andorerso · 1 year
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objection, your honor
Cassian Andor hasn’t lost a case in two years, but what he doesn’t know is that neither has she. And Jyn decides he needs to be knocked down a peg or two. It’s so much more satisfying to win as the underdog. OR, Jyn and Cassian are rival divorce lawyers who also sometimes hook up. This can only end well, right?
read it on ao3
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andydrysdalerogers · 7 days
Troublemaker ~ Chapter Nine ~ Fox in the Den
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He is one of the best goaltenders in the league. He's also hated by his teammates. He didn't mean to be a troublemaker but why not lean into it? There wasn't anyone to stop him.
Until he met her...
A Jeremy Swayman AU x OFC Stella Williams
Story Warnings: excessive drinking, SMUT!, an asshole Jeremy, angst
A/N: Hello and welcome to a spin-off "Cross-Checked" so plenty of characters from that story are crossing over here! If you want a more detailed story of how we ended up here, read the first store HERE Also! The taglist is open. If you want to be added or removed, please let me know!
Previous: Rude Awakening
Please note that I do not give permission for my work to be translated, reposted, or published anywhere other than my Tumblr. Reblogs are most welcome though!
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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This has to be a fucking nightmare.  
Not twenty-four hours ago, I was ready to profess my love for Stella Williams.  
And twenty-four hours later, I’m alone at Red Line. No girl, no love, just broken.  
I sat at the corner of the bar, sipping my drink. I really have no idea how to move forward. I’m lucky Mark, the manager, knows how to keep everyone away from me. He also knows how much I don’t want to be drunk right now. I keep looking at my phone, swiping through the photos of Stella and me. I stared at her smiling, beautiful face. I could still see the future I had been dreaming about. Could see her accepting my proposal, walking down the aisle to me, telling me she’s pregnant, buying our house.  
The lost dreams weighed on my heart, and I can feel my eyes fill with hot tears. I wipe my eyes on my shirt. I don’t want to show weakness where someone can see.  
“You know, drinking won’t help. I speak from experience.” I looked up to see Andy standing behind me.  He moved to take the seat next to me and waved at Mark for a beer.  
“Not drinking,” I mumble. I give him my glass. “It's just juice.”  
He sniffs and smiles. “Good, I need you to keep a clear head.”  
“Why?” I turned back to my phone. “Why when my entire life went up in flames?” 
“Jeremy,” Andy placed his hand on my shoulder, “it's not in flames.”  
“Cap, sorry but I lost my spot, I lost my girl, I lost everything.” I put my head on bar. “What the fuck do I have now?” 
“Jer, I have a meeting with management before the game. I asked that they not make a public statement until we talked.  I need you to be there.” 
“Why? They obviously don’t trust me. They didn’t give me a chance to explain.” 
“I know. I know.” Andy took a long drink. “I have your back. Please just work with me.   I know that we have a rough history but if the last four months you have shown me that you are reliable and faithful, not only to your girl but the team.” 
I sat and just thought about everything. “Do you think someone on the team did this?” 
He shook his head. “I don’t think so.”  
I nodded. “Andy, the girl? Its Stella.” I looked away.  
“Yeah, I know.” I turned back to him. “She’s been at my house for the last couple of days. Leia is worried about her.  All she does is hold Avery. Says it stops her from crying.”  
“Fuck.” I can’t stop the tear that falls. “I’m sorry.”  
“Why are you apologizing?” 
“Because I’m messing up your life.”  
Andy frowns. “Stop that. You didn’t do anything, and we both know it.”  
It's quiet again. “Andy, I need her. I love her.”  
“I know man.” He finishes his drink. “C’mon. Lets grab a burger and talk about the meeting.” I nod, drain my drink and pay our bill. If there is anyone I trust besides Linus, it would be Andy. 
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I’m sitting outside of the management offices two days later, knees bouncing. Andy is in with the general manager and coach. I’m looking at my phone, still staring at the photos I have of Stella and go through our messages.  
Stella: Would you still like me if I were a squirrel?  Jeremy: Stella... what?  Stella: I asked, would you still like me if I were a squirrel?  Jeremy: I feel like this is trick question.   Stella: just answer it  Jeremy: Am I a squirrel with you?  Stella: No  Jeremy: then yes I would  Stella: really?  Jeremy: yeah. I would make you a nice squirrel house and bring you nuts and stuff so you would be happy in your squirrel home.   Stella: that is probably the most romantic thing you have ever said to me.   Jeremy: (wink)  Jeremy: wanna come over? (smirk)  Stella: (rolling eyes) moments over  Stella: I’ll be there in 10 (smile) 
I smile at the texts, wishing she was here to hold my hand.  A commotion comes from the hallway, and I look up to see Stella and one of the other athletic trainers coming down the hall.  I think her name is Kiley. She’s always given me the creeps, a sort of puck bunny vibe that is semi-stalker-ish. I stand up. “Stella?” 
“Jeremy.” She looks beautiful, even in her angry, frustrated state.  
I’m not sure what to say. I want to say everything, but I don’t want to say it in front of anyone else. I want to tell her I love her, but I don’t want an audience.  I move to ask her if we can talk in private when the door opens, and Andy comes out to look between us. “Stel?” 
“I need to talk to you and management.” She takes a breath. “And Jeremy.”  
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Two Days Before 
I finally went back home. I knew I couldn’t stay with Leia forever, as much as I wanted to. Since I was home, I stayed with Leia when I could to help with the baby.  Holding my niece was my only comfort. I had been alone since I came home from the road trip. I should have been getting the team ready for playoffs but no, I’ve been in my apartment, crying my eyes out.  
I decided that I had enough and went back to the arena. I needed to be distracted, even when a certain someone was there. I head straight to my office, shut the door and started with the mass of emails that had piled up.  My phone rings and my heart jumps. I grab at it, hoping I’ll see his name on my phone but it's just Leia. “Hi.”  
“Don’t sound too enthusiastic Stella. Where are you?” 
“At work, tackling all of the stuff I’m behind on. Are you ok? Is my sweet angel ok?” 
I can practically hear her eyes roll. “We’re ok. Excited to see Andy.”  
I looked at calendar and sure enough, the team is due to arrive in about an hour, do a quick meeting and then head home for the night. I sigh because I know Jeremy will be here.  It's been a week since he was on my doorstep, and I told him I couldn’t be with him anymore.  The betrayal cuts deep.” Oh yeah, ok.” I sigh, because I don’t want to do this confrontation. I just want the pain to stop.  
“Jeremy was sent home the day after the pictures came out.” My head snaps towards the locker room. “What?” 
“Yeah, management benched him. They were done with his philandering.” That explained how he was on my doorstep that first night. But it also means that he won’t be here today. “It's disappointing,” she continues. “I really thought he had changed.  Andy won’t talk about it. He just said that he’s handling it.”  
“I don’t care,” I tell her. Except I do care. Andy wouldn’t say something like that unless he knew the truth. But I can’t do this. My heart is on the floor, and I just want to be in bed.  
“Stel, I know its fresh but...” 
“No, I’m not doing this. He had his hands on someone else. He promised that it was just me and then this happened.” I choke back the tears. “Leia, I just...” 
“I know, sweetie. I’m sorry. Umm, Avery misses her auntie. Come by after for dinner?” 
“Sure,” I reply, desperately trying to will the tears away.  “I gotta go.”  
“Ok. Love you Stel.”  
“Love you too, Lee.” I hang up and turn my back on the door. I need air, I decide and head out to the patio area behind the arena. I watch as the bus pulls up and the team starts to disembark. I’m looking for him, even though I know he’s not going to be there. I give myself five more minutes before I head back inside.  
“I can’t believe they sent him home.” A familiar voice that grates my nerves is speaking around the corner.  I stop, knowing that I probably shouldn’t eavesdrop but decide to do it anyways. Kiley continues to speak. “I was hoping that I would get a chance to, you know, talk or maybe something more.”  
Another one of my trainers, Amanda, sighs. “I would love a chance with him. But rumor has it, that he has a girlfriend. They were just keeping it on the low since Jeremy wanted to protect her.”  
“If he had a girlfriend, he wouldn’t have been caught with his hands on the cookie jar, if you know what I mean.” Kiley snaps her gum. “Shame that the guys couldn’t have privacy at the bar that night.”  
Something about that sentence makes my danger alarm go off.  She’s right, it was odd that the guys didn’t get privacy in the bar. Usually, the bartenders and security are really good about making sure the guys are alone. It had to have been someone on the team or staff that took this photo.  I go back to the news article from a week ago and start researching.  
Two hours later and I think I have it.  The photo was sent to the newspaper via Instagram. But the photo taker was not given credit.  Just when I think I’m at the end of the road, something else catches my eye.  
BruinsBabiegurl: no credit for the photo? Booo! 
What the fuck? 
I click on her profile and see that it’s blocked.  Not wanting to get caught, I create a fake account and send an approval request. I decide to head home, and I shut down everything. As I’m exiting, I run into a wall.  Not a literal one. Just a goalie shaped on. “Oh Linus! I’m so sorry.”  
“Its ok, Stella.” He offers me a sad smile. “How are you?” 
I frown at his look. “I’m ok.”  
He slides his hands into the pocket of his jacket. “No, I mean, how are you after...” he trails off and understanding hit me. He means after the photo. Jeremy told him.  
“He told you, didn’t he?” 
“Yes. He’s a wreck, Stella.”  
“He did this to himself Linus.”  
“I don’t think he did. I was there and he was professing his love for his girl, no name given, before the incident with the woman.  He bumped into her, caught her, apologized and moved on. He took one more drink before Andy and I took him back to his room.  Alone.” I hug myself because I’ve known Linus a few years and he’s always been a good honest man. And with everything I found online, I think I might be wrong about Jeremy. Linus studies me and I think he can see the battle within me. “Stella, he loves you.”  
I shake my head. “No, he doesn’t. He... he just wanted a hook up.”  
“Stella, you love him.” He looks at me seriously. “Take your time. But give him a chance.” He leaves it there and walks away. I can feel a tear threatening to fall. I take a deep breath and head out.  
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The next morning, as I am getting ready for morning skate, my phone dings. I look to see that my follow request was approved. I need coffee before I can take this on.  Maybe going to The Addicted, would be best. Public place so I don’t lose it. Logical.  
The coffee shop is busy, and I tuck myself into a corner. I’m sipping my coffee when I see him.  
His hat is low on his head and sunglasses on.  He stares at his phone or the menu but doesn’t look around. But his defeated posture tells me everything I need to know.  He’s sad, upset, frustrated all at once.  He takes his order, not looking anywhere but down and leaves. A couple of girls had giggled when they saw him, but he didn’t make a motion towards them.  It looked like he was just swiping though his phone.  
When he’s out of my sight line, I sigh and open Instagram. Navigating to the new “friend” I have made, I gasp, loudly, at the profile.  
It’s Kilye.  
Kiley had snapped the photo and wanted credit.  She wanted to make sure trouble came to Jeremy. I clench my fist. Even if it doesn’t fix my relationship with him, he didn’t deserve to get his privacy violated and lies told. I screen shot the original comment and the profile and send it to the GM with a message.  
Stella: I need to meet with you about this.   GM: tomorrow 10AM 
I don’t know how Jeremy can forgive me for all the things I said and did.  
But I get him some justice.  
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The next day I call a meeting of all my athletic trainers at 930. Once the group is assembled, I call their attention. “It’s been brought to my attention that someone in the organization is taking photos of the team, without permission, and posting them. As many of you should remember, there was a privacy clause stating that photos must have the consent of the players in order to post. I am here to remind you that, even you think the photo is innocent or that you might not be caught because your profile is private, any photos taken and posted without consent is subject to evaluation and/or termination.”  
I look around and see all of the faces of confusion. Except Kiley. She looks nervous. “If you need a refresher on your contract, please let me know.”  
I finish the meeting with things we need to know about injuries and equipment for the start of the series before ending it five minutes to ten.  “Kiley, stay back please.”  
She rolls her eyes as she stands still, hip jutted out. She at least waited until everyone else left. “What do you want?” She popped her gum.  
“We have a meeting with the GM.  I need to make a decision on changes to the team. I wanted your input.” 
The surprise on her face was something that I will burn into my brain forever. She won’t see this coming and frankly, I don’t give a fuck about her.  “Oh, well, I didn’t think you appreciate my opinions. I mean since...” she trails off.  
“Well as much I hate you for meddling in my personal life, you are a good trainer.” As we make it through the management office doors, security appears behind us. “Too bad you were too stupid not to comment on the photo of Jeremy.” She pales, realizing that my speech was about her this morning. She turned to leave but security is behind us. I grab her arm and pull her towards the GM’s office. 
And I see him seated outside, swiping on his phone again. When he hears us, he looks up and is startled. He stands up. “Stella?” 
Before he can ask, the door opens, and Andy and the GM open the door. Andy looks at me curiously. “Stel?” 
“I need to talk to you and the GM.” I take a deep breath. “And Jeremy.”
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fraybay · 2 years
Little Secret
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A/N: Reposting this since tumblr finally got it together and my posts now show up on tags. I hope y’all enjoy!
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Rockstar!OFC
Hate the fact that you gotta wait, but you gon’ wait  ‘Cause you confident that we soulmates I told my therapist about you She always takes your side Ain’t nobody I love more, I just need more time
Marley sighed as her phone rang and buzzed across the counter in front of her. She barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she reached out to silence it.
“You don’t think making that his ringtone is a little overkill?” Kia, her hairstylist shook her head and locked eyes with her in the mirror, “Also, it’s been three weeks. You know he’s just going to keep calling and texting, right?"
She snorted, “Let him seethe. It’s what he deserves for embarrassing me.”
