aromanticasterisms · 1 year
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apex-academy · 6 years
Chapter 1: Smite Evil and Other Murder Methods (#24)
Nobody’s gotten maimed by the time my supper’s ready. In fact, things have settled enough for a character-building session to form at one table. I might end up spattering my documents with broth, but I join them anyway.
The conversation isn’t as lively as it had been earlier. It’s harder to get excited with such an oppressive atmosphere creeping in on us. Will game night be enough to shake it off? I’m not convinced, but at least I get some work done for it.
Eventually the crowd whittles down to just me, Aidan, and Aki. Before I can get my character inventory sorted out, Aidan stands. 
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“Miss Kogamino?”
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“Do you mind if I excuse myself early tonight? I’d like to return to my room now! There are a few more builds for the others I need to work on. You’re free to borrow the rulebook, though!”
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“...How are you planning to work on those without the rulebook?”
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“I have most of the book memorized. And only a small portion is necessary for what we’re doing here, anyway! I’m trying not to make everyone’s first shot at this overly complicated.”
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“All right.”
Going back to his room, huh? Is it just for some peace and quiet, or is this about that wardrobe bit again?
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“Excellent, thank you! Feel free to return it to me at any time outside of curfew!”
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“I’m trusting you with this, so please refrain from making any marks or spilling any liquids, crumbs, or other troublesome things on it! And for goodness’ sake! Do! Not! Dogear anything!!”
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“I’ll be careful.”
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“All right!! Enjoy yourself! I’m sure you’ll have no trouble navigating the contents! And thank you for your help, Miss Shitanaga! Please be sure to grab something for dinner if you haven’t already!”
WIth that, he zips off.
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“Have I eaten yet...?”
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“Not while I was sitting here. Did you have anything before then?”
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“Mmm. I’m not sure.”
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“Maybe you should grab an apple or something, at least. Just in case.”
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“Yeah, probably.”
I glance around the cafeteria. A few people are still eating, but they’re sitting as far away from each other as possible. I don’t know if I can stand this crap much longer.
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“Hey, Aki? I’ll just take this back to my own room, if that’s all right. I can hang on to my sheet, so don’t worry about it.”
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“Oh... Yeah, that’s fine.”
I... can’t tell if she’s upset or not. Probably not?
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“Okay, thanks. See you.”
I make it to my room uninterrupted. In lieu of using the actual desk, I flop belly-first onto my bed and spread the rulebook and sheets of paper out in front of me.
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“All right... Where was I?”
Looking through weapons and armor and whatever other crap I have to buy. How many types of arrows does this game have?
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“Geez... And for armor I have to worry about it being too heavy, too.”
On what level is this not overly complicated? It’s even hard to look things up in this convoluted rulebook. I at least mostly get the hang of it before too long. Or rather, I reach a point where I don’t need to flip around much.
I’ve spent all but 20 gold when the television flickers on.
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“Um, hello? It’s not nighttime yet or anything! You can keep doing whatever you’re doing! Well, um, most of you can...”
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“I’m going to be adding another school rule...! I-I’d hate to be too overbearing, but I think it’s very important to your safety here, so! Please keep an eye on your student IDs! The rules app will update automatically very soon! A-and it will be effective immediately!”
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“Aaaaah, I don’t know what else to say... I’m not used to these extra announcements... U-um, everyone have a good evening?! B-bye!”
The screen shuts off again.
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“What was that all about?”
I use my character sheet for a bookmark and sit up. After a stretch, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and fish out my ID. The rules app, huh?
I pull up the list and swipe through all of them. Looks like the same six to me.
What could Monochap be adding? His definition of our “safety” is more than a little skewed, so I doubt it’s anything helpful. Maybe he’ll make us read the secrets when they’re sent out?
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“Will there be a test later?”
I’m tapping at the screen aimlessly when the device dings. Displaying another vague notification message, the screen stops to load before returning to rule one.
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I swipe back through. Most are exactly the same. But in place of the “Rules may be added as necessary" bit...
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“Rule six. You may not attempt to tamper with your student ID—software or hardware—for any purpose.”
I check rule seven—it’s just what used to be rule six—before swiping back to look at the new one.
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“What’s considered tampering, I wonder...?”
At that point, I hear a very loud “FIDDLESTICKS!” from the other side of the hallway.
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Gee, I wonder who that could have been.
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“Maybe I should check on him.”
I could go ahead and bring the rulebook with me. Or I could keep it for the night. He did say he didn’t need it, and I have to have something to do tonight.
I lock the door behind me before stepping over towards Aidan’s. Knock, knock.
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It takes him a minute to get to the door, though he doesn’t ask for my patience this time. He glances at me and runs a hand through his hair.
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“Ah. Good evening... Are you done with the rulebook?”
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“No, just wanted to drop by.”
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“Is, uh, everything okay?”
He laughs sheepishly.
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“I should keep my voice down a little, huh? Sorry.”
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“But everything is fine, I assure you!”
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“I just didn’t work fast enough, I’m afraid.”
I figured.
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“Since the jig is up, you might as well tell me what you were doing with your ID.”
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“Yes, I suppose so.”
He glances around the hallway and sighs.
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“I would invite you in, but I must lead by example, so!”
He takes a step over and knocks on Mahavir’s door.
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“Junior Commander Attenborough! Miss Kogamino and I will be having a short conversation in the hallway, so I’d like to ask you to keep your door open in case anything happens! You needn’t listen in on us if you are otherwise occupied!”
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Mahavir sets something down for a doorstop and returns to his room. Leaning on his own doorframe, Aidan turns back to me.
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“Okay! Well! I have little of use to report.”
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“Since it’s now been firmly established that our IDs have communicative capabilities, I believed it was worth the effort to see if I could establish a connection with the outside. Access the Internet, or broadcast a signal at some noticeable frequency.”
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“Of course, I had no reason to believe the electroID could send out anything strong enough, particularly if we’re as far from civilization as the Academy is stated to be!”
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“But as it turns out, the only thing wrong with the computer in Mister Ford’s study hall is the power supply system. None of the other hardware was discarded or damaged. So between the computer and the student ID, I thought I had a pretty good shot of producing a strong enough signal.”
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“Apparently I was right, or Mister Monochaperone wouldn’t have considered it enough of a threat to ban, but...”
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“But it’s still banned.”
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“Do we even know what the punishment for breaking the rules is?”
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“No, but considering we’ve been placed in a game of life and death, I sincerely doubt it’s anything worth the risk!”
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“Makes sense. At least he can’t punish you for breaking a rule that didn’t exist at the time.”
He nods.
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“There is one more thing... When the rule addition was announced, I thought I’d try to track the incoming signal.”
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“I can hardly pinpoint us on the globe at the moment, but I do believe it was sent from within this building!”
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“Within the building? So... You think whoever’s behind this is in here with us?”
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“Oh. Or Monochap could have sent it.”
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“That’s the thing! I don’t think he could have. Even at the time of the rule change, my ARP scan only showed sixteen devices on this network.”
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Time to act like I know what an ARP scan is. At least its function is clear in context.
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“Sixteen devices... But there are sixteen students, and each of us has an ID, right?”
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“Right. Either Mister Monochaperone is and/or uses one of the devices and someone here isn’t connected to the intranet, or it was one of the sixteen student IDs that updated the rules. I’m sure the same device would have sent out the secret, too.”
