sparrowinkk · 6 months
i went to a gay social group and none of them had ever played skyrim. I had to *explain* what it was to one of them. 12-21 group. I think i had a breakdown right then and there.
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birb--birb · 3 months
LORD I forgot how fucking funny the banter is in origins
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mabaris · 1 month
my fear about them not using the keep for datv (along with the fact that it allows for less variance in worldstate, but i do buy the excuse that a lot of that stuff won’t be relevant in a wider story set years later) is that the keep is going to be abandoned and/or deactivated, making it impossible to play any type of custom world state in inquisition
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molinaskies · 6 months
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buwheal · 8 months
damn sorry about the lack of asks (<- lying /j) Im working on number 26 right now but i spent a lot my time earlier messing around with my dvd player instead. Oops. I will probably regret wasting my time like that.. BUT i have two key frames done and the third one sketched out... if im counting right theres three more (Same pose with minor tweaks, but still a unique frame nonetheless) before i get around to the minor animations and gluing it all together. I could probably do these faster if i didnt like doing gifs so much. Somebody stop me!!! anyways goodnight.
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oktaviaslabyrinth · 1 year
Always Running // Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Vengeance (2013)
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electricpurrs · 1 year
oh also i talked a while ago about how my cat pissed on our videogame consoles and i was scared it broke them forever, but it didnt! we let them off for several days hoping it would dry and scared to try to turn it on and learn that it was broken, but everything is working perfectly :-)
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thecollectionsof · 11 months
🌻 <33333
where you are a video game hater (except for a select few) i am a video game fan :) i spent a long time playing today with my dad because i’m visiting my parents right now!!! he’s always enjoyed them so i’ve picked up his love for them :)
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run2thesky · 2 years
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why the heck does Alan Wake REMASTERED look so poopy on the Switch? help!
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< the non-Switch version for comparison.
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oh ya just wanted to say hi to my new 2 followers (i have like 16 followers. 10 of them are my friends LMAO). i am a wee bit scared of social interaction and i usually do not make new friends on here (i like sticking inside the friendgroups im in) so just wanted to clarify that!!!!!!! sorry if i start posting/reblogging something other than what you followed me for im very multifandom
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frankensama · 2 years
Deconstructing Mirror's Edge's Parkour Mechanics
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Mirror's Edge is one of my favourite games of all time and a fascinating case study of first person platforming and game design. So, I decided to break it down and explore it.
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jaythelay · 19 days
"Bloodeborne is playing on PC!"
Correction, it's running on an emulator and that emulator is running the game on your PC.
You ain't coding a port from the base up idiot haha. You're just emulating the console's OS essentially.
That's infinitely more accurate and cool than failing verbiage about bloodborne "being on PC" It ain't. It's still very much a console exclusive. That's why you're emulating it. Emulating PS4 on your PC.
Ya got a PS4 emulator that can boot Bloodeborne to it's menu. You did not run bloodeborne on your PC.
It ain't pedantic either. Just simple verbiage that the community, and only this community, has elected to have solely for the meme, and it ain't funny nor exciting. Just sad that Sony likes to gatekeep art.
If a semi has your car in their flatbed while driving, and you're in the driver's seat of the towed car, you are not driving, it's kinda sad to argue otherwise, especially pedantically.
Or more accurately, you're in the passenger's seat making "vroom vroom" noises while daddy's asleep in the driver's seat.
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narutomaki · 3 months
thanks to all the DATV posting I am slipping back into DA madness and thinking about Acien this morning, unable to fall back asleep, despite getting up at 5.20am on a sunday
TW: Suicide and self harm mentions in the context of a fictional character mentions of cheating
Acien is, like, for all intents and purposes a good person! he makes good choices for the benefit of many people, helps those in need without asking for anything in return, tries to get a grasp on people's true intentions and leave them better off than when he first arrive!
however, he is not a good man. his ability to trust and maintain the trust of other in interpersonal relationships is.... difficult. he finds himself unable to believe the people he loves and who love him are sincere, he tries to drive them away habitually for a long time, it takes him months of Zevran and Alistair teaming up to actually believe they love him. and then the second the party is split up, and Morrigan dips, that trust is erased. how could they love him?
his late teens and early adulthood are spent trying to fix the lives of others while he himself is stuck in a spiral of self-destruction that no one who knows him can help with, or knows how to cope with
he makes irrevocable mistakes in DA:A and almost ends his own life over them, the fact that he lived was (in his mind at the time) an accident of circumstance. that he successfully drove away one person who loved him (Alistair) was a victory in his mind, because now he can't hurt him even more
by the time DAI rolls around he's... not doing BETTER, but he's also spent a lot longer fixing interpersonal bonds and realizing how hurting someone intentionally doesn't save them any grief, despite what he was "taught"; and he's better at trusting and believing the people he loves when they say they love him, he's not forgiven for what he did but they come around to understanding why, and are able to all Actually trust each other again and then....