The other woman gently squeezed her shoulders before she returned to working on her hair, “Mar, the public doesn’t even know about you two. As far as they know, you two are just friends who met while featuring on Nas’ song a few years ago.”
“You know,” the singer held up her hand and started counting, “All of Purple Hull knows. All of Private Garden knows. Our close industry friends know. I couldn’t care less about the public, but he’s not going to embarrass me in front of our friends!”
Kia started to respond, but Marley kept ranting, “And what’s worse is he did it on some snake shit. How do you play me every song but that one before the album drops?” She crossed her arms, “Because he knew his ass was going to be in trouble. So, he can go be with the rest of his fucking roster. I’m a generational talent. He ain’t bout to play me like I’m in the G-League when I’m clearly a Luka.”
Riley, who had been silently observing their exchange from her seat on the couch, finally spoke up to ask, “You’re going to curse him out tonight, aren’t you?”
“If he keeps his distance, no,” she huffed.
Riley pushed herself off the couch, “Let me go change out of these heels into flats, just in case.”
This is Marley. Sorry to miss your call. I’ve got the machine; you’ve got the message. You know what to do.
With a frustrated groan, Jack hit the end call button on his steering wheel without leaving a message.
He ran a hand through his hair as he spoke to his best friend, “She hasn’t answered me in three weeks, Urb.”
Urban didn’t even glance his way as he responded, “Gee, I wonder why?”
“She’s literally a rockstar,” he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “She’s acting like she’s never embellished a song.”
“If you thought the song was fine, you wouldn’t have hidden it from her when you played her the album. Which, by the way, we all told you was a terrible plan.” Urban took a hit of his blunt before he continued, “You gotta admit, ‘but you gon wait’ does make her sound like a lost puppy following you around just waiting for you to decided she’s good enough to commit to.”
“No one even knows it’s about her,” he argued.
“No one outside of our circles knows it’s about her,” Urban corrected, “but y'all both travel with big ass entourages, bro. We’re easily in the double digits of people who know about you two and your complicated ass relationship.”
“I said good things about her in that song and on Poison,” he defended.
Urban laughed, “Shit, don’t take any drinks from her tonight. She might actually poison your ass, but like the bad kind.”
Jack reached over to lightly smack his friend on the shoulder, “You stay thinking you’re funny and this ain’t it.”
Urban shrugged and took another drag, “As long as I’m laughing, I could give a fuck if you do.”
Jack flipped him off before he turned the radio up to end the conversation.
As soon as they entered the venue, the rest of Marley’s band and her team headed straight to the bar or dance floor.
Marley decided to make her way over to the man of the hour to get her well wishes out of the way since she knew as the night wore on, more people would be showing up. She climbed up the spiral staircase to the VIP section and gave her name to the bouncer standing guard. After he let her in, she made a beeline for Nas.
As soon as he saw her, he pulled her in for a hug while exclaiming, “Marley!”
“Nas!” She pulled back slightly, arms still wrapped around his waist, and looked up at him, “How’s my favorite rapper?”
He flashed her a big grin as he answered, “Oh, he’s sulking around here somewhere since you ducking calls and texts.”
The singer dropped her arms and nudged him with her shoulder, “Imma be nice to you since it’s your birthday, but know that you need to get your jokes in now because that carriage changes into a pumpkin at midnight and I’m gonna drag your ass.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” He reached out and pinched her cheek, “You love me too much to be mad at me for more than 2 seconds.”
“Just because it’s true doesn’t mean you have to say it!”
He slung an arm around her shoulder as he asked, “Just do me a favor, okay?”
She shot him a skeptical look as she inquired, “What?”
“There are private rooms in the hallway right off the bathrooms. If you’re gonna give him hell, do it in one of those?” he pleaded.
Marley pretended to be offended, “Are you saying I’m gonna cause a scene?”
Nas laughed, “Girl, I’ve seen you in a mosh pit. Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”
Marley leaned against the bar, sipping on her whiskey sour. She felt someone slide into the seat next to her and she knew, before she even looked over, exactly who it would be.
“So how long do you plan on pretending I don’t exist, pretty girl?” Jack tried to keep his face and posture neutral since he knew cameras were around to cover the party, “Because I’m only in LA for the next 5 days and you’re wasting time we could be spending together.”
Marley scoffed, “I’m giving you the time you so publicly requested.”
He rolled his eyes, “I do believe the song said I needed more time, not space.”
“Well, as you know from experience, I’ve always been a generous lover so I’m kind enough to give you both.” She turned toward him to look him up and down, “You’re welcome.”
Marley downed her drink, set the glass back on the bar, and slid off the bar stool to walk away, but Jack lightly grabbed her arm and gently guided her back into the space between his open legs.
Even though he was sitting, and Marley was standing, their height difference still required him to lean down a bit to whisper in her ear, “I know Nas gave you the same directions as me so we can either head to one of those back rooms or you can cause a scene, Marley girl.” Jack released her arm, “Your choice.”
Marley took a step away from him and turned around to glare at him before she motioned towards the bathrooms, “I’ll follow. You don’t get the privilege of watching this ass walk in front of you.”
Jack couldn’t help but chuckle at her statement as he stood and began making his way through the crowd with Marley holding onto the back of his shirt to make sure that they didn’t get separated.
Once they found an unoccupied room, he opened the door to allow her to enter first, but she just stared at him until he entered first. Once Marley entered the room, she shut the door and locked it before she leaned against it.
Jack started to reach out to pull her toward him, but she held up a hand to stop him. He dropped his arms and reached up to scratch the back of his neck.
“You’re seriously bothered by this?” he demanded.
Marley snorted, “What gave you that impression, Jack? My lack of response to you or the fact I didn’t share your album on my socials.”
He crossed his arms as he questioned, “And what about all the other stuff that you know is about you?” He waited for her to answer and when it became apparent that she wasn’t going to he asked, “So, you don’t care that Poison is about you and that I got Wayne on it since he’s your all-time fave rapper? Don’t care I gave a nod to you in Like A Blade of Grass since you always say I remind you of the class clown from your high school ap classes?”
He placed a hand on each side of her head against the door, invading her personal space but not touching her, “Is that the only thing my Marley girl is mad about?” Marley’s eyes fluttered close as he leaned down to huskily murmur in her ear, “Are you also mad that I told the world about the mirrors you had me install in my house so you could watch how well you take me? Are you mad I hinted that you let me tape us?”
Jack caressed her face and she leaned into his touch. He trailed a finger along her jaw until he reached her ear, and he flicked the hoop that adorned it, “Are you mad that I told the world about how I fuck the earrings off of you?” He chuckled at the way Marley’s breath hitched as he moved his body flush against hers and nuzzled her neck, “If all these people listening to the album only knew how many of these damn hoops you’ve made replace.”
“Fuck you,” Marley ground out through gritted teeth, hating the way her body always reacted to Jack’s onslaughts.
She yelped as Jack lightly bit her neck before he admonished, “Fuck me? Seems like instead of worrying about earrings, I need to fuck the brat out of you.”
His rebuke felt like a bucket of ice water had been poured on her and snapped Marley out of her reverie. She pushed him away from her, “I’m not being a brat, Jackman, and you’re not about to fuck your way to forgiveness.” She sighed, “It’s not even really about the song. I mean, I really hate it, but the fact that you intentionally lied to me is fucked up and you know it.”
Jack held up both hands in defense at the use of his full name, “I didn’t lie.”
“A lie by omission, Jackman, is still a lie,” she asserted. “You and I have always been honest with each other about what this is and how we feel. You knew I wouldn’t like it and chose to wait until it was too late for me to give you hell and have you change it.”
“Fine,” he acquiesced, “I shouldn’t have done it. My bad. Can we go back out there now and have a good time?”
“The fact that you think that’s a real apology is wild. But that’s okay. That’s exactly the sort of attitude I’d expect from someone who looks up to Drake.” Marley unlocked the door and swung it open before she turned back to him, “Just remember, you aren’t the only one who writes songs in this equation.”
Before he could respond, Marley stormed off without a single glance back.
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meruz · 5 years
been getting a lot of asks lately so im gonna take em out all in one
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thank you!!! actually, I’ve been getting a lot of comments lately about how my style is messy lol (ie “I love messy styles like this!”) which feels a little bit like a backhanded compliment even if its not intended as such but yknow... I’ve decided I don’t care! I draw really cleanly for my day job and so for personal work and fanart I’m just going to be as messy and sketchy as I want lol. and hopefully it’s legible.
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I don’t mind! Thankfully, if someone makes an addition to a post, only the first like half a sentence will show up in my notifications! So it’s not like the length really makes a difference. And if it’s meta about the characters or about the art, I’d like to see it! I mean obviously content is going to matter... like if I draw art of my favorite character, caption it “my favorite character :)!” and someone writes an essay underneath thats like “actually I hate this character, I think its annoying how many people like them etc etc” then ofc I’m gonna be a little off put. But generally?? doesn’t bother me at all.
What does bother me though is when people RP on a post I make lol..... Or have a conversation with a friend? Like you guys know I get all the notifications for that, right...? And I’m a single person, not a brand who u can just use to shitpost...
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Yeah! Ofc! I should probably put up an FAQ or something but if you want to use my art as an icon/header/etc I’m fine with it so long as you give credit somewhere visible!! Same with phone bgs... not that you can credit those bc its personal use but like. if someone asks about it, maybe mention me? haha
oh also I think tumblr inbox maybe ate the message but I also got an ask about whether it’s ok to re-post my art on instagram??? And not every artist is going to share my opinion but I know instagram has minimal options to re-share art in a permanent way and re-posting is definitely part of the culture of that site... So, again, I’ll give the go ahead as long as you credit me! if reposting, please tag my insta which is @ automeruz
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NOT AT THE MOMENT NOPE... It’s been really difficult for me to fulfill orders in the past year so I closed my shop. The last couple orders that came in...I took like 3 months to mail them because I moved to a new city and had to figure out so much mailing nonsense and only had time on the weekends...
However, it’s one of my new years resolutions 2020 to set up a store again! so hopefully before the end of the year haha. I’ll advertise it here and on all the other social media when it goes up, probably.
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YAYYY I LOVE DIGIMON. Tbh, between pokemon and digimon fanart I feel like im regressing back to being 11 years old again. But I’m glad that digimon adventure appreciators are still around 20 years after the series haha! I recently rewatched all of adventure, 02, and tri (+ movies! obviously!) and had the time of my life. Emotionally priming myself to be obliterated by Last Evolution when it comes out lol...
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Impidimp and Dreadnaw!!!! (and Grimmsnarl + Chewtle by extension!!!! I think moregrem is just okay lol....) I am also a fan of dragapult but I think everyone is a fan of dragapult lol. It’s just the first dragon pokemon I’ve really liked in a long time, possibly maybe ever. Oh and I like Grookey and Scorbunny SO much - and their evolutions! I don’t really care much for sobble but I kind of like inteleon. OH and clobblopus is rly good too. and the new fossil kids, and I like that toxel walks like a Land Before Time dinosaur.
I love pokemon, I’m a staunch believer that there are no bad pokemon designs. Regardless of my personal preferences, all pokemon are good.
theyre hard to draw though... by far the hardest part of drawing pkmn fanart for me is drawing the pokemon..... digimon are easier somehow.
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nobodies-png · 6 years
Org XIII first date HCs (repost)
Listen i’m so sad because I wanted the 69th post in this blog to be a good meme but iNSTEAD ALL I GOT WAS TUMBLR EATING MY POSTS - so here’s me reposting that one post  cause it doesn’t ? show up p r o p e r l y on mobile  
it’s all under the read m o r e cause I don’t wanna flood all of your f e e d s
Xemnas :
He’d choose to go somewhere simple, but also meaningful and with little to none distractions. Probably whichever part of the castle has the best view to Kingdom Hearts - guarded by Dusks so no one would interrupt.
It’s a first date, so Xemnas would like to focus on getting to know you and figuring out if this whole dating thing is a waste of his time or not. Not gonna lie, it WILL be awkward cause the guy is just so intense. In the end, you won’t even know if the date went well or not, but hey he asked you for a second date so ? That’s neat -
Xigbar :
Completely unpredictable. Your guess is just as good as mine here. Xigbar’s choice depends on how he’s feeling that day, but you should expect a little action no matter where he takes you.
This fucker would definitely get you in trouble - if that was intentional or not it’s up for debate - but don’t worry ! He’ll save you and then probably ask for a smooch as a reward. Or just continue teasing and pranking you. If you prove that you can keep up with him and his snarky attitude, then he’ll definitely ask you on a second date.
Xaldin :
Okay l i s t e n. Don’t expect him to choose a good spot or an interesting activity for this date. You already managed to somehow score a date with him, so you’d probably be in charge of everything else cause Xaldin is a sour bih. As long as you don’t pick a really crowded place, you two should be fine.
Despite his super distant attude and permanent scowl on his face, he actually behaves like a gentleman - like he opens doors for you, etc etc. It’s just an habit of his from when he had a heart. If you’re lucky and he’s in a good mood, he might actually talk about himself - the two of you would just talk for hours about d e e p and s m a r t topics.
Vexen :
H A H. This dude is too old for cutesy dates - you should feel lucky that he even lets you hang around his laboratory, which is exactly where your first date will take place. Sooo exciting, right ?
You’ll spend most of the time trying to look for a place to sit down without him screaming something along the lines of “gET OUT OF THERE YOU’RE IN MY WAY-”. But if you’re patient enough, he’ll gladly teach you all the things he’s working on and explain them in detail ! If you convince him to take a break, then you two could bond over how annoying everyone can be while drinking that s w e e t h o t t e a.
Lexaeus :
He’s one of the very few members who would actually t r y to make this date as pleasant as possible, discussing what you’d like to do, what to avoid and of course, b o u n d a r i e s. The guy might be lack a heart but he still has common decency. You two would end up going to Beast’s massive garden, picking flowers.
