souredfigs · 5 months
Do you guys want an idea of how fucking awful Joe Biden is ?
What do you guys think of George W Bush ?
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kineticpenguin · 2 years
Larry Correia's fans love it when he "fisks" articles, blog posts etc. ("Fisking" is Larry's term for picking apart a post and making fun of it). So, now that he's had his brain fully melted by grifters like Jack Posobiec and Dinesh D'Souza, maybe he deserves a taste of his own medicine.
There’s a red wave coming because normal voters are fed up with democrat bullshit. They suck at governing and they cater to their base, which is psychotic.
There's this weird notion that Republicans and centrist Democrats have that the Dems lose elections every time they're not basically Diet Republicans. That the party has gone too far to the left courting the lunatic fringe. This doesn't really hold up if the last election was any indication; centrist dems actually lost seats compared to more leftist candidates. What's actually happening here is that the Democrats over-promised and under-performed, as they've done for the last 40 years. They don't lose elections because they're not far enough to the right. They lose because they don't deliver.
But the GOP has a history of being lame, cowardly, corrupt squishes, so our government keeps sucking. 
How do we fix it?
Right-wingers keep doing this thing where they vote for people who promise to bring the government down from the inside like Samson, are shocked to find that this only makes the government suck more, and conclude that the only reason we don't have a capitalist utopia is because these rich assholes don't have the balls to give themselves and their cronies even more money. Since they've repeated this cycle for the last 40 years, they just keep getting angrier and angrier that it hasn't paid off.
This is my opinion, based upon working as an accountant/contractor for the most efficient part of our stupid government, which was still a fucking clown show when compared to the corporate world (or at least the non-woke corporate world)
Larry likes to lean heavily on his experience as an accountant regardless of whether it has anything to do with the subject at hand. Y'know how there wasn't any actual evidence of election fraud? He made a bunch of posts talking about vague "red flags" in the election because... something something, he likes doing audits. Did you know he used to be an accountant?
A well known, yet denied, truth is that most government employees are entrenched and don’t do shit. They’re utterly useless. Depending on the department you could fire a ton of them and all it would do is free up parking spaces.
Now, there are some government employees who work their asses off. Good. There are some government functions which are necessary. Great.
A great many don’t work, or the work they do is utterly pointless.
Y'know, you say that, and yet every time an office or department downsizes, it tends to go to shit and they wind up having to pay contractors. See also: literally every military branch trying to save a few bucks by reducing their aircraft maintenance personnel.
As any honest gov employee. They will admit this to you in private. If they say no, everything we do is vital and everyone here is vital, they’re a liar protecting their budget, or one of the useless ones. Most places, if there are 5 employees, 2 do 90% of the work.
Source: No shit, there I was. Trust me, bro.
Pournell’s Iron Law says that as it grows over time any bureaucracy’s purpose will change from its original mission, to a new mission of protecting and growing the bureaucracy.
So now our Department of Labor by itself is bigger than LBJ’s entire federal government. This stuff never shrinks. It only grows. It’s an endless leviathan.
That is a weird comparison for a few reasons. First, it's plainly false unless you take the DoD out of the equation. The military was rapidly expanding during LBJ's administration to deal with that whole "Vietnam" thing. The Department of Labor currently has around 17,450 employees. Under LBJ, the USMC alone hit its peak of over 300,000. But if you throw out everything but "civilians employed by the executive branch" when you say "entire federal government," you can consider yourself technically correct, as 2,900 is quite a bit smaller than 17,450. That's some creative accounting, though.
Now I get that Larry is talking to an audience of knee-jerk "government getting bigger = government getting more badder" types that probably have Thin Blue Line punisher skull decals next to their Molon Labe ones, and they will absolutely eat this shit up without question, but still. Nice little truisms ignore the fact that bureaucracies can expand and contract over time depending on improvements in efficiency and the demands placed on it. Check out the Air Force since 1955.
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Yeah yeah I know it's because the Democrats hate America and the GOP is too spineless to give us a strong military blah blah fuckin' blah. "Pournelle's Iron Law" still doesn't hold up. It's all a bunch of circular logic that nobody ever questions because It Is Known.
(And if you think military branches don't count as "bureaucracies" you have no business citing experience working with them.)
The leviathan needs to grow and protect itself against all threats, which is how you get super evil shit like the CIA and FBI meddling in US elections…
More circular logic with no basis in reality. The FBI is extremely conservative as an organization and treated both Clinton and Trump with kid gloves to avoid even the appearance of meddling in elections. The CIA waited until after Trump was President-elect to make up their minds whether the Russians were trying to help him or not. Before that it was "we know they're up to something, but we don't know what it is exactly."
Or constantly expanding its powers into new places, like the #MinistryOfTruth
If you're not familiar with Twitter, this is probably incomprehensible. There's a right-wing conspiracy theory that the Democrats are trying to take over social media under the guise of stopping misinformation. Right-wingers also have a complete victimhood mentality about their posts being moderated, believing that the people running those sites have it in for them. There is no evidence for this; every empirical study into Facebook and Twitter shows that right-wingers are typically allowed to post whatever the hell they like, with only the most egregious TOS violations resulting in suspensions, bans, etc. Anything that pisses off the old and middle-aged tends to drive up engagement and is thus good for the site's bottom line.
And that's when they're not just being cowards. Facebook deliberately lets Breitbart violate its policies just to keep people like you happy. But yeah, you're right, being given a time-out from shitposting is just like 1984.
This leviathan will find allies which help it expand in size and power. The more power/money you give it, the more it can bribe and co-opt other institutions. Academia, media, corporations, etc. 
Funny you should mention that, Larry. Most of the people you like to cite are propped up by billionaires like the Koch brothers and Peter Thiel. It's almost like the "leviathan" you should be worried out isn't the bureaucracy so much as the extremely wealthy guys with their arms up the ass of those puppets you live to listen to.
As the leviathan grows in power, it will become more malicious, spiteful, and controlling. Dissent is crushed. Freedom dies. 
@elonmusk  is currently a speed bump in this, which is why the control freak contingent is super pissed at him.
...Elon Musk tried to create his own "#ministryoftruth" called Pravduh, remember? You're talking about a guy who tried to get a kid's bot shut down for reporting on the movements of his private jet, which is publicly available information. He called a dude a pedophile for calling his stupid submarine idea stupid. He is not a free speech advocate. He's not remotely a "speed bump" for the censorious. He's just another stupid, rich asshole who wants to control the narrative.
The big question is, do the people own their government, or does the government own its people? If we are just assets of the gov, we can be spent freely, and bad assets get eliminated.
