#AKA “Her Satanic Majesty”
invisiblequeen · 5 months
Anybody here know Daenerys Stormborn of The House Targaryen, First Of her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons?
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viking369 · 1 year
A Counter-Rant
A few weeks ago on YouTube, Mary Spender went after her "friend" Rick Beato over "Boomer Nostalgia". She started off with the strawman that Boomers think all current music is shit and all music from back in our day was gold-pressed latinum. Rlly Mary? First, there are ignorant, loud-mouthed assholes in every generation. Hells, there are MAGAt GenZeds FFS. They are the bulk of the bitchers and moaners in any group, and their opinions are a waste of ear space. Second, no Boomer with sufficient knowledge to have an informed opinion (Including Rick. And me.) thinks everything back in the day was great. We know there were bargeloads of densely packed dreck, even from big outfits (When was the last time anyone actually listened to all of Their Satanic Majesties Request?). Third, a lot of us (Including Rick. And me.) listen to current music. That's how we form our informed opinions. And that's where our problem with it kicks off.
Mary also makes the resnark that Boomers think all current music is written as quick cuts to back TikTok dancers. No Mary, no one with an opinion worth listening to thinks that. What we think is there is way too much current music that is exactly that, with a very bad result I'll get to below. For now, I'll just let Jeff Beck and Imelda May give a demonstration with a live performance of "Walking in the Sand", aka "Remember". You may think you've never heard this, but just wait until 2:12:
Yeah. You've heard that earworm six million times, electronically filtered up a fifth and with the living shit Autotuned out of it. And that's the problem. Too much of current music clogging too much bandwidth is just electronically generated pap. A snippet of a real song gets snagged, run through a machine, and shoved out there as art. Yes I know Wendy Carlos and Brian Eno (and Keith Emerson and Rick Wakeman and....) used tons of electronics, but they could honestly play the shit out of their keyboards as well. And they played full-length pieces, not 30-second bugger flicks. Too much of current music isn't played, it's engineered (And to be fair, I don't like Glenn Gould, either.). If the relevant talent is the engineers and not the performers...
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And the ultimate is Autotune. Nothing it generates sounds natural, but it's so effing ubiquitous, people now think that's how things sound. And that simply...
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So no Mary, we're not just a bunch of kvetching geezers. We have a point, a good point, and you...
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duvayknox · 3 years
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Mah job was to watch JAMES BOND: NO TIME TO DIE.
I didden really have da time to watch the move.
Butt I also didden have time 2 Die wich I was threatened wit if I did not watch this movie.
So I made arrangements to katch the late show when none of mah enemies wood B there.
I took a seat in the very BACK of the theater as is mah stile (da better to see hoo cums and goes and tries to make me keep mah mask on.... seems there is a pandemic of sorts by the SUPER SPY THREAT known as CODENAME: COVID).
I had already been warned that COVID had alretty brainwashed a number Black Citizens to name they Children CORONA.
So I was in extreme alert mode as the movie came on.
I had 1 hand on mah popcorn and the otha hand on mah GLOCK in case sum shit Popped Off.
I drank a COKE and SNORTED a smaller amount of COKE for extra ADHD (it helps).
The plot finds our hero JAMES BOND a reluctant one as we find him mourning the love of a Bitch he had lost--or perhaps given up to SAVE HER.
Butt apparently-JAMES wit all his training has never been made aware that U caint SAVE-A-BITCH or HELP-A-HOE where ever she may be. 
Nor shood one try unda ANY CirCUMstances. As THIS is always bound 2 Fail--and DOOM da FOOL hoo tries.
Yet BOND tries to doo JES this thang: SAVE HER.
Despite the Warnings of The great rapper/prophet PROJECT PAT hoo crooned in a 90s anthem: DONT SAVE HER CUZ SHE DONT WANNABE SAVED!!!!
So BOND goes afta this E-Vil muthafucka named Lyutsifer Safin aka LUCIFER SATAN hoo wants to CLONE DNA so he kan use it to KILL high level muthafuckaz he hates--and to DEPOPULATE all da rest of US chumps he feels dont have da rite 2 to breeve da same AIR as him.
Da LUCIFER cat snatches up his BOO and den shit really gits heated cuz Bond decides he aint having dat shit.
He follows DA PUSSY to sum old as castle-lookin place outta da 50s to confront da Foo.
See this was sposed 2 B Bond last time dooing dis shit for da QUEEN-rite?
And it dont help dat da Queen n nem brang in a SISTA to replace him as da NEW 007.
Bitch looked like a BIG BLACK THUGS BUNNY wit dem big ole 2 FRONT TEEFESS (and short afro).
They clap on each otha when they first meet/then wind up kinda having nuff respeck for each otha later on tho.
Imma tell U strate off dat if U a true JAMES BOND LOVER like I Am dats dis flick was full of da worst type ov 80s bullshit dey useta make movies like. Allat sappy ass music for one.
Den U had da 1-eyed Villain hoo cood not see strate.
And RAMI MALEK hoo was da E-vil muthafucka dey had him wit a bad case of wut looked like sum ECZEMA like he aint neva heard of NOXZEMA.
Even had 1 muthafucka hoo was sposed 2 B sum kinda RUSSIAN and da foo lost his ACCENT half-way thru da movie.
And u had BABY GIRL trippin ova her lil rabbit named DOO-DOO.
And dat shit fit da movie cuz it was a BOO-BOO to make this DOO-DOO.
I filed mah notes to mah digital recorder dat I keep hidden on mee in case da COPS try 2 check mee knowing as how I realize dat Im ALWAYS beehind enemy lines so I have 2 have sum kinda evidence on me recorded case I dont make it out ov deez theaters alive.
I watched da movie alla way thru down to da crediks cuz deez prices for deez sorry as joints are so high I have becum determined to watch ERRY THANG including down 2 da ROMAN NUMERALS on deez shits.
Then I left quietly thru da a back door.
Without mah MASK ON.
Mah MISSION had been accomplished like-a-muthafucka.
He tried to SAVE DA PUSSY.
Not mee cuz I have always known dat U CAINT SAVE-A-BITCH no matter how hard U TRY--and WERSE: u mite jes git Yo self OBLITERATED in da process of tryna do so.
--the end--
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From Opus Eponymous to Prequelle, we rank the greatest compositions from Ghost
Words: Sam Law
Photo: Tom Barnes 
Undoubtedly the breakout band in heavy music over the past decade, it’s been a wild ride for Swedish creeps Ghost. Melding elements of hard rock, doom, classic metal, psychedelia and outright guitar-pop – then daubing on the corpsepaint – their combination of deceptively digestible sound, occultist ethos and anti-ecumenical aesthetic has captured the imagination of music fans and sling-shotted their live ‘rituals’ into arenas on both sides of the Atlantic.
Of course, mysterious mainman Tobias Forge (aka Papa Emeritus I-IV, aka Cardinal Copia) has had his struggles. In 2013, the band was forced to temporarily rebrand as Ghost B.C. for legal reasons in the U.S. The initially intriguing, fluid anonymity of his bandmates’ Nameless Ghoul personas (even Dave Grohl apparently once donned the cowl) became a sticking point, too, as the collective sued Tobias in 2017, failing in their suit but also dispelling some of the precious mystique.
That Tobias has endured – not just surviving, but flamboyantly thriving in the heightened spotlight – feels like proof his band are here to stay. New music is eagerly anticipated in the not-so-distant future but, for now, we rank the 20 tracks on which Ghost have built their unholy empire thus far…
‘I was carried on a wolf’s back, to corrupt humanity / I will pummel it with opulence, with corpulence and greed!’ Arriving on a wave of staccato percussion, spiked with gnarls of riffage and flashes of synth, this pounding cut from 2015’s Meliora – named after the insubstantial detritus of years past – plays out as one of Ghost’s most compelling indictments of the avarice of mankind. Although its creeping instrumentation, growled baritone and choral climax don’t exactly show the Swedes at their most inventive, Mummy Dust has been elevated massively in the live arena, with Papa leaning into the lurching malevolence before showering the audience with ‘money’. In Ghost we trust.