Lexaeus would be lowkey nervous - mostly cause people tend to misinterpret his quiet nature for disdain and he doesn’t want to give a bad first impression. He’d try to speak more instead of just nodding silently and will gladly hold your hand the whole time, if that’s okay with you ofc.
Zexion :
Zexion hasn’t really had the chance to explore and experiment in this whole concept of dating, so he’d do some research to figure out how to achieve the best outcome. In the end, he’d just simply rely on you and ask what you’d like to do.
Because of his control over illusions, he could easily create whatever scenery or recreate any word you’d like to visit without even leaving the castle. Don’t tell anyone but he likes to show off. If you’re the literary type, he’d love to invite you to his library and recommend you a s h i t ton of good books or just discuss them.
Saix :
Another killjoy. His first date with you include standing in the Grey Room for hours while he assigns every member their missions and makes sure they all do their jobs properly. If you insist on a more “private” date, he’d just show up unnanounced in your room and just sit there on a chair or something. There’s your privacy, what else do you want ?
Everything would be really tense until like, the 25th date or so, when he finally l o o s e n s up. So no cute first date moments other than you trying to think of absolutely a n y t h i n g that could catch his attention. But even with his busy schedule Saix does make time for these dates, as awkward as they can be.
Axel :
Contrary to popular belief, Axel wouldn’t take you to the Clock Tower on the first date. That’s a special place reserved for his close friends and you, if you ever go past the first base. But he definitely would just walk around Twilight Town and treat you to ice cream. You can never go wrong with that strategy.
Out of everyone, he’d flirt the most and also pull those Iconic Date Moves, like yawning just to slide his arm around your shoulder and whatnot. “Y/N, can you hold this for me?” “Axel this is your hand -”. You’d get to hear a lot about Roxas and Xion too.
Demyx :
Oh, Demyx doesn’t mind or really care about where you two go, as long as there’s some water around (so he can impress you with his powers) and absolutely zero heartless (so he doesn’t actually have to use his powers for fighting). I can totally see him just bringing you along one of his missions and then hiding with you at the Coliseum, just chatting under the shade.
He’d probably remember to grab some flowers for you at the last second - they’re a bit…d e a d and uhhhhh in horrible shape, but it’s the thought that counts, right ?  If you’re into music, Demyx would love to try and play your favorite songs or anything you request, cause not many people actually enjoy hearing his sitar.
Luxord :
Since Luxord only has two moods (adrenaline junkie and british gentleman), this date can go in two completely different ways. But don’t panic, he’s very polite and will let you decide. If you feel like having a more adventurous date, he’ll take you to either Port Royale or Neverland to steal a pirate’s ship.
If you want a more tame and safe date, then it’s Neverland (the safe part of it at least) or Wonderland. The date would go really well, he’d even teach you some card tricks if you’re interest. And in return you can just answer all of his questions about yourself, cause the dude is just naturally curious. It would take him a long time to talk more about himself though.
Marluxia :
You can expect Marluxia to go all out and be hella extra for this.  He’d leave little notes for you and a rose petal trail so you can find him and start the date. You two would go to the Red Queen’s gardens in Wonderland (because Beast’s garden is a little too fuckin dark for Marluxia’s taste, cough)
He’d also flirt and try to make you s w o o n with his smooth lines, but he’d be more subtle and gentle than Axel. Definitely gives you a shit ton of flowers so you can “have something to remember him by.” If you ever find more roses upon waking up then that’s just Marluxia asking you out on another date.
Larxene :
Larxene would, first of all, warn you to make this first date worthwhile or else there’ll be consequences. But no matter what you have planned, she’ll end up dragging to wherever she feels like going at the moment, complaining about how “she has to do everything herself.” Lovely.
If she’s feeling active and energetic, you bet she’ll drag you over to the Coliseum to blow off some steam killing heartless and fighting. You get extra Larxene points if you show her that you can fight alongside her - but it’s fine if you decide to just chill and cheer for her too.
Roxas :
Roxas is clueless when it comes to romance, so he’d stress over where you two should go. He’d be reluctant to take you to other worlds because he really doesn’t want to have more b e e f with Saix or risk you getting hurt, but he’s pretty easy to convince so don’t worry about that too much.
No matter what you two end up doing, he’ll take you to the Clock Tower to eat ice cream because that’s just a tradition at this point. He might even get cheeky and try to imitate Axel’s “Bet You Don’t Know Why The Sunset’s Red H U H ™” only to fail miserably. Will definitely ask if he can hold your hand.
Xion :
Same as Roxas, except that she has her shit together. Xion would take you to her favorite spot : that little beach on Destiny Islands to pick up seashells, build sandcastles or just have fun splashing each other in the water, then you two would see the sunset !
I can see her stuttering and just s t r u g g l i n g to start a conversation with you. Like Roxas, she might even explain you why the sunset is r e d - But give these two a break, Axel is literally the only person they can look up to. Xion would also tell you about the Papou fruits and then b l u s h cause “she totally didn’t mean that you two should share one so early, please don’t hate her.”
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Chris & Ellie Series: Episode 1
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With Tumblr holding my original writing blog @beccaheartschrisevans captive (aka flagged as explicit), I have made a secondary writing blog and may end up closing the other all together. In the meantime, I am reposting all of my stories on my new blog.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Ellie Spencer (OFC)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: graphic sex, oral sex, playful spanking, language
Episode Summary: This episode takes place in May 2016. Chris has just returned home from the Captain America: Civil War promo tour. 
Note: This episode takes place the same day as Chris, Gwyneth and Robert visited Ryan Wilcox so that is what Chris & Ellie are referencing.
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
The Chris and Ellie series is primarily chronological.  It begins with a flash forward to 2016 and has a few other scenes in the future.  However, the majority of their story is told in chronological order starting in 2013 and going through 2017. Each episode starts with a date to help you place it within the story.
The Chris & Ellie Series Masterlist | Chris & Ellie Masterlist
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Episode 1: May 23, 2016
Ellie Spencer stood in front of the sink, her hands encased in yellow rubber dishwashing gloves as she cleaned the dishes she’d used that night for dinner. It wasn’t that she didn’t have a dishwasher–there were actually two in the fancy-schmancy kitchen of the Los Angeles home she shared with her fiance–she just didn’t see the point in using the machine when she was eating alone. Again.
Her family and friends–including her beloved, soon-to-be in-laws–had taken turns visiting her over the last several weeks, but now she had the house to herself until her fiance got home from the final leg of the promo tour. When that would be, she wasn’t sure; he was remaining tight lipped about when he would get home.
Sighing, she set the last dish on the dish drying rack–the one she’d brought with her when she’d moved back into his place from her little closet of an apartment–and pulled off the rubber gloves. She turned around and screamed of fright when she saw someone standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the hallway. It took her a second to realize who it was.
“Chris!” she exclaimed, grabbing one of the rubber gloves and throwing it in his direction only to have it land on the floor with a splat half way between them. “Gah! I hate when you scare me like that!”
“I couldn’t resist,” he replied, chuckling.
She wanted to run across the room and throw herself into his arms, but that would just be rewarding him for scaring her. Appraising him, she noticed the dark circles under his eyes and that his shirt was a bit tighter in the tummy area than it had when he’d left; no doubt thanks to his family in Boston making him anything to eat that he wanted.
Smiling, she finally started towards him, but stopped suddenly as she realized their two loud, noisy dogs had yet to make an appearance. “How did you sneak in here without alerting the dogs?” she asked.
“Ninja training,” he replied, closing the distance between them. “And I wasn’t trying to scare you, honest, you just looked so pretty with the light over the sink casting a beautiful glow on your -”
She cut him off by grabbing his lips and pushing them together to create a duck face.
“It’s hard,” he said, his voice muffled and his words slurred. “But I can still talk.”
She smiled and then let out a whistle that had their two dogs sprinting into the room moments later. The second the dogs spotted him, they started barking loudly and jumping around his feet. She was forced to let go of his lips and take a step back to not be trampled by his mutt, Dodger, and her English Bulldog, Daisy.
“Hey kids,” he said, laughing as he got down on his knees to greet the excited pups. He gave Dodger a hug and then rubbed Daisy’s belly when she rolled onto her back. “Your momma isn’t being very nice to me, Daisy.”
“You could have called to say you were on your way home,” Ellie pointed out. “A text wouldn’t have hurt either.”
“I just wanted to surprise you,” he replied, looking up at her. “Besides, I didn’t know until yesterday afternoon that I was even coming to California today. It was kind of a last minute thing.”
Ellie’s expression softened as she recalled the photos that had been sent to her today. Her fiance had the biggest heart and loved making people smile. Reaching her hand out, she helped him off the floor and then wrapped her arms around his waist, settling her head on his chest. “I’m so happy you’re home.”
“I’m happy to be home,” he said, wrapping his arms around her. “Six weeks is a really long time to be gone.”
“Way too long,” she agreed, breathing in the spicy, woodsy scent of him.
They had experienced longer absences, but they hadn’t been engaged let alone dating. She had just been his housekeeper; the one his mom had hired behind his back for his home in LA. She recalled that during her interview, his mom had explained that she wasn’t impressed with Chris or his brother Scott’s inability to clean up after themselves and that she was tired of showing up for vacation to find a messy house.
Chris had been understandably annoyed with his mom’s “underhanded approach”, especially since she’d hired an attractive young woman in her late twenties, but then he’d gotten to know Ellie and there had been a spark. His mom always claimed to have a sixth sense about things like this and he knew she would never let him forget that she had hand picked her only daughter-in-law.
He knew that Ellie was his mom’s dream daughter-in-law, too; mostly because she loved to completely redecorate a room as much as his mom did. Ellie had just moved in with him, permanently, before he left to film Captain America: Civil War and his mom had stayed with her for a couple weeks. He’d come home to find his, rather their, bedroom completely redone. He’d liked what they had done and he’d be the first to admit it looked a lot better than what he’d originally had. But it was only thanks to his brother and Ellie’s uncle that he hadn’t come home to the interior of his house painted with brightly colored accent walls. The only room with that special treatment was the breakfast nook that was a “sunny shade of yellow” as Ellie described it.
“Alright, so what did you and my mom do while she was visiting?” Chris asked Ellie. When she tried to dodge the question by drawing herself up on her tiptoes to give him a kiss, he stole her duck face move and did it to her. “What did you do?”
“We redid the basement,” she replied, her words just as muffled and hard to understand as his had been earlier.
Chris held her lips together for a second longer before dropping his hand and grabbing hers. “Alright, let’s go see what you two did.” He led her down the stairs to the daylight basement, with the dogs following at their heels.
What he found stopped him in his tracks, forcing a bumper car like collision behind him with Ellie and the dogs. What had once been a long, narrow room with his home theater system in the very center and boxes piled up on the far ends, was now a smaller movie room with two walls splitting off, what he assumed, were two smaller rooms.
“They’re retracting walls,” Ellie explained. “My craft room is to the left and your office is on the right.” She slipped past him on the stairs and made her way to the wall that separated her craft room from the rest of the room. She unlatched a couple hooks then grabbed a hidden rod and started walking backwards. As he watched, a small, yet functional craft room was revealed. Then she crossed the room and removed the wall that separated his office from the larger room.
“Ellie, this is fantastic,” he said, noticing that he could easily work from his desk and watch TV as well as watch her working in her craft room. “It’s perfect.”
This time when she came looking for a kiss, he didn’t deny her. Their kiss was filled with six long weeks of being apart; wait, scratch that, seven weeks, as his family and friends had been here and they’d  been too tired to do anything but sleep at night. The last time they’d been together had been a few hours before his red eye flight for the Asian part of press tour and it had been limited to a quickie in the shower.
Filled with need, he picked her up and carried her to the large island-style work table in her craft room. Setting her down on the edge, he quickly found that it was the perfect height for her to sit on and him to stand between her legs with their most needy parts front and center. It made him wonder if it was just a coincidence or a purposely designed that way.
“Your desk is the same height,” she whispered in his ear and then scraped the lobe with her teeth.
“Fuck,” he groaned as he grabbed hold of her left knee with one hand, placed his other hand on the small of her back then pulled her body closer to his, letting her feel the hardness hidden in his jeans.
Hungrily, their mouths met again and their kisses grew heated quickly; the time they spent apart enhancing every feeling and need. In no time at all, her hands slipped from around his neck to the buttons of his shirt. His mouth left hers and he kissed down the side of her neck to the exposed skin of her wide-necked sweater.
After undoing the last button of his shirt, she pushed the sleeves down his arms where he finished the job of taking it off. With lust filled eyes, she took in his chiseled chest, brushing her fingers over his many tattoos and loving the way his chest hair felt against her fingers.
“God I’ve missed your touch,” he said, huskily. He breathed in deeply, taking in the fruity smell of her perfume and the natural essence that was her. “And your smell.” He kissed her neck. “And your neck.” He pulled down the front of her shirt, revealing the cleavage of her ample chest. “And, fuck, your breasts.”
She sunk her teeth into her lower lip as he pressed his face into her cleavage, nipping and licking at her sensitive skin. When one of his hands moved down to the hem of her sweatshirt and started pulling it up, she grabbed the other side and helped him, revealing a lacy, black bra.
The sweatshirt fell aside as her self-proclaimed “ass man” of a boyfriend cupped her breasts and licked his lips. His thumbs found her nipples over her bra, making them harder than their already pebbled state. Moving his hands to her back, he undid the four hooks of her bra and then slipped the straps down her arms, freeing her breasts.
His large hands touched her newly exposed skin with care, taking the time to tease her nipples while also letting his fingers wander, sending shivers down her spine. She wrapped her hands around his head, locking her fingers together when his mouth joined the fun.
