imreszekeres · 3 years
everyone who bookmarks LAS has permission to put it in my ass
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Far Away From L.A.
Story Summary: Dylan arrives ahead of production to a new filming location to get a break from L.A. It’s a small town in eastern Canada that’s remote and serene. While he’s enjoying the touch of anonymity that comes with filming in a rural town where most people couldn’t care less who he was, he meets Amelia. 
Pairing: Dylan x OFC
Warnings: eventual smut, RPF, slight angst, general naughtiness
A/N: This is basically one giant shitpost. Read it if you want to. It’s self-indulgent and will be smutty. It’s probably not going to be super long, and I’m not committing to an update schedule. I am in a writing groove though, so who knows ;) No beta? No problem! Right? .... Ugh.
Index: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15 / Chapter 16 / Chapter 17 / Chapter 18 /  Chapter 19 /  *IN PROGRESS*
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Chapter 1: Escape (Dylan POV)
‘It’s not easy being in the spotlight.’ Everyone says that. Everyone. And everyone also thinks it’s a cliché. The truth of the matter is, clichés are clichés for a reason. Fame and notoriety have a way of dehumanizing you. It separates you from everyone else, for largely superficial reasons. To Dylan, acting was what he did for a living, and he was lucky because it was something he was good at and that he loved. He wasn’t doing it for fame. In fact, he kind of hated that part of it all. He appreciated his fans, loved how passionate they were and that they chose to support his work, but he’d always found the idea of celebrity so odd.
You wouldn’t rush up to a barista that had served you coffee that morning on a walk with their dog and ask for a picture. Of course you wouldn’t. That’s absurd. That’s how he felt sometimes. He knew it wasn’t fair to compare those experiences, but he couldn’t help but long for the same anonymity. Nothing was his anymore. Privacy was something he still desperately clung to, and he was pretty good at keeping the most intimate details of his life to himself, but who else had to be careful who they were seen with in public and what tweets they chose to like? It was exhausting, but he’d signed up for it, he supposed.
It didn’t help that he lived in LA. It was a teeming swamp of paparazzi. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d been photographed at LAX with his pillow tucked under his arm trying to hide as much as he could under his ball cap and sunglasses. It was the last place he wanted to be swarmed. He’d either woken up early to make a flight, or was jet lagged as hell on his way back from one thing or another, just wishing he was at home in his bed when they’re chasing him out to his car to get a picture. The whole fiasco attracted the attention of everyone else in the damn terminal. Countless autographs and unflattering photos later, he can finally escape.
An escape, that’s what he needed. He got those from time to time. He especially enjoyed his trips to New York. He still got noticed there, but not everyone that recognized him intruded. He could go to a Mets game, get asked for a couple of pictures, and go about his business. New Yorkers seemed to respect his personal space a bit more and didn’t seem as concerned or consumed with the spectacle of celebrity. But what he really loved was filming outside of the usual celebrity haunts.
Locations are kept quiet prior to the start of filming, for the most part, and those first few days, before anyone knows where you are or has really recognized you, you can walk around without the weight of all of that on your shoulders. That’s where he found himself now. He’d arrived early, ahead of the production crew and the other actors, to a small town in Nova Scotia, Canada. He was set to start filming a period piece that he’d signed onto a while back. The script had spoke to him and the director had reached out after seeing his performance in “Amazing Stories”.
He found a Bed and Breakfast online before he’d left LA. It was a quaint little place on a country road about 10 miles from where the majority of filming would be taking place. The air was cool, and the first hints of fall were stealing the green from the leaves in the trees. He forgot how much he loved fall on the east coast. It was always his favorite time of year before he’d moved to California.
Dylan was standing outside his rental car taking in the expanse of wheat fields and the river that wove its way through the valley when his phone vibrated in the pocket of his sweats. He snatched his ball cap off the passenger seat and placed it on his head as he read the message that flashed across his screen.
T-Pose: You make it there alright?
Dylan smiled. He and Tyler were out the night before for dinner at Tyler’s favorite bar, Stout, in LA and had hung out at Tyler’s place after. They laughed and caught each other up on what they were getting up to since they’d last spoken, quickly falling into old habits. He hated that he had to head home to be up early enough to catch his flight.
Dylan: Yeah bro. I’m here
T-Pose: Nice! How is it so far?
Dylan: It’s quiet.
T-Pose: Sounds like just the right place for you right now
Dylan: Yeah. 2 weeks before filming starts. I’m just going to try to find some time to just exist, dude
T-Pose: I’m sure those Canadians will take good care of you up there
Dylan: Haha, for sure. Thanks again for the talk last night, man. I needed that shit more than you know
T-Pose: Always, brother. Always. I’ve got you
Dylan: Thanks, man. I got you too. Can you send me that song you played for me last night, btw?
T-Pose: For sure! I’ll throw it in the share drive.
Dylan: Sounds good, man. Listen. I gotta get settled in find a place to get some grub before I pass out 
T-Pose: All good, dude. Enjoy yourself up there. Let me know if you see a whale or some shit
Dylan: Hah! You’ll be the first to know if I get Moby Dicked
T-Pose: Dicked 😉
Dylan: Behave. You child.
T-Pose: 👶
Dylan smiled and shook his head as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. He walked around the car to the trunk and grabbed his bag and pillow. He didn’t even make it to the front door before an older woman, 5 feet tall on a good day, was coming out to greet him at the top of the stairs that led up to the front porch.
“Hi there, dear!” she said, beaming as she wiped her hands on her apron.
“Hello,” he smiled back.
