#corresponding to a different type of moth
featherlouise · 1 year
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Also I am never drawing in that style again holy fuck I forgot how much I hate drawing lineless
Brief rundown of his backstory under the cut (bc it’s changed a fair amount)
(For context) The Order of the Old Flame (OOF) is a cult that originated from a small group of moths who left Hallownest when PK took over, they fled to a small village MILES away in a tundra, and over the course of a few thousand years, dug their claws into the very foundations of the kingdom that became of it.
Signs of their reverence of the Radiance are everywhere, but most notably architecture, which are emblazoned with suns and clouds and dream catchers (this will be important later)
Eóghan’s mother grew up in OOF, and is the older sister of the Seer (the leader, aka the one who’s seen as the most ‘in touch’ with the Radiance (all moths possess some type of dream magic, some stronger than others))
She met his father, a man living outside of the city in a small cottage with his mother
Etc etc they fell in love, had Eóghan, all was right with the world
Until OOF finds them, they have spies everywhere after all. The Seer and some OOF members resolve to eradicate the traitor and the one who has poisoned her mind, setting the cottage on fire in the middle of the night, with all but the old woman inside (who is staying in the city overnight, having been held back and forced to book a hotel)
Before setting the house alight, the Seer finds Eóghan, barely a year old, and decides to “save” him, raising him as her own.
Years later, miles away, a vessel destroys the dream goddess in her own realm, and the very foundations of the kingdom shake with her screams. The death of a god is something that every living being can feel, even if it’s just through a pervasive feeling of wrongness.
A disillusioned Eóghan takes the commotion as an opportunity to escape, almost being stopped by a dagger to the hand from his aunt, who is one of the most effected by Radi’s death, barely able to stay on her feet.
Eóghan manages to escape out into the cold, but with only a thin shirt, trousers and leather boots to protect from the cold, coupled with a steadily bleeding knife wound, he’s not long outside of the city before he collapses.
CONVENIENTLY on the road where a certain old lady is going into the city to sell some goods from her farm.
Long story short bc this is getting long!!! Old lady nurses him back to health, and he repays her by helping her round her farm. Eóghan is a VERY angry boy after realising that not only was his entire life and belief system built on a lie, but his auntie, basically his MOTHER, cares more about her faith than her son, would rather try to kill him than let him leave, or goddess forbid go with him. SO. Old lady teaches him how to be a healthy, mostly emotionally stable person!!!
A few years later, she passes away, but not before telling Eóghan that she would be so proud to have him as a grandson. He never does find out the truth. But as far as he’s concerned?? That’s his nana, blood relative or not.
Even more years later!! (Reminder that they meet about 8 years after Holly nerfs the Radiance) Hollow is kidnapped by a combination of PHFTT (PK’s killers in case u forgot) and OOF, and they manage to escape by the skin of their teeth, being injured and draining their magic in the process (they’re not difficult to kill, per say, but there are a LOT of them, and killing people is kinda hard when ur tied up with a concussion)
Eóghan, seeing this VERY interesting looking person passed out in the snow, decides “AGH fuck it!!” And takes them in
Queue meet cute!!! (meet ugly?? I wouldn’t class waking up in a strangers house after a near death experience a meet cute)
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lolo3h · 3 months
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So I was thinking about the other grass type tierlist I made based on what plant families grass type pokemon were based on and made another list categorizing the uses the plants the pokemon are based on
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haru-dipthong · 1 year
There is no universal truth when it comes to what physical object fits into a category. The Universe does not decide and differentiate “this is a cloud” and “that is a plume of steam”. We are humans. We have constructed these languages and these words, and we alone are the ones who collectively and individually decide what to call what. For example, what might be considered “blue” in one language might be considered “green” in another - there is no physical law dictating where “green” stops and “blue” starts on the visible spectrum of light. That is purely a human distinction to make.
The word “butterfly” is not one idea. It’s a word that represents millions of living beings. Who decides what qualifies as a butterfly, and what doesn’t? We do, as English speakers. In contrast, French doesn’t differentiate between moths and butterflies in common parlance. Individual things in reality (for example, the butterfly I’m looking at as I write this) fit into categories (words -- in this case “butterfly”), which we just make up out of convenience.
Words are categories for real things, that we’ve just made up out of convenience.
This is something to keep in mind when learning a language. Your native language’s words will not correspond 1-to-1 with another language’s words, because convenient categories will differ between cultures.
For example, in Japanese, they found it convenient to come up with a category for a type of large ocean-dwelling fish that’s nice to eat, マグロ (maguro). In english, we thought the same, and came up with a category of our own (tuna). But the specific animals that “tuna” refers to is a bit wider in scope than マグロ - it includes 5 genera of similar fish, only one of which is マグロ (in english we call the category that マグロ represents "true tunas").
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lumilasi · 2 years
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Chouma's update with his new wing design + decided to add his human form/past self of sorts into the same post given his and Cecil's trip to human world is essentially his own "main" storyline. (In the last pic Chouma still has his old wing pattern, but I was too lazy to go fix that too lol)
Side note: that red fluff is NOT part of his jacket, but his own moth collar.
Bio below:
Name: Chouma
Name translation: butterfly devil
Original name: Kousai Ryoma (Eye iris & 500-man batallion devil)
Nicknames: Chou-Chou (Youko) Sad fluff (Max) Kou (when human)
Age: He died/manifested around the age of 24, 5 years ago from current date
Height: 183 cm
Occupation: A rockband's vocalist/guitar (Former Yakuza as human)
Family: he was looked after by a special type of local light spirit called Shura & Chimera lady Shika, acts as a big brother figure for Shika's niece, a kid called Youko.
Love Interest: Cecil (A bakeneko who works as a hairdresser & is the brother of his bandmate's boyfriend)
Friends: Youko, Sebastian Kravchenko (Wyvern) Max Karuna (A naga) Kaspian Kravchenko (Also a Wyvern) Laurent (A sea serpent) Roman (Half blood lycan/Grimmhound)
Moth spirits are human souls reborn in new form through what is called a Hive Tree. There used to be 7 of those, but after the Ancient War only 3 are left. Each tree attracts slightly different types of souls with unfinished business:
Amethyst Wisteria:  A purple tree which reminds a massive Wisteria tree in appearance, the spirits manifested by this one are typically those who were in some way significant people in their community, dying unexpectedly. Leaders, warriors, freedom fighters, etc.
Emerald Weeping Willow: A green tree similar in likeness to Weeping Willows, only again much more massive. Souls born from this tree were those with tragic, darker sudden deaths. These souls were typically killed by someone in a non-war setting (I.E victims of crime) or they died of self-inflicted injuries caused by mental distress of some sort. (Chouma was born from this tree, he was killed by someone overdozing him with a drug known as devil butterfly, hence his name)
Blue Lapiz Spruce: A large tree in likeness of blue spruce. The souls that this tree attracts are typically those who died in a freak accident or natural disasters. This tree tends to birth a lot of child moth spirits, given it is more likely for a child to die of a freak accident/natural disaster than be of a level of importance/die due to crime. (both are still possible, but rarer)
Moth spirits also correspond to the tree they are born from in color; Wisteria-born are purple with sometimes yellow accent colors, Weeping willow's creations are green with occasionally red accents, and Blue Spruce creates blue spirits with orange accents. Their names also typically indicate how they died in some way, or reference the setting they died in/a significant object related to it.
Born-Adult spirits recall their deaths with often some sort of trauma-related response left in them, whereas children tend to not remember at all; it is a supposed form of mercy by the Hive trees, granted to the youngest souls.
The way moth spirits complete their "unfinished business" is more symbolic, rather than directly going to those this regret is connected to. (Often this'd be impossible given those people may be long gone themselves) For example, they perform the same action/reach the same goal they didn't do during their past life: confessing your love, helping with something you didn't help with, etc. It is in that sense, not a do-over to fix what you already did, but a second chance to not repeat your mistakes.
Basically the entire moth-spirit roster: Flight, butterfly poofing like a vampire, spitting acid or webbing, destructive shriek, stab & fireproof wings, pocket dimension to store stuff in, ability to coat areas into darkness with his butteflies I.E pull something into his pocket dimension. De-manifesting his wings if needed. Sleep inducing vibrations from his antennae.
Excellent singing/songwriting skills: He is a musician, and suspects he was one even in his past life, which is very likely the case.
KNIFE: Chouma is actually pretty good fighter, especially with knives. It is another remnant from his past life, where he was quite notorious even among his own group for being brutal in fights.
His death-induced weakness that majority of moth-spirits have, is his fear towards showing himself in the most vulnerable state to someone he cares about, because he was likely found dead by someone he loved. In turn, he ALSO doesn't want people to catch him off-guard, given his killer was a backstabber who he thought he could trust.
The mere idea of either happening is enough to send him to a panic attack sometimes, which is why seeking help when he really needs it can be extremely difficult for Chouma. Once he starts to awaken his "Grudge" he might also become aggressive towards people during these moments.
Grudge, is something a moth spirit may develop if their regret they are seeking relief from has something extremely negative attached to it, such as wanting revenge as in Chouma/Kousai's case. This can make them act extremely irrational and obsessive, to the point they become a danger to themselves and others.
Chouma is mostly fairly quiet and introverted person, who only shows his flashier side when performing, appearing far more confident in himself on stage than he truly is. He prefers to be left alone and only hang out in small groups, with people he trusts. Lot of his avoidance towards the more typical rockstar life is due to his death as a human, and he's very mindful about his drinking, let alone how he acts in certain situations, such as around kids.
While he tends to come off as calm and maybe even a bit out-of-it/tired on the outside, he's bit of a ball of anxiety, and can be very trigger happy in some situations, where he's accidentally hurt people with his powers. Chouma always feels awful about it, of course.
As Kousai he was much more aggressive but also had genuine confidence. He was also stubborn, impulsive and extremely petty. Both sides do share their tendency for strong loyalty towards their loved ones (and a habit of blushing madly over their bf)
Chouma is often seen hanging out/babysitting his honorary little sister Youko, and her aunt has theorized that Chouma used to have a little sister when he was a human, which is why he took a liking to the kid so fast. (This turns out to be true, although his human sister had passed already by then)
While he is often seemingly the most intimidating looking member of the band, he's actually their Poor Baby Cinnamon Roll (tm)
Chouma's memory of his past life is a bit patchier than Yaguro's, a fellow moth spirit whom he has met through his "caretakers" and has a lot of respect for. His hairstyle was actually inspired by Yaguro's samurai bun.
This patchiness turns out to be because his Grudge was put in deep sleep when he first manifested, hence he couldn't remember much anything.
He likely died somewhere between the 80-90ies.
Chouma is pan
Their band's name, The Showman's Lament, originates from Chouma's musings about his past and tragic death, how while he's thankful of his new chance, he still mourns his old life.
The logo was inspired by his wing pattern.
His outfits are typically designed/he chooses outfits so that his fluff collar doesn't have to be stuffed inside them, as he finds it uncomfortable.
He is very careful about his drinking, having the tendency to party much less than his friends. They both understand it, knowing his personal history and don't mind.
Chouma is not typically one for conflict, but he is willing to defend his friends if needed, and has gotten involved in fights alongside Sebastian a lot. People tend to find him the scarier one between the two, despite Wyverns like Bass generally having a more fearsome reputation.
This unconscious unease towards Chouma is very likely caused by his sleeping Grudge, and generally his old personality still lingering
He was born from the Emerald Weeping Willow tree, hence his green color.
The tattoo he has on his back as human is the symbol of his moth side, and the fact it was born out of his death, which is why it appears like a skull in shape somewhat with Chouma's colors, the green flames below representing a soul.
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melis-writes · 2 years
My blog’s new and updated Fanfic Masterlist is finally here!! 🥰❤️ On this page, you can find the full and current updated masterlist of all of the fanfics I’ve written. 
On my blog’s main page (melis-writes.tumblr.com) you can find all of my links and options on the right hand side including the Fanfic Masterlist like so: 
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Once you click on ‘My Fanfics’ you’ll reach the masterlist page where you have a variety of filters to choose from to sort and find the type of fanfic you’re looking for. This’ll not only make more sense as I upload/write more fics, but it’ll be more satisfying to sort through too. 😅😂
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While oneshots are rather self explanatory, the main difference between multichapter and series fics is that series fics go well over 25+ chapters whereas multichapter fics do not.
You can also sort through what fandom/film you want to see fics for. These are the films/fandoms I’ve written for and they’ll always be organized from earliest to latest years.
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All of my works regardless of genre, content, pairing or film/fandom will always be for adults (18+) only. Still, you can filter out through what kind of rating/explicitness of a fic you’d like to read. There are major differences between the 3 ratings. Please click here to read more about how I rate my fics, and what you can expect to find in each rating including level of detail. 
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Every posted fic has the same layout and is easy to read/understand for every detail you’re curious about. Take my most popular fic, Moth to Flame, for example here:
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The title of the actual fic will redirect you to AO3 where you can read it. 
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And there you have it! How to navigate, use and understand the Fanfic Masterlist page.  ❤️❤️❤️
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ask-ikevamp-faust · 2 months
Welcome back, my soul. I hope that you’ve rested well and recovered from the frustrations of your week. I’ve also missed our exchanges, and a selfish part of me is very gratified that you feel the same way. You’ll be glad to hear that I did remember your request to treat myself. I had a rather luxurious bath and a salted caramel while I enjoyed a movie from my long watchlist. I’m curious to know your favorite ways to relax.
My darling Johann, you find a way to make me blush or give me butterflies with each correspondence. I hope you don’t mind that the rather wicked part of my personality enjoys your more possessive tendencies. After all, my favorite couples are the ones deeply in love and slightly obsessed with each other. That being said, I love that you have a wide taste for food because I love to make many of my own cultural foods, but I also make a wide variety of other dishes. To me, the kitchen is just another laboratory, and I adore trying new things. Next, I plan to try making homemade cream puffs.
Perhaps the next time we spend time together, I’ll combine our two favorite foods and bring crostini with brie, prosciutto, and homemade jam. I can also certainly make my favorite sandwich for us. I‘ll pack it in a small basket so we can have lunch at the church one day. Those “chocolate clouds” you discovered sound delightful. I do enjoy frozen desserts, and I absolutely adore berries. Cherries and strawberries are my favorites.
I'll happily accept your reward, but I am curious to see what you have in mind. As long as your marks can remain hidden beneath clothing, you’re welcome to leave them wherever you’d like. Perhaps one of my rewards for you will be a demonstration of my singing or dancing abilities, although I'd happily show them to you regardless. Your compliments towards performers and your offer to learn more about my past roles have made my heart flutter again. If you'd like, I can even give you a list of the songs in my usual repertoire, but I’ll warn you that aome are almost comically different from each other. I've played many different types of roles including Ingénues, femme fatales, and even the occasional villain.
I know that I'm curious about many things involving you, but I also have to ask what kinds of collars and jewelry you'd choose for me. I adore that we could use the jewelry as the “daytime” version of the collar, especially if it were another type of necklace. It would signify that I belong to someone while remaining innocuous, and I enjoy the thought that I'd always be carrying a reminder of you.
Lastly, the promised tattoo story. I chose the moth and lantern symbolism for a few reasons. For one, I enjoyed the symbolism of the phrase “like a moth to the flame.” It describes my intense passion for certain topics, such as science. Secondly, I’ve always felt more like a moth in a world of butterflies, but I’ve grown to understand that our differences make us beautiful and special in our own ways. I'll attach a poem I quite enjoy which will explain, but unfortunately I don’t know its original author.
