earth123 · 9 months
Using the Green Tea Face Wash can help remove impurities, excess oil, and makeup from the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed and revitalized. The natural ingredients in this product can also help in reducing inflammation and promote a clearer complexion.
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If you are looking for a chemical-free and natural option for your skincare routine, the Green Tea Face Wash from Earthgoglow is worth considering. Earthgoglow offers a variety of chemical-free and natural skincare products, including an Apple Cider Face Moisturizer and Onion Shampoo.
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The Apple Cider Face Moisturizer is formulated with natural ingredients such as apple cider vinegar and beetroot extracts. This moisturizer can help balance pH levels, promoting hydration, and improving the overall texture and appearance of the skin.
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
Can you do a "whats in my room/bag" thing? Silly trivia on you
What's in my room? Furniture ofc. Dressing table, bed, study table, and shelves.
Dressing table: Hairbrush, comb, jewellery box, moisturiser, face serum, hair oil, body spray for some reason, and a picture of baby me staring into the camera lens. Also, there's a bottle of apple cider vinegar??? I'm just noticing it.
Bed: Bed.
Study table: Calendars, sakura pigma micron pens, notebook, math textbooks, laptop, dictionary, more pens and pencils in the pen holder, and my earphone as well as airdots.
Shelves: 4 shelves of books, my highschool books specifically. The Agatha Christie pile (it's only 3 books???), class photo of grade 4 me, the high achiever stand from highschool, artificial plant, and a bedsheet for some reason. The baron's SAT book also stares at me from the bottom shelf whenever I stand in front of it.
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Innovative Treatments for Skin and Scalp Psoriasis What You Need to Know?
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Psoriasis can be described as a severe skin health condition that manifests as itchy, red and scaly patches in the face. It is most commonly seen on areas such as the knees, elbows and the scalp. There are many types of psoriasis, scalp-based psoriasis is a common one and difficult to manage. We look at the best natural treatment for psoriasis with a particular focus on the natural scalp psoriasis treatment and the importance of homeopathy.
Scalp Psoriasis: Symptoms and Causes
The symptoms of scalp psoriasis include like redness, itching and the development of silvery, thick scales. It could vary from mild flakes of dandruff to severe patches covering large areas of scalp. Other symptoms could include hair loss or irritation in the areas affected.
Causes of scalp psoriasis can be complex and involve a variety of environmental, genetic and immune system triggers. It happens because the immune system stimulates an excess production of the skin cells leading to the rapid growth of scales. Stress, and injuries to the skin can cause an increase in the problem.
Natural Treatment for Psoriasis
Many people are seeking alternative treatments for psoriasis that are natural to treat the symptoms and lessen dependence on prescription treatments. Natural treatments typically focus on reducing inflammation, relieve symptoms, and improve general skin wellness. Here are some natural remedies that provide a permanent solution for psoriasis.
Aloe Vera is an ingredient known for its healing properties. It can help decrease inflammation and redness caused by Psoriasis. Applying the gel on the psoriasis affected area can offer relief.
Oatmeal Baths Add colloidal oatmeal into the bath can ease itching and soothe irritated skin. Oatmeal contains anti-inflammatory properties and may be beneficial for people suffering from psoriasis.
Coconut oil can be a natural treatment to help moisturise dry and flaky skin. Its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties make it a great option for treating scalp psoriasis.
Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar dilute may aid in reducing itching and the symptoms of scalp psoriasis. It's crucial to try a small patch first to determine if there's any irritation.
Fish Oil: High with omega-3 fats supplements containing fish oil may aid in reducing inflammation and improving the health of your skin. Regular consumption can aid in overall management of psoriasis.
Natural Scalp Psoriasis Treatment
Treatment of scalp psoriasis naturally requires the combination of diet adjustments as well as topical treatments and lifestyle modifications. Here are a few remedies for natural scalp psoriasis treatment:
The Tea Tree Oil: This essential oil has antimicrobial as well as anti-inflammatory properties. The process of diluting tea tree oil using an oil carrier and then applying it to the scalp may aid in managing psoriasis-related symptoms.
Neem Oil is a well-known oil known as a healing oil the oil of neem can reduce inflammation and manage infections of the scalp. It can also help calm and soothe dryness and irritation.
Turmeric. The main component that is found in turmeric, called curcumin, is anti-inflammatory and can help patients suffering from psoriasis. The inclusion of turmeric in the diet or in cosmetic preparations could be beneficial.
