distfae · 6 months
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shummashum · 3 months
Klaus Goldstein Happy Ending [13~18]
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she came back so they beat the main villain in the dream ...what?
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uh… wait is this real?
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uh…… erm……
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anyway they were finally able to be together clap clap ~
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and they kissed! but well I quite enjoyed Zeus' ending, but Klaus' is um well…… what will be the reason? because he's not creaking at all? come to think of it, I haven't seen his blush scg in K2
And, the epilogue!
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hihi Al sweet guy why am I getting more attached to other guys in Klaus' route forgive me, you excellency
Anyway, he asked how Klaus was doing, so Liz answered that he completely recovered.
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why!! why are you worried about him when he despise you if it was the opposite situation, that mighty emperor wouldn't have worried about you at all
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wait what what are you guys talking about oi Solmare shall we have a talk when are you going to throw away this tear stuff let's throw it away please throw away this "saving the one I love with the power of tears" plot will you?? promise me you won't please,,,,,,
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no way are you insane why are you willing to put them together you don't remember? you forgot what happened and how the atmosphere ruined in Ch7??
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ngl Al is too kind he doesn't have to be worried about those who hate him… well if he's okay with that……
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don't ask that don't just casually ask about that sensitive subject what are you doing, you already know they have their personal problems would you please stop it already aaargh
At that time, Al said he might be late for his lecture, and hurried off down the hallway.
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okay you can find his backstory in his route~ it's like that, right? okay okay I'll check his story after finishing Hiro's route!
Well she headed to the rooftop balcony to meet Klaus, and…
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sorry, what? I have no ability to hear words from the one who became a skewer
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and there happened to be another justification for him to appear in the later story the intention is so obvious that it's a bit hilarious though
Anyway, they talked about when he collapsed and fell unconscious.
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and she showed him you-know-what photo I hope to tell you how I feel thing
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oh I know, it's like something hidden under the bed is revealed well you should've kept your things well
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what will you do if that's the case we should use this as a snack at a party haha!
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and what the blush on Mr. Stickuphisass what am I seeing am I seeing things
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but! cracking? extra point I needed this cracky cracking scene make fun of him this will be our last chance let's fucking make fun of him gogogogo
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Anyway, back to the story.
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then stop throwing flags so that it won't happen in the future I'm saying this now, but I could already predict your future by seeing you speak that way think twice before you open your mouth from now on I think you are underestimate me ← don't do this shit you guys all should recognize that one day you could be skewers or donuts or whatever
Anyway, she suggested a date.
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oh no Klaus' basics in education and learning,,,,,,,
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Anyway, that's how Klaus' route came to an end.
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what it's not over how
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wh..who who the heck is that? I have no idea at all um… maybe he's the mastermind then what about that Taffy-like entity eh
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well… anyway, happy ending! clap clap
<Review> It was good! except that stupid climax and stupid magnet charm and stupid perfume shakeout and stupid bunch of death flags and etc But it feels kinda bland, maybe because I watched Zeus' route right before?
I honestly quite wondered how the story would flow; his intimacy with her was already high enough, and we the player already knew his backstory (besides I was quite sure that K-R-S issue wouldn't be covered in K2). So I thought: this K2 should have an emotional conflict, but how? But the writer twisted this situation; a new character named Alfonse appeared, and his relationship with Klaus was used as an emotional conflict… I was kinda surprised by this. In a way, Klaus' route was used to reveal Al's backstory, but that wasn't unpleasant to me. Rather, it appropriately stimulated my curiosity about what the hell happened between the two.
But the one thing that bothers me is, this conflict was only implied and not resolved in Klaus' route. And I'm sure that this will be covered in Al's route, then conversely, his route will be used as a stage for the conflict between the two. And I doubt if Solmare can do this well. I'm kinda worried that what if I end up like "I'm watching Al's route, but why is Klaus being shown more and his emotional line being emphasized more?" Well… I have no choice but trust the writer But really, I'm kinda scared. The conflict between the two is already serious, and Klaus finds out there's something between Al and Liz? While he has a crush on her? oh no
About the character Klaus… demanding, intimidating, sharp tongue, the manner of a superior… like that. In K1, his characteristics felt relatively emphasized since Liz was a novice provisional student. However, as she grew up after the cataclysm, the sense of hierarchy and vertical distance between the two was greatly resolved. But in my personal opinion, if I only consider characteristics, I'd rather give K1 a higher score. Of course it's obvious that K2 is much better as a romantic partner (compared to K1, I mean), but what can I say... it feels like his characteristics have also been diluted in the process of diluting all the negative elements of K1? Those elements are subtly revealed when dealing with other characters (especially Al), but well. This evaluation might change if I see Al's route later. Perhaps his behavior will be more severe and drastic than K1… I'm not sure though.
<Trivia> I don't have much time to post since the semester started plus translating takes more time than I think Anyway, I might start Hiro's route on Tuesday or Thursday, but I guess the upload term will be irregular. Considering that I have midterm in April, I'll probably not be able to finish Hiro's until May. huh
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arcann · 1 year
It's just so WILD to me that half or more of Werlyt the WoL and co. think it's Alfonse pulling the strings on the weapons operation. This 21 year old non-garlean au ra orphan who's adoptive father lost the war front months ago having a chance at controlling one of the most insanely powerful weapons in modern history by this fascist nation.
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alfvangr · 2 years
@pirrhyc sent:
It's with careful consideration that Pelleas regards today. For days up until now, he has tried to tackle the enigma that is his strange friendship with Alfonse, a man he knows to be exceedingly kind with seemingly no expectation for said kindness to be returned.
It was a selflessness Pelleas seldom saw, could hardly believe, but now that he has multiple times, he resolves to no longer be the coward who frets over whether or not any action on his part would be appropriate. If Alfonse could take this step into bravery multiple times, so could he.
And so after the day's classes have ended, Pelleas calls out, “ Alfonse, please wait a moment...! ”
There were no more chances today after this. He had to do it now.
“ Erm, thank you for stopping. I just wanted to tell you before the day ended: Happy birthday. ” He pulls out a wrapped parcel, holding it out to him. “ Here, a gift from me to you. You're always looking out for me, so I wished to do the same for you. I know it might seem a bit overboard, but um... I figured you were a popular kind of person, so I thought you might want to share it with your friends. ”
Within the box were an assortment of differently flavored cupcakes, each with a little piped zinnia made of icing to decorate them.
“ Please don't hesitate to tell me if you like one more than the other, or if none of them are to your taste. I'd like to be able to learn more about you so... well, so next year I can perhaps give you something better, i-if that's alright... ”
          Though an individual of royal blood and standing, Alfonse is hardly stranger to the experience of celebrations less grandiose in their design, shared with a select few loved ones rather than the whole of a land’s people. An open preference for one or the other he has deigned to avoid confessing, for both possess their merits when weighted against different occasions, but the prince will not deny a certain appreciation for the former in testament to a more reserved nature. Such that although a certain day has seen fit to alight upon his world once more, so far it passes with little in the way of significant fanfare— classes attended as though it were any other day save the occasional well-wishes from a peer or two.
          But one man’s voice in particular, as it happens, lures cerulean eyes astray from amidst the sea of students eager to vacate their classrooms, softening them as they meet the darker hues of its source and drawing the Askran’s steps back in the process. The gift, too, is one verily unexpected, Pelleas’s somewhat stilted explanation dawning understanding as glove-encased hands receive the box with utmost gratitude. “I’m sure whatever’s inside will be wonderful regardless, since you’ve clearly put much thought into it for my sake,” Alfonse replies kindly, adjusting his hold to more securely cradle it in his arms. “Thank you, Pelleas. And of course— you need only ask. I’ll look forward to whatever you gift me next year, as well.”
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unmasqued · 2 years
ooc. & starter call
{ hello, hello! lovely to meet you or greet you after all this time 💗 I just wanted to get a few things settled down for Gerome! (starter call also under the cut!)
Gerome’s still a student because I think he had to grow up a little too quickly, and it’s only right for him to live and let live a little while he still has the chance! Half his friends companions grew up in the blink of an eye :’) He’s going to go on with the presumption that they time skipped again, just like Laurent did canonically!
It’s nice to meet all you new folks! Happy to be here 💗
I will be changing my writing style to suit my needs a little better. It won’t be noticeable, I’m sure!
I think the only people Gerome interacted with briefly are Ingrid, Pelleas, Kiran, and Inigo? Maria, Kat, Alfonse in asks. But since it was so brief it’s not much to account for, I believe! So we’re free to keep it like. Oh, Gerome from math class is back. Thought he died!! 
Currently, I am reluctantly capping my threads at 4, but given that people have approached me privately, I’ll be taking up more later! (currently: 1. lilly/cynthia, 2. red/maria?, and 3. the ocean’s four/ inigo, lucina, cynthia, owain. ) 
I genuinely want to RP with all of you, but you know how I am. [hubris.png] 
[ STARTER CALL ] I love you all and can only politely ask for one additional starter, so please feel free to comment below if you have one in mind! 
[Link to this Month’s Threads]
Taken by Eleven!
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Wedding Hell
Summary: After all the time the two of you spent together, Alfonse simply could not imagine a life where he was not by your side.
But you were to be married to another man tomorrow.
And so, on this night, Alfonse finds himself before you on his knees, needing and wanting to express some long-harbored feelings that had lingered in his heart.
Just this once.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Reader/Alfonse
As long as the Summoner was happy, then that was all that Alfonse cared about.
It was by your brilliant mind that victory against any foe was possible, by your ironclad will that kept even the faintest flicker of hope aflame in the most dire times, by your vast kindness that kept all Heroes unified towards one common goal despite varying differences and contrasts.
And yet, it was because of your happiness that Alfonse found himself increasingly caring about to the point of it being detrimental to his well-being.
Simply because your heart belonged to a man who was not him.
Now King Hríd.
And that would be made clear to all when that single golden ringer was slipped onto your finger tomorrow.
The church was decorated, the invitations had gone out, the dress chosen and tailored.
All that was left was for you to exchange your vows.
But in the meantime, you would spend your last night here in Askr so you could be escorted to Niflheim tomorrow first thing in the morning, as part of royal wedding traditions.
Your last night in your bedroom that had long since served as your personal quarters for so long.
The very same room that Alfonse was currently kneeling in the center of, his eyes downcast towards the floor, the corners of his eyes stinging with tears that were threatening to fall.
This meeting was his idea in the first place--a quick murmur to your ear while the celebratory feast at the grand Askran royal dining room was wrapping up.
But now he was here and he couldn’t even bear to look up at your face.
Not that he expected to see disgust at his pitiful state.
But rather, he knew the expression that you were making.
All by the soft and gentle way you then called out to him, one request that made it all the harder for him to rise up to his feet.
“Alfonse, please tell me what’s wrong.”
You were worried.
Understandably so.
Alfonse’s fists clenched upon his thighs as he searched deep within himself to speak.
But would you be able to understand the torment he was going through?
And yet, he still did as he was requested--like he could ever deny you, like he could ever fail you.
You did not say anything at first. Rather, you moved instead, crouching down to meet his gaze, the concern in your voice matching the expression on your face.
“But what could ever be wrong with you, Alfonse?”
His eyes clenched shut.
Gods, you were right in front of him, so close at that too?!
The torment in his heart brewed, all while sweet and joyful memories the two of you created and shared together flashed in his mind.
You and him.
His eyes opened, peering into yours at last. 
Kindness and concern were reflected on your irises as he took in your beauty.
Together. As the two of you were meant to be.
You asked a question.
And he could not restrain himself to refuse you the answer any longer as his hands slowly rose up, his lips parting to speak in a hushed murmur,
“You’ll understand once I show you.”
And then he immediately cupped your cheeks and claimed your lips with his.
Your surprise was to be expected, a startled squeak against his mouth as you drew back, 
“Alfonse, this is--!”
“--too late?”
For you to pull away should have told him the cold truth he thought so long to deny, but it was too late at this point. 
Not while the taste of your lips lingered on his. 
As you gasped from the utter hollow sadness in his voice, he continued, all while his desire for you compelled him to keep kissing you as he spoke, his words getting lost in the swipes of his tongue against your mouth, “I know, I know and I damn myself for it! I thought by keeping my distance, I could protect myself, but once I started having these feelings, I thought I could maybe get closer--”
His arms wrapped around your waist, hoisting you over to him in a tight embrace as he continued to kiss your lips. “--but I was still so focused on my duty, my own short-comings.”
And then the tears he had long held back began to cascade down his cheeks when he broke his kiss, his hands cupping your cheeks, keeping your head still so you were gazing right into his eyes. “A king needs to learn how to make decisions for the betterment of all instead of his own will--but this, but you--I cannot, I will not yield you to anyone else!”
Heartbroken didn’t even begin to touch on the agony that was present on his face.
Though you were ready to spend your life with Hríd, the pain that Alfonse exuded was too much for you to gaze upon.
And so, you brought your hands to his face, gently wiping away at his tears as you looked to him with conflicted compassion, your tone soft, “Alfonse, there’s too much to really say, but...just this once, alright?”
Alfonse was breathless, your words heartbreaking in its intent but salving in its sincerity. With a gasp, he nodded. “...Just...just this once it will be then.”
Your lips met once more while your clothes soon met the floor, all while you were carefully laid upon the surface.
Alfonse was caught in his desire between exploring you thoroughly and unleashing the limitless affection he held for you for so long. Between ravenous desire to reverent tenderness, his lips and fingers roamed over your skin, his mouth toying with your nipples, his head burying between your thighs, up until he was at last plunging his cock in and out of your core.
The feeling of his bare skin pressed against yours, your bodies intertwined so perfectly, the hot velvety squeeze of your walls around his dick--he would savor the sensation for the years to come.
Each precious moan you let out stoked the inferno of his desire as it did to crush at the hope that you would be his.
This was to be only for this night.
And it was for this reason that compelled him to cry out as he neared his orgasm, “It’s selfish of me, but I cannot back down from this! I love you too much to do so...!”
Together, the two of you lingered on the floor in a joined heap, his arms hugging you tight without any intention of letting you go, his face buried in your neck, all while your fingers gingerly stroked his hair.
Was it because of pity that you allowed him to continue?
His reason questioned.
Or did you happen to have feelings?
His depravity inquired.
But like an animal that was starved, he greedily feasted on whatever scraps you gave him that night.
And fitting it was.
For he would never be your lover.
