moominspace · 1 year
This is a compiled list of OCs and tags for them for navigation !
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A small multiversal story that started with two.
Maggie : #maggie 🥀 Maisie : #maisie 🕸️ Madeline : #madeline 🌊 Marie : #marie 🐻 Marci : #marci ✨ Mags : #mags 🌱 Madge : #madge 🌻 Marlee : #marlee 👑 Maddie : #maddie 🌷 Maeve : #maeve 🚬 "Apollo" : #apollo ☀️ Marcia : #marcia 🛸 Magnolia : #magnolia 💐 Marilena : #marilena 📚 Maye : #maye 👻 Marcellus-Malek : #marcellus ☄️ Maylie : #maylie 🍄
Ocs in relation to Danganronpa, the series.
Yua Satsujin : #yua 🔮 Namie Shinjitsu : #namie 🌸 Bela Jomana : #bela 🎃 Athena Wittmer : #athena 🎲 Esme Mochizuki : #esme 💖 Taji Uso : #taji 🌧️ Marine Valor : #marine 🐟
Ocs in relation to Spider-Man! A lot of them belong to my friend's spider-verses !
Cyber-Web : #cyber-web ⚡ Mylah Jacklin : #mylah 🐾 Gracy Sawyer : #gracy 🧶 Gwyneira Stephens : #gwyneria ❄️
Ocs who aren't in any specific category.
(MHA) Seiren Kusama : #seiren 🎨 (FE3H) Seraphine Talia Lavigne : #seraphine 🦁
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likeniobe · 1 year
Or the story of Marsyas the musician who was half-man and half-beast and who could play as sweetly as any god on his flute and did so until Apollo the sun-god himself heard rumours about how good the earthly musician was, came shooting down straight as a ray of light to earth, challenged him to a contest, won the contest and had the musician skinned alive as his prize. Which isn't necessarily the injustice that it sounds, my mother said. Cause imagine, the skin of Marsyas slipped off as easily as a tomato's will in warm water to allow the red raw sweetness out of the fruit below. And the sight of such release moved everyone who saw it to a strength of feeling more than any music played anywhere by any musician or god.
ali smith, how to be both
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bartolomeo manfredi, apollo and marsyas, 1616-20
An other mention of a Satyre made, By Phoebus, with Tritonia's reede, o're-come: Who for presuming felt a heauy doome. Me from my selfe, ah why doe you distract? (Oh!) I repent, he cry'd: Alas! this fact Deserues not such a vengeance. Whilst he cry'd; Apollo from his body stript his hide. His body was one wound, blood euery way Streames from all parts: his sinewes naked lay. His bare veines pant: his heart you might behold; And all the fiuers in his brest haue told.
george sandys, trans. ovid, metamorphoses, 1632
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melchior meier, apollo and marsyas and the judgment of midas, 1581
And eke in ech of the pynacles Weren sondry habitacles, In which stonden, al withoute–– Ful the castel, al aboute–– Of alle maner of mynstralles And gestiours that tellen tales Both of wepinge and of game Of all that longeth unto Fame. [...] Ther saugh I than Atiteris, And of Athenes daun Pseustis, And Marcia that loste her skyn, Bothe in face, body, and chyn, For that she woulde envien, loo, To pipen bet than Appolloo.
geoffrey chaucer, the house of fame, 2.1193-1200, 1227-1232
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jean desmarets de saint-sorlin and stephano della bella, apollon et marsyas, 1644
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amiti-art · 1 year
I never seen anyone talking about it but in The Dark Prophecy, in the flashback with Commodus death, Apollo mentioned the list of the people Commodus was about to kill the very next day.
On this list there were people like his mistress - Marcia, praetorian prefect Laetus, some nobleman and senators and... Apollo's priests.
And it confuses me because neither Apollo nor Commodus ever talk about it for some reason?????
Why would he want to kill Apollo's priests specifically, like what's the reason???
Or maybe he had priests of all the gods there but Apollo only mentions his own because they are important to him??? (I highly doubt that, Apollo talk about the list in a way it sounds like he told us about everyone who were on it).
Did the priests had actually done something or did Commodus just woke up one day and decided 'hey Imma gonna kill all Apollo's priests, that's gonna make him notice me again for sure!'
I know Commodus was delusional at this point but what exactly he thought was gonna happen??? That Apollo would come to him and give him a pat on the back for murdering his priests????
Bro did you not read the fucking Iliad? You know what happens when somebody touches Apollo's priests???
I kinda wish Apollo had brought that up at some point during their arguments in TDP or TTT
Commodus: You blessed me and then you murdered me!
Apollo: Bitch you wanted to kill my priests, tf did you expected me to do?
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 3 months
The Copollogism Essays - Part 2: The Assassination Scene
Part 1 (The Tent) ~ Part 2 (The Assassination) ~ Part 3 (Lester's Reaction) ~ Part 4 (Leo's Questions/Seeing Commodus Again) ~ Part 5 (The Arena) ~ Part 6 (The Waystation) ~ Part 7 (The Yacht) ~ Part 8 (The Final Moment)
Analysis: Part 1 (Apollo and Commodus as Individuals) ~ Part 2 (Toxic Relationship?) ~ Part 3 (Codependent - Or Is It?) ~ Part 4 (Other Thoughts)
Oh ho ho ho. Here it is. The One You Have Been Waiting For.
A little personal background–
This was the scene that I remembered that made me pick the Trials of Apollo books back up last year.
It was this scene that brought me back into the fandom.
Everyone say thank you to this scene because it is a masterpiece and I sure damn well hope I do it justice.
Anyway. Let us begin~
I KNOW WHAT YOU are thinking. But, Apollo! You are divine! You cannot commit murder. Any death you cause is the will of the gods and entirely beyond reproach. It would be an honor if you killed me! I like the way you think, good reader. It’s true I had laid waste to whole cities with my fiery arrows. I had inflicted countless plagues upon humanity. Once Artemis and I slew a family of twelve because their mama said something bad about our mama. The nerve!  None of that did I consider murder.
None of that, none of the deaths Apollo has caused, did he consider murder.
But Commodus’s he does.
This has always stuck out to me, even when I first read the books. 
The praetorian prefect Laetus had pulled me aside only an hour ago: We failed at lunch. This is our last chance. We can take him, but only with your help. Marcia, Commodus’s mistress, had wept as she tugged at my arm. He will kill us all. He will destroy Rome. You know what must be done!  They were right. I’d seen the list of names—the enemies real or imagined whom Commodus intended to execute tomorrow. Marcia and Laetus were at the top of the list, followed by senators, noblemen, and several priests in the temple of Apollo Sosianus. 
Something that was pointed out by @amiti-art was how Apollo’s priests were set to be killed. This is baffling for a couple reasons: 1) Apollo is well known to deliver terrible punishments onto those who even treat his priests with disrespect (Agamemnon in The Iliad got a nice plague for his disrespect); and 2) Why would Commodus do this? Why would he specifically kill Apollo’s priests?
I suggested it could be a way to “get his attention” so to speak. Because remember, in Part 1, we know Apollo left after Marcus has died. And now, Commodus is deep into his paranoia and lashing out at everyone and everything he perceives as a threat.
Perhaps something triggered him to think the priests were some sort of threat, or maybe he’s so far in his delusions that he thinks he can have everything be “fixed” if he draws Apollo back to him. As we saw in Part 1, Commodus looked to Apollo first at the news of Marcus’s death— maybe even now, he’s trying to rebuild that bridge because everything’s falling apart.
If so…he did not think it through 😬 I mean… *eyes the plague Agamemnon got; Clytemnestra being killed by her own son for murdering Cassandra* yeah…things don’t end well for those who mess with the people in Apollo’s cult.
I pushed open the bronze doors of the emperor’s chambers. From the shadows, Commodus bellowed, “GO AWAY!”  A bronze pitcher sailed past my head, slamming into the wall with such force it cracked the mosaic tiles. “Hello to you, too,” I said. “I never did like that fresco.”
*wheeze from alder* I get the feeling there was very casual banter in their relationship lol
Commodus knelt on the floor, clinging to the side of a sofa for support. In the opulence of the bedchamber with its silk curtains, gilded furniture, and colorfully frescoed walls, the emperor looked out of place—like a beggar pulled from some Suburra alley. His eyes were wild. His beard glistened with spittle. Vomit and blood spattered his plain white tunic, which wasn’t surprising considering his mistress and prefect had poisoned his wine at lunch.
This whole paragraph really gives you a glimpse into Commodus’s mindset, even if we don’t see his thoughts. He is quite literally at his wit’s end. His mistress and prefect have just tried to assassinate him. Everyone is against him. He is completely alone; no father, no lover.
Except Narcissus.
But if you could look past that, Commodus hadn’t changed much since he was eighteen, lounging in his campaign tent in the Danubian Forest. He was thirty-one now, but the years had barely touched him. To the horror of Rome’s fashionistas, he had grown his hair out long and had a shaggy beard to resemble his idol, Hercules. Otherwise he was the picture of manly Roman perfection. One might almost have thought he was an immortal god, as he so often claimed to be.
Not very important but short-haired teenaged Commodus canon 👍
Sike, this can be important because it is INTERESTING that Commodus deviates from the traditional Roman culture here. He grows his hair out, as well as a beard. Roman men didn’t typically do that.
But you know who does?
Greek men. Such as Heracles (which is why Commodus does so.)
I find this VERRRYYY interesting, especially paired with his relationship with Apollo. Because if you look at Commodus…he’s not very Roman, no? I’d say he’s more Greek-flavored than Roman.
Because here’s the deal: Besides the longer hair, Commodus (historically, at least) also liked to sing and dance. That was 100% accepted for men to do in Greece, but in Rome?
Rome had a very convoluted attitude towards singing and dancing. It was essentially “oh the upper class OBVIOUSLY can get SUPERB teachers for it, but if they're TOO GOOD AT IT they are NO BETTER THAN A WOMAN OR A SLAVE!!!!”
The kicker here is that the Greeks were typically slaves within Rome. They were regularly hired by the Roman elite to perform music and dances.
(Interesting how Apollo is their god, too.)
Out of all the Romans, out of the Roman elite…Apollo falls in love with the most Greek one he can find.
What’s even better is that Commodus continues the trend of ‘Apollo’s lovers are related to his domains’ because of music and dance.
That is what they bonded over. You bet Apollo made Commodus feel better over what he liked doing when the society he lived in looked down on it.
My poor, precious heart 🥲
“They tried to kill me,” he snarled. “I know it was them! I won’t die. I’ll show them all!”  My heart ached to see him this way. Only yesterday, I’d been so hopeful. We’d practiced fighting techniques all afternoon. Strong and confident, he’d wrestled me to the ground and would have broken my neck if I’d been a regular mortal. After he let me up, we’d spent the rest of the day laughing and talking as we used to in the old days. Not that he knew my true identity, but still… disguised as Narcissus, I was sure I could restore the emperor’s good humor, eventually rekindle the embers of the glorious young man I’d once known. And yet this morning, he’d woken up more bloodthirsty and manic than ever.
Ouch. Owie. This hurts.
Time to discuss Apollo’s disguise now.
Narcissus, now, was a real person. But it appears in the RRverse, Narcissus was Apollo the whole time. And Apollo’s goal here was to, and I quote; “restore the emperor’s good humor [and] eventually rekindle the embers of the glorious young man I’d once known.”
Apollo initially disguised himself because he wanted to stop Commodus from going down his bloody, awful path. Apollo had been keeping such a close watch on what was happening that he knew things were getting bad enough to warrant his interference, with the hope of steering his former lover away from a dark fate.
*insert ‘I can fix him!’ meme here* ah, Apollo. If only you could RIP
Also wow, Commous wrestled Apollo— Apollo, who beat Ares in a wrestling match— to the ground? And would have broken his neck if he were mortal?
I’m guessing Apollo was holding back here, considering…well, considering the ending of this scene heh. But I doubt Apollo was a slouch even holding back, so Commodus is probably very good at hand-to-hand combat. Sheer brute force is exactly his style.
