#Anna Connelly
whiterosechrista · 5 months
Famous/Important Women?
I'm trying to make a list of notable women in history (mostly for fun, partially to use against misogynists who think men did everything), and kinda not wanting to just look up a list online.
So; I'd like anyone who sees this post to add to the list. Even if all you can remember is a name and basic details, that's enough (I myself am mostly operating off memory, and then looking up details to fill in the blanks). If possible though, a date of birth/death and what they're most known for would be great, since those are the details I'm focusing on right now.
I'll add all new people/details to a list here on Tumblr so we're all on the same page info-wise.
Edit; pinning this post both so I don't have to scroll millions of miles and so it's easier for people to find (I should probably be pinning my intro post instead but whatever).
List so far:
Enheduanna (𒂗𒃶𒌌𒀭𒈾), Birthdate unknown (c. 23rd century BCE), death date unknown (c. 23rd century BCE). High Priestess of Nanna/Sin (Sumerian Moon God), Daughter of Sargon (Founder of the Akkadian Empire), Earliest Known Named Author in History.
Nitocris (Greek: Νίτωκρις). Birthdate Unknown (c. 22nd century BCE), death date unknown (c. 22nd century BCE). Possible Queen of Egypt; If So, Would Have Been the Last Queen of the Sixth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom (c.2686 – 2181 BC).
Sobekneferu (Neferusobek). Birthdate unknown (mid 18th century BC), death date unknown (mid 18th century BC). Queen of Egypt, the Last Ruler of the Twelfth Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom, Reign Lasted 3 Years, 10 Months, and 24 days, Ending in c. 1802 BC.
Hatshepsut. Born ~1507 BC, died 1458 BC. Queen of Egypt (c. 1479 – 1458 BC), Fifth Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt, Prolific Builder, Reigned in Peace and Prosperity.
Sappho (Modern Greek: Σαπφώ (Sapphṓ), Aeolic Greek: Ψάπφω (Psápphō)). Born c. 630 BC, died c. 570 BC. Ancient Greek Poetess, Famous for Love Poems, Symbol of Lesbian Love, Known as “The Tenth Muse”.
Timarete (Thamyris, Tamaris, Thamar (Greek: Τιμαρέτη)). Birthdate unknown (c. 5th century BC), death date unknown (c. 5th century BC). Ancient Greek Painter; According to Pliny the Elder, She "Scorned the Duties of Women and Practiced Her Father's Art." At the Time of Archelaus I of Macedon She Was Best Known for a Panel Painting of the Goddess Diana That Was Kept at the City of Ephesus.
Helena of Egypt. Birthdate unknown (4th century BC), death date unknown (c. 4th century BC). Painter, Learned From Her Father, Worked in the Period After the Death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, Painted a Scene of Alexander Defeating the Persian Ruler, Darius III, at the Battle of Issus.
Kalypso. Birthdate unknown (c. 3rd century BC), death date unknown. Supposed Ancient Greek Painter (existence disputed).
Aristaineta. Birthdate unknown (3rd century BCE), death date unknown (3rd century BCE). Aetolian Woman, Dedicated a Large Monument at the Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi Which Included Her Mother, Father, Son, and Herself, Which Was a Symbol of Social Status Usually Reserved For the Male Head of the Family.
The Vestal Three (Aemilia, Licinia and Marcia). Born in the 2nd century BC, died December, 114 BC (Aemilia), and 113 BC (Licinia and Marcia). Roman Vestal Virgins (Priestesses), Prosecuted For Having Broken the Vow of Chastity in Two Famous Trials Between 115 and 113 BC.
Iaia of Cyzicus (Ιαία της Κυζίκου). Born c. 2nd century BC, died c. 1st century BC. Famous Greek Painter and Ivory Carver, Most of Her Paintings are Said to Have Been of Women. According to Pliny the Elder; "No One Had a Quicker Hand Than She in Painting." Remained Unmarried All Her Life.
Cleopatra (Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator). Born ~69 BC, died August 10, 30 BC. Queen of Egypt (51 – 30 BC), Last Active Ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Only Known Ptolemaic Ruler to Learn the Egyptian Language.
Soseono (소서노) (Yeon Soseono (연소서노)). Born 66/7 BCE, died 6 BCE. Queen Consort of Goguryeo, One of the Three Kingdoms of Korea (37 – 18 BC), Queen dowager of Baekje (Another of the Three Kingdoms) (18 – 6 BC), Founder of Baekje (18 BC).
Heo Hwang-ok (허황옥) (Empress Boju (보주태후)). Born 32 AD, died 189 AD. Legendary Queen of  Geumgwan Gaya, Mentioned in Samguk yusa (a 13th-Century Korean Chronicle), Believed to Originally be From India.
Septimia Zenobia (𐡡𐡶𐡦𐡡𐡩, Bat-Zabbai). Born ~240, died ~274. Queen of Palmyra (267 – 272), Queen of Egypt (270 – 272), Empress of Palmyra (272).
Hypatia. Born c. 350–370 AD, died March, 415 AD. Neoplatonist Philosopher, Astronomer, and Mathematician, Prominent Thinker in Alexandria, Taught Philosophy and Astronomy, Beloved by Pagans and Christians Alike.
Seondeok of Silla (선덕여왕) (Kim Deokman (덕만)). Born c. 580 or 610, died 20 February, 647. Queen of Silla, One of the Three Kingdoms of Korea (632 – 647), Silla's Twenty-Seventh Ruler and First Reigning Queen, Known as a Wise and Kind Monarch.
Jindeok of Silla (진덕여왕) (Kim Seungman (김승만)). Birthdate unknown, died 654. Queen of Silla, One of the Three Kingdoms of Korea (647 – 654), Silla’s Twenty-Eighth Ruler and Second Reigning Queen, Greatly Improved Relations With China.
Jinseong of Silla (진성여왕) (Kim Man (김만)). Born c. 865, died 897. Queen of Silla, One of the Three Kingdoms of Korea (887-897), Silla’s Fifty-First Ruler, Third and Last Reigning Queen, Said to be Smart by Nature, But Whose Reign Saw the Weakening of Unified Silla.
Ende (En). Born c. 10th Century AD, died c. 10th Century AD. First Spanish Female Manuscript Illuminator to Have Her Work Documented Through Inscription.
Diemoth (Latinized: Diemudus, Diemut, Diemud, Diemuth, Diemod or Diemudis). Born c. 1060, died c. 30 March, 1130. Recluse at Wessobrunn Abbey in Upper Bavaria, Germany, Worked on 45 Manuscripts From 1075 to 1130.
Lǐ Qīngzhào (李清照) (a.k.a. Yian Jushi (易安居士)). Born 1084, died c.1155. Chinese Poet and Essayist, Defiant Visionary, Known as “The Most Talented Woman In History.”
Gunnborga (a.k.a Gunnborga den Goda (literary: 'Gunnborga the Good')). Born c. 11th century, died c. 11th century. Viking Age Swedish Runemaster, Responsible for the Hälsingland Rune Inscription 21, Known as the Only Confirmed Female Runemaster.
Hildegard of Bingen (German: Hildegard von Bingen, Latin: Hildegardis Bingensis, a.k.a Saint Hildegard/the “Sibyl of the Rhine”). Born c. 1098, died 17 September, 1179. German Benedictine Abbess and Polymath, Active as a Writer, Composer, Philosopher, Mystic, Visionary, and Medical Writer/Practitioner During the High Middle Ages.
Matilda of England (Empress Matilda, Empress Maude, the “Lady of the English”). Born c. 7 February, 1102, died 10 September, 1167. Holy Roman Empress (1114 – 1125), Disputed Queen of England (1141 – 1148).
Guda. Born 12th Century AD, died 12th Century AD. German Nun and Illuminator, One of the First Women to Create a Self-Portrait in a Manuscript.
Herrad of Landsberg (Latin: Herrada Landsbergensis). Born c. 1130, died July 25, 1195. Alsatian Nun and Abbess of Hohenburg Abbey in the Vosges Mountains, Known as the Author of the Pictorial Encyclopedia Hortus Deliciarum (The Garden of Delights) (completed in 1185).
Claricia (Clarica). Born c. 12th Century AD, died c. 13th Century AD. German Laywoman and Illuminator, Noted for Including a Self-Portrait in a South German Psalter of c. 1200.
Jefimija (Јефимија) (Jelena Mrnjavčević (Serbian Cyrillic: Јелена Мрњавчевић)). Born 1349, died 1405. Considered the First Female Serbian Poet. Her Lament for a Dead Son and Encomium of Prince Lazar are Famous in the Canon of Medieval Serbian Literature. Also a Skilled Needlewoman and Engraver.
Christine de Pizan (Cristina da Pizzano). Born September, 1364, died c. 1430. Italian-Born French Poet and Court Writer for King Charles VI of France and Several French Dukes. Considered to be One of the Earliest Feminist Writers; Her Work Includes Novels, Poetry, and Biography, and also Literary, Historical, Philosophical, Political, and Religious Reviews and Analyses.
Joan of Arc (Jeanne d’Arc, Jehanne Darc). Born ~1412, died 30 May, 1431. French Knight, Martyr, and Saint, Burned at the Stake.
Catherine of Bologna (Caterina de' Vigri). Born 8 September, 1413, died 9 March, 1463. Italian Poor Clare, Writer, Teacher, Mystic, Artist, and Saint; The Patron Saint of Artists and Against Temptations.
Elena de Laudo. Born c. 15th Century AD, died c. 15th Century AD. Venetian Glass Artist, Belonged to a Glass Painter Family of Murano, is Noted to Have Painted Blanks Delivered to Her From the Workshop of Salvatore Barovier in 1443–1445.
