asktheneighbor · 2 years
Hello once more, internet, I have returned.
The zombies were a long while away, but it gave me a lot of time to plant, those zombies didn't know what hit em, heh. Either I'm going insane, or Crazy Dave's inane babbling is starting to make sense to me. Speaking of him, Crazy Dave gave me this sunflower, though I'm not entirely sure why. When I asked, er, "asked" i suppose, why, he just said "Webee Wabbo", which I'm not entirely sure what that means. However, I named him Charlie Bumpkin. Say hello to the internet, Charlie.
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Well then, hello internet! :-D
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Charlie Bumpkin is now open for asks!
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
I would love to request an Child ghost!reader and the gang, basically child reader got murdered when they were using the VR and their soul got stuck into the game.
Their soul being so GORY AND DISTORTED, like an arm is missing, one eye is like hanging out and their head has an hole. Reader can get invisible like a ghost and move things with only their mind, and they are very quiet and just observes, rarely get mad or anything, but when they snap (for example: Because of jax's pranks) they start throwing things around dim the lights and scream, and lets put like, Reader's screams are like LOUD as hell, basically like an ghost tantrum.
So basically Child reader is just an sad messed up lil goof who needs comfort and therapy.
Sorry if its long, i love love love your blog btw!
TADC cast x ghost!child!reader (platonic + light found family) !
going to take a different approach to writing this one, since i feel bad about being selective of cast/multi characters today, so! rather than having divided segments like usual, its going to be a group thing! hope thats alright! going to be the last request of this batch them imma make something to eat rq for dinner then get back to writing YAHOO!
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when you joined the digital circus, you were already very obviously different from the rest of the gang. even if your gore was toned down thanks to your body being digitized; the programming seemed to struggle with altering your body into something unique... strange... it also seems your body is fighting back against the programming of the world, seemingly trying to restore itself. The effect makes you almost look like you're glitching, or even abstracting
Caine doesnt immediately pick up on your presence, i feel like its in his programming to be aware when a new member joins the circus, but for some reason he didnt notice you until he saw you, or someone brings you up to him
It was Ragatha, who was trying to get answers from him. Who's kid was this? Is it really fair to let a kid be stuck here? Obviously she knew Caine couldnt do anything about it now that you were here, nor did he have any hand in you putting on the headset.
Except... you correct them and say you didn't put on any headset, you were trapped in it.
Of course you're trapped, just like the rest of us, Jax says
None of them immediately believe you try to tell them you're a ghost. Except of course, Kinger, who reasons that that's why you look the way you do; and Gangle, who in my opinion probably finds interest in the supernatural.. or maybe that's just me projecting onto her. Who knows. But the point still stands, almost everyone doesn't believe you.
Not long after, Jax accidentally ropes you into prank that was originally intended for Zooble, I dont think Jax would go as far as to bully a child.... well... actually no, he seems like the type to bully kids on roblox.
The prank wasnt planned for you, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You open a door, and are immediately greeted with a fake snake lunging out at you. You scream, more so out of surprise and fear than anger. It does turn into anger when Jax laughs at you, still finding some kind of joy from the prank getting at least someone. Your scream rises, causing nearly everyone to cover their ears, the rest were not there in the room but would come rushing to see what the hell was going on
I think it would be that instance as well as a few other; namely ones where you became invisible and started removing one of Zooble's limbs after they (unintentionally) said something a little too mean to you. The idea of you being a ghost was further cemented when both Gangle and Ragatha watched you literally phase through a wall. But hey at least someone (Jax) starts laying off of you when it becomes clear you weren't lying
There's mixed feelings, a lot negative. I mean, you're just a kid and you're. Well, a ghost. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that something happened to you. Whether or not you remember the details of your death when you became a ghost, or after joining the digital world, is all up to you
Caine, as mentioned before in posts where the reader is a child, tries to be a father figure. He's not the best, since he's programmed to be a ring master, but he definitely tries his best. I like to think he tries to read you bedtime stories when the digital world simulates 'night'
Pomni, who I totally didn't forget, tries to overcome her fear of you and your ghostly powers, ultimately becoming sympathetic you and your situation. Not only was your life cut short, but you were trapped here too, you didn't even get to roam the world in the afterlife. Interactions with her are awkward but there's an effort to try to bring you some form of comfort
Jax, after he stops pulling jokes on you cant deny that he doesnt find you creepy. I think, though, he would ask you if you want to help him scare some of the other members. Whether you be offended by the concept or not is also up to you, since I'm not sure if you wanted the reader to be sensitive regarding their current predicament or not
Ragatha goes into full big sister mode, even before it's confirmed that you're a ghost. Sure, she's a little put off by your ganky and gorey looks, but her heart aches for you. Similar to Caine she tries to do general child care activities with you, perhaps if you let her, she would do your hair and make you dresses
Kinger will take a while to warm up to you, but I think after some time would start to open up to you, usually it's best to interact with him when he's already in a calmer state. He already gives me dad vibes that I cant pin down... but he would tell you stories of his past (in house) adventures and some funny stuff that has happened over his time in the digital world
Zooble is going to need a moment to get over the invisible dismemberment thing... as well as Zooble being Zooble and needing some time to warm up to people in general... Not much to be said, yet...
Gangle would offer to lend you some art supplies... kids like arts and crafts stuff, right? Thats her logic, at least, and if it means you have an outlet for your emotions then that would be great!