Ghost might have traversed a full spectrum from gouging metal via classic rock to shimmering guitar-pop thus far, but the further their sound has strayed into the light, the harder the lyrics have drilled down into darkness. It’s never been truer than on this underrated ditty from Prequelle. A textbook three-and-a-half-minutes built of sweet acoustic and rich electric guitars surging towards its massive chorus, you can practically taste the relish as Tobias ladles the syrup onto some of his darkest words. ‘While you sleep in earthly delight, someone’s flesh is rotting tonight / Like no other to you, what you’ve done you can not undo…’
After the baroque organ intro of Deus Culpa, it’s the throbbing bassline of Con Clavi Con Dio that truly pulls back the sacristy drapes on Ghost’s compelling debut. Translating crudely as ‘With Nails, With God’, the title Con Clavi Con Dio is actually an attempt at clever wordplay, drawing comparisons with the nails of crucifixion and the conclave of bishops at the head of the church as Tobias sings, ‘Our conjuration sings infernal psalms and smear the smudge in bleeding palms.’ Theological musing aside, it’s the dark swirl of sound here that truly draws the listener in, with gauzy layers of guitar, synth and vocals – not to mention the devilish tritone interval – building into a towering cathedral of subversion.
No relation to the oft-covered George Michael classic, the fourth single from 2018’s Prequelle feels like a defiant statement of the band’s arena-straddling prowess twelve years in. Powered by snarling six-strings and pounding drums – custom engineered to get tens of thousands of fists pumping – it’s seething proof that this band’s heaviest sounds are still among their best. At the same time, we get a furious flash of the man behind the mask as Tobias takes aim at his ex-Nameless Ghouls with some serious lyrical barbs: ‘The Luddites shun the diabolical, a fecal trail across the land / Although it stinks, feels and looks identical / And a pack of fools can take the stand.’ Oooft.
Riffing on the popular Latin phrase ‘Per aspera ad astra’ (‘Through hardship to the stars’), Per Aspera Ad Infini literally translates as ‘Through Hardships To Hell.’ Its churning sound diabolically matches up. Layering on riffage that calls to mind the epic doom of heroes like Candlemass, marching-beat percussion and a lyrical treatment revolving around that title chanted as a mantra, there is sinisterness throughout. Its defining quality, however, is the fragility and despair Tobias manages to summon as he begs with ecstatic fervour, ‘Oh Satan, devour us all / Hear our desperate call.’
The lead single from 2013’s sophomore LP Infestissumam immediately built on the spooky foundations laid by Opus Eponymous with broader pantomime atmospherics and – on its live premiere in Linköping, Sweden, where Papa Emeritus II was unveiled – the first branches of their expanded mythos. A carnivalesque organ sets the tone of mischievous eeriness before the pendulous musicality hits full swing with Papa inviting us in: ‘You know that the fog is here omnipresent when the disease sees no cure / You know that the fog is here omnipresent when the intents remain obscure – forevermore!’ As if their mainstream-invading intent wasn’t clear enough, its single release even came with a B-side cover of ABBA’s I’m A Marionette featuring Dave Grohl on drums!
Another barely-veiled reference to Tobias’ struggles with ex-bandmates, See The Light is also one of his band’s most shamelessly uplifting compositions. Feeling like a positivist ’80s anthem – shot through with a little venom – its tinkling keys, soaring synths and understated, rumbling riffage propel an effortlessly memorable message about transcending the ill-will of one’s antagonists. Sing it together: ‘Every day that you feed me with hate, I grow stronger!’
Riding on the metronomic beat of their Monstrance Clock, the closer on Ghost’s third album (translated from Latin as ‘In The Absence Of God’) is an extravagant exercise in arch theatrics. Benefiting from Klas Åhlund’s grandiose production, Tobias comes across as both demon and angel, extending his dark invitation: ‘The world is on fire, and you are here to stay and burn with me / A funeral pyre, and we are here to revel forever.’ Concluding with a hymn-like Latin chorus, it feels like the ultimate corruptive culmination: a musical sacrament truly touching only to those in the know.
The track that started it all. Inspired by that irresistible lead riff – stumbled upon while practising for another band – Tobias foresaw a deep, dark well of potential waiting to be tapped and threw himself in headlong. Although Stand By Him’s schlocky lyrics feel gleefully on-the-chin nowadays (‘The Devil’s power is the greatest one / When His’ and Hers’ holiest shuns the sun / A temptress smitten by the blackest force / A vicar bitten blind in intercourse’), they paved the way for everything that followed. On top of that, its soaring ‘It is the night of the witch…’ chorus line even rivals that of Donovan’s Season Of The Witch (an obvious influence) for sheer spellbinding catchiness.
One of the less immediate tracks on Ghost’s second album was also its most important. A staggering, seven-and-a-half minute opus that unfolds from its sorrowing piano line and Papa’s desiccated hiss through a swaggering midsection to a conclusion full of proggy bombast; this was proof of the untold breadth and depth of their vision and sound. Pushing from their basis in ’80s classic rock through the looser sounds of the ’70s and right into ’60s psychedelia, this ode to the titular zombie queen (‘Up from the stinking dirt she rises, ghastly pale / Shape-shifting soon but now she’s rigid, stiff and stale’) feels like Tobias’ first real attempt to stretch his (cursed black) wings and remains amongst their most rewarding compositions.
Anyone who remembers Ghost’s ethereal emergence from the shadows likely does so with this earworm writhing in the back of their mind. Combining the slick melodies and wry fatalism of prime Blue Öyster Cult with the crunchiness of Pentagram and Saint Vitus – soothing organs and a driving bassline pulling away – they had the musical formula nailed. It was the imagery contained therein, however (all ‘bedouins and nomads’, fallen angels and ‘smells of dead human sacrifices from the altar bed’) that captured the imaginations of a congregation ravenous for a fresh take on ancient evil. Here, the doors to the sanctum were truly open.
Tying into the Ghost B.C. renaming necessitated by their Stateside legal wranglings (the year zero being the pivotal point between the B.C. and A.D. timelines), Infestissumam’s sixth track developed into one of the greatest showcases of their dark majesty. Opening with a powerful Gregorian chant (‘Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer’) calling to mind Jerry Goldsmith’s legendary soundtrack to The Omen, Ave Satana, the direct riffage and bludgeoning choruses that follow hammer home a sense of sheer monstrosity. Typically, the Year Zero concept is subverted, with Forge (and, reportedly, guitarist Martin Persner) picturing an ancient antagonist far predating biblical times: ‘Since dawn of time the fate of man is that of lice, equal as parasites and moving without eyes / A day of reckoning when penance is to burn, count down together now and say the words that you will learn.’
Just when you think you’ve got Ghost figured out, they pull something like this. The first of Prequelle’s two extended instrumentals feels like showboating from an outfit whose legitimacy some fans had dared question following the acrimonious departure of so many players. Rearing into view as an expansively primitive space-rock soundscape, layering up into an ’80s prog epic, then exploding in a kaleidoscopic whirlwind of synths, Michael Jackson riffs and the best metal saxophone this side of Norway’s Shining, it was proof that Tobias’ vision would not be dictated solely by his own crooning King Diamond fixation and that it, frankly, knew no bounds.
Four years since their formation, Elizabeth felt like the break Ghost had been waiting for. Released on 7” vinyl (with the less-ear-catching Death Knell on B-side), the Mercyful Fate comparisons were immediate, with many seeing the sense of eerie grandeur and kitsch luridity at play as directly descended from the great Danes’ 1987 classic Devil Eyes. An ode to infamous Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Bathory – alleged serial killer and bloodbather – sees Papa getting his teeth sunk in lyrically: ‘Her pact with Satan, her disposal of mankind / Her acts of cruelty and her lust for blood makes her one of us!’ The fine balance between sensuality and sin has yet to be bettered.
