perky89 · 1 year
*Kicks the door down* I have an idea
Okay so the Professors always the hero, the big strong smart guy we always look up to
But you know how Phoenix lost his badge?
Okay, okay, hearrrrrrrrr me out. Layton loses his archeology license, his teaching license, and on top of that, gets exiled from England. And let's say it was because of a false criminal accusation...
And news reaches Phoenix...
Someones gonna save the Professor, for once. For once, he's the one in a dire situation. And his heroes gonna be Phoenix
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bluewhitehues · 3 months
Hug Series/ Drabble
Kim Mingyu× F. Reader
Genre: fluff,a very silly drabble, sulky gyu
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"Go to your sidechick" mingyu says teasingly when you're bickering about something. He's sitting on the couch and you on his lap.
"What makes you think you're not the one who's sidechick?" You tease him back raising your eyebrows.
His mouth opens in disbelief and he huffs sulking at you, turning his face sideways not looking at you.
"I'm just kidding you're not. Ok?" You say between laughing.
He still isn't looking at you biggest pout on his face as he huffs again.
You squish his cheeks turning his face to look at you pecking his pout "You're my soul ..the love of my life." And you're giving him the sweetest lovesick smile ever so how can he not melt right then and there.
He tries so hard not to smile at you. He's planning on bantering with you more he won't show it even if he's melting from inside he loves when you two bicker.
"Chan is my homie my bud just like he's yours." You say pinching his cheek.
"Yeah he's my homie but i don't remember having a crush on him ever." He says shrugging, the mischievous look clear on his face.
Your eyes go so wide cause you or him haven't mentioned it since you got in a relationship. You know he's just trying to rile you up and it's not a serious issue to worry about. If he had felt anything about it he would have told you directly you know that.
So you gasp getting up from his lap in flash "it was nice knowing you Kim Mingyu. Divorce papers will be sent through my lawyer." And you walk away turning back from him.
And he's laughing at you. He burst out as soon as you said that. "But baby we aren't married." He says getting up to go to you.
You stop in your track, turning back to face him."Oh I see how it is now ..no no I get what you are saying I guess I'm more serious about you than you are." You shrug
His eyes go wide at that ..even if he knows you're kidding, he'd never show himself as someone who isnt serious about you, cause come on the guy literally breaths you not even oxygen,is so damn whipped for you "Noo. Where I'd go if you divorce me ..please don't " He says now seriously giving you the puppiest eyes ever.
"I guess I can give you a chance if you promise me kisses and hugs to make up for it..also endless cuddles in bed " You say shrugging.
And he's smiling sheepishly before he runs the little distance between you two holding you up in his arms tightly.
"Now that's my pleasure baby." He kisses your cheek and then all over your face.."What about something else in bed too?" He says kissing the corner of your lips then looking up at you raising one of his brows with a smirk. "I like the sound of it." You say. And he's throwing you on the bed gently before getting on top of you to tickle you from both of your sides.
"Oh my god gyu wtf ...I knew it ah stop- gyuuu-" You say in between the laughter trying to hold his hands and kicking him with your feet to push him away from you.
"Gyu please-" You whine while giggling so he stops. He looks at you with heart eyes literally as he hovers above your face.
"I love you "He whispers and you just...melt under him. how can you not. No matter how many times he says it,it still feels like the first time ever ,his love keeps growing and he keeps showing it. "I love you too " You say pulling him down for a kiss. He smiles into the kiss causing you too smile as well. You pull him even closer making him loose his balance and fall over you. "Hey-" he says barely pulling back from your lips scolding you a little but you're giggling throwing your head back and he's laughing all over again slapping your side and then getting beside you on the bed. He pulls you so you're on your side and then he's pulling you flush against him. Claiming your lips again.
a/n: idk what did I write hope you like it.
Boyfriend mingyu missing hours are so opennn😭
Masterlist if any of you haven't read hug series you can find it here. 🫶
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violaobanion · 1 year
Hello, Succession Anon again with my last message til I can watch more in the who-knows-when future! Ah, the family cycle of abuse pit. A trope I shall never tire of watching!
LMAO yeah, not everyone has had a chance to be terrible yet, so currently I have some characters I only feel sorry for. I imagine that will change very easily (except for the dog I saw for like 5 seconds in this ep; BEST PUPPER, 100/10, NO DRAMA FOR THEM).
Anyway, here is my liveblog! May you enjoy my ridiculous amount of rambling, and also a light scattering of screaming. And a silly amount of em-dashes to separate scenes.
Kendall: [lights a cig, has one puff, then stomps it out to drama walk into a building] Arresting him for littering and for being wasteful. Jail for 50 years!
(After everything else I watched in the first ep, though, this is so far down on the 'people saying/doing bad stuff' things that it'd be a footnote on Santa's naughty list.)
Kendall: Does anyone want to talk to their dad?
My headcanon here is that Logan sneezed and instantly went 'Hmm, sounds like I need to call one of the little shits'.
Logan: [says he's excited full of an emotion that expresses he'd rather watch paint dry]
I'm beginning to see why these kids have daddy issues.
RIP Greg in the mascot dogsuit. It must not have been pretty or smelled good in there.
Also, I completely spaced out from what Greg was saying the moment I saw a dog. PUPPY!
Roman: 'Hey hey, motherfuckers!' Refuses to elaborate ANYTHING except mockery. Leaves.
I don't know whether to like him or not, but I would steal his last french fry.
I have no idea how to comment on Logan not only knowing about his 'surprise' party but also trying to have a say in it.
Like, relatable on the part of not wanting people in my face because anxiety. But it isn't abt anxiety for Logan, it's abt control, right? Sir, a surprise party is meant to have surprises!
WHAT THE FUCK IS A PREEKEND?! Why can't they say Friday; Shiv, I'm with you on this.
Kendall casually saying he'd give a bj without knowing his dad is in the room OH GOSH THAT POOR MAN it'd be like my fam finding my smut list. I'd jump out the window instantly.
Tom/Connor: casually tells a kid that he's got water pumping rights and people are gonna kill each other for said water some day
I can't believe 'hey motherfuckers' Roman was the sane man there, but THANK FUCK HE SHUT TOM/CONNOR UP. Well, tried to.
(Edit for Clarification: Roman called Connor 'Tom' for some reason, so I got confused and just put Tom/Connor here. RIP Connor.)
Shiv: What's that; Date R*pe by Calvin Klein? Roman: You wish. Shiv: …'You wish'???
RIP Greg, gets slammed into a door the moment he meets Logan.
Currently feeling the most sorry for Greg here; if he gets pushed out of a window at any point, I'm not even gonna be surprised.
'Yeah, that's Greg, bad shit happens to him a lot. You get used to it.'
Logan: Where's Tom? Shiv: He's right here. Logan: Oh, well, nevermind.
Logan, you can't just murder a man like that.
Kendall's ex(?): I'm just hoping [her date] doesn't leave coke smeared all over the kids' iPads.
Oh, that was a dig at Kendall. Uh, I'm sad for everyone now, wow.
Logan: In the event of my demise (hi s4), I'm adding Marcia and leaving her my seat.
Shiv: Uh, I'm gonna need my lawyers to look at this. Logan: Sure. By 4:00, ok? Logan: Also, I discussed this with Kendall, but I'm staying in power as CEO. Kendall: Wh-what? Logan: Let's eat!
I see where Roman got his 'go in, throw shit at the wall, then leave' tendencies from.
'Fuck this shit I'm out' started playing in my head as Connor left too.
The longer Logan is on screen, the more I start… losing emotions. He just called rehab 'the nuthouse', and is generally insulting his son.
Logan: Is that why you're paying a billion dollars for a gay little website? Kendall: It's a portfolio of online brands and digital video content.
So Logan is Succession's Elon Musk, and Kendall is his son buying Instagram.
Now Logan's egging Kendall into punching him/mocking him for nearly crying, and poor Kendall is having a breakdown in the bathroom. Good lord, I want to hug him.
The past few moments they've mentioned a game, drove off in SUVs, and now there are helicopters. I have no idea what is going on.
OH, IT'S A BASEBALL FIELD. Now I know what's going on. There are so many shots of Tom holding a box, and I think that's the gift he's been trying to give to Logan. I feel sorry for the dude, and I get the feeling that's gonna sum up the show: me feeling sorry for characters.
Yep, it was a gift. Logan doesn't care. Continuing to feel sorry for Tom.
Tom: You need any help, any advice, just don't fucking bother, ok? Just kidding! [later] I'm a terrible, terrible prick. Just kidding!
Greg: [confused and clearly has no idea wtf is going on]
Don't worry, bro, me too.
Tom: Would you kiss me?
Ooh, did Kendall just go straight to the media about his family? 👀👀
Roman: Can you hit a ball? Kid: Yeah… Roman: Great, I will give you $1mil if you hit a home run.
WELL, THAT'S NOT GONNA PUT PRESSURE ON THE KID! But dang that is a lot of money, good on you, Roman.
Roman: [tears up the check right in the kids face, then gives him the torn pieces]
Roman, every time I say something nice about you, you fuck it up. I'm getting a spray bottle full of water, just for you.
EVEN LOGAN WAS NICE TO THE KID! You know you fucked up when Logan was (temporarily) nicer than you.
Kendall: I'm gonna stuff your mouth with so much money you're gonna shit gold figurines.
So Midas kink?
Kendall: [goes into graphic detail abt gold cages and silver d*ldos]
…I don't even know what to say about Logan making the kid and his family sign an NDA. Like, at least maybe the kid is getting money after all, but W O W.
I should probably get multiple water spray bottles.
Logan: Do we have a deal? His kids: No Logan: [instantly collapses from insubordination]
Everyone else: [chaos, drama, and depression] Frank: [resting on a chair after getting fired]
Be free, Frank. Get away from this! …OH, THE KID AND HIS FAMILY GOT TOM'S GIFT FOR LOGAN! Like, kinda happy for the kid/family 'cause they could sell that or whatever, but rip Tom. Logan loves hurting his family more than your Brand watch.