I approached cautiously, as if he were a wounded animal. “You won’t die from the poison. You’re much too strong for that.”  “Exactly!” He pulled himself up on the couch, his knuckles white with effort. “I’ll feel better tomorrow, as soon as I behead those traitors!”  “Perhaps it would be better to rest for a few days,” I suggested. “Take some time to recuperate and reflect.”  “REFLECT?” He winced from the pain. “I don’t need to reflect, Narcissus. I will kill them and hire new advisors. You, perhaps? You want the job?”
It’s really telling how much Commodus trusts Apollo— that is to say, Narcissus— here.
It’s also telling how Apollo— his lover— is using his father’s words to get him to stop.
Marcus Aurelius’s advice is coming out of Apollo’s mouth, but Commodus has no idea; he does not know it’s Apollo telling him this.
Not until it’s too late, that is. When it’s revealed once and for all that he has no intention of stopping.
But it does make you wonder what Commodus would have done if he had known it was Apollo. Would the combined might of his father’s advice and his lover be enough to prevent him from killing more innocent people?
Or would it have only made things worse?
I did not know whether to laugh or cry. While Commodus concentrated on his beloved games, he turned the powers of state over to prefects and cronies… all of whom tended to have a very short life expectancy. “I’m just a personal trainer,” I said. “Who cares? I will make you a nobleman! You will rule Commodiana!” I flinched at the name. Outside the palace, no one accepted the emperor’s rechristening of Rome. The citizens refused to call themselves Commodians. The legions were furious that they were now known as Commodianae. Commodus’s crazy proclamations had been the final straw for his long-suffering advisors.  “Please, Caesar,” I implored him. “A rest from the executions and the games. Time to heal. Time to consider the consequences.” He bared his teeth, his lips specked with blood. “Don’t you start too! You sound like my father. I’m done thinking about consequences!”
Apollo is once again putting on his Marcus Aurelius hat.
But once again…Commodus does not listen. He’s done listening to wise counsel. He’s done doing what other people have told him to do.
He’s emperor, after all.
Nobody can stop him. He’s blessed, after all. Who would even try?
My spirits collapsed. I knew what would happen in the coming days. Commodus would survive the poisoning. He would order a ruthless purge of his enemies. The city would be decorated with heads on pikes. Crucifixions would line the Via Appia. My priests would die. Half the senate would perish. Rome itself, the bastion of the Olympian gods, would be shaken to its core. And Commodus would still be assassinated…just a few weeks or months later, in some other fashion. I inclined my head in submission.  “Of course, Caesar. May I draw you a bath?”
Read no further if you wish for a happy ending 😢
Commodus grunted assent. “I should get out of these filthy clothes.”  As I often did for him after our workout sessions, I filled his great marble bath with steaming rose-scented water. I helped him out of his soiled tunic and eased him into the tub. For a moment, he relaxed and closed his eyes. I recalled how he looked sleeping beside me when we were teens. I remembered his easy laugh as we raced through the woods, and the way his face scrunched up adorably when I bounced grapes off his nose.
Their relationship was more carefree in nature. It was more teenager-esque, with Apollo even saying “when we were teens”, despite the fact he is merely a teen in body.
Even so…
I sponged away the spittle and blood from his beard. I gently washed his face. Then I closed my hands around his neck. “I’m sorry.”  I pushed his head underwater and began to squeeze. 
Apollo begins with gentleness. With cleaning him off. He doesn’t immediately kill him— perhaps to give both of them one last moment of peace.
But then that gentleness turns to murder.
Commodus was strong. Even in his weakened state, he thrashed and fought. I had to channel my godly might to keep him submerged, and in doing so, I must have revealed my true nature to him. He went still, his blue eyes wide with surprise and betrayal. He could not speak, but he mouthed the words: You. Blessed. Me.
Apollo is forced to reveal himself in all his glory— and in that moment, they are both aware of his betrayal. Commodus is floored by what he sees— by who he sees.
This isn’t merely his trainer who he has grown to trust.
This is his lover who he has loved for decades.
The lover who blessed and reassured him that everything would be fine.
But it’s not.
Apollo’s the one with the hands around his throat, and all Commodus can do is throw his promise back in his face: You. Blessed. Me.
*and this is the moment everyone knew: they started bawling*
Tissues, anyone?
The accusation forced a sob from my throat. The day his father died, I had promised Commodus: You will always have my blessings. Now I was ending his reign. I was interfering in mortal affairs—not just to save lives, or to save Rome, but because I could not stand to see my beautiful Commodus die by anyone else’s hands.
And even at the end, we can still see the toxicity that permeates their relationship.
Commodus took Apollo’s love and support for granted. He thought he could do anything he wished because he had the love and blessing of a god.
Apollo loved Commodus so much that he couldn’t stand the thought of someone else killing him. He could have kept his own hands clean of the kill, but he did not.
Because he wouldn’t be able to bear it to allow someone else to do the deed.
His last breath bubbled through the whiskers of his beard. I hunched over him, crying, my hands around his throat, until the bathwater cooled.
Even after Commodus is dead and gone, Apollo stays sitting there. Crying. He is utterly distraught by what he has done, and will continue to torment himself over it.
Perhaps even for eternity.
Britomartis was wrong. I didn’t fear water. I simply couldn’t look at the surface of any pool without imagining Commodus’s face, stung with betrayal, staring up at me.
That, my friends, is how you write an ending. That is how you write a tragic, doomed romance.
This is the deepest romance in all of Rick’s books. And we’ve only gotten through the flashback scenes.
We— and Rick— are merely getting warmed up.
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whiterosechrista · 5 months
Famous/Important Women?
I'm trying to make a list of notable women in history (mostly for fun, partially to use against misogynists who think men did everything), and kinda not wanting to just look up a list online.
So; I'd like anyone who sees this post to add to the list. Even if all you can remember is a name and basic details, that's enough (I myself am mostly operating off memory, and then looking up details to fill in the blanks). If possible though, a date of birth/death and what they're most known for would be great, since those are the details I'm focusing on right now.
I'll add all new people/details to a list here on Tumblr so we're all on the same page info-wise.
Edit; pinning this post both so I don't have to scroll millions of miles and so it's easier for people to find (I should probably be pinning my intro post instead but whatever).
List so far:
Enheduanna (𒂗𒃶𒌌𒀭𒈾), Birthdate unknown (c. 23rd century BCE), death date unknown (c. 23rd century BCE). High Priestess of Nanna/Sin (Sumerian Moon God), Daughter of Sargon (Founder of the Akkadian Empire), Earliest Known Named Author in History.
Nitocris (Greek: Νίτωκρις). Birthdate Unknown (c. 22nd century BCE), death date unknown (c. 22nd century BCE). Possible Queen of Egypt; If So, Would Have Been the Last Queen of the Sixth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom (c.2686 – 2181 BC).
Sobekneferu (Neferusobek). Birthdate unknown (mid 18th century BC), death date unknown (mid 18th century BC). Queen of Egypt, the Last Ruler of the Twelfth Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom, Reign Lasted 3 Years, 10 Months, and 24 days, Ending in c. 1802 BC.
Hatshepsut. Born ~1507 BC, died 1458 BC. Queen of Egypt (c. 1479 – 1458 BC), Fifth Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt, Prolific Builder, Reigned in Peace and Prosperity.
Sappho (Modern Greek: Σαπφώ (Sapphṓ), Aeolic Greek: Ψάπφω (Psápphō)). Born c. 630 BC, died c. 570 BC. Ancient Greek Poetess, Famous for Love Poems, Symbol of Lesbian Love, Known as “The Tenth Muse”.
Timarete (Thamyris, Tamaris, Thamar (Greek: Τιμαρέτη)). Birthdate unknown (c. 5th century BC), death date unknown (c. 5th century BC). Ancient Greek Painter; According to Pliny the Elder, She "Scorned the Duties of Women and Practiced Her Father's Art." At the Time of Archelaus I of Macedon She Was Best Known for a Panel Painting of the Goddess Diana That Was Kept at the City of Ephesus.
Helena of Egypt. Birthdate unknown (4th century BC), death date unknown (c. 4th century BC). Painter, Learned From Her Father, Worked in the Period After the Death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, Painted a Scene of Alexander Defeating the Persian Ruler, Darius III, at the Battle of Issus.
Kalypso. Birthdate unknown (c. 3rd century BC), death date unknown. Supposed Ancient Greek Painter (existence disputed).
Aristaineta. Birthdate unknown (3rd century BCE), death date unknown (3rd century BCE). Aetolian Woman, Dedicated a Large Monument at the Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi Which Included Her Mother, Father, Son, and Herself, Which Was a Symbol of Social Status Usually Reserved For the Male Head of the Family.
The Vestal Three (Aemilia, Licinia and Marcia). Born in the 2nd century BC, died December, 114 BC (Aemilia), and 113 BC (Licinia and Marcia). Roman Vestal Virgins (Priestesses), Prosecuted For Having Broken the Vow of Chastity in Two Famous Trials Between 115 and 113 BC.
Iaia of Cyzicus (Ιαία της Κυζίκου). Born c. 2nd century BC, died c. 1st century BC. Famous Greek Painter and Ivory Carver, Most of Her Paintings are Said to Have Been of Women. According to Pliny the Elder; "No One Had a Quicker Hand Than She in Painting." Remained Unmarried All Her Life.
Cleopatra (Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator). Born ~69 BC, died August 10, 30 BC. Queen of Egypt (51 – 30 BC), Last Active Ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Only Known Ptolemaic Ruler to Learn the Egyptian Language.
Soseono (소서노) (Yeon Soseono (연소서노)). Born 66/7 BCE, died 6 BCE. Queen Consort of Goguryeo, One of the Three Kingdoms of Korea (37 – 18 BC), Queen dowager of Baekje (Another of the Three Kingdoms) (18 – 6 BC), Founder of Baekje (18 BC).
Heo Hwang-ok (허황옥) (Empress Boju (보주태후)). Born 32 AD, died 189 AD. Legendary Queen of  Geumgwan Gaya, Mentioned in Samguk yusa (a 13th-Century Korean Chronicle), Believed to Originally be From India.
Septimia Zenobia (𐡡𐡶𐡦𐡡𐡩, Bat-Zabbai). Born ~240, died ~274. Queen of Palmyra (267 – 272), Queen of Egypt (270 – 272), Empress of Palmyra (272).
Hypatia. Born c. 350–370 AD, died March, 415 AD. Neoplatonist Philosopher, Astronomer, and Mathematician, Prominent Thinker in Alexandria, Taught Philosophy and Astronomy, Beloved by Pagans and Christians Alike.
Seondeok of Silla (선덕여왕) (Kim Deokman (덕만)). Born c. 580 or 610, died 20 February, 647. Queen of Silla, One of the Three Kingdoms of Korea (632 – 647), Silla's Twenty-Seventh Ruler and First Reigning Queen, Known as a Wise and Kind Monarch.
Jindeok of Silla (진덕여왕) (Kim Seungman (김승만)). Birthdate unknown, died 654. Queen of Silla, One of the Three Kingdoms of Korea (647 – 654), Silla’s Twenty-Eighth Ruler and Second Reigning Queen, Greatly Improved Relations With China.
Jinseong of Silla (진성여왕) (Kim Man (김만)). Born c. 865, died 897. Queen of Silla, One of the Three Kingdoms of Korea (887-897), Silla’s Fifty-First Ruler, Third and Last Reigning Queen, Said to be Smart by Nature, But Whose Reign Saw the Weakening of Unified Silla.
Ende (En). Born c. 10th Century AD, died c. 10th Century AD. First Spanish Female Manuscript Illuminator to Have Her Work Documented Through Inscription.
Diemoth (Latinized: Diemudus, Diemut, Diemud, Diemuth, Diemod or Diemudis). Born c. 1060, died c. 30 March, 1130. Recluse at Wessobrunn Abbey in Upper Bavaria, Germany, Worked on 45 Manuscripts From 1075 to 1130.
Lǐ Qīngzhào (李清照) (a.k.a. Yian Jushi (易安居士)). Born 1084, died c.1155. Chinese Poet and Essayist, Defiant Visionary, Known as “The Most Talented Woman In History.”
Gunnborga (a.k.a Gunnborga den Goda (literary: 'Gunnborga the Good')). Born c. 11th century, died c. 11th century. Viking Age Swedish Runemaster, Responsible for the Hälsingland Rune Inscription 21, Known as the Only Confirmed Female Runemaster.