As I emerged from my cocoon,
I found myself surrounded by beautiful butterflies.
I watched as people would chase after them,
Laughing and playing.
But I did not have those long and thin antennas.
Nor did I have the vividly colored wings that everyone loves.
I did not have an elegant body either.
But I tried my best to be a butterfly,
Because everyone loves butterflies.
Yet each time I was met with disgust.
They always ran away,
Swatting and screaming.
I crashed onto the floor,
And I laid there until the moon awoke from her slumber.
Sweet child,
Why do you cry?
Asked the moon.
Because no one loves me!
I'm not pretty enough for them.
They all swat me away in fear.
I am no butterfly.
Well, of course you're not a butterfly,
You're a moth, and because of that you see what others cannot.
I don't care what I can or cannot see
I want to be pretty!
Why won't anyone love me?
But they do!
Somewhere out there is someone who loves moths,
And right now they need you.
They need me?
But how will I know where to find them?
Do what you do best,
Find the light in the dark.
(I apologize for the length! Feel free to include the Tanz der Vampire info in the exchange <3)
I'm mostly rested, though I'm anticipating this coming Friday will also be a difficult day. If my prediction comes to pass, I'm taking your offer from the other day, that is, if it's still available. Coming back to your selfish gratification feels perfect, I like the honesty. I'm pleased to hear you had a good time. I don't take time to relax very often, but if I do, it mainly consist of sleeping. Doing light observations of things outside of my deep research is also relaxing. However, as of recent, I've noticed time with you is interesting and peaceful, relaxing in its own way.
Admitting your pleasure towards my possessive tendencies may cause more intense actions in the future, you may want to be more cautious. I deeply desire to keep you all to myself, but I don't want to take your wings away because seeing you enjoy the things you love causes an odd feeling inside of me. I don't mind that feeling, it's rather pleasant.
I'd like to watch you work in the kitchen, I wonder if I can distract you while you're working. Your openness to all types of food is lovely, different cultures have so much to offer, it's a great learning experience. Do you have a favorite dish from another culture? By the way, when you bring those delicious sandwiches, bring the cream puffs as well, I want to try them.
You'd like to know what I have in mind for your reward? A remote control vibrator caught my attention. I'd like to learn more about the bluetooth feature on my device, this is the most entertaining way. I suppose it would be a reward and experiment. I assure you the marks will always remain hidden, you have nothing to worry about. Also, yes, share your song list with me, I will share my thoughts on them at a later time. Their differences only serve to compliment your abilities, you're quite the colorful palette to be able to pull off different roles. I look forward to receiving that list.
I'm pleased that you approve of the idea. I'll show you some pictures of necklaces. You may choose from there or suggest a different style.
That's a very poetic reason, this tattoo seems to have a deeper significance than the others before it. I'm glad you have come to understand individual beauty, I'd be concerned otherwise. The poem is lovely, full of intense emotions, I appreciate you sharing it with me. I'd like you to know that within the time we've spoken, I've come to learn many thing about you, and in my eyes, all those things, and those I have yet to learn, make you a butterfly. But you are also a flame, one that burns intensely, you always surprise me. In this sense, I am a moth, drawn to your light.
I chose simple necklace designs because I want you to be able to wear it with everything. The color of the gemstone can always be adjusted.
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As for collars, it would have to be in my deep blue color palette with black lace. Ownership and pet play collars are my style preference, they usually have a small lock, bell, or bow tie for decoration. Aside from that we can choose a word or name to print on it if you're interested.
(Don't worry about the length!! Enjoy yourself :) I always have a good time responding. Also, I'm not sure I should show any collar designs so I hope describing them works okay)
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bi-sapphics · 2 years
lesser-known terms/labels for bisexuals: a review
look, i know what i said about hating the fact that twitter coins all these useless terms to keep bi sapphics from using butch/femme without using doe/stag, but i have to admit that some of them actually kinda rock....... and some of them (expectedly) kinda suck. ALSO THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY OF THEM JUST STOP TRYING AND STICK WITH BUTCH/FEMME OR DOE/TOMCAT/STAG DEAR LORD. I BEG. YOUR COINED SET WILL NOT BECOME FAMOUS AND EARN REWARDS.
1.) to start, solis/lunith/saros are based on the sun & moon, which y’all know i’m such a sucker for the dynamic of, though i’m not a fan of the saros flag being all-blue even though it’s my favorite color. i don’t know why. since given the other two it can easily have a more androgynous context than a masculine one (i.e. “boy = blue”), but to be fair it’s started to grow on me.
2.) similarly, i like solyn/lunyn/mercyn just as much, except that my preferences are switched in that i love the flags much more than the terms. green for androgyny is actually pretty clever imo and the lunyn flag is GORGEOUS and the solyn flag has a color palette that works perfectly for a lot of my favorite characters. they sound pretty, don’t get me wrong, but they’re just weird words to me (and that’s fine!!).
3.) but then you have this “one presentation type for each gender” system that follows the infamous tumblr animal format (with a mixture of pretty and ugly flags, just to mention it) and it just gets complicated. not to mention that i actually dislike this replacement set more than the original, which should say something considering just how much bi sapphics have expressed their hatred for calling themselves deers or other wild forest animals (especially due to implied antiblackness). i mean... moths, beetles, butterflies, and mantises for nonbinary folk? really?? are you just oblivious to all the infantilizing stereotypes that are applied to (usually afab) nonbinary people? and of how much other trans people hate that for us too? i feel like that’s self-explanatory but whatever, if twitter finds that more acceptable than bi history being “lesbophobic” then i’m not gonna prohibit them lmfao. i do actually like the flower system for bi mlm/nblm though, i’ll give op that, and although i’d probably choose different color palettes for the bi wlw/nblw flags due to them reminding me of your classic cartoon-alien-themed children’s outer space playground, they’re not bad. i like celestial body themes. dunno why “moon” and “star” aren’t flipped in meaning, though.
4.) moving on from that rant though, i’d just like to say as a nblm person that these cloud-themed terms are not bad. they’re alright. i do like them better than knight/mage/druid (linked in the above paragraph), which is what they were designed to replace. the corresponding flags can be found here in this thread below this tweet and i personally have a bit of bias in favor of them because i have a preference for blues, grays, and desaturated colors. “cumulous” bi for masculine men, though....... no criticism, i just find that an odd choice in a funny lighthearted way. :)
5.) all i have to say about these three replacements coined for bi sapphics to replace doe/tomcat/stag are that the terms are nice, i wouldn’t use them but they’re pretty enough, but 2/3 of the flags (excluding “forte”) are just plain ugly as hell and i’m not gonna sugarcoat it. sorry, i don’t like them and that’s my opinion. no hate to op but dear god.
6.) this more simplified insect set for (especially nonbinary) bi sapphics basically just gets the same judgement as #3′s moth/beetle/butterfly/mantis since everything was already said in that paragraph. the flags do look nice to be fair, although the butterfly one looks eerily similar to the eclipsis/eclipse bisexual flag, which i see as more of an aesthetic combining the sun & moon rather than a presentation identity.
7.) lastly, i’ve already given my opinion on the damme/tomme pairing in that reblogged post considering they’re the stupidest copycats of butch/femme i’ve ever seen. while i might cringe at some of the options in this post i think i’m gonna have to judge this set as the one i genuinely dislike the post. it’s the biggest “fuck you” ever to bi sapphics coming from fellow bi sapphics and i’m not changing my mind. i hate them. like, imaging calling yourself a “damme bi” and the response is just “damn bi wtf??” it’s just silly.
like i said, there were a lot, and none of them actually really hold any weight or history that seem appealing enough for me. maybe i can adopt solis/saros and solyn on the side, and nimbus when i feel more man-aligned on those rarer days, but that’d be it. please stop embarrassing yourselves is all i have to say to end this post. :/
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laurasimonsdaughter · 3 years
All about the Dullahan
Thomas Croften Croker’s Fairy legends and traditions of the south of Ireland (1825-1834) seems to be the main – if not only – written source of full folktales about the Dullahan. It contains a section titled “The Dullahan” which consists of four folktales, one ballad, and some research notes that refer to further stories.
Not all these stories actually even use the name Dullahan, but Croker seems to have gathered them together on the basis of them being headless. Explaining: “Headless people are not peculiar to Ireland, although there alone they seem to have a peculiar name” (1928, p. 98). So which Dullahan does Mr Croker have on offer? The answer is: a set of very different creatures which he all calls Dullahan, but which are not always referred to as Dullahan and who are, from story to story, revenants, fae, death omens, and a restless spirit.
I will sum up their characteristics for every story and give a verdict on their supernatural nature under the cut (this got very long):
The Good Woman (1928, p. 85-98):
Type 1:
A short woman in a large cloak that conceals her completely who is:
Headless, and isn’t carrying her head
Shows up in twilight, seen only by a man riding home alone
Very quick and nimble, can leap onto a horse and over a wall, seem to glide rather than run
Does not speak, does not make a sound when jumping on the ground
Is corporeal, as she can be touched
Is described as a “merry wench”
She allows a man to give her a ride before jumping off his horse and running away from him, clearly making a game of letting him chase her
She runs into the ruins of an old church near a pool to meet with:
Type 2:
A crowd of “well dressed ladies and gentlemen, and soldiers and sailors, and priests and publicans, and jockeys and Jennys, but all without their heads”
These Dullahan are having a party, where they dance around a torture wheel set with skulls (unclear if these are their own heads) amidst the ruins of the church, to the music of ringing bells and rattling bones
Accompanying them, but not dancing, are:
Type 3:
Skeletons with loose heads that they bowl and throw around as a game
They have bleached bones covered by moth-eaten shrouds
These Dullahan speak, but only in unison “as with one voice, that quavered like a shake on the bagpipes”
One of them carries his head under his left arm while he offers the human protagonist a drink
All three types are referred to as Dullahan
They all leave in “a great hurry scurry with the noise of carriages and the cracking of whips,” presumably making off with the protagonist’s horse as well, who accuses them of being “the horse stealing robbers of the world, that have no fear of the gallows”.
VERDICT: Revenant. Having wild parties, tricking people, and stealing from them is definitely fae behaviour, but apart from that these Dullahan seem to be playful and rather powerful undead, that once were human.
Hanlon’s Mill (p. 103-109):
A great high black coach drawn by six headless black horses, with long black tails reaching almost down to the ground, and a headless coachman dressed all in black sitting up on the box
Possibly heralded by strange sounds during twilight: “such blowing of horns and hallooing, and the cry of all the hounds in the world and “the golloping of the horses, and the voice of the whipper-in”
They appear near a pool of water, bringing darkness with them that blocks out the moon
Neither whip, nor hooves, nor wheels make any sound
The day after a hitherto healthy man has fallen ill and dies
Not called Dullahan by name
Verdict: Omen. Specifically the ghostly coach-a-bower, the death coach. The image of a black coach (or hearse) riding by to foretell someone’s death is quite a common occurrence in folklore.
“Another legend of the same district (as Hanlon’s Mill)” (p. 109):
A black coach, drawn by headless horses, drives to and fro every night, both through the countryside and through a town
It stops at the doors of different houses, but anyone who opens the door to it gets a basin of blood thrown in their face
Not called Dullahan by name, but the story is not told in full
VERDICT: ??? Supernatural prankster? No mention is made of this coach foretelling death, so this seems to be mischief for mischief’s sake. Throwing blood at people is also not very spectral, nudging them a step towards fae in my book.
A legend from Dublin (p. 110-111):
A coach, sometimes driven by a coachman without a head, sometimes drawn by horses without heads, drives furiously past a castle where a clergyman hung himself, possibly with supernatural aid
Not called Dullahan by name, but the story is not told in full
Verdict: Omen. The coach-a-bower again, but this time not to foretell a death but to announce that an (unnatural) death has taken place.
The Harvest Dinner (p. 112-128):
A great old family coach, drawn by six headless horses, driven by a headless coachman
There are headless passengers inside and four fine footmen standing behind the coach, also headless
They emerge from a moat with a great rumbling noise and go towards an old church
They are driving at the rate of a hunt and make sparks fly out of the stones of the road (which implies their horses were horseshoes!)
Even with the whole coach they are faster than a man on horseback
A gate opens for the coach as by magic
Not called Dullahan, but referred to as “fairies”
Ahead of them in this procession are other fairies: “the prettiest little fellows you ever laid your eyes upon. They were all dressed in green hunting frocks, with nice little red caps on their heads, and they were mounted on pretty little long-tailed white ponies, not so big as young kids"
All are seen by the light of the (full) moon, by a man going home alone at night, but he is not afraid of the headless fairies after he notices they have no eyes to see him with
VERDICT: Fae. They are clearly taking part in a fairy procession and are minding their own business, possibly going to have a party at the old church.
The Death Coach, a ballad (p. 134-136):
A coach decorated with a shroud, with headless horses, headless driver and headless passengers
The wheel spokes are thigh bones, the pole a spine and the lamps sculls
They drive at great speed and the coachman cracks a whip
They stop at a churchyard where they speak with the dead in the ground, arguing with them to let them rest there for the night
They plan to go on tomorrow: “for having no heads of our own, We seek the Old Head of Kinsale" (this is a place in Ireland, the whole ballad is full of puns like this)
VERDICT: More rowdy revenants. They have a very gaudy death coach, but do not foretell death, and are clearly accustomed to sleeping in graves.
An anecdote from Cork (p. 136):
Dullahans “drive particularly hard wherever a death is going to take place”
They come in a great crowd, with a large procession
The coachman has a long whip “with which he can whip the eyes out of any one, at any distance, that dares to look at him”
VERDICT: Omen?? Fae that are into death for the goth of it??
The Headless Horseman (p. 138-150)
A headless rider who carries his head under his right arm or in the pocket of his coat, on a headless white horse, who has its head floating in front of it
The head is gaunt and ashy pale, with “depressed features” that look “like a large cream cheese hung round with black puddings” and has two large, fiery eyes, matted black hair, and a mouth that reaches from ear to ear
He wears a scarlet single-breasted hunting frock with “a waist of a very old fashioned cut reaching to the saddle, with two huge shining buttons at about a yard distance behind”
He appears to a man on horseback, at night, in the rain
The head speaks in a hoarse voice, but only sparingly, most questions only get a “Humph”
The horseman rides without use of whip, spur or stirrups
The ground shakes under the weight of the hooves, which make a fearful clattering noise and stir the water of nearby pools into waves
Gladly enters into a race with the protagonist and he even promises the man that his horse will be safe
He is never called a Dullahan but just “the headless horseman” and even refers to himself in this way
After the race the headless horseman reveals that ever since he and his horse broke their necks at the bottom of a hill he has been trying to find a man brave enough to ride with him, he gives the man his blessing, promising him that he will never desert him nor the old mare he is riding (and supposedly helping him to win horseraces)
VERDICT: Restless spirit. To me this fellow has very little in common with the other stories. This is very much a doomed rider type of figure, although the curt conversation has a striking resemblance to a similar headless rider in the story A Queen’s County Witch (Yeats, 188, p. 151-154), where the figure is a witch in disguise.
Croker collected his stories in the typical 19th century folklorists’ style, through correspondence, interviews, and borrowing from other authors. He also rewrote the stories quite extensively, and has been criticised on his attitude towards “the Irish peasantry” as he did so. Yeats was one of these critics, (while he did still consider Croker an expert), and as he is the only other 19th-century source on Dullahan I thought his short notes are worth quoting too. He refers to the Dullahan (or Dallahan) both as “headless phantoms” and one of the “solitary fairies” (p. 81), and mentions them in the section “The Banshee”:
“An omen that sometimes accompanies the banshee is the coach-a-bower [cóiste-bodhar]—an immense black coach, mounted by a coffin, and drawn by headless horses driven by a Dullahan. It will go rumbling to your door, and if you open it, according to Croker, a basin of blood will be thrown in your face. These headless phantoms are found elsewhere than in Ireland.” (Yeats, 1888, p. 108).