Overall you now have a funky found family, so hey, at least things aren't totally... terrible.. Unfortunately with them stuck in the digital world they can't do much to get you justice, if you let them know you were murdered. But rest assured if your killer somehow gets trapped in there with them and you recognize them, they have your back
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nyazhis-jsablr · 7 months
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Heavily based off Abstruse Dilemma by Ashrount vs. D-D-Dice
Yeah this is NG Step’s Linked Song
Notice how there are 2 composers for this, thats a running thing between “upgraded forms” of characters lol
Also congrats to jsabaddict/blixer eclipses to getting the correct song first!!!!!
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obsessedwithceleste · 3 months
What was the saying? Anon off cause we die like men?
I’m giggling sm rn can’t wait for mine. Also whoever submitted the first one we’re basically the same person so here 💍💍💍
I’m quite tall, with mid back length hair. It’s like a chestnut brown, and slightly wavy. Got blessed with assets on the top and bottom, definitely on the curvier side.
My interests include reading lots and lots of philosohy, playing all my instruments, martial arts and (weirdly) learning new subjects all the time. My most recent endeavour is computer science.
I’m an ENTJ, usually described as quite commanding. I enjoy taking on more of a leadership role, and can come off (as expected) quite rude and unforgiving. I beg to differ, because I know i’m quite the opposite. I definitely come across as such, but that’s because people haven’t gotten to know me. Id like to think i’m quite funny, I sort of have this knack for finding something in common with everyone and getting them to warm up to me. An introverted social butterfly of sorts.
Assigned as slytherin but i think my values can align with ravenclaw aswell. I’m quite diplomatic, in the right environments i can be very charismatic too.
I’m good with people. If it doesn’t benefit me i don’t really care that much, but in environments where it really benefits me or I have to, i become a completely different person.
I’m a no bullshit person when it comes to other people. I will happily point out what others won’t. I have strong values and stick to them, and people who don’t like that aren’t worth my time
In terms of relationships i am THE BIGGEST LOVER. I switch up so much. I love domestically sickening relationships, cooking for one another, lazy mornings etc. I think physical intimacy and ‘acts of service’ are the things i love. I would probably show my partner acts of service and quality time. I would also do physical touch, but if they’re the type to crave it too.
I really love when someone is obsessed with you. I think it gives a sense of security in a relationship. I’m very driven and need someone who can match that, but also need someone who can take a step back at times and bring me back to earth.
My music taste is just depressing. It’s all shoegaze and classical. In all honesty i can be a little all over the place, a sweetheart one moment and aggravated at everyone in the next, so someone who isn’t put off by that? dream.
My clothings is variable but i’m always well put together. Even if it makes me late, i always make sure to look my best (it’s what people first notice about you, so may aswell make the best impression)
Academically driven, i’d say i’m a high performer but i lack motivation. When i put the work in I excel, but it’s hard for me to focus.
I think this makes me seem super serious but given my reposts you can tell i’m very much a yapper, who says things that need to have me restrained 💀💀💀
I think my personal type varies largely from who i’d actually be best with so i won’t mention it.
If you asked my friend to describe me in three words (one of them has my tumblr, yes i’m taking abt you my fellow gatekeeping queen. Pls say this is correct): They’d probably say funny, messy (drama wise, not literally) and caring.
My family would probably say fiercely protective, lowk a bit mean but deeply loving
CANT WAIT!! I did just give you like a whole character analysis but WOOOOOOO
I’m living for your full on character analysis😭 hope I do you justice Queen🫶🏽
Pairing: Theodore Nott
Theodore is generally quiet and understated, but this boy has such a superiority complex. He always assumes that he’s the smartest in the room.
He takes so much pride in his academic prowess, but has an equally sharp and witty tongue.
The first time he meets you, you definitely take him down a peg or twenty. (Boy needs to be humbled fr) You’re able to match him in intellect and snap right back at him when he makes snide remarks which he finds infuriating, but also admirable.
When he finally realizes that he can’t beat you outright, he switches up tactics and turns up the charm. He’s then sent spiraling once again when it’s turned right back around in his face. (Takes a Slytherin to know a Slytherin I suppose)
When the two of you are eventually able to come to a truce, it’s like the puzzle pieces slowly begin to fall into place.
Sure one of you might get heated up every once in a while, but the other is always there to make sure it’s reeled back in.
Theo loves listening to you talk about all of your niche interests and ideas and happily sits with you for hours at a time (sometimes you catch him staring a little too long when you’re both studying in the library, but he vehemently denies it)
He’s a big fan of dry humor and thinks it’s so funny when you blurt out random, out of pocket shit.
He loves leaving silly little notes in places you’re not suspecting and tries to pretend like he’s not watching as you read each one.
At the first quidditch match of the season, he tries to casually suggest that you wear his jumper in the stands while you watch. Yes the one with his name written across the back in big bold letters.
After the game, you’re not even able to get a word out before Theo barrels over to you, sweeping you off your feet and into a bear hug. He’s sweaty and he smells horrible, but you can’t seem to mind.
Later that evening you both find yourselves curled up in your dorm room with warm hot cocoa smuggled in from the kitchens and stacks of books long forgotten. You’re chatting away but Theo can’t seem to string a single one of your sentences together as his eyes keep falling back to your lips and the animated way they’re talking about some guy named Aristotle.
