#ALSO AND ADDITIONALLY. cant things just be dark. please. when i go out in the dark i would like it to be dark out there.
istherewifiinhell · 7 months
always thinking about all the lights that are placed for like. user safety. public space improvement. and i think i could go techincal like health science that, civil engineering this, and its like oh there bad actually. there not correctly serving the purpose of improving visibility the same way wide roads dont correctly serve the purpose of safer driving. BUT ontop of that i just think of the ways i dont feel a space is bettered or safer with constant light. i feel a lot of safety in darkness which i realise is NOT blah blah ideologically applicable and stuff. i just seek the dark and quiet and solitary. thats all.
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callieponders · 2 months
NGL sometimes I look at the crew's tweets about him needing to stop being in anger mode 24/7 and reintegrate into society, and I wonder: are we supposed to expect him to work through that by himself? Do we expect great emotional regulation and self-awareness from an elementary schooler in an abusive household? He absolutely shouldn't be redirecting his anger at the people around him (note: Hazel. she didn't deserve that ire at all and doesn't owe him any patience about it), but I can't help looking at him and thinking that he needs, like. I dunno. A therapist. An adult. Someone or something that's actually guaranteed to help him out a little. The adults present in the show... didn't seem very interested in doing that, despite seeming to know what his actual core issue was? Maddening. Anyway
(disclaimer before anything i say. i just need yall to know this show could be the worst thing ive ever seen and id still hope the best for the crew bc its their job and people need to eat alright. that being said i do enjoy the show, please dont take this as me saying they need to NEVER WORK AGAIN ala nostalgia critic style or something)
that wording is so funny though, reintegrate into society... the boy is a small child not someone coming out of prison
but seriously this is exactly the type of stuff im thinking, i dont really go on twitter much anymore because i dislike it so i wasnt aware of the things the crew said (and dont envy them because oh man this was a divisive finale it seems). i dont expect an episode like "dev goes to therapy" and the wacky adventures of him going to therapy or something, but im really hoping in s2 they have peri held more accountable for majorly screwing up here and trying to do right by dev with another chance given to him.
the frustrating thing is i cant blame people defending the choices because some people are genuinely really bad at voicing their opinion/critique, especially because it feels like a lot of people arent having the balls to actually point out peri, even cosmo and (frankly the worse one of the two bc she was so much harder on dev) wanda are a bigger blame for the situation with dev. of course people are gonna assume people are putting the responsibility on hazel, id also be defensive about that because thats a ridiculous thing to expect, but like nah its clear its not her responsibility. she is also 10 and has a world outside of dev, and dev SHOULD be held accountable for his actions in regards to lashing out at others around him when hes upset. the fact hes given more critique than the adults around him that are meant to guide him and help him is the bigger issue than that alone.
on that same note, hazel should also be held accountable for the same things, like saying devs problems werent that deep and having wanda, a FAIRY GODPARENT, basically agree??? also when she was like "oh friends work things out" i didnt hear no apology for not hearing dev out or at least for leaving him in the dark on if theyre friends or not. and the thing is i dont expect her to do that on her own, because shes 10, but theyre fictional 10 year olds who will have more maturity than most real kids either way, so like... yknow?
additionally its kind of a double standard either way, if you dont expect hazel to act mature, why on gods green earth would you expect DEV to??? and hazel, compared to dev, has people to guide her the right way and people that are patient with her, meanwhile dev doesnt get that, the most hes ever gotten is hazel and THATS NOT HAZELS JOB!!! im not saying the writers are claiming it is, its just that its frustrating that the writing has ended up with her feeling like the only person who really gives a damn yknow
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Kai’Sa, the Daughter of the Void build (League of Legends)
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Dammit I couldn’t help myself. Sorry mister T B Skyen but Kai’Sa is queen. I just find her fun: I still think her design is awful but man she’s fun to play. Also Kai’Sa is queen of K/DA and Ahri is a thot. Evelynn > Akali > Kai’Sa > Seraphine > Ahri don’t @ me.
A moving target lives longer - In order to survive the void you need to improvise. Dodge attacks and keep ready for danger from all angles.
This skin lives on me, and hunts with me - If you want to fight back you need to adapt with a suit that doesn’t just fight with you, but fights as you.
Prey marked - To overcome the void you need to cut it down to size with deadly plasma clinging to them and slicing through their armor.
Kai’Sa is a Human but being forced to survive against the Void gives you more than a bit of variance. And hey: Tasha’s exists, so how about we use some Tasha’s rules on a Mark of Finding Human! Normally Mark of Finding increases your Wisdom and Constitution but I’d instead suggest increasing your Intelligence by 2 and your Charisma by 1, to learn how the void acts and somehow look great while doing it.
Regardless of your Ability Scores you get Darkvision which humans don’t normally get, Hunter’s Intuition to add a d4 to Perception and Survival checks, and Finder’s Magic to cast Hunter’s Mark once per Long Rest, for a low level Caustic Wounds mark. You can also cast Locate Object once per Long Rest with this feature once you hit level 3 to search for Tears.
If Eberron content isn’t allowed: The reason I opted for a Dragonmarked race is because there aren’t many interesting feats that work for Kai’Sa. However Sharpshooter, Prodigy, Mobile, Alert, Observant (increase Intelligence), and the Tracker feat from Tasha’s are all good.
Elemental Adept is also good if you choose Lightning, however please discuss with your DM the specific wording of this feat! You won’t be using spells with this feat which means that depending on interpretation Elemental Adept may not work!
15; INTELLIGENCE - Survival is more than just instinct. Yes I am aware that Survival is a Wisdom skill in 5e, but you need intellect to create the tools to survive the Void.
14; DEXTERITY - The life of an ADC is one of constantly running and gunning. 14 DEX will give us enough maneuverability as an ADC for something important.
13; CHARISMA - Apparently the Void does wonders for the complexion, as you’ve got the looks to make it in K-Pop.
12; WISDOM - Hey here’s where that Survival proficiency comes in.
10; CONSTITUTION - You’re an ADC with an ADC’s health bar but you’re still allowed to not instantly die.
8; STRENGTH - The suit does most of the lifting; all we need to do is shoot.
(Something something feel free to swap WIS and CON if you want better HP and worse RP.)
There are quite a few backgrounds that would make sense for the daughter of the void, but the most logical one would probably be the Haunted One background from Curse of Strahd. Survival proficiency is a must and you can opt for either Arcana or Investigation proficiency as your other skill. (I personally took Investigation.) You also get a language of your choice (pick whatever you think Shuriman is) as well as an exotic language: Deep Speech is likely what they speak in the Void.
Your feature Heart of Darkness lets everyone know that you have seen the Void, and it is coming. Commoners will extend every courtesy to try to help you, as long as you’ve not proven to be a danger to them. They will even take up arms to fight alongside you, should you find yourself facing an enemy alone.  "The monsters are coming. We'll be ready. I'll make sure of it."
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Starting off as a Rogue because the first step in survival is being skilled. Thankfully you get four skills, so grab Stealth, Insight (important later), Acrobatics, and Performance. Because you need to be able to do the dance numbers after all! You also get Expertise in two skills that you’re proficient in: Survival will help you survive (yeah duh) and Stealth will help you hide (also yeah duh.) And finally you get Thieves’ Cant: a secret code you can speak so that the creatures of the Void don’t listen in.
But of course the main feature of being a Rogue is Sneak Attack. If you attack an enemy with Advantage, or if the enemy is within 5 feet of an ally, you’ll inflict a Caustic Wound to do an additional d6 of damage. You can only Sneak Attack with a Ranged or a Finesse weapon, and you haven’t got the suit yet so opt for a Crossbow until then is my advice.
