aromanticasterisms · 1 year
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sssatrn · 1 year
NEW CHARACTER DESIGN WOOOOO. last night i started working on a new character that i'm gonna use in the future (hopefully). here's a bit of the process. (strap in, it's pretty long)
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here is the first drawing i did of them. you can see some color brainstorming i did as well as the original kimono idea that i quickly abandoned lmao.
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instead of a kimono, i got weirdly into this idea of having them wear a barong, which is a traditional, embroidered, filipino dress shirt typically worn by men. you can tell i quickly moved on from this sketch because they were starting to give evil priest vibes....
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ok ok now we're cooking. this is probably my favorite iteration of their outfit despite it being one of the first. here, i made their outermost shirt see-through while still showing the embellishments clearly. the barong here is tucked in, which isn't typically how you wear it, but fuck it, we ball.
i also added an alampay, which is a filipino scarf typically worn by women. i really wanted this character to be ~gender~ in a way i would enjoy, even if no one else realized what i did. ALSO BIG HAT!!!! YAY! i was happy with this drawing, but i wanted to experiment with making the outfit look more modern, so i continued.
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here is the next one. im still unsure how i feel about it. one thing i really like is the techy, metal goggle hat. i tried un-tucking the shirt and made it not see-through. i think i was cooking something interesting, but the design came out messy and complicated, which isn't bad, it just doesn't really fit what i wanted for the character. also... peep that metal hand on the left 0w0
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here's a colored sketch. they ended up looking like a star wars villain lmao. this is when i realized i wanted to go back to a tucked-in, see through barong. i loved the hair color though.
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this is a SUPER quick sketch i did to remind myself of what i wanted for this character. i focused on making their outfit more sleek and follow their body more without losing too much..... looseness??
also the little circle eyeball friend is SO CUUUTE!! awAA!
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this is a sketch i actually did this morning to figure out how to color see-through clothing and figure out the pants and boots. it's rough, but it got the job done. BIG BOOTS!! WOO!
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and here's a bonus sketch with the hat on.
TLDR! ive drawn this character so much and i still havent figured out their outfit... but i think i like what im cooking so far, i just need to tinker with it and find something that really clicks, while still being reasonable to draw regularly. you'll see more of this fella in the future, im sure.
thats all~ see ya~
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Masterlist Time!
As promised, here’s a list of posts that include my writing and/or my analyses of the game.
Analysis Posts/Meta/Translations:
My impressions of the first three suitors
My impressions of the rest of the suitors (cont.)
No thoughts just me simping for Leo
My thoughts on the new three/antagonists Charles, Faust, Vlad
First Impressions of the Bois vs Current Impressions
Comte Loves Strong Women Don’t @ Me
Comparing Comte’s Protectiveness to that of IkeSen Mitsuhide
What do I think of Ikerev’s Edgar Bright?
So what’s the deal? Why doesn’t MC get turned into a vamp more? (mild spoilers for Comte’s rt inside)
Do pureblood vampire bebbehs drink blood?
How do I feel about Leo refusing to turn MC? (Tl;dr: understandable, but bad)
My first vs current impressions of the Ikesen lads
Why don’t Dazai and Arthur like each other?
MBTI Designations for the Suitors
MC Deserves Fang Rights
Implications of Isaac’s Being an Aberrant
Why do Comte’s bank account be lookin’ like that yo
Comte’s Wild Side (includes some mild event and comte rt spoilers)
Push and Pull: How Comte struggles between Emotion and Rationality in the course of his MS
Household Electricity in Ikevamp
What language is everyone speaking??? (The answer: yes.)
Does Comte’s real name have any special meaning or allusion? (This has mentions of Comte’s real name so SPOILERS KIDS)
Personal rt rankings and Thoughts on Arthur
How would Leo react to MC agreeing to Comte’s offer to turn her? (includes a lot of Leo character analysis too)
Sebas Rt Theories (these were all predictions I made before reading the JPN MS)
Predictions for Rt Releases Based on JPN Order
About Comte being able to meet future versions of himself; more time travel conundrums (with sizable Dazai rt spoilers)
Comte’s second bday story meta: how is Comte a gentleman? Or is he not?