Hildegard of Bingen (German: Hildegard von Bingen, Latin: Hildegardis Bingensis, a.k.a Saint Hildegard/the “Sibyl of the Rhine”). Born c. 1098, died 17 September, 1179. German Benedictine Abbess and Polymath, Active as a Writer, Composer, Philosopher, Mystic, Visionary, and Medical Writer/Practitioner During the High Middle Ages.
Matilda of England (Empress Matilda, Empress Maude, the “Lady of the English”). Born c. 7 February, 1102, died 10 September, 1167. Holy Roman Empress (1114 – 1125), Disputed Queen of England (1141 – 1148).
Guda. Born 12th Century AD, died 12th Century AD. German Nun and Illuminator, One of the First Women to Create a Self-Portrait in a Manuscript.
Herrad of Landsberg (Latin: Herrada Landsbergensis). Born c. 1130, died July 25, 1195. Alsatian Nun and Abbess of Hohenburg Abbey in the Vosges Mountains, Known as the Author of the Pictorial Encyclopedia Hortus Deliciarum (The Garden of Delights) (completed in 1185).
Claricia (Clarica). Born c. 12th Century AD, died c. 13th Century AD. German Laywoman and Illuminator, Noted for Including a Self-Portrait in a South German Psalter of c. 1200.
Jefimija (Јефимија) (Jelena Mrnjavčević (Serbian Cyrillic: Јелена Мрњавчевић)). Born 1349, died 1405. Considered the First Female Serbian Poet. Her Lament for a Dead Son and Encomium of Prince Lazar are Famous in the Canon of Medieval Serbian Literature. Also a Skilled Needlewoman and Engraver.
Christine de Pizan (Cristina da Pizzano). Born September, 1364, died c. 1430. Italian-Born French Poet and Court Writer for King Charles VI of France and Several French Dukes. Considered to be One of the Earliest Feminist Writers; Her Work Includes Novels, Poetry, and Biography, and also Literary, Historical, Philosophical, Political, and Religious Reviews and Analyses.
Joan of Arc (Jeanne d’Arc, Jehanne Darc). Born ~1412, died 30 May, 1431. French Knight, Martyr, and Saint, Burned at the Stake.
Catherine of Bologna (Caterina de' Vigri). Born 8 September, 1413, died 9 March, 1463. Italian Poor Clare, Writer, Teacher, Mystic, Artist, and Saint; The Patron Saint of Artists and Against Temptations.
Elena de Laudo. Born c. 15th Century AD, died c. 15th Century AD. Venetian Glass Artist, Belonged to a Glass Painter Family of Murano, is Noted to Have Painted Blanks Delivered to Her From the Workshop of Salvatore Barovier in 1443–1445.
Maria Ormani (Maria di Ormanno degli Albizzi). Born 1428, died c. 1470. Italian Augustinian Hermit Nun-Scribe and Manuscript Illustrator, Most Notable Work is an Apparent Self-Portrait in a Breviary That She Signed and Dated 1453; the Earliest Dated Self-Portrait by a Woman Artist in Italian Renaissance Art.
Sister Barbara Ragnoni (Suor Barbara Ragnoni). Born 1448, died 1533. Italian Nun and Artist for Whom Only One Work Remains Extant; Her Signed Painting, The Adoration of the Shepherds (c. 1500).
Antonia Uccello. Born 1456, died 1491. Carmelite Nun, Noted as a "Pittoressa" (Painter) on Her Death Certificate; Her Style and Skill Remain a Mystery as None of Her Work is Extant.
Marietta Barovier. Born 15th Century AD, died c. 15th/16th Century AD. Venetian Glass Artist, the Artist Behind a Particular Glass Design from Venetian Murano; the Glass Bead Called Rosette or Chevron Bead, in 1480. In 1487 She Was Noted to Have Been Given the Privilege to Construct a Special Kiln (Sua Fornace Parrula) for Making "Her Beautiful, Unusual and Not Blown Works".
Catherine of Aragon (Katherine, Catharina, Catalina). Born 16 December, 1485, died 7 January, 1536. First Wife of King Henry VIII, Queen Consort of England (1509 – 1533).
Properzia de' Rossi. Born c. 1490, died 1530. Ground-Breaking Female Italian Renaissance Sculptor, One of Only Four Women to Receive a Biography in Giorgio Vasari's Lives of the Artists.
Anne Boleyn. Born c. 1501 or 1507, died 19 May, 1536. Second Wife of King Henry VIII, Queen Consort of England (1533 – 1536), Martyr, Executed on False Charges.
Jane Seymour. Born c. 1508, died 24 October, 1537. Third Wife of King Henry VIII, Queen Consort of England (1536 – 1537), Died of Postnatal Complications.
Levina Teerlinc. Born in the 1510s, died 23 June, 1576. Flemish Renaissance Miniaturist who Served as a Painter to the English Court of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I.
Catherine Parr (Kateryn Parr). Born c. August, 1512, died 5 September, 1548. Sixth Wife of King Henry VIII, Queen Consort of England and Ireland (1543 – 1547), First English Woman to Publish an Original Work Under Her Own Name, Widowed, Remarried, Died in Childbirth.
Anne of Cleves (Anna von Kleve). Born 28 June or 22 September, 1515, died 16 July, 1557. Fourth Wife of King Henry VIII, Queen Consort of England (6 January 1540 – 12 July 1540), Marriage Annulled, Outlived All Other Wives.
Mary I of England (Mary Tudor). Born 18 February, 1516, died 17 November, 1558. First Undisputed Regnant Queen of England and Ireland (1553 – 1558), Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon.
Mayken Verhulst (a.k.a. Marie Bessemers). Born 1518, died 1596 or 1599. 16th-Century Flemish Miniature, Tempera and Watercolor Painter and Print Publisher, Actively Engaged in the Workshop of Her Husband, Posthumously Publishing His Works. While Recognized as an Exceptionally Skilled Artist, Little is Known About Her Works or Life as There are Few Surviving Sources.
Catherine Howard (Katheryn Howard). Born c. 1523, died 13 February, 1542. Fifth Wife of King Henry VIII, Queen Consort of England (1540 – 1541), Stripped of Title, Beheaded for ‘Treason’.
Sister Plautilla Nelli (Pulisena Margherita Nelli). Born 1524, died 1588. Self-Taught Nun-Artist, the First Ever Known Female Renaissance Painter of Florence, and the Only Renaissance Woman Known to Have Painted the Last Supper.
Caterina van Hemessen (Catharina van Hemessen). Born 1528, died after 1565. Flemish Renaissance Painter, the Earliest Female Flemish Painter for Whom There is Verifiable Extant Work, Possibly Created the First Self-Portrait of an Artist (of Either Gender) Depicted Seated at an Easel (1548).
Sofonisba Anguissola (a.k.a Sophonisba Angussola or Sophonisba Anguisciola). Born c. 1532, died 16 November, 1625. Italian Renaissance Painter, Born to a Relatively Poor Noble Family, Got a Well-Rounded Education That Included the Fine Arts; Her Apprenticeship With Local Painters Set a Precedent for Women to be Accepted as Students of Art.
Elizabeth I of England (Elizabeth Tudor, the “Virgin Queen”). Born 7 September, 1533, died 24 March, 1603. Regnant Queen of England and Ireland (1558 – 1603), Last Monarch of the House of Tudor, Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.
Lucia Anguissola. Born 1536 or 1538, died c. 1565 – 1568. Italian Mannerist Painter of the Late Renaissance, Younger Sister of Sofonisba, Who She Likely Trained With.
Lady Jane Grey (Lady Jane Dudley (married name)). Born  ~1537, died 12 February, 1554. Queen of England for ~9 days (~10 July, 1553 – 19 July, 1553) (disputed), First Cousin Once Removed of Mary I and Elizabeth I.
Mary, Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart). Born 8 December, 1542, died 8 February, 1587. Queen of Scotland (1542 – 1567), Forced Abdication, Imprisonment, Execution.
Diana Scultori (a.k.a Diana Mantuana & Diana Ghisi). Born 1547, died 5 April, 1612. Italian Engraver From Mantua, Italy; One of the Earliest Known Women Printmakers, Making Mostly Reproductive Engravings of Well-Known Paintings/Drawings and Ancient Roman Sculptures.
Lavinia Fontana. Born 24 August, 1552, died 11 August, 1614. Italian Mannerist Painter, Active in Bologna and Rome, Best Known for Her Successful Portraiture, but Also Worked in the Genres of Mythology and Religious Painting, Regarded as the First Female Career Artist in Western Europe.
Barbara Longhi. Born 21 September, 1552, died 23 December, 1638. Italian Painter, Much Admired in Her Lifetime as a Portraitist, Though Most of Her Portraits are Now Lost or Unattributed.
Marietta Robusti. Born 1560, died 1590. Highly Skilled Venetian Painter of the Renaissance Period, the Daughter of Tintoretto (Jacobo Robusti), Sometimes Referred to as Tintoretta.
Elizabeth Báthory (Báthori Erzsébet). Born 7 August, 1560, died 21 August, 1614. Hungarian Countess, Subject of Folklore, Alleged Serial Killer.
Esther Inglis. Born 1571, died 1624. Skilled Artisan and Miniaturist Who Possessed Several Skills in Areas Such as Calligraphy, Writing, and Embroidering; Over the Course of Her Life, She Composed Around Sixty Miniature Books That Display Her Calligraphic Skill With Paintings, Portraits, and Embroidered Covers.
Galizia (Fede Galizia). Born c. 1578, died c. 1630. Italian Painter of Still-Lifes, Portraits, and Religious Pictures, Especially Noted as a Painter of Still-Lifes of Fruit, a Genre in Which She Was One of the Earliest Practitioners in European Art.
Izumo no Okuni (出雲 阿国). Born c. 1578, died c. 1613. Actress, Shrine Maiden, Creator of Kabuki Theater (1603 – 1610), Recruited Lower-Class Women For Her Troupe, Primarily Prostitutes.
Clara Peeters. Born c. 1580s/90s, death date unknown. Flemish Still-Life Painter From Antwerp Who Worked in Both the Spanish Netherlands and Dutch Republic. Was the Best-Known Female Flemish Artist of This Era and One of the Few Women Artists Working Professionally in 17th-Century Europe, Despite Restrictions on Women's Access to Artistic Training and Membership in Guilds.
Artemisia Gentileschi (Artemisia Lomi). Born 8 July, 1593, died c. 1656. Italian Baroque Painter, Considered Among the Most Accomplished 17th-Century Artists, Making Professional Work by Age 15. In an Era When Women Had Few Chances to Pursue Artistic Training/Work as Professional Artists, She Was the First Woman to Become a Member of the Accademia di Arte del Disegno and Had an International Clientele. Much of Her Work Features Women From Myths, Allegories, and the Bible, Including Victims, Suicides, and Warriors.
Magdalena van de Passe. Born 1600, died 1638. Dutch Engraver, Member of the Van de Passe Family of Artists From Cologne, Active in the Northern Netherlands. Specialized in Landscapes and Portraits, and Trained the Polymath Anna Maria van Schurman in Engraving, One of the Few Known Early Examples of the Training of One Woman Artist by Another.
Giovanna Garzoni. Born 1600, died 1670. Italian Painter of the Baroque Period; Began Her Career Painting Religious, Mythological, and Allegorical Subjects but Gained Fame For Her Botanical Subjects Painted in Tempera and Watercolor.
Michaelina Wautier (Michaelina Woutiers). Born 1604, died 1689. Baroque Painter From the Southern Netherlands (now Belgium), Noted For the Variety of Subjects and Genres She Worked in, Unusual For Female Artists of the Time, Who Were More Often Restricted to Smaller Paintings, Generally Portraits or Still-Lifes.
Judith Leyster (Judith Jans Leyster (also Leijster)). Born in July, 1609, died February 10, 1660. Dutch Golden Age Painter of Genre Works, Portraits, and Still-Lifes. Her Work Was Highly Regarded by Her Contemporaries, but Largely Forgotten After Her Death. Her Entire Oeuvre Came to be Attributed to Frans Hals or to Her Husband, Jan Miense Molenaer. In 1893, She Was Rediscovered and Scholars Began to Attribute Her Works Correctly.