Look, either the government loves keeping useless people around, or it ruthlessly eliminates anyone not contributing to its goals. Make up your mind.
The leviathan is compelled to own EVERYTHING.
Again, I think you've misidentified your "leviathan."
Slowing the leviathan down isn’t enough. If you concentrate on stopping one part, others keep growing. Then when our bipolar country elects a new leader, those parts start growing again. Repeat forever. And it just keeps getting bigger. 
So we’ve got to shrink the whole thing
If the GOP had a brain/spine (lol) they’d slash the shit out of everything. They’d starve the beast. They usually don’t, because they are total chickenshits. They’ll pay lip service to this, do nothing, or feed their favorite parts. 
The DNC gleefully feeds the whole thing.
This is how you know you've given up describing anything besides a The Blob. You don't need to think about anything besides a malevolent Something that consumes everything, and then... then that'd be real bad. Also, the idea that the GOP hates spending is nonsense. They hate taxes. They LOVE spending. Especially if it's on the military. But only for tanks the Army doesn’t want, not cost-of-living raises for the troops.
Trump’s biggest weakness was he surrounded himself with people who loved government, and loved expanding government. Of course all of those fucked him at every opportunity. 
HAH! He surrounded himself with nuts like Steve Bannon and oil barons like Rex Tillerson. And his own children. The only people standing in his way were trying to stop him from fucking up. It's why nobody lasted long: they either got caught doing crimes for him, or realized that being anything other than a yes-man was getting them frozen out.
We need somebody who actively HATES the government to run it.
We need a Lucy who's going to HOLD the football! Christ, how do you dipshits keep falling for this?
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if I was President (ha!) I would only create a single new executive branch entity. The Department of Fuck Your Job Security.
The DoFYJS would consist of surly auditors, and their only job would be to go into other government agencies to figure out-
A. do you fuckers do anything worth a shit?
B. which of you fuckers actually get shit done? 
Then fire everyone else.
Someone's got fantasies of being Steve Jobs. (Supposedly, he'd ask random employees what they did for him. If they couldn't answer immediately to his satisfaction, he'd fire them on the spot. This was completely ineffective because most of the people they reported to actually used them and would immediately re-hire them.) Trying to do this only gets you surrounded by yes-men who know how to tell you what you want to hear. See also: Joseph Stalin.
Right now it is pretty much impossible to fire government employees. The process is asinine. It is so bad that the worst government employees, who nobody else can stand, don’t get fired. They get PROMOTED. It’s easier, and then its somebody else’s problem.
If you think that's bad, you should really be a Defund the Police guy. Federal desk jockeys have nothing on cops when it comes to being impossible to fire. And they generally make a lot more money!
But the DoFYJS don’t care. If your job is making tax payers fill out mandatory paperwork and then filing it somewhere nobody will ever read it? 
Fuck you. Gone. Clean out your desk.
That's not a government job so much as an Intuit and H&R Block job. It absolutely does not have to be this way and you don't need your fantasy Chekas to do it. All you have to do is reform how taxes work like a functional country. But that would go against the whole "taxes should hurt" concept, which conservatives love! Thanks, Reagan!
We need to get rid of entire agencies. Gone. WTF does the Department of Education improve? NOTHING. 
Gone. Fire them all. Sell the assets.
Ah, we're going the "everything was already figured out in the 1860s" route, I see.
Any agency that survives this purge, move it out of DC to an area more appropriate to its mission. Do we need a Dept of Agriculture? Okay. Go to Kansas.
This will also cause all the DC/NOVA power monger set to resign so I don’t have to waste time firing them
Yeah, let's gerrymander federal agencies and make it harder for them to coordinate with the president, there's no way that could backfire. Besides, I'm not sure you could bore an Iowan like Tom Vilsack away from the job by sending him to Kansas. And that guy tried to bore himself away from the job.
Oh, and right wing pet causes, you’re not safe. I worked for the Air Force. We all know that we could fire 1/3 of the GS employees tomorrow and the only noticeable difference would be more parking available on base.
The only reason the military has so many GS employees is that some penny-pinching genius already eliminated the positions normally held by enlisted personnel, only to find out later it actually needed the guys they RIF'd and had to hire them back on as more expensive WG, GS or contractors because otherwise readiness would be destroyed. The attempts at slimming down and privatizing military services has been a slow-motion catastrophe for awhile now. Don't build base housing, that's expensive. Oh wait, now we have to increase housing allowances to keep up with soaring rent, burglaries are driving everyone insane, off-base incidents go up, and gate traffic is a Lovecraftian nightmare. Oops.
The responsible thing to do would be stop over-missioning the military and reorient our strategies around less intervention, but that'd mean no longer being the World Police, and might get you assassinated by LockMart.
Cut everything. We never do, because somebody might cry. Too bad. They’re called budget cuts because they’re supposed to hurt. Not budget tickles. Fuck you. Cut.
Cute. Utter nonsense, but cute. Pain is a sign something is wrong. If your cuts actually hurt, you fucked up and are going to spend even more money fixing the damage later.
And yeah, we're at "Megamind arguing with Metroman" levels of tortured analogy here but this whole thing was stupid from the start.
Shutting off the money faucet will also destroy the unholy alliance between gov/media/academia/tech.
It absolutely will not. Media's gonna do whatever gets ad revenue, as they've always done. Academia's gonna do its own thing. By "tech" I assume you mean social media sites, since reducing manning will in no way stop the government from blowing billions on new toys. Oh, but we gotta keep the A-10 around. Right. Better order 2000 more replacement wings for 'em.
Anyway, you're still gonna see all the people with money trying to control everyone under them. They can absolutely do it without the government.
Right now there is a revolving door, government job, university job, corporate board, think tank, the same crowd who goes to the same parties and went to the same schools and all that other incestuous shit just take turns in the different chairs. 
Sell the fucking chairs.
See, that's the thing. Those people, the moment your auditors come after them, are either going to sue the shit out of your administration, or simply bring your auditors into the club. Hell, they probably wouldn't even be in a position to be one of those auditors if they weren't already in the club or club-adjacent. In any case, this is the part where your simpleminded strategy gets you so tied up in red tape and litigation that you look like the Michelin Man in a spider's web.
Every entity that gets tax money inevitably turns into a pig trough for these people. Cut it all off. All of these money faucets ALWAYS cause some kind of financial crisis later anyway.
Oh boy, you're really not gonna like how you could actually do that.
See the student loan crisis caused by the government, here is free money, oh college has become expensive and useless, so now we need more government to solve it. You dummies get to pay for it. Have some inflation.