But whatever you needed him to be: your sword, your toy, your pet.
Anything to be the only one by your side just a moment longer.
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fe-husband-heaven · 4 years
Wait so Mod, which characters do you think have a thing for the summoner in feh? I really love your writing btw :D ❤️❤️❤️
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You guys don't miss a beat, huh? ;)
((I'm including quotes from these heroes speaking to the summoner!))
Top 10 FEH Husbands that I have delusionally cultivated romantic subtexts from (In no particular order and besides Alfonse and Líf cuz they're simp #1 and simp #1 where it went horribly wrong-):
"I want to help you reach your dream. I want to see you smile. Now, and forever...my heart brims with affection for you."
I mean...he pretty much laid that all out on the table djdjdj i think its super cute that in another line he also mentions showing the summoner and ONLY the summoner, a special dance of his.
"Oh, did I mention? I'm the crown prince of Jehanna. And when I go back, I want you to come with me. I don't need your answer now, but give it some thought. Maybe we can flip a coin to decide?"
I really love this one because he also has a voice line where he says "Heads, I win—tails, you lose." where it's impossible for him to lose a coin toss djdjdjd so 👀👀 how's this coin toss gonna work out for you Joshua?
My mans really wants to finesse the summoner all the way back to Jehanna-
"I’m your new hobby, is that it? You falling for me?"
"Why do I stick with you? Well, it's a little thing they call love."
Jdjsjs silverfox-
He's probs teasing but I think its a cute dynamic between the kinda jaded thief and the summoner who the thief thinks is a person with an "aura of downright goodness"
"Oh, dear. It seems that you have discovered me. I was attempting to paint a portrait of you just now. I don't do this all that often, but observing you moved me...You're a captivating person—how you move, how you summon, and even your demeanor when we talk. Before I knew it, I had brush in hand. Perhaps the fact that you summoned me draws me to you...I'd like to believe that my affection for you is my own, though. I am thankful that I had this chance to share my feelings with you today. That said, do you mind if I continue to paint? I'd love to have you all to myself, even for only a short time."
All of Niles, but my favorites are probs:
"I tracked down the sweetest treat I could find, just for you. It looks delicious, no? Let me feed it to you."
"There is no need to hide who you are...no need to restrain yourself... when it comes to us."
^And that's just his Halloween version! Niles, unlike most heroes on this list, was not always on #TeamSummoner. His other lines mention that he served the Summoner unwillingly but now, he doesn't want to be separated from them.
i think its super adorable and i like to think that some of Niles's suggestiveness flies right the fck over the summoner's head innocently and he just?? i am going to taint you???
"Oh, Summoner...You are far too kind. Please don't look at me so. I want to see you smile. Always."
i am soft
and he is soft
and Summoner/Lyon is an endless cycle of pls i just want you to be happy-
"I would love to stroll in a market with you sometime—perhaps when our battles are done."
"I need you... in order to be me. You see? I pledge to help you any way I can, ever at your side—now and well into our future."
"I vow to work hard—until I'm strong enough to protect you."
The S in Seliph stands for Shooting his shot sjsnsjsisjh he's so attached I-
"I don't care a whit about anything but getting back home. Being here is only temporary for me. Oh, you wonder why I haven't left of my own accord then?! It's because you...you..."
heheheheh Soren can't admit that the summoner is important to him and that's so adorable ckdmndn
its a package deal tho, you have to like Ike or no dice-
"I've been wondering... How do you think of me? Am I just another Hero to you Not that it matters to me. Just curious." ((Uhuh. Sure))
"Were you happy to see me when I showed up? Hope so."
My poor boy just wants to be recognized 😭😭😭And it shows in his need to be special to the summoner cjdjdj please sir mt heart-
I like to think the summoner showers him in praise, he deserves it and he might pretend like its no biggie but it makes him really happy.
"I don't mind you going out on patrol, but if you move too far from my side, I can't protect you. Stay close."
"I'll never forgive you if you go and get yourself killed out there, so don't do it. Got that?"
"If you find yourself in a dire position, you can call on me. No matter what, I will fly to your aid."
hehehebebeb Its mostly me with my romantic subtext goggles on but sir I'm a sucker for this kinda dynamic where one is uber protective of the one who doesn't fight fjfjdjj
Tibarn is so strong he could probably just carry off the summoner wherever he pleases and i a m s o f t
Obviously, I'm digging for gold in sand but leT ME HAVE MY FUN-
Honorable mentions that might seem strange but I promise I have a good reason for but I didn't get to are: Henry, Raven, Ephraim, Lucius, Narcian, Chrom, Shigure, Yarne, ...Valter, Gaius-
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takurotan · 3 years
FEH Book V, Chapter 8 Serpent's Whispers
Part 1: Grinding Gears MID_SCENARIO_OPENING: Fafnir:...Hmph. Nothing. There's nothing here! Was this all for nothing? Wait... This gate here... Why do I feel so drawn to it? ...How does it open? Damn it! FighterAX_M: Stop there! Any further violence will not be tolerated. Fafnir: Who are you?! Henriette: I am Henriette, Askr's queen and sovereign after the passing of my husband, King Gustav. Fafnir: Queen, hm? Open this gate, woman. Henriette: I will not. And I ask that you step away from it, King Fáfnir. This place is not for you. Fafnir: Silence! Shut your mouth and do as I command! Henriette: Rrraaagghh! Alfons: Mother! Let her go, Fáfnir! Fafnir: Impertinent woman... I should snap your stubborn neck right here in front of your weakling son! Henriette: Rrgh... Guh! Alfonse... Alfons: Stop! Fafnir: Rrrr-rah! Henriette: *gasp* *cough* Alfons: Mother! Mother, are you all right?! Henriette: Y-yes... Fafnir: ...Ngh! Damn this headache… Why does it throb like this?! Ever since entering this country, the more I kill, the more pain grips at my chest, my throat… Ngyah! ...My...my head! Alfons: ...F-Fáfnir?
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Fafnir: You, open this gate! Alfons: Fáfnir, what— Fafnir: Silence! Open it! Now! Alfons: I will not. I can't allow you to threaten any other world! Fafnir: Impudent brat... I will open it myself! By my power alone!
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_END: Fafnir: Urgh... My...head... Can't muster… Lost? ...To them?! Anna: W-we defeated Fáfnir... Even though we stood no chance against him in the past... Alfons: This could be our chance to end all of this here and now, even without Gramr... We can defeat him! Reghin: Prince Alfonse, wait! Please! Spare his life... Alfons: Yes. Of course... We will capture him and hold him in a prison cell. That'll put a stop to the war's spread. Sharon: Fáfnir got his strength from the Crown of the Dvergar, right? Before we seal him away in prison, we should probably take that, right? Alfons: Indeed. Let's do that now... H-huh? I can't get it off! Reghin: ...The Crown of the Dvergar can only be removed by the one who wears it. Or when the one who wears it dies… B-but please don't kill him! Alfons: Don't worry, Princess Reginn… Though we will need to make his prison cell as secure as we can.
Part 2: Odd Wayfarer MID_SCENARIO_OPENING: _ Anna: Hm... What's all this doing here? You there! Please take this over to the courtyard. Can anyone else lend a free hand? I have a few other things that need to be hauled off as well... Reghin: Hello, Commander Anna... Anna. Ah! Princess Reginn! ...Did you visit Fáfnir in his cell again today? Reghin: Yes... He's been suffering for a long time now—from nightmares...and headaches too. I'm sorry for all the destruction he's caused as a result... Anna: Yes, well, it has certainly been keeping the Heroes busy. The queen assures us she's all right too, but she has been staying in bed to be safe. Alfonse and Sharena have been looking after the kingdom's affairs in her stead. Reghin: ... Anna: But don't worry about that, Princess Reginn! It's not like any of this was your fault. Defense is my responsibility after all. You're the one helping us out. And on that note… Did you say you remembered something that might be a clue? The Tower of Niðavellir, was it? Reghin: Right, well, it's primarily used for the king's ascension ceremony, where the king first takes the throne. Actually, when Fáfnir first started acting strange, Ótr went to the tower thinking he might find some clue… But when he came back... Well, he's worn a grim expression ever since, and sides with Fáfnir in all things. Maybe if we visit the Tower of Niðavellir too, we might find some information. Anna: But it's located high on a steep mountainside, and the guards are likely on high alert… As much as I'd like to have a look around, under the circumstances, I'm not sure it's feasible... Reghin: Oh, that's all right! I've been relying on you all so much, I feel I'm asking more than my share from you... Anna: We'll just have to wait until things calm down a little more, and then we'll reconsider visiting the tower. Fjorm: Er, excuse me, Commander Anna. Might I speak with you a moment? Anna: Oh, Princess Fjorm, hello. Do you need something from me? Fjorm: We've just received report that the remnants of Niðavellir's army have invaded a border village. If we do not send help soon, they may not last long... Anna: What? Now?! I'm sorry for the burden, but I have my hands full here… Will you take care of the invaders for me, Kiran?
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Lute: The world is larger than any of us could possibly comprehend... I must never stop learning.
Part 3: Devoted Saint MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Tita: Zeke had lost nearly all of his memory when I found him washed up on shore.
Part 4: Kind Eldest Sister MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Paora: I'm Palla. I've come from Archanea in search of my sister.
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_END: Anna: Good work, Kiran! And well done, everyone else too. Get some rest. You earned it! Sharon: After all that, I'm sooo hungry… Nott: Commander Anna, I have a proposal. Would you allow me to prepare dinner this evening? Anna: Huh? ...You, Princess Nótt? Nott: Yes! I know I caused you all so much trouble before… And since we were caught up in the middle of a chase, things were never exactly resolved, so… I am asking for a chance to offer a proper food-based apology to everyone here. Especially Kiran… I handed you over to Ótr, after all! Surely you're angry about that… To have forgiven me so easily… You are a truly kind person. Even so, I am quite embarrassed to have been manipulated so easily. I've had a change of heart, and I want to do what I can to make things right with you, Kiran… If you can somehow find it in your— Sharon: Err... Princess Nótt? Nott: Your face... Now that I've had a good look at it, I cannot help but notice, Kiran, that you're—No! I mustn't! I just swore I'd change my ways! Reghin: Umm... Princess Nótt? There was mention of food, and I'm really quite hungry... Nott: Y-yes! Of course! Please, leave it all to me, and you won't regret it! I will put my whole heart into this meal and make it a delicious treat for all to partake of! Reghin: All right! I can't wait!
MID_SCENARIO_ENDING: Reghin: ...Yes! Seems like I was able to sneak out of the castle without anyone noticing me slip away. Thanks to Princess Nótt's cooking, everyone fell fast asleep once their bellies were full. I'm so sorry, everyone... It's my fault you're all exhausted and in pain. The least I can do is go find the cause of my brother's behavior—and do it alone if I have to. Fáfnir, Brother... I know you are suffering right now, but...I will find a way to help you! Just hold on!|
Part 5: Past Unknown MID_SCENARIO_OPENING: Anna: *yawn* Whew! I must have fallen immediately asleep last night… I guess I must have eaten too much of that food Princess Nótt made. Alfons: Princess Reginn! ...Princess Reginn? Commander, have you seen Reginn? Anna: She isn't in her room? Sharon: No. Nor is she anywhere else nearby as far as I can tell... No one seems to have seen her since last night. Alfons: What? Do you know anything about this, Kiran? She went to the Tower of Niðavellir? And she went alone?! Anna: What?! She did say she felt bad about the damage Fáfnir caused... Sharon: And on top of that—and this is just a guess, but—she probably can't stand seeing her brother suffer... Alfons: Regardless of her reasons, it's far too dangerous for her to go there alone. We have to go after her!
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Zeke: Her face is dim, but it is there, etched in the recesses of memory… the face of my...my...
MID_SCENARIO_ENDING: Fafnir: Guhhh... Loki: Well now, King Fáfnir... Quite the pathetic state you've found yourself in here, isn't it? Fafnir: Who...who are you?! Loki: My name is Loki. Enchanted, I'm sure. Pleasantries aside, you seem to be in quite the predicament, hm? I wanted to offer my help. Fafnir: Hah. What help can you, a stranger, possibly have to offer me? Loki: Oh... So you don't believe I can help you then? Well that's just hurtful! Otr: Do you question whether I am concerned for you, Brother? Fafnir: What is— Reghin: Fáfnir... Brother... I'm sorry you've been imprisoned! I'll find a way to help you! Loki: ...And what do you suppose I have to offer you now? Freeing you from this place would be child's play. However... Freedom has its price. So, listen closely now, King Fáfnir… I need you to do something for me. Fafnir :...
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comfy-whumpee · 4 years
TW: addiction (beginning of italics section, skippable).
The thing crackles when it comes on. The crackle fizzes against his head, as if he can feel it before it touches his skin. He feels like perhaps he can. There’s a current running through him, an electric fear that exposes every nerve like sparking wires. His skin feels like it’s ready to jump off his bones and run. He wishes he could follow. He wishes...
Then the pain comes, flashing across him and whiting out his thoughts with a harsh jolt.
Silence, and he catches his breath, trying to blink through the haze. His ears are ringing. Something twitches, he isn’t sure where it is. He closes his eyes, opens his eyes, tries to look around, but there are only white patches.
The crackle comes on again, and Lauritz remembers to close his teeth together so he doesn’t bite his tongue. He doesn’t know how he knows to, but the thought--
Disappears from his head with the jab of the electricity again against his shoulder, sending a spasm like an earthquake through his bad arm and down into his muscles, and this time he screams, hoarse and half-voiced, breaking up into a static gurgle as the - cattle prod? As it pulls away.
Oxygen pulls into his lungs painfully, dragged in down a throat that burns. He’s tired already. It’s only been two. There’s going to be ten.
“Ple...” he tries, but the word croaks into nothingness, and pain shears over him in response, pulling his body out of his control. He jerks in the chains, rattling them above his head. His hands are shaking. “Pl...se...”
The crackle and the stab of pain rocketing across him, and his voice wheezes out in a failed cry. The pain stops, then starts again, moments later, and he seizes up, yanking on the manacles and trying to force his voice into motion. It’s like a nightmare, unable to scream, unable to move, body twitching out of his control even after the shock has stopped, and his voice won’t come out, and his breaths are just wisps of air.
He feels like he swallowed a sword of flame and he knows there are still four to go.