He doesn’t really remember much of what you said after that as he crashes his lips against yours. It’s warm, and sweet, and you just melt.
The next morning you’re greeted by a nice, loud wolf-whistle from Mattheo, and you’re very sure that you hear Enzo mumble something about “it being about bloody time”.
His friends adore you though, and Theo just loves being able to tell everyone that he’s your boyfriend. You thought he had a god complex before? This is a whole new level, even for him.
Theo is completely and utterly devoted to you, always wanting to be close, preferably with an arm wrapped securely around you. And when that isn’t an option, it’s rare that you leave his eyesight.
He just loves doting on you, always making sure you’re fed, you’re not too cold in the chilly halls of the castle, heaven forbid you have to carry your own books to class. He can be a full blown mother bird.
Anyway, the two of you are sickeningly in love (much to the disgust of Mattheo) and you each have the other wrapped around your finger.
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catlover-multifandom · 6 months
hmmm okay new 911 theory popped into my mind at 3AM. woo! spoilers for 7x04 if you haven’t seen it yet below the cut!
alright I love buddie but I don’t think it’s going to be canon this season. I think abc knew it would generate enough to renew for an 8th season (which it did! yay!) and obviously now that we have BI BUCK RAAAAHHH there’s going to be some episodes focusing on that. and there’s only 10 episodes this season, we’re 4 episodes in now and the bi buck realization was at the very end of episode 4. madney wedding is happening at some point so they won’t focus that much on buck’s sexuality, but I can see it being a character moment still! so now I’ll get into the actual theory other than the buddie won’t be canon this season.
we know that Tommy and Buck aren’t going to be a thing for long and neither will Marisol and Eddie. so they’re going to be all “hmmm want partner :(“ and now buck’s going to realize he has more options of course and that the jealousy he felt with the eddie&tommy friendship was jealousy about Eddie hanging out with someone else, I feel like that will also be what ends up splitting Buck and Tommy. so he’s going to realize he’s interested in Eddie since Tommy has a lot of similarities with him and realize maybe he has a thing for Eddie. and he’s going to realize it more at the wedding when he sees other couples dancing I’m sure and he’s going to be off to the side talking with Eddie and realize all this mentally. and I think they’ll share one of their “looks” between each other. (one of THOSE looks. you know the one). and since they’re talking about relationships, after the look Eddie will realize something too and that he might be into men as well and take more looks at buck while he’s not looking lol. (I can picture it in my mind. either the clownery is real with me or I’m getting prophetic but 911 likes to pull little scenes like these lol with the characters just looking at each other lol). and I don’t think it’s going to go anywhere from there, just confirmation that eddie’s thinking about the possibility of being a with another dude and leave a sorta set up for his gay/bi/pan/likes men awakening next season, leaving it open for us to imagine if it weren’t to be renewed but something to set up a bigger plot thing. and then I think we’ll get the Eddie likes men plot beginning of s8 after the big emergency… and then they dance around feelings for each other for a minute (an episode or two) thinking “no way they would want to date me! 🥺” and then they probably get some sense talked into them by one of the other characters separately (I could see hen or Maddie trying to talk sense into Buck about this lol) and then boom scene of one of them approaching the other and awkwardly asking them to go out or something and the other being all “oh yeah, uh I’d love that yeah sounds good!” and then boom buddie go on date (date first gets postponed by big emergency maybe lol) and boom buddie canon and boom operation buddie success to finish off season 8.
abc if you’re reading this maybe take some notes?? lol
thank you btw abc for making bi buck canon. it no longer needs to be a headcanon. The truth is out. (wee)wooooooo!!!
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docwritesshit · 1 year
Do you think you'll be able to write headcanons about being Red Sons friend? She's a comfort character of mine and I'd like to see how it would be to become friends with him >:)
(if you can't write this or don't want to or anything, then that's totally fine!!)
(I'm cupio romantic and on the ace spec so I like this idea)
And I'm also taking liberties and day you're also some sort of immortal for this
Redson Friends hcs!
First off, you two started out as friends like in early childhood
You grew up together and such, running around the gardens and fortress with servants chase you while your parents just sign in the background
As you grew up, you were the one to drag Reds to bed or rest from er working himself on one of his projects or plans to free his father
In turn he made sure you ate and was very hydrated
Your parents joked about marriage one time and you both shot that down very fucking fast
Reds was your sibling tf
You comforted them a lot while she dealt with the loss of her father
And they were always a shoulder for you to cry on
I knoooowww you teased him about almost anything, mostly his villain voice he would put on infront of MK and the others
And they made jabs at you for anything they could think of
You are the reason Reds finally got a phone, so he could actually talk with others that didn't have communication magic or get a hold of it
And to be caught up in the news
Oh and you best believe she flaunts their wealth
And by that I mean she brings you very expensive gifts every once in a while or makes you something to cheer you up
You are both very comfortable with eachother, knowing y'all boundaries from an early age
And you better know that she's your out on anything
Someone sleazy trying to dance with you? Nah, you're with Reds
Someone trying to court you and they give off a bad vibe? Their place might be a little burnt
Mostly you both just hang out and do your own shit. But together. Like parallel play.
All in all, it's just very comfy around Reds and you both are grateful for each other
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nikkiiiscute · 9 months
Eddie Dear Character Analysis TW: Mental Health, Sharp objects, Mentions of war, Death of parent.