With heat pooling between her legs and unable to sit still any longer, she dropped her hands from his head down to the waistband of his jeans. She popped the button then slid the zipper down and slipped her hand into them, wrapping her hand around his already hard cock.
“Fuck,” he groaned, breathing against her breast. He allowed her to jerk him a couple times before he grabbed her wrist and forced her to let go. “Seven weeks, babe. I want to come inyou, not on you.”
“Less talk, more action,” she replied, giving him a heated look.
Smirking, he grabbed the waistband of her yoga pants and pulled them down, forcing her to lay back against the cool table top so she could lift her hips to help. He pulled the pants down her legs and dropped them on the floor. Then he ran his eyes up her body, starting with the sexy black booty shorts she was wearing and up her curvy body to her smiling face.
Reaching up, he gave her left breast a playful squeeze and a little shake, making it jiggle for his pleasure. Then he got back to business and slipped his hands under the waistband of her panties. She raised her hips to help him get them over her ass and then he pulled them down her legs.
He licked his lips as she parted her legs, revealing the pink heat that he’d dreamt about since the quickie in their shower. He wrapped his hands around her knees and pulled her forward so her ass was just on the edge of the table. He felt her body tremor as he slowly moved his hands from her knees up to her thighs and to her apex.
“Chris… please…” he heard her whimper.
She cried out when his hands finally touched the outer edges of her sex and then slipped between her already slick folds. She rocked her hips forward to encourage his movements and he obliged by brushing his thumb against her clit and then circling around it. Her hips bucked off the table top when he did it again.
She let out a breathless whimper when he slid his long fingers through her folds and finallyslipped one into her sex. She rocked her hips forward as he fucked her with his digit and then a second.
“FUCK!” she cried out as he swiped her clit with his tongue. Her body shook as he pleasured her with his fingers and tongue. She threw her hand down to grab his hair, temporarily forgetting that he’d shaved off the locks. “Oh god… Chris…. Please, just fuck me.”
He gave her clit another swirl with his tongue before he righted himself and pulled her in for a kiss. He felt her hand slip between their bodies and take ahold of his throbbing cock. She guided him to her entrance and he pushed his hips forward, slipping into her sex. Their kisses continued as their bodies rocked together and she clung to him, her fingernails biting into the skin on his shoulders.
She soon found herself being pushed backwards so she was laying on her back with him leaning down over her; the pace of his thrusts speeding up with each one. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held onto him as he pounded in and out of her.
The weeks apart and his earlier teasing had her falling apart first with her body stiffening all the way to her toes as she came. Just as her body began to relax, his tightened above her and she felt the small jerks of his body as he came inside of her.
Breathing heavily, he rested his face against her breasts and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of being enveloped by her. His legs felt a bit rubbery and he hadn’t thought about the post sex positions, but he refused to move until he absolutely had to.
“I think your office chair and desk will be more comfortable,” she said with a laugh a few minutes later.
“I don’t know, I’m pretty comfortable right here,” he said, rubbing his bearded chin against the skin of her breasts.
“We’ll both be comfortable in our nice big comfortable bed,” she replied, running her hand over his buzzed hair.
“Alright,” he said, sighing. He pressed a kiss to her lips and then they parted. He didn’t admit it outloud, but his back twinged a bit as he straightened up.
“You going to need a massage tomorrow?” she asked with a knowing smirk as she rolled her neck one way and then the other. “Should we call Robert?”
“Shut up,” he replied as she hopped off the table. He watched as she bent over to grab his shirt off the floor and he took the opportunity to smack her bare ass playfully.
“Hey!” she exclaimed, standing up quickly. “Two can play that game you know.”
“That’s a game you know I like,” he replied, wiggling his eyebrows at her. “Day or night.”
“Oh I know,” she said smirking as she pressed her body against his. “So here’s what we’re going to do.” She bit her lip and looked up at him. “Are you listening?”
“I’m all ears, babe.”
“I’m going to go upstairs to our room and get in the shower,” she said, moving one of her hands around his waist and settling it on his tight ass. “And you…” she drew her tongue along the tattoo he had on his clavicle. “…you’re going to let the dogs out to go potty.”
He groaned as she pulled her body away suddenly and he watched as she slipped his shirt on then left the basement with an extra sway in her step.
He took a few deep, calming breaths and then gathered their clothes from the floor, knowing he would be sent back down to get them if he went to the bedroom without them. Using the clothes as a cover for his half-aroused cock, he opened the sliding door and let the dogs out to do their business.
Once they returned, he took time to properly lock up the house for the night and then headed up the stairs to the bedroom he and Ellie shared. The dogs made to follow him into the room, but he stopped them in the doorway. “Sorry, kids, not tonight. Mommy and daddy need privacy. Go lay on your beds.” Both dogs gave him sad looks but retreated to the small alcove in the hallway that Ellie had converted into a small reading nook. “Good dogs.”
Closing the bedroom door behind him, Chris tossed their clothes into the hamper in the walk-in-closet and then made his way into the bathroom. The glass surround of the shower was already steamed over as he opened the large door and slipped into the shower behind her.
“I love you,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“I love you, too,” she replied, turning in his arms to kiss him.
Episode 1.5
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Want to find me off tumblr? I’m @beccatheycallme on twitter. I also post my stories on AO3.
My tag list is always open, just let me know if you’d like to be added!
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huntershelper25 · 6 years
Path of the Chosen: Ch 1
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PotC: Chapter 1
Summary: Brooke is a 21 year old girl who’s life is flipped upside down when she receives a phone call from someone she hasn’t heard from in years. This phone call leads to events that cause her to get sucked back into the lives of two young men whom she hasn’t spoken to in years. Her life is never the same. Along the way she learns a secret about herself that not even her father had known. She is forced to face her destiny. Which path will she choose: duty or family?
A/N: I suck at summaries. I started writing this fic YEARS ago. It was posted here on Tumblr, but I have made some edits recently and have decided to repost it. This requires some introduction. I had a thought one day of what the show would look like if there was a female character that was brought in that actually stuck around for longer than a season or two. And because the thought wouldn’t go away this story and Brooke were born. I had a lot of good feedback the last time I posted this years ago so I decided to repost it for my new followers with some edits.
Disclaimer: There is a LOT of direct quotes and scenes from the show. I do not own any of it. I only claim the character of Brooke and how she fits into the story. All else is credited to the writers and copyright holders of the show Supernatural
Warning: There is some rated MA smut thrown in randomly for the first 5 chapters as flashbacks to establish timeline, character building, and relationships, but after that the smut dies off.  Also, let’s just assume condoms are implied. They aren’t mentioned, but let’s assume they are used.
Word Count: 4487
Pairings (through entire story): Dean/Brooke (OFC), Sam/Brooke (OFC)
Chapter One
The straps on her wrists cut deeper as she writhed in agony. The man she had grown to call her uncle dragged the blade of his knife across her skin for what she felt was the millionth time. The dim candlelight revealed his son, who wasn't much older than twenty-two, waiting in the corner behind him with fear in his eyes and indecision etched all over his face. She didn’t blame John for what he was doing; all signs pointed to one conclusion. He was doing what he thought he had to. After all, she had led them straight into an ambush and had almost gotten them all killed.
          “Dad…” the boy in the corner whispered cautiously as John wiped the blood from his knife and dipped it into a large plastic jug of holy water.
.           “Dean, either help or get out!”
Dean gave her a pleading look. She shook her head. He closed his eyes in defeat, walked out of the room, and slammed the back door as he left the house.
Strapped to the chair and unable to defend herself, she watched as John walked towards her, his face a picture of disgust and anger. “Now that we’re alone, let’s get this show officially on the road.”
She could have sworn she saw a twisted look of remorse and apology flash across his face just as he brought the blade down across her left cheek.
Brooke awakened with a start, sweat covering her body and soaking her shirt. She sighed in relief when she realized she was still in her motel room, safe and alone. She slowly stood and walked the three feet to the bathroom. It had been five years since that long December night in Illinois, but she could still feel that blade slide across her skin.
As she walked across the bathroom, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and stopped to give herself a good once over. Long, chestnut wavy locks all in a jumble from tossing and turning -- emerald green eyes above dark circles and bags from too many long nights; to the outside world, she was pretty, but the job had really taken its toll. Her small-breasted, twenty-two-year-old body was lean and strong, but all she saw were the scars. The faint lines that adorned her body were a reminder of her way of life, yet they were nothing compared to the pink scar on her left cheek that still haunted her. She lifted her hand and began tracing it from her left temple, following it dangerously close to her eye and down across her cheek, ending just before her bottom lip. Her mind flashed back to that moment -- the moment John’s blade slid across her face. The moment her father had burst into the room, saving her from further interrogation. The moment her family fell apart. She shook off the memory as she peeled off her tank and panties and slipped into the shower.
After Brooke had showered, dressed, and expertly concealed her scar with drug store makeup, she tossed her things into her duffel and walked out the door. With her job here complete, she was to return home to Minnesota. She knew her father was off somewhere in Ohio on a case, but it was their rule to return to base when they finished a job. She had been working cases on her own for only a few months now. It was nice to finally be out on her own but going home was always something she looked forward to. She tossed her duffel in the back seat of her ’69 Camaro, also known as the love of her life, and headed to the office to check out.
“Well, Miss Strandferd, did you enjoy your stay with us?” the wiry middle-aged manager asked, as she handed him her room key. She just smiled. “It’s all on your card. Will you be needing a receipt?” He had barely uttered the word “receipt” before she was out the door.
She slid into her car, popped open the glove box, and extracted a small black bag. She cursed as its contents spilled all over the passenger seat. There were credit cards and IDs of many different types, all containing various names from Baker to Marks to Young, none of which were hers. She quickly collected each piece of plastic and shoved them back in the bag along with Amy Strandferd’s credit card.  She sometimes felt guilty using fake IDs and cards that weren’t hers, but this life didn’t have a pay check. That was the life, and she accepted that a long time ago. She tossed the black bag back in the glove box next to her 9mm, revved the engine, and was on her way.
As Brooke drove along, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Another job well done, another family that can sleep soundly once again. She didn’t get paid and it required breaking hundreds of laws, but knowing she'd made a difference in someone else’s life made it all worth it to her. As per the rules she picked up her cell and dialed her father’s number to check in. It went straight to voicemail, so she left a quick message telling him she would be back at base in just under a day’s drive.
After a few hours on the road, her mind wandered back to the dream that had awoken her, the memory of the night she hadn’t thought of in years. Her father and John had worked together off and on for years starting when she was just twelve. Their way of life doesn’t allow for much in the department of relationships, on any level, but her father and John were thick as thieves. Whenever one needed help on a job, the other was right there to back them up. But that night… the night her father had trusted John to take her out on a hunt, the night she almost got them all killed, was the night that all fell apart. When her father walked into the house and saw her tied to a chair with John standing over her gripping a bloody knife, it was all over.
Her father pulled out his pistol, pointed it at John, and demanded that he drop the knife and step away from her. John tried to reason with her father and explain his actions. “You’ve seen it, she’s not herself! Something is wrong with her! She’s not your daughter!” Her father replied by putting a bullet in John’s shoulder, sending him to the floor.
The sound of the gun going off brought Dean running back into the house. She watched him take in the scene of her father standing over his with a gun in his face. His eyes flashed to hers, looking for her to give him his next move, but it was all over, there was nothing left that could be done. Her inability to deal, her inability to handle what the two of them had done had broken her family apart.
“Get out of this house, don’t call me again. I never want to see your face ever again. If I ever see you or your sons,” he pulled the hammer back, “I swear to God.”
That was the last time she ever saw any of them. Sam, who was just shy of a year older than her, had left for college two months prior and (as far as she knew) was unaware any of this ever went down. No one had really talked to him since he’d left. It was kind of a sore subject for John and Dean, and as she understood it, they parted on bad terms. Thinking back though, it did seem a bit melodramatic to allow herself to undergo torture, so everything was kept a secret from their fathers, her’s in particular. But she knew her father, they couldn’t have said anything.
Dean was supposed to have been looking out for her, and if her father knew what went down…
She knew John wouldn’t hurt her too badly, she could take it, but what her father would have done to Dean would have been much worse. Her father was a kind, loving man, but family was something he held sacred, and if anyone put his family in danger, he wouldn’t hesitate to put them down.
She smiled in spite of herself. Even with the way they all parted, the secrets, the drama, they were still part of her family. John may have tied her to that chair and cut her up pretty good, but he was still like an uncle to her, despite it all. John was the one who taught her how to work on cars and even helped her get started on the Camaro. She learned more from John and those boys in those five years than she had from her own father her entire life.
Brooke and the boys had their own unique relationships. She could talk to Sam on the phone for hours about everything – he hated this life and always wanted out, but she always managed to convince him that at the end of the day, it was all worth it. She liked Sam, they had a great rapport and were always there for each other. She was just never comfortable with him in person. She couldn’t really explain it, she just got an uneasy feeling whenever he was around. She told Dean once, but that only started jokes about she and Sam having crushes on each other. When Sam left for school, he stopped calling and stopped taking her calls. He completely cut himself off. At first, she was angry, but she learned to understand that you have to cut all ties and contacts in order to really get out. She missed him sometimes.
Brooke’s relationship with Dean, who was nearly five years her senior, was a bit different. She’d admit she idolized him a little bit, even if he had the tendency to be a jerk sometimes. Having grown up in this life he had become an amazing hunter and learned to adapt to situations quickly. He knew what it took to get the job done, which for him included using his good looks and charm to his advantage. Dean was the one who taught her how to fire a gun when she was thirteen; he even gave her the gun that she kept in her glove box. Dean was the “Keeper of Sam” as she liked to call him, since he'd watched out for Sam ever since they were little.  When Sam left, that need to protect someone seemed to transfer to her. She’d found him more annoying than her father at times. She had a lot of fond memories from those five years though, and knowing it was her mistake that led to the end made her heart ache.