Maria Ormani (Maria di Ormanno degli Albizzi). Born 1428, died c. 1470. Italian Augustinian Hermit Nun-Scribe and Manuscript Illustrator, Most Notable Work is an Apparent Self-Portrait in a Breviary That She Signed and Dated 1453; the Earliest Dated Self-Portrait by a Woman Artist in Italian Renaissance Art.
Sister Barbara Ragnoni (Suor Barbara Ragnoni). Born 1448, died 1533. Italian Nun and Artist for Whom Only One Work Remains Extant; Her Signed Painting, The Adoration of the Shepherds (c. 1500).
Antonia Uccello. Born 1456, died 1491. Carmelite Nun, Noted as a "Pittoressa" (Painter) on Her Death Certificate; Her Style and Skill Remain a Mystery as None of Her Work is Extant.
Marietta Barovier. Born 15th Century AD, died c. 15th/16th Century AD. Venetian Glass Artist, the Artist Behind a Particular Glass Design from Venetian Murano; the Glass Bead Called Rosette or Chevron Bead, in 1480. In 1487 She Was Noted to Have Been Given the Privilege to Construct a Special Kiln (Sua Fornace Parrula) for Making "Her Beautiful, Unusual and Not Blown Works".
Catherine of Aragon (Katherine, Catharina, Catalina). Born 16 December, 1485, died 7 January, 1536. First Wife of King Henry VIII, Queen Consort of England (1509 – 1533).
Properzia de' Rossi. Born c. 1490, died 1530. Ground-Breaking Female Italian Renaissance Sculptor, One of Only Four Women to Receive a Biography in Giorgio Vasari's Lives of the Artists.
Anne Boleyn. Born c. 1501 or 1507, died 19 May, 1536. Second Wife of King Henry VIII, Queen Consort of England (1533 – 1536), Martyr, Executed on False Charges.
Jane Seymour. Born c. 1508, died 24 October, 1537. Third Wife of King Henry VIII, Queen Consort of England (1536 – 1537), Died of Postnatal Complications.
Levina Teerlinc. Born in the 1510s, died 23 June, 1576. Flemish Renaissance Miniaturist who Served as a Painter to the English Court of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I.
Catherine Parr (Kateryn Parr). Born c. August, 1512, died 5 September, 1548. Sixth Wife of King Henry VIII, Queen Consort of England and Ireland (1543 – 1547), First English Woman to Publish an Original Work Under Her Own Name, Widowed, Remarried, Died in Childbirth.
Anne of Cleves (Anna von Kleve). Born 28 June or 22 September, 1515, died 16 July, 1557. Fourth Wife of King Henry VIII, Queen Consort of England (6 January 1540 – 12 July 1540), Marriage Annulled, Outlived All Other Wives.
Mary I of England (Mary Tudor). Born 18 February, 1516, died 17 November, 1558. First Undisputed Regnant Queen of England and Ireland (1553 – 1558), Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon.
Mayken Verhulst (a.k.a. Marie Bessemers). Born 1518, died 1596 or 1599. 16th-Century Flemish Miniature, Tempera and Watercolor Painter and Print Publisher, Actively Engaged in the Workshop of Her Husband, Posthumously Publishing His Works. While Recognized as an Exceptionally Skilled Artist, Little is Known About Her Works or Life as There are Few Surviving Sources.
Catherine Howard (Katheryn Howard). Born c. 1523, died 13 February, 1542. Fifth Wife of King Henry VIII, Queen Consort of England (1540 – 1541), Stripped of Title, Beheaded for ‘Treason’.
Sister Plautilla Nelli (Pulisena Margherita Nelli). Born 1524, died 1588. Self-Taught Nun-Artist, the First Ever Known Female Renaissance Painter of Florence, and the Only Renaissance Woman Known to Have Painted the Last Supper.
Caterina van Hemessen (Catharina van Hemessen). Born 1528, died after 1565. Flemish Renaissance Painter, the Earliest Female Flemish Painter for Whom There is Verifiable Extant Work, Possibly Created the First Self-Portrait of an Artist (of Either Gender) Depicted Seated at an Easel (1548).
Sofonisba Anguissola (a.k.a Sophonisba Angussola or Sophonisba Anguisciola). Born c. 1532, died 16 November, 1625. Italian Renaissance Painter, Born to a Relatively Poor Noble Family, Got a Well-Rounded Education That Included the Fine Arts; Her Apprenticeship With Local Painters Set a Precedent for Women to be Accepted as Students of Art.
Elizabeth I of England (Elizabeth Tudor, the “Virgin Queen”). Born 7 September, 1533, died 24 March, 1603. Regnant Queen of England and Ireland (1558 – 1603), Last Monarch of the House of Tudor, Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.
Lucia Anguissola. Born 1536 or 1538, died c. 1565 – 1568. Italian Mannerist Painter of the Late Renaissance, Younger Sister of Sofonisba, Who She Likely Trained With.
Lady Jane Grey (Lady Jane Dudley (married name)). Born  ~1537, died 12 February, 1554. Queen of England for ~9 days (~10 July, 1553 – 19 July, 1553) (disputed), First Cousin Once Removed of Mary I and Elizabeth I.
Mary, Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart). Born 8 December, 1542, died 8 February, 1587. Queen of Scotland (1542 – 1567), Forced Abdication, Imprisonment, Execution.
Diana Scultori (a.k.a Diana Mantuana & Diana Ghisi). Born 1547, died 5 April, 1612. Italian Engraver From Mantua, Italy; One of the Earliest Known Women Printmakers, Making Mostly Reproductive Engravings of Well-Known Paintings/Drawings and Ancient Roman Sculptures.
Lavinia Fontana. Born 24 August, 1552, died 11 August, 1614. Italian Mannerist Painter, Active in Bologna and Rome, Best Known for Her Successful Portraiture, but Also Worked in the Genres of Mythology and Religious Painting, Regarded as the First Female Career Artist in Western Europe.
Barbara Longhi. Born 21 September, 1552, died 23 December, 1638. Italian Painter, Much Admired in Her Lifetime as a Portraitist, Though Most of Her Portraits are Now Lost or Unattributed.
Marietta Robusti. Born 1560, died 1590. Highly Skilled Venetian Painter of the Renaissance Period, the Daughter of Tintoretto (Jacobo Robusti), Sometimes Referred to as Tintoretta.
Elizabeth Báthory (Báthori Erzsébet). Born 7 August, 1560, died 21 August, 1614. Hungarian Countess, Subject of Folklore, Alleged Serial Killer.
Esther Inglis. Born 1571, died 1624. Skilled Artisan and Miniaturist Who Possessed Several Skills in Areas Such as Calligraphy, Writing, and Embroidering; Over the Course of Her Life, She Composed Around Sixty Miniature Books That Display Her Calligraphic Skill With Paintings, Portraits, and Embroidered Covers.
Galizia (Fede Galizia). Born c. 1578, died c. 1630. Italian Painter of Still-Lifes, Portraits, and Religious Pictures, Especially Noted as a Painter of Still-Lifes of Fruit, a Genre in Which She Was One of the Earliest Practitioners in European Art.
Izumo no Okuni (出雲 阿国). Born c. 1578, died c. 1613. Actress, Shrine Maiden, Creator of Kabuki Theater (1603 – 1610), Recruited Lower-Class Women For Her Troupe, Primarily Prostitutes.
Clara Peeters. Born c. 1580s/90s, death date unknown. Flemish Still-Life Painter From Antwerp Who Worked in Both the Spanish Netherlands and Dutch Republic. Was the Best-Known Female Flemish Artist of This Era and One of the Few Women Artists Working Professionally in 17th-Century Europe, Despite Restrictions on Women's Access to Artistic Training and Membership in Guilds.
Artemisia Gentileschi (Artemisia Lomi). Born 8 July, 1593, died c. 1656. Italian Baroque Painter, Considered Among the Most Accomplished 17th-Century Artists, Making Professional Work by Age 15. In an Era When Women Had Few Chances to Pursue Artistic Training/Work as Professional Artists, She Was the First Woman to Become a Member of the Accademia di Arte del Disegno and Had an International Clientele. Much of Her Work Features Women From Myths, Allegories, and the Bible, Including Victims, Suicides, and Warriors.
Magdalena van de Passe. Born 1600, died 1638. Dutch Engraver, Member of the Van de Passe Family of Artists From Cologne, Active in the Northern Netherlands. Specialized in Landscapes and Portraits, and Trained the Polymath Anna Maria van Schurman in Engraving, One of the Few Known Early Examples of the Training of One Woman Artist by Another.
Giovanna Garzoni. Born 1600, died 1670. Italian Painter of the Baroque Period; Began Her Career Painting Religious, Mythological, and Allegorical Subjects but Gained Fame For Her Botanical Subjects Painted in Tempera and Watercolor.
Michaelina Wautier (Michaelina Woutiers). Born 1604, died 1689. Baroque Painter From the Southern Netherlands (now Belgium), Noted For the Variety of Subjects and Genres She Worked in, Unusual For Female Artists of the Time, Who Were More Often Restricted to Smaller Paintings, Generally Portraits or Still-Lifes.
Judith Leyster (Judith Jans Leyster (also Leijster)). Born in July, 1609, died February 10, 1660. Dutch Golden Age Painter of Genre Works, Portraits, and Still-Lifes. Her Work Was Highly Regarded by Her Contemporaries, but Largely Forgotten After Her Death. Her Entire Oeuvre Came to be Attributed to Frans Hals or to Her Husband, Jan Miense Molenaer. In 1893, She Was Rediscovered and Scholars Began to Attribute Her Works Correctly.
Louise Moillon. Born 1610, died 1696. French Still-Life Painter in the Baroque Era, Became Known as One of the Best Still-Life Painters of Her Time, Her Work Purchased by King Charles I of England, as Well as French Nobility.