“I hope you didn’t have any trouble finding us.”
“Oh, no. None at all,” Dylan said, stepping up to stand next to her. “I’m just glad you had space for me on short notice.”
“Stop!” she scoffed playfully, waving her hand. “We’ve never been fully booked in the 30 years we’ve run this place. It’s no trouble at all.” She grinned, patting his shoulder. “I’m Violet,” she said, reaching out to shake his hand.
“Dylan,” he replied, taking her hand in his. “I’m just glad you were able to find space for me on such short notice, you know?” He set his bag down next to him. “I shouldn’t have been playing so fast and loose with my plans.”
He smiled, looking past her at the swing on the porch that lazily hung on its chains and the expanse of fields beyond the rail. This really was exactly where he needed to be.
“What brings you to Nova Scotia?” She asked, reaching to pick up his bag.
Dylan stopped her, smiling in thanks before picking it up himself. “Just some good ol’ fashioned R&R,” he sighed.
“Well,” she smiled, stepping out of his way to clear the path, “you came to the right place.” She opened the door and the day’s sunlight spilled into the modest lobby. An old Afghan rug ran along the hallway adjacent to the old oak staircase. A large sitting room opened to the left at the foot of the stairs, a stately fireplace adorning the wall. To the right, sat a large dining table with a single flower arrangement. The smell of fresh bread wafted out from the kitchen beyond the closed glass doors at the far end of the table.
“Nice place you got here,” he said with a nod, removing his hat.
She blushed just a little. “Well thank you! We like to think so.” She fussed with a crooked picture frame before clearing her throat. “I can show you to your room, if you like?”
“Sure. Thanks.”
Dylan followed her up the staircase and down the hall to a room that overlooked the back of the property. The windows ran from the floor to the ceiling, all the trim dark and wide. The walls were covered in a speckled pattern of small flowers. The bed had four posts that nearly reached the high ceiling. There were more pillows than had any right to be on a single bed at one time, but the quilted blanket looked warm and inviting.
“If you don’t like it, there’s another—”
“No, no,” he interrupted, not wanting her to think he was displeased, “it’s perfect, really.” He smiled at her, sitting his bags on the end of the bed. “Thank you.”
She sighed, patting her thighs. “Well. I won’t trouble you any longer. If there’s anything you need, you can find one of us in the office downstairs next to the kitchen.”
“Sounds good.”
“Oh! I almost forgot. Breakfasts are served at 8 am, if you’d like to partake.”
Dylan’s stomach growled at the thought of food. He never liked to eat before a flight, so his last meal was last night with Tyler.
“And there’s a book in the drawer of the nightstand with some information about local sight seeing, restaurants, and little tidbits my family has thrown in for guests.”
Dylan smiled. “That’s perfect, actually.”
“Alright then, dear. Enjoy the rest of your evening, and I hope to see you at breakfast!” She backed out through the door, closing it behind her.
Dylan looked up at the ceiling, taking a long breath as he stretched out his neck. He walked over to the window and pulled back the sheers to get a better view. A large tree stood alone in a field of green grass. Its canopy was nearly perfectly symmetrical, and on one of the lowest bows, a tire swing hung neglected on a worn rope. Beyond the tree, a large red barn stood tall in the field. It looked well cared for and recently painted. The hay loft door swung open in the breeze.
“Sure not in L.A. anymore.” 
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benbarnesescape · 7 years
Freedom from Desire
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CEO Caspian in Modern Day AU Caspian X and Reader
Warnings: SMUT and unprotected sex! Ha ha …you thought all that fluff was just for fun!? 18+ so if you’re younger than that - this is the part where you stop and go read a lighter Caspian piece on my page.
A/N: Dear Aslan -  Sorry for making a naughty story. Sorry not sorry for all of it. I couldn’t help myself. I will make sure to say a lifetime of hail marys. I know it’s bad…..but come on guys. Tell me you’ve never thought of Caspian as a CEO?! I also filled in his last name for the sake of the story.
If you’re uncomfortable with Caspian in said position then I do strongly suggest you read some of my lighter fluffier pieces of him and pretend this never happened. I always want to be respectful of people and their comfort levels. But if you want to get dragged to hell, continue to read below :)
Also I LOVE Susan. Don’t mistake the random Susan angst for hate - I ship her and Caspian way too hard! I just like drama ha ha
Lastly this little piece was inspired by @la-fille-en-aiguilles - hope work has been treating you well chica!
Cair Paravel was the leading marketing firm in the world. Companies like Disney, Sony and Southwest paid millions of dollars to be associated with it. It represented actors, athletes, business moguls and small businesses. While it was in high demand it was also reasonable - sponsoring schools and nonprofit organizations around the world.
The single person driving the reigns to the crazy international kingdom that resided in London was Caspian Xavion the Tenth. That’s right. He was part of a decade of strong, successful businessmen.
And he was your boss.
You had literally stumbled into the job of personal assistant. Literally. You were walking out of a coffee shop, resumes in hand when you ran into his large, hard frame. You landed on your ass and when you were able to recover, you were looking into the deepest chocolate eyes you had ever seen. His bright white teeth clashed against his tan skin, his dark locks perfectly framing his face.
Then you remembered that you had spilled coffee on one of the most powerful, young bachelors in the world. 
You had also spilled coffee all over your resume and you groaned in realization, the expensive fresh pages coated in thick lakes of coffee. He had helped you pick up the lost keys to your future, taking a second to read over your resume and offered you a job. He was on the way to meet someone about being his personal assistant and you did just get your masters in public relations. You could intern while still making money and if you showed promise he promised to promote you.
