#AND my body decided to do its stupid monthly bleeding ritual which times out so that my heaviest day is the same day
life-b4-death · 1 year
I think I'm gonna start my villain arc soon
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The Metaphysical Importance of Monthly Periods (based on my own experiences)
Sub-context: I have been testing this metaphysical idea since December 2019 and so far I have some interesting and liberating results. Also I have no idea if anyone else in the spiritual and metaphysical community has already posted something like this so I am putting this long-@ss post here, to support other ladies who are still hating on having to bleed at least once or twice a year and feels like it makes absolutely no sense.
Some months ago, a healer told me I hated having periods. And I felt a bit touchy about it because I just finished my week-long bleeding and I saw nothing fun about the entire process: feeling pain in almost every part of my body, bleeding like crazy, everything that I start feeling just seems 100% more intense, painful zits keep popping up, and being an emotional wreck for no logical reason just tops the cake. So yeah, in a way, I do hate having periods. It’s like getting a dementor visit every month at the very least.
And yet after bleeding for about 21 years now (yeah sure go ahead and try computing how old I am in years, I am not even minding that lol) only a few periods ago did I just got an epiphany on how important it is to enjoy the entire process of having periods, and even coming out more alive in the process. It kinda sucks that I got the information a tad too late but if this helps more ladies who are still struggling on that aspect, I hope this helps you, or at the very least eases some discomfort of some sort.
No I am not just talking about the easing of the cramps and the tenderness of the entire body as it releases a lot of blood and linings. Well, not just that but more on the spiritual side of periods. If you have been following this blog, you’ll probably see that most of my posts are about energetic releases, shadow work, healing the self, etc. and most of these processes are around the same time as the full moon. You’ll see that my posts on full moons are mostly focusing on releasing things that no longer serve, since it is more beneficial to the body and soul to let go of so much excess baggage.
Energetically, full moons can either be a time to supplement aka manifest or to release, depending on how a person resonates with the full moon energy. For the longest time since I started my awakening journey, I have always associated the full moon with release as well as clearing, and the new moon for manifesting things. But during the Gemini full moon of 2019, I randomly did something that I have not done ever, and that is to tune in to my emotions during my period. Maybe it was intuitive, maybe I just got bored with the pain, or I was just desperately trying to forget this guy I got infatuated with because the connection just got cut and I felt nothing yet I feel guilty at the same time. So instead of focusing on the physical pain and the weird scenarios my brain just started feeding my thoughts, I started asking my body what it wants me to know. And I just got intuitive nudges to start clearing my womb.
Yeah, right, like it wasn’t doing it already. A whole lot of blood loss isn’t enough?
Well, I have been using binaural beats to heal parts of my body for a time longer than I have been awake, so yeah sure why not, I told myself. So I did, I found a womb-clearing meditation on YT, which was originally meant to heal the symptoms of PCOS but honestly I just listened to it to reduce the pelvic pain and cramps. I believed it to be so, and I felt a lot better after listening. I even get to sleep soundly that night, which is a rarity whenever I get periods because I get some form of insomnia or shallow sleeping.
But come morning and MORE PAIN CAME BACK. It just hurt so much more than it did the previous day. And what’s more is that I just started to release more and more uhm, linings and membranes, and that just hurt so much I actually wanted to die. I was off any form of medication so I wasn’t taking any painkiller, and not even my red tea was consumed. I was just drinking a lot of charged water and that’s about it. What’s even more scary is that my empath mode was more amped up than usual and I kept getting too much stuff, it was just too much, like a hellish emotional rollercoaster ride. There was just no way to escape it.
And I started to tell my body to get rid of all the stuff that has been anchoring in my energies and causing me so much pain. I also did a lot of cord-cutting (good-bye, crush-sempai lol) and cord-cut everything and anything that started to trigger my anger and sadness and all the low-vibrational stuff. I cord-cut the people who deliberately hurt me, the people who unknowingly hurt me, and the stupid things I did that hurt me. Just all of the painful stuff. I asked my body to just flush those things out of my body because I have too much stuff to worry about. By the time the full moon came I was already physically exhausted and I was so tired I actually did the actual spell-casting release ritual two days after.
