#jeroem jackson
notwithoutmyvices 10 months
This is @willstapeworms askblog about his ocs and the zine/comic/general series surrounding them This blog might be altered in the future to only post about the series but for now it's just an ask blog It's fun and it also helps me further establish the characters so Please send in asks i'm begging you
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notwithoutmyvices 10 months
What Syphilis Hair song is the Vice gang's favorite, and why :3 馃 (No one will understand this but this is my revenge for not understanding the other fella's inside joke thing ehehehehehehe)
fritz - Malaria Madness because he's fucking emo and he hates everyone. i mean i doubt he would ever sit down and willingly listen to their music but just based on the lyrics and the vibe i'd have to say fritz
AINSLY - Craniacs with Heart Unrest because it's (probably, i need to listen to more of their discography) the softest song of theirs. she wouldn't like the rest of their stuff though it would probably stress her out
AIDEN - Calcium Deficiency. i don't think i need to say why. stupid pretentious asshole.
enigma - Wondrous Worm. it's funky, it's trippy, very obviously influenced by lady big bad's experience with dmt. like cmon it was the 70s of course they did drugs. and so does enigma so i think it would call to them
jasper - i feel like it might be a bit (and by a bit i mean very) on the nose but she'd like Stranger Man who I Know Nothing About but is Also Me. like not just because as a transfem she relates to lady big bad's experience with her transition but also because it's rebellious, it's punk, it's revolution, it's just a big fuck you which i think jasper would like
allie - maybe Hay Fever Beaver? idk i feel like it wouldn't like many of their songs... but Hay Fever Beaver is the most upbeat i could think of so maybe they'd like that
sarah - A Ticket to the Ninth City probably. idk again i feel like she wouldn't listen to their songs but if she had to pick it would be that one just because it's one of their slower songs.
jeroem - Wait for the Dust to Settle. the lyrics are straight forward and there isn't really any hidden meaning. he likes songs that get straight to the point. also i feel like he'd find the melody pleasing
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notwithoutmyvices 10 months
What is something the vice gang characters absolutely LOATHE? It don't gotta be deep lore lol, it can be extremely annoying pet peeves even lmao
fritz hates a lot of things but i'd say the biggest thing he absolutely can't stand is social interaction. even when he's out getting groceries he tries to limit social interaction as much as possible. it makes his skin crawl to spark up some small talk and he usually shuts it down by responding with a non-respondable answer. he deliberately goes out of his way to avoid people in general. he has to prepare himself every time he goes out in public because it's usually always a distressing experience for him.
AINSLY doesn't have the capacity for hate i don't think. she doesn't really have the capacity for any emotion really. same for AIDEN. android issues. but they are both programmed with personalities and preferences and they hate a lot of things that fritz hates as well though. it's always so painfully clear that fritz just wants everyone to be like him so he employs these androids to do that work for him. don't tell him his autistic utopia will never be achieved though
jasper's a computer science nerd and cares about computer science stuff. still need to research more computer science things to know what they'd hate. this section of the answer's a wip
jeroem is kind of like mordecai heller from lackadaisy (forgive me for inserting my own interests in this but whatever deal with it) in the sense that he's just constantly mildly annoyed by everything. he does have some strong opinions when it comes to commuting and will talk your head off about how certain psychologists are frauds and how freud, jung and the like, although revolutionary, have set back modern psychology for decades because the pervasive nature of their ideas and that their work was based on pseudoscience. don't ask him about certain things, you'll be there for hours. although he's outwardly boring, he keeps all his interesting attributes in the old noggin
as for the rest they're either so nonchalant about everything they couldn't give 2 shits about a single thing (enigma) or they're such a precious bean they don't even really hate anything (allie) or i haven't developed her character enough to know for sure what she would hate (sarah)
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notwithoutmyvices 9 months
how would the vice gang spend christmas!!
fritz - doesn't necessarily celebrate any holidays but it would stress him out to not partake in some holiday traditions because it would disrupt his schedule. so while he technically doesn't celebrate hannukah, growing up in a jewish household he got used to all the traditions and even after he moved out he needs to still practice these traditions or else he would become incredibly irritable and stressed if anything changed
AINSLY and AIDEN - they enjoy partaking in hannukah when fritz "celebrates" it. AINSLY likes begging fritz for gifts and he begrudgingly gifts her what she asks for only during the holidays
enigma - ever since being kicked out of the house, engima really hasn't celebrated any holidays. after they found shelter in fritz's house though, they've asked to be included in the hanukah traditions, although fritz always says no
jasper - gift exchange between friends usually. sometimes answers fritz's obsessive calls when bored
allie and sarah - opening presents with family
jeroem - hasn't received a gift in years but likes giving them. he's that sort of person
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notwithoutmyvices 9 months
what is one thing each member of the vice gang want for christmas :3
fritz - "goddamnit i don't want a goddamn thing for christmas or hannukah or anything other than peace and quiet and no one else bothering me!"