Comte ES MC!Vamp AU analysis bc I have brainworms
Comte’s 4th Birthday Story (My Heart Will Go On)
Comte’s 6th Birthday Story (dreams do come true)
Asking the real questions, How Old Is Comte?
Comte's 6th Anniversary Collection Story (VAMP MC WOOOOO)
Comte's 6th Anniversary Story Set (uwu)
Comte's One More Wedding Event
Comte Drama CD Translations:
Track One (Balcony Soliloquy)
Track Two (Golden Retriever Meow Meow Hours)
Track Three (Slaps Comte's Little Pizza Hands)
HS AU for the boys~
That time of the Month thoughts
Purebloods Deadpool Baby Hands (Oh the Joys of Regeneration)
Horny on Main for Comte
How would time travel work for a turned MC?
Ikevamp Suitors and MC with their Baby
How would the suitors feel about modern times?
How Dem Bois Laugh (Dazai’s can be found here bc I am Idiota)
Fistfights: Who wins when Comte vs Vlad, and Comte vs Leonardo?
How would Sebastian react to losing a loved one suddenly?
Gen Z MC with the Bois
Among Us: Mansion Edition
Suitors with Meme-Monger MC
V Affectionate MC Confessing her undying Love to the Suitors (this one includes Shakespeare, Jeanne, Leonardo, Napoleon, Mozart, Vincent, and Comte)
Dazai MBTI Analysis
Love Bites: Comte/Leonardo/Sebastian
Alphabetical Fluff Headcanons:
L, T
E, I, K, L, N, O, W, Z
C, H, J, L, S, Y
B, F, K, L
A, G
Q, T, Y, Z
G, H, J, P, U
C, N, O, S
B, I, L, U, V
J, M, O
B, C, H, K, M
F, N, O, Q, T
C, F, I, P
A, B, D, K, P
Route Spoilers/Route Summaries:
Misc Yelling about Jeanne
Does Comte bite MC?
Is Jeanne Jared, 19?
Jeanne’s Pet Tiger, Cherie
How possessive is Comte? (in terms of IkeVamp canon)
Comte and Jeanne hacer las paces (make amends, so to speak)
Comte’s Wedding Event
Suitors at the time of their human deaths with Comte: what aligns with our history and what doesn’t?
Explaining who Charles, Faust, and Vlad are for newer players
What happens if Sebas and/or MC stay in the mansion? How does their absence affect the future, and do they die in the past?
Comte’s real name
Comte’s Kidnapping CG--what’s the cinch?
Comte’s MS Romantic Ending
Comte Event before his MS release
Comte jealousy event (Comte do be a beast sometimes)
Comte Purple Moon Event (”the puppetmaster that cursed my [REDACTED]”)
Vlad Character Page translation (not mine, a link to further info)
Sebas RT Spoilers Agonizing
Can Comte play the violin?
Request to Spoil Dazai’s RT (more reader discretion advised, it’s fairly intense)
Spoilers for Sebas’ rt end: does he return to the future?
A Statement on Sexual Assault in relation to Arthur’s MS (there are trigger warnings, but even so reader discretion is advised)
For those of you that would like to join in my hubris and try to translate JPN rts: 
My method
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renaroo · 7 years
The Search (4/16)
Disclaimer: Red vs Blue and related characters are the property of Rooster Teeth. Warnings: Language, Canon-typical violence, Psychological manipulation and trauma Rating: T Synopsis: [Canon Divergence - Alternate S15] The Reds and Blues saved Chorus, but it has been a year and they are still missing. A motley crew has been gathered with the common goal of finding the war heroes, though the road is more troubled than anyone seems to realize.
A/N: Wooooo getting this one in on the wire! Lots of fun stuff in this chapter, mostly to do with character, so I hope you all enjoy ; ) 
Special thanks to @analiarvb, @secretlystephaniebrown, @cobaltqueen, Yin, @notatroll7, and JP for the comments and feedback!