This process of releasing a whole truckload of spiritual and energetic gunk was quite draining, but after doing the full-moon release as well as listening to the track to help with the pelvic pain and cramps, by the last day of my period I actually felt a lot better, and even more amazing is that aside from the cramps finally disappearing even if I was still releasing some blood, some of the emotional triggers disappeared along with it. By the time Christmas time came, during the Capricorn new moon I was still feeling the effects of the womb clearing. I was a bit more resilient with the emotional triggers, despite the fact that I was still being my empathic self. It was like the emotions don’t cut so deep anymore, and if I intend to release and cord-cut, it actually does its job. I was actually feeling the positive effects of cord-cutting, finally. It didn’t use to be that effective before, but a lot of the negative emotional anchors were like, 50% less effective and therefore it was a lot more noticeable when my energies were returned to me. This felt so new to me, and it made me quite happy, but still a bit doubtful.
I thought this feeling of release was a fluke so I tried this method again when I got my period on January 2020. I started setting the intention of releasing a lot of the emotional and energetic garbage and hoping that by the time my period ends I would feel a whole lot better. I also listened to the womb-clearing track again, daily, and again, my pelvic area started getting more painful cramps, again. But that time, the cramps stopped by the middle of the period, so even if I was still doing some form of energetic and emotional release, I could feel a weird sense of clarity. The even weirder thing is that I started to remember stuff that I probably stuffed somewhere in my subconscious. They were mostly the painful garbage and beliefs. I decide there and then to purge them out of my system while I was still bleeding the heck out. Once more, my body started to move out a lot of the linings and membranes and boy oh boy the pain just won’t stop. But I still did my best to release as much as I could, just solely relying on what triggers come up. I was also having anxiety because I have to meet some old friends from highschool and to be honest I was not in my best shape, mentally and physically. I just did my best to purge whatever has been bugging me, just to assert my power. I had no idea what would happen next, and I did not expect to feel something different.
Normally whenever I felt like being in a state of limbo and not knowing what I should be doing it just keeps me in a depressed state. But after my period finished, I started trusting the universe, a little more than usual. I was also feeling a sense of empowerment, I just went with the flow and started listening to affirmations, subliminals, the whole works. I started manifesting free online webinars which seem to support my intent of healing and improvement. The emotional triggers also started to loosen up and I was able to take back a lot of my time spent in ruminating in anger and envy. 
I felt so much freer than I was before the limiting programmings started.
I was so happy with the results, but again, I told myself that I need a third time of doing this in order to be empirical and be statistically sound. Also to remove the emotional highs and attachments of the results I got. 
Come February, a month later, my period didn’t come as scheduled. I thought it was that time of the year that I skip a month, so I just let go and enjoyed the extra time of not worrying about bleeding. I also started to consciously release emotional triggers, heal energetically, listen to more subliminal tracks, and I felt like I was really, really reaching a huge breakthrough. But then the Mercury retrograde came and I became a huge emotional wreck again. I started crying more than usual, and the triggers just kept getting stronger by the hour. It was like hell on earth 3.0 and everything just keeps crashing on top of the other. The more annoying thing was that all of the stuff that I thought I already dealt with came popping up again. The emotional triggers were super-strong and I just spent each night crying and crying. It was hell-hole everyday and I could just feel the need to end it all come closer and closer. But I forgot to do stuff and I got another intuitive nudge again.
I almost forgot to release all of the garbage that needed to go, so when I remembered to energetically cord-cut myself from all of the stuff that needed to be let go of, I just kept doing it. I also started to clear my room on a regular basis, aside from clearing my own energetic field. I enhanced the energetic seals in my room so that I would stop absorbing low-vibrational energies, and I guess it was 50% effective, which was a lot better than nothing. It just helped my clearing sessions because then I stopped absorbing other people’s stuff, so I could clear more of my own stuff and transmute them so other people won’t absorb anything. And with such stuff in my personal world, my womb got triggered so after a month and a half of delay it started wanted to release a lot of stuff. It did hurt a lot but I still did my best to listen to the womb-clearing track in the event that I was eventually getting my period, and two days after that weird nudge the blood and lining started. I’m like excited at this point because I felt like I could magnify the amount that can be released once I started bleeding out.