The lead single from 2018’s Prequelle feels like a bridge between the (relative) heaviness of the band’s past and the unfettered theatricality of the album that was about to follow. Powered by a straightforward riff and piercing organs, dazzling solos and a rogue harpsichord, its introduction of the Black Death concept in which the album would wallow (refracting contemporary grievances through the filthy lens of the 14th century bubonic plague) felt both atmospherically appropriate and deliciously alive. The Scandi-pop ‘oooh-aahs’ in the chorus remain one of the band’s most gleefully irreverent touches, too. And the question of whether ‘them filthy rodents still coming for your souls’ is reference to Tobias’ old bandmates has provided rich fuel to keep the metal gossip mill turning.
In the Roman Catholic church, the monstrance is an (often ornate) receptacle in which the consecrated communion host is displayed for veneration. A monstrance clock was an aesthetically-similar Renaissance-era timekeeping device capable of displaying date, time and a wealth of other celestial information, often used in church rituals. We suspect that Ghost just liked the faintly cheeky sound of the phrase when quickly spoken. Still, the song they wrought from that initial giggle is utterly unforgettable. Deliberately paced and overflowing with evangelical zeal, a slow build flourishes into a splendiferous closing chorus that’s turned many an arena into a church of the Dark Lord: ‘Come together, together as one / Come together for Lucifer’s son!’
If Rats was pandering somewhat to the existing fanbase, Dance Macabre was the other side of the coin. A shamelessly retro ’80s-style power ballad that’s as light on overt Satanic references as it is heavy on the cheese, some fans saw it as a form of selling-out: a dilution of devilish imagery in service of greater American radio-rock appeal. Perhaps they had a point. From its fist-pumping percussion and effervescent guitar solo to that ‘wanna, be wit chu’ chorus hook, however, it’s executed with enough committed precision and knowing panache to stand on its own terms, and a whole legion of new fans couldn’t help be swept along through the gateway and on to far darker delights. Tobias’ explanation that this is a soundtrack for people living like there’s no tomorrow – as many literally did during the plague – adds an extra dimension. Best experienced with the gleefuly vampiric music video.
It’s strange how things work out sometimes. Originally conceived with producer Klas Åhlund as a nine-minute instrumental deep cut, Cirice was chopped down and reworked into Meliora’s irresistible lead single – becoming the song that really kickstarted Ghost’s stratospheric ascent. An insidious opening combusts into an infernal crescendo before lurching into the band’s most bludgeoning riff to date. All the while, Papa’s beguiling vocals reach out, full of dark romance, for new converts to their corrupted congregation. 2016’s GRAMMY for Best Metal Performance felt like just reward for such inspired work. The Roboshobo-directed music video – featuring a school talent show that’s almost as horrific as the ones we remember – is another stone cold standout.
Following the unprecedented success of Meliora, Ghost found themselves suddenly commanding crowds far larger – and more diverse – than they’d seen before. Most of the ingredients for these grander live rituals were already in place, but they lacked the barn-burner early in their set to get these massive rooms onside. Dropped as the standalone original track on the Popestar covers EP, Square Hammer gave them just that. Abstractly melding the cultist themes of Satanism and Freemasonry, the concept of selling one’s soul – ‘ready to swear right here, right now, before the devil’ – was hardly new, but the outright pop energy of those surging synths and that exuberant chorus clearly signalled that the game had changed.
1. HE IS (MELIORA, 2015)
If Ghost’s diabolical mission statement is to make the Luciferian ideals more palatable to the masses, then He Is must be their masterpiece. So perfectly camouflaged – with twanging acoustic guitars and reverberating vocals that could’ve been nicked from the golden age of AOR – is their message, that they could drop this at any Christian rock festival and only the most switched-on devotees would know the difference. Openly indebted to giants like Kansas and Journey (and less openly to more recent occult acoustic acts like Ancient VVisdom), there’s a burning light to the sound. The use of divine-sounding Latin (‘Nostro Dispater, nostr’alma mater’) to identify the titular ‘He’ as the dark lord of the underworld is just another characteristically twisted masterstroke. Kneel at their altar.
All rights owned by Kerrang!
What do you guys think? 
Personally there’s a few I’d replace and Ritual is always my NO.1. 
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praiseyah · 4 years
THE WILDERNESS: The ultimate place of safety and Quarantine TOP 8!
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Here are the Top 8 signs you MUST know about escaping to Wilderness!
So, what exactly is the wilderness?  The wilderness is a safety-place that will be set up for the remnant of Ysrayl as a means of escape once the Man of Sin reveals who he is. It's a place that we will be chased to. A chase that will be so grisly, that Yah told us to pray that it doesn't take place at night, the shabbat or if you're pregnant or nursing. But the wilderness itself is far from grim; It's been called a place of majesty - A place where we will be cared for and nourished  by Yah for 3.5 years. In fact, this place will be so majestic, that the Father called it "The way of Set-apartness" A place where the blind will regain sight -and it will be beautiful streams and desserts flowing through it"  ( See Isaiah 35 Entire chapter)
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After the remnant of Ysrayl spend 3.5 years being nourished and sheltered in the wilderness, the MessiYah, Yahoshua will then make his return to gather those who will make it to the 1st resurrection.
Sounds appealing, right?  Good! Because,  just like the kingdom, no one is guaranteed to make it there. In fact, only the remnant will make it to the wilderness. The same remnant that will make it to the the 1st resurrection. By now you should have many questions, such as: 'How do we get there?'  'How long will we be "quarantined' there? And why will we be chased into the wilderness? If any of those questions popped into your mind, then this blog is for you!
In this blog, you'll get a clear understanding of what the Wilderness is. When it will be time for us to flee, and how 3.5 years of quarantine will make way for the end times Aka the 1st and 2nd resurrection! Let's being!
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SIGN #1   Once the "Man of Sin" proclaims to the world he is Yahoshua, that will be our Que to FLEE into the Wilderness for safety!
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So who is the Man of Sin?  The Man of sin is a man who will stand in Yahs set apart place and declare himself to be Yahoshua. He will fool the world into thinking he is indeed the MessiYah. He will stand in the "Holy place" or, what we know today as Yahrushalom ( Jerusalem) and proclaim to be Yahoshua! Once he does this, we will then have to drop everything and flee to the place of safety aka the wilderness!!  Let's take a look at a mention of this in the book of Matthew.
Matthew 24: 15-17  When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, ** Yahrushalom/Jerusalem** (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains 17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
SIGN #2  "The Great falling away will come 1st"
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Before the Man of sin reveals himself and the time comes for us to flee; Yah told us the 1st sign to look for is the "Great falling away" There will be an astronomical amount of  Israelites who will depart from Yahs truth in favor of worshipping this deceptor, The Man of sin
2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and then the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
SIGN #3  We will only be there for 3 .5 years!
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1, 260 days to be exact! The Man of sin will reign and convince the world for 3.5 years!  -And as you already know, during the 3.5 years of his reign, Yah will usher the remnant of Ysrayl into the Wilderness and away from his grasp! Let's take a look at a few scriptures speaking of the 3.5 years (1, 260 days)
Revelation 12:6 ESV And the woman (Ysrayl) fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by Yah, in which she is to be nourished for 1,260 days ( 3.5 years)
Revelation 12:14 ESV But the woman( Ysrayl) was given the two wings of the great eagle so that she might fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to the safety place where she is to be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time. (3.5 years)
*To reiterate, we will be chased there* She (Ysrayl) is FLEEING from Satan into the Wilderness.
SIGN #4 "IF POSSIBLE, even the very Elect shall be deceived"
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That is how convincing the Man of Sin will be. He will craft signs and wonders that will have those who are not rooted in Yahs truth believing he is indeed the MessiYah! But thus said Yah, only the very elect ( those firmly rooted in Yahs truth) will NOT be deceived by this demon!
Matthew 24: 23 -26  V23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect will be deceived.  25 See, I have told you ahead of time. 26 “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it.