Catharina Peeters. Born 1615, died 1676. Flemish Baroque Painter, Noted For Painting Seascapes.
Katharina Pepijn (Catharina Pepijn). Born in February, 1619, died 12 November, 1688. Flemish Painter Who Was Known For Her History Paintings and Portraits.
Josefa de Óbidos (Josefa de Ayala Figueira). Born c.  January, 1630, died 22 July, 1684. Spanish-Born Portuguese Painter. All of Her Work Was Executed in Portugal, Her Father's Native Country, Where She Lived From the Age of Four. Approximately 150 Works of Art Have Been Attributed to Her, Making Her One of the Most Prolific Baroque Artists in Portugal.
Maria van Oosterwijck (Maria van Oosterwyck). Born 20/27 August, 1630, died 1693. Dutch Golden Age Painter, Specializing in Richly-Detailed Flower Paintings and Other Still-Lifes. Despite the Fact That Her Paintings Were Highly Sought Out by Collectors (Including Royalty), She Was Denied Membership in the Painters' Guild Because Women Weren’t Allowed to Join. Stayed Single Throughout Her Life, but Raised Her Orphaned Nephew.
Johanna Vergouwen (Jeanne Vergouwen, Joanna Vergouwen). Born 1630, died 11 March, 1714. Flemish Baroque Painter, Copyist, and Art Dealer.
Mary Beale (née Cradock). Born in late March, 1633, died 8 October, 1699. English Portrait Painter and Writer, Part of a Small Band of Female Professional Artists Working in London. Her Manuscript Observations (1663), on the Materials and Techniques Employed "in Her Painting of Apricots", Though Not Printed, is the Earliest Known Instructional Text in English Written by a Female Painter.
Elisabetta Sirani. Born 8 January, 1638, died 28 August, 1665. Italian Baroque Painter and Printmaker Who Died in Unexplained Circumstances at the Age of 27. She Was One of the First Women Artists in Early Modern Bologna, and Established an Academy for Other Women Artists.
Maria Theresia van Thielen. Born 7 March, 1640, died 11 February, 1706. Flemish Baroque Painter, Known for Several Flower Pieces and Outdoor Still-Lifes Painted in the Style of Her Father, Jan Philip van Thielen.
Anna Maria van Thielen. Born 1641, death date unknown. Flemish Baroque Painter and Nun, Younger Sister of Maria Theresia, Older Sister of Fransisca Catharina.
Maria Borghese (Maria Virginia Teresa Borghese). Born 1642, died 1718. Italian Baroque Artist, Daughter of Art Collector Olimpia Aldobrandini.
Francisca Catharina van Thielen. Born 1645, death date unknown. Flemish Baroque Painter and Nun, Younger Sister of Maria Theresia and Anna Maria.
Maria Sibylla Merian. Born 2 April, 1647, died 13 January, 1717. German Entomologist, Naturalist and Scientific Illustrator, One of the Earliest European Naturalists to Document Observations About Insects Directly.
Élisabeth Sophie Chéron. Born 3 October, 1648, died 3 September, 1711. Remembered Today Primarily as a French Painter, but She Was a Renaissance Woman, Acclaimed in Her Lifetime as a Gifted Poet, Musician, Artist, and Academician.
Luisa Roldán (Luisa Ignacia Roldán, a.k.a La Roldana). Born 8 September, 1652, died 10 January, 1706. Spanish Sculptor of the Baroque Era, the Earliest Woman Sculptor Documented in Spain. Recognized in the Hispanic Society Museum For Being "One of the Few Women Artists to Have Maintained a Studio Outside the Convents in Golden Age Spain".
Rachel Ruysch. Born 3 June, 1664, died 12 October, 1750. Dutch Still-Life Painter From the Northern Netherlands. She Specialized in Flowers, Inventing Her Own Style and Achieving International Fame in Her Lifetime. Due to a Long, Successful Career That Spanned Over Six Decades, She Became the Best-Documented Woman Painter of the Dutch Golden Age.
Anne, Queen of Great Britain. Born 6 February, 1665, died 1 August, 1714. Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1702 – 1707), First Queen of Great Britain and Ireland (1707 – 1714).
Isabel de Cisneros (Isabel de Santiago). Born 1666, died c. 1714. Criollo Colonial Painter Born in the Colony of Quito (Ecuador), Specialized in Oil Paintings of the Childhood of the Virgin and of the Baby Jesus, Adorned With Flowers and Animals.
Rosalba Carriera. Born 12 January, 1673, died 15 April, 1757. Venetian Rococo Painter; In Her Younger Years She Specialized in Portrait Miniatures, Would Later Become Known For Her Pastel Portraits, Helping Popularize the Medium in 18th-Century Europe. She is Remembered as One of the Most Successful Women Artists of Any Era.
Giulia Lama (Giulia Elisabetta Lama). Born 1 October, 1681, died 7/8 October, 1747. Italian Painter, Active in Venice. Her Dark, Tense Style Contrasted With the Dominant Pastel Colors of the Late Baroque Era. She Was One of the First Female Artists to Study the Male Figure Nude.
Anna Dorothea Therbusch (born Anna Dorothea Lisiewski (Polish: Anna Dorota Lisiewska)). Born 23 July, 1721, died 9 November, 1782. Prominent Rococo Painter Born in the Kingdom of Prussia (Modern-Day Poland). About 200 of Her Works Survive, and She Painted at Least Eighty-Five Verified Portraits.
Catherine the Great (Catherine II, Екатерина Алексеевна (Yekaterina Alekseyevna), born Princess Sophie Augusta Frederica von Anhalt-Zerbst). Born 2 May, 1729, died 17 November, 1796. Reigning Empress of Russia (1762 – 1796), Came to Power After Overthrowing Her Husband, Peter III. Under Her Long Reign, Russia Experienced a Renaissance of Culture and Sciences.
Ulrika Pasch (Ulrika "Ulla" Fredrica Pasch). Born 10 July, 1735, died 2 April, 1796. Swedish Rococo Painter and Miniaturist, and a Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts.
Angelica Kauffman (Maria Anna Angelika Kauffmann). Born 30 October, 1741, died 5 November, 1807. Swiss Neoclassical Painter Who Had a Successful Career in London and Rome. Remembered Primarily as a History Painter, She Was a Skilled Portraitist, Landscape and Decoration Painter. She Was, Along With Mary Moser, One of Two Female Painters Among the Founding Members of the Royal Academy in London in 1768.
Mary Moser. Born 27 October, 1744, died 2 May, 1819. English Painter and One of the Most Celebrated Female Artists of 18th-Century Britain. One of Only Two Female Founding Members of the Royal Academy in 1768 (Along With Angelica Kauffman), She Painted Portraits But is Particularly Noted For Her Depictions of Flowers.
Anne Vallayer-Coster. Born 21 December, 1744, died 28 February, 1818. Major 18th-Century French Painter, Best Known For Still-Lifes. She Achieved Fame and Recognition Very Early in Her Career, Being Admitted to the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture in 1770, at the Age of Twenty-Six. Her Life Was Determinedly Private, Dignified and Hard-Working.
Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (née Labille/a.k.a Adélaïde Labille-Guiard des Vertus). Born 11 April, 1749, died 24 April, 1803. French Miniaturist and Portrait Painter, Was an Advocate for Women to Receive the Same Opportunities as Men to Become Great Painters. She Was One of the First Women to Become a Member of the Royal Academy, and Was the First Female Artist to Receive Permission to Set Up a Studio for Her Students at the Louvre.
Marianne Mozart (Maria Anna Walburga Ignatia Mozart). Born 30 July, 1751, died 29 October, 1829. Musician (c. 1759 – 1769), Music Teacher (1772 – 1829), Sister of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun (Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, born Élisabeth Louise Vigée, a.k.a. Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun, Madame Le Brun). Born 16 April, 1755, died 30 March, 1842. French Painter Who Mostly Specialized in Portrait Painting, in the Late 18th/Early 19th Centuries, Made a Name For Herself in Ancien Régime Society by Serving as the Portrait Painter to Marie Antoinette, Enjoyed the Patronage of European Aristocrats, Actors, and Writers, and Was Elected to Art Academies in Ten Cities.
Marie Antoinette (Maria Antonia). Born 2 November, 1755, died 16 October, 1793. Last Queen of France (1774 – 1792), Bad Reputation, Executed by Guillotine.
Maria Cosway (Maria Luisa Caterina Cecilia Cosway (née Hadfield)). Born 11 June, 1760, died 5 January, 1838. Italian-English Painter, Musician, and Educator, Worked in England, France, and Later Italy, Cultivating a Large Circle of Friends and Clients. Founded a Girls' School in Paris (Dir. 1803 – 1809). Soon After it Closed, She Founded a Girls' College and School in Lodi, Northern Italy, Which She Directed Until Her Death.
Marguerite Gérard. Born 28 January, 1761, died 18 May, 1837. French Painter and Printmaker Working in the Rococo Style; More Than 300 Genre Paintings, 80 Portraits, and Several Miniatures Have Been Documented to Her.
Marie-Gabrielle Capet. Born 6 September, 1761, died 1 November, 1818. French Neoclassical Painter, Pupil of the French Painter Adélaïde Labille-Guiard in Paris. Excelled as a Portrait Painter; Her Works Include Oil Paintings, Watercolors, and Miniatures.
Anna Rajecka (a.k.a Madame Gault de Saint-Germain). Born c. 1762, died 1832. Polish Portrait Painter and Pastellist, Raised as a Protégée of King Stanisław August Poniatowski of Poland; In 1783, She Was Enrolled at His Expense at the Art School for Women at the Louvre in Paris. Chose to Stay in Paris After Marrying Miniaturist Pierre-Marie Gault de Saint-Germain in 1788. Became the First Polish Woman to Have Her Work Represented at the Salon in 1791.