Louise Moillon. Born 1610, died 1696. French Still-Life Painter in the Baroque Era, Became Known as One of the Best Still-Life Painters of Her Time, Her Work Purchased by King Charles I of England, as Well as French Nobility.
Catharina Peeters. Born 1615, died 1676. Flemish Baroque Painter, Noted For Painting Seascapes.
Katharina Pepijn (Catharina Pepijn). Born in February, 1619, died 12 November, 1688. Flemish Painter Who Was Known For Her History Paintings and Portraits.
Josefa de Óbidos (Josefa de Ayala Figueira). Born c.  January, 1630, died 22 July, 1684. Spanish-Born Portuguese Painter. All of Her Work Was Executed in Portugal, Her Father's Native Country, Where She Lived From the Age of Four. Approximately 150 Works of Art Have Been Attributed to Her, Making Her One of the Most Prolific Baroque Artists in Portugal.
Maria van Oosterwijck (Maria van Oosterwyck). Born 20/27 August, 1630, died 1693. Dutch Golden Age Painter, Specializing in Richly-Detailed Flower Paintings and Other Still-Lifes. Despite the Fact That Her Paintings Were Highly Sought Out by Collectors (Including Royalty), She Was Denied Membership in the Painters' Guild Because Women Weren’t Allowed to Join. Stayed Single Throughout Her Life, but Raised Her Orphaned Nephew.
Johanna Vergouwen (Jeanne Vergouwen, Joanna Vergouwen). Born 1630, died 11 March, 1714. Flemish Baroque Painter, Copyist, and Art Dealer.
Mary Beale (née Cradock). Born in late March, 1633, died 8 October, 1699. English Portrait Painter and Writer, Part of a Small Band of Female Professional Artists Working in London. Her Manuscript Observations (1663), on the Materials and Techniques Employed "in Her Painting of Apricots", Though Not Printed, is the Earliest Known Instructional Text in English Written by a Female Painter.
Elisabetta Sirani. Born 8 January, 1638, died 28 August, 1665. Italian Baroque Painter and Printmaker Who Died in Unexplained Circumstances at the Age of 27. She Was One of the First Women Artists in Early Modern Bologna, and Established an Academy for Other Women Artists.
Maria Theresia van Thielen. Born 7 March, 1640, died 11 February, 1706. Flemish Baroque Painter, Known for Several Flower Pieces and Outdoor Still-Lifes Painted in the Style of Her Father, Jan Philip van Thielen.
Anna Maria van Thielen. Born 1641, death date unknown. Flemish Baroque Painter and Nun, Younger Sister of Maria Theresia, Older Sister of Fransisca Catharina.
Maria Borghese (Maria Virginia Teresa Borghese). Born 1642, died 1718. Italian Baroque Artist, Daughter of Art Collector Olimpia Aldobrandini.
Francisca Catharina van Thielen. Born 1645, death date unknown. Flemish Baroque Painter and Nun, Younger Sister of Maria Theresia and Anna Maria.
Maria Sibylla Merian. Born 2 April, 1647, died 13 January, 1717. German Entomologist, Naturalist and Scientific Illustrator, One of the Earliest European Naturalists to Document Observations About Insects Directly.
Élisabeth Sophie Chéron. Born 3 October, 1648, died 3 September, 1711. Remembered Today Primarily as a French Painter, but She Was a Renaissance Woman, Acclaimed in Her Lifetime as a Gifted Poet, Musician, Artist, and Academician.
Luisa Roldán (Luisa Ignacia Roldán, a.k.a La Roldana). Born 8 September, 1652, died 10 January, 1706. Spanish Sculptor of the Baroque Era, the Earliest Woman Sculptor Documented in Spain. Recognized in the Hispanic Society Museum For Being "One of the Few Women Artists to Have Maintained a Studio Outside the Convents in Golden Age Spain".
Rachel Ruysch. Born 3 June, 1664, died 12 October, 1750. Dutch Still-Life Painter From the Northern Netherlands. She Specialized in Flowers, Inventing Her Own Style and Achieving International Fame in Her Lifetime. Due to a Long, Successful Career That Spanned Over Six Decades, She Became the Best-Documented Woman Painter of the Dutch Golden Age.
Anne, Queen of Great Britain. Born 6 February, 1665, died 1 August, 1714. Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1702 – 1707), First Queen of Great Britain and Ireland (1707 – 1714).
Isabel de Cisneros (Isabel de Santiago). Born 1666, died c. 1714. Criollo Colonial Painter Born in the Colony of Quito (Ecuador), Specialized in Oil Paintings of the Childhood of the Virgin and of the Baby Jesus, Adorned With Flowers and Animals.
Rosalba Carriera. Born 12 January, 1673, died 15 April, 1757. Venetian Rococo Painter; In Her Younger Years She Specialized in Portrait Miniatures, Would Later Become Known For Her Pastel Portraits, Helping Popularize the Medium in 18th-Century Europe. She is Remembered as One of the Most Successful Women Artists of Any Era.
Giulia Lama (Giulia Elisabetta Lama). Born 1 October, 1681, died 7/8 October, 1747. Italian Painter, Active in Venice. Her Dark, Tense Style Contrasted With the Dominant Pastel Colors of the Late Baroque Era. She Was One of the First Female Artists to Study the Male Figure Nude.
Anna Dorothea Therbusch (born Anna Dorothea Lisiewski (Polish: Anna Dorota Lisiewska)). Born 23 July, 1721, died 9 November, 1782. Prominent Rococo Painter Born in the Kingdom of Prussia (Modern-Day Poland). About 200 of Her Works Survive, and She Painted at Least Eighty-Five Verified Portraits.
Catherine the Great (Catherine II, Екатерина Алексеевна (Yekaterina Alekseyevna), born Princess Sophie Augusta Frederica von Anhalt-Zerbst). Born 2 May, 1729, died 17 November, 1796. Reigning Empress of Russia (1762 – 1796), Came to Power After Overthrowing Her Husband, Peter III. Under Her Long Reign, Russia Experienced a Renaissance of Culture and Sciences.
Ulrika Pasch (Ulrika "Ulla" Fredrica Pasch). Born 10 July, 1735, died 2 April, 1796. Swedish Rococo Painter and Miniaturist, and a Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts.
Angelica Kauffman (Maria Anna Angelika Kauffmann). Born 30 October, 1741, died 5 November, 1807. Swiss Neoclassical Painter Who Had a Successful Career in London and Rome. Remembered Primarily as a History Painter, She Was a Skilled Portraitist, Landscape and Decoration Painter. She Was, Along With Mary Moser, One of Two Female Painters Among the Founding Members of the Royal Academy in London in 1768.
Mary Moser. Born 27 October, 1744, died 2 May, 1819. English Painter and One of the Most Celebrated Female Artists of 18th-Century Britain. One of Only Two Female Founding Members of the Royal Academy in 1768 (Along With Angelica Kauffman), She Painted Portraits But is Particularly Noted For Her Depictions of Flowers.
Anne Vallayer-Coster. Born 21 December, 1744, died 28 February, 1818. Major 18th-Century French Painter, Best Known For Still-Lifes. She Achieved Fame and Recognition Very Early in Her Career, Being Admitted to the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture in 1770, at the Age of Twenty-Six. Her Life Was Determinedly Private, Dignified and Hard-Working.
Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (née Labille/a.k.a Adélaïde Labille-Guiard des Vertus). Born 11 April, 1749, died 24 April, 1803. French Miniaturist and Portrait Painter, Was an Advocate for Women to Receive the Same Opportunities as Men to Become Great Painters. She Was One of the First Women to Become a Member of the Royal Academy, and Was the First Female Artist to Receive Permission to Set Up a Studio for Her Students at the Louvre.
Marianne Mozart (Maria Anna Walburga Ignatia Mozart). Born 30 July, 1751, died 29 October, 1829. Musician (c. 1759 – 1769), Music Teacher (1772 – 1829), Sister of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun (Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, born Élisabeth Louise Vigée, a.k.a. Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun, Madame Le Brun). Born 16 April, 1755, died 30 March, 1842. French Painter Who Mostly Specialized in Portrait Painting, in the Late 18th/Early 19th Centuries, Made a Name For Herself in Ancien Régime Society by Serving as the Portrait Painter to Marie Antoinette, Enjoyed the Patronage of European Aristocrats, Actors, and Writers, and Was Elected to Art Academies in Ten Cities.
Marie Antoinette (Maria Antonia). Born 2 November, 1755, died 16 October, 1793. Last Queen of France (1774 – 1792), Bad Reputation, Executed by Guillotine.
Maria Cosway (Maria Luisa Caterina Cecilia Cosway (née Hadfield)). Born 11 June, 1760, died 5 January, 1838. Italian-English Painter, Musician, and Educator, Worked in England, France, and Later Italy, Cultivating a Large Circle of Friends and Clients. Founded a Girls' School in Paris (Dir. 1803 – 1809). Soon After it Closed, She Founded a Girls' College and School in Lodi, Northern Italy, Which She Directed Until Her Death.
Marguerite Gérard. Born 28 January, 1761, died 18 May, 1837. French Painter and Printmaker Working in the Rococo Style; More Than 300 Genre Paintings, 80 Portraits, and Several Miniatures Have Been Documented to Her.
Marie-Gabrielle Capet. Born 6 September, 1761, died 1 November, 1818. French Neoclassical Painter, Pupil of the French Painter Adélaïde Labille-Guiard in Paris. Excelled as a Portrait Painter; Her Works Include Oil Paintings, Watercolors, and Miniatures.
Anna Rajecka (a.k.a Madame Gault de Saint-Germain). Born c. 1762, died 1832. Polish Portrait Painter and Pastellist, Raised as a Protégée of King Stanisław August Poniatowski of Poland; In 1783, She Was Enrolled at His Expense at the Art School for Women at the Louvre in Paris. Chose to Stay in Paris After Marrying Miniaturist Pierre-Marie Gault de Saint-Germain in 1788. Became the First Polish Woman to Have Her Work Represented at the Salon in 1791.
Marie-Guillemine Benoist (born Marie-Guillemine Laville-Leroux), Born December 18, 1768, died October 8, 1826. French Neoclassical, Historical, and Genre Painter, Student of Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun.
Adèle Romany (born Jeanne Marie Mercier, a.k.a. Adèle Romanée, Adèle de Romance). Born 7 December, 1769, died 6 June, 1846. French Painter Known for Miniatures and Portraits, Especially Those of People Involved in Performing Arts.
Marie-Denise Villers (Marie-Denise "Nisa" Lemoine). Born 1774, died 19 August, 1821. French Painter Who Specialized in Portraits. In 1794, She Married an Architecture Student, Michel-Jean-Maximilien Villers. Her Husband Supported Her Art, During a Time When Many Women Were Forced to Give Up Professional Art Work After Marriage.
Constance Mayer (Marie-Françoise Constance Mayer La Martinière). Born 9 March, 1775, died 26 May, 1821. French Painter of Portraits, Allegorical Subjects, Miniatures and Genre Works. She Had "a Brilliant But Bitter Career."
Jane Austen. Born 16 December, 1775, died 18 July, 1817. English Novelist, Author of Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), etc, Known For Her Subtle Criticism of the Nobility of the Time.
Marie Ellenrieder. Born 20 March, 1791, died 5 June, 1863. German Painter Known For Her Portraits and Religious Paintings, Considered to be the Most Important German Woman Artist of Her Time.
Louise-Adéone Drölling (Madame Joubert). Born 29 May, 1797, died 20 March, 1834. French Painter and Draftswoman. Both Her Father and Older Brother Were Celebrated Artists in Their Day; She Herself Was Not a Very Prolific Painter.
Mary Shelley (Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, née Godwin). Born 30 August, 1797, died 1 February 1851. English Novelist, Author of Frankenstein (1818), Which is Considered One of the Earliest Examples of Science Fiction.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Born 6 March, 1806, died 29 June, 1861. Influential Poet, Author of How Do I Love Thee (Sonnet 43, 1845) and Aurora Leigh (1856).
Ada Lovelace (Augusta Ada King, née Byron, Countess of Lovelace). Born 10 December, 1815, died 27 November, 1852. Mathematician, Writer, First to Think of Other Uses for Computing Besides Mathematical Calculations.