SIGN #5  The end of the world will not happen UNTIL the end of our 3.5 years in wilderness.
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Once the 'Man of Sin" announces he is Yahoshua, it is NOT the end of the world, YET! It will just be our que to flee to the wilderness to be nourished. Once our quarantine of 3.5 years is up, THEN Yahoshua will return to set up the kingdom ( The 1st resurrection) However, those falling away from Yahs truth will be the 1st thing to happen!
2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 ERV  V2 Brothers and sisters, we have something to say about the coming of Yahoshua. We want to talk to you about that time when we will meet together with him. 2 Don’t let yourselves be easily upset or worried if you hear that the day of Yahoshua has already come. Someone might say that this idea came from us—in something the Spirit told us, or in something we said, or in a letter we wrote. 3 Don’t be fooled by anything they might say. That day of the Yahoshua will not come until the turning away from Yah happens. And that day will not come until the Man of Sin appears, the one who belongs to hell.[a] 4 He will stand against and put himself above everything that people worship or think is worthy of worship. He will even go into Yahs Temple[b] and sit there, claiming that he is Yah.
* Again, the "day of Yahoshua" is Yahoshua's return!
" V.3 That day of Yahoshua will not come until the turning away from Yah happens. And that day will not come until the Man of Sin appear"
#6  He will announce himself in the Holy place
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Not only will this demon convince the unelect he is the MessiYah, but he will do in our holy land, Yahrushalom ( Jerusalem)
And of course the announcing of themselves as the MessiYah
2 Thessalonians 2:4 (NIV) 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in Yah's temple, proclaiming himself to be Yah.
*SIGN #7 Pray that your flight won't take place on the Shabbat or if you're pregnant, etc...
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Once, the Man of Sin announces himself as Yahoshua in the Holy Place ( Yahrushalom) we will then have to flee. Yah said to pray that your flight doesn't take place in the Winter, on the Shabbat or when a women are pregnant or nursing a newborn"
Matthew 24:15-19 “When you see the disgusting and destructive thing that Daniel talked about standing in the holy place the reader should understand this, 16 then those in Judea must escape to the wilderness. 17 Those on the roof shouldn’t come down to grab things from their houses. 18 Those in the field shouldn’t come back to grab their clothes. 19 Pray that it doesn't take place for women who are pregnant and for women who are nursing their children. 20 Pray that it doesn’t happen in winter or on the Sabbath day.
# 8  In the Wilderness, we will be fully nourished and taken care of!
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Yah will not only send us there to escape the Man of Sin and satan; but he will nourish us while we're there. All our needs will be met while we're there.
Rev 12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
*The women is Ysrayl (us) The child is symbolic for Yahoshua * Read the entire chapter of Rev 12:
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Here's a great verse describing the Man of sin and our escaping!
2 Thessalonians 2: 5-17
Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom Yahoshua will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason Yah sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness ,stand Firm 13 But we ought always to thank Yah for you, brothers and sisters loved by Yahoshua, because Yah chose you as firstfruits[a] to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. 14 He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of Yahoshua.15 So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings[b] we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter. 16 May Yahoshua himself and Yah our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, 17 encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.
Thanks for reading! Yah bless & Shalom!
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
Just when you think you're free of this show the GoT Finale script comes out, and it's as terrible and laughable as you can imagine. I hate that this episode will probably win an Emmy. They don't need to be validated for this shit when like 95% of the viewers hated it. Recently one of the writers said that if you rewatch the show you'll see the rise of a villain aka Dany, aka 'her satanic majesty' as they call her in the script. Trying to abolish slavery and help people is villainous apparently.
i saw. i...said OMG REALLY? a lot. 
Do they know what satanic means? 
Apparently not.
Also. There’s no satan in this universe? 
D&D practice the school of “because I said so” narrative development.
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newyorkcitywater · 7 years
Questing Buddies!
Also known as Questing Buddies: The Musical! or simply Chapter 4. Long ass post, so it’s under the cut.
Gaudy, CJ, and M carefully approached the concert, which is to say that they tangoed dramatically until they reached the crowd of people waving their hands in the air, jumping and screaming in front of many, many signs that said “ETHAN THE LOUD.” Yes, everyone had roses in their teeth, and no, don’t ask me where the roses are coming from. I’m just the humble storyteller.
Ethan seemed to be hyping up the crowd violently, though from what they could see, he had no idea how rowdy they were getting. “HE LOOKED AT ME! HE LOVES ME!” they heard one girl shriek, and she immediately decked the poor boy standing next to her with a chair. “HE LOVES ME, NOT YOU!”
The concert turned into what was almost all-out war within a few minutes, and Ethan had to stop singing. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop fighting! All of you!”
They ignored him. The Questing Buddies tangoed carefully through the crowd and reached Ethan, who looked like he wanted any way to get off the stage. The stage, incidentally, was far too tall to get on or off without magical intervention or stairs without suffering serious harm.
“You three are the only ones fighting, right? I need to get down here before there’s a mob or something. Do any of you have a ladder?”
CJ looked questioningly at Gaudy, but M shook her head. “Leave this to me,” she said, and leaped impossibly high into the air, landing on the stage in a perfect crouch. A shockwave dramatically rippled through the ground, and the crowd stopped their brawl. “Whoops, sorry,” she said. “I don’t know how to do it without the cartoony shockwave, but just tell them the concert’s over and we can jump down from here.”
“People! I’m sorry to do this, but I have to bring this concert to an early ending. So thank you so much, and quit fighting!” Ethan looked questioningly at M.
The crowd went back to ignoring him.
“Okay, just, I don’t know, grab onto my elbow or something and hold on tight and-” She finished her sentence in midair, screaming, “CROUCH WHEN YOU HIT THE GROUND OR SOMETHING!”
Ethan and M hit the ground, looking surprisingly badass. “There. And if you ship us, we’ll kick your teeth in!” she yelled to the crowd. 
The crowd, surprisingly, did not ignore her, but stared at what they thought was a new competitor for Ethan’s hand.
“Exactly what the fuck is going on?” said Gaudy. “Don’t worry, I won’t ship you guys. We can hash out the newest member’s application form later, but we should probably speed tango away from this...mob. Take a rose, I’ll explain later.”
“Well, that was a lovely impromptu song and dance number, but we are now running for our lives and in desperate need of a plot device in real life- is that a lettuce farm?” Gaudy skidded cartoonishly to a stop at the sight of an adorable cottage with a garden full of lettuce. Add in a “screeching tires” sound and you’ve got the perfect mental image.
Someone who looked like your mental stereotype of a lettuce farmer, AKA a gay badass (we are all being completely serious, Tath is a gay badass), walked out of the cottage. “Hi, I’m Tath,” she said. “My wife and I were in there trying to figure out which lettuce seeds are the best, so- is that another mob? I’m not even going to ask at this point. Our cellar has a random secret passageway which has been there forever and serves no point, but it might work to hide in if you’re going on a quest.”
“Holy fuck, Tath, we are literally indebted to you at this point. I’d promise you my firstborn if I hadn’t already bet it,” said M. “Different story,” she added. “Not important right now.” 
“How can cellars be cute? This is adorable!” CJ stepped back to take in the true majesty of the cellar. It was truly an adorable cellar. 
“All right, all of you, go into the miscellaneous passageway, my wife and I are kind of busy and it looks like an important plot point might be up there,” said Tath. “Hurry up, I was making dinner and I don’t want it to burn.”
The ragtag band hurried into the passageway. “Bye, all of you!” called Tath’s wife. “Don’t forget to put in a good word for us if you meet the king!”
The passageway started to climb, and the walls turned from tightly packed soil to stone bricks. Stairs started to appear as well, and the passageway morphed into a spiral staircase inside a tower.
“Well. I wasn’t expecting to be running around inside a castle today, but you never know.” Gaudy looked completely fine with everything going on, sort of floating up the stairs. They were the only one who wasn’t complaining quietly about how many stairs there were.