Marie-Guillemine Benoist (born Marie-Guillemine Laville-Leroux), Born December 18, 1768, died October 8, 1826. French Neoclassical, Historical, and Genre Painter, Student of Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun.
Adèle Romany (born Jeanne Marie Mercier, a.k.a. Adèle Romanée, Adèle de Romance). Born 7 December, 1769, died 6 June, 1846. French Painter Known for Miniatures and Portraits, Especially Those of People Involved in Performing Arts.
Marie-Denise Villers (Marie-Denise "Nisa" Lemoine). Born 1774, died 19 August, 1821. French Painter Who Specialized in Portraits. In 1794, She Married an Architecture Student, Michel-Jean-Maximilien Villers. Her Husband Supported Her Art, During a Time When Many Women Were Forced to Give Up Professional Art Work After Marriage.
Constance Mayer (Marie-Françoise Constance Mayer La Martinière). Born 9 March, 1775, died 26 May, 1821. French Painter of Portraits, Allegorical Subjects, Miniatures and Genre Works. She Had "a Brilliant But Bitter Career."
Jane Austen. Born 16 December, 1775, died 18 July, 1817. English Novelist, Author of Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), etc, Known For Her Subtle Criticism of the Nobility of the Time.
Marie Ellenrieder. Born 20 March, 1791, died 5 June, 1863. German Painter Known For Her Portraits and Religious Paintings, Considered to be the Most Important German Woman Artist of Her Time.
Louise-Adéone Drölling (Madame Joubert). Born 29 May, 1797, died 20 March, 1834. French Painter and Draftswoman. Both Her Father and Older Brother Were Celebrated Artists in Their Day; She Herself Was Not a Very Prolific Painter.
Mary Shelley (Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, née Godwin). Born 30 August, 1797, died 1 February 1851. English Novelist, Author of Frankenstein (1818), Which is Considered One of the Earliest Examples of Science Fiction.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Born 6 March, 1806, died 29 June, 1861. Influential Poet, Author of How Do I Love Thee (Sonnet 43, 1845) and Aurora Leigh (1856).
Ada Lovelace (Augusta Ada King, née Byron, Countess of Lovelace). Born 10 December, 1815, died 27 November, 1852. Mathematician, Writer, First to Think of Other Uses for Computing Besides Mathematical Calculations.
Victoria I (Alexandrina Victoria). Born 24 May, 1819, died 22 January, 1901. Queen of England (1837 – 1901), Longest Reign of All Predecessors.
Florence Nightingale. Born May 12, 1820, died August 13, 1910. English Nurse, Pioneer of Modern Nursing, Statistics, and Social Reformation (~1853 – ?).
Rosa Bonheur. Born 16 March, 1822, died 25 May, 1899. French Artist Known Best as a Painter of Animals (Animalière). She Also Made Sculptures in a Realist Style. Was Widely Considered to be the Most Famous Female Painter of the Nineteenth Century. It’s Been Claimed That She Was Openly Lesbian, as She Lived With Her Partner Nathalie Micas For Over 40 Years Until Micas's Death.
Barbara Bodichon. Born 8 April, 1827, died 11 June, 1891. English Educationalist, Artist, and a Leading Mid-19th-Century Feminist and Women's Rights Activist. She Published Her Influential Brief Summary of the Laws of England concerning Women in 1854 and the English Woman's Journal in 1858, and Co-Founded Girton College, Cambridge (1869).
Emily Dickinson (Emily Elizabeth Dickinson). Born December 10, 1830, died May 15, 1886. American Poet, Little-Known During Her Lifetime, Most Works Published Posthumously and Heavily Edited, Later Regarded as One of the Most Important Figures In American Poetry.
Louisa May Alcott. Born November 29, 1832, died March 6, 1888. American Novelist, Short Story Writer, Poet, Author of Little Women (1868), Abolitionist, Feminist, Active in Temperance and Women’s Suffrage Movements.
Elizabeth Jane Gardner (Elizabeth Jane Gardner Bouguereau (married name)). Born October 4, 1837, died January 28, 1922. American Academic and Salon Painter, Born in Exeter, New Hampshire. She Was the First American Woman to Exhibit and Win a Gold Medal at the Paris Salon. Her Works Were Accepted to the Salon More Than Any Other Woman Painter in History, and More Than All But a Few of the Men.
Marie Bracquemond (Marie Anne Caroline Quivoron). Born 1 December, 1840, died 17 January, 1916. French Impressionist Artist, One of Four Notable Women in the Impressionist Movement, Along With Mary Cassatt, Berthe Morisot, and Eva Gonzalès. Studied Drawing as a Child and Began Showing Her Work at the Paris Salon When She Was Still an Adolescent. Never Underwent Formal Art Training, But Received Limited Instruction From Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres and Advice From Paul Gauguin, Which Contributed to Her Stylistic Approach.
Berthe Morisot (Berthe Marie Pauline Morisot). Born January 14, 1841, died March 2, 1895. French Painter and a Member of the Circle of Painters in Paris Who Became Known as the Impressionists. Described by Art Critic Gustave Geffroy in 1894 as One of "Les Trois Grandes Dames" (The Three Great Ladies) of Impressionism Alongside Marie Bracquemond and Mary Cassatt.
Emma Sandys (born Mary Ann Emma Sands). Born 25 September, 1841, died 21 November, 1877. British Pre-Raphaelite Painter. Her Works Were Mainly Portraits in Both Oil and Chalk of Children and of Young Women, Often in Period Clothing, Against Backgrounds of Brightly Coloured Flowers.
Maria Zambaco (Marie Terpsithea Cassavetti (Greek: Μαρία Τερψιθέα Κασσαβέτη)). Born 29 April, 1843, died 14 July, 1914. British Sculptor of Greek Descent, Was Also an Artist's Model, Favored by the Pre-Raphaelites.
Kitty Kielland (Kitty Lange Kielland). Born 8 October, 1843, died 1 October, 1914. Norwegian Landscape Painter.
Marie Stillman (Marie Spartali (Greek: Μαρία Σπαρτάλη)). Born 10 March, 1844, died 6 March, 1927. British Member of the Second Generation of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Of the Pre-Raphaelites, She Had One of the Longest-Running Careers, Spanning Sixty Years and Producing Over One Hundred and Fifty Works. Though Her Work With the Brotherhood Began as a Favorite Model, She Soon Trained and Became a Respected Painter.
Mary Cassatt (Mary Stevenson Cassatt). Born May 22, 1844, died June 14, 1926. American Painter and Printmaker, Born in Pennsylvania and Lived Much of her Adult Life in France, Where She Befriended Edgar Degas and Exhibited With the Impressionists. Often Created Images of the Social and Private Lives of Women, With Particular Emphasis on the Intimate Bonds Between Mothers and Children. Described by Gustave Geffroy as One of "Les Trois Grandes Dames" (The Three Great Ladies) of Impressionism Alongside Marie Bracquemond and Berthe Morisot.
Elizabeth Thompson (Elizabeth Southerden Thompson, later known as Lady Butler). Born 3 November, 1846, died 2 October, 1933. British Painter Who Specialized in Painting Scenes From British Military Campaigns and Battles, Including the Crimean War and the Napoleonic Wars.
Lilla Cabot Perry (born Lydia Cabot). Born January 13, 1848, died February 28, 1933. American Artist Who Worked in the American Impressionist Style, Rendering Portraits and Landscapes in the Freeform Manner of Her Mentor, Claude Monet. She Was an Early Advocate of the French Impressionist Style and Contributed to its Reception in the United States. Her Early Work Was Shaped by Her Exposure to the Boston School of Artists and Her Travels in Europe and Japan.
Anna Boch (Anna-Rosalie Boch). Born 10 February, 1848, died 25 February, 1936. Belgian Painter, Art Collector, and the Only Female Member of the Artistic Group, Les XX. Part of the Neo-Impressionist Movement.
Anna Bilińska (a.k.a. Anna Bilińska-Bohdanowicz). Born 8 December, 1854, died 8 April, 1893. Polish Painter, Known For Her Portraits. A Representative of Realism, She Spent Most of Her Life in Paris, and is Considered the "First Internationally Known Polish Woman Artist."
Cecilia Beaux (Eliza Cecilia Beaux). Born May 1, 1855, died September 17, 1942. American Artist and the First Woman to Teach Art at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Known For Her Elegant and Sensitive Portraits of Friends, Relatives, and Gilded Age Patrons, She Painted Many Famous Subjects Including First Lady Edith Roosevelt, Admiral Sir David Beatty and Georges Clemenceau.
Evelyn De Morgan (Mary Evelyn Pickering). Born 30 August, 1855, died 2 May, 1919. English Painter Associated Early in Her Career With the Later Phase of the Pre-Raphaelite Movement, and Working in a Range of Styles Including Aestheticism and Symbolism. Her Paintings Rely on a Range of Metaphors to Express Spiritualist and Feminist Content; Her Later Works Also Dealt With Themes of War From a Pacifist Perspective.
Lucy Bacon (Lucy Angeline Bacon). Born July 30, 1857, died October 17, 1932. Californian Artist Known for Her California Impressionist Oil Paintings of Florals, Landscapes and Still Lifes. Studied in Paris Under the Impressionist Camille Pissarro; The Only Known Californian Artist to Have Studied Under Any of the Great French Impressionists.
Laura Muntz Lyall (Laura Adeline Muntz). Born June 18, 1860, died December 9, 1930. Canadian Impressionist Painter and Art Teacher, Known for Her Sympathetic Portrayal of Women and Children.
