featherlouise · 1 year
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Also I am never drawing in that style again holy fuck I forgot how much I hate drawing lineless
Brief rundown of his backstory under the cut (bc it’s changed a fair amount)
(For context) The Order of the Old Flame (OOF) is a cult that originated from a small group of moths who left Hallownest when PK took over, they fled to a small village MILES away in a tundra, and over the course of a few thousand years, dug their claws into the very foundations of the kingdom that became of it.
Signs of their reverence of the Radiance are everywhere, but most notably architecture, which are emblazoned with suns and clouds and dream catchers (this will be important later)
Eóghan’s mother grew up in OOF, and is the older sister of the Seer (the leader, aka the one who’s seen as the most ‘in touch’ with the Radiance (all moths possess some type of dream magic, some stronger than others))
She met his father, a man living outside of the city in a small cottage with his mother
Etc etc they fell in love, had Eóghan, all was right with the world
Until OOF finds them, they have spies everywhere after all. The Seer and some OOF members resolve to eradicate the traitor and the one who has poisoned her mind, setting the cottage on fire in the middle of the night, with all but the old woman inside (who is staying in the city overnight, having been held back and forced to book a hotel)
Before setting the house alight, the Seer finds Eóghan, barely a year old, and decides to “save” him, raising him as her own.
Years later, miles away, a vessel destroys the dream goddess in her own realm, and the very foundations of the kingdom shake with her screams. The death of a god is something that every living being can feel, even if it’s just through a pervasive feeling of wrongness.
A disillusioned Eóghan takes the commotion as an opportunity to escape, almost being stopped by a dagger to the hand from his aunt, who is one of the most effected by Radi’s death, barely able to stay on her feet.
Eóghan manages to escape out into the cold, but with only a thin shirt, trousers and leather boots to protect from the cold, coupled with a steadily bleeding knife wound, he’s not long outside of the city before he collapses.
CONVENIENTLY on the road where a certain old lady is going into the city to sell some goods from her farm.
Long story short bc this is getting long!!! Old lady nurses him back to health, and he repays her by helping her round her farm. Eóghan is a VERY angry boy after realising that not only was his entire life and belief system built on a lie, but his auntie, basically his MOTHER, cares more about her faith than her son, would rather try to kill him than let him leave, or goddess forbid go with him. SO. Old lady teaches him how to be a healthy, mostly emotionally stable person!!!
A few years later, she passes away, but not before telling Eóghan that she would be so proud to have him as a grandson. He never does find out the truth. But as far as he’s concerned?? That’s his nana, blood relative or not.
Even more years later!! (Reminder that they meet about 8 years after Holly nerfs the Radiance) Hollow is kidnapped by a combination of PHFTT (PK’s killers in case u forgot) and OOF, and they manage to escape by the skin of their teeth, being injured and draining their magic in the process (they’re not difficult to kill, per say, but there are a LOT of them, and killing people is kinda hard when ur tied up with a concussion)
Eóghan, seeing this VERY interesting looking person passed out in the snow, decides “AGH fuck it!!” And takes them in
Queue meet cute!!! (meet ugly?? I wouldn’t class waking up in a strangers house after a near death experience a meet cute)
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Wait actually I have many thoughts on Sebastian Moran and nothing is stopping me from dumping them here!!! Wow!! I'm gonna. Do that.
Fair warning this is gonna be a mess and I don't expect this to blow up sjdjrkdkf it's mostly just me projecting, also it’s not going to be entirely historically accurate </3 sorry history nerds
Anyway here’s why Sebastian Moran is Spanish, actually
Warnings: Mentions of death (Not major), Mentions of an affair, Mentions of pregnancy, Like one or 2 curse words
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Sebastian,,,, my beloved.... where do I start
I totally haven’t made up a family tree for him,,, totally haven’t ahhah
Okay I wholeheartedly believe that Sebastian’s last name was changed from Morán (a Spanish surname) to Moran (a modern Irish surname) because of 1800s reasons (*cough* racism *cough*)
So anyway *pulls out a map of Spain* I’m gonna start with his maternal grandfather and go down from there
Grandpa was a merchant/pirate from [nowadays] Santander, he was born to a middle-class family so he ended up working at Port San Sebastian, which is where he learned to sail and haggle
Grandma was born in the Caribbean and moved to South America when she was a young girl
Grandpa and Grandma Morán met while he was selling something and he took one look at her and went “I’m gonna wife her.” and he did!
I say Grandpa Morán was a pirate because when Ms Morán (Sebastian’s mom) was a teenager, he started pirating other merchant ships... which ended up with him dying in his 30s, but he left a will for his family, which sent his daughter to a school in North America
Grandma Morán was a feisty little lady who taught her daughter to do no harm and take no shit, since they travelled a lot, this was definitely a skill she’d need
Ms Morán eventually grew up to be a teacher, spending most of her time going between Europe and South America
She was on a trip to London, where she met Sebastian’s father, a married nobleman, and they were both very attracted to each other, so he had an affair with Ms Morán (she didn’t know he was married 😔)
Oh no! She’s porgentano (pregnant)! But she’s already left London :/
So she has Sebastian and names him after San Sebastian, the place her father used to work
She raises Sebastian for about two and a half years, eventually returning to London and finding his father, who was very surprised to see the woman he had an affair with show up at his door with a child that looks suspiciously like him
She proceeds to ask him to take in Sebastian, to give him a better life, which he begrudgingly obeys under the guise of adopting an orphan for charity (like how the Moriartys adopted ‘Liam and Louis)
Sebastian is white passing even though he’s slightly tanner than the rest of the main cast, for example, so his father simply changes Seb’s last name to Moran so he doesn’t get hate crimed <3
Sebastian ends up living his life relatively well, he’s treated like he was born into the family, he doesn’t get along too well with his father because he has this feeling that he’s hiding something... but he can’t quite place a finger on it
He has vague memories of a woman from his very early years, but he doesn’t question it, he knows he was adopted but he was told he was rescued from two commoners who almost killed him, and was shut down every time he asked for more