This fic seems to attract the weirdest comments, so to the guest who shared their... concerns about this fic maybe trying to sneak into the dreaded, horrible, unforgiveable realm of being a Tuckington fic, I... don’t know where you came to that conclusion. Especially on a fic that is... gen... and... doesn’t have Tucker featured as a main character at all. And didn’t list the pairing. Or anything. But you’re wrong. Not because you’re right but because you, as a person, are just wrong. Hope that clears up any of your concerns. 
Family Affairs
As much as Washington just loved to point out how much he hated it — and boy did he — Kaikaina slipped the ship into autopilot, set for their course as FILSS directed it. After all, FILSS sounded and acted a whole lot like Sheila, and they trusted Sheila to man a tank by herself, so Kai figured what the fuck and trusted FILSS with their ship.
After all, they had stolen it. It’s not like Kaikaina had some magical connection to a ship that a computer wouldn’t. She just knew she had to get out of Blood Gulch and find her brother after seeing Church’s big damn transmission to everyone.
It was kinda like a great middle finger to the UNSC. But also confusing, because Kai was fairly certain she was never aware of more than half of any story at any one time. And the Reds and Blues had lots of fucking stories she needed to catch up on.
Hell, she barely knew who Carolina was, and supposedly she’d been around for years!
With a sigh, Kaikaina leaned back in the pilot’s seat and kicked up her feet to the console. Her arms folded behind her mess of hair and she looked out toward the stars around them.
Her brother was still out there. Somewhere.
There were a few heavy footsteps and a chortling noise that only kind of got Kai’s attention from the beautiful space scenery around them. She didn’t fully turn to look and confirm that it was Junior approaching until the alien-dog-human-baby was almost at the console.
Junior looked out into the stars with his dark, soulful eyes, and then leaned in until his mandibles were resting against the smooth top of the console.
“Hey, you,” Kai finally said, tilting her nearest foot just enough that the tip of her boot nudged Junior’s snout. “You just gonna walk up and invade my space without saying at least hello? Rude. Doesn’t your sexy dad teach you nothing?”
With a rattling of his rows of teeth Junior seemed to grumble a low few blarghs at her. Even if she was an expert in Sangheili, though, it was not anything she would’ve been able to make out over the rumble of the ship.
“Rude,” she said all the same, yawning. “Oh my eff, is it like… late or something? Shouldn’t you be in bed?” she asked, swiveling her seat enough to face Junior more completely. “If Washington comes up here and starts yelling at me because you’re not supposed to be awake right now, I’m so going to throw your little butt to the wolves. The Wash wolves. Which I hear are the worst kind of wolves. And it’s not gonna be, like, anything personal. But a girl’s not been yelled at for a few hours or arrested, so I’ve gotta protect my luck.”
To that, Junior tilted his head and let out another series of low rumbles.
“Do you kiss your father with that mouth?” she asked him critically just before the cockpit door opened again.
Fo a moment, Kai’s heart leaped in her chest as the fear of it actually being Wash and her getting her ass chewed again became a momentary reality. But instead she breathed a heavy sigh of relief and resettled in her seat, eyes sliding closed.
It was only Doctor Grey, after all.
“Yo, Doc!” Kai said with her eyes closed, fist bumping the air.
“Good evening, Kaikaina. Lavernius Junior,” Grey replied cordially.
Junior stood up straight and greeted the doctor with a formal honk.
“You making another collect call, Doc?” Kai asked curiously, though not too curiously so as to not lose the sense of her cool. “Or are you finally gonna give me that physical and make me show off the mole on my butt cheek?”
“I’m contacting Chorus again, Private Grif,” she answered before hesitating and looking at Kaikaina questioningly. “I read your medical records and saw no mention of such a mole.”
“What? How’d the other Doc miss that?” Kai asked critically. She paused and tapped her finger against hr chin in thought. “Well… now that I think about it, even I don’t really know what cheek it’s on this time. You’d think I’d know my own ass better.”
Doctor Grey offered Kai a smile that was simply too kind for the subject at hand. “We can give you a true physical and sort that out at a later date, if you wish.”
