goddessalexism · 2 months
Shop my Etsy ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Sissy Fem kits, ABDL treats, & more to come 💦
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christophmiksch · 2 years
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i need hard Blackmail. Force me to do things i never did bevor
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sauro · 1 year
¿Como resetear el ID de Anydesk?
Bueno, ultimamente Anydesk se anda poniendo un poco molesto con las notificaciones, ahora te empieza a decir que estas usando muchos dispositivos y tal, y luego de un tiempo, te amenaza con bloquearte el equipo!, terrible
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y bueno, eso no nos gusta, por algo deje de usar TeamViewer!
Asi que la forma mas sencilla de seguir usando Anydesk, es simplemente Resetear nuestro ID, lo cual es super simple
Con Anydesk Cerrado, vas a:
2. y borras el archivo:
Vuelves a abrir anydesk y listo!, Anydesk cree q eres otra persona!
este metodo imagino sera parcheado proximamente (A Fecha Diciembre 2022, funciona), pero de momento es muy buena alternativa para seguir usando Anydesk, aunque sabes que es mejor?
Usar otro servicio!, una alternativa interesante es: Rustdesk es OpenSource y te permite montar tus propios servidores, para no depender de una malvada empresa que quiere hacer dineros, terrible
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shareyourscreen · 21 days
Want to Share Your Screen online? Share your screen with ClonaDesk
Are you looking for Online Screen Sharing ? ClonaDesk is the remote desktop software which is used for remote screen sharing and anyone can access desktop screen remotely with the help of ClonaDesk. Clonadesk is the free to use software and provide service like remote screen sharing, screen recording , support tools. You can check out the website of ClonaDesk. https://clonadesk.com/
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screensharing · 21 days
ClonaDesk : Present and Future of Screen sharing
In Today Era, Where Most of the Business shift on web and process remotely. In such scenarios many employee work remotely and there is a chance of increasing gap between employee and their team lead. In Such scenarios the Screen Sharing Software ClonaDesk help to manage the gap between employee and Teamlead. And ClonaDesk is totally free to use and the user interface is also so simple so anyone can use it. ClonaDesk is useful in every sector like Education , Business, Entertainment.
The website of ClonaDesk : https://clonadesk.com/
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lftapk · 1 month
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reneleijen · 2 months
Internetoplichter krijgt drie jaar voor helpdeskfraude en witwassen
De rechtbank Amsterdam heeft een man (21, uit Amsterdam) voor jarenlange en grootschalige phishing, bankhelpdeskfraude en witwassen veroordeeld tot drie jaar celstraf (waarvan een jaar voorwaardelijk). De verdachte, al vaker voor soortgelijke delicten veroordeeld (er liepen nog twee proeftijden), maakte slachtoffers in heel Nederland ‘en ver daarbuiten’, vooral op Marktplaats waar hij malafide…
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How to Install AnyDesk on Your PC
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aliceliddell6 · 6 months
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tech-prime · 9 months
AnyDesk vs. TeamViewer: Making the Right Remote Desktop Choice
Are you torn between AnyDesk and TeamViewer for your remote support needs? These two remote access software options are among the most popular in the market. In this article, we will compare them across various aspects to help you make an informed decision.
Features Comparison
First, let's dive into the features offered by both AnyDesk and TeamViewer. Understanding what each software brings to the table is crucial in making the right choice for your specific requirements.
provides an in-depth comparison of the features of both AnyDesk and TeamViewer. This comprehensive resource can give you valuable insights into what each software offers and also define which is the winner of anydesk vs teamviewer.
Compatibility and Supported Devices
Next, it's essential to know which operating systems and devices are supported by these remote access tools. Compatibility can greatly impact your ability to connect to various devices seamlessly.
provides an informative comparison of compatibility between TeamViewer and AnyDesk. This comparison includes useful infographics and a table for easy reference.
Price Plans Evaluation
Finally, let's talk about pricing. Your budget plays a significant role in your decision-making process. Understanding the cost structures of AnyDesk and TeamViewer is vital to make an economically sound choice.
Have Your Say
Now that you've learned about the features, compatibility, and pricing of AnyDesk and TeamViewer, it's time for you to share your choice. Please leave a comment below, letting us know if you prefer AnyDesk or TeamViewer for your remote desktop needs.
Making the right choice between AnyDesk and TeamViewer can significantly impact your remote work experience. Use the information provided here to make an informed decision that aligns with your unique needs and preferences.
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nyuthesmallkiller · 1 year
Y mañana vuelvo a coger la camara para hacer unas fotos por las cuales me van a pagar y estoy contenta. 
No tan contenta por el hecho de que hoy, he estado pintando tres hojas de dibujos antiestres porque no habia apenas trabajo en mi trabajo y pienso que si pudiese, tener mi pc en esos momentos o acceder por Anydesk para avanzar en cositas en las que quiero avanzar como editora seria genial, pero no, como en todo trabajo, te vigilan para que seas una marioneta mas, asi que, el hecho de que hagas cosas productivas no es bien, asi que a pintar dibujitos.