His father was pretty aloof with him, which often led to arguments as Sebastian got older
During an argument, his father accidentally lets it slip that he knew Sebastian’s birth mother... intimately... which leads Sebastian to connect the dots... 
Sebastian: “😀 huh 😀”
His father then explains that he made “poor choices” when he was younger and Sebastian’s like “what do you mean ‘poor choices’ bitch”
His dad lets him know the little he knew about his mother, how she had hair as dark as night, how she spoke with the most wonderful Spanish accent, how she was too smart for her own good, and whatever else he could remember about the short time they spent together
Obviously, Sebastian has a lot of thinking material after that, and he’s very curious about his mother and wants to learn more about her, but he doesn’t even know what flavor of Spanish she is 😔
He ends up joining the military for 3 reasons, 1) To get out of the house; 2) To get away from his father; 3) Hope that he gets assigned somewhere and miraculously finds his birth mother
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Taglist: @lirinstaalem​
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CO 1101: La La Land
The Vuolos travel to LA, making fun stops along the way. Ben shaves his beard and decides to pull a prank on his kids. Joe & Kendra prepare for a new addition. Miscarriage TW: Joy & Austin grieve a loss. Finally, John & Abbie host a gender reveal. 
At the main house, Michelle is playing with Felicity as Jinger and Jeremy prepare to head to LA. They delayed their move due to Grandma's passing, which makes this move extra difficult. Jinger and Jeremy head off, and JB says their pace of life is going to pick up. Jinger recalls when she said it would be cool to marry someone who lived in a big city, and getting to live in LA is even bigger than she had imagined. They head off, and they will make stops to break it up. Jinger recalls her RV travel days and so she knows what to expect and it will be fun to make memories as the Vuolos. In Oklahoma, they make a pit stop to fill up on gas and change a diaper. Jessa tells a story from a drive when Spurgeon threw up all over his car seat.
Back in Arkansas, Jessa is cooking with Henry and Spurgeon while Ben and Ivy chill on the couch. Henry is talking more and Spurgeon likes to help out. Ivy is so chill and relaxed, she is an easy baby. Henry is delighted with his pancakes. Ben says he is going to trim his beard, and he thinks he might shave it off. He says it requires more maintenance at this length and it is time for a change.  Ben is curious to see if he does it if the boys will recognize him with no beard. He calls Jessa over to show her his goatee look, and then he does a hipster mustache. Jessa thinks its cute and he should keep it. He decides to dress up and knock on the front door to see what the boys do. Ben comes in, full Irish accent going, and his kids are looking at him with a lot of doubt. When they go looking for their dad, they don't see him. Ben then shows him the video him shaving, and they realize that their dad is with them. Ben thinks he did fool Henry but he isn't sure about Spurgeon. Spurgeon tells Ben he likes his beard on. Ben says he is planning on growing it back, but keeping it shorter.
Jinger & Jeremy arrive is Roswell, NM. Jeremy recounts the alien rumors about the town, and they are excited to check it out. They visit some kind of alien haunted house type thing, and take pictures with Felicity. Felicity laughs at the aliens. All the Duggars do not believe in aliens, although Abbie just says "I feel like an alien sometimes" which I found oddly relatable. The Vuolos had fun tho, and head on their way.
Joe & Kendra are upgrading their baby gear since they are expecting their second child. They got a new carseat for Garrett and a double stroller. Kendra is 30 weeks. She says she thinks this time around the baby will be earlier. Garrett is mobile now and fast- he's running around which is tricky for very pregnant Kendra to keep up with. Kendra says when the new baby comes, Garrett will be daddy's buddy. Joe and Kendra try to figure out how to put the car seat in the new stroller. They read the instructions. Kendra says she doesn't feel ready yet, but Joe says he does.
[tw: miscarriage]
Joy & Austin found out they were expecting earlier in 2019, but when they went in for their 20 week ultrasound, there was no heartbeat. Joy broke down, and Austin said it didn't feel real. Joy had to be induced, and Austin was focused on Joy being ok. When she got through it fine, Austin said they began the grieving process. Joy says they named her Annabell, both for the meaning and because it was a childhood nickname of Joy's. Elise, the middle name, went well with that. Annabell was buried out on Fort Rock. Today, they place a headstone where she was buried.  They also plant an oak sapling, which Joy would be able to watch grow near where she is buried. Austin said they have supported each other by how blessed they are which helps overcome the despair. The Forsyths pray by the new headstone. Joy says it is comforting to have the support of her mom and sisters. Lauren says she recalls when Jessa and Lauren were pregnant together and she lost Asa, how Jessa supported her and now she is trying to do that for Joy. Jessa said they had that big photoshoot with all the pregnant girls, and she is still so excited for everyone but how hard that must be for her. Austin told Michelle in the hospital that they still wanted to be happy for all the babies on the way. Joy says having the headstone and tree brought closure for her, and while it is hard, they'll get through it.
[/end tw: miscarriage]
In Nevada, the Vuolos arrives in Vegas.  Jeremy has never been before, but Jinger has been to the area before- in particular, the Hoover Dam. The Duggars talk about their perceptions of Vegas and do Elvis impersonations which is funny. Kendra doesn't know "what" Elvis is. Jeremy has decided to do the Sky Jump- and 829 controlled leap from the stratosphere building. Jinger is worried about watching this. Jeremy heads up, and Jinger tries to talk him out of it. She waits at the landing for him. Jinger tells Felicity that this will be scary, and Jinger is clearly worried for him. It is a wild thing to do and a long way down. Jeremy says he is and idiot and keeps asking what is he doing. He's got a go pro and Jinger is filming from the bottom. Jeremy is terrified, but he makes the leap and seems to enjoy it- it's actually quite a smooth and slow descent, and he is glad he did it. He kisses the ground. Jeremy says you do feel like you are free falling and it was exhilarating. Jinger says she wishes she was that brave. They go take a pic with the Vegas sign and then tomorrow they will head to LA.