Olga Boznańska. Born 15 April, 1865, died 26 October, 1940. Polish Painter and Art Teacher of the Turn of the 20th Century. She Was a Notable Painter in Poland and Europe, and Was Stylistically Associated With French Impressionism, Though She Rejected This Label.
Suzanne Valadon (Marie-Clémentine Valadon). Born 23 September, 1865, died 7 April, 1938. French Painter Who, in 1894, Became the First Woman Painter Admitted to the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts. Shocked the Artistic World by Painting Male Nudes as well as Less Idealized Images of Women (in Comparison to Those of Her Male Counterparts).
Mademoiselle Abomah (Ella Williams). Born October, 1865, death date unknown (after 1920s). African-American Performer, Giantess Who Grew to Eight Feet Tall.
Anna Connelly. Born September 23, 1868, died ~1969. Inventor of the First Fire Escape (1887), One of the First Women to Patent an Invention Without Help From a Man.
Emma Goldman. Born June 27, 1869, died May 14, 1940. Anarchist Revolutionary, Political Activist, Writer, Played a Pivotal Role in Development of Anarchist Philosophy in North America and Europe In the First Half of the 20th Century.
Ella Ewing, “The Missouri Giantess” (Ella Katherine Ewing). Born March 9, 1872, died January 10, 1913. Giantess, Performer, Considered the World’s Tallest Woman of Her Era.
Helen Keller (Helen Adams Keller). Born June 27, 1880, died June 1, 1968. Blind/Deaf, Disability Rights/etc. Activist (1909 – ?), Author (1903 – ?).
Agatha Christie (Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, Lady Mallowan, DBE (née Miller)). Born 15 September, 1890, died 12 January, 1976. English Writer, Known For Her 66 Detective Novels and 14 Short Story Collections. Dubbed “The Queen of Crime”.
Amelia Earhart (Amelia Mary Earhart). Born July 24, 1897, died January 5, 1939 (in absentia). First Solo Female Pilot (1932), Women's Rights Activist, Lost at Sea (1937).
Ebony and Ivory (Margaret Patrick and Ruth Eisenburg). Born 1902 (Eisenburg)/1913 (Patrick), died 1996 (Eisenburg)/1994 (Patrick). Elderly Interracial Piano Duo (1983 – 1988), Disabled on Opposite Sides.
Virginia Hall (Virginia Hall Goillot, Codenamed Marie and Diane, Known as “Artemis” and ”The Limping Lady” by the Germans). Born April 6, 1906, died July 8, 1982. WWII-Era Intelligence Agent (1940 – 1945), Considered “The Most Dangerous of All Allied Spies” by the Gestapo, Later Joined the CIA (1947 – 1966), Had Prosthetic Leg.
Li Zhen (李贞) (Li Danmeizi (旦妹子)). Born February, 1908, died March 11, 1990. Revolutionary (1927 – ?), First Female General of the People’s Liberation Army (1955 – ?).
Mother Teresa (Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu (born Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu)). Born 26 August, 1910, died 5 September, 1997. Albanian-Indian Catholic Nun, Founder of the Missionaries of Charity.
Rosa Parks (Rosa Louise McCauley Parks). Born February 4, 1913, died October 24, 2005. Civil Rights Activist (1943 – ?), Played a Pivotal Role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955), Became Symbol of Resistance to Racial Segregation.
Judy Garland (Frances Ethel Gumm). Born June 10, 1922, died June 22, 1969. Award-Winning Singer/Actress (1924 – 1969), Starred in The Wizard of Oz (1939), A Star Is Born (1954), etc.
Stephanie Kwolek (Stephanie Louise Kwolek). Born July 31, 1923, died June 18, 2014. Award-Winning Chemist, Inventor of Kevlar (1965).
Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jeane Mortenson). Born June 1, 1926, died August 4, 1962. Award-Winning Actress (1945 – 1961), Pop/Sex Icon of Hollywood’s Golden Age, Starred in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953), Some Like It Hot (1959), etc.
Ursula K. Le Guin (Ursula Kroeber Le Guin). Born October 21, 1929, died January 22, 2018. American Novelist, Best Known For Her Works of Speculative Fiction, Author of the Earthsea Series (1964 – 2018), The Left Hand of Darkness (1969), The Dispossessed (1974), etc.
Aretha Franklin (Aretha Louise Franklin). Born March 25, 1942, died August 16, 2018. Award-Winning Gospel/Rock/RnB Singer, Songwriter, Pianist, Civil Rights Activist, Record Producer (1954 – 2017).
Liza Minnelli (Liza May Minelli). Born March 12, 1946, Still Living. Award-Winning Actress, Singer, Dancer, and Choreographer (1961 – present), Daughter of Judy Garland.
Afeni Shakur (Afeni Shakur Davis, Born Alice Faye Williams). Born January 10, 1947, died May 2, 2016. American Political Activist, Member of the Black Panther Party (1968 – 1971), Mother of Tupac Shakur.
Assata Shakur (Assata Olugbala Shakur (Born JoAnne Deborah Byron), A.k.a. Joanne Chesimard). Born July 16, 1947, Still Living. American Political Activist, Convicted of Murder, Former Member of the Black Liberation Army, One of the FBI's "Most Wanted Terrorists", Friend of Afeni Shakur & Mutulu Shakur, Often Described as Their Son Tupac Shakur's "Godmother" or "Step-Aunt", Currently a Fugitive, in Asylum in Cuba.
(P.S. if I got anything wrong, feel free to correct me.)
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ginger-grimm · 3 months
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Joan Connelly for @dancingsunflowers-ocs
I hope you like it!
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mirobraz · 11 months
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Nowhere 2023 ‧ Drama/Thriller  ‧ Diretor: Albert Pintó
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eemcintyre · 6 months
Me and this chart is the equivalent of the man with the string board meme
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An exhaustive-as-I-could-make-it chart of the actresses I think look alike and how they are all c o n n e c t e d do you see my vision
In order from left to right, from the top row down:
Jeanne Damas
Michelle Trachtenberg
Anna Karina
Cate Blanchett
Julianna Margulies
Nancy Kerrigan
Nicole Kidman
Kim Novak
Virna Lisi
Brittany Snow
Dakota Johnson
Penelope Cruz
Anne Hathaway
Connie Sellecca
Isabella Rossellini
Helen Schneider
Grace Kelly
Diane Kruger
Alison Doody
Sarah Wynter
Sophia Myles
Kate Winslet
Victoria Pedretti
Liv Tyler
Michelle Monaghan
Rebecca Ferguson
Ingrid Bergman
Nastassja Kinski
Helen Mirren
Jennifer Lawrence
Hayley Mills
Diane Lane
Julia Stiles
Kat Dennings
Mary Page Keller
Laura Prepon
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Elisabeth Shue
Maggie Lawson
Alicia Silverstone
Madchen Amick
Phoebe Tonkin
Dagmara Dominczyk
Megan Fox
Ana de Armas
Olivia Munn
Rachel Leigh Cook
Katie Holmes
Sarah Clarke
Jennifer Morrison
Charlize Theron
Melora Hardin
Ashley Judd
Katherine Heigl
Jeanne Tripplehorn
Kelly McGillis
Alanis Morissette
Michelle Borth
Sasha Alexander
Marion Cotillard
Rose Byrne
Natalie Portman
Keira Knightley
Sadie Robertson
Sharon Tate
Sheryl Lee
Amanda Logan
Stephanie Beatriz
Amy Winehouse
Maggie Wheeler
Zooey Deschanel
Katy Perry
Salma Hayek
Queen Letizia of Spain
Kate Middleton
Hilarie Burton
Stephanie J. Block
Olivia Wilde
Courteney Cox
Demi Moore
Jennifer Connelly
Sarah Vickers
Sarah Topham
Pamela Sue Martin
Reiko Aylesworth
Megan Boone
Cobie Smulders
Andie MacDowell
Julia Roberts
Carla Gugino
Jennifer Garner
Rachel McAdams
Felicity Jones
Sherry Stringfield
Cybill Shepherd
Ellen Barkin
Cameron Diaz
Juliette Lewis
Cindy Williams
Ginnifer Goodwin
Sherilyn Fenn
Hedy Lamarr
Dita von Teese
Audrey Tautou
Jamie Alexander
Lauren Graham
Kelly Preston
Melissa Fumero
Sarah Greene
Christina Ricci
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year
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Across to Singapore (1928) William Nigh
May 28th 2023
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morenafanti · 3 months
L'estate si tinge di thriller
D’estate leggo molto di più dei mesi invernali: il motivo non è che ho più tempo ma è la sedia blu che metto sul terrazzo nei mesi più caldi. Quest’anno ho sistemato la sedia già in maggio e, a parte i giorni in cui pioveva, ho letto tutti i giorni, due o tre ore, tra il dopopranzo e il dopocena, i momenti in cui mi rilasso. Sono passata da Franck Thilliez (Vertigine e Il manoscritto) a Michael…
0 notes
rineedagger · 6 months
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I am rage
Bibliography from left to right: not found, pinterest / ptolemaea, ethel cain / Crosses, Tom Davis aka tomadies, etsy / And here I lay, Sam Wolf Connelly / ptolemaea, ethel cain / ptolemaea, ethel cain / Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoi / ptolemaea, ethel cain / Tenants, Layla Lenhart / not found, pinterest / ptolemaea, ethel cain / ptolemaea, ethel cain / Take me back to eden, Sleep Token / Diary of Madman, Tsutomu Nihei / Lighthouse, Halsey / not found, pinterest / Lighthouse, Halsey / Granite, Sleep Token / Take me back to eden, Sleep Token / Family's tree (intro), ethel cain / Death grips, Baroness, tumblr and pinterest / Take me back to eden, Sleep Token / Take me back to eden, Sleep token / not found, pinterest / Aqua Regia, sleep token / by Santiago Caruso.