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“It’s suspicious either way, isn’t it? Wouldn’t someone have spoken up by now if they hadn’t received the secret?”
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“Right?! And if anyone was ignoring his or her ID completely, he or she certainly would have checked for the new rule just now! But I’ve heard nothing!”
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“Then you think one of us...”
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“I wouldn’t say it with certainty at this point, but that seems like the most likely scenario! Especially considering Mister Monochaperone’s behavior when he set out to update the IDs before we even got them... We’ll just have to see what kind of information we can gather from here on out.”
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“I... see.”
He straightens up before I can give it much more thought.
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“Miss Kogamino!! As I said, this is a very tentative theory! There is no cause for alarm!”
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“Alarm, no, but I can’t help but be concerned.”
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“Concern is reasonable.”
He suddenly jumps to grab his door, and I flinch back.
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“Curfew is now under a minute away!! Please return to your room at this time! Junior Commander Attenborough, you may now close your door as well!”
Mahavir steps over and shuts his own door without a word.
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“Okay, see you, I guess.”
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“Until tomorrow!”
He shuts the door in my face.
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“Guess he’s only polite until his rules are threatened.”
I'll go back to my room, though. After this, I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep. 
The mastermind is one of us? Could that be true? Who could it be? Do they have a master key? I don’t see why they wouldn’t...
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“But... if they want us to kill each other, they wouldn’t just do it themselves, right?”
Certainly not so soon. I should be fine. I’ll just... Shoot.
I’ll just try to focus on the character sheet stuff. Maybe it’ll wear me down enough I’ll have to sleep.
Here’s hoping.
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bffhreprise · 4 years
Entry 341
 My eyes widened as a silver car pulled in front of me, into my family’s driveway.  I knew that car.  I jogged a little to hurry after, only to see James and Mila step out of his car.  “James!  Mila!?  Is something wrong?” I asked, feeling anxious.  I hadn’t even figured out how to explain to my parents that I’d like to go to France with the company I had barely worked at for six weeks.  Now there was my boss, the literal wizard, standing in my driveway and looking like a model.  When he shook his head, I asked “then why are you…”
 He quickly interrupted me, saying, “I was going to wait for you to arrive at my home, but I was informed that you wouldn't have time to stop by today.  Sorry for the intrusion, but I thought this was a good opportunity to meet your parents, if you don't mind.”  As I stood there attempting to process what he had said, he told me “First off, I have something to give you.”  He handed over what looked to be one of the company’s enhancement suits, much to my surprise.  “You're only allowed to wear this while working for me, at my home, or in route to or from a job.  You'll also be expected to wear this during our trip to France, since you don't seem prepared to taze someone with your magic.”
 “Taze someone?  Are you expecting trouble?” I asked, alarmed by the idea.
 His amused smile answered my question even before he said, “No, but I would like to be prepared just in case.”  His face became more serious as he continued, saying, “I don't imagine everyone will be with me at all times.  My wife might well want to get me alone at some point, and by now I'm sure you're well aware that some of our friends can be a bit flirtatious.”
 I nodded my agreement, knowing that easily could easily give guys the wrong impression, and not all guys took that well.  “That's for sure.”
 Smiling once more, he explained “Groups may well be split up at times.  If you ever find yourself alone, I would like you to feel safe still.  You will, of course, be able to contact me if needed at any time.  Next time you visit the mansion, be sure to stop by Jarod’s lab for a phone upgrade.”
 “Phone upgrade?” I questioned, not really feeling there was anything wrong with my phone.  Of course, my standards weren’t up to the company’s yet.
 “Yes.  As I'm sure you've noticed, we have certain technologies available to us that aren't mass-produced for the world yet.” he stated as he motioned to the suit in my arms.  “Though altering the hardware will void any warranty you have, I promise that your phone will have increased performance.  Furthermore, your phone will be able to connect with my network if ever you decide to switch plans, which I highly recommend.”
 “Umm… Okay.  I'll have to talk with my dad about it.” I assured him, not even doubting a word of it at this point.
 Hearing the front door open, I looked over to see Mick watching us.
 “Iris, you okay?” he questioned, looking more interested than concerned.  His eyes darted between the car and James.
 I nodded as I told him, “Mick, this is my boss, James, and Mila, his umm...”
 “Maid.” she answered for me.
 Mick glanced over his shoulder to make sure the rest of our family didn’t see him before he quietly closed it and approached us.  “You're the one who told my sister to warn me not to play our games as much?” he questioned in a whisper, remembering the warning I gave him about James’ confidentiality agreements.  He did not want to see that thing.
 “Yes.  She did explain why, didn't she?” questioned James with a polite smile.
 Mick nodded and then asked “Is it true that you can… You know…”  He was definitely alluding to what I mentioned of James being a wizard.
 “I'm certain you would be amazed, but this is neither the time nor the place.  Why don't you stop by the mansion with your sister when you have time?” suggested James.
 Mick looked at me as if to question whether that was really a good idea.  I shrugged, knowing he probably couldn’t handle that place any better than I could, though I was gradually feeling more comfortable with the craziness.  Part of me wondered if that was really a good thing.
 “Today I'm here to discuss the company trip with your parents, assuming they happened to be home.” announced James after giving us a brief moment to our thoughts.
 “Company trip?  Where are you going?” asked Mick in surprise.
 I hadn’t gotten around to even seeking help from my brothers yet.
 “France.  We'll be attending a concert as well as general tourist sites throughout the country.” explained James, as if a trip out of the country was as normal as crossing a street.
 “Wow.  Iris, have you told dad that you'll need a passport?” questioned Mick in surprise.  He seemed to think Dad would be fine with the trip.
 “I have already taken the liberty to acquire passports for everyone needing them.” asserted Mila with a small smile.
 My poor brother’s eyes barely touched her before averting again.  Mila was way too pretty.  “Whoa.” he whispered.  “Sorry.  Maids don't just clean things?”
 “Mila's a special case and a good friend.  I don't know what I would do without her.” insisted James with a loving glance at his AI companion.  “Are your parents home?”
 “Oh.  Yeah.  Sorry.  This way.” replied Mick as he turned to head to the door.  Once inside, he called out, saying, “Hey, Mom, we have a guest.”
 “Coming!” she called.
 “Would you like a drink?” questioned Mick, actually remembering his manners.
 “Sure.  Orange juice.” I told him with a grin.  Who could resist picking on their siblings?
 “I'll take some as well.” stated James as Mick eyed me like he wanted to throw down.
 “Mila, right?” asked Mick as he did his best to keep his eyes on her.  When she nodded, he inquired “Want anything?”
 “No, thank you.” she replied with a smile that made him blush slightly.
 “Who's here?” called Mike as Mick left the room.
 “Iris’ boss.  Go find dad.” replied Mick.
 I could picture Mike socking Mick on the shoulder for ordering him around, so I said, “Sorry if my brothers get rowdy while you’re here.”
 James laughed as he followed me to the living room.  “If they can be more rowdy than our mutual friends, I will be quite impressed.”
 “Yeah… You have a point.” I acknowledged, having seen the superhuman feats of my coworkers.  “Am I allowed to tell them about Mila, or would you prefer that I didn't?”