Sometimes life really does work out in your favor. Sit in that for five seconds then remember that your boss is one of the sexiest, most successful young CEO’s in the world.
Not only is he attractive but he has the work ethic of an ox. And it made working for him damn hard. Probably harder than managing the clients he had. He was constantly in meetings, constantly leaving early in the morning and late in the evening. Going to galas and charity events, charming new people. He opened up smaller chains in areas in the world stricken by poverty to try to help increase job opportunities. He volunteered at schools and hospitals. He spent his Thanksgiving and Christmas and any other holiday of giving providing food for those in need. Always. He’s always been like this.
Caspian wasn’t just a CEO. Wasn’t even human.
He was a goddamn saint sent from heaven to wreak havoc on earth. 
It was on such an occasion that he had asked you to attend one of his events - a large gala celebrating 50 years of business with his father and grandfather.  The whole legacy under one roof. You didn’t understand why you were asked to attend. As his assistant sure you had to manage the media and who visited him. But that had been hours ago. The night was now thriving off the rich and famous drunkenly dancing and teasing each other. Caspian never drank more than two glasses of anything at events like these so you didn’t have to babysit him. But you also wanted to go home if he didn’t need you and that he refused. 
You watched him as he laughed along with two of his most trusted partners, Peter and Edmund Pevensie as they sipped expensive champagne and spoke lowly among each other. Caspian was wearing a tailored black suit, his maroon  button up popping against a gold tie. His slight beard had grown since he shaved it these past two days and was now a short beard and all you could think about was how it would feel between your legs.
You shook your head, returning your eyes to your blackberry. You had to get it together. Everyone teased you that he had a thing for you. He never had women assistants. Preferred men to ensure that things stayed professional. Never offered people jobs on the spot either.
There was just something about you they would tease.
Well he sure as hell wasn’t making a move so until he did it would have to stay a mystery.
“You’re still working for him.”
The soft voice takes you off guard and you jump a bit, breaking from your thoughts as  your eyes fall on your assailant. Standing in a dark red gown, her pale skin contrasting with her perfectly coiffed dark hair is Susan Pevensie. Sister to Peter and Edmund Pevensie.
Ex-girlfriend of Caspian Xavion.
She takes a seat beside you, the soft smell of Chanel wafting off her skin as she continues.
“Didn’t think a fragile little thing like you would survive a man like him.”
You knew what she was doing. Her younger sister, Lucy, had warned you about this months ago. When you had accidentally ran into her at a golf tournament with Caspian. She loved him still. Despite the fact that she married someone new, moved across the world, she still loved and wanted him. Didn’t want anyone else to claim him.
You were a threat. You were beautiful,  intelligent. charming and apparently upon Peter’s teasing, he spoke about you a lot. Susan hated you. And reminded you every time she saw you.
“Surprised you’re here. Thought you’d be back in America with your husband. Oh wait, he’s in Japan with his mistress of the month.”
It was no secret her husband cheated on her. She even laughed about it but deep down you knew it killed her inside. Killed her that she chose a man like that over a man like Caspian. It made you even empathize for her…until she opened her mouth and you were reminded that karma was real.
She narrows her eyes at you before deliberately taking the large flute of champagne in her hand and slowly tilting it on your dress. On your $3,000 dress you had charged on your credit card that you had planned on returning tomorrow. You had only bought the navy blue gown to try to impress Caspian, hoping he would be charmed by the way it looked on your body.
It hadn’t and now, on top of rejection, she had ruined it and put you $3,000 in the hole.
“Have fun returning your De la Rented dress.” she smirks at you as you stand, the champagne trailing down the front of the long gown. You try to bite back tears, try not to bring too much attention to yourself as you pat at he gown down with a napkin before looking at her.
“I really hope you’re happy making other people’s life miserable Susan. Because from what I hear, you used to be an awesome person and now, now you’re just a lonely bitch.”
You don’t notice the crowd of people who have been crowding around, watching the small scene unfold. Don’t see Caspian head toward you as you make your way down to the hallway to the family restroom. You don’t realize the tears that have been falling down your cheeks until you feel him grab your arm, turning you gently toward him.
“Y/N…” your name sounds different on his tongue and the way he’s looking at you has you sobbing harder. You try to push him away as he draws you to him, his large sculpted arms surrounding you as he whispers,
“Just let it all out.”
You don’t know why you’re crying. Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve wasted $3,000 on a dress that had made little impact in your life. Maybe its because you’ve been up since 4:30 because of him, trying to make his night perfect. You missed having a social life. Missed your mom and dad and siblings. Missed your small loft in London.
Missed all of this because of him and he didn’t even give a damn.
The thought drives your sobs deeper and his grip tightens around you as you cry harder, his large hands rubbing your back. His mouth hushes you and he rocks you before you start to calm down, your sobs tampering off and you pull away, shaking your head. You want to apologize for your unprofessionalism and you also wanted to tell him he could take his assistant job and fuck off but then his left hand is hooking under your chin as he tilts your head up to you.
“I can pay for your dress. I’m sorry she ruined it. But holy hell Y/N what did you expect when you wore something like this?”
His right hand that has never left your body tampers down your back as he pulls you closer to him.
“You’ve been driving everybody mad  wearing this,” he eyes are shifting now, darkening around the pupils as he licks his lips. “It should be a condemned sin.”
His voice has dropped an octave and the deep bass draws a shiver up your spine. You give your lip a light bite and he gives a short groan, the pad of his thumb brushing over the exposed skin. His hand tightens around your waist as he whispers,
“You should be a condemned sin.”