Second level Rogues get Cunning Action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a Bonus Action. You won’t be Supercharging your suit to turn invisible yet because... well you don’t have a suit. But if you can’t fight you must take flight.  "It's fight or flight, only now I do not run."
To survive the Rogue you need to make it part of yourself. Artificers don’t necessarily bond with Void symbiotes, but they do create tools for survival with Magical Tinkering. You can apply a bunch of effects to small, non-magical items such as sounds for distractions, smells for distractions, or messages for messages. Read over the ability to see everything you can do.
You also get Spellcasting as an Artificer. You can learn two cantrips from the Artificer list: for a bit of a boost to your abilities take Guidance for the extra bit of human determination. If you want to coordinate a team up with your support Message will let you keep your plans relatively secret.
You can prepare 3 spells from the Artificer list: Longstrider will keep you in the fight while staying away from danger, and Featherfall will give you and your friends a safe way out in a pinch. And taking Heal is never a bad choice as an ADC, so grab Cure Wounds in case of emergency.
Second level Artificers get Infusions, which allows you to turn regular items into magic items. To keep the void away your main tool will be an Enhanced Weapon, making your shots just a little more deadly. To make sure you (or your allies) can see any incoming danger Goggles of Night will either provide or improve darkvision. To keep your items on hand a Bag of Holding will allow you to carry everything. And for your final infusion Armor of Magical Strength will help you fight against tanks and knockups. Well, knockdowns anyways. You can also prepare another spell like Disguise Self, because skins equal wins.
Level 3 Artificers can choose their subclass and it’s Tasha’s time! The Armorer gets a suit of armor that lives with you and fights with you. Tools of the Trade gives you proficiency with Smith’s Tools as well as Heavy Armor, both of which don’t matter because we won’t be using them much.
But you can use your Smith’s Tools to make any armor (not just heavy armor!) into Arcane Armor. The main initial features to note is that you can use the armor as a spellcasting focus, the armor can’t be removed against your will, it expands to cover your entire body (although you can retract or deploy the helmet as a bonus action by pressing F6), the armor replaces any missing limbs, and finally you can doff or don the armor as an action.
But this is all secondary to your choice of Armor Model, and we will be going for the Infiltrator armor. You have Powered Steps for +5 movement speed and a Dampening Field which makes your Armor provide Advantage on Stealth checks. I should mention that if you haven’t already you should grab some Medium armor: a Breastplate would be your best bet without giving Disadvantage on Stealth.
But the best feature is the Lightning Launcher. It counts as a simple ranged weapon, with a normal range of 90 feet and a long range of 300 feet. It deals a d6 of lightning damage, and once per turn when you hit a creature you can deal an extra d6 lightning damage to that target. Now here’s the thing: it may use INT to attack but Sneak Attack works on any ranged weapon, regardless of what stat you use to attack! So RAW you can sneak attack with the Lightning Launcher!
Additionally because I’m obliged to mention it you get The Right Tool for the Job, allowing you to make a set of Artisan’s Tools over the course of an hour. You also get Magic Missile and Thunderwave as Armorer subclass-specific spells, for some Icathian Rain and some support peeling. 
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4th level Artificers get an Ability Score Improvement but I’m going to instead suggest the Skill Expert Feat from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. You can increase an ability score of your choice by 1 (increase Intelligence because it’s uneven and it’s tied to your Lightning Launchers), you get proficiency in one skill of your choice (I opted for Arcana because to defeat the Void you must know it inside and out), and you get Expertise in a skill of your choice. (I went for Insight which will be useful later.)
You can also prepare more spells with more INT but we’re going to wait for...
5th level Armorers get an Extra Attack, allowing them to attack twice instead of once with the attack action as the name “Extra Attack” implies. More attacks means more chances to Sneak Attack, don’t forget!
You also get access to second level spells. Armorer Artificers get Shatter and Mirror Image innately, for some AP offense and some MR defense. You can also grab those spells I didn’t prepare earlier: for some more defense take Blur to give enemies disadvantage to hit you, and to turn invisible with Supercharge grab Invisibility!
Hey remember when we were a Rogue? Third level Rogues get to choose their Roguish Archetype and here’s something out of left field: we’ll be going for the Inquisitive archetype. You have an Ear for Deceit so you can’t roll below an 8 on an Insight check to determine if someone is lying (meaning that with Expertise you can’t roll below a 15) and Eye for Detail lets you make a Perception or Investigation check as a Bonus Action.
But remember when I told you to take Insight expertise? Well Insightful Fighting lets you mark a foe with Caustic Wounds to do more damage to them. As a bonus action you can make an Insight check against a creature's Deception. If you succeed, you can use your Sneak Attack against that target even if you don’t have advantage on the attack roll, but not if you have disadvantage. This benefit lasts for 1 minute or until you successfully use this feature against a different target. This will be how we’ll Sneak Attack while still remaining on the move, which on that note your Sneak Attack damage increases to 2d6.
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(Shit meme by yours truly.)
Hi hi ecks dee Warlock time. More specifically an Archfey Warlock for more K-Pop fame.
Your choice of Warlock subclass doesn’t matter too much. Celestial, Fiend, and Great Old One also work well but I felt that Archfey made the most sense given the abilities. Technically any Warlock works, but I didn’t opt for the other Warlocks as they have abilities that Kai’Sa doesn’t have. (Flight, Tentacles, Summoning Ghosts, etc.)
As an Archfey Warlock you have Fey Presence: as an action you can cause each creature in a 10 foot cube to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Warlock spell DC. The creatures that fail their saving throws are all charmed or frightened by you (depending on if you do K-Pop Dances or use your Frightening Void Suit) until the end of your next turn. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
You also get Pact Magic, which is like spellcasting only you have funny meme spell slots! You get two cantrips from the Warlock list: to do some general void shenanigans take Prestidigitation, and for a Void Seeker you’re likely not going to use because your auto attacks are better take Eldritch Blast.
You also get two spells from the Warlock list and the main one we’re here for is Hex to mark your enemies with more Caustic Wounds. Other than that? Eh: Comprehend Languages might be good after being in the Void for so long. Truthfully there’s little in particular that we need from the early levels other than Hex.
Second level Warlocks get access to Eldritch Invocations and man am I happy that Tasha’s made Eldritch Mind available to all Warlocks, because I don’t have space in this build for Warcaster. But Eldritch Mind gives you Advantage on Concentration checks to keep your marks up! Your other invocation doesn’t matter much: I personally opted for Devil’s Sight but we’re going to end up replacing it eventually.
You can also learn another Warlock spell like Charm Person if you need to persuade people to follow your cause.
Third level Warlocks get their Pact Boon and hey wouldn’t it be funny if I took the new and all-around “worst” Pact Boon because none of the other ones make sense? The Pact of the Talisman grants a talisman (yeah duh) that you can wear or you can give to an ally. If the wearer fails a skill check while wearing the talisman they can add a d4 to the check. They can use definitely-not-Guidance a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus, and the talisman regains all uses at the end of a Long Rest.
I’ll be honest: this item is already pretty bad, and the fact that it only works on failed skill checks just makes it worse. Talk to your DM about potentially just making this a bottle of Guidance. You know what isn’t bad? Second level spells like Misty Step for not Flash. 
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4th level Warlocks get another Ability Score Improvement: cap off your Intelligence for a deadly duo with your armor.
You can also learn another spell and I know you already have Invisibility as an Artificer spell but it doesn’t depend much on your Charisma, so better to take it as a Warlock spell and prepare another Artificer spell. Which by the way: more INT means you can prepare more Artificer spells, but I won’t mention them for now.
You also get another cantrip like Mage Hand for some utility. Who says the suit can’t grab stuff off the high shelf?