The skin is numb when it hits him again, but the wires that run through his skin are no less potent, like poison in his veins. He gasps for breath when it finally stops, and even that barely makes a rasp. This is how he lost his voice, he realises distantly, until the thought is wiped out by the agony.
Two...One left? Only one left, he thinks.
He screams. His body is aflame. His throat vents pain and it only comes back stronger.
He’s done, he’s done, that was ten--
Body dissolves into white flame. He can’t stop shivering. Was it not ten? Were there more? Please, he’s had enough, he needs it to stop--
Please. He can’t do this. The time between them is blurring. The pain isn’t stopping. His chest is locked up and he can’t breathe--
He can’t take it, he can’t, he can’t, stop, please, stop, stop--
Tears stream down Lauritz’s face as his body twitches and shudders like a dying flame, sputtering out, and he can’t find where the air is and he can’t hear anything but the ringing, singing ears and a voice, faint, “Stop, stop it!”
But there’s nobody here but him and the scientists and they never listen when he begs them, they never--
His body combusts and when it fades, he shudders. He’s a man made of ash. He heaves in a single, thin breath, and feels the pounding in his head slow just slightly. He blinks, white and grey static giving way to a twist of shadows. Where is he?
“Leave him alone, he hasn’t done anything!”
But the rat has done so many things, so many evil things, and he had to be punished for who he used to be.
Rain. It’s Rain, on their chair, fists clenched and glaring angrily at Alfonse, standing over him with the silenced weapon in his hand. No more crackles. It’s over.
Weren’t they going to pretend not to care?
“He’s done plenty,” Alfonse says, his husky bass sending a shiver right through Lauritz’s bones - or is that the aftershocks? “You know very well what he’s done. And he’s done much more than you were there for, of course. He’s not a redeemable man.”
“He’s not even the same man,” Rain says. “He’s different. You scrubbed out who he was and now he’s just - a gullible idiot. It’s like watching you experiment on a rat.”
Lauritz looked down. A rat. Yes... He knew. They still thought of him that way.
Alfonse was unmoved. The crackle came on again, and Lauritz tensed with a whimper, only to be rebutted by the man’s laugh. “He was a lab rat, you know. We didn’t know if the procedure would work. But he made a good test subject - nobody to miss him - and the results were better than we’d hoped. He was stupid afterwards, of course... But that wasn’t a detriment at all.”
Rain doesn’t object that he’s stupid. He must be, if they think so. Or maybe everyone is stupid compared to them. Instead they breathe steadily, still blindfolded but appearing more relaxed than ever. “So why shock him now? Hoping he’ll forget me?”
Alfonse laughs again, louder, and Lauritz feels himself shrink as it bounces across the walls. “No.”
Without warning, hot metal stabs against Lauritz’s back and pain lasers across his body. He screams, and screams louder when it doesn’t stop, and screams again as something vast and lightless opens inside his head and he knows, deeper than he knows his own name, that he’s been here before.
The shock stops but the empty space does not go away. He can’t close a door on it like he did before. And it’s growing.
Lauritz needs his fucking fix. He needs it. It itches at him constantly. His thoughts loop and circle back to it as if tethered. He needs. He sits on his ratty old sofa, half-watching some shit fucking TV show, and tries not to think about the relief and floating pleasure.
Fuck. Fuck, he just wants to be happy for a while, is that so much to fucking ask?
His work phone rings. He picks it up. Stupid thing, but the boss had got him one for the new job, and he wouldn’t risk pissing off that guy. People who pissed that guy off had a way of fucking vanishing. “Yeah?”
“Lauritz.” The voice was deep and rich with a husky quality. Lauritz didn’t go for guys like the boss, but he’d fuck that voice alone. “You’ve been out of touch for a while. How are things with our guest?”
Lauritz grunted and got up, stiff joints protesting to the movement. His mum would’ve said to exercise more, but fuck it, she wasn’t here to care these days. He walks through the dim hallway and to the door to the kid’s room. He listens for a minute, hand on his knife, before unlocking and opening it.
They looked up at him and the instant terror in their eyes was a little high all of its own. Their eyes flicked to the phone and back, and they licked their lips but didn’t ask. They’d stopped talking so much a few days ago, fucking finally. He was getting tired of kicking them. The only time they talked was when they were fucking begging him over the bathtub, and that was an exception. He was riding high those times, so a bit of whining didn’t bother him. And making them repeat his name? Fucking delicious.
He closed the door again. “Kid’s fine.” He walked back down the hall, ignoring the little cupboard where the bitch was chained up and gagged. The boss didn’t have to know about that shit. He’d be in the fire if anyone found out some meddling fuck had come looking. “I’m keeping them fed and shit. Why, you want me to cut off a finger or something?”
The boss laughed. So fucking hot. “No need for that. A lock of hair, I think. Perhaps a video, next week.”
“Got it. Hey, can you send a guy over with some molly?”
“Of course. Just don’t get merry on the job, Lauritz.”
Fuck, Lauritz liked people saying his name. If only the boss wasn’t married to that nutjob Sinclair.
“You got it.”
The video. The video was what had done it. Something in the background, a glimpse of the window, or something Rain had said, coded to give them enough clues to get his house raided. Lauritz had only barely gotten away.
Alfonse had found out. He’d shown up barely two months later, furious, saying something about how the kid’s family were pulling back business. Lauritz hadn’t known why he was there, hadn’t seen why it was his problem that the scare tactics had gone wrong. Alfonse hadn’t bothered explaining. Just punched him out, fists across his face, until everything had gone black. He’d woken up in the empty room.
Lauritz’s eyes were wet. He looked at Rain on the ground, curled up tight and listening without sight. It was his own fucking fault that this had happened. He really knew that now. He’d gone along with so much shit to get money for drugs. So much. And who was it who had given him his first high? Alfonse’s fucking recruiter.
The whole time, he’d assumed that whatever torture he’d done to them, it had been a random act. There hadn’t been a scheme behind it but a quick ransom. But this... The knowledge, from the old Lauritz, was lodged in his head like a bullet. The scum he’d been. The joy he’d taken in an excuse to hurt someone. The... The loneliness.
He was a major fuck-up and Rain had - Kala too, they had both - given him more kindness than he deserved.
He knew that now. Really knew that.
Old Lauritz was filling in the gaps in his head, but the memories didn’t feel like him. Somehow, he’d been handed a fresh start in what had meant to be his end. Somehow, he had a chance to... Do some fucking good in his life, for once. The lunchbox, and the grapes, and his mum, they had all faded for his old self, and yet they were the things that came back first. Selfless, loving gestures.
He blinked the tears from his eyes. Alfonse was still there, watching. Lauritz fought the urge to curl his lip at the man who had ruined his life. “Please,” he said instead, hoarse and quiet. It was obvious that Alfonse wanted him to remember, and that he had was the only advantage to be found in this situation. He kept his voice soft and his head low. Just as he - himself, new Lauritz - just as he always had.
Alfonse sighed. He walked out. Lauritz slumped in the chair, knowing there was nothing else he could do. He couldn’t tell Rain; they would never trust him again. He couldn’t act on the knowledge he had. He just... He was still useless. A useless little rat.
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
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bouquetwrites · 3 years
POV: it’s totally still July shhhhh (🔞🔞🔞)
Alfonse plans something special for Kiran’s birthday. He enlists the help of Claude, whose own birthday isn’t too far behind.
HEADS UP (seven up): 
1. There’s very nsfvv content under the cut. Please only read this if you’re 18 or older.
2. CW for a tiny bit of alcohol consumption. Not enough for anybody to get drunk but still putting that out there just to be safe
No matter how much time had passed; no matter what was happening in the days leading up to it, Kiran was always excited when her birthday was approaching. She saw it as a perfect excuse to spoil herself at any turn, which she often felt she needed once the day arrived. When she and Alfonse began their courtship, he made sure to go above and beyond for her in order to make her special day even more wonderful. Such efforts never went unnoticed to her, and she loved him even more than she thought herself capable for it.
Unfortunately, it seemed she would have to wait until the evening to spend time with him this year. She was woken up in the morning by Sharena bringing her breakfast in bed, which included a note from the prince. He wished her a happy birthday, informing her that he made the mouthwatering stack of chocolate chip pancakes and included the bowl of strawberries for her, as he knew it was her favorite breakfast. He also wrote that he had multiple meetings throughout the day, so he wasn’t able to see her until the last one was over. The note, however, ended with a promise to more than make it up to her when he was done with them, and a cheesy yet endearing reminder of his love for her.
The breakfast was delicious, as was to be expected when Alfonse was on kitchen duty. The rest of Kiran’s morning was spent with Sharena, which consisted of them visiting the accessory shop in the Aether Resort and treating themselves to the ones they had their eyes on for quite a while now. In the afternoon, she met up with Tana and Lene, joining them in getting their nails done; something she was ever so grateful for still being a possibility in this world. She opted for a vibrant purple, similar to the ends of her hair, which she found to be quite beautiful.
The first part of her evening was spent having drinks with Claude on the beach. It just so happened that his birthday and hers were close together, so they opted to celebrate both at the same time. As the sun set, the hot summer air had faded into a pleasant, warm breeze, making the experience more enjoyable for the both of them. She certainly believed Claude deserved to enjoy himself, as he came from a Fodlan torn apart by war; approximately five years after his time at Garreg Mach. While he definitely matured in those five years, it was nice to see they hadn’t completely broken his spirit.
“Is there a drinking age in Fodlan?” She asked him.
“When you’re old enough to marry, that’s when you’re old enough to drink.” He responded. “Of course, that varies depending on where in Fodlan you are. I had a classmate from Faerghus that would have been engaged during her time at the academy, had it not been for her betrothed dying.”
Well, that took a slightly dark turn rather quickly.
“...she was kind of terrible. If you ever summon her, promise you’ll keep her as far from me as you can.” He went on.
“I can’t make any guarantees there, but I’ll try my best.” Kiran spoke, unable to fight back her laughter at his request. “After all, you are one of my favorites.”
Claude was never one for blushing, but he did so at her declaration, as well as her laying her hand on his shoulder and sliding a bit closer to him. The two certainly became well acquainted during his time in Askr, and in that time he was slowly growing more and more attracted to her. She found him to be quite enticing as well, and while she and Alfonse had discussed the possibility of bringing a third person into their courtship, she wanted to make sure he would be okay with that person being Claude.
“I am, huh?” He playfully questioned. “You know, if you have favorites, you’re not supposed to say it. Makes the others feel bad.”
“Yeah, yeah, like some of them can’t tell without me saying it.” She replied with a smirk. “You should hear the way Serra talks about me when she doesn’t realize I can hear her.”
The two continued to laugh and chat idly as they watched the calm waves of the ocean and sipped on their tropical beverages. They exchanged stories of how they would celebrate their birthdays before their time in Askr, and both had vastly different experiences to speak of, but wonderful ones nevertheless. As the sky grew darker, they opted to return to the castle, where they were surprised with an enormous cake that rivaled the one served at Sigurd and Deirdre’s vow renewal. Kiran wondered if such a large cake was necessary for a simple birthday, even if it was for two people. Once she got to have a bite of it, however, her questioning was pushed to the side, as it was undoubtedly delicious.
As the summoner took in the celebratory surroundings while also enjoying a second piece of her and Claude’s cake, she was surprised to feel a pair of arms around her waist, holding her close as she felt someone’s chest against her back. She promptly turned around to find her prince standing behind her, his warm smile making her heart flutter.
“Babe!” She cheered, putting her fork down on her plate as she pulled him in for a kiss.
“Happy birthday, my sweetheart.” Alfonse gushed. “Gods, it feels wonderful to finally be out of that council room and here with you.”
“It feels wonderful to have you here.” Kiran replied. “Oh! You have to try this cake, it is absolutely to die for.”
She picked her fork back up, sticking it in a small bit of her piece and holding it up to him. Upon taking the bite offered to him, his eyes lit up. He took the fork from her in order to have more of it, prompting her to roll her eyes as she unsuccessfully attempted to fight back an amused smile.
“Prince Alfonse!” Claude called out, approaching the couple and draping an arm over the prince’s shoulders. “Glad you could make it. I was starting to worry about you.”
“Happy early birthday, Duke Riegan.” Alfonse chuckled, patting him on his back. “I trust that you are well?”
“Better now that you’re here.” The dark haired man replied, winking.
“Flirting with my boyfriend while I’m standing right here, I see.” Kiran joked.
“Now, now, summoner, no need for jealousy. There’s plenty of me to go around.” Claude told her.
Alfonse and Kiran eventually snuck off after enjoying more of the festivities, seeking some time alone with one another. What the summoner didn’t know was there was a surprise waiting for her in her room. Alfonse shielded her eyes as she turned her doorknob, and when he pulled his hands away, she was beyond awestruck. The room was decorated with many candles, which made it light up in the most beautiful way. There were also rose petals on the floor, which were arranged alongside some of the candles into a path that led to her bed, which was decorated with them as well. Her jaw dropped upon the sight, and she turned to find her prince with a warm and knowing expression.
“My last meeting ended earlier than I told you it would.” He confessed, sliding his hands onto her hips and pulling her close. “I spent that extra time putting this together. If we were to be intimate tonight, I wanted it to be more special and romantic for you, because you only deserve the best.”
“Well, you definitely nailed that part.” She whispered, rubbing his chest with her hands and winking at him. “All that’s left is for you to nail me.”
“Ah, not yet, love.” He laughed. “There’s… something missing at the moment.”
It was then that the pair heard a knock on the door, prompting them to turn to look at it.
“Is that my queue? I’m lonely out here.” They heard a voice from the other side, which… sounded like Claude?
“Yes, you may enter, Duke Riegan.”
Upon hearing Alfonse’s confirmation that it was in fact Claude standing outside, and watching him enter the room, Kiran almost froze in place. Sure, she and Alfonse had talked about it before, but they had yet to mention specific people that they had in kind when it came to it. Did either of them know something that she didn’t?
“Told you there was plenty of me to go around.” Claude spoke as he winked at the couple, pulling off his gloves and setting them on the table. “And please, Alfonse, you don’t have to be so formal when it’s just us.”
The summoner’s hand shot up to her mouth, trying to suppress her giggles as she buried herself in Alfonse’s embrace. The two men were absolutely successful in their attempt to surprise her, and them being able to pull this off so easily made her want them even more. Heat rose to her cheeks when Claude took her hand in his, removing it from her face and pressing his lips against it. She picked her head up, looking up at Alfonse as he gently yet passionately kissed her.
