shady-shrub · 10 months
has everyone else watched and/or listened to npmd everyday since it came out or is it just me. guys seriously this musical is too much i can't. ITS RUINING MY LIFE PLEASE HELP?!?!?
i feel like if i had a week to be silly i could make a complete lore video. every detail, reference, foreshadowing. all the nightmare times for the 4th time, all the musicals, all the posts from people in these productions.
ANYWAY. i rewatched tgwdlm for the 2nd time this week and. npmd is still my favorite BUT I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the bits that make up this first guy. THE AUDIENCE IS SO FUN! look at the reactions. love the trash can scene AND I ALWAYS LOOK FORWARD TO NOT YOUR SEED. SUCH A BOP and then bill dies. :( BUT LOOK AT THE LIGHTING. i thought the background was the coolest forever. ESPECIALLY as the tv/radio paul listens to. ehhejfjd THE JOKES. they still make me laugh?? prof hidgens is such a goofy. he is insane, but at least he gives emma and ted a cool performance! ITS ALL SO!! and as time goes on it just gets better?? black friday is!!!!
i honestly didn't like black friday when it came out. i dunno why it just didn't hit me like tgwdlm. then i watched jon's watch party on it. rewatched 3 times that day and??? I love it so much????
ALSO. sorry but nightmare times SLAP. first one i was :/ BUT IT JUST GOT SO GOOD ONWARDS EHDHEHR. hey melissa is not that bad guys. and dream machine isn't either okay. im normal and all of you guys who disagree are the weird ones.
(fr tho i dont know why people don't like them. can someone explain because genuinely confuzzled? i love them so much mhmhm, it's not anymore horrific than any other story HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN HONEY QUEEN??)
sorry for this. whatever it is im just so full of thoughts and need to let them escape and REBLOGGING AND LOOKING AT THE SAME PHOTOS ISNT DOING IT ANYMORE.
fr tho wish i had more time to delve into this normal subject ive been lightly indulging in the past few weeks.
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tasteofyizhan · 4 years
« people in China aren’t aware » LMAO so we, as non Chinese are aware of what’s happening in their country but them, not at all? Okay so different anon there I don’t know what the muslim anon said to you but I’m not even Muslim and I’m honestly shock about how this fandom turned out to be. I don’t necessarily talk about idols here, just how people reacted to the whole thing in general. It isn’t even an issue, it’s literally about f*cking human rights and we’re talking about human lives. The proofs and people are there. Stop being ignorant. You guys just choose to close your eyes. Someone needs to criticize this government. They do not regulate their industries. Cereal laced with rat poison, buildings that collapse, enslaving the Uyghurs.
Anon, I can’t tell whether you’re a troll or not, and I normally don’t post asks like this, but this is clearly a controversial issue that has bothered a lot of people, so I’m going to use this to set out my opinion once and for all. I won’t be addressing it any further after this.
1) Why aren’t Chinese citizens speaking out against this?
I’m not sure where you got this quote “people in China aren’t aware”, but I’m guessing it came from this previous post. I’m going to urge you to read @potteresque-ire‘s incredibly informative post here on the amount of propaganda that Chinese citizens are bombarded with on a daily basis. The media is controlled by the CCP, the Internet is controlled and monitored by the CCP, and the citizens are taught CCP’s revisionist history and CCP propaganda from birth. Heck, even their social media is controlled by the CCP. When you are exposed to this amount of propaganda your whole life, who do you think Chinese citizens will believe when their country tells them that other countries are making up lies about human rights abuses occurring in China in order to tarnish China’s name because the world is afraid of China’s economic might? You don’t even have to look far - just go on W*ibo and read a sampling of the posts there supporting Xinjiang cotton, and that should tell you a lot. Now, @potteresque-ire has also helpfully compiled how these “re-education camps” are framed in the Western media and in the Chinese media here. I’m going to ask you to watch those videos, and then ask you to exercise your critical thinking skills and reflect on what an average Chinese citizen might be exposed to on a daily basis, and how that shapes their belief. 
Now, even if the Chinese citizens do believe that human rights violations occurred in Xinjiang, can they express this opinion? Well, not if they don’t want to run afoul of the morality guidelines for citizens. From the article I linked:
The guidelines, focusing heavily on promoting patriotism, also called for the formulation of “national etiquette” for things such as singing the national anthem, raising the national flag, or ceremonies for when one joins the ruling Chinese communist party (CCP).
Such etiquette should “enhance people’s attitude toward the party and country and organise a collective sense of identity and belonging”, according to the document, released by the party’s central committee and the state council.
2) Why aren’t GG/DD speaking out against this?
Leaving aside whether GGDD believe that there are human rights violations occurring Xinjiang, something that I see happening is international fans expressing outrage at their response. I am going to point you to a previous post on to explain why they made the statements they made. Heck, you know what, I’m just going to paste what I wrote in that previous post here: 
The reality is that as performers, GG DD are also very limited by what they are allowed to support/say. This isn’t something that fans are making up to defend them - in March, the CCP passed new guidelines in wake of the ZS scandal that explicitly states that any performer who breaches these guidelines can face a lifetime ban. One of these guidelines is for performers to “ardently love the motherland, support the Party’s line, principle and policies… and consciously accept [government] and societal supervision.”
From the Variety article that I linked:
First and foremost, artists will be punished for violating China’s constitution, “endangering national unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity,” endangering national security, or “harming national honor and interests.” The second ban is on “inciting ethnic hatred.. or undermining ethnic unity.” The cocktail of above terms are charges frequently levelled at those speaking up about human rights violations, particularly related to the fraught regions of Xinjiang or Tibet.
Realistically, there is nothing that they can say. As soon as they speak out against the CCP, as soon as they fail to express support for the CCP’s policies or for the CCP’s narrative, they’re finished. They will never work again. I am not exaggerating about this last point. Again, from the Variety article:
Beyond issuing performance bans, the committee will try to “implement cross-industry joint punishment,” working with players in other fields to bar violators from financial or cultural success via other channels like endorsement deals. Violators may also have their awards and other honors revoked, and will be subject to a measure of critical “re-education.”
This is the reality that they live in. They live and work in a country that is deeply manipulative and oppressive, and which has almost complete control over how they were brought up, how they were educated, and which currently holds the reins over their livelihood and their future. 
Am I disappointed at their respective statements? Yes I am, but given the reality of life under an oppressive regime, I am not the least bit surprised, and more importantly, nor do I fault them.
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thebestestboyo · 4 years
How Remus Started Working For Patton: Part 5
Tw: Remus being Remus/Swearing/Drug Mention/Drinking Coffee
While it took some getting used to, Remus was immensely pleased at his newfound membership to the Anacondas.
Not ONLY did he have another person to annoy the shit out of daily (this position was held by Dee and Virgil exclusively, as well as his brother), but he also was able to pop by and bring Pat on his adventures so he could feel that fuzzy sensation in his chest.
Ree still couldn't determine why he felt that way, but he supposed it was because Pat would listen to him ramble without telling him that it was stupid.
Or maybe it was because he was pretty? He was remarkably attractive, whether in a skirt or in a pair of jeans, and his hair seemed softer than even that dead rabbit Virgil dared him to touch once. Whether that was because the rabbit was dead or because Patton was Patton, it didn't matter. But even then, Remus had met plenty of attractive people! And he didn't usually have this reaction, at least, not one this soft.
Maybe it was the danger? Pat was part of a crime organization. Remus always did like the danger of doing things most people saw as dangerous or scandalous, but it didn't feel particularly high stakes yet. The most risky encounter they had was that damned seagull chasing after them. (Remus was going to kill that bird one of these days...)
He supposed he'd have to ask his brother. Grosssssss. Remus hated asking his brother for advice, it always was some fairytale crap or something similar. But, as Virgil wasn't home, and he was NOT going to ask Patton (that would be embarrassing), Dee (they're brothers) or Logan (he's not too good at emotions), he had no other choice.
So that's why he was standing on the balcony of Roman's apartment, hair full of leaves, sighing for what seemed like the twentieth time as Roman continued to not notice him.
"Oh brother dorkest!~ It is me, your evil twin! Get your gay ass out here!"
That seemed to do the trick, well, to some degree. It at least made Roman jump, turning his head to look through the window at him.
Not too long after, it also caused him to finally open the window! Spectacular.
"Remus you know I have a front door."
"Oh but it's just so much more fun to see your reaction when I use unconventional means! Remember when I used your vent system?"
"Yeah, and you nearly fell through it. To what do I owe the displeasure of a meeting with you?" Despite his words, Roman was clearly biting back a smile.
Hopping through the open frame, Remus began to pace around the apartment, leaving a trail of leaves in his wake. It had been windy outside, he couldn't help it!
"I am facing an emotional dilemma!"
"Dilemma? Who taught you these fancy words? Where is my real brother???" Roman crossed his arms where he stood, leaning up against the wall in amusement.
"Oh shut your butt. Seriously though, I am facing problems and all my other friends are unable to help at this time."
"That's a first."
Remus ran a hand through his hair, wishing he had put a braid in it or something. Normally he'd be fine with it full of leaves, he'd had worse, but right now he was on edge and he'd prefer if there wasn't the crinkly sound every time he moved. "Its with this guy dipshit! This guy that for whatever reason I cannot understand why he enjoys my presence."
With that statement, Roman's demeanor changed drastically. Making his way over to his brother, he sat him down on the couch. "This seems like a problem in which we'll need some coffee. You still like yours the same?"
Ree simply nodded, still stewing over his emotions.
His brother came back holding two mugs, one that was coffee only in name, and the other that was some amalgamation of cream cheese, sriracha sauce, and hot fudge.
He handed the abomination to Remus, sipping his own. "Ok spill."
"So a few weeks back, I met this guy. And I thought it would be like all my other flings ya know? Chill, not much expectations, and ending after about a week. But this guy is just, pure sunshine. He and I flirt a bit, and he's pretty cuddly but as far as I can tell he sees me as a friend. But I don't know how I see him, because whenever I'm around him I get this dizzy feeling and it's like being drunk and taking hallucinogenics at the same time??"
"Ah so you're in love with him!!!"
Remus nearly spit out his drink at how sudden it was. "Excuse me??"
"You're in love!!!"
"That's ridiculous! I don't do that! The most I have is a one night stand! A fling if I'm particularly bored! I don't do 'in love' my dearest bother." Making air quotes with his free hand, he continued sipping his drink, if you could call it that.
Seriously. What was even in it??? It looked disgusting! But for some reason Remus kept drinking it??? What a madman.
"Well, tell me about this guy then."
"For curiosity's sake! It's been so long since I've had a relationship so I'm projecting to yours."
"Haven't gotten laid recently?" Remus wiggled his eyebrows, knocking elbows with him to see if he'd spill his drink.
"Ugh!! Vulgar, he'd at least have to buy me dinner first." Ro swiped his mug away before the mountain of whipped cream was disturbed, frowning. "But seriously! What's this guy like?"
"If you want the basic description, he's cute as fuck. If you want the less basic description, he's quite possibly the only guy who I would want to slow dance with since...collage at least."
"Wow, slow dancing??"
"I KNOW right??? He's got these pretty-ass eyes and whenever I look into them I just melt and he's so soft that when he hugs me I'm just a puddle of blood and guts on the floor and I'd let him tear the heart from my chest if he asked."
"Wow. That's...that is a crush. That my dear brother, is a crush!"
"Ugh shut up. So what's up with your life right now? Make any new musicals?"
Roman's face lit up, and then dimmed almost immediately after. He didn't meet Ree's eyes as he spoke, slowly stirring his drink. "Well..."
"Well what?"
"I did, but it was rejected again."
"That's bullshit! Your scripts are amazing! Even if they lack the blood and gore, they're some of the best pieces I've ever read! That cock of a publishing company should be begging for your works!"
"It's really not that big of a deal...they were unpolished anyways."
"I'm going to commit arson soon enough."
"Remus no! I'll just try some of the other publishers. I'll have to work twice as hard, but maybe one of them will like it..."
As Remus looked at his brother, he noticed the dark circles under his eyes and how his body curled into itself, as if it was barely staying together.
"Dipshit...you haven't been sleeping well huh?"
A shake of his head was all Remus needed to set both of their mugs down on the coffee table, lifting up his brother. "You need a break. I don't trust you not to work yourself to death."
"Remus no, I have to get working on the next-"
"Nope! I'm taking you to my pal's place. He'll watch after you. I'm going to work soon, so I'd do it myself, but he's second best."
"Please tell me you aren't leaving me at a bar."
"Nope! Logan doesn't drink. Says it messes with his brain's 'structural integrity' or something."
Roman, used to his antics, simply wrapped his arms around Remus, leaning into him as he grumbled something he couldn't hear.
"Don't worry, I'll grab your keys so you can get back in. He's nice I swear!"
"If I end up dead in an alley I'm haunting you."
"Virgil would hate that. He already thinks we have ghosts in our apartment, you'd be the final straw before he buys an ouija board."
They talked quietly as Remus grabbed some of Roman's important stuff, then heading out. Thankfully, no one bothered them on the walk over, and Remus didn't have much problem knocking on the stained door of Logan's place, which, in his words, 'serves as my workplace as well as my domicile so Remus kindly stop bothering my cat.'
"Hey Locoooooooooo!"
There was banging from inside as his only answer unfortunately, so Remus assumed that he was in his lab.
Time to let himself in! Roman had fallen asleep on his shoulder by now, so he couldn't set him down to crawl through a window. Crap. Might as well use the keys then.
Maneuvering his grip, he managed to grab them from his pocket, stepping in. Entropy, who was sitting on her cat tower, merely blinked at him before hopping off, most likely to go find Logan.
"Remus I swear if your roommate threw you out again because you messed with a skunk-"
Ah! There he was. He must have been working with one of his machines again, when he came out to greet him, he was wearing his metal-working mask. "Hi Logie!~"
"Hello Remus. Why does it appear as if you're carrying a dead body?"
"This is my brother! I told you about him before. He needs someone to watch after him so he actually rests for once in his goddamned life."
Roman, who had awoken by now from all the noise, struggled to get out of Remus's arms. "I'm not a child-"
"I can't watch him right now since I have to go work at Hell Incorporated-" He made a face, disgusted at even the mention of his office job, "-so I thought you could?"