5th level Warlocks get more Eldritch Invocations. You know what’s fun for someone with levels in Rogue? MORE Invisibility! One With Shadows lets you turn invisible with an action if you’re in an area of dim light or darkness. The invisibility stops if you move, but if it works for Teemo it can work for you.
You can also learn third level spells like Blink from the Archfey list to make it even harder to hit you!
6th level Archfey Warlocks can Flash and Dash into invisibly with Misty Escape. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to turn invisible and teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You remain invisible until the start of your next turn unless you attack or cast a spell. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
You can also learn another spell like Tongues, in case the creatures of the Void want some last words.
7th level Warlocks finally get the Eldritch Invocations we want! Firstly grab Relentless Hex for some Killer Instinct to quickly close the distance with a foe. Is this massively redundant for a ranged build that can Dash every turn? Yeah probably, but it is in-character.
Additionally you can replace one of your other invocations with Protection of the Talisman, giving you another set of d4s that can be added to failed Saving Throws! So now along with being pocket Guidance the talisman is also pocket Bless! But you have a proficiency bonus number of d4s that you can use on Saving Throws in a pinch, which also come back on a Long Rest.
You can also learn 4th level spells and how about we just stop becoming visible entirely? Greater Invisibility from the Archfey list lets you be invisible even if you attack! Yeah it’s unfair, but the Void doesn’t care. You can also get rid of regular Invisibility for a stronger mark thanks to Elemental Bane: make an enemy lose resistance to Lightning damage and take extra damage when you shoot them with your Lightning zappers!
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About time we finished upgrading our suit. 6th level Artificers get Tool Expertise, which is exactly what it sounds like: double proficiency when making checks with tools.
But more importantly you get more Infusions: for a better +1 blaster that can be used Defensively a Radiant Weapon can be used as a flashlight, and you can use a reaction to blind an enemy that attacks you. So you can either choose to flash away or fight back. If you need to do more AP damage instead a Spell-Refueling Ring will let you restore a spell slot of third level or lower once per day. Adaptability is key to survival.
And speaking of adaptability: you can prepare some new spells like Invisibility that we ditched from Warlock, as well as See Invisibility for some control wards. The support can’t be the only one warding!
7th level Artificers can save others after saving themselves. Flash of Genius lets you use your Reaction to give yourself or an ally a boost to an ability check or saving throw equal to your Intelligence modifier. You’ve spent so much time in the Void that you know every step to survive, even if Survival is a Wisdom skill.
8th level Artificers get an Ability Score Improvement. Hey wouldn’t it be funny if we ignored our secondary spellcasting modifier and just made our blaster better? The Sharpshooter feat gives a number of benefits: you can attack at Long Range without Disadvantage (meaning that you can Sneak Attack from 300 feet away), you can ignore half and three-quarters cover, and before attacking with a ranged weapon you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll to do +10 damage if it hits. This means against weak foes with low armor you’ll be shredding through them with ease!
You can also prepare another spell like Enhance Ability to further adapt to danger.
9th level Armorers can get six slotted thanks to Armor Modifications. Each piece of your armor counts as a separate item for the sake of infusions, and you can make two more infusions as long as they apply to your armor!
You can also prepare third level Artificer spells: as an Armorer you know Hypnotic Pattern and Lightning Bolt, one of which is far more in-character than the other. But if you want to just be harder, better, faster, and stronger take Haste. Just don’t lose concentration and get stunned in a team fight.
Our capstone is the 10th level of Artificer to actually get 6-slotted thanks to Magic Item Adept. You can attune to up to 4 magic items, and you can also craft magic items more cheaply like that matters at level 20.
Being able to attune to more items is good because you can make more infusions like a Cloak of Protection for a bit more protection (duh) or a Helm of Awareness for advantage on initiative checks and the inability to be surprised.
It should also be mentioned that your Enhanced Weapon infusion is now a +2 instead of a +1, so it might be good to replace the Radiant Weapon with something more deadly.
But most importantly you can prepare another Artificer spell like Aid back at second level, because you are allowed to get defensive stats as an ADC. But above all else you finally at long last get ANOTHER ARTIFICER CANTRIP! Take Mending to fix your dance dress and pretend that a new utility cantrip at level 20 is in any way useful.
This skin is fashioned for survival - Who would’ve guessed that a character in power armor with half a dozen ways to turn invisible or otherwise be harder to hit would be evasive? You’ve got ridiculous mobility by dashing every turn, tons of spells to make it all the harder to hit you, and of course a Breastplate that gives you 16 AC. Which pro tip: RAW you can equip a shield and still use your blaster! Heck, you can equip a sword too so you can defend yourself in melee range!
And honed by instinct - It wasn’t really my intention but you’re quite the little skill monkey, with a good spread of proficiencies and Expertise in some very useful ones like Insight.
Marked by the void - Your damage without aid isn’t amazing, but you have plenty of marks to easily up your DPS without jumping through too many hoops to do so.
Void rule number one: don’t die - You invested a lot in damage... not so much in the other areas. Sub-par saving throws, bad health, and even if you have a lot of skills you have even more that you don’t know jack about.
Take your time, Kai'Sa - You need a few rounds to get to your full effectiveness. At a bare minimum you need two rounds to buff yourself. Not to mention that all your best abilities are limited throughout the day by spell slots and charges.
Stay alert, stay aggressive - Your kit is rather loaded with many options clawing for your bonus action or reaction, and many Concentration spells that are difficult to keep when your CON saves are at a flat 0. (Even if you have Advantage thanks to Eldritch Mind.)
But you’re not here to be perfect. Your job is to survive and then save the world. Become one with the end of the universe, and then go in to destroy it. Be ready for anything that may come your way, be it giant monsters, little deadly critters, or a potential music label.
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silvanable · 4 years
Match-Up : Ikemen Sengoku
Hi there love! I hope you are doing well! Can i please request a ikemen sengoku matchup. ^0^
❤🥰 i am a aries, infp, Hufflepuff female 🦊 i am shy and difficult to get to know (apparently it took me 2 months to start opening up to my friends, ooops), i tend to bottle up my emotions, my friends would likely describe me as incredibly stubborn, gentle, kind, over dramatic, goofy and fun loving. I am pretty aloof and blunt, i like i will 9/10 times tell you to your face how if feel about you if you ask 🙈once u are part of my inner circle i am playful, teasing, i am an extremely sarcastic person that makes snarky remarks under my breath and my kind of humor is a bit of dark and self deprecating. I will definitely be the person making jokes at inappropriate times and something about inappropriate things (its one of my coping mechanisms) 😂 I love my friends and family and will fight anyone how threatens them, although when it comes to me you can do or say anything to me and i wont do anything (I honestly cant stand up for myself). I swear like a sailor although i am trying to get that under control, however the road rage is real.
i love nature and animals (i love my lil bunnies and dogs), i love working out/going to the gym #gym is life (it is one of my coping mechanisms and has helped me slowly overcome an eating disorder)😂
i enjoy cooking (i am now officially a chef), wine tasting (fancy way of saying getting very tipsy of different wines most nights), spending time with friends (especially if there is tea to be spilt) although i do need lots of alone time to recharge my social battery, i like conspiracies, reading, writing (Fanfics and im busy with my Masters in nutrition >“<), romcoms, and  sleeping. As much as i love spending time outdoor i also enjoy lazing around the house being a lazy potato. I definitely zone out and daydream all the freaken time
I tend to blush easily which i hate 🙈 My face will give away what i am thinking. i enjoy my own alone time and i definitely dont like crowds and loud sounds (ie you will never find me in a club). I am a picky eater despite my degree in cooking (i basically only eat candy, carbs and protein), i love cuddles although i look like someone that wouldn’t. Ive been told i come across as calm and confident, while in truth on the inside i am really scared and insecure.  I am incredibly awkward when it comes to boys and have been told my sarcastic comments are x100 when i talk to them (oops).