“Do you like your present so far?” The prince inquired when he pulled away.
“Well, I haven’t had much of a chance to unwrap it yet.” She teased, glancing back and forth between the two men. “But so far it definitely has my interest.”
With that, she captured her boyfriend’s lips once more, hastily grabbing him by his hips and jerking him closer to her. The prince’s eyes widened in surprise but he welcomed her bold advances, swiftly closing his eyes and deepening the kiss. Claude slid a hand around her waist and went to kiss her neck, his warm breath and ticklish beard on her exposed skin sending shivers through her veins and enveloping her body with an overwhelming heat at the same time.
Alfonse continued to caress his girlfriend’s mouth with his own, slipping his tongue in when she let out a needy gasp. An eager hand of his slowly trailed down her alluring curves, stopping at her leg and lifting it to wrap around his waist. She let out a muffled noise of pleasure as his clothed bulge pressed against her hot core, internally cursing the barrier between them as she leaned against the equally aroused man behind her to steady herself. A low groan escaped Claude’s mouth when he felt her hand cup and rub at his own erection, which now strained against his pants.
The trio’s immense desire for each other steadily increased as Alfonse broke the kiss but continued to grind his hips against Kiran’s. His heart swelled at the sight of her eyes tightly shut and mouth wide open, only producing sounds that made it clear that she was very much enjoying herself. The man with piercing green eyes behind her lifted his head from the crook of her neck, bringing a hand up to cradle her face and turn it towards him. Her body tensed and cheeks turned hot at his charmingly sensuous gaze, the smirk his mouth formed into making him even harder to resist.
“Mind if I kiss your girlfriend for a bit, Alfonse?” He spoke with a flirtatious tone.
“That would be for her to decide.” The blue haired man told him.
The summoner arched an eyebrow at this proposition, tapping her chin and humming playfully as she glanced back and forth at the two men between her. Of course she wanted to kiss the leader of the Alliance; she’d be shocked to meet someone that didn’t want to. However, she was feeling rather bold, and decided to wait a few seconds before giving her answer.
“Permission granted, on one condition.” She responded, pointing a finger at the prince. “Start taking your clothes off.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Alfonse laughed, stepping back and fumbling with the top button of his shirt.
The other man wasted no time, pulling the summoner closer to him and capturing her lips with his. He stroked her cheek with his thumb, gently nibbling at her bottom lip so as not to hurt her. He and Alfonse were around the same height, so she still had to stand on her toes in order for them to be face to face. To make this easier for herself, she laid her hands on both of his shoulders, allowing herself to deepen their lip lock. She was surprised to find that he seemed to truly know what he was doing while kissing her; but she definitely wasn’t complaining.
“Feels like you have a lot of experience in this area.” She panted as she briefly pulled away from him.
“That’s because I do. I have some in the other parts of this as well.” He replied, winking at her. “A lot can happen in five years, Kiran.”
As the pair continued to intertwine one another, Alfonse found the sight to be surprisingly arousing. He was rather slow with the unbuttoning of his shirt because he couldn’t keep his eyes off of them. A relief he wasn’t expecting washed over him as he finished with that, shrugging the article of clothing off and letting it fall to the floor. He then stepped out of his boots, kicking them aside and hooking a thumb under the waistband of his pants. However, he didn’t slip out of them right away, trailing his other hand down to his painfully hard length straining against them.
He let out a quiet sigh of pleasure as he stroked himself over his clothes, ensuring he wouldn’t interrupt Kiran and Claude. The relief he felt was only brief, however, as soon they began to feel more restrictive than before. He pulled his hand from his aching bulge, pushing off his pants as well as his undergarments, sighing contently as he freed his swollen member from its restraint. Now entirely naked with nothing holding him back, he immediately wrapped a hand around his cock, already wet from pre-cum, and slowly began working his hand up and down his shaft.
“Hey, that’s my job.” He suddenly heard, looking up to find the summoner eyeing him, still in Claude’s arms with an amused smile on her face.
“Your job for tonight, my love…” He began to say as he approached the pair, sneaking his free hand onto her hip and pulling her towards him. “...is to relax and enjoy yourself while we take care of you. With that said, it’s a bit unfair that I’m now wearing nothing and you’re both still fully clothed.”
“So, what do you plan to do about that, my prince?” Kiran wondered aloud.
It was then that the two men guided her towards the rose petal decorated mattress, having her sit at the edge while Alfonse knelt in front of her and Claude sat down beside her. The sight of the Askran prince on his knees in front of her, hands resting on her thighs was one that Kiran was rather familiar with by now, but it was one that she continuously adored. He also loved watching her admire him, the image being something he could never get enough of. He leaned in toward her ankle, slowly peppering kisses up her leg as she softly giggled at how it felt. She turned to look at the Alliance leader next to her, watching as he unbuttoned his own shirt. The clothing already exposed part of his chest, which had always piqued the summoner’s curiosity, and she was drawn to him even more when it came off and was dropped at the foot of the bed.
The brunette woman lifted her hand to touch Claude’s chest. Not only did he have an impressive amount of muscle to him, but there was also some hair on his body that she felt emphasized his good looks. He gently grabbed on to her wrist, guiding her hand down towards his toned abdomen. He could tell how intrigued she was, which filled him with pride. Alfonse brought her attention back to him as he fiddled with the hem of her top, his fingers brushing against her skin as he lifted it up enough to expose her soft stomach and pressed his lips against it. She hummed at the feeling of his breath on her, stroking the back of his head with her thumb. He pushed the fabric slightly further up her body, prompting her to lift her arms as Claude grabbed onto it and pulled it off entirely, tossing it behind him.
A deep purple, lacy bra was revealed to be worn underneath, holding up her full, supple breasts and showing them off beautifully. The blue haired prince made quick work of her shorts, pulling them down her legs and admiring the pair of panties she wore to match her bra.
“Someone has certainly dressed for the occasion.” Claude whispered, tugging one of the straps down her shoulder and latching his lips onto the crook of her neck.
“I did it for Alfonse, but it’s nice that you’re here to see it too.” Kiran responded, a hint of seduction in her voice as she winked at him. She moved to press a soft kiss to his forehead, running a hand through his hair to encourage him as he subtly licked and bit at her skin.
Alfonse soon stood from the ground, leaning into the other side of her neck and began kissing her there as well. He slipped a hand in between her legs, taking in the sweet sound of her moans as his palm grazed over her hot entrance, smirking at the damp spot on her underwear. He continued to rub her there, listening to the desperate cries of pleasure falling from her lips and taking pride in the fact that he had a part in it.
“Claude, feel how wet she is.” He instructed the other man, moving his hand so it rested on her inner thigh.
“Don’t mind if I do, prince.” The Alliance leader replied, slowly trailing a hand down her body. She felt a jolt of arousal course through her as he slipped two fingers under the fabric and gently stroked her slick folds. “Ah, you are definitely soaked down here, Kiran. You might not even need foreplay.”
“Ohhhhh, but I want it…” The summoner quickly begged. “Please…?”
“You heard her, Claude. Now, who would we be to deny my amazing girlfriend of her desires on her birthday…?” Alfonse interjected.
“Hey, I never said she couldn’t have it.” The dark haired man laughed. “Of course you can have whatever you want from us tonight, summoner.”
He then pulled his fingers from her, a proud smirk on his face at the sight of them being covered with her juices. Bringing them close to his mouth, both she and Alfonse watched as he licked them clean. The look in his emerald green eyes captivated them both, and they knew that he could tell. Upon finishing cleaning off his digits, he slid his hand so it held Kiran’s, his chin resting on her shoulder as his breath tickled her ear.
“You taste amazing, by the way.” He whispered, making her quiver with anticipation.
The Askran on her other side snuck his hand so it rested on the back of her neck, pulling her closer to him and briefly kissing her once more. She held onto his wrist as their lips touched, smiling as he pulled away and kissed her cheek. Claude also peppered kisses along her shoulders and massaged her back, listening to her hum in satisfaction with the two men. His hands slid up to her bra clasp as he tantalizingly undid each hook, his palm rubbing into the skin exposed with it once he finished. Alfonse grabbed onto the straps and pulled the article of clothing off of her, dropping it to the floor and admiring the sight before him.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get over how beautiful you are.” He quietly gushed.
“You always say that when you see my boobs.” She teased, giggling in appreciation nevertheless.
“Well, you can’t really blame him.” Claude chimed in, holding one of her breasts in his hand. “Askr and the Order of Heroes have truly been blessed with how captivating you are.”
“Is that so?” Kiran wondered aloud, leaning against the man next to her while cupping the face of the one in front of her, pulling him closer to her. “In that case, show me how blessed you guys feel to be here with me.”
Oh, show her they would. The prince continued where he left off with kissing her, nipping at her jaw and working his way down her body. She moaned deeply when his hot tongue drew circles around one of her taut nipples, eventually closing his lips around the pink bud and sucking on it. His breath tickled her stomach as he resumed making his way down. He stopped at her violet undergarments, gazing up at her tenderly as he hooked his fingers under the fabric. She ran a hand through his soft, blue locks, returning his loving stare and lifting her hips to encourage him. That was all he needed to pull the clothing from her waist, sliding them down her soft legs and allowing her to kick them off when they reached her ankles.
“Claude said you tasted amazing.” He spoke, echoing the other man’s words from moments ago as he pushed her legs open, getting the perfect view of her glistening center. “I think I’d like to see for myself.”
“Shouldn’t you already know with how long we—“
Her comments were immediately cut off as she gasped from the wave of pleasure that coursed through her body. His hot tongue lapping over her sensitive core was already making her tremble from the ecstasy as she tugged at his strands. Her deep arousal was pushed even further by Claude squeezing and caressing her soft mounds, teasing one of her nipples with a pinch.
The summoner’s hand found its way onto the dark haired man’s thigh, and she quickly noticed that at some point, he had removed the rest of his clothing. He smiled deviously as he guided her hand over to his erect length.
“I think I deserve a little treat as well.” He murmured enticingly into her ear. “After all, it’ll be my birthday pretty soon.”
Kiran wasted no time, wrapping her fingers around the shaft and slowly sliding it up to his tip, gathering the precum that leaked from it and working her hand back down to the base of his thick cock. She found that it was a bit shorter than Alfonse’s, but also wider, and the heat on her cheeks intensified at the thought of how he would feel inside of her. She wondered if she would have an answer for that tonight, or if the men would be interested in doing something like this again another time and she would find out then. Her thoughts were soon cut off by an electrifying jolt coursing through her as Claude circled a thumb over her rosy peak, the motion making her shiver with delight.
She looked down at Alfonse as he continued to lick at her dripping entrance like it was the most divine thing he could have. His sapphire blue eyes gazed up at her, and seeing her disheveled hair and eyes glazed over from her arousal served as motivation for him. He worked his tongue over her folds quicker, even slipping the wet muscle in between them a few times and taking pride in the way her voice grew and her walls pulsed against him. He choked out a few moans of his own as he wrapped a hand around his swelling member and began to stroke himself again, the vibrations from his mouth driving Kiran mad with desire.
“K… keep that up and I’ll… soon…” She breathlessly stammered.
With that in mind, the prince saw no reason to slow down anytime soon. His mouth made its way up towards her now throbbing clit, teasing the nub by drawing circles over it with his tongue. She was certain her lip was going to bleed with how hard she was biting it as she buried her face in the crook of Claude’s neck. Her shivers were growing more uncontrollable, and an overwhelming tension began building in her veins. When she felt Alfonse sucking on her clit, she could no longer hold back as she cried out from the blissful electricity that erupted within her. She felt herself get lost in the pleasure as she pulled on his strands, shaking before him from her climax.
As Kiran began to come down from her high, she leaned against the Fodlanian man beside her in an attempt to steady herself. He let out a low chuckle at her disheveled state, lightly kissing her forehead and glancing back at Alfonse, who seemed to be proud of himself, and rightfully so.
“You know… it doesn’t have to end here if you don’t want it to.” Claude spoke, resting a hand on her thigh.
“Mmm… I’d love to keep going…” Kiran murmured in response. “But I’ll need a quick breather first, if that’s all right.”
“Of course, love.” Alfonse assured her, standing from his spot in front of her.
The summoner took this time to adjust herself and lie back on the plush mattress beneath her, sighing contently at its softness. She turned her head to look over at her boyfriend, who had made his way over to the table beside the door to pour her a glass of water. Truly, it seemed he had gone all out for this night and prepared for anything, and she both loved him even more for that and was amused by it. When he came back over and handed her the glass, that first sip quenched her in ways she didn’t even realize she needed. As she continued to enjoy the beverage, she glanced back and forth at the two men, confused as to why they were just sitting and watching her.
“You know you guys are allowed to do stuff with each other while you’re waiting on me, right?” She told them, laughing when they took their eyes off her and looked at each other.
“Y—yes, of course!” Alfonse stammered. “Is that, er… is that something you would want, Clau—“
He was quickly cut off by the green eyed man gently pushing him down onto the bed, giving him a quick wink as he climbed on top of him and pressed his lips against his jaw. Claude soon wrapped a hand around the prince’s hot, erect length, working it up and down and sending shivers through him as he teased a nipple with his other hand.
“I, ah… I guess that answers my question.” He chuckled.
“I know we planned this for Kiran, but I’ll admit, you’re not so bad yourself.” The Almyran replied flirtatiously, lifting his head up and gazing into the other man’s deep blue eyes.
The summoner watched the scene in front of her intently, both her cheeks and her core warming up at the pair’s sensual embrace. With how attracted she was to the both of them, she was certainly happy that they shared these feelings not just for her, but also for each other. Instead of trying to one up one another, they helped each other, and it was perfect for all of them. She carefully put her glass down on the floor, not wanting to take her eyes off of them.
Claude soon pulled the prince in for a slow and sultry kiss, stroking the tip of his length and drinking in the moan that Alfonse let out in response. The sound of her prince enjoying himself like this aroused Kiran deeply, and the evidence was beginning to pool in between her legs. She gently caressed her thigh as the sight continued to intrigue her. Both men seemed well aware of what they were doing to her, and as eager as they were to have her rejoin them, they were also enjoying each other’s company quite a bit. The pair came to a non vocal understanding that having her watch them a little longer would help her in being ready for them again. She certainly wasn’t in any hurry.