John and Abbie are having a big gender reveal party at about 16 weeks pregnant. Coming up with an original idea was very difficult, and they have boarding passes for everyone. Everyone picks a pink or blue boarding pass which have 4 numbers on them. Jeremiah is going to do 3 passes with the plane: one will have the first two numbers, a middle one which will narrow it down to two passes, and the final one which will have the last number. The four numbers will match either a pink or a blue ticket, and that's the gender. (Maybe just stick to cakes?) But anyways, they all head outside to wait for the plane. Jer is taking off and heading towards the house. Jer does the first pass, the number is 82, and then everyone with an 82 steps up. Next, they look on the side of the plane and see a 7. The two last people are Abbie's mom and her sister Carinna. The plane comes around again, and they look for the last number on the other side of the plane. It's a 3, and that reveals it is a girl. Abbie and John pop pink confetti over everyone. Jer says the flight went great and he is super excited for John and Abbie. Both John and Abbie were hoping for a girl, and they're thrilled. Everyone congratulates them.
The Vuolos finally arrive in LA, and Felicity claps. Their trip took 5 days, and they are happy to be in the big city.  
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purplesurveys · 5 years
England Do you like to drink tea? I only drink iced tea and only the artificial kind, so I don’t think that even counts as tea. My tongue never did adapt well to traditional ones. Do you like to put sugar in your tea? I like my iced tea super sweet if that counts. Have you ever explored an ancient castle? No but it would be interesting to enter one! If you're a Christian, are you Catholic or Protestant? I was baptized and still legally Catholic. Philippines is predominantly Catholic, with 80% of the population; I don’t how the % of Protestants, but it’s definitely a much smaller bit of the pie since the rest of the religions are divided into different Christian denominations, then Islam. Do you live in a big house? It’s definitely bigger than my childhood home, so that’s more than enough.
Are there a lot of seagulls where you live? I don’t think seagulls fly over to this side of the world? Correct me if I’m wrong though. Do you have a garden? Only a very small one. Name something you own with the British flag on it. Probs an old UK-themed notebook lying around, but I’m not sure if I still even have those or if they already got thrown out. What's your favorite part of London? I dunno. London always seemed like such a hectic city for me and I’ve never really had an idea about its identity. If you've been to England, what was your favorite city you've visited? If applicable, what is/was your favorite store in London? I’m not sure I know any London-based stores. Have you ever been lost in London? Nope. Would you say your personality is British? Do you think you'd fit in there? I’d say my personality is the furthest thing from that since I’ve never been submerged in their local culture. I don’t know if I would fit in; a lot of them seem pretty short-tempered lmao. Do you have English ancestors, or are you from England? I’m positively -60% English. Ireland What is one of your favorite celtic songs? I don’t know anything about Irish history/culture other than Becky Lynch, Sheamus, and Niall Horan. I’m laying that out this early. Do you have red hair? Absolutely not. Are you Irish? No Irish blood in my system at all.
Name 5 redheads that you know. Becky Lynch x2.5, Sheamus x2.5 lmao. Who in your family is/was a redhead? Nobody. If you've been to Ireland, what was your favorite city you visited? I haven’t been to Ireland but I would rather take a trip there than to London definitely. Did you have any bad experiences in Ireland? Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? No but Western social media shoves it in my face every year. I have no idea what it’s about other than they turn the Chicago River green. Do you like Irish food? I don’t know much about their food actually :o I don’t think there are places that serve it. What's one thing you like about ancient cathedrals? The fact that millions of lives with different experiences, all in different contexts have come and gone within them. Do you like rolling hills of green? ...I don’t know what you’re talking about. Are you just talking about hills? Because yes, hills are fine with me lmao. Do you like bagpipes? No. All this question gave me was the image of Ross Geller playing them on a Friends episode because he wanted to surprise Chandler and Monica on their wedding. If you're Irish, what part of Ireland is your family from? Do you like English accents or Irish accents better? I like both but I find English ones a wee bit more satisfying to listen to. China What is your Chinese zodiac sign? Tiger. ^Do you like it? Do you feel it fits your personality? I don’t give a shit about it. Do you like your American zodiac sign or Chinese zodiac sign better? I don’t give a shit about either, either. Do you like Chinese food? LOOOOOOOVE good ol’ family-style Chinese food. None of that fake Chinese takeout. List three of your favorite Chinese foods. Minced pork with eggplant, century eggs, spring rolls. Are you familiar with the topic of footbinding? I do. We were taught about it from very early on. What are your favorite books about the Chinese? I don’t really read books about the Chinese. I’ve read readings on Chinese history in high school and college–which I all enjoyed–but I’m not passionate about them enough to pick a favorite. Do you know anyone Chinese? I know a lot of them. Philippines has a very large Chinese Filipino/Filipino Chinese community thanks to their mass migrations way way back–they’ve since heavily integrated their native culture to the country, so we have a lot of Chinese restaurants and Filipinos typically love Chinese food, and we also (by law) celebrate Chinese New Year. There are also a lot of private schools established for kids of Chinese descent. Who is your favorite Chinese youtuber? I don’t have any. Have you ever cooked Chinese food at home? Not me because I don’t cook. My grandma and my dad have. Are you familiar with the Great Chinese Famine? Only a bit. Do you wish your school would teach you about other countries' history? It already does! UP’s very fortunate to have a very well-endowed history department: there are courses for West, East, Southeast, and South Asian, Latin American, United States, European, Spanish, and African history. We ain’t the top school in the country for nothing. Would you ever want to go to China? I already have. The old people there are SO rude and their sense of hygiene and manners is so different from what we have :( I’d still want to go back just for shits and giggles but their people are generally meh. Do you have any Chinese in your family? We do but they aren’t related to us anymore. The relatives who are Chinese are those who married into our family, but my family per se isn’t Chinese. Japan Do you like sushi? I’m fucking craaaaaaaazy about sushi. And sashimi.  ^If so, what are your favorite kinds? Any kind as long as the main part is tuna, unagi (eel), or uni (sea urchin).  What is your favorite manga series? I don’t read manga. Do you love Japanese street fashion? I appreciate it, but it’s too...hip for me hahaha. I’d stick to my preppy wardrobe. What color hair would you have as an anime character? Light pink maybe. Are you aware of the struggles of Japanese Americans during World War 2? Admittedly, not so sure about the situation of Japanese-Americans; but in general, the Japanese were unnecessarily big fucking bullies throughout WWII. They don’t even have the balls to say sorry completely until today. As a Filipino (PH was one of the countries it essentially raped head to toe), this continues to make me angry today. What is your favorite Japanese name? I don’t have. Do you like bonsai trees? They’re cool but I’m not like gaga over them. What's one thing you think Americans should adopt from the Japanese? Intelligence? Have you ever listened to Jpop? No. Do you like Hello Kitty? No. But my sister loves everything Sanrio. What is something you want to know about the Japanese? Why they can’t seem to apologize for their war crimes and criminals and and sex slavery and using of comfort women and cases of rape, torture, and abuse in my country. Do you know anyone who's Japanese? Yeah, I had a classmate from last sem whose last name was Mizushima and looked Japanese. Would you ever want to go to Japan? I already have. The people were very nice. Australia Do you have blonde hair? No trace of blonde anywhere on me.
Do you live near a beach? I live in an archipelago, so technically yes. The nearest beaches are still 3 hours away though. Do you surf? Nah. We’ve been to so many beach resorts that offer basic surfing lessons, but ultimately it’s only my dad, mom, and sister who try it out. I have bad balance so I was always too scared to try. Who is your favorite Australian youtuber? I like Jamie Zhu, but only the videos of him pranking his dad. I haven’t seen any of his other material. Do you watch The Norris Nuts? Never even heard of it. Who is your favorite Australian fictional character? I don’t know a lot of Australian characters other than Hi-5!!! Lmao. What is your favorite song by Hillsong? Fuck no. Have you ever tried to surf? See a few questions above. Do you skateboard? Nope. I can’t balance well other than on the ice skating rink. Have you ever been on an island? I live on an island. Do you live on an island? Yes. A country with 7,641 islands. Do you like Australian accents or British accents better? British ones. Have you ever heard the term, "Crikey, mate!" No...I’ve only ever heard of it stereotyped in the media, too. Is there any Australian here who can confirm if people say this everyday lol Have you ever met anyone from Australia? I probably have but my memory is rusty at the moment. Africa Do you know anyone from Africa? Yeah, I have a mutual friend who’s Nigerian.
Are you familiar with the War on Sudan? A little. I got most of my knowledge of it from my international relations class. Do you own an Invisible Children shirt? I don’t. Have you been to Africa? No, but I want to pay a visit so bad. What's your favorite wild animal? Elephants. Do you prefer dancing or drumming? Neither, but if I absolutely had to pick: drumming. Do you have good rhythm? Not at all. Would you ever want to go to Africa? Yes. What is a great African song? I don’t know any. Have you ever tried African dancing? Nope. Do you own any African jewelry? I don’t. Ever danced to "Waka Waka"? I never did like that song. No. What's the furthest you've ever walked in one day? Probably that time we were in Bali and felt like we walked for 7 days. It was soooooooo humid that day so I was really cranky after. Do you live in a mud hut? No. Mexico List 3 of your favorite Mexican foods. I’m not big on Mexican food that much so I’m sorry if my picks are a little basic haha. I like chimichangas, burritos, and nachos. List 3 Mexican names you like. Ines, Luis, Antonio. List 3 people you know who are Mexican. I only know wrestlers...Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero, Gory Guerrero? Aka members of the best Mexican wrestling family there ever is, was, and ever will be. Have you ever been to Mexico? I haven’t. Would you ever want to go to Mexico? I would love to go to every possible spot in the world at least once, so it’s a yes for me.   Do you think you could handle being around people all the time? ...How is this related to Mexico lmao? Anyway no I don’t think I can. I’m a huge introvert so I’m bound to get tired some time. Do you like spicy food? I love it but only when the spicy factor is integral to the food, like in curries or in spicy dips. I can always tell if spiciness is artificial. How do you do with crowds? I’m alright with crowds as long as people are not screaming all at the same time and if it’s not super compressed. Is it hot where you live? Very hot at the moment. There are places in the country with actual heat indices of 65ºC. HOW IS THAT REAL LIFE????? Do you like bright colors? I hate them so much. Can you speak Spanish? No but I can understand the contexts of some sentences and have what I’d say is an extensive Spanish vocabulary. Makes sense if you consider the fact that the Philippine was under Spain for 333 years. The effects, especially language- and religion-wise, are still very very strong today. Have you ever been to a fiesta? Yup. I was once part of a parade. Ever smacked a pinata? Nah we never used those for my birthdays. What's your favorite thing to order at Taco Bell? I don’t get Taco Ball because the branches that do exist are sooooo faaaaar away from where I live and from where I study. The Middle East Are you Muslim? Nope. Do you know any Muslims? I don’t know anyone personally but it’s not unusual to see Muslims around here.   Do you know anyone who wears hijab? Again, not personally. What are some of your favorite books about Muslims? Ever been to a desert? I wish the Philippines could count as a desert lmao but no I haven’t. Would you want to ride a camel? Is that ethical? I gotta make sure it’s a green-lit thing first. Did you watch the show Legends of the Hidden Temple? I was obsessed with it when I was younger. It was on every 5:30 AM, so it was the program I watched everyday while preparing for school. Korea Have you read To All the Boys I've Loved Before? Please don’t mention that stupid book/movie. ^Have you seen the movie? Did you know that North Korea is closed? I mean, it’s not literally closed; you can still book trips there but they’re still definitely super strict about what you can and can’t get away with. Would you ever want to visit South Korea? I already have. In terms of people’s niceness, they’re in the middle of Chinese (the shits) and Japanese (absolute angels). Most of the Koreans I dealt with were nice save for this one woman who shooed me away when I was taking a photo of something from her little bazaar. Have you ever had Korean food? YESSSSS I love Korean food so much, it’s so underrated. People gotta go deeper