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lala-writes-fetish · 6 months
uh oh I forgot ~I m really a dumb sub lol~
so here is the list (not really request just suggestions, I think others will agree)
Adele exarchopoulos
aimee Garcia
Alison brie
Amanda cerny
~amber heard~
Amy Adams
anna Kendrick
anne Hathaway
anya Taylor joy
April bowlby
ariana grande
aubrey plaza
bella Thorne
~belle delphine~
billie eillish
billie piper
Brianna Hildebrand
brie larson
Bryce Dallas Howard
cailee spaeny
camilla mendes
Candice Patton
caylee Cowan
~Cheryl hines~
Christina Hendricks
chyler Leigh
Claudia Jessie
daisy ridley
Dakota Johnson
demi Lovato
Diane Guerrero
dua lipa
Elena kampouris
Elizabeth Banks
Ellie Kemper
Emily blunt
emma myers
felicity Jones
florence Pugh
~gal gadot~
Gemma chan
Gwendoline christie
Gwyneth Paltrow
hailee Steinfeld
Hayden pannetiere
Hayley Atwell
isis hainsworth
jameela Jamil
jane Douglas
jenna coleman
jenifer connelly
Jessica Chastain
jodie Whitaker
Justina valentine
karen gillan
kat dennings
Katelyn ohashi
Kathryn hahn
Katy perry
Kirsten Dunst
Kristen schaal
krysten ritter
lacey chabert
lana del Rey
Lauren Mayberry
~lily collins~
lily James
Lindsey Shaw
lizzy Caplan
Lucy hale
madelaine petsch
Madison Pettis
maisie Williams
margot robbie
~mariah carey~
marisa Tomei
~Martina big~
Mary elisabeth Winstead
maya Hawke
megan thee stallion
Melissa benoist
Milana vayntrub
milly Alcock
... and that s just up to the m 😅😔
Wow, now that's a list!
Sorry for replying so late and thank you for the effort of putting this together. We'll screen the celebs on here and check out if there is enough good and inspiring material of them in order to make some captions. Safe to say that we won't get around to include ALL of them, obviously.
Question: What is the turn-on for you guys about dominant celebrity women and their feet? Is it the thought of them "enslaving" you? Or do you just like the look of the celeb-woman and imagine yourself with a "version" of her in your life? :)
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ginger-grimm · 3 months
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Joan Connelly & Lucy Pevensie for @dancingsunflowers-ocs
I hope you like it!
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jungle-angel · 8 months
Outer Range x Camp Half Blood x Wizarding School Face Claims
Ok guys so the lovely @floydsmuse and I have been going back and forth about a crazy idea if the Abbott family ran a ranch that was a mix between Camp Half Blood and Hogwarts. For all you Yellowstone fans out there too, yes the Dutton gang is involved and helps with the running of the school. I couldn't help but think too that it's not just the Olympians that come to the school or have kids here, oh hell no!! We've got a ton who have come from across the globe, so check these out (lol, I apologize, I'm a giant mythology nerd so prepare yourselves for this weird ass thing). Some may or may not have taken on the role, so be forewarned (lol).
The Gods and Goddesses (Face Claims)
The Olympians
Zeus-Sean Bean
Hera-Jennifer Connelly
Demeter-Erica Cerra
Hestia- Melina Kanakaredes
Poseidon-Kevin McKidd
Hades-Clive Standen
Athena-Brie Larsson
Aphrodite-Natalie Dormer
Hephaestus-Alex O'Laughlin
Ares-Wyatt Nash
Apollo-Chris Evans
Artemis-Rose McIver
Hermes-Jake Picking
Dionysus-Diego Luna
The Egyptians
Isis-Gal Gadot
Hathor- Naomi Scott
Osiris-Mido Hamada
Anubis-Markus Hamilton
Horus- Mena Massoud
Ptah-Charlie Rawes
The Orishas (Nigeria)
Yemaya-Angela Basset
Shango-Winston Duke
Obatala-Idris Elba
Oya-Ayo Edebiri
Aja-Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Ochosi- Daniel Kaluuya
Oshun-Lupita Nyongo
Eshu Elegba- Denzel Whittaker
Ogun-Jeremy Sample
The Mayas, Aztecs and Incas (DO NOT ASK ME TO PRONOUNCE ANY OF THESE, lol)
Ixtlilton-Danny Ramirez
Ix Chel-Salma Hayek
Chicomecoatl-Gina Rodriguez
Quetzalcoatl-Oscar Issac
Inti- Christian Meier
Mama Killa-Magalay Solier
Mama Qocha-Claudia Llosa
The Celts and the Norse
Brigid-Jesse Buckley
Thor-Chris Hemsworth
Loki-Tom Hiddelston
Hel-Katie McGrath
Cerridwen-Eve Hewson
Neith-Jaime Dornan
Odin-Anthony Hopkins
Frigga-Rene Russo
Freya-Whitney Hoy
Freyr-Domnhall Gleeson
Gods and Goddesses of Asia
Kali-Zoe Saldana
Saraswati-Ashwariya Rai
Lakshmi-Lara Dutta
Guan Yu-Daniel Day Kim
Mazu-Gemma Chan
Mayari-Angel Locsin
Xiwangmu-Michelle Yeoh
The Jade Emperor-Ken Wattanabe
Zhurong (Chong Li)-Harry Shum Jr.
Native American and Polynesian
Kamohoaliʻi-Jason Momoa
Maui-Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Hi'iaka-Lindsay Watson
Pele-Mapuana Makia
Spider Grandmother (Navajo)-Lily Gladstone
Sena (Inuit)-Anna Lambe
Grandfather-Wes Studi
Grandmother-Tantoo Cardinal
Tó Neinilii-Dallas Goldtooth
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asoiaf-fancasts · 2 years
Meera Reed -Fancasts
Age: 16 - 17
Appearance:She is short and silm. She has long brown hair knotted behind her head with green eyes and small breasts.
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Character: Padme Amidala
Actress: Natalie Portman
Movie: Star Wars: Phantom Menace [1999]
[She was 16 during filming so the right age for Meera. She is short and silm with long brown hair that is knotted behind her head in certain scenes. She does not have green eyes. She wears Sci-Fi clothes but some are still good for Meera or at least close up.]
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Character: Enola Holmes
Actress: Millie Bobby Brown
Movie: Enola Holmes [2020]
[She was 15/16 during this movie so around the right age for Meera.She is relatively short and is slim. She has long brown hair that is sometimes tied back. She does not have green eyes. She wears Victorian ish clothes.]
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Character: Gwyn
Actress: Keira Knightley
Movie: Princess of Thieves [2001]
[She was 16 during this movie. She’s not short but she is slim. She has brown hair and it’s long at the beginning of the movie. She does not have green eyes. She wears medieval ish clothes.]
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Character: Sarah Williams
Actress: Jennifer Connelly
Movie: Labyrinth [1986]
[She was around the right age for Meera. She is slim but is not short. She has long brown hair and green eyes. She wears fantasy and modern ish clothes.]
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Character: Susan Pevensie
Actress: Anna Popplewell
Movie: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Watch and the Wardrobe [2005]
[She’s 17 in this movie so good for Meera in later books. She is slim and short with long brown hair with light blue ish green eyes. She wears fantasy and 1940’s clothes.]