Dean blamed himself for the lot of it, of course. Two days after her father had chased them away, she got a voicemail from Dean apologizing for everything “It’s me. I just…God… I promised I would always have your back and I let you down. I don’t know what I was thinking, maybe I wasn’t thinking, but I shouldn’t have let it go that far. I should’ve...” He began to sniffle as he continued. “I should’ve stopped my dad, I should’ve just stepped in and ended it, but you had asked me not to say anything, so I didn’t, But God, Brooke, I should have! And I’m sorry. It’s all my fau-“ and the message cut out. That was the first time she had ever heard him come even remotely close to crying. That was Dean though -- always shouldering the responsibility. She had tried to call him back, but his number had been disconnected. She saved it though, because it was the last time, she would ever hear from him. She listened to it so many times she lost count but deleted it a year later when she decided she needed to move on.
So now it was just Brooke and her dad, since her mom had died when she was just a baby. Her dad kept the details pretty much to himself, but he told her when she was eight, after much crying and pleading.  Something had killed her, and he was determined to find what it was, and that was why he was hardly ever home. That was something over which he and John bonded. John had lost his wife to something as well and had a vendetta to find the thing that did it. It was John who convinced her father that keeping her in the dark and not teaching her to defend herself would come to no good. Little by little her father allowed John, an ex-marine, to teach her hand to hand combat. She also pretended not to know how to use a gun when her father decided to teach her a month after Dean already had. She wanted to help, she wanted to be useful. She knew, just as John had explained, that she was a liability if she was kept in the dark, rendered useless. So, she learned, and she learned as much as she could as quickly as she could.
She hadn’t thought about those boys in a long time. The sound of her cell brought her back to the present and she let out a little laugh as she fished it from her jeans pocket. She noticed the sun had begun to set as she glanced at the caller ID. She didn’t recognize it, but fellow hunters were always changing their numbers.
“Brooke?” Her heart stopped. It had been five years, but she would know that voice anywhere.
“Yeah it’s me. Where are you?” There was a hint of concern in his voice.
“On I-90, just outside Winona.”
“Pull over.”
“John, I told Dad I would be home by nightfall, I can’t just-“
“Just pull over.” The sense of urgency in his voice had her concerned.
As she pulled the car over to the shoulder a terrible thought crossed her mind. One of the boys was dead. It had to be, why else would he break the silence after five years? Her mind began to race, trying to figure out which one it could be, how it could have happened, mixed with reminders to stay calm and wait for an explanation. She killed the ignition and prepared herself for the bad news.
“Parked. What’s going on, John?”
“Don’t go home.”
“What do you mean, ‘Don’t go home’?”
“Go West on 90 until you hit Sioux Falls.”
“You want me to go by Bobby’s? Is there a job he needs help with? I mean, I’ll help. Dad’s in Ohio on a case, so I just gotta tell him I won’t be home as planned.”
“NO! Don’t call your dad. They can’t know where you are.”
“Who’s ‘they’, John? What’s going on?”
John sighed and a sick feeling settled in her stomach. He wasn’t calling about the boys.
“Dad’s not in Ohio anymore, is he?”
“No. Caleb called me yesterday to tell me Pastor Mike was killed and that your father was on his way to help investigate.”
She remained silent, waiting for the inevitable.
“They’re gone, Brooke, Caleb and your dad.  I’m so sorry.” He paused for her reaction; all he received was more silence. She couldn’t process what he had said. She heard it, but her brain refused to connect the dots. “This demon we’ve been chasing...it’s going after everyone we’ve ever worked with, and when I found out about your dad, I had to be sure you were okay.”
Her mind began to reel. Her father was gone, killed by this demon that John was after, killed because John was after it, killed because they had been friends. Her father was gone. She was all alone.
“Brooke, you there?”
She had to collect herself. Yes, her father was gone. Yes, she was all on her own now, but if what John was saying was true, she may be in danger. She had to compartmentalize and focus. A skill she was forced to master at a young age.
“Yeah, John, I’m here. So... Bobby’s?”
          There were very few hunters that didn’t know Bobby Singer. He had become a staple in the community with his knowledge of the supernatural and his ability to uncover any information that one would need. If there was anywhere that Brooke would be safe from this demon, it was with Bobby. It had been a little over a year since she had seen the crotchety old man. She hated dropping all this on his door step after such a long hiatus, but she didn’t think she had a choice.
          She took a long look at the decrepit old house on the right as she rolled past broken down, rusting cars that filled his lot, a reminder of the life he led before he started hunting. He used to run a salvage yard – still did on the side, as a matter of fact. But just like all hunters, once you got into this life, it consumed you.
          She parked her car behind the house, got out, and looked around. She saw the shop a few hundred yards away where she’d done some work on her Camaro years ago. This was also where she and her father had gotten into their first real fight.  She was just a week shy of eighteen and he was getting ready to head out on a job with John, leaving Dean and Brooke at Bobby’s. She had gotten wind of what she believed to be a potential haunting of a house in a town not too far away, something small, something easy, and she wanted to see if she could help this family out.
          “Absolutely not and that’s final.”
          “But Dad, it’s just a simple haunting, nothing major.” She said as she pulled a sawed off out of the trunk of her Camaro and placed it in a duffel.
          “I said no,” her father had said taking the duffel out of her hands and tossing it into the trunk.
          “I’m nearly eighteen, I’ve been hunting for nearly six years, this is child’s play compared to some of the hunts we’ve done.”
          “I don’t care how long we’ve been at this and what kinds of things we have hunted, you are not doing this job alone.” He shut the trunk with force and turned his back to her to walk away in an attempt to end the conversation.
          “Then I’ll have Dean come with me. He’s done jobs like this on his own before it’ll be like a milk run for him,” she stepped in front of him cutting off his path to the exit. She was determined to go on this job. She was an adult now and she felt she needed to start proving she was truly useful. This wasn’t the first time her father had dropped her at Bobby’s to go on a hunt without her. Ever since she could remember he was ditching her here and there if he could. She always got the feeling that he didn’t fully trust her as a partner. She knew it wasn’t just out of protectiveness because when she was on a hunt with him, he was always more concerned with getting the job done than her getting hurt.
          “Absolutely not!” He startled her with how quickly and loudly he responded that time, “I don’t care how many hunts he’s done on his own, you sure as hell are not taking him with you.”
          “So, does that mean I can go on my own?” She knew she was being overly hopeful, but a girl had to try.
          “NO!” He pushed her aside and pulled open the door, “and if I even HEAR of you THINKING about going on this hunt, alone or not, I swear to God, Brooke,” he gave her a glare to rival all glares before walking out the door.
          She was so furious with her father that that night she snuck out of the house. When she opened the door to the shop, she was almost surprised to find Dean leaning against her car.
          “I figured you couldn’t let this one lie,” he said with a smirk as she popped the trunk to take quick inventory of her stash.
          She had collected quite the arsenal over the years. Any time they had come across a new weapon she would find a way to fit it into her hideaway that John had helped her fit under the fabric in the trunk, mirrored after the one in his own car.
          “I also figured that since this would be your first case without the old man that you might like some back up,” he had added when she had remained silent.
          “Thanks, but I think I can handle this on my own.” She was too angry with her father and too determined to prove herself that she didn’t want to deal with his annoying commentary at the moment.
          “Did you completely read the file Bobby had on this?” He pulled a folded manila folder out of his back pocket and opened it, “apparently the family has been to the hospital a few times already for ‘unexplained injuries’,” he glanced up from the folder to take note of any recognition on her face. When he found none he continued, “So I kinda think that this spirit isn’t too happy about something and probably won’t like a stranger popping off salt rounds at it, but if you think you can handle a pissed off spirit on your first time out solo than be my guest.” He folded the folder up and crossed his arms as he leaned against the car.
          He was right. If this spirit was hurting the family, it was definitely pissed off about something and the last thing she needed was to be tossed around a room and have her ass handed to her with no one to back her up. She knew that she could count on Dean not to snitch on her, but she also could count on him having a tiny bitch fit for leaving him behind.  Besides, she could always trust Dean to have her back, he hadn’t failed her yet.
          “Fine,” she couldn’t help but smile when he raised his eyebrows and got this look like he was a five-year-old who was just told he was going to Disneyland, “but we’re not listening to classic rock the entire way.” The look of glee was replaced with that of sheer disappointment.
          She closed her eyes remembering that job. If she had just listened to her father, she never would have been tied to that chair all those years ago, there wouldn’t have been the huge falling out and maybe, just maybe, her father would still be alive.
She turned to the house and walked up the steps. The back door opened just as her feet hit the top step and from inside the house emerged Bobby himself. He stopped short when he spotted her.
“Hiya, Bobby.”
“Hey,” He said softly as he wrapped his arms around her in a hug. “Sorry to hear about your daddy, kiddo,” he said as he stepped back.
“Thanks.” She stared at the ground. “Bobby,” she sighed, “I need a huge favor.”
“Anything, why don’t you come on in?”
As she entered the house she was hit with the familiar smell of Old Spice and whiskey – the smells of Bobby.  His home was an old farm house that had gone to the dogs. On every surface were books upon books, all dealing with the supernatural. In between the books were randomly placed bottles of whiskey, some empty, some on their way to being empty. She took a seat on the old musty couch among even more books.
“What can I do ya for?” Bobby said, all business-like as he sat on the edge of his desk.
“I need a place to hide out.” No point in beating around the bush.
“Hide out? You think whatever it was that got your dad is after you?”
“I don’t know if it is or not, but John thinks it might be and-“
“John Winchester?”
“Yeah, he said this demon he’s after is ganking all the people he’s ever worked with and told me to hide out here.”
Bobby stood up, removed his ball cap, ran his fingers through what little hair was left, and sighed. As he replaced the ball cap he said, “Sure. I can put you up for a bit, or until John figures this shit out, the idjit.”
“Thanks, Bobby. And you know I don’t expect this to be rent free, I’ll help you out with anything you need while I’m here.”
“Damn straight you will,” he said with a smile.
Bobby was a crotchety old man who spoke his mind, was tough as nails, and one of the best hunters she’d ever met, but he’d always treated her like one of his own. She’d even once heard him say to her father, “I think of her as my daughter too, Chris. I’m not about to see anything happen to her either.”
She tossed her duffel on the bed in the spare room, flopped down, and stared at the ceiling. She tried to think of anything else except her father being gone. She tried to think about the noise her car had begun to make on the way here and what that could possibly be. She tried to think about her most recent case. She tried to think about sleeping. But no matter how hard she tried she kept hearing John’s voice telling her that her father was dead.
She felt a tear break free and it was all over.
Everyone she had ever cared for was gone. She cursed her life and cursed her father for ever bringing her into this. It was nothing but death. Every time she got close to anyone, they were ripped from her, either by death or by the sheer messed up realities of her world. She was quick to remember that it had been John who convinced her father, who had wanted her to remain clueless, that he should bring her in to this. John… if they had never met John none of this would have happened. Her father would still be alive. If John wasn’t so reckless that damned demon would never have gone after her father, would never have left her alone in this horrible place. She vowed that she would get out of this life, start an honest, regular life, but not until she found the demon that had killed her father and sent it back to Hell
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Touching You*
Bucky Barnes x OFC Request Fic
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Another repost because Tumblr mobile is being stupid. Ask from @this-kitty-has-claws. Inspired by Nickleback's Next Contestant  Hope this helps @justreadingfics
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC Word Count: 1899 Warnings: Smut, Implied Violence, Swearing NSFW (18+)
He absolutely hated it.
The mission, if he could even call it that anymore, had dragged on for three solid weeks. Three solid weeks of watching as his girl was manhandled in the most aggravating way possible. Why they were even still part of this charade was beyond him.
The target had been rounded up, his cronies captured, but he was still here, standing against the wall, acting the part of bouncer as he watched over Jules, doing her thing, slinging drinks at the bar.
She made a good bartender. Gorgeous in face and form, she had legs for days, bare beneath the short black leather skirt. Her shirt was an old Nirvana one she’d stolen from Tony at some point and taken scissors to. The back had been sliced through, leaving the shirt hanging in shreds across her spine, but it was the neckline she’d cut down in a deep ‘v’ which regularly drew his eyes. It more than highlighted the swell of cleavage, enhanced by whatever miracle underwear she wore to torture him.
He couldn’t see them, but he knew there were high boots encasing her lower legs, riding up over her knees, ending halfway up her thigh.
Nat had made a wicked comment about hooker boots which had made Jules laugh, but Bucky wasn’t at all pleased with the way all his girl’s assets were on display.
Nor did he appreciate it when the manager casually put his hands on her. The assholes hands would go to her hips, her ribs, her waist, her shoulder. He’d even watched the fucker play with her hair, twist a lock of it around his finger as he flirted with Bucky’s girl.
And damn, if she hadn’t flirted back.
It was just an act, he knew it, but watching her bat her lashes at that ape was making him see red.
Then there were the patrons. The men would go up to Sam, playing the part of DJ, and ask if she was single. Asshole that he was, Sam had taken to smirking his way every time the question came up so that Bucky would know what they asked.
He wanted to punch the fucker every time.
Sam, for his part, did inform them Jules was seeing someone, but it didn’t seem to make a difference.
They just kept coming on to her. Offering to buy her drinks, flirting like fools, complementing her features while they dragged their eyes over her body, longing to touch what wasn’t theirs to have. They’d reach across the bar, touch her hand, her arm, thinking they’d entice her into sleeping with them.
They had no clue she could easily break their wrist if they got too handsy, or that he was waiting in the wings to rip their fucking heads off.
