kureakinyoubi · 2 years
oooh.. there's something scary in the air... not here though !! becauseeeeeeeeee..........
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The Deserter Part Two
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Part One
Natasha Romanoff didn’t like to admit defeat. She had always pretended that she knew everything. But she was completely lost. It had been three years since everyone disappeared. For three years they had been working on reversing the effects of Thanos. They were discussing the quantum realities and time travel , if that was even possible. They were all hardened by the events. Natasha was just glad Clint was back. They could only get through this together.
Carol Danvers had entered the Avengers compound two and a half years ago, responding to Fury’s plea for help. She and Thor were currently gathering an intergalactic army to defeat Thanos. Nat still didn’t like being in the compound. It was no longer a warm setting. The jokes, the smiles, and the calmness were all gone. Stark had been dead for three years but he still hung over all of them. He was the reason they were all together in the first place and so many of them had turned against him. This was his home and they were just strangers living in it.
Nebula had been impressed by the human male’s persistence. He never discussed those he had waiting for him on Terran, but she heard the names he mumbled in his sleep. Y/n, Pepper, Rhodey, Peter, they were on his conscience. They had been on a planet negotiating for help to jump to Terran for weeks. Every day the circles under Starks' eyes grew darker. The man believed he had only been away from earth for six months, and Nebula, a  luphomoid assassin, didn’t have the heart to tell him time ticked slower in space than it did on Terran.
The radar was going ballistic. An alien ship was shown to be entering earth’s atmosphere. Steve was exhausted. He didn’t want to fight anymore, but there wasn’t anyone left to do it.
“Suit up, we don’t know what’s coming,” He said as he turned to the few remaining Avengers. “Let’s up this isn’t like last time.”
Colonel James Rhodes had been fighting for years. He was over it. Before, people were able to leave the military and go home to their families. Rhodey wanted that more than anything. But now there wasn’t anyone to go home to.
So when the colonel saw a space ship land on his favorite baseball teams field, he did not expect his best friend to walk out with a robot.
All of the other Avengers stood there with their mouths open. They all believed him to be dead. Rhodes was the first one to embrace Tony. “You gotta be kidding me!” exclaimed the man as he held onto his long lost friend.
“Well, you look like shit,” Tony croaked out a semi-emotional response, “and we got work to do. We have to fix the last six months.”
“Tony-” Natasha tried to speak but the billionaire wasn’t looking to catch up. “The man has been gone for 3 years and he doesn’t wanna know what’s been going on,” thought the redhead.
“I’ve been in space and so I’ve had a few months to think-” Tony was interrupted by Steve Rogers.
“Stark, there’s no easy way to say this.”
Tony had given up on explaining his plan, He examined all of his former teammates and noticed Bruce was the only one who couldn’t look him in the eye. He walked up to the scientist, placing his hands on his shoulders. “Banner, talk to me.”
“Tony, man,  you’ve been gone for three years.”
Tony was relieved to be back but he had to know who he had left. He sat in a conference room hoping to find his family. When Pepper and Happy had entered with Rhodey he was ecstatic. But someone was missing. Tony wanted her to follow them in, and tackle him in a hug. But that wasn’t gonna happen.
His daughter. His little girl. Gone.
Pepper was trying to comfort him, but all of her sympathies were background noise.
“Tony, I’m so sorry. She was in her room when it happened. I didn’t know what was going on I should've been there for her-” Tony shushed his fiance by pulling her in for a hug.  
Tony has always been strong for so many people. But never Pepper. He didn’t have to pretend with her. She was the only he could break down in front of. And after finding out about his daughter’s decimation, Tony broke.
He spent so much time in his lab. He should’ve been a more present father. Been around more when Y/n was young. He couldn’t even walk in the lab now. They always sat in a comfortable silence, both working, pointing out the others errors. Y/n decided that if he wouldn’t come out of the lab, she would just make it her lab too. She was so headstrong, always had a plan.
Tony took a deep breath and pushed open the doors. She was in the corner reading. At his desk with feet propped up. In his workspace giggling with a fire extinguisher. “Goddamn Y/n, I just needed you to be one of the lucky ones.” 
He took a deep breath and sat down in his desk chair. He noticed something was off about his chair. After trying multiple positions, Tony just realized it was an inch or two high then he was used too.
“Fri, I thought you said no one has been in here in since I was last home,” Tony glanced around to see what else had changed. “because some has messed with my chair.” The man had gotten up to go through his inventory. Something had caught his eyes. His iron gauntlet was missing. 
“Rogers, you told me no one has been in here,” yelled the genius down the hallway. 
“Tony no one has set foot in here in years,” Steve stated as he walked in.
“Yes, someone has. My favorite watch is missing and someone has been fucking with my chair.” Tony really didn’t need anyone to lie to him right now. He had only been home for two weeks and right now he couldn’t save the world. He had to mourn his daughter.
Steve understood that Tony wasn’t himself right now. Steve saw so many people disintegrate in front of him. God only knows what Tony saw up there. The man went up there with two others and he was the only one who returned.
“Listen up, Rogers. I’m gonna prove that you still lie to me constantly.” Stark looked away from Steve and focused his attention on A.I. “Fri, tell me who the last person in here was.”
“Sir, that data has been deleted.”“What the hell do you mean it’s been deleted?” Stark couldn’t believe his own technology had turned against him. 
“Friday run diagnostics on the missing footage.”
“I’m gonna prove you wrong Steve. Someone had to delete the footage.”
Tony knew that he was pushing people away. Seven Months ago- Scratch that, three years ago. He was getting married, inventing with his daughter, talking about having another. And now, he couldn’t look anyone in the eyes. She was everywhere. Burning food in the kitchen. Painting her nails with Pepper. Bingeing Netflix on the couch in the common room. Laying on her bed talking to a boy, who he suspected was a certain spider from Queens. Boxing in the gym. She was there when he opened his eyes and she was there when he closed them. 
Before Tony got too deep into his memories, Friday interrupted him
“Boss, I have recovered the missing footage and it’s something you are gonna want to see.”
“Thank you, Friday. Let’s go prove those asshole’s wrong with this surveillance.”
“Attention everyone, I have an announcement. I have footage of the last person to go into my lab and want everyone in here to see who is guilty of lying to me and hacking my A.I. Friday, Play the footage.”
April 28, 2018
4:57 PM
A hooded figure had their back to the camera.   They had been staring at the room for several minutes. The figure appeared to be shaking, wiping away tears. Tony’s watch was then plucked out the armory. Then the figured revealed their identity.
Y/n made eye contact with the surveillance camera. She then sat in Tony’s chair, lowered it, and go to work on hacking the A.I.to erase the footage.
And then she was gone.
“Holy shit..., she’s alive.” 
If you wanna be tagged in upcoming parts, please let me know!
@lilulo-12  @bothersome-anon-pt2 @pls-tell-me-im-funny @sunfl6wer @krystallynx @starabellaa @just4muggles  @hey-mayonegg @otterlockholmes @definitelygay-com @hxppycrowns @deanholmes0406 @justairaguys @wave-my-banner @marvelandwweprincess @bubbles-62 @musicsaved98 @bentacles-bestboi @rerox1987  @imissmymemes @kayleigh-jane123 @giuls-394 @marcelinebutts @flamingheadband1234 @ariel2812 @movinoutxx  @intheendyouwillalwayskneel @idk-im-perfect  @starabellaa @bluestofsteel @just-some-stars
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