than sushi and Chinese fried rice cos there’s another East Asian with food that slaps as fuuuuuuuck. South America Have you read The Spirit of the Rainforest? I have not. Name one fact you know about Venezuela. I know nothing about Venezuela other than they also seem to be favorites in Miss Universe pageants every year along with PH. Do you know anyone who lives in Peru? I do not. That’s very far from where I’m at. Have you ever tried Peruvian food or drink? Nope. I definitely would if there were places that served such here. Have you ever been to South America? No. Do you know anyone from Brazil? I don’t think so. Would you ever want to visit South America? Yes. Name someone you know who owns llamas. Nobody. Do you like llamas? I like all animals except for cockroaches and other weird insects, so yes. Have you ever sewn on a loom? I haven’t had the chance to. Do you own a skirt from Guetamala? This is...specific. No. Do you ever wonder why we don't hear much about South America? Probs because people and media play a hand in painting it in such a bad light, e.g. poverty, drugs, crime and otherwise glorify its big brother North America as a place of freedom and diversity and liberty when it’s just as big of a shithole as anywhere else. But I’m glad social media exposes issues in countries that often go unignored, South American ones included. Thailand Do you like elephants? I LOVE elephants, they’re my favorite creatures. Would you ever be brave enough to try walking on stilts? I’d be so scared but wouldn’t be opposed to trying. Do you know about sex trafficking in Thailand? I’ve heard enough to be actively aware of it, but I don’t know specifics. Do you like Thai food? Obsessed.
Do you know anyone who's Thai? I don’t think so. United States If you live in the US, which state do you live in? Which states have you visited? Which states have you lived in? Have you ever been to Washington D.C? No. What is your favorite American food? I don’t know...I’m genuinely not sure what counts as American food because the ones I know were influenced one way or another from other cuisines. Maybe burgers? I love me a juicy burger with brioche buns, caramelized onions, and a mayo-based sauce. Do you listen to popular music? Hahahaha, guilty pleasure. Do you dream of having two kids and maybe a dog? Yesssss. ...and living in a two-story house with a white picket fence? House yes; not so much on the fence. Fences aren’t the norm here; people have big-ass gates instead. ...and having a good job and saving for retirement? Why is this just an American thing? Isn’t this like a people thing? ....where you can retire to Florida and live on the beach? Florida was never my ideal home. Did you go to college? If so, what was your major? I’m in college atm. Journalism. Were you abused by your parents? Emotionally/mentally/verbally. Do you know any nice people? ???????? I do, but I’m starting to dislike how general life questions were all clumped into the American category as if the whole world lives an American-centric life. Anyway IT’S NOT THAT SERIOUS ROBYN MOVE ON How often do you bbq? What's your favorite ride at Cedar Point? Other What's the best family vacation you've been on? Palawan was amazing. It was a local vacation but it was so much good fun. What countries have you visited? My own; Japan, China, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia. What countries do you want to visit? Morocco, South Africa, Egypt, Canada, Peru, Malta, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia. Have you ever been to NYC? No. Do you live in a big city, small town, or other? Big city, but I live in the quiet, more suburban part of it so it feels small.
Do you live in the city or country? City. What is your favorite country besides your own? I never claimed that the Philippines was my favorite country hahahaha um I don’t have one. What country do you live in? The Philippines. What is your ancestry? Filipino, Malay, Austronesian, possibility of Spanish. Are you happy with the American government? Right now? It sucks. I only recognize and like AOC. What currency do you use? Philippine peso. Do you think you have an accent? Everyone has an accent. I don’t know why this is a question. Have you ever been told you have an accent? Sure.
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emphasis-all-mine · 6 years
Paper Skin Trivia/Headcanons
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Well, here’s my (abbreviated) Paper Skin headcanon/trivia lists for the main characters. Let me know if you have any questions or want me to expand any more?
Cuban and Spanish, raised by his Mom and Grandma, came to US when he was 4.
06/21 ETA: Born a werewolf, as were his brothers and sister (werewolf bloodlines in this AU are Matrilineal and he's descended of only wolfmothers, more on that soooooon).
Refers to Cindy as Mama Garrett and Henry by his first name because he is still a little detached (was raised without his dad present in Cuba so it feels weird)
Loves to climb trees and go up high, instinctively longs to climb mountains.
Didn't do that great at school so he decided to put off college and wound up becoming a jack-of-all-trades and a self-taught chef.
Cooking helps him remember his mother, makes him feel closer to her.
Is a cat person, doesn't like dogs and especially hates coyotes and jackals instinctively. (Will try to maul a jackal on sight. Coyotes just get angry growls.)
LOVES cats of all kinds. Will befriend mountain lions during full moon much to their surprise, or break into a zoo and make nice with all the big cats if left unattended.
Okay so one time when he was a teenager he got into the Bronx Zoo and first tried to chill with the leopards/black panther in the jungle exhibit but it was closed, then he tried to go see the snow leopards & the tigers but couldn't get into their enclosures. Somehow figured out how to get to the Lions.
He mauled a rare deer and dragged it into the Lion enclosure to present to them and become an honorary member of the pride. 
The Garretts and some other members of their pack had to break in and drag him away
The Lions were not happy that they lost their new pack member but got over it.
Whenever he visits the zoo as a guest you could SWEAR they recognize him and call out to him.
When he's a wolf he prefers deer or other hoofed mammals and second favorite is rodents. (Ends up eating birds just because of his natural tree-climbing instincts. Also he knows Hunk likes them so he brings him pigeons and quails.)
All time favorite thing he's eaten as a wolf was a Moose that he caught for Keith (will explain in a future chapter) with a very lost and confused Caribou as a runner up.
Least favorite is crow or birds of prey but he gets short-sighted when he's wolfy and sometimes just hunts for the thrill of it. He's taken down a red-tailed hawk and an Eagle owl.
Favorite music: Shakira (prefers her ¿Dónde Están Los Ladrones?-era stuff), Gorillaz, TV on the Radio, Robyn, Rihanna
Was brought into the Shirogane clan at around age 12/13.