Avoiding Triggers: identifying and avoiding triggers in your own life like certain foods, stress levels, or other environmental triggers can help to manage scalp psoriasis with greater ease.
Is Homeopathy a Permanent Solution for Psoriasis?
Homeopathy is an approach to alternative medicine that is based on the concept treatment "like with like." It is a method of treating with highly dilute substances that, when taken in greater doses, could cause symptoms that are similar to those caused by the disease being treated. Homeopathic natural remedy for scalp psoriasis usually seeks to boost the body's natural healing processes and enhance overall health. Homeopathy helps manage symptoms and improve the quality of life. However, outcomes can differ greatly between people. It is crucial to talk with a doctor for a thorough treatment program.
Scalp Psoriasis Homeopathy Benefits
Homeopathic treatments for scalp psoriasis can be tailored to the individual's particular symptoms and general health. Homeopathy has many benefits, including:
Customized Treatment: Homeopathy takes into account the uniqueness of each patient's symptoms, life style and overall health, which leads to a more customized method of treating scalp psoriasis.
Holistic Methodology: Homeopathy aims to address the underlying imbalances within our bodies and may provide relief from not just symptoms of psoriasis but also contributing to overall health.
Very few side effects: Since homeopathic remedies are extremely dissolving, they usually are not as harmful as compared to traditional medications.
Complimentary Treatment: Homeopathy could be utilized in conjunction with other natural therapies and conventional treatments, offering an alternative approach to treating scalp psoriasis.
Controlling psoriasis and scalp psoriasis can be difficult, however, a variety of remedies, both homeopathic and natural, can provide effective solutions for relieving symptoms and overall health. Natural and herbal remedies like aloe vera, coconut oil and tea tree oils can aid in calming and managing scalp psoriasis symptoms. Likewise, homeopathy offers a customized and holistic treatment.
Homeopathy is an effective treatment option for people who are looking for a non-invasive and no-side effects treatment for psoriasis that is natural. Talking to a medical expert, such as dermatologists as well as a trained homeopath can assist you to develop a complete treatment plan specifically tailored to your specific needs.
Utilizing natural remedies and exploring a variety of treatments, people suffering from Psoriasis may take proactive steps towards managing their conditions and improving their overall quality of life.
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allurebeautyworld · 1 year
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yarave · 2 years
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Open Pores on Skin
Open pores on the skin appear as small pits. Because of open pores, your face appears drab and aged. That is why many people want to get rid of open pores. People with oily skin are more prone to this condition due to excessive sebum production. Open pores can also lead to cosmetic issues such as blackheads and acne.
Mashed Papaya: Papaya is high in antioxidants and contains papain, an enzyme that aids in blemish reduction. It also clears out the pores.
Scrubbing Sugar: Sugar is an excellent exfoliator that easily removes oil and debris from skin pores.
Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe vera is an excellent cleanser. By unclogging the pores, it also nourishes and hydrates the skin.
Mask with Egg Whites: This is an excellent agent for toning, tightening & shrinking large pores. The removal of excess oil is easy. You'll need egg whites to make a peel-off mask for this.
Baking Soda: This aids in skin pH balance and has anti-inflammatory & anti-bacterial properties. It helps to reduce pimples and acne on the skin.
Banana Peel: It contains lutein, an antioxidant that aids in skin rejuvenation and pore tightening, as well as potassium.
Apple Cider Vinegar: With its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, it acts as a natural skin toner as well as a great treatment for acne breakouts.
Argon Oil: This contains vitamin E and fatty acids, both of which are necessary for keeping the skin hydrated.
Ice Cubes: Applying ice tightens the skin, causing the pores to shrink.
Scrubbing Tomato: It has properties that aid in the removal of excess oil and skin tightening. Lycopene and antioxidants aid in the slowing of the ageing process.
Multani Mitti or Fuller’s Earth: This is used to exfoliate the skin in order to remove excess oil from the surface.
Cucumber: Because of its high water content and antioxidant properties, it aids in slowing the natural ageing process and tightening the pores on the skin.
Jojoba Oil: It has a similar consistency to the oils found naturally in our skin and aids in pore cleansing. It is also useful for treating open pores.
Gram Flour: It is an effective exfoliator for removing dead skin cells, tightening the skin, and reducing pore size.
Oatmeal with Tomato: Oatmeal exfoliates and absorbs oil. Tomatoes have an astringent flavor. When combined, they can help with skin cleansing and pore reduction.