Even the women hit on her. Sure, it was kind of hot to watch her flirt back with the ladies, made him a tad uncomfortable in the nether regions, his pants growing tight, but it didn’t mean he was willing to share. Jules was his.
Bucky didn’t share. Period.
When the sleaze of a manager put his hand on her ass, squeezed, and made her jump, Bucky felt something in his brain snap.
When she turned, placed her hand on his chest, and smiled sweetly, he saw red.
When the man dared put his hand on her back, sliding it down to grip her ass, encouraging her away from the bar toward the office, his vision tunnelled, and he was pressing off the wall.
Sam was talking in his ear, Natasha only waved the man off.
He saw it all and didn’t give a shit. He was done. This mission was ending right the fuck now. Whether it was his rage, his face, or simply the way he stalked forward, everyone parted like the red sea before Moses.
Past the bar where the other bartenders were fighting to keep up with the crowd, Bucky ducked down the hallway which would take him to the scuzz manager’s office. Grunts and groaning from within had him slamming the damn door open only to stop dead in the doorway.
“Fuck, about damn time, Barnes!” Jules huffed, dragging the dead weight of the manager toward the closet.
“Baby? What the hell?” he muttered, confused.
“Yeah, so look, hun. I was gonna explain it to you but figured you’d just kill the asshole, so I got Nat in on things. You see, Marcus here has a thing for blackmailing his female staff, forcing them to do things to keep their jobs. It’s either that or he has them ‘arrested’ for stealing by a cop buddy of his. No worries, Nat’s all over that shit. This was just my way of dealing with him. I made sure and put the fear of Jules in him before I knocked the little shit out. Once Nat’s done with his buddy, we’ll turn them over to the proper authorities, get things cleared up.”
Their whole operation had been set up through the clubs owner so, yeah, sleaze Marcus would have been none the wiser as to who they really were, but the fact she hadn’t told him had Bucky grinding his teeth together. The door shut quietly behind him, the lock snicking into place.
Walking across the room, he jerked a cord from a lamp, used it to bind Marcus’s hands, and tossed the asshole in the closet before turning on Jules. “You should have told me.”
She shrugged. “It was under control.”
He stalked her into the wall where he set his hands on either side of her head. “Three fucking weeks I’ve watched people touch you, put their hands on what’s mine. You should have told me, Jules.”
Her chin came up defiantly. “I’m a big girl, Sergeant. I can take care of myself.”
His lip curled back in a snarl. “Fuck that shit, Jul-”
Her mouth was suddenly on his, her hands delving beneath the hem of his dark Henley, nails scraping, dragging, teasing over his abs. Her teeth caught his lip, bit down, pulled hard.
Growling, going from angry to viciously aroused in a heartbeat, Bucky ripped her skirt up her legs, tore the underwear - nothing more than a scrap of lace - from her core, and sank his fingers inside her.
Jules cry of delight released his lip, allowing him to attack her throat, sucking, biting, licking leaving a trail of marks down her neck and across the swell of her breast. He left a large, dark hickey right over her heart, one plain for everyone to see. Palming her breast with his metal hand, hidden beneath a dark glove, he played with her drenched pussy, dragging his fingers over her fluttering walls. “Fuck you’re wet, baby.”
“You’re fault. Standing against the damn wall all hot and brooding. Looking like a damn devil with those eyes. I could feel them across the room, Bucky.”
Her words drove him wild and he’s was on his knees, face pressed to her smooth mound, tongue sweeping through her lips, lapping up the cream coating his hand, finding the hard nub. Circling, flicking, sucking until she’s arching and writhing. Low moans and harsh breathing make him smirk.
Her hands delve into his locks, tug. Her leg goes over his shoulder, opening her to him.
“Baby,” he murmurs, “I’m gonna fuck you against the wall.”
Her whole body shakes in anticipation. “Finish what you started first, Barnes,” she pants, arching into his mouth.
Chuckling, Bucky fucks his fingers inside her, curling to catch her g-spot, stroking as he sucks on her clit. It swells beneath his touch. He presses his tongue flat to it, waits for the change in her breathing which will tell him she’s close, and slowly licks firm strokes over the bud.
Her legs shake, quiver, a moan slides silkily from her lips.
It’s all he’s been waiting for. He hums, biting softly at her clit, increasing the speed and force of his fingers.
A keening wail fills his ears as sweet cream fills his mouth. Lapping, stroking, nearly purring with pleasure, he extends her orgasm until she slumps weakly against the wall.
“Up, Bucky. Please.”
He’s on his feet, cock achingly hard and heavy as he tears open the front of his jeans. They fall to his knees. Dragging her up the wall, he slides overheat and wet, coating himself in the essence of his woman. Then, with a tilt of her hips as she wraps her hands behind his neck, he’s slamming deep into tight walls.
Her ankles locked behind his back, her mouth latches back to his, and she’s sucking on his tongue in time with the plunging of his hips.
The sharp slap of flesh, the scent of sex, harsh breathing, moans and quiet swears rise in the room as he takes her hard and fast against the wall. There’s nothing better than the way her moist heat and tight clenching core feel on his cock. It makes him moan against her throat, fuck her a little harder, tighten the grip he has on her ass.
“Jules,” he growls near her ear.
“Bucky!” she screams, throwing her head back, banging it against the wall.
Gritting his teeth, he jerks her from the wall, swipes his hand over Marcus’s desk, and presses her down on it. “Fuck, baby,” his voice is hoarse as he stands up, drags her legs from his waist and holds her open so he can watch his cock disappear into her heat.
A high pitched whine leaves her lips, her body arches off the desk. Her core clamps around him, walls milking hard.
He roars her name when the orgasm is torn from him, taking him by surprise. Thrusting hard, he empties himself inside her, thighs quaking as his legs fight to hold him up. Finally, he crashes forward, catching himself at the last moment on the desk to keep him from crushing her. “God damn it, Jules,” he sighs, placing soft kisses on her jaw. “So good, baby.”
“Glad you enjoyed yourself, Barnes, but the cops are here to deal with Marcus. Tuck and zip, man. And thanks for the show.”
Sam’s voice through the com has him snapping upright. “Fuck!”
Jules stares up at him from her spot laid out on Marcus’s desk as he jerks his pants up. “You left your com on?” She burst out laughing.
“Shut up, Jules,” he growls, dragging her off the desk, and her skirt back down her legs. There’s nothing he can do about the scent of sex, nor the mess he’s made of her skin.
She bends to pick up her scrap of underwear and tucks it in his pocket. “A memento,” she grins cheekily.
Dragging Marcus out of the closet, he tossed the trussed up man on the floor. “Get out of here,” he grumbled. “And stay out of trouble.”
She only smirked as she sashayed her ass out the door. “The only trouble I ever get into is with you, Barnes.”
Rolling his eyes, he crossed his arms and waited for the cops, wondering just how many assholes will be lined up at the bar in front of her when he gets back. A smirk twitched his lips. Didn’t matter.
He would be the only one going home with her tonight.
The End
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Chris & Ellie Series: Episode 10
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With Tumblr holding my original writing blog @beccaheartschrisevans captive (aka flagged as explicit), I have made a secondary writing blog and may end up closing the other all together. In the meantime, I am reposting all of my stories on my new blog.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Ellie Spencer (OFC)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: n/a
Episode Summary: This episode takes place in October 2013. Chris, Ellie and Scott go to Boston for the World Series.
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
The Chris and Ellie series is primarily chronological.  It begins with a flash forward to 2016 and has a few other scenes in the future.  However, the majority of their story is told in chronological order starting in 2013 and going through 2017. Each episode starts with a date to help you place it within the story.
The Chris & Ellie Series Masterlist | Chris & Ellie Masterlist
Episode 9.5
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Episode 10: Red Sox Win!
October 19, 2013
Ellie sat on the edge of the couch, biting her lower lip as she watched Game 6 of the American League Championship Series (ALCS) between the Red Sox and the Detroit Tigers. She, Chris and Scott had spent nearly every evening during the last two weeks in front of the TV watching the Red Sox advanced first through the American League Division Series (ALDS) and now through the ALCS. Tonight, however, it was just her and Chris as Scott had had a scheduling conflict.
The Sox were up 5 to 2 on the Tigers thanks to a grand slam in the bottom of the seventh inning. If they could hold onto the lead, they would advance to the World Series; if they couldn't, they'd be playing a seventh game tomorrow.
Chris sat quietly next to Ellie, his eyes focused on the TV just like hers. Both of their phones sat on the coffee table in front of them, each opened to a text message to Scott, who they had been taking turns updating on the game.
The eighth inning came and went in quick fashion, three up and three down for both teams. The Sox were just three outs away from going to the World Series. The top of the ninth started with two quick outs, but then one of the Detroit players got on base.
Full of nervous energy, Ellie let out a slow breath as the Detroit player took second base. She moved her hands from her lap and shook them out.
As she made to put her hands back in her lap, she felt Chris grab her left hand. He tucked it into his much larger hand and squeezed it. A shiver raced up Ellie's spine as her eyes moved away from the TV and to their hands. His hand was strong and warm, but the way he held hers was gentle and oddly comforting.
The sound of the ball hitting the bat met Ellie's ears and she yanked her eyes back to the TV.
"Foul ball," Chris breathed. "One strike away."
As they watched, the pitcher threw the ball and the batter swung, missing the ball entirely.
The roar of the Fenway Faithful echoing from the TV as Chris and Ellie both jumped up from their seats on the couch to celebrate after he let go of her hand.
"WE'RE GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES!" she exclaimed. She gave Chris a hug and then turned to grab Daisy by the face and planted a smooch on her dog's head.
"I should probably -" Chris stopped talking as they heard the front door slam close and quick footsteps above.
"I'M HERE! I'M HERE!" they heard Scott shout. He appeared on the steps a second later and cursed when he saw that the game had already ended. "Damnit. I ran for nothing."
"We're going to the World Series!" Ellie exclaimed. "I'd run for that and I hate running!"
"Can't say I blame you," Scott said and he held his hands out in front of his chest as if mimicking the size of her chest. "That must hurt."
Ellie flipped him off and threw a pillow at him. She made to lunge over the couch, but Chris grabbed her from behind.
"Let's celebrate together, shall we?" he chuckled. "Scott, grab us a couple beers, would you?"
"You can let go of me now," Ellie said half-heartedly. Truth was she didn't actually mind the fact that the Chris was holding on to her, his strong arms wrapped around her waist.
"Oh, right," he said. He let go of her and backed up slightly.
"I can't believe I fucking missed this game," Scott muttered as he brought over beers for them. "I am never promising to do something for someone during the postseason again." He twisted off the lid of his beer. "I missed a freaking grand slam. A grand slam!"
Chris twisted off the caps to his and Ellie's beers and then held his beer out. "To the Red Sox!" he toasted. "May they win the World Series!"
"To the Red Sox!" Ellie and Scott chorused. They carefully clanked their bottles before taking sips.
The three of them sat down on the couch and watched the clubhouse celebration and postgame interviews. In between that footage, the station showed the highlights from the game, which both pleased Scott and made him groan about how he'd missed the game.
As the footage shifted to the crowded streets around Fenway, Chris and Scott both sighed.
"Makes me wish we were in Boston right now," Scott muttered. "Remember 2004? We couldn't get tickets to the game so we went to a bar near the ballpark and watched it there?"
"You kept getting carded," Chris said with a chuckle. "He had just turned 21, like the month before. So he was super excited to flash his driver's license to anyone who asked for it."
Ellie let her eyes shift from one brother to the other. She knew it wouldn't be as fun if they went back to Boston while she stayed here, but it was their home. "Maybe you two should go back there," she suggested. "I'm sure your mom would love to see you."
"And miss watching the games with you?" Chris asked, looking at her.
"Not on your life," Scott finished for his brother. "Win or lose, you're stuck with us for the rest of the post season."
Four nights later, the trio once again sat on the couch, this time waiting for the start of Game 1 of the World Series featuring the Red Sox vs the St. Louis Cardinals. Thanks to the American League winning the All-Star Game, the Red Sox had home field advantage meaning that they got to host the first two games of the World Series. The next three games would take place in St. Louis. Since it was a best of seven games series, it would return to Boston, if needed, for games six and seven.
With all of Boston behind them, the Red Sox pulled to an early lead, scoring three runs in the first inning and two more in the second. Four scoreless innings for both teams followed the early scores and it wasn't until the bottom of the seventh that the Red Sox added to their lead with David "Big Papi" Ortiz hitting a two run home run. They scored one more run in the bottom of the eighth to take an 8 to 0 lead going into the ninth inning. The Cardinals managed to get a run in the ninth, but it was too little too late.
Game 2, the night after the big win, and Game 3, a couple nights later, were both losses for the Red Sox. In Game 2, they lost 4 to 2, unable to score after the Cardinals put three runs on the board in the seventh inning. After a day for travel, Game 3 took place in St. Louis and the Red Sox managed to tie the game up in the eighth inning, only to have the Cardinals win it in the ninth.
With the Cardinals up in the series two games to one, the Red Sox had to win at least the next three games to win the World Series. If they lost one game, they'd have to take the series to Game 7 to try win. If they lost two games, it would all be over for them and the Cardinals would win the World Series.
They won Game 4 with a score of 4 to 2, managing to get their runs early and keep the Cardinals from scoring. They took the series lead three games to two, the next night, after beating St. Louis 3 to 1.
It was during Game 5 that Chris brought up the idea of them going to Boston for Game 6.
"Do you think you can get the time off from the bookstore?" he asked Ellie.
"Wait, you're inviting me to go with you guys?" she asked.
"Of course!" Scott laughed. "Did you really think we'd leave you here by yourself?"
"Can you still get tickets for the game?" she asked.
"I'm trying," Chris told her. "But even if we can't, we'd still be in Boston and could be part of the celebration."