Eventually, Alfonse felt the dark haired man tighten the grip he had on his cock and jerk him quicker, his voice growing louder in ecstasy. Kiran’s now soaked core began to ache intensely when she heard how desperate he sounded, which made her desperate for some kind of stimulation as well. She hastily parted her legs and slid her hand up towards her hot opening, moaning as the tips of her fingers brushed against her wet folds and swollen nub. She lifted her hips in sync with her hand, small jolts of pleasure surging through her as she kept her eyes on the two men before her.
Soon enough, Claude stopped what he was doing.
“W—wait,” The summoner choked out. “Keep going.”
“And have you miss out? Not a chance.” He replied, winking at her as he shifted his body closer to hers. “Think you’re ready for something more than a pair of fingers?”
Her cheeks grew even hotter at those remarks. She knew precisely what he meant by that, and if she didn’t, the way he hovered over her, his firm length sitting comfortably in his hand, was obvious enough. She opened her legs more at his invitation, smirking up at him.
“Come over here and find out.” She answered, a hint of seduction in her voice.
She was promptly flipped onto her stomach by the Almyran man as she yelped in surprise. She lifted her hips up for him, using her knees to balance herself as she turned her head to look at him. The anticipation made her ache and crave him even more, and he could tell that she was growing restless waiting for him. His hands grabbed her hips to hold them in place, smirking in amusement at the sound she let out just from his tip brushing against her.
As he carefully slid into her, he bit his lip at how warm and tight she was around him. The way her walls twitched against him sent rapturous shivers through his veins, and her moans growing louder ensured that she was enjoying this as well. He did stretch her quite a bit, but with how wet she had already made herself, she wasn’t in any pain. Slowly, he began thrusting in and out of her, letting out small grunts with each movement. He loved how gorgeous she looked before him; how her long, dark locks cascaded over her shoulders; how her naked body still glistened from her first climax.
“Mm… you feel so good…” The summoner hummed.
“The feeling is mutual.” Claude responded, winking at her. “You’re nice to look at, too. Alfonse is truly a lucky man.”
“Speaking of…” She spoke, holding her hand out for the prince in front of her. “Come here, babe. I don’t want you to feel left out.”
Alfonse shifted his body so he was closer to the pair, lying beneath them and lifting a hand to rest on his girlfriend’s jaw as he caressed her cheek. She held onto his wrist to keep his hand in place as she moved to capture his mouth with hers, gently yet hungrily pulling him in. He never tired of her lips on his own, and she loved how tender he was when touching her. Claude had mentioned the prince being a lucky man, but in truth, Kiran considered herself the luckiest woman to have someone love her like this.
The summoner laid her free hand on his side, her thumb stroking his hip and further enticing him as he groaned from the aching in his cock intensifying. Kiran was quick to solve this issue, sliding her hand down as it curled around the shaft and began jerking him, relief washing over the prince at her motions. She briefly pulled her lips from his to study him. His hair was now a mess, and yet it was in a way that made him even more alluring. His skin was decorated with a pink tint as his body grew hotter from arousal. She could see his muscles contracting with each pump, and god did it make her wet.
“Mmm… you are so sexy…” she murmured to Alfonse. “You know that, right?”
“Aah… it’s… it’s still nice to hear you say it.” He breathlessly responded.
His hands wandered over her body without much thought, eventually settling on her soft breasts. He gave them a gentle squeeze, leaning in between them and pressing a kiss to one. A small gasp of pleasure slipped from her mouth as he ran his thumbs over her nipples, feeling them swell at his unrelenting touch. Claude’s thrusts had also picked up in speed, leaving the summoner a euphoric mess between the two men.
“Ha… I’m getting pretty… pretty close…” the dark haired man behind her confessed. Which is why she was baffled when he pulled out of her entirely, looking back at him with furrowed brows. “Switch with me, Alfonse. I want to try something.”
The prince soon stopped what he was doing, guiding Kiran to lie on her back as he held her legs in place. He waited to see what Claude had in mind before going any further, watching as he sat on her stomach, slowly lowering himself so he wouldn’t cause her any discomfort. As the Alliance leader’s thick erection rested on her chest, Kiran quickly realized what he had in mind as she looked up at him with a knowing smirk.
Pushing her ample breasts together, she watched as he began thrusting in between them. His hands clutched onto the bedpost in front of him as his emerald green eyes looked down at her, deep into her brown ones. With how he shivered and panted before her, she could tell he was steadily inching closer towards his peak. She could feel her own brewing as she gasped from Alfonse slipping his throbbing length inside her. He couldn’t see her face with Claude sitting in front of him, but he could tell from the desperate sounds she made that she loved what he was doing.
Come to think of it, the Almyran’s rugged back and shoulders were a rather intriguing sight to the prince. As he slowly moved in and out of Kiran, he found himself leaning into the crook of Claude’s neck, peppering small kisses along the area. Hearing him moan so hungrily served as all the motivation Alfonse needed as he continued, biting and tonguing at his shoulder.
“Aah… s.. so… close…” the couple heard the man in between them choke. “Think th… this might…”
Claude found himself unable to finish his sentence as he felt himself lose control over his body. Letting out a loud cry of pleasure, he gave one last thrust as his swollen member erupted in between Kiran’s soft mounds. His muscles burned with overwhelming ecstasy as he gripped the bedpost tighter and hot cum shot out and onto her chest. The summoner watched with both pride and amusement as he was left breathless before her.
“Doing okay there, buddy?” She asked.
“Never better.” He replied with a smile upon regaining his composure, moving off of her and lying down beside her, resting a hand on her arm and looking up at the blue haired prince before them. “Take it away, Alfonse.”
With that, Alfonse quickly leaned down, pressing his flushed body against the summoner’s. This newfound closeness between them allowed him to push himself deeper inside of her, his rigid cock brushing against all the right spots along her now throbbing core. Her voice grew more high pitched as more ecstasy washed over her, coming closer to swallowing her whole. An overwhelming sense of pride took over in the prince’s mind as he listened to the sweet sound of his girlfriend responding so positively to what she deserved. He took her hand in his own, their fingers lacing together as he pinned her arm over her head, gazing into her beautiful brown eyes as their foreheads pressed together.
“Gods above, I love you so much…” He panted.
“I love you too…” She responded with a warm smile. “...my prince.”
Those words would be the death of him. His firm member grew hotter as it began to fill with his cum, but he was determined to have her finish first. His hips snapped harder against hers, his free hand diving straight between their bodies until his thumb settled on her swollen clit. He stroked the nub with a fierceness unlike anything he felt in previous private moments he shared with her. However, she seemed to enjoy it, if how she clung to him as her nails dug into his back was anything to go by.
Kiran found herself quickly beginning to tremble beneath him, the intense fire coursing through her body was growing more hot, and she knew she was getting closer. She tried her best to match Alfonse’s pace, wrapping her legs around him and lifting her hips with each thrust, craving that sweet release. With one well timed thrust, her wishes were granted. A loud moan snuck past her lips as she shook, her body feeling as though it would burst from the pleasure that washed over her and consumed every part of her. She tightened her already firm grip on the prince, wanting to truly take in this euphoric feeling flowing through her.
Her overwhelming climax proved to be enough to send Alfonse over the edge as well. He choked out a cry of elation as he slid out of her, his muscles burning from the intensity of his orgasm and his firm length twitching as thick, hot ropes of white spilled out and onto Kiran’s stomach. He soon fell limp on top of her, his head resting on her shoulder and breath tickling her chest. He soon felt her soft lips kissing his forehead, smiling at how sweet and tender such a small action could be.
“Nice work, you two.” The couple heard Claude tell them, jumping at the sound of his voice beside them. “Aw, don’t tell me you forgot I was here!” He laughed.
“Psh, of course not.” Kiran replied. “Just didn’t realize you were watching.”
“Well, it’d be a little hard to prepare for next time if I wasn’t.” He winked at the two.
A promise of more to come in the future, huh? The thought was certainly nice, albeit surprising that he would bring it up. The summoner found herself wondering what it would be like; how the three of them could explore each other even further.
“That is, if you guys want there to be a next time.”
“I think something could be arranged when my birthday approaches.” Alfonse told him, moving off of the bed. “It is only a little over a month away. But we can discuss it when the day is closer. Would you mind helping me clean her off, Claude?”
The dark haired man nodded in response, standing up and following the Askran over to a basin filled with warm water. The two men soon returned, each with a washcloth in hand. Both gently slid the towels over Kiran’s body, wiping the areas where they came on her. She found it rather soothing as she felt herself sinking into the mattress with how relaxed she was. The two cleaned themselves off a bit as well, then rejoined her on the bed, resting on either side of her and holding her close.
“Happy birthday, my love.” Alfonse spoke first, following his words with a quick but sweet kiss.
“Happy birthday, summoner.” Claude repeated, pressing his smooth lips to her cheek.
“And a happy early birthday to you, Claude.” The prince turned his attention towards the other man, kissing one cheek while Kiran kissed the other.
“Happy almost birthday, Claude!” The brunette woman smiled. “And thank you both for your wonderful gift. Best birthday ever.” She declared.
A comfortable silence soon fell over the trio as they embraced each other, followed by a well deserved slumber for all of them. It was going to be difficult for any of them to get out of the bed once morning approached, but that made it all the more delightful and amazing.
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mecharlie-fox · 4 years
Summoner OC/Quotes
If my summoners were units..... I swear I'll update this once I have every drawing available. Might even put them on layout.
Left to right
(Warning - this is gonna be long)
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"The Lady in the Dream, Iris"
"Hello there, call me Iris. I am what we call... one of the senior members within the Summoner ranks. Perhaps we have met once in your dreams, do you remember?"
"Time became non-existent for me. I was mostly in slumber, looking after Summoners such as yourself through dreams."
"Oh I'm a non-combatant Summoner. Alfonse never really allows me in the front lines. It's too dangerous, even for me."
"It is strange being summoned here by another Summoner. Why am I consider a Hero in this world?"
"You have a role to play, Summoner. We are all bound by duty."
"Are you busy? Mind if you help me make some refreshments in the kitchen?"
"My name is Iris. I was sent by Friend to give this to you. Hm? I look familiar to you? Perhaps we've already met, once upon a dream." (Greeting from friend)
"Believe it or not, I'm supposed to be dead. My Askr is no more, you see. Not a single soul walks in that world and I still blame myself for it. I had the power to stop it, but I was so consumed by fear that I failed them... Anna, Sharena... Even Alfonse. I'm only alive because fate wants me alive. And I'm bound to you now, my friend. My commander. My Summoner. I will follow you until the end."" (Upon reaching level 40)
Info Screen
"Now, now... Every Summoner must know when to rest."
"You're different from the other Summoners, tell me, are you also a non-combatant?"
"When I first met Alfonse, he was already older than... Well, your Alfonse."
"I'd rather be a lost soul without a purpose than to be Hel's slave."
"Careful now, we don't want to get lost out here, now do we?"
"Oh Alfonse, why did you do it?"
"Valen, please. Learn how to rest. Sigh, this child..."
"Come on."
"Lead and I'll follow."
Level Up
"I haven't felt this power in a long time." (5-6 stats up)
"Thank you for the blessing." (3-4 stats up)
"Close enough, I'll do better next time." (1-2 stats up)
"I will use your gift wisely, my friend." (New skill learned)
"Fight me!"
"Never underestimate me!"
"You face a child of Frey!"
"So be it."
"Alfonse... Please..."
"Hel's Executioner, Ragnar"
"Great, not again... Let's get this over with, I'm Ragnar, Hel's Grand General."
"Me? A Summoner? Ah, you've been talking to Iris. Don't listen to that old woman, she's full of nonsense."
"Yes, this is Sharena's lance... I could tell by your eyes you already know what happened to her in my world."
"Just say the word and I'll do it."
"You're no Valen, but you've earned my respect. Maybe one day you and I can fight together in the front lines. You do know how to fight, right?"
"Lìf is nice, he'll get around eventually. You have my word."
"I'm Friend's Grand General, just take the gift so I can go already." (Greeting from friend)
"I'm old enough to know that a longer life isn't a better one. Believe it or not, my Askr was at peace with Embla. I had the chance to go home but I stayed, met a wonderful woman and promises that we will spend the rest of our lives together... But the other thing happened. I miss her, yes. I still love her. But if I dedicate my life on bringing her back, it'll be nothing more than a goose chase. I accepted the fact that she's gone. And we shouldn't tamper with the dead. We lose love ones, that's part of life. Sharena would want me to live, Summoner. Not waste my life on impossible dreams. I fight for her memory, that's all I could do. And maybe one day, we'll be reunited in death." (Upon reaching level 40)
Info Screen
"You're slacking around? Want me to join you?"
"This Askr mirrors my own. Will you believe me if I say that I was also a non-combatant?"
"Yes, yes, I was a Summoner. Happy?"
"It was Zacharias who taught me how to wield a lance, actually. With a little help from Sharena, of course."
"I was a singer before becoming a Summoner. Though... I've been out of practice for centuries."
"Other weapons? Yeah, the Commander made me pick up an Axe once. Broke the wall with it and Alfonse got furious."
"I have my own opinions on other Summoners. But we all have one goal, peace. Hopefully, you share the same feelings."
"Let's go."
"Bring it."
"I'm following."
Level Up
"Never thought I'd learn something new, thank you." (5-6 stats up)
"This makes me feel alive again." (3-4 stats up)
"Really? Zacharias must me laughing in his grave by now." (1-2 stats up)
"I'll do my best to meet your expectations." (New skill learned)
"So uncivilized."
"There's more to that!"
"I'm not a boy anymore!"
"My time... Has come..."
"The Undaunted Queen, Valen"
"I am Valen, daughter of Aric. Have the tides of destiny wash me here with you, Summoner?"
"My role was to serve and support, until my brother disappeared, I suddenly found myself in center stage. It is strange, what destiny has offered me."
"When I was young, my father thought me divine and my mother thought me weak. Which am I, Summoner? Weak or divine?
"You are my general, I will follow you no matter what."
"I was once a Summoner of Askr myself. Until duty demanded my return to Vanaheim. Perhaps the tides of destiny brought me here for a purpose."
"I didn't know you were such a slacker, Summoner."