Honey: It is a natural moisturiser and cleanser that improves skin quality. It causes the skin to tighten and the pores to close.
Yogurt: Because of the lactic acid in it, it is beneficial for reducing blemishes and tightening pores. Aside from that, dead cells and impurities are removed.
Olive Oil: It contains phenolic compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties & prevents skin issues such as enlarged pores, dryness, itchiness, and others.
Tea Tree Oil: It has astringent properties that help to reduce pore size. It's also an effective antimicrobial agent.
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lashika-skincare · 3 years
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Grab Your LASHIKA - No Harm Skincare Products
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arhvste · 3 years
hi mila, i saw that you really liked talking about skincare and i'd love to hear about it! what are some of your holy grails or items that have really made a difference?
yes i’m like obsessed with it >:) i will always always recommend aztec healing clay, raw apple cider vinegar and rose water masks, they literally changed my life and i’ve not had to use sheet masks or any other types is mask since i started doing that, i also highly highly recommend any face scrubs, preferably ones with natural scrub like small grains of sand to use when showering, i always use this whenever i’m at home because bringing the clay and stuff back and fourth is a pain for me so this is a good substitute to keep my skin clear so i’ll use that every night,, for moisturisers i like to use the clinique moisture surge auto replenished cream, it’s really nice on the skin and it has kept my skin hydrated best because i’m awful at remembering to drink good amounts of water everyday !!
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Tea Tree Essential Oil Benefits
You may have heard of tea tree oil as a miraculous acne treatment, but this incredible oil is so much more. Tea Tree oil has a plethora of uses and advantages for the skin, hair, and health, which is why it is a common ingredient in a variety of cosmetic products. We'll go over some of its advantages and how to use it safely in routine skin and hair care.
Tea Tree Essential Oil Benefits for Skin, Hair and Health
Tea Tree essential oil has a hydrating effect, which helps to relieve itching and irritation as well as soothe dry skin. Add a few drops to a carrier oil (such as olive or coconut) and apply to your scalp if you have dandruff or a dry scalp. As a natural moisturiser, you can apply the combination to your beard as a beard oil or to any dry region on your face or body.
Tea Tree oil promotes healthy hair growth by stimulating and increasing blood flow near the hair follicles. Apply a few drops on the scalp on a regular basis, diluted in a carrier oil (we recommend Argan oil), to get the advantages of hair development and scalp healing.
Because of its antimicrobial characteristics, tea tree oil is an effective therapy for skin tags. By applying 2-3 drops of essential oil to the skin (properly diluted), the essential oil will dissolve the skin tags swiftly.
Tea Tree essential oil benefits contribute to its ability to treat oily skin by assisting in the removal of surface oils without overdrying or creating irritation. To remove oils and help level skin tone, simply apply a few drops to your regular moisturiser or directly to the skin, suitably diluted in a carrier oil (we recommend Rosehip Seed Oil).
Tea Tree oil has a lot of therapeutic characteristics, so it can help scars heal rapidly and lessen the appearance of discolouration, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation.
This therapeutic essential oil reduces redness, swelling, and inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It also aids in the prevention and reduction of acne scars, leaving the skin velvety and smooth. Apply a few drops of Tea Tree oil to a carrier oil or your normal moisturiser to the affected region several times a day.
Tea Tree oil can clear the face by lifting the oil and eliminating debris and pollutants from closed pores, which is what causes acne. Tea Tree oil's powerful antibacterial characteristics also aid in the reduction of acne-causing germs on the skin, thereby eliminating acne and preventing it from reappearing. Mix 2-3 drops of the essential oil with a carrier oil and use as a toner, face wash, or moisturiser on the skin.
Tea Tree oil can be used to disinfect minor cuts, scratches, and wounds due to its powerful antibacterial qualities. It helps to prevent infections and heal the skin quickly by killing the bacteria. Tea Tree oil can be kept in your first-aid kit and used instead of pharmaceutical creams.
Tea Tree oil is not only antibacterial, but also antifungal, making it a good choice for treating nail fungus and other skin problems. Using coconut or olive oil, dilute a few drops and apply directly to afflicted areas.
When it comes to natural disinfectants, tea tree oil is the most effective essential oil on our list. To eradicate bacteria, simply combine 20-30 drops with a cup of water and a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, shake well, and spray over surfaces. Add around 10 drops of Tea Tree oil to 2 ounces of organic cane alcohol, a few drops of vitamin E, and a half ounce of aloe vera gel to make a hand sanitizer, then use to cleanse and moisturise your hands.