Hey, you asked what the Department of Education is for? I mean, maybe you could use it to do something about that? Like, maybe end the giveaway to banks that the entire system is and fund higher education and trades through the government. But then, I dunno, that sounds kinda communist.
It’s all bullshit. 
Quit pretending any of this makes sense.
Oh, believe me, I'm not.
The only way the leviathan shrinks is we elect people who actively hate the government to the government, and then only let them stay there long enough to fuck the government without getting corrupted by it.
People who actively hate the government don't participate in government. It's simple as that. As long as you keep telling yourself that this is possible, you're going to keep electing liars who put on a big show about how government isn't the answer, cuts things you don't like, but ultimately contributes to the actual problems and makes us all worse off. They'll be sure to keep jingling keys in front of you about migrant caravans, and Dr. Seuss, and Mr. Potatohead, and how the green M&M isn't fuckable anymore, and critical race theory in schools. So you won't notice until they get replaced and you'll be mad that you've once again been fooled by your "spineless" candidate.
The instant you see the small government crusader you sent to DC going “Oh, well maybe an unholy alliance between the state and OmniGlobalMegaCorp to develop a mind control ray is a good thing” FIRE HIM.
That won't happen, because it means letting a Democrat take his place. You can see the opposite thing happening now with the Democrats and Sinema. Democrats are furious with her for not doing what she was elected to do, but the centrist refrain is, "and what, let one of those REPUBLICANS win? Then we'll lose the Senate!"
So there you have it. That’s my platform if you elect me president. Fire fucking everybody. And only give me one term. Thank you. 
Four years of President Lawsuit. Or at least until you get so sick of spinning your wheels, you get filmed smashing watermelons on the white house lawn with a tetsubo and your ticket-balancing veep invokes section 4 of the 25th amendment.
Oh wait… why did I just get these hot insider stock trading tips in my inbox from Blackrock? I guess a second term is cool.
See, that's the thing. You wouldn't even be a serious contender if you weren't already playing that game. Money is Speech, after all.
Seriously though, something has to break. We can’t afford the loss of money or more importantly, freedom. The government either has to start cutting off parasites and control freaks, or stuff is going to get way way worse. 
I dunno man. Try burning down a police precinct or something.
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darkarfs · 3 years
single moments from the Trump presidency that would have defined/ended any other politician’s career
- saying he could “buy Greenland” - suggesting it was a good idea to nuke hurricanes - saying there would be fewer forest fires if we just got rid of all the leaves - asking Trudeau if Canada had tried to burn down the White House - autographing pictures of shooting victims - when he kept talking about how they drop bowling balls on cars to test them in japan and no one could figure out where he could have even gotten the idea - when he suggested Seoul should just move away from the North Korean border - introducing West Virginia’s governor as ‘the largest, most beautiful man’ - when he tweeted SEE YOU IN COURT! right after an appeals court ruled against him. like. yeah man. they just did. - the time he didn't know how to close an umbrella so he just dropped it and walked away - fighting with the Vietnam vets over whether napalm or agent orange is used in the Ride of the Valkyries scene in Apocalypse Now and then when they insisted it was napalm, Trump said they disagreed with him because they didn't like the movie (The line is famously, literally “I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”) - using his position as the single most powerful person in the world to promote Goya canned beans - when he bragged about the crowd size at the hurricane shelter in coastal Texas (”what a turnout”) - signing Bibles. What. - thinking the F-22 is invisible to the naked eye - smiling and giving a thumbs up during a photo op with a baby orphaned by a mass shooting - putting a candy bar on a Minion’s head because he’s never interacted with a child before -  when he interpreted some stray comment about transparency in the process to mean his border wall should literally be transparent, so passersby are not beaned by bundles of drugs and cans being thrown over the wall - the time he talked about having to flush his massive dumps 10 times and then immediately tried to blame the dumps on his supporters - the fake Sharpee’d hurricane map, which he did solely to not appear wrong on television - suggesting that federal employees working unpaid during the gov shutdown should just “do a work around” at the grocery store if they can’t pay for groceries - the fucking eclipse thing - the fucking three-pointers with paper towels to Puerto Rican hurricane victims - when he told thousands of Boy Scouts a story about his rich friend's fuckboat and then complained about Hilary for the remainder of the speech - when the called the CEO of Lockheed Martin “Marilyn Lockheed” (her last name is Hewson) which was objectively funnier than “Tim Apple” - when he picked an argument with Baltic world leaders because he thought the Baltics were the Balkans - the first time his team had a meeting in the cabinet room they couldn’t figure out how to turn on the lights and ended up just having the meeting in the dark -  The time he said Andrew Jackson was "really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War, he said 'There's no reason for this.'" (Jackson died 16 years before the Civil War, and he owned 150 slaves.) - told a 7-year-old boy there was no Santa Claus on Christmas - the team of staffers whose only job was to tape back together documents he had torn up because he’s just THAT used to destroying evidence, because they couldn’t get him to stop ripping them up, but legally, the documents had to be archived - when he said the Continental Army took over the British airports during the Revolution - no sanctions on Russian soldiers killing American soldiers - “I take no responsibility for this pandemic.” - when touring the damage the Louisiana gulf coast after Hurricane Laura (just a few months ago!), he started giving first responders autographed pieces of paper, which he told them to sell on eBay for $10,000 - when he thought "clean coal" meant that the miners dug it out of the ground and physically cleaned it - the goddamn fast food catering - trying to trick the family of a teen killed by a US diplomat's wife who fled justice into meeting her, Ellen-style - pushing the Prime Minister of Montenegro out of the way to preen - that time he called into Fox & Friends and ranted for so long that they politely but firmly kicked him off - hiring an Obama impersonator solely to berate him - having a button installed on his desk that let him order Diet Coke on a whim. And sometimes using that button upwards of 13 times a day. - that time when a kid handed him a hat to sign, and he signed the hat, but instead of handing it back, he just threw it into the middle of the crowd - autographing the guestbook at the Holocaust memorial, with an added “had such a great time!” - when he zoned out and wondered where a woman's dead relatives were DIRECTLY after she had said her mother six brothers were killed. (Actual exchange: “They killed my mother, my six brothers...” “Where are they now?”) - sending 2,000 soldiers to the border to stop “the caravan,” having their pictures taken, and then recalling them all. - consoling a dead soldier’s family by saying “he knew what he was getting into.” - when he said no one could climb over the border wall because there would be no way down, and then belatedly remembered rope - when he congratulated the Great Lakes on their "record deepness" - calling Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas” at an event meant to honor Navajo code talkers  - “Shithole countries” - calling Baltimore “rat-infested” - tweeting “too bad!” right after Elijah Cummings’ house was broken into - calling the White House “a dump” a month into moving in, which led to first both him and Melania, and then just Melania by herself, staying in Trump Tower for almost 5 months, costing taxpayers around $100,000 a day - an entire quarter of his presidency spent on his own golf courses, costing taxpayers around $141,000,000, NOT counting the Secret Service detail (they were