil Disobedience: An Epilogue / “Dreaming, Waking”
November 29, 2018, 6:30-9PM Work by: Sky Hopinka, Ayanah Moor, and Damon Locks (Curated by Fulla Abdul-Jabbar) Sector 2337 + The Green Lantern Press: 2337 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
  2. Artists + Archives: Pilots
December 1, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Ivan Lozano, H. Melt, and Aay Preston-Myint Leather Archives & Museum: 6418 N Greenview Ave, Chicago, IL 60626
  3. Equal Parts
November 30, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Claire Burke Dain Rubberneck: 2058 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60622
  4. Cantabitan
November 30, 2018, 7-8PM Work by: Toni Alexia Roach ARC Gallery: 1463 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
  5. Divine Ventiloquism
December 2, 2018, 1-4PM Work by: Jenn Smith Apparatus Project: 2639 W Ainslie St, Chicago, IL 60625
  Hey Chicago, submit your events to The Visualist here: http://www.thevisualist.org.
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (6/14-6/20)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (12/14-1/03)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (2/15-2/21)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/29-12/5) published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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belkovinacestach · 6 years
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Ráno mě vzbudilo Petino skučení. Když jsem rozlepil oči a podíval se na ni, tak jsem hned pochopil, co ji bolí. Spálení z Tidal River se "krásně" vybarvilo a vypadalo to, že Peťa za ten výlet bude škaredě trpět. Připomínám, bylo něco kolem 20°C a slunce na nás svítilo tak hodinku a půl...
Po cestě jsme se zastavili na hezké vyhlídce Lake Entrance a pak jsme si jeli do nejbližšího města vyprat do prádelny. Zároveň jsme si tam nabili baterku do foťáku a zatímco se pralo, my vařili. Pak jsme se vydali do Bem River, kde jsme se si udělali krátkou, ne moc zajímavou procházku lesem a o kus dál jsme se šli podívat na Genoa falls. Bohužel, i odsud jsme odešli dost zklamaní. Protože Austrálie je obrovská a přesuny jsou tu někdy fakt dlouhé, tak tohle bylo ten den vše. Víc jsme toho nestihli. Ubytovali jsme se v hezkém, vybaveném kempu Genoa Rest Area a šli spát.
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Ráno svítilo sluníčko a bylo krásně, tak jsme rozložili naše kempingové vybavení a udělali si hezkou snídani. Sotva jsme však vyjeli, tak se na nás spustil déšť. Čirou náhodou jsme objevili mlékárnu Bega, od které na NZ občas kupujeme některé výrobky a tak jsme se rozhodli, že je navštívíme. Po krátké čumendě a drobném nákupu jsme razili dál. Jelikož stále pršelo, tak jsme se rozhodli, že vynecháme Camel Rock, ušetříme tak nějaké kilometry a vydáme se přímo do hlavního města Austrálie - Canberry.
Canberra se stala hlavním městem Austrálie v roce 1908. V té době se rozhořel spor, které ze dvou největších měst - Sydney a Melbourne - bude hlavním městem státu, a aby se předešlo velkým sporům, tak se většina státní moci přesunula právě do Canberry. Přesně podle hesla: když se dva perou, třetí se směje. Canberra ale není ani 3. největším městem. Se svými 380 000 obyvateli se krčí až na 8. místě, před ní jsou další někalikamilionová města jako Brisbane, Perth a jiné. Je však největším vnitrozemským městem.
Když jsme přijeli do Canberry, tak jsme se jako první vydali do Národního Muzea, které sídlí v ultra moderní hezké budově. Když jsme se kolem ochranky dostali až dovnitř, tak za námi přišla nějaká hostestka, že je tam soukromá párty a prý se máme odporoučet... škoda, vypadalo to tam hezky a víno teklo proudem :D
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Poté jsme jeli na Black Mountain, kde stojí nejvyšší Canberrská budova - 195m vysoká místní televizní věž. Ve věži jsme se dozvěděli, že přímo na téhle hoře žije jeden z nejjedovatějších hadů světa: Eastern Brown Snake.