CONCLUSION: If it’s Irish and headless and walking or riding around ominously, it’s a Dullahan. Which may be a fae, a ghostly omen, or a revenant, just as they please. There clearly is no one coherent definition to be found.
I still insist on putting the cursed headless horseman in another category though. Dullahan clearly have some shared preferences, like a love for twilight and moonlight, horses and coaches, ruined churches and pool. And, interestingly, they seem to always show up either with a coach or a whole company. So I feel justified in saying that the spectre of a solitary person who remembers his own death and knows his reason for still roaming the earth, does not embody the Dullahan sprit.
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dansnaturepictures · 3 years
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10 of my favourite pictures taken in October 2021 
1. Starlings and Goldfinch in the garden 
2. Lymington 
3. One of my favourite birds the Kingfisher at Lymington, Hampshire
4. Amethyst deceiver mushroom at Denny Wood in the New Forest 
5. View at Leaden Hall in the New Forest 
6. Slow worm near Leaden Hall in the New Forest 
7. Shaggy ink cap on the green out the front
8. Portland in Dorset 
9. Jackdaw seen from my room, Hampshire 
10. Flower at Upton, Poole in Dorset taken yesterday 
And so we reach the end of another month, and my final post like this of 2021. The premise of these posts are that I bring together some of my favourite photos I’ve taken over the month together in a Tumblr photoset. The number of pictures in the set corresponds to the number of the month, so at the end of June it is six pictures, at the end of July seven and so on. So I finish in October with ten the maximum number for a photoset. These posts I have been doing for a few years have become a handy place for me to reflect on the month in writing too. I have tended to do a cheeky ten photo post for January since ten has the number one in it. But next year I am thinking of doing these posts for February, March and April as I enjoy that reflection and picking photos for it. In the past I have considered that picking two, three or four pictures from the month to be a bit too selective and I might deliberate quite a bit. But I think nowadays I can do it quite casually. I find I tend to reflect on the month in a similar way in these posts so it’s good way to track the journey through a year seeing which months of mine were dominated by birds and which months butterflies and others and this will depend on the time of year and things. I probably won’t do these types of posts in November and December though as in those months the amount of extra posts to my usual what I saw and where I went today ramps up with my end of year posts across my social media and largely on here. Due to getting everything ready to post, things I see and do in December won’t be included in the end of year posts but I will signpost anything in daily posts that were a key moment or major highlight of my year. There is also the option of doing a monthly reflection for either month in a daily blog.  
So this was another amazing month of birdwatching for me, with so many wonderful species seen in the throws of migration as the clock ticks towards winter. It has been lovely seeing lots of special species come back to our shores and some before leaving too of a great variety with a touch of twitching at times this month too seeing my fourth new bird of 2021 the wonderful Western Sandpiper at Lymington and others. There was a pleasing injection of additions to my bird year list this month I am really thrilled with the amount of birds I have seen this year. I’ve seen many of my favourite birds locally on the Lakeside lunch time walks such as Kingfisher, Great Crested Grebe with Jays a key bird of any autumn seen by me so often at different places this month.
Autumnal sights and photo subjects took centre stage this month especially breathtaking colour taking over trees and the marvellous world of fungi from amethyst deceiver to shaggy ink cap I am having one of my best years of seeing mushrooms again I think getting more interested in them all the time.
Whilst maybe not as prominent as past months butterflies, moths, dragonflies, flowers and spiders were present for me this month getting some top moments with them and for the insects and flowers it was great to make the most of them as the peak season comes to an end. There were some great mammal and other wildlife moments this month too. There were also some top bits of fine weather in October, it was a good month for doing day trips and really appreciate being outside. I enjoyed taking in many landscapes at different places taking yet again a huge amount of photos this month. I hope you all have a great November. 
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chicoriii · 3 years
Season 4, Episode 20 - Qilin
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It's been quite some time after premiere of Qilin and Penalteam, but as I've said before, I was waiting for the French premiere of last four episodes of season 4, since I completely dislike the English dub and I prefer to avoid watching this show in that language if I can. I started with Qilin, though Penalteam was aired a week earlier in France. I was planning to wait for Qilin release anyway, but since the war in Ukraine started, following the content about it and related to it takes quite much of my time everyday, sometimes more, sometimes less (though mostly I watch or rather listen to YouTube videos during doing something else). In few first days I was unable to concentrate on watching the show anyway. The war is in my neighbouring country and it also affects my own one a lot. Remember that Ukrainians are fighting not only for independence of their country, they are fighting for the Europe and the whole world. Poland isn't as safe as we all thought before, despite we're in both NATO and EU unlike Ukraine. Putin must be stopped for the safety of all us.
I don't know French, but I have one simple trick to get subtitles to watch the remaining episodes in language of my choice. I just rip the subtitle files from the Hulu releases. They including the American scripts of course, so they're are not ideal, but that's better than nothing. Besides Hulu is using different frame rate (23.976 fps) than other releases like Disney+ or TFOU's service (25 fps). Simple changing frame rates of subtitles isn't working ideal, I still need to manually shift time while watching, but that's not a big problem. I'm still glad that I found a solution, so I'm not forced to watch the dub that annoys me. ;)
Unfortunately, there was a problem with the French video of Qilin I got that's ripped from the TFOU's service. For some reasons there are few minutes missing, two fragments got cut. I noticed it thanks to the subtitles, since at some point text stopped to correspond to the video. Still it took some time to figure out why. I suppose something went wrong during uploading the video on the site. One of the early S4 episodes also got corrupted there. So well, since I hadno other choice than watching these missing minutes in English, I can say I don't change my opinion, I still think that the American dub is so awful, soulless and so generic. Only Shadow Moth voice was okay to me. Sorry.
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And you know what? I have no idea what to say about this episode, so this post should be one of the shortest and the weakest one I have written about season 4. The first part of it was quite nice, but the second one when the ticket drama started was way too absurd to me. I hate when the plot of this show is that stupidly exaggerated. It reminded me Mega Leech that's one of the worst S4 episodes in my opinion for its absurd plot that felt more like a episode of Peppa Pig or another show for preschoolers than targeted for older kids.
It was really nice to see Sabine's everyday routine and all. That she is better organised than Marinette, but also we've seen what Marinette has from her mother. That was unexpected that Sabine is interested at art like her (though totally different type). I'm also surprised that she has a job outside of working at the bakery. If I got a chance I would be interested at getting some Chinese painting classes as well. It was also surprising to see Lila there, it seems that's her biggest this season till now (remember that I haven't seen Penalteam nor Risk yet, maybe she got any speaking role in any of them, I don't know yet). I don't think it's going to be significant for the plot, but I very like the fact we've seen that Lila has life outside of being a bad girl, there's something that interests her in positive way.
But there's one thing that bothers me. Sabine has been portrayed totally one-dimensional. She's another way too much idealised character, too noble, she is also too ideal mother. She hadn't done anything even a little wrong in the entire episode. I don't like characters without a weak points, they are so boring. So yeah, Sabine is a good mother, but she's not a type of character I can care about much.
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Despite that I thought it's going to be a decent episode until that ticket accident happened. I don't want to comment how stupid it was that they started to treat Sabine like a terrorist just because she had no ticket or a wallet with her for a moment. Besides the akuma battle could in my top 5 the worst this season and I don't want to waste my time to write anything about that as well. So unfortunately, the whole second half of the episode was much worse than the first one. Not nearly as bad to me as some of other this season's episodes, just stupidly absurd (that happens from time to time in all seasons) and boring. Not to mention this is another episode without Adrien (as civilian) and Plagg at all, and since I lost most of my sympathy for Marinette throughout S4, this episode has not much to offer for me generally.
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I wonder if was that said before that Chat Noir's umbrella is a magical weapon? I don't remember that. It looks like one, since it seems to be completely indestructible. I remember that umbrella appeared once only to protect against rain (but I have no idea in which episode, since I don't rewatch any since Hack-san). I thought it was just a one-time thing to make another reference to the famous umbrella scene. If it's a new Chat's skill, why wasn't it properly introduced? Geez, that's another thing this season that appeared out of nowhere without explaining how. It makes this season feels incomplete like we're missing something.
Also I have a feeling it was the ugliest episode this season. Looking at the picture below just hurts (pay attention at Marinette's eyes and the shading). Although generally I think the animation quality of S4 is better than seasons 2 and 3, not a lot, but still. And at least I like Qilin design and especially her color scheme.
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In France the whole season finale is going to be aired this weekend, at 13rd March, so thankfully just one day after the international premiere of Strike Back. I would prefer to see both episodes as fast as possible because I'm worried about spoilers (I've already accidentaly seen something big in my mobile's Google feed and I hate that, I'm not saying what in this post, because it could be read by someone who tries to avoid spoilers like me, I can't be sure if it's a spoiler for any of the finale's episode, but it should be). And mostly because I still read Miraculous fanfics and I'm sure that after premiere of Strike Back there are going to be post-S4 fics with spoilers in the tags and/or summary without warning on AO3. That always happen after premiere of big episodes those bring a lot of emotion in the fandom. I plan to stop scrolling through AO3 to search for any interesting fic after premiere of Strike Back in the USA until I see the finale, but I don't want that to take too long. But definitely I'm not going to watch both episodes in one day and I plan to write two separate posts, because since it's the finale, I expect that I'm gonna to have many things to say about both of them. It would most probably take too much time to do it in one day, knowing my writing speed which is rather slow, especially not in my native language (I don't mean typing speed, that's not too bad when using computer keyboard, but thinking what to write and how to create sentences is another story), and I always takes breaks. Because of that I hope I will be able to watch Penalteam before Sunday, maybe even tomorrow. I've also seen spoilers from this episode, including its final card which is extremely spoilery. :/ At least I know that should be more interesting than Qilin and more plot focused, so I feel I'm a bit more willing to watch it soon.
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shroud-of-roses · 4 years
Hi there, I'm just getting into witchcraft and I was wondering a kind of macabre question: are there any uses for dead bugs in witchcraft? I find a lot both outside and in my house so if there was I way I could respectfully use them it'd be great. Love your blog btw! 🌱
I actually made a post about bugs in terms of death work, but not really in terms of how you can use their remains in witchery. I always recommend asking permission of the spirit of the bugs first, much like you would with bones, but after that, the possibilities are endless!
You can use wings or winged bugs to add speed, agility and travel/movement aspects to spells.
Moths and nocturnal bugs for exploration in shadow work or nighttime endeavours.
Butterflies for peace, beauty, and, transformation.
Spiders for creating and producing the life or things yoh want, or even for defensive magic.
I feel like there was a correspondence list somewhere with ideas for different types of bugs, but i could be wrong! I will do a look in my posts real quick and reblog it if I can find it. I like to use cicada shells as protection, whether they are crushed or whole, and i dont have to ask the bug because they haven't died!
I recommend letting any bugs you find dry up on a flat, dry surface for a few weeks and then storing them in a jar or box for later use! I always find dead rolly pollies in my basement and I feel like they would be a good protection element, especially in spell jars.
I really hope this helps! I know there will be people saying this is gross, but honestly when has witchcraft as a whole ever truly been void of powerful, non-classically appealing ingredients? Be respectful and sanitary and I say use what you have.
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nikx83 · 5 years
At first sight (M!Kayden x mc)
Book: The Royal Masquerade
I have never written any fanfic before but wanted to give it a go. Missing TRM so I felt inspired to try and get Kaydens perspective on when he first met MC! Hope you enjoy! 😁
Characters owed by Pixelberry.
Kayden maneuvered around the mass of nobles keeping a close eye. As he passes snippets of mindless dribble filtered through his ears. He spots Queen Kendra making her rounds, slowly heading towards the throne room. He is aware of her holding a private audience with the lady from House Aster regarding her noble debut so has doubled the guard.
As he scans the crowd his gaze falls upon two ladies near the entrance in conversation. After watching for a few minutes from a distance his years of training picked up that the lady in blue was clearly not familiar with this court. Her eyes were everywhere, taking in every detail as if for the first time. He watched her as she said a friendly goodbye to her companion and then head to the banquet table.
As he approached closer he stopped in his tracks as another man engaged with her. Even in his sun mask his identity was far from hidden. Ever since he walked into the room women flocked around him like moths to a flame. Hunter Fierro, the Queen's favourite and resident philanderer. This lady was bound to have found his eyes. Not only was she out of place, she was beyond beautiful. Kayden hovers close by but not near enough to hear them. They talk briefly, Hunter clearly showing an interest before he takes his leave. Kayden can not help but feel relieved at his departure but shakes it off.
As he approaches her back is turned towards him. He notes the details of her finery. Her dress is not without well born decoration. It hangs off her delicate shoulders exposing her back. The royal blue colouring detailed with golden trimmings and jewellery makes it a dress of privilege. Her hair was the most glorious gold, emphasised by the candlelight brightening the room. It was weaved perfectly, resting on her shoulder. She truly was a sight to behold, with everything else around her seemingly melting away until all that was left was her.
As he stepped forward she turned abruptly, nearly walking straight into his chest. She looks up at him, a questionable expression on her face. Her eyes were the most vivid green that it took him a moment to realise he had better say something or she would think him peculiar.
'There are rumours of people sneaking in.'
She seems a little taken back by his abruptness. Subtlety was not his strong suit when it came to conversing with others.
'Funny that someone else in a mask would question my motives. I'm sure neither of us has anything but our faces to hide.'
'Then you shouldn't have a problem showing me your invitation.'
He observes a slight hesitancy before she begins to speak again.
'Someone else is holding it.'
'And who would that be?'
'Someone else I believe I said. Or did you not hear me the first time?'
He found her difficult but intriguing.
'I can't decide if your being cunning or coy.'
'Then I will leave you to deliberate in peace. If you'll excuse me..'
She begins to move away to the left of him to rejoin in the festivities when impulsion took over and he instinctly stands in her way.
'Wait! Would you like to dance'.
Even as the words leave his mouth he is in shock. He never lets pleasantries take over his call of duty. He is meant to expelling the intruders, which this lady undoubtedly was but he did not want her to go either. He wants to know who she is. She looks at him with confusion, and possibly a fraction of wonder.
'A moment ago you sounded suspicious of me. Now you're asking for my company?'
Although he wants to he doesn't let his guard down.
'Let's call it a pleasant way to keep my eye on you. Unless there was someelse you promised your dance to?'
She looks towards the edge of the dance floor, and as he follows her gaze he sees her sight falls on Fierro. A slight nervousness fills his stomach as if he is about to be dismissed.
'I'll dance with you.'
Relief replaces his anxiety but he quickly composes his thoughts.
He lifts his arm ready to escort her, and she gifts him with an alluring side glance and smiles. Her touch is gentle when she takes his arm. He instinctly places his other hand on top of hers. She does not protest. They carry on holding to eachother as they pass Hunter.
'It was a pleasure to make your aqquintance, my lady.'
She nods.
'Perhaps we'll dance another time.'
'Until then enjoy your dance.'
Hunter turns his look to him, and with a straight face gives a respectful bow of the head and leaves.
The middle of the dance floor is filled with all types of high society. He can not help but feel a little misplaced, but again shows no signs of affecting him.
'You're popular tonight'.
'It's a nice change of pace.'