I am very go with the flow, and i never burn my bridges 🙈 i am very forgive and forget🦊, like no matter how badly you hurt me.
🙈 Thanx so much dear ❤ Sorry if this is TMI🔥Cant wait to see who i get matched with 🌈🎀
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oh chica, i absolutely adore you just by this description.
i definitely had a fun time sorting out who i think would best compliment your personality & it was most certainly a tough one to settle on but in the end there must only be one~
i  hope you enjoy it!
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after long debate i can see you and shingen as being a very favorable pair.
for starters, while you might not believe it you do have some very parallel personality traits (especially those based on your star signs!!).
you both have a rather optimistic disposition and a value for honest because shingen has never lied he just avoids answering questions.
additionally, you are both very difficult to get to know, as you have a tendency to bottle up your true feelings or are too shy and reserve to open up.
besides you being a beautiful woman, that would intrigue shingen even more. he wants to know why lies behind that quiet & guarded mask, to see what’s in your mind.
your dark humor & self-deprecating jokes would certainly concern him at first, especially because a “goddess such as you should never doubt yourself”.
i feel like what you said on being awkward around the menfolk would make you somewhat resistant to his flirt.
and by resistant i mean you turn red in a full blown blush and completely withdraw on yourself. you’d be lucky to get out a thank you or might completely bat the compliment off with a snarky comment ( and we’re on the inappropriately timed jokes too! ).
everything he learns about you is something new and surprising & he would be absolutely enthralled with you.
you’re a chef from your time? he’d love to watch you cook and savour whatever meal you’d be so generous as to let him taste.
you love to write & read? conspiracy theories? he would ask you all about what you read, what you’re interested in writing, and even indulge you as you ramble on about your favorite conspiracies.
then there’s your protective nature.
you take insults or things against you without batting an eye, but the moment someone insults him or any of those you care for, suddenly a warrioress comes out in you like he’s never seen.
you’re shy one day and another you’re so straight forward with him, he values that courage, even if you do not see it, and how honest you are. he admires honesty.
finding out you swear like a sailor would surprise him the most.
he has such a fondness for this young, gentle, and very fun & loving women and sudden she’s in the garden, profanities leaving her mouth in a never ending string after stubbing her toe ( can’t tell me that it doesn’t hurt enough NOT to swear ).
this man would have to do a double take just to make sure his eyes & ears weren’t deceiving him.
shingen would absolutely tease you about that later, how such an angel could have such strong words.
your passion and dedication to your work is something else shingen would find admirable, as he understands having a love of something you do & the beauty of being able to create it.
he is super attentive & always watching over for you and your moods.
you’re upset? he can see it in everything you do.
tired out and need a little you time? he’ll arrange for you to be undisturbed for a time and offer to bring you sweets to snack on & a book to enjoy your alone time with.
you are his angel of beauty and kindness, his goddess of ever compassionate forgiveness, and everything he comes to hold so dearly, meaning he will shower you endlessly with compliments & gifts if nothing more than to see you smile.
at kasuyagama you’re the castle’s mediator, as your personality seems to lean more towards peace & calm.
all that really means is you end up stopping shingen from teasing kenshin & keeping kenshin at best you can from being overly stabby.
i have to throw in that dates would be of the utmost importance to shingen with you.
he would have to take you to ever possible tea house to get you to try all of his favorite sweets and he would absolutely be abusing the fact you love them to against you to indulge you both.
yukimura would not be happy with either of you for constantly eating sweets & junk because it’s bad for your health and you need actual food to survive.
all. the. snuggles.
you have a favor for a calm & quiet atmosphere, so i can see you and shingen spending nights on the terrace in the cool evening air to admire the stars & moon.
correct me if i’m wrong, but you trapping shingen for morning cuddles? just five more minutes then you’ll let him go not really.
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dndfuckhouse · 5 years
session 16 - a cultist’s work is never done
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> 🎵  DND Ambience - Evil Temple / Michael Ghelfi 
Picking up where they left off the group finish chatting wistfully about their hometowns and the various methods of procreation known to them and look towards the now unlocked metal door at the end of the chamber.
Before the party shuffle through Keva attempts to check it for traps, finding nothing the group push it open and peer down a corridor behind it. Staring down they see a similarly cobbled hallway, though it seems to curve at a point obscuring their vision further, otherwise it looks clear as any they’ve walked so far, bracketed by magic torchlight on its walls.
Han chucks a stone down to check for anything fishy...it seems to roll down the hallway with ease. The group then debate if they should send someone ahead first to stealth and check it out. Finn offers again to float down in his mist form.
Han: should we have one person stealth forward? the rest a couple of feet behind? Finn: if you're that paranoid i can go ahead in my mist form again. Rokka: that sounds like a good plan han! Psalm: that's a good idea finn Finn: 2 good ideas what will the party do
Finn: chip i do my thing Cimmorro: FINN VAPE? Han: finn juul WHERES MY JUUUUUUUUUUUUL Cimmorro: WHATS A JUL?  are u flammable,  watch as he burns over a torch or something
Psalm: idk that much about vaping Plum: sarita wtf do you go to college
Finn transforms into his mist form and floats down the hallway, it winds and turns giving him the feeling that he’s slowly traversing downward, the corridor seeming to widen in size. After some time he comes across what looks like the opening to another chamber, a set of black metal double doors in front of him. Not spotting anything suspicious on his float down he floats back towards the party.
After about 10 minutes time pass, the group get worried and decide to follow ahead, bumping into the cloud of finn on his float back, he quickly transforms back into his regular form.
Keva: she flinches and makes that paul rudd face when she remembers its finn Psalm: psalm has nothing to say about running into the finn cloud Plum: i wonder if plum isn't tall enough to bump into it Rokka: rokka gasp for air before holding his breath so he doesn't breathe in finn which he fails to
Finn: >finn looks a bit confused as to why theyre all here "needless to say the path is safe but you're all aware of that by now. a bit reckless for being so paranoid if i may say so." Rokka: just worried about you finn Finn: did that much time pass? Rokka: felt like it Psalm: not that we didn't just fight clones of ourselves after being a bit reckless or anything Finn: "i see. in that case i apologise." >contemplative sprite
The party move to inspect the large set of double doors, they seem to have a ornate design to them, looking at them they spy the shape of horns and talons melded across it, the door doesn't appear to be locked either. Eyeballing the design psalm picks up that it definitely appears infernal in nature at the very least, the design could be reminiscent of devils of some sort, though he cant really place anything specific.
Deeming the door un-trapped the group ready themselves as Psalm uses mage hand to open one of the doors. It creaks a little bit but nothing else seems to happen, looking down the party see the corridor continue beyond it, opening into what looks like a very large chamber. Han briefly throws a stone again to test the corridor, no reaction again.
Rokka: "COOL A CHAMBER" rokka waltz in Han: both han and i age 20 years Finn: finn just. constantly calculating whether they're dumb or not Plum: i hope theres no single lich in here looking for a partner
Han: psalm: WOW KINDA DARK IN HERE ! Psalm: no please
Finn: well since han threw the rock and it was fine i wanna walk, wait should we wait for pokemon? Finn: I MEAN. POKI Cimmorro: .
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> 🎵  Maternal Heart / Silent Hill 3 OST.
The party choose to walk through the door, as they walk down the small corridor they spy small ...what look like vents close to the ground. Taking note of them they walk further to the precipice of the corridor where it opens into the larger chamber. As they get closer they see what looks like a large pool in the centre, filled with a red liquid and surrounded by red runes, letters and symbols on the floor.