You’re looking up at him confused, trying to register what he was saying. He watches you back, trying to get a read on you before he straightens, pulling from you.
“I hope you’re feeling better.” he croaks, backing away as he takes you in one last time before he turns on his heel. You stop him, your hand shooting for his arm. You walk around him, his hair covering his pinched eyes as you whisper,
“What do you mean by that Caspian?”
He doesn’t look at you as he manages out,
“I’ve drank too much. I shouldn’t…” he looks at you and groans. “You just, I should have asked you out and not have offered you a job.”
The words takes you off guard as he takes a deep sigh.
“You’re so goddamn sexy and smart and I felt terrible ruining your resumes,” he was referencing your encounter months ago. “That offering you a job was the best I could do. I thought you’d get burnt out and quit and then I could ask you out but you’re so damn good. So damn good at everything you do so I’ve been stuck pretending I don’t care when all I want is you.”
Your dumbstruck as he looks at you and groans, shrugging out of your embrace.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. We can leave, if you want.”
He’s looking past you and you’re trying to process it all.
He really did like you.
You grab his neck, drawing him down to you, your lips pressing against his. It catches him off guard for only a second before he’s registering your actions, his hands grabbing your hips as he pushes you flush against a wall. His kisses are needy and desperate as his tongue teases your mouth open and you are consumed by him. Your hands move to his hair, his beautiful dark tresses getting tangled in your delicate fingers as he moans in your mouth, pushing his hips into your naval.
You moan feeling his erection brush against you and he pulls away, his eyes frenzied with lust.
“Not here.” his voice is hoarse and deep as he grabs you and basically drags you into the family restroom you were seeking out earlier. He shuts the door, locking it before grabbing you and slamming you against the door. He lifts you, your long gown getting lost around him as your legs hooks around his waist and his mouth is on your collarbone, sucking on the skin.
“You are so damn gorgeous,” he mumbles along your skin, his mouth nipping at your neck. “Do you know that? Do you know that you’ve been driving me fucking insane in this dress” his hands trail up your gown, his hot fingers clashing with your cool thighs and his mouth has found yours. “Drove me insane the moment I picked you up and you were wearing this.” His hands ghost over your center and you give a small yelp, as he pulls back to look you in the eye.
“You’re not wearing any underwear.” he bites his lips as he glides his fingers up your wet folds and you shiver as you stumble out,
“I always run out of clean underwear and you came so early to pick me up I couldn’t go and buy a pair.”
His hands slowly traces up and down your pussy and he watches your face twist in pleasure.
“How many times have you worked with me without any panties on?”
“Honestly?” you bite down on your lip as his thumb slowly starts to tease against your clit and your hips rock against his finger. “Like most of the time. You don’t give me enough time to do my laundry.” 
Your words are soft, barely coming in a whisper and he growls, sticking a finger into you as he begins his slow assault into your tight walls.
“You are so fucking wet,” he whispers as he looks at you, a wicked grin on his face. “Are you always this wet for me princess?”
You give a weak nod as he inserts another finger and you buck against him, your hands digging into his shoulders.
“I thought I smelled you the other week when we were at dinner.” You knew what he was referencing. He had taken you out for dinner after a long day at the office at a trendy sushi spot. He had been talking to you as his nimble fingers gracefully picked up one sashimi after the other, the raw fish placed carefully in his mouth. You don’t know why it turned you on but it did. You wanted to know what those fingers would feel like in you, his mouth over yours.
Now you knew.
“Did I smell you princess?” he whispers a grin gracing his face and you give another weak nod and he growls, inserting a third finger in you. You arch your back against him, hands stuck in his hair as his mouth attacks your neck again.
“Tell me what had you so turned on so much?”
You give a weak mewl in silence and he pulls his fingers out, causing you to whine. He looks up at you with hooded eyes shaking his head.
“You have to use your words princess.”
“I was thinking about you finger fucking me.” you manage out, biting your lip as your cheeks flush over. He smiles as he sticks his fingers back in you, watching your face contort in pleasure again. His fingers curls up and hits you in that sweet spot and you feel your body tensing, clawing for release.
“Were you?”
You give a quick nod and he chuckles, his mouth getting close to your ear. His fingers are merciless know, pumping into you faster as his thumb brushes against your clit and you can feel that tension in your stomach build up.
“Wanna hear a secret princess?” he whispers against the shell of your ear and you hum, your body starting to give in to the pleasure he was delighting you to. “I’ve jacked off to you every night since I’ve met you, cumming all over my body from the thought of my dick being filled to the rim in you.”
That was all you needed. Between his fingers and the image of him jacking off to you your screaming his name, your fingers tangled in his hair as your walls flutter around his fingers. He groans, coaxing you through your climax as he watches you before he pulls from you, inserting all three of his fingers in his mouth. He gives a low moan as he sucks your essence off  and pulls his fingers out with a pop before your leaning into him for a kiss.
He shifts, carrying you to the bathroom counter and slamming placing you down. He yanks at his suit, pulling down his pants and boxers as his cock springs free.
“Tonight I’ll make love to you the way you deserve,” he promises as he lines himself up at your entrance. “I’ll have you begging my name by the time I’m done with you but right now I just need you.”
His cock is teasing your folds as you look up at him, your eyes darkening as you thrust your hips forward. He stops you, something dark flickering in his eyes.
“What do you want princess?” he whispers and you moan as your hands pull at his shoulders.
“I want you.”
“You want me to what?” a satisfied smirk sits on his face and you rub your folds against his twitching cock.