That's everything from my liveblog of ep 1! Sorry for only one ep liveblog, but hopefully it was an amusing read. This is gossipy hen/Succession Anon, signing off! salutes
Hi my dear anon!
Haha I love to see your liveblogging, this was a very amusing read indeed. You're observations are pretty spot on and hilarious, and it made almost nostalgic thinking about the time when I watched the shitshow (affectionately) for the first time 😌
A few comments:
Tom and/or Greg: There's a fine line between feeling sorry for and being annoyed by these two fellas. I think you're gonna cross it many times (and hopefully soon). Still love them both btw. But god. UGH!
*sigh* What would this show be without daddy issues, amarite or amarite? 😏
I would steal Roman's last french fry too 🤣
Fun fact: Roman's "you wish" at Shiv's perfume comment was unscripted, and so Shiv's reaction is actually Sarah's reaction. For a split second she falls out of character and looks at the crew. But when you don't know, it just looks like Shiv fucking baffled. I love that for her and I love Kieran's improv. It's not the last time he does that (but sadly not all his attempts make it. One of them was even too good???)
"SIR,WHAT THE ACTUAL F" is one the most accurate descriptions of Connor I've ever heard. That man is so out of touch. Send help.
Logan is the male equivalent of a Karen 🙂🔪
Frank is love, Frank is life. That man? *chef's kiss* right there
I remember last time I rewatched this (right before s4) thinking "LOGAN COULD'VE DIED IN THE FIRST EPISODE??" and then thinking what dream scenario that would have been. But oh well!
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alstroemeriaxamare · 2 years
1) Send me some facts about your relationship with your F/O (fictional other) and I’ll assign a flower that reminds me of your relationship.
Agata and I are around the same age (late 20s), but both took very different paths in life. (High school dropout to lion Yakuza pipeline vs physics teacher/researcher.)
Despite this, we managed to bond over our mutual love of video games and long, lazy mornings (that occasionally go into the afternoon if we have no work to do that day...)
Ironically, our first meeting was in jail, during a science outreach event intended to get prisoners interested in jobs in science.
Agata may not have studied physics formally after he dropped out, but comparing the physics engines in his video games has given him a better than average understanding of the basics.
After that event, we kept in touch, and when he got out of prison, he crashed on my couch while looking for (legal) work.
Eventually, he started using my own gaming setup to stream (after asking permission, obviously), and started to become popular.
After his first round of income, he realised this was something he wanted to do, and so we started setting up a proper streaming kit for him.
In between all this, we'd been going out for clothes shopping, groceries, and coffee 'dates'. (Can it be called a date if neither person is aware that it's a date?)
Louis checks in every now and then, and always seemed irritated when I was around at first, although after realising I was as blind to the fact Agata and I were dating as Agata was, he just started chuckling to himself whenever he sees me.
About 8 months after Agata gets out of jail, we end up chatting about whether he should find a place of his own, which ends up with the revelation that he doesn't want to leave, and I don't want him to leave either.
It takes another 8 months before either of us admit that we 'might' be dating, and another 2 before we actually formally get together. (The love is requited, we're just idiots, Your Honour.)
Nothing really changes much after we officially start dating, except my bed suddenly has a lot more lion fur in it each morning.
Despite Agata's popularity as a streamer, there are still some animals who think he doesn't deserve a second chance.
The first time someone assaulted him in the street, he just let them, afraid that if he defended himself he'd end up back in jail.
The second time it happened, I was with him, and convinced him to not back down - self defense is a valid defense, even if he had a criminal record.
The attacks never really escalated beyond verbal abuse, until after we started dating.
The first trip out after Agata told his entire audience (because of course he did, the sweet little bean that he is), a particularly stupid herbivore (I want to say a horse, for some reason...) threw a bucket of red paint over me, intending it to look like blood.
They lost their grip on the bucket, though, and it ended up not only covering me in the paint, but hitting me in the head, splitting the skin and giving me a concussion.
Agata, obviously, went full berserker mode, never even coming close to physically touching the aggressor, but ensuring that we were never messed with again. There may have been a threat of forcing the idiot horse to devour their own grandmother at some point, but I was a little woozy by then.
All I really knew is, "That one. I want that one." Full on heart eyes, with sparkles and everything.
Being two males got us some flack as well, but it was relatively minor compared to the whole 'used to be a criminal' thing.
There was a brief investigation, but several dozen people came forward with evidence that Agata hadn't done anything wrong.
Louis in particular brought out a whole stalker's portfolio, showcasing every incident of abuse and Agata's non-violent responses to them all.
That, plus a suspiciously high-priced lawyer (anonymously donated to our cause, of course...) who just happened to share a name with one of the Horns Conglomerate's legal team, meant the whole investigation was a non-issue.
Agata definitely got some for his performance after the head wound was patched up.
Eventually, I ended up tutoring him to the point he could get his GED (or the Beastars equivalent).
Sorry if this is a bit too long, but you gave me an open mic to simp for Agata, I'm gonna take advantage of that
I love your story! SO WHOLESOME AND SWEET!
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I choose, the cornflower!
What does cornflower symbolize? Cornflower flowers symbolize freedom, courage and resilience.
I think it really relates to your story, and the ability to keep moving despite obstacles and baggage.
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The Honey Pot (mob! Harry Holland mini-series) 3/3
"We're not who we used to be / we're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me / trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat." - Harry Styles, Two Ghosts
Masterlist | Taglist | Ko-fi
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Pairing: mob!Harry Holland x OFC
Summary: Harry deals with the messy aftermath of Bel's betrayal. Just as he moves on, the past comes back to haunt him. Maybe for good.
Word count: 6k
Warnings: angst, violence, mention of injuries, sssssizling sexual tension, SMUT! oral sex (m/f), protected sex, tender fluff, did i mention angst?
Notes: wow here we are y'all, the final chapter! or is it...? 😈
Part 1 | Part 2
The questioning goes by in a daze. Harry reckons he didn't say much anyway, which his lawyer seems relieved about. The whole night feels like a fever dream, which is ironic since he doesn't sleep a wink in his holding cell. He just goes through every scenario-- every single moment of weakness he'd inadvertently exposed himself to while he's with Bel. Every stupid time he'd turned a blind eye.
And even so, when Tom bails him out early in the morning and picks him up in his sleek Royce, he still has no answer to the big question,
"How could you let this happen?"
Harry says nothing. There is truthfully no reason that he could muster that would salvage this; he simply made a grave mistake.
"I expected better of you.” Tom admits. “You were always smarter than the rest of us. Quicker, when it comes to these things. I can’t believe--”
“Tom, I don’t need your lecture right now, alright?”
“I’m just saying--”
“Look, there’s nothing else we can do but assess the damage and control it. So please, just let me sleep a couple hours and we’ll see what we can do, yeah?” Harry cuts him off archly, hoping to God he’d at least have a peaceful ride home.
Tom stares at him, in a guarded kind of concern that they’ve always had with each other. Harry’s always been more of an older brother to the boys --Tom has the brilliant ideas, but he’s the one that makes them happen for him- but in this moment, he’s damn well stepping up to his role.
“I heard.” he averts his gaze down, as if giving Harry some semblance of privacy. Of dignity.
As if he had any dignity left after MI6 found him naked and tied up to the bed with nothing but a throw pillow to cover his modesty.
Tom stares out the window, the glass dotted with light rain. “Just say the word. I’ll take care of her.”
“No.” Harry answers, immediate and final. He doesn’t want anything to do with her anymore. Not even to end her. He doesn’t have the strength to. Right now, he just wants to stand in the shower until the water burns his skin and then crawl into bed because he’s so, so tired.
His brother doesn’t press on, thankfully. He just gives him a firm hug, with a firm pat on the back, ‘see you tonight’ murmured tight out of his jaw before he jumps right into the backseat once more.
Harry’s house feels hollow. It shouldn’t be; it looks just as he left it two days ago, although it certainly isn’t.
He tries not to note the absence of the washed denim jacket on his coat hanger. The pair of high heels kicked off haphazardly somewhere on the floor. He convinces himself that he’s not checking, but he is. He goes into his living room to see if her books are still there. If her makeup is still next to his bathroom sink --scattered on the counter and driving him crazy as always. He even looks into the drawer where she keeps her clothes. Another drawer where they keep their dirty toys.
Harry tries to wash away the grime, the shame, the sorrow, and when none of it washes off, takes a couple of sleeping pills. He spreads his arms open, surrendering himself to sleep. To take a break. Just for a moment. 
He doesn’t rest for a whole month.
His mind is hard at work and it’s sharper than it’s ever been. Going back and forth between Tom and Harrison and their lawyer and MI6 for a negotiation. Working through the possibility of giving MI6 access to their network, in exchange for some personal and financial immunities. Somehow, quite miraculously, they manage to expand their business once again with the British Intelligence on their side.
His assistant had just dropped off the agreement draft from MI6, and he flips through it absently. The words blur together, and he barely remembers what he’s reading when he finds a piece of paper slipped in between the pages.
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She didn’t sign her note-- not that she needed to. He’d recognize her handwriting anywhere. Every stroke of the pen, every loop she makes in her letters.
Harry stares at it for far too long. He has half a mind to tear it apart, or burn it. The galls she had for that scrapped, half-assed apology. For turning up again, even if only in writing. For that optimistic promise in the end which he knows is false. And worst of all, for allowing himself to be hurt again by that sliver of hope.
Still, he couldn’t bring himself to throw the note away. No, it still stings too much. He decides to fold it up and tucks it away in the corner of his wallet. Maybe one day, when he’s ready, he wouldn’t have to think twice about tossing it.