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Když jsme sjeli dolů, navštívili jsme ještě Australian Memorial of War (válečné muzeum). Venku před muzeem je k vidění spousta tanků a různé vojenské techniky. Muzeum se nachází na okraji velkého parku a víc než tanky atd. nás zaujalo obrovské množství krásných bílých papoušků Kakadu.
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Poté jsme si už jen zajeli pro večeři do Pizza Hut (na rozdíl od NZ je zde jen ve velkých městech) a spali jsme na parkovišti u dálnice.
Další den ráno jsme si při cestě do Nového Parlamentu užili ranní dopravní kolaps. Po zaparkování v podzemních garážích pod Parlamentem jsme chvátali, abychom stihli free tour. Ještě jsme museli projít bezpečnostní kontrolou a pak, když jsme přišli k recepci, nám paní řekla, že jsme to zmeškali. Naštěstí byla tak hodná, že nám připnula visačky, ukázala směr a nechala nás, ať skupinku s průvodcem doženeme. Během prohlídky jsme viděli nějaké kroniky, zakládací listiny a spoustu portrétů australských premiérů. Největšími zajímavostmi bylo, že jeden premiér vydržel v úřadu jen 7 dní, že je v budově 2700 hodin (i na záchodech atd.), které svolávají poslance na jednání a že na budově je vlajka o velikosti dvoupatrového autobusu a váze 50 kg. Jelikož poslanci měli nějaké zasedání, tak jsme se do jednacího sálu nedostali.
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Poté jsme se prošli kolem starého Parlamentu, projeli kolem Národní Knihovny a zastavili jsme se u Akademie Věd. U památníku kapitána Cooka, který představoval bronzový model zeměkoule a obrovský vodotrysk uprostřed jezera jsme si udělali krásnou procházku a pak si dali kávu v příjemné kavárničce s výhledem na jezero :-)
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Poté jsme se vydali na naši poslední Canberrskou zastávku. Horu Mount Ainslie. Odtamtud jsme měli celou Canberru jako na dlani. Pod námi byl ikonický výhled na vojenské muzeum, hlavní bulvár a v dálce i Nový Parlament.
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Pak jsme Canberru opustili a vydali se dál směrem k Sydney. Zastavili jsme se pro fotku u Big Merino a pokračovali do Morton NP.
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Hned u vjezdu nás automat zkasíroval o 8$ a co na tom, že byly asi 4 odpoledne. Parkovné se prostě platí za celý den a hotovo! Přístupy k lookoutům byly strašné. Teda, abych to uvedl na pravou míru: strašné pro nás. Pro nás, kteří jsme byli posraní z hadů a pavouků. Jednou se mezi kameny mihla velká ještěrka a já už viděl hada. Pak jsme šli k vodopádu a cesta byla ještě horší. Křoví sahalo až do půl cesty a já šel s klackem v ruce abych měl čím dělat rambajs a hady tak vyplašil. Lookouty byly vždy na velkém útesu a výhledy byly na velké, zalesněné údolí a nějakou skalní stěnu naproti.
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Po nějakých možná dvou hodinách jsme se vrátili do auta a rozhodli se, že na žádný další lookout tu už nejdem. Psychicky jsme byli vymáčklí jak dva citrony.