charged for rooms and golf carts, since these were Trump’s OWN golf courses) - using “Pocahontas” again to slur Elizabeth Warren while talking down to a Native American journalist - holding a rally in Pittsburgh and trying to woo the locals by ranting about how the statue of Joe Paterno, the accused pedophilia enabler who was coach of a rival sports team, should go back up - confusingly having bigger salt and pepper shakers than everyone else in his administration, because everything to him is a dick-measuring contest - when he said he would “run in and take care of” school shooters, to school shooting victims - appointing fucking DeVos, Miller, Pompeo, Mnuchin, Nunes - inciting a seditious white supremacist mob to make sure he’s president until he’s 85, resulting in 5 dead (for which I am constantly wondering...”really? FOR THIS GUY?”) - drafted a proposal to open 94% of previously protected American shorelines to offshore drilling - when he walked up the stairs to Air Force One with toilet paper stuck to his shoe -  at least 44 times in March, April and early May in which he downplayed the threat of the virus calling it “very well under control” again and again - when somebody asked him his favorite book and he pointed at a bookshelf and said “there are some over there” - meeting with the goddamn MyPillow guy to discuss overturning election results and declaring martial law - impeached twice, was golfing both times the vote went through - 70 pardons for known criminals (including Bannon), 70 sentences commuted, just to be a spiteful little toad - when he blathered on about how much he loved the queen, the totally hacked her off - when Hope Hicks steamed his pants as he was wearing them - getting mad-pissed at White House kitchen staff because they couldn’t recreate McDonald’s and it was too late to order  and I wonder how much I missed. I bet there’s a McSweeney’s article listing all of it.
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justsomeantifas · 7 years
Here’s your dose of “What the Fuck is Going On” News (2/3/2017 edition)
At least three of Trump's Cabinet officials will be receiving massive payouts from the companies they are leaving to join the government. Rex Tillerson (secretary of state) will get a compensation package of $180 million from Exxonmobil, Elaine Chao (transportation department) will get $1-$5 million dollars from Wells Fargo, and  Gary Cohn (National Economic Council chair) will get $285 million from Goldman Sachs. Many are critical of these payouts (called golden parachutes) citing that these payments from corporations are an attempt to win favor with new government regulators. (source)
Today Trump announced that he will be making it easier for bankers to... essentially con the American public. He signed a directive that will eventually lead to an overhaul of the Dodd-Frank Act, he then signed a second directive to repeal a Labor Department rule that requires “brokers to act in a client’s best interest, rather than seek the highest profits for themselves, when providing retirement advice.” (source)
Press secretary Sean Spicer falsely accused Iran of attacking a U.S. naval vessel. It was actually a Houthi rebel assault on Saudi frigate, not an Iranian attack on a US warship. The claim (or mistake) that Spicer made would have been considered an act of war if true. (source)
After only a week of claiming he would sign an executive order to instigate the "3-5 million illegal votes," Trump has backed down. A senior administration official told the press that the voter fraud (lie) is no longer a top priority for Trump and the executive order is not going to happen yet. He did state that it's not totally off the table but it's won't be happening any time soon. (source)
There was a lot of attention this past week about the White House statement for Holocaust Remembrance Day and how it made no mention of Jewish victims. Officials now report that the White House ignored a draft statement by the State Department Office of the Special Envoy on Holocaust Issues to make note of mentioning Jewish victims. The White House is claiming that they didn't see the statement from the Special Envoy’s office until after Trump's statement has already been released. Trump’s statement was praised by neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers, and hate sites for the omission. (source)
It was announced that Tuesday (2/7) the the House Science, Space and Technology Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing titled “Making the Environmental Protection Agency Great Again.” Note that the leader of the committee, Rep. Lamar Smith, is a climate change denier and regularly goes after scientists. The incoming head of the EPA, Scott Pruitt, will also be heading the hearing. Pruitt is well known for his animosity towards the EPA. There are fears as to what could happen to the EPA, with everything from dramatic cuts to complete abolishment. (source)
U.S. refugee resettlement offices may have to downsize because of Trump’s executive order. Trump’s order halts refugee resettlement entirely for 120 days and blocks Syrian refugees indefinitely, It also cuts refugee admissions for the 2017 fiscal year to 50,000 (the lowest it’s been in a decade). There will also be a pause in federal funding for refugee resettlement organizations which are nonprofit entities, meaning all federal funding goes purely toward implementing the work they do and paying the salaries of staff. (source)
In one of the biggest blow to Trump's flight ban, a federal just stopped the government from being able to enforce key part of the ban. Judge James Robart issued a temporary restraining order that forces the federal government to stop enforcing a ban on entries to the US from seven majority-Muslim countries, as well as nearly all refugees. The request Robart granted prohibits the government from doing anything to enforce the ban on entries from the seven countries — not only is it not allowed to deny people entry at airports or other ports, it’s also not allowed to deny them visas on the basis of the executive order. The ruling could hold for a couple weeks before the next hearing in the suit, but it is certainly disrupting Trump and his ban. However, many visa have already been revoked. (source)
An attorney for the U.S. government told a federal court on Friday that over 100,000 people had their visas revoked after the White House banned travel from the seven majority-Muslim countries involved in the travel ban. The State Department disputed the Justice Department's numbers, issuing a statement claiming the amount of revoked visas was actually fewer than 60,000. (source)
Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway cited the "Bowling Green Massacre" in an attempt to justify Trump's travel ban. Conway claimed that most people don't know about the incident because it didn't get a lot of coverage. The problem with her statement is that there is no such thing as the "Bowling Green Massacre" and it didn't get covered because it doesn't exist. (source)
The House voted 221-191 to approve a Congressional Review Act resolution against the Bureau of Land Management’s methane venting and flaring rule. If approved by the Senate and signed by President Trump, the rule would come off the books for good. Republicans and the oil industry say the rule would hinder energy production on federal lands by restricting drilling. (source)
States across the U.S. are devising bills to limit protests, at least 10 bills have been introduced the past few months. Many of these bills were even filed before Trump’s election in response to Black Lives Matter and oil-pipeline protests. They’ve gained fresh relevance amid global women’s marches and nationwide airport demonstrations over Trump’s immigration ban. (source)
The South Dakota Senate voted to repeal an anti-corruption law that voters passed as an initiative on Nov. 8, 2016. South Dakota voters approved the initiative last year with 52 percent support but Gov. Dennis Daugaard plans to sign the repeal bill as part of an emergency push by state Republicans to prevent the voter-approved ethics and campaign finance reform from going into effect. (source)
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isoscele · 7 years
from dream to whispered dream
Summary: Rose wants to destroy the patriarchy. Bismuth wants her passions to be recognized. Pearl wants to have a School Improvement Committee. Ruby and Sapphire want to play softball and watch each other play softball. Blue Pearl wants a nap. And Jasper just wants people to stop sending her pictures of dogs.
or, the first gem rebellion as told by the dumbass teenagers who started this whole mess.