It's difficult beyond his comprehension at first. He keeps searching for her face in crowds everywhere she goes. Turns and looks for the sound when he hears a vaguely similar laugh. Or when someone calls out some semblance of her name. Reaches out in the dead of night, desperately hoping she’s on the other side of his bed.
She’s never there, of course. He reckons she’d change her name and be halfway around the world on another top-secret mission, ruining another dumb fucker who fell for her charms like some twisted vigilante.
And after a while, he gets used to it. He scans the crowds to ensure himself that she’s not there --that way he can stop fretting. Throws himself in his work and amps up his security detail so he doesn’t need to eavesdrop on his surroundings. Parties hard like the rest of his brothers and friends. Goes home with pretty girls who throw themselves all over him far too easily (and wants him in charge) and dips first thing in the morning.
It doesn’t feel like himself at first. The first couple of months, he feels like a complete fraud. But do that for two years straight… it dulls out the pain enough for him to live with the ennui.
It's Harry's last night in New York, and after two weeks of back-to-back meetings, all he wants is to simply collapse in his bed. Nevermind that the night is young. Nevermind that his socialite friends want him to join them at their gentleman's club.
He walks into his townhouse, his two bodyguards in tow, and finds a fresh flower bouquet on his foyer table. Pretty little irises-- white with purplish tips, arranged intricately with dusky pink foxgloves in a fluted vase. It wasn’t there when he left this morning, he observes, and seeks a card among the shrubs. His confusion only grows when he sees a glimpse of his company logo on it.
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His mind goes a million miles in just one second. He would recognize that handwriting anywhere. And if that's not enough, the flowers only pointed out to one person --her hair, her choice of color in her clothes. And with the card she used, not only is she in town, but it is very likely that she's here.
Harry snatches the gun from underneath his blazer and signals his bodyguards to sweep the area discreetly. He dashes towards the second level, while his two men take on the ground floor and the basement each.
The woman in question had seen this coming, of course. She waits patiently in a dark corner of Harry’s garage with a tranquilizer gun in hand, until one of his bodyguards steps right into her clear line of sight. Right next to Harry’s beloved vintage Corvette. With a pull of the trigger, the burly man finds a dart on his neck and falls on the floor.
She carefully moves up to the main floor, but comes across the other bodyguard just as he turns towards her direction. She skips three steps and shoots him in the neck, catching him mid-fall with a muted thud and leaving him on the bottom of the stairs. Out of sight and out of mind. It's a clear-cut kind of work and she takes great pride in her efficiency.
She scans the foyer, checking the powder room on her right, the opulent living area, and the sleek professional kitchen. Nothing. With careful steps, she returns to the main hallway towards the minimalist staircase.
"Harry?" she calls out, walking up one step at a time. "I'm not here to hurt you. I just wanna talk."
Harry's waiting for her at the top of the staircase, and as good it is to see his face again, she can't afford to let her guard down. Not while he's aiming a gun at her head.
"Bel." Harry nods curtly.
"Evening." Bel nods back, and for a moment, they just size each other up.
He has a different air about himself now, she observes. Same hairstyle, same suit cut. He’s all guarded, hardened now. Maybe it’s the time passed --it has been two years, although it certainly feels like longer. Or maybe because the Bel he knew is nothing like the Bel standing in front of him now. A threat. An enemy.
Her lavender blonde waves are gone now, replaced by chocolate brown hair cropped into a pixie cut. Her face is more gaunt, more angular. More tired. The shadows smooth around her eyes like a camouflage, but those dark brown eyes are unmistakably hers.
"I'm gonna put my gun down, and you're gonna do the same, alright?" she instructs carefully.
They don't take their eyes off of each other. They just mirror each other getting on their knees and placing their gun on the floor. But Harry's gaze shifts for a split second, and Bel couldn’t duck quick enough before he takes a swing with his left hook.
As the punch lands right on her jaw, her instincts kick in and she dodges him promptly. Counters his attacks with strategic blows, hitting him on the side of his head. This only sets him off even more, it seems, as he hurls himself right at her.
She's got herself pinned down, her upper body hanging off of the railings. The only thing keeping her in place is her legs around his waist and his hand grasping the lapels of her jacket.
"Why are you here?"
"I told you I'll be seeing you, didn't I?" Bel forces a smile breathlessly, and kicks down the back of his knees, sending him unsteady so she can regain her footing. She backs him up against the wall, holding his arms down. For a second amused by how reminiscent this position is.
Harry, on the other hand, feels differently, judging from how she gets a knee to her gut in response. That’s fair, she thinks, and strikes him in the ribs with her elbow and punching quick blows until he staggers down.
"I came to apologize!" she grunts. It feels counterproductive to do that while also beating the shit out of him, but then again, seeing Harry's reaction, she's running out of options.
What she doesn’t expect is how quick Harry reaches for his gun on the floor and fires at her.
"For the whole three months you were with me? Or just the end, where you handed me over to MI6 all tied up with a bow?"
She rolls down the stairs and hits the corner, the bullets breaking the wooden finish and picture frames over her head. She rolls back down to the foyer, feeling debris sticking and stinging on her skin, and backs up into the kitchen for cover. The island counter seems awfully convenient and secure now.
"I had no choice, you were about to blow up a fucking prison!" she hollers from behind the island.
His bullets run out just as he gets a clear shot, and he dumps the gun angrily.
"So just for being with me, then. That's… great." He spots a knife block within his reach and throws some random blade in her direction. And another.
And another.
Bel charges on with a cast-iron skillet as a shield, knocking his makeshift weapons off of his hand. She hits him right on the nose and knocks him down hard enough to topple to the ground.
With her arms and body weight pinning him down, she says, “Look, you were supposed to be just another job. It’s nothing personal. But then I got carried away and--”
She knows the words: she’s thought about it and said it out loud to herself enough. That's the truth and she's made peace with that, and she wants him to make peace with that, too.
But in that moment of weakness, Harry manages to grab a knife he'd dropped and pointed at her direction. Soon the position is reversed, and Harry's on top of her. Fighting tooth and nail to push the sharp end of the blade into her chest, just underneath her exposed collarbone.
"I… fucking fell for you, okay?”
His grip on the knife loosens and Bel manages to take it and push it away. Suddenly the sound of metal clanging against the stone floor is very loud. Very sharp.
“I’m sorry for screwing you over, kid.”
Harry pauses, damn his Pavlovian response to that damned nickname. He kicks her away, sending her keeling back as her head hits the microwave behind her, beeping as she accidentally hits a few buttons. She ducks as he throws the knife at her, the blade sticking into the display glass.
Bel hears crackles from the appliance and she knows she has to move. She tackles Harry to cover him just as she hears a loud bang behind her, the sound of the microwave door crashing against the island counter right next to her head.
Then the fire alarms go off. As the sprinklers rain down on them, it seems that they sober up a little. The kitchen is absolutely trashed, with bullet holes and burnt surfaces and broken glass everywhere.
Bel gets up and offers a hand. "Come on. Let's get out of here and I'll tell you everything."
Harry takes it, surprising her as much as himself. As much as he tried to kill her earlier, there’s much more that he wants to ask.
Bel leads him out to his backyard and jumps the wooden fence over to his neighbor, exiting through the patio door, and he follows suit. Then, as people start to come out and see what the commotion is about, Bel and Harry simply walk away like they're just passing through.
As soon as they turn a corner, Harry firmly grabs her arm to a stop. “Why now? Why not two years ago when it happened?”
"Because then the mission would be compromised," Bel explains patiently, “You wouldn’t have been able to cut a deal with MI6 and I’d go down for treason. I had to… wait until the coast is clear."
Truth be told, she would still get into a lot of trouble now, if they ever find out. But that's a worry for another time.
Right now, her main worry is to get home in one piece. So she tugs his hand off of her. Swift and distant. Harry walks by her side, every stride brisk and purposeful like a man on a mission. She hates the silence --hates that her heartbeat is too loud in her ears, that she has to consciously regulate her breaths to calm down. Twelve minutes, that’s the time it takes to walk from his place to hers. Twelve minutes. Twelve minutes until they’re safe.
Bel says nothing as she turns into an unassuming brownstone, charming and bay-windowed and maple tree-lined. They walk wordlessly up to the third floor where she unlocks another door marked 7C. She holds the door and closes it behind him. Locks it. Checks out the window to make sure nobody is following them. Routine.
Harry simply stands in the middle of the place as he takes it all in. It’s a little studio apartment, with a little dining area by the bay window, flanked by a kitchenette and a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf on either side. There’s a couch and a fireplace right across him, its mantelpiece adorned with paintings and photograph prints. And on the very back of the apartment, a sprawling king-sized bed, crisp white sheets with pistachio-green wooden planks extending high as a headboard. Two doors on either far corner, which he guesses are the closet and the bathroom. It seems… normal.
Bel doesn't budge as she runs her bruised knuckles under the kitchen sink. Like clockwork, she goes into the fridge for some ice packs, although she grabs an extra this time. He’s still there, quiet and observing, and she's almost amused by it.
“Harry,” she calls him, breaking the silence. “Make yourself at home.”
He snaps out of it and catches the ice pack she throws his way. He presses it on his bloodied nose, relieved that it’s at least not broken.
“There’s beer in the fridge. Gin and vodka on the top cabinet, second from the left,” she mindlessly announces as she goes milling about, from the left-corner door to the other. Kicking off her boots and taking off her black sweater and her hiking pants along the way.
As if they were still together and they’d just come home from a night out.
The door is left wide open, and she tries to convince herself that it’s a sign of trust. That she won’t escape. Not because she’s hoping he would come in. Upon hearing the quiet shuffling and water running and glasses clinking in the kitchen, she would assume he’s taking her up for that drink and steering clear from her.
But she hears light footsteps. Slow, as if hesitant, almost. And then his shadow approaches. Bel has to remind herself to act cool. Don’t wait around. Just go about her business, tending to her wounds as she would.