“Sounds like a date,” Kai said with a wink and a click of her tongue.
“I suppose so,” Grey replied before looking to the door. “Do you wish for me to close the cockpit door, Private Grif?”
“Is that naked physical happening now?” Kai asked back.
Junior chortled.
“I can’t imagine that we’ll have the time for it, I’m afraid,” Doctor Grey replied in a very bemused tone.
“Nah then, keep it open,” Kai shrugged before turning back to her business. “We still flying straight, FILSS?”
“It is the shortest distance between our current coordinates and the ones designated as our next point of intrigue, Private Gif,” FILSS’ electronic voice hummed from the speakers in response.
“Righteous,” Kai nodded.
She didn’t pay much mind to Grey calling in to Chorus — it was something she did quite frequently on their trip and there had been nothing really spectacular about it outside of an occasional urge to ask Grey if Chorus was something like Paradise Island where all the leaders and soldiers were butch women with fantastic hair (the answer had been no to Kai’s displeasure since some President Kimball was the only one who ever seemed to be on the other line with Grey).
Few things were capable of holding a Grif’s focus for too long and the Chorusian contacts were not an exception to the general rule.
Junior didn’t seem particularly interested in whatever the conversation was either, though, and laid out against the console with another begrudging sigh.
“Dude, I don’t know why you come up here if you’re going to act so moody every time. Like goddamn,” Kai groaned as she kicked back into her seat again. Her eyes focused on the distant stars and she frowned as an itchy feeling scratched at her back.
The little dude was just staring at her. Openly.
“You’ve traveled a lot for being such a little guy, huh?” she asked casually. “The stars and space aren’t even that interesting to you anymore.”
Junior’s teeth clattered together in what passed for affirmation in what Kai considered to be a truly nonsense tongue.
“Yeah, well, just so you know, you’re pretty lucky. I didn’t leave the planet I was born on until I was joining up with the army to find my bro,” Kai explained, sitting more upright. “The first time I was in a transport ship, I pretended I was looking for the bathroom so that I could get in the cockpit and see the stars — they didn’t have windows or anything on the rest of the ship. And they treat military recruits like shit. But outside of trying to find Dex again… I was here to see those stars, up close for the first time in my whole life.” She looked back toward the window, which urged Junior’s gaze to follow. “They weren’t gonna let me stay up there and watch the stars, but I gave the captain a lap dance so they’d shut the fuck up about it. It worked.”
“Bow chicka honk honk,” Junior called out, crawling into the passenger seat finally.
“Dude, no, I banged your dad,” Kai snapped at him. “You can’t make comments at me after I bang your dad. It’s illegal in, like, all of space. Pretty sure. Like what the fuck were they trying to teach you at that prissy prep school? Definitely not the law.”
Blarghing, Junior seemed to want to challenge the sentiment.
Kai shrugged casually. “Hey, don’t take up complaints with the law against me! Go bitch to Washington! He’s the cop, he can change laws and stuff for you. It’s not, like, it’s an act of congress or something. He just has to change his mind. Then you can hit on me and get rejected for being a little perv.”
The little alien rolled his eyes and kicked out his feet to get a better position in his seat, grumbling to himself still with his arms crossed. His frustration was written all over his lizardy face and Kai couldn’t help but smirk at it.
“You know, it’s weird, but even though you’re, like, an alien and crap, sometimes I look at you and you just remind me of your dad so much,” Kaikaina told Junior, immediately causing the little guy to perk up. “Which is saying something, ‘cuz your dad and I were intimate.”
“I hadn’t realized you and Captain Tucker were an item.”
The voice was so unfamiliar and caught Kai so off guard that she nearly fell out of her seat as she whirled around to face it. Her heart only began to calm down once she saw that it was the reporter lady Carolina had brought along. “The fuck. How’d you get in here so quiet?”
The reporter tilted her head and looked back to the ajar cockpit door before turning back. “The door was open,” she said flatly. “Now about you and Captain Tucker—“
“Me and Tucker fucked a few times,” Kai snapped angrily. “That doesn’t make us an item, you old cootch.”
