#AKASO Brave
vchannelmusic · 4 months
Best Mini Action Cameras 4K with Waterproof: Capture Every Moment with Confidence
Are you ready to capture life's most thrilling moments in stunning 4K resolution? Come rain or shine. Look no further! Dive into the world of action-packed photography with the Best Mini Action Camera 4K with waterproof capability. Whether you're plunging into the depths of the ocean, scaling towering cliffs, or shredding the slopes, these compact marvels are designed to withstand whatever Mother Nature throws your way. Let's explore the top contenders in this adrenaline-fueled arena. Are you ready to capture every adrenaline-filled moment of your adventures with crystal-clear clarity? Look no further than the Best Mini Action Camera 4K with Waterproof! 
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kepogadget · 2 years
Action Cam Akaso Brave 4
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Akaso Brave 4 adalah kamera olahraga yang cukup bagus untuk mengabadikan momen penting saat kita sedang aktif. Kamera ini memiliki resolusi video yang tinggi, yaitu 4K, sehingga hasil videonya terlihat jelas dan tajam. Selain itu, kamera ini juga dilengkapi dengan fitur slow motion yang dapat memperlambat kecepatan video, sehingga membuat momen yang tercapture terlihat lebih dramatis.
Fitur lain yang menarik dari Akaso Brave 4 adalah adanya WiFi yang memungkinkan kita untuk menghubungkan kamera dengan smartphone atau tablet untuk memutar video atau mengambil foto langsung dari perangkat tersebut. Dengan adanya fitur ini, kita tidak perlu repot-repot mengunduh video atau foto ke komputer terlebih dahulu untuk mengeditnya.
Kelemahan dari Akaso Brave 4 adalah baterainya yang cepat habis. Jika kita menggunakan fitur tambahan seperti slow motion atau timelapse, maka baterainya akan cepat habis. Selain itu, kamera ini juga tidak dilengkapi dengan layar sentuh, sehingga kita harus menggunakan tombol fisik untuk mengatur setting kamera atau memutar video.
Fitur dan Spesifikasi Akaso Brave 4 Berikut adalah beberapa fitur menarik dari Akaso Brave 4:
Resolusi video yang tinggi: Kamera ini memiliki resolusi video 4K yang membuat hasil videonya terlihat jelas dan tajam.
Fitur slow motion: Kita bisa memperlambat kecepatan video dengan fitur slow motion yang tersedia pada kamera ini, sehingga membuat momen yang tercapture terlihat lebih dramatis.
WiFi: Kita bisa menghubungkan kamera dengan smartphone atau tablet melalui WiFi untuk memutar video atau mengambil foto langsung dari perangkat tersebut.
Timelapse: Fitur timelapse memungkinkan kita untuk membuat video dengan durasi yang lebih pendek dari waktu yang sebenarnya.
Waterproof: Kamera ini dilengkapi dengan waterproof case yang membuatnya tahan terhadap air hingga kedalaman 40 meter.
Remote control: Kita bisa mengendalikan kamera ini melalui remote control yang disertakan, sehingga tidak perlu menyentuh kamera secara langsung untuk mengambil foto atau memutar video.
Multiple mounting options: Kita bisa memasang kamera ini di atas helmet, bike, atau tripod menggunakan mounting options yang disertakan.
Harga action cam Akaso Brave 4 saat ini bervariasi antara Rp 1,4 juta hingga Rp 2 juta tergantung pada toko dan lokasi pembelian. Kamera ini tergolong terjangkau dibandingkan dengan kamera olahraga lain yang memiliki spesifikasi serupa. Namun, sebaiknya kita tetap berhati-hati dan melakukan riset terlebih dahulu sebelum memutuskan untuk membeli kamera ini karena harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tergantung pada faktor seperti permintaan dan inflasi.
Walaupun demikian, Akaso Brave 4 merupakan kamera olahraga yang cukup bagus untuk mengabadikan momen penting saat kita sedang aktif. Namun, perlu diingat untuk lebih cermat dalam mengatur pemakaian baterai agar tidak cepat habis.
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lebomboniere06 · 2 years
Ishiko and Haneo - are you suing me for this kind of thing?
From the Official Memorial book
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Relevant parts Akaso Eiji related
【Conversation with leading actors】
Arai PD:
——I like the combination of Ishiko and Haneo very much, and it makes people realize that I want to support the incredible experience of Oba's love.
Nakamura: The reason why people can't help but want to support is because of Akaso (Eiji.) His acting skills are great.
[Talking with the screenwriter, director and producer]
- Now that you are there, is there any secret story you can tell?
Tsukahara: As for Ishiko and Ohba, who just started dating, we actually gave a plan to break up.
Nishida: Yes.
Arai: In the end, I decided, "But, there's no need to break up, right?" (laughs).
Tsukahara: The funny thing is, it seems that Akaso kun also thought they would break up (laughs). After giving him the script for the finale, he said in surprise, "Is it the line of not breaking up...!?". I replied, "It doesn't matter. After all, there is no need to break up." Then he said, "I tried my best in episode 9, and I thought I would be dumped in episode 10.." (laughs).
Arai: Some viewers are also worried that "we start dating in the middle of the plot, and we will definitely break up in the end" (laughs).
Tsukahara: In a way, he's the man who got the most uproar and the most happiness.
Yo, Oba.
Nishida: That's right (laughs).
-It was also impressive that Ishiko and Haneo personal expressions were glimpsed by Oba's presence.