In front of it stands a staircase that leads up to a higher platform shaped like a circle over the pool, it seems to be bound with a tight thick rope. Staring the group notice that it seems to lead up to the top of a tall black pillar in the centre of the pool, pointed at its tip and faintly stained with red, it's quite the structure.
Looking about the rest of the chamber they see thick black and red ornate curtains adorning the walls and a set of columns in front of the pool. They also see at the end of the room, three short corridors behind the pool with a large black ornate door at the end of each of  them, seemingly also connected to the red circles around the pool.
To the left and right look like sets of staircases, both leading upwards somewhere, listening close the party can hear what seems to be some sort of whispers or chanting.
Cimmorro: cimm's just gonna "SOME PEOPLE HAVE BEEN BUSY HERE HUH!" and walk over to try and read shit Psalm: can i try reading too Keva: keva stays at the edge of the room lmao she is Skeeved Plum: so is plum “y’all are just walking in??” Rokka: i also stay back Han: han also stays back with keva, esp after seeing the pool lol Finn: i wanna check if its blood for real
Psalm: maybe we should've collected the blood from the clones, just to see if it's the same substance although i'm not sure how that'd help, i'm honestly just a bit curious Cimmorro: we'll find out if it's from the same pool if something comes out to grab the both of us. would be amusing Rokka: that sounds terrifying Psalm: sounds pretty amusing to me Cimmorro: cimm smiles at psalm "yeah atta boy that's the spirit" Psalm: *grins* Plum: i’d rather not have to deal with another one of you again Psalm: i dont blame you Finn: finn kind of just goes [raised eyebrow] to himself overhearing cimm
Finn: NO JUST A LITTLE LICK. like connor Jez: who Finn: dont worry about it jez Han: dont worry bro its just a nightmare
Plum: finn hasn’t been in a bite one of us or die situation yet where’s the romance anymore get it together guys Guest Appearance By Celebrity Aqua: Cmon finn drink the rancid bog blood
Cimmorro: finn, is your field trip going fun so far mate Finn: if this is your idea of a fun field trip i really don't want to go on one with you 🙄 Cimmorro: there goes my ideas for a first date then Finn: "d-date?" finn tries to brush it off quickly though
The party move to investigate the chamber, slowly the more reluctant ones walk in and peer about as well after watching the others waltz inside. 
Psalm and Cimmorro inspect the arcane writing and runes, between the two of them staring at the red on the floor they discern the writing to be magic circles of some sort, enchanted by something in runes they can't quite comprehend, they do recognise bits of infernal throughout however. They also read what they assume to be a name of some sorts, a ‘Mephistopheles’
The lines seem to give some sort of power to the pool and the three doors at the end of the hallway, though they aren't sure what exactly. They get the feeling they’re part of some ritual similar to the last they encountered, involving the shedding of blood on top of the pillar. 
Han walks in and cranes her hear to discern where the sound of chanting is coming from. She hears it coming from the left staircase, but it feels like its kind of echoing around the whole chamber anyway. Rokka joins her in using his canine hearing, in combination with the chanting he hears the faint sounds of a conversation also coming from the left. Additionally, behind him back where the party came he also hears the sounds of faint talking coming from one of the vents, the one on the right wall in the corridor
Rokka: rokka's ears perk at hearing sounds of people talking and hurries back to tell the others in a semi-whisper tone "guys! guys! there are people here! in the vents! and right corridorrrrrrr" Psalm: does the chanting sound like anything to you?
Finn and Plum walk in and eyeball the pool together, staring at it the liquid seems viscous enough to be blood. Finn moves to dip his finger and takes a taste, he quickly detects the blood of more than one person, it seems to have been collecting here for a while. In his mind Finn is briefly tempted to taste some more, though he also notes that it tastes a little tingly on his tongue, a bit unusual
Finn: "what i can tell you two is that this is fresh blood. of multiple people." finn seems to be unable to tear his eyes away for a good minute,  i choose not to share the unusual taste tidbit. Plum: "easy there soldier" and i hit finn's leg Finn: >finn snaps out of it and looks at plum apologetically
Looking at the pillar the two also notice stains on the sides, seems like the blood drips down from the top into the pool 
Keva moves to take a few cautious steps up the staircase on the left side of the chamber, from this angle she can see that it opens up to what looks like another corridor, though cant make out much else.
Han takes the moment to cast detect portal, quickly she gets a ping from each of the three ornate doors, at the same time Psalm casts Comprehend Languages on himself to see if he can more directly read the runes as well as decipher the chanting.
Han: everyone shut up, those doors are portals to somewhere Plum: uhhh.... how do we figure out where they lead Han: “no way other then activating them and walking through”  han is uncomfortable here lol
Finn: i watch psalm curiously Psalm: mans is just touching the floor Finn: finn: that man sure is touching the floor. crazy. Psalm: i 'll tell you what they're saying in a second Finn: i nod @ psalm and wait, oh wait i guess he wouldnt know if im nodding so ill just say Okay Psalm: hwuhahwa
Psalm: should draw psalm and finn doing each other's nails since they both definitely wear nail polish
Now able to comprehend the chanting, Psalm notes that it seems to be in some coded language, he makes out certain sentences along the lines of "beloved may our lord be, seeing all within his purview" he’s a bit far from the corridor so its hard to hear specifics. The runes on the ground now that he can read them look like some sort of prayers relating again to mephisto directly, but also mention a benefactor, bringing up in scripture some sort of all-encompassing voice. 
Psalm: i think we have an old fashioned blood ritual summoning on our hands
Keva moves to quietly make her way further up the staircase in the meantime, as she does the sound of soft chatter becomes slightly louder combined with the prayer which sounds a bit father away. Slowly she comes out to a cobble corridor, peering to her right she spots a shut wooden door, locked with a silver latch. To her left the corridor goes on, and near the middle of it she sees a group of 3 people, donning red robes and hoods, though two of them seem to be more ornately decorated than the other. 
> 🎵  Null Moon / Silent Hill 2 OST.
As she looks she notices that they appear to be discussing something, she also notices that the corridor seems to be aligned with jail cells perhaps? though its hard to see into them from this angle, making out only dark sack shapes. She cranes he ear to try and listen in on the conversation, 
???: you hear the tiefling muttering something to the one not as elaborately dressed as him “...ou need to be more careful with the brood. Emruz was so very upset one of them had escaped, though now our lord says it was all apart of his design. Sometimes I wonder why she stands as second, she never trusts enough in fate. Of course it was all as planned, his grace would never make a mistake ...” he turns his head to the drow standing beside him “oh please Ida you must discipline the acolyte too, i know you dont like to speak but i'm not good at …” he seems to trail off  Ida: the drow tilts her head in his direction, her eyes staying shut.  ???: “Oh grace, nevermind…” he turns back to the other hooded figure. “For now you’ll stay at your post until Emruz makes a decision...she is leading the prayer right now for our grace, it shall be decided afterwards, understood?” the hooded figure nod, while the tiefling seems to sigh in response “ahh...come Ida i need to check the sigils within the heating dens…”  Ida: The drow nods in response
Keva watches two then walk of to the right out of her vision, listening she hears the sound of a door shut and close as the other hooded figure walks to the left, followed by the sound of a chair getting dragged across the ground and a thump. Once again silence returns to the halls, aside from the faint sound of chanting from down the corridor. She quickly slips back down the staircase and informs the group of what she saw.
Psalm: heating dens? what kinda kinky ass cult Plum: onsen
Rokka moves up the right staircase to scout it out as well, similarly to how Keva did towards the left, he clambers up quietly to poke his head around. In the meanwhile the party thinks on how they ought to proceed.