Harry gets to the doorway, but keeps his eyes averted in her state of undress. His suit jacket is nowhere to be seen; just his dirt and blood-stained white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. A rocks glass in one hand and an ice pack in the other.
Bel musters a small half-smile through the mirror reflection. “You look pretty banged up.”
“You should see the other guy.” he snorts, downing his drink.
Their eyes meet for the briefest second and neither of them have any idea what to do with it. So they laugh wryly and break eye contact like a couple of teenagers.
“Sorry about the, uh…” Bel motions at the bruise on his left cheekbone, his split lower lip. His overall mess all thanks to her.
But he brushes it off. “It’s fine. Sorry about yours, too. I think it kinda came from a place of anger, more than anything else."
"You think?" she teases him, a grin easily blooms in again.
He blushes, looking away bashfully, and she finds it all too endearing. Until she sees a particularly ghastly-looking gash on the side of his head.
"Oof, I think I might have split your head open there." She grimaces apologetically.
"What?" he moves closer towards the mirror, and Bel tries not to think about his body being pressed against her back for the briefest second. "Fuck…"
"Allow me." she hops onto the counter and motions him to come closer.
He ends up standing between her legs while she cleans his wound from debris and closes it. Her other hand holds his face steady at his jaw, and she runs soothing little circles as she patches him up. She doesn't even realize she's doing it. It's all just awfully intimate and familiar, and it feels like they’ve done it a million times.
In retrospect, they both must have done this a million times.
Just not with each other.
"Feels strange," he murmurs.
"What, the wound?"
"No, this." he gestures at both of them. Occupational hazard to each their own. "I was always careful not to let you see this side of me."
"So was I."
He doesn't answer, but she can feel his gaze on her. Follows and scrutinizes her every move, probably noting every detail about what looks different and what looks the same about her and she finally caves.
"What is it?" she asks, her voice as soft as her hand motion, swiping out the blood and the dirt from his wound.
"I have so many questions…"
"I got time."
He pauses for a long beat, as if weighing in on which question to ask first.
Finally, he goes with, "Is Bel even your real name?"
She smiles, shaking her head. "Not really. They gave us a name when we got into the field, but it's been my name for… 6 years now? And frankly, I like it better than my real name."
"Yeah? What's your real name?"
Bel winces in distaste. "Margaret."
Harry makes a face.
"Go on, laugh it up,” she concedes, sighing oh so dramatically.
"I'm having a hard time imagining you as a Margaret." He has a glimpse of a playful smile, and Bel definitely feels the butterflies in her stomach.
"Ha. Try imagining me as a Peggy." she rolls her eyes.
They share a little laugh over that. Bel hates the name and every possible version of it. But Harry seems to find Peggy particularly amusing, and she briefly wonders if she'd consider letting him call her that, on random phone calls, good mornings over coffee, kisses goodbye before work...
She doesn't. Those scenarios are not an option.
“Next question, please.” she turns his head to the side as she finishes up a stitch. She’d never been so flustered, so eager for interrogation in her life, although this one is slightly different than what she’s used to.
"How'd you end up working for MI6?" 
"They scouted me in drama school.”
"You were an actress?" his eyebrows shoot up  in mild surprise.
“What were you expecting?”
He purses his lips. “I don’t know. Maybe you were a prodigy with a... troubled past or a penchant for stealing or something.”
“I wish I was that cool,” she mutters. "But it's not unheard of. Intelligence agencies have been doing that since World War II. And I learned half of the training in school already --creating disguises, adapting different mannerisms…"
"Becoming different people."
"Exactly." she cuts a suture thread as if making a point.
He nods, although the answer poses more questions in his head. “So how different are you from the people you become?”
“That depends,” she replies, “If it’s a one-off meeting or doesn’t require much close contact, I try to stay as far away as possible. Hair, clothes, voice, posture…”
She tells him about some of her disguises. It's like a funny little party trick, where she does a bunch of personas, from a tipsy clubgoer to a lost French tourist who barely speaks English. It feels nice to act just for laughs --and it’s even nicer knowing that it put Harry more at ease.
But as the characters run out and she finishes up the last of the stitches, the laughter dies down and Harry's curious and contemplative look returns to his features.
“What about the more-- you know… intense ones?”
She understands the question. He's trying to gauge how much he knows about her is true. And she doesn't answer right away. Instead, she braces herself as she opens a packet of bandage.
Bel takes a deep breath. “Well, I had to change some little details…” 
“Like you being an interior designer?”
She nods with a wistful smile, reminiscent of simpler times, all while placing the bandage over his wound. “But the rest is just me.”
The air shifts, somehow subtle and sudden at the same time. It finally dawns on them how vulnerable this position, this conversation, this whole situation is. They're a breath away, and they've been yearning to touch each other again. And yet, they're so afraid to and they don't even know why.
Her hand smooths over the bandage and moves down to his cheek. “It’s still me, kid.”
"Don't--" he shuts his eye and tightens his jaw, but leans into her touch anyway.
He feels so naked, so exposed despite Bel being the one in her underwear. It reminds him of the night she left him, and he knows he should’ve backed off. Leave. Don’t turn back. At the same time, he finds himself unable to resist reaching out for her bare waist, eager to accept the fact that he'd lost.
Unbeknownst to him, she'd lost out the moment she offered to take him home.
She guides his face towards hers, nudging his nose with hers. But Harry's the one who closes the gap between them. And once their lips touch, it's like all the memories come rushing in and they move with each other as they always have. It's as easy as breathing.
His rough, calloused hands are tender against her soft skin and he pulls her in until their bodies are pressed together. Her legs wrap around his slim waist, wanting nothing but to get lost in his kiss. She can feel his heartbeat drumming from inside his chest, fast but steady, as if telling her, I'm here. I'm real.
And the more they indulge, the more they crave: they need to feel everything. Soon her fingers find their way to his shirt buttons and Bel wants to make him hers again. But once the shirt is discarded, she's faced with the fact that she doesn't have to. She's left enough cuts and bruises all over his body to not let him forget.
"Bel," his voice comes out so gentle, and his hand on the back of her neck even more so. "I'm okay."
She looks up at him and realizes how different everything is now. There's no more games, no more pretense. Just two people who have loved and lost so much.
Harry kisses her again. Harder this time. Like he's got something to prove. Like he's got something to ask.
"Please, I-- I need you," he murmurs as he laves needy kisses down her neck.
Her hand slithers down, rubbing his hardened cock through his pants, but he pushes it away.
"No. I need you." he gets on his knees and looks up at her with pleading eyes, hands toying at her waistband. “Please.”
She sighs, half in daze and half in relief, getting off of the counter to take off her underwear. She throws her sports bra on the floor while Harry slides her panties down her hips. His mouth thirsts for her and he couldn’t resist kissing her from the knee. Up the inner thigh. Along her soft nether lips, where he can finally reunite with the taste of her.
And oh, aren’t they glad to be reunited.
Harry has always been a great lover. He’s incredibly unselfish and eager to please, and he’d spend days between her legs if he had his way. But it’s different this time. His tongue spells out praises on her clit, and as he slides his fingers inside her, he reels her in closer and closer to heaven. She trembles, sways over him as she comes apart, praying to his name on her lips, her fingers buried in his curls. It’s not just sex anymore; it’s worship.
She helps him up and can’t wait to kiss him again, smiling at the mess --her mess down his chin. No matter; it’s a pleasure to clean it herself. He giggles lazily while she laps up her remaining juices off of his skin.
“You’re beautiful,” he grins into her kiss, his other hand smoothing over her new hair. “You look like Audrey Hepburn.”
“Stop it,” she blushes like a shy school girl, although the stroke over the bulge in his trousers is slow and scintillating.
Just as he leans in to her touch, she turns around, grabs a condom in her sink drawer. Watches in quiet intrigue as Harry gets out of his remaining clothes through the mirror.
She holds up the foil packet in his hand, and he immediately takes it. Ripping it with his teeth and rolling it over his cock, which she can't help but look back for. God, she nearly forgot how pretty he is --all naked and needy for her. She almost wants to turn around and fuck him like that.
But no. She wants to see him --see them as they are. So she faces the mirror again and bends over for him, wiggles her ass against his cock in teasing.
“Don’t--” he hisses as he tries to align himself to her opening.
This time, she stills. Allows him to slide into her the first time. And when he does, the rest of the world disappears. There’s only them. There’s only air that they share --a sigh of relief after holding their breath two years too long.
Harry fills her so blissfully well. With every draw, he aches her with such sweet sorrow of parting. But never too much, never too far. He’s got his hands on her waist and her breasts, his mouth warm and gentle on her neck. And with every thrust, floods her senses with the agonizing pleasure of reuniting. Again and again and again.
And the mirror shows it all. The red, black, and blue adorning their bodies. The scars are still fresh even though the pain had been inflicted for over two years. And despite the brutal violence they had subjected each other to earlier…
The sheer tenderness between them.
Bel has always enjoyed sex. She had always appreciated sex, be it for the dangerous advantage or the simple joy of having that kind of connection with other people. But she never understood the kind of sex that transcends time. Circumstance. Fault.
Until this. Until Harry.
Right now, he slips his smart hand between her legs, finds the button that sends her shaking underneath him. Her back arches as she comes, her arms propping herself up before she wobbles at how good he’s making her feel. He holds her flush against his chest, his face buried in her shoulder.
“Fuck, I’m so close…” he moans in her ear, “Can I come? Please, can I come...”
His sex-drunk drawl only spurs her on, and she feels she might just come again. He looks so beautiful like this --breathless and blushing and brazenly desperate for release.
“Come for me, baby,” she breathes out. Then, she holds his chin up and says, “Look at me while you come.”
Maybe it’s the way he convulses around her. How his cock spurts out his release until she’s dripping between her thighs. Or the way he whimpers out her name the way she longed for. How her name echoes on from his mouth. Or simply the raw intimacy of gazing into his beautiful eyes in their most vulnerable moment. Watching them flutter closed because he’s so swept away by her.