Tsukahara: I think that Nishida-san really paid attention to it. Dramas made with one woman and two men are nothing but love triangles. Rather, it was because Oba became the keeper of the two of them.
Arai: It's not the sub-male factor (laughs)!
Nishida: From the beginning, Ishiko and Haneo wanted to tell a story where they didn't get along. As Arai-san said, it was fun while writing that Oba, who would normally be a sub-man, was the role of growing the two of them.
Arai: In episode 1, the person who initiated the incident that became a birdie. With this as an opportunity, he became a friend of the Ishihane duo, and became romantically involved with Ishiko. Ohba, who was growing in a relationship like that, finally brings an incident again, but his personal feelings are not resolved well… The meeting with Ohba became a big wall for them, and they prayed for a stronger bond. It was an important one.
Were there any other memorable scenes that were miraculous?
Arai: There were a lot. In episode 4, when Oba goes for an interview at the office, Ishiko smiles and says, "Come on!" The scene where she said that is really memorable. When I saw Oba's expression at that time, I thought, 'Oh, Oba fell in love here' (laughs).
Nishida: That conversation was great too!
Arai: I thought she was going to say it in a lighter way, but after calling it properly, she got a pretty tone and said, "Come on!" .
Tsukahara: That's right, in episode 5, when Oba makes a 'confession of confession' to Ishiko, right? It was said that it would be better to make an action for that in advance. "come on!" Shall we change it to a line that sounds like cheering? I gave that opinion to Kasumi-chan. I think she said it bravely, conscious of the fact that she was talking to a person who was wearing an unfamiliar suit and was about to face a battle that could change his life. It was fortunate that I was able to properly develop the relationship between Oba and Ishiko in the drama so that the relationship between Oba and Ishiko was not thought to have arisen suddenly.
Oh, and Ishiko's expression looking at Oba's sleeping face in episode 7 this was really charming…!
Tsukahara: Even so, the man who slept peacefully next to Ishiko has already been
deceived… I mean, you've become the boss…
Tsukahara: You silly!
Arai: I was editing while thinking that too.. (laughs).
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【Interview with Akaso Eiji】
——From the first client for the Ishiba combi to a work partner, this development is the surprise of the first episode.
From a guest standpoint, suddenly becoming a partner is very impactful and interesting. Since it appeared on the promotional poster, some viewers said it was "unexpected" (laughs), but also received a lot of surprise feedback "It's not a guest appearance!" That's what the show wants to do, so I couldn't say anything positive at the production presentation where the 4 main cast members gathered together.... After the first episode aired, I was finally freed from that job, and that was the happiest thing for me (laughs).
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——What do Akaso Eiji san thinks of the strengths and weaknesses of Ohba Ao?
The advantage is that it will not hesitate to lend a hand to those who are in difficulty. It belongs to the type who thinks that "it's better to regret doing it than not doing it", and face it directly no matter who it is. The disadvantage is that words and deeds are slightly off (laughs). In episode 2, the end of the cold joke was said first, and in episode 6, when he brought the speciality of water eggplant to the office, he was deliberately acting stupid. The content of the speech is obviously very straightforward, but I don't know why it goes around in circles. While I was performing, I couldn’t help but worry, “If I get caught up in this, I’ll be deceived by the bad guys again (laughs).
——When interpreting Ohba Ao, is there anything you pay special attention to?
As for Ishiko's senpai love, I will try my best not to let that love overflow all of a sudden. From episode 1 to episode 5, I paid special attention to the change in my mood from "Maybe you like it...?" to "I like it!". In the 2nd episode, although Haneo asked frankly "Do you like her?", but there is still the feeling of "I respect her a lot, but it's not like". However, I think that was the chance to start caring about Ishiko senpai subconsciously. Even so, relatively speaking, he stared at Ishiko senpai intently from the very beginning. So, except for Ishiko san herself, everyone noticed Ohba's love early on (laughs).
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——I can't help but want to support the pure love of Ohba.
At first, I was a little worried that the presence of Oba would become a hindrance for the two. However, I think there must also be the expressions and atmosphere of Ishiko san and Haneo san who showed it because the other party was Ohba. While thinking that it would be great if I could lure it out, I performed it.
——What do you think is the charm Ishiko senpai to attract Ohba? Are there any scenes that are particularly impressive?
If you stand next to Ishiko san, you will naturally have the hope that this person can work hard and be happy. At the end of episode 1, the question "Why didn't you speak up?" was heart-warming. I also liked the part where he held the umbrella in episode 2. In the conversation when I came home from the movie theater in episode 3, Ishiko senpai ignorance is really sinful (laughs).
——What is the charm of Haneo?
Mature sides and childish sides coexist. Is he joking, or is he serious? However, when I asked him for help in episode 1, he said to me, "Leave it to me!" was a little suspicious (laughs), but I really thought he would lend a helping hand. Respected him after that. After becoming partners, there are relatively many scenes of mutual jokes. It was also very pleasant to have a conversation with Ishiko senpai whether there was any confession or not (laughs). Although he always jokes with me like this, Haneo san is still a mature adult. I think when he jokes, he has some kind of ease, or tolerance.
——What is the charm of Arimura-san and Nakamura-san?
Arimura-san's appearance as an actor is very good, and she is a person with her own language, which impressed me. In the casual conversation, the depths of her pupils were also full of intelligence. When performing a performance, you can immediately enter the feeling. Nakamura-san is, as the chairperson, in the center, always observing the surroundings, and is really a very trustworthy existence. While joking, he also seriously told me about the intention of the scene and other important points. This overlaps with the role of Haneo san. Both are in a natural posture, with a very pure and sharp feeling.