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vaultfox718 · 3 years
Mac Oil Free Moisturizer
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Water Gel Daily Face Moisturizer for Dry Skin, Oil-Free, Non-Comedogenic Face Lotion, 1.7 fl. Oz 1.7 Ounce (Pack of 1) 4.6 out of 5 stars 56,930.
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Mamaearth Oil Free Moisturizer With Apple Cider Vinegar Review: Hello Beauties. Today I am back with another review and I am reviewing a skincare product from the brand MamaEarth. I recently got couple of products from MamaEarth for me as well as for my baby.
Mama earth also manufactures a lot of awesome products for babies as well. In this review I will talk about its new launch, moisturiser for oily skin which is named as Mama Earth Oil Free Moisturiser with Apple Cider Vinegar.
This moisturiser is especially meant for oily and acne prone skin and this was the main reason for picking this moisturiser as I have extremely oily and acne prone skin. Also the moisturiser comes in two sizes one is of 25 ml and other is of 80 ml. I bought 25 ml for just testing it out. I thought if I will like it I’ll get bigger one.
To know weather I liked the apple cider vinegar moisturiser from Mama Earth than please keep on reading my views regarding the product below.
About Mamaearth Oil Free Moisturizer With Apple Cider Vinegar For Acne Prone Skin
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Mamaearth’s oil free moisturizer helps in balancing the pH level of skin and thus reduces acne breakout. It helps in retaining natural moisture of skin thus making it smooth and elastic. It not just works on reducing existing acne and pimples but also cleans the oil and closes the pores to prevent their occurrence any further. The non-greasy cream is free from toxins, silicone, paraben, SLS and harmful chemicals.
Oil-free moisturiser ideal for acne-prone and oily skin
Dermatologically-tested, hypoallergenic
The product is free from sulfates, paraben, SLS, mineral oil, petroleum, artificial preservatives, colors and fragrances
How To Use Mamaearth Oil Free Moisturizer With Apple Cider Vinegar For Acne Prone Skin
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Use adequate amount and apply all over face and neck.
Use morning and night, alone or under makeup.
Ingredients in Mamaearth Oil Free Moisturizer With Apple Cider Vinegar For Acne Prone Skin
Cetearyl Octanoate, Neopentyl Glycol Diheptanoate, Diethylhexyl Carbonate, Methyl Glucose Sesquistearate, Glyceryl Stearate Citrate, Dicaprylyl Carbonate, Glycerin, Propanediol, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Apple Cider Vinegar, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Benzoate and Potassium Sorbate, Cetostearyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Dibehenate, Pentaerythrityl Distearate, Betaine, Methyl Methacrylate Crosspolymer, Natural Fragrance
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This product doesn’t contain parabens, phthalates, SLES, mineral oil, dyes, and fragrances.
Price of Mamaearth Oil Free Moisturizer With Apple Cider Vinegar For Acne Prone Skin
₹ 299.00 for 80 mL ₹ 99.00 for 25 mL
In Detail Mamaearth Oil Free Moisturizer With Apple Cider Vinegar Review, Swatches and My Experience
Mama Earth Oil Free Moisturiser With Apple Cider Vinegar comes in a rectangular white and green color box with all the information about the moisturiser printed on it. The moisturiser itself comes in a white and green color tiny tube with fewer information printed on it. It has a white twist open cap which closes tightly as well.
The packaging of the moisturiser is very average nothing attention grabbing and exciting according to me. But the tube is definitely travel friendly because its cute, tiny and can fit in smallest handbag.
The smell of the cream is very mild and fruity and it does not irritates my sensitive nose at all.
The cream is pure white in color and the texture is very smooth and thin just like a lotion. It feels very light on skin and gets absorbed into my skin in no time.
I take a very tiny amount like shown in the swatch picture below and dot it all over my face and massage it gently. I like how this moisturiser mattifies my skin without giving me a stretchy feel or something.
I apply it in the morning and evening and also before applying my makeup sometimes. It might suit all skin type people but for extremely dry skin it will not provide intense moisture like they need.
It is perfect moisturiser for oily skin in hot and humid weather. It also helps in drying out acne. Whenever I get any new pimple on my face, I apply a generous amount of this on just pimple and the next day the pimple dries out.
Therefore, I am definitely going to purchase the bigger tube of this cream once this is over. Also this 25ml tube will last for a long time because we just need the tiny amount of the product for the entire face.