“Bow chicka honk honk,” Junior said in the correct context for, perhaps, the first time since he had joined their team.
Andrews paused and tilted her head. “I think you meant coot.”
Kai folded her arms. “I know what I said.”
“I didn’t mean to upset you, Kaikaina — or do you prefer Li’l Grif?” Andrews offered peacefully.
“I tell you what I prefer, reporter lady, I prefer to know that everyone on this ship’s on the same mission of the same reason. Because we care about my brother and my teammates and the other idiots that I didn’t bother to remember the names of because they were old or geeky or too gay to care that I somersaulted naked. But then there’s you,” Kai said, pointing a heavy finger toward the reporter. “You want to spin a story. And lemme tell ya, I was the Queen Bitch in high school so I know not to trust people who are interested in spinning stories. Especially when they’re about people I care about.”
Looking taken aback, Andrews tilted her head. “I’m sorry if I offended in any way, Kaikaina—“
“You didn’t, as long as you don’t go full Regina George on us,” Kai warned.
“Regina…?” Andrews tried to follow.
“Ugh, you’re old. I can hear it in your lack of relevant source material,” Kai snapped before getting to her feet and holding out her hand for Junior to take. “Keep driving us steady, FILSS. I’m taking Junior to bed.”
“Request accepted!” FILSS called after them as Kai and Junior shoved past Andrews on their way out.
Kai only momentarily caught the sharp eyes of Doctor Grey on the whole scene.
Carolina was quiet while Wash worked at redressing her leg wound.
He didn’t like it — the fact that she still had not taken time to allow the wound to heal and the fact that she was overly quiet despite their generally positive results. Wash might not have liked when their plans fell completely through, but he was used to it happening without giving them any results. This seemed to be a distinct improvement, as it were.
But he and Carolina went back before the Reds and Blues, as difficult as that was to remember at times. They had known each other since Freelancer, and he had followed her cues as closely as he could since then.
Her silence spoke volumes. It was her considering over their results, it was reliving the scenario as it played out, how she could have made it better, how she could have made it safer.
Washington highly doubted any of it had to do with making sure she didn’t have to use her speed unit and reopen the old wound she wouldn’t allow to heal. Things never came to that sense of self preservation for her anymore.
“I’d ask if you want a penny for your thoughts,” Wash broke the silence solemnly, “but I know you well enough to know that that’d be underselling your thoughts’ worth.”
That at least got a smirk and small huff of a laugh from Carolina.
He looked up to watch the momentary expression unfold. The smile and laugh — those weren’t things from Freelancer. Sure, she smirked and was good for the old sarcastic quips. Still was. But there was a warmth to them now that had not been present before. Wash wondered if his own changes since meeting the Reds and Blues were nearly as subtle.
He doubted it.
Spending time with the Reds and Blues did not promote subtly. At least not for him.
“You really know how to make an ex-marine blush, Wash,” Carolina retorted dryly. She looked him in the eyes. “My thoughts aren’t pretty right now, or else I’d share.”
Finishing up the wrap of gauze, Washington flared his nostrils with a sharp exhale and then tilted his head back to return Carolina’s look meaningfully. “I’ve come to find that when your thoughts are less than pleasant, it’s probably the best time to share them. Or… else…”
She raised a brow at him. “Or else…?”
“It just seems like a bad idea. Getting stuck in your own head,” he said. “Besides, even if I don’t like how it all played out like a tire rolling down a garbage hill… on fire… You got results. Just like you always do. And now we have FILSS navigating the ship instead of a barely legal Grif. So I’d say things are running remotely in the positive thus far.”
“Would you lay off Li’l Grif?” Carolina sighed, leaning back against the wall. “I happen to like her. Besides. She might be loud and obnoxious, but the part of that she’s not overdoing to annoy you is a coverup for how worried she is about her brother.”
Surprised by the depth of her defense, Washington looked at Carolina.
In return, Carolina shrugged. “Girl talk.”
“Girl talk,” Wash replied dryly. “Anything you need to share with me? Besides the fact that I’m an annoyance that needs to be talked over by the second most perverted person in the galaxy?”