Blue to Pearl
Blue: were you listening during calculus
Pearl: Yes.
Blue: did you happen to write anything down
Pearl: Why? So you could copy off of me?
Blue: ideally
Pearl: Fine. They’re in my bag.
Blue: ur the best!!!!!
Blue to Pearl
Blue: what tf is this
Blue: pearl
Blue: pearl what is this
Pearl: I write in shorthand now.
Pearl: Much quicker! : )
Blue: . . .
Blue: ur cruel
Bismuth to rocks with feelings
Bismuth: doggo!
Bismuth sent prince.jpg
Rose: give him pats from me!
Bismuth: already did!
Rose: tell him i love him
Bismuth: he loves you too!
Jasper: no godam way
Jasper has left rocks with feelings
Sapphire: she’s just jealous
Bismuth: i gave him pats from you 2 sapphire dont worry
Sapphire: . . .
Sapphire: good
Ruby to Joan of Arc deserved better
Ruby: Go Pearl!
Blue: go pearl!!!!
Ruby: Kick Their Butts!
Blue: all those butts!!!
Ruby: Debate The Heck Out Of Them!
Blue: just imagine you’re arguing against us
Blue: as in, don’t hold back
Blue: but don’t cry
Blue: wait do you get pity points if you cry
Ruby: There’s No Shame In Pity Points
Pearl to Joan of Arc Deserved Better
Pearl: Thank you for all your support!
Pearl: “Pity points” don’t exist in debate, I’m afraid.
Pearl: Also, I resent the idea that I can’t argue without crying.
Pearl: I have several trophies to back me up.
Blue: what activity doesn’t have pity points
Blue: my entire life has been upheld by pity points
Ruby: OK But Did You Break Into Song?
Pearl: No.
Pearl: Maybe.
Pearl: Only on the bus ride back.
Rose to rocks with feelings
Rose: i wanna overthrow the patriarchy
Bismuth: go to bed
Rose: ok
Ruby to Sqawwwwd
Ruby: Can I Play Softball With You Guys After School
Navy: of course! the more the merrier
Ruby: No
Doc: we need to have a Conference.
Ruby: OK.
Doc: she has been found consulting with the enemy
Navy: she deserves a second chance!
Ruby: Guys?
Ruby: You Didn’t Kick Me Out Of The Chat
Doc: the enemy, navy. the enemy
Ruby: I’m Still Here
Ruby: I’ll Just Go
Ruby has left Sqawwwwd
Leggy: wait whats happening?
Blue to Pearl
Blue: where were you during lunch?
Pearl: Talking to administration.
Blue: about?
Pearl: The water quality in the fountains.
Blue: ur really invested in this
Pearl: You could say that.
Pearl: Hydration is an important factor in energy and brainpower.
Pearl: What if someone gets sick?
Blue: no1 drinks from those things
Pearl: Yes, because it’s dirty.
Blue: howd it go?
Pearl: . . .
Pearl: Not great.
Blue: that sucks
Blue: want a hug?
Pearl: Yes, please.
Jasper to this was supposed to be a study chat
Jasper: no more dogs
Sapphire: leave the chat if you care so much
Bismuth: this is a democracy.
Rose: how about a fish?
Rose sent bubbles.jpg
Rose: look at its squish face!
Sapphire: The squishest
Jasper: you are all fucking useless
Bismuth: seriously feel free to leave at any time
Sapphire: yeah jasper
Bismuth: yeah jasper
Sapphire to Ruby
Sapphire: call me if you have the time
Pearl to pearl cant argue w/out singing
Pearl: I stopped by the Y earlier today.
Pearl: They have swordfighting lessons!
Blue: cool
Pearl: If I start working more weekdays, I can even afford a few of them. Oh, can you imagine it?
Ruby: I Can Imagine You Going All Inigo Montoya On Jasper’s Butt.
Pearl: Oh, yes. So can I.
Blue: do they have a sword rack
Blue: and a hairy guy saying “choose wisely. it is to become an extension of yourself”
Blue: or some crap like that
Pearl: I think it’s “bring your own weapon.”
Ruby: Do You Have A Weapon
Pearl: Well. No.
Blue: you r ur own weapon
Blue: follow ur dreams
Pearl: . . . Thank you, Blue.
Blue: no prob
Ruby: I Can Maybe Hook You Up
Blue: omg what
Blue: ruby has Sword Connections ™
Blue: they grow up so fast
Pearl: Really?
Ruby: Not A Done Deal.
Ruby: I’ll Check It Out.
Pearl: Thank you so much!
Blue: i need someone else to acknowledge that swordfighting has been dead for centuries
Blue has been blocked from pearl cant argue w/out singing
Blue to Pearl
Blue: rude
Blue: let me back in
Pearl: No.
Blue: at least send me a video of you stabbing someone
Pearl: Okay.
Blue: i’m proud of you
Blue: your picture shows up when you google carpe diem
Blue: legit
Pearl: Thank you. Sorry I’ve been snappish lately.
Pearl: I’m kind of stressed.
Blue: it’s cool
Blue: oh look i found the pic
Blue sent partypurl.jpg
Pearl: I was going to unblock you, but good luck with that now.
Pearl: I thought I told you to delete that!?!?