- What is your favorite plot?
Sure enough, after the first episode and the second episode, Ohba was able to show a positive side. The first episode where he was entangled, suffered, and then got rescued is the most unforgettable. By the way, Yuta-kun Oseki, who plays the role of Sawamura, happened to meet at a massage parlor the day before filming, and we said hello, "Tomorrow, we'll be filming together!?", but that was actually the first time we met. (laugh). I felt an incredible fate.
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——How does it feel to perform with Sada-san?
First of all, the atmosphere that Sada-san usually brews is more exciting than healing. It was also a very pleasant time to listen to him talk about his music activities. From a topic, the world gradually became wider. It's always natural in acting, and in a sense, maybe the ultimate form of acting should be like this... He made me think so.
——What impression did you get when you first participated in the shooting scene of Arai & Tsukahara?
The bar to be asked is always high. Most of the information that is not in the script will be added on the spot. I thought to myself, "I have to catch up with everyone!", and I held on to it desperately. When I first watched the finished episode of Episode 1, all the bridges were linked together without any sense of incongruity, and there were parts that were edited in a novel and unique way.
——Finally, what is the thing that Akaso-san thinks "this is unforgivable" in his daily life?
It's about myself, I can't forgive myself for always piling up laundry. In order not to cause confusion, I stocked up a lot of replacement towels and underwear. However, I found this style to be self-indulgent. Some time ago, I decided to dispose of all the old things and reduce the number. If you do this, you'll be doing laundry frequently.... I thought so, but it's not enough (laughs). The installed washing machine, even if it is set to dry mode, will not help me dry! Because it is not broken, so I feel that I do not know how to operate it skillfully... I will wash my clothes when I get home today. , and then dry it in the bathroom (laughs).
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nookflex · 3 months
Hero 12 Black: 5.3K video, dynamic range, audio flexibility Akaso Brave 8 Lite: budget compact action camera
Hero 12 Black: 5.3K video, dynamic range, audio flexibility
Akaso Brave 8 Lite: budget compact action camera
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The Best Action Camera for 2024: Top Cameras for Adventures
The best action cameras for recording your escapades
From surfing to skydiving, shooting adventurous video requires the best action camera. From affordable models to premium options, we’ve extensively tested all of the top action cameras and ranked our recommendations in the expert guide below. Whatever you plan to shoot, we've put together this comprehensive list to help you find the right action camera for your needs and budget.
Based on our reviews, we think the best action camera for most people right now is the GoPro Hero 12 Black. It’s the most accomplished GoPro to date, with remarkable image stabilization and an arsenal of shooting features. Bluetooth audio support is also a welcome addition. If you’re looking for a much more affordable action camera, the Akaso Brave 8 Lite is our top pick for buyers on a budget. With two screens and IPX8 waterproofing, it’s the best cheap action camera you can buy.
Our round-up covers the top action cameras for every buyer. To help you make the right choice, our seasoned reviewers put each model through its paces in a range of real-world scenarios. We test factors such as durability and usability, to ensure every camera can perform in the thick of the action. We also assess image quality and how effectively image stabilization smooths out bumps. We’ve summarized the results below, together with useful buying advice to inform your decision.
Written by Timothy Coleman
NookFlex Source: https://www.techradar.com/news/best-action-camera&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjjndKdnN2GAxUFEFkFHfSaCx4QFnoECAsQAg&usg=AOvVaw3OEuE6g-d9rSF4t30DXK-y
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sdgtent · 6 months
Akaso V50 Elite... Reviewed featuring Akaso Brave 7 LE!
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nada-tek · 9 months
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checkcharm · 9 months
Best Budget Action Cam: AKASO Brave 7 LE Makes a Splash in 2023
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buynowinhere · 9 months
The AKASO Brave 4 4K Action Camera offers impressive features such as Ultra HD resolution, EIS, and waterproof capabilities. Its WiFi connectivity, 5X zoom, and remote control make it a versatile choice for capturing action-packed moments. The inclusion of 2 batteries and an external microphone support further enhance its value. However, the battery life could be improved, and the menu interface may require some familiarization. Overall, this camera provides excellent value for its price range.