Identifies as Asian-American since his Dad was part Korean but does not know where his mom came from. Assumes she was of a mixed background as well.
His dad was sired by Akira Kogane, who was of Chinese and Japanese descent so he wonders if that filters down with vampire progeny?
Speaks very little Japanese, enough to answer Shiro if he uses a well-known phrase but not enough to converse
Has a recurring nightmare where tree branches start growing out of his throat and choke him
Really wants a motorcycle but will settle for a car of his own. Doesn't want Shiro to buy it, he's saving his own money.
He's actually a very good driver and Shiro will let him drive his vehicles.
Studied outside of school with help from coven members that were teachers as also some help from Pidge and the Holts so he was able to get his GED at 19
Very glad he has Umbra for a pet because she is very good at helping him figure out the time of day based on her behavior and feeding habits (yes he forgets that his phone will tell him the time and weather conditions because he is so used to living completely indoors)
Has a bug-out room in the apartment he shares with Lance. It's much bigger than the closet corner and has room for some emergency supplies and he's put up some corkboards on the walls.
Prefers type O blood and tries to avoid AB because it's like OJ with pulp (there's too much extra antigens in it). Loves pork blood when it's Lance's recipe.
Favorite music: Dolly Parton, The Cure, MCR, Siouxsie & the Banshees and PJ Harvey
Born a werewolf, mostly Grey wolf but there's some Asian/Japanese wolf ancestry
Full name is Tsuyoshi Garrett (born Tsuyoshi Seido but had it legally changed when Henry Garrett adopted him)
His mom is Cynthia Tsukiyama-Garrett, and birth father is Tsutomo "Tommy" Seido
He considers Henry Garrett his Dad, hence why he took his last name instead of going by Seido or changing it to Tsukiyama
Henry gave Hunk his nickname after his half-brothers teased him about being a "runt"
Was great at school and did some undergrad at Hunter, then left to go to culinary school.
He finished culinary school and worked at his Mom's bar while trying to figure out if he really wanted to work in a fancy restaurant that wouldn't give him time away for full moon stuff
First time he met Shay he choked on his own spit because his mouth went dry and he nearly passed out
Second time was a better impression, his little sisters both caught the flu and were in wolf-form and was finally able to be his sweet charming self because he was so focused on his sisters' well-being that he forgot to freak out that the pretty veterinarian was smiling at him.
Had a full blown panic attack when he cooked for Shay without knowing she was a vegetarian and inadvertently won her heart with how caring and concerned he was.
Is practicing making Kushari because Shay's family is Egyptian and he wants to impress them. He already makes fantastic hummus.
His preferred food as a wolf is any kind of fowl (sparrow, chicken, turkey, etc.) Secretly loves peacock, but resists the urge to break back into St. John the Divine's Cathedral to snarf one up.
Least favorite food as a wolf is any kind of seafood or fish. Loves them as a human but finds them too bony and briny when wolfed-out.
Favorite music: Matt and Kim, LCD Soundsystem, Beck, The Hold Steady, Broken Social Scene
Irish-Italian, her parents are very lapsed Catholics
Currently in High School and will end up at Columbia after timeskip
Needs to study an animal before trying to shift. Often pictures or online video is enough but really does prefer to be up close and personal so she can nail any vocalizations that the audio distorts or doesn't quite catch.
Her dad has a mastery of most animal forms and also can do inanimate objects. Pidge will work on that next. It takes a lot of concentration and holding her breath 
Keith is her favorite because he'll support her delinquency (he doesn't realize it) and she likes helping him figure societal conventions out. They talk or visit at least once a week if not more.
Pidge would make Keith do her homework as a way of home-schooling him (and it also reinforced whatever she was learning, meaning she'd ace every subject and test), it dropped off after Keith got his GED and started working. Schoolwork still is rather easy for her after so many years of teaching herself good study habits by tutoring Keith.
Shiro being ageless is a stable presence in her life, but she thinks of him as more of her brother's friend or like an eccentric uncle
(Pidge has many eccentric uncles and aunts due to her family being half fae descendants, and half metahumans)
Her favorite food is pancakes. Least favorite is eggplant.
Favorite music: Zoë Keating, Tricky, Portishead, Massive Attack, Modest Mouse 
Was introduced to the underground supernatural community of NYC by her godfather, Coran.
Born and raised in London. Westbourne Gardens area.
Came to the US on student visa and goes to grad school for biochem. Phlebotomy is a way for her to make money and help out Shiro, as Coran's family has known of his for years
No, she doesn't know why Coran has that accent even though he's lived in Brooklyn for as long as she knows
Her pet "mice" are actually Degus. She likes carrying them around in her pockets or purse, they are very well-behaved.
She's never going to bring them NEAR Lance because she knows how much he loves eating fuzzy little rodents
Her favorite food is Candy Floss, least favorite is tomatoes.
Favorite music: Nina Simone, Lana Del Rey, anything Stevie Nicks has done, Ms. Dynamite and Kylie Minogue
Names all his businesses after vampire things because he believes in hiding in plain sight (Shuten-dōji was the yokai/vampire that turned him)
Didn't return to his hometown after being turned into a vampire. Was too ashamed and scared he would hurt them. His neighbors and friends assumed he died in the Great Tenmei famine.
Despite his issues with aging, he's tried dying his hair but it looks awful so he just leaves the white streak
Was a very good horseback rider in his youth. Joined the military and was a skilled fighter.
It took a while for him to adjust to motor vehicles. He hit Hunk's grandmother with his car, (but that's how he found the Tsukiyama pack so it worked out and she was fine.)
First cat was named Bobō, a calico. Current cat is Kikō, a tabby.
Prefers type B blood but will settle for O or AB. Type A makes him sneeze after he eats.
Not really a music fan, prefers quiet. He really liked jazz when he first heard it so he sometimes puts on very old, worn-out LPs.
He answers to Takashi or Shiro. Shi-kun or Shi-chan to friends that use his honorifics, later Shiro-kun or Shiro-chan, when he took the nickname referring to the white streak in his hair.
He still has a bad habit of not responding if people address him by Shirogane alone.
(Because "Shirogane-san" was his twin's preferred name)
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urxviteas · 7 years
do the rest of the numbers you haven't already done
1.What is you middle name?Elaine!!