Ruby to Sapphire
Ruby: Yeah Just A Sec
Incoming Call: Ruby
*Hey, Sapphy. Everything okay?*
*Good. What do you want to talk about?*
*Nothing in particular. I just wanted to hear your voice.*
*Aww. That’s so sweet!*
*. . . How sweet?*
*Sweeter than the first day of summer vacation.*
*Sweeter than our official first date meal.*
*Cotton candy?*
*Yeah! That. Cotton candy ain’t got nuthin’ on you.*
*I can’t believe you remember that.*
*Heh, well. My memory may not be great, but I make exceptions for important stuff.*
*You’re making me melt.*
*Like what?*
*Like mint chocolate chip ice cream all down your arms two Sundays ago.*
*Ha! That was pretty messy, wasn’t it?*
*It was adorable.*
*. . . Sapphy?*
*I love you.*
*I love you, too.*
*I’m playing softball after school today. The team’s finally letting me back on.*
*Really? That’s great!*
*Yeah! I wish you could come, but the girls might not like it.*
*You’ll have to sustain me with pictures. Lots and lots of pictures.*
*Okay. I will.*
*Will you have the uniform and snapback again?*
*Lots and lots of pictures.*
*I have to go to English. Text me later?*
*I can’t wait.*
*Bye, Ruby.*
Blue to Swordfighting is a Respectable Art
Blue: thx for letting me in again
Blue: u know, the person who dragged u kicking and screaming into the technological era
Pearl: You’re welcome.
Blue: i was being sarcastic
Pearl: I know.
Blue: how goes the fight for water u can see through?
Pearl: Not well, but I refuse to give up.
Pearl: Do you think I should start a petition?
Blue: i’d sign
Ruby: Me Too
Pearl: Historically, petitions at this school haven’t worked very well.
Ruby: Get Teachers To Sign.
Pearl: Say, that’s not a bad idea! Not very many of our teachers seem to like me that much, but they surely feel the absence of clean water as much as we do.
Pearl: We should have a School Improvement Committee.
Blue: it would be a full-time job
Pearl: Filled with volunteers, obviously. Dedicated students, parents, and staff.
Pearl: Oh well, it’s just an idea.
Blue: u can try
Ruby: My Parent Would Join
Pearl: Ooh, yes! Could you perhaps speak to them about it?
Ruby: Sure
Blue: hey don’t u have softball
Ruby: Yeah. Sitting In The Bleachers
Ruby: The Girls Are Still Arguing About Whether Or Not I Can Play
Pearl: They told you that you could. They can’t go back on their word.
Ruby: I Don’t Know If They Remember.
Blue: that team is nothing w/out you
Blue: they should’ve begged u to come back
Pearl: That’s right! Get out on that pitch and show them what they were missing!
Ruby: OK
Ruby: Yeah
Ruby: Just Ran Around The Bases
Ruby: To Show How Fast I Am
Ruby: They Looked Impressed
Blue: knock em dead
Pearl: Good luck!
Rose to why is jasper still here
Rose: ughhhhhhh
Bismuth: you okay?
Rose: the entire student gov rejected my proposal to partner with ps-847 for the dance
Bismuth: that sucks
Bismuth: you knew it wouldn’t be a popular idea, right?
Rose: yeah
Rose: i thought at least one person would be neutral or smthing.
Rose: all violently opposed
Bismuth: the road to change is filled with potholes
Rose: who said that?
Bismuth: me
Sapphire: she’s right. it’s good that you’re doing something.
Rose: i occasionally want to bash pd’s face in
Bismuth: the road to change is also filled with bashing faces in
Jasper: finally a line of chat i agree with
Sapphire: @jasper have you just been . . . lurking there
Sapphire: also no bashing faces in
Jasper: jesus
Jasper has left why is jasper still here
Ruby to Sapphire
Ruby: I Forgot To Ask Earlier
Ruby: One Of Your Friends Is Into Forgery Right?
Sapphire: blacksmithing, yes.
Sapphire: forgery is like with art and money
Ruby: I Knew Something Was Off
Sapphire: her name is Bismuth
Sapphire: why?
Ruby: Can She Make Swords
Sapphire: she loves making swords
Sapphire: she owns so many of them
Ruby: OK Well I Have A Friend Who Needs A Sword
Ruby: For A Class She’s Taking
Sapphire: i’d have to talk to her about it, but it seems doable
Ruby: She Can’t Really Pay
Ruby: I Mean She’ll Probably Try To But
Ruby: She Goes To My School. That Probably Says Enough.
Sapphire: Bismuth’s worked in favors before
Sapphire: she’d do it again i think
Ruby: Pearl’s A Really Cool Person.
Ruby: She Knows So Much About Swords
Sapphire: theyll get along well then
Sapphire: i’ll talk to Bismuth and pass along her #
Ruby: Thank You So Much
Ruby: Oh Almost Forgot
Ruby sent pic_0412
Ruby sent pic_0413
Ruby sent pic_0414
Sapphire: ur so cute :)
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newagesispage · 3 years
                                                                  JUNE      2021
 The Rib Page
 Head out for the dates on the final tour of The Monkees that we still have left. Mike and Micky are saying bye bye, bye bye, bye bye.
Days of our Lives has been renewed for 2 more seasons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The last CONAN will be on TBS on June 24. We’ll be waiting to see ya on HBO MAX.
Condom sales are up 24%.** They are saying it is the start of slutty summer??**There are reports that STD’s are on the rise in certain counties.
Hemp Hemp Hurray!- Tommy Chong
An old species of a giant tortoise on the Galapagos was found. Tests match a tortoise not seen since 1906. Scientists are now looking for a mate for the female to revive the species.
Black-ish will end after season 8** Ellen is calling it quits and will end her show next year.** Thursdays will be Wolf night. With the addition of Law and Order: For the defense, NBC will have an entire L&O night! A friend said, “It’s almost as if the shows are made to lull the elderly to sleep.” I see it every day with the elderly: Law and Order on all day as they nap.
American Housewife and Rebel have been cancelled.
Bill Maher tested positive for Covid as did most of the Yankees. They were fully vaccinated.** Gov. Newsom was in the Kimmel audience talking about the lottery in California for those who were vaccinated.
Ewan McGregor was so WOW! as Halston!!
Illinois may be getting about 110 new pot shops.
Breeders got picked up for season 3.
The Piglet, Nick Lachey won the 5th season of The Masked Singer.
Can’t wait for Val, the doc about Val Kilmer.
John Dickerson will leave 60 minutes and concentrate more on the Morning shows. He has been promoted to chief political analyst and senior national correspondent.
In Texas there are more barriers to riding a motorcycle than wearing a gun. They seem to encourage people to have guns on them with no training and no license.
Why do we still have to hear anything about Meghan McCain? She tries to shame Kamala Harris for her “long weekend” comment as she is out gambling and partying for the Memorial day weekend. What does that have to do with honoring the fallen?
Bill Hader was given the Masters of Comedy award at the USC Comedy Fest.
Cellmate secrets is coming to Lifetime on June 4 with host, Angie Harmon.
JP Morgan Chase collected about 1.5 billion in overdraft fees in 2020.