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rjhreview · 1 year
Action Camera Showdown: AKASO Brave 4 Pro vs GoPro HERO11 Black
AKASO Brave 4 Pro Hey there! You're in for a treat today as we dive into the exciting world of action cameras. If you're someone who loves capturing adventurous moments, whether that's underwater exploration, extreme sports, or simply recording your everyday life in stunning detail, action cameras are the perfect companion for you. Action cameras have come a long way since their inception, revolutionizing the way we capture our most thrilling moments. These compact and rugged cameras are designed to withstand harsh environments, making them ideal for outdoor and action-packed activities. They are equipped with wide-angle lenses that capture a broader field of view, ensuring you never miss a moment. Plus, they often come with various mounting options, allowing you to attach them to helmets, handlebars, or any other gear, giving you incredible perspectives of your adventures. Today, we'll be taking a closer look at two impressive action cameras, the AKASO Brave 4 Pro 4K30FPS and the GoPro HERO11 Black. Both cameras offer incredible capabilities and advanced features that will take your video and photo quality to the next level. So, let's jump right in and explore what these bad boys have to offer! AKASO Brave 4 Pro GoPro HERO11 Black AKASO Brave 4 Pro 4K30FPS Action Camera vs GoPro HERO11 BlackAdditional Accessories ConclusionAKASO Brave 4 Pro 4K30FPS Action Camera GoPro HERO11 Black Recommendation The AKASO Brave 4 Pro 4K30FPS Action Camera is designed for capturing your adventures in stunning detail. Whether you're hiking, biking, skiing, or even scuba diving, this camera is built to withstand the toughest conditions and provide you with high-quality footage. We are impressed with the innovative dual-color screen design of the AKASO Brave 4 Pro. With the front screen, you can easily frame and monitor your shots, especially when taking selfies. The 2-inch back touch screen makes navigating the camera's features and settings a breeze. The AKASO Brave 4 Pro is an action camera that allows you to shoot 4K30FPS video and capture 20MP photos with unmatched clarity. It features built-in Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS) 2.0 with a 6-axis gyroscope, ensuring that your footage remains stable even when the camera is in motion or experiences impact. One of the standout features of the Brave 4 Pro is its durability. It is waterproof up to 131ft with the included waterproof case, making it perfect for capturing underwater adventures. The rugged design of this camera ensures that it can withstand the harshest conditions, allowing you to take it on any adventure without worry. Additionally, the AKASO Brave 4 Pro supports an external microphone (sold separately) that captures sound from all directions with crisp detail. This is an excellent feature for vloggers or those who want to capture high-quality audio alongside their video footage. The overall quality of the AKASO Brave 4 Pro is exceptional. The construction of the camera feels sturdy and rugged, making it suitable for use in demanding environments. The image and video quality is excellent, with the ability to shoot in 4K resolution and capture 20MP photos providing stunning clarity and detail. The built-in Electronic Image Stabilization ensures that your footage remains smooth and stable, even in challenging conditions. - Innovative dual-color screen design for easy framing and monitoring - Shoots 4K30FPS video and captures 20MP photos with clarity - Built-in Electronic Image Stabilization ensures stable footage - Waterproof up to 131ft with the included case - Supports an external microphone for high-quality audio capture - External microphone must be purchased separately - Some users may find the size of the camera slightly bulky The AKASO Brave 4 Pro 4K30FPS Action Camera is a feature-packed and durable camera that is perfect for adventurers and those looking to capture their experiences in stunning detail. With its innovative dual-color screen design, high-resolution video and photo capabilities, and built-in image stabilization, this camera is a reliable companion for any adventure. SHOP AT AMAZON SHOP AT AMAZON GoPro HERO11 Black The GoPro HERO11 Black is an advanced action camera that is designed to capture high-quality video and photos in various extreme environments. It is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, adventure seekers, vloggers, and anyone who wants to capture their memorable moments in stunning detail. The GoPro HERO11 Black stands out for its revolutionary new image sensor, which offers an expansive field of view, providing an extra-large canvas for your creativity. This feature allows you to capture more of the sky and horizon in every shot, giving your footage a cinematic look. Additionally, the camera's ability to zoom in, crop shots, change digital lenses, and adjust aspect ratios while maintaining the rich textures and sharpness of the footage sets it apart from other action cameras on the market. The GoPro HERO11 Black is built to deliver exceptional image quality with its 5.3K video capability, offering 91% more resolution than 4K and a staggering 665% more than 1080p. This means that your footage will be incredibly detailed and lifelike, allowing you to relive your adventures with stunning clarity. The camera's image sensor also enhances photo resolution up to 27MP, enabling you to capture high-resolution stills of your favorite moments. Additionally, the HERO11 Black can record 2.7K240 video, which can be played back in 8x slow motion. This feature allows you to capture incredible details that are not visible at normal speed, adding an extra level of creativity to your videos. One of the standout features of the GoPro HERO11 Black is its Emmy Award-winning HyperSmooth Stabilization. This technology ensures that even the shakiest footage comes out silky smooth, giving your videos a professional touch. The HyperSmooth 5.0 feature further enhances stabilization with Horizon Lock, improved stabilization for 4:3 aspect ratio footage, and AutoBoost for maximum stabilization with minimal image cropping. The HERO11 Black is also a versatile camera that offers live streaming capabilities, allowing you to share your adventures in real time with your friends, family, or audience. It can also be used as a webcam, making it easy to connect with others through video calls or live broadcasts. Its rugged design and waterproof capabilities up to 33 feet (10 meters) make it suitable for various water sports, such as surfing, diving, and snorkeling. The GoPro HERO11 Black exemplifies excellence in action camera technology. Its revolutionary image sensor, unbeatable image quality, and advanced stabilization features make it a top choice for capturing action-packed moments. Whether you're documenting your outdoor adventures, vlogging, or shooting professional-quality footage, this camera delivers outstanding quality and performance. - Revolutionary new image sensor with an expansive field of view - Exceptional image quality with 5.3K video and 27MP photos - High frame rate capabilities, including 2.7K240 for