I was not disappointed.
All of the triggers that popped up I placed a strong intent to get released through my blood flow. It felt great afterwards, despite the pelvic pain every now and then. I actually felt more in tune with what I needed to release, so instead of getting angry whenever something from my past pops up, I just bless the event and release the heck out of it. The triggers kept coming and I just did my best to release. I even maxed out doing emotion code because of the mysterious aches and pains that came along with the period. The scarier thing that happened, well creepy is a bit more applicable, I was just sitting and listening to womb clearing tracks and some really painful areas would spring up, and I wasn’t even doing anything, pain would just come. I had to energetically work on those without moving, just to make sure that they’re not due to physical pain. Sure enough, after listening to the tracks the pain would disappear. For the stubborn ones I just do some kundalini yoga or just simple movement to move the energy out and they just disappear. I also started massaging the spots I can reach with some liniment. So far I am still doing that but I could manage it better than having to confront the emotions head-on, I just end up crying and telling all of my guides to just let me cry and fall asleep, even if my eyes swell in the morning. Weirdly I felt a whole lot better in the morning when I wake up, even if I can’t open my eyes lol.
Of course, the dark side of this is that pushing too much to purge more can really drain the physical body, and it also means that more layers get to be released, which one may or may not be prepared for. Because I wanted to purge and get rid of so much energetic garbage so much, I ended up releasing more layers than I intended to, and suddenly issues from 8 years ago and older started popping up. Those were even more challening because again, I thought I already dealt with them and then the emotionally-charged memories came rushing back in. It just felt horrible. I have never felt so lonely and out of luck and in despair than the previous months. Honestly the only thing I could do then was to ask my body to release everything that needs to be released. I already ran out of options and I just felt so cornered and disconnected to everything.
I just basically fueled my need to release with whatever emotion I was feeling at that moment. Feeling envious of other people? Release that crap. Feeling angry due to abandonment issues? Release that crap. Feeling sorry for looking ugly? Release that crap. I just did my best to keep doing that over and over. I also sent Reiki to myself just to give myself some ease. I also binge-watched some light language videos, did some japa chanting, started revising some of my memories, or those that I can manage, and started doing my best to enter a lucid state when dreaming. I mean, I was bleeding a lot and sleeping a lot so might as well get some work done lol. I guess it worked to a greater degree than usual because aside from releasing things in layers, I also got to enter the earliest memories that needed to be healed. Again, not a fun job but I am the only one who has to do the heavy grunt work and rely a lot of the energetics to the higher dimensional realms. I already ran out of rope so I just did whatever I could. The feelings of releasing low vibrational stuff helped me get some better sleep, and I was starting to reconnect again.
I may have been enjoying the whole purging too much, my period extended for two days than the usual. LIke, I thought it was already over so I thought I was OK, but I was still purging and releasing and listening to various tracks, then I’d get surprised by more stuff popping out. It did got a bit annoying but I just tried to think and believe that I get to purge even more that way. It finally stopped and I actually felt a whole lot better. A lot of my triggers also left me, so I just had to focus more on the basic emotions that needed to be healed. I felt so much lighter, and that was a week ago. So for this past week I just continued to purge and release, especially the horrible self-sabotage and self-anger that has been causing me issues for a long time. But I think that the most important healing I got to unlock is that I started finding out the emotional patterns in my DNA and the stuff I needed to release further. So instead of doing just 10 minutes of emotion code, I ended up doing it for 2 hours. Doing these also made me ran out of energy and got exhausted for two days. Not gonna complain since now it’s easier to see patterns and heal and release them. I just hope it continues toward the future.
Just to make sure that I am doing something substantial, I am planning to do the same stuff on my next menstrual cycle. For now I am just enjoying that a lot of the chunky and dense stuff is already over. Maybe I ‘ll make an update post after 3 more months lol.
To sum up this entire post: Release emotions and energies during your periods to make the process even faster.
If you reached this part of the post, congratulations, and thank you for reading. I hope the information in here helps you in your journey towards finding your true self and manifesting your best possible life.
May you become the healing you seek.
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