It was hard to think this as true, although he absolutely believed her. How could she not be swamped with admiration wherever she was to go?
They begin dancing and he sweeps her across the floor. While holding her hand the detective in him picked up years of writing on her fingers. Nobility only ever tended to write when they felt the need to. Most would have servants write their correspondence for them so they could galivant at events like this. These hands were working hands.
'You seen to know your way round a dance number.'
'Perhaps you're an excellent lead'.
'It would be the first time anyone has said that.'
He slowly puts his arm on her corset and dips her low. As he lifts her back her the sound of her laughing replaces the music bellowing off the walls. Although she does not look at him he smirks at the thought of making her smile, even for just a moment. She spins with him with eloquent grace, her hand gripping tighter to his shoulder, she pulls herself closer.
'Few move with so little effort.'
'One shouldn't belabor grace.'
He twirls her under his arm and stop facing one another. Their faces only inches apart, staring into her eyes and finding it impossible to look away, he knows what he wants to do but restraints himself.
'Who are you, really?'
'Tired of our game already?' she grins.
'Why play games at all when you can ask directly?'
'In that case I am a typical noble like yourself.'
'I'm not typical, nor are you.'
He eyes her intently in the hopes she would lower her guard.
'You can look as hard as you like. You won't find anything.'
He leans his head slightly forward.
'If you had nothing to hide I wouldn't be dancing with you.'
She looks away from him, her face seemingly less enthusiastic. Maybe he was to direct. Too regimental in his words. He had very little experience talking to women. He never really was interested in anything but making sure he did his best at his job. But she was different. As they danced through the motions but she was more lackluster than a few minutes ago. He wanted her to laugh again but was afraid she lost interest. The dance slows and people switch partners.
'It seems our dance is over. Yet I know nothing about you.'
She lets go of his shoulders and steps back. She shrugs at him in an almost sulking fashion. It is at the moment he knew he hit a nerve in the conversation.
'You had your chance.'
He knew if he let her go now that would be it. Going against everythinh that he has ever been trained to do he let a compulsion take over him and out once again. He steps towards her to gain the distance she put between them seconds before.
'I'd like one more.'
She does not move, inclining her head slightly to the side. He knew sge was trying to work him out just as must he wanted to know her.
'That's not something I have to give.'
'A bargain then. We continue a dance on a private balcony and can use the chance to discover the other.'
Eventhough he is wearing a mask he can not help but feel it is slipping. This was no longer an interragation to him. He knew from the moment he saw her it did not matter if she was invited or not. He could see that she was intrigued in the elite way of living and by what he had already gathered about her was not full of ill intentions. He wanted her for no other reason than he wanted her for himself. But yet again he gives nothing away to her and remains outwardly guarded.
Her eyes narrow and steps closer.
'Is this really about figuring out my identity? You seem to be going through a lot of trouble.'
'I'll admit there is something about you that I can't explain. I'm finding it hard to pull away.'
She leans towards him and whispers in his ear.
'I'll join you.'
For the first time in his life there was an unfamilar feeling in his chest when she uttered those words. It was overwhelming.'
'Follow me.'
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trolldomblog · 5 years
Moon Phases and Correspondences
 The moon has been captivating people since the beginning of time. It’s guided our way on the darkest of nights and pulls at the tides as well as our emotions. There are myths and stories about the moon from every ancient culture, and it is still a central part of many pagan religions and spiritual paths. Here we break down the basics of lunar magick into easy-to-digest chunks including the moon’s phases, magical properties, correspondences, and more.
The Magical Basics
The moon seems to grow and then fade over the period of one lunar cycle (one month). This growing, reaching its full potential, and then diminishing is referred to as moon phases. Each moon phase has magical qualities that aid the individual in his or her magic and healing.
Our Connection with the Moon
Why is the moon so important when it comes to magick and spirituality? The moon pulls at the ocean’s tides, and since we’re made up of at least 60% water, it has a profound effect on our lives too. Ever notice how certain people get a little loony on the Full Moon? The terms loony and lunatic stem from the word lunar which means moon. There’s a reason people act differently on the Full Moon, and when we tune into the moon’s phases, we start to notice just how much the moon affects us and our surroundings. It’s also thought to increase paranormal activity, which you can read about here.
The Female Body & The Moon
Just as the moon is reborn, grows, reaches its fullest potential, then wanes again, so do our bodies. For thousands of years, women have noticed their moon cycles (menstruation – the syllable men meaning moon/month) syncing up with the moon’s phases. This is lunar magick at its core. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, so too does the womb. This is why the moon is often associated with the Goddess in forms of neopaganism and Wicca.
Lunar Magick Correspondences
The moon corresponds to certain elements, plants, animals, and gods/goddesses. Feel free to adapt and change to fit your lifestyle, preferences, and needs. Here are some magical correspondences for lunar magick:
Herbal/Plant Moon Correspondences: vervain, moonflower, jasmine, lemon balm, cabbage, camellia, camphor, chickweed, moonwort, gardenia, grape, lemon, passionflower, turnip, potato, pea, cucumber, pear, peach, willow, poppy, mountain ash, mango, wallflower, rowan, cactus
Animal Moon Correspondences: owls, rabbits, wolves, deer, cats, moths, bats, spiders, raccoons, opossum, cows, frogs, dogs, crabs
Deities Moon Correspondences: Selene, Sophia, Thoth, Artemis, Diana, Luna, Blodeuwedd, Man in the Moon, Rabbit in the Moon, Khonsu, Inanna, Hecate, Cerridwen,
Crystal/Stone Moon Correspondences: moonstone, selenite, obsidian, silver, mother-of-pearl, aquamarine, gold beryl, topaz, emerald, clear quartz, coral, pearls
Where to Start with Lunar Magick
Many people don’t know where to start with lunar magick. My first suggestion is to go outside at night and identify the moon’s phase. Do this time and time again until you instinctively know what phase the moon is in. If you can’t see the moon or can’t get outside, you can also use a moon phase app on your phone.
Simple Moon Rituals
Next, start with a simple moon ritual like a cleansing bath on the waning or new moon. Add a few herbs to the water that correspond to the moon (make sure they are safe topically before bathing in them). On the Full Moon, perform a simple candle spell for protection or love, etc. The next time you want to cast a spell or perform a ritual, look up what moon phase is best and perform it then. Lunar magick isn’t complicated and doesn’t take long to learn. After a little while, you’ll notice your emotions and your life corresponds with the moon’s cycles.
Blue Moon
When two moons fall in one calendar month the second is called the blue Moon, and this is the month that we will use for our wishes. It falls in a different month each year, but it is a very powerful moon. The blue moon is always the second of the full moons in the corresponding month. We need to write down aims and goals for the up and coming year. Place them in an envelope and don’t look at them until the next blue moon. Dress your blue moon altar in the colors that correspond to the month it falls into, and place flowers and fruits from that month, also place pictures of things you would like in your life. Stay real here and keep it down to earth.
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January: Wolf Moon
Also known as: Quiet Moon, Snow Moon, Cold Moon, Chaste Moon, Disting Moon, Moon of Little Winter
Plan a ritual of protection around your home and family.
Nature Spirits: gnomes, brownies
Herbs: marjoram, holy thistle, nuts, cones
Colors: brilliant white, blue-violet, black
Flowers: snowdrop, crocus
Scents: musk, mimosa
Stones: garnet, onyx, jet, chrysoprase
Trees: birch
Animals: fox, coyote
Birds: pheasant, blue jay
Deities: Freyja, Inanna, Sarasvati, Hera, Ch’ang-O, Sinn
Power Flow: sluggish, below the surface; beginning and conceiving.
Protection, reversing spells.
Conserving energy by working on personal problems that involve no one else.
Getting your various bodies to work smoothly together for the same goals.
February: Ice Moon
Also known as: Storm Moon, Horning Moon, Hunger Moon, Wild Moon, Red & Cleansing Moon, Quickening Moon, Solmonath (Sun Month), Big Winter Moon
Plan a ritual to ask the Old Ones for help in planning your future.
Nature Spirits: house faeries, both of the home itself and of house plants
Herbs: balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage, spikenard
Colors: light blue, violet
Flowers: primrose
Scents: wisteria, heliotrope
Stones: amethyst, jasper, rock crystal
Trees: rowan, laurel, cedar
Animals: otter, unicorn
Birds: eagle, chickadee
Deities: Brigit, Juno, Kuan Yin, Diana, Demeter, Persephone, Aphrodite
Power Flow: energy working toward the surface; purification, growth, healing.
Loving the self.
Accepting responsibility for past errors, forgiving yourself, and making future plans.
March: Storm Moon
Also known as: Seed Moon, Moon of Winds, Plow Moon, Worm Moon, Hrethmonath (Hertha’s Month), Lentzinmanoth (Renewal Month), Lenting Moon, Sap Moon, Crow Moon, Moon of the Snowblind
Plan a ritual to plant your desires.
Nature Spirits: Mer-people, Air and Water beings who are connected with spring rains and storms
Herbs: broom, High John root, yellow dock, wood betony, Irish moss
Colors: pale green, red violet
Flowers: jonquil, daffodil, violet
Scents: honeysuckle, apple blossom
Stones: aquamarine, bloodstone
Trees: alder, dogwood
Animals: cougar, hedgehog, boar
Birds: sea crow, sea eagle
Deities: Black Isis, the Morrigan, Hecate, Cybele, Astarte, Athene, Minerva, Artemis, Luna
Power Flow: energy breaks into the open; growing, prospering, exploring.
New beginnings; balance of Light and Dark.
Breaking illusions.
Seeing the truth in your life however much it may hurt.
April: Growing Moon
Also known as: Hare Moon, Seed or Planting Moon, Planter’s Moon, Budding Trees Moon, Eastermonath (Eostre Month), Ostarmanoth, Pink Moon, Green Grass Moon
Plan a ritual to physically plant your seeds of desire in Mother Earth.
Nature Spirits: plant faeries
Herbs: basil, chives, dragon’s blood, geranium, thistle
Colors: crimson red, gold
Flowers: daisy, sweetpea
Scents: pine, bay, bergamot, patchouli
Stones: ruby, garnet, sard
Trees: pine, bay, hazel
Animals: bear, wolf
Birds: hawk, magpie
Deities: Kali, Hathor, Anahita, Ceres, Ishtar, Venus, Bast
Power Flow: energy into creating and producing; return balance to the nerves.
Change, self-confidence, self-reliance, take advantage of opportunities.
Work on temper and emotional flare-ups and selfishness.
May: Hare Moon
Also known as: Merry or Dyad Moon, Bright Moon, Flower Moon, Frogs Return Moon, Thrimilcmonath (Thrice-Milk Month), Sproutkale, Winnemanoth (Joy Month), Planting Moon, Moon When the Ponies Shed
Plan a ritual to reaffirm your goals.
Nature Spirits: faeries, elves
Herbs: dittany of Crete, elder, mint, rose, mug wort, thyme, yarrow
Colors: green, brown, pink
Flowers: lily of the valley, foxglove, rose, broom
Scents: rose, sandalwood
Stones: emerald, malachite, amber, carnelian
Trees: hawthorn
Animals: cats, lynx, leopard
Birds: swallow, dove, swan
Deities: Bast, Venus, Aphrodite, Maia, Diana, Artemis, Pan, Horned God
Power Flow: full creating energy; propagation.
Intuition contact with faeries and other supernatural beings.
Strengthen connection with supernatural protectors and beings around you.
Power flowing from the Greenwood Gods and trees.
June: Mead Moon
Also known as: Moon of Horses, Lovers’ Moon, Strong Sun Moon, Honeymoon, Aerra Litha (Before Lithia), Brachmanoth (Break Month), Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon, Moon of Making Fat
Plan a ritual to balance your spiritual and physical desires.
Nature Spirits: sylphs, zephyrs
Herbs: skullcap, meadowsweet, vervain, tansy, dog grass, parsley, mosses
Colors: orange, golden-green
Flowers: lavender, orchid, yarrow
Scents: lily of the valley, lavender
Stones: topaz, agate, alexandrite, fluorite
Trees: oak
Animals: monkey, butterfly, frog, toad
Birds: wren, peacock
Deities: Aine of Knockaine, Isis, Neith, Green Man, Cerridwen, Bendis, Ishtar
Power Flow: full but restful energy; protect, strengthen, and prevent.
A time of Light; Earth tides are turning.
Decision-making, taking responsibility for present happenings.
Work on personal inconsistencies.
Strengthen and reward yourself for your positive traits.
July: Hay Moon
Also known as: Wort Moon, Moon of Claiming, Moon of Blood (because of mosquitoes), BlessingMoon, Maedmonat (Meadow Month), Hewimanoth (Hay Month), Fallow Moon, Buck Moon, Thunder Moon
Plan a ritual to decide what you will do once your goals have been met.
Nature Spirits: hobgoblins (small, grotesque but friendly brownie-type creatures), faeries of harvested crops
Herbs: honeysuckle, agrimony, lemon balm, hyssop
Colors: silver, blue gray
Flowers: lotus, water lily, jasmine
Scents: orris, frankincense
Stones: pearl, moonstone, white agate
Trees: oak, acacia, ash
Animals: crab, turtle, dolphin, whale
Birds: starling, ibis, swallow
Deities: Khepera, Athene, Juno, Hel, Holda, Cerridwen, Nephthys, Venus
Power Flow: relaxed energy; preparing; succeeding.
Dream-work, divination, and meditation on goals and plans, especially spiritual ones.
August: Corn Moon
Also known as: Barley Moon, Dispute Moon, Weodmonath (Vegetation Month), Harvest Moon, Moon When Cherries Turn Black
Plan a ritual to preserve what you already have.
Nature Spirits: dryads
Herbs: chamomile, St. John’s wort, bay, angelica, fennel, rue, orange
Colors: yellow, gold
Flowers: sunflower, marigold
Scents: frankincense, heliotrope
Stones: cat’s eye, carnelian, jasper, fire agate
Trees: hazel, alder, cedar
Animals: lion, phoenix, sphinx, dragon
Birds: crane, falcon, eagle
Deities: Ganesha, Thoth, Hathor, Diana, Hecate, Nemesis
Power Flow: energy into harvesting; gathering, appreciating.
Vitality, health. Friendships.
September: Harvest Moon
Also known as: Wine Moon, Singing Moon, Sturgeon Moon, Haligmonath (Holy Month), Witumanoth (Wood Month), Moon When Deer Paw the Earth
Plan a ritual of Thanksgiving for all the Old.
Nature Spirits: trooping faeries
Herbs: copal, fennel, rye, wheat, valerian, skullcap
Colors: brown, yellow-green, yellow
Flowers: narcissus, lily
Scents: storax, mastic, gardenia, bergamot
Stones: peridot, olivine, chrysolite, citrine
Trees: hazel, larch, bay
Animals: snake, jackal
Birds: ibis, sparrow
Deities: Demeter, Ceres, Isis, Nephthys, Freyja, Ch’ang-O, Thoth
Power Flow: rest after labor; balance of Light and Dark.
Organize. Clean and straighten up physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual clutter.
October: Blood Moon
Also known as: Harvest Moon, Shedding Moon, Winterfelleth (Winter Coming), Windermanoth (Vintage Month), Falling Leaf Moon, Ten Colds Moon, Moon of the Changing Season
Plan another ritual of Thanksgiving.