stunning slow-motion footage - Emmy Award-winning HyperSmooth Stabilization for smooth and professional-looking videos - Versatile live streaming and webcam capabilities - Rugged and waterproof design for extreme environments - Comes with essential accessories, including an Enduro Battery and carrying case - The high price point may be a deterrent for some consumers - Limited battery life compared to other action cameras on the market - The learning curve for advanced features may be steep for beginners The GoPro HERO11 Black is an exceptional action camera that offers unparalleled image quality, advanced stabilization, and versatile features. Whether you're a professional filmmaker or an adventurous hobbyist, this camera is designed to capture your memories in stunning detail. With its revolutionary image sensor and cutting-edge technology, the HERO11 Black is a true game-changer in the world of action cameras. Capture your next adventure with the GoPro HERO11 Black and experience the thrill of capturing moments like never before. AKASO Brave 4 Pro 4K30FPS Action Camera vs GoPro HERO11 Black When comparing the AKASO Brave 4 Pro 4K30FPS Action Camera and the GoPro HERO11 Black, there are several key specifications to consider. Below is a table that visualizes the specifications of both cameras. SpecificationAKASO Brave 4 Pro 4K30FPS Action CameraGoPro HERO11 BlackVideo Resolution4K30FPS5.3K60Photo Resolution20MPUp to 27MPDual-DisplayYesNoImage StabilizationYesHyperSmooth 5.0Underwater Depth131ftWaterproofExternal Microphone SupportYesNoAdditional AccessoriesNot specifiedCarrying Case, Mounts Video and Photo Resolution The AKASO Brave 4 Pro can shoot video at a resolution of 4K30FPS, while the GoPro HERO11 Black offers a higher resolution of 5.3K60. This means that the GoPro camera can capture more details and provide a higher level of clarity in videos. In terms of photo resolution, the AKASO Brave 4 Pro offers 20MP, whereas the GoPro HERO11 Black can capture photos with resolutions up to 27MP, delivering higher-quality images. Dual-Display The AKASO Brave 4 Pro features an innovative dual-color screen design, allowing you to change between back and front views. This is especially useful for those who enjoy taking selfies or need to monitor their framing. On the other hand, the GoPro HERO11 Black does not have a dual-display feature. Image Stabilization Both cameras offer image stabilization features. The AKASO Brave 4 Pro comes with Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS) 2.0 with a 6-axis gyroscope, which detects and compensates for camera movements, ensuring stable footage. The GoPro HERO11 Black features HyperSmooth 5.0 stabilization, which has won an Emmy award for its incredibly smooth footage. It also includes Horizon Lock and improved stabilization for different aspect ratios. Underwater Capabilities The AKASO Brave 4 Pro is waterproof up to 131ft with its included waterproof case, making it suitable for capturing footage in extreme underwater conditions. The GoPro HERO11 Black is also waterproof, but the specific depth is not mentioned in the product description. External Microphone Support The AKASO Brave 4 Pro supports external microphones, allowing you to capture sound from all directions with crisp details. It is important to note that third-party external microphones are not compatible with this camera, and an AKASO external mic needs to be purchased separately. On the other hand, the GoPro HERO11 Black does not mention external microphone support. Additional Accessories The AKASO Brave 4 Pro does not specify any additional accessories included with the camera. However, the GoPro HERO11 Black comes with a set of accessories including an Enduro Battery, Carrying Case, Curved Adhesive Mount, Mounting Buckle + Thumb Screw, and a USB-C Cable. Both the AKASO Brave 4 Pro 4K30FPS Action Camera and the GoPro HERO11 Black offer impressive features and capabilities. The choice between the two cameras will depend on your specific needs, such as preferred video and photo resolutions, dual-display functionality, waterproof depth requirements, and the need for external microphone support. SHOP AT AMAZON SHOP AT AMAZON SHOP AT AMAZON Conclusion Based on the review of the AKASO Brave 4 Pro 4K30FPS Action Camera and the GoPro HERO11 Black, both cameras offer impressive features and capabilities in the world of action cameras. However, they also have their drawbacks that should be considered before making a purchase decision. AKASO Brave 4 Pro 4K30FPS Action Camera The AKASO Brave 4 Pro 4K30FPS Action Camera proves to be a reliable and affordable option for those who enjoy capturing their adventures in high-quality videos. Its 131ft underwater capability makes it perfect for water activities, and the touch screen provides easy navigation. The advanced EIS and remote control add convenience and stability to your recordings. However, the 5X zoom feature may not meet the expectations of those looking for extreme zoom capabilities, and the external mic support may require an additional investment. GoPro HERO11 Black On the other hand, the GoPro HERO11 Black takes action camera technology to the next level with its 5.3K60 ultra HD video and 27MP photos. The 1/1.9" image sensor ensures stunning image quality and the ability to capture all the details. Live streaming and webcam functions are additional features that make this camera versatile. However, the high price tag of the GoPro HERO11 Black may not be suitable for those on a budget, and the stabilization feature, although impressive, is not as advanced as some other options on the market. Recommendation If you are on a budget and looking for a reliable action camera for your adventures, the AKASO Brave 4 Pro 4K30FPS Action Camera is a solid choice. Its underwater capabilities and touch screen navigation make it suitable for various activities, although the zoom feature may not be as powerful as desired. Additionally, if you prioritize external mic support, keep in mind that it may require an extra investment. On the other hand, if you are willing to invest in advanced features and superior image quality, the GoPro HERO11 Black is a great option. With its ultra HD video and high-resolution photos, it will ensure that every moment of your adventures is captured in stunning detail. However, be prepared to pay a higher price for these premium features, and keep in mind that the stabilization feature might not be as advanced as some other options on the market. Ultimately, the choice between the AKASO Brave 4 Pro 4K30FPS Action Camera and the GoPro HERO11 Black depends on your specific needs and budget. Consider your priorities and the features that are most important to you, and make the decision that best suits your requirements. Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Read the full article
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cameraidentity · 1 year
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sohoron · 1 year
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The AKASO Brave 7 LE is a great action camera for vloggers and outdoor enthusiasts. It features a 4K resolution camera, a dual-screen display, and an IPX7 waterproof design.
