#AND i usually have my hair half up in these pics and have dangly earrings but i cropped my face out
saltedsolenoid · 2 years
SYDNEY FASHION TASTE TIME... I tend to wear a lot of sweaters and long skirts, mostly because I do Not like showing skin + also I'm super cold all the time. I also like jewelry but I don't usually wear much at the same time tbh
I've been working on taking more pictures of myself tho, so I can actually post some of those !
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dreamterlude · 5 years
headcanons for your skater au?? also highkey relate to keeping hands in bags where else u gonna put the ones who steal 😩😩
See, someone who supports Neil!! Anyways, this took days to reply, but here’s some insight into this au:
First of all I think it’s time I said what each fox is majoring in/what kind of job they have so!
Both twins work at Eden’s, Aaron is studying medicine (of course) while Andrew is doing an art course
Matt works at a mechanics and he studies engineering at night
Dan works at a café some days and she studies marine biology
Kevin is studying history and he doesn’t work
Neil studies maths and some languages on his free time! also Matt got him a job at the mechanics as an assistant
Nicky works at a clothes store (and sometimes he babysits) and is studying marketing
Seth is a part-time DJ and studies audiovisuals
Renee is an english lit major and she works at a flower shop
Allison is a law major and she doesn’t work because Money (but she does volunteering with Renee uwu)
Now, actual insight on their group dynamics, what they do, sutff like that owo
The gang has movie nights and they build blanket forts, usually at the Matt/Dan/Neil flat (yeah they live together!!), they take turns choosing the movie and everyone hates Kevin’s picks
Seth takes videos of the foxes at the skate park and makes edits of the cool tricks they manage to do (almost nothing at first, but they do get better)
Andrew is The Art Guy, he paints over skateboards (Neil’s, Renee’s) and he also paints over the foxes’ bedroom doors, something that’s close to each of them (like Ireland’s flag on Kevin’s)
They also have sleepovers at Matt’s trunk and it’s not big enough because it’s only a trunk and it’s 10 of them so what they do is: they take some mattresses and put them next to the truck so that the ones that dont fit in it don’t have to sleep in the grond lmao 
They also have impromptu roadtrips if they can, half of them in the truck, half of them going by skate. They go to the beach maybe, spend th enight there under the stars, make a bonfire and gossip
In one of those roadtrips Dan teaches Kevin how to swim
Renee is a sweetheart and usually makes small bouquets of flower pouches for the gang
(Andrew hangs his by the window and smells them every morning)
(Allison puts them in a flower crown and Renee kisses her)
Aaron, med student, is the supreme mom friend, always worried about his family’s health, he’s the one to go when you’re sick (probably carries stuff like ibuprophen on his backpack. Seth and Matt call him ibubrophen)
Seth goes full musical prodigy and makes playlists for each of the foxes as a gift to show how much he cares about them
Renee is that bitch that dances in her board while skating down the street. The sheer power she has
Allison has a snake tattooed on her thigh and “I love my trans body” on her left hip
Renee has flowers on the inside of her arms!!
Andrew has a septum and he also wears a dangly earring that’s a bee
Nicky dyes his hair obnoxious colors to cope but also to match his boards
Seth is very into skincare and often sends videos of him doing putting on facemasks to the foxes gc
(They give him shit for it but tbh his skin looks good as fuck so they also ask for advice)
They organize graffiti races around the neighbourhood in which the one to draw more in a period of 3 hours wins (these are held from 12pm to 3am, usually on Saturdays)
(Usually, Andrew wins)
They celebrate the gangs anniversary by spending the night at the twins’. Erik bakes them a cake, they each get a plate of it and throw it at each other’s faces. They’re stupid and they’re a family
They have karaoke nights and they end up drunk and sing creaming All Star and/or Sk8r Boi
There’s a non spoken rule that if someone texts or says “everytime” another person must reply with the lyrics from Cascada’s song
(This is based on another ask but) they do in fact own shirts that say skate or die and each of them has customized it a bit to their own liking!!
They used to be the joke gang at the skate park but now they’re kind of respected
They get in fights with the Ravens, their rival gang and shit gets nasty. They usually end with bloody knuckles, broken noses, spray paint in their clothes and legs sore from running away at the sound of police sirens
Andrew and Neil have been pining for exactly 3 years and 11 months but they’re fucking stupid and also best friends so shit’s wack (they have moments of intimacy that they both think shouldn’t be allowed, but how could they say no to them)
Seth and Kevin are a thing that eventually happens and it’s way more tender than the rest of the foxes ever thought it possible
Matt and Dan go on cute dates like going to a park and having a picnic there, taking pics of each other and cuddling watching vines
Allison and Renee have the absolute power. They go to fancy restaurants and order a lot of food (thanks Allison’s parents) which they then proceed to carry in take-away boxes to homeless people. Then they go to their flat and eat pizza from the grocery store and watch trashy rom-coms
Aaron definitely had a Tiktok phase but we dont talk about that
(Seth talks about it. Constantly)
Gonna cut it there because this is too long already, hope you enjoyed these uwu
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