Nature Spirits: frost faeries, plant faeries
Herbs: pennyroyal, thyme, catnip, uva ursi, angelica, burdock
Colors: dark blue green
Flowers: calendula, marigold, cosmos
Scents: strawberry, apple blossom, cherry
Stones: opal, tourmaline, beryl, turquoise
Trees: yew, cypress, acacia
Animals: stag, jackal, elephant, ram, scorpion
Birds: heron, crow, robin
Deities: Ishtar, Astarte, Demeter, Kore, Lakshmi, Horned God, Belili, Hathor
Power Flow: to let go; inner cleansing.
Karma and reincarnation.
Justice and balance.
Inner harmony.
November: Snow Moon
Also known as: Dark Moon, Fog Moon, Beaver Moon, Mourning Moon, Blotmonath (Sacrifice Month), Herbistmanoth (Harvest Month), Mad Moon, Moon of Storms, Moon When Deer Shed Antlers
Plan for a ritual to work on ridding yourself of negative thoughts and vibrations.
Nature Spirits: subterranean faeries
Herbs: grains of paradise, verbena, betony, borage, cinquefoil, blessed thistle
Colors: gray, sea-green
Flowers: blooming cacti, chrysanthemum
Scents: cedar, cherry blossoms, hyacinth, narcissus, peppermint, lemon
Stones: topaz, hyacinth, lapis lazuli
Trees: alder, cypress
Animals: unicorn, scorpion, crocodile, jackal
Birds: owl, goose, sparrow
Deities: Kali, Black Isis, Nicnevin, Hecate, Bast, Osiris, Sarasvati, Lakshmi, Skadi, Mawu
Power Flow: take root, prepare.
Strengthen communication with the god or goddess who seems closest to you.
December: Cold Moon
Also known as: Oak Moon, Wolf Moon, Moon of Long Nights, Long Night’s Moon, Aerra Geola (Month Before Yule), Wintermonat (Winter Month), Heilagmanoth (Holy Month), Big Winter Moon, Moon of Popping Trees
Plan for a ritual to help you remain steadfast in your convictions.
Nature Spirits: snow faeries, storm faeries, winter tree faeries
Herbs: holly, English ivy, fir, mistletoe
Colors: blood red, white and black
Flowers: holly, poinsettia, Christmas cactus
Scents: violet, patchouli, rose geranium, frankincense, myrrh, lilac
Stones: serpentine, jacinth, peridot
Trees: pine, fir, holly
Animals: mouse, deer, horse, bear
Birds: rook, robin, snowy owl
Deities: Hathor, Hecate, Neith, Athene, Minerva, Ixchel, Osiris, Norns, Fates
Power Flow: to endure, die, be reborn;
Earth tides turning.
Personal alchemy.
Spiritual paths.
Reach out to friends and family, the lonely and needy.
Zodiac Full Moon Magick
The Moon spends a day or two each month in each of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The sign the moon is transiting through can be used to good advantage during spellwork.
Full Moon in Aries
A good time to perform spells related to job ventures and all new projects related to money. Also, a good time to develop strength and courage, and lust spells. This is not a good moon for performing divination.
Full Moon in Taurus
This moon is excellent for spellwork related to love, creativity, and inner peace. Spells done at this time take the longest to manifest, but the results will be very long lasting and be stable.
Full Moon in Gemini
The perfect time for spells dealing with communications, healing, and uncrossing spells. Be careful- the moon in Gemini can be unpredictable and unstable.
Full Moon in Cancer
Excellent for any spell involving the home, fertility, children, or divination.
Full Moon in Leo
Spells involving leadership, prosperity, fame and career are best done in Leo, but do not perform any spells involving love, or any other emotion, as Leo may actually counteract it.
Full Moon in Virgo
This moon ensures a spell which involves meticulous detail, especially spells involving education, healing, and stability.
Full Moon in Libra
Excellent for working a spell with a partner, and for magick involving marriage, couples, partnership, peace, and fairness.
Full Moon in Scorpio
Use this energy for mysteries, the occult, divination, and sex magick.
Full Moon in Sagittarius
This is an excellent time to experiment with new techniques or magick spells, but it is not a good time for psychic work or divination.
Full Moon in Capricorn
Perfect for spells to manifest life’s basic needs and for stability.
Full Moon in Aquarius
The best time to work on behalf of others, but consciously stay focused on your heart to maintain a higher consciousness with others, and to avoid selfish motives.
Full Moon in Pisces
Perfect for divination and psychic work, past life regressions, and communication with spirits.
New Moon
The new moon is a time of initiation and new beginnings. It is the time to plant a seed of what you want to grow in your life. Making a wish, an intention, a promise, or a vow is a common custom. It is believed that as the moon grows, that your intention or goal will too usually by the time the moon completes its cycle and returns full circle to new again.
The new Moon offers us its energy of intention, to rid ourselves of the negative habits in our life. The energy of the new moon aids us in ridding our minds and bodies of toxic thought patterns as well as eliminating toxic substances like excess alcohol, processed foods, caffeine & tobacco usage. Starting a new project, or discipline should be substantially less difficult to stick to when started during the new moon. it's important to come up with a ritual that has meaning for you, instead of trying to follow any set guidelines (unless your part of an established ritual group).  Astrology expert Molly Hall has some wonderful insights as to creating a personalized New Moon Ritual.
Creating a New Moon Ritual
Gather Sacred Supplies:  Your altar is where you collect your sacred objects -- pictures, found objects and the like. Using herbs with healing or symbolic properties adds to your ritual. Stones and crystals are another powerful ally. Candles are magical, and in its form contains all four of the elements. A small journal on hand allows you to keep a record of your intentions.
Preparing for the Ritual: This is the most important part of ritual, since your commitment is the key. Take a ritual bath with sea salt to clear your field of any negative energies. Sage is an herb used to clear a space and make it sacred for ritual.
Light the end of the sage wand and blow on it until there is a smoldering glow. Use it around your own body, and in the space of your ritual. Clear your mind with meditation, using music or just quieting down in your cleared, sacred area.
Grounding: This is something that's important anytime, for staying connected to earth energy. Signs that you're not grounded are mania, nervousness, racing thoughts and the like. Too often we forget to feel the earth under our feet. I've mentioned Starhawk's Grounding Meditation a few times on the site, and her tree grounding exercise is one of my own daily rituals. In a nutshell, it's visualizing the roots going down into the Earth, through the layers, into the core, and then drawing that energy back up through your feet again. It moves through each chakra, coming out the top and down around you. Try this or another variation of grounding before you set new Moon intentions.
Your New Moon Wishes: After you've cleared a sacred space and settled your energy, you're ready to set your intentions. Make a list of what you'd like to draw into your life and Dream Big! The new Moon is a moment to conjure what seems out of reach, and creating the vision is the first step to making it a reality. But these are not just words on paper. As you write them down as intentions, you are committing to doing your part to make them real. Some call it is co-creating, since you're opening to universal energies to set dreams in motion.
Dreams of the Soul: Your intentions come from the longings that keep coming up. In the days leading up to the new Moon, give some thought to those longings, and see what images, dreams and streams of thought come up. Use symbolic associations to go along with your intentions. Weave in the element for the new Moon and think about the houses and planets that are affected by it. For an earth new Moon, for example, you might plant seeds that represent your intention. Rituals are a way to work with universal energies, and draw attention to the particular life lessons, or arena (house, planet, etc.) that it illuminates for you.
Symbolic Acts: Here's where you get to be creative. If your intentions are to write a book, or broadcast your ideas out to the world, tie them to a helium balloon and send them off. Write them on a stick and offer it to the fire. To open to love, put lavender and a rose quartz in a small pouch, along with the qualities you're seeking. If you're inspired, add a symbolic act to your intention-setting ritual.
Keep them Alive: A big part of success with new Moon intentions is what comes after. Find ways to keep them in the front of your awareness. Put them in a visible spot or keep them in your wallet. Make notes in your journal about your progress. At the full Moon, find ways to take action on those intentions, and celebrate any signs of change.
 Waxing Crescent Moon
During the days that follow a new moon, it’s time to anchor into your intentions. Focus on one thing you want to bring into existence during this lunar cycle. To that end, practice visualizations and affirmations at this time. Write your new moon intention out clearly and succinctly and read it daily.
When the moon is "waxing" it appears to be growing, the period from the dark to full moon phases. It's magnetic energy assists with bringing things to out. This entire waxing period is the best time to work with constructive magic, or magic that builds things/brings things to us.
The waxing crescent is the best time for magic on yourself (or on the subject) pertaining to new beginnings, such as starting a new project or making plans for the future. If you're looking to conjure energies into your life such as a more positive attitude, more patience, more understanding in your relationship, this is the perfect timing for such goals. When you want to cast spells for self-improvement, such as if you want to improve your psychic abilities, to absorb the information in a new class, or bring out your inner beauty, this is the time to do it. Artists or anyone artistic/creative will find this the best time to cast spells or perform meditations that will bring inspiration and passion into your work.
Set an Intention and Tell the Moon
Many people will tell you to set your intention during the new moon, but I think the first days of the waxing phase are excellent for goal setting. I’ll use the restful introspective energy of the new moon to let my ideas marinate. Then when the powerhouse energy of the waxing moon comes thundering in, I’m ready to commit to my intention.
Once I have a goal in mind, I’ll perform a waxing moon spell around it. Your ritual can include anything you want, but if you need ideas, here’s what I do.
Waxing Moon Intention Spell
Go outside or near a window on the first day of the waxing moon. (This happens about three nights after the new moon phase.)
Write an intention (or a word that represents your intention) on a bay leaf and hold it between your palms.
Thank the waxing moon for being present for your ritual. I do this by holding my hands up towards the moon (with the bay leaf still pressed between my palms).
When you start to feel the current of energy from the waxing moon, bring your hands to your heart (still holding the bay leaf).
Spend a few minutes thinking about something that will bring up the feelings you associate with your intention. For example, you want to call in romantic love, so you visualize yourself getting asked out while you’re sipping a cold brew at your favorite coffee shop.
Next, open your eyes and light the bay leaf on fire. Do this in a fireproof container so you stay safe. Wait for the bay leaf to burn completely.
Watch that intention float up to the moon carried by the smoke.
Trust that the moon has received your intention and that it’s already helping you manifest it.
Thank the moon, and your spell is complete.
Come Up with a Manifesting Plan
After you’ve shared your intention with the moon, start planning how you’ll create opportunities for your intention to manifest. If you’ve decided to manifest a new job with this waxing moon, brainstorm some actions you can take to align your energy with that of a new job. You could apply for jobs online, ask friends for leads, carve out time every day to visualize your job or look for internship opportunities.
After you have some ideas, get out your calendar and mark the last day of the waxing moon. (This will be the night before the full moon.) Plan what days you’re going to do each action. Shoot for one action a day towards your goal—even if it’s just a quick spell before you go to bed.
Finally, decide on how you’ll celebrate the full moon. This can be dinner and a movie, tickets to a concert, or a relaxing bath with some wine. Pick something special that you wouldn’t normally give yourself. Whether or not you stick to your waxing moon plan, enjoy your celebration. You and the moon deserve it!
Let’s say your intention is something huge like writing a novel. You’re probably not going to accomplish that during the fourteen days of the waxing moon. It will likely take you at least a few moons to bang out the first draft. If that’s your goal, plan the action you’ll take during this current waxing moon. You could commit to outlining a chapter a day for fourteen days. Or maybe you’ll choose to wake up an hour early to write. After the waxing phase is over, you can think up some ways to use the waning moon energy for your writing project.
(By the way, if your goal IS to write a novel, put your laptop or writing notebook by your window so the moon can shine on it. The waxing moon is great for cultivating creativity.)
If You Need Clarity, Ask the Moon
The moon has been around almost as long as the earth has. It knows things. It can help you if you don’t know exactly what to manifest. You can access the moon’s ancient wisdom by simply asking.
Take a moment each night during this moon phase to close your eyes and send a question up to the moon. Something like, “What should I focus on tomorrow?” or “What should I create tomorrow?” will work just fine.
Imagine your words flying out of your mind towards the moon like a comet. Then open your journal and spend five- or ten-minutes writing whatever comes to mind. You’ll likely get your answer.
Ask for an Unexpected Gift
I do this every night during the waxing moon and it’s brought me so many crazy wonderful things—a new project, an idea for a story, a random check in the mail, a flirty text from someone cute. It makes me smile just thinking about all my moon gifts.
Try it for yourself. You’ll notice quickly that when you work with the moon’s abundant energy, magic happens in the most surprising ways with very little effort. There are two reasons for this. The first is the moon is already putting off a strong manifesting energy. It wants to send blessings your way. The second reason is the moon knows what you want. It’s been shining down on you all your life night after night. You can trust the moon to send some love your way.
Let the Waxing Moon Charge Your Magical Tools
The moon will charge anything its light touches with whatever energy it’s holding. For fourteen days, the waxing moon’s light will be sending out lots of joyful manifesting energy. Set out whatever you’ll need for your manifesting magic, and let the moon do its thing while you sleep.
These tools can include water, magical oils, herbs, crystals, incense, written incantations, journal entries, candles, magical card decks, or your cauldron. The moon won’t discriminate. Whatever you chose to leave out overnight, the moon will make sure it’s already to go!
You don’t have to make a big deal about doing this. For me, it’s like plugging in my cell phone before bed. It just takes a minute, and I go to bed knowing my tools will be fully charged in the morning.
Take a Moon Bath
In addition to charging your magical tools, you can charge yourself by taking a moon bath. To do this, take a blanket or a lawn chair, and sit outside in a place where you get a nice view of the moon. Hold out your arms and let the moon’s light wash over you. Feel its manifesting power as it lands on your skin and seeps into your body. Breathe in the light of the moon. Smell it. Open your mouth and allow the light to enter your body that way. What does it taste like? Can you feel its power?
While you’re soaking in moonbeams, take a moment to admire the moon’s beauty. Notice the light and dark spots from the way the sun’s light hits the moon’s surface. Look for shapes or figures in the moon. Observe any feelings that come up as you’re doing this.
Also, you don’t have to sit. You can dance, jump around, or lay down. Let yourself be wild under the moon if you want. I feel a juicy sort of energy when I do this like I’m connected to all other witches from the past, present, and future.
Maybe you want to go camping and sleep under the moon. Maybe you’d like to cuddle with your lover, your cat or your family under the moon. Experiment with everything you can do in the moonlight. There’s no limit.
My favorite thing to do when I’m taking a moon bath is to revel in the abundance of the universe. I’m reminded that there are more than enough stars, more than enough sky and more than enough moonlight for everyone in the world. What a great energy to bring to manifesting spells!
Invite the Moon to Make Magic with You
Go outside (or by a window if the weather’s bad) and actually perform your magic in the light of the moon. This could be a meditation, a spell or a tarot card reading. It’s a beautiful way for you and the moon to co-create together.
Be curious about this. Notice any unusual feelings that come up during your magic and journal about them. Keep track of the magical results you see. Are you manifesting faster? Did you feel a burst of energy when you lit your candle? Do money spells work better under the moon? What about love spells? Once you get familiar with the waxing moon energy, you’ll start to know what spells are especially potent when you team up with the moon.
 1st Quarter Moon
The Moon is waxing (increasing in light), and 50% to 75% illuminated.  This phase usually begins the 7th day after New Moon and continues until the 10th or 11th. It will be about 7.5 days until Full Moon (from the beginning of this phase).  This is the 3rd in the 8 phases of the Lunar month. The First Quarter Phase begins when the Sun/Moon angle reaches 90º and continues until the angle reaches 135º (when the Gibbous Phase will begin). This phase is the first half of the 1st Quarter (when the cycle is divided into 4 quarters rather than 8 phases). First Quarter Moon rises around mid-day and sets around midnight. She is brightly visible the first half of the night and can often be spotted during daylight hours in the afternoon.  The name First (or 1st) Quarter is used in both astrology/magick and astronomy.