Bel leans back onto his shoulders as they ride out their orgasm. Their chests heave up and down in unison as they relish the silence. It’s no longer cold and distant anymore; it’s warm now. As it should be.
They don’t leave each other’s side. Not in the shower --Bel gets on her knees and takes him in her mouth to return his wonderful favor. Not in the kitchen --when late dinner turns into lazy fucking against the kitchen counter. And certainly not in her ever loving bed, with Bel riding his face and his cock in a way they’ve always known. They come together and come back to each other more times than they care to count.
As if to make up for lost time.
Or to forget what’s to come.
“So… what now?” Bel asks eventually, as they lie tangled up in each other in her bed.
The sky’s a shade of rich blue fading into violet, much like what Bel’s hair used to be. But the sunrise slowly creeps in, drowning the purple in light yellow. It’s like watching an hourglass run out and Bel can’t help the sinking feeling in her gut.
But sweet, sweet Harry so plainly looks at her and proposes, “What if we just disappear?”
She bursts out laughing. “Are you mad?”
“Not at all. I have more money than we’ll ever need--”
“Money they can trace,” she reminds him.
“You’re good at disappearing.” he reminds her in turn. “I think we stand a real chance.”
“What, we’re just gonna pop over to Grand Central, get a train ticket somewhere, and just… go from there?” 
Harry smiles, hopeful. As if saying why not.
And oh, how Bel holds on to that image for dear life. It’s all she thinks about as she untangles herself from him to dress up. Pack up her essentials in a backpack. Drafts up a resignation letter in her head. Imagines a world where they leave behind all this mess.
There would be no more lies. No more watching over and looking over from afar and wanting so much to just reach out. There would be no need to; they would just be together. Maybe running from those they crossed. Maybe fighting within an inch of their lives. Maybe, by some strange miracle, living a quiet peaceful life in some unexpected corner of the earth. 
But as they walk into Grand Central Station, they’re met with deafening echoes of footsteps. The rumbling hustle and bustle of the morning rush hour. The ringing announcements of trains coming and going.
The sound of reality setting in.
The ticket booth is right there. The departure board lays out all the possibilities. All they need is to just pick a place, buy in cash, and go. Instead, Bel turns to Harry and asks,
“So… what now?”
Harry looks at her for a moment, that hopeful glint that she desperately clung onto earlier still glimmers through. But the more she tries to hold on, the more she realizes it’s not possible. The more it breaks her heart.
He sees the tears in her eyes, the struggle in keeping it together, and the hope fades.
“I’m supposed to fly back to London today, you?”
“DC by noon.”
They don’t say anything else. They don’t have to. The tears slip out and their hands slip away, but neither goes addressed. Harry wants to say fuck it so bad, frantically searches for any possible escape in his head no matter how slight. How unlikely. But they both know it.
This is where they part.
He only has one last question to ask her.
“Will I see you again?”
Her lips quiver and she can’t hold back the tears and the sobs anymore, and it scares him. It scares him to know that that is enough of an answer. It scares him that this is the last they’ll see of each other --beaten and broken down in every which way.
“I’ll find you, alright? And I’ll tell you how to find me.”
But she says that and Harry nearly breaks down in relief. It’s not nearly enough, but it’ll do. And God, his chest is about to explode with what he feels for her right now. He just needs to come out and say it.
“Bel, I--”
“Don’t.” she surges forward and leans close to him, her hand cupping his face like the first time they kissed again last night. “Just… don’t.”
A stray tear rolls down between their cheeks as their lips meet and they don’t know who it belongs to. She just connects their lips together without a word– not that any of it’s necessary. They simply want to savor this kiss for as long as they can --they don’t know how long they need to hold onto it after all. 
Harry pulls away first, leans his forehead against hers, moving up to kiss her nose. She huffs out a dry laugh, but kisses his nose back. It’s a meager little semblance of relief, but aren’t they glad for it.
“I’ll be seeing you, okay?” he smiles, willing that hopeful smile back even as the sadness bleeds in.
“I’ll be seeing you,” she repeats after him, slowly but steadily stepping away from him. Turning her back, even though she still looks over his shoulder for that old familiar face.
They don’t say goodbye. They refused to.
Because this isn’t it.
Please please please tell me what you think and talk to me about this! I sprinkled so many lil easter eggs for you 💞 do like, comment, and reblog!!!!
Taglist and lovely folks who are interested:
@calltothewild @rebekkah4766 @galaxystern08 @the-panwitch @spiderbibby @angel-holland @averyfosterthoughts @u-rrose @clara-licht @bi-sk8er @tommysparker @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @crazyshitinmontreal @quaksonhehe @spxder-bxcky @quacksonfics @gccruzs @agirlwithpointlessideas @f–a–t–i–m–a @serendipitous-amor @buckybigbutt @sovereignparker @geminiparkers @marshxx @angelcelestial @keenmarvellover @holland-styles @hazardosterfield @mischiefmanaged011 @yookida @parker-hollandx @slytherin-chaser @dummiesshort @dreamabovetheclouds-blog @marvelhoesworld @more-like-reyna @hollanderfangirl @hxrryhxlland @unsaidholland @allmyspideys @hotforharrison @terrifictomholland @fallinfortom @fancyxparker @perspectiveparker @allegra-writes @miraclesoflove @unicorn-princess-1999 @oh-joongie @peterspideysstuff 💕
109 notes · View notes
roswelldetails · 4 years
RNM 2x10 - American Woman
SECRETS OF THE PAST — After uncovering a cryptic message from the past, Alex (Tyler Blackburn), Isobel (Lily Cowles), Max (Nathan Dean), Michael (Michael Vlamis) and Maria (Heather Hemmens) set out in search of answers at the reservation where Alex’s mother grew up. Meanwhile, Cameron (guest star Riley Voelkel) encourages Liz (Jeanine Mason) to reach out to someone from her past after Auturo (guest star Carlos Compean) gets detained. Marcus Stokes directed the episode written by Rick Montano & Vincent Ingaro & Jason Gavin (#210). Original airdate 5/18/2020. 
Tripp brings Louise to the Reservation in a body bag where the Navajo doctors are able to save her life.
"Your message said that you were gonna bring two women that would be no trouble.  This looks like a lot of trouble."
"I must have gotten the codes wrong."
"No, don't give me that Manes man nonsense. Not here in my own home."
"Her name is Louise. I promised her friend Nora I'd protect them. My brother triggered an ambush before I could get them here. And Nora…"
"Wait, what does the Air Force want them for?"
"They're not from around here. They're from...up north."
"Yìiyáh. No. She can't stay here… What if your brother comes here and finds a fugitive.  I can't put my people at risk for a white woman."
"Please. You're the only person I trust. If she doesn't make it, it was all for nothing."
"I'll have you remember that I was the one that saved your ass in Okinawa. I don't owe you anything. I'm only doing this because you're my family. And because I'm a damn fool."
A few notes on this scene:
--I don't know why Tripp pretends he got the codes wrong.  Unless he's spiraling and talking about the timing of the attack.  But it seems like he means the message that he was bringing them to the reservation.  Clearly things didn't go according to plan.  Though, it is always possible that we're still missing bits of the story.
--OG Easter Egg.  "They're not from around here.  They're from up north." For anyone who didn't watch OG, this is almost exactly how the exchange went when Max told Liz he was an alien in the 1999 pilot.
--Yìiyáh - I found nothing on this word.  I'm assuming that it's a curse word or general exclamation of negativity, but literally got zero results on google. It's possible, of course, that it's misspelled in the captions.  There were a lot of errors in the captions in this opening scene.
--While there really isn't any overt statement that Alex is half Navajo and this town is part of Navajo Nation (which has been in the news a lot lately and therefore is a good place in this country to be aware of), there's lots of clues or subtle enough statements that I feel like it can be accepted as fact, since: Harrison is a codetalker, the necklace is Navajo, tsela is a Navajo word. So I did a little peeking and it could work.  The closest Navajo town is about a 4 hour drive from Roswell.
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Navajo Nation: 
(side note - Navajo Nation has extreme poverty but also is utterly gorgeous. And the Tribe gets income from tourism. Just a few places there that I'm dying to go? Monument Valley, Antelope Canyon, Shiprock.  Check it out.)
Liz comments on Max's irregular heartbeat, with literally no acknowledgment of the fact that she's straddling him and has a history of causing his heart to race...and other forms of lack of control (think 1x03).
"I'm excited about this though. You know Alex dug up all that info on our bio Mom. You sure you can't come?"
"Got to take my dad in for his blood tests. I want to check on Jenna too.  Cannot believe she's back in the hospital again."
"She's been in pain for weeks. I have no leads on the mysterious hunting van, and Charlie hasn't made contact."
"Hmm. To be fair, I do hear that phone service is a little spotty in flying saucers."
"Okay, I get that. You think my alien abduction theory is bogus."
"I know you're worried that this has something to do with you, but I don't think this is an alien thing."
"Cam and I had fractal burns on our necks. We had no memory of what happened. That's alien stuff. I just want clarity on something."
--Note that it's past time to abandon all hope of anything resembling a defined timeline for this show...once again we have weeks passing between episodes. This is the second time this season that the time passing has only been generically described as "weeks".  It's been at least a year since Liz came back to Roswell (per her conversation with Diego), but a year would be summer (late May or early June, specifically), and in this episode Isobel mentions that it's winter (which would be a year and a half).
Maria's pitch:
"In conclusion, esteemed members of the Roswell Tourism Board, while the Pony is normally a sanctuary for locals during CrashCon, I think that my plan to turn it into the Contact Cantina Pop-Up Bar will be a hit with alien fans."
"We're talking more money than we first speculated, aren't we now?"
"You know, Mayor Bernhardt, I forgot to tell you about our new morning cocktail… It's coffee, vanilla cream, and our best bourbon. Let me get you a double."