Po cestě jsme se zastavili v nějaké vesnici v obchodě, kde jsme si nakoupili na večer a pak se vrátili 14km zpět směrem ke Canbeře do kempu, který byl na parkovišti u dálnice. Na NZ to nemáme moc rádi a vyhledáváme spíš parkoviště u jezer, v lesích, na zelených loukách atd. Ale tady jásáme, když v Campermate vidíme, že je to vybetonovaná plocha :D
Navečer jsme si otevřeli skvělé červené australské víno, abychom si uklidnili pocuchané nervy a volali jsme si s našimi známými - Robem a Joy ze Sydney. S tímhle párem jsme se potkali na Samoi a nezištně jim pomohli, když to potřebovali. O tom, co nám to přineslo a o tom, že karma je zdarma - a pro každého, se dočtěte v příštím článku :-)
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dbamountaineer · 7 years
One thing that I like about Australia is having a similar building or structure if not in all cities but on its major cities, so tourist can see and visit the place to appreciate and to enjoy wherever you are in the country. I remembered the same concept also exist in Canada,  they have structures that can be found in some cities as well. A good example is Telus World of Science, a museum where I visited one in Edmonton and saw from a distance in Vancouver. Another example is Provincial Legislature Building exist in Alberta and British Columbia, and in other provinces of Canada.
Based on my observation while traveling around Australia, arcade building is one good example of a structure that can be found in major cities of the country. These arcades are historical buildings which showcases how grandeur the building was during earlier years and portrays its notable 19th century interior design that can make everyone feel to be back in old times. In relation to arcades, I perceived Queen Victoria Building as the mother of all historical arcades in Australia. I explained why in my previous post.
How about for the memorial structure that intended to honor and remember the Australian heroes that fought for the peace that Australian currently enjoying nowadays? In relation to this, I looked at Australian War Memorial as the father of all peace or remembrance structure in the country. During my stay in Australia I visited two(2) structures that significantly honors and remembers the heroes that served for the country’s peace. One was Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne and the one that I will be focusing in this post is The Australian War Memorial in Canberra. The group tour that I joined that day visited the structure after coming from Mount Ainslie Lookout.
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Australian War Memorial – looks so far from Parliament House Rooftop
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Australian War Memorial (with dome), just at the bottom of base of Mount Ainslie
The first time I saw the building for real was at the time I was at the rooftop of Parliament House in that same day I visited the memorial museum, the structure is noticeable even from a far distance. I got a clear visibility of it, while we were at Mount Ainslie Lookout where anyone get noticed that the building is a cross structure with a dome in the middle. And when we arrived at the building itself, I can sense immediately the solemn ambiance that surrounds the building. The external design of the building signifies how these heroes are important to Australian and I honestly admired them the way they honor and respect these people.
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Australian War Memorial from Memorial Grounds
Due to limited time in the building since it was our last place in the day tour’s itinerary and near for closing time, I wasn’t able to see all of the parts of the memorial but I still tried my best to capture photos inside the building. Apology at some of the photos are not as clear, at the time of the trip, I used iPhone 4 and Panasonic digital camera.
Here are some of the photos that I was able to capture while visiting Australian War Memorial:
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Mosquito – Wooden Wonder Aircraft
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Cockpit Simulator – used to train pilots without experience in flying
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Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero Fighter V-173 –  best know Japanese aircraft in World War II
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Kittyhawk – aircraft named Polly after its regular pilot’s sweetheart, a mainstay of the RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) during World War II
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Hawker Sea Fury – fighter bomber, one of the last propeller driven naval aircraft to see action
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G for George – Avro Lancaster bomber, survived the disastrous raid in Nuremberg in 1944 and some toughest mission over Germany, France and Italy
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Anti-aircarft searchlight projector – used to detects enemies aircraft
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HMAS Sydney Gun – One of the eight six-inch guns which took part against SMS Emden
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HMAS Sydney Stern – patrolled in North Sea in 1917 and present for the German surrender at Scapa in 1918
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Ship’s Telegraph – engine telegraph from SMS Emden
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Morshead in Africa – 3 ton truck, with caravan body, a mobile command post and  living quarters
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MiG-15 bis – Soviet Union produced, with modern jet-fighter powered by British-designed engine
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Mustang – used in Korean War as fighter and ground attack aircraft
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LePkw Type 82 Kubelwagen
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Chevrolet lorry and Breda anti-aircraft gun
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“Kriegies” hut – Joe Kibling captured in Greece and called as Kriegies, this house up to 20 men
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Anti-tank gun – gunner used near in Gemas and Bakri in 1942
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1940 Studebaker Commander Sedan with gas producer
Below are other exhibits found in the memorial but I wasn’t able to identify its name
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Before we end the tour in the building, there was Last Post ceremony being held at Commemorative Area wherein the memorial bids farewell to the visitors with the ceremony with singing of the Australian National Anthem, followed by a sound of the piper. Some visitors put some flowers as tributes besides the Pool of Reflection, then a story of one of the names listed in the Honor Roll will be told, followed by Ode recitation and ended by sound of Last Post. A ceremony that I witnessed that shows recognition and respect to the heroes of Australians.