Carolina scoffed. “Don’t let Li’l Grif hear you say that!”
“Oh, she’d be flattered,” Wash replied with a twist of his wrist and a roll of his eyes.
“Of being second?”
“She’s met Tucker before,” Wash said flatly. “In… the biblical sense.”
“Oh, god, we need another girl talk. Homegirl deserves better,” Carolina said though it was mostly without malice.
“Hey, we promised not to make demeaning jokes about the guys until we found them again,” Wash reminded her. “That includes my… lascivious teammate.”
Carolina sobered up some at that and inhaled sharply. “You’re right. I’m sorry. It’s just… old habits.”
“Almost as difficult to kill as the Reds and Blues, I know,” Wash said, squeezing Carolina’s knee. “You have to keep yourself together, Carolina. You’re still leading this mission. And the Reds and Blues have to be alive. If you just search your feelings—“
“We already agreed this is Star Wars, you don’t have to keep nerding up the point, Wash,” Carolina rolled her eyes.
“Carolina,” Wash said intently. “Promise me you’re going to not leave me alone on this. I’ve already lost the Reds and Blues… Freelancer… I can only be the last man standing so many times before I get a condition.”
She looked surprised before growing a sour look. “That sob story doesn’t work on me.”
“The truth isn’t a sob story!” Wash complained.
“It is when it’s you, jesus, Wash,” Carolina retorted before leaning her head back with an audible thud against the wall. Her eyes were distant and aimed toward the ceiling, though they seemed to look even further. “You really think we’re going to find everyone alive? All of them?” she asked lowly.
“No doubts,” Wash replied firmly.
“I have them.”
Almost immediately, Wash could feel himself deflated. “What do you mean—“
“I think the guys are alive. I feel like it must be the case because… even if it’s hard to imagine a god that would allow the kind of shit we’ve gone through… the universe itself can’t be that unjust, to make us lose our family again after just finding them,” Carolina answered lowly. “And I want that to be enough to keep me happy, to keep me positive. But when it’s just you and me and I’m not worried about motivating the others and keeping us moving, there’s an emptiness in me. There’s… there’s just a place that Epsilon used to fill. Even when he wasn’t synced with me. And it’s just. Not there anymore, Wash. I don’t… I don’t know if he’s still with us. But I think he’s not.”
Washington absorbed the information quietly, respectfully. He did not have to use words to express to Carolina what she already very well knew — that for Wash there were no simple feelings with Epsilon. That Epsilon was something that he never counted with the guys for himself.
Their bond was not something he could spend his time thinking about, nor did he really want to to begin with.
“I’m sorry, if that’s how you feel,” he finally responded.
“It is,” Carolina said, dropping her head. “Before things got too crazy on Chorus, before the final attack and taking down the Tower against Felix and Locus… Before all that, the Insurrectionist soldier — the one who remembered us from Freelancer. He said something. He said… He said Epsilon was failing. That he was dying. And when I thought about it all — the glitches, the… multiple projections. Just the way he was jumping around between equipment and soldiers and… It was there. Before the Reds and Blues disappeared. He was dying. And he lied to my face — to my brain — when I confronted him.”
Wash’s veins grew cold and he straightened his jaw.
Epsilon, after all, had a habit of dying, or at least trying to, in people’s heads.
“I’m sorry,” Wash said when he could think of nothing else.
“No, I’m sorry. This is a shitty conversation,” Carolina said with a grunt, getting to her feet. “I’m sorry you’re the only person I can have it with, too.”
Wash pushed up from the ground to get to his own feet. “Not even Grey?” he asked.
“Normally, maybe,” Carolina said, crossing her arms. “But lately we’ve had this… weirdness between us ever since I brought Dylan onboard.”
Pausing, Wash tilted his head at her. “Dylan?”
“See? That’s exactly what Emily said, too!” Carolina growled out, frustrated.
Not ready to let that thread go without a fight, Wash opened his mouth and began to argue for more details when the door to the bunks burst open and nearly sent Carolina and himself into fight mode.
“Eureka!” Doctor Grey shrieked. “She found it!”
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