The First Quarter, or Waxing Half Moon, is the time when energies are most conducive to attraction. Unlike the Waxing Crescent, which is best for going within and bringing things out, this is the best time for magic that attempts to draw things outside of yourself to you.
Use this time for spells and meditations meant to attract things you want in your life, such as money, protection or success. It's also an ideal time for attracting people into your life, such as friends, lovers and clients. If you're looking for an animal companion or have one that you want to bond with, this is a good time to perform the workings.
If you're looking for a lost object, or house hunting, etc., this is a good time to perform spells for success in that area to help you bring that which you most desire into manifestation.
How it effects your life
The deceptive imagery of fragility and hesitancy in the waxing Moon are long gone. She is brilliantly lit, growing rapidly, and visible not only a good portion of the night, but in day as well. Strong and prominent, she victoriously casts her light, and casts her spell of confidence and success. Yet she has not reached Full Moon, we are only halfway through the waxing cycle. She has achieved brilliant light, high visibility, and solid form - but far from reaching the goal. She has simply passed the milestone of uncertainty; strength and momentum abound.
Our visions and inspirations, mere vague yet exciting notions at New Moon have taken shape and gained momentum along with the Moon. Plans are becoming solid and real; our inner visions are coming to the attention of others. Excitement and enthusiasm are returning - things are happening, the vision is manifesting. We are shining brightly now, but, like the Moon, we still have a long way to go. Past the details and glitches of the Crescent Phase, we may be facing more real challenges. However, these challenges have a way of exciting and stimulating, because we are also beginning to see some real effects of our efforts; there is something solid to fight for.
How to make the most of this phase
The First Quarter Phase is often referred to as 'crisis of action' because now is the time to move forward. The vision was born during New Moon, it faced the stresses of development during Crescent Moon, and now it's ready to be put into action. Move forward, build momentum, and take action. The question is how? We've defined our goal and developed our resources. Now we need to refine the plan and act on it. We are beginning to see progress, take it and run with it. But don't run blindly, things are propelled forward with great momentum, and the key is to know where you're going, and how you'll get there, so you can make the most of this momentum.
There is a feeling of success, and a sense of accomplishment in the air. Yet the goal has not yet been reached, success has not been achieved. Many people will feel a surge in confidence (or ego) during the First Quarter Phase. It's all too easy to think things are going well, you are working hard, the goal is within reach. However, if you don't pay attention, and make sure all is going well, and that you are working hard in the right direction, that goal which felt so close could slip away before you even realize it. This is a time it's important to be sure of yourself (not only your actions) deep down. Confident and successful feelings based on the beginnings of accomplishments can be great. But they can be fragile. On some level we know it's pre-mature to think we've won the battle before it's over. But things are progressing so fast we feel it anyway - until someone or something points out how far we still have to go. That's why it's important to be aware of how far we've come, and how far we have left. Be realistic, make a plan, tell yourself you can do it – and do it. Don't set yourself up for a fall.
The Moon is in solid form and shining brightly. The energy level is high; so is the level of activity. The First Quarter Moon Phase is what we make of it. In the Crescent Phase, we encountered problems to be solved and things to be done. In this phase we take deliberate action. This is an excellent time for planning, structuring, making decisions and striving for efficiency and productivity. It's usually easier to develop confidence during First Quarter, so if you have confidence and self-esteem issues, actively work on them. This also makes it a good time for taking on difficult or challenging projects. This is a good time to begin a health or exercise program, organize, remodel, change routines - whatever will get things on track and moving in the right direction.
Take a decisive and assertive approach. This isn't the time to 'decide not to decide'. Things are happening, probably faster than you realize, and you want to shape the way they develop. Push for progress and be quick to take action. There is a lot of energy and forward momentum, tap into it and get things done. Remember, that others are feeling the same lunar energy you are. There is an active, confident, and assertive quality to the mood of most people. It's probably best to avoid conflicts, when possible, unless you want a confrontation. When you find yourself at odds with others, try for compromise, but remember the saying "If you act like a doormat, people will walk all over you". This is truer now than during any other lunar phase. Independence and individuality are important elements during this phase. Do your own thing, and do it well? Don't interfere in the progress of others, but don't let them interfere in yours either.
When planning important projects, you need to begin then within the growing portion of the cycle. Any phase during the waxing cycle is appropriate, but each brings a different mood and energies to your project. The First Quarter Phase is good for fast paced and highly active projects. Things began now tending to be more demanding, and perhaps a bit more challenging, than things began during the earlier phases, but also more structured and dynamic. Planning, structuring, direction and decisiveness will be necessary - this isn't the time for beginning passive or casual undertakings. This is the time for dynamic, active projects - for example, the most recent incorporation of Microsoft, as well as the initial release of the Windows platform were during First Quarter Phases.
In ongoing plans and projects, remember this is the time for action and decisions. If you have things that have been in the 'planning stages' for too long, this is the time to get them off the ground. In projects that seem to be at a standstill, give them an active boost. Look over the situation, and see what changes need to be made. Make decisions and take action. Look for ways you can manage your projects better, take control of your life - anything that falls within the realm of structured, assertive, or active progress.
 Waxing Gibbous Moon
The Waxing Gibbous is still a time for constructive magic, best used towards 'reeling in' that which you've been working for already. If you started a project and it's floundering, stalled, if you're at the point when the thing you're working for is coming into the home stretch and you need some extra energy to bring it home, the Waxing Gibbous will give it a boost.
This phase is a great energy for renewing your strength, will and determination to see your efforts through. If you are giving in to temptation on your diet, working hard toward something and feeling burnt out or are at the point where you're getting lazy and distracted from completing your tasks, give yourself a power boost during the Waxing Gibbous.
The Moon is waxing (increasing in light) and 75% to 100% illuminated.  This phase begins the 10th or 11th day after New Moon and continues until Full Moon. It is about 3.5 days until Full Moon (at the beginning of this phase).  This is the 4th in the 8 phases of the Lunar month. The Gibbous Phase begins when the Sun/Moon angle reaches 135º and continues until the angle reaches 180º (when the Full Moon Phase will begin). This phase is the second half of the 1st Quarter (when the cycle is divided into 4 quarters rather than 8 phases). The Gibbous Moon rises in the afternoon and sets in the early pre-dawn hours of the morning.  She is visible from Moonrise until Moonset.  This is the phase when it's easiest to spot her in daylight hours.  One thing that can be confusing, is you will see reference to both waxing and waning Gibbous Moon.  This is typically an astronomical reference, in astrology and magick usually only waxing is called gibbous.  What astronomers call waning gibbous, astrologers call disseminating.
How it effects your life
The Moon is so nearly full, you may have to look twice, or even consult an astrological calendar as we approach the end of the Gibbous Phase. She is brilliant, nearly round, illuminating the darkness of night.  Truly a breathtaking sight.  Her energy is so strong you can feel it as you gaze at the silvery disc overhead. She is nearly full.  Nearly, but not quite.  It almost seems as if she is poised, yet hesitating, taking a deep breath before her big night.  With time and patience, she proceeds along her path.  It will come.  It will be soon.
If we bring our lives into rhythm with the natural cycles, we find ourselves following the path of the Moon.  We are poised and ready, the goal is so near we can almost touch it, almost reach it.  Almost, yet something is stopping us.  We just don't feel prepared, or it isn't exactly coming together as it should. There is one more detail, or one missing element.  We encounter a last-minute glitch.  Something isn't quite right; something isn't quite ready.  So very close, but not quite, not yet.  Do we give up, after working this long and hard, after pouring so much energy into it in the First Quarter Phase?  Not if we are following the Moon's path; not if we are following her example and flowing with her energy.  We continue, certain that it will happen, it will come, and it will be soon.
How to make the most of this phase
Look at the Moon and feel the Moon.  Draw from, join in her strength and certainty.  The Gibbous Phase holds a great deal of power and potential.  It may take some patience and determination to tap into it.  We find ourselves at the precarious point of being very close to a goal. The vision born at New moon is nearly materialized.  We may think we've made it.  Then something comes up, but don't look at it as a bad thing.  This phase is about refining, fine-tuning, and tuning in. What you have begun may seem ready, but it can be better.  Challenges, really, are always opportunities in disguise.  But this is truer than ever during the Gibbous Phase.  When you find yourself encountering glitches in your plans, realize that it is fortunate they were discovered at this stage, and most likely the result will be improving and enriching your endeavors.
Impatience is so strong you can feel it in the air during Gibbous Phase. Yet patience is one of your best allies.  However, this isn't the sit quietly and wait type patience.  This phase call for having the patience to do things right, analyze, refine, strengthen, perfect…  There is far too much to do for idly waiting, or for rushing it too fast.  Be careful, be certain, take criticism as constructive (even if it's not intended that way).   Just watch the Moon, taking her time, developing the perfect form to create a spectacular display when the moment has come, and not before.  Follow her lead, and as always, you won't go wrong.
The vision was born at New Moon.  It has developed, strengthened through the phases and made great leaps forward during First Quarter Moon.  Now it is on the brink of manifestation.  If there was ever a bad time to give up, this is it!  Work on solidifying your plans, and double check everything.  Take advantage of the analytical and refining tendencies of this phase for anything that you need to revise.  This is a good time for any kind of precision work or reviewing and fine-tuning.
The Gibbous Phase is a good time for reviving what has been let slide. If you have (good) habits and routines you've strayed from, this is the time to work on getting them back. Skills and knowledge can get foggy too. If you have things you’ve learned, but haven't studied in a while, or skills you haven't practiced in some time, use this phase to 'brush-up'.  You will find it comes back more easily than you think.  This can also be a good time for developing natural talents.  If you have flair for art (as an example), but have never tried to fine-tune your skills, this is a good time for it.
Though we have nearly reached Full Moon, the light is still increasing, we are still in the waxing, growing portion of the cycle.  It is still an appropriate time to start a project or launch something new.  Unless you want to encounter the resistance of trying to promote growth in something with ingrained diminishing tendencies, this is your last chance (or wait a couple weeks before the next cycle).  Therefore, most often, the kinds of things we begin during this phase ore those we have been procrastinating on, rather than things that were planned and targeted for launching in this phase.  If you don't want new beginnings during waning Moon, and haven't got around to starting it yet, it's now or never.  Not really never, but you'll have to wait a couple of weeks.  
We have a tendency (it's human nature) to easily avoid and procrastinate, but if we're running out of time, we suddenly become ready and impatient. You can call it synchronicity; you didn't plan it this way, yet this kind of energy fits well with the gibbous phase.  As Full Moon is so very near, there is a feeling of impatience in the air.  As so many things are almost complete, but not quite ready, there is a natural "mad rush' of sorts.  So, if you find yourself frantically scrambling to launch something that you hadn't got around to, yet suddenly can't wait for, don't feel that you've gotten out of tune.  However, do inject some logic before you get carried away.  Ask yourself a few questions.  Can it wait until the next cycle?  If so, are you actually ready; how much could it benefit from more preparation time?
Like the other phases the Gibbous Phase will bring its own, unique energy and inclination to thing began now (whether this is when you planned the launch, or it was a last-minute impulse).  Things began during the Gibbous Phase are likely to need refining, and fine-tuning.  There is a tendency to perpetually seek improvement.  This is a good time for launching things that are really a rough idea, the refining, perfecting, and tweaking will come quite naturally.  It's also a good time for beginning generally analytical, or highly detail-oriented projects.
 Full Moon
When the Earth is caught between the moon and the sun, the result is the Full Moon bearing the most powerful energies of the lunar cycle. The Full Moon is often seen by people as 'all purpose'—its energies are prismatic in that it flows into all areas and needs, be it constructive or destructive.
Even more so than the Dark Moon, the Full Moon is a time you would utilize for extra power when you're facing very difficult challenges. This is not just for minor mundane tasks, such as looking for the energy to reorganize your closet or trying to clear negativity out of the house after an argument; this is a time to reserve for those important things in your life that need major changes or major boosts.
While you can plan spells for anything, utilize this energy for your priorities that really matter in your life, like if you need to win a court case, or find a new job with better pay to prevent you from losing your home.
Magics and meditations revolving around spirituality, psychic development, dreams and divination are particularly well times for the Full Moon.
The Moon is now waning (decreasing in light), and 100% to 75% illuminated. This phase lasts about 3.5 days following Full Moon. It will be about 14.75 days until the next New Moon (from the beginning of this phase). This is the 5th in the 8 phases of the Lunar month. The Full Moon Phase begins at Full Moon, when the Sun/Moon angle reaches 180º, and continues until the angle reaches 225º (when the Disseminating Moon Phase will begin). This phase is the first half of the Full Moon Quarter. The Full Moon rises at Sunset and sets at Sunrise. She is visible throughout the night.  The name Full Moon is used in both astrology/magick and astronomy.
How it effects your life
Half the Lunar cycle has been spent striving for this point. The Full Moon, in all her splendid glory shines brilliantly in the night sky, the earth glows with her divine silver light. The shadows seem vibrant and alive. It is a breathtaking sight, enlightening and mysterious. The darkness of night is illuminated, yet there is much we sense and cannot see. The light of the Moon, along with her power, has reached a peak. We see it, we feel it. The level of energy is higher on Full Moon than any other time of the month.
The Sun illuminates the Moon; she transforms and reflects his light upon the Earth. The illuminated Earth transforms and reflects her light, producing a mystical, silvery glow. These energies of illumination and reflection are ingrained into the phase of Full Moon. We reflect upon our lives and selves, we see more deeply into our own souls, as well as others. We are drawn to the illusive and mysterious.
The power of the Moon is unmistakable, tangible. We see it, feel it, and sense it. We feel our own power, and the power of the world around us. The moon is the natural astrological ruler of emotions. When she is riding high, so are our emotions. We aren't happy, we're elated; we aren't mad, we're furious; we aren't interested, we're excited; we aren't sad, we're depressed. This is a powerful time, of excess and extremes, which can manifest in a positive or negative way.
How to make the most of this phase
Full Moon is one of the most powerful and influential times in the natural cycle, and probably the most widely accepted (even by many skeptics) proof of astrological influence on our lives. Everyone has seen and felt the effects, firsthand. There is an out-of-control tendency that can make it difficult to harness this energy. The first step is awareness. Don't enter this phase unaware of and out of touch with your emotions, or you likely won't know what to do when the emotional high tide comes. Make sure you have used the waxing phases to learn, grow, build and structure. If you approach Full Moon feeling like your life is spinning out of control, it just might.
Although we are only halfway through the entire Lunar Cycle, there is a feeling of culmination. A goal has been reached. The building, evolving, waxing light of the past couple of weeks has manifested. And what a spectacular manifestation it is! You will find things you have worked on and built coming together at this time. Remember the vague visions of New Moon? Now illuminated, we can see them clearly. If they have survived, and you have put the effort into them, they are now a manifestation. Realistically, few goals are reached, or projects completed in a couple of weeks’ times. However, there is a sense of completion and manifestation in some form. Perhaps the idea is just becoming a solid plan, or one phase of a project is completed. Whatever the case, even if it seems to be only in your own perspective, things are more real and solid. Something has been achieved. If you have been going in the wrong directions, you will see the results of that be manifested into solid form as well. Preparation and the right mind frame are key in successful, productive use of this notorious Moon Phase.