Rokka: whats the worst that could happen? rokka dies? Finn: HGBDFUNDFOMDFG
Psalm: i'm not sure how to proceed if i'm being honest Plum: neither am i,  im wondering what sigils and heating dens are, like if more people are about to die while we're here
Keva: any way to figure out where the portals go? Plum: i dont think so since everything here's in code Han: “..theyre probably how sammy ended up out on the street” hans still staying back and just. her eyes keep coming back to the pool of blood
Psalm takes a moment to think over the name ‘Mephistopheles’ and what he knows about it, he recalls now that its the name of one of the archdevils that presides over the nine hells. He’s a being said to be thoroughly wicked and cunning but all the same unstable, bards singing of his unchecked temper. It unnerves him to see his name invoked in a place like this. 
Finn moves to walk up the stairway in the middle of the pool to investigate it further, looking now he can tell the ropes tied around the circular slab form the letterheads symbol. Standing at the top of the stairs he also notes that he is within easy distance of the pillar in the middle, he walks back down after taking his look.
Psalm: oh right i relate that new information about Mephistopheles as well just to set the mood Keva: great
Han follows suit in continuing to poke around, she turns back to the corridor they came from and looking near the ground she eyeballs the holes in the walls, they appear to be small vents of some sort. They look big enough for someone to crawl through but only someone of plum’s stature or smaller, through the right one she hears a very faint conversation ebb out. 
Moving to crouch down she tries to stick her ear in and tries to make out the conversation, though all she can hear faintly is the sound of one voice speaking. Briefly she hears"...thus you know just precisely where to strike..." before it becomes mumbles to her ears again.
Rokka reaching the top of the staircase quietly looks about, directly to his left he sees a figure dressed in a red hood and garb, black gloves and shorts underneath. They seem to be standing guard near a wooden door, seemingly unlocked, hands folded behind them. To his right the corridor continues down for a ways before opening out to what looks like a small chamber, halfway down its length he see two more red cloaked figures speaking in whispers, if he squints he can see what look like jail cells lining the corridor, similar to Keva’s corridor, hard to tell from his angle.
Rokka: rokka hurries back to the others and alerts whoever is closest to him about what he saw "guyyyyyyyyssssssssss" Cimmorro: rokka u good Rokka: there are people hereeeeeeeee i saw themmmmmmm  Cimmorro: it looks like keva saw some others as well Han: rokka be like 😨
Psalm: i think our best options are to probably not fiddle with the inter-planar doors for now and pick one of the staircases Plum: agreed Psalm: we should also potentially destroy this altar, but maybe on the way out provided things go well
Psalm: @ han "are you coming? we've investigated the entire room, nothing spooky here to get you"  Han: hans just like uuuughghh and catches up
Cimmorro: i was gonna say this looked like we're on a road trip and han is taking a group pic for us
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Han: ;LKHAS;LKHFASDF shes actually taking a selfie of herself
The group decide to head up the left staircase after discussing the number of guards they saw. They devise a plan to roll some ball bearings to distract the one they assume is still somewhere in left corridor, before quickly taking him out at a range silently.
Cimmorro: you guys want him to come over here? what if something comes out of that pool Finn: cimmorro, what makes you so sure someone will come out of the pool? Cimmorro: it's ridden with magic bro Finn: the blood did have a ... unique taste. it was good, but there was something unusual to it. i'm not sure if you can make anything of that. Cimmorro: HGUHFDBKJVHB cimm just standing there like "you said unusual, that's even more suspect??IF YOU ASK ME??" Psalm: i'm pretty sure if something was supposed to come out of the pool it would've come out by now Rokka: i would like to have nothing come out of there
Cimmorro: lure the guy out and knock him out then? Psalm: just whisper "such a shame Mephistopheles caught ligma" into the vent and bait him out vaporising him instantly Cimmorro: BRO
> 🎵  A Stray Child / Silent Hill 3 OST.
As the group discuss their plan to take out the guard Finn attempts to think on taste of the blood again. It seems more than likely that the blood is enchanted in some way by the circle around it, though it doesn’t strike him that the purpose of it is for summoning, it would have most likely had a much more rancid taste if connected to something so directly. The pool is more than likely containing the blood of many for a purpose, effecting the recipients in some way, beyond that he isn’t sure what.
Rokka: DAMN AND WE WERE ABOUT TO OFFER PLUM TO SPILL THEIR BLOOD THERE? Finn: maybe i shouldn't drink the magic blood Psalm: just take a sip Cimmorro: finn become rat poison checker
The group move to stealth their way up the left staircase, Psalm, Rokka and Plum find difficulty in keeping quieter than the others however. The others manage to cover for them however.
Psalm: HE CAN'T COMMUNICATE IF HES DEAD, what if it's theyord's favourite mook and he just wants to check up on him and then he's just dead, our entire operation is screwed
Keva rolls the ball bearing down the corridor, after a beat the group hear the sound of wood grinding on the floor and a few footsteps as the hooded figure steps out towards the sound, bending over to stare at it on the ground.
Quickly psalm and keva step out of the stairway, flinging a throwing knife and a blast directly at the hooded figure, the knife swiftly lodges itself in his neck and the blast seems to suck the rest of the life out him, taking him out quickly. The group slowly move now to investigate the corridor, Han staying at the top of the stairs to keep an eye on the chamber behind them.
Psalm: han making sure we don't die
Walking down they now see a series of cells lining the walls, piled with large sacks, a few laying empty. Some of the sacks have the faint colour of blood seeped through, giving the group a bad feeling about what could possibly be inside of them, seems most of the cells are locked. 
Plum: they mumbles to themselves "give me a fucking break..."
Halfway through the corridor they turn the corner and see what looks to be a guard post near the jail cells, a shabby wooden desk and a series of lock boxes on top of it. Seems to house the keys to the nearby cells, to the right they also notice another branch off, a wooden door at the end. They assume this is where the tiefling and the drow walked off towards earlier.
Keva moves to check out the body of the guard, all she finds on him are a dagger strapped this thigh and a red letterheads token in his pocket, nothing much else, she pockets the token. The group then discuss how to hide the body so its not left on the ground in the open.
Finn: we could put him in one of the bags as to not arouse suspicion but its certainly grotesque. Psalm: thats a pretty good idea, cover our tracks 🤔 Han: that criminal background huh
As they discuss this Finn moves to put his ear towards the locked door at the top of the corridor, pressing his ear close to the door he doesn't hear anything other than silence from inside. In the meantime Plum and Keva nab the keys to the jail cells from the guards desk, moving to unlock the one closest to them, Cimmorro wanders over to assist. 
The three work on untying the ropes and opening the bags inside. Cimmorro moves to inspect one of the corpses on how long its been decomposing but is struck by how close the abhorrent smell is, completely distracting him. Finn walks over and its also disgusted, Rokka moves down to keep watch on the door that the drow and tiefling walked through earlier in tandem with Finn.
Looking through the bags Plum attempts to identify the bodies within, their bag specifically appears to house a human male with dark brown hair, keva's bag seems to contain an elven woman, neither of them recognise the victims at all. The three quickly look through the cells for a bag with enough space to shove the guard inside, Plum takes quick notes on the features of the people they find as they go along, soon they find one and are able to successfully shove the guard inside.
As they go about this Psalm continues walking further down the corridor to the end where it opens into another small chamber, it seems filled with storage supplies and large cages, for what purpose hes isn’t sure he’d like to imagine, as he looks about he sees the letterheads symbol scrawled into the wall as well. 
At the far end of the chamber is a set of double doors, made of black metal, it seems this is where the chanting is coming from as he hears the sounds of  numerous voices speaking together in he assumes are prayers. To the right he also see more stairs leading upwards to what looks to be another corridor, though he cant fully tell from below.