“This tower is freakishly high, so how about some backstory?” CJ looked at Ethan. “You need to explain the mob, and you-” they looked at M- “need to explain where and why you bet your firstborn. You don’t even have kids!”
Ethan sighed. “This is gonna be a long story.”
*gratuitous flashback noise and animation*
“I was kind of wandering around pointlessly, wishing I could do something and go on a cool quest, when I ran into this lady in a huge pink poofy ball gown. You know the kind, the one any toddler would sell their soul to Satan for? She was wearing that. And a beauty-queen sash. She was smiling and doing that wave thing that made it look like she was washing a window, and when I went up to her, she was all-” Ethan pouted and did a bad impression of the lady’s voice- “’Oh, hello, I didn’t see you there.’ And then she went 'You’re cute. I’m gonna give you a gift.’ And she bopped me on the head with this wand that was like a pink sparkly star on a stick and told me that people would always be fans of my music and love me when I sang. Hard not to feel like she cursed me, yanno?”
“Well, that cleared that up,” said CJ. “Now you, M. “
M shrugged. “What can I say? Being an evil wizard’s apprentice means you bet a lot. You bet a lot of shit, and sometimes you bet your firstborn. Joke’s on them, I’m never having kids. If I do they’ll be dragons I’ve adopted or something.”
“Good life choices,” said Gaudy. “Wait-there are windows, and while I appreciate the natural light as much, if not more, than you people, the fact that they’re there is worrying.”
“Is now the time to dramatically point and scream ‘A DOOR!’ Because I’m all ready and drama waits for nobody,” CJ said.
“Alright, sure, point and yell, Christine,” said Gaudy. CJ looked at them. “What? It’s fitting! This is the musical!”
CJ pointed to the door and yelled, “A DOOR!” They bowed. Gaudy, M, and Ethan applauded.
“Let’s go through it. I mean, if anyone has any other plans...” Luckily, there were no other plans, and CJ’s plan, also known as the only plan possible, was carried out. Unluckily, this door opened onto a corridor, and down that corridor was a direct route to the throne room.
“What do we do?” CJ hissed. “If I know this king, he’s a flaming asshole and I don’t need this kind of negativity in my life.”
The luckless group tripped, as one, over a hilariously long carpet and quadruple somersaulted into the throne room in a move that was the textbook version of “undignified.” 
The king and his queen lolled mockingly on their thrones, looking like incredibly disgusted magazine models with a long and tiring day of nothing to do. “Hmph.” It was nothing but a noise of boredom and distaste. The king emitted it masterfully, being that boredom and distaste were his day jobs. 
The queen looked down her long nose at the ragtag band. “Desmond, dear, don’t you think they’re a little too raggedy to be in our throne room? I mean, we just got a new carpet and it’s already mussed...”
Her voice trailed off, only to return complete with a dusting of sugar. The queen had seen CJ.
“Oh, sweetie darling honeypumpkin, how we’ve missed you! Come up here and give Mummy a hug.” The queen smiled. She had lipstick on her teeth, a bright red color that added to the ambiance.
“Hey, I remember you!” Ethan was staring at the queen. “Weren’t you the one in a fairy princess dress with a...” He stopped talking. It had sunk in. This woman was CJ’s mother.
“Thank you ever so kindly,” said CJ, icicles hanging on every word. It suddenly felt much colder in the throne room. “But even though I was welcomed so warmly, I feel the need to alert my sister to my return. Thank you, Mother, for allowing me to leave.” With a final jab of sarcasm, they swept off, head held high, probably to their room.
“Ah,” said the king. “That leaves you raggedy bunch. Drusie, what do you want to do with them?” From far above there was a loud thunking noise, followed by a shriek. CJ was locked in.
“Oh, I’m quite sure I haven’t got a clue,” muttered the queen. “How about--THIS!” She pressed a button on the underside of her throne arm, and a pit opened in the floor. The ragtag band plummeted through into the dungeons. “Oh, Dezzy baby, we are brilliant! Those little shits are bribes in human form!”
(The window breaks. CJ squeezes through and begins to rappel down the castle wall.)
To be continued.
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tink-bell · 7 years
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Write a crack!ship au for one of your characters. Definition of a crackship: seriously this shit can’t happen but in an alternate universe
let me just say this disturbs me on SO MANY LEVELS i feel dirty and this isn’t even that dirty of a thing !! 
Four times Tinker most definitely did not hook up and one time that they did.
The party was loud and there was so many sweaty bodies. Tink was in the midst of them, loud bass thrumming through her body and only enhancing the high she currently felt. Nights like these were her favorite. Everything blurred together blending into one colorful evening accentuated with loud music and the feel of skin pressed together.
How many people had she enticed? How many had enticed her? There was no real way to tell. All she knew was that at some point a sensory overload had occurred and she had to get away. The newly dyed green haired pixie knew that if she didn’t she’d end up near fucking someone on what they called the dance floor. Really it was nothing more than a large living room with all the furniture pushed out of the way to create ample space for everyone to congregate and gyrate.
It was on this short breather that Tink first caught sight of the tall gangly boy. He was surrounded by a group of four, maybe five; the way Tink’s vision kept swimming certainly wasn’t helping her keep count but that didn’t matter. They were faces that she recognized from Pixie’s and from her classes at Uni. One boy she’d hooked up with multiple times, a girl she’d seen giving furtive glances. But it wasn’t any of those that mattered. It was the tall one, a barely there smirk on his lips as he smoked, that had drawn her attention. She moved quickly, with purpose, to stand in front of him. “Mind if I bum one?” She motioned to the cigarette that dangled between his lips with a raised eyebrow before grinning as he offered her one. 
She lit it easily with the offered lighter and then moved to lean against the low wall they were perched near. Discreetly she eyed him, taking him in further now that she was closer and he wasn’t wishy washy the way he had been. Spotting his shirt, she smirked fuller, even going so far as to huff a laugh. At the raised eyebrow she shook her head before speaking. “Bigmouth Strikes Again,” she said simply, nodding to the boy and his shirt.
The second time they meet they’re both scavenging the racks of Scat Cat’s music shoppe. It was Tink’s day off from Pixie and she’d decided that it was high time to update her music collection. Not that it wasn’t banging anyways. Her taste in music was magnificent, even if she did say so herself. If it was recorded during the seventies or eighties, Tink had it. That was her niche.
There had been a rumor that Scat Cat had gotten something in that was precious and something she’d been looking for. It was the ‘67 London LP of Their Satanic Majesties Request and God was it beautiful. It would round out her collection and she was certainly ready to dish out the money for it. Even if it meant being a mite late on her rent that month. It’d be alright because the sweet, sweet voice of Mick Jagger could lull her into a false sense of security any day.
Course fate or whatever other bullshit you believed in would have it’s say as she neared the designated section for such a beauty. Lo’ and behold tall and gangly from a few weeks before was there, long spindly fingers traipsing over covers like they were piano keys. Tink immediately wondered what else those fingers were good at before inwardly chiding herself. Wouldn’t do to get all worked up inside of a record store with no one to help take care of her sudden need. There wasn’t even a dingy bathroom to retreat to with a stranger for a quickie.
Never the one to shy away from a cute boy or girl, Tink soldiered on. She wanted the vinyl, after all. And if she came away with a phone number there was nothing wrong with that.
“I’ll have to fight you if you take the Stones album. I’ve been waiting for Scat to get that in for ages,” she whispered, leaning close to him before taking a quick step back. Her face was alight with mirth and she waited for him to respond, grinning when he muttered about music elitists and hipsters, to which Tink took mock offense. “I may be a music elitist but I am no hipster, I assure you... I never did catch you’r name, you know.” She moved to stand next to him, her own fingers moving through the vinyls until she found what she was looking. For a moment she lingered, thinking he wasn’t going to answer her, before turning to head towards the register. “Berlioz. It’s, uh, it’s Berlioz.” He finally gave away, causing Tink to flash him a wide grin over her shoulder. “Tink. Catch you around, Berlioz.”