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Last Post Ceremony
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–RSL (Returned and Services League)
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My country’s name found in Commemorative area which is allied of Australia specifically during Second World War
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Before leaving the memorial, I saw from the main entrance of the structure the scenery towards Parliament House, old and current one.
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Australian War Memorial – the last snapshots before leaving the memorial and before ending my day tour in Canberra.
Australian War Memorial One thing that I like about Australia is having a similar building or structure if not in all cities but on its major cities, so tourist can see and visit the place to appreciate and to enjoy wherever you are in the country.
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footyplusau · 7 years
NEAFL: Sydney Swans big guns Kurt Tippett and Gary Rohan fire against Canberra Demons
Sydney Swans ruckman Kurt Tippett has thrown his hand up for an AFL recall after booting four goals in a 121-point thrashing of the Canberra Demons in the NEAFL.
Tippett overcame a hip injury to rack up 22 disposals in limited minutes with Gary Rohan also getting some miles in the legs after his sickening crash to the turf two weeks ago in Sydney’s loss to Carlton.
Oval Sydney’s Kurt Tippet Photo: Rohan Thomson
Rohan has played just two games this season but showed no signs of rust as he nailed four goals in the 25.15 (165) to 6.8 (44) win at Manuka Oval.
Tippett has endured a horror injury run that has kept him from finding consistent form at the top level and left him as one of the richest players to ever set foot in the NEAFL, adding to his lone appearance in 2014.
Photo gallery
NEAFL 2017: Canberra v Sydney
He spent most of the second half on the bench but his impact made a difference, while Aliir Aliir also put himself in the mix for an AFL recall with an impressive display.
Canberra player-coach Kade Klemke refuses to use the part-timer argument as an excuse and says it’s “not all gloom and doom” for the Demons.
“At the end of the day, they’re in this competition. We’ve got some guys that have been on AFL lists, and we’ve got guys that probably should be on AFL lists as well,” Klemke said.
“I think that’s a great challenge. I always see it is a great challenge. They’re full-time professionals, and it’s tough coming up like that but that’s why you learn from them.
“What I saw today is that we can match it with those guys, especially with the side they had, that’s one of the better Swans sides I’ve played against.”
The Demons didn’t give Tippett any extra attention, with Klemke content to leave matters in the hands of backman Ben Halse.
While he was giving up a fair size advantage, Halse did his best to keep Tippett under wraps when he made his way into the forward line.
“In the ruck Tippett was pretty good, and that’s probably how he got some of his goals, through the ruck,” Klemke said. 
“But to be honest I was actually happy with how we matched up against him. I don’t think he could have done the damage that he usually could – we’ve seen him do the damage in the AFL.
“I know it sounds strange but there was a lot of positives out there as well. That was probably one of the better Swans teams I’ve played in the NEAFL. We knew we were always up against it.”
Meanwhile, a spirited third term from the Eastlake guided the Demons to a 12.13 (85) to 8.13 (61) win over the Queanbeyan Tigers in AFL Canberra first grade.
Belconnen passed the 200-point barrier for the second time this season as the Magpies piled on 34 goals in a 34.14 (218) to 9.5 (59) win over the Gungahlin Jets.
Tuggeranong host Ainslie in the final match of the round at Greenway Oval on Sunday.