Victoria I (Alexandrina Victoria). Born 24 May, 1819, died 22 January, 1901. Queen of England (1837 – 1901), Longest Reign of All Predecessors.
Florence Nightingale. Born May 12, 1820, died August 13, 1910. English Nurse, Pioneer of Modern Nursing, Statistics, and Social Reformation (~1853 – ?).
Rosa Bonheur. Born 16 March, 1822, died 25 May, 1899. French Artist Known Best as a Painter of Animals (Animalière). She Also Made Sculptures in a Realist Style. Was Widely Considered to be the Most Famous Female Painter of the Nineteenth Century. It’s Been Claimed That She Was Openly Lesbian, as She Lived With Her Partner Nathalie Micas For Over 40 Years Until Micas's Death.
Barbara Bodichon. Born 8 April, 1827, died 11 June, 1891. English Educationalist, Artist, and a Leading Mid-19th-Century Feminist and Women's Rights Activist. She Published Her Influential Brief Summary of the Laws of England concerning Women in 1854 and the English Woman's Journal in 1858, and Co-Founded Girton College, Cambridge (1869).
Emily Dickinson (Emily Elizabeth Dickinson). Born December 10, 1830, died May 15, 1886. American Poet, Little-Known During Her Lifetime, Most Works Published Posthumously and Heavily Edited, Later Regarded as One of the Most Important Figures In American Poetry.
Louisa May Alcott. Born November 29, 1832, died March 6, 1888. American Novelist, Short Story Writer, Poet, Author of Little Women (1868), Abolitionist, Feminist, Active in Temperance and Women’s Suffrage Movements.
Elizabeth Jane Gardner (Elizabeth Jane Gardner Bouguereau (married name)). Born October 4, 1837, died January 28, 1922. American Academic and Salon Painter, Born in Exeter, New Hampshire. She Was the First American Woman to Exhibit and Win a Gold Medal at the Paris Salon. Her Works Were Accepted to the Salon More Than Any Other Woman Painter in History, and More Than All But a Few of the Men.
Marie Bracquemond (Marie Anne Caroline Quivoron). Born 1 December, 1840, died 17 January, 1916. French Impressionist Artist, One of Four Notable Women in the Impressionist Movement, Along With Mary Cassatt, Berthe Morisot, and Eva Gonzalès. Studied Drawing as a Child and Began Showing Her Work at the Paris Salon When She Was Still an Adolescent. Never Underwent Formal Art Training, But Received Limited Instruction From Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres and Advice From Paul Gauguin, Which Contributed to Her Stylistic Approach.
Berthe Morisot (Berthe Marie Pauline Morisot). Born January 14, 1841, died March 2, 1895. French Painter and a Member of the Circle of Painters in Paris Who Became Known as the Impressionists. Described by Art Critic Gustave Geffroy in 1894 as One of "Les Trois Grandes Dames" (The Three Great Ladies) of Impressionism Alongside Marie Bracquemond and Mary Cassatt.
Emma Sandys (born Mary Ann Emma Sands). Born 25 September, 1841, died 21 November, 1877. British Pre-Raphaelite Painter. Her Works Were Mainly Portraits in Both Oil and Chalk of Children and of Young Women, Often in Period Clothing, Against Backgrounds of Brightly Coloured Flowers.
Maria Zambaco (Marie Terpsithea Cassavetti (Greek: Μαρία Τερψιθέα Κασσαβέτη)). Born 29 April, 1843, died 14 July, 1914. British Sculptor of Greek Descent, Was Also an Artist's Model, Favored by the Pre-Raphaelites.
Kitty Kielland (Kitty Lange Kielland). Born 8 October, 1843, died 1 October, 1914. Norwegian Landscape Painter.
Marie Stillman (Marie Spartali (Greek: Μαρία Σπαρτάλη)). Born 10 March, 1844, died 6 March, 1927. British Member of the Second Generation of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Of the Pre-Raphaelites, She Had One of the Longest-Running Careers, Spanning Sixty Years and Producing Over One Hundred and Fifty Works. Though Her Work With the Brotherhood Began as a Favorite Model, She Soon Trained and Became a Respected Painter.
Mary Cassatt (Mary Stevenson Cassatt). Born May 22, 1844, died June 14, 1926. American Painter and Printmaker, Born in Pennsylvania and Lived Much of her Adult Life in France, Where She Befriended Edgar Degas and Exhibited With the Impressionists. Often Created Images of the Social and Private Lives of Women, With Particular Emphasis on the Intimate Bonds Between Mothers and Children. Described by Gustave Geffroy as One of "Les Trois Grandes Dames" (The Three Great Ladies) of Impressionism Alongside Marie Bracquemond and Berthe Morisot.
Elizabeth Thompson (Elizabeth Southerden Thompson, later known as Lady Butler). Born 3 November, 1846, died 2 October, 1933. British Painter Who Specialized in Painting Scenes From British Military Campaigns and Battles, Including the Crimean War and the Napoleonic Wars.
Lilla Cabot Perry (born Lydia Cabot). Born January 13, 1848, died February 28, 1933. American Artist Who Worked in the American Impressionist Style, Rendering Portraits and Landscapes in the Freeform Manner of Her Mentor, Claude Monet. She Was an Early Advocate of the French Impressionist Style and Contributed to its Reception in the United States. Her Early Work Was Shaped by Her Exposure to the Boston School of Artists and Her Travels in Europe and Japan.
Anna Boch (Anna-Rosalie Boch). Born 10 February, 1848, died 25 February, 1936. Belgian Painter, Art Collector, and the Only Female Member of the Artistic Group, Les XX. Part of the Neo-Impressionist Movement.
Anna Bilińska (a.k.a. Anna Bilińska-Bohdanowicz). Born 8 December, 1854, died 8 April, 1893. Polish Painter, Known For Her Portraits. A Representative of Realism, She Spent Most of Her Life in Paris, and is Considered the "First Internationally Known Polish Woman Artist."
Cecilia Beaux (Eliza Cecilia Beaux). Born May 1, 1855, died September 17, 1942. American Artist and the First Woman to Teach Art at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Known For Her Elegant and Sensitive Portraits of Friends, Relatives, and Gilded Age Patrons, She Painted Many Famous Subjects Including First Lady Edith Roosevelt, Admiral Sir David Beatty and Georges Clemenceau.
Evelyn De Morgan (Mary Evelyn Pickering). Born 30 August, 1855, died 2 May, 1919. English Painter Associated Early in Her Career With the Later Phase of the Pre-Raphaelite Movement, and Working in a Range of Styles Including Aestheticism and Symbolism. Her Paintings Rely on a Range of Metaphors to Express Spiritualist and Feminist Content; Her Later Works Also Dealt With Themes of War From a Pacifist Perspective.
Lucy Bacon (Lucy Angeline Bacon). Born July 30, 1857, died October 17, 1932. Californian Artist Known for Her California Impressionist Oil Paintings of Florals, Landscapes and Still Lifes. Studied in Paris Under the Impressionist Camille Pissarro; The Only Known Californian Artist to Have Studied Under Any of the Great French Impressionists.
Laura Muntz Lyall (Laura Adeline Muntz). Born June 18, 1860, died December 9, 1930. Canadian Impressionist Painter and Art Teacher, Known for Her Sympathetic Portrayal of Women and Children.
Olga Boznańska. Born 15 April, 1865, died 26 October, 1940. Polish Painter and Art Teacher of the Turn of the 20th Century. She Was a Notable Painter in Poland and Europe, and Was Stylistically Associated With French Impressionism, Though She Rejected This Label.
Suzanne Valadon (Marie-Clémentine Valadon). Born 23 September, 1865, died 7 April, 1938. French Painter Who, in 1894, Became the First Woman Painter Admitted to the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts. Shocked the Artistic World by Painting Male Nudes as well as Less Idealized Images of Women (in Comparison to Those of Her Male Counterparts).
Mademoiselle Abomah (Ella Williams). Born October, 1865, death date unknown (after 1920s). African-American Performer, Giantess Who Grew to Eight Feet Tall.
Anna Connelly. Born September 23, 1868, died ~1969. Inventor of the First Fire Escape (1887), One of the First Women to Patent an Invention Without Help From a Man.
Emma Goldman. Born June 27, 1869, died May 14, 1940. Anarchist Revolutionary, Political Activist, Writer, Played a Pivotal Role in Development of Anarchist Philosophy in North America and Europe In the First Half of the 20th Century.
Ella Ewing, “The Missouri Giantess” (Ella Katherine Ewing). Born March 9, 1872, died January 10, 1913. Giantess, Performer, Considered the World’s Tallest Woman of Her Era.
Helen Keller (Helen Adams Keller). Born June 27, 1880, died June 1, 1968. Blind/Deaf, Disability Rights/etc. Activist (1909 – ?), Author (1903 – ?).
Agatha Christie (Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, Lady Mallowan, DBE (née Miller)). Born 15 September, 1890, died 12 January, 1976. English Writer, Known For Her 66 Detective Novels and 14 Short Story Collections. Dubbed “The Queen of Crime”.
Amelia Earhart (Amelia Mary Earhart). Born July 24, 1897, died January 5, 1939 (in absentia). First Solo Female Pilot (1932), Women's Rights Activist, Lost at Sea (1937).
Ebony and Ivory (Margaret Patrick and Ruth Eisenburg). Born 1902 (Eisenburg)/1913 (Patrick), died 1996 (Eisenburg)/1994 (Patrick). Elderly Interracial Piano Duo (1983 – 1988), Disabled on Opposite Sides.
Virginia Hall (Virginia Hall Goillot, Codenamed Marie and Diane, Known as “Artemis” and ”The Limping Lady” by the Germans). Born April 6, 1906, died July 8, 1982. WWII-Era Intelligence Agent (1940 – 1945), Considered “The Most Dangerous of All Allied Spies” by the Gestapo, Later Joined the CIA (1947 – 1966), Had Prosthetic Leg.
Li Zhen (李贞) (Li Danmeizi (旦妹子)). Born February, 1908, died March 11, 1990. Revolutionary (1927 – ?), First Female General of the People’s Liberation Army (1955 – ?).
Mother Teresa (Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu (born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu)). Born 26 August, 1910, died 5 September, 1997. Albanian-Indian Catholic Nun, Founder of the Missionaries of Charity.
Rosa Parks (Rosa Louise McCauley Parks). Born February 4, 1913, died October 24, 2005. Civil Rights Activist (1943 – ?), Played a Pivotal Role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955), Became Symbol of Resistance to Racial Segregation.
Judy Garland (Frances Ethel Gumm). Born June 10, 1922, died June 22, 1969. Award-Winning Singer/Actress (1924 – 1969), Starred in The Wizard of Oz (1939), A Star Is Born (1954), etc.
Stephanie Kwolek (Stephanie Louise Kwolek). Born July 31, 1923, died June 18, 2014. Award-Winning Chemist, Inventor of Kevlar (1965).
Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jeane Mortenson). Born June 1, 1926, died August 4, 1962. Award-Winning Actress (1945 – 1961), Pop/Sex Icon of Hollywood’s Golden Age, Starred in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953), Some Like It Hot (1959), etc.
Ursula K. Le Guin (Ursula Kroeber Le Guin). Born October 21, 1929, died January 22, 2018. American Novelist, Best Known For Her Works of Speculative Fiction, Author of the Earthsea Series (1964 – 2018), The Left Hand of Darkness (1969), The Dispossessed (1974), etc.
Aretha Franklin (Aretha Louise Franklin). Born March 25, 1942, died August 16, 2018. Award-Winning Gospel/Rock/RnB Singer, Songwriter, Pianist, Civil Rights Activist, Record Producer (1954 – 2017).
Liza Minnelli (Liza May Minelli). Born March 12, 1946, Still Living. Award-Winning Actress, Singer, Dancer, and Choreographer (1961 – present), Daughter of Judy Garland.
Afeni Shakur (Afeni Shakur Davis, Born Alice Faye Williams). Born January 10, 1947, died May 2, 2016. American Political Activist, Member of the Black Panther Party (1968 – 1971), Mother of Tupac Shakur.