It’s some months before Tink and Berlioz cross paths again. So much so that Tink begins to think he was just an illusion. A beautiful illusion that her mind made up to combat the fact she’s felt rather lonely the past couple of months. Not that there hadn’t been many that had graced her bed but other than that she felt she was missing something. A something she didn’t like to ever really examine because she was determined to be the free spirit she’d always been. There was no time for any sort of commitment. The biggest commitment in her life was Pixie’s and she had intended for it to stay that way.
Now when things became too much, when Tink felt that her thoughts would swallow her whole, she repeated the same pattern. Wallow for a bit the get high then grab a bottle of her favorite tequila then make her way to the park. Nothing stopped her in her quest. Not rain or snow or really windy days. The day it all eclipsed inside of her it was a wonderfully sunny day, odd for fall but Tink would take it, with billowy clouds that took shape. Blissed out of her mind, Tink had decided it’d be the perfect day to lay outside on the grass, head propped up by her tattered jean jacket.
Unlike the other times their paths had crossed, Berlioz approached Tink. There was no mistaking the bright hair of the faerie nor the absolutely tattered clothes she wore. The small faerie was so out of her mind that didn’t even really notice another had joined her until that deep voice broke through the haze of her thoughts. “Finding any cool shapes?” He’d asked. At the question Tink had laughed, instinctively curling towards the presence. “Found a crab with a top hat earlier. He looked right posh,” she hummed, resting her head against his shoulder as he laid out beside her.
They laid like that for what felt like only minutes, each one pointing out ridiculous cloud shapes and giggling, before the sun began to set. It made Tink sigh out softly as she stirred, blinking heavy eyes in the process. Really, she had felt comfortable with Berlioz, content to just lay there as her high worked it’s way through her. As it faded, though, she felt a sense of dread at having to walk away from this rather nice afternoon with him. “Feel like comin’ back to mine? Got some MJ and really good music. Unless you’re too cool to hang out with a music elitist,” she smirked. That smirk turned to a grin as Berlioz stood and nodded, motioning for her to lead the way.
Tink and Ber were nearly inseparable. Where one went the other could soon be found. Their now mutual friends called them disgusting, swore that sooner or later they’d get together. What they didn’t know though. Spoilers, darlings. Regardless, the pair spent more time together than they did apart. Tink wouldn’t have had it any other way. That place inside of her that had felt empty for so long, no longer felt that way. Slowly it had been filling, making instead a home for a certain tall and gangly boy.
It didn’t matter that there was an almost considerable age difference. Tink being twenty-four and Berlioz being just barely eighteen. What mattered was that they were comfortable around each other. Didn’t feel the need to pretend. They spent hours curled together, high as fuck, listening to music; new and old. It was all pretty G rated but TInk didn’t mind. This one relationship was fine without sex. It didn’t need to be defined by that because it just felt-- right.
But around the fifth month of their ‘hanging’ out dating Tink got her first inkling that things might actually progress to that level.
They’d gone to the Next Town Over for a proper night out. One that they didn’t have to be interrupted by any of their friends. God knew they’d crashed many a date in the past and really, Tink just wanted Berlioz to herself; just as much as Berlioz wanted Tink to himself. There wasn’t much of the movie that they could remember, most of it had been spent with eyes closed and lips pressed together, but from what they had seen it looked pretty boring. Something they could report to their friends when they eventually made their way back to Swynlake.
Phones shut off and retired to Tink’s flat for the evening, everything was going rather well. Tink had turned on the heater because it was cold as hell but they had still forgone most of their clothes as they laid buried under a fort of covers on her bed. Again, eyes had been closed and lips pressed together as hands roamed and explored, each set mapping out their partner with immense concentration.
Course that was when their friends most definitely used the key under the mat and came barging in, interrupting said explorations with very little dignity. Pouting while trying to cover her more exposed bits, she looked towards Berlioz with exasperation on her features as the gang all crowded around. “We need new friends.”
While Tink had proven that most things come about from spontaneity, sometimes she liked to plan things. Those things included birthday celebrations, graduation celebrations, and other such things. Her favorite, of course, being birthdays. Luck had it that hers and Berlioz’s were mere days apart. Which meant that there were three days in which they could celebrate. An entire glorious weekend to be spent celebrating between their friends, themselves, and their family.
Two of those groups were quite tiring. So tiring. Especially family. Berlioz’s family definitely didn’t like her and Tink’s family was very partial to him. Best to say they’d be avoiding familial engagements altogether. 
It was their friends that proved to be the most tiring. The gang had all come together for a massive night out. There was booze, there was drugs, there were so many body pressed together until they all became one. It was an epic celebration. Something fit for the two of them. Only they would have preferred to be have celebrated by themselves. Something small rather than large and raucous. It was nice, though, and they thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with friends and each other; the two of them pressed tight together in an attempt to shut out the world.
The last of the celebrations were their favorite. It was just them, hidden from the world in Berlioz’s studio. He’d wanted to show Tink something and she readily agreed. In her opinion Berlioz would be the next Bowie or Prince. He had an ear she wished she’d had. An ear and an ability to put different components together into something... incredible. Plus she loved being able to say that she was dating a musician. Something only made better by the way Ber looked whenever he had an instrument in hand. Just pure bliss, nirvana right there in front of her.
But just as she could get side tracked in his music, she could also get side tracked in him. In the way his lips felt against hers or the steady and sure way his hands moved along her body. Tink was not a firm believer in delayed gratification, she preferred her gratification instant thank you very much, but this... Putting this off with Berlioz, all those interruptions and delays, it had been worth it. Every single nerve ending was on fire, bringing her nothing but complete pleasure as they went along slowly. 
Clothes were discarded slowly, not carefully, thrown over chairs and equipment. There was laughter and teasing quips as they both chased something that was always just out of their reach. It was built up passion, desire, want. Everything Tink had been chasing all those months ago built into this one boy who had somehow made a place for himself inside of her, moving constantly within her. It was a push and pull, give and take, both reaching and reaching for release. And when it finally came they collapsed into a heap together, curling around one another until they couldn’t tell where one began and the other ended. 
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olmopress · 5 years
the internet’s ejaculatio praecox
week 4: “Digital society” / “Cyber Debates” / “Sociology in the age of the internet” (A. Cavanagh)
OK. These week’s readings drastically shifted from historical perspective in favor of plain and pure theory. Just the way I like it.
Our mates, our sages endowed with immense theoretical foresight and understanding are: his majesty Marshall McLuhan and his environmental understanding of media (no, man, not in that way this is no Exctinction Rebellion blog ok?); Neil Postman and Nicholas Negroponte, the two quarrelsome kids who can’t stop fighting over whether the internet is the incarnation of Satan or God, aka the cyberpessimists vs. the cyberoptimists (boring af I know); and theeeeen finally my bro Jurgen Habermas (such a manly name right?) and his badass but also fragile-ass theory of The Public Sphere. Let’s get started.
Once upon a time in Toronto (I guess) there was a man with a dream. The man was Marshall McLuhan (look at him looking at his dream here, please) and the dream was to try to understand something, even a little something, about the crazy mess of modern electronic media like radio and, especially, TV. The guy came up with a lot of theory and a lot on nice and catchy phrases like GLOBAL VILLAGE (Romans loved it so much they named a hip place in their town after it) or THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE, or even HOT’N’COLD MEDIA (more of this here). My man Marshall was on fffffirrrre and for a while everybody thought he had cracked it. Then it became clear he wasn’t exactly right about exactly everything, but hey, media scholars need some of our sympathy too. Anyways, the reason why we’re still very much interested in McLuhan is because his approach was rather revolutionary: he understood media as things that function like environments – to him, media are symbolic structures, social environments that “[define] human interaction and the production of culture” (”Digital Society” 18). I mean shall we say that they are structures of possibilities for human sociality? Yes we shall. Cool guy this McLuhan huh.