"Then yes, I'd love to go!" Ellie nodded her head. "When do we leave?"
"Tomorrow," Chris told her. "I'll go buy the tickets."
Less than twenty four hours later, Ellie sat next to Scott with Chris across the aisle from them as their plane landed in Boston. They'd flown in First Class and she had enjoyed all the free perks that had been offered to her, much to the brothers' amusement.
"Mom is picking us up," Chris told her as they made their way through the airport thirty minutes later. They had all packed in carry-on bags; her because she was only there for a couple days, and the brothers because they kept clothes at their mom's house. "Normally we'd grab a taxi, but mom insisted on picking us up."
"Obviously she loves you more than she loves us," Scott chuckled.
"I told her I'd bring her some new romance novels," Ellie shrugged then with a smirk added. "Extra steamy ones, too."
The brothers made sounds of disgust as they made their way out to the pickup area.
"That was just mean," Scott muttered.
"I thought you two had relationships with your mom where you could talk about anything," Ellie said, sweetly. "She doesn't tell you about what she reads?"
"If it's anything like the trashy novels you leave lying around the house, I don't want to know," Chris muttered.
"I see mom," Scott announced.
Ellie waited until Scott was out of earshot before she muttered, "Funny how those books always end up disappearing for a day or two and then reappearing in the strangest places."
Chris's face flushed slightly and he put his hand on the small of Ellie's back to guide her to his mom's minivan. Scott had already claimed the front seat by the time they got there, so Chris helped Ellie into the van then loaded their suitcases in the back. He closed the back and then climbed into the open sliding door.
"Hi mom," he greeted as he closed the door and then put his seatbelt on.
"I was just telling Scott and Ellie that I am so excited the three of you are here," Lisa beamed at him from the front seat.
While Chris, Scott and Lisa chatted, Ellie watched out the window as they made their way to the town they lived in. She'd never been to the East Coast before, but had always dreamed about it.
"Oh, I nearly forgot, Chris, you had a delivery this morning," Lisa told him. "It was from the Red Sox's front office." The others in the van stopped breathing waiting to find out where she was going with this. "As you know, you've given me permission to open such things for you while you're out of Boston."
"Mom!" Scott whined. "Just tell us already!"
"Oh, you do ruin all my fun," she said, shaking her head. "They've provided you with three passes for tomorrow's game."
"Oh my god!" Ellie gasped, slapping her hands over her mouth.
"Breathe," Chris chuckled from next to her.
"I'm going to Fenway Park," she whispered, constantly reminding herself to breathe. "I'm going to see the Red Sox play." She breathed. "And they're going to win the World Series and I'm going to be there."
"Yes you are," Chris smiled. "And Scott and I will make sure one of us catches you if you pass out."
A short time later, they arrived at the Evans' family home and it was everything that Ellie had imagined it would be: warm, welcoming and the perfect place to grow up. It reminded her of the house she'd grown up in and it made her feel a little homesick.
"I just realized I didn't tell anyone other than work that I was going to Boston," she said after Chris and showed her to the guest room. "I should probably call my parents at least. Maybe my cousin Phoenix, too."
"Go right ahead," Chris told her. "I'll be in the kitchen helping ma get dinner ready." Ellie quirked an eyebrow at his words. "Ok, so I'll be in the kitchen keeping the kids out of ma's hair while she gets dinner ready."
"That's what I thought," Ellie laughed.
After he left the room, Ellie called her mom and told her where she was. Her mom was excited for her, but reminded her to be cautious at the same time. They talked for a few more minutes before Ellie hung up and called Phoenix. Her cousin was thrilled that she'd gone away with Chris for the weekend, even if his entire family was there too, and encouraged her to take advantage of the fact that they were someplace new.
Once she'd finished her phone calls, Ellie ventured out into the heart of the house and found Chris holding his niece in one arm while having a sword fight, using empty paper towel rolls as their weapons, with his nephews. The sight made her laugh, but also made her heart tighten a little bit. He looked so at home with his niece and nephews.
Dinner was a loud affair with all ten of them around the large dining room table; another thing that reminded Ellie of home. Instead of feeling homesick, however, she found herself enjoying it. The four Evans siblings teased each other lovingly with the brothers even pulling their brother-in-law into the mix with a couple well timed jokes. He dished it right back at them and soon they were all laughing again.
By the time dinner was done, Ellie was struggling to stay awake. They'd gotten up early for their flight and the jet lag was catching up to her. She said her goodnights to the others then made her way back to the guest room. She showered and then got into bed and was asleep before her head hit the pillow.
She slept in until ten the next morning and woke up feeling refreshed. She got dressed and then ventured into the main part of the house, finding it nearly empty as the kids had gone to school and daycare while Chris's sisters, brother-in-law and mom had gone to work. She found Chris and Scott in the living room reading.
"We were wondering when you were going to get up," Chris smiled at her.
"I was going to wake you up two hours ago, but he wouldn't let me," Scott told her.
"Mom thought you might like to go see some Boston sights before the game," Chris told her.
"I'd love to," Ellie nodded.
"Did you bring a heavier jacket than the one you wore yesterday?" Chris asked.
"It's my heaviest jacket that I had in LA," Ellie stated.
"That's what mom figured," Chris said. "She left a jacket out for you to wear today."
A couple hours later, Ellie found herself being guided around Boston with the Evans' brothers as her guide. She quickly caught on to the fact that their knowledge of history was a bit iffy and that she couldn't believe half of what came out of their mouths. Nevertheless, they kept her entertained as they led her through the Boston Commons.
When they came upon the finish line for the Boston Marathon on Boylston Street, they joined a few others that had come to pay their respects to those who had been killed and injured in the bombing earlier that year.
With a few hours to go before the gates opened at the ballpark, the brothers lead Ellie to the small coffee shop their aunt owned. Not wanting to cause a scene in the front of the store, they cut through the alley behind the shop and knocked on the backdoor. Their aunt must have been aware they were stopping by, because she greeted them with hugs and then motioned them up the back stairs to apartment she lived in.
Upon arriving into the small second floor apartment, they found a small tray of goodies and a thermos of coffee waiting for them. They each ate one of the treats before finding a place to lay down for a quick nap. Scott claimed the bed while Ellie took the sofa and Chris stretched out on the floor.
They slept for nearly an hour and a half before the alarm on Chris's phone went off. They took turns filling paper to go cups with the coffee their aunt had provided and then helped themselves to a couple treats before they said their goodbyes and thank yous.
Yawkey Way was already bustling with activity when they arrived at the ballpark and they joined the masses that had already gathered there. They got in line for some food and drinks then found a vacant space to eat while they listened to the live music and people watched.
After they finished eating, they followed the steady stream of people into the ballpark and made their way to their seats on one of the upper levels. Ellie kept her eyes open wide as she took in the sights, sounds and smells of the ballpark and the brothers ended up sandwiching her between them to keep her from getting lost in the crowd, Chris leading the way while Scott brought up the rear.
A Fenway Park guide lead them to the suite and Ellie was shocked when she realized it was the Owner's Suite. She plastered a smile on her face as she was introduced to more people than she knew she could remember the names of. Several of them asked how she'd become a Red Sox fan and she shared the short version. The fifth time it happened, Chris took pity on her and explained that it was her first time at Fenway Park and that she had been dying to go out and see the park.
He and Scott led her through the crowded suite and out to the outdoor seats. Ellie felt tears pool in the corners of her eyes as she looked out at Fenway Park. It was everything she imagined it would be and more. She could feel the history of the place and the nervous excitement that was building as the fans filed in.
As the game started, Chris, Ellie and Scott grabbed seats outside and settled in. It was a crisp 49 degrees Fahrenheit as the game got underway and they kept warm by clutching hot cups of coffee. The first two innings didn't give them much to celebrate, but the Red Sox scored three runs in the bottom of third and the ballpark was rocking.
The energy in the ballpark was sizzling just an inning later when the Sox scored three more runs to lead the Cardinals 6 to 0 going into the fifth. It wasn't until the seventh inning that St. Louis managed to get on the board.
Chris, Scott and Ellie sang along loudly with the rest of Fenway as "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" played over the loudspeakers during the seventh inning stretch. They sang again during the break in the eighth inning as all of Fenway broke into "Sweet Caroline."
As the ninth inning got underway, the Fenway Faithful were on their feet cheering their "Band of Bearded Brothers" on. The first two batters hit fly balls to left field, but both were caught. The Cardinals' final batter struck out swinging.
The crowd erupted as the final out was made and the game ended with the Red Sox winning the World Series; their third in nine years.
Chris, Ellie and Scott cheered along with them, tears running down their faces. Ellie gave Scott a big hug and then turned to give Chris a hug. He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up, so her feet were off the ground.
Ellie stared into the face of the man who had become one of her best friends and let her eyes linger on his lips for a moment before she flicked them up to his eyes.
Chris licked his lips and then leaned in, letting his lips brush hers gently. He started to pull away, but she pressed her lips back against his. He lowered her feet back to the ground, so she could support herself, and then he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue in between her lips.
Episode 11
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Want to find me off tumblr? I’m @beccatheycallme on twitter. I also post my stories on AO3.
My tag list is always open, just let me know if you’d like to be added!
27 notes · View notes
Perfectly Imperfect: Chapter 6
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With Tumblr holding my original writing blog @beccaheartschrisevans captive (aka flagged as explicit), I have made a secondary writing blog and may end up closing the other all together. In the meantime, I am reposting all of my stories on my new blog.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Wren Arnold (OFC)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: n/a
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
Perfectly Imperfect Masterlist | Chris & Wren Masterlist
Chapter 5
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Chapter 6
August through October 2020
After Wren left, Chris spent the first two days mad at her for the way she had forced him to tell her about Jessa. He'd already felt like a massive failure, but now that his best friend knew, he felt like even more of one.
Not to mention that he had been completely blindsided by her announcement. So much so that the full impact of her sudden departure didn't hit him until Sunday night when his brother showed up at the house with Addy, who'd spent the weekend with his mom. Wren being gone meant that he had no one to help him out with Addy for the next week or the weeks after that. He waited until after Addy was in bed to call his mom and see if she and/or his sisters could help him out at all.
The biggest adjustment to the schedule was that Addy started attending daycare every day. For the first two days, it was ok but by Wednesday the toddler started acting out. It started during dinner with his mom and siblings; Addy was fine one minute and then screaming and crying for Wren the next.
Chris did his best to console her, but nothing he did could change the fact that Wren had abandoned her. It took the better part of two hours to get Addy to fall asleep and then Chris had to leave her at his mom's house because he had an early call time the next morning. It broke his heart to leave his little girl there when she was so upset, but he didn't have a choice.
As the week progressed, Addy's temper tantrums got worse and began to remind Chris of the ones that they had experienced shortly after he and Addy had moved out of his mom's house. She would be perfectly fine one moment and then dissolve into a puddle of tears and flinging limbs. Each time, it took him hours to settle her down.
By Friday night, Chris's anger with Wren reached a boiling point. He was livid with her for the way that she had just waltzed out of their lives like it was no big deal, like they would be perfectly fine without her. Especially after she had all but forced him to tell her about Jessa not wanting Addy. That fact alone should have stopped her from leaving, but no, his former best friend had run out of their lives like her pants were on fire.
His mom's annual end of summer barbeque was that weekend and Chris hoped Wren would show up so he could have words with her, but unlike years previous, neither she nor her parents came. He tried to drink away the unease that settled in his chest over their absence, but it only proved to be his downfall. All the angry thoughts he'd had about Wren during the week forced themselves out of his mouth and he spewed them to anyone who would listen.
Chris woke up the next morning with a killer hangover and a sick feeling that had nothing to do with the amount of drinking he'd done the night before. He couldn't remember everything he had said, but he remembered enough to know it had been bad.
Scott was the one to draw the short straw, or so he claimed, and escorted Chris out of their mom's house with the promise of a greasy breakfast. It was over their choice hangover food at a local hole-in-the-wall dinner that Scott laid all the cards on the table.
"Wren did not abandon Addy," he stated. "She did not abandon you, either. She isn't Jessa, Chris. Besides, you knew from the very beginning of this whole arrangement that she was going to go back to work in the fall."
Chris didn't argue with him, because logically he knew that his brother was speaking the truth. It didn't, however, softened the blow that was Wren walking out of his and Addy's lives.
"Maybe you should talk to someone," his brother suggested. "What you went through with Jessa changed you, Chris. The past week shows that you're still holding onto a lot of anger towards her, but it came out towards Wren and not the person you're really mad at."
Chris took Scott's word to heart and arranged for a therapist to meet with him one day a week during his lunch break on set. The first session was the awkward get to know you type that left him feeling frustrated and ready to call it all off, but he stuck with it. Following the second and third appointments, he felt a little better after getting things off his chest. He found he was still angry with Jessa, but he didn't want to punch a wall every time he thought of her anymore.
As part of his healing process, Chris realize he had to change things for himself and Addy. His mom and sisters were making it work, but he hated the nights when Addy stayed with them and he hated that he hardly got to spend any time alone with her. Sure, they had their weekends, but they'd spent more of those weekends with her in front of the TV while he tried to tackle all the household chores that fell by the wayside during the week.
It was during one of their rare full weekends together that he finally had a chance to teach Addy how to ride a bicycle with training wheels. As he watched her pedal her heart out, the solution to his problem presented itself in the form of his next door neighbor, Miss Loretta. Addy was delighted to see the 60-something year-old woman and Chris vaguely recalled Wren mentioning the woman to him in one of their chats earlier in the summer.
Miss Loretta was a widowed woman whose four grandsons had been students of Wren's. She had retired shortly after her oldest grandson had been born and had spent the last several years playing nanny to her grandkids, but they were all in school now which left her lots of time for volunteering.