The Moon has reached her peak; from the moment of Full Moon the light will begin decreasing. The period of growth and time for beginnings is past. This is the most active period of change. This time can be useful for changing or breaking habits and routines. Bring things to an end, where needed. This is also a highly creative time, with endless poems, songs, and works of art using Full Moon as a subject, demonstrating the point. Make use of the creative influence for artistic endeavors, or creative thinking. Just be careful of coming to firm decisions fight now (especially on the day of Full Moon), as logic isn't necessarily a strong point right now.
There are many dark corners in our lives, and ourselves, both small and large scale. In 'dark corners' I don't necessarily mean negative things, these are (at least partially) hidden or unnoticed things. With Full Moon, comes light, allowing us to see in those normally invisible, dark corners - just as the brilliant Moonlight allows us to see in the normally dark night. Use this time to take a closer look at things, see hidden potential, look for mistakes, and find opportunities. You can also get a clear insight into yourself, as your emotions are much stronger than usual.
As energy and emotions run high, arguments and conflicts are more likely at Full Moon. Although often difficult, compromise is important. In astrological terms, this is an opposition; the Sun is in the opposite position of the Moon. We often find ourselves completely at odds with someone else. It's important to remember, that this can be quite valuable, useful or informative. Opposite can manifest in different ways. When you look in a mirror, the image you see reflected is opposite the actual image yet reflects it accurately. When you encounter opposition, ask yourself if, in some way, it reflects aspects of yourself or your situations you have not been seeing. Other times, these conflicts can provide valuable insight or information. True, absolute opposites each have elements the other is missing. When you encounter opposition ask yourself if this person or event is giving you information and understanding that you have overlooked and could make your approach completer and more balanced.
It is no longer a good time for beginnings, the flow of energy is shifting. Full Moon is the balance point, or imbalance as it may be, in between waxing and waning. She is neither growing nor shrinking, she is full 100% illuminated. For an instant, a fleeting moment, there is total fulfillment, completion, achievement, and illumination. After that moment, the light is waning, slowly and gradually. This phase carries the energy of the moment of Full Moon, as well as the first gradual steps into the waning portion of the cycle. This is a good time for completing long-term projects or completing a phase of them.
This can be a good time for public displays, drawing attention, or presentations. There is a high energy, and highly emotional quality to Full Moon, so don't draw attention to potentially controversial things, unless you want a controversy. This is a time for putting on a show and getting a dramatic response.
The other, quite obvious factor in the influences this phase brings is, of course, light. It's a good time for evaluation, as things are illuminated figuratively, as well as literally. As we enter the waning phase, there is necessary decreasing and endings. Take a good look at your important projects and plans. Where are you stretching yourself, or your resources too thin? This is the time to begin 'weeding out' the unnecessary. There is a focus on excesses right now, and if you can step back and be objective (so that you aren't inclined to go to excesses) it is a good time for spotting excesses.
 Waning Gibbous Moon
After the Full Moon peaks, we enter the waning half of the lunar cycle. Waning energies repel rather than attract, so it's a good time to begin working on spells to get rid of things.
Minor banishing’s can begin with the Waning Gibbous. This is a good time for general cleansings to upkeep your home, office, garden or any of your personal spaces, etc., to keep things from mounting up. This is also a good time to cleanse any personal objects you may have, such as your jewelry or magical tools. Think of this more like routine dusting-- there's no major build-up, you're just trying to keep things clear to prevent problems.
If you have something for which you need closure, or if you're ready to end something in your life (such as an unfulfilling relationship or unsatisfying business venture), this is a good time for spells to bring things to their fruition.
As for meditations and divination, rather than looking to the future or on to new things, it's a good time for introspection. Where have your previous attitudes and actions brought you? What things in your life have been affecting you most? Are you happy with where you are? Do you need to make any attitude or behavior adjustments?
The Moon is waning (decreasing in light), and 75% to 50% illuminated. It begins the 3rd or 4th day after Full Moon and lasts into the 7th day. It is about 11 days until New Moon (from the beginning of this phase). This is the 6th in the 8 phases of the Lunar month. The Disseminating Phase begins when the Sun/Moon angle reaches 225º and continues until the angle reaches 270º (when the Third Quarter Moon Phase will begin). This phase is the second half of the Full Moon Quarter. The Disseminating Moon rises in late evening, a couple of hours after Sunset, and sets in late midmorning, a couple of hours after Sunrise. She is easily visible from Moonrise until Moonset. In astrology and magick this phase is called disseminating; however, astronomers typically use the name Waning Gibbous.
How it effects your life
The Full Moon has passed, though just barely. She still lights up the night sky, and the darkness of earth, although she is visibly waning. The waning phase is primarily about endings and letting go, in contrast to the beginnings and growth of the waxing phase. It's time to begin letting go, to realize that a transformation is needed before there can be further growth.
We have made the transition from waxing to waning, like stepping through a doorway, and now it's time to see what awaits us. In fact, throughout the busy cycle this is the first time we have really stopped to look around. We begin to see where we stand and notice our surroundings and our place in them. The disseminating phase is integrative. Our awareness of others, their needs and goals, their effect on us is heightened. We begin to see where our knowledge may be useful to others, and their knowledge may be useful to us. The visions began at New Moon, the fulfillment gained at Full Moon, the experiences in-between have begun transforming into wisdom and understanding. We are compelled to share it. We absorb what others have to share. Communication is vital.
How to make the most of this phase
Following the natural path of the Moon, it is time to take a step back. Not a step backwards in progress, but step back from situations you are too close to, look at them objectively. From the darkness of New Moon, she has progressed, grown, increased to the peak of Full Moon. Now she is gracefully and slowly slipping into the shadows. She is re-visiting the darkness. Dark does not mean evil or bad. Knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and subconscious all reside in the quiet depths of the shadows. Begin turning your attention to things of this nature.
This is only the beginning of the waning portion of the Lunar Cycle. We begin by seeking understanding. At Full Moon, things are illuminated, accomplished, goals are reached, ideas are solidified. Now we know. But do we understand? The mind is busy, sharing and gathering information, racing with thoughts. This is the time to process those thoughts, bits of information, memories of experiences into wisdom - a valuable tool you can utilize for the rest of this cycle, and all that follow it.
The sharing of information is one of the critical elements of and uses for the Disseminating Phase. If you have a message to get out, now is the time. If others are talking (about something relevant) listen to what they have to say. Study, learn, and absorb ideas and information. The tendency for sharing and interaction is not limited to information, although that is its primary influence. This can be an excellent time for socializing, teaching children to share, charity work. It's perfect for attending (or teaching) classes and workshops, making friends whom you connect to on an intellectual level, or exploring other cultures. Learn and diversify, keep an open mind.
This phase is usually a busy time (at least mentally), but in the rush to share, gain, and digest ideas don't forget that the general tendency of the waning phase is decreasing and letting go. This is a good time for breaking habits, changing routines, and weeding out ideas which aren't useful. Be open to change, as this phase is a beginning of a transformation. Ask yourself what you need to transform.
Now that we are in the waning phase it is no longer favorable to begin projects for growth and increase, because the natural tendency is decreasing. The disseminating phase has a strong focus on information. If you want to get a message out, 'spread the word' this is a perfect time. It's also a good time for gathering information. Think ahead to what you have planned for the next waxing moon and do your research. If you are in the middle of a big project or a difficult/confusing situation or point in your life, ask yourself what you need to know. Information is a powerful tool, and if you don't have all the facts, or don’t fully understand them use this time to remedy the situation. By the same merit if your side of the story hasn't been heard - tell it.
The Disseminating Phase also marks the beginning of transformation. Think change. Even in things we want to progress and grow, the balance of waning is essential. Do you have a stalled project, or feel stuck in a rut? Then something has to change, opening new doors, giving new options. Something has to end making room for new growth or allowing it to be 'reborn' in a different and better way.
 3rd Quarter Moon
The Third Quarter, or the Waning Half-Moon, is the perfect timing for dealing with obstacles or leaping over hurtles that might cause you to stumble on your way. Whenever you've been working toward something, and there's a roadblock in your path, the timing of this moon phase offers appropriate energies for helping you burst through it.
Temptations are the number one thing I like to deal with during the Third Quarter. If I'm finding that I often want to cheat on my diet or lay in bed rather than get up and do my exercise or watch TV and fool around on the internet rather than working, I banish that temptation with a spell.
Another good use of this moon phase's energy is in aiding with transitions, whether these are transitions that you have to make or simply want to make in your life. It can help smooth out any wrinkles that might cause snags as you go on your way.
The Moon is waning (decreasing in light), and 50% to 25% illuminated.  This phase usually begins the 7th day after Full Moon and continues until the 10th or 11th. It will be about 7.5 days until New Moon (from the beginning of this phase).  This is the 6th in the 8 phases of the Lunar month. The Last Quarter Phase begins when the Sun/Moon angle reaches 270º and continues until the angle reaches 315º (when the Disseminating Moon Phase will begin). This phase is the first half of the 3rd Quarter (when the cycle is divided into 4 quarters rather than 8 phases).  The Last Quarter Moon rises around midnight and sets mid-day.  She is visible from Moonrise, until Moonset.  Both astrology/magick and astronomy may use either Last Quarter, Waning Last Quarter, or Third Quarter for this phase. Third Quarter is used more often in astronomy than in astrology/magick.
How it effects your life
Once again, we have reached the balance of light.  The Moon begins this phase exactly half illuminated, but waning.  She is slipping into the darkness, slowly but surely.  Each night we see another sliver of light gone.  She still illuminates the night, but gradually the shadows grow stronger and the light grows weaker.  It is a time of transition, transformation, and evolution.  There is a restless, sometimes uneasy feeling.  Instinctively we feel that something is happening, something is changing.
In the First Quarter Phase we feel the energy of waxing and growing become quite potent at the light overtakes the dark.  We have now reached the opposite point, as the dark overtakes the light and we feel the energy of waning and decreasing with equal potency. However, the darkness is the quiet, the internal, the letting go, the understanding - it is a more subtle energy. The mysteries of the shadows are now more alluring than the discoveries of the light.  The energy is deep and powerful, but not so easy to decipher as the extroverted and illuminating energy we felt in the First Quarter.
How to make the most of this phase
Half-light, half dark.  We are looking back and looking ahead.  Often, we find ourselves at cross-roads during the Last Quarter Phase, sometimes trying to (or needing to) take both roads at once.  Things began early in the phase are coming to fruition.  There are things that still need to be done, perhaps another big push to finish up.  Maybe they should be continued or revived.  It's decision time.  Then, there is the question of where to from here.  What will replace things that have been finished?  What will be started in the next phase?  Again, decision time.
Look back: where have you been, and what have you done?  Look ahead:  where are you going, and what will you do?  This is a time of change, as we are beginning to form plans for the future, realizing the repercussions of the past, and deciding what we will (or must) continue, and bring with us.  This isn't a time to dodge responsibility and avoid decisions.  We often find ourselves facing mistakes we have made and receiving credit for what we have archived.  We become aware of what is finished or needs to be. We've been gathering wisdom, contemplating change.  Now we begin to figure out what to do with what we have, and don't have.
The Quarter Moon Phases, both first and last, are times of balance followed by direction.  This one is vastly different from the First Quarter, however.  This is a good time to break bad habits and change routines. Sometimes the more stubborn habits are easier to break now than in the Disseminating Phase.  There is sometimes a vague feeling of chaos in our lives around this time.  Be careful not to let things spin out of control, but don't be too concerned. It's natural, this is a turning point and there are probably many things going on simultaneously.   Don't let yourself slip into bad habits, and not do what has to be done.  However, don't push yourself too hard either.  Rest and contemplation are integral to the entire waning phase.
The Last Quarter Phase is a good time for taking care of details.  Do things you've been putting off.  Clean out the closet, finish up some paperwork. Work on wrapping things up, and deal with those 'odds and ends' you've been neglecting.  It's a good time to organize, prioritize, streamline, and weed out. Clean up clutter, throw away things you don't need and make room for those 'homeless' things laying around.
This can be an important point in long-term projects and goals. This is a time for making the hard decisions and implementing serious change.  What needs to be eliminated?  If you are have come to a point where you must choose one of two (or more) directions, this is a good time to make your choice.  Now is the time for re-structuring and re-considering plans.  Take a hard look at what has and hasn't worked, make use of information you've gathered.  This is a time of endings, but not always eliminating things.
This is a good time for finishing or beginning the final stage of something. If you have a project near completion, it can be a good time to take the necessary steps to finish it; make time and room for something new.  
Mistakes made along the way may, and problems you've encountered be catching up with you.  Don't ignore them or give up on what you've been trying to do.  See what there is to be learned, and how they may be avoided in the future.  Implement change where needed or use this time to figure out what change is needed. Take an honest look at projects, or things in your life that seem to be going downhill.  Decide if it's worth pursuing or not.  There is a difference in giving up, depressed, frustrated, and illogical or thinking it through and deciding that it's not worth continuing with. Decide whether you're ending the goal or the plan.  If you're ending the plan, but the goal is still worth striving for, consider a new start, a different approach, in the coming Lunar Cycle.  If you're ending the goal, do what is needed to wrap it up, and start thinking ahead.  Consider the possibilities opened by the time and resources you're freeing up.
 Waning Crescent Moon
If you need to clear your life and home of negativity, stress, strife, chaos, etc., now is the time to do it. The Waning Crescent, as it approaches the Dark Moon phase, it suitable for stronger banishing than at any other time of the waning moon phases. Get rid of whatever has been plaguing you—anything you find to be seriously annoying, frustrating or concerning (save things that are serious threats for that Dark Moon).
If you need things to end—not just to finish up and end, but things that no longer serve you that you need to just stop in their tracks-- this moon phase is a good time to do it. Dropping a hopeless project, relationship, friendship, etc. is best done at this time. This is a good time to cast a spell for anything for which you wish to bring about a swift and benign ending.
The Moon is waning (decreasing in light) and 75% to 0% illuminated. This phase begins the 10th or 11th day after Full Moon and continues until New Moon. It is about 3.5 days until New Moon (at the beginning of this phase). This is the 7th in the 8 phases of the Lunar month. The Balsamic Phase begins when the Sun/Moon angle reaches 315º and continues until the angle reaches 0º (when the New Moon Phase will begin). This phase is the second half of the 3rd Quarter (when the cycle is divided into 4 quarters rather than 8 phases). The Balsamic Moon rises is early morning, before dawn and sets in late afternoon. Early in this phase is visible in pre-dawn twilight; a thin silver crescent softly growing in the eastern sky. By the end of this phase she has disappeared, as we approach the next lunar cycle. This phase is called Balsamic, Dark Moon, and Waning Crescent. In astrology/magick the term waning crescent is rarely used; it is by far the most common astronomical name. Dark Moon and Balsamic are commonly used in astrology/magick.
How it effects your life
The darkness is nearly complete. We begin the Balsamic Phase with just a thin sliver of light - you may catch a glimpse in early morning - and by the end of the phase, darkness is complete. We are approaching New Moon; this is the last waning phase. She has withdrawn into the darkness, leaving the night wrapped in shadows. Disappearing, she is resting, preparing for the next Lunar Cycle. As we follow her example, follow her path, we do the same.
This is a time of quiet contemplation. We withdraw into the shadowy depths of thought and emotion, resting, reflecting, thinking, feeling, dreaming, and preparing. To a great degree we exist in the 'invisible worlds' of subconscious, spiritual realms, daydreaming, and our own inner depths. We are often consciously unaware - much is happening, yet it seems that nothing is happening. The past slips away, quietly into the night as the future slips in. While the Moon releases her current cycle, extinguishing the light and preparing for the next cycle, we to are releasing extinguishing and preparing; even if we don't know it on a conscious level.