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beautifulfaaces · 2 years
Masterlist - Female Green Eyes
Addy Miller
Ava Kolker
Amirah Johnson
Beatrice Kitsos
Caitlin Carmichael
Ella Ballentine
Ella Rubin
Isla Johnston
Larsen Thompson
Mackenzie Foy
Megan Scott
Melissa Collozo
Sky Katz
Alana Boden      
Alba August
Aleece Wilson
Alexandra Tikerpuu
AJ Michalka
Ali Collier
Alicia von Rittberg
Alina Bobyleva
Alina Boz
Alina Kovalenko
Alycia Debnam-Carey
Allegra Carpenter
Amine Gülşe
Amy Forsyth
Anna Grace Barlow
Brec Bassinger
Breezy Eslin
Brenna O’Brien
Cailin Russo
Caitlin Carver
Camren Bicondova
Catherine Missal
Chloe Grace Moretz
Danielle Campbell
Dove Cameron
Eda Ece
Emma Appleton
Ester Expósito
Esti Ginzburg
India Gants
Frances Encell
Isabel Hodgins
Jella Haase
Jenna Boyd
Júlia Molins
Katerina Tannenbaum
Laura Bilgeri
Lauren Froderman
Lauren Jauregui
Lauren Potter
Leonie Benesch
Lexi DiBenedetto
Lilli Camille Schweiger
Lola Rodríguez
Louisa Connelly-Burnham
Lucy Boynton
Luna Marie Schweiger
Madeleine Coghlan
Madisen Beaty
Madison Davenport
Madison Lintz
Marielle Scott
Meredith Mickelson
Mia Healey
Natacha Karam
Nell Tiger Free
Paula Beer
Pauline Burlet
Pinar Deniz
Rachel Matthews
Riley Voelkel
Romi Van Renterghem
Sabrina Bartlett
Savannah Baker
Sophie Turner
Stephanie Styles
Tiera Skovbye
Ulrikke Falch
Vanessa Grasse
Willa Holland
Abbey Clancy
Abbie Cornish
Alex Paxton Beesley
Alexa Chung
Alexa Davalos
Alexandra Turshen
Alissa Jung
Alison Sudol
Amanda Seyfried
Amy Winehouse
Ana Beatriz Barros
Ana de Armas
Angelina Häntsch
Avigail Harari
Bar Paly
Beren Saat
Carrie MacLemore
Claire Boucher
Clara Alonso
Darla Baker
Eliza Coupe
Elizabeth Knowelden
Elle Evans          
Emilia Clarke
Emily Baldoni
Emily Tremaine
Esther Povitsky
Felicity Jones
Genevieve Angelson
Georgia King
Haley Webb
Hannah Ware
Hilarie Burton
Isidora Goreshter
Jasna Fritzi Bauer
Jen Lilley
Jenna Dewan
Jessica Keenan Wynn
Jessica Lowndes
Joy Lauren
Julia Hartmann
Julie Marie Berman
Kate Lambert
Kate Phillips
Katie Cassidy
Katie Leclerc
Kayla Ewell
Krysten Ritter
Laura Bell Bundy
Lauren Cohan
Lindsey Kraft
Lucy Hale
Mallory Jansen
Marcella Lentz-Pope
Maria Sole Mansutti
Meg Steedle
Meghan Ory
Melissa McIntyre
Monika Reithofer
Paige Spara
Priscilla Quintana
Rachael Taylor
Razane Jammal
Rebecca Breeds
Sara Canning
Sarah Power
Shelley Regner
Tammin Sursok
Yasemin Kay Allen
Adamari López
Alison King
Amber Valletta
Angela Kinsey    
Anna Torv
Artemis Pebdani
Becki Newton
Brandy Clark
Brooke Elliott
Charlize Theron
Christina Applegate
Constance Zimmer
Dorian Brown Pham
Erica Durance
Ginnifer Goodwin
Jennifer Morrison
Jessica Chastain
Jill Flint
Julia Parker
Kathy Kiera Clarke
Keri Russell
Leslie Bibb
Melissa McCarthy
Niki Karimi
Portia de Rossi
Sabrina Grdevich
Sarah Rafferty
Stephanie Waring
Traci Dinwiddie
Alexandra Paul
Amy Ryan
Catherine Tate
Elisabeth Shue
Emily Procter
Francie Swift
Gia Cardis
Julianne More
Kelly Rutherford
Marcia Cross
Mary Page Keller
Melina Clarke
Natascha McElhone
Rebecca Stab
Sherry Stringfield
Allison Janney
Chloe Webb
Diane Keaton
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MY 2023 Met Gala Guest List :)
(previous // there will be new people and old people as well as some changes)
Anya Taylor-Joy
Sadie Sink
Elle Fanning
Dakota Fanning
Margot Robbie
AnnaSophia Robb
Sarah Hyland
Lily Collins
Madelaine Petsch
Camila Mendes
Saoirse Ronan
Noah Schnapp
Melissa McCarthy
Florence Pugh
Rebecca Ferguson
Halle Berry
Keke Palmer
Miranda Cosgrove
Madison Pettis
Millie Bobby Brown (the so-called "boyfriend” stays at his own house!!!)
Amy Adams
Jessica Alba
Jessica Chastain
Phillipa Soo
Lupita Nyong’o
Gal Gadot
Anna Kendrick
Blake Lively
Jessica Biel
Ariel Winter
Winona Ryder
Zoe Saldana
Charlize Theron
Natalia Dyer
Nicole Kidman
Emilia Clarke
Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Idina Menzel
Viola Davis
Emily Blunt
Sofía Vergara
Meryl Streep
Anne Hathaway
Amanda Seyfried
Constance Wu
Elizabeth Olsen
Ana de Armas
Karen Gillan
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Madelyn Cline
Hugh Jackman
Daveed Diggs
Jared Leto
Finn Wolfhard
Tom Holland
James McAvoy
Leslie Odom Jr.
Regé-Jean Page
Ryan Reynolds
Chris Hemsworth
KJ Apa
Idris Elba
David Harbour
Bebe Rexha
Caleb McLaughlin
Bill Skarsgård
Alexander Skarsgård
John Krasinski
Dua Lipa
Stanley Tucci
Charlie Heaton
Robert Downey Jr.
Taron Egerton
Selena Gomez
Ariana Grande
Halle Bailey
Chloe Bailey
Alessia Cara
Alicia Keys
Céline Dion
Taylor Swift
Lady Gaga
Elton John
The Weeknd
Lily-Rose Depp
Cara Delevingne
Taylor Hill
Elsa Hosk
Josephine Skriver
Romee Strijd
Jasmine Tookes
Lais Ribeiro
Sara Sampaio
Heidi Klum
Candice Swanepoel
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Behati Prinsloo
Miranda Kerr
Jacopo Venturini (CEO for Valentino since 2020)
Adut Akech
Paloma Elsesser
Kaia Gerber
Adriana Lima
Alessandra Ambrosio
Gisele Bündchen
Valentina Sampaio
Karlie Kloss
Gigi Hadid
Bella Hadid
Kendall Jenner
Lily Aldridge
Soo Joo Park
Paris Jackson
Daphne Groeneveld
Blanca Padilla
Sophie Turner
Nick Jonas
Jennifer Lopez
Ben Affleck
Billie Eilish
Billy Porter
Zoë Kravitz
Tiffany Haddish
Dakota Johnson
Kerry Washington
Mindy Kaling
Donatella Versace
Anna Wintour
Vera Wang
Tory Burch
Benedict Cumberbatch
Serena Williams
Kasey Musgraves
Katy Perry
Frank Ocean
Julianne Moore
Michael B. Jordan
Jordan Peele
Janelle Monáe
Ashley Graham
Mary-Kate Olsen
Ashley Olsen
Jennifer Connelly
Irina Shayk
Christian Bale + Mrs. Bale
Diane von Furstenberg
Gabrielle Union-Wade
Jeremy Scott (designer for Moschino)
Katie Holmes
Emily Ratajkowski
Gwen Stefani
Julia Garner
Angelina Jolie
Alicia Vikander
Adwoa Aboh
Jourdan Dunn
Solange Knowles
Billie Lourd
Daisy Ridley
John Boyega
Emma Stone
Eddie Redmayne
Bri Larson
Rita Ora
Dua Lipa
Naomi Scott
Law Roach (March 15, 2023: I would still invite him despite his decision to retire, but it’d be understandable if he chose not to attend.)
Kate Moss
Victoria Beckham
David Beckham
Mila Kunis
Natalie Portman
Zoey Deutch
Michelle Williams
Winnie Harlow
Kiernan Shipka
Rachel McAdams
Florence Welch
Danielle Bernstein (@weworewhat on Instagram)
Grace Elizabeth
Joey King
Dan Stevens + Mrs. Stevens
Christian Siriano
Jeremy Scott
Alessandro Michele (designer for Gucci)
Miuccia Prada
Elie Saab
Iris Van Herpen
Han Chong (designer for Self-Portrait)
Maria Grazia Chiuri (designer for Christian Dior)
Anthony Vaccarello (designer for Saint Laurent)
Silvia Ventura Fendi
Giambattista Valli
Zuhair Murad
Virginie Viard (designer for Chanel)
Elaine Welteroth
Nina Garcia
Imaan Hammam
Sara Paulson
Julia Roberts
Brandon Maxwell
Pierpaolo Piccioli (designer for Valentino)
Yara Shahidi
Gemma Chan
Laverne Cox
Lucy Boynton
Naomi Campbell
Penelope Cruz
Salma Hayek
Gwyneth Paltrow
Rami Malek
Sienna Miller
Aurora James
Carey Mulligan
Charli XCX
Alexa Chung
Stella Maxwell
Sofía Sánchez Barrenechea
Dapper Dan
Timothée Chalamet
Camila Coelho
Deepika Padukone
Tommy Hilfiger
Violet Chachki
Nasiba Adilova
Shailene Woodley
Joe Jonas
Megan Fox (MGMK stays home.)
Laura Haddock
Orlando Bloom
Willow Smith
Jason Sudeikis
Ewan McGregor
Coco Rocha
Ralph Lauren
BTS - Jungkook, V, Park Ji-min, Jin, Suga, RM, J-Hope
Blackpink - Jennie, Lisa, Rosé, Jisoo
Doja Cat
Sam Claflin
Kiera Knightley
Sebastian Stan
Alexina Graham
Rachel Zegler
Sophia Lillis
Sam Smith
Mimi Cuttrell
Aubrey Plaza
Adam Driver
Kate McKinnon
Aidy Bryant
Thomasin McKenzie
Evan Peters
Maddie Ziegler
Colin Farrell
Kristen Bell
Idina Menzel
Michelle Dockery
Chris Evans
Peter Dinklage
Luke Evans
Amy Poehler
Liam Hemsworth
Robert Pattinson
Christian Louboutin
Stuart Weitzman
Nicola Glass (designer for Kate Spade)
Michael Kors
Manolo Blahnik
Alberta Ferretti
Kim Jones (designer for Fendi)
Viktor Horsting
Rolf Snoeren
Richard Madden
Giorgio Armani
Isabel Marant
Nicky Zimmermann
Simone Zimmermann
Gimmo Etro
Abigail Breslin
Lana Del Rey
Natalia Dyer
Molly Ringwald
Giambattista Valli
Tamara Ralph
Michael Russo
Isla Fisher
Anastasia Soare (founder of Anastasia Beverly Hills)
Charlotte Tilbury
Allan Avendaño
Danielle Priano
Pier Gelardi (founder of Refinery29)
Aubrey Plaza
Philippe von Borries (founder of Refinery29)
Christene Barberich (founder of Refinery29)
Justin Stefano (founder of Refinery29)
Sara Moonves (editor-in-chief for W Magazine)
Arnaud de Contades (CEO of Marie Claire Magazine)
Anne Fullenwider (editor-in-chief of Marie Claire Magazine)
Lauren Conrad
Miles Socha (editor-in-chief of Women’s Wear Daily)
Jay Penske (CEO of Women’s Wear Daily)
Jessica Pels (editor-in-chief for Cosmopolitan Magazine)
Rob Zangardi
Mariel Haenn
Michael Fassbender
Jason Bateman
Elliot Page
Betsey Johnson
Jonathan Groff
Anna Faris
Sabrina Carpenter
Meryl Streep
Brie Larson
Renée Elise Goldsberry
Jasmine Cephas Jones
Cindy Crawford
Nicholas Hoult
Jennifer Garner
Zac Posen
Taraji P. Henson
Joan Smalls
Samira Nasr (editor-in-chief of Harper’s Bazaar Magazine)
Lily James
Thandiwe Newton
Ciara Bravo
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Phoebe Dynevor
Allison Janney
Daniel Levy
Claire Foy
Lisa Eldridge
Kale Teter
LaQuan Smith
Lacy Redway
Alexandra DiRoma
Alex White (fashion director for Elle Magazine U.S.)