To onor this great media theorist and his work, I have composed an haiku:
Marshall my Marshall:
The global village
Was in fact
Quite a load of bullshit,
But you’re still great,
And better,
Than those idiotic techno-utopians.
Let us move on to the next. Cuz we gotta deal with McLuhan children aka techno-determinsts. OK, Marshall wasn’t one of them but he certainly contributed in some way to their regrettable emergence on this planet in the digital era. OK, so. These silly buffoons believe essentially that technology shapes and determines society and the course of history, and that it absolutely doesn’t work at least also the other way around. Stupid, right? And yet they are sooooooo frickin’ liked around, both by our amicable friends in sillycon valley and by your depressed and slightly obsessive taxi driver/grandparent/whatever that thinks that the world shall be devoured by Her Satanic Majesty The Computer. Look, I can’t be bothered to write too much about these shmucks so you’ll have to settle for this: these guys l i t e r a l l y believe that either technology is the ultimate savior of humanity or its ultimate destroyer. It is stupid and it takes no account of the context in which technology is used or how people might turn upside down function and purposes of it so let’s just finish it here with my second haiku:
You guys
I can’t even–
OK. Postman.
You’re nice
But take it easy man.
And Negroponte:
You’re a digital nazi;
I very much dislike you.
(It’a long haiku OK?)
Hey Negroponte:
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Oh, I almost forgot: at the end of this second reading there are a few nice paragraphs about how much we’re in need of a “middle ground” position in regards to the internet. I kind of agree and that’s OK. But then there is also a guy called Lawrence Lessig (I know I know he’s not just “a guy” but bear with me please) that poses the problem of internet regulation. Which I think it is a false problem. I tend to think that social factors like the internet must be regulated to ensure that nobody exploits anybody through them. The only question that should be posed is: who does it? An with what purposes? 
Ok Lawrence?
Our last theory for today is that the public sphere, as it was developed by Jurgen Habermas. Such a concept is defined as a space that “exists and mediates between the mass and the power elite, an arena in which power is formed and directed” (Cavanagh 60). Unsurprisingly, this concept was obsessively and excessively associated with the internet in its early stage. Writing some twenty years later, it is evident that the internet is not (anymore?) the quintessential public sphere. But even on this, we may be tempted to ask: did it have to go like this? could we develop and handle the internet in a different way? was there the possibility of developing it into a real public sphere?
I think there was. We chose chose to go the other way though.
As Fleetwood Mac used to sing...
And now look at this public sphere depicted in “Limbo” by a follower of Hieronymus Bosch around 1575:
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I always found extremely interesting that huge belly with eyes nose and face that swallows people. I wonder if that makes it similar to the internet in some ways. Surely the chaotic and absurd mess going around it does.
Good night sweet ladies, good night, good night.
Image sources: Facebook, wikimedia.org
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midnight-in-town · 7 years
John Brown as the mastermind behind the Blue Sect and the recent sad events?
Disclaimer: Spoilers and long post. As such, this theory will initially be a little chronological to try and make the explanation simpler. If any point is unclear, feel free to ask @thedarkestcrow or me about it as it is something we discussed together. :)
First of all, here’s what we know about the current arc (ch127 happens mid-November 1889):
Bravat (who’s most likely human) knew from the beginning that Ciel is the Watchdog (”Earl Phantomhive”), that Seb is a demon, that Lizzie is Ciel’s fiancée and that the Starlight Four committed crimes at Weston.
Bravat’s sect is at least one and a half year/two years old (ch125). However, seeing as there was no hint of massive blood collects and death before August/September 1889, we’ll assume for this theory that the 4 star lords were put in Bravat’s care at some point during Summer 1889, which is when Bravat started using the S4 to promote the Sphere music hall in order to collect as much blood as possible.
Othello said that, considering the anormal progress of the sect’s technology, a supernatural being is most likely behind it (ch119/ch125). This supernatural mastermind is very probably the reason Bravat knew about Sebastian being a demon (and about Lizzie and Ciel). 
While the reason tying Lizzie to the sect is still unclear, we’re going to assume for this theory that Bravat’s mention of her to Ciel (ch123) might mean that she’s seen as a possible hostage to use against him. 
Lastly, about the 2CT: it seems like it’s almost confirmed.
Lord Sirius being Ciel’s twin (aka Real!Ciel, a “bizarre doll”) is a popular theory
Agni’s reaction when he found the burnt picture of Ciel’s family (ch126) was quite telling that something was unexpected about this picture.
I hope all of this makes sense for you guys! Onto the theory about John Brown...
1) Going back in time...
...To December 1885, Vincent is killed and his sons are bought by a satanic cult that intends on using them as sacrifices in order to summon a demon. In January 1886, Real!Ciel is sacrificed on the altar and our!Ciel manages to summon Sebastian, selling his soul to him in order to survive and get revenge. He then becomes the new Queen’s Watchdog in March 1886.
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Fastforwarding a bit, ch125 told us that the old Lords whom Bravat used to transfuse regularly should have died more than one and a half year ago, meaning that Bravat’s sect has been at least existing ever since Winter 1887/Spring 1888.
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A possible link to Ryan’s Aurora Society or the mysterious Osiris company mentioned during the Campania arc is possible but we don’t have any hint vouching for it yet.
Fastforwarding again, it’s February 1889 and the Circus arc happens, resulting in a messy ending, with Ciel lying to the Queen about his report for this case, not knowing that the Double Charles and John Brown (as well as the Undertaker) witnessed what he truly did.
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As a result, Queen Victoria organizes a grand punishment in March 1889, starring Charles Grey killing an important German lord and trying to have Ciel take the fall for the murder in front of witnesses. This ends rather well though, as Ciel manages to trick Grey and blame someone else for the murder.
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In April 1889, it’s the Campania arc, where the Undertaker introduces for the first time his Bizarre Doll project, indirectly mass-murdering many people seemingly without a care in the world. He manages to run away, leaving his chain of lockets to Ciel and with Sebastian concluding the arc on...
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They obviously did run into him again though, in June 1889, when they end up facing ameliorated BDs, because of several murders committed by 4 students (the Starlight 4).  At the end of this arc, Ciel makes his report to Queen Victoria, telling her about the S4′s crimes but also about the Undertaker’s Bizarre Dolls. Strangely enough though, she doesn’t find Ciel’s explanation to be senseless and once he left, this discussion about BDs happens between her and John Brown:
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So, Queen Victoria seems to find the idea of having BDs as “allies” to be very fancy. And, as the following arc happening in Germany in August 1889 will show, it seems that Queen Victoria finds that idea to be oh! so very interesting because she’s actually preparing for a war against Germany, which is also why she asks Ciel to bring Sieglinde and her latest deadly invention (the SULIN gas) back to England, so that Sieglinde can invent new war weapons that the Queen will then use against Germany.   
At least that was how the clever plan getting Victoria new deadly war weapons was supposed to go. 
Because two slight problems arose:
the Undertaker unfortunately doesn’t happen to be Victoria’s greatest fan (most likely because she’s the reason Vincent, and maybe Claudia Phantomhive, ended up dead thanks to the Watchdog duty), so trying to make friends with UT to get the BDs probably wouldn’t work at all.
Ciel unfortunately saw through Victoria’s plan for Sieglinde and the SULIN and he tasked Sebastian with getting rid of the very deadly gas in ch108, double crossing “his master” by doing so.
Unfortunately though, Ciel’s plan kind of backfired at him, since Queen Victoria and John Brown made it rather obvious in ch108 (late August 1889) that they saw through his little game, which means that it’s the second mistake (or act of defiance) that Ciel made as the Watchdog in less than a year, causing Brown/King Albert to...
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...compare him to his very murdered father. 