Assata Shakur (Assata Olugbala Shakur (Born JoAnne Deborah Byron), A.k.a. Joanne Chesimard). Born July 16, 1947, Still Living. American Political Activist, Convicted of Murder, Former Member of the Black Liberation Army, One of the FBI's "Most Wanted Terrorists", Friend of Afeni Shakur & Mutulu Shakur, Often Described as Their Son Tupac Shakur's "Godmother" or "Step-Aunt", Currently a Fugitive, in Asylum in Cuba.
(P.S. if I got anything wrong, feel free to correct me.)
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caito-does-stuff · 6 months
The Outsiders x PJO
Ponyboy: Apollo Darry: Athena Soda: Aphrodite Dally: Ares Johnny: Hermes Steve: Nike Two-Bit: Dionysus Cherry: Hebe Marcia: Iris
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cloudyscribbless · 2 years
Succession characters match pretty well to the Greek gods
Logan - Zeus, high untouchable god
Ewan - Poseidon, the quarreling brother who lives in a different realm
Connor - Hades, the loneliest god who locks his love away in his isolated palace
Marcia - Hera, powerful and regal wife of Zeus
Shiv - Athena, the smart tactician birthed far from her fathers head with no mother
Roman - Apollo, the leader of arts (Roman ran way star movies and tv) and the beautiful charismatic star of the gods
Kendall - Ares, god of war who the masses either hate or are largely neutral on who is also constantly humiliated
Stewy - Hermes, the messenger, the trickster, the thief, the merchant the boy with wings on his feet to break his fall
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paradiserottttt · 1 year
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*     ◟    :    〔   gong yoo  ,      cis-man    +   he/him    〕      SEONG-HOON BAEK ,      some say you’re a  FOURTY-SEVEN         lost soul among the neon lights.      known for being both  MAGNETIC  and  VOLATILE ,  one can’t help but think of  COUNTERFEIT   by   AMAARAE  when you walk by.    are you still a  DISTRICT ATTORNEY /  UNDERBOSS  at    BURNING GODS ,     even with your reputation as the SYCOPHANT?     i think we’ll be seeing more of you and   AN INSATIABLE AMBITION , PERFECTLY TAILORED SUITS ,  A SMILE THAT DOESN’T REACH THE EYES  although we can’t help but think of APOLLO (GREEK MYTHOLOGY) , HARVEY DENT (THE DARK KNIGHT) , DUKAT (STAR TREK)  whenever we see you down these rainy streets.      (      lia  ,      25  ,      they/she  ,     n/a ,   pst    +    n/a  .     )
— STATS . FULL NAME . seong-hoon NICKNAMES . ?BIRTHDAY . may 7th AGE . fourty-eight GENDER . cis-man PRONOUNS . he/him FAMILY . marcia ramos (ex-wife), [unamed] baek (younger sister), bartleby ramos-baek (adopted son) ORIENTATION . bisexual biromantic OCCUPATION . district attorney underboss @ burning godsMARKINGS/TATTOOS . none PIERCINGS . none HEIGHT . 5’10
— PERSONALITY . POSITIVE TRAITS . ambitious, charasmatic, innovative, persuasive, diligant NEGATIVE TRAITS . self-serving, sycophantic, neglectful, pretentious, disloyal LANGUAGES . english, spanish, russian, italian, french EDUCATION . bachelors and juris docotorate MBTI . entj (the commander) ENNEAGRAM . type 8 (the challenger) MORAL ALIGNMENT . true neutral.  DEADLY SIN . greed HEAVENLY VIRTUE . dilligence ZODIAC . taurus sun
— BIOGRAPHY WHAT IS ONE TO MAKE OF THE BOY HANDED EVERYTHING AND STILL LEFT YEARNING FOR SOMETHING MORE? When Seong-Hoon is born, he is everything parents desire. They are your picture perfect middle class couple, with aspirations  for their children to follow their dreams. Seong-Hoon and his younger sister become the apple of their parents eyes— childhood arts and crafts projects and A+ assignments are the pinnacle of the Ajai household’s decorations. Seong-Hoon lives for such praise, and its only when he realizes he would receive it regardless, no matter how menial the feat, that he grows disinterested. There is nothing to actively work toward, not when anything he does becomes solid gold in his parents’ eyes.
When Seong-Hoon attends high school, he does so with a goal in mind. To become something more than he presently is— to be someone successful in ways that would surpass his family’s current standing in society. Seong-Hoon is diligent— and well-rounded in athletics, sports, and extracurriculars. His parents worry he’s stretching himself too thin, he assures them that when you want something bad enough, there’s no such thing. He recognizes this difference in ideation. It’s why they were able to be so content with their present, mundane existences. They would never wholly understand where he was coming from.
When the time comes to attend university, Seong-Hoon is picking between several Ivys, but he settles on Harvard, where he would remain for his Bachelors and eventual Juris Doctor. He returns home, a newly minted lawyer— acquiring a job as a public offender. He’s a damn good lawyer— (for mediocrity was never his style), and knows he can be a better one if given the opportunity to do so. Somewhere along the way, he crosses paths with MARCIA RAMOS. In her, he recognizes a mutual hunger, an insatiability and intensity he’d only encountered within himself. They take New York City by storm.
 It is when they’re at their peak that BURNING GODS makes them an offer. Seong-Hoon, a newly minted assistant district attorney, is moved by the suggestion that he could reach the title of district attorney in record timing. It’s fairly easy to get Marcia on board— with the promise of their mutual glory, there were few lengths they weren’t willing to go to. He loves her for this very reason, and it is the same reason that he eventually goes to despise her. When you’re willing to give up everyone and everything, no matter the risk or cost, how could it not extend to the person who sleeps beside you every night?
The divorce comes and goes with ease— custody and the assets are easily split. Their sole child had presently been enrolled in boarding school anyhow, coming home occasionally for holidays— spending a significant time with his parents. (He could never be half the parents they were— there simply wasn’t a paternal bone in his body. Fatherhood is left on the wayside in the pursuit of glory.) He understands why him and Marcia couldn’t be together. They’re too much alike for one. After all, bad people rarely made for good marriages. This is the simple truth of the matter.
Burning Gods gives Seong-Hoon everything he desires and more. He is granted the position of District Attorney— and it is difficult for the public not to love him. Sure, a time eventually arrives when rumors of Seong-Hoon's mob ties begin circulating, but Seong-Hoon appears practically unmoved in the public eye. A natural time, and a desire to please (when it directly benefits him, of course) had already gotten him this far. Besides, when your district attorney just so happens to be an underboss of one of the most powerful national crime syndicates, then purifying the public of mafia influence became easier said than done.  Seong-Hoon Baek is here to stay— intoxicated by the idea of his own infallibility. 
— ; TLDR
definitely would be part of a trading group
never satisfied overachiever attends prestigious college
becomes a public defender with the attention of moving up the ranks
gets married to a fellow social climber and is eventually recruited by burning gods
they help him become district attorney heehee
someone sus of his potential mafia ties
someone he potentially betrayed to get ahead
seong-hoon is a kiss-ass, maybe it turned into something more but he was still really just after the material gain
a friend? they do dumb expensive things and it's probably extremely superficial
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Season 1 Participants, aka characters you can't submit for Season 2
Abed Nadir from Community
Takao Hiyama from Mirai Nikki
Rue Koroha alias Princess Kraehe from Princess Tutu
Vasilis Deerlington from Blackout Hospital
Kanatsun from Entropic Float
Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece
Gord from Dead End: Paranormal Park
Yuni alias Cure Cosmo from Star Twinkle Precure
Erin Parker from Ordem Paranormal
Alina Starkov from Shadow & Bone
Shikamaru Nara from Naruto
Luciano Carvalho from Ordem Paranormal
Mrs Coulter from His Dark Materials (TV show)
The Snatcher from A Hat in Time
Soren from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Blon Fel-fotch Pasameer Day Slitheen from Doctor Who
Kaladin Stormblessed from The Stormlight Archive
Gabriel from ULTRAKILL
Alicent Hightower from House of the Dragon
Agatha Volkomenn from Ordem Paranormal
Fanny from Battle for Dream Island
Jonathan Harker from Dracula
Mathangi "Maya" Mantra alias Mathangi Ten Meti from Kill Six Billion Demons
Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
RGB from The Property of Hate
Test tube from Inanimate Insanity
Peril from Wings of Fire
Magolor from Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Kamisato Ayaka from Genshin Impact
Nathan Ford from Leverage
Mercymorn from The Locked Tomb
Caeden from The Licanius Trilogy
Phone Guy from five Nights at Freddy's
Red Velvet Cookie from Cookie Run
Ukiyo Ace from Kamen Rider Geats
Alanna of Trebond from Song of the Lioness
Gordon Freeman from Half-Life
Ortus Nigenad from The Locked Tomb
Vic Sage alias The Question from DC Comics
Edelgard from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Soap from Inanimate Insanity
Lancelot from the Arthurian Cycle
Kirby from Kirby
Bernkastel from Umineko: When They Cry
Gaius from Fire Emblem: Awakening
Ashton Greymoore from Critical Role Campaign Three: Bells Hells
Tobari Durandal Kumohire from Nabari no Ou
Yoite from Nabari no Ou
Yuuki Terumi alias Takehaya Susano'o from Blazblue
Vanitas from Vanitas no Carte
Marina Ida from Splatoon 2
Marcia Overstrand from The Septimus Heap
Noé Archiviste from Vanitas no Carte
Will Graham from Hannibal
Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives
Anders from Dragon Age 2
Kris Dreemurr from Deltarune
Nagito Komaeda from Super Danganrompa 2: Goodbye Despair
Denji from Chainsaw Man
Raistlin Majere from The Dragonlance Chronicles
Jayfeather from Warrior Cats
Asa Mitaka from Chainsaw Man
Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Bain from Payday: the Heist and Payday 2
Kaworu Nagisa from Neon Genesis Evangelion
Zim from Invader Zim
Zeke von Genbu from Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Vash the Stampede from Trigun
Jesse Faden from Control
Peridot from Steven Universe
Kevin from Welcome to Nightvale
Gingi from Dialtown: Phone Dating Sim
Randy Jade from Dialtown: Phone Dating Sim
Nick Valentine from Fallout 4
Makoto Misumi from Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu
Max from Camp Camp
Pearl from Splatoon 2
Volo from Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Gabriel-Bede from Eidolon POP
Wanderer from Genshin Impact
Adrien Agreste from Myraculous Ladybug
RoboKing from Katamari Forever
Marie from Splatoon
N from Pokémon Black & White
Link from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Milligan from the Mysterious Benedict Society
Oscar from The Umbrella Academy (TV show)
Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney
Carlos the Scientist from Welcome to Nightvale
Taako from The Adventure Zone: Balance
Lavernius Tucker from Red vs. Blue
Klavier Gavin from Ace Attorney
HiMERU from Ensemble Stars!