well then the conclave happens, Acien inserts himself in a situation that once more thrusts him into the limelight after defying death yet again and well
he backslides... "a little". he still has an easier time trusting people are being honest with him, but he can't handle the pressure that being the savior of the world AGAIN puts on his shoulders and there's two ways his story "ends"
in one of the Leliana catches him drinking and makes note of how strange it is in a letter to Zevran and Alistair and both of them show up within two weeks and immediately set about propping him up, getting him sober, and ensuring he Is Never Alone to make the choice he would have otherwise made
in the other ending.... Leliana never mentions it, or never catches him, and he's left to spiral and flounder with no one the wiser; Leliana wasn't with him when he was at his worst or best so she doesn't know just how bad he is until. He tracks down and confronts Solas. He's alone. He thinks "I can't so this, but if I do something drastic, maybe I can change his mind." and succeds where he failed in DA:A in a much more violent display than he'd tried back than.
the second one used to exist as the sole option for his ending scene lol. he was heavily based on a LOT of the internal problems I was having at the time I created him, and a lot of his temporary/permanent growth was only inserted YEARS LATER after I'd gotten help for myself
it's sad! he's a sad and tragic character! he's only 17 when he loses his best friend and way of life and is thrust into an environment where everyone looks to him to solve their problems; which isn't unusual for his life but the risk of failure is so much higher as well
also. this isn't me saying his family/clan ever hurt him intentionally, sometimes families don't know what they're doing to you and years down the line you mention something you learned and they go "what the fuck are you talking about? that's not what I meant by that at all!" and your sibling goes "that's not what I learned at all idk where you got that from", sometimes a family can be great but accidently hurt someone because they never check in on the ACTUAL things their child is taking away from things. Acien is very much like me in that case, and his family is MUCH kinder and much nicer, but he was always more sensitive and tender hearted than his siblings and cousins and friends and instead of learning to ask for more kindness, he internalized that hurting those you cared for and lying to them about how you were feeling were appropriate ways to maintain relationships (the gentle ribbing and teasing and boundary setting, but taken in the most literal and unflattering way possible) he does have a few Big Traumas from early in his life that set up his brain for this kind of thinking that no one ever caught/caught how it affected him
any way. I think he deserves to be happy and learn that he's allowed to communicate his needs and wants even (GASP) and Solas was never going to have the Revelation that Acien was aiming for lol ("if I kill myself violently in front of him he will realize that violence is wrong!" baby NO)
edit: realized I was very vague on what he did and that's bcus I spent an hour straight thinking about it and was like surely it'll be understood
he cheated on them with Anders
Zevran is ""okay"" With this (it affects his trust in Acient less) BECAUSE he's an assassin and ex-Crow, he's seen better people do worse and order others to so worse things in healthy states of mind, and Acien had always had an easier time communicating his problems to Zevran (because Alistair would try to comfort him too much, and reassure him he was a good person, which in turn made him feel worse); as well he's the one who notes that not once does Acien try to defend himself (Anders tries to defend him) and he finds a letter he'd never sent begging them to come visit
he offers to be a mediator (it takes years after the fact for either of them to learn Acien tried to kill himself a couple times before and after his affair) on the condition Acien get sober again and actually communicates with them instead of not sending them obvious distress signals, Acien has an easier time trusting this because it's an ultimatum and obviously means Zevran loves him for real (which is true, not Zevran loved him for real BEFORE as well)
after is when he finally opens up to Alistair, once Alistair is willing to sit down and talk (about a year given their respective jobs, time to heal, and travel) and finally admits a lot of his insecurities and Zevran shows Alistair the letter and while it does make Alistair feel worse and almost fully ruins any chance of reconciliation, it's the finally being honest without being self defacing (obviously reigning himself in (Zevran had discussed with him common manipulation tactics and Acien is trying his best)) that gives Alistair space to heal and understand and listen
Alistair still doesn't like leaving Acien alone, but needs must, and for a while around the conclave they had to and in the bad ending Alistair and Zevran are kept away by jobs and helping others because they assume Acien is Better Now because he hasn't had more then a Bad Week in over a year at thst point
idk if in the bad ending anyone ever finds out it wasn't Solas that killed him, which.... leaves some interesting implications seeing as Solas attacks but very intentionally leaves the Inquisitor alive HAHA any way
he was my vent oc and I made that very obvious in his storyline LOL
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victory-cookies · 5 months
I hope my uncle follows through on giving me his xbox bc I’d really love to give bg3 a try fr
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timothyjoseph · 6 months
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Hello Everybody, Click the link below to check out my minor spoiler free review on both The Simpsons Game and Hit and Run
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bonjour-ho · 11 months
want to play Lost Odyssey, do not want to buy an Xbox
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