Key Features
4K resolution camera: The Brave 7 LE can record stunning 4K video at 30fps or 20MP still images. This is perfect for capturing high-quality footage of your adventures.
Dual-screen display: The Brave 7 LE has a front-facing screen and a rear screen. This makes it easy to frame yourself and your surroundings, even when you're vlogging.
IPX7 waterproof design: The Brave 7 LE is waterproof up to 131 feet. This means you can take it with you on any adventure, even if it involves water.
EIS 2.0 stabilization: The Brave 7 LE features EIS 2.0 stabilization, which reduces shakiness in your videos. This is great for capturing smooth footage, even when you're on the move.
Long battery life: The Brave 7 LE comes with two batteries, which can give you up to 5 hours of recording time. This means you can record all day long without having to worry about running out of battery.
WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity: The Brave 7 LE can connect to your smartphone or tablet via WiFi or Bluetooth. This allows you to control the camera remotely and preview your footage.
Is the AKASO Brave 7 LE good for vlogging?
Yes, the AKASO Brave 7 LE is a great action camera for vlogging. It has a high-resolution camera, a dual-screen display, and a waterproof design. This makes it perfect for capturing your adventures on video.
The front-facing screen is especially useful for vlogging, as it allows you to frame yourself and your surroundings easily. The EIS 2.0 stabilization also helps to reduce shakiness in your videos, which is important for vlogging.
Overall, the AKASO Brave 7 LE is a great value for money action camera that is perfect for vlogging. It has all the features you need to capture high-quality footage of your adventures.
Here are some additional thoughts on the AKASO Brave 7 LE:
The camera is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface.
The battery life is long, so you can record for extended periods of time without having to worry about running out of power.
The included accessories are a great value and allow you to customize the camera to your needs.
The camera is relatively affordable, making it a great option for budget-minded vloggers and outdoor enthusiasts.
If you're looking for a great action camera for vlogging or outdoor activities, the AKASO Brave 7 LE is a great option. It's affordable, easy to use, and has all the features you need to capture high-quality footage.
If you want to buy Akaso brave 7 le, then visit this link:
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shelfscope · 1 year
16 Best Motorcycle Action Cameras in 2023
Best Overall Motorcycle Action Cameras
GoPro Hero 11 Black ($499.99)
Insta360 ONE X2 ($364.99)
DJI Osmo Action Camera 3 ($303)
Drift Innovation Ghost XL Pro ($149.99)
Best 360 Camera for Motorcycle
Insta360 ONE X2 ($364.99)
GoPro MAX ($499)
Rylo 360 (399.99)
Garmin VIRB 360 ($999.99)
KanDao QooCam 8K 360 Camera ($1999)
Best Action Camera For Motorcycle Helmet
SENA PT10 Prism Tube Wifi ($95.95)
SENA 10C Evo ($443.99)
Techalogic DC-1 Helmet Action Camera (239.99)
Best Budget Action Camera For Motorcycle
Akaso Brave 7 Action Camera  ($169.99)
SJCAM SJ4000 Action Camera ($43.49)
Drift Ghost X Action Camera ($149)
Akaso EK7000 (67.99)
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onedaychance · 1 year
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👉제품구매 바로가기
✅ AKASO Brave 7 LE 4K30FPS 20MP WiFi 터치스크린 방수 액션캠 자전거 오토바이 블랙박스{프로페셔널 버전}, b7 le✅
🌱이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
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000h-la-la · 2 years
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what i got:
akaso brave 7 le (photos from listings and reviews)
why i got them:
i can't be the only person out there that wants to casually capture my travel adventures, but not want to have to constantly whip out my phone or carry around a selfie stick?! while walking around town with an action cam mounted to myself is not ideal, i really don't want to risk breaking or losing my phone while traveling because i need it for important things like comms and 2fa.
i've been researching action cams like crazy. we are not super hardcore adrenaline junkies. however, we already have dedicated low-profile cams for our helmets when we ride so this cam will be primarily for poking around town and the occasional beach excursion. def not good enough criteria for justifying a fancy gopro or insta360. i ended up picking the akaso brave 7 le. it doesn't break the bank, has decent reviews and image quality, comes with gobs of accessories and is water-resistant. it comes with a remote that i can hide in my pocket or strap on my wrist when i want to take a photo or video. i really wanted a setup that would allow me to stay in the moment hence why i opted to just have a cam mounted and ready for whatever. we'll see if this shoot-as-you-go idea pans out.