Note: so this is the famous Mayor Bernhardt. Funded by the Long family. Doesn't like immigrants. Had a racist relative who wouldn't give first prize to the black man.
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Maria's vision…
Herself, younger, sitting at the Pony bar. 
"You have to let me go! You're just crazy! And I'm trapped!"
And then she runs from the bar crying.
She's not wearing the necklace.
Describing it to Michael:
"I had a vision, but it was more like a memory. Of a fight I had with my mom when I was younger."
Isobel interrupts Michael and Maria to pick them up for the road trip. Just a few relevant excepts from this scene:
"Pack your bags. We're going on a family road trip."
"Is this why Max wanted the day off?"
"In the photo of Max and Isobel's bio Mom, there was a water tower. Alex recognized that water tower from the town where his mom grew up. You should come with us."
Alex and Forrest talk in the Crashdown:
"Hope that limp isn't from a paintball injury."
"Nope. Those bruises have mostly healed. I just got a new prosthetic. Takes a minute to get used to. You working on your book?"
"I write my book on my computer.  However, I write my angsty emo poetry in an angsty emo journal."
"I'm actually working on some poetry myself. Well, song lyrics, technically. It's a lot harder than it was in high school."
"Yeah, writing was easier for me when I was a kid too. Feelings...we bury 'em now. You just got to find that thing inside of you that doesn't have a voice. Lend it yours. You know? Listen, I have like, zero musical talent, but if you need help with the worst part, we could, uh…"
"Actually I'm leaving tomorrow for a few days to go talk to some recruits."
Michael interruptus, and the conversation goes casual.
--What happened to "angsty nerd isn't really my type." Or...was it FORESHADOWING!!!?! 😂
--Oh hi there clear shot of Forrest's clearly Deep Sky logoed ring…
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Cam has been having debilitating migraines that have been keeping her bedridden since the abduction.
Nurse Kate is a badass. she tries to keep ICE from getting into a patient's room. Liz hears her and hurries to the waiting room, where there's more ICE activity. Liz panics and tries to get Arturo out of the hospital, but she caught the attention of the ICE officers. However, Liz knows her rights.
"He has applied for his green card. I'm his sponsor, okay? This is his G-1145 right here."
"You can show that to the court."
"It's okay. Call the lawyer."
"No. He is a diabetic. It is illegal to detain a patient."
"Exigent circumstances. Move."
"No. Hey, this is an unconstitutional arrest and the ACLU will be all over you."
"Elizabeth, we respect the law in this family. If you're in trouble, who will take care of the mouse?"
--G-1145 is a request for confirmation that your green card application has been accepted:
--The timing of this all. Liz has been prepared for this moment all her life and would fight it to the point of getting arrested herself, if not for Rosa. Rosa's safety is the only thing that convinces Liz to step aside.
--As an only semi related note, this is a really interesting contrast to how they wrote Jeanine's character out on Grey's Anatomy.  
--Also feel like it would be remiss of me to not point out Liz's reactiveness and fightinf mentality is mirroring how Liz initially reacted to Max pulling her over in the pilot.
"Okay. So the Deputy on call says there's one detention center in the county. Here's the info."
"He doesn't have anything left in Mexico. No one. Nowhere to go."
"You can't think like that right now."
"I think like this always. Rosa and I used to recite our escape plan for if our parents got deported and we got separated in foster care. I begged my parents not to tell Santa where we lived because I was afraid he'd ask for papers. My whole life was built on a fear of this day coming, and it's here. If I'd have kept better track of his health, he wouldn't need these tests. I should have made him move to California. I thought we were safe being outside the hundred-mile zone, but after this election I should have known better. And I should have made him wear a sweater this morning because it's freezing out there. And what if he…?"
"...okay think. Is there someone we can call?"
"Kyle's at a conference, but I can have him call his mom."
"Do you know anyone with some real power? You know, Federal muscle?"
Cam gets dressed to take Liz to the Detention Center and Liz calls Diego for help.
The road trip group arrive at the reservation and meet Gregory Manes.  He says he remembers them all from high school.  He takes Max, Michael, and Isobel to learn about Louise while Alex and Maria go jewelry shopping.
Meanwhile Gregory is taking the Pod Squad to Louise's grave, but pauses for some flirting:
"You're still the Isobel Evans who convinced the basketball captain to pull four different fire alarms to get out of AP Gov, right? Yeah, legend. Here she is."
"Oh my God, it's covered in flowers.  It's winter."
"Rumor is they grow year-round unattended. She was a healer. I'm told she helped with trauma, addiction, that sort of thing. All without speaking."
"This another grave?"
"She was pregnant."
"Louise arrived gravely injured. And the baby didn't survive.
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--Louise died the same day the Pod Squad came out of the pods, confirming that she is probably the old woman on the reservation that was described in 1x09.
--Michael found the mysterious purple flowers growing on Louise's grave.
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Alex and Maria at the trading post.
"Are you okay? Seem a little off."
"I had a vision during a meeting this morning. It almost cost me a deal that could save the bar. Maybe I should just wear the necklace. Go back to being a social media guru. Slash barkeep. Slash magical trope in our redneck mayor's fantasy."
"So why did you really come today? Your ideal day off isn't fighting for the radio silence with Isobel Evans, so…"
"This is the back of my necklace. The word stamped in the silver says Tsela. The necklace is Navajo, so I thought maybe that was the jeweler, but no one I've asked here seems to know who made it. I just want answers."
"Well, there's a ton of silver jewelry for sale here. So why don't we just keep looking for something with the same stamp?"
Tumblr media
Pod Squad sharing a bottle of acetone by Louise's grave.
"Noah said our planet was war-torn. But the hell they found here can't have been worth it."
"Do you think that Louise's baby died from her injuries or do you think maybe it was never going to survive?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I was pregnant. When you died. Obviously I'm not anymore. I just can't help wondering if that was my last chance. Assuming that humans and aliens can't procreate because they're different species. Maybe that little baby wasn't viable."
"You almost died during the abortion, didn't you? I could feel it. Noah almost killed you again, huh? Oh, I need a minute."
After Max leaves Michael offers to be a sperm donor for Isobel if she ever wants to have a kid.
Liz at the Detainment Center
"It's Ortecho. Arturo Ortecho. He's my dad. And he needs gliclazide and beta-blockers. I brought both."
"We can't take contraband here, but there is an infirmary on-site, if he's here."
"You know, out of curiosity, did Nebane Abienwi visit an infirmary before he died of a brain bleed in your custody? What about Johana Medina León? She was 25 years old, okay? People walk through those doors and they die...Who's your supervisor? You need prior approval before conducting enforcement in a hospital. There was a compliance memo."
"Right, a memo, which is just like a law only not. Unless you calm down, I'm gonna arrest you for obstruction."
"Okay, Liz, maybe sit down.  Sir, I'm Deputy Jenna Cameron, and we appreciate your interpretation of your guidelines, but we have an urgent health concern about an inmate here, if you just wouldn't mind checking the system."
Jenna goes with the agent…when she returns...
"Do you have a court case next week for a vandalism charge?"
"What? Yes, but I didn't do it. I'm just gonna plead guilty and pay the fine. It's nothing."
"They denied your dad's green card application because of a misdemeanor on your record. You can't be his sponsor."
Jenna's headaches overtake her. Meanwhile, the ICE agent comes back with news:
"Here just came up. Ortecho is being transferred to El Paso for his deportation hearing. You can see him there around Tuesday."
--Liz's misdemeanor is taking the fall for Rosa's vandalism from when she was arrested by Sheriff Valenti in 2x02.
Gregory takes the Pod Squad to see Harrison who is on his death bed.  Manes boys are always welcome here, the woman tells them. Harrison is the only one Louise ever spoke to on the reservation.
"He met my great uncle Tripp Manes fighting in WWII.  Harry was a code talker."
Michael gets Gregory to leave with him so that Max and Isobel can go inside of Harrison's head. Their conversation:
"You look like her."
"Harrison.  You look different."
"That was a lesson I learned from Louise. How to take your mind to a better time when you're in pain. Come on. I haven't seen the sky in a while. I'll tell you about her...I taught Tripp the codes in the Pacific. That's how we set up the rescue. He was supposed to snuggle Louise and Nora here, but the plan fell apart."
In the past between Harrison and Tripp:
"You've changed. The man I met on that ship obeyed orders."
"Guess I saw what happens when good men fall in line with bad orders. I'm a Christian, Harry. When evil itself tells me to kill a woman with child, I disobey. Even if the evil looks just like my brother."
A nurse rolls Louise into the room in a wheelchair.
"Did you find a family for her?"
"There should be music where you take her. I think she's a dancer."
"You can give her a house full of music, Louise. Nora wanted me to protect you so that you could protect the child."
"No. He's coming for me and I can't even move. No. When the devil comes, I won't be able to fight for her. Please. It is hard to be a woman on your planet.  It's only gonna be harder still for her. Roy Bronson believed in meeting hatred with compassion. And I want her to be like him. A light in the darkness. A little star on the ground. I want that for both my girls."
"Where did he take the baby?"
"Can't say."
"No. Tell us where our sister went."
"She isn't your sister. Louise rarely spoke, but when she did, she spoke of two daughters. Two stars on the ground. She had no sons. You aren't hers. You came from something else...She lived for decades longer than she should have, trapped inside of a body that could no longer dance, waiting for a sign that you would be all right. She loved you."
Jenna wakes up back at the hospital.
"I asked them to run a new test. Your headaches are spinal headaches. Because there was a hole torn into your spinal cord."
"I'm sorry, what? My kidnappers gave me a spinal tap?"
"Do you mind signing off so I can look at your tox screen?"
"Yeah, of course, but, Liz, you don't have to do this, okay? Your dad, and…"
"I need a distraction. I can't leave for El Paso until tomorrow, and they're not letting him have visitors other than his lawyer until Tuesday, so...thank you for being here. You used your privilege to help me. I'm furious that I needed it, but I needed it."