NEAFL round seven
CANBERRA DEMONS 2.2 5.5 6.6 6.8 (44)
SYDNEY SWANS 8.3 13.4 22.6 25.15 (165)
Canberra Goal Kickers: L. Maples, L. Mckay, J. Turner, J. Bennett, M. Hardie, M. Maguire Canberra Best Players: K. Klemke, B. Halse, J. Harper, L. Meline, M. Hardie
Sydney Goal Kickers: G. Rohan 4, K. Tippett 4, D. Robinson 3, H. Carr 2, J. Dawson 2, S. Wicks 2, J. Rose 2, S. Murray, J. Osborne, J. Foote, M. Talia, B. Jack, L. Skrivanic Sydney Best Players: J. Dawson, K. Tippett, A. Aliir, J. Laidler, B. Jack, M. Talia
AFL Canberra round four
QUEANBEYAN TIGERS 2.3 6.7 6.10 8.13 (61)
EASTLAKE DEMONS 5.1 7.5 9.12 12.13 (85)
Queanbeyan Goal Kickers: B. Fruend 2, D. Simpson 2, J. Bryce 2, T. Clowry, A. Page Queanbeyan Best Players: T. Clowry, J. Smith, D. Ross, J. Bryce, J. Manie, D. Simpson
BELCONNEN MAGPIES 9.4 16.5 24.9 34.14 (218)
GUNGAHLIN JETS 2.3 5.4 9.5 9.5 (59)
Belconnen Goal Kickers: D. Posch 8, C. York 7, B. Walker 6, J. Bennett 4, R. Turnbull 2, A. Bennett 2, B. Turnbull, M. Viney, M. Kelly, L. Haddrill, S. Ryan-Baker Belconnen Best Players: J. Bennett, B. Walker, L. Haddrill, A. Bennett, R. Turnbull, J. Taylor
Gungahlin Goal Kickers: J. Hind 2, Z. Barton-Browne 2, D. Mcdonald 2, J. Mennen, B. Corbett, M. Rothnie Gungahlin Best Players: J. Wilesmith, W. Hambleton, J. Noble, A. Smout, M. Rothnie, L. Hope
The post NEAFL: Sydney Swans big guns Kurt Tippett and Gary Rohan fire against Canberra Demons appeared first on Footy Plus.
from Footy Plus http://ift.tt/2pJPEFw via http://footyplus.net
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flauntpage · 6 years
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/29-12/5)
1. On Civil Disobedience: An Epilogue / “Dreaming, Waking”
November 29, 2018, 6:30-9PM Work by: Sky Hopinka, Ayanah Moor, and Damon Locks (Curated by Fulla Abdul-Jabbar) Sector 2337 + The Green Lantern Press: 2337 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
  2. Artists + Archives: Pilots
December 1, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Ivan Lozano, H. Melt, and Aay Preston-Myint Leather Archives & Museum: 6418 N Greenview Ave, Chicago, IL 60626
  3. Equal Parts
November 30, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Claire Burke Dain Rubberneck: 2058 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60622
  4. Cantabitan
November 30, 2018, 7-8PM Work by: Toni Alexia Roach ARC Gallery: 1463 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
  5. Divine Ventiloquism
December 2, 2018, 1-4PM Work by: Jenn Smith Apparatus Project: 2639 W Ainslie St, Chicago, IL 60625
  Hey Chicago, submit your events to The Visualist here: http://www.thevisualist.org.
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (6/14-6/20)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (12/14-1/03)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (2/15-2/21)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/29-12/5) published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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flauntpage · 6 years
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/29-12/5)
1. On Civil Disobedience: An Epilogue / “Dreaming, Waking”
November 29, 2018, 6:30-9PM Work by: Sky Hopinka, Ayanah Moor, and Damon Locks (Curated by Fulla Abdul-Jabbar) Sector 2337 + The Green Lantern Press: 2337 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
  2. Artists + Archives: Pilots
December 1, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Ivan Lozano, H. Melt, and Aay Preston-Myint Leather Archives & Museum: 6418 N Greenview Ave, Chicago, IL 60626
  3. Equal Parts
November 30, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Claire Burke Dain Rubberneck: 2058 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60622
  4. Cantabitan
November 30, 2018, 7-8PM Work by: Toni Alexia Roach ARC Gallery: 1463 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
  5. Divine Ventiloquism
December 2, 2018, 1-4PM Work by: Jenn Smith Apparatus Project: 2639 W Ainslie St, Chicago, IL 60625
  Hey Chicago, submit your events to The Visualist here: http://www.thevisualist.org.