Y'all better thank me for this analysis cuz I can feel the Carpal Tunnel comin'
He's clumsy to the max - He says it himself that he ran into 3 walls (FOURTH WALL REFERENCE!?) not to mention there's a gag where sometimes He and Frank bump into each other 😏. His Clumsiness has caused his Mail Contents to spill, many times: a Picture shows Frank Frankly using his Butterfly Net to help collect Eddie's dropped envelopes.
Mail Courier is a government job? - Prepare to be hit with a bold hypothesis but what if Eddie was isekai'd into Welcome Home? I feel like you can go in and out of the Puppet World so, everyone got isekai'd here? Look, I feel like some dude in / outside the puppet world is paying this dude and probably everyone that has a Job.
Nice skill set dude - Eddie solos the Arts & Crafts segment, meaning he has the best Hand Coordination and Dexterity to handle delicate paper and sharp tools. It's worth theorizing over that Eddie is always there when an obstacle requires manual labor to overcome (according to his bio). So we have a Government Employee that doubles as a Day Laborer, BUT he is also a specialist in Communications Technology - The Restoration Project News Page jokes that if Eddie Dear was with them, he might be able to help program the Website better. So an IT Technician as well? Well damn Ed, Nice Skill Set bro.
Eddie has PTSD? - Okay let's go back to the theme of Mental Health, Eddie might have undiagnosed PTSD (recognized as a mental disorder only in 1980), and possibly is suppressing his own memory, why tho? A bit of a stretch TBH, but if we can see what kind of Person he was, as in a Human Being, not just a mindless puppet he might be something else, but maybe we can guess why.
Ethnicity Analysis Time!!! - Eddie is the most Humanlike in body Proportions, the dude is built like a Marine like damn no wonder he has simps! He also has the most realistic body colors: Ruddy Orange Skin and Red Hair. kinda like the NPCs in Gerudo Valley from Breath of The Wild. For y'all who don't know, Ruddy Skin basically means that you look like ya got sunburned. Ruddy Skin and Red Hair are Traits of Orient-African Descent, or Afro-Irish Descent and y'all already know he has a Southern Accent.
Eddie's Story - Eddie Daor was born in 1942 but due to him having ruddy skin, His mother unfortunately died at birth, I have a headcanon that maybe Eddie blamed himself for his mom dying. Skipping to 1953, at 17 he enlisted into the military as a Communications tech to leave behind his memories about his mother. 2 years later, he reunited with his childhood sweetheart Frank Franklin who was working as an entomologist at a university (Analysis on them later) then in 1969 (before the show debuted) He married Frank in secret. in October 11 1969 He, Frank and some friends you know were isekai'd into the show by the Creator Ronald Dorelaine, transforming into their puppet counterpart with his real name switched out to Eddie Dear instead alongside everyone else, It was covered up as the cast being hired to puppeteer the iconic puppets. On ????? 15 1974, welcome Home abruptly ended along with the cast as the crew and the cast were found dead and an even bigger problem, Ronald Dorelaine was reported MISSING and presumed dead.
Wooooooo! Eddie had it rough tho :( but good thing when it comes to friendship he always deliver! Thank you for reading this character analysis :)!!!!
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icepoptroll · 3 months
WOOOOOOO I finally posted an update to the Nurse Karnak AU!!!
Next chapter is gonna have some nice cut characters stuff so keep an eye out for that in the near future also!!
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spookyserenades · 5 months
OH DANA, you never fail to feed us so well ive gobbled everything up!!!! Namjoon moments, new domestic Jimin activities, OUR HOBI TRYING TO TALK US DOWN FROM THE LEDGE. like nice try babes but I wouldn't want to just take what that ghost said to me either, boutta throw hands with the entities. Sure they can call me a wh*re but mama didn't raise a COWARD. I'd also want to exorsice them out of pure spite (and for the safety of the family I guess) 😤 (also another hobi scenting scene? Yeah. Hot)
The second investigation was so cool and terrifying to read as well. My jaw dropped when I read the line saying we didn't notice our incense stick running out and the shadows around our ghost buster team. I was thoroughly spooked. However that got us JUNGKOOK TAT & PIERCING REVEAL! JUNGKOOK TAT & PIERCING REVEAL! I love bonding with our boys and looking respectfully.
HYBRID RIGHTS! HYBRID RIGHTS!!! WOOOOOO 🎉🎉🎉 loved the return of y/n's parents im forever in awe of the way you write the supporting characters as well. I really care for everyone in the trouville verse immensely. I like the intro of more opportunities for our boys as well with advancing hybrid rights! Really interested to see where this will go. (Considering our growing codependency to our hybrids im looking forward to different yearning opportunities lol)
Regarding the ending...
WE FUMBLED THE BAG SO HARD 😫 WHY AM I ACTUALLY UPSET ABOUT THIS WEEKS ENDING? I'm y/n fr fr my heart took a deep plunge into icy cold waters of REJECTION. Bestie really said you snooze you lose and WE LOST SO BAD. HOW WILL WE RECOVER???? 😫😭
( also I went back to read some asks on the blog and turns out there has been a new 🍒anon while I was gone, so I will now be signing off as 🧡anon! To avoid confusion for me lol)
EEEE STOPPP THANK YOU 🥺🥺🥺 Honestly you guys feed me just as well when we chat about the story together, too 💕💕
You're so so soooo right about wanting to throw hands with the ghosts. Like first you corner me in a bedroom, call me a whore, then you have the balls to hurt one of the hybrids I love??? BYE! I'd be up in that house with holy oil, spell candles, and a goddamn sword on fire if I were Y/N!!!