@thedarkestcrow​ and I (and other readers of course) took this as a rather serious threat against Ciel (something he probably realized as well), perfectly fitting with the theory that the Queen and John Brown might have something to do with the murders of Vincent and Rachel, for a reason that’s still unknown. [x] [x]
In any case, while Victoria saw through Ciel’s little game with the SULIN quite obviously, she doesn’t appear to have punished him (yet?) and anyway, ch114 told us that she was actually visiting Sieglinde often, probably because she hasn’t given up on Sieglinde creating something useful for her war. 
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As for her desire to get allies in the form of Bizarre Dolls, if the one who initially had the idea (the Undertaker) can’t be found and convinced to help her, maybe she could ask another supernatural being to make them for her?
One she already knows; one she trusts because he comforts her when she’s sad and missing her husband; one who knows about her war plans and who promised to protect her; one who traveled in record time from England to Germany without riding his horse and without triggering the traps in the forest; one whose eyes are always hidden, hinting that maybe they would give away his true nature should they be seen...
...Or maybe John Brown is making it all a surprise in this arc because he’s very dedicated to her...?
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2) John Brown (and Queen Victoria?) as the mastermind behind this arc
Starting from here, this is all hypothetical, but maybe I should say now that @thedarkestcrow​ and I started considering that the supernatural mastermind Othello hinted at had to be someone who was not the Undertaker ever since Ciel became targeted in the recent events. For now, it’s unclear whether Soma really was the target of the attack of ch126/127 or if Ciel was, but, even if the target was Soma, it most likely inherently had to do with Ciel. 
So, considering the Undertaker’s attachment to the P family, we tend to agree with Sebastian when he once said that the Undertaker “doesn’t seem to want to cause [Ciel] harm”. Besides, so far, the Undertaker’s BD project mostly was based on alterations of cinematic records, so the fact that the 4 Lords (if they’re indeed supposed to be BDs) seemed to be dependent of blood always made us wonder why he’d change his methods now (especially after BD!Algares who was almost perfect). 
However, John Brown if he’s the mastermind trying to “make things go according to her majesty’s wishes” (no matter what kind of supernatural being he is), wouldn’t know how UT managed to create his BDs, so maybe that’s why the 4 Lords seem to be different, needing blood when UT’s dolls didn’t. 
John Brown could also be behind Bravat’s technology ever since the old Lords started to be transfused at least two years ago, simply because Victoria is preparing for war and as Wolfram put it in ch114...
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So after researching about blood transfusion, Brown used these important old Lords to experiment his blood transfusion technique by the intermediary of Bravat’s sect, thanks to the technology he developed as a supernatural being (that device that Othello was impressed with in ch125). 
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Brown as Victoria’s footman and as the supernatural mastermind behind Bravat would also be aware of:
Ciel being the watchdog
Seb being a demon
Lizzie being Ciel’s fiancée
the S4 having committed crimes and making for useful pawns.
Finally, if we’re saying that the blue sect is a cover for Brown researching how to make bizarre doll-like beings that will be used as war weapons, I know it does sound strange (if she is aware of what he is doing) that Queen Victoria deliberately put Ciel on Bravat’s trail. 
So, this part is really a wild idea but what if it all was a part of her plan, because no one can know what she and John Brown tried to create using the Sphere music hall as a cover? After all, imagine the scandal if people were to learn that the Queen is indirectly responsible for bleeding to death a part of London, because she’s involved with senseless experiments! 
Which is why she asked Ciel to go investigate the Sphere music hall...
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...even giving him the list of these old Lords that were being transfused by Bravat over the last two years...
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...maybe hoping that Bravat purposedly endangering Lizzie by making her join the sect at the same time would be a good way for him to focus on settling this case with as much efficiency as possible?
Settling the case might not be what she’s expecting of him at all... Rather she wants him to get rid of Bravat and his sect, Lizzie used “as a hostage” being what should motivate Ciel to do anything to eliminate the ones who endangered her (and obviously Bravat wouldn’t know that he’s expandable). And it’s not such a crazy bet when we see how Ciel solved most of the other cases given to him.
Of course, if John Brown has his own agenda (or if the Queen doesn’t know that he might be supernatural), it’s possible that the Queen might not have known that Brown was trying to create the “bizarre dolls” that they talked about back in ch84, hence why she put Ciel on the case. That being said, considering how she didn’t seem surprised that things as strange as Bizarre Dolls could exist back in ch84, if Brown is supernatural then she might be aware of it.
3) About the events of ch126/127
A really hypothetical part yet again, just to point out that...
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...Whoever Agni’s killer is, he’s stronger than a normal human because Agni himself was a very good fighter and he almost couldn’t fight back. So, while we’re not 100% sure of who this man is yet (Lord Polaris? maybe John Brown himself?) and same for the gunman, it would make sense to think that they’re linked to the Sphere music hall.
If the two men who attacked Soma and Agni are Lord Polaris and Lord Sirius then, if they’re really supposed to be equivalents of UT’s BDs, maybe the fact they need a lot blood could also have to do with a possible enhancement of their physical capacities. That would explain the strength of Agni’s killer.
Take Finny for example. Do you remember where Finny is from? A German research institute that the Queen had Ciel raid, for the same reason she sent him to Sieglinde’s village. So if Germany had found a way to enhance physical capacities, it’s not impossible for England to have found it as well, especially since it would be very useful for war. 
In any case, the fact that Ciel’s house was targeted might have been for a simple reason: maybe it was a way to experiment if the “dolls” (Lord Polaris and Lord Sirius in that case) were following orders correctly as well as how they would manage against a strong fighter like Agni (or maybe even Sebastian). As for why choosing Ciel’s house as the target of the experimental attack... well, maybe this (hurting Soma and killing Agni) is Ciel’s punishment for taking the SULIN away from the Queen... Unless it’s an initiative by Bravat of course, because he’s tired of Ciel trying to stop him. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thanks for reading and sorry that it was so long!
As always, this post could be totally off (the theory about Ciel’s twin wanting revenge still holds, even if I just can’t see UT as the mastermind behind the sect anymore after the events of ch126/127) especially since this theory doesn’t completely explain everything, so please take everything with a grain of salt and feel free to share your thoughts about this theory if you feel like it. 
We’ll see if this will go anywhere next month. :)
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rolodexofhatred · 7 years
In my gaming experiences the trope of the wise old master being representative of God, and the ambitious student tossed out of the dojo, and tricking other students is Satan. Welp, my MMO, Blade and Soul, has that trope as well, and it is so obvious it hurts a bit. In the beginning of the hero’s journey, you start out training in a dojo with Old Master Hong.
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This little rickety old man that only comes up to my main’s kneecap gives you the Book of Hongmoon that teaches you all you need to learn about the Hongmoon arts style that you fight with. Aka, the Bible. The next day everyone dies and your character is afflicted with the mark of the Black Rose by Jinsoyun who is evil. Jinsoyun kills everyone but you and an asshat named Lusung who betrayed you and your school. I suppose you could say Lusi\ung is basically Judas, except no one gets kissed as far as we know. After a couple of chapters you meet the Eight Masters
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These are eight people that are...unsure of your character. Afflicted, angry, and a tad bit stabby and prone to collapsing due to the mark of the black rose, you are a tad bit useless. Fast forward a bit, you meet one of the late Master Hong’s colleagues, Mushin the Warrior
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This lovely, edgy, asshat convinces you that the way to fight Jinsoyun properly is to embrace your anger and hunger for revenge to fight her. Like a moron, you agree to this and go to murder Jinsoyun. Suprise suprise, you fail spectacularly and are dying. You make your way to a monastery in the middle of a forest, like you do, and an old monk hands you a knife, points you to a cave, tells you you’re dying anyone, no one can save you, go off yourself. You head up to the cave and here come the Eight Masters again out of nowhere. They start to heal you and your Mark of the Black Rose starts to go away, but not completely, so they use all of their power to save you and then turn to stone. Basically, thems be Jesus. Master Hong be God, and Fucking Mushin is Satan the Edglord himself. 
The End
PS have a picture of my clan mascot His Royal Majesty, King Gaylord the Master of Fuckery.
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