"I am Valen, daughter of Aric. I bring blessings from Friend." (Greeting from friend)
"I believed that my destiny was to simply lead soldiers into a battlefield as a general, and a general alone. I never dreamed of carrying the burden of the crown until the awful reality that... My brother will never come home finally made me realize, that destiny can be cruel. My father died bravely on the battlefield, maybe I will share the same fate as him. They're waiting for me, you know... My family. I will see them again, but not yet. Not until this war is over, and when when enough men have died, perhaps I will finally have peace upon my soul. My life is yours Summoner, from this day until my last day." (Upon reaching level 40)
Info Screen
"I am Valen... To the people of Vanir, I was named the Undaunted Queen."
"Haha! Your Alfonse mirrors my own, and yet they're two very different people. Strange isn't it? The endless possibilities of different realities."
"I always make sure that the Order's funds are sufficient for a whole year supply, even if that means tricking the commander into seeing a different number than what was actually left for the month. Don't tell her I said that."
"Oh! Summoner! You surprised me there. Say, aren't you scheduled to do your rounds? Mind if I join you?"
"Alfonse is my other half. I will do anything to make sure he's safe."
"Oh, my Sharena? She's my shopping buddy, or at least that's what she calls herself."
"What kind of a Summoner are you? I'm rather curious."
"I'll take your command."
Level Up
"For Vanir." (5-6 stats up)
"Strength and honor!" (3-4 stats up)
"I'll do better next time, I promise." (1-2 stats up)
"I will not waste this knowledge you bestowed upon me." (New skill learned)
"Surrender now, or die!"
"Shield up!"
"Violence it is."
"I curse you..."
"The Worthy Prince, Ingmar."
"I am Ingmar, Prince of Vanir. I will fight for you no matter what."
"I was called Summoner Isaiah. I didn't want them to know my real name at the time. The library is a frightening place, and I did not wish anyone to know my future... Or even my past."
"As crown prince it was my duty to make sure that I was prepared to succeed my father, until I found myself summoned in Askr... Twice. Or maybe this is the third?"
"Valen was once a curious child, always smiling. Now she's well... Always frowning."
"Haha! I feel fine, Summoner, not to worry. I just always feel sleepy for some reason."
"You're curious about my clothes? Oh! Is it because it's Nifl clothing? Haha! Funny story, well not really..."
"I'm Ingmar! I bring greetings from Friend! Say, you haven't seen my sister, have you?" (Greeting from friend)
"It's odd that the next time I saw my sister she was... well, all grown up. She was nothing more than a child when I last saw her, barely even ten. I worry for her safety, but I know she could handle it. I'm also worried for you. Being a Summoner takes a lot of effort, and because of me wanting to go home, I never thought of the consequences... What would happen if I went home. I wanted to see my family again, I didn't know how it would affect Alfonse or Zacharias. But I promise you one thing, I will never leave you." (Upon reaching level 40)
Info Screen
"Don't tell the commander that my finance report is fake, the real one is with Alfonse. Don't worry! We'll survive through the month."
"Give Valen your paperwork and she'll finish it within three hours."
"I have a special talent for linguistics."
"The people chose Valen to be Queen, that alone is enough proof that Vanir is in good hands."
"You want to learn how to hold a sword? Sure! I'd be happy to help you!"
"The Commander? She's convinced that I'm an idiot... Well, my commander Anna anyway."
"I don't have the same sense of tactics as my sister. I'm more of a front liner."
"Try me."
Level Up
"All in a day's work." (5-6 stats up)
"Hey, your training helped!" (3-4 stats up)
"Father would have been disappointed." (1-2 stats up)
"I'll use it well but, are you sure it's alright?" (New skill learned)
"In the name of Vanir!"
"I dare you!"
"Challenge me!"
"Move it!"
"No, please no!"
"The Silent Maid, Largertha"
"... I am Largertha. Once a Summoner for Embla."
"I... Have nothing to offer you."
"My eyes? Oh... Before I tell you, I hope you didn't eat anything heavy..."
"Magic helps me move around. Though, Ragnar always made sure I was accompanied by him when I'm up and about."
"Embla... was my home. And Hel took it from me."
"Oh! I'm sorry, Summoner. I thought you were Ragnar."
"I am Largertha. I come with a message from Friend." (Greeting from friend)
"My death went without apology. I hated myself for allowing it to happen, I wanted Veronica back, I wanted Bruno back. But Ragnar was with me and reminded me that they wouldn't want me to suffer so much over their deaths. Hel was my enemy and she forced me into her service. Now I serve you. I will use all of my power to make sure you don't suffer as we did." (Upon reaching level 40)
Info Screen
"My eyes? No need to worry, I am fine."
"Ragnar was useless in the battlefield. He didn't even know how to do strategy."
"Bruno always treated me with kindness. And I cherish every moment I had with him."
"Since the day I became Hel's Grand General, I refused to speak to the witch. Ragnar did most of the communicating."
"All I want is freedom. Not eternity. You cannot find peace in eternity."
"Lìf and Thrasir... This poor unfortunate souls..."
"You remind me a lot of... Ragnar."
"No worries."
"I'm moving."
"Expect nothing less."
Level Up
"Bless your soul." (5-6 stats up)
"Thank you for the opportunity." (3-4 stats up)
"I'm sorry it wasn't enough." (1-2 stats up)
"I'll show you my worth. You won't regret it. (New skill learned)
"I am your living nightmare."
"What is it you fear?"
"I welcome you to death!"
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Yusnaan: The Glittering City
Okay so you might be wondering about the title for the post and the answer for that is I have a special sneak peek for you all once more. This time I’ll be providing a sort of lengthy preview, relating to the place in question. This will be done in four different posts as I’ll be giving a preview of the other regions as well. The posts will be once a day, so for the next three days I’ll be providing scenes because honestly, I’m just way too excited to share more things about this series with you all. But enough about that! To start things off, we’ll be starting with Yusnaan! What sort of surprises await?
Liz took her glass and pressed it to her lips, the liquid gold getting downed rather quickly as she felt a warm sensation in the back of her throat, slowly spreading. Her eyes strained among the bright lights and sounds of drunken patrons engaging in their midnight revelry around the city. Just as she was about to leave her seat, static filled her ear, followed by Memorio’s somewhat panicked voice.
“Liz? Liz, can you hear me?”
Liz gently pressed against her earring, which was used as a communicator between the both of them before answering. “Memorio, I’m here, what’s wrong?”
“Oh thank goodness, there was some interference so all form of communication was cut off. Is everything fine on your end?”
“Yes, everything is fine here. Though I must say…” Liz glanced around once more, noticing that more and more people were pouring into the city’s streets. “It’s a bit strange.”
“Strange? How so?”
“Well, the world is dying and has been for a while now, yet the people here seem blissfully unaware of just how bad things are getting.”
Memorio chuckled. “That’s Yusnaan for ya. But things weren’t always like that.”
“Really? That seems kind of hard to believe.”
“It may seem that way, but really it was. In the beginning the residents here in Yusnaan were more closed off then the people in even Luxerion. It wasn’t until the Goldsteins took over and built the place into what it is today.”
“Wait, Goldsteins? You mean Klaus, Elias and Alfonse? They’re here?!”
“That’s correct. You see, they all moved somewhere else for a change of scenery, but ended up becoming more than just residents.”
“Where are they? I haven’t seen them at all.”
“Unfortunately, you might not get the chance unless you find a way to sneak into the Augur’s Quarter.”
“The Augur what now?”
“The Augur’s Quarter. It’s the place where only the rich and elite have access to. It’s also where they put on their famous play here almost every night.”
“That definitely makes things a lot harder on us.” Liz sighed.
“Well not all hope is lost, according to some conversations in the city, there seems to be talk of a hidden route which can lead into the place.”
“I see you’ve stooped to eavesdropping huh?”
“H-Hey, it’s not like that, I’m doing this specifically for the mission at hand. Besides, if we don’t do this then it might...it might be too late.”
“What do you mean ‘too late’” 
Memorio hesitated. “Well...there’s something I found on the scanners the moment you walked off the train at the station. A massive anomaly was detected, it’s definitely related to the Umbral Vise and unfortunately it’s located at the palace; where the Goldstein’s reside. Liz...I don’t want to alarm you, but one or even more of them have definitely been tainted with the darkness.”
“What?” Liz practically jumped out her seat. “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”
“Because even I wasn’t sure what it was at first. Time itself has created many unexplained anomalies, but most are harmless. After some more research though, I’ve come down to the conclusion that the Umbral Vise is at play here.”
“No…” Liz slammed her hand down on her table before taking her leave from the area. “Memorio, I want you to send any data you to the holographic communicator. This also means that you need to include a map and layout of the area.”
“L-Liz, wait hang on a second, are you sure you want to go now? I’m checking your current state right now on vitals and you’re showing signs of exhaustion.”
“I don’t care. Maps, now.”
“You’re really hellbent on saving them, aren’t you?”
“The Goldstein family has helped me more time than I can count. I can’t let them suffer like this. I don’t care if my body fails me, I have to save them, so please!”
Memorio sighed. “Alright, alright, I’m sending a layout right now. Get to a safe place and we’ll discuss to next phases there.”
“Got it.”
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thewizardessarchive · 4 years
RIDICULOUSLY FUN! Klaus & Leon Story - Chapter 1&2
CHAPTER 1 - (1/4)
 Main Character: "Leon, can you lower the hanging light a little?"
Leon: "Sure... like this?"
Main Character: "Perfect! Now, Elias, can you soften the music a tad more?"
Main Character: "And raise the mic volume slightly."
Elias: "Okay, give me a second."
We adjusted the audio and lighting on the stage amongst the bustle of students.
Elias: "It looks pretty good."
After finishing their jobs, Elias and Leon walked over to me.
Main Character: "Yes. At this rate, we'll definitely make the weekend deadline."
Leon: I'm looking forward to this school festival. It will be great if we can pull if off.
Main Character: "We'll definitely pull it off."
That weekend was the academy's school festival.
The official purpose of the festival was to give the students a chance to show of all of their hard work.
But to us, it was just a fun and festive event. Each class was divided into teams to organize special programs or small shops.
Klaus: "Working hard, I see."
Klaus suddenly showed up at the foot of the stage.
Main Character: "Klaus? What are you doing here?"
Klaus: "I had a job in Gedonelune, so I thought I would stop by."
Klaus: "You look almost done here. What are you working on?"
Main Character: "We're going to host a Heart-pounding Contest!
Klaus: "What is that?"
Main Character: "I'm glad you asked! A Heart-pounding Contest involves a group of boys from the academy."
Main Character: "They'll stand up on the stage, strike a pose, and speak sweetly to the audience."
CHAPTER 1 - (2/4)
Main Character: "The points are calculated by a magic-measuring tool based on the female audience's reactions."
Klaus: "I have never heard of a ridiculous magic tool like that."
Elias: "Actually. I invented it."
Main Character: "Isn't Elias amazing?!"
Klaus: "*Sigh* Why are you doing all this for a mere school festival?"
Main Character: "It's not a mere festival! The school festival is important to us!"
Klaus: "What happens to the student with the most points?"
Main Character: "They get two tickets to ride aboard a luxury cruise ship!"
Main Character: "Doesn't that sound fun?"
Klaus: "...No."
Main Character: "What?! I was so sure it would be entertaining!"
Klaus: "Who would ever want to be in an embarrassing contest like that?"
Main Character: "U-um, well..."
(That's the problem.)
Main Character: "Klaus, how long are you planning on staying here?"
Klaus: "Until the school festival ends."
Main Character: "That's perfect! You should be in the contest!"
Klaus: "No."
Main Character: "You could at least think about it!"
Klaus: "Why are you asking someone who has complete their studies? You should ask current students."
Main Character: "Well, we've been having trouble getting contestants."
Klaus: "I thought so."
Main Character: "Please be in our contest, or we'll have to cancel."
Klaus: "MC, don't get so depressed."
  CHAPTER 1 - (3/4)
Main Character: "Well, all our hard work will be in vain if we have no contestants."
Klaus: "*Sigh* You are so helpless."
Main Character: "So you'll join us?!"
Klaus: "Yes. On one condition, though."
Klaus: "MC, your reaction has to be measured as well."
Main Character: "What? Why?"
Leon: "Wait. If that's the case, I'll be a contestant, too."
Leon suddenly jumped into the conversation.
Main Character: "Leon, you will?!"
Leon: "As long as you cheer me on, yes."
Klaus: "I will be the one she cheers on."
(Oh no, now what...?!)
 CHOICE: "You have my blessing. Leon."
Main Character: "You have my blessing, Leon!"
Leon: "Okay, then I'll go all out."
Leon: "I'm not losing to Klaus."
All of a sudden, Leon was burning with fighting spirit.
Klaus: "You have some nerve not siding with me."
Main Character: "I feel like you could win without my blessing."
Klaus: "You bet I could. I will not lose to him."
Klaus: "Did you hear that, Leon? I will win this contest."
Klaus shot a challenging look at Leon.
I could almost see sparks fly as the two guys glared at each other.
CHOICE: "You have my blessing, Klaus."
Main Character: "You have my blessing, Klaus!"
Klaus: "Good girl. You learn fast."
Klaus: "Don't worry, I will definitely win."
(I can probably take his word for this kind of thing.)
Leon: "I-I won't lose to you!"
Leon suddenly flared up and glared at Klaus.
Klaus: "Wow, even you can get angry."
Leon: "Klaus, I'm confident that I can beat you."
Klaus: "Fine, I will accept your challenge. You better not run away at the last minute."
I could almost see sparks fly as the two guys stared each other down.
CHAPTER 1 - (4/4)
 (This contest has gotten scarier than I thought it would...)
Elias: "I'm thinking of joining the contest, too."
All of a sudden. Elias chimed in.
Main Character: "Elias, are you serious?!"
Elias: "I can't just let this opportunity pass me by?"
Klaus: "MC, there are a lot of boys at this academy who would fight over you."
Main Character: "That can't be true."
Klaus: "Well, I cannot expect someone as dense as you to realize the truth."
Main Character: "Hey! Who are you calling dense?"
Leon: "Klaus is right. There are a bunch of guys who like you."
Elias: "I agree."
Main Character: "You're all joking, right?"
Klaus: "If you think we are joking, then make the contest for your affection."
Klaus: "You'll see how many contestants will sign up."
Klaus: "If you want this school festival to be a success, use yourself as bait."
Klaus: "You must have the courage to do whatever it takes."
Main Character: "Courage?"
(Leave it to the emperor ti be the voice if experience!)
(I should take his advice.)
Main Character: "Okay, I'll give it a try!"