Carine Roitfeld (founder and editor-in-chief of CR Fashion Book)
Carine Backoff
Zoey Grossman
Tyler Shields
Joy Sunday (’Bianca’ in Wednesday)
Greg Williams
Cass Blackbird
Kacey Musgraves
Owen Gould
Tobi Henney
Marc Eram
Charlotte Prevel
Romy Soleimani
Rebecca Minkoff
Joseph Altuzarra
Gabriela Heart (designer for Chloé)
Hedi Slimane (designer for Céline)
Phoebe Philo (designer for Céline)
Jonathan Anderson (designer for Loewe)
Kelsey Deenihan Fisher
Harry Styles
Demna Gvasalia (designer for Balenciaga)
Anok Lai
Precious Lee
Michelle Yeoh
Storm Reid
Jennifer Hudson
Maisie Williams
Tom Ford
Iman Abdulmajid
Ella Emhoff
Regina King
Amandla Stenberg
Eiza González
Stella McCartney
Edward Norton
Vittora Ceretti
Leslie Grace
Cynthia Erivo
Alton Mason
Mary J. Blige
Carey Mulligan
Ming Xi
Donald Glover
Brooke Shields
Tracee Ellis Ross
Maya Hawke
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Chiara Ferragni
Ewan McGregor
Laura Dern
Anthony Mackie
Barbara Palvin (Dylan stays at home!!!! He does not need to be at every single event with her.)
Pharrell Williams
Frank Ocean
Dove Cameron
Daniel Craig
Queen Latifah
Jason Wu
Shawn Mendes
Camila Cabello
Jenna Ortega
Olivia Rodrigo
Emma Myers (‘Enid’ in Wednesday)
Tyler Doohan
Christina Ricci
Ke Huy Quan
Demi Lovato
Kristen Stewart
Hailee Steinfeld
Anyone who works in corporate fashion, is a fashion designer, a makeup artist, fashion stylist, fashion model, or hairstylist is invited. There’s just SO many of them, though... . Also, significant others are an automatic +1 unless I said they are not invited :)
NOT Invited
Justin Bieber
Hailey Baldwin
Austin Butler
Pete Davidson
Cole Sprouse
Lili Reinhart
Kim Kardashian
Ansel Elgort
Khloé Kardashian
Kris Jenner
Caitlyn Jenner
Miles Teller
Kylie Jenner
Emma Chamberlain
Addison Rae
Percy Hynes White
Charlie D'Amelio
Dixie D'Amelio
James Charles
Cardi B
Nicki Minaj
Miley Cyrus
Priyanka Chopra
Jeffree Star
ALL social media influencers (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram)
Lena Dunham
John Legend
Chrissy Teigen
Kanye West
Doutzen Kroes
Ezra Miller
Johnny Depp
Amber Heard
Armie Hammer
Travis Scott
Emma Roberts
Tom Cruise
Henry Cavill
Alida Morberg (Bill Skarsgård’s problematic “girlfriend”)
David Dobrik
Madison Beer
Domenico Dolce
Stefano Gabbana
Lil Nas X
Olivia Wilde
Alexander Wang
Justin Timberlake
Adam Levine
Machine Gun Kelly
21 Savage
French Montana
Chloë Grace Moretz
Chris Pratt
Bella Thorne
Scarlett Johansson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Watson
Vanessa Hudgens
Sacha Baron Cohen
Dylan Sprouse
Sarah Jessica Parker
Olivia Jade
Kid Cudi
Channing Tatum
Paris Hilton
Nicky Hilton
A$AP Rocky
Jeremy O. Harris
John Mulaney
Olivia Munn
Elon Musk
Chris Brown
▪️ March 1, 2023 ▪️
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Avatar the Deep Dive, an exclusive first look at the making of The Way of Water. Actors Zoe Saldana, Kate Winslet and others talk about their preparation for sequel. By Chris Connelly, Maddy Cunningham, Freda Kahen-Kashi, Beth Mullen, and Anna Perczak
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December 16, 2022. 20th Century Studios when "Avatar" first premiered in theaters during the holiday season of 2009, and eventually became the highest-grossing film of all time, the world and entertainment space were on a different planet. Moviegoers barely had streaming choices, big-name franchises like the Marvel Cinematic Universe were in their infancy and smartphones were slowly making their way into consumers' hands. Director James Cameron
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Told ABC News that he knew making a follow-up 13 years later that moved the story forward and satisfied fans around the world wasn't going to be easy, but it was a challenge that he was up for
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dear-indies · 1 year
heyooooo! how is your weekend going? hopefully it's restful. I'm looking to make a character in their 50s but I'm struggling with finding a fc with good resources. Who are some of your favorites? I'm open to any gender. Thanks in advance. I love you.
Angela Bassett (1958) African American (including Beninese, Togolese, Cameroonian, Congolese, Malian, Angolan, Ivorian, Ghanaian, and Senegalese descent).
Giancarlo Esposito (1958) African-American / Italian.
Julianne Moore (1960)
Christopher Meloni (1961)
Bob Odenkirk (1962)
Grant Show (1962)
Michelle Yeoh (1962) Malayasian Chinese.
Lisa Ann Walter (1963)
Ming-Na Wen (1963) Macanese / Chinese Malaysian.
Benjamin Bratt (1963) Peruvian of Quechua descent, German (including Sudeten German), and English.
Paterson Joseph (1964) Afro-Saint Lucian.
Marisa Tomei (1964)
Famke Janssen (1964)
Courteney Cox (1964)
Anna Chancellor (1965)
Jeffrey Wright (1965) African-American.
Zahn McClarnon (1966) Irish, Polish, Hunkpapa Lakota and Sihasapa Lakota.
Michael Michele (1966) African-American / European.
Miranda Otto (1967)
Rufus Sewell (1967)
Michael Greyeyes (1967) Plains Cree.
Nicole Kidman (1967)
Timothy Olyphant (1968)
Paul Rudd (1969) Ashkenazi Jewish.
Neslihan Yeldan (1969) Turkish.
Michael Sheen (1969)
Reno Wilson (1969) African-American.
Peter Dinklage (1969) - has achondroplasia.
Jennifer Connelly (1970) Ashkenazi Jewish / Irish, Norwegian.
Mädchen Amick (1970)
Melissa McCarthy (1970)
Tig Notaro (1971) - is a lesbian.
Murray Bartlett (1971)
Richard Armitage (1971) - is gay.
Sandra Oh (1971) Korean.
Idris Elba (1972) Sierra Leonean / Ghanaian.
Here you go!
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raelleloweauthor · 1 year
Starting a list of celebrities im obsessed with and my favourite roll/gig, feel free to add to it!
Cillian murphy: Red Eye
Jennifer connelly: the day the earth stood still
Florence pugh: midsommer/Dont worry darling
Harry styles: dont worry darling
Emily blunt: a quiet place
Natalie portman: jackie/ Annihilation
Jack black: king kong
Rachel mcadams: Red eye
Kirsten dunst: spiderman
Zendaya: spiderman
Tom holland: spiderman/the impossible
Naomi watts: the ring
Viggo mortenson: lotr/the road
Phillip seymour hoffman: hunger games/twister
Bill paxton: titanic/twister
Ben feldman: as above so below
Perdita weeks: as above so below
Megan fox: tmnt/transformers/ jennifers body
Sebastian stan: marvel/gone/the apparition
Amy adams: arrival
Jessica chastain: interstellar
Matthew mcConaughey: interstellar
Shia labeouf: disturbia/transformers
Sigourney weaver: ghost busters/ avatar
Bryce dallas howard: the village
Joaquin pheonix: the village/joker
Brad pitt: sinbad/world war z
Adrien brody: splice
Adam brody: jennifers body
Shawn ashmore: xmen/ frozen
Hugh jackman: xmen/ australia
Anna paquin: xmen
Anya taylor joy: vvitch/ split
James mcavoy: split/narnia/xmen
Andrew garfield: amazing spiderman
Emma stone: amazing spiderman/ easy A
Emma watson: Harry potter/ this is the end
Seth rogen: this is the end/knocked up
Seth mcfarlane: a million ways to die in the west/ orville
Norman reedus: TWD/ the messengers 2
Chandler riggs: The walking dead
Hana hayes: the last of us (game)
Bella ramsey: catherine called birdy/TLOU
Pedro pascal: TLOU/ narcos
Keefer sutherland: phone booth/lost boys
Adam sandler: just go with it/ grown ups
Jennifer aniston: friends/ the breakup
Mark wahlberg: ted/ deep water horizon
Leonardo dicaprio: titanic/django
Christoph waltz: django/inglorious basterdz
Bradley cooper: the hangover/ guardians of the galaxy
Elizabeth olsen: marvel/martha marcy may marleen
Jennifer lawrence: Mother!/ hunger games
Jeff goldblum: the fly/jurassic park
Jared padalecki: supernatural/ friday the 13th
Jackson rathbone: s.darko/twilight
Matthew gray gubler: criminal minds/ alvin &the chipmunks
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