Agatha Heterodyne from Girl Genius
Max Headroom from Max Headroom: 20 Minutes Into the Future and The Original Max Talking Headroom Show
Ron Delite from Ace Attorney
Xie Lian from Heaven's Official Blessing
Yumyulack from Solar Opposites
Grelle Sutcliff from Black Butler
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz from Phineas & Ferb
Sunless alias Sunny from Shadow Slave
Qifrey from Witch Hat Atelier
Miss Piggy from The Muppets
Aether from Genshin Impact
Luciferen from Your Wings and Mine
Phosphophylite from Houseki no Kuni
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III from How to Train Your Dragon (book series)
Kyle Rayner alias Green Lantern from DC Comics
Meng Zhi from Lang Ya Bang
Maze Myers from the Ebon Ward
Alys Hunter from Itopia
Enid Sinclair from Wednesday
Dina Saruyama from Dumbing of Age
Silvana Greone from Noir
Noise from Roleslaying with Roman
Rincewind from Discworld
Grantaire from Les Misérables (book)
Gideon Nav from the Locked Tomb
Harrowhark Nonagesimus from the Locked Tomb
Seishin Muroi from Shiki
Himeno from Chainsaw Man
Stacy from Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
Red from Angry Birds
Benjamin Sisko from Star trek: Deep Space Nine
Donatello from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Kian from Ordem Paranormal
BoJack Horseman from BoJack Horseman
Diane Nguyen from BoJack Horseman
Arven from Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Joshua Kiryu from The World Ends with You
Oswald Cobblepot alias The Penguin from gotham (TV series)
Artemy Burakh from Patologic
James Wilson from House MD
Mari from Drawn to Life
T.O.B.O.R. from MySims
Irene Adler from the Sherlock Holmes canon
Luo Binghe from Scum Villain Self Saving System
Wayne Terrisborn from Mistborn Era 2
Kell Maresh from Shades of Magic
Sam Lloyd alias Sergei Lubovitch from The Diviners
Linhardt von Hevring from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings (Peter Jackson movies)
Happosai from Ranma 1/2
Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4
Jiang Cheng from Mo Dao Zu Shi
Juno Steel from The Penumbra Podcast
Mr. Pages from Fallen London
Sissel from Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Briana "Bree" Matthews from The Legendborn Cycle
Marsh from Mistborn
Bellatine Yaga from Thistlefoot
Jaeger from Finder
Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation
Beverly Toegold V from Not Another DnD Podcast
Darkstalker from Wings of Fire
Death the Kid from Soul Eater
Guido Mista from JoJo's Bizzarre Adventure: Golden Wing
Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Faith Lehane from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Szeth-son-son-Vallano from The Stormlight Archive
Balat Davar from The Stormlight Archive
Sanjeet from Raybearer
Jamshid e-Pramukh from the Daevabad Trilogy
Aerin from The Hero and the Crown
Asakura Hao from Shaman King
Ulaam from Tress of the Emerald Sea
Swaine from Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Elsa from Lackadaisy
Lilith Clawthorne from The Owl House
Sloane Parker from Eidolon POP
Madoc from The Folk of the Air
Suren alias Wren from The Folk of the Air
Alina Gray from Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story
Shin-Ah from Yona of the Dawn
Shinra Kishitani from Durarara!!
Czesław Meyer from Baccano!
Griffin from The Invisible Man (book)
Galacta Knight from Kirby
Pop from Happy tree Friends
Kyu sugardust from HuniePop
Locke Lamora from Gentlemen Bastards
Nathaniel Thorn from Sorcery of Thorns
Dorothy from Rune Factory 2
Hajime Tanaka from Odd Taxi
The Administrator from Team Fortress 2
Ruby from Disco Elysium
Zero from Katana ZERO
Yiffany Longstocking Lalonde Harley from Homestuck^2: Beyond Canon
Genly Ai from The Left Hand of Darkness
Moana from Moana
Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones
Kaveh from Genshin Impact
The Fool alias Beloved alias Amber from The Realm of the Enderlings
Fitz farseer from The Realm of the Enderlings
Orimar Vale from Campaign: Starjacks
Gable from Campaign: Starjacks
Laios Touden from Dungeon Meshi
Togata from Fire Punch
Niji from Rainbow and Black
Bree Van Der Kamp from Desperate Housewives
Lynette Scavo from Desperate Housewives
Atsushi Ren alias Nero from The Boy Who Fell
Raiden alias Jack from Metal Gear Solid
Ryuunosuke Naruhodo from The great Ace Attorney
Herlock Sholmes from The Great Ace Attorney
Lin Davar from The Stormlight Archive
Tunuva Melim from A Day of Fallen Night
Clariel from The Old Kingdom series
Thomas Thorne from Ghosts BBC
Walter De Courcey from Chess: The Musical
John Dough from John Dough and the Cherub
Chick the Cherub from John Dough and the Cherub
Raine Whispers from The Owl House
Davos Seaworth from A Song of Ice and Fire
Sunny from OMORI
Owen from VALORANT
John Ward from Faith: The Unholy Trinity
Hrathen from Elantris
The High Ki of Twi from The Enchanted Island of Yew
Kazuma Kiryu from Yakuza
Button-Bright from the Oz series
Hancock from Fallout 4
Michael from The Good Place
Yoko Littner from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
The Toy Soldier from The Mechanisms
Alexei "Hawk" Press from White Noise
Lime from Witch's Heart
Cecil Palmer from Welcome of Nightvale
Michael Shelley from The Magnus Archives
Jonny d'Ville from The Mechanisms
Alan Grant from Jurassic Park (1993 movie)
Sardonyx from Steven Universe
Nanashi from 1bitHeart
Quint from Jaws
Annoying Orange from The Annoying Orange
Theobald "Teo" Leonhart from The Lie-Eating Dragon
Star Seeker from Star Seekre in: The Secret of the Sorcerous Standoff
Ice King from Adventure Time
Carmen Sandiego from Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego
Asher Kendrell from Transistor
Jugglus Juggler from Ultraman Orb
Gai Kurenai from Ultraman Orb
Marvin from Falsettos
Arthur Gingerbread from DeathSitter
Rumplestiltskin from Once Upon a Time
The Narrator from The Stanley Parable
Princess Ozma from the Oz series
Niko from OneShot
Doc from Stray
Scout from Team Fortress 2
Kabbu from Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
Nanami Kiryuu from Revolutionary Girl Utena
Doppo Kunikuda from Bunguo Stray Dogs
Mr. Freeze from DC Comics
Sherlock Holmes from the Sherlock Holmes canon
Professor James Moriarty from the Sherlock Holmes canon
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erosioni · 2 years
Nunc Nox
So poco della notte ma la notte sembra sapere di me, come diceva Alejandra Pizarnik, che non avete la più pallida idea di chi sia, mocciosetti, ma niente vi impedirebbe di andare a cercarla su Google e un po’ di curiosità vi farebbe solo bene che poi citate senza leggere solo quella sciroccata di Sylvia Plath. 
La notte. La notte è il limite del mare su cui naufraga il nostro sbattersi quotidiano, l’inseguire telefonate e progetti. Pure Baudelaire sarebbe d’accordo e notoriamente Baudelaire non faceva un cazzo a parte ubriacarsi, scopare e scrivere. Il giorno ci naufraga contro come una Costa Concordia da strapazzo e ci si sfrantuma. Il gioco sfinito finisce, almeno per un po’. 
Le saracinesche chiudono, il traffico va in brachicardia. L’acqua del buio sale. Poi il silenzio. Persino nel condominio del cazzo, quando i peruviani decidono di spegnere la TV che trasmette trap andino. Allora il silenzio e il buio come acqua salgono per le scale. La tromba delle scale che finalmente è una tromba muta. Il silenzio e il buio. Illuminato da qualche lampo errante dalla finestra. Ciò che vedi se chiudi gli occhi nello specchio delle palpebre e osservi gli sprazzi dei fosfeni.
Silenzio e buio. La costa del mare notturno che fa diga ai miei pensieri. Al relitto rovesciato dell’ennesima giornata rognosa. Allora si sentono le onde. Avete mai dormito in riva al mare, mocciosi? Io spesso. Anche in un albergo a picco sul mare. Vuoto, in bassa stagione. E si sente la risacca, che ti culla alla faccia di tutti gli ASMR della minchia di cui fate inutile abuso. Le onde cerebrali e quelle del mare fanno lo stesso movimento. 
Forse si illumina una parte della mente. A volte scatta un relé. Figure che danzano in un teatrino privato, come sullo schermo del cineclub. Imprecise, sfocate, auratiche. Fantasie sessuali? Capriole dongiovannesche di giovinetti nudi e ninfe sguazzanti. O ricordi ambigui. Dolori appena sopiti, malinconie un tanto al chilo. Gente stesa nella bara che ti fissa con astio. O forse solo pensieri fastidiosi che svolazzano come pipistrelli nella grotta. Cartelle di riscossione, avvisi bonari, ingiunzioni. Le mille stronzate, parole, opere, omissioni di cui ho abusato, per cui mi sono abusato, con cui ho abusato l’altrui fiducia (o sfiducia), nei secoli dei secoli amen. 
Poi tutto svanisce. Gli opposti si toccano e il buio sale ancora fin dentro il cervello. Fino all’anima. Riaprirò gli occhi nella luce. Nel giorno di Apollo del cazzo che si piega su di me con quella cetra assassina per ricordarmi della scatola dello sterzo, del pagamento della cartella, dell’ossessione cartesiana di turno. Il giorno di noi non sa niente e neppure vuole sapere. Il giorno ha una tabella di marcia precisa e guai a chi la tocca. Il giorno vuole il fritto e la fretta.
La notte no, invece. La notte sembra sapere di noi. Ma il suo segreto del cazzo, ammesso poi che ci riguardi veramente, quello no, non ce lo dice né ce lo dirà mai, mocciosetti.
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 3.9
American Paddlefish Day
Amerigo Vespucci Day
Armored Warships Day
Barbie Day
Baron Bliss Day (Belize)
Chess Prodigy Day
Day of Waiting (Elder Scrolls)
Day to Mourn Slavery
Doctor’s Day (Venezuela)
Eid Al Moalim (Teacher’s Day; Lebanon)
False Teeth Day
Festival of Primal Ooze
Get Over It Day
Hit the Panic Button Day
Joe Franklin Day
Made in UK Day (UK)
National CBDB Day (a.k.a. Central Bank Digital Currency)
National Dishwasher Appreciation Day
National Heroes and Benefactors Day (Belize)
National Lina Day
National Marcia Day
National Music Day (Indonesia)
National Shane Day
National Urban Educator Day
Panic Day (a.k.a. ... 
Absolute Total Nihilists Bang Clang Day (Los Angeles)
Bang-Clang Day
Wellness Permission League’s Panic Day
World DJ Day
World Trisomy 9 Awareness Day
Zangoose Day (Pokémon)
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Spanish Omelette Day
National Cookie Cutter Day
National Crabmeat Day
National Meatball Day
2nd Thursday in March
International School Meals Day [2nd Thursday]
Nametag Day [Thursday of Name Week]
Popcorn Lovers Day [2nd Thursday]
Railroad Day [2nd Thursday]
World Kidney Day [2nd Thursday]
Feast Days
Archytas (Positivist; Saint)
Catherine of Bologna (Christian; Saint)
Cyril VI of Alexandria, Pope (Coptic Orthodox Church)
Dominic Savio (Christian; Saint)
Erotic Dancing Day (Pastafarian)
Farvardigan (Zoroastrian)
Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (Christian; Martyrs)
Frances of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Gregory of Nyssa (Episcopal Church (United States))
Jackie the Orangutan (Muppetism)
Meatball Day (Pastafarian)
Media Hiems III (Pagan)
Millard Fillmore Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Pacian (Christian; Saint)
Saitousai (Harvest Festival; Japan)
Socrates (Humanism; Saint)
Strinennia (Festival calling birds and spring to return; Slavic Pagan)
Takaosan Hiwatari Matsuri (Fire Walking Festival; Tokyo, Japan)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [17 of 71]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Can-Can (Film; 1960)
Castle (TV Series; 2009)
East of Eden (Film; 1955)
Fort Apache (Film; 1948)
42nd Street (Film; 1933)
The Hotel New Hampshire (Film; 1984)
Joe Versus the Volcano (Film; 1990)
John Carter (Film; 2012)
The Joshua Tree, by U2 (Album; 1987)
Mike’s Murder (Film; 1984)
Piano Concerto No. 21 in C Major, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Piano Concerto; 1785)
The Ref (Film; 1994)
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (Film; 2012)
Sheep & Wolves (Animated Film; 2018)
Splash (Film; 1984)
State Fair (Film; 1962)
Sword Art Online the Movie: Ordinal Scale (Anime Film; 2017)
Take Me Out to the Ball Game (Film; 1949)
A Wrinkle in Time (Film; 2018)
Today’s Name Days
Bruno, Franziska (Austria)
Fanika, Franciska, Nedjeljko (Croatia)
Františka (Czech Republic)
Edvin, Heido, Heivo (Estonia)
Auvo, Edvin (Finland)
Françoise (France)
Barbara, Bruno, Dominik, Franziska (Germany)
Aetios, Eliana, Filoktimon, Iliana, Lysimahos, Sarantos, Sevirianos, Smaragda, Smaragdos, Vivianos, Xanthos (Greece)
Fanni, Franciska (Hungary)
Francesca (Italy)
Ausmis, Ervalds, Ēvalds (Latvia)
Dominykas, Pranciška, Visgailė, Žygimantas (Lithuania)
Sindre, Sverre (Norway)
Apollo, Dominik, Franciszka, Katarzyna, Mścisława, Prudencjusz, Taras (Poland)
Františka (Slovakia)
Catalina, Francisca, Paciano (Spain)
Torbjörn, Torleif (Sweden)
Flavia (Ukraine)
Keely, Kelda, Kelley, Kelli, Kellie, Kelly (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 68 of 2023; 297 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 10 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Yi-Mao), Day 18 (Bing-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 16 Adar 5783
Islamic: 16 Sha’ban 1444
J Cal: 7 Ver; Sevenday [7 of 30]
Julian: 24 February 2023
Moon: 95%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 12 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Archytas]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 79 of 90)
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 18 of 29)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 3.9
American Paddlefish Day
Amerigo Vespucci Day
Armored Warships Day
Barbie Day
Baron Bliss Day (Belize)
Chess Prodigy Day
Day of Waiting (Elder Scrolls)
Day to Mourn Slavery
Doctor’s Day (Venezuela)
Eid Al Moalim (Teacher’s Day; Lebanon)
False Teeth Day
Festival of Primal Ooze
Get Over It Day
Hit the Panic Button Day
Joe Franklin Day
Made in UK Day (UK)
National CBDB Day (a.k.a. Central Bank Digital Currency)
National Dishwasher Appreciation Day
National Heroes and Benefactors Day (Belize)
National Lina Day
National Marcia Day
National Music Day (Indonesia)
National Shane Day
National Urban Educator Day
Panic Day (a.k.a. ... 