 “I don't mind either way.” replied Mila, watching me as if to see my decision.
 “They probably wouldn't believe me, so I guess it's not a big deal.” I admitted, knowing good and well that I wouldn’t have believed them either if one of them came back with such a crazy story.
 James, Mila, and I took a seat.  When I was young, my house had always seemed like a pretty normal home, though I eventually was warned that others couldn’t do the things we could.  As I grew older, I realized that our house was actually large and generally nicer than most.  After meeting James, I actually was noticing the crumbs near the cup holders of our couch.  One of my brothers had left his socks in the room.  There was a bit of wear on Dad’s spot.  If James noticed, he didn’t say a thing.  More than likely, he noticed...
 When Mom entered the room, James stood to greet her.   “Mrs. Storm, please pardon my intrusion, but there is business which I would like to discuss with you and your husband.  I am James Michael Somerset III, Iris’ boss.”
 “Welcome to our home, Mr. Somerset.” she replied, shaking his hand and staring up at him.
 “James, please.” he insisted.
 Mom smiled and told him, “Call me Mirabella.  Pleasure to meet you, James.  Iris has been strangely tight-lipped about you, but my husband is excited to have new blood joining his baseball league.”
 “We at Best Friend For Hire appreciate the opportunity.” he told her, seeming perfectly sincere.  He knew his company couldn’t lose.  There was no way.  Compared to my coworkers, my family were very, very average people.
 “Have you started practicing yet?” questioned Mom with interest.  She usually attended the games.
 Before James could answer, Matt came running into the room, saying, “Mom, you're not going to believe this, but there's a talking car out front.”
 “Sorry if I startled you, Matt, but I prefer that the master’s personal transportation goes untouched without his permission.” replied Mila, bowing her head slightly in apology.
 Matt outright pointed at her as he exclaimed “You sound just like the car!”
 She smiled and nodded, not at all disturbed by my brother’s behavior.
 Suddenly confused, he said, “Wait.  How did you know that…”
 “Matt, behave!” snapped Mom.  “This is James, Iris’ boss.”
 He clearly wanted to argue that what he was saying was more important, but he knew Mom’s tone.  “Sorry.” he apologized after a deep, slow breath to calm down.
 “No need to apologize.” insisted James.  “My DB5 has had some considerable upgrades, and few wouldn't be surprised by her.” he acknowledged before turning to look at Mila.  “Mila would you mind showing Matt the car?  Mike would probably be interested as well if you catch him in the hall.”  How he knew which of my brothers was in the hall had to be a wizard thing.
 “As you wish, Master.” she replied, standing and approaching my brother.
 “Can I?” Matt asked Mom with obvious excitement.  No, there weren’t many secrets kept in this household.
 “Just be careful.” she told him, obviously not wanting my brothers to damage anything.  By now, she had probably noticed the quality of James’ clothes, his perfect nails, and maybe even that his shoes looked perfectly new.
 “Sorry about my brothers.” I told him once Matt was out of the room.
 “She says that even though Kayla nearly ran into her when she came for an interview.” teased James, speaking to Mom.
 “Kayla's ten.  My brothers are older than me!” I argued, feeling a little embarrassed.  His version of the story left out how Kayla ran like an Olympic sprinter, appearing almost out of nowhere after rounding the corner.
 James just shrugged and said, “Still, things happen.”
 “Who is Kayla?” questioned Mom.
 “She's the sister of an employee who lives at my company headquarters.” he explained.  “Many of my employees live there, since we have exceptional accommodations.”
 “He's understating them dramatically.  I really can't explain.” I insisted, not even knowing where to begin with the outlandish luxury of Somerset Estate.
 Dad stepped into the room before we could argue more, asking “Explain what?”
 “How incredible Best Friend For Hire's headquarters is.” stated Mom with a meaningful look to Dad.  “This is Iris’ boss, James.  James, this is my husband, Grayson.”
 James shook Dad’s hand and said, “Meeting you is a pleasure, sir.  Thank you for inviting my company to join your baseball league.  I do feel obligated to warn you that most of my company is young and highly athletic.”
 “Iris has mentioned that you do martial arts training each morning.  What's the reason for it?” questioned Dad, possibly out of curiosity.  He was probably in his “assessment phase” of meeting someone.  He often spoke about how important that was.
 “In addition to being a good general fitness program, I like the idea that all of my employees will be able to protect themselves in case a client becomes less than pleasant.” replied James.  “We do, of course, screen our clients before pairing them with any given best friend, so there has yet to be a serious incident.”
 “I'm glad to hear you're cautious, given your unusual line of work.  The company doing okay?” questioned Dad, making me roll my eyes
 James merely nodded and said, “We're still expanding, and our profits are quite substantial.  Just this past winter, I added a hotel chain to the company's assets.  We also have close ties with Global Princess Entertainment and the Intergalactic House of Awesome Sauce, given that I'm a primary shareholder in each.”
 Dad’s surprise was obvious.  He probably hadn’t gotten around to looking into my new job, thinking of it as another startup doomed to fail.  He said, “Wow.  Impressive.  That restaurant chain is something else.  We've eaten there a couple times.”
 If I had known James was involved in the Intergalactic House of Awesome Sauce when I met him, I wouldn’t have been at all surprised about the wealth.  That restaurant was incredibly expensive, and hosted the best food I had ever eaten, possibly excluding Marco’s.
 “You should see James’ chef in action.” I asserted.  “That guy's amazing too.”
 James smiled at me before looking to Dad and saying, “My wife assures me that Marco is one of the best chefs in the world.  As head of the Pendreigh Group, she's done enough traveling for me to take her word.”
 “The Pendreigh Group!?” asked Dad in surprise.  Had he mentioned them before?
 “Yes.  Heard of them?” questioned James, though he didn’t really sound surprised.
 Nodding, Dad said, “They've been buying up companies all over the city, so I did a bit of research a while back.  You say your wife runs it!?”
 “Yes.  She also manages her father's estates.  He's the Duke of Caerllion in Wales.” explained James, letting the bomb of a name drop out with his typical easy manner.
 Dad nodded and took a seat, looking at James with much more interest than he had shown when I mentioned where I had been hired.  No, he hadn’t looked into my job yet, but I was certain he would now.
 James eventually got around to bringing up our trip to France, assuring my parents that every detail was being planned for the general safety of all participants.  Surprisingly, neither of my parents had many questions about it, just listening to the general itinerary with interest before moving back to the topic of James’ company.
 As I listened, I couldn’t help admiring how easily James had won my parents over.  He was just one of those people that you met and instantly liked.  My brothers barged in, gushing about James’ car after a while, and James obligingly walked my parents out to show them as well, though I doubted he showed them everything.  Unlike my home, James’ home was full of secrets, enough for an unintelligible confidentiality contract and probably more security than I could imagine.
 When he left, Dad turned to me and said, “You could’ve given me a little more warning, Iris.”
 “I didn’t know he was coming!” I assured him.
 “Not that, but… Did you know how wealthy he is?” he questioned.
 “Well, I told you his place is crazy fancy and that his wedding had all sorts of celebrities and such.” I replied, feeling somewhat evasive.  There was so much I hadn’t mentioned yet.
 “Iris, the Pendreigh Group controls hundreds of billions of dollars at least.  If the leader of that group decided to marry James, he’s certainly not poor.” insisted Dad, looking like he wanted to do some digging.