(I'll do whatever it takes to make this school festival a success!)
  CHAPTER 2 - (1/4)
  Main Character: "Now I need ti turn in the seating arrangement and progress report!"
With two days left until the school festival, I was overwhelmed with preparations.
I bumped into Amelia, Augustus, and Scarlett as I hurried through the courtyard.
Amelia: "You look like you're working hard!"
Main Character: "Hello, everyone! How are things doing on your end?"
Amelia: "We're almost done."
Amelia: "You seem pretty busy."
Augustus: "I've heard a lot about your Heart-pounding Contest."
Scarlett: "They save you suddenly have a lot of contestants."
Main Character: "Actually, that's why I'm so busy."
Amelia: "That's rough. Just make sure you don't push yourself too hard."
Main Character: "Thank you, Amelia. Good luck without your project, too!"
I waved and hurried off.
As I passed through the hallway, I saw Yukiya and Leon together. For some reason, Leon was kneeling on front of Yukiya.
Main Character: "What's going on?"
I quickly hid behind a nearby pillar.
Then, I peeked around at the two guys to see what was going to happen.
Leon: "...I love you for eternity."
Main Character: "What?!"
I gasped at Leon's sudden confession of love.
(What's that supposed to mean?! Wait, I better calm myself down first...!)
Once I took a deep breath and started thinking. I realized what was happening.
(They must be practicing for the contest!)
 CHAPTER 2 - (2/4)
Yukiya: "Leon, it was all right. I think you need more of a twist."
Yukiya: "How about saying it manlier?"
Leon: "Manlier? Okay, how about this?"
Leon: "Follow me to the ends of the earth. I'll definitely make you happy."
Yukiya: "What you're saying is good, but you need to have a manlier tone."
Leon: "This is hard... Okay, let me give it another try."
Leon: "Follow me to the ends of the earth! I'll definitely make you happy!"
Yukiya: "Hm... It's passionate, but something is missing."
Leon: "I don't get it. My head is spinning in circles."
Leon: "I just want to tell her how I feel..."
Leon: "But it's hard to put it into words... Nothing seems to cut it."
Yukiya: "Hmm... Putting feels into words is hard."
Yukiya: "Why don't you try using a dictionary?
Leon: "What's a dictionary?"
Yukiya: "It's a book that defines words."
Leon: "I'll give it a try."
I grinned as I observed the two guys talking.
(Good luck, Leon!)
I quietly walked away without being noticed.
 Main Character: "Phew, I'm exhausted."
Just as I put a hand on the doorknob to the Prefect office, I heard a voice from inside.
(Huh? Who could it be?)
I opened the door a crack and saw Alfonse and Klaus.
Klaus was inches away from kissing his younger brother.
/// Transcriptor Note: That's what the thing says! Sorry for the error.///
CHAPTER 2 - (3/4)
(Woah, what's going on!?)
Klaus: "I love you more than anyone in the world..."
(What is Klaus saying?)
Just as my heart started to race, I remembered Yukiya and Leon.
(Oh, maybe Klaus is practicing for the contest, too.)
Alfonse: "...Nope, my heart didn't pound at all."
Klaus: "Then, how about this?"
Klaus: "Stay with me forever. That's an order."
Alfonse: "It definitely sounds like you, but my heart isn't beating any faster."
Alfonse: "I get that your sales pitch is being the egotistical tyrant."
Klaus: "Who are you calling a tyrant?!"
Alfonse: "Ha-ha, I'm joking. My point is you should try something more unexpected."
Alfonse: "Seeing a side of you that no one usually sees might make a girl's heart skip a beat."
Klaus: "Ugh! Why do I have to practice on you, anyway?!"
Alfonse: "You're the one who picked me. You don't want anyone to know you're practicing."
Klaus: "That's right. I know I can count on you when it comes to keeping a secret."
Alfonse: "But if you want to win, you need to practice."
Alfonse: "It's fun to see you struggle for once."
Alfonse: "But what makes you so serious about this contest?"
Klaus: "It is none of your business."
Alfonse: "Hey, that's not nice. I have a pretty good idea, though."
Klaus: "Be quiet and help me practice!"
CHAPTER 2 - (4/4)
 Alfonse: "*sight* Alright, want to keep going?"
Klaus: "Yes, one more time."
(I'm surprised that Klaus is actually practicing...)
I felt bad about interrupting that I quietly closed the door and left.
Unable to go back to the office, I wandered behind the main building.
Main Character: "Everyone is working really hard."
(I didn't think there would be so much hype about the contest.
Main Character: "I wonder what kind of confession Leon and Klaus will make."
 CHOICE: "Especially Leon."
"I'm especially interested in what Leon will say."
(What will it be like?)
Leon: "I love you, MC. You're the only girl on my mind."
Leon: "...I can't imagine being without you."
Leon: "Stay with me forever, and don't leave my side."
Leon: "Promise?"
(Maybe he'll say something sweet like that!)
(That would be super cute.)
My heart started racing thinking about it.
(Now I'm even more excited!)
Two days left until the school festival.
I couldn't possibly predict the winner of the contest.
CHOICE: "Especially Klaus."
 Main Character: "I'm especially interested in what Klaus will say."
Main Character: "I wonder what kind of love confession he'll come up with."
Klaus: "You are mine, got that?"
Klaus: "I don't want you looking at any guy but me."
Klaus: "In the first place, you must be kissing yourself if you think I'm going to tell you I love you."
Klaus: "If you want me to say that. you should tell me first."
Klaus: "Come on, say it."
(I wonder if he'll be as egotistic as always.)
(If he is, I don't think I can keep a straight face.)
Just thinking about it made me blush.
Two days left until the school festival.
I couldn't possibly predict the winner of the contest.
CHAPTER 3 - RIDICULOUSLY FUN! The Ending [Klaus] -
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kiwi-on-a-string · 4 years
I want to call out FEH before the next chapter comes out at the end of the month. There’s many issues with it’s “plot”, and while I honestly don’t think people care, I know there’s a few. Obviously it’s not meant to be good. I mean, if they can’t properly write a main game (looking at you Three Houses) this one wouldn’t be as important, as its main purpose is essentially the same as Cipher’s (I’ll miss you Cipher). Yet here I am, going through it anyway because of probably the biggest mistake they’ve made. Don’t know who cares about spoilers but major ones ahead! Starting from Book I because I’m going to point a few extra things out.
Book I
First you start with the original goal of the game- Gain Heroes, use them to defeat the Emblians and their team. Keep them from taking over worlds. Obviously with it being the first book, things will be a tad bit rocky. The antagonist is Veronica, Bruno, and Xander. They eventually lose relevance but even with them being the focus, what do we know about them? Not much, aside from the fact Bruno is Veronica’s half brother, there’s a curse in the blood of the Emblian royal family (through their father), and Veronica reminds Xander of Corrin (I won’t get into Veronica’s character yet, but this is very important). We don’t know how Embla is run, why Veronica is the one who appears to be running the Empire (or heavily involved in it’s actions to where it’s questionable for a thirteen year old) when their father is alive from the sounds of how Bruno worded it, why all she has left is her brother and a Hero from another world, and honestly anything that’s really for world building purposes. Yes, you learn more as the chapters go on, with Zacharias being Bruno, but nothing that isn’t “Wow now we know more!”. There’s information, yet not much. This is not counting anything spoken in the Intermissions. I’m not mentioning those because they’re more to transition into Book II.
Book II
The Embla/Askr conflict is pushed to the side, now mainly focusing on Nifl and Múspell. Technically yes Embla made a contract/allied with Múspell leaving Askr to ally with Nifl, but now the focus is on Fjorm and the other Niflese. Loki makes an appearance but isn’t too lore relevant, and for sure isn’t lore relevant towards the Emblians and Askrans. The lore you get is for Fjorm, Hríd, Ylgr, Gunnthrá, Laegjarn, Laevatein, and somewhat for Helbindi and Surtr. They focus more on Milf Gunnthrá and the two sisters of Múspell (please bear with me I never cared for Book II). But the most important takeaway is how the conflict is now Nifl/Múspell. The Emblians aren’t really a major focus anymore. That’s fine- As now with the Niflese winning their war, the focus can be shifted back to Embla.
Book III
I… Don’t have many negative things to say about this book. I loved it. The designs of Hel, Líf, and Thrasir (Eir is excluded as she is not crystal like they are) were honestly the best they’ve had in all of FEH (in my opinion). And the story was one I looked forward to. I wanted the next chapters to come out to know what happens next, not just the orbs. The Líf/Alfonse and Thrasir/Veronica was something I eventually figured out, but well played and extremely interesting. Now the Embla/Askr conflict is on hold, them working together to defeat Hel. I’m not mad about that because we got Líf and Thrasir. The movies for this book were honestly my favourites out of the ones we have- The Líf/Alfonse one where you get to know why Alfonse and his friends need to go, what happened, and all in all more about Líf (I’d say more but this isn’t about Líf at the moment) was my favourite but I’m slightly biased. The third one where you see Alfonse and Veronica fading into Líf and Thrasir is extremely important to the story. Specifically, Book IV’s. Kiran gaining a second Breidablik was cool, seeing how it was more an Emblian scheme rather Askr makes me think about what was different about their world from ours, and then Kiran killing Hel. Yeah. Alfonse didn’t kill her. We did. And this brings me to the biggest mistake.
Book IV
Many things. We all know many things are wrong. Embla is simply an afterthought at this point, don’t worry about them anymore. Do worry about where Kiran is. Ah, I mean Alfonse. My apologies. I’m sure the changeling incident was… Honestly a distraction to have the “big twist” be Sharena not being Sharena and not Alfonse being dead (for something he never did) was clever. But saying how I simply cared about where Kiran was? Not very… Shocking. I’m not touching upon what’s wrong with the Peony/Mirabilis/Sharena chapter involving the nectar. That’s it’s own paragraph if I did. Now at the end Alfonse is dead. Surprise! We couldn’t let him go and wanted him to continue on going on adventures with his friends. If only he didn’t die because he killed Hel… Oh yeah. He didn’t. So why kill him? Kiran isn’t from Zenith. Because of this, Kiran most likely couldn’t be killed so Alfonse had to take their place. But then again, Freyja had said everything is a dream- a nightmare. Which leads me to think, there’s a possibility Alfonse isn’t dead. He’s on a mission with Bruno and Xander to try and save Kiran, who was put in a coma for killing Hel since they couldn’t actually be killed. Henriette put Sharena, Anna, and Veronica in Kiran’s dream to keep them from dying in their dream. But of course, seeing how Embla is forgotten, I don’t think it’s possible. Kiran being in a coma is and that has a chance of being real, but knowing IntSys, I’m unsure if the Emblians will ever be relevant again (hey IntSys you’ve released three Veronica alts, where’s her original as a unit? Where’s Bruno? We going to get a lance alt of him then?).
This essentially turned into bye bye Embla hey IntSys why, but that’s fine. I mainly just wanted to mention how they killed off Alfonse for Kiran’s kill. And potentially raise theories (I have many about this- that was only one) but in the end, that’s that. To touch on what I said about Three Houses, they admitted they didn’t expect people to play more than one route so they didn’t properly write them all. Many flaws there but we won’t talk about that here.
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What We Could Be
Pairing: Lif x reader
Prompt: “Please, let me be the one to make you happy.”
Description:  Even if loving you was right, who was Lif to take you away from the Alfonse of this world?
Word Count: 1552
Rating: Sfw
Notes: Day two (a day late, rip) of my Lif week content! Enjoy kids bc this one in angsty :))
Had he been a different, younger version of himself that hadn’t suffered through everything he did, Lif might say jealously was beneath him-- much how Alfonse likely said so now. Alas, Lif had been through Hell and back, quite literally; so even if it was an emotion without any hint of reason behind it, Lif was jealous. Envious even, for what Alfonse had with you.
To be fair though, Lif could admit at this point what was between the two of you currently wasn’t much. Alfonse, ever wary, didn’t know how to make the first move. And you, dear summoner, were ever oblivious; Lif however was not as blind. He knew how this played out. Back in his world, after all, _____ and he had…
He preferred not to think about it, not to complicate things too much. What would his dear summoner think, after all, to see him so desperately vying after someone who shared their voice, their face, mannerisms, quirks and memories yet… wasn’t them? Then again, if the chance was given… wouldn’t they try to be with him in any way possible, even if it wasn’t really “him” they were with…?
“W-whoa, watch out!” Lif blinked out of his thoughts, only your voice able to take him out of such deep ones. Before he could move or think twice he saw you stumbling towards him, ready to land face first on the ground. He reacted swiftly, bracing you in his arms (perhaps a bit too tightly but perhaps the shock on your face was due to your near fall). Your eyes were wide, your hands flush against his chest. Lif could fool himself into thinking he was holding you like a lover, what with how right this felt.
“_____!” Not far behind you, Alfonse had also been running. Probably to catch you; Lif knew full well how you liked to worry him. Worry them both.
“You need to be more careful.” Nonchalantly, he got you back to your own two feet. His touch on you lingered a long moment, something unspoken passing between the two of you.
“Sorry Lif.” You smiled sheepishly, pulling your hands away quickly after realizing that you, too, had lingered a moment in his arms. “Just trying to convince Alfonse I can do my patrol, which I do every night, by myself.” You humphed, crossing your arms and looked away from said oncoming man. Lif had no clue what you thought he would agree with you; if he had it his way, he would be there every second to protect you.
“_____, please.” Alfonse, finally caught up to the two of you, let out a big sigh. “I never said you couldn’t I just...” He frowned and you peaked an eye open at him. Lif was all but forgotten a moment, watching the two of you like the ghost he was. “Is it wrong of me to want to spend time with you?” He sighed again and looked away himself, pink dusting his cheeks.
“Oh...” You uncrossed you arms and fully looked at Alfonse, your own cheeks beginning to glow. It was obvious to anyone how much you two cared for one another. Lif tried not to think about the lingering feeling of your hands on his chest. “I see...” You bit your lip, frowning a little as you did so.
“It’s alright to say no.” Lif’s voice surprised both you and Alfonse, the two of you snapping your attention to the forgotten bystander. “Sometimes… you need some time to yourself.” You found yourself nodding in agreement, turning to Alfonse.
“Sorry Al I’m just...” You sighed and shook your head, not quite having the words for the weird feeling you had. “Maybe some other time?” You offered.