Wes Anderson’s The French Dispatch will come out on October 22. The film stars Bill Murray, Elisabeth Moss, Frances McDormand, Timothee Chalomet, Owen Wilson, Angelica Huston, Jeffrey Wright, Saorse Ronan, Tilda Swinton and Benecio del Toro.
Billboard awards giving tribute to Pink as a “legend.” What? Nothing against Pink or any of the other people that are honored too young in the award shows but… really?? There are so many mature legends that get forgotten that deserve some love for their well lived talent. It seems way too obvious that they just want the promo of someone still quite popular for the ratings.
Did ya know that St. Chad’s church in Shropshire has the real tombstone of the fake Ebeneezer Scrooge?
Politics is war without bloodshed, war is politics with bloodshed. –Huey Newton** The Black Panthers had it right in so many ways. I would love to see buildings and programs again named in memory of the slain victims of police violence.
Kroger paid its CEO $22mil, but can’t find the $ to give its essential workers hazard pay during a pandemic? Disgusting! –Robert Reich
Ariana Grande married Dalton Gomez.
25% of Americans think Trump is really President, 25% of Germans supported Hitler.
People in this country have to be told not to put gasoline in baggies? India is begging for more vaccines and many in this country have to be bribed to get a shot to help themselves and their fellow man??  I love U America but there are some really selfish, stupid people here.** But, we also must remember that the poor may be a little fearful of the vaccine. Many cannot believe that they can get something for nothing. Free vaccine? Many hard working poor never get a break and have to wonder what the catch is.
Days alert: Xander gets better and better. Thank you writers for his lines like when he spoke of birds of a feather as he was in an intimate moment, “Why not flock?”** Ken Corday said he was “on my knees, begging” for Days renewal. Jackee’ Harry (Paulina) and Robert Scott Johnson (Ben) have signed new contracts. Shatner congratulated them on Twitter.** Gwen and Xander both living in the old Horton house? Will he find out her secret?  Oh my.. not them together??** EJ is on his way back and will be played by Dan Feuerrlegel on June 9.** Eric is on the way back. It looks like Jonny Dimera is all grown up and will join his sister. ** Word is that Paulina will live at 227. Chloe and Philip may get together yet.** Will a dead body wash up in Salem??
So $10 billion for a Jeff Bezos space firm bailout?? Is that true??
From 1980-1993, the Israeli government prohibited artists from using the colors of the Palestinian flag in their work.
Chevron got into trouble for their pollution problems. Steven Donziger who helped take them down has been on house arrest for 2 years. Why? He is begging to be prosecuted.
I am really routing for Naomi Osaka. Nobody should be forced to respond to ridiculous questions from reporters. I get that it is part of their job but if one is willing to pay the fine, who cares??  I can’t imagine being exhausted and putting up with the nonsense. It reminds me of running up to victims of a tragedy and getting in their face. We can communicate by social media now. I am all about writers but use your heads. Much like Marshawn Lynch, it is time to stand up!! Protect your mental health!!** Well, this updated just before June. Officials warned her that she would be expelled so she left the French open. She was honest about her anxiety. I see this every day. When will people be allowed to truly be themselves with no penalty?? I think this when I see a restaurant worker forced to wear a humiliating costume or a cashier with a giant name tag with ridiculous advertising slogans. Yes, a company or event is paying you so they should have their promotion but put yourself in their shoes. These are all varying degrees of the same problem. Why must we be pushed into the same lane all the time??
It costs about 2 mil to remove 4 statues due to litigation and safety for the removers.
Hooray for the Texas Dems who walked out to block the outrageous voting bill there. I mean, amongst other things, the GOP want to make it EASIER for a judge to throw out votes based on ALLEGATIONS. They say the removal of hours for Sunday voting was just a “mistake.” There is talk of not paying the Dems but I don’t think they can do that. The GOP claims there are hundreds of incidents of voter fraud and they will prove it when the time is right. Um…..
Bruce Dern, Olivia Munn and Keith David will star in The Gateway.
The complete story of the Gettysburg address is in post- production. Look for voice work from David Strathairn, Cary Elwes, Sam Elliott, Michael C. Hall, Dermot Mulroney, Keith David, Matthew Broderick, Lili Taylor, Victor Garber, Ed Asner, Jason Alexander and Lois Smith.
Was anyone surprised when the Son of Sam doc on Netflix wound around to Manson? I guess it depends on the books that you have read.
Oh Andrew Yang, I have become so disillusioned with you.
A Colorado man charged with murdering his wife submitted her absentee ballot in the 2020 election. He thought, “other guys” were cheating so he would give Trump another vote. –Reid Wilson
The commonwealth of Kentucky has never elected a black person to federal office. –Charles Booker
Have ya seen Woke with LaMorne Morris and J.B. Smoove?
M. Night Shyamalan is back with Old.
The Friends had their reunion.** China cut about 6 minutes out of the broadcast.
Matthew Modine is running for SAG President again with his running mate, Joely Fisher.
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. –Blaise Pascal Pensees** Are you sick of hearing about the angry white men on shooting rampages. It is alarming how we always hear about how everyone knew of their anger or that they had been looked at before and just left to go on their merry way. C’mon law enforcement, stop picking on minorities and old women and concentrate on the real threat.
Brendan Fraser, Matt Damon, Jon Hamm, David Harbour, Benecio del Toro, Ray Liotta, Don Cheadle and Kieran Culkin will star in No Sudden Move on July 1.
Can’t wait for the release of the 3 LP vinyl collection, Jonathon Winters: Unearthed. Look for it on Record Store Day, June 12.
Concerning Marjorie Taylor Greene’s abuse:  “I used to work as a bartender. These are the kinds of people that I threw out of bars all the time.” : AOC** In answer to MTG’s Jewish star comparison, some have started wearing “not vaccinated” stars. What the fuck is wrong with people?
Could Drew Barrymore and Dylan Farrow be related? They look so much alike.
Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden got together with their wives and talked of old times. Much was made of the photo of that meeting that was released. The Biden’s looked like giants.
Word is that Arizona congressman Andy Biggs was one of the main organizers of the insurrection. GOP Rep from Oregon, Mike Nearman, was caught on camera letting the culprits into the capitol on Jan. 6. TREASON! When will the wheels of justice get to them?** Newt Gingrich said of the Biden administration: They are “attacking people of traditional values,” by flying the “gay flag at American embassies.”** When will this latest religious fervor die down?** Word is that Tiffany Trump and Vanessa Trump had flings with secret service.