 “Well, he did decide on taking us all to France on a whim.” I agreed with a shrug.
 Dad laughed and said, “By private jet.  I don’t know how he got you a passport already, but he must be connected with some very important people besides the British heiress.  They really haven’t asked you to do anything questionable, right?”
 I shook my head.  “Not unless you consider playing games and getting paid questionable.” I assured him.
 “In that case, stick with them.  As long as you don’t have to do anything illegal, or something that makes you feel uncomfortable, you should stick with that man.  I have a good feeling that you’ll be thankful you did.” insisted Dad, wrapping his arm around me.
 Mom closed in on the other side and said, “I agree with your dad.  James is charming, but he seems genuinely nice as well.  He’ll look out for you.”
 I nodded again, hugging them back.  There were so many shocks ahead for them if I figured out how to explain a fraction of what James’ company was like, without breaking any confidentiality agreements, that I had no clue where I would even start.  As Dejon had told me, James’ company was like being part of a different reality.
0 notes
angustdtt · 7 years
“Blue Sky”  BTS Jungkook - Fic
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Anonymous asked:  Hello! May I request Jungkook assassin AU where you're the mastermind and he's the one doing the dirty work? Something came up when he's on mission and you ended up having to jump into the scene and help him. Maybe this request is rather hard, but it's okay, take your time. thank you ^^
A/N: Nonnie Thank you for requesting this!!! I never done one before, and honestly i’m not sure i delivered :’), but thanks for the challenge!, i enjoyed writing this a lot, and this is so far my longest fic :’D, love and good wishes for you noonie! <3
Assassin!Jungkook AU
WordCount: 7.4k Genre: Action | Angst  Pairing: ReaderxJungkook (Gender Neutral) Triggers: Cursing,Violence,Gun,Blood,Kidnapping,Drug business I’m such a grandma for saying it like this
“Thank you! Enjoy your coffee!” You waved and smiled at the customer after handing the order. Sighing you turned around grabbing the warn off green cleaning cloth to clean the working table from some milk and chocolate syrup that got spilled. Taking a look at the white watch on your right wrist you noticed it was midday. Judging by the amount of people who came to the shop today this was going to be a slow day
“Hey Y/N,” your manager called, eyes fixated on the screen of his phone.
“Yes boss?” answered, arranging your apron and leaving the chores to pay full attention to him.
“You’ll stay late today, one of the others can’t cover night shift.” he commanded, covering his mouth with his hand to cough.
“Boss, I can’t… I have some other things to do today, important things” you scratched the back of your head.
He looked up from his phone and nailed his eyes on yours, walking forward to position himself in front of you he dedicated a condescending smile.
“Hey, It’s okay...I know you have more important things to do,” He patted your shoulder. You lifted your eyebrow weirded out by this action.
“Really?” you asked  already knowing he was obviously lying.
“Yeah...” He keep patting your shoulder and smiling “But you know what?”
“What?” You inquired.
“If this work gets in your way, then I don’t have any problem in firing you. You know? Taking this heavy weight off your shoulders” He cooed.“So, then...your can have all the time you need for your ‘important’ things. I mean, you probably have a lot of homework from your studies. Oh wait…” He placed a finger over his lips. “You don’t study. Right?” He inquired.
You looked to the side, pursing lips into a thin line, holding your desperate need to bark at him
“No.” you answered.
He pretended to be shocked.
“So you’re saying...you don’t study. And you have important thing to do? Maybe another job?” He wondered. Placing a hand on his chest faking being worried 
”No.” you repeated, licking your lips.
“And you have no family,” He directed his eyes looking up as if remembering “so...no hospital or family emergencies.” He tilted his head trying to catch your eyes. “So… what will you do today?” He crossed his arms.
You coughed.
“I’m covering night shift” accepted nodding and with a grin.
Your manager smiled taking out from the pocket his phone
“Good! Thanks Y/N! You are a great employee!” He exclaimed nudging your shoulder with a fist acting friendly. Rolling your eyes, you resumed your cleaning tasks. ‘One more’ ‘One more’ you chanted mentally This honestly wasn't something shocking coming from your asshole manager. He always had this particular fascination ever since you started working at the shop 5 months ago with ruining your plans or your day. Of course, this attitude of his wasn't exclusively aimed to you, but it was certainly one of his top priorities. Something he never ever forgot to do on his list, among other things like constantly looking at his phone. Often you’d caught him taking calls on the employees bathroom. But lucky for you,it’d wouldn't be much longer until you could leave this dreadful job behind ‘One more’ ‘One more’ -- The bell of the front door rang. You looked at the watch on your wrist. A little over two on the afternoon. Turning around you approach the stand to take the order of the newcomer. “Welcome to Starbucks! Can I take your order?” you politely ask not looking straight to their eyes. “Macchiato venti with a blueberry scone please” a silvery,male voice answered. The young man at the other side tapped anxiously on the wood of the of the counter. “Very well…” you grinned while clicking the order on the screen of the computer. “That’d be    , ten dollars please” you kept your grin “Card or cash?” you asked “Card” he replied,you couldn't see his face but you heard the rumbling of him taking his wallet out of his pocket. You nodded and handed the reader machine to him so he’d swipe his credit card. You then entered some numbers and waited for the ticket to come out.      “Coming right out, please go take a seat and it’ll take it to your table” you bowed to him and raised your eyes to meet his. And as you would expect.
He had a bruise. The guy walked away from the counter and headed to the tables. You grunted a little bit once he was out of sight. ‘I told that boy not to get injured...goddammit!’ You shook your head while thinking to yourself. You started running the coffee machine
‘I’m gonna kill Jungkook...’
After you delivered the order, you sat down facing Jungkook with your arms and legs crossed. Crumbs and some droplets of coffee staining his long coat. He was sipping from the drink and eating on the scone like if he hadn't had a proper meal in his whole life. The bruise on his left eye was not swollen, so you wondered how old it was, but judging by the faint yellow closer to his nose, you’d say about 2 or 3 days old. Luckily in your line of work, you had some pretty powerful anti-inflammatory drugs and makeup of course. So that made you wondered why he didn't put some on, since you were deadly serious when you ordered him not to get hit on the face. Jungkook was completely oblivious of your existence while nomming on his scone, but soon enough he had no more left. Clearing your throat you got his attention. Jungkook blinked twice when he noticed your intense stare on him. “Apologies” He put down the cup on the table, tidying himself up  and sitting straight. “What happened to your face?” you blurted out, making him shrink a little. Jungkook scratched his neck. “I fell,” he tried to lie “full face...” you remained unimpressed by his words, “On my knee” You snorted “ So,” you began, grabbing your chin between index finger and thumb “you’re telling me… my most valuable asset— tripped and fell...” He was looking at the floor with a blank face “On his knee…” you continued, he nodded. “with his left eye?” Jungkook looked up and shrugged “It could happen to anyone really” “Maybe to anyone who was not trained to be as skillful as you are my dear” you exalted. “Maybe…” He agreed, bobbing his head. You hold the bridge of your nose.“Goddammit Jungkook, your face needed to be absolutely perfect for this next mission” said nagging. “Hey boss! No worries, I’ll just put on some makeup and,” He clicked his fingers “off I go!”