“Y-yeah, of course.” He nodded quickly, eyes flicking between you, then Lif. He frowned a little before speaking again. “Just… be careful, alright?” Both Lif and Alfonse knew Lif would be with you during your patrol tonight whether you asked or not. Finding himself now awkward in this situation, Alfonse made haste to leave. Once he was far enough from the two of you, Lif spoke.
“Why did you say no?” Lif asked. A simple question but if you were honest, you couldn’t say why.
“I’m… not sure.” Your feet started moving on their own. Lif didn’t mind following. “Usually I don’t mind company but tonight I just...” You shook your head.
“And me?” He kept his responses simple, you seemed like you had something to get off your chest. It had been a while since Lif was able to speak to you in such a heart-to-heart fashion.
“You...” You paused your words. “You can stay, if you’d like.” You said softly. “It’s not often you seek my company of your own will so… I’ll cherish that.” Lif nodded, smiling a little. You always knew how to bring one to his face. “If I’m honest I… I’m just not sure about how I feel about Alfonse these days. I know, that must be funny since I’m saying this to you but...” You sighed again, shaking your head. Lif was privy to your inner thoughts but he had a feeling of what had you bothered.
“Don’t worry about it. Feelings can be… complicated. Especially for someone in your case, _____.” Lif looked your way, seeing you still had your eyes cast down.
“I just, feel like… I don’t know. I’m torn I suppose.” You pouted now.
“Torn? What could you have to choose between?”
“Well, you know...” You signed again, giving Lif a sideways glance. “It’s obvious and I know it is and so do you, because of course you know. Alfonse is in love with me.”
“I… always figured you had no clue.” Lif chuckled, a sound you didn’t hear often but felt so bitter in this situation.
“That’s just it Lif… I just, if Alfonse does, then surely you do to?” The two of you found a natural pause, turning to look at one another.
“So, what if I did?” Why did it hurt to see you like this?
“I…” He could see it, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “I love you both. How can I not?” Had he a beating heart it surely would have stopped by now from your words. He was stricken, both by how happy he was and how scared he felt.
“I just… how do I choose? How can I choose?” Silently, your tears fell. Ginger as he could, Lif raised his hand to wipe them away.
“_____… It would be wrong of me to tell you what to do.” Now, Lif was split to. Who was he to Rob this world’s Alfonse of your affection, that which he so desperately craved himself? But all the same he would do anything to feel that way again. “But… I’m sure you can guess my feelings on the matter.” Despite your tears, you managed a laugh.
“I know… I know...” You shook your head. “The truth is… I didn’t want Alfonse to come with me tonight, because it’s felt like… recently he’s been trying to confess to me. I’m still so confused and I don’t want him to worry...”
“What’s different about me, then?” Lif’s words struck you; you found yourself looking directly into his eyes for the first time since your near fall but now it was all different.
“I… I can’t really say.” You smiled a little despite yourself. Lif’s hand now rested comfortably on your cheek. “Honestly it just… feels like you would understand better.” Lif dared not indulge in you more, dared not do more than this. Every moment with you was making it harder not to pour his heart out to you.
“You really make it hard to play fair _____...” His free hand brushed some stray hairs from your face. Was it he who pulled you closer by resting his hand on the small of your back or did you take the step, moving. “How do you expect me to hold back after hearing how much you love me…?”
“I...” You honestly didn’t know how to respond to that, choosing to instead to rest your head on his chest. It really wasn’t fair of you to do this, you could feel the heat pooling to your cheeks. Lif’s cool chest provided a bit of comfort yet you still felt some guilt. “I’m so sorry...”
“It’s aright…” He held you tight, content in this moment. How could he stay mad at you? “But.. please, let me be the one to make you happy.” Softly he cupped your cheeks so you were looking up at him, bright eyes meeting his glowing gaze.
“Lif…” You could only stare up at him, so many unspoken words said between the two of you. You didn’t know how to respond to him. What would it mean to say yes to Lif here, without Alfonse knowing any better? “I… can’t make that decision right now, I’m sorry.”
“I understand.” He smiled wryly. “Just… remember. I’ll always be here for you.” Cradled close to him, Lif could once again fool himself into thinking you were lovers; this time, it just hurt a little more to realize that dream was closer now than ever but it could be taken away from him in a moment.
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yukiwrites · 4 years
Sothis, Emotional
Thanks for the support as always, @xpegasusuniverse! I hope you like it! >v<)b
Summary: Claude, Dimitri and Edelgard were the first ones to be summoned to Askr and eagerly awaited their Professor’s arrival. On the fateful day Kiran shot a red orb in hope of calling Byleth forth, someone completely unexpected also popped out... What was the meaning of that?!
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Part 1 - Part 2
The chilly air embracing Garreg Mach Monastery felt trickly to the skin, especially for those born at the Kingdom. There were whispers between hands and mufflers being sewn all around -- in other words, the students were in high spirits.
The same could also be said about the three House Leaders: after the Field of the Eagle and Lion, the bonds between them had deepened, and they could be seen together more often (though usually beckoned by Claude). They had also been the first of the students to visit the world called Askr as summoned heroes to help fight for their cause.
Byleth couldn't say he felt entirely secure about sending his students without supervision, but according to the three of them, the summoning ritual was a ceremony that had equal chances of calling forth a hero from Fódlan as well as from an entirely different world.
Well, Byleth thought as he shrugged, meaning to head towards the greenhouse, as long as their spirits remain high.
"Oho, oh! Someone's upse-et!" Sothis singsonged from beside Byleth, floating to match his eye level. "You also want to join the fun, do you not? Oh, bet you do!"
Byleth remained silent, slightly turning his head away from Sothis as he went down the first flight of stairs. "I'm worried about them, that's all. I'm not there to tell them where to go... As long as they're under me, I'd rather have them within my sight at all ti-mees?!" Byleth felt a strange compulsion pulling him towards the ground, a scattered thought wondering if he had tripped and was about to fall on his face in front of the entire student body, but his reflexes immediately made him cushion his own fall -- or so it seemed.
"Ieargh!" Sothis yelped from beside him, her scream followed by a loud thud.
There was a small audience for today's summoning session.
Claude and Sharena had rounded up the remaining House Leaders, Prince Alfonse and Commander Anna to watch (also perhaps cheer) as Kiran used the red orb he had loaded inside Breidablik. Feeling somewhat nervous, the Summoner pointed the magical weapon towards the sacred grounds, took a deep breath before shooting the orb straight into the large crystal.
The impact of the bullet shattered the round crystal -- magically, of course -- stealing an amused whistle from Claude a few steps behind. The red shards littered the ground, glowing in the light that opened the path between Askr and the summoned hero's world momentarily. Fog followed the blinding light, though instead of seeing the new Hero's silhouette, there was a muffled sound, as though someone had fallen.
"Ouch..." Byleth groaned as he patted the dirt out of his robes. He had managed to cushion his own fall, alright, but the fog and the mysterious air surrounding this place made it for a poor welcome.
"That voice!" Dimitri perked up from beside Claude, smiling warmly. "Perhaps this time the Summoner succeeded."
"Oh, oh! Really?!" Claude glanced to his fellow House Leaders before quickly cupping his mouth with both hands. "Heeeey, Teach! You there?"
"Claude?" Byleth coughed as he walked out of the fog, his figure finally being seen by all expectators. "So this is the world you three told me about..." He looked around as the three students approached, each smiling in their own way.
"Glad you're finally here, Teach! With you in tow, we have nothing to fear."
"Indeed," Dimitri nodded beside Claude, "I feel much more secure now that we can partake on your knowledge in this world as well, Professor."
"True; his prowess will be an immense asset to the Askrian forces." Edelgard nodded with a pleased smile.
Just as Byleth was finally about to step out of the ancient Summoning Grounds, he felt static crackling in the air, immediately taking a step back in reflex. "What's happening?" He calmly frowned, gripping the Sword of the Creator.
"I- I don't kno-" Kiran stuttered, unable to conceal Breidablik back with its usual magic. "The weapon isn't- listening to me-" the more the Summoner struggled with the magical weapon, the harder it shone, pointing itself once again towards the pillar -- towards the round crystal in the middle. "Watch out!" He managed to yell before Breidablik shot yet another red orb, though no one had seen Kiran load it into the gun.
Thing is, he hadn't loaded anything. Breidablik was moving on its own!
Surprised, Byleth dodged as the beam of light shattered the crystal yet again, light emanating from the ground in a brighter and louder explosion than the one that had just summoned Byleth.
"Ieargh!" A youthful voice yelped, followed by a dull thud.
Sothis? Byleth thought as he deepened his frown.
"Professor! Are you alright?!" Dimitri and Edelgard yelled from outside the grounds, an otherworldly force keeping them out of the magical field covering it.
"Cough, cough," Claude waved one hand in front of his face, trying to dispel the thick fog. "What the heck was that, Kiran? This is a first, isn't it?"
Trembling, the Summoner had his eyes glued to the small figure making itself seen inside the fog. "Y-yeah, I never saw this happen before, either."
"Ugh, bother." A girlish voice complained.
"Are you alright?" Byleth asked to the voice, his figure bending down to extend a hand in her direction. Slowly did the smoke disappear, revealing a green-haired, pointy-eared little girl that sat right in the middle of the sacred grounds.
"If falling on my behind consists of being 'alright', then yes, Byleth, I am terribly alright!" She massaged her behind as Byleth pulled her up, not yet fully realizing her own situation.
Then, it clicked. To the both of them at the same time, as soon as they felt each other's warmth.
"I am- tangible?" Sothis widened her eyes, feeling the tickling sensation of brushing one's fingers on another's skin. She looked down at her own body, incredulity plastered on her face.
"What the heck?! Who's this little girl, Teach? Do you know her? Why are her ears- is she even human? I saw someone with ears like those around here sometimes... Where is she from?"
"You two do seem to know each other..." Dimitri placed one hand over his chin in thought.
Edelgard was about to ask the same question when Kiran's voice exploded beside her.
"SOTHIS?!" He screamed atop of his lungs, startling all but the stoic Professor out of their skins. Even Sothis jumped a good feet off the ground, turning her attention away from her own flesh towards the yelling Summoner. "What? But how is this possibl-" he walked towards the duo, unaffected by the force that kept the other Heroes away from the grounds.
"Sothis...?" Edelgard frowned, lowering her head as though trying to remember something. Beside her, Dimitri and Claude exchanged confused glances just like the askrian trio behind them.
"Is she someone you know, Kiran?" Claude asked, trying once again to step into the grounds only to be repelled.
Befuddled, Kiran stammered as he approached Byleth and Sothis, unaware of who was the most confused in this entire situation. "This is entirely unexpected," Kiran looked from one to the other, finally being able to do away with Breidablik, fumbling with his hands in confused surprise.
"This should not be possible!" Sothis exclaimed, as though finally remembering she had to breathe to be able to speak. "I knew I was alive, but I lacked a body of my own, so-" she gasped, "wait, you know my name! How do you know me, young man? Explain this!"
"Yeah, Kiran, tell us all you know! Who's this girl?" Claude could barely contain his curiosity by appearing nonchalant, but his heart was pounding just as hard as anyone's. Dimitri could not help but shake the feeling that he had seen someone in Sothis' likeliness back at the Monastery... perhaps it was her hair color?
"Oh! Flayn! And Seteth, yes!" Dimitri placed his closed fist on his palm, as though finally arriving at a conclusion. "Her hair color is similar to theirs, so I wondered if she might be another one of Flayn and Seteth's siblings."
"What the hell, that's true! I was so caught up with the ears I didn't realize her hair color was similar..."
"As many other things, I'd wager," Edelgard mumbled under the hand she had placed in front of her chin in thought. 
Overwhelmed with questions from all sides, Kiran felt cold sweat trickling down his back. "I, uh, since I'm the Summoner, I can see a lot of information regarding the Heroes I call forth... Although I didn't summon you directly, my weapon did, so I can still see-"
"Out with it, young man! Stop blabbering!" Sothis stomped her foot on the stone ground, being bitterly reminded of how painful that can be when you're barefoot.
"Right, um," Kiran looked at somewhere a bit further up from Sothis' head, as though he could read some invisible text that floated around. "It only says, 'Sothis: Girl on the Throne'. And 'Mysterious girl that sits upon a throne within dreams'... And... I don't think I can say this," he mumbled the last part to himself, though Byleth caught it.
"What is it?" The Professor urged, placing a hand on Kiran's shoulder.
"Do not mean to say you want to hide things from me, little one. That is simply inconceivable!" She huffed, plunging her index into Kiran's chest, missing the time she could float around and look at people's eyes from the same level.
Kiran scratched the back of his head, pressed his lips into a thin line then finally gave up with a sigh. "It says 'Full of emotion, her attitude changes by the moment'."
Sothis puffed her cheeks immediately, her face flushing in red. "WHAT?! Are you saying I'm a child without reason?! I am NOT emotional!!" She pulled Kiran by his collar, his body bending in ways it wasn't used to just so he could descend to her eye level. "Where are you reading this, anyway?! I demand a better explanation!"
"Hah, for someone who says she's not a child, you're really acting like one, kid." Claude taunted, trying to bait them out of the grounds so he could grab and interrogate them.
"Humph, nice try, Golden Deer." Sothis snorted elegantly, letting go of Kiran's collar with a smooth movement; the poor Summoner staggered back to his feet while Sothis kept talking. "But this story is not one for your mortal ears. Now, if you would lead the way, Summoner, I would dearly love to hear more from you." She gestured for Kiran to take the lead, grasping Byleth's hand with the other.
Glancing at Anna, Alfonse and Sharena, Kiran flashed the most pitiful face, nodding when Anna mouthed to follow her to her office. The askrian trio quietly took their leave, though Sharena had to be dragged back (and muffled) lest she, too, joined the curious pile beside the House Leaders.
"... And she knows who I am! This is getting better and better!" Claude muttered with a mischievous smirk as he watched an uncertain Kiran walk out of the grounds with Byleth and Sothis in tow. “You guys with me? I’m gonna tail them to find out everything they’re hiding!”
“I do not think that is the most ethical course of action, but…”
“Oh, you can count ME in. Without Hubert here to be my ears, I have to listen on my own.” Edelgard discreetly followed, throwing a glance over her shoulder to Dimitri. “We will not share this information, Prince. Either come with us and know, or be left in the dark.”
Dimitri sighed, though curiosity still sprung in his chest. “Oh, very well. Lead the way, you two.”
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