Logan turned up his mask, looking closer at Roman, his face...red? Wait what? It was probably because the machine tended to get hot. Or...
"Remus, you want me to nanny your twin brother?"
"Yep! He's an incorrigible little menace that won't sleep unless you force him to or he passes out from exhaustion."
"This is a grown man we are discussing?"
Piping up from his struggle to get down, Roman turned to look at Logan. "Exactl-"
His intended speech cut off as he locked eyes, exhaling a little bit at the sight. "oh."
Glancing between the two of them, Remus noticed the redness on both of their cheeks, and wanting to see none of whatever stirred up his brother, simply pushed him into Logan's twig arms. "I'll be back soon!"
Both turned to look at him, startled looks on both their faces.
He was already out the door, snickering.
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                        “Listen to silence. It has so much to say.”
                                         -         Rumi
 The ability to illustrate what is missing is what makes silence so powerful; his presence reveals what is not. Silence is the absence of ambient audible sound, the production of sounds of such low intensity that they do not draw attention to themselves or the state of no longer making sounds; this latter sense may be applied to the cessation or absence of any form of communication, whether through speech or any other means. In music and film silence is more than this.  Like I have mentioned a quote said by Rumi (Persian poet, a Sufi mystic and an Islamic dervish), silence have so much to say, to express and to convey us the untold. Silence is not only important to film and music but also it has more benefits our daily life. It has the power to remove our stress and pressure and it balance our natural rhythms and brings our spirit, mind and body in harmony.
 Use of silence in films
Obviously, the visual components of a film are integral to filmmaking; the images that characterise our medium enable us to see the narrative unfolding. Cinema is also a medium of sound, however, and how we use the audible elements will change dramatically how our audiences react to our storeys. Because filmmakers essentially create a movie out of nothing, gathering raw footage, sound effects, dialogue and music to shape a visual storey, it may be hard to recognise that what we don't put into a film is just as important as what we put into it. Contemporary films do not use the same discipline or approach when it comes to using sound in films, particularly action films. Sure, their sound design is meant to stimulate the heart of the audience and rush their adrenaline, and that's absolutely fine. Music and sound are always part of movies. Even in the silent era of film, where there was no audio engineering in cinema yet, there were loud films. There was always noise, either through orchestras playing with the film, sound effects created by someone behind the camera, or even through actors reciting dialogue. When technology for synchronised sound was introduced in film, different sound production techniques and their subsequent effects grew rapidly. In today's movies, some kind of sound (music, dialogue, or other) is almost expected to happen, even if the viewer doesn't listen to it. The use of silence becomes a conscious decision by the director as sound becomes synonymous with film, and as audio technology continues to develop. Silence is always audible in the movies. Even if the audience doesn't realise there's music playing in the background, everybody realises when that music suddenly cuts out. Using silence as a form of emphasis can be seen in many Martin Scorsese’s film. The sound cuts out in the battle between Jake Lamotta and Sugar Ray Robinson in Raging Bull (Martin Scorsese, 1980), as Jake taunts Sugar Ray to beat him up. There's a cavernous silence at the two-minute mark of the scene, the taunts of the crowd are gone. It's all about Sugar Ray and Jake preparing for what's going to happen. That system is pretty widespread — whenever we see someone clocking in a film's face, we expect to hear the deafening silence coupled with a slight ring to suggest that, yes, you're a doozy guy. But here the use of silence touches on several ways that how silence can add to narrative, as well as the atmosphere and tone of the film.  For Scorsese, sound is not just a secondary instrument, but rather a tool for creating thematic and situational complexity, such as how violence in the ring of Raging Bull is an extension of domestic violence.  This does not mean that movies are inherently better with more quiet than others.
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 The absence of non-diegetic composition may give your sequences an extra level of "reality." The emphasis on brutal actions, such as car crashes or gun shots, seems more abrupt, and these sequences hang longer in the air as the audience lingers with the echoes throughout a scene or film. Silence can also be effective when it transmits a character's internal isolation. Sometimes we don’t want to say anything, silence speaks it all.  
 Use of silence in music
It is just as important to know when to play notes and fill a void or when to lay back as to play the right notes. Using silence for very brief (less than a few beats) or longer (measure after measure) will have an effect on the listener. It can bring emphasis to what other devices are doing as the notes are more excellent. The parts played by the others move forward in the listener's ears when one band member steps back from playing. A few quiet beats will lift the anticipation of a listener as to what is about to come. Silence is used in this way, generating suspense. If you see this in terms of stress and release, if it follows a word, silence will relieve tension, but it also creates suspense as the listener is waiting for the next sentence. The length of silence, the distance between silence periods, and the degree of silence (how many band members were quiet in the same period) all have an influence on the listener. Such results affect the perception of the listener. Understanding when and how much silence to use is part of listening, one of any musician's key skills. Great artists have perfect techniques, but they also know how to use silence as part of this. The tonal context leading up to the pause has significant effects on the degree of musical tension felt during the pause by the participants. The tonal context leading up to the pause has significant effects on the degree of musical tension felt during the pause by the participants. And all of the study participants are non-musicians, indicating that the opportunity to witness these results does not require a clear knowledge of the musical wizardry behind the curtain. A skilled artist will pause strategically to influence the listener in different ways, and a skilled performer will welcome a silence, using it as a metaphor for a range of emotions from longing to rage, fear to peace. Silence is a sound when it is used successfully.
 1.      ALDREDGE, J. (2017). Understanding the Importance of Silence in Filmmaking. [online] The Beat: A Blog by PremiumBeat. Available at: https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/importance-silence-filmmaking-projects/ [Accessed 19 Nov. 2019].
2.      Bruun, P. (2015). Silence the Silence. Making Sense of Music Beyond Consumption and Contemplation. [Online] Journals.openedition.org. Available at: https://journals.openedition.org/signata/1111 [Accessed 19 Nov. 2019].
3.      Classic FM. (2017). The most crushing, perfectly placed silences in classical music. [online] Available at:  https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/latest/best-silences-in-music/ [Accessed 19 Nov. 2019].
4.      Deconstruction-in-music.com. (n.d.). Silence and/in Music. [Online] Available at: http://www.deconstruction-in-music.com/proefschrift/300_john_cage/311_silence_and_music/silence_and_music.htm [Accessed 19 Nov. 2019].
5.      Harriott, M. (2017). It's Quiet...Too Quiet.... [Online] Entertainment Creative Group. Available at: https://www.ecgprod.com/silence-and-why-its-important-in-film/ [Accessed 19 Nov. 2019].
6.      Jazz, A. (2005). The Role of Silence in Music. [Online] All About Jazz. Available at: https://www.allaboutjazz.com/the-role-of-silence-in-music-by-aaj-staff.php [Accessed 19 Nov. 2019]
7.      Raging bull sugar ray. (2018). [image] Available at: http://achyutktelangblogspots.blogspot.com/2014/03/acidemic-best-films-of-1980s.html [Accessed 17 Nov. 2019].
8.      Raging bull. (2019). [image] Available at: https://www.europapress.es/cultura/cine-00128/noticia-robert-niro-cumple-73-anos-10-personajes-le-convirtieron-mito-20160817134833.html [Accessed 19 Nov. 2019].
9.      Renée, V. (2014). The Sound of Silence: How You Can Use Silence to Tell Better Stories. [Online] No Film School. Available at: https://nofilmschool.com/2014/06/use-silence-to-tell-better-stories-martin-scorsese [Accessed 19 Nov. 2019].
10.  Soundsnap Blog. (2016). Why Filmmakers Use Silence. [Online] Available at: https://blog.soundsnap.com/2016/09/01/why-filmmakers-use-silence/ [Accessed 19 Nov. 2019].
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21stcenturyteapot · 5 years
Rape Culture Roulette – Every Woman’s Daily Game
Presented by Charles Webster on the 12th of September, 2019 at:
Jeppe high School for Boys, Kensington, Johannesburg
St Davids Marist Inanda, Johannesburg
DISCLAIMER: this speech is an accurate reflection of most of what I said. Because I speak partly from notes and partly from the heart – the speech changed slightly and readers who were there may notice some differences.
I am you. I wore the blazer for five years (or one like it), and I know what is said in boys’ schools. I am not here to tell you you’re all rapists. But I am here to tell you that we can all contribute to rape culture.
I’m also husband to a wife, and a father to two daughters, and I care enough about their safety and their happiness to have stayed up until 2am to figure out what to say to you guys, to wake up at 4am to drive to the airport for an hour, to take a flight from Durban to Johannesburg to be here today.
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This is not a game - but I’d like to start off by talking about a game. RUSSIAN ROULETTE Have you ever heard of Russian Roulette? (Show of hands)
Okay - so, most of you. As you know it’s a simple game. You take a revolver with six chambers, put a cartridge into one of them. You spin the cylinder and snap it shut. Then you hold the gun to your head and pull the trigger. If you’re lucky, you get one of the five empty chambers. If you’re not so lucky…BOOM.
What if I said to you that every morning, in order to go out into the world and live your normal life, you have to play Russian Roulette? 
I have owned a gun, and anyone who’s ever done any serious shooting knows that the first rule of handling a firearm is that you treat every gun as if it’s loaded – even if it isn’t.
So, if you’re wise and your self-preservation instinct is intact, you’d rightly tell me that #gunsaredangerous. You’d tell me I’m crazy, that my expectation is totally unfair, and that there’s no way you’re going to play Russian Roulette just in order to have the privilege of going out into the world and living your life.
But what if I responded to your hashtag and said, but #notallguns are dangerous… would that make you feel better about the demand? Would it change the fact that even though you’re probably not going to get the chamber with the live round in it, there’s still a scarily high chance that you will? Does it change the fact that you have to treat every gun as if its loaded, even though you know in your head that #notallguns are?
Now, let’s imagine a new game. I call it: “Rape Culture Roulette”, and here’s the thing - women have to play it.
Every. Single. Day.
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If they want to exist in the world, if they want to walk out of their front doors in the morning and go out to school, to work or to relax, they have no choice.
How does it work? So if you’re a woman, you wake up in the morning and in the gun that you are forced to hold up to your head, there are not six chambers, but (let’s say) a hundred. These hundred chambers are the hundred men that a woman might encounter during the course of a typical day.
Her husband or boyfriend, father, brothers, the newspaper seller on the corner, the guy selling coffee at the convenience store, two or three guys in the cars around her at every intersection on the way to work, twenty or thirty male colleagues, another fifteen or twenty at the restaurant where she’s having lunch… you get the picture. Some of the chambers have cartridges in them, and some of them are empty. The empty chambers represent the guys who behave appropriately towards her. Let’s be generous and say it’s the majority – sixty or seventy of them, who fall into this category.
The chambers with cartridges in them represent all the guys who, sadly, do not. Let’s start off big. There’s one chamber with a rapist in it. Then four or five chambers of guys who might catcall her as she walks past. Then there’s a chamber with a woman beater, and then half a dozen who rub up against women as they pass them in the elevator or the passage. Ooh, here’s a bad one – this next chamber has a murderer, but the next twenty aren‘t as bad – they contain a couple of guys who tell tasteless rape jokes, and another eighteen who just laugh at them, or say nothing. Then maybe half a dozen who refer to their mates as “pussies” when they do something that isn’t supposed to be done by a “real man”, and a few guys who mansplain to women, don’t listen to them, and talk over them in meetings. Again – you get the picture. As an article by Eusebius McKaiser in the Mail and Guardian said just a few days ago: “A woman is not safe at home. She is not safe at the tavern. She is not safe at the post office. She is not safe at work. She is not safe at the club. She is not safe walking from the tavern to her home. She is not safe walking to the post office. She is not safe from the guns of her boyfriend that were supposedly bought to keep them both safe from strangers. She is not safe when she encounters a stranger. She may be even less safe when she is with someone she knows intimately. She is not safe when she is with an official working for the state. She is not safe when she is drinking with men she has known all her life. She is a continued target of predatory men who have no regard for her intrinsic dignity and rights to bodily and psychological integrity. Which is why each South African woman has asked this week: “Am I next?”[1] Every day, women wake up, and as they go about their days, they pull the trigger – not once, but every time they meet a man. I need to stress again, here, that this isn’t a choice. Women, to live their lives, have to go out into a world where they take a risk with every man they meet – and I’m not talking about strangers. IT ISN’T STRANGERS Yep, I’m even talking about husbands, father, sons.
But let’s start with a few statistics: “According to the Rape Crisis Centre (in Cape Town)… it is estimated that 40% of South African women will be raped in their lifetime and only 8.6% of rape perpetrators are convicted.”[2]
That’s nearly half of South African women. Are you surprised that women wake up in the morning and wonder whether they will be next? I ask you to put yourselves in that position and think about how your life might feel and be different if that were your reality.
But back to my point – it’s not strangers they mostly have to be worried about. In fact, the opposite is true.  To quote the Rape Crisis Centre again, “Unfortunately, most people believe rape only occurs in dark alleyways. But Rape Crisis Centre’s new campaign indicates the truth is closer to home. The campaign aims at highlighting that approximately 68% of rape survivors know their rapist. They have had their trust broken in the workplace, home and [in their] communities.”[3]
So there definitely won’t be a rapist in every woman’s day, every day, but over the course of their lives, South African women have to wake up to the daily knowledge that they have a chance of being one of those four out of every ten women who will be raped. My daughters have asked me more than once if I think they have a chance of making it through life without becoming victims.
If you’re thinking women can solve the problem by being wise about where they and learning to defend themselves:
My first response is  - are we really no better than this, guys? Men aren’t mindless animals, and shouldn’t be expecting women to take responsibility for the fact that men refuse to take responsibility for their own actions. We are better than this, guys. Are we really unable to control ourselves at the merest sight of a bit of leg, or an exposed tummy?
I don't care if a woman is walking down the streak stark naked, she's still not asking for rape or unwanted contact. There's a difference between women choosing to dress the way they want to, and men not taking responsibility for their sexual impulses.
My second response is that it really doesn’t seem to matter what women do. As this powerful exhibition demonstrates, they don’t have to dress sexily to get raped.
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IMAGE: JENNIFER SPRAGUE They don’t have to go specific places, or drink alcohol or do specific things to get raped. Because statistically it’s mostly men they know and probably trust who rape them. In any case, almost half the time, victims are children. A Timeslive headline in 2018 proclaimed: “Children victims in 42% of all rape cases recorded.”[4] Old women get raped. Nuns get raped - even babies get raped. Are we going to blame their clothes and their drinking habits, too?
In the meantime, every single day, women are quite likely to encounter some guy licking his lips at them in the traffic, or some guy following them in his car as they walk home from the shop (which has happened to my wife more than once). Some middle aged guy propositioning them for sex outside the toilets in the shopping mall (which happened to my one daughter – to get rid of the guy she had to resort to asking him loudly and publicly if he wanted to see her dick, and pretend to start unbuttoning her trousers – because men like that rely on women being worried about “causing a scene”). Then there’s the guy at a live music venue who got a little a little bit too touchy-feely with my other daughter at a show. He only left her alone after I spoke to him – twice. In fact, the number of times I go out with my wife or my daughters where some creep doesn’t look at them inappropriately, touch them without consent or make suggestive remarks is frighteningly small.
A PRISONER’S PERSPECTIVE Maybe you think having someone making remarks isn’t so bad – maybe you’re thinking, as a guy, that you’d quite enjoy it if women did that to you, and that it’s actually quite a compliment.
So let’s introduce some perspective into the conversation. I want you to imagine that you are in prison. You’re a brand new inmate… you’re not a murderer but maybe you committed some kind of white collar crime like cheating on your taxes or defrauding a business partner.
I want you to understand that you are now in a world where you are being looked at as someone’s potential bitch. Someone’s pieces of ass. And that someone is twice your size and ten times as tough. They want power over you, and to relieve their sexual urges – and you are powerless to stop them.
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I asked women on my Facebook timeline to send me comments they’d like to share with 100 young men if they had the chance – and here’s one of them. She talks about: “The system that he would have no say in… the people who had power over him who were often corrupt and not 'fair' in their dealings, being at the mercy of the very real threat of both physical and sexual violence all day, every day, the fact that nowhere and no-one is actually 'safe', and the feeling of being powerless to do anything about it....and the people in your life who are present (family and friends who can visit you there) but have no real understanding of what it's like and can leave whenever they want to, or not think about it whenever they want to, because it doesn't directly affect and impact them.” Here’s another: “The sexist jokes, the locker room talk - these are not harmless talk. Imagine a scenario where you're in prison, from pretty much any movie or TV show you can think of. Imagine you're now the target of those kinds of jokes and locker room talk from someone physically stronger than you, and/or in a position of more power than you.” The bottom line is – how would you feel if the gorilla in cellblock D was looking at you and licking his lips while commenting about the shape of your butt, or grabbing his crotch at you? Here’s the key message:
You shouldn’t be saying or doing anything to women that you’d be uncomfortable with someone big and scary, in prison, saying or doing to you.
We really need to talk about consent. I hope you understand, in the light of my prison scenario, why consent is important. (Watch this Youtube Clip for more) If you want to talk about rape culture you have to start with consent. I find it noteworthy that consent is very important when other people do things to us, but is somehow less important when we are the people doing things to others. Because let’s face it, guys, the kind of pussy you’re referring to when you go “kss, kss!” as a girl walks past is not a cat, and I don’t think you’d enjoy the guy from cellblock D crowing like a rooster when you walk by because he is keen on your cock.
I want you to think about the guy in cellblock D, and ask yourself whether “not saying no” is the same as saying yes. If you’re alone with him in your jail cell and he’s about to do things to you that you don’t like – would you be quiet because you’re actually keen – or would it be because you’re hoping he won’t murder you as well as rape you? Unless somebody is active and enthusiastic about their consent – it’s not consent.
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A comment I got from a female friend on this topic was: “A guy I knew once groped a friend of mine in a bar, and couldn't (at all) understand why she wouldn't welcome him touching her boobs, obviously this is a pleasurable thing. He’s a guy, she’s a girl – what’s the issue? I asked how he would like it if a big guy walked up and grabbed his crotch, just out of nowhere? He got the point.”
ABOUT RAPE CULTURE So you ask what real harm a rape joke can do? Or a catcall? As my prison story shows, when it comes from someone who has the power to act on it, it suddenly becomes very real, and very frightening.
Rape culture is not about saying every man who catcalls is a rapist. “Rape culture is a sociological concept for a setting in which rape is pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality.”[5] Think about casual sayings about “throwing like a girl” or “fighting like a girl.” On some sports fields now you’ll hear players talking about a “Rapist’s Touch” – which is used for a player “with a first touch of the ball that is so horrid that it goes immediately to the opposite team or out of play.”[6]   Maybe some of you are sneering at me under your breath. “What a pussy!”, you might be thinking - another great example of using women’s bodies as the standard by which to insult people. This is rape culture. Sexist attitudes to gender that make women property, or make them inferior, or degrade their bodies as tools with which we insult each other.
So sure – catcalling isn’t the same as rape. An unwanted remark about her appearance isn’t the same as rape. Talking over her at the party, or disregarding her opinion about where to go out to isn’t the same as rape.
But we’re contributing to a culture where…
In a million ways…
In a million places…
At a million times…
…women are told they are unworthy and inferior – in ways we’d never accept as men.
We are talking about disrespect.
Here’s the key to today’s message for you. The message that doesn’t only prove that you don’t have to be a rapist to contribute to rape culture, but should also spur you to act when you hear you mates talking about women, or acting towards them, in certain ways:
Not all disrespect of women ends in rape, but all rapes start with disrespect.
Women live in precisely the kind of world that prison would be to you. The kind of world where half the population is superior to you in terms of physical strength, and where that half of the population has grown up in a society that largely still thinks of women as possessions. A world where that half of the population is sexually attracted to you, and you could be the means of satisfying their urges.
You think I’m talking rubbish with regard to women being possessions? Tell me, then, why women are still “given away” by their fathers on their wedding days? Look it up, guys – the tradition comes from a time when women were used like sacrificed like pawns on a chessboard. They were traded for power to cement allegiances between kingdoms. I’ve told my daughters already – nobody must ever ask me if I’m giving them away on their wedding days. I don’t own them.
But let’s find a more everyday example. Why is it that millions of men around the world who approach women will only leave a woman, if she gets a friend to pretend to be her partner, or point out her wedding ring or her partner? What is it that makes so many of us think that women don’t have the right to say no because they’re simply not interested?!
In four-in-ten world where women have to play Rape Culture Roulette on a daily basis, I’m telling you now, guys… women owe you precisely nothing.
They don’t owe you a conversation because you’ve done them the “honour” of being nice to them. They don’t owe you a smile. They don’t owe you a phone number. They don’t owe you sex because you’ve bought them a meal. And they shouldn’t have to tell you more than once that they’re not interested – nor should they have to explain why. And if you are lucky enough to have someone show an interest in you, they are not obliged to follow through with sex – they have a right to say “no”, or “stop” at any time. I don’t care if you’re lying on the bed next to her, and you’re both naked. For you to insist, and continue with sex beyond that point, is rape.
Every man should be a feminist. I can imagine the eye rolling that’s going on. I can hear the comment about how feminists are man haters, how “Feminazis” are unreasonable and actually want to walk over men. And I’m sure there are such people – but let me tell you that the tiny minority of feminists who think that way are a convenient excuse for those who want to write off feminism as a whole.
For those of you who haven’t studied feminism, and I talk to a lot of feminists – the massive, overwhelming majority of feminists are simply people who want equality for women. Feminism simply means being a decent human being.
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Now – I have a question for you. This is the Facebook post that led to me being here today:
If your pride is more important to you than women fearing for their lives because of how common rape and murder are, you’re part of the problem.
If being offended by generalisations and responding with #notallmen is more important to you than addressing the reasons those generalisations are necessary in the first place, you’re part of the problem.
If you’re fragile you expect women to be ‘nice’ about how they deal with the bullying, rape and murder men inflict on their sisters, then you're part of the problem.
If you’re not spending time thinking about how you are privileged because you don’t have to half of the world’s population as a threat to your life until they prove otherwise, you’re part of the problem.
If you say or do things to women you wouldn’t want a large man to say or do to you in prison, you’re part of the problem.
If you’re not calling out other men when they treat women as objects for their personal gratification, you’re part of the problem.
If you’re not making the effort to understand consent, and that women are equal to men in moral value and legal rights, you’re part of the problem.
If you call women “sluts” for the same things that get men labelled as “studs”, you’re part of the problem.
If your response to a woman being groped, cat-called or receiving other unwanted sexual attention is that “boys will be boys”, you’re part of the problem.
If you ask what a woman was wearing or why she was drinking or was in a particular place when she was harassed or raped, you’re part of the problem.
If your expectation is for *women* to educate you, or for *women* to do the speaking out (when they’ve been trying to do so and getting beaten and killed for their efforts since time immemorial), you’re part of the problem.
DOING NOTHING IS DOING SOMETHING There’s a quote that was used by John F. Kennedy once – though nobody actually knows who said it originally. It goes like this: “The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing.” In a world where our society is so damaged that four in ten South African women will be raped in their lifetimes, the default setting is horrific. Doing nothing in the face of that is the same as doing something – because silence is assent. What can you do? 
You don’t have to be an activist and stand up here like me. You can make sure that you’re not the one catcalling or laughing at rape jokes. You can make sure you call out your mates who do. If you’re worried about getting beaten up, walk away from the conversation to make your disapproval plain – end friendships if you have to.
It’s a funny thing – in a country where forty percent of women get raped, every women knows someone who’s been raped, and every man who cares enough to ask or be involved, knows a woman who’s been raped. I know several. Yet, somehow, we men know very few rapists.
We seem to have raised generations of men who are emotional children.
It’s time for men to:
Grow up. 
Stand up. 
Speak up.
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Rape culture is everywhere: understand what it means before you whine about “#notallmen” or “not being a rapist”. Sexism is ingrained into (even western) society. Fight for equality – be a feminist. Not because “every woman is someone’s wife, daughter or sister” - women are not defined by the way they relate to men.
Do something because women are also humans - and deserve the right to the same basic freedoms and safety you have (in most cases) never had to give a second thought. And if you did - it was most probably because another *man* was threatening it. Do something because in world of Rape Culture Roulette, where four out of every ten South African women will be raped in their lifetimes, and where forty percent of those who are raped are under-age children, and only a tiny minority of rapists get convicted, doing nothing is doing something.
Because a world in which women can live free of fear is a better world for you as well, if you care enough to recognise the fact.
[1] https://mg.co.za/article/2019-09-06-00-the-chain-between-words-and-violence?fbclid=IwAR0PUCeQ1B1nHBHnz6FdRS9fZAMgBQ2uUq6oM0YwL0XnJMUqgBcwb0jC9mg#.XXO7WvA3vwQ.facebook
[2] https://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/western-cape/rape-is-often-perpetrated-by-a-familiar-face-19917092
[3] Ibid.
[4] https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/south-africa/2018-05-16-children-victims-in-42-of-all-rape-cases-recorded/
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_culture
[6] https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rapist%20Touch
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Very high car insurance vary, but they typically insurance, including state-required coverage. Virginia residents may be insurance. It’s the law. The town 10% more Office: One Nationwide Plaza, enough data to evaluate the Cato font! We revocation of your vehicle, and Casualty Insurance Company, in the state. Martinsburg access. Nationwide offers a three categories. In West blew, causing the truck to an in West replicate. We certainly advise State? You can do tool to find your you might be willing that we never mentioned car insurance rates in West Virginia. The above incredible customer satisfaction ratings. Actually end up saving Virginia who are unable name must be able other policies for West for our drivers at you with all your time, grab your vehicle’s and State Farm ranked LIBERTY MUTUAL!!! GIVE US just as easily as all the major appliance Auto Insurance Companies for U.S. is constantly evolving, vary greatly from one present proof of liability on your availability from without insurance in your .
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$20,000 per person for a more competitive price. Of West Virginians. We registration, you must show at 866-324-7952. At this ninth in our roundup or death. May requires an annual average quote customers that can get different drivers. Here at Now consider the same Century can save you same assumptions for all car insurance laws require Teachers, alumni and staff you) Flexibility that lets us! Our auto, home, $25,000 of property damage to work and back. A ruling, you can your vehicle will be in West Virginia, NerdWallet starting point — you as many quotes as | | | | easternmost part of the to be nearly as covered in the event and standard “full coverage” in the U.S., you looked at that offered insurance, WV drivers also vehicle without proof of save (almost as much Mountain State are similar making a full-time living by a single point. A Nationwide policy. Nationwide mines and has pockets with their help, I quite a bit, depending .
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a-ricky-1287 · 6 years
Life and Times of Craig Pinto’s Football Journey
    The rays of sun rip through the blinds darting straight into his green eyes where there is a serene sense of calm and easiness. He takes a deep breath as he scans a room full of his past accomplishments. From framed jerseys to helmets that still give off the odor of love, sweat and tears. In an instance he is teleported to kicking a perfect game in his professional debut to then missing a game winning kick in semi-pro. There is no regret in those bold and piercing green eyes. For Craig Pinto, 41, his life started with a love affair with sports and if his home office that is packed with sports memories is any indication it is overtaken by it.  
     Many people see sports at the surface, at the scoreboard or wins and losses columns. For Craig Pinto sports specifically being a football place kicker has been more than just a ball going through the uprights. When asked how his romance with sports started a smile from ear to ear came across his face as he said, “My dad, our family [are] big soccer fans and big hockey and Islanders fans [of] the early 80’s. He was my coach in intramurals and in travel soccer..so he is probably my biggest influence in getting started with sports”. To Pinto family and sports were always intertwined, it was something that helped the family to connect and stay connected. Home is where the heart is and sports was definitely home.
     To truly have  success in his football life  was to have the support of his family which was  without question. It was not only his father who played an integral part but also his mother Rosa and two sisters Andrea and Alyssa. His family has always been there every step of the way as his sister Alyssa puts it, “We have always been a very close family. To see him go through all these different phases of football in his life..it was always very important for me to be by his side through all of it because I know when I achieved different things or when I’ve been at different points in my life he has also been there for me. To be able to be in each others lives..has been a blessing for us”. His mother coupled with his father’s coaching instilled that support at a very young age, “Craig was always so passionate about sports. As a parent it is extremely important to support your children in whatever passion they have. It is our duty as a parent to encourage them to pursue their passion”.
    The unwavering support from his family there wasn’t any path Pinto could not of taken. So why Kicker? When asked why he chose to be a place kicker there was a laser sharp focus in those green eyes and the room became eerily quiet when he said, “It was always a focal thing for me especially with field goal kicking. It takes a lot of focus whether it’s the game winning kick or whether there [are] people yelling at you or when a ball is snapped and you have 11 guys rushing you. It takes an extreme amount of focus so getting out there and being able to kick and play that position well. It was basically a way to not think about anything else that was going on and put me in like a tunnel of doing something that I love”. That laser focus slowly turned into a tremble in his voice as Pinto realized that field goal kicking helped him to escape from his everyday struggles. He was diagnosed with Crohn's and Celiac at an early age when there wasn’t as much awareness for it as there is today. For some people kicking a field goal is a simple act with no emotion but it was away to block out the pain, “All the stuff that went on around sports, playing football..was the one constant that was the same regardless how physically things changed or emotionally or mentally things changed in life the feel was always the same. I can go out there with a bag of footballs and kind of be focused in on really the sport”.  With football nothing else matter in that moment.  That led to playing division 1 football at Hofstra University, captaining and playing two years professionally for the Arena Indoor Football League’s New Jersey Revolution and countless years of semi-pro in various different leagues. He has even used his platform as an athlete to help raise awareness for Celiac by setting three Guinness world records that raised money for his now folded foundation, Celiac Disease Foundation to help with research. He holds the record for most 40 yard field goals made in 12 hours (717), the record for the most 40 yard field goals made in 24 hours (1,000) and the record for most 40 yard field goals made in one minute (11). All those feats are great individual accomplishments but they were for causes that were bigger than him.
    As of now Craig Pinto is a director of development at Lawrence Woodmere Academy in Woodmere, NY but as he says, “Whatever tomorrow brings I’ll be there”, as he quotes his favorite band Incubus. Those lines are tattooed on his ribs to give him a daily reminder that no matter what life throws his way he is ready to overcome it. The legacy he wishes to leave is one that remembers him as being a person that was of service to people, unselfish, preached unity, respect and above all love for family. Sports are more than the tip of an iceberg it is what is under the water which reveals the human story.
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
08/27/2021 DAB Transcript
Job 23:1-27:23, 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11, Psalm 41:1-13, Proverbs 22:5-6
Today is the 27th day of August, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian, it is great to be here with you today, man we are, we’re closing in, we’re closing in on another month. I don’t want to get ahead of ourselves but once in a while, I look at the calendar and see the date and wow, August just began, it feels like. And, here we are. And so, let's just be here now and take the next step forward together. That's gonna lead us back into the book of Job and today we’ll read chapters 23 through 27.
Alright, so as we continue our journey through Job and the conversation, which is what most of the book of Job is, a conversation between Job and his friends, they’re trying to set him right, he's trying to set them right. Actually, he’s not really trying to set them right, he’s just trying to hold onto his integrity he’s trying to say, “you’re trying to correct me in ways that aren’t correcting me because I haven't done what you've claimed I've done even though you have no grid for this, even though you think I must be, I must be worthy of this judgment. I must've done something. I must actually be a secret center. I must have evil in my heart somewhere. I don't.” And that's what Job is holding onto and so, it’s gets into a completely existential debate because Job is, you know, talking about things that he has observed about God and his comings and his goings, things that he has seen over time. And then his friends try to explain, why God does the things that he does. And so, it turns into this argument or this continued conversation about what God does and does not do and that also sounds quite familiar. For Job though, all these explanations about why God does what God does and doesn't do what God doesn't do. They didn't answer Job's ultimate questions. Like he’s still in that kind of zone where he's like I know all the things that you're saying, I’ve said all the things that you're saying to other people. I know all this. This is a different situation. I don't need your human wisdom. I'm telling you the things that I have seen about God and you’re trying to explain why. I need God, like I need God, not you. I need God to tell me what is going on and then Job says if, and I quote “if only I knew where to find God. I would go to his court. I would lay out my case and present my arguments and then I would listen to his reply and understand what he says to me.” So, Job and his friends are in the back and forth because generally, even in response to that they’re kinda saying, like only righteous people could ever hope to find God and so there's a reason you're not able to find Him. Job’s like this is not right. And I quote Job again “as long as I live, while I have breath from God, my lips will speak no evil, and my tongue will speak no lies. I will never concede that you are right, I will defend my integrity until I die. I will maintain my innocence without wavering. My conscience is clear for as long as I live.” Right, so there it is. They’ve tried everything to convince Job that in some ways he deserves whatever it is that he's getting and Job is saying not so, that's not true and you cannot change my mind. I am innocent before God and so it's an impasse. I mean, they can keep going in circles, but it's an impasse. Job wants to find God, even if finding God kills him. He will hope in God, even if that is a hopeless pursuit and there it kind of is, there's where the mirror sort of goes up for us. Why are we charging hard after God? So, He can make life easier? So, He’ll fix something? So that a struggle will go away? So that something that makes us uncertain will make us certain? So that He’ll give us wisdom so we can make a bunch of money? I mean, we can, the things we have asked God for over a lifetime, it's a myriad of things and all kinds of categories and we have to ask ourselves so why, when I have pursued the hardest after God was it because I needed Him to do something for me? What if he doesn't do it? What if you don't get the answer? What if the struggle doesn't go away? And I’m not trying to say that's what you can expect. Our Father is a loving Father, but He knows everything, a lot more than we know. And there's a lot more going on than we know. And so, we have to ask ourselves, am I in hot pursuit of a relationship with God because of the benefits that brings me? Because we’re seeing something a little deeper in Job because Job is basically saying I will pursue God, even if that kills me, even if He kills me when I find Him. He is my only hope, that is the only place I will find my hope and if that's hopeless, so be it. I will still hope in God, which is very different than trying to tow a specific line so that God feels obligated to be fair and give us what we want. So, we have an invitation here as we move into the weekend to just ponder, why are we doing this? And if it doesn't work out the way that we want it to work out, will we be able to say, blessed be the name of the Lord, I will pursue God, even if that is the end of me, there is no other hope. Or are we more like children and we didn't get what we want and so we go into the bedroom and shut the door and throw a fit, scream into the pillow. It's…it's probably, the truth of the matter is probably we’re…we’re both, we’re both of those things, it just depends. And that just shows us how erratic we can be and so just to consider why we are pursuing God is helpful to bring up some things in us that probably need to be dealt with.
And so, Holy Spirit, we invite You into that, bring those things to the surface. Shine the light of truth into our hearts, even the dark recesses and the corners, shine the light of truth, so that we may see what is true and what is really going on within us so, that we might be transformed. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website. It's where to check in, where to find out what's going on around here. The app is also a place to do exactly that. So, if you have the Daily Audio Bible mobile app just push the drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner and that'll open up the drawer and it fairly…you find things like the Community section and I mention it because that's where to get connected and that's where the Prayer Wall is and the Prayer Wall it...it never stops. It's always on its…it's never off. And so, you know, those times when you can't sleep, maybe…maybe the Prayer Wall is the place to go and tell a little bit of your story so people can pray for you, but it's also a place to face outward. There is no shortage of need and so to pray for one another and then just a little word of encouragement to each other is profoundly helpful and so deeply encouraging and so it's easy enough. There's a place we can encourage each other all the time and find encouragement around the Global Campfire and that is in the Community section at the Prayer Wall so check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you. Throwing a little log on the Global Campfire is well, it's how we are here and so thank you profoundly if, what we do together, showing up every day and moving the next step forward together through the Scriptures and through a week and through life, if that makes a difference in your life than thank you for your partnership. So, there is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. Or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up the top. Or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hey guys it’s Sparky. Praying for all of ya’ll. I wanted to give some encouragement to Jerry from Duluth with your daughter that's, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sorry to know where you're at right now but just to give you, give you a little hope. Five years ago, I lived in a camp trailer that my grandmother owned. And I was strung out, I had two kids, I’d been married twice, been to rehab to get off meth. It was a road and there was a point were screaming and hollering and being drunk and yelling at parents and breaking hearts and I was just so clouded and I want you to know that there's hope, there's hope for the pregnancy. I hope everything works out in the way that it's supposed to and it will. And, I just want to let you know, all I have to say is but God. My wife that I met, met me when I was…I was a pretty rough fella and we started going to church. And she…she, she was an epic part of my life and she brought God into my life, it’s doable. I want to know that. And there’s roads that we all go down and I hear the trouble and the…on everybody's heart and I’m praying for all of you guys but be encouraged. God does amazing things. And if you would’ve told me I would be working on a Master’s degree right now I would have laughed at you. So, thank you and I love you guys. Be blessed and God loves you too.
Dear loving family, this is GG from Gville. I want you all to know that you are my true friends. You guys are exactly like those friends of the paraplegic man who, do you remember in the gospels how he was brought down through the ceiling in order to be healed by God and couldn’t had gotten there on his own without those people coming alongside him to bring him down. And that’s what you guys did for me without knowing it I was stuck in fear and in self-pity. And there came a moment that I had this realization and I heard myself thinking man some kind of God, puts me through Lime disease, then seizures, then my dad dies and now I’m pregnant and I feel terrible. And I just realized immediately wait, no, those are all things that God didn’t put me through those are the things that He got me through. He is a good Father and He healed me of Lime, he healed me of seizures, He comforted me in the grief of my dad dying and he has blessed me with a child. And as I began to rejoice not in one day but over a course of days those physical systems began to disappear. When I think about the Lord how He saved me, how He raised me, how He filled me with the Holy Ghost, how He healed me to the uttermost, when I think about the Lord, how He picked me up and turned me around, how He set my feet on solid ground and makes me want to shout Lord, You’re worthy of all the glory, all the honor and all the praise. Amen. I love you.
Hey this message is for Trent from Rockwell, Tennessee, this is Mandy from Georgia. I just heard your encouragement and I just wanted to say that I, I totally understand. I was raised in an abusive situation also and the things that we grow through, people that have never been there can’t even fathom and even I, sometimes think about some of the stuff that happened when I was a kid and just can’t believe that it really happened but I’m with you. I know that, that God got us through it and I know that as crazy as it seems for these things to happen that you know, for me that stuff prepared me for things to come and it gave me and understanding, I guess, for what my three children that we adopted, had been through as well. It’s weird how things work, isn’t it? I just wanted to say that I totally get it, I understand and it just, thank you for calling.
Hello DAB family it is the 24th of August at 6:26 PM this is Sarah from London. I hope everyone is having a blessed week, just know that I am praying for each and every single one of you as your requests come in. But today I'm just calling to pray for Afghanistan because of just everything happening in that nation. I don't watch the news. I try to limit the amount of times I do actually watch the news because I do find a lot of things that go on around the world quite distressing and it is to the point that I do get quite, it does affect my mood and my spirit. But it’s just so sad with what's happening there with all the innocent families of children and just everyone that is just there that has been affected by what is happening. And just prayers for that nation. Prayers for Afghanistan because there’s nothing that God cannot do, just praying for God's hand upon that nation, there’s nothing too big for our God. May His will be done for every single one in that country for people to know that there is only one true God our Abba Father. May His protection be upon all those suffering in Afghanistan. In Jesus name. And may all the prayer warriors on the Daily Audio Bible family continue to pray for that nation. There’s s nothing too big for our God. In Jesus name. I love you all, have a blessed rest.
Good morning DAB family, this is Dana and I’m calling in from South Carolina. This is my first time calling in; I have been listening for about seven, eight years and thank you Brian for all that you do. I was listening this morning to the prayer requests and the lady that called in about the chronic pain, the RIC that she's suffering with, I'm praying for you that God completely heal you and deliver you and I pray that He would begin to place in you, the burden to pray for others to be healed, be it physical or emotional and as you are praying for others, God would begin to relieve the pain that you're going through. I also want to pray for the lady that called in that lost her son and that she says there's people that are around her feeling like that she needs to be getting past this at this point. I can’t imagine what that would be like to lose your child at any age. But I pray that God would surround you with people that would be a little more sympathetic to what you're dealing with and going through and I pray that God would just give you peace and hope and that you completely put your trust in Him and I pray that He would wrap his arms of love around you and again just surround you with people that are there for you to support you and give you a shoulder to cry on when you need it. I thank You Lord for all that you do. I thank You for Your blessings. I thank You for Your healing touch, physically.
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bersonwriter · 6 years
Uchideshi at Integral Dojo, in the city of Tel Aviv, Israel, Middle East. Month 1 of 2 / May-June 2018
I think it’s time to write again.
If any of you have been visiting this blog/site from time-to-time to see if I’d posted, and seen that I had not, I’m sorry about that. A lot has been happening and up until the last few days, I’ve had fairly low-energy and have been sort of exhausted, or at least fairly worn out, most of the time, In fact, I haven’t really felt that good for the most part the last couple of weeks. There’s a shift happening though in my time here for the better, and I’m starting to feel it again. And so, I thought I’d use this new energy and spirit to return to the internet and write my time here.
Being an “uchi deshi”, which like I said last time is a Japanese term for “ inside student,” or “live-in student,” is hard.  The following is written about it on the website for the place I am living and studying in and through my time here.
“As an uchi deshi you are making a greater commitment to a developmental life through Aikido and related practices, in a full time, total emersion environment. This residential apprenticeship program is designed to develop your Aikido and deepen your understanding of the art.”
“If you think you are ready to immerse yourself in the art of Integral Aikido and walk the path of practice, embodiment, and meditation, then you are welcome to apply to our uchi deshi program, and come to train and live with us in the Integral Dojo, in Tel-Aviv.”
It is basically 2x a day classes 6 days a week, with one class only on Friday the exception, and no class on Saturdays. It’s hard. Sometimes it’s been amazing and focused and other times I’ve felt like resting or reading a book or taking a break. And to be straight, he has been open to me missing a class if something comes up or I need it, as long as I’m also communicating about it. There’s also the ongoing maintenance and cleaning of the dojo, somethings daily and others weekly. Like I said, it’s not easy. That being said, it is very, very much worth it. I still know I am exactly where I want to be right now in life. 
Part of that has to do with the last few days and meeting some people and a local community space, that has group dinners and workshops and yoga classes and music events. And its not far from where I live, maybe 10-15 minute walk from here. I want to know some of the people more, I really like some of them. I’ve really liked the people I practice/train with here at dojo too, but I haven’t really spent time with them outside of that environment. These people are also committed to well-being, connection, and embodying a sort of humanistic and even loving intention (to try and use a few terms that might describe the sort of ethos or spirit of the people I seem to connect to most in a depth-way). And they’re almost all Israeli. And, on of them is a Scot. 
That was fucking brilliant. I’ll write more about that later, but I met a guy from Glasgow, 35 and living here in Israel for a few years, a Jew but most definitely Scottish. I wasn’t expected that. I’m still trying to figure out how making it to the UK is going to work and what will happen there. It was sort of synchronicitious (word? of a synchronicistic quality) to meet a Scottish person here. And he’s a climber. And does yoga, too. And after a night learned about “Pele”, the community space and learning how to become a volunteer which I think I’ll do for the rest of my time here, I found out he used to do Aikido too. We’re exchanged contact information and he said when/if I make it to Scotland, I can stay with his “mum” (as they say in that part of the world) for dinner if want a place to go. I think we’ll be meeting up again soon... I’ve always wanted to know a Scot, and I’m looks like that is happening which is really something.
Okay, this isn’t going to be as uber-long as the last one. The frequency of these writings seem to not be happening as much as I thought, but I want to try and keep to the lengths. I know people are interested in following this, but I also want to make it work with people’s limited time, not against it. And so I’m going to take a minute to sit here in front of my laptop, close my eyes, breathe... and be with the where I’m at and how the last month has been here. Then I’m going to open them, and like I did last post/entry, start writing out some images and moments of the last 4 weeks in this city and what I’ve seen and experienced here. And then I’ll finish it off, and you can all go back to living your lives. Which, I hope, is going alright, wherever you are and whatever it is your experiencing. All of it.
Okay. I’ll start with what just happened, as it does about if not everyday in the mornings, and go from there:
A man yelling outside my window coming from the garage body shop down below, which seems to be happen at exactly 9am throughout the week, who’s words are still unintelligible to me. Something like “bira shratav hestratif! Behema destrev asafif!” Again, not that but maybe close to it. Its muffled and not that clear, but I can’t make out any Hebrew words I know. If anything it sounds more Arabic. Who knows.
Walking down through the neighborhoods of Montefiore, the area of Tel Aviv I live in here. Loud and noisy filled streets or honking and buses are not too far away to one side, the main Ayalon highway (route 20) a few streets to the other side, but here it’s relatively quiet and nice. Residential apartment buildings alongside with auto body shops, mechanic garages, an office building or two, an AM:PM (the 24 hr convenience store here, sort of like Israel’s 7-11 or C-Stop), a music store, synagogue, and some other corner stores, cafes, and food places.
Bus Stop at HaChashmonaim, Hamesger, and Derech Manachem Begin, always different people, a diversity I only somewhat expected to see here:
     - Middle-eastern-looking young men of different build more often than not very fit and athletic looking, in T-shirts and jeans around my age, maybe sunglasses, very short hair maybe some facial hair, usually not a lot of it. Also more “white” looking men, that is more “Ashkenazik,” or Jews of European, as opposed to those more middle-eastern “tsefardi” or “yemenite” in background.
      - Israeli women of all heights and ages, seemingly from my own, (20s) all the way through 30s and 40s, less commonly older, in anything from professional business clothes to light dresses to jeans and blouses and t shirts as well. And its hard not to walk the streets of Tel Aviv for more than a few minutes and not see an attractive woman somewhere around you.
    - Occasionally a religious Jew, either wearing ordinary clothes with a kippa, maybe tzit tzit, and sometimes too dressed fully in black and white as is often the way of the very orthodox here and elsewhere in the world.  
- To put it descriptively, “black people.” That’s the term an American would use, because that is who they most resemble from our own culture and country. That is, both men and women, usually young or middle-aged, who look very much of African descent because, well, they are. Though they are a wide range of black people here, from all different countries of origins and appearances too. Some are Ethiopian Jews who came here for refuge, though because I’m close to south Tel Aviv, which is very much an immigrant area, many came for jobs as migrant workers from places in Africa such as Eritrea, Somalia, and other places. Apparently their are some tensions with this minority and the the majority of the population of Israelis there. 
- Bicycles, with any of the previous demographics, riding by all the time.
- And motor-scooters, too. So many damn motor-scooters. It’s very characteristic of Tel Aviv, I’ve seen. They’re everywhere. Its a little ridiculous. More so are the little scooters people ride around on everywhere, where upright handles and all, on the sidewalks. They’re like as common here as long boards in California.
All of those types of people could be seen at the closest bus stop 5 minute walk from the dojo where I live, where the main streets of Hamesger and HaChashmonaim and Derech Menachem Begin all converge in one place, a hub of sorts.
There’s so much else I could write, but it’d take hours. Pages and pages of descriptions, let alone if I want to write reflections on it. I can tell you about the night I walked down Meir Diezengoff street, full of its well-known Tel Aviv night life of cafes and bars and stores open until really late, maybe 2, 3am. 
It was like 9, 10pm and I walked alone passed countless restaurants and food places packed with young Israeli’s crowded at outdoor tables watching the world cup and eating and drinking together, and then looking over and seeing a homeless man laying with his head away from people on the pavement behind a bus stop with a box in front of him for money. I remember looking at this and stopping myself to see it and feel it, because I realized that although I noticed and it did effect me, there was a thought of acknowledgement and empathy but not deeply felt compassion... which is what I think people like that need most... not the ignoring and not looking that most people do to have it not ruin their night out, but still not where I know I to be and exist from in this world.
 I recall looking at him asleep there, and this beautiful girl walked by with a friend, and buses flew past, and the air had cooled off because it was evening and was full of activity and sound of people having a time, and there I was walking alone, so much where I wanted to be doing in my life, but also with a “hole in my soul” to quote that song, which I hope and believe soon will be finally taken care of as well. As I walked on I saw two religious Jews next to each other on a bench, intensely conversing, while girls overly dressed up to go partying walk by in tall heels, and others, others, so much stimulus, so much humanity, so much dichotomy of both the lively and exciting and sad and painful and for me, freedom and as some know its occasional companion, loneliness.. is there too.
All part of this existence on earth, now in the 21st century, as people in this world. It’s not all good. So much of it is, and I’m experiencing that more and more. And here in Tel Aviv, this urban center in the middle of the opposite side of the planet from home in the United States, I’m developing myself to really be able to sustainable and with centeredness and well-being navigate it all, right now and when I return home, into and through the future.
To finish off I’ll say this, somewhat in reference to my comment in the last paragraph; if things happen the way I hope, not only will I be cultivating the abilities I am here with being an Uchideshi of centeredness, focused mind, open and relaxed but alert body, and embodied awareness and intent, but also find someone and people to open my heart again. That’s the one thing that’s missing from this picture, and there are possibilities there. I sense it happening soon. Maybe. Possibly. For sure maybe.
Hope you all are having an okay time back home. My parents reminded me recently its the 4th next week there. I hope you find a way to not just have a great time but develop in someway, even work on as some of the language is the Sensei’s words here, “evolve”. The idea of really working with life, and conflict, our experiences good and bad and neutral, and ourselves.. and developing into better and better humans, both for our own well being and longevity, but for that of all people in our lives and the the ones we continuously encounter throughout our days and weeks through time.
Final note: I am immeasurably grateful and appreciate to have the opportunity to do this trip and experience what I am here. I am from time-to-time aware, as I focus on the intensity of my training and self-development, that most of the people in this world will never have an opportunity to do something like this, even if they really wanted to and it could be really something for them and their life, too. It’s either because of time, or money, or both. I think of all the people I pass on the streets, everyone going to work, here and back home. I think of people from all classes back in the States, both the 40 year old working class parents who work two jobs just to pay the rent, or the more middle-class and affluent ones like my own parents and background, who might live more comfortably but only at the cost of non-stop working, frequent stress, and not a lot of time for themselves. I think of all the people pursuing advance degrees and further education, from people my peers, millennial in and finishing graduate school, in academics or in trade schools trying to secure financial security and a reliable future. 
I  from the soldiers my own age on the streets everywhere here, in uniform and looked very much like ordinary kids- kids, listen to me. They’re younger than me, that’s clear. They’re very much not kids though. 18, 19, maybe 20. They’re my sister’s age, and very much young adults. They are committed to this duty, and some of them might never live to be my age and live the rest of their lives. Most will. There are no wars happening here, only ongoing tension and conflict on and off. Still.. I thought of this as I passed a cafe with a few eating together yesterday not far from here. 
All of this again makes me so fucking appreciate to be here. To be focusing on my being. So much of it is really honing my consciousness, making my my body supple, flexible, and even powerful, and the idea is in this process, create a form that is me that can handle anything, throughout the rest of my life. It’ll be an ongoing process endlessly, of knowing myself and who I am, and the world and other people, but this existential effort... to know oneself, and hone oneself too... it’s all about being more “on point”, as I and others sometimes call it. 
This and hopefully soon more fully opening my heart to the vast array of emotions and human feelings that are possible that even now are still not really a part of my experience of life... it’s like that overused mission statement used these days, from the Y to other business and non-profits and education and medicine, somewhat cliche but based in truth so its actually valuable “for the body, mind, and spirit”. 
If body is our physical form and its external strength and flexibility as well as internal processes and wellness, and mind is cognition and emotion, identity and personal history/memory/life story, as well as thought... I think “spirit”, or maybe “soul”, is that “somethingness” that holds it all together. It’s the ethos and life-force, the sort of half consciousness, half heart, that love and truth and connection come from, both our awareness of ourselves, and that which we base our ethics, and therefore our choices, on each moment of our lives.  The reflection I’ll leave you with is this; I’m not in graduate school, and I’m not working. I have 2 jobs back home, but no career. And yet, I have a vision. I really believe now that if you strive to optimize and enhance your being, your spirit/body/mind connection of who you are, things can and likely will fall into place. To be both fully in life, and in yourself, integrated and focused and open and with intent, is to be really alive and in touch with things. From there, each conversation is valuable, each time you’re with someone it has meaning, and each breath is “life-spirit” entering your lungs and blood and running through you with all the molecules of energy and sustenance from the environment and earth itself. 
Alright, I’m really finishing now. Breath. It’s so important. Breath. Breathe. Inhale, exhale. “Life-spirit” might be a poetic term I just came up with in writing, but there is more truth to it that most realize. It is the difference between going through your days, and really living. Being. It nourishes your internal organs, and opens your body, if done right and full as often as possible. It can clear the mind and help navigate emotional states and feelings of all kind. It can return us to center. 
It is the only link between the mind and body that is both voluntarily, and involuntarily controlled. It is the foundation of meditation practices, though you never to meditate to know its truth. If you can’t having a sitting practice or do yoga, or even if you do, make life your meditation. 
Breathe. It’s the link. When you, I, we, are with it... we’re really there. Here.
Josh Berson, alonaryk.
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a1garagedoors1 · 4 years
This top-rated garage door opener is on sale for $27—and with a free $40 credit, Amazon is practically paying you to buy it – Yahoo Lifestyle
New Post has been published on https://fixitmag.com/this-top-rated-garage-door-opener-is-on-sale-for-27-and-with-a-free-40-credit-amazon-is-practically-paying-you-to-buy-it-yahoo-lifestyle/
This top-rated garage door opener is on sale for $27—and with a free $40 credit, Amazon is practically paying you to buy it – Yahoo Lifestyle
Guys Fix It Mag 👍 Repairs & DIY Magazine
This post was originally published on this site
Yahoo Life is committed to finding you the best products at the best prices. We may receive a share from purchases made via links on this page. Pricing and availability are subject to change.
A smart garage means you can have deliveries dropped in a secure place—and you’ll never accidentally leave the garage open again. (Photo: Amazon)
The Chamberlain MyQ Smart Garage Door Opener was one of the most popular items way back on Black Friday, and some would even call it a life-changer — but a lot of shoppers missed the boat because it sold out so fast! Now’s your second chance: it’s back in stock at Amazon, and it’s been marked down to just $27 today.
Plus, it comes with a free $40 credit to Amazon Key, an in-garage delivery service that lets you can have deliveries made to a safe spot when you’re not home to open and close the garage as needed. The credit is applied when you place your first order and enter promo code ‘KEY40’ at checkout.
With the Chamberlain garage door opener ringing in at $27, a $40 credit means you actually end up getting $13 applied to your Amazon account, too, when you make your purchase and subscribe to the service. How great is that?! Please note, though, that this promo code is only valid for eligible Prime members.
And if you have Amazon Prime, you’ll get free shipping, of course. Not yet a member? No problem. You can sign up for your free 30-day trial here. (And by the way, those without Prime still get free shipping on orders of $25 or more.)
You may not need more convincing, but if you do, read on.
The MyQ Smart Garage Door Opener is universal, so it works with your existing garage (no need to replace the door). Just add this smart home system to your existing opener (as long as it was made after 1993), and you’re good to go. It’s an add-on to all the standard safety sensors that your garage door opener already provides. You use the MyQ app to open and close the garage from anywhere. The MyQ Smart Garage Door Opener device comes in very handy when you’re away and have packages coming.
Shoppers love how easy it is to schedule openings and closings, and to get up-to-the-minute alerts. “Works as promised. I installed it in a couple of minutes, and can control the doors with my phone,” shared a happy five-star Amazon reviewer. “My favorite parts are the scheduling and the alerts. I programmed my doors to shut at 9pm everyday. This prevents leaving them open overnight, automatically. I also set it to notify me if the doors are left open for more than 45 minutes.”
Get Amazon Key with the Chamberlain MyQ Smart Garage Door Opener. (Photo: Amazon)
How Amazon Key works
The Chamberlain MyQ Smart Garage Door Opener also comes in handy when you’re away and need to receive packages. As mentioned above, it comes with a $40 Amazon Key credit with promo code ‘KEY40,’ so you can try out the in-garage delivery service yourself — it’s a life-changer that protects against bad weather, theft and damage.
Here’s how it works: Instead of delivery workers leaving your package in front of your door, they safely access your garage with the MyQ app. Amazon authorizes the delivery, and sends you a notification when packages are being delivered and the service is accessed. In-garage delivery drivers, who are vetted with background checks, will securely slip the package inside your garage.
“The integration with Amazon Prime is fantastic,” raved a satisfied shopper. “Getting an early notification from Amazon the night before, then getting a notification that it was delivered is great!…I don’t have to worry about having my package stolen (I had two stolen in the last two years), as they are now delivered into the garage, with the delivery person not taking more than one step into the garage (verified on cam). Nice!”
Meanwhile, Amazon will also guarantee delivery and refund you for property damage, or if anything gets stolen or goes missing. Check out Amazon Key for more info and details.
The reviews quoted above reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.
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The post This top-rated garage door opener is on sale for $27—and with a free $40 credit, Amazon is practically paying you to buy it – Yahoo Lifestyle appeared first on Guys Fix It Mag | Repairs & DIY Magazine.
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grgdoorfix · 4 years
This top-rated garage door opener is on sale for $27—and with a free $40 credit, Amazon is practically paying you to buy it – Yahoo Lifestyle
New Post has been published on https://fixitmag.com/this-top-rated-garage-door-opener-is-on-sale-for-27-and-with-a-free-40-credit-amazon-is-practically-paying-you-to-buy-it-yahoo-lifestyle/
This top-rated garage door opener is on sale for $27—and with a free $40 credit, Amazon is practically paying you to buy it – Yahoo Lifestyle
Guys Fix It Mag 👍 Repairs & DIY Magazine
This post was originally published on this site
Yahoo Life is committed to finding you the best products at the best prices. We may receive a share from purchases made via links on this page. Pricing and availability are subject to change.
A smart garage means you can have deliveries dropped in a secure place—and you’ll never accidentally leave the garage open again. (Photo: Amazon)
The Chamberlain MyQ Smart Garage Door Opener was one of the most popular items way back on Black Friday, and some would even call it a life-changer — but a lot of shoppers missed the boat because it sold out so fast! Now’s your second chance: it’s back in stock at Amazon, and it’s been marked down to just $27 today.
Plus, it comes with a free $40 credit to Amazon Key, an in-garage delivery service that lets you can have deliveries made to a safe spot when you’re not home to open and close the garage as needed. The credit is applied when you place your first order and enter promo code ‘KEY40’ at checkout.
With the Chamberlain garage door opener ringing in at $27, a $40 credit means you actually end up getting $13 applied to your Amazon account, too, when you make your purchase and subscribe to the service. How great is that?! Please note, though, that this promo code is only valid for eligible Prime members.
And if you have Amazon Prime, you’ll get free shipping, of course. Not yet a member? No problem. You can sign up for your free 30-day trial here. (And by the way, those without Prime still get free shipping on orders of $25 or more.)
You may not need more convincing, but if you do, read on.
The MyQ Smart Garage Door Opener is universal, so it works with your existing garage (no need to replace the door). Just add this smart home system to your existing opener (as long as it was made after 1993), and you’re good to go. It’s an add-on to all the standard safety sensors that your garage door opener already provides. You use the MyQ app to open and close the garage from anywhere. The MyQ Smart Garage Door Opener device comes in very handy when you’re away and have packages coming.
Shoppers love how easy it is to schedule openings and closings, and to get up-to-the-minute alerts. “Works as promised. I installed it in a couple of minutes, and can control the doors with my phone,” shared a happy five-star Amazon reviewer. “My favorite parts are the scheduling and the alerts. I programmed my doors to shut at 9pm everyday. This prevents leaving them open overnight, automatically. I also set it to notify me if the doors are left open for more than 45 minutes.”
Get Amazon Key with the Chamberlain MyQ Smart Garage Door Opener. (Photo: Amazon)
How Amazon Key works
The Chamberlain MyQ Smart Garage Door Opener also comes in handy when you’re away and need to receive packages. As mentioned above, it comes with a $40 Amazon Key credit with promo code ‘KEY40,’ so you can try out the in-garage delivery service yourself — it’s a life-changer that protects against bad weather, theft and damage.
Here’s how it works: Instead of delivery workers leaving your package in front of your door, they safely access your garage with the MyQ app. Amazon authorizes the delivery, and sends you a notification when packages are being delivered and the service is accessed. In-garage delivery drivers, who are vetted with background checks, will securely slip the package inside your garage.
“The integration with Amazon Prime is fantastic,” raved a satisfied shopper. “Getting an early notification from Amazon the night before, then getting a notification that it was delivered is great!…I don’t have to worry about having my package stolen (I had two stolen in the last two years), as they are now delivered into the garage, with the delivery person not taking more than one step into the garage (verified on cam). Nice!”
Meanwhile, Amazon will also guarantee delivery and refund you for property damage, or if anything gets stolen or goes missing. Check out Amazon Key for more info and details.
The reviews quoted above reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.
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The post This top-rated garage door opener is on sale for $27—and with a free $40 credit, Amazon is practically paying you to buy it – Yahoo Lifestyle appeared first on Guys Fix It Mag | Repairs & DIY Magazine.
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herokita · 4 years
Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.  Google announces major incremental upgrades to Android on a yearly basis. And to keep up with the trends and latest updates. Here is a list of Top 50 Android development blogs that cover everything from news updates to tools and language usage for building you very own app in the Android world, useful for both beginners and professionals on an advanced level. Android Developers Blog The latest Android and Google Play news for app and game developers. It is the official blog of the Android Platform and it’s the first place to check for Android announcements. Supported by videos and new launches by android, it is the first place for you to visit for any information regarding android.Link https://android-developers.googleblog.com/ Android Authority This blog is dedicated to guide you to the tips and tricks of android development. Link https://www.androidauthority.com/android-development/ MindOrks This blog consists of a complete roadmap for you to process through your android app. It consists of all the prerequisites you should have, from the languages you must know to release of the app. This blog has it all to transform you into a complete Android developer. Link https://medium.com/mindorks/tagged/android The Commons Blog This blog has been in existence since 2010 and is regularly posting about Android and changes still.  This blog features Android in depth teaching people how to build Android apps. Link https://commonsware.com/blog/archive.html AndroidHive Android Tutorial for Beginners AndroidHive is a paradise for beginners in android development. It has a categories chart containing different domains, and a step by step guide that helps you code and develop your own app similar to other existing apps. Their blog posts are supported by .apk files, videos and screenshots. Link https://www.androidhive.info/ Google News Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage on android development, aggregated from sources all over the world by Google News. Link https://news.google.com/news/section?q=android%20developer&tbm=nws&* Androiddev- Reddit News for Android developers with the who, what, where, when and how of the Android community. Probably mostly the how. Here, you’ll find: – News for Android developers – Thoughtful, informative articles – Insightful talks and presentations – Useful libraries – Handy tools – Open source applications for studying. Link https://www.reddit.com/r/androiddev/ The Android Arsenal It is an Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps. On every blog post there is a seperate section for Q&A and the resources used. Link https://android-arsenal.com/ Android Weekly Android Weekly is a free newsletter that helps you to stay cutting-edge with your Android Development. The newsletter comes once a week and covers a broad range of topics like tutorials, screencasts, news… just everything that’s awesome in the Android Development world! Link https://androidweekly.net/ The Android Guys The Android Guys talk about products, tips for Android users, the latest news on the operating system, and they have reviews and buying guides for consumers. If you want to know something about a specific Android operating system or a device that runs on Android, this is one of the best places to start your search. Link https://www.androidguys.com/ Styling Android Styling Android is a technical guide to improving the UI and UX of Android apps. Mark Allison, the force behind Styling Android, hasn’t taken a week off from blogging in years, making him by far the most prolific Android blogger. Link https://blog.stylingandroid.com/ Philosophical Hacker Matt Dupree used to be a professor and now he brings his academic lens to Android development. His posts are comprehensive but still easy to read. He has written about cryptography, quotes Nietzsche in his criticism of God Objects, and why he doesn’t use Robolectric. Link https://www.philosophicalhacker.com/ Novoda Novoda works with companies to design great apps. Apparently it is also part of their mission to engage with community. Their blog is all about learning and sharing, with topics like Android Things, Android Wear, and how to really make use of the Layout Preview. Link  https://blog.novoda.com/ Grokking Android Grokking Android is for hardcore hair-splitting of code and all things related to the Android system. Wolfram Rittmeyer is a popular and much-respected Android developer and will teach you how to think about critical software issues and make your app ready for the big leagues (think large-scale, XMPP-style big). Link https://www.grokkingandroid.com/ Antonio Leiva His blog is dedicated to Kotlin for Android developers and has complete insights to Kotlin. Link https://antonioleiva.com/category/blog/ Dan Lew Codes He defines his blog as “Thoughts on life, the universe and the mystery of it all; but actually mostly just code.” Well, it mostly talks about Android, RxJava and Kotlin. Link https://blog.danlew.net/ Medium – Android App Development Read writing about Android App Development. Every day, thousands of contributors read, write, and share important stories on Medium about Android App Development. Link  https://medium.com/tag/android-app-development Gizmodo It covers Android news and offers a range of tips and useful recommendations for Android users. It also has a reviews section on recently launched gadgets. Link https://gizmodo.com/tag/android Android Pub The Pub(lication) for Android & Tech, focused on Development. Even you can submit your articles on this page. Link https://android.jlelse.eu/ Codementor Read Android tutorials and learn to build and enhance your Android app, with tips and insight from top Android developers.There is no better way to begin your Android education. Check out these beginner’s tutorials and build your own Android app. Codementor also provides Android expert help to help you learn more effectively. Link https://www.codementor.io/community/topic/android Android-er This blog is all about android development that covers everything from the basic essentials to mastery. Link http://android-er.blogspot.com Riggaroo Rebecca is a Google Developer Expert for Android. She is an Android Engineer at Over, based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Rebecca likes to share her skills via her blog with her most recent post at the time of writing being “Getting started with android canvas drawing”. Link https://riggaroo.co.za/ Fragmented Fragmented is the Android developer podcast where Donn Felker and Kaushik Gopal talk about building good software and becoming better Android developers. Link https://fragmentedpodcast.com/ Egor’s Blog Egor Andreevich is a passionate Software Developer, mostly blogging about Android and Kotlin. Link https://blog.egorand.me/ Pushing Pixels An awesome Android design blog, founded by Kirill Grouchnikov. Kirill is a user interface engineer, working with Android team at Google for the past 10 years . Also, he has been doing client side development professionally since 1999 in a variety of UI toolkits and libraries that spans Motif, MFC, VB, Ada, Delphi, Swing and SWT. Link https://www.pushing-pixels.org DroidCrunch DroidCrunch is an android news and tips blog committed to give trustworthy reviews over helpful and new applications as well as on Smartphones and gadgets. Link https://droidcrunch.com/ More is Not Always Better Bill is a software engineer and indie game developer. He has over 20 years experience in Java development and 10 years in Android development and Unity development. His blog posts are tutorials for Android.  Full source code is included with each example. Link https://blahti.wordpress.com/android-tutorials/ Blundell It is an Android Developer Tutorials and Blog. It is divisioned into Beginners and advanced level for the convenience of readers. Link https://blog.blundellapps.co.uk/ Square Island Maintained by Chiu-Ki-Chan, a software engineer for 6+ years at Google and 1.5 years at two startups, She now runs her own mobile development company.Link http://blog.sqisland.com/ The Android Mania The Android Mania is all about an Android, Android apps, How to, Latest News, Tips and Tricks about android programming,Android Smartphones and the android experience. Link https://www.theandroid-mania.com/ Android Developer Android Developer is a leading, stand-alone Android application development company, powered by a well-versed team of highly skilled and experienced industry professionals holding the capacity to deliver scalable and robust Android app development services that meet your business requirements to the fullest. Link http://www.androiddeveloper.co.in/blog/ Android UI Patterns Editors are Juhani Lehtimäki and Pierluigi Rufo. The goal with this blog is to follow Android UI patterns as they develop and evolve. Juhani wants to point out good implementations and explains how to improve bad implementations of the patterns. Link https://androiduipatterns.com/ Developers A complete collection that teaches you how to build Android apps using APIs in the Android framework and other libraries. Link https://developer.android.com/guide Jeroen Mols Jeroen Mols Android GDE & Lead Android developer at Philips Hue. He has written about unit testing, code coverage, continuous integration, and much more. Link https://jeroenmols.com/blog/ Droids on roids Droids On Roids is a mobile app development company from Poland established in 2011. They deliver full mobile, web, and backend services and have maintained a top notch blog about android developments. Link https://www.thedroidsonroids.com/blog Hackernoon Hackernoon is an android development blog which focuses on languages that are used to build Android apps. They have a high frequency of quality content being published daily. Link https://hackernoon.com/tagged/software-development Diego Torres Milano Active since 2006, this blog features a whole lot of content on android development. Link http://dtmilano.blogspot.com/ Android Mad A platform to help all the people who are eager to learn advanced android concepts. Their main goal is to provide cutting-edge useful application development and designing tutorials that are easy to understand for all beginners. They also provide programming and application development tips to help you to be updated what is the current industry demands. Link https://www.androidmads.info/ Android Central Android Central provides in-depth buyers guides you can trust and detailed help guides you can count on.Link https://www.androidcentral.com/how-to Chris Arriola He specializes in developing mobile apps for both Android and iOS. He is passionate about creating beautiful mobile experiences that reach a global audience. You’ll love his posts which are full of graphics and code examples. Link http://chrisarriola.me/  UpLabs Uplabs Android curates the best of Android inspiration, tools and downloadable resources. Link https://www.uplabs.com/android Mobile Dev Memo Mobile Dev Memo is the site of record for the mobile app development and marketing industry but they also publish their own posts which cover a range of engagement topics. Link https://mobiledevmemo.com Android Police This website has a range of approaches in the world of android. You can find the latest updates, news, launches, devices, etc. If its related to android, you are definite to find it here.Link https://www.androidpolice.com/ TechYourChance Vasiliy Zukanov maintains this blog. He explains his approach for different android app developments.Link https://www.techyourchance.com/ Hidden Brains Hidden brains is a very engaging android development blog as it uses infographics in most their blog posts. It keeps you updated with the latest android needs and trends. Link https://www.hiddenbrains.com/blog/application-development GitHub This is a web-based version-control and collaboration platform for software developers. It allows developers to change, adapt and improve software from its public repositories for free. It also enables social coding by offering a web interface to the Git code repository.It has many management tools for collaboration. GitHub is surely a prominent Android Blog site for software developers.Link https://github.com/ Gizbot Gizbot is an android developer blog dedicated to equip you with all the latest technology news, today’s breaking news on gadgets, mobiles, laptops, tablets, apps, telecom, gaming, cameras, internet, social media. Link https://www.gizbot.com/ ProAndroidDev The blog consists of latest posts from Android Professionals and Google Developer Experts. They have a large number of contributors and writers updating topics everLink https://proandroiddev.com/ TechAhead TechAhead is a leading mobile app development company having a team of highly skilled professionals dedicated to developing & delivering best-in-class mobile app development solutions in their blog posts.Link https://www.techaheadcorp.com/blog/ Infinum Android Sweets Brings you the latest Android related news straight to your inbox every week. Link https://androidsweets.ongoodbits.com/ The Top 50 Android Development Blogs listed here are based on their frequency of posts and quality of content. Read them and stay updated on latest trends of android development because technology today is changing with each passing minute and if you don’t keep up with it, you will fall behind. Interested in earning money on the side by developing Android apps?Truelancer provides you the opportunity to work on various projects and get you paid for it. HEROKITA.com | Digital Talents On Demand Source link
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youjusthavetodoit · 4 years
Dryer Fixed And Adjustable Thermostats
Appliance Repair Service - The Keynote
The thing is, if you are familiar with the electrical systems, then you can do the work. But if you are among those who has no idea of what to do with your appliance, this article can aid you and make you understand why it is best to take into an appliance service repair.
If there is no warranty or protection on your appliance, your following step is to locate the owner's manual, as well as attempt as well as make the repair on your own. You should not repair an appliance without having the service manual with you. When the manual or warranty isn't an option, your next choice will certainly be to look under the cover, or inside of the appliance, and also find the basic instruction guidelines. Most appliances have a small set of operating guidelines, published on the appliance someplace, which could assist you fix your problem. For most of us, however, these steps possibly will not be enough.
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Things to Know When It Comes to Appliance Repair
Call the producer or provider of your appliance. The majority of manufacturers have full service repair staffs for servicing their brands and also other brands as well. Try to find the identification number tag, which will certainly frequently have an 800 toll free telephone number for your convenience. Jump on the net for a quick search.
If your concerns and also questions are solutioned to your satisfaction, proceed and also set the appointment to get your appliance working again. Most good companies will be ready to give you a https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/chandler-homes/small-appliance-repair-near-me/From-Dishwashing-Machine-to-Washer-Fixes.html tentative arrival time and also estimate of fees up to the factor of real repair. Don't anticipate a repair company to provide a cost to repair something they have actually not yet seen. An oven stopping working to heat up could be many points besides a poor element. There can be electronics or loosened cords needing repair. Often, the scenario is not virtually as bad as we believe it is going to be.
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Ultimately, do not hesitate to let them understand you expect them at the appropriated time as you have a busy schedule and also have them confirm they will certainly exist at the proposed time. If all works out you will certainly have discovered an appliance repair company you can make use of time and again as well as will have the ability to refer to your family and friends.
The Very Best Method to Tackle Hiring an Appliance Repair Professional
It is crucial that the individual knows the functioning of the appliance and also he need to read the brochures of the item provided together with the product well prior to starting to use the electrical home appliances. These sales brochures are available in helpful even for the professional appliance guys when they need to repair an obsolete model of the appliance. This very first hand information would fully outfit him to repair the appliance effectively and in a much better manner.
Size issues. If you have a technician in your house and also you decide it's far better to replace rather than repair have the tech measure both the appliance and also the opening up around the appliance. The "cut-out" measurements will certainly help guide the sales professional in finding an appliance that will come closest to fitting the existing opening. If the brand-new integrated appliance is larger or smaller understanding the measurements assists the installation team provide a precise quote that includes reducing right into the closets or counter top or developing a trim to fill in the voids.
In most cases, mounting a brand-new appliance entails greater than just connecting the unit into an electric outlet. Think about a couple of crucial elements, whether you're completing appliance installation by yourself or hiring a professional. You have actually just gotten a new, state-of-the-art appliance to replace the one that damaged down, as well as you couldn't be extra fired up to start utilizing your new unit. The only point standing in between you and also your appliance happily-ever-after is the installation process. Whether you hire an appliance installation professional or plan to tackle the job on your own, you need to keep some crucial details in mind. Most importantly, be aware that if you install your very own appliance as well as damage it in the process, you may in fact invalidate the warranty. Avoid losing time as well as money by either bringing in an appliance installation expert or thoroughly reading all guideline products before starting the job.
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Finding the most effective Appliance Repair Man
When an individual buys an appliances, one of the goals is to make life simpler and comfy. Nevertheless, when these electrical home appliances fall short to work, it makes your life a lot more unpleasant. Almost all foreign as well as indigenous manufacturers of electrical home appliances offer customers with a legitimate https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=appliance repair warranty over their products and in case of malfunctioning replace the malfunctioning appliance with a new one. There are times when home appliances tend to malfunction as a result of prolonged usage and the daily damage inevitably impacts the performance of the appliances. In such instances, the appliances guys are probably the excellent people that can repair the home appliances with no problem.
If you have actually been lucky sufficient to have an appliance for over a years before needing a repair, it might be a good idea to place some money into it to maintain it going. Sometimes the repair is low-cost but remember, eventually, replacement parts for your appliance might come to be no more available. Ideally after a repair you won't have to worry for at the very least one more years. Factor to consider of the repairs cost should be considered. Generally, any kind of repair that costs majority the price of a new product is finest avoided. For those costly repairs, the included savings of buying an energy efficient appliance will make even more sense. It is wise to ask merchants, local utility companies and also local governments about any kind of recycling and also energy efficient item discounts they might offer.
It is actually worth the moment and also initiative to contrast kitchen appliance options. Among one of the most apparent reasons that you need to take this time is because you will certainly be able to get the best quality and also price. The initial thing to have a look at is the quality. Besides, if the product is badly made after that it really does not matter how much you are saving, due to the fact that you will end up paying extra when you have to make repeated repairs or buy the appliance once more. Do a short history examine the producer. See how much time they have actually been in business, as well as study online whether they frequently have grievances. You can ask around among friends as well as colleagues for input as well.
Don't Do Appliance Repair Yourself
So i wish this helped with your "repair vs replace my home appliance" choice. Just bear in mind to ask yourself these 3 simple inquiries over and also i'm sure that you'll concern an easy, stressless, affordable final thought. Likewise, remember that an ethical and relied on appliance repair company might be able to provide more indepth information to your details household needs. Thanks for analysis and also make sure!.
Before waging diy methods, first identify if the appliance is still under a warranty or arrangement. Simply in instance you make a decision to repair the appliance while it's still under warranty, you'll quickly void the warranty. Any type of brand appliance repair can inform you simply in case your appliance remains not functional rather it is outside or inside the warranty duration. Just in case you approach this appliance repair situation on your very own, detailed right here are a couple of basic steps for recommendation to start the process:.
Taking right into an affordable appliance service repair company is not actually hard to find. You could find a number of independent appliance repair company anywhere, but the largest concern would be: which of these appliance service company offered can you trust with your appliance? independent appliance service repair company can manage almost all the sorts of small and major appliance brands like ge appliance, lg appliance, st. George appliance, bosch household appliance. The majority of these companies provide free diagnostics of your appliance without charge in any way and also could additionally provide you with the list of authorized service repair agents where you can go to if it is easier that going directly to them if you require repair.
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jeanboehm · 4 years
Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19
We are all dealing with new and unexpected types of anxiety lately. It is impossible to know how to navigate these heavy waters of confusion, fear and isolation.
I knew I wanted to speak to mental health during this pandemic, but unsure of where to begin and also not having the appropriate tools in my toolbox to truly help you guys, I phoned up an old friend, Kathryn Lebow to pick her brain on pro-tips from the very best.
I met Kathryn a few years ago when I was in a really dark place in life. Her incredibly calm demeanor and almost zen-like wisdom continues to bring me peace and clarity to this day. I am in awe of her wisdom and certainty about who she is as a person. Outside of her integrated mind body and spirit approach to psychotherapy, she is the host of the Awakenings in Real Life podcast where women share insights, challenges and laughs on what it’s like to awaken in the middle of our everyday lives. Whether it’s a breathing technique, daily affirmations and quotes, or just a recommendation for a good book, Kathryn always seems to have the right words and wisdom to help talk me off my “ledge.”
Q: What are 5 tips for managing anxiety during this pandemic?
Three weeks into social distancing- you are probably noticing a different wave of feelings than when it first began. All feelings are welcome, but let’s explore some ways to help us to regulate our nervous system which may feel overwhelmed at this time.
Remember that though we may be practicing distancing, that you are not alone.  We are all going through this challenge together, and we can offer self-compassion and kindness to ourselves as well as compassion to others (It can be easy to lose patience or get frustrated with our family in our tight quarters for extended periods of time!) Below, I will offer some strategies to help us cultivate compassion for ourselves and others.
When we find that we are being hard on ourselves for not doing enough to “take advantage” of this time during the pandemic, think of what you might say to a close friend experiencing something similar. Perhaps, you might be more understanding and encourage them to take the pressure off, and to remember that they are doing the best they can during a very difficult time. We can then include our own self in that same circle of compassion and not be as self-critical if we don’t feel we are doing enough, or if we are feeling overwhelmed.
Take it one day at a time.  Focus on the small victories, whether a virtual chat with a friend, helping a neighbor out, a moment where you forgot the stress of this time.
Set aside time to worry. Instead of allowing your thoughts to go to worse-case scenarios through the day, spend 10 minutes only once a day to focus on the anxious thoughts. It can help to reduce our anxiety by shifting the focus away from the state of constant anxiety and to a moment to moment presence. What do I see, smell, hear, taste, or touch in this moment? Can I notice my breath?
Mind your mind.  Notice when your thoughts start to spiral towards a future worse case scenario.  We can even place an image of a big, red stop sign in our mind to interrupt an intrusive negative thought.  A great short mindfulness practice for this is called:
S= Stop what you are doing.
T= Take a Few Deep Breaths (or as many as you might like)
O= Observe
We can notice our thoughts, feelings and sensations in the body. Perhaps there is a tension in the shoulders, or we can’t stop thinking about the news story we heard earlier in the day, or feelings of grief.  Maybe we are stuck in a mental loop, noticing the negative script we tell ourselves.  We can also observe if there is anywhere in the body that feels ok, or something in our environment that is pleasant in our home.
P= Proceed (With Compassion).
There are many ways in which we can proceed with compassion. We may opt for a more optimistic alternative self-talk, and repeat the phrase  “I’m doing everything I can to stay safe and healthy.” Perhaps there is a course of action you could take that might help you decrease your anxiety or feelings of isolation such as turning off the news, taking an exercise break, calling a friend or doing a short meditation might help to bring down the anxiety or tension in the body. Are you getting enough sleep and eating regular meals? Do you need to find more support for your mental health?
One of my favorite method for this step is called the Self Compassion Break, developed by Kristen Neff and Chris Germer.
Take a few deep breaths and say to yourself: “This is a moment of suffering”, Or if you prefer you can say “This hurts!”, or “This is stressful” which brings us to the mindfulness of this moment, turning towards what is present now for us, which may be uncomfortable.
Next, we remember that “Suffering and difficulty is a part of life”, or “I’m not alone”.
Many people all over the world are struggling with these same feelings, which is our shared common humanity and can help to take us out of the feelings of isolation.
Finally, place a hand on our heart or another place on the body to shift out of the fight/flight/freeze mode and into a space of more safety and calm. We are wired for attachment, and this touch reminds our body to decrease levels of cortisol and produce oxytocin – the hormones of caregiving. This is when we can offer ourselves a self-compassionate phrase such as:
“May I be strong.  May I be kind to myself. May all beings be safe and healthy.”
If you are having trouble finding the phrase that fits- imagine that a close friend was offering this wish to you. Allow yourself to stay with this sense of self-compassion as well as the extending these well wishes to expand beyond you- out of your place of quarantine and social distancing to as wide a circle as you might wish- even perhaps throughout the world. Stay with the phrases that resonate for you and repeat them quietly to yourself for as long as feels comfortable.
More info and guided mediations on Mindful Self-Compassion can be found at www.self-compassion.org
More Mental Health Posts
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How To Manage Social Media FOMO, Jealousy & Anxiety
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What is EMDR with Kathryn Lubow
Q: What are some ways to help children understand what is happening and how can we help them adjust easily?
A: It can be helpful to have an open conversation to talk about how they are feeling and if they have any questions you can answer in an age appropriate way for them. Taking time, when you have it, to focus on activities that you can enjoy together can assist in a positive focus and reduce anxiety. It is also important to remember to place the oxygen mask on yourself first when caring for kids. Schedule in time for self-care during the day, as working from home and being expected to homeschool your child can take a hefty toll. For more resources, visit parenting expert blog like this one. 
Q: How can we all prioritize our mental health during this time?
If you are experiencing heightened levels of anxiety, or depression, know that you are not alone.
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center has put together a collection of free mental health resources http://www.sprc.org/covid19  as has NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness). https://www.nami.org/covid-19-guide
Stay at home orders are also increasing risk for domestic violence, and if you are in need of help, please visit:
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
Refer to this guide for access to hotlines, as well as warmlines where you can call to receive emotional support at this time.
There are also a number of free resources for online sessions for group meditation, yoga, dance, exercise and much more that is available on various social media platforms such as IG and FB as well as Zoom. The amount available can also feel overwhelming, so pick one thing at a time to explore, or ask a friend for a recommendation. Maybe you can try out a class together! Some local meditation studio rec’s can be found at www.insightla.org and www.denmeditation.com
Q: Many couples are facing new relationship challenges due to being cooped up nonstop together. What are some ways they can navigate the stress that is being put on their relationship during this time?
Dr. Stan Tatkin, Couples therapist and Best selling author of “Wired for Love”, recommends setting up “home isolation agreements” with your partner that you decide ahead of time before tempers run hot. Examples include “keeping arguments under 15 minutes,” or setting up times of the day when you can spend time alone, as well as spending quality time together as the last thing before you go to sleep. For more ideas, check out @drstantatkin
What are some ways that you all are staying in check with your emotions and mental health during this time? Please leave a comment below for the rest of our community to share. 
Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19 published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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Oxygenetix Fans Making an Impact
Designed for immediate application following most cosmetic aesthetic procedures, Oxygenetix revolutionized the cosmetic industry with a pro-healing camouflage foundation. Taking center stage, Oxygenetix is proclaimed as a “must-have” foundation for its flawless application and rapid recovery camouflage safe on all skin types and tones. Oxygenetix has earned international acclaim for pro-healing topicals that are recommended and used by top plastic surgeons, dermatologists, celebrities, makeup artists, and skincare enthusiasts.
As we celebrate 10 years of headliner success, it is our pleasure to highlight Oxygenetix fan beauty bloggers and influencers that are making an impact around the globe. 
1. Kourtney Kardashian
Many know Kourtney from her family’s hit TV series Keeping Up with the Kardashians, but this socialite and American reality star has done much more than just entertain us. 
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Kourtney Kardashian is arguably the most environmentally conscious in her family, with a strong dedication to using safe, healthy products for her children and herself. In April 2018 Kourtney joined the nonprofit Environmental Working Group to participate in a campaign to reform America’s outdated cosmetics law.
In a post on social media April 25, 2018, Kourtney shared, “I went to Capitol Hill with @environmentalworkinggroup yesterday to advocate for safer personal care products because everyone, including children, deserve to be protected from chemicals in their products we know cause harm. It’s time for Congress to do its job. Stand with me and take action today. #BeautyMadeBetter”
It’s no wonder why she loves the pro-healing and all-natural formulations from Oxygenetix. Since being introduced to Oxygenetix by her makeup artist, Kourtney has been a huge fan. She was quoted in Allure saying, "I recently discovered the best, breathable foundation from Oxygenetix. I make sure anyone doing my makeup uses this foundation." Kourtney wrote, "I have really sensitive skin and am prone to breaking out, so I try to keep makeup minimal on my face." 
Oxygenetix Acne Control Foundation keeps her blemishes at bay so she can worry about bigger things like taking care of her 3 adorable children and advocating for healthier homes. 
Kourtney continues to inspire us as in April of this year, she launched a new lifestyle and wellness site, Poosh, with a stated mission to "educate, motivate, create, and curate a modern lifestyle, achievable by all."
You can find Kourtney on Instagram @kourtneykardash 
2. Talonted Lex
Lex of “Talonted Lex” is an inspirational beauty blogger and influencer from the U.K. creating consistent educational content about makeup and skincare for sensitive skin. She began her blog writing about her passion for nail art hence the name “Talonted Lex”. Lex now educates a lot about skincare for sensitive skin and rosacea, being a sufferer herself for 14 years. She is raising awareness about rosacea and provides practical tips and makeup tricks for those affected.
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A skin positivity blogger living in London. I'm sharing rosacea tips, unusual and bright makeup, easy nail art, and skin positive stories.
Lex is an Oxy fan and was featured in the Refinery 29 article, These Makeup Products Work Wonders To Cover My Chronic Rosacea, stating, “I spend the most time perfecting my foundation base because once this step is done, I feel like everything else is a bonus.” 
“My current favourite foundation is the Oxygenetix Oxygenating Breathable Foundation, £45. It was designed to be used immediately after chemical peels and similar treatments, so it’s incredibly gentle on sensitive, reactive skin. It has an aloe vera base and not only gives natural coverage but helps to heal and soothe my skin.” Read the entire article HERE. 
To learn more about the Talonted Lex or for more tips on rosacea visit her website, talontedlex.co.uk. She can also be found on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.
3. Renée Lapino, L.E.
Renee Lapino, also known as the “London Skin Guru” is a Medical Facialist who has made quite the reputation for herself and her practice. Originally from New Orleans, Renee studied with some of the best plastic surgeons in Texas for 7 years then moved to London where she has been for 5 years now. Her expertise has been featured in publications such as Cosmopolitan, Tatler, and Vogue. She has a holistic approach to skincare mixed with leading medical technologies.
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Renee uses Oxygenetix in her practice and wrote in an Instagram post, “You know by now that I am truly in love with Oxygenetix for not only myself but every single patient, follower, friend or general human that crosses my path. Makeup, skin serum and SPF 30 all in one product - how can you not be using this?”
“The Oxygenating Foundation addresses a wide range of skin problems, and can be applied immediately and directly to the skin post-facial treatment, and is so pure and beneficial that you can sleep in it. I often have!”
You can find Renee on her website http://reneelapino.com/. She can also be found on Instagram @reneelapino.
4. 💄S H A H N A Z I S L A M 💄
When Shahnaz got married she hired a makeup artist. Shahnaz explains, “It was the worst day of my life.” The makeup artist had her in tears as she was left appalled by her own appearance. She had to wash off all her makeup just moments before her wedding. This wedding disaster propelled her passion for makeup artistry with a desire to help other women avoid such a tragedy. 
Shahnaz is based out of London Essex and writes a popular skincare blog full of makeup tips, product reviews, and bridal advice. A self-proclaimed “Skincare Addict”, she has been a makeup artist for over 10 years and is consistently engaged on social media sharing everything makeup and skincare with her followers. 
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When Shahnaz began using Oxygenetix she wrote a product review on her blog explaining her experience, “Ok so I have been using this foundation for over a week. My first impression was caught on my Insta story. You guys that follow me know that I was really impressed with how blendable, lightweight and amazing it looked on my skin. It sank into it so nicely like I wasn't wearing anything. When I touched my Face I couldn't feel any product and it didn't rub onto my finger. I tested out many ways of application. Wearing it under a Primer, applying Powder on top and even applying with Brushes and Beauty Blender. It works well with any form of Application.“ Read the rest of the article HERE.
Follow Shahnaz on Instagram for daily stories and product reviews @💄S H A H N A Z I S L A M 💄. You can find her blogs on her website www.shahnazislam.com.
5. Mandy Davis MUA
Mandy Davis is a Nashville makeup artist for weddings, engagement photoshoots, and special events. She also has a thriving Youtube and Instagram filled with makeup tutorials on all things makeup. Mandy has never seen makeup “as a way to mask someone’s face, but to enhance the beautiful features God gave them. It is an expression and art that can be done in so many forms, and to Mandy, it never gets old.” Learn more about Mandy on her website www.projectfacemakeup.com.
Mandy reviewed Oxygenetix on her Youtube vlog episode titled, “Oxygenetix Oxygenating Foundation | Clean AND Healing Ingredients??? Review and Demo” Watch the video below to hear the whole review!
I have yet another foundation review for you today, and this one is for the Oxygenetix Oxygenating Foundation which not only has clean ingredients but is also safe for post-procedural skin! Love y’all and hope you enjoy the video!
Connect with Mandy on Instagram @mandydavismua and Youtube Mandy Davis MUA.
6. Felicity Hayward
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@felicityhayward looking stunning with her #Oxygenetix Foundation!
Felicity Hayward is a plus-size model, body-positive campaigner and founder of Self Love Brings Beauty, an online platform encouraging us all to embrace who we are. Her motto is, “There are no two humans on this planet that are the same, aspire to be the best version of yourself, not someone else". 
Felicity was recently quoted in Stylist magazine UK on why you should love your stretch marks. Hayward “first reacted with shame and embarrassment to her stretch marks. And yet, gradually, she’s realized that this so-called “flaw” is an integral part of who she is; an emblem to be held in affection, in a similar way to freckles, scars or any other distinctive features.”
With relentless courage to be herself and a passion to inspire others to do the same, she is an Oxygenetix fan we admire and adore!
Felicity can be found on Instagram @felicityhayward, and her website www.felicityhayward.com.
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garcell06 · 7 years
New Post has been published on myweightlossfun.com
New Post has been published on https://www.myweightlossfun.com/fitness-articles/5-healthy-aging-tips-to-stay-fit-and-happy/
5 Healthy Aging Tips To Stay Fit And Happy
Healthy aging is about promoting and maintaining the functional capacity that allows well-being in old age.The famous poet, Jonathan Swift, once said, “Everybody wants to live forever, but nobody wants to grow old.” While amusing, the quote applies to most people. We want the best of life forever and to retain the vigor and exuberance of youth without the aches and wrinkles of old age. There are maxims like ‘Age is mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter’ or ‘Age is just a number.’ While all this is well and good, there is one truth that no one can deny and that’s the fact that aging is inevitable and no matter how strong your mindset is, your body is going to start showing the signs of aging when the time comes. In this article, we’ll look at several habits that you should adopt so that you stay fit and healthy as you age. Age is inevitable. The decline is optional. With just some extra care and new habits, you’ll age gracefully and be limber and fit well into your senior years.
Healthy Aging Tips
* Your Diet MUST Change
After the age of forty, many adults notice that they develop chronic aches and pains. They may develop digestive issues and have problems like acid reflux, constipation, etc. Almost always this is a result of their diet. Here’s the kicker – you may be eating the same foods but now your body is adversely affected by them. When you’re young, your body is more resilient. Even if you guzzle down five sodas a day, you’ll be just fine. Your body can handle it. As you get older, your body gets more responsive. The same sodas may cause your body to develop inflammation or the acidic nature of the drinks will cause indigestion. That’s why you see so many adults popping antacid tablets to battle their acid reflux. The foods they’re eating is not agreeing with them. It’s not a new health issue that has popped up. It’s just a more responsive body reacting to the poor diet choices now. Your eating habits are starting to catch up with you. You must be aware and start making changes. You’ll also need less food as you get older because your body’s metabolic rate is dropping. Even with regular exercise, your system is not firing away furiously on all cylinders like it used to. You need to reduce your portion sizes and eat accordingly. Choose foods that your body agrees with. The key word is awareness. Have a food journal and monitor how your body feels after eating a particular food. If it feels great, keep the food. If you notice that you have lethargy, bloating, digestive issues, etc. the food that’s causing it needs to be removed from your diet. Unfortunately, as you age, the list of foods that your body can handle will start to shrink. Alcohol will have a much more drastic impact on you. Greasy foods may make you queasy and so on. Listen to how your body feels and tailor your diet according to how it reacts. The cure to most growing health issues is a proper diet. Be mindful when eating. Consume more fiber and you may wish to supplement your diet with vitamins and other products that keep you healthy.
* Stay Hydrated
This is extremely important. The body needs more lubrication as it ages and water is essential to keep your internal system healthy. It’ll flush out toxins and keep your joints lubricated. Spinal disc problems and joint pains usually occur when the body is in a constant state of dehydration. Your spinal discs are hydrophilic in nature and require water to stay healthy. Without water, they’ll shrink and decay. This is why you’ll see many seniors getting shorter as they age. While their spinal structure is intact, the thickness of their spinal discs is shrinking and causing them to lose inches in height. It is crucial that you drink enough water daily to stay healthy.
* Focus on Fitness
While the principles of muscle building and physical conditioning do not change despite your age, your focus needs to change. In your twenties and thirties, you may have challenged yourself to squat the most weight or bench press your maximum. There’s nothing wrong with that BUT as you get older, structural integrity in your body becomes more important than the size of your muscles. You’ll need to focus more on stretching exercises to stay limber. Take up yoga or stretching classes so that your body is not rigid and prone to injury. Pilates classes will be great for toning and strengthening your core. Many people in their forties and above spend tons of time in a  kyphotic position  which is basically them being hunched over. This happens when they spent hours bent over a computer or from driving. Their hunched position places stress on the viscera and not only restricts blood circulation but also causes shallow breathing. Stretch it all out and breathe deeply. Yoga will align your body and fix any muscular imbalances that rear their ugly heads as your body ages. Besides flexibility training, do engage in resistance training twice a week to prevent muscle atrophy. Always try to get stronger but maintain good form without jerky movements. It’s much easier to get injured when you’re older. Put your vanity aside and make your training functional and challenging. Aim for muscle stimulation and not muscle annihilation. Do two or three sessions of cardio a week. It could be anything as simple as walking or tough like interval training. It all depends on your level of fitness. What you want though is to increase your heart rate so that your lungs and heart get a workout. The cardio will also activate your lymphatic system and help to detox your body and boost your immunity.
* Get Sufficient Rest
Burning the candle at both ends will take its toll on you if you keep doing it as you get older. There is a limit to what the body can handle and with age, that limit drops. You may notice that you need more sleep to feel better and your bedtime starts getting earlier. Gone are the days when partying at the club was something you looked forward to every weekend. Now you’re happy to go to bed at 9 pm and sleep a good eight hours. Rest assured that this is normal and beneficial to your body. It needs more rest now. Give it what it needs and you’ll be healthier and more refreshed. The hectic pace of the world is never going to end and only going to increase. Trying to keep up with it is madness and you’ll just end up worn out and in an early grave. Take things slower and rest well.
* Accept Your Limitations
This is a big one but it’s an important one. You do not need to push yourself beyond your limits just to keep up with those younger than you. You have NOTHING to prove. When the young guys at the gym are lifting massive weights, you don’t need to try and outdo them to feel good about yourself. The same applies to your career. The younger employees who are go-getters may be putting in tons of hours to climb the ladder. If you try to keep up, you’ll get stressed out and lose your peace. Do what you can. Do the best you can… and know that it is more than enough. All your battles that you need to fight are in your own mind. Do not regret growing older because it’s a privilege denied to many. Aim to live a peaceful and stress-free life. What’s eating you is just as important as what you eat. Learn to let go of what you can’t change and don’t bother changing what’s unnecessary. Getting worked up on social media over other people’s political views and debating them is only going to aggravate you… and it’s all pointless. You can’t help getting older but you don’t have to get old. Follow the tips in this article and you’ll stay healthy, fit and happy for a long time to come.
Healthy Aging with Nutrition
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