“Want you to fuck me with your big fucking cock.”
He groans as he slowly thrusts into you, grabbing your hands and intertwining them with yours as he raises them above your head. His head falls in the crook of your neck as he bottoms out in you, his hair tickling your shoulders and you both give a satisfied moan. You rock your hips against him, enjoying the way he fills you to the brim and he moans as he pulls from you, his hips rocking out of you before slamming back in.
“Goddamn you are tight..” he whispers as he lifts himself enough to look at you, then his mouth is hot on yours as his body claims you.
His hips snap into you, desperately chasing after your orgasm before he lifts your leg and you’re getting hit in that special spot that has you screaming out his name.
“That’s right princess. Want you to cum all over my big cock.” he whispers, his hips in a frenzy as he watches you unwind underneath him. His finger finds your clit and flicks the sensitive area and you’re screaming his name again, your body shaking as you find sweet release. His hips are sloppily slapping against your as your walls tighten around before there milking him  his body shaking uncontrollably as your arms find your way around his body.
You wait a beat before saying,
“Soooo…I’m guessing I have to quit. This is the highest level of conflicted interest if I’ve ever known one.”
He chuckles, his face tucked in your shoulder before pulling away and kissing you.
“I don’t want you to quit.”
“Wouldn’t that be -”
“Unless you want to. You’re free to work in any of our departments. You’re way too good to be an assistant.” he’s rambling, something he does when he’s nervous and you chuckle, leaning up and kissing him. He relaxes as you pull away, his lips tugged between your teeth before you whisper.
“Let’s worry about it tomorrow. I should at least get a year under your belt before we talk about commitment.”
He chuckles, wiggling against you and there’s a soft knock on the door and you both freeze before you hear Peter’s voice.
“…….so uhhh, I don’t mean to interrupt you two but ummmm,” he clears his throat though you can hear the humour in his voice. “Your dad is looking for you Caspian. For a photo.”
Caspian groans and you laugh, giving a lock of his hair a tug.
“Give us a minute Peter. We need to….make ourselves decent.”
“Uh huh.” You know he’s smiling as he walks away and Caspian’s eyes are glinting at you mischievously.
“How long do you think he’s been standing out there hearing you scream out my name?”
“Caspian! That’s your best friend!” you say in mock surprise and he laughs, shaking his head.
“Peter’s always had a thing for you.” he nuzzles his face in your neck before muttering. “Besides I have another round in me.”
His shimmies his hips against yours and you gasp at his dick hardening in you.
You both make it out of the bathroom thirty minutes later.
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xjmparrish · 6 years
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31 Day Character Development Writing Challenge
(days 11- 31)
DAY 11: When does your celebrity feel their best? Are they the type that does best with time off, hanging out at home with the family or the dog on the couch, or do they find themselves feeling the most at ease while working?
She feels her best when enjoying some time off to work on herself. This is typically during hiatus for her, where she can start off her day feeling like a badass post workout, hang at the beach with her girls, then be lazy for the rest of the day on the couch with Kleo and a bag of chips. Everybody needs time to just chill out, and it’s a time for her to be her best self that doesn’t involve waking up at 5am for hair and makeup as most other times in her life. 
DAY 12: Why did your celebrity choose the house that they’re currently living in? Was there something that drew them to the space, or a price point that it fell under, or some special reason that they decided to take the plunge?
Janel loves any excuse to be near the water, so settling over in the Retreats was a natural choice especially in comparison to the home she was just moving out of blocks from the beach. She’s used to a smaller, simpler living. It was a perfect compromise considering other options she’d seen in town. 
DAY 13: Describe the contents of your celebrity’s night stand. Is it full of naughty secrets? Do they keep precious family mementos? What about the surface, do they have things thrown about, is it organized?
Her night stand is fairly organized, though she does tend to collect things like water bottles on top. Inside of the drawer is mostly miscellaneous things like packs of tissues and a handy bottle of painkillers. Books occasionally make their way on and off of the table, as now most reading she does isn’t from from a physical book. Always found are always pens, pencils, and highlighters as well as she tends to read her scripts while in bed. Anything else, might need to be cleaned out but it isn’t messy by any means. 
DAY 14: Winter can be a bit dark and bleak, and sometimes that leads to down days. How does your celebrity handle those? Is there someone they talk to, something they do to feel better, or do they end up keeping it to themselves and dwelling?
Janel talks to her mom and sister every day, even if for just a few minutes. If she needs to talk to anyone, they are her go-to. However, as someone who is prone to feeling everything hard, if she can’t talk things out with family she immediately turns to locking herself in her music room to write. Writing and the occasional composition is her personal form of therapy. If she didn’t write, she’d end up keeping it in until she blew up, so in order to avoid that music and wine is her go-to to feeling better. Maybe even a good cry. 
DAY 15: What kind of lover is your celebrity? Are they the sweet, giving kind or more in it for themselves; openly affectionate in public or more reserved?
Janel falls fast and loves hard. She’s always one to sacrifice for love, or what she thinks is love, even work. Her priority is typically her man, though at the end of the day even without her realizing it, her relationships often suffer because she has difficulty waiting to jump into the next. Affectionate does not begin to describe her. She wants everyone to know who her boo is, constantly posting pictures, without any ability to keep her hands.. or mouth to herself. She is always one to start throwing around “I love you” quicker than most would think appropriate but at the end of the day, she can’t help it when she feels she’s in love. 
DAY 16: The world stops on a certain day of the year, and stays that way forever – what day would your celebrity choose to stop the clocks on? (Month and day.)