Also I did not face any breakouts using this like I normally get using any other average moisturisers.
My face remains matte for good about 4 to 5 hours in air conditoning room but in an open environment I think it will not last more than 3 hours.
More Photos, Swatches
Pros Of Mama Earth Oil Free Mosituriser With Apple Cider Vinegar
1) Cute tiny packaging. 2) Travel friendly. 3) Mild fruity smell. 4) Does not irritates sensitive noses. 5) Light creamy lotion like texture. 6) Gets absorb quickly. 7) Require just tiny amount for the entire face. 8) Mattifies my skin. 9) Does not extremely dry out my skin. 10) Helps drying out active acne. 11) Last longer. 12) Availability. 13) Did not broke me out.
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Cons Of Mama Earth Oil Free Moisturiser With Apple Cider Vinegar
1) May not suit extremely dry skin girls.
Mac Oil Free Moisturizer Coupons
MBF Advises
Overall, Mama Earth Oil Free Moisturiser has an amazing blend of many natural ingredients to reduce acne. Do try if you’re looking for a solution for acne at an affordable rate.
Apply it with a combination of tea tree face wash for best result my cousin uses it and she says the results are amazing.
Mac Oil Free Moisturizer For Sensitive Skin
MBF Rating
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rnnewsworld · 3 years
How To Remove Pimples Marks Home Remedies
Pimples on a woman’s face are the last thing she needs to see. Many women want to know how to remove pimples marks. Pimples are not only painful, but they also leave marks on the face that last a long time if not seen early on. Pimples can occur on any type of skin, but people with oily skin are the most problematic. In such a situation, the risk of staining pimples also increases. In this article, we will discuss how to remove pimples marks home remedies.
Types Of Pimples Marks:
Now is the time to recognise the forms of pimples marks. If you want to remove the stains of your pimples, then it is also necessary to know the form of them. There are several different forms of pimple marks, some of which we’ll discuss below.
Ice-pick Scars: These are small, dark and thick or speckled scars.
Boxcar Scars: These are accompanied by pimples that have become inflamed. They’re small, but they appear to be grafted nails on your skin.
Rolling Scars: These stains are pits.
Atrophic Scars: These are very common. These spots are flat, thin and dense. These scars can appear mainly after severe acne or chickenpox.
After knowing the types of pimples marks, it is now your turn to know how to remove pimples marks. Below we tell you some home remedies, by assuming that you can remove pimple marks to a great extent.
How To Remove Pimples Marks Home Remedies:
Coconut Oil:
One teaspoon of coconut oil should be applied to your palms. Apply the oil to your face, focusing on the pimple marks. Apply the cream overnight and leave it on. The next morning, rinse it off with water. These natural home remedies can be used on a regular basis for remove pimples marks easyly.
Benefits: When it comes to skin, coconut oil has numerous advantages. It’s high in antioxidants and vitamin E, which aid in the formation of healthy skin tissue. At the same time, giving the skin a new lease on life strengthens it. Coconut oil’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties also protect the skin from new pimples. If there is any allergic you can test the patch first or apply it to a small part of the skin see the reactions in your skin.
Apple Vinegar:
Mix one teaspoon apple cider vinegar and two teaspoons honey in a small bowl. To ensure that this mixture dissolves fully, add a little water. Using cotton wool, add the mixture to your face and pimples. Allow it to sit for 10–15 minutes before washing it off with water.
Benefits: Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties that may aid in the treatment of acne. Simultaneously, its anti-inflammatory properties reduce acne inflammation, redness, and lighten the blemish. It can, however, dry out your skin, so follow up with a moisturiser.
Extract the juice from raw potatoes by chopping them up. After that, soak cotton wool in the juice and apply it to the whole face or just the acne sludge. Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing it off.
Benefits: Potatoes are used to enhance the appearance of the skin and to minimise blemishes. The potato’s salinity and texture are responsible.
Take one or two peeled garlic cloves and set aside. Break the bud and rub it over the stain to get the juice on it. Before going to bed, apply the cream and keep it on all night. The next morning, wash with water or in a washbasin.
Benefits: When a garlic bud is brewed or broken, a compound called allicin is released from it, which has very strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. These properties of garlic can help reduce acne scars and prevent acne breakouts. However, you should exercise caution because garlic can cause allergies, itching, and skin irritation. Since garlic does not necessarily fit everyone’s skin, you should do a