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alright here’s my little action cam kit! i could reduce it further if i opted not to bring the dual charger since i can charge the cam via micro-usb. super small footprint! 👣
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tecnoandroidit · 6 months
AKASO Brave 8 Lite: un'action camera versatile e affidabile per ogni avventura - Recensione
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L'era dell'esplorazione digitale è sempre più ampia grazie alla disponibilità di dispositivi come le action camera, che consentono di catturare e condividere momenti emozionanti con facilità. Tra i protagonisti di questo mercato c'è AKASO con la sua linea Brave, che offre prestazioni di qualità ad un prezzo più che conveniente. In particolare, abbiamo la Brave8 e la sua versione ottimizzata Brave8Lite che promettono un'esperienza di ripresa senza precedenti. Sarà soprattutto di quest'ultima che oggi ci concentreremo. Per gli appassionati di sport estremi, viaggiatori e creatori di contenuti. In questo articolo, esploreremo in dettaglio le sue caratteristiche, prestazioni e particolarità. Fornendo una guida completa per aiutarvi a scegliere la migliore soluzione alle vostre necessità. DESIGN E COSTRUZIONE Questo dispositivo rappresenta un connubio perfetto tra funzionalità ed estetica, con un design compatto e robusto, progettato per resistere alle sfide degli ambienti più estremi e per accompagnare gli utenti in ogni avventura. È caratterizzate da un corpo resistente che la rende ideale per l'uso all'aperto in condizioni difficili. La struttura è solida e ben costruita e offre una protezione affidabile contro gli urti e gli impatti. Garantendo che le apparecchiature interne restino al sicuro anche durante le attività più intense. In termini di estetica, dispone di un design elegante e moderno, con linee pulite e finiture raffinate. La forma ergonomica si adatta comodamente alla mano, cosìcche i fruitori possano maneggiarle con facilità. In più, l'estrema leggerezza la rende comoda da trasportare ovunque, così da poter catturare i vostri ricordi più preziosi in qualsiasi luogo e momento. Un’altra particolitá riguarda la presenza di un doppio display, grazie a cui è possibile visualizzare le registrazioni in tempo reale e catturare selfie perfetti. Lo schermo posteriore, di dimensioni generose, promette una visualizzazione chiara e dettagliata, mentre quello frontale più piccolo, è ideale per un maggior controllo e la visualizzazione delle informazioni essenziali. Presenta poi una cassa in plastica protettiva, per una sicurezza ancora più efficace. FUNZIONAMENTO La Brave 8 Lite si distingue per la semplicità d'uso e l'efficienza delle operazioni, è progettata per consentire agli utenti di concentrarsi sulla cattura dei momenti, senza doversi preoccupare della complessità della tecnologia. Un elemento chiave del suo funzionamento riguarda l' intuitivo sistema di pulsanti e comandi, posizionati strategicamente lungo i bordi del dispositivo. I tasti facilitano l'accesso alle principali funzioni di registrazione e di scatto fotografico. Ad esempio, un singolo tocco può avviare o interrompere la registrazione video, mentre un altro può catturare istantanee nitide e dettagliate. Oltre ai comandi fisici, è anche supportato il controllo vocale, una caratteristica innovativa utile per impartire compiti per avviare o interrompere la registrazione senza dover toccare la camera. Una funzione particolarmente idonea per tutte quelle situazioni durante le quali le mani sono occupate o quando si desidera riprendere un evento senza interruzioni. Per un maggiore controllo e flessibilità, la camera supporta l'uso di accessori esterni. Come microfoni o telecomandi, che possono essere collegati tramite la tecnologia Bluetooth integrata. Ciò consente di personalizzare le proprie riprese e ottenere risultati audio e video di alta qualità in qualsiasi situazione. Un altro aspetto importante riguarda l'interfaccia che appare estremamente intuitiva, grazie a un sistema di menu semplice e ben strutturato, le persone possono navigare facilmente attraverso le varie modalità e opzioni senza dover consultare un manuale. Le schermate chiare e informative forniscono tutte le informazioni necessarie in modo semplice e conciso, così da potersi concentrare anche su altro senza distrazioni. Insomma, questo dispositivo è caratterizzato da una certa semplicità d'uso ed un' efficienza e affidabilità nelle prestazioni. Tutti elementi che si notano fin dal suo primo utilizzo. CONNETTIVITÀ Per quanto riguarda il settore della connettività, la actioncamera dispone di una vasta gamma di opzioni di connessione e personalizzazione per soddisfare anche i fruitori più esigenti. Grazie alla tecnologia avanzata e alla versatilità delle funzioni, è in grado di adattarsi a una varietà di scenari e di integrarsi facilmente con altri dispositivi e applicazioni. Una delle caratteristiche distintive riguarda la connettività Wi-Fi integrata, attraverso cui è possibile collegare la telecamera ad altri device mobili tramite un'app dedicata. Questa opzione offre una serie di vantaggi, come la visualizzazione in tempo reale delle riprese; il controllo remoto e la trasmissione wireless dei file multimediali. Grazie all'applicazione, si possono modificare le impostazioni; regolare le modalità di registrazione e condividere istantaneamente i propri contenuti sui social media e altre piattaforme online. In più, ricordiamo anche l’opzione di stabilizzazione dell'immagine, per ottenere foto fluide e stabili sempre. Presente anche il supporto Bluetooth per il collegamento a una varietà di accessori esterni. Come microfoni wireless o telecomandi a distanza. Questa soluzione, come la precedente, favorisce un maggiore controllo e flessibilità e consente di catturare perfettamente anche gli elementi audio. È prevista poi la possibilità di modificare una serie di impostazioni e preferenze passando dal menu. Come regolare parametri della risoluzione video; la frequenza dei frame; la sensibilità ISO e altro ancora. Al fine di ottenere risultati ottimali in base alle proprie necessità