“Then why didn't you put on some for this?” you motioned between the two. “Ah!, because I don’t know how to cover bruising, and if I did it wrong, you were gonna nag me because I lied to you, and if I didn't you were gonna nag me anyway, so I just...came here bare face” he grinned showing his big front teeth. “Who says I’m gonna send you either way huh?” you leaned forward “The specifics of the contract was that you should have a perfect model face, but now! You looked like a punched sack of potatoes!” you scold waving your arms and pointing at his bruise. Jungkook pouts and looks down resting his back on the chair, placing his hands over his lap and intertwining fingers. You do the same as him not taking your eyes away. He seems to think about your words internally, and his face looks regretful. Raising his gaze to you, Jungkook shrinks his eyes “Do you think I have a perfect model face?” He smirks. “I’m gonna punch you...” you warn “Not in the face!”Jungkook gasps dramatically, cupping his cheeks. You scoff at him. “Boss c’mon...” he begins, sitting up to move his chair near to you. “You said it yourself...I am your most valuable and handsome asset” You dedicate a cold killer stare at him. “You gotta...” He pulls out that silly puppy eye game he has and sweetly begs again for another opportunity. You sigh. “You’re… lucky you’re handsome” ---
The next day you came to work exhausted. Being the mastermind behind a private assassin network, and having to cope with putting up with the bullshit your boss gave to you at the coffee shop was tremendously draining. ‘One more’ ‘One more’ After spending the whole time after you finished your night shift at work helping Jungkook to cover the bruise left you completely out of energy. As usual, the request for Jungkook’s next mission was anonymous and half of the payment was forwarded to your private bank account. He was supposed to infiltrate on a model agency ball, this particular agency however traded meth and use their models as mules. You had no other information about said agency other than that what the contractor sent ;the address, the invite, how the agent should dress to blend in, and a plea for help. This was certainly not the first time the request was directed with taking down a network of drug dealers, but you did preferred to do some recon before since you weren't given more information. Jungkook was the most skilled agent you had, and he was particularly methodical and meticulous with his work, so sending him on this mission was your first choice. You had your doubts about the mission, but your motto was ’Money does the job’, so after handing all the gadgets that he needed, guns and a burner phone to only contact the two of you, you sent him away. ---
Back at the coffee shop yawning and stretching your arms and joints, you were grateful that another lazy day had passed. It was almost sundown, and as of it now the place only had 4 customers on the shop and you were ready to end the shift. Like every other day you checked the money on the cashier counting until the last penny, and left everything neat for the employee of the next shift. Today your boss didn't showed up for his usual round of fuckery, and you deemed that to your positive attitude. The last you saw him, he was going down to the supply basement. Protocol demanded for you to go and talk to him so he knew that you are leaving the cashier alone, but since he didn't came out (and it was absolutely forbidden to go down on the basement), you shrugged and thought ”Time to go change” heading for the bathroom after grabbing the bag with your everyday clothes. Some soap and a splash of cold water on your face did the trick to make you feel relieved and renewed.  Letting out a cheery cooing off your chest grabbing the handle on the door, you twisted and pulled towards you opening it.
“What are you doing?” a nasal and strident voice stopped you.
“Oh” you looked up to the eyes of your manager. His clothes smelled faintly like bathroom cleaner and coffee beans “I have finished my shift and now i’m going home” “No you dumbshit, I meant you left the cashier alone” he flicked your forehead with his fingers “If we get robbed who is going to replace the money huh? You?” he mocked, snorting. “You were on the basement boss” you mentioned, swallowing for trying to maintain your composure. “And we aren't allowed in there” “So you want to blame this on me?” he threatened. “You should had stayed there like a good little employee behind the counter waiting till I came back” he leaned in closer pushing you back. “It won’t happen again boss...” you assured. “You have to stay today too...as a payback for your incompetent work,” You nodded looking down at the floorboards. He left chuckling at his victory and you presumed at the control he had over you. Closing the door of the bathroom you began to get dressed again. ‘One more’ ‘One more’
The night arrived, your boss once again hide out on the basement,and the shop was now empty of customers. You were sitting down on one of the tables, arms supporting your head. You wondered why you did to deserve such pain in your life “oh right…” you remembered “silly me”. The white watch on your wrist beeped and you let the high pitched sound to resonate on the room a little before you decided to turn it off. 00:00. You wanted nothing else than to go home and change. Feel the sweet sensation of the warm water touching your every crevice of flesh, making your muscles relax. The scent of the soap flooding your skin with a sweet musk of red rose, maybe even bring a glass of wine to the tub filled with bubbles. But no, instead you were still away from home and smelling like coffee beans and latex from the gloves you use to clean. Bzzt Bzzzt! Bzzt Bzzzt! The phone on your pocket vibrated. The phone… The burner phone. Taking it out of you pocket you looked at the screen. ‘JK’ It read. “10-11?” you answered, a cautious tint on your words,It was not normal for him to use the phone cause it had only one purpose. Emergency. “10-11” you repeated. “I require confirmation of your identity.” On the other side only muffled and rattling sounds. Focusing hard on identifying some of them you were able to distinguish echoed footsteps, you brain instantly pictured a wide space; it had walls, and judging by the rebound, little to no furniture or objects on it.   Another sound. Voices. Two voices. Not Far. “10-11, report” you insisted, they were getting closer and closer. Tapping nervously with you index finger on the wood of the table you bit on your lip almost drawing blood. The voices were so close you could swear you could recognize the word “Find” and “him”. Squeezing the device closer to your ear, and shutting your eyes to take away any visual distractions you dedicated all the concentration on figuring out the next word. “There” Your eyes widen,  hoisting from your seat violently, the table flipped around and the chair you were sitting on flew far away.
Rumbling and running footsteps on the other side of the line. Gunshots. Then a clear and familiar tone. “10-11, S.O.S” The call ended. His voice. “Jungkook” you gasped, froze in place. You had to act now.
Instantaneously you rushed to your secret shelf behind the coffee machine.The heavy appliance was easy enough to move for you, giving the rush of adrenaline now waving through you whole body. On the other side of one of the tiles in the wall was loose and you kept two hidden guns and four magazines, in case of emergency. You were never attacked or followed to work but being cautious was always first. Taking the magazines and loading them, you placed them on your back seized by the belt of your pants; the backup magazines on the pocket of your pale brown pants. Bolting through the rooms, you arrived to the outside of the boss office and with decisive firmness you opened the door by kicking it with mighty tenacity. As you entered the room you sizzled because the door was now dented but there was no time to think about the consequences of your actions. Sprinting to the back of his desk, you began  to rummage through papers and stuff he had until you found what you needed. The car keys.