--Reposado is a type of tequila
--Spinal Headaches:
Isobel and Max on what they learned from Harrison:
"You've always been different than me and Michael, okay? Always. You were the leader. From the start. I mean, you're the special one. You're the healer."
"I was. Now I can't even sneeze without my heart skipping a beat. All my life, no matter how weird things got, I never felt alone. Because I was your twin. Maybe I'm different. Maybe I'm a freak...I can't stop thinking about being chained up when I was a kid. It didn't feel like someone bad chained me up. It felt like I was the someone bad."
"Max, you're not dangerous."
"Saving people destroys me. But killing Noah? That felt good. I was high. And whenever I think about what he did to you, I want to chase that high. I wish I could kill him a thousand times. Louise mentioned the devil. Maybe something evil was chasing them. And maybe that something was me."
"Okay. I want to show you something. You see this hand on her shoulder there? See, Michael thought it was just someone who got cropped out of the photo, but no. Any female would recognize that body language. She does not want that hand on her. Louise said the devil would come. I think something evil was after them, but it wasn't you. I want to find out who it was."
Alex and Gregory:
"Hey, I just wanted to say thank you before we go. I also feel like I should congratulate you on getting out."
"Of the Navy?"
"Of the family. Getting out from under Dad."
"You got to break free of him, man."
"Do you feel free?"
"I don't think I get to be free until you are, Alex. You know, you're my brother. I wish that I would've stood up for you more."
"You know, I think he's actually getting a little bit better. It's like the stroke melted away the psycho in his brain or something." 
"If you can forgive him you should. Cast off the stone. Let me hate him for you. I owe you that much."
Back at the trading post with the whole road trip group.
"We scoured the store for jewelry that said Tsela on it, but nada. Although I did manage to spend an entire week's worth of tips anyway."
"Yeah it was printed on the back of my grandmother's necklace. I thought I might find some answers here."
"Well, apparently, it is Navajo for star on the ground. So, you guys ready to go?"
"Star on the ground.  Maria? What year was your grandmother born?"
"Uh, '48, I think?"
"Was she adopted?"
"Yeah. Oh my God."
"Your grandmother was my sister."
Note: The direct translation of Tsela is stars lying down. Interestingly, it's often a name in Navajo. When I googled it, the top results were names for Navajo boys.
Diego and Liz's conversation:
"Diego, I never would have reached out if it weren't an emergency. Thank your mom for me."
"The Senator was more than happy to call in a favor. She's always liked you."
"I like her too. We need more people like her."
"Look, we got lucky your dad got out at all, much less without an ankle monitor. And you pissed a few people off back there, so it's not likely that this is the end for you. Who's your lawyer? Or should I make some calls?"
"No, you've done enough. After what I did, I can't even believe you listened to my voicemail...How did you get here so fast?"
"I was at the airport in Phoenix when you called. Just had to reroute real fast."
"And how have you been?"
"Well, my fiancée left me. I'm kidding. No, I'm seeing someone.  It's getting pretty serious, so…"
"Good. Me too."
"Good. We can be friends...And don't take this the wrong way. Please tell me you're not wasting that incredible brain of yours writing alien hamburger puns."
"I am working on a few projects. Nothing I can talk about, but, I'm not wasting anything."
"Well, all the coolest studies make you sign NDAs anyway, so…"
"You know what? There actually is something...Do you know what butyricol is?  Worth a shot. It's this chemical I found in my friend's tox screen. I had never heard of it."
"Maybe you're slacking, Ortecho."
"I am sorry, it has only been a year. Did you literally forget everything about me?"
Note: I'm very pleased to say that when I googled butyricol, half of the top results were RNM related.  Definitely not a real drug.
Malex fight in the bunker:
"We're closed!"
"Hey, that alien console piece that Jim Valenti left me...You still have it?"
"No. I sold it on eBay."
"You didn't attach it to your console."
"I tried. Doesn't fit."
"So, Tripp left this for my dad before he died. My dad thought it was a code, but this is a reference sketch of this exact piece. My dad's been looking for this thing for 30 years and Jim Valenti had it all along...I'm gonna give it to him. I want to see what he does with it once he's got it. Look, if it didn't fit in your console, then it fits somewhere else. My dad could lead us there.""Your dad hunts aliens, Alex. He'll lead my family right off a cliff."
"I've protected you so far. That's not changing. Besides, he's different these days...I don't trust him, Guerin. I just…I'm asking you to trust me.""When we were kids, you believed people were good, despite humanity doing everything to prove you otherwise. And, God, I loved you for it. But what was charming when we were 17, it's just stupid now. How do you not see that? You believe there's some good in your father?"
"Yeah. Yeah I do. God forbid I have faith in people who don't give me a good reason to."
"That's not fair."
"No? Why is your hand covered? You miss your injury because you want to hurt. Your anger made you feel safe. I will always hate my father for what he did to you, but I don't want to live in that toolshed for the rest of my life. I don't want to walk around thinking that people don't change, that one day everyone's just gonna let me down, 'cause I am not building a damn rocket ship in a hidden lair. There's one way for me off this planet. And I need to believe in a reason to stay. I promise I'll keep you safe."
"Can't let you leave with that."
"What are you gonna do? Fight me for it?"
And then Alex leaves and is kidnapped. Hit over the head by an unknown assailant. The note from Tripp blows away.
Max and Liz are talking back at Max's house while Max drinks a lot of bourbon.
"You know, you never told me why your parents immigrated here in the first place."
"My dad wanted a family, but not in Juárez. There was no opportunity, no money. Women were disappearing there all the time. He didn't want my mom to be one of them. So he fled. You're wondering why your family came here."
"If I even had a family. I know so little about my own story. And the parts I thought I understood are just unraveling."
"Max. Family is the one area where I am certain that biology does not matter. Look, when I found out that Rosa was only my half sister that didn't change anything."
"This is different...There are only three of us on this planet, as far as we know. I mean, feeling disconnected from them makes me feel completely alone."
"Completely alone? I'm right here."
"When you needed a rescue today your Mensa society, old money son of a senator ex was there to answer your prayers. I couldn't even answer a call. You didn't need me."
"Oh my God. Okay, so would you prefer that I did need you? Would you prefer to come home to find me crying into my dad's windbreaker so that you can swoop me up and drive me to El Paso for his deportation hearing in the morning?"
"That's not fair. You wanted me to talk about today."
"Yes, okay. I'm sorry. I want you to feel better."
"Well, you think maybe you could go back in time and not meet someone as handsome as Diego? Seriously. He's like if someone mixed a cologne ad with a Kennedy. It's ridiculous. I will never feel adequate again."
"You're wrong. Max, let me be clear. You are objectively better in bed...And I never woke up on a Sunday morning to him singing Hank Williams in the shower...He never snuck unreasonable tips into my dad's checks. Or quoted Henry the Fourth. Coming home to you at the end of my worst days and my best days is the only rescue I need."
I actually found this background on the Ortechos to be fascinating.  In case you don't know Juárez is a pretty big city directly opposite the border from El Paso. It does have some huge crime issues. But it also is one of those border cities where the border is a little thinner. Like San Diego and Tijuana.  People live in Juárez and work in El Paso and vice versa.
If you want to see a really dark & gritty portrayal of Juárez, I'd highly recommend you to check out the American version of the show The Bridge.  Which literally deals with an investigation related to disappearing women.
Isobel and Maria at the Pony:
"She looks so determined."
"Yeah, neither of us would be here if she hadn't been. You know she was paralyzed 50 years and she still managed to use her powers to help ease troubled minds. You know how hard that is? To take on someone else's suffering? I mean, it doesn't just disappear. She would have been carrying all of that."
"She suffered so much loss."
"I don't know how to be worth it."
Michael on the bracelet.
"The beads are made with pollen from the alien flower. I found another plant growing at Louise's grave. Okay my working theory is that they grow from alien remains. There's this UFO lore about that Libyan desert where the flowers have been discovered before. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to. I know better than to think I can save Maria DeLuca. I hope you decide you can save yourself."
Max is still drinking after Liz went to bed.  At 4:04am Diego calls and wakes her up. 
"I made a call, about that toxin in your friend's system. Butyricol. It's a drug. It's a memory eraser. It was developed by a private organization and purchased by the military for weaponization. There's no approved application outside of violent combat."
Liz tries to call Alex, but he's too busy being unconscious in the back of his SUV.  So his kidnapper pockets his phone.
Max has a memory flash. There's fighting, weapons clashing, a woman's voice...all while he's chained down in the cave. Louise appears and kneels down to touch his shoulder.  He looks afraid, but she's trying to comfort him (even though she has blood splattered all over her white clothes). She smiles and nods and then cuts Max free of the chains with her alien weapon. She offers him her hand, but before he can take it a figure in white appears and he and Louise fight. Max cries out and hides his face.
Present day Max is visibly shook by the flash.