specifiche. Ma non è tutto, tale modello è progettato per essere compatibile con una vasta gamma di accessori e supporti, per sfruttare appieno il suo potenziale creativo. Che si tratti di montare la telecamera su un casco, un manubrio o un treppiede, non avrete mai alcun problema, ma potrete sempre contare su un'esperienza di ripresa versatile e adattabile. AUTONOMIA L'autonomia rappresenta un altro fattore cruciale, poiché determina quanto tempo la camera può essere utilizzata senza doverla ricaricare ogni istante. La 8 Lite è infatti progettata per offrire un'esperienza di ripresa prolungata, per catturare tutti i momenti importanti senza interruzioni. Presenta una batteria ad alta capacità che garantisce una durata superiore rispetto alla media. Mentre la Brave8 è alimentata da una batteria da 1550mAh, la Brave8Lite ne presenta una leggermente più piccola da 1300mAh. Ad ogni modo, garantisce prestazioni assolutamente eccellenti in termini di persistenza della carica, favorendo il suo utilizzo anche ad alta risoluzione per lunghi periodi di tempo. Per quanto concerne la durata effettiva della batteria, essa può variare a seconda delle impostazioni di registrazione e delle condizioni ambientali, ma la Brave è comunque in grado di offrire un'autonomia impressionante anche in condizioni di utilizzo intensivo. Ad esempio, può registrare video in 4K a 60fps per circa 90 minuti con una singola carica. Prevista anche la ricarica rapida tramite cavo USB-C, grazie a cui è garantito un ripristino veloce dell’energia tra una sessione di ripresa e l'altra. Una funzionalità particolarmente utile per coloro che sono sempre in movimento e desiderano massimizzare il tempo di ripresa senza dover attendere a lungo. PREZZO E CONCORRENZA Il prezzo della 8 Lite rappresenta un notevole vantaggio per chi cerca un prodotto di alta qualità a un costo accessibile. Il device offre una combinazione eccezionale di funzionalità avanzate e prestazioni di alto livello a un prezzo competitivo rispetto ad altri articoli presenti sul mercato. La Brave 8, con un costo di €209,99, ha davvero un ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo considerate le sue caratteristiche e prestazioni. Tra cui, un sensore eccellente, risoluzione fino a 4K a 60 fps, doppio display e funzione SuperSmooth per la stabilizzazione dell'immagine. Per quanto riguarda la confezione, al suo interno sono presenti numerosi accessori che la rendono un'opzione conveniente per coloro che desiderano un dispositivo completo e versatile. D'altra parte, la Brave8Lite, con caratteristiche ottimizzate per una maggiore praticità e prestazioni in condizioni di scarsa luminosità, è disponibile a un prezzo ancora più conveniente. Anche se il suo valore economico ad oggi non è stato specificato, è probabile che sia inferiore a quello del modello Brave 8, presentandosi come un'opzione più economica senza compromettere la qualità e le prestazioni. Questo lo rende particolarmente attraente per chi cerca un'action camera affidabile e performante a un prezzo ancora più basso. PRO E CONTRO Giunti a questo punto possiamo ora fare un'analisi più dettagliata dei pro e dei contro di questo prodotto. Parlando delle caratteristiche positive delle actioncamera, è doveroso citare un eccellente sensore per una resa visiva di alto livello; un doppio display, uno posteriore e uno frontale, che rende più facile l'inquadratura, specialmente per selfie e video di se stessi, fornendo un feedback visivo immediato; da ricordare anche la correzione in post automatica, ovvero la funzione SuperSmooth che permette di stabilizzare le riprese durante la fase di post-produzione, garantendo video fluidi e privi di vibrazioni anche in condizioni di movimento. Infine, ma non per importanza, un ottimo design. Infatti la telecamera presenta una struttura ergonomica e robusta, ideale per l'uso in ambienti esterni e durante attività sportive. Le linee morbide e il corpo compatto facilitano il suo trasporto e l'utilizzo in varie situazioni. Ma non ci sono pro senza contro, di conseguenza parlando degli aspetti “negativi” abbiamo un software che necessita di più attenzione. Infatti sembra che alcuni utenti abbiano segnalato che sarebbe opportuno che questo possa beneficiare di qualche miglioramento per quanto riguarda l'interfaccia utente e la stabilità del sistema. Sono state riportate alcune difficoltà nell'utilizzo dell'applicazione mobile e nella navigazione tra le impostazioni. Manca la busta per gli accessori. Ovvero entrambi i modelli non includono una custodia o una borsa per il trasporto degli accessori, rendendo più difficile la loro organizzazione e spostamento. A tal proposito sarebbe consigliabile una soluzione per il contenimento degli altri supporti presenti all’interno della confezione, così da migliorare l'esperienza complessiva dell'utente. CONCLUSIONE In conclusione, possiamo dire che questa minicamera rappresenti un'ottima scelta per chiunque sia alla ricerca di un dispositivo versatile, affidabile e di qualità, sia che stiate esplorando le profondità del mare, conquistando le vette più alte o semplicemente creando videoclip emozionanti della vita di tutti i giorni, pronti ad accompagnarvi in ogni vostra avventura e momento. Quindi il nostro esito a riguardo è assolutamente  favorevole, a voi spetta poi tirarne le somme! Potete acquistarla direttamente sul sito ufficiale a partire dal 11 aprile 2024 al prezzo di  € 209,99 ma è disponibile anche su Amazon allo stesso prezzo utilizzando la pagina ufficiale. Per 72 ore sarà possibile ottenere uno sconto di ulteriori 20 €. Read the full article
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kapol-id · 2 years
Memirsa dan Menyajikan Bagaimanakah hasil rekaman mik internal Akaso Brave 7? --- Pada dasarnya setiap orang adalah reviewer. Kemahiran literasi kini tidak melulu, membaca, menulis, dan berhitung. Selain kemampuan kelisanan mendengar dan berbicara, era baru menuntun orang untuk memirsa. Efek visual menggiring pemirsa mahir merespon tontonan. Kemudian menyajikan kembali menjadi tuntunan. #rhapsody #interlude #literacy by Duddy RS
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