He moves to listen to the voices coming from the double doors hearing similar hymns to what was being chanted earlier, but he also hears another voice higher pitched speaking above them in common, she seems to be preaching something about "a time of revenge blossoming soon, the process shall begin to bear fruit" he moves away and relays his observations to the group back up the corridor
While they wait Finn attempts to see if he can hear anything coming from the door hes watching but can only make out a very muffled muttering of some sort and soft shuffling.
Psalm: finn always on the lookout for hot guys pog Finn: we arent only thirsting for blood in this house Cimmorro: wow finn looking for cult bukkake Han: if they arent above a 6 finn cant hear them Finn: jez im going to
Finn: i let the others know that i heard some muffling and shuffling behind that door. but very faintly. Han: theyre making out in that room Cimmorro: GIJFSIBJSOPFBJOSJW
The group decide to head up the stairs Psalm found and move down to the small chamber at the end of the corridor.
Han: han is following but constantly at the back Keva: han the vigilant Rokka: not all heroes wear capes Finn: OKAY NOW I FEEL BAD ABOUT LEAVING HER ON HER OWN Han: 
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Keva offers to take point, and stealth's up the stairs, getting a look at the corridor at the top of them. Peeking her head out she sees similarly to the last corridor they walked, another row of of jail cells with what look like more sacks inside. Halfway down she spies what looks to be another guard, his arms crossed periodically looking to the left and right
The group get in position to take him out,  Keva and Han both fire off their arrows, psalm backing them up with a blast, the arrows strike the guard in the side before he is knocked down by the blast, quickly taken out. Han and Plum briefly jog back to the guard post from earlier to grab the keys again so they can hide this guard with the bodies as well. 
Accomplishing that the group see now that this corridor connects between the left one and the right one from the initial pool room, they decide to use this to take out the guards they saw in the right corridor carefully, party members on either end of it. From this new vantage point Keva sees there are three of them in the right corridor now.
Psalm: 16 to hit, god i dont like this im assuming i haven't missed yet.... when the boss comes i'll miss every shot guaranteed, bruh the boss is going to kill me
Psalm, Finn and Rokka head back the long way and crouch by the stairs near the far end guard while the others stick to the bottom to take out the two halfway through the corridor.
Han and Keva shoot of their arrows and with their combined might manage to instantly bring down one of the guards. Psalm blasts the one near the stairs, surprising him but he seems to be still standing afterwards now alert. before he can do anything however Finn rushes in and skewers him, quickly silencing him
Finn: FINE IF YOU WANT ME TO SO BAD ILL GO STAB THE GUY Cimmorro: jude is going to sex town
Cimmorro uses sacred flame on the other guard standing halfway through the corridor but only manages to lightly singe his hair.
Cimmorro: he just does it to provoke Rokka: ;DLKFJSLDKFJLSKDJ Cimmorro: really the only thing he been reading in those sacred libraries is the urban dictionary
He strikes again this time doing a bit more than singe the guard’s hair, Han and Keva both try and fire a series off a quick shots once again after he does, Han's goes wide however, only kevas striking, still leaving the guard standing. Quickly afterwards Rokka and Psalm run out at the same time, Psalm is able to step out and blast the remaining guard from the opposite end, taking them all out before any could retaliate. 
Psalm: ROOMIES Han: oh my god they were roommates... Rokka: I'll move as close as I can and then cheerleader for psalm Psalm: ^_^ greatly appreciated Rokka: Go roomie!!
Han: hey we've been smart and careful about this, we could've been. REAL dumb Finn: honestly we've been really smart, ALMOST LIKE. CAUTION IS A GOOD THING DSHJFBSDUFGSFH
The group about quickly hiding the three bodies among the jail cells again, completing that Keva rummages through the guard desk in this corridor for anything of note. Inside she finds papers detailing some sort of guard training…seems there are at least over 20 acolytes being trained in the ways of assassination around here. 
Psalm: oh can i read the papers or did u just tell everyone what they said  Han: keva found them and told everything else to read iirc(edited) Keva: i did not say that in the rp but yes let's assume yall saw it bc i can't read i forgot lmoa Han: LKH;LKHSAWEFSD Psalm: WHAT'D YOU EVEN LOOK AT THE PAPERS FOR THEN
As she does Finn goes to listen to the door at the top of this corridor, he hears no sounds coming from the inside, it appears unlocked as well.
Finn: now if it were cin, he'd open that door. Han: . Chip: jude reminding us of our good fortune rn
Han goes to investigate the small chamber at the end of the corridor they just came through, looking about she sees storage crates piled high and bags filled with more bags, looking inside them she rifles through small amounts of rations within. Around are more cages and a large metal screen of sorts, it looks to be disuse however, she wanders back down the corridor.
> 🎵  Sewer, Echo, Approaching / 2Mello.
As she does Psalm presses his ear to a door that branches off from the middle of the corridor, listening if he can hear anything or any activity beyond it. As he does he hears the sound of a voice coming through, though all you can really tell is that it sounds like someone giving instruction of some sort.
Cimm, Plum and Keva decide to walk back to the blood pool room, Plum wants to try casting identify on the pillar to see if they can garner any further insight on its functions. In the meantime Psalm asks Rokka, Finn and Han if they can make out anything coming from inside the door hes listening in on. The group stretch their ears once more, though Han in particular recognises the cadence of the voice through the door as the one she heard speaking when she was trying to listen through the vents.
Han: while they're all standing ears pressed to the door han hesitantly asks "is blood letting and stuff like... generally associated with. what you said. cults?" even quieter "actually what are cults lets start there" Psalm: you're asking me? Han: all of you, i guess. you all seem to have more different opinions about this than me Psalm: well from what i just know generally, rituals like these are commonly associated with the more er, 'evil' cults let's say, it does tend to get played up in fiction but since we are also 100% standing in a room with a blood pool and runes on the floor praising a demon you could say that it's played up for good reason. Rokka: rokka just tilts his head like ?? Han: han just looks. kinda processing "what do you mean, "played up"?" Psalm: romanticised i suppose Finn: finn just leaning against the cell. listening. Psalm: like how you'd expect things to be more exaggerated so that they're actually entertaining in a book or play, otherwise it wouldn't be interesting. 
In the meanwhile the other group make their way into the large chamber, Keva stands at the bottom of the stairs leading out while Cimmorro and Plum make their way up the one over the blood pool. Plum reaching the top, stands near the pillar with their hands, taking the time and casting identify upon it. As they touch it an unwelcome feeling fills their senses, like whispers in their ears. 
The pillar is definitely enchanted, it seems the process directly enhances the person who drips their blood upon it. As long as it is collected within the pool below it seems the enchantment keeps its hold indefinitely, combined with the whispers and information they’ve gathered from before, you get the feeling this is used in some way for whoever wrote the runes on the floor to communicate to those that have bled upon it.
Satisfied the group head back to the corridor with the others, keva noting that it seems the chanting is still ongoing in the background, as they do they walk into the conversation the rest of the group is currently having.
Psalm: That being said though, we are still very much in a situation like out of a novel you could say. And it's not like i have much experience with cults myself...for all i know they're all like this Han: han visibly looks like she regrets asking "like a novel huh" Keva: keva walks in and sees that she has missed smth
Psalm: oh right, a cult is just a group of people that religious practices that aren't commonly accepted, or in most cases, evil. Forgot you asked. Usually they worship a figurehead, potentially a person or otherworldly being, so they're not that far removed from the average religion. Han: han is borderline sweating Keva: wait, we've been chasing after this cult this entire time and you didn't know what a cult was? Han: well. no not really. Finn: finn closes his eyes. I Cannot 
Psalm: why the interest though? i suppose it is a bit messed up in here, and if you didn't know before i guess it's pretty shocking,  what with all the blood and everything Han: just uh. curious is all. Psalm: i see. well if you have anymore questions. Cimmorro: [raised brow]
Half the group subtly eyeball Han to see if she’s lying about her questions coming from a place of mere curiosity.