“I’m on my way Jungkook” ---
On the end of the road you could appreciate at the distance the white and imposing manor where the party was being hosted. You wanted to call back to Jungkook’s phone but discarded that idea, since you didn't know if he was engaged in an already more dangerous situation. Parking relatively far from the site of the model party you hid your boss black sedan between some trees and bushes. Between you and the manor, there was about 3 more blocks so you decided to trot your way up to the site through the wide field of grass. As you got closer, the rows of expensive cars and some people outside at the door chatting began to be more distinguishable. Both females and male guests were dressing fancily and you remembered the uniform you had on. “Fuck” you cursed, quickly you mind contemplated a new tactic that permitted you to blend in with the guests. Estranging away to the back of the manor, you search for some windows where you could infiltrate inside. And then you see it, slightly open frame with the lights off. A rattling sound of leaves perks up your ears. someone is dangerously close. “Hey!” the person exclaims. Steps approaching. As a reflex, you look for quick cover when you see a bush and jump behind it. “Dude,” the faceless voice begins “you saw that?” another two pairs of steps are recognizable. “Saw what?” the second voice growled. “I think it was…” the first voice stepped critically close. The two guns on your belt were too far away from your reach,your breath hitched and you could feel the sweat forming on the palms of your hands. “A duck...” “A duck…” the second voice repeated “Are you fucking kidding me? You brought me out here for this?” it scoffed. “I love ducks…”the first voice admitted a little embarrassed.
“Dude this is a high fashion model’s party...” the second voice commented “There is ducks inside...and a lot of other animals too…” “You’re right...let’s head back” The two people left and soon enough you were free to climb the window. Once you get in ( after hiding in the bushes for a couple of seconds) you make sure no one is inside or out the dark room. The only light on it came from the window you used, but it was enough for recognize that you break into someone's bedroom. Tip toeing to the door you make sure to lock it while you search for some wardrobe where you could find any type of  fancy clothes. On your head you try to list the next steps on your ‘rescue’ mission. The first one was infiltrating; ‘Done’. The second, changing your clothes and blend with the rest of the participants of the party; ‘On it’.   “Hang on Jungkook” you said aloud, taking one of the hangers out and closing the wardrobe. ---
The tattle, and the scent of expensive types of alcohol surrounded you. The music playing on the background was some type of modern alternative jazz. You knew this because it remind you of the coffee shop. “fucking starbucks” you thought. 
Your head scanned the manor, looking for some sign that could let you know where jungkook was being held. Maybe see some thugs guarding a door. But indeed the guy from before was right, inside you found people dressed as ‘tamers’ among the crowd, handling different species of small monkeys, or other bigger types of animals; like lions, panthers and tigers (all of them of course lying down doped to the eyeballs). While heading to the kitchen door across the crowded space,someone clashed their shoulder with yours and in consequence you almost drop the tray you were holding with empty glasses. Looking down at the fine fabric of the white shirt you grabbed from the wardrobe you check it wasn't scratch or stained. And thankfully, it wasn't. The apron that hangs from your hips took most of the spilled drink. “Look where you’re stepping” a posh voice scolded. “Apologies” you replied with a bow. The person stayed shaking their head haughtily, but without minding it too much you continued your way to the kitchen. The costume of your choice was a ‘server’. ‘Will this be my curse until the end of days?’ you wondered when you started dressing up back in the bedroom. Once you reached the kitchen you left the tray to be refilled by the personnel. While everyone screamed at each other trying to speed things up to take the orders and re-stock the empty trays of drinks and food you took a chance to sneak out a little without drawing attention to yourself.  
Taking a walk around the kitchen area (pretending to change the drench apron but not doing it) you catch, on one of the back doors, glance of a tall and bald guy dressed with a Italian cut suit; on his ear a intercom cable. “Bingo” After the baldie walked away you followed behind him, as close as you could without being suspicious. He headed to the backyard of the manor, and then he turned around a corner. Quietly, you imitate his trail. Taking the gun from your back as you got near to the place where you lost baldie your ears perked up once again. No sound. Aiming with the gun you turned the corner just as the thug did, but no one was there. Instead, you found yourself in front of a rusty copper door. Touching it delicately to not make any noise you pushed it and got inside. A strike of air, coming up from the stairs at your feet brought a musty but metalic smell flushed your nostrils. The musk made you sick. “So what have we in here?” an echoed voice inquired. You began walking down the stairs. “A spy,” a second voice replied. A voice you recognized as the “duck guy”. “I see, did you tell the boss?” the first voice asked. “No,” duck guy replied. “The boss said not to interrupt him” Closing in to the end of the stairs you search for some place to hide behind some tall wooden boxes. Stretching your neck you finally saw three faces,one of them Jungkook’s. He was tied up arms and legs to a chair, with his head hanging. “How long has he been unconscious?” the first guy asked. “About 30 minutes,” “And you found out who he is?” “He had only the invitation on him as any ID, then I found ; a gun, this mint tin case, a  white wrist-watch ”  The duck guy pointed at a table not far away from him. You took a mental note. “Oh, and this” he walks to the table and hold up the burner phone. “But he broke it when we caught him” The first guy nodded. “Let’s interrogate him then” the first guy walked next to Jungkook and strike Jungkook’s face. The smack was so powerful your own flesh hurted from the noise that resonated on the room. Jungkook lifted slowly his face spitting blood on the floor, his features filled with pain. “Wakey Wakey” the thug cooed. Jungkook’s strained face had another bruise on his right cheek, his lower lip exposing a cut. “Five more minutes mom” Jungkook chuckled opening one eye to look at the punisher.
Another strike. “Pretty boy thinks he’s funny” the duck guy added mocking him. “He does....” the first guy agreed. “But pretty boy is gonna have all his face crushed under my foot if he keeps being funny...” he threatened grabbing jungkook’s chin with his big hand. “Guys, please...You two are way prettier than me” Jungkook smirked, and sent a flying kiss. “How did you get in the party, pretty boy?” duck guy inquired, crossing his arms. Jungkook spitted once again. “I was invited by the host…” He answered galantly. The two guys looked at each other. “Wrong answer...” the duck guy barked. Jungkook received a punch on his stomach for it, making him sputter. “You see, the name on your invitation...belongs to a dead man” Jungkook looked up, obviously shocked by the declaration. “Well...i’m obviously not” He insisted, lying expertly. “An eighty year old...dead man.”  he added, lifting his eyebrows. Jungkook blinked. “Got me there” he shrugged, winning another punch on the stomach. There was only so many punches he could take so you took action.