It took Chris a week after meeting Miss Loretta to offer her the job as Addy's nanny and his part time housekeeper. She accepted immediately and started the next week. The change in Addy was almost overnight after they'd gotten her back to the schedule she'd been on during the summer. She still attended daycare five days a week, but left either right before or right after lunch and took naps at home.
During the first week of October, Chris used a day off from filming to take Addy to see the therapist that was helping him work out his Jessa issues. Things had gotten better since Miss Loretta had taken over Addy's care, but Chris still wanted to make sure his little girl was ok. Having two women who she dearly loved walk out of her life within months of each other couldn't be good. Not that he had mentioned Wren to the therapist yet. That was a whole different situation, one that he himself wasn't entirely sure about.
Addy was hesitant, at first, when they arrived at the therapist's office, but once she saw all the toys there were to play with, she had all but run into the room. Chris sat in the room next door watching her interactions with the therapist through a one-way mirror. The session lasted only thirty minutes or so before the therapist came into where Chris was waiting and assured Chris that, at that time, Addy appeared to be a perfectly normal 3-year-old.
It wasn't until Chris's next session that the therapist brought up the topic that Addy had talked about most: Wren.
"Wren is or was, I don't know exactly what she is now, but we were best friends," Chris explained. "She helped me with Addy this summer, but took a job out of state in early August."
"And how did that make you feel?" the therapist asked. "Especially on the heels of Jessa leaving the two of you."
The question forced Chris to rehash what he had told the therapist during their first meeting, but this time, he had included the parts about Wren. The first time, he had sort of glossed over her, but he knew he couldn't this time. He found that once he started talking about Wren, he couldn't stop.
Even after his appointment ended, Wren stayed at the forefront of his mind. He was able to finish the work day and do what he needed with Addy, but after that, his mind became an instant replay of the moments in his and Wren's life together.
He remembered the first time he kissed her and the way his lips had tasted like her blue raspberry chapstick after the kiss. The fact that he remembered the flavor surprised him, especially since he couldn't remember recall what the perfumes that Jessa or any of his previous girlfriends had worn without walking past the scent.
From there, his mind traveled to his senior prom and the way that Wren had sought him out after his date had gotten back together with her ex. He had been ready to leave the prom, but she had talked him into staying and had even offered to be his date for the rest of the night since she'd come with a group of friends.
Then came the memories of the stupid antics they'd gotten into in their twenties. Like the time he'd visited her at school and snuck into the girls only dorm and then had nearly gotten discovered by the resident assistant. Or that New Year's Eve when they'd stayed up all night talking and hadn't gone to bed until the sun had come up on January 1st.
All that thinking led him to one conclusion: Wren had taken a piece of his heart with her when she'd left and, with every memory that flickered across his brain, the hole got a little bigger. It was in the wee hours of the morning that the truth of the situation punched him in the gut: he had lost his best friend and he had no one to blame but himself.
Chapter 7
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Want to find me off tumblr? I'm @beccatheycallme on twitter. I also post my stories on AO3.
My tag list is always open, just let me know if you'd like to be added!
17 notes · View notes
Perfectly Imperfect: Chapter 7
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With Tumblr holding my original writing blog @beccaheartschrisevans captive (aka flagged as explicit), I have made a secondary writing blog and may end up closing the other all together. In the meantime, I am reposting all of my stories on my new blog.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Wren Arnold (OFC)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: n/a
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
Perfectly Imperfect Masterlist | Chris & Wren Masterlist
Chapter 6
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Chapter 7
Thanksgiving 2020
The rest of October and most of November passed quickly for Chris and Addy and before they knew it, it was Thanksgiving Day. As per tradition, they arrived at his mom's house just in time for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade to begin.
Chris helped Addy put a cinnamon roll on a plate and then got her a sippy cup of milk before she joined her cousins in front of the TV. He quickly fixed his own plate and then took a seat next to his younger sister on the couch.
"I'm happy you guys are here this year," she said glancing at him with a smile.
"Me, too," he agreed.
He and Jessa had met when she'd been a wardrobe assistant on the first Avenger’s movie, but they hadn't really hit it off until they'd met again during the filming for Avengers: Age of Ultron. She had been dating someone at the time, but there had been something about her that had called to him. So, when she'd showed up to the Captain America: Civil War set single, he hadn't wasted a second before asking her out.
Considering they'd married within a year's time, things had developed pretty quickly for them and he had given up living on the East Coast when she'd taken a TV show job in Los Angeles. Said job had made it nearly impossible for them to travel from coast to coast for a short trip, especially with a toddler, so they'd spent the last three Thanksgivings out west, away from his family.
"Daddy! Look it's you!" Addy shouted excitedly, pointing at the Captain America on the TV.
"Inside voices, Addy," he chuckled as a Marvel float with most of the iconic characters on it crossed their screen. Glancing around the room and seeing his family members gathered together made it seem like the old days where the only thing missing was Wren and parents. "Mom, when are the Arnolds' getting here?"
Chris's eyes followed his mom's as she glanced at his brother and then followed his brother's eyes as they went to their older sister then back to their mom. Even his younger sister shifted awkwardly in her seat next to him. Clearly, they all knew something he didn't.
"The Arnolds' aren't coming today," his mom finally answered. "They went to spend the day with -" she glanced in kids’ direction and saw that they were looking at her. "- with their daughter."
Chris could feel his mom and siblings watching him as he processed to the news. He felt crushed. He'd spent the last two months working through the issues that had been a result of his relationship with Jessa, but also ones that, according to his therapist, stemmed back from when his parents divorced. Not to mention, the memories of Wren that had swirled around his head and made appearances in his therapy sessions. He had been looking forward getting a chance to talk to her and apologize to her for being the world's biggest asshole in her final days with him.
But clearly, those final days had caused more damage than he'd realized. It was clear to him now that Wren hated him and wanted nothing to do with him. Why else would she have changed her phone number? A fact he'd learned in late October when he'd tried to call her.
"I need coffee," he said, standing up. The kids had, thankfully, turned their attention back to the TV, but he didn't want to break down in front of them, especially not Addy. His little girl had the biggest heart and was prone to crying when she saw people around her crying.
Going into the kitchen, Chris poured himself a cup of coffee and then grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet and added a couple splashes to his coffee. He held onto the bottle a second longer than necessary, tempted to just drink it instead of his coffee, but shook off the thought. He screwed the lid back on and then headed for the stairs down to the basement, needing sometime alone to process everything.
At the start of the summer, Wren had been who she'd always been to him: his best friend in the whole world. Then she'd started helping with Addy and she'd quickly become the person he wanted to help him raise Addy. At the time, he hadn't picture anything more than a friendship with her, because that had been their role in each other’s life. But sometime during the summer, his feelings had gotten convoluted and even now, four months later, he still wasn't sure what his feelings for Wren were.
He loved her, obviously, but it wasn't like the love he had for his other friends. Not to mention that it was a totally different love than he'd had for his previous girlfriends, too. Just like the woman herself, his love for Wren was totally unique.
"I thought I'd find you down here," Scott said, coming down the stairs. "You ok?"
"She hates me, doesn't she?" Chris asked, staring down at his empty mug. He couldn't look at his brother's face for fear of what his expression would be.
"Wren? Hate you?" Scott let out a laugh so obnoxious Chris had to look up at him. "Hate is the last thing she feels about you."
"But you didn't see her face that day," Chris stated, not even having to close his eyes to see the broken expression that had been on Wren's face that last day. "And she didn't come today."
"You broke her heart, Chris," Scott said as he sat down on the couch. "She might have been mad at you, but the poor girl has been in love with your sorry ass since we were in high school."
"She's what?" Chris asked, dumbstruck. "No way. I would have known."
"You didn't," Scott said with a chuckle. "She and I got a little tipsy after her senior prom. I told her I was gay and she told me she was in love with you."
Chris shook his head in disbelief. He and Wren had been out of high school for twenty years and she hadn't said a word.
"It was never the time for her to tell you," Scott explained with a sigh. "I tried to get her to tell you before she left, but, well, you know what happened."
Chris nodded as guilt flooded his stomach. His therapist had theorized that his comments to Wren about never marrying again as well as his sudden need to get a vasectomy had been part of the subconscious changes in his feelings towards Wren. That theory, added to the knowledge that she'd been in love with him, explained why she had been so hurt and why she had fled so quickly.
"She's never coming back, is she?" he asked.
"I don't know," Scott replied. "But I think she deserves the chance to move on with her life if she can."
"Will you tell her I'm sorry about everything?" Chris asked.
"Chris, she cut us all out of her life," Scott said, slowly. "All we know is what her mom has told mom. Wren is settled and loves her new job."
The rest of the day was a blur for Chris as he tried to process all the information floating in his head. He wasn't sure if Scott's revelation was a help or a hindrance in the large scheme of things. If anything, it made his feelings for Wren even more confusing than they had been before.
Chris was still trying to process it all, a week later, when an unlisted number called him. In the past, he never would have answered a call from a restricted number, but knowing Wren was out there somewhere, he answered it quickly. To his dismay, it wasn't Wren, but to his complete and utter shock, it was Jessa.
"I'm sure you're wondering why I called you."
"A little," Chris lied through his teeth. After the way she had up and left the house after handing him the divorce and custody papers, including one in which she gave up her rights as Addy's mom, he had never expected to hear from her again.
"I'm engaged," she said, getting right to the point. "He just asked me tonight and I didn't want you to find out from someone else."
"You're engaged," he repeated in disbelief.
"I know it seems sudden," she said. "But I met him through a friend of a friend and he's amazing, Chris."
"Does he know you don't want kids?" he cut her off, his tone bitter.
"Yes," Jessa replied, quietly. "And he is of the same mind."
"And does he know about Addy?"
Nothing was said for a couple minutes as Chris let everything absorb. His ex-wife was engaged just shy of a year after asking him for a divorce that had blindsided him completely.
"How did we get here, Jessa?" he asked with a sigh. "I thought we were happy. I thought things were good."
"That's because you were happy, Chris," she said. "You had everything you'd ever wanted. A wife and a kid." Her voice cracked. "I tried, Chris. I tried really hard to be the wife you needed me to be and the mother to Addy that you wanted me to be, but I wasn't being true to myself."
"What do you mean?" Chris asked her. He vaguely recalled her saying that at the beginning of their conversation, a year ago, but he'd shut down when she'd told him she didn't want to be a mom. A part of him didn't want to have this conversation, but he knew that this was an important conversation that needed to happen.
"I never wanted to be a mom, Chris." She sighed. "Then I met you and every time a kid came to set or you spent time with your costars' kids, I knew you were meant to be a dad. I knew that the world wouldn't be right if Chris Evans never had babies of his own." She sniffed. "I told myself that you wanting kids would be enough and that I could be happy by making you happy.
"And I was happy, Chris. I swear to you, I was happy. I was thrilled when you proposed and we started planning the wedding. And yes, I was terrified when I found out I was pregnant just hours before my final dress fitting, but I knew how happy you would be when you found out. And my God, you were the happiest I've ever seen you that night.
"Then we had Adelaide and she was perfect and you were perfect. And I felt like I had lost myself. It sounds horrible, I know, but I wanted to be back at work, helping with costumes for the movie, but I was stuck in a rental house with a screaming baby. Then we went back to LA and it got better for a bit, but I didn't feel the pull to her like you did. Like you do.
"My friend recommended a therapist and I put off seeing her until the summer that Adelaide turned two. I wanted desperately for her to tell me that I would get over it and we could keep living the way we were, but the sessions made me realize that by putting your dreams in front of mind, I had stifled myself."
Silence fell between them again as Chris processed what she had told him. He felt guilty for never asking her if she wanted to have kids and guilty for not noticing that she was depressed. But he also knew, from many hours spent with his own therapist, that some of the blame was on her, too, for not speaking up and not telling him what was going on.
"Do you regret it all?" he asked her.
"Us being together? No. Chris, I fell in love with you hard and fast. We made a beautiful daughter and I know that one day, she and I will have to talk about my decision, but I hope that she will be able to understand in the end."
"Where did we go wrong?"
"Honestly, I think we got caught up in being in love and wanting to get married before we reached our late 30's. It didn't help that we were on a set with people constantly telling us how perfect we were for each other." She laughed. "God, you should have had Wren come down to visit. They would have taken one look at the two of you and wondered why you were even wasting your time with me when she was in your life."
"What do you mean?" Chris demanded. He took a deep breath and then said, "Sorry. It's just that Wren and I sort of had a falling out a few months back."
"Oh, Chris, I'm so sorry," Jessa replied, her voice sincere. "She was lovely and always nice to me whenever we were together. I suspected that -"
"That she was in love with me?" Chris cut in.
"Oh, I knew she was in love with you," Jessa stated. "But I trusted you enough that I knew you'd never cheat on me and she was so genuine that I never worried about the two of you being alone together. No, what I suspected was that you'd move back to Boston and settle down with her. What happened?"
The idea of talking to his ex-wife about his problems with Wren made Chris want to roll his eyes, but in the end, that was exactly what he did. It took nearly another hour, but everything that had been circling in his head with no sense of organization spilled out of his mouth as Jessa listened. She made a few comments and observations, but for the most part just remained quiet.
By the time, Chris hit the end button on his phone, the storm cloud of thoughts that had been roaming around his head had settled down. He had tried to talk everything through with his therapist, just the other day, but it hadn't worked as well as talking to Jessa had done. Neither had talking to his mom. But with Jessa's help, he had come to a realization that should have startled him, but it didn't.
He loved Lauren "Wren" Arnold, his best friend, and in a more than "just friends" way.
Knowing there was something else he had to do, Chris sent his agent a text, asking him to find the doctor in the USA with the most successful vasectomy reversals. Success being measured in the number of kids born after the reversal.
Chapter 8
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