Any of the last few times she’d been reunited with her entire family, particularly her grandparents. Since her grandfather’s alzheimers diagnosis, it’s been tough on the family not being able to get together often to see him. So, maybe her sister’s wedding being the last time everyone was together. 
DAY 17: How does your celebrity handle being sick or hurt? Are they the type of person to obey the doctor’s orders and stay in bed? Or are they the kind that’s up and doing things far before they should?
Being sick and being injured are two completely different stories for Janel. If she is sick, she will refuse to see a doctor and revert back to being a needy child. Sick days require home remedies, soup, and cuddling with either another human or Kleo or her stuffed bear. Maybe even all three. Being injured however, she’ll keep quiet for as long as possible. With a pretty high pain tolerence, it takes quite a lot of pain for her to cry. If she’s in enough pain to shed tears, she knows it’s serious enough to get professionally checked out. And although she does her best to follow doctors orders, she may decide to ignore them if they interfere with work. 
DAY 18: Pick three things that your celebrity owns or possesses that are important to them, and explain why they care about them so much. Please exclude animals or people!
Her final wrap gifts from Liars, the ring and jacket, in remembrance of a chapter as a family for the group who survived seven years together creating something they’re truly proud of. She also has priceless jewelry given to her by her grandmother back home which is important for that very reason. 
DAY 19: Does your celebrity have a lot of friends, or do they tend to rely on a smaller group of friends?
Janel truthfully has a small circle that are her true friends, but often times calls acquaintances her friends, and her friends her best friends. She has a specific handful who have stuck with her through thick and thin who were truly her best friends and those she has made more recently who are on their way to join that position in her life.  
DAY 20: What’s your celebrity’s relationship history like? A lot of hook-ups, many long-term relationships? Have they ever gotten very serious with someone before?
Back to back long term relationships over the past decade, with the occasional fling in between. She is a serial monogamist who does not know how to be single for very long. Most of these men are people she has worked with, at one time or another. However, her two most publicly speculated relationships are both unconfirmed flings that she refuses to speak on as they occurred back to back and interfered with her job. Of all of these relationships, only one has ended close to marriage. 
DAY 21: Travel time! Where in the world would your celebrity like to go if they were given the opportunity to take an all-expenses paid trip to anywhere in the entire world? The catch is… it’s a solo trip that they’re taking alone.
Anywhere where she can drink from sun up to sun down while lying out on the beach. It might be nice to visit Turks and Caicos again, as last time she took her sister she had purely jumped at the opportunity as a means to get the hell out of LA and away from the drama overwhelming her life at the time. So, it would be nice to return to what was one of her favorite vacation spots, without having to feel doomed about returning home. 
DAY 22: Whether they’re into acting, music, a sport… what has been the project that your celebrity is the most proud of?
Her two biggest projects thus far. Liars established her career as a real actress and taught her about the business. It’s given her career the opportunity to expand in ways she never even considered, all stemming from the show. Luckily, the spin off gives her a chance to continue that journey and testing her limits in acting. Of everything else she’s done over the years, Dancing had the most impact on her personally. The journey challenged her not only physically but emotionally and mentally to a degree she never expected, and it was all worth it for the experience in the end. She grew up a lot in the aftermath as well. Both shows shaped an extensive part of her life from which she grew up, and looking back, is the proudest accomplishments of her career. 
DAY 23: And on the opposite side of the spectrum, is there a project that your celebrity has worked on that they absolutely regret, for one reason or another?
She doesn’t regret any projects because they have all taught her about life and led her to where she is now. But let’s be real, Bratz is a little embarrassing to watch back. It was her first major film, and it bombed, and watching back is cringe-worthy. However, it gave her her best friends to this day and taught her lessons she needed before reaching the level she would a few short years later. 
DAY 24: How does your celebrity handle the holiday season? Are they the kind that’s very excited and upbeat? Do they tend to get somber around the holidays? Are they religious at all, or more in it for the traditions they create on their own?
Christmas is her favorite time of year. Christmas music makes her happy to the point she’ll be told to shut up several times throughout the month. The holidays always come up far to quick, in her opinion, and leave even quicker. She didn’t grow up particularly religious but her family does celebrate Christmas with early morning presents and brunch. Typically, because her extended family is so far away, it’s a quiet and comfortable day spent relaxing and enjoying family time. 
DAY 25: What is your celebrity’s Christmas (or other/no holiday, if they don’t celebrate) routine like? Do they travel out of town, have family over? Wake up early, or take advantage of the holiday and sleep in? What do they do with the day? How has it changed since they were younger and at home?
Most years, her sister flies in and they both spend it with their parents and dogs. By that point, Janel has typically moved back in with her parents for a few days already, staying with them upwards of a week beforehand and a few days after. Christmas day is typically an early morning, breakfast mimosas and presents type of deal. A games of Chinese checkers while laying on the living room floor leads to Janel’s solo tradition of watching RENT or the Sound of Music or any other musical she’s deemed Christmas appropriate while her folks rest. The day is just to relax and enjoy family time, typically ending with some wine and a book in hand to end the night. Back in Hawai'i, it would be a day spent at grandmas with the whole family and Janel was the one singing for the family after presents. Since moving to LA, it’s been her and her parents and sister. That list now includes her brother in law and the family dogs.   
DAY 26: When the holidays end, is your celebrity the type that wants to undecorate and move on immediately to get back to normal, or do they keep things up and keep the spirit going longer?