Thanking to a higher power the place was poorly illuminated, you began to walk crouched on the shadow of the big wooden boxes; getting closer, with your gun ready to be used. A phone rang inside the jacket of ‘not duck guy’, taking a few steps away from Jungkook he turned around and answered it; “Yes boss” he talked back at the device, placing it on his pocket again. He then moved to the table holding Jungkook’s belongings and grabbing the mint tin case, opening it and grabbing one of the candies taking it to his mouth. Stepping closer to ‘duck guy’ he whispered something to his ear you couldn't catch, turning around  heading to the stairs behind you after. Luckily you changed the hiding spot, since he would've saw you otherwise. After the ‘not duck guy’ walked out the door you knew the job was 100% easier for you now, and the thought of it provoked an amused snort. Hiding again the gun on the back of the belt, you unraveled the knot of your apron and twisted the straps around your hands. ‘Duck Guy’ was about 3 heads taller, so you would have to take a big jump to be able to smother him with the apron straps. But you had to wait for the right opportunity to do it. Jungkook coughed, the sweat on his forehead dripping down to his chin. He was in very bad shape, and you wondered if maybe he’d be able to run away once you freed him. Looking back at your target you noticed he was with his back facing you, and the adrenaline kicking in pumping air to your lungs and blood to your chest,so you took it as a chance to stand up  dash through the boxes and go for the kill. But as you were mid run to him, by mistake, you elbowed a tall wooden box with some piled up boxes up that were lighter in weight making them tumbled down near you. The blue content of one of the boxes came out and landed at your feet. By the faint light that reached it, you managed to differentiate a blue-ish tint to it. The meth. Duck guy then turned around with a loud “Hey!”taking the gun off the holster under the jacket ready to shoot in sight. Crouching once again on the shadows you cursed. Heart in mouth, you could hear the big guy walking on your direction “Step into the light!” he demanded, his voice raspy and threatening. “Hey, is that a duck?” Jungkook voiced out curious. “Where?!” the big guy let down his guard, turning excitedly away from where you hid. You took a risky chance, leaving the shadows that protected you and propping yourself up, sprinting and taking one of the boxes on the floor as aid to jump to his back. The guy tried to shake you off turning around violently, but your legs were tightly grasping his sides; the apron strangling his neck, making him unable to utter a word. His face was turning red. The last efforts of being released fro you grip proved to be hopeless, and finally his strength gave in; the big guy fainted and fell down slowly sliding to the floor. You hopped off of him, breathing heavily and sweating. “How did you knew about the ducks?” you asked Jungkook. “He walked in here before sad because he couldn’t find one upstairs...” He shrugged. You nodded looking down to the pile of muscle you named ‘duck guy’ at your feet. You reached to his neck taking his pulse placing two fingers on his neck.
“Boss, you came...I’m touched” Jungkook fanned his dark eyelashes at you. “Of course, you are my most valuable asset” You insisted. “So, you just didn’t came here because you really like me?” He pouted at you. You didn't answer. “He’s alive” you walked to Jungkook to untie him. “A server?” Jungkook mentioned suddenly examining your choice of clothing“Really boss?” “What?, it’s the only thing I found…” You retorted, throwing the apron away.
Jungkook tilted his head lifting one eyebrow. “Shut up” You finished. “He saw my face, shouldn’t we kill him? ” He asked looking up to you. “Nah,” you ripped the bonds off “We didn’t get paid for him” “Boss, you’re heartless” he gasped, pretending to be offended “I like that in you” he winked flirtatiously. “Doesn’t it hurt to do that?” You motioned at his eye “Your eye looks like shit” “I’m in terrible pain...but it’s worth it.” He repeated his wink and added a silent ‘ouch’ after. You couldn’t help but giggle at his foolishness. “There, get up” you ordered once you were done releasing Jungkook. “Can you walk?” you inquired. “Yes,” He sat up,fixing his suit. “I still have to kill the entrepreneur upstairs though boss” You agreed with a nod. Walking to the buff guy body you took his gun handing it over to Jungkook. “First, you found out who is holding the cargo?” Jungkook nodded “It’s not the models...it’s all here on this boxes.” he pointed to where you were hiding before. “These are where they carry the animals, the meth is with them for transport”   “We have to get rid of them then” you said looking at the boxes. “What was the plan for the target?” “I was thinking on using my poisoned mints to kill him. You know? Offer a candy as treat without raising suspicions to the guards”Jungkook shrugged “but since Mc Tough-guy took them, I guess we must find another way now, a more… dull way to assassinate him” He scrunched his nose. Jungkook liked to interpret roles on his missions, classy or refined ways to go unnoticed and such. A more elegant and less messy way to fulfill his duty. “The target was not at the party itself…” He continued to inform “I suspect he is aislated on one of the rooms” Jungkook cleaned his mouth of dry blood with a handkerchief he kept on his pocket. “We will, but the other guard is up there god knows where so we have to be careful” “He ate one of the mints. So let’s hope he likes to share them with his colleagues” He chuckled mockingly “It takes about 15 minutes for the poison to take effect” “Do you know where on the manor the dealer could be found?” Jungkook nodded. “The room on the second floor, it’s an internal greenhouse.” “So we can probably see it from the outside. Perfect” You were heading to the stairs “What about the duck fella?” Jungkook said pointing at his body on the floor. “Let him sleep” ---
Sheltered by the vast dark silhouette of the manor you both continued with the assignment. According to Jungkook you would be able to find the greenhouse where the target was secluding on the second floor. So the first task at hand was locating the dome of it and climbing our way to it, somehow. Until now ‘not duck guy’ was not at sight, though finding a few of his friend along the way, securing the perimeter around the house. Jungkook and you stopped your tracks upon arriving one of the furthest walls of the manor. “Boss, there's a ledge” He mentioned pointing up from where both stand “I think we can use it” “We need to find a way to climb up, it will be easier to find the dome of the greenhouse if we are up there” You whispered, looking for anything that can help you to use as a ladder. Jungkook took the white wrist-watch from his pocket and showed it to you “This is how we can climb, but we have to take turns, it’s a Grappling hook-watch” He licked his lips “I might need to rename it”
“You go first”  
Jungkook looked around making sure no one was watching him, walking a few steps forward strapping the watch around his wrist. He directed the device to the higher part of the wall and pressed down on the crown of it, releasing a long and thin string that attached to the concrete. Jungkook pulled to check the grip to the wall. Once confirmed it was solid, he pressed the crown again and was propelled upwards. You followed his trajectory and waited of him to throw the watch so you can follow him. After fetching it you mimic his actions, Jungkook welcomed you and helped you getting up on the edge.   You both now found yourselves on the roof of the second floor.   “There,” you motioned behind Jungkook once you visualized the dome of the greenhouse. “Let’s go” You rushed Jungkook as you began trotting.
Jungkook sprinted trying to keep up with you. The dome was glowing spreading the light inside, some taller plants were visible through the tainted yellow glass. Some type of muffled classical music was perceivable as you got closer.
"That's him" Jungkook confirmed, peeking out leaning over the glass.
On the floor below you took a mental note. Amidst all the leafy nature of the greenhouse, you saw two outdoor tables. On one of them (the person Jungkook pointed at) was an elegant man with grey hair sat with two other disarrayed young men surrounded by guards; you counted at least three of them, and one particular one. ‘Not duck guy’ .