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (6/14-6/20)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (12/14-1/03)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (2/15-2/21)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/29-12/5) published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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flauntpage · 6 years
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/29-12/5)
1. On Civil Disobedience: An Epilogue / “Dreaming, Waking”
November 29, 2018, 6:30-9PM Work by: Sky Hopinka, Ayanah Moor, and Damon Locks (Curated by Fulla Abdul-Jabbar) Sector 2337 + The Green Lantern Press: 2337 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
  2. Artists + Archives: Pilots
December 1, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Ivan Lozano, H. Melt, and Aay Preston-Myint Leather Archives & Museum: 6418 N Greenview Ave, Chicago, IL 60626
  3. Equal Parts
November 30, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Claire Burke Dain Rubberneck: 2058 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60622
  4. Cantabitan
November 30, 2018, 7-8PM Work by: Toni Alexia Roach ARC Gallery: 1463 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
  5. Divine Ventiloquism
December 2, 2018, 1-4PM Work by: Jenn Smith Apparatus Project: 2639 W Ainslie St, Chicago, IL 60625
  Hey Chicago, submit your events to The Visualist here: http://www.thevisualist.org.
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (6/14-6/20)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (12/14-1/03)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (2/15-2/21)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/29-12/5) published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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flauntpage · 6 years
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/29-12/5)
1. On Civil Disobedience: An Epilogue / “Dreaming, Waking”
November 29, 2018, 6:30-9PM Work by: Sky Hopinka, Ayanah Moor, and Damon Locks (Curated by Fulla Abdul-Jabbar) Sector 2337 + The Green Lantern Press: 2337 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
  2. Artists + Archives: Pilots
December 1, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Ivan Lozano, H. Melt, and Aay Preston-Myint Leather Archives & Museum: 6418 N Greenview Ave, Chicago, IL 60626
  3. Equal Parts
November 30, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Claire Burke Dain Rubberneck: 2058 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60622
  4. Cantabitan
November 30, 2018, 7-8PM Work by: Toni Alexia Roach ARC Gallery: 1463 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
  5. Divine Ventiloquism
December 2, 2018, 1-4PM Work by: Jenn Smith Apparatus Project: 2639 W Ainslie St, Chicago, IL 60625
  Hey Chicago, submit your events to The Visualist here: http://www.thevisualist.org.
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (6/14-6/20)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (12/14-1/03)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (2/15-2/21)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/29-12/5) published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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flauntpage · 6 years
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/29-12/5)
1. On Civil Disobedience: An Epilogue / “Dreaming, Waking”
November 29, 2018, 6:30-9PM Work by: Sky Hopinka, Ayanah Moor, and Damon Locks (Curated by Fulla Abdul-Jabbar) Sector 2337 + The Green Lantern Press: 2337 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
  2. Artists + Archives: Pilots
December 1, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Ivan Lozano, H. Melt, and Aay Preston-Myint Leather Archives & Museum: 6418 N Greenview Ave, Chicago, IL 60626
  3. Equal Parts
November 30, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Claire Burke Dain Rubberneck: 2058 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60622
  4. Cantabitan
November 30, 2018, 7-8PM Work by: Toni Alexia Roach ARC Gallery: 1463 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
  5. Divine Ventiloquism
December 2, 2018, 1-4PM Work by: Jenn Smith Apparatus Project: 2639 W Ainslie St, Chicago, IL 60625
  Hey Chicago, submit your events to The Visualist here: http://www.thevisualist.org.