Luego llego a casa, y solo tengo ganas de dormir o de que me asfixien flojito y cansarme mucho. Asi que, no me gusta, pero solo quiero dormir, dormir y no hacer absolutamente nada. Desde que mi pequeña, se fue, ya no voy casi a hacer telas aereas, no avanzo, me he quedado estancada. No es lo mismo y me pone triste, he perdido la fierza que tenia en los brazos e estoy obligandome a comer otra vez, no puedo vivir a base de pasta y bebidas vegetales con cereales. Solo por pereza, no me preparo cosas ricas para comer. Ser vegetariana a veces es duro, pero merece la pena, la causa. 
Y nada, solo queria hablar un ratito, a lo que... llevo tres dias sin tomarme las pastillilas de la felicidad y me da un poquito de miedo ser tan despistada con estas cosas, pero Lunes vuelvo a la psicologa mas cara que he pagado en mi vida y me gustaria saber que pasaria si dejase de tomar estas cositas.
Ultimamente sueño mucho, pero son sueños muy reales y me dan mucho miedo, porque en teoria en todos acabo muriendo y despertandome a mitad de la noche sudando y luego cuando asoma el sol, me siento segura y quiero dormir todo el dia, y luego toca trabajar y soy un bostezo con patas. 
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archronova · 1 year
Server Error disaat yang tidak tepat
Siang ini kami dikabari bahwa server repository tidak dapat diakses. Dan benar, saat saya mengecheck banyak terjadi error karena abort. Karena lingkungan virtual yang tetiba tidak jalan, plus akses remote hanya bisa melalui secure-shell.
Namun, saat satu persatu config diperbarui (dan sekelas hanya menambahkan yang malahan package tersebut tidak perlu). Server kembali UP. Karena 1, hapusin file sampah. dan 2, Downgrade Virtual-Machine.
Dan haripun terselamatkan.
Akreditasi jalan lagi.
Walaupun menyisakan error di Anydesk. Besok saat on-site coba check lah.
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Alternativas al soporte remoto
Que no te mientan más. No existe una alternativa definitiva y gratuita al problema del soporte informático remoto profesional. Los términos definitivo y gratis no pueden ir de la mano en este asunto, y esto es así. Intentes lo que intentes. Cuanto antes lo sepas mejor, no perderás el tiempo. En este artículo voy a hablarte de todas las herramientas de soporte informático remoto que he utilizado…
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krypteiagroup · 1 year
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munromonroe23 · 1 year
Repair Your Computer Remotely
Many of us don't recognise that the cell phone we have in our pocket can be used supply as a personal computer remote restraint. If you make use of your PC for watching movies, listening to music or running PowerPoint presentations then read referring to. In this article I can have you the right way to control your hard drive from your mobile phone. Wouldn't you choose great should you have had the capability fire up your computer from and log into your office, complete the report, print the manual, send the email etc, as if you were sitting at workplace computer - even within your PJ's at 2 0'clock in the morning - no you might know together with an unnecessary journey would in order to saved. So, how a person "remote in" and notice you want? There are a number of software - mostly free- which will allow you to remotely "take over" your computer in quicks steps. Here are just some regarding available: Log me was a simple method to look at over your personal computer whilst sitting at an extra. Simply visit the website set up an account, download private and you are away. This all is what Remote desktop repair really is all around. If you currently have a web connection which prevents you from repairing your system, perfect ask a different inividual to an individual to. It can be anyone with an web connection. If anydesk crack have checked those options, the person repairing your desktop as well be able to attach to you desktop, and also use it or even that person can abuse it too. This can be just a little demoralizing and appalling. Hackers can take absolute control of your computer even products and solutions log out of it. Hackers do all this systematically without disrupting the official Remote desktop access. However, we can concentrate regarding how we can definitely gain take pleasure from the entire process. You turn out to be ready set up the software remotely. Just follow the steps within CD guide of the program you are installing. You may choose to test this out first before doing it when it ought to be. I have the traditional solo service professional office create - I've a dedicated driveway in my home with a desktop PC and wireless all-in-one device. But there are times once i don't want to, or can't be, in my office and yet need to help you to the job. Lately I have been carrying out a lot of travelling within my business pretty much definitely want remain in connected to my clients and sales. And sometimes I just require a higher change of scene, particularly if the climate is starting to get so nice it's lovely to have the ability to sit outdoors and work off my laptop. MiFi - if you're travelling and you are therefore in a part that lacks Internet access a MiFi is a mobile wireless router, provided through your cell phone carrier, permits you to plug to AnyDesk the web from anywhere that has a cell phone signal. Reliability. Can be a other solutions for remote access, such as Windows Remote Desktop is definitely free, but once you need access remotely and receive the program tend to be using does not connect or locks up and are not able to get done what you needed, these appreciate the reliability of GoToMyPC. Perhaps more associated with a web service than a piece of software, but Mozy is complaintant which supports everything that are on your computer in order to some remote getaway. You pay per Gb, I personally use them it to back up my webserver every occasion. It works great - nearly all the UK's broadband as well slow for backing up your desktop - but someday!
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reneleijen · 6 months
Twee bankhelpdeskfraudeurs aangehouden
De politie heeft in Putten twee mannen (18 en 22, uit Amsterdam) aangehouden voor betrokkenheid bij online oplichting. Slachtoffer was een bejaarde vrouw uit Putten die via e-mail was benaderd om haar inloggegevens bij de bank te updaten. Een paar uur later werd ze gebeld: ze moest Anydesk installeren om te voorkomen dat … enzovoort. Een koerier zou telefoon, tablet en pinpas komen ophalen. Een…
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