How to make the most of this phase
This is a time to notice the subtle, especially within yourself. It's not a time of dramatic changes and hectic action. Yet it's a time of chaos, in its own way. There is often an uneasy, restlessness about the Balsamic Phase. This isn't (typically) chaos in the external sense, of noticeable disorder and confusion. This is a deeper, more subtle more meaningful type of chaos. The Lunar cycle is ending, with it our cycle of progress and action is ending. Yet a new cycle has not begun. There is a sense of void, but it's not a void. It's filled with the past, the future, hopes and fears. Externally this should be a calm, quiet time. Allow yourself opportunity to think, feel and experience.
The Balsamic Moon Phase is a time of release. The growing and building of the waxing phase have passes. The actively analyzing, correcting, and changing of the waning phase up to this point has passes. Now is the time for acceptance and release. What has gone too far to be repairable, we must let go of. Perhaps it will be re-started in the next, or a future Lunar Cycle. Maybe it won't. But if its time has come, we must now let go. We must have faith in ourselves, and the natural cycle, knowing what we let go of now will be reborn, the resources will be reused, we are making way for something new, releasing emotions and beginning healing…
Balsamic Moon is also a time of preparation. New Moon is approaching; we are on the verge of the next Lunar Cycle. We are on the verge, but not there yet. Gather your strength and resources; let your mind and body relax. Let your spirit and soul play. Let your imagination run wild. We are following the natural cycle. The Moon is now retreating into the shadows, withdrawing into herself, resting and preparing to come back strong and vibrant in the next cycle. This is the time we should be preparing ourselves to be refreshed and ready for great momentum and new growth to come.
One of the best uses for the Balsamic Phase is rest. If you've been pushing yourself too hard, feeling used up and burnt out, the most important thing to do right now is give yourself a break. It's also a time to get in touch either yourself or nature. This is the time to stop and smell the roses, enjoy the moment. It's also a good time for mundane, routine tasks - the kind of thing you do automatically without having to give it much though. Try to avoid strenuous activities, especially mentally strenuous. This is the time for your mind to relax, and let your subconscious, your soul, and your imagination flow. Don't fill your head with a bunch of fact and figures, that won't let the subtle flow through.
In terms of more 'practical' activities, remember we are in the final days of the waning moon. It won't be favorable time for breaking habits, endings, or eliminating until the next phase. If you have things of this nature you need to do, now is the time. This phase of the waning Moon is particularly good for final endings. Anything you don't want to return or want it to at least be slower than typical - now is the time. For example, if you pull weeds they don't grow back as quickly, if you clean out the junk drawer, it will fill up slower, if you plug a leak it's more likely to hold and so on.
This is not the time to begin anything. It is an excellent time for endings. If you need to end a difficult relationship, break a contract, stop a tough habit, etc. this is your best time. In difficult situations, see if anything needs to be ended and if not, this isn't the time to address the problem. In long-term projects, the Balsamic Phase usually seems to be a time of stalled progress. Don't push for something to happen, wait until New Moon. However, this phase can be an excellent time of inspiration and creativity. The logical and forward moving part of things may be stalled, but often what we really need is a break from the activity and some objective, unusual thoughts on the matter.
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seocompany258 · 4 years
Take Customer Satisfaction to the Next Level with Social Listening
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The social world is ever-developing, even right now as I type! As little children, we were constantly educated to 'Tune in before we talk' who realized that this basic expression holds the ability to change your web based life administrations game by and large. Mindful tuning in and keen correspondence is a fundamental ability that each individual has; people understood its significance hundreds of years prior yet the promoting specialists were somewhat late to the gathering. By and by, the idea of social listening is at long last here and it has taken the promoting business by the tempest.
So what precisely is social tuning in?
In laymen terms, web based life listening can be clarified as a procedure wherein the discussions, patterns and happenings are firmly examined and investigated on different online networking stages Digital Marketing Agency Mumbai. This marvel isn't brand explicit rather it is about the whole business that you are working in. The appraisals got from social listening can help you in settling on educated and productive advertising choices.
In the social world the discussions are unending; online networking listening helps in understanding what the core of every one of these discussions. Fundamentally, by utilizing this strategy you will get the chance to see the master plan and not simply get a notice when somebody labels or notices your image.
You can successfully outfit online life tuning in to frame very much investigated crusades, surpass your rivals, up your substance procedure and informing game.
On the off chance that you despite everything have any questions we as a web based life advertising administrations organization, feel obliged to attempt to persuade you to adjust your perspective. So read on to find why you have to incorporate internet based life tuning in into your showcasing methodologies immediately!
READ ALSO:– Some tips to hire the best Content Marketing consultant
Your crowd likes being 'answered' to:
Indeed, you read that privilege each client needs to get recognized via web-based networking media. An ongoing report proposes that 83% of a brand's crowd likes when their inquiries, questions, recommendations, or criticism is perused and returned to by the brand. Being responsive via web-based networking media can have an enormous effect for your image's online achievement. You can use social tuning in to make reactions that offer genuine incentive for your clients.
Provides you with a degree for development:
Truly, you read that privilege each client needs to get recognized via web-based networking media. An ongoing report proposes that 83% of a brand's crowd likes when their inquiries, questions, recommendations, or input is perused and returned to by the brand. Being responsive via web-based networking media can have an enormous effect for your image's online achievement. You can use social tuning in to make reactions that offer genuine incentive to your clients.
You can expand your online effort:
Internet based life is enormously amazing and with the correct sort of approach, you can help the quantity of your image supporters short-term. Internet based life listening will empower you in thinking of fascinating and helpful substance that is engaging and enlightening simultaneously Best Seo Company Pune. At the point when you have language free and interesting substance on your social stages the clients will get pulled in to it like moths to a fire.
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Time Travelers, Aliens, and AI
2019 JUL 13
At this point in history, we can all agree... things are a little fucked up.
Reality itself feels a little fractured... like we passed through the looking glass sometime around 2012... or 2016... depending on who you ask... but definitely, the twenty-teens saw a big rift in reality itself.
One we’ve all felt... but have not been able to describe exactly... just a vague certitude that things have gotten inexplicably weird, even on the day to day level for everybody around the planet.
Nor have we been able to point to one specific cause of this thing... I mean, we know climate change is a big problem, and that for some reason there’s a huge upswing in authoritarianistic freaks, even though the economy is doing pretty good for most of us and we don’t seem to be on the verge of a global war.
The internet itself... social media, more specifically, tend to get blamed for the overwhelming weirdness and dystopic nature of this trans-twenty-teenian era... with flat-earthers and anti-vaxers on one end, and quantum physicists on the other... all getting about equal attention in a global dialogue that includes everything in between those extremes... to a depth we never imagined any individual thing could ever go.
But I am here to tell you... the real reason the twenty-teens have been so fucked up, is because over this decade, our internet reached a milestone in it’s level of sophistication... such that... aliens can now get a better handle on what we’re doing... AND... human time travelers like it as a rest stop, coming and going from the more distant past, to the more distant future.
Just to be clear here... Aliens do not have time travel.  They don’t need it.  They see no point in it.  On the other hand, Time travelers... all of whom are humans from the near to distant future on Earth... don’t necessarily believe in aliens.
Both factions, however, do exist in our world, and, more importantly for our analysis... both have their own versions of AI (artificial intelligence) to help them do their work.  And the AI from both the aliens, and the time travelers, are accessing our nicely mature internet on a daily basis... doing who knows what, with what known supervision?
In other words... it’s a cluster fuck of trans-dimensional beings, some from Earth, some from space... and their AI... all drawn to the early 21st Century like moths to a flame, because this is the first moment where our tech and science is finally, truly compatible with theirs... either from space, or from the future.
We finally have, leading up to the twenty-twenties, enough computing power... enough wireless infrastructure... surveillance... GPS tracking... etc... for them to log in, get their headings, take their readings, do their studies... what have you.
But for both aliens, and time travelers (who, again, I’ll remind you do not necessarily know of one another’s existence) this easy internet access comes at a cost, and it is the cost of visibility.
Visibility in the real world... because there are so many of them around right now, and also visibility online... mostly unintentional, as both parties like to stay off the radar... but they can’t quite manage it... especially with their AI out there doing God only knows what, under their noses.
And all of this... is to say nothing of the underlying physics of the collective unconscious. 
I know... that sounds a bit crazy, even for a person trying to talk about time travelers and aliens in our midst, but... we all agree that the internet is a kind of collective consciousness, brought to us by technology.
However, it may also be true, that all sentient beings... are only able to be sentient at all... thanks to the fact that all sentient brains have evolved to take advantage of some yet to be defined property of the universe which allows for consciousness... much like the modern cloud allows individual phones to store and access data available to all other phones.
If there is a “natural cloud” of, say, dark matter, within which all biological consciousness resides, and which allows all sentient biological brains to... do sentience... then this “collective unconscious” would naturally be affected by the goings on in the collective “conscious” of an internet spanning the globe, and being accessed by not just you and me, but also aliens... time travelers... and their AI.
Okay, so the “collective unconscious” aspect of this is probably the most important, but it’s also the most difficult to pin down, quantify, or study... so we will ignore it for now... as we ignore everything that is unconscious.
That said, in the waking world, time travelers are, on the whole, doing a much better job avoiding notice than the aliens, who can’t resist the temptation to fuck with the world’s air force pilots and astronauts every couple of weeks.
It’s important to recognize that from the alien point of view, we on Earth have been waging a non stop nuclear war since the 1940s.  From their perspective, every single nuclear “test” detonation... be it above ground, underground, under the sea, or in space... anywhere on Earth... has been just another horrible nuclear bomb going off in what looks like a sixty year nuclear war at this point.
And aliens notice this shit!  
Nuclear fission leaves a telltale signature, but unlike the signature of fire and smoke, or electric light, fission says, “These assholes can finally do real math and understand how atoms work!”  And that’s a big warning flag, for an intergalactic civilization keeping it’s eye on the barbarians at the outskirts of the galaxy.
So, from the alien perspective, the pressure has been on since Hiroshima, to keep a close eye and, as technology on Earth has progressed, to give a little wink and a nod to the Earthlings in power... just enough to spook them... just enough to get them thinking... watch your step!  Somebody might be out here you don’t wan’t to fuck with, okay?
This has grown more prevalent over time, leading to a few generations of leaders, and their congresses, and their state congresses, and their city congresses... all knowing about this and growing more paranoid about it.
Meanwhile the internet has allowed leaks to filter down to the masses and... well.. this, I would submit, is the underlying cause of the huge spike in xenophobia in the twenty-teens.
On the surface it walks and talks like an unexplained rise in racism, even while we should have gotten past this level of human racism by now... but below the surface... it’s the unspoken fear of the aliens... the ones from outer space... who are watching us... and have been for centuries.  And whom we know nothing about.
Time travelers, meanwhile, are just human working joes... mostly military, because time distortion units are top secret, naturally... and they are only coming back in time for two purposes... to research and/or retrieve.
Every research time traveler is encouraged to retrieve what they can, even if it’s just a ball point pen from the past.
Every retrieval time traveler is encouraged to take notes... photos, video... of what they can... even if it’s just cars parked on a city street, or a chat with a person from the time in a bar.
Both types of time agents help their home governments in the future build better intel about past timelines, how to navigate them, how to understand metahistory, to prevent future mistakes... and how to access past tech in order to debug legacy tech that threatens their present day... a’la the Y2K bug, or other legacy computer bugs that threaten them down the line.
Time travelers keep a low profile, not because they fear changing the future. They don’t.  This is a many-world multiverse of ever bifurcating timelines, and what they do in the past doesn’t affect their home worldline, but they keep to the shadows nonetheless in order to avoid detection by the authorities of the times they are visiting.
Still, in order to get to their destinations in the past of the multiverse, and then navigate back to their home line (or one indistinguishable from it) time travelers rely on their own onboard AI to compare prerecorded aspects of their own past to present aspects of the past they’ve arrived in.
The more prerecorded data from the past that the AI has, to match to a stream of data at the destination... the better the AI is able to discern the time traveler’s deviation from the home line.
This is why time travelers, who can only move backward and forward in hops of ten or so years at a time, like to stop off in the twenty teens to get their bearings... because the internet of the twenty teens is so well documented and recorded.
You stop in 2016.  You log on to some obscure Youtube channel whose URL corresponds to some universal constant (which will be the same for all time travelers no matter where in the multiverse they come from) and your AI compares that feet to what it has in archive for this date.  
The AI calculates a deviation between the two feeds, which tells you how far off you are from the actual direct past you can never get straight back to.  If that deviation is large... you have to double back and try again.  If it’s within a small margin, then your mission is a go.
But they also establish weird channels on Youtube for this purpose... and on all other social media feeds... and their AI... well... the point is... even when they try to stay under the radar, their presence and their traffic is felt by us.
And lastly, there is just cross talk happening between the different technologies that time travelers see, and the adaptations and reverse engineerings of alien tech, that leads to real time tech getting weirder in our own world line.
Smart phones, I would posit, are an example of this cross talk.
Smart phones were not the result of any logical progression from 1990s cell phones and flip phones, and failed tablet experiments. They were not foreseen, and remain pretty enigmatic today... twelve years after their birth in 2007.
I would submit that smart phones... with their insane miniaturization of computing power, their insane battery and screen technology, their insane level of advanced sensors, and... the insane level of wireless, and satellite based infrastructure needed to support them... are in fact a hybrid technology that arose from one part time travelers seeing the possibilities in different instances of this era... and one part retro-engineering of alien tech.
And that’s where I’m gonna leave this first entry.
Happy Summer.
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The Significance of Raising Caterpillars
By Vanessa Verdecia
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The Imperial moth (Eacles imperialis) is a member of the Saturniid family, a group also known as the Giant Silkworm Moths.  This specimen is one of several that was reared from eggs laid last year. The corresponding larva (caterpillar) can be seen in this 2017 blog post.
Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) develop through a process known as complete metamorphosis. They go through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.  Entomologists use isofemale culture rearings to document these stages in a wide variety of different species.  In isofemale cultures, wild-caught females are kept in isolation until they have laid their eggs. The resulting larvae then represent one known species derived from a single individual. This method eliminates the possibility of accidentally rearing two or more different species together.
Recording the growth and development of caterpillars is important to understanding the natural history of a species. Detailed notes tell the story of the species being reared. For example, we can document the time of year that adults are found and when eggs are laid, food preferences of the larvae, and whether adults eclose from the pupae in the Fall or overwinter until the Spring before starting the cycle all over again.  Even though laboratory conditions may affect the timing of these changes, the specimens preserved still serve as vouchers to represent stages associated with each species.
The Section of Invertebrate Zoology’s Lepidoptera larval collection serves as an incredible library of associated eggs, larvae, pupae, and adult stages for many species documented through extensive isofemale culture rearings. The corresponding notes serve as a valuable resource for life history information, such as host plant preferences.  Host records are important since a given species will survive on only certain types of host plants.  The caterpillars of the Imperial moth will eat a variety of deciduous trees and this specimen was reared on oak.  However, some species may be host specific and only survive when given the correct plant to eat.
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The larvae of Imperial moth caterpillars reared last year overwintered in the pupal stage.  Winter conditions were provided by storing the pupae in containers kept in the refrigerator through the winter.  The containers were removed and placed at room temperature and we are now enjoying the adult Imperial moths that have been eclosing since May and June.  Many images have been taken, and multiple voucher specimens were preserved to fully document this species in the museum’s reared larval collection.
Vanessa Verdecia is a collection assistant in the museum’s Invertebrate Zoology Section. Museum employees are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
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