Han: me just throwing these breadcrumbs Psalm: can't just not eat them off the flor Plum: someone eat them!! Cimmorro: gang beats up han with insight Han: everyone at han rn [raised brow] Cimmorro: 
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Finn: han: asks a simple question, the party: lets get her boys Rokka: rokka just rly wanna know if he gotta comfort u or naw
- finn watching from where you are leaned against a cell you easily see through her lie, you get the feeling the question is related to a past experience of hers perhaps, you understand the feeling of wanting clarification well - psalm and keva it seems clear that shes lying and that she has a deeper reason for asking about this, though you dont really know why - rokka han seems upset by all these damn cults, u understand this place sucks
Cimmorro: prolonged strained silence
The group dont inquire any further into her odd reactions at the moment, Finn moves the conversation along, asking if any of the party would like to help him check out the room at the top of the corridor or if they’d like to check out the door they were just listening in on.
Han: "ye shall we storm these dudes" (points to door) Keva: you were all cautious before and now you wanna just barge in? Han: whispers to keva "i was half joking" Keva: you're hilarious. Han: thank you ^_^
The group decide to go along with Finn’s suggestion, preferring to run into as few people possible for the moment and shuffle down the corridor, the group all stand behind psalm as he creaks the door open with mage hand. Peering inside they all see a small room with no one around inside, piled high are a bunch of beds, seems this looks like where the acolytes sleep.
Han: everyone takes a long rest Finn: HBZUFGMIOGF;HFHGJHOW MANY BEDS ARE THERE THIS TIME Han: finn rn like: . Finn: finn: i do not see it. i do not perceive it.
Rokka: rokka barges in and dives into a bed like "ahhhhhh yes" Han: goes back to look out position Psalm: rokka you really want to be rolling around in the beds of people that drain the blood out of innocents for rituals? Rokka: a bed is a bed Finn: A MAN OF SOLID CONVICTIONS Cimmorro: we're in some hazbin hotel kinda shit and u just gonna sleep here Psalm: that's terrifying resilience. i'm impressed, if not a bit scared
> 🎵  Highway, Fog, Visitation / 2Mello.
As the group look about the room watching rokka walk in, Han notices behind them all down the corridor, the sound of a door creaking open. Quickly she moves to push everyone inside the room as quick and quietly as she can, though she’s sure they were heard.
Cimmorro: this cult guy barrelling down the corridor upon hearing han
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Closing the door behind them inside the room they look about flustered. They all take a beat to listen and hear the sound of footsteps coming closer down the corridor. they decide to dive under the beds and hide, though there isnt enough for all of them. 
Psalm casts Invisibility on Han while the rest of them pile under, she quickly moves and sticks herself as close to the wall as possible. Finn in particular also quickly shifts into a bat and hangs himself from a corner of the ceiling
Rokka: rokka rolls off the bed with an OOF then rolls under the bed he was on Cimmorro: plum who is the smallest has the hardest time shuffling under the bed and stubs their toe Rokka: stubs toe and screams FUCK, it echoes down the hall
After a beat they all listen as the footsteps near closer and closer to the door, they hear a shuffling before it is opened up by a hooded figure, human, though his cloak looks more ornately decorated that the guards from before.
Han: whats boytoy doing Jez: whipping his dick out,  he came here to jack off bro we all gotta watch him Han: SOME ME TIME Plum: YOU CALLED EM BOYTOYBHHJ Rokka: HSUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPSHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Psalm: HE CAMEM HERE TO JACK OFGF i'm unsubscribing from pornhub right now Plum: jez, jez, what haunts you Cimmorro: LKVGDASJKLGJDSJBSJFNB Rokka: this is like a bad wattpad fic Cimmorro: yall wanted to share beds we're getting a different kind of sharing today Finn: . Han: save a citizen share a cultist Finn: WHAT IS HE GONNA DO WATCH OUR BEDS ALL DAY Cimmorro: HES GONNA WANK IT BRO Rokka: SHUT HT EHLEL UP
He walks inside and peers about the room, eyeing the floors and the walls stepping around and staring carefully. It almost seems as if he makes eye contact at one point with Han but he continues moving his gaze past her. 
Olst: “Where on earth have those louts gotten too” he clicks his tongue and turns to walk out of the room  “Discipline is in order, hopefully our grace feels the need to be more quick with his hand…” his mumbling putters off as he shuts the door behind him
The group one by one slowly emerge from under the beds, Han takes a moment before peering out the door, seeing the man walk down the stairs towards the blood pool room. She whispers out “coasts clear” before walking out the room still invisible to follow him, Finn in bat form follows after her to also trail him.
Psalm: psalm to himself like... god maybe i should've explained how invis works first Han: han said coast clear and fucked off Finn: i wish i could've asked psalm for an explanation on invisible i have no idea when this runs out
The group meanwhile decide to check out the room the man came from in the meantime since he just left it, walking back to the middle of the corridor, sneaking past. Keva stops briefly at the top of the stairs to listen in on any conversation from the blood pool room
As she does Han and Finn follow the hooded man, she slowly scuttles down the staircase standing quietly at the bottom and hanging out of sight with Finn. There she sees 3 other figures, each wearing ornate looking cloaks, one they’ve not seen before. As the human approaches the others he speaks
Olst: “the acolytes are becoming lax in their duties, this is because you aren’t strict enough with them” he stares directly as the tiefling as he says that, to which he babbles back ???: you know th-that is not my responsibility Olst..” the human tuts and clicks his tongue. Emruz: The woman on the far end pipes up “quit your gripping your voice is as annoying as venom, you can discuss the trivialities later our grace has requested all of to assemble now and I’ll have quiet as we do” the two glare at each other for a moment Olst: he relents, responding with an “..of course” The four of them gather near the front of the of the pool and stand at attention.
Han watches them close their eyes, as if waiting for something for a few beats. Keva moves on to where the rest of the group are stationed in front of the door down the corridor. 
> 🎵  The Final Combat / Darkest Dungeon OST.
Han continues watching before suddenly she sees all of their eyes snap open, they all tilt their heads up before clasping their hands together out of some sort of reverence. The longer she watches the more it looks like they’re listening to something. Slowly her and Finn see smiles begin to form on their faces, albeit who’s mouths they can actually see. After a moment they bow their heads again, before unclasping their hands.
They see the woman on the far left immediately cackle and gesticulate with her hands with joy 
Emruz: “I KNEW IT I KNEW IT, ony two more days’ time, our grace is amazing indeed finally we will bring down those who stand upon their ivory towers, bring them crashing down to a place wherein we might exact our revenge and force their penance.” Ida: Next to her the drow contemplatively nod in agreement while ???: The tiefling keeps his hands clasped together in reverence muttering “ohh it is true it is true, finally we are ready to enact his great design, the results of our tireless devotion…” Olst: the human next to him chuckles as well “the streets above shall run red as they so deserve, the brood will overtake them at every turn, their defences shall be their very ruin”
The four walk up to the blood pool and touch its outer rim bringing one other hand up to their lips, they speak a coded hymn out loud, as they do they their hands glow a faint red before they are surrounded by a flash. Once complete they step away again, the elf woman speaks up once more 
Emruz: “may their soak in their own fluids” before she cackles wildly again.
🗡 Keva pocketed another「  Red Letterhead Token ✨ 」 🍺 Plum holds the「 Jailer’s Keys ✨ 」 💀5 guards seem to be lax in their duties....
- 48 Hours until 📜🩸 The Reckoning 🩸📜 -
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