#ALentry: 12 feb 1834
iredreamer · 2 years
Sorry to bother tour, but about "Anne getting naked only with Ann" from the gif, Did she really undress in front of her? Did was that written in the diaries?
That scene will be so intimate... I think I will cry when the scene happens.
hello, about my comment on the second gif here – I think in the series they're gonna show Anne completely giving herself to Ann and I do believe that it will happen only with Ann Walker. I hope the whole thing is gonna play out as a sort of proof of how much Anne really loves Ann (since – I guess – we will not see her getting this close with anyone else). I do remember an interview where Suranne and Sophie talk about this scene and how important it is in the context of the Ann(e)s relationship in the show.
In real life Anne completely gave herself to Ann – meaning she got naked with her in bed – only after Ann agreed to "marry" her.
Wednesday 12, February 1834 > Long capital grubblling so that little time for sleep – she is to give me a ring and I her one in token of our union as confirmed on Monday – breakfast at 9 – Washington came for a little while – Miss Walker’s maid not much fit for packing – I did it all – books and papers etc. etc. in abundance and had not done till 2 – then off to Shibden – Miss Walker ½ hour here with my aunt and a few minutes in my study and off again at 3 ¼ – I went with her in an hour (her own carriage and man and maid) as far as Kings’ Head Inn near Bradford – and walked back and came in at 5/50.. having sauntered up the fields – dinner at 6 ½ – coffee and then asleep on the sofa – with my aunt from 8 ¾ to 9 ¾ – then with my father and Marian and sat up talking till 10/50.. – Affectionate to Miss Walker and told her I should not be long without seeing her – she desired me not to write anything particular – she meant of affection – which I promised – I certainly feel fond of her now, and if I was once really near her (no drawers on) and she was pretty well satisfied I should be at ease – she has often said she wished to be near myself –  civil letter came this morning from Quillacq Calais, to say the plate was sent off to Laffitte's –  and tonight letter from Lady Harriet – vide Friday – fine day – a hail shower as I returned over the hills after leaving Miss Walker this evening F47° now at 11 p.m. – my cousin came gently just after breakfast – [SH:7/ML/E/16/0168]
The 27th of February is when they finally exchange rings, a gesture which tightens and confirms their union.
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Thursday 27, February 1834 > No drawers on last night – first time and first attempt to get really near her [Ann Walker] – did not succeed very well, but she seemed tolerably satisfied – Rainy morning – could not have my own carriage, and [Meyers] could not get Miss Walker’s ready till 12 – breakfast at 9 ¾ – a little French – I ½ asleep over it – off to Langton at 12/50.. – damp rainy disagreeable day – She was poorly and tired tho she had got up so well this morning – I saw there was much nervousness about going to Langton but took no notice – I asked her to but [buy?] the gold wedding ring I wore and lent her six pence to pay me for it – she would not give it [to] me immediately but wore it till we entered the village of Langton and then put it on my left third finger in token of our union – which is now understood to be confirmed for ever tho little or nothing was said – At Langton at 3/05.. only Mrs. Norcliffe and Charlotte at home – surprised but very glad to see us, and very kind and attentive – CN [Charlotte Norcliffe] had heard of my arrival from Mrs. Milne – Mrs. Norcliffe now dines at 3, that we sat down to dinner in about ¼ hour – coffee – tea afterwards about 6 ¼ – Miss Walker much please with Mrs. Henry Robinson’s blazoning and with Miss Best’s drawings – our visit went off very well – all sides sufficiently pleased apparently – came away at 7/20.. and home at 9 ¾ – coffee – sat talking till 11 ¾ – glad we went – the Norcliffes very civil to her – her shyness went off and she seemed much pleased with her visit – Rainy day and evening – On the margin, in code, Anne notes: the ring [to] Miss Walker [SH:7/ML/E/16/0174]
Being near – for Anne – means to be completely naked during sex (she does specify when she keeps her drawers on).
Keep in mind tho that in real life Anne didn’t get naked only with Ann Walker. As I said, I think this will be different in the series and we’ll see Anne getting this close only with Ann, but let’s wait and see.
I hope I answered your question :) can’t wait to see that scene by the way, I’ll be like this 🤞🙏🏻 for the whole time praying it is gonna be glorious.
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iredreamer · 5 years
Hi! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer and give us all your insights on Gentleman Jack. I've read several of your posts and wanted to ask: could you quote some of the times AW really wanted AL to take her drawers off?
hey :) thank you! I’m happy you enjoy reading me :)
About the Ann(e)s… well, I’ve read Anne’s journal from the 4th of January 1834 (when AL and AW see each other for the first time after the 10 months apart) till March 1834, when they finally get married and AL takes her drawers off for the first time with AW.
These are the only two times during that time period that AL writes about AW wanting to have her “near”:
Wednesday 12, February 1834 > “Affectionate to Miss W- and told her I should not be long without seeing her. She desired me not to write anything particular – she meant of affection – which I promised. I certainly feel fond of her now, and if I was once really near her (no drawers on) and she was pretty well satisfied I should be at ease. She has often said she wished to be near myself.” [SH:7/ML/E/16/0168]
First time with “no drawers on” - Thursday 27, February 1834 > “No drawers on last night – first time and first attempt to get really near her – did not succeed very well but she seemed tolerably satisfied.” [SH:7/ML/E/16/0174]
Saturday 1, March 1834 > “Three tolerable times of it last night. She wanted to have me quite near to her, and we shall manage it by and by.” [SH:7/ML/E/16/0175]
AL writes that AW “often said she wished to be near myself” but she doesn’t write about it every time it happens, she doesn’t record every time AW says that to her…so, I guess this is it :) have a nice day and thank you for your ask!
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