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (6/14-6/20)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (12/14-1/03)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (2/15-2/21)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/29-12/5) published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/29-12/5)
1. On Civil Disobedience: An Epilogue / “Dreaming, Waking”
November 29, 2018, 6:30-9PM Work by: Sky Hopinka, Ayanah Moor, and Damon Locks (Curated by Fulla Abdul-Jabbar) Sector 2337 + The Green Lantern Press: 2337 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
  2. Artists + Archives: Pilots
December 1, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Ivan Lozano, H. Melt, and Aay Preston-Myint Leather Archives & Museum: 6418 N Greenview Ave, Chicago, IL 60626
  3. Equal Parts
November 30, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Claire Burke Dain Rubberneck: 2058 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60622
  4. Cantabitan
November 30, 2018, 7-8PM Work by: Toni Alexia Roach ARC Gallery: 1463 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
  5. Divine Ventiloquism
December 2, 2018, 1-4PM Work by: Jenn Smith Apparatus Project: 2639 W Ainslie St, Chicago, IL 60625
  Hey Chicago, submit your events to The Visualist here: http://www.thevisualist.org.
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (6/14-6/20)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (12/14-1/03)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (2/15-2/21)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (11/29-12/5) published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/27-10/3)
1. …to take root among the stars.
September 28, 2018, 6-8:30PM Work by: Krista Franklin (performances by Franklin, Aricka Foreman, Kara Jackson, and Jamila Woods. Music courtesy of DJ Rae Chardonnay) Poetry Foundation: 61 W Superior St, Chicago, IL 60654
  2. In Light Of…
September 28, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Iván Navarro, Robert Chase Heishman, Ansi, and Kay Rosen (Curated by Stephanie Cristello) Chicago Manual Style: 1927 W Superior St. Chicago, IL 60622
  3. StephTalksProper: Journey of a Rap Star
September 29, 2018, 5:30-8:30PM Work by: Stephanie Graham boundary: 2334 W 111th Pl, Chicago IL 60643
  4. Body Doubles
September 30, 2018, 3-7PM Work by: Holly Murkerson and Sarah Reynolds Apparatus Projects: 2639 W Ainslie St, Chicago, IL 60625
  5. Safehouse
September 28, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Beatriz Santiago Muñoz SAIC Sullivan Galleries: 33 S State St, 7th floor, Chicago, IL 60603
Hey Chicago, submit your events to The Visualist here: http://www.thevisualist.org.
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (6/21-6/27)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (4/19-4/25)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (10/12-10/18)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/27-10/3) published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/27-10/3)
1. …to take root among the stars.
September 28, 2018, 6-8:30PM Work by: Krista Franklin (performances by Franklin, Aricka Foreman, Kara Jackson, and Jamila Woods. Music courtesy of DJ Rae Chardonnay) Poetry Foundation: 61 W Superior St, Chicago, IL 60654
  2. In Light Of…
September 28, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Iván Navarro, Robert Chase Heishman, Ansi, and Kay Rosen (Curated by Stephanie Cristello) Chicago Manual Style: 1927 W Superior St. Chicago, IL 60622
  3. StephTalksProper: Journey of a Rap Star
September 29, 2018, 5:30-8:30PM Work by: Stephanie Graham boundary: 2334 W 111th Pl, Chicago IL 60643
  4. Body Doubles
September 30, 2018, 3-7PM Work by: Holly Murkerson and Sarah Reynolds Apparatus Projects: 2639 W Ainslie St, Chicago, IL 60625
  5. Safehouse
September 28, 2018, 6-9PM Work by: Beatriz Santiago Muñoz SAIC Sullivan Galleries: 33 S State St, 7th floor, Chicago, IL 60603
Hey Chicago, submit your events to The Visualist here: http://www.thevisualist.org.
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (6/21-6/27)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (4/19-4/25)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (10/12-10/18)
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/27-10/3) published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes