yippee-optimistically · 2 months
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HIIII I REWATCHED BFB i missed them so bad and seeing them again has made me a better person
also watched itft. it was fire and tile is funny as hell
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daily-lightbulbii · 5 months
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c10v3r · 1 year
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girl who is a little creayure sometimes as a treat
i love axolotls and i rmebered there were yellow ones and its like omg. ligghbulb. <- my thought procress
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smile-files · 2 years
Sorry for bothering u but can i request some tacobulb and soapcase? Both ships are really underrated
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nutakuro · 4 months
opinion on the bald ii💡💡💡
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I LOVE LIGHTBULB !! wish I was more crazy about her, but she was one of my favs on my first watch thru ! And also I love crabs too. 🦀🦀🦀
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maxphilippa · 7 months
i'm genuinely just saying that the ii fandom should try to not put their ships on basic dynamics because when you watch the media itself you realize that they're wayyyy more complex than that, and that the content that gets made off it feels one dimensional and like people don't really get why their dynamic/friendship works at all, or simplify their attributes completely disregarding the other relationships the characters in said ship have.
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nickloon works because of suitcase mattering so much to both of them. now this is something that most of the fandom doesn't get because they don't get nickel's character at all and often portray him as an gay asshole, but i've made a lot of analysis on his behaviour, so you can check my posts on him if you're interesed to learn why suitcase is so important to him too. however they're so much more than just "a weird gay thing", they're an story of growth and realizing that you were wrong, how much love they have and how you can learn and change for the better, as someone who went through that same thing and now i have a best friend thanks to that, seeing how people only put them on one dynamic disregarding completely the reason as to WHY they're like that is pretty boring. they work because had so many issues at hand and needed communication in order to work through it. their care towards one person (suitcase) is what made them be so angry at eachother and what ultimately made them become friends as well, but the way they genuinely ended up wanting to be friends and caring so deeply for eachother is what speaks the most. sure, nickel cared about baseball and all, but balloon was ultimately the reason as to why he lets go of the rough attitude, and decides that he does want to fix what he has done, that he wants to become a better person and friend.
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lightbrush works as an POST canon ship, not as one that happens on s2, nor should people ignore the fact that paintbrush was often angered/stressed by lightbulb's behaviour for most of the show. it works because ultimately they're both struggling to come to terms with themselves, and lightbulb gets to finally understand why she was messing up so much and genuinely showed care for paintbrush, who was ultimately struggling with themselves, you know, coming out and all that. what people don't get by making their relationship just an "silly random fella x hot headed person" is that they're both so much more than that. lightbulb has depression and her terrible copying mechanisms are what made her suck so much as a team captain, and paintbrush wanted stability and for someone to actually listen to them for once. lightbulb gets to learn that life is much more complicated and that she has to be there for people if she wants genuine connections with others, and she helped paintbrush on such a complicated moment, showing that they can work on an actual friendship post show, and that they do care about eachotther after all.
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fantube is so much more complicated and emotional from what the fandom usually portrays. downgrading them to just an "girlboss x malewife" feels like they're not getting their characters at all and also like it's missing the point of their arcs being entwined by still making them act like their s2 pre-ep 14 selfs. both fan and test tube had severe issues with social interaction and grasping on what's real and what not, emotional communication often being their biggest struggle, and constantly got on arguments with others thanks to the fact that they couldn't "fit in". test tube shows to generally struggle understanding people and their feelings, meanwhile fan is more so aware of those, he still struggles with understanding that the game is very real and that he can't keep running away from the fact that change IS very real. they both made eachother grow because fan made test tube aware of feelings, and test tube made fan aware of growing and learning. they're both pretty equal on their own terms and they had bad copying mechanisms through s2 as a whole, except for their elimination of course, where they make amends and start over. they trust eachother and are pretty much partners, whether romantic or not, they are a team. a duo. they're just trying their best after all, and still struggle a lot with feelings at times. but that's why they work it through talking: the thing that they couldn't do at all before.
i really like/enjoy these ships on their own and i kinda hope that the fandom starts to actually get the characters and understand them properly, i would've also talked about silvercandle, but that is a whole can of worms and after iii 18, i have an overall more negative/neutral stance on the fandom perception of them.
this is just a recollection of thoughts, too.
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mushroomwarning · 6 months
A sorta long post on why I believe Lightbulb SHOULDN’T win season 2 and instead, the other three should be the candidates for winners
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Before I start this off, PLEASE DONT BE MEAN TO ME WAUGHHH I’m just respectfully sharing my thoughts as someone who loves writing and I don’t even hate Lightbulb. I just don’t think she would make a good winner to make the story feel satisfied! So this isn’t LB neg, okay? Also keep in mind, I haven’t seen S2 in a hot minute so maybe I might get SOME things wrong but I’ll try my best to go on with my side.
To start off, I’ll say it, Lightbulb as the possible winner of II S2 will be the most predictable and bland of the four possible contenders. Out of the four, she’s the one who’s managed to get the most out of the show, new friends, enjoyable experiences, a new pet, etc. She also has gotten a lot of screen time ( I think? ) and is a fan favorite for her wackiness n such. Yeah, she’s a little sad her friends are gone but she could always go and be with them if she just quit.
Her friends are waiting for her, honestly I’d say that’s a prize enough For her story, being able to go back and be with her friends, enjoying her time with them without worrying about the game anymore. She’s shown to be distraught with TT leaves, just go and be with your friends to stop being in this game that’s made people way more miserable. She’s got the winner attitude but it’s just. Boring. Predictable. Something that would not be that fun by a story standpoint tbh, at least in my opinion
The other three, I feel would make great winners in their own ways.
I’ll start with Baseball, definitely an underdog and a guy nobody expects to win. That’s why he would be a wild card as a possible winner! It would shatter people’s expectations completely, but here’s the twist…If Baseball were to win, it could possible tie back into his story with Nickel. with Baseball probably thinking Nickel would pressure him to share the prize with him and his thoughts of how much of a doormat he’s been for others, Baseball could make his own decision without others influencing him, giving up the prize and giving it to the second place winner, which could be Suitcase or Knife it doesn’t matter.
THAT WOULD BE COOL WOULDN’T IT? Something that ties together Baseballs story thematically eh eh?
Anyways, Now onto Knife. He’s different from the other three in that, while he hasn’t lost anything like Suitcase or Baseball ( if I remember correctly), unless you count his dignity, he hasn’t gained anything either, unlike Lightbulb. He’s very much a pretty intelligent and strategical person, very much someone who could easily win if it played his cards correctly. There’s also a bit of a lesson he learns from S1 to S2, due to Trophy.
He learns to become less rash, mellowing out after Trophy gave him a bit of a reality check to the way he acts, even if the way he showed him wasn’t the best in the slightest, Knife learns to control his temper, mellowing out and instead uses his smarts to advance more in the game without relying on others and even gives advice to people Like Suitcase, Pickle and Microphone as he goes on.
He learns to be a better person and would honestly make a good contender for first, to reward him for his growth and change, or maybe second place if you want to show his new found humbleness in regards to his emotions
As for suitcase, while she’s sort of predictable as well, she isn’t as predictable as Lightbulb due to the events that she’s gone through and honestly is sort of the most deserving thematically to win out of everyone. Unlike Lightbulb, she’s lost a lot, not really gaining many friends excluding Balloon and gained mental health issues due to the treatment Nickel was giving her. This game has not treated her well in the slightest and she gains growth as time goes on, learning to stand up for herself and speak on her own.
She very much deserves the prize but at the same time, I don’t think she would care if she won or lost. She’s lost a lot and learned from her experiences in the game
BUT YES. these are my reasons for why Lightbulb should not win. The others have very nice thematic reasons for why they could win but Lightbulb basically gained way WAYY more then they have out of the experience
But yeah, my ranking would go
Lightbulb- not a winner, Fourth place
Baseball - First place ( gives up prize) or Third
Knife - First or Second place
Suitcase - First or Second place too
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oscconfessions · 25 days
Boo everyone is being so negative about ii rn 👎👎👎👎👎👎
Hating is boring!!!!! Tell me ur favourite episode!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me ur favourite song!!!!!!!!!!! Be happy and joyful!!!!!!!!!!
Personally I LOVE alternate reality show, idk if its just nostalgia, since it was like one of the newest episodes when I started watching, but I think it's really fun!!!!!!!!!
It focuses on 2 of my favourites, test tube and lightbulb and I think they work off one another really well!!! Also they are both very relatable to me in this episode. Test tube being frustrated with lightbulb and how it seems she can just effortlessly get people to like her, and how lightbulb feels about painty not wanting to work together anymore. And when she says "I try." After test tube yells at her its just so ehehjeiwy2nrudhe7e73krr /pos. Genuinely I could go on and on.
ALSO AFTERLIFE IN THE LIMELIGHT IS SO GOOOODDDDDDDDDD PLEASE ITS PEAK!!!!!!!!! I don't want to make this much longer cuz I feel like I've rambled a lot, but I love the contrasts between marsh n bow, and marsh's vocals oughhhhhhhhhh. ALSO IN THE EXTENDED VERSION BOW SAYS "I HOPED THAT I COULD FEEL ALIVE AGAIN" AND MARSH SAYS "I ONLY WANT TO FEEL ALIVE AGAIN" LIKE AAAAAAAA IM IN TEARSSSSSS /POS
anyways sorry for the ramble but I feel like people are just being really mean and sad and rude as of late and I want to focus on the aspects of the series that I really like!!!!!!!! If I knew how to write at all I would make like an in depth thing but idk how to do that and it's like 3 in the morning thank u for coming to my Ted talk and sorry for any typos/misspellings
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sleepyficss · 8 days
lightbulb & paintbrush headcanons.
poly! lightbrush x reader
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authors note:
two of my favourite ii characters, i couldnt help myself :]c. also, swearing is present, apologies if you don't like that ^^
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- already, these two complement each other SO WELL. so, adding a third person? you're all full of joy and whimsy.
- if you were present in the first season of ii, you probably wouldn't get together with them until season two, or the very end of season one at the earliest.
- but, when you DO get together if you were present in season one, your relationship is a lot stronger from the start – a lot of shit happened, but you were all there to experience it together, and are able to be there for each other because of it.
- lightbulb is sort of the 'comedic relief' in a sense? she's always trying to lighten the mood, and is considerably better at comforting people.
- she's also very much an entertainer, a lot of dates, or just chill-around days, are planned by her. despite how it seems, lightbulb is very aware of 'the mood', and others emotions.
- it isn't uncommon for her to act oblivious to the sour mood in a room, but she's really just trying to lighten things up in her own way :)
- although, she does understand when it isn't appropriate to act as such. instead, she'll happily offer a listening ear, and physical touch, as a comforting gesture. she may even pull out a few ideas to help you if you're in a challenging situation; no promises that the ideas won't be a little odd, though!
- paintbrush definitely struggles more in the comforting department, as they tend to let their OWN emotions get in the way of things.
- especially if you're upset because of someone else, depending on the situation, paintbrush may just end up losing their own temper on your behalf. they just appreciate you a lot, and can't understand how another person would be willingly mean to you :(
- when they do lose their temper, its usually lightbulb trying to calm them down, but with you in the mix? they find your presence very grounding, and will calm down a lot quicker with both of you around.
- just put a hand on their shoulder, or wrap your fingers around their own – it offers as a little distraction to whatever set them off.
- considering that paintbrush feels their emotions very strongly, not just their frustration or anger, they become VERY easy to fluster.
- once they've started falling for you, they're gonna fall hard.
- lightbulb's a little better at hiding their swooning, and instead just comes off as a little blushy and awkward (but not in a bad way, she's just nervous and doesn't know how to deal with your love for her).
- further into the relationship, though, lightbulb gets a grip and becomes a LOT more confident in their flirting, finding it silly when they're able to make you flustered.
- paintbrush still blushes easily, but will still attempt to make moves on you (holding your hand, any sort of kissing, physical touch, etc) while being a nervous wreck.
- but!! dates between the three of you are always so sweet.
- the number of times you've made cookies together is purely uncountable – but it's a fun activity, and you get a yummy treat afterwards.
- paintbrush and you usually only eat one or two cookies, lightbulb steals the rest.
- the three of you going outside after dark isn't uncommon, where you bring a blanket to lay upon the ground, just to sit on and stare at the stars.
- sometimes, you'll all just sit there in silence, enjoying each others presence, or quietly talking about anything and everything.
- there have been plenty of times where those talks have become serious, ending in soft cuddles and words of comfort to each other.
- there are also times where you're all in a silly mood, and end up being yelled at by someone trying to sleep, for laughing too loud, or playfully yelling at each other.
- you and paintbrush won't ever forget the pain you felt in your stomachs from laughing too hard as lightbulb attempted to stand up and act something out, only to trip and go falling down the hill. all you could see was the light emanating from her growing smaller and smaller until she reached the bottom.
- speaking of her light, it isn't noticeable during the day, but when all three of you have retreated to your bedroom, and are snuggling under the covers, lightbulb has the slightest bit of light constantly glowing from her.
- it isn't something she can turn off either, its just the built-up electricity within her, always running through her body.
- she's like your own personal, cuddly nightlight.
- none of you have set positions when sleeping in bed, either. half the time, you wake up in different positions anyways.
- lightbulb wants to be touching at least one of you all night, usually with as much of her body as she can.
- whether its you or paintbrush, she'll have an arm wrapped around you, a leg wedged between yours, and her body pressed flush against yours.
- paintbrush will usually just have an arm around your body, or a foot lightly brushing against yours.
- lightbulb is always knocked out the minute she's comfortable though, lightly snoring away.
- it takes paintbrush a while longer though, and you often find yourself talking to them quietly, tiredly muttering about your days to each other until one of you falls asleep first.
- paintbrush may prefer having you directly next to them sometimes because of this, as they like to tiredly stare into your eyes as an sloppy smile rests on your face, listening to paintbrush's account of their day.
- they like when you unconsciously hold their hand and play with their fingers in you sleepy state, eventually dropping both your hands as sleep overtakes you.
- you'll be listening to paintbrush mid sentence, start mumbling, and you're like, "what was that? you were too quiet – oh." and they've fallen asleep with their fingers tucked against yours.
- the next morning always kills you, though. as much as you love her, lightbulb is WAY too early of a riser for both you and paintbrush.
- half the time, shes jumped out of bed and opened the curtains while you and paintbrush are still groaning under the covers.
- and don't forget!! being in a relationship with these two, means coparenting their favourite crab – baxter!!
- sometimes lightbulb wants to bring him into bed with you all, but you have to remind her that he'd probably get squished in your sleep, considering how much you all move around.
- baxter does make an appearance in a lot of your dates though, remember to keep a constant eye out for him so you don't trip over him!
- you do love him, though – he's too cute not to.
- but he likes to interrupt your personal time with paintbrush and lightbulb at times, where you and paintbrush want to kick him out of the room, but lightbulb gets distracted and goes off to play with him instead.
- you all still love each other so, so much though <3
- i might have to make more headcanons of these two, i still have so much to talk about!! especially about your relationship DURING the contests >:)
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nuclearplutonium · 8 months
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Ello! I’m Charlie (#1 Chief fan, #1/2 Taco fan, and #2 Ann fan) buuut I like to be called Orion, Charlizard, Lizavich, or Charlin!
any pronouns (preferably he/him)
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Cracklin, Chief, Mr. R, Sketchpad, Airy, Gerbo, Thomas Flyswatter, Exclamation Mark, Doorstopper, Clock, Fridge DJ, WWF Tile, Printer, Season17, Lightbulb, Taco, Bot, Cabby, Fan, Yoshka, Yulka, Zara, Cheppy, Socka, Charmy, Edgar, Fossil, Mushroom, Wagyu, Minty, Razor, and Orange Herald are all of my favorite characters/kins :3
I am Gay, Transgender, Agender, and Demisexual ^u^
Alterhuman therian and fictionkin, my theriotypes are black wolf, snow husky, and a T-Rex <33
I’m an American-Czechoslovakian artist and a little bit of a violinist (I mainly speak English but I also speak a bit of Russian)
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I am a MINOR!!! I am ok if adults (NOT THE FUCKING SEX BOTS) interact with my blog or me in general just don’t be creepy or kinky about it please.. (read dni list for specifics)
My blog is not meant for younger audiences, therefore I am telling you all that this is a 13+ BLOG. mainly because I’ll post art with mildly suggestive themes in it or reblog something weird.. whatever it may be, I just want to protect the little itty bitty babies that happen to stumble upon this beautiful yet horrifying tumblr blog .-.
currently locked in @thesillygoober7’s basement
old acc is @charlibugg
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Here’s most of the stuff I like ! Purple = ION💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Orange = Cool cool I like it
Red = Eh… I mean it’s fine.. II/III, I.O.N/И.О.Н, TNM, TPOT, EEE/THREEEE, BURNER, 5SOS, ONE, CFMOT/ИНМТ, Objectified, TDOS, LoTS, Animatic Battle, Bugbo, Dreamophrenia, Sprunki, Max Design Pro, Warrior Cats, Smiling Friends, ATHF, Gravity Falls, Villainous, DHMIS, Electric Dreams (1984), Ride the Cyclone, TPC/Pink Corruption, Regretevator, Homestuck
besides fandoms I hyperfixate on time to time… I also LOVE nuclear reactors, epic guitar solos in music, whatever the hell plutonium jazz is, and I just genuinely love learning ANYTHING about nuclear physics and energy :3 (oh and lollipops, I love lollipops)
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Some games I really like (not Roblox games) are In Stars and Time, Fallout 4/Fallout: New Vegas (IM SORRY FALLOUT 76 IS SO BORING AND BUGGY AAAAA), Omori, Sims 2-4, Tomodachi Life, Miitopia, Cardpocalypse, Wobbledogs, Pikuniku, Ooblets, Splatoon 2-3, Dragon Quest: Builders 1-2, Minecraft, Wandersong, JSAB, and AC:NH :3
and most of the bands/artists I listen to (current hyperfix band will be written in bold) are MSI, sElf, WW/WWATT, The Scary Jokes, Sodikken, MOTHH, Lemon Demon, Tally Hall, Bondage Fairies, STOMACH BOOK, Ken Ashcorp, LiteralHat, YFM, Limp Bizkit, Insane Clown Posse, Gorillaz, System Of A Down, Foo Fighters, Dream Puzzles, That Handsome Devil, Sacri, They Might Be Giants, Oingo Boingo, Weird Al, Jhariah, Lenin Was A Zombie, and Drive45!
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I have Autism, ADHD, and Depression.. so sorry if I don’t talk/respond to asks or dms quick enough or I don’t answer them properly… I’m a very shy person. So please text me first if you want to dm me, if you’re a mutual I’d love to talk to you! ^_^
ask box will close down sometimes, it is not a mistake usually, I just don’t feel like taking asks :3
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DNI - uhhhh this (carrd not mine) ..also I will check your account once you follow me usually to see if you aren’t a weirdo, I block who I choose to block
Places I inhabit:
TikTok (currently trying to fix some link issues)
(Created: 1/15/24)
(Last updated: 9/20/24)
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I reblog WAYY too much posts so if you’re willing to find my art search #bugs goof art
#Charlizard’s rabble ransoms - for random posts that are just filler or me going on a whole rant (will also be tagged for long posts too sometimes)
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Q&A stuff under cut because I can lol:
Q: Where did the name Charlin come from?
A: I was being stupid and decided to combine Cracklin and my name (Charlie) together and ended up with Charlin
Q: What programs do you use for your art?
A: IbisPaint X (no premium *cri*) on my iPhone, or my iPad either one, and my finger! (it’s painful lol)
Q: Do you do anything else besides art?
A: Yep! I do gardening, cooking (if I have to), (sometimes) animations, writing, edits, gaming, reading, attempt to make music, and science stuff :)
Q: Do you take art commissions?
A: Nope, sorry ;-; I don’t have a way for people to give me money at the moment, maybe wait a few million years. I do happen to take art requests/art trades! So if you want any of those just ask me in the ask box ^_^
Q: Will you ever show us a face reveal?
A: Ahhhh, no, not really. Only thing close to seeing how I really look irl would be those Picrew challenges where you make yourself, but besides that, nope!
Q: Do you happen to have any other blogs?
A: Yes, actually, I happen to run the @cracklinzz kin blog! (It’s so empty I’m on the verge of deleting it)
Q: Who/What are your art inspirations?
A: Well.. mostly I just combine a bunch of people’s styles together and seem to just find my own style from there, but here’s a bunch that inspire some of my art pieces!:
Heloise&RS, Bok Bok Choy (or Sillystrung on tumblr), starrysharks, tvarina (I think that’s how you spell it), and dotcomgrrl! (And many many more)
Q: What’s Objectivated Orbit, why do you keep talking about it?
A: Okay yay I get to talk about this! Objectivated Orbit is my very own object comic that is in the works right now. (be warned, Charlin’s going to write an entire paragraph about this subject WAHHHHH)
It’s about all of these teens (in their 14s, 15s, 16s, or 17s) who get kidnapped and taken to this otherworldly planet and forced to play these dumb games in order to win an nonexistent prize. It’s heavily inspired by ONE, ION, and maybe TADC.
Currently the project is being worked on…. Very… very… slowly.
But we hope to release it at some point near the end of this year or in 2025-2026! (I am so sorry for how long you gotta wait, I am waiting for a lot of info from my co-workers on this project so I can properly storyboard and illustrate it)
‼️We currently aren’t taking online job applications, sorry about that. :(‼️
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daily-lightbulbii · 7 months
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motherboardmania · 14 days
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@ecto-hazard's osc meme but Meeee :3 generally i was trying to go for shows Specifically rather than camps/other osc media to challenge myself, but yknow. more explanation below the cut!
First Show: i first saw bfb 1 around 2018, and watched bfb 1-12 in august 2018. i went back to watch previous seasons once i finished every episode of bfb that was out at the time. i didnt know about there being More Object Shows until december 2018, when i watched inanimate insanity. i consider december my "osc join date" and august my "osc discovery date" Favorite Show: ive seen over 55 in my 6ish years in the osc. a lot of them are so different theyre kind of incomparable to one another. favorites include HfjONE, BFDI, II, Object Invasion (sentimental fave. RIP OIR 2016), PPT2, BOTO, + more. i cant choose a singular fave though! Favorite Hosts: two is probably my all-time favorite osc host character. i like them lots. airy's also really incredible, mephone4 and 4s are honorary show host mentions, and rune is there because Well he has camp host cuteness. Favorite Contestants: too many to list. amelia hfjone is Very important to me. book, pin, leafy and cake were big ones i like that come to mind, but i really like almost all bfdi characters! yin-yang and paper/evil paper inanimate insanity are Massive ii faves, but tissues, lightbulb, soap, suitcase, taco, mic, and cabby are also lovely to me. object invasion is a really memorable show that i was really into for my first years in the osc, and ive always liked phone, coffee, n jellybean lots. Favorite Ship: Editez. Nobody is surprised. editez is kind of the only sorta ship i engage with often, n a lot of that comes from its importance within tesla entries/manmade horrors canon. tissues and soap is a sorta rarepair i like to rotate in my mind sometimes n think about what couldve been, though i definitely see it more queerplatonically than anything. twogaty is a duo i like in pretty much every flavor. honorary mention to scentpack, but i think in canon theyre a bit too unwell to have anything going on LOL. Your OC/Sona: computer fan! my (debatably) second objectsona. my first ever OC was orange soda (who was originally my sona, but is now separate) n i used her for 3 years. after that i made computer fan!! i had 2 other objectsonas technically, but they only lasted for about 2 weeks before i went back to computer fan. one of which was repurposed as an OC (hi spinner!) and the other given away to someone i know.
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maxphilippa · 11 days
As a fellow twist hater, I wanna hear your reasons for why you personally hate it
it takes a lot of weight off every single character (in the case mephone4 also generated their personalities, but still uh, does that in many cases even if he did not), pretty much messes with mephone4's arc and also uh. it messes up with, you know, the CORE message of ii regarding love, healing and changing. ii is essentially about connections and growing.
my biggest issue with the twist is how it would negatively affect pretty much ALL characters (except for maybe Bot and s3 guys but i'll get to them soon enough). like. think of it.
you're telling me that fan, a guy who used ii as his copying mechanism to the point where he didn't know anything else to do, a guy that struggled with connections and being genuine, and how his arc ended up with leaving ii behind and he ended up being his own person, was really just created to be an annoying fan?
you're for real telling me that lightbulb, a woman that was severely depressed and struggled with toxic positivity, was simply made to be "unable to take things seriously"? really?
you're telling me that the WHOLE arc of balloon changing loses it's weight because balloon wasn't consciously an asshole? he was just programmed like that? the whole point of his arc is about accountability and wanting to be a better person.
there are a lot more of characters that would get affected BADLY but lets get to mephone4.
mephone4 is a character that wants genuine relationships and to be loved. he has been severely abused his whole life and was meant to be a weapon, just like 3gs. the whole appeal of him was that even despite being an asshole, he found people who GENUINELY like what he does, and it's the contestants. it was about how he found people who treated him as an equal despite being their host. HELL, the whole thing about mephone4 getting a support system on s3 confirms that!! a big aspect of his character is how he WISHES he was human, it's how he wishes that he had a normal life with them. it's how he found people and even after everything they still love and worry for him.
so yeah i guess i AM pissed at the implications of, you know:
>A character that all he wants is safety and connections,
>turned out to make everyone and was the "responsible one for their pain"
just. is this really what they want to do with the show. why even write ii on the first place. why give such a wonderful show such an bad twist. listen i still believe the twist isn't canon idrgaf, but if it IS, this is 1: NOT A GOOD TWIST FOR A SHOW LIKE II and 2: they could fuck this up so so easily
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asbestos-boy-68 · 2 months
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i am not a proshipper. i feel the need to put this here because people have been wishing death on me because of the fact that i ship phonepad. instead of sending me death wishes, please learn your ii lore. mephone and mepad aren’t related. thanks.
hi. i’m alex , aka asbestos boy 68.
about me
i’m 15
i am a boy
i’m also a cripple
i’m a scene kid
i’m he / him
i love my boyfriend
i like music a lot
i draw sometimes
i also write sometimes
i also sing and act
i also do photography
i’m cringe ❤️
fandoms i’m in
inanimate insanity
smiling friends
zach stone is gonna be famous
scott pilgrim
non fandom interests
computer viruses
graphic design
ben folds
littlest pet shop
my ships
mephone 4 x mepad (inanimate insanity) ❤️❤️
silver spoon x the floor (inanimate insanity) ❤️❤️
trophy x knife (inanimate insanity)
fan x cheesy (inanimate insanity)
microphone x taco (inanimate insanity)
nickel x baseball (inanimate insanity)
test tube x lightbulb (inanimate insanity)
salt x pepper (inanimate insanity)
paper x oj (inanimate insanity) (i was verbally threatened to put them here (jk i love payjay))
zach x greg (zach stone is gonna be famous)
seth x evan (superbad)
charlie x pim (smiling friends)
garfield x odie (garfield)
scott x wallace (scott pilgrim)
kim x ramona (scott pilgrim)
my fav characters
cheesy (inanimate insanity)
mephone 4 (inanimate insanity)
zach stone (take a fat guess which one this is from)
odie (garfield)
wallace wells (scott pilgrim)
basic dni criteria
true crime community
under 14
melanie martinez fans
mepad x taco shippers
knife x microphone shippers
knife x suitcase shippers
mepad x toilet shippers
mephone x contestant shippers
toddallace shippers
phonepad antis
thin ice
scott pilgrim fans who’ve ONLY watched spto and haven’t watched the movie/read the books
nickloon shippers
music i like
too many to list here but i’ll list the big ones
ben folds / ben folds five / majosha / etc (my beloved !!!)
they might be giants
nine inch nails
orchestral manoeuvres in the dark
descendents (the punk band. NOT disney.)
uncle outrage
depeche mode
pet shop boys
charli xcx
chappell roan
joost klein
jonathan coulton
lesley gore
tommy february6/heavenly6
cutting pink with knives
party cannon
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i am very opinionated. this blog is mostly my opinions. if you don’t like them, just don’t read them. don’t attack me! thanks!
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^^ art by @realflops ^^
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rkherman · 1 year
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How it took a whole year and six pieces to evolve a concept
Sometimes you have a great idea, but the finished art looks a lot worse than how you imagined it, and that’s okay! You can always shelve it and come back to it later when you have a lightbulb moment on how to improve it. In my case it took multiple iterations as well as a style evolution throughout the process.
1. Aquarium II - Nov 14, 2021
I started with a pretty solid idea of fish inside glass baubles of water, with a palette of yellow, orange, pink, lavender, and sky blue. I kind of like how the design turned out with the filigree and the cats, but the palette just wasn’t working out. It’s probably because I didn’t put in enough contrast and dark areas, but I hit a wall with this one and put it aside, unfinished.
2. Koi Pond (Winter) - Jan 3, 2022
Using the palette of ‘Aquarium II’ as well as the two circling koi, I expanded it into a pond of circling fish. I did like this one and even made an animation of the fish swimming, but it still felt like something was missing.
3. Circular Motion - Feb 21, 2022
I decided to go full Escher with the fish tessellation (everything is flush, no spaces between) and also push the palette and contrast. I really didn’t like the result. The colours look dull and bland, and the fish look weird. It was partly because of this piece that I decided I wouldn’t do perfect tessellations if it made the animals look weird.
4. Aquarium - May 25, 2022
The first true success from this concept! This is part of the trio that uses the same palette, including ‘Arboretum’ and ‘Archives’. I put the aquatic creatures in clear baubles once again, and my lineart style is more established at this time.
5. Koi Pond - Jun 18, 2022
I fell in love with this palette of yellow, orange, pink, green, and dark green. It’s just a recolour of the previous ‘Koi Pond (Winter)’, but the lines feel wishy-washy to me now that my style has thicker lineart.
6. Flow - Dec 21, 2022
The final success of this concept! This is part of another trio that includes ‘Flock’ and the upcoming ‘Flutter’. I kept to the theme by adding cats observing the main subject, and used a minimal palette so that the center koi would stand out more.
In the end, I am still attached to the two ‘Koi Pond’ variations. I want to get them to a place where I feel like they are complete, but I don’t yet know how. So, they will just hang out in their respective folders until then.
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oscconfessions · 30 days
i hate the fact i have the PERFECT cross over idea but its a really small fandom compared to the osc thats so big its hard to get recognized.
the cross over would be ii x camp here and there (a fictional horror podcast, DEFINITELY RECOMMEND IT!!!)
theres only 2 other people in the chnt fandom that i know of that watch object shows, and one of them doesnt even watch ii
but guys im being sosososo fr its so similar its not even funny. taco and elijah are like, the same guys. both characters stalking the main cast, not the same motives but still. but also having that same vibe almost. and even with the side characters of chnt. like silver spoon and candle are so juniper and rowan coded. joshua and yvonne are basically balloon and nickel. lucielle and jedidiah literally just tea pot and test tube. sydney definitely microphone. and the one that made me realize this was marisol and salem being lightbulb and paint brush. MARISOL IS LITERALLY TRANS FEM GUYS.
i know that like NONE of yall seeing this are in the chnt community, butttt i definitely recommend it a listen. and i will forever cherish this au bc it combines two of my hyperfixations.
also it kinda is weird with teapot and test tube there bc lucielle is jedidah's mom so idk there :pp
anyways imma go draw more of this au. this has been on my mind for MONTHS now and i love it i love it i love it
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