2. How old are you?21!

3. When is your birthday?Dec. 4

4. What is your zodiac sign?Sagittarius  

5. What is your favorite color?Light purple

6. What’s your lucky number?7!!!!

7. Do you have any pets?Two cats that live with my mom!

8. Where are you from?Lawrenceburg, IN

9. How tall are you?5'7

10. What shoe size are you?9!!!

11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?Uhhhh like 10 I think

12. What was your last dream about?It was a very good dream about the bf 👀

13. What talents do you have?I can play 5 different instruments and sing, but also can overthink just about ANY and EVERY situation I come across.

14. Are you psychic in any way?Nah

15. Favorite song?OH DUDE Woodwork (Acoustic) -Knuckle Puck

16. Favorite movie?ANASTASIA 

17. Who would be your ideal partner?If we’re talkin in general, someone who is kind and sweet! And will put up with my dumbass LOL 

18. Do you want children?I haven’t really given it much thought, maybe one day?

19. Do you want a church wedding?Eeeeeeeehhh. That depends on who I end up with and there are a lot of factors that could make or break that decision.

20. Are you religious?I wouldn’t exactly call myself religious but I’m somewhere in the middle??? I don’t know really.

21. Have you ever been to the hospital?Oh god plenty of times LOL

22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Nope!

23. Have you ever met any celebrities?I met a country singer, because they played at my school??? And I was working the sound and light booth. Uhhhh RYAN SCOTT GRAHAM AT WARPED TOUR

24. Baths or showers?Showers I guess

25. What color socks are you wearing?I’m not wearing socks 

26. Have you ever been famous?I WISH

27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?I would like the cash, not so much the lack of privacy. 

28. What type of music do you like?I like a little bit of everything!!! As of late it’s mostly been Indie Alt and musicals.

29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?Once, yeah! 

30. How many pillows do you sleep with?At least four.

31. What position do you usually sleep in?You know the one where one leg is straight and the other brought up??? Idk if that makes sense.

32. How big is your house?It’s decent sized!! 4 bedroom 3.5 bath!!

33. What do you typically have for breakfast?I don’t generally eat breakfast, but if I do it’s eggs.

34. Have you ever fired a gun?Nope!

35. Have you ever tried archery?Yes and I’m TERRIBLE AT IT.

36. Favorite clean word?HECK

38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?Two full days 

39. Do you have any scars?Oh hell yeah. I have a scar on my tongue from getting hit by a drunk driver. Scars on my knees bc I was a clumsy kid. I could go on and on 

40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?Nope 

41. Are you a good liar?That’s debatable, I don’t think so!.

42. Are you a good judge of character?NOPE

43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?A slight Irish one??? But i can only do it while reading “twas the night before Christmas. 

44. Do you have a strong accent?I don’t think so!

45. What is your favorite accent?I’m in love with Aussie accents wowwie

46. What is your personality type?INFP

47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?I have a dress that I paid like 135 dollars for that I only wore to Haley’s wedding LMAO

48. Can you curl your tongue?Yes!

49. Are you an innie or an outie?Innie

50. Left or right handed?Right

51. Are you scared of spiders?Y E S

52. Favorite food?Mac n cheese 

53. Favorite foreign food?Chicken paprikush 

54. Are you a clean or messy person?

I’m in the middle!
55. Most used phrase?I don’t know???!!!

56. Most used word?Uhhhhhhhhh probably heck

57. How long does it take for you to get ready?About 15-20 if we’re talkin full face of makeup, 5 without!

58. Do you have much of an ego?I try not to have one at all tbh

59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?Suck

60. Do you talk to yourself?Only when I need to remember things

62. Are you a good singer?I don’t think so, I think I’m pretty mediocre tbh

63. Biggest Fear?Loosing the people I love.

64. Are you a gossip?People come to me to gossip, and if I do gossip it’s mainly only with Donuts.

65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?Not a fan of dramatic movies tbh 

66. Do you like long or short hair?All kinds of hair 

67. Can you name all 50 states of America?Yes but not right now

68. Favorite school subject?MUSICA

69. Extrovert or Introvert?Ambivert, but more leaning toward introvert.

70. Have you ever been scuba diving?

71. What makes you nervous?Almost everything tbh

72. Are you scared of the dark?Nah

73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Only if it’s big enough for me to care about.

75. Have you ever started a rumor?Nope!

76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?Yes, several times. Wasn’t what it was cracked up to be tho.

77. Have you ever drank underage?LMAO yeah

78. Have you ever done drugs?Ive smoked weed like twice.

79. Who was your first real crush?Oh god. First grade, his name was David. I heard he’s married now, good for him.

80. How many piercings do you have?Just my ears!

81. Can you roll your Rs?Yes!

82. How fast can you type? I can type at a speed

83. How fast can you run?????? Who honestly gauges themselves??? I know my last mile time was 8:02 SO IDK

84. What color is your hair?Medium brown

88. What do your parents do?My mom is a manager at a restaurant, and my dad is a nurse!

89. Do you like your age?It’s okay, but it’s nothing special. 

90. What makes you angry?A lot of things, to be completely honest

91. Do you like your own name?It’s okay??? I guess

92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?I’ve always liked the name Max for a girl, and Everett for a boy!

93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?I don’t care either way tbh. If that should ever happen, they will be loved no matter what