Absolute Total Nihilists Bang Clang Day (Los Angeles)
Bang-Clang Day
Wellness Permission League’s Panic Day
World DJ Day
World Trisomy 9 Awareness Day
Zangoose Day (Pokémon)
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Spanish Omelette Day
National Cookie Cutter Day
National Crabmeat Day
National Meatball Day
2nd Thursday in March
International School Meals Day [2nd Thursday]
Nametag Day [Thursday of Name Week]
Popcorn Lovers Day [2nd Thursday]
Railroad Day [2nd Thursday]
World Kidney Day [2nd Thursday]
Feast Days
Archytas (Positivist; Saint)
Catherine of Bologna (Christian; Saint)
Cyril VI of Alexandria, Pope (Coptic Orthodox Church)
Dominic Savio (Christian; Saint)
Erotic Dancing Day (Pastafarian)
Farvardigan (Zoroastrian)
Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (Christian; Martyrs)
Frances of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Gregory of Nyssa (Episcopal Church (United States))
Jackie the Orangutan (Muppetism)
Meatball Day (Pastafarian)
Media Hiems III (Pagan)
Millard Fillmore Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Pacian (Christian; Saint)
Saitousai (Harvest Festival; Japan)
Socrates (Humanism; Saint)
Strinennia (Festival calling birds and spring to return; Slavic Pagan)
Takaosan Hiwatari Matsuri (Fire Walking Festival; Tokyo, Japan)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [17 of 71]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Can-Can (Film; 1960)
Castle (TV Series; 2009)
East of Eden (Film; 1955)
Fort Apache (Film; 1948)
42nd Street (Film; 1933)
The Hotel New Hampshire (Film; 1984)
Joe Versus the Volcano (Film; 1990)
John Carter (Film; 2012)
The Joshua Tree, by U2 (Album; 1987)
Mike’s Murder (Film; 1984)
Piano Concerto No. 21 in C Major, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Piano Concerto; 1785)
The Ref (Film; 1994)
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (Film; 2012)
Sheep & Wolves (Animated Film; 2018)
Splash (Film; 1984)
State Fair (Film; 1962)
Sword Art Online the Movie: Ordinal Scale (Anime Film; 2017)
Take Me Out to the Ball Game (Film; 1949)
A Wrinkle in Time (Film; 2018)
Today’s Name Days
Bruno, Franziska (Austria)
Fanika, Franciska, Nedjeljko (Croatia)
Františka (Czech Republic)
Edvin, Heido, Heivo (Estonia)
Auvo, Edvin (Finland)
Françoise (France)
Barbara, Bruno, Dominik, Franziska (Germany)
Aetios, Eliana, Filoktimon, Iliana, Lysimahos, Sarantos, Sevirianos, Smaragda, Smaragdos, Vivianos, Xanthos (Greece)
Fanni, Franciska (Hungary)
Francesca (Italy)
Ausmis, Ervalds, Ēvalds (Latvia)
Dominykas, Pranciška, Visgailė, Žygimantas (Lithuania)
Sindre, Sverre (Norway)
Apollo, Dominik, Franciszka, Katarzyna, Mścisława, Prudencjusz, Taras (Poland)
Františka (Slovakia)
Catalina, Francisca, Paciano (Spain)
Torbjörn, Torleif (Sweden)
Flavia (Ukraine)
Keely, Kelda, Kelley, Kelli, Kellie, Kelly (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 68 of 2023; 297 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 10 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Yi-Mao), Day 18 (Bing-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 16 Adar 5783
Islamic: 16 Sha’ban 1444
J Cal: 7 Ver; Sevenday [7 of 30]
Julian: 24 February 2023
Moon: 95%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 12 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Archytas]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 79 of 90)
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 18 of 29)
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ivorypiano · 8 months
if marcia marcia marcia ever goes on as emcee i hope theres a boot or at least an audio 🙏 (apollo please interact)
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
Capodanno a Lecce: tre concerti gratuiti in tre giorni
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Capodanno a Lecce: tre concerti gratuiti in tre giorni Il Comune di Lecce concluderà il 2023 e inizierà il 2024 nel segno della musica con tre concerti gratuiti in tre giorni. Si comincia con un doppio appuntamento gratuito in piazza Libertini, organizzato in collaborazione con Molly Arts. Il 30 dicembre, alle 21, protagonista sarà Raf, all'anagrafe Raffaele Riefoli, cantautore fra i più amati, padre del pop italiano, che annovare fra i suoi successi la hit internazionale "Self Control", "Cosa resterà", "Gente di mare" (che si è classificato tra i primi veri successi italiani all'Eurofestival), "Il battito animale", "Due", "Sei la più bella del mondo", "Infinito" e "In tutti i miei giorni". Come autore, ha firmato la celebre "Si può dare di più" portata al successo da Gianni Morandi, Umberto Tozzi ed Enrico Ruggeri. Ha pubblicato 14 album in studio vendendo 10 milioni di dischi in tutto il mondo. In scaletta a Lecce anche il suo ultimo singolo "80 voglia di te", un concentrato di musica pop che attraversa generazioni e che Raf racconta con queste parole: «Gli anni ottanta non sono soltanto qualcosa che resta in un passato nostalgico ma le novità di quel decennio ancora oggi fanno tendenza. I rifermenti espliciti nel titolo, il linguaggio e le sonorità di "80 voglia di te" sono un omaggio alla leggerezza di quegli anni memorabili che cambiarono il mondo». Il singolo sarà contenuto nel nuovo album "La mia casa", che fa parte dell'omonimo progetto che prevede anche l'autobiografia scritta insieme a Cosimo Damiano Damato e il tour. Ad aprire la serata sarà il dj set di Cesko. La notte del 31 dicembre, ad animare la piazza nell'attesa del 2024 sarà la musica travolgente di Enzo Petrachi con la sua Folkband e di Claudio Prima con la Bandadriatica insieme ad altri artisti. Petrachi riproporrà i grandi successi del repertorio folk leccese scritti dal padre Bruno, da "Arcu de Pratu" a "Mieru, pezzetti e cazzotti", mentre Bandadriatica guidata dall'organettista, compositore e cantante Prima, coniuga la musica popolare salentina con elementi di tutte le coste sonore mediterranee, come una complessa "babilonia", dove i linguaggi iniziano ad armonizzarsi sulle melodie popolari, confrontandosi con le musiche di Albania, Macedonia, Croazia, con le fanfare serbe e il Nord Africa e spingendosi fino al Mediterraneo più orientale. Fra i pezzi che saranno eseguiti, anche l'ultimo singolo "Capisutta". Ad aprire la serata Ade & Steppo e Zimba Trio. La mattina del 1° gennaio, giornata mondiale della Pace, il Comune di Lecce in collaborazione con PugliArmonica e con l'Associazione Musicale Salentina offrirà alla cittadinanza al Teatro Apollo il Gran concerto di Capodanno della Banda della Città di Lecce "Nino Farì" diretta dal maestro Giovanni Pellegrini. L'ingresso al teatro sarà gratuito fino ad esaurimento posti. Il concerto avrà inizio alle 11, avrà la durata di circa 90 minuti, il programma musicale prevede arie dalla Norma, dalla Carmen, da L'italiana in Algeri, dal Barbiere di Siviglia, dalla Traviata, dalla Cenerentola, dalla Turandot e si concluderà con la Marcia di Radetzky. La Banda della Città di Lecce "Nino Farì" è stata costituita per volontà di questa Amministrazione comunale nel 2019 recuperando una lunga tradizione bandistica risalente alla metà dell'Ottocento. È composta da 38 elementi, organizzata come una tradizionale "banda da giro" con la direzione affidata al maestro Pellegrini con l'obiettivo di salvaguardare e valorizzare un fenomeno che è parte del patrimonio artistico, storico, culturale e sociale della città, profondamente radicato nella coscienza collettiva e nella tradizione del territorio e che, nel tempo, ha scandito i più importanti momenti della vita civile e religiosa della comunità, avvicinando alla musica ampi strati di popolazione.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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arte1h · 1 year
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TITOLO: Auriga di Delfi
DATAZIONE: 475 a.C. 
LUOGO DI RITROVAMENTO : Santuario di Apollo di Delfi
LUOGO DI CONSERVAZIONE : Museo archeologico di Delfi
TECNICA: Bronzo a cera persa
DETTAGLI: questa statua rappresenta un atleta al termine di una corsa di quadriglie durante la marcia trionfale.ciò si può capire dalla postura solenne e dalla tenia hanno data al capo, che è una fascia che veniva donata solo al vincitore.inoltre non vi è il dinamismo di una gara.i piedi sono vicini, il busto è eretto e leggermente inclinato in avanti. La statua è stata ritrovata priva di cavalli e del carro.l’espressione seria, la testa e il busto sono leggermente ruotati E le braccia protese in avanti.un elemento di innovazione è l’apertura del corpo nello spazio resa possibile grazie all’utilizzo del metallo.l’abito indossato dall’atleta, ovvero il chitone, è ricco di pieghe che rendono la statua ancora più realistica e naturale. In questa Stato infatti coesistono il naturalismo e l’idealizzazione della figura.
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Broderick Stephen Harvey, Sr. (born January 17, 1957) is a television and radio presenter, actor, author, businessman, and former stand-up comedian. He hosts The Steve Harvey Morning Show, Family Feud, Celebrity Family Feud, the Miss Universe competition, Family Feud Africa, and arbitration-based court comedy, Judge Steve Harvey. He began his career as a comedian. He did stand-up comedy in the early 1980s and hosted Showtime at the Apollo and The Steve Harvey Show on The WB. He was featured in The Original Kings of Comedy after starring in the Kings of Comedy Tour. He performed his last standup show in 2012. He has hosted Little Big Shots, Little Big Shots Forever Young, and Steve Harvey’s Funderdome. As an author, he has written four books, including his bestseller Act Like a Lady, and Think Like a Man. He founded Steve Harvey Global, an entertainment company that houses his production company East 112, and various other ventures. He invested in the HDNet takeover along with Anthem Sports and Entertainment. He is a six-time Daytime Emmy Award winner, a two-time Marconi Award winner, and a 14-time NAACP Image Award winner in various categories. He attended Kent State University and West Virginia University and is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. He is the founder of the Steve & Marjorie Harvey Foundation, a philanthropic organization that provides youth outreach services. The foundation hosts a yearly camp for fatherless children and partnered with Kent State University to provide scholarships to the school. He is a partner with Walt Disney World Resort and Essence for the Disney Dreamers Academy, a yearly workshop at Walt Disney World for 100 students. Had has been married three times and has seven children. He married Marcia Harvey (1981-1994), and he has two daughters and one son. He married Mary Shackelford (1996-2005), and he has another son. He married Marjorie Bridges (2007-) and had three stepchildren that he adopted. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #omegapsiphi https://www.instagram.com/p/CnhGEK0LoYt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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