Janel is lazy and will keep things up until her mom comes over to help take everything down. She loves Christmas and wishes it lasted longer, so as long as the decor is socially acceptable is good with her. New Years is often time the cut off for her to bring everything down.  
DAY 27: Is your celebrity more of a city-dweller, or a farm person? Do you think that where they grew up had a big impact on that? And how do they do when they’re living in the opposite situation?
She refuses to live downtown, the suburbs are more her scene. Growing up in Honolulu, she enjoyed her time when the family lived a ways away toward the mountains and spent her days on the beach. The house she owns in LA is a relatively small home in quiet neighborhood in North Hollywood. She was previously living in Long Beach, blocks away from a small beach. Now she’s out by the water yet again in town. If she were to go back to living in a place like DTLA she would probably rip her hair out, it’s too much. Living out far in farm country also may not work, she relies too much on food delivery.
DAY 28: Growing up, was there one person that your celebrity looked up to more than any other, whether it be family, friend, or just someone else in their life? How do they feel about that person today?
Her mom, older sister, actresses like Lucy Liu and Ming Na Wen or Lea Salonga, and as she got older her cousin actress Kelly Hu when she began making it big. Each woman had a big impact on her life in different ways, mostly teaching her to believe in herself and that she was capable of anything no matter who she was, where she came from, or how she looked.
DAY 29: Imagine if your celebrity had never come to Bayview… where would they be right this moment? Who would they be with, and what would they be doing?
She would still be in Toronto working, but in her previous relationship heading for the alter. Without Bayview, she’d be caught up in work to distract from everything else happening in life, and balancing that with wedding planning instead and in need of some time off. However, work prospects would still be the same, as she signed on for them over a year ago. 
DAY 30: It’s the year 2022, and your celebrity is still living in Bayview. Describe what you think their life is going to be like in five years; are they still in the same house, doing the same work? With the same person and social circle? Or has their life changed astronomically? Do you think the reality of where they are is where they would have wanted to be back in 2017?
Probably in a bigger place in the suburbs, married, maybe have a kid but she’s still got plenty of time. All her time is spent between town and on location filming, her music career has also taken off. The same consistent people around her keeping her grounded. It’s a good life. Life has started to fall together, so the next five years are expected to continue the trend. 
DAY 31: If there was one wish that your celebrity could have come true for the upcoming year, what would it be and why?
To finally settle down and be happy, while work continues to be steady. So in other words, to be living comfortably. Other years have not been so nice. It would also be nice to get a little more credit and recognition for her work, which oftentimes goes unnoticed. 
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momscookingthebooks · 7 years
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Review Blitz & Excerpt
Book Review Title: Wicked Favor Series: Wicked Horse Vegas #1 Author: Sawyer Bennett Genre: Erotic Romance Publication Date: June 5, 2017 Cliff Hanger: No 4 Stars *This story is for mature audiences only. Contains explicit scenes and language intended for adults 18+ Synopsis:  New York Times bestselling author, Sawyer Bennett, is happy to introduce a new Wicked Horse club in Las Vegas and you’re cordially invited to attend the grand opening... As the owner of The Wicked Horse, an elite sex club located along the Vegas Strip, Jerico Jameson never spends the night alone. Gorgeous, ripped, and totally alpha, Jerico doesn’t grant favors and will rarely give you the time of day—unless he wants you in his bed. So when the sister of his sworn enemy shows up asking for help, saying no should be easy. But when Jerico takes one look at her and sees an opportunity to help this beautiful woman while exacting revenge on her brother, he’s not about to pass that up. Beaten and bruised, Trista Barnes is running out of options, and Jerico is her last chance to get out of the mess she’s in. She doesn’t know why Jerico despises her brother so much, but as long as he can help her, she doesn’t care. Jerico offers her safety while opening her up to a sinful world she never knew existed.  As she succumbs to Jerico’s erotic charm, Trista lets herself fall into the wicked world of guilt free pleasure with no regrets. Under his strong alpha hand, she blooms, and so does Jerico’s possessiveness. But what happens when Trista finds out she was a pawn in Jerico’s game all along, and that the price for his favor was steeper than she ever imagined – her heart. My Thoughts: Great start to the new Wicked Horse Vegas series! I was so excited to read this as I really enjoyed the original Wicked Horse series set in Wyoming.  I went in with expectations and I certainly wasn’t disappointed! The author gave me strong characters that I could connect with and secondary characters that I can’t wait to read about in future Wicked Horse Vegas books. This book was WICKED HOT! Holy crap was the chemistry at the boiling point with these two, but there was also a great love story brewing on the back burner that couldn’t be denied.  Both characters had devastating things happen in their pasts and it wasn’t a surprise that the past and future collide. Trista has a very good head on her adventurous shoulders and she is a what you see is what you get kind of girl and I think that is what Jericho finds so intriguing about her. She is adventurous, but innocent and trusting at the same time and Jericho finds this intoxicating. Jericho is charismatic, sexy and everything that Trista can’t resist. I am not going to give you anymore hints on the book as you need to read this very sexy love story. I can’t wait for more!  ARC kindly provided by InkSlinger for an honest review.
Purchase Links for Wicked Favor:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nsRbip
B&N: http://bit.ly/2mkqwE8
iBooks: http://apple.co/2mTmQwn
Google Play: http://bit.ly/2mfpTuZ
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2mkq5trAdd
Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34537412-wicked-favor
About the Author:
Since the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, in January 2013, Sawyer Bennett has released more than 30 books and has been featured on both the USA Today and New York Times bestseller lists on multiple occasions.
A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real life experience to create relatable, sexy stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to erotic contemporary romance, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.