AINSLY and AIDEN - "i am an android and have no desire for human luxuries"
enigma - "man all i want is my fucking dealer to message me back. bro hasn't gotten back to me in months and i need my shit. oh also i wanna get some winter clothes but i can't do that because i can't get a job and fritz won't pay me"
jasper - "probably cat ears more than anything. or a collar. don't fucking judge me"
allie - "oh, just one thing? really? oh i want so much stuff it's hard to choose! maybe a new pc. yeah that'd be the thing!"
sarah - "i just wanna be happy"
jeroem - "i don't usually like receiving gifts on holidays but i think spending time with family will be enough of a gift for me"
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notwithoutmyvices 10 months
i am going to eat them all this is not a question it is a threat
fritz - "??? wdym you're going to eat me? please if this is a sexual thing i'm gonna hurl-"
AINSLY - "i am not food. attempts to consume me will only result in failure. there are many dangers that come with eating electronic parts. for one..."
AIDEN- "i am not food. you are quite a foolish human to believe consuming me would have any nutritional benefits. consuming me will only result in failure and best and electrocution at worst. if you were to..."
jasper- "uhhhh... do i know you? like we just met save this for the 5th date at least"
enigma- "listen man, do what you do, love who you love, but i'm trying to eat my cereal man can we do this later?"
allie- "what? hehe- uh... why?"
sarah- "...ok?? what does that have to do with anything?"
jeroem- "get out of my office."
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notwithoutmyvices 10 months
what are the relationships between the vice gang? I know some are parental, some are sibling, ect, but who are friends, don't know each other, sworn enemies, ect :3
i'll give a run-down of all types of relationships mentioned above + some additions of my own i feel are worth mentioning: parental- fritz to AINSLY and AIDEN
sibling- AINSLY and AIDEN
friends- AINSLY, allie and sarah are their own friend group at their school
ex-lovers- fritz and jasper
friends-with-benefits/complicated- fritz and enigma
client-worker- fritz and jeroem
there aren't any characters mentioned yet which are enemies but the closest i could think of which would apply to that would be fritz's hatred of everyone who isn't close to him
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notwithoutmyvices 10 months
Which characters would pour the milk first
fritz, AINSLY and AIDEN because like autistic father like autistic android children enigma would eat cereal by pouring the cereal in the bowl and pouring the milk in the glass and they'd take a bite of the cereal and wash it down with the milk. so they're worse jeroem would also pour the milk first if he ate cereal. but he doesn't he just has his non-buttered non-seasoned toast and heads out the door to go to work. bor. ing.
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notwithoutmyvices 10 months
What kinda music would they liek, i wanna kno so i can make fun of them
fritz doesn't really listen to music in the traditional sense. the only time he puts on music is when he needs extra stimulation while working on something and he usually just either puts on classical or lofi. he hates mainstream stuff and really any lyrical song.
AINSLY and AIDEN also don't listen to music and some frequencies can distress them and cause temporary system glitches (because they're androids, i haven't mentioned that before now i don't think so sorry if you were confused at first) but AINSLY finds white noise and various sepiatones to be soothing and sometimes puts them on when she needs to install a large update jasper is a hyperpop and breakcore nerd. probably listens to patricia taxxon a lot. anything webcore or glitchcore (forgive me for using those terms but they were the best terms i could use to describe what i mean) is up her alley allie likes anything bright and bubbly but has an odd distaste for anything mainstream. it won't listen to anything on the radio. they're not a big anime nerd but will sometimes listen to shoujou anime openings. it also an affinity for any cybercore stuff. sarah isn't really all that into music but she sometimes casually will listen to soft "indiecore" indie music. either that or she listens to mexican and latino music since that's what her family listens to all the time and for jeroem... honestly if he could listen to the color white he would. that mf is BORING!!!
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