Fuck you Trump, you left us on the battlefield bloody and alone. –Proud Boys leader Ethan Nordean. He explained that “We followed this guy’s lead and never questioned it.”  I mean what kind of sheep are these guys? Can they not think for themselves?** There is talk that Trump’s justice department was spying on reporters. ** Hey Kimmel: Can you stop talking about Trump? Enough already!! And.. Reality is boring? What?
On Trump: I imagine it is a chilling final turn of the plot. His world is coming to an end. He will never have another good day. Loser label will haunt him, the law will pursue him. Mental illness will hobble him. His properties will bankrupt him. –Peter Marks
So, the terrorist GOP in the senate does not want Jan. 6 investigated. Of course they do not want to shine a light on their wrong doings. They say they love law enforcement and then they shit on them like this. The very people that were killed or injured trying to protect them mean nothing to them. ** Mitch McConnell thinks he can stop the full truth from coming out. He cannot. The House can empower a bipartisan select congressional committee to investigate the insurrection. The select committee would also have stronger subpoena power because GOP members can’t block subpoenas.
Rand Paul is to medicine what Flashdance is to welding. – Rob Reiner
“We birthed a nation from nothing, I mean, there was nothing here. I mean, yes, we have Native Americans but candidly there isn’t much Native American culture. It was born of the people who came here, pursuing religious liberty.” –Rick Santorum** CNN has dropped him as a political contributor.** Only a fuckboy scumbag could be this clueless and wrong. –Michael Ealy
The latest sexual misconduct news: Danny Masterson will stand trial on 3 rape charges.** Bill Cosby was denied parole.
Trump is ignored and irrelevant on pretty much every major social media venue. –Mia Farrow
The George Floyd family came to the White House on the 1 year anniversary of his death.
The Kennedy Center honors have been given and will air on June 6 on CBS. This year we honor Dick Van Dyke, Joan Baez, Midori, Garth Brooks and Debbie Allen.
Since 2000, the wealth of billionaires has increased by 238%. – Robert Reich
The moon, in its orbit is spiraling away from Earth by about the width of 2 fingers every year. –Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why is everybody surprised about the UFO revelations? Of course there are UFO’s. Nobody is saying they are filled with space aliens. Another country could be testing them. There are always things we cannot explain.** We also can’t be surprised that the Q types fight the UFO stories. Once scientific voices of reason come into play, they turn away.
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has announced their class: The early influence awards go to Kraftwerk, Charley Patton and Gil Scott- Heron. Music excellence goes to LL Cool J, Billy Preston and Randy Rhoads. The Ahmet Ertegun award goes to Clarence Avant. The Performers honored will be Tina Turner, Carole King, The Go-Go’s, Jay-Z, Foo Fighters and Todd Rundgren. The 36th annual show will take place on October 30th.
We are all just rapidly decaying meat bags. – Mr. Griffin on AP Bio
Scientists have developed the whitest white: Ba so4
John Mulaney is back on stage with the stand up.
Killers of the flower moon is finally being filmed. The Scorsese film stars Leo, DeNiro, Jesse Plemons and Lily Gladstone.
2 out of every 3 people in the U.S. get their drinking water from rivers. Support American Rivers.org
House Dems passed the pregnant workers fairness act. Employers with more than 15 employees and public sector employees must make reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers
HBO has shown a first look at House of the Dragon, the prequel to Game of Thrones.
Bridgerton is spinning off Queen Charlotte.
Purple lipstick is a really hot item.
Peoria and Scranton are the hub of getting an extra family. JB Smoove
Yamiche Alcindor is the new moderator of Washington Week. I miss Robert Costa but if they had to move on, I had fingers crossed for Weijia Jang or Yamiche.** Costa went on Twitter for the first time since 2020 to congratulate her. I can’t wait for his book with Woodward!!!!!!!
The firing squad is back in South Carolina.
So, there is a worker shortage?? Perhaps if we made it easier to get hired, things would work better. Can owners and managers actually look at a person and go with their gut? Can we get rid of drug tests and long online applications and psych exams? The $ spent on administrative work for hiring is ruining this country. A normal person has to jump thru hoops just to wash dishes anymore. We are not ll cookie cutter people. Often there are no rewards for loyal employees, not to mention benefits. And the laziness of employers who will then not do anything about bad employees that disrupt the work place is astounding. C’mon, give people a chance and then hold them to account and reward the hard workers. Most everyone I know has these same complaints. Who wants to go thru that?
Medina Spirit failed a drug test after the Kentucky Derby.** You know who doesn’t care about who wins the Kentucky Derby? The horses. It’s time to ban horse racing. -Larry Charles
I’ve had a wonderful time, but tonight wasn’t it. –Groucho Marx
If you don’t need a mask because God will protect you, why do you need a gun?- anonymous
How shady is the GOP when it comes to these recounts to support the big lie? Taxpayer $ is being used for this and now there will have to be new voting machines. Since the auditors have mishandled the machines and insisted on passwords, Maricopa County will have to start over!! Can we keep reminding the public that this is costing us all a lot of $???** Even the majority of republicans say that the audits are keeping the base energized for the next election so mission accomplished
Tulsa survivors spoke in front of congress as a reparations bill was introduced.
Men who think they can decide for the women who carry the consequences of their ejaculations that life begins at conception, need to put their $ where their misogynist, hypocritical mouths are with laws that require instantaneous and permanent child support or shut the fuck up. –Bradley Whitford
It is estimated that there are about 50 billion birds on the planet.
Maggie Q, Samuel L. Jackson and Michael Keaton are bringing us The Protégé.
There has been a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas after 10 days of fighting. Well done on the Middle East, Jared!!
Andrea Mitchell, a hard ass working journalist seems to be slowing down.
Legos has added some LGBTQ characters.
Can we put Finn Wittrock and Leo in a film together?
Check out the Traveling Diary Tour.
Jamie Foxx has some mega product placement in the new, Dad stop embarrassing me!
Brooklyn 99 will air 2 episodes a week in this final season.
Three Doctors who treated Navalny are missing.
Laverne Cox will be the new host of E!’s red carpet coverage. Giuliana Rancic has left.
Look for the book Bull Twit … and whatnot from George Wallace.
R.I.P. Vernon Jordon, Ed Ward, Tawny Kitaen, Olympia Dukakis, Bo, the Obama’s dog, the latest mass shooting and stabbing victims, Roger Hawkins, Paul Mooney, Shock 6, Eric Carle, Charles Grodin, Diamond Girl Taylor, John Davis, Kevin Clark , Jim Clendenen, B.J. Thomas, Buddy Van Horn and Norman Lloyd.
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