“Let’s move” you exclaimed,  turning around to find a way inside. But you swallow your words, because your eyes meet the barrel of a glock. Next to you Jungkook is also being pointed to his head by another guard. The two buff guys, dressed exactly like the two you deal with before. “Indeed” one of the suited tall man says, shaking the gun to a side “ Hands up and move” he commands. Jungkook and you oblige moving away from the dome. “Search them” The guy pointing at you commands to his partner, reaching for Jungkook first. “Guess he is not a shear person” Jungkook laughs sarcastically glancing at you. You direct an unamused glare at him. ---
“Who sent you?” Inside the greenhouse Jungkook and you were held  down on your knees, hands behind the neck. The two disarrayed young man were nowhere to be found. The classical music sounded softer inside, and it was relaxing ironically. The smell of the herbage was also extremely soothing. You were tired, and your mind allowed itself to go back to those thoughts about a nice and long bath, drinking wine.  This time adding some herbal essences to the water. “Who sent you?” The dealer repeated, his voice sounded croaky as if his his throat was dry. Neither of you answered to him. “Was it Armstrong? Or was it Ricci?”  The dealer inquired, but neither of you even lifted their head. Having a big and long laugh to himself, he turned around to met one of the guards who handed over a piece of paper. The invitation. Dealer walked taking a sit on one of the adorned iron garden chairs, to read the piece of paper. His jacket lifted and revealed a pistol on the inside of it’s holster. Looking at Jungkook with the corner of your eye you hoped he had noticed that peculiar detail. But given the fact his eyesight might be compromised you couldn’t be sure of it. “Who ever sent this…”He rocked the object on his hands “Obviously wanted to see you dead” He chuckled “You see...this was the invite of a very dear old friend of mine,” The grey haired man started explaining crossing his legs “a very... dead old friend.” He tilted his chin up looking down at you two. “But I guess he sent this as a warning. Because If you used this to get inside my party, then I was unsuccessful and he is still walking this earth” the man pondered scratching his jawline “Marion,” He called out and ‘not duck guy’ stepped forward “Take care of that please.” He motioned with his hand “Yes, sir” Marion bowed walking away. “So what shall I do now with you two?” He leaned forward to look at you both. “I have some pretty animals out there who would very much appreciate fresh meat” “Chief!” One of the other guards shouted. A big and heavy weight fall to the ground behind you. The grey haired man sat up looking past where you were found “What’s wrong Marion?” He walked past Jungkook With the biggest smug smile you ever saw Jungkook turned to you “My mints!” Swiftly Jungkook rose to his feet twisting the arm of the target behind his back and clutching one of his arms around the dealer’s neck. The guards realized about the turn of events. But they were too slow, for you rapidly shadowed Jungkook’s movements grabbing the pistol from under the jacket of the grey haired man and pointing it at his head. “No one move or he’s dead!” You growled at the suited guards, taking the safety off with your thumb hearing a ‘click’. The guards took a step closer “Ah ah!, another step and my friend here will snap the boss’s neck” You warn holding one finger up to them. Jungkook grip on the dealer’s neck tightens eliciting a choke out of him.
“Kick them to me” you gesture about the guns. The guards exchanged glances with their boss who nodded defeated at them. Leaving the guns down they slide them across the floor to your feet. Slowly you crouched and grabbed once kicking the rest far away. “Now- “ you began, when a loud and desperate scream interrupted you. The fire alarm resonated everywhere inside the manor with it’s high pitched ring.
Outside the greenhouse the guests of the party screamed. One of the guards downstairs entered violently almost breaking the door. “Someone stole the boxes downstair, sir!”  The newcomer saw the scene confused, taking his gun out fast “What the Fu-” He was muttering when you shoot him. Jungkook gasped and looked at you shocked.
“This is taking too long!” You exclaimed. And the next was all a blur. The five suited man charged against you. Throwing the second gun you were holding onto the air, you managed to take two of them out of the game while Jungkook snapped the dealer’s neck and catches it mid air and shoots one more guys. ‘two more to go’ Throwing a high kick to the face of one of the guards, you knocked him enough to place the barrel of the pistol over his stomach and shoot him at close range, His blood splashing all over you nice white shirt .Jungkook struggles a little more. The other guard clutched his gun and and tussled with him, But Jungkook headbutts his face breaking the guy’s nose and finally shoots him on the chest. There is blood spilled everywhere and the body of the dealer is on the floor his neck twisted 180 degrees. The job is done. “We should go” Jungkook advises grabbing your waist and pulling from your white shirt hurrying you. You run out the greenhouse and find yourself in a long hall. Downstairs the place is in complete mayhem, the animals are let loose and in their panic attack civilians. There is fire covering all entrances and windows and people screaming in terror. “Wait here Y/N” Jungkook told you, then he ran away from your sight back inside the greenhouse . You stayed there looking at the manor, slowly catching on fire. The sight was stunningly beautiful in a way. Jungkook grabs your hands from behind and starts running with you to one of the rooms down the hall. He opens the door and closes it behind him
“The window,” He utters “quickly”” He had the white watch on his hand, pulling from the invisible string he ties it around a heavy furniture close to the window as you open it. “Excuse me boss” He apologises while grabbing your arm and snaking it across his neck to have a good hold of you. He then jumps faster than you can complain and both fall on the grass outside the manor. The landing was a little rough and left your legs hurting. An immense explosion is heard from the other side of where they are standing, the wave of the blast knocks the two of you unto the grass. The manor is crumbling majestically before your eyes.
Jungkook grabs you by the arm and lifts you up “We need to move” he insists.
You nod, with a gesture you tell him to follow you steps. ---
The ride back was silent. The gun placed over the dashboard of the car. Jungkook looked like a mess, and so did you. Neither of you talked or asked any questions. As you park the car, Jungkook look outside the window. The coffee shop. Inside everything was just like you left it.
“Boss?” he stuttered. “We need to follow the son of a bitch who sent us there” your eyes fixated on the gun in front of you. “ I’m in. I'm going to blow that motherfucker’s brain that sent me as bait” Jungkook declared. “I’m sure it’s the same guy that stole the meth,” “But first i need to do something, wait here” You commanded, taking the gun. Jungkook coughed directing his gaze to the front and nodded. Getting out of the ar you walked to the door and opened it, you wondered if maybe someone figured out that the cashier was alone, and how easy it’d be to steal all the cash. But that will not be your problem anymore. Determined you reached the basement door and turned the handle. It was open. The door creaked “Who goes there?” the voice of the manager sounded alarmed. You didn't answer. There was a small set of stairs. “I have a gun!” He warned. You walked down, a constant rhythm in your steps “Me too” you replied chuckling in a low tone. “What the fuck are you doing down here?” Your manager demanded an answer. “I can ask the same boss,” you replied lifting the gun to eye sight once you reached the bottom of the stairs. Your boss was standing in the middle of the basement gun in hand, shaking nervously. Next to him, and on the floor, there was a tied up teenage boy. His face was a scratched, because probably he got injured the day he was kidnapped. You exchanged glances with the kid, in his eyes a glimpse of hope. “I’m gonna have to kill you know” Your boss threatened, holding the gun with both hands because they were shaking uncontrollably. “I’m gonna do it you motherfucker!” Sighing you glared at your boss one last time.  “promises, promises”  in a blink of an eye and without hesitation you pull the trigger, the sound of the shot lingering in the air. The tied up boy flinched away scared whining in distress.
The lifeless body of your former boss falling to the ground.
Pacing slowly to the teenage boy you tried to calmed him with soothing words “It’s okay, your parents sent me here, don’t worry...he won’t hurt you again” The boy was scared but still looked up at you “I’m gonna untie you now okay?” you talked warily, the scared boy nodded reaching his hands to you. After you release him you reach your dead boss phone on his pocket and hand it over to the boy. “Here” you say “Call your parents and tell them the job is done” The boy does as requested and after the call finishes he tell you his parents are on his way. You nod. “You never saw me kid, okay?” you warn him. He nods taking a look at the body on the floor. “Grab something to eat and drink from upstairs” you say inviting. You take the gun and hid it behind you back, jogging upstairs you take a ticket that popped out the card machine. The payment was transferred.  Jungkook was waiting outside for you, turning around the car heading to the driver door he follows your moves until you are inside the vehicle. “That’s why you were working here?” He asked confused. “Yes” “Why on earth you pretended to be an employee?” Jungkook inquired further.
You shrugged “10% discount to employees” Jungkook blinks twice. “Now let’s go” you say starting up the car.
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