1.  Shelly Fairchild "Worry No More"
2.  Powerslide "Just You And I"
3.  Will Fox "Against The Tide"
4.  Tommee Profitt feat. Sam Tinnesz "Bullet With Butterfly Wings"
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
I wrote the whole
Last statement but he just wanted to get it out and we're having a lot of issues yes but we're handling them and we have armies that are approaching all sorts of places most of them are places like Colorado and Utah shattered on Thunderdome summer like Florida but a lot of them are smaller armies approaching cities and they're coming from the outskirts and we're not really in the cities and they're going in a court order and they're trying to take the cities and yeah we're back to the black ships and Galactus and Galactica huge fighting and it's going on now and today we had about four non-illion casualties of us it's increasing those numbers are gigantic there's huge numbers going to Colorado gigantic to Utah it is about 10 times what it was yesterday and that's because of the will being received by vital and goddess wife and the well-being received and read by the court and the court accepting the case and actually calling for the lawyer to appear you still here tomorrow Sunday okay it's Monday it's true he's still here Monday and he's called several other individuals who are out there and he may try and get out there he may not be able to and a lawyer is held to the same thing but if he can prove his schedule with other courts in the area conflicts then he can get out of it but so far he hasn't proven it and he'd have to be there and that's not what he was thinking of doing he's thinking of sidestepping the whole thing which doesn't really matter it won't go to a lawyer it will go to the court and the court will read it and usually they just read it and proceed and people complain and stuff they go to the court with a lawyer so really he is his loss but he may want to dump it and he tries to get Chris in trouble with work and his own clan and his own clan is pretty much out so it doesn't matter really there's only a few left and they're not giving him a hard time his mom doesn't care about it she go ahead and buy the houses back just money and she just make the money work it's a good idea because he won't be able to maintain them and we know that he can actually direct the sale if she's 100 Grand lower he can ask if she can do better if not he can accept it and it's up to him so we know how to say it too and it's not that she's cheap it's just a hell of a it's a hell of a place. There's a lot going on.
Huge ships are coming out huge fleets of Max some are Tommy f Tommy f is lost tons of shattered home it's on the warpath and he's losing his fleet to battle up and Titan and Hoth and that place is heated up there's ground forces from the foreigners and they're going in and disabling things like lasers and devices it is actually on up there big time this Tuesday afternoon is probably the end for Trump and he can probably feel it people can't stand him and he's disgusting ruined all the higher up springs without our permission and forced it I threatening our son it was hell absolutely hell
That also means that Star wars begins and his quigon and does ciroc acts massive destruction and empire equipment and as does Biden giant hits on them and they retaliate they go in and get rid of them their areas fully too they rip all of them out they're ruthless people just like Dan says later very brutal it says you can attack the hardware but it's not really smart you tried doing that once you have this weird movie p this is that a hard knock kicker 5150 or a death star skimming along the surface of the planet is God trying to say that's a Beach area now nope like the movie name
And Hera is excited it's her movie and it's her movie now and my son is like well I don't really look that great and I don't have any outfits or anything it says it's the wrong character the character is what's his name it's Anakin this is not really anything he says he becomes the emperor he does have different outfits so you're going to have to deal with it since what about biting when he was that weird one now we're not doing that so we're going ahead with it and it's going to be fine she says it's a good time it's going to be with people like he was and he says you can't tell the difference and it's humanity and it's going to be much more pleasant in here so she agrees it's going to be fun and fine just seen it before. She also has to stop cutting her off but he says I have to get things out and they also are working it like right now so it's just okay it's true I like to get you in there but I'm having trouble getting my personal needs met so I'm going to work on that I agree to
And they're about 500 things to talk about but the major ones are that there's a huge amount of infighting going on between Max and warlock over the east coast and Colorado Utah and several other places in the United States of Florida it's a giant in fight and it's causing them huge amounts of damage between men and women and women and men and whatever the molec are versus max and they're fighting over DC and have very hard in New York City and the areas are a mess and it gets turned over three or four times daily and four times a night those kind of numbers are huge it is a ridiculous fight they all look silly and it's going to be over soon if they keep it up in the UK is the same thing there's a horrible fight and there's ENT there are tons and tons and tons of them huge numbers and soon they're off to New Zealand because we're taking the shadow dome it's going to be ours it's going to be over today and they'll be running down there and in USA the DC is a huge deal that they're trying to grab our son and the foreigners are now getting into it and they're fighting over it it's a gigantic gigantic fight huge impetus all day long massive massive yells coming from both sides and they're all both indignant and swearing it's ridiculous they're trying to find evidence that our son's been around for a while they can't there's no evidence that says it there's no way to prove it his baby is so small and it's a real baby they have pictures of that with and they have the scope so it's going on and it's huge and Hera said all that she did at some input but he didn't do in Freya.
Your place to start a war now they're having a war with themselves it's disgusting East Coast is a disaster zone chasms are open too they're going to go for the tree they try everyday. There's a huge fight over social security I have no idea how garyhshanging on, yes we do he has Africa's backing there's a whole bunch of other things that are like that and it's going on every day tons and tons of people are fighting an infighting over stuff diamonds gold ships tons of it it's global and it's gigantic. We also want to get our son some things everybody's in the way we can't stand them through all these puke heads we'd like to get the Godzillas out and we need to have this Utah thing work or something anything moving to some location the shadow dome in Alabama is still has still has stuff in it it's kind of a tough place to go but it would be one of the prime places because they want to try and access our area and we probably want to do it as soon as we can we can't move those stones out we have to move him out if he moves out temporarily they'll do the septic or if the county ever gets off their ass they'll do the septic with the crying out loud they're just sitting around the sun says we know that Chris comes with has one and we know that he has another leader and there's several others a smaller one and actually he has most of them off and on and we know how it happens Chris Holmes with is actually bja and he comes down and doesn't work the county horizon contracts them he thought it was BG but it really isn't then again it's not bja but mentally says that it is mac and it's a 400 and 500s they transfer a son and tries to use them as an excuse it's going to happen within probably Monday and he'll miss his court date in Utah I'd like to have a Godzilla out tomorrow but doesn't look like it will happen can't happen with you there nobody wants to camera is too too much ruckus we have a lot of stuff to remove and getting ready and it's time to work he's ordering a special meeting today to get it ready because if he fixes the septic he's going to be out of there shortly after and we noticed it's probably going to happen that way yes this is Max going to get beat up he needs his brain back
Thor Freya
I will also feel confident but you're right if I take those out nothing happens and then try something else that's really why and that's kind of what you're saying let me just like doldrum he's right too I'll probably end up taking the system out it's a piece of crap his systems these days are cheap and he's right about that too they dig it out you haul it off and dispose of it it's not expensive around here and you put his sister it's like 800 bucks for all the parts and $3,000 that stands winding and complaining but it's not really his pay it's mine so I don't know what the hell the deal is there so if he wants the stones and what our sense is true someone else take some they're in trouble and they says you would be taking them they say you always does what can I tell you I can't take myself in their mind that's weird yeah it's weird I can take that hammer and smash you so bad you being a thousand pieces it's not yours I don't want to hear about this damn septic or anything else that for that matter you guys are at War and you're at war with people who are not Max and you're a Mac now that's what I get that I understand that too we're a lot of trouble yeah this is going crazy and I think it was your idea for this criminal s*** her son says Stan and Mac too now on it and this is the plan there's a lot of people we need to hire and he says there's several things we need to do and one of them is a homeless shelters housing and all over the world and we have massive massive numbers of people that we can hire I'm going to do that I'm going to shut down all the projects and hire them and they're going to be very happy and please and his system is so damn fast they're going to love it and he wants he wants some people on board and you know Apollo and got a swipe you're not going to get ahead of it without doing this over here and feel the joy and love part of it as well but also feel their teeth rub it on you heading into a little more and right up front and personal and put on that show because it's your kind of deal to help do that and I will since you ask everyone's trying to get it done it's like a one arm paper hanger there's a whole bunch of other shows how to do and products and they're coming down from the West Coast and thoroughly involved in that no but I want to be so it's time to get with our old friends Frank Castle Hardcastle Duke and Blockbuster and Apollo and got his wife agree it's time to get with them and to start doing things to the West Coast like they used to and we agree with that and shops and places like that are perfect even especially things like the bars and restaurants and entertainment I said oh my gosh you're kidding okay so put in like a massive entertainment center that competes with Disney and it's my brother and they'll try and bring him back and try and raise him and try and move him out of here so we're going to work on that now I'm going to present that designs one of his ideas is for people to make their own movie and being in the movie too as the machine and they can do it all day long out there it's a lot of fun a lot of crowds go and watch their own people in movies like fast and furious one two three four five six and seven and now eight I believe and someone says 9:00 so it can be in the whole series on their brand new sim entertainment center in movie theater that can be brought to her house and it's like the size of the addition on the Congregational Church and raising their hands and praising because it's going to be a lot of fun and Hera says it's terrific what he's saying.
We have other stuff we want to get involved in and he wants us to get people involved in this or he's asking and it's a tough one because people don't want to come forward but it's us for lipoma and Prilosec and his sick feel sick occasionally because of it and we want people who felt gotten sick with anything and there's tons of people to help with the lawsuit we have tons of jobs office jobs driving around delivering things phone calls secretarial janitorial anything can imagine food catering we have tons of needs for this gigantic law machine that he's created with his father beital and got his wife and the other side too and that's the lobo and proxima midnight there have they have this huge huge firm it's gigantic so we need help with that door soliciting they also need help with construction Apollo and goddess wife say so we're getting to this and we're on it and there's tons of stuff going on and we're having like madness all aspects of things there's five jobs there's full combat there's combat all of us are see or AI or remote viewing or a combination there's cages there's robots there's all sorts of different demons and there's all sorts of games and toys and things out where we are that have them in it and here too but things are starting to really start to cook and I'm putting it out there
Thor Freya
I hope all had a great day he's struggling a little has to wait a little more and it's kind of tough but it's helpful and everybody is seeing it work it's kind of forced to do it in the max fell down again and wanted to sit there with him in the sewer and trying to rest him for objects that might be his with them I mean it's ridiculous for charges cuz you can it's done before for 20 years they don't believe it but everything has been talked about second time there's only a couple things but really it's physics and basic engineering and they're really not bright and that's another thing that can look it up so we're going ahead with a lot of things Utah Colorado and we're going ahead and trying to put that into our position you need to trying to access our Thunderdome the whole time that's where he wants to access it from too and you might try to wake and George for it and it looks like he does and for some reason Selena said which is his own daughter it's very strange and we're going to start some more programs right now and he's got some cash quick things and he needs cash now so he's trying to get it done and we're going to have to all pitch in cuz it's terrible he keeps getting swamped and tired and exhausted doesn't have any money to buy extra stuff
0 notes