94. What are you strengths?I give good advice sometimes, and I am a good listener.

95. What are your weaknesses?I literally ruin everything

97. Were your ancestors royalty?According to my grandma, yes?? But she does that ancestry.com bullshit so who knows 

98. Do you have any scars?This is on here twice??? Weird

99. Color of your bedspread?Yellow!!!

100. Color of your room?Boring old white walls
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circlesofts · 8 years
Please don't hate me... from the "Get To Know Me" questionnaire: All of them? Or at least all that you choose to answer. You don't have to answer those that you don't want to
Thanks for asking! Don’t worry about it, no hate, i’m happy to do it (Sorry it’s a day or two late, mobile Tumblr doesn’t give me notifications for messenger. Luckily I remembered to check…)
1. What is your middle name? Claire
2. How old are you?20 years old
3. What is your birthday?6th of Feb, the 20 years old thing is fairly recent
4. What is your zodiac sign?Aquarius
5. What is your favorite color?I quite like green/turquoise/purple (#339933, #008060, #990099 for an idea)
6. What’s your lucky number?I don’t really have one, probs 6 or 2
7. Do you have any pets?Used to have lots of pets, currently just a dog and cat, they’re p cute
8. Where are you from?I’m from the North West of England, around the Fylde Coast
9. How tall are you?5″5
10. What shoe size are you?I’m a size 4.5-5 for shoes
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?There’s 10 pairs with me at uni (including slippers) but I have an extra 5 or more pairs at home I think
12. What was your last dream about?I can’t remember my last dream
13. What talents do you have?Umm, I don’t really have any talents, I can sort of do things but nothing I’m really good at? 
14. Are you psychic in any way?I don’t really believe in psychic stuff, but I sometimes really vividly dream stuff before they happen? Then a strong sense of Déjà vu
15. Favorite song?I have too many favourite songs, from too many genre. A few good ones that I listened to recently, Vectors by Area 11, Boy With A Coin by Iron and Wine, Salad Days/My Kind Of Woman by Mac Demarco and finally, the hot new meme Bag Raiders by Shooting Stars
16. Favorite movie?Again, there’s a lot. Anything Ghibli is a hit, also Your Name is a banger. Rogue one was p fantastic, Amélie, Fight Club, Animatrix, so many more
17. Who would be your ideal partner?Idk, someone who tries to understand me I guess, who never stops trying and always want to find out more. Also patience is key, I’m not the easiest person to live with
18. Do you want children?I do want children, but also the idea of it terrifies me
19. Do you want a church wedding?I’ve never been super fussed about marriage but a church wedding does sound appealing in some ways.
20. Are you religious?None Religion with Left Beef
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?I’ve been to the hospital a few times
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Nah, never been caught
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Met Alfie Boe, his aunt or mum or smth lives v close to me
24. Baths or showers?Showers for sure
25. What color socks are you wearing?No socks lad
26. Have you ever been famous?I’ve been in the local newspaper a few times, wouldn’t exactly call it famous tho
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?Yes and no, like the idea of being remembered and being influences. Also kind of a poor background so the money would be nice. But also too much pressure
28. What type of music do you like?Cliché as it is, I like a bit of everything. Although preferences for rock, indie, folk. Although I’ve been on a vaporwave jam recently
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?nah
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?2 usually, sometimes 3
31. What position do you usually sleep in?On my front or side I think
32. How big is your house?My uni flat is p small, my parents house is 3 bedroom, small but not super small
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?On the rare occasions I have breakfast, toast w/tomatoes on. Although I did just treat myself to a box of cereal which is very rare.
34. Have you ever fired a gun?Air rifle at scouts, I wasn’t half bad
35. Have you ever tried archery?Again, at scouts
36. Favorite clean word?Altruism
37. Favorite swear word?It has to be cunt
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?3 days, it was during exam period as well
39. Do you have any scars?2 on my face
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?Umm, not in the super romantic sense with surpise gifts and shit. More like people have had crushes and told me months/years later, doesn’t end well usually
41. Are you a good liar?Yes
42. Are you a good judge of character?I’d like to think I am, but probably not. Sometimes tho
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?Poorly
44. Do you have a strong accent?North-west doesn’t have any particularly strong accent. That being said, some people at uni can tell I’m not from the south
45. What is your favorite accent?Italian probs. Although for comedy, it’s gotta be Somerset (think Hot Fuzz)
46. What is your personality type?Quiet probably, I’m not really sure
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?I own some Dr Martens boots, that or a shirt I got in a sale that turned out to be heckin expensive
48. Can you curl your tongue?Ye
49. Are you an innie or an outie?Innie
50. Left or right handed?Right
51. Are you scared of spiders?Definitely house spiders
52. Favorite food?Burgers or chocolate.Although red peppers.
53. Favorite foreign food?I really like Indian curry, not spicy tho. Although there’s nothing more British than going for an Indian, unless it’s a Chinese.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?Kitchen is always clean, bedroom is always messy.
55. Most used phrase?Soft boy, Ayy lmao, That’s gay, it’s chill, It’s a banger. I have a lot of stock phrases I just kinda say without thinking, I don’t remember all of them
56. Most used word?Probably soft, or dickhead
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?if I’m late and I don’t have to look nice, I can be ready in 10-20. However for most things I’m late because I take too damn long59.  Do you have much of an ego?Not really, but it’s easily bruised
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?Bite
60. Do you talk to yourself?Sometimes
61. Do you sing to yourself?Yes, a lot
62. Are you a good singer?Average
63. Biggest Fear?Forgetting things, memories, smells, how something felt. That and things like aneurysms and strokes, I’m really afraid of them.
64. Are you a gossip?Definitely. If it’s not v important or a secret I’m gonna be all over it
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?Little Miss Sunshine
66. Do you like long or short hair?All hair is good hair
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?Nope
68. Favorite school subject?Sociology, Philosophy, Art
69. Extrovert or Introvert?A shy and anxious extrovert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?Nah
71. What makes you nervous?People with any authority to judge, people judging, being alone, loud people and loud noises. Laddish people
72. Are you scared of the dark?Nah
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Depends on the mistake, but usually
74. Are you ticklish?Very
75. Have you ever started a rumor?Kinda, yeah. In high school. My friend put his newts in the bathtub while he was cleaning their tank. We were all having a laugh in maths about it and I made a joke about him bathing with his newts and then it became A Thingl. It wasn’t super bad, mostly funny.
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?Yeah
77. Have you ever drank underage?Ye
78. Have you ever done drugs?Ye
79. Who was your first real crush?One of my online friends from back in my Deviantart days
80. How many piercings do you have?None,
81. Can you roll your Rs?Not really, with great effort
82. How fast can you type?Very fast on my phone, average on my laptop
83. How fast can you run?Not sure, I don’t do a lot of running anymore, probably not v fast. Used to be p fast tho
84. What color is your hair?Currently brown
85. What color is your eyes?Hazel
86. What are you allergic to?Nothing
87. Do you keep a journal?Nah
88. What do your parents do?My dad is a welder fabricator, my mum is currently unemployed
89. Do you like your age?Not really? I don’t feel 20 but it makes me anxious, I wanna be a teenager again
90. What makes you angry?injustice, being tricked, when people make me feel stupid
91. Do you like your own name?Ye
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?Nah man
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?Gender or sex isn’t important
94. What are you strengths?I’m a good listener, and I always try and be as kind as thoughtful as I can be. Although sometimes salty, I am usually p good at moving past things and forgiving people, although sometimes a weakness.
95. What are your weaknesses?Anxious, sometimes way too defensive. Because I hate being tricked I have a very bad reaction to pranks. I’m also really forgetful and have poor motivation.
96. How did you get your name?My Grandma is Irish and there’s a river Shannon, also my older bro is called Shaun. Shaun and Shannon is a good name combo.
97. Were your ancestors royalty?Don’t know, don’t think so
98. Do you have any scars?question 39
99. Color of your bedspread?Green and White
100. Color of your room?Room at home is red, room here is white and pale blue.
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