Sawyer likes her Bloody Marys strong, her martinis dirty, and her heroes a combination of the two. When not bringing fictional romance to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to a very active toddler, as well as full-time servant to two adorably naughty dogs. She believes in the good of others, and that a bad day can be cured with a great work-out, cake, or a combination of the two.
Author Links:
Website: http://sawyerbennett.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bennettbooks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bennettbooks
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sawyerbennett123/
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/sawyer-bennett
Amaazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Sawyer-Bennett/e/B00B42TO0U
Goodreads Author Page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6950682.Sawyer_Bennett
She pops her head in first and gives me a tentative smile. “You busy?”
“Not at all,” I tell her as I wave her in.
She disappears for a moment, and then opens the door wider. I see she’s carrying a large, plastic container that’s dome shaped and has a handle on top. My eyes only flick to it briefly before coming back to her. She’s much better to look at.
Shutting the door behind her, she walks up to my desk with a goofy grin on her face and sets the plastic container in front of me. I look down at it, and then up to her. “What’s that?”
“Something I made for you this morning,” she says, unlocking the tabs at the bottom. She lifts the dome top off, and I’m staring at a cake in front of me.
Slowly, I look back up to her. “You made me a cake?”
“Not just any cake,” she says while wagging a finger at me. “A four-layer, homemade red velvet cake with whipped mascarpone icing.”
“Jesus,” I mutter as I look at the cake, wondering what this weird squeezing sensation is in my chest. When I look back up to her, I have to ask her again, “You made that just for me?”
“Just for you,” she says with satisfaction all over her face. “You said it was your favorite, and I had some time this morning after pancakes.”
I push out of my chair and wave a hand at the cake. “You just happened to have all these ingredients, huh? You routinely use something as odd as mascarpone?”
Her grin turns mischievous as she shrugs. “Well, I may have had to go to the grocery store for a few things.”
Jesus fuck. I can’t believe she did that for me.
My mind races over the years, and I can’t remember anyone doing something so randomly nice for me. So spontaneous and with the sole intention of doing it to please me.
Picking up the cake, I round the desk and head for the side door that connects to my kitchen. “Let’s take this next door.”
I don’t miss the disgruntled expression on Trista’s face as she clearly expected me to act differently. I’m sure she was thinking I’d be a bit more effusive in my praise, and I intend to be.
Just… in my apartment.
She follows me through the door as I balance the cake on my hand. I immediately lay it down on my kitchen counter and spin around just as she’s walking through the door, taking her face in my hands and walking right into her. My mouth hits hers. She gives a huff of surprise as I turn slightly and back her into the refrigerator. Angling my head, I kiss her deeply. It’s possible because she angles hers the other way, opening her mouth to give me entrance.
Yes, it’s a deep kiss, but it’s not sexual. It’s a show of unbridled happiness that makes me feel like a kid, or perhaps it’s gratitude that Trista perhaps thinks this is something other than “just sex”.
When I pull away, Trista’s cheeks are pink and she’s slightly panting. She whispers breathlessly to me, “I should make you cake more often.”
The grin that breaks wide is my answer, followed by another swift kiss. Then I’m turning away from her and grabbing a fork out of my drawer. Without any pomp, and certainly no circumstance to wait for a plate, I punch my fork down into the top of the cake and pull a huge chunk out.
“Oh, my God.” Trista giggles as she comes to stand beside me at the counter. I angle toward her as I bring the fork to my lips, open my mouth wide, and shove the cake in. Cheeks bulging and the taste of rich cake and lightly sweet, tangy frosting coating my tongue, I groan in satisfaction. Our eyes stay locked as I chew and chew and chew, and finally swallow the heaven in my mouth. Trista’s eyes are sparkling with humor and a bit of pride.
“Good?” she asks.
I give a swipe of my tongue over my bottom lip to catch some stray frosting there. “It’s amazing. Thank you.”
She beams a brilliant smile as she sets the cake carrier on the counter and turns toward the door that leads back into my office. “You’re welcome. Now… I’ve got to get going.”
“Wait,” I say as I snag her arm and turn her back to me. “You just got here.”
“And my work is done,” she says impishly, going to her tiptoes to give me a quick kiss. “I’m meeting Mom and Corinne for lunch, and I’ve got to get going.”
Well, there goes all thought of spending my afternoon with Trista in bed rather than golfing.
But I’d never begrudge her time with Jolene and Corinne. Their unity right now is extremely important. I do pull her into me and wrap my arms around her waist after throwing the fork into the sink. Trista’s hands come to my chest as she looks up at me curiously.
“Take the night off,” I tell her softly and I have to admit, the way her eyes go warm makes me feel fucking really good. “Make it an entire day and night thing with Corinne, okay?”
“Really?” she asks with sweetest type of surprise in her eyes.
“Yeah,” I murmur as I tighten my arms around her. “I’ll keep myself occupied with the cake tonight.”
Her lips quirking, she gets a playful look in her eyes. “We could… um… FaceTime each other later.”
My eyebrows rise with interest, but I play a little stupid. “FaceTime?”
“Naked. FaceTime.” She annunciates each word slowly, and my dick perks up at this suggestion.
And for a man who has done about every dirty thing imaginable, it hits me hard that this is something new. Something I’ve never done with another woman and now, I’m glad she’s not coming so I can have something new and unique just with Trista.
“What time might you be calling me?” I ask in a husky voice.
“Be ready around eleven,” she says, pressing into me. “Clothing is optional.”
“Wrong,” I tell her with a shake of my head. “Naked is mandatory.”
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