Defff was time for another scenting, especially one from a hybrid she's not already romantically involved with! I like that it was a more tender, romantic moment between her and Hoseok, which things between the two of them have been pretty bestie/platonic aside from a few instances here and there. V HOT!
OOO I know like that was the first UH OH moment, when she forgot to light another stick of incense! She must have been so distracted by trying to protect Jeongguk and Namjoon from the shadows that she didn't notice it went out. But YEEEEEEEE GOTH JEONGGUK TATS! AND PIERCINGS!!! MY OBSESSION!!!! She also was NAWT looking respectfully 💀
WOOOOOOO HYBRID RIGHTS FUCKING FINALLY!!!!!!! AND stop 😭😭😭😭 I'm so happy you like the supporting characters, and not just the mains, it's important for Y/N to have others to lean on, not just her hybrids. I also love her mother's Jamie Lee Curtis vibes 🥰 I def think that a handful of the hybrids will either seek some kind of employment or maybe check out a uni class, Jimin and Hoseok in particular. I mean seriously, Jimin can't hang out with horses FOREVER 💀
fjkdaslfhasf IM KNOWN FOR THE MADDENING ENDINGS IM SORRYYY 💀 No seriously though that betrayal is gonna be brutal for her. I imagine Taehyung still feels a little betrayed that she hid her relationship with Yoongi from her, but like what was she supposed to do--- sit him down and go heyyyy I love Yoongi is that alright with you? Like imagine that conversation 💀 We WILL recover though I swear!!! Need some angst and obstacles to make everything more satisfying in the end 😉
OOP I'm sorry about the anon mixup lovebug!!! I love the orange heart too, though, so welcome back to our corner of Tumblr and sending you love 💜
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ohmygillygoshoppler · 4 months
what are.... your headcannons for Epsilon and his people?? Ad Francis too??
loooooooooong post lmao. Heads up-
Okay okay okay, so I had a few questions about these people when I first started watching the show a gazillion years ago; like how many more of The People are there? How do their numbers work? Are they all clones, or just the Epsilons? How do they do what they do in their universe? Who the fuck do they work for? And why are things the way they are?
I have more questions than answers, but I will say that brainstorming about it has been so much fun~ So lemme just break this down as best as I can-
I personally headcannon that only the Epsilons are cloned from each other, every other agent is someone they either recruited through traditional means, taken from childhood or from birth, or cajoled into service as a form of punishment. We all know how easy it would be to pluck a few promising young birds from some orphanage somewhere; unnoticeable, unwanted, and untraceable to the masses, an organization like The People would jump on the opportunity, I think.
Okay, now for my individual agents, I have only a few things I've actually put to pen about them. Don't you just love having blank slate character to project all of your bullshit onto? I do!
Firstly, I have Irene which i'll be real, she's my fave Green Man to draw. She's.... so pretty... To me....
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Her stoicism is linked directly to her environment. When she's on the clock, she one of the most precise, cunning, cutthroat agents around. But the split second she has the okay to relax, she's relaxed.
Her detail is a saboteur, so she is the one disarming traps, disabling security systems and breaking shit up so she and her People can get their jobs done. That being said, she likes to tinker, and can make even the nastiest, most beaten up and abandoned forest can come back to life-
She is insightful, observant and sometimes even playful. She just hides it under a perpetual frown. I was also thinking she would have some affectionate feelings toward Francis, as she's known him all his life , and adored Simone. I imagine Irene and Francis are kind of like siblings with a huge age gap.
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Next up, my man Io, a former Hunter who since kicks it with The People after an incident in the 90's. He, along with Epsilon and Simone worked with the Secret Scientists to create a vaccine against lycanthropy. He's been an invaluable asset to The People ever since.
Io has special knowledge on medicine and even alchemy, occasionally making passing remarks about an old colleague that could turn wood chips to gold shavings. He also has a vast knowledge in matters of supernatural sicknesses and possessions. He has a bit of a morbid fascination with it, even going as far as to try and give himself pestilences only for the sake of further research.
I think he'd be pretty neutral about Francis, seeing as how it's not ease accepting some kid to be your new boss. At the same time, he knows where he is, so Io does what he can to keep their relationship strictly professional. However, in light of... recent events, he may be spending more one on one time with his fellow agents; more so than he's used to. We might learn more about him later...
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And now WOOOOOOO, GRANDPAAA!!! LETS GOOOOOO!!!!! No, but for real, Agent Rohan is the oldest agent here, pushing 65, and he's still out here taking orders from Epsilon and making moves with The People, all the while fighting vampires, befriending warewolves, tricking the fae and dealing with alien incursions of every sort. He's up there in "Spooky Levels of Competence" with Simone and Grandpa Max, like, this man has seen some shit.
Rohan likes hunting, fishing, shooting, and camping out in the middle or asscrack nowhere. You know, old man stuff. He's the good kind of Boomer, ya know?
And he's still just a chill Old Man who just wants to retire to a secluded cabin in the woods with his Dog (not a dog, not a dog-) and live out his sunset years like a regular American man.
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Fuck you, I know Agent Mccabe divorced his ass (they were never married lmao) but sometimes when they're together it feels like nothing's changed. Then they look into each other's eyes and remember how they've hurt each other oh fuck-
Epsilon is an extremely reserved and extremely stifled man, so much so that he stifles everyone around him. He believes that order and routine are the ways to maintain a safe and normal lifestyle, and so many times he is proven right. So much so he allowed himself to be tricked into letting his dearest friend leave for outer space.
He is a, "By any means necessary," type of man to a fault. Ruthless, calculating, and by any sense of the word, the Perfect Agent. Nothing phases him, it seems. However, there is something there, a reason he instills instant obedience and zero hesitation, and I think we can all find that out... together....
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Here cooooomes the boyyy~ 💖✨✨ my boy, my baby; Francis.
Hahahaaaa, this one thing soooo highly of himself, hahahahaa~~ Ohhh, thats so cute. I love him for that. I will break him. He will know humility.
You know what happens when someone with no moral compass is thrown into the most fucked up situation? They find that compass, and they fucking use it. The boy must learn, and there wasn't enough time in the show to teach him. Now's my chance-
Speaking of, his Foolhardy Father taught him that thinking for himself was the wrong thing to do, and after Morrigan, he has to start thinking out of the box because there was never a protocol for this...
Also..... I know the fact he's a clone hurts him, like, we saw that shit in The Unblinking Eye, fuckin he hates following Epsilon's orders but what the fuck else is he gonna do? What else is there, this is what he was made for, right? He seems like the perfect guy for a character arc, and it kills me that he didn't get one.
I want him to learn to be his own person. Kinda want em all to figure out what their lives are, since they could all be butchered at any moment and only their killers would mourn them.
Speaking of Killers....
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Miss Morrigan Monroe
"Whaaaaat?!?!" I heard you gawking, "Your Evil Bitch™ is with The People?!?! How???" And I'll give you the diss-
next post, this bitch is already so long. But just know, she knew the OG Epsilon and they fucking DO NOT VIBE.
She is hundreds of years old, has profound beef, and the shits on site, so sorry Epsilon. That's what you get for the sins of your father, Get fucked, I guess.
I know she's bad, but she's meant to be vapid, petty, recalcitrant, repugnant and deranged, mean and clever and scary beyond all reason- You know, the perfect woman, lmao. (I dont AT ALL condone the shit shes done or is gonna do but like, its gonna be nasty 😈😈😈😈)
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o0akio-the-dummy0o · 11 months
Julian background
IM NEW TO THE RANDY CUNNING HAM 9TH GRADE NINJA FANDOM WOOOOOOO also im still watching the episodes so im avoiding spoilers (even though i have seen some lmao) but yeah, you can prob tell who my fav character is huh? lol i have been wanting to draw him but im going to wait till i have seen more eps before i do that instead heres an edit? idk, its a thing i made anyway using images
its a lill crusty but idc lmao
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background with no Julian
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just Julian
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dreamieparadise · 2 months
⚝ How does your MOMINA feel about Tsunayoshi, Haru & Enma ⚝ Who would MOMINA most likely to get a puppy-crush on? (but it can’t be the cc they’re actually shipped with!) & ⚝ Is there a canon character that MOMINA needs to ask forgiveness towards?
LOOK AT ME...MAKING HEADWAY! I said that already but wooooooo!!!! Oh yeah, thank you for the questions, Jojo!
⚝ How does Tsunayoshi, Haru & Enma fell about your MOMINA ⚝
Tsunayoshi: Initially Tsuna didn't know how to take Momina. She was extremely friendly, bright and loud! It's a really nice surprise being treated so well from the jump, especially from someone femme but it was also startling because, again, loud! Also Momina has a temper so when someone mistreated him and she caught wind of it? Hell would break loose. This would make Tsuna want to sink to the floor and hide. He knows she meant well but he wished she'd just...not? But other than that, he does think she's a good person and a dear friend! He was really thankful to find a gaming buddy! It's fun playing with Lambo but Lambo's a kid and would throw tantrums occasionally...actually Momina does that sometimes too but not seriously and she still played with him after so it's all good! Sometimes all three play together! Momina isn't as good as a gamer as him so she'd have him play levels/bosses she was stuck at and Momina would also sometimes watch him play single player games. They played through "The Last Of Us", "Resident Evil", "Elden Ring" and a couple more games together. They make it a regular schedule and it's something that they continue into adulthood!
Haru: These two can match each other's energies really well due to both being energetic girlies! That said, they get into arguments whenever Momina intervenes when Haru is being too pushy with Tsuna. Haru doesn't understand what the issue is despite Momina insisting there's a problem. Tsuna doesn't have an issue so what's going on? She doesn't believe it when Momina says he's uncomfortable but too shy to speak up. So they get into spats but eventually come back and hangout again. Haru was the one who taught Momina how to sew, something Momina is very thankful for! The two have made clothes for each other and it's something they continue to do into adulthood. Haru considers Momina one of her best friends! Haru has also helped Momina with studying. The two lookout for each other a lot and go out for "Appreciation Days" together. Haru is actually really protective of Momina due to her health issues, something Momina appreciates overall. She tries her best to understand Momina's limitations! Oh, I should mention!! Haru learned to do braids for Momina! Very intricate ones too. Think hearts, flowers, bubble braids, etc.
Enma: Initially Enma steered clear of Momina and thought she was bad news! She was too loud which spooked him, she was too friendly which made him suspicious, her big sister tendencies made him think of Adelheid which he rightfully clocked as "controlling" [her overprotective issue] so all in all it took a very long time for him to see Momina. For her part she just tried to pull back her loudness and overt friendliness and just tried to be welcoming whenever they did catch each other. She made sure he had space. Eventually Enma calmed down and relaxed around Momina. It did help that he's close to Miruku and Tsuna, seeing how fond they were of Momina made it easier to accept them as well. Now they're pretty attached. They're both very protective of Miruku and, along with Kyoko, are apart of a "Miruku Protection Squad" club! It's non-official official. They have a group chat!
⚝ Who would MOMINA most likely to get a puppy-crush on? (but it can’t be the cc they’re actually shipped with!)⚝
Momina legit had a puppy crush on Basil! He was their first crush after going to Namimori! They love how gentle, kind, sweet and hardworking he is! Basil is a big inspiration to her. Momina became very close to him after coming under Colonello [and Lal's] tutelage. As a result she is apart of CEDEF and they worked together for a long time! Somehow she got over the crush but actually would ride or die for Basil.
⚝ Is there a canon character that MOMINA needs to ask forgiveness towards?⚝
Hmmm...yeah! First one that's come to mind was Tsuna. Sometimes she goes too far being defensive of him! Same with Haru, she feels she could be more gentle when approaching her about things. Gokudera because their arguments can get heated and she is learning to communicate better with him! Yamamoto because while they're really good friends, there was a time that Momina felt like she wasn't that good of a friend to him because he didn't seem to rely on her? Eventually she understands that Yamamoto does value their friendship and just because he doesn't rely on them in ways their see, doesn't mean her support is irrelevant! Yamamoto is just private and that's something Momina had to come to understand. [She is sensitive!] So yeah,these are all canon characters Momina needed to ask forgiveness towards and she has! Well. She apologized! She doesn't like "asking for forgiveness" because that feels like pressuring someone to forgive her. She just apologizes and if they forgive or not is up to them! [They did, though! Their relationships became stronger for it.]
Ask meme
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beantothemax · 8 months
Okay so first off, Finetty was made in early 2021 so she's heavily inspired by certain fe7 and 8 characters, primarily Valter, Selena and an fe7 lady you have not met yet and tbh I'm not even sure you'd like her.
Fun thing about Finetty is that she is prototype Helena. At first, Finetty was an aristocrat who was obsessed with Augustus and died for him on multiple occasions (she's a phoenix, don't worry about it) and she was just overall strange. Then later on I added some stuff about her being from Brazil but ending up in some fantasy world as a result of an unhealthy curiosity that led her to a suspicious portal.
Her name was Helena but she got brainwashed by Augustus and it was changed to Finetty but she slowly becomes normal again when she goes home. Augustus also used to be evil but that's an entirely different subject because HOOO BOY I don't think I could explain "the tree that causes immortality and is a portal to an office building and is also the corpse of a wolf guy's exes. And also regicide like three seperate times" in a few sentences.
Anyway current Finetty lore is that Helena screwed up and got sent to a fantasy world where she's forced to participate in a centuries long war as an immortal general. During the war, she gets caught up in a fun enemies to lovers romance with this super cool guy Angus. The thrill of something new (literally just anything other than her horrible everyday life of killing and commanding) and talking to a new person kinda makes her snap out of this brainwashing so her and Angus elope in another world and she slowly starts remembering who she once was, once again adopting the name Helena.
Remember the OCtopath lore? And how the inciting event in Helena's story was that her husband died and she snapped?... :) Yeah he dies in canon (much worse death than the OCtopath au too!)
Anyway, fun facts!
Finetty is a pyromancer.
During the long ass war, she befriends and basically adopts these teenagers Maya and Frederik but both escape long before her so there's a long period of time between them and Angus where she's just very numb and hollow.
She also made friends with this guy Nitheos and I will tell you about him another time when I finally get around to drawing him but tldr he's got a prosthetic steel jaw and he is inspired by Seteth and the iron giant
oh she’s not just a pretty lady she’s a Gone Through Unimaginable Horrors pretty lady. fascinating
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em-dashes · 11 months
Nano 2023: Day 1
word count: 3354
WOO okay so i think i've written enough for one day. i'm working on a new draft of aphelion (starting from scratch so i don't keep getting tripped up by old ideas i've had since high school). the new version has a slightly bigger cast, and i have to get use to writing an ensemble, something i've never done before. but it's fun! it's cool to have so many characters to bounce off of when there's dialogue, so it's not just shelby talking to herself.
i know it's strange to think i'm adding characters to this wip when previously i've said i removed multiple characters for bloating up the story, but i think the difference here is that the new characters actually matter to the plot right from the start. they don't impede the pacing, and they also don't have pov chapters. (i don't think they will, at least. i guess we'll see.) also, aphelion was seriously lacking an active antagonist. dr. scott, of course, is the main antagonist, but seeing as she isn't a field agent or anything, she and shelby hardly have a chance to meet, and she herself doesn't provide much physical tension (i mean like, yeah she emotionally manipulates rian, but i feel like that's a different sort of tension).
also i was getting stuck on the beginning, so i just skipped to later in the story, to the part i actually do want to write. i can figure out the beginning later.
anyway, give it up for day 1! wooooooo!!
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unsleepingtales · 11 months
Burrow’s End 3!
Starting this at midnight, will likely pause at some point and finish tomorrow morning :)
Yayyy new party name
And new british thing! How did we get to #36 already?
Just now realizing that these people are the reason that ‘famously’ has entered my lexicon
Yeah they all leveled up A Lot
Character makeup!!
What’s going on with Viola. The makeup has me concerned.
YESSSSS Lila arcane trickster rogue my fucking BELOVED I’m not just saying that bc I’m currently playing an arcane trickster I’m not biased at all what are you talking about
Oh I was so caught up in the arcane trickster stuff that I forgot an important lore thing was happening lemme go back and watch it
God those tongues were horrible
Aabria’s hair looks really nice in this episode
The way we declare things like sidebar in my home game is by loudly saying PAUSE and it’s funny every time
Present tense???
“I’m not him, but I’m here” jesus man
I’m reading way too far into everything but the fact that Jasper’s scar makeup has moved is interesting to me. Why. Was this just artistic choice? Is this indicative of a character thing? Idk
Swifter than the sun faster than the hills oh babe
You’re trying to be good and make your uncle happy but also cult. Be careful babe.
Ooh Erika’s makeup and hair are really cool
Look, check it out :D
Full macbeth
Ohhh their colors. Everyone in earth tones except for Rashawn/Viola. Brennan/Tula and the kids in lighter colors, Erika/Ava in darker tones and shades of grey. Jasper/Thorn in dark tones but also blue. God this is why I love costuming. So cool.
Latin?? Dura Mater, Pia Mater
Children?? Prophetic vision??
“It always is what it is” cmon man
How does this cis man so deeply understand what being a daughter is and distill it so perfectly
Am I detecting some envy in having a husband who listens?
A mErRy BaNd
Ohhh the warning in saying that something she’s interested in is also one of their mother’s interests. That’s a family thing.
Custom background called stoat mom. Full long rest in short amount of time would be such a good feat and make so much sense for it.
Sometimer’s 😭
Funeral rite for the bear oh my god
Oh tears. Just tears.
So many of your deeper thoughts must be put away for the sake of moving forward.
Familial duty is such a mindfuck
Awww Ava backstory a bit <3
Thompson’s gonna make partner!
The white mascara is such a good touch it really makes the look
Ooh lore time
Testing your power through blind fury? Super duper safe.
Let’s hear it for making bad rolls work within the plot!
Oh yeah this has all been ONE DAY
Healthy coping mechanism!
That was excellent
Speaking of their long rest. I’m gonna go to sleep. I’ll finish the ep in the morning! (Editor's note: I did not. I finished it the next evening. Such is life.)
Yes that is for real how sleep works and how I act when something insane happened in the middle of the night that I couldn’t deal with in the moment
Effective lessons in communication!
She wants to save her familyyyy
Those aren’t transferable 💀
No one should be mad at anyone, so if you’re ever feeling mad… don’t.
Ooh Jaysohn level of Rogue!
I love the overlapping conversations
Izzy and Siobhan are so good at embodying children’s randomness
He’s a cool dude, he’s just being weird right now
Character choices :D
Ooooh the music being so heavily electronic is so interesting to me
Follow your instincts towards the Light?
Why would it have been bulgarian babe
Oh that’s actually such a good way to explain that
Love a shenan!
Solid pigeon impression
Yeah a cult leader would have a +9 to performance wouldn’t he
I feel like this should be a wisdom save or smth to not go insane at what’s happening to him rn
W h a t
He is actually so cursed
Oh that is HITTING
She’s so TIRED
Oooh okay next week looks Wild can't wait
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felikatze · 1 year
ok i am VERY enjoying dragons rising. first of all its PRETTY second i like the set design i think it's neat how like ALL the ninjago species get featured even tho i wish they'd use serpentine other than hypnobrai cuz man they rlly forgot the other three tribes exist
also sora and arin are very neat :thumbsup: lego rlly needed a catgirl huh. lloyd is SO fun in this he's a disaster. when he took out the goddamn tea before even unveiling the training course i was howling. sick pilot reference. lloyd wasnt even THERE for when wu tortured kai with that so it's just so legendary he heard abt it.
one of nya's first words to kai being "I'M GONNA KILL YOU" for kai being a dumbass is. peak sibling shit. generally i like a lot of the jokes :thumbsup: (you can tell i'm on desktop rn).
it's def a good point for new fans to get into the series. all the old fans (i.e. me) are gonna catch all the references but arin knowing EVERYTHING abt the ninja and being a big fan with sora knowing NOTHING abt them is a good setup for natural exposition. they also dont go whole hog with it just like "oh hey that's nya the water ninja" which is Enough. tho i think how often lloyd goes "did we do that?" is a bit excessive. yeah the ninja are dumbasses forever. you literally did all of this in the last season i think. as if they ever have plans before the season finale.
just finished ep4 but i can SEE that they're setting sora up to parallel nya with the whole "do i REALLY have powers in me" thing + they're both tech guys (can nya be a tech whiz again. i know that they limit it to one character now but nya and jay and pixal playing hot potato with character traits kinda blows)
anyway yeah. i like it. it's FUN which is nice cuz a lot of crystalized was (kind of a slog). nice to see lloyd be a goof again since he's now not constantly forced to interact with people he has very complicated angry feelings towards. rgb sibs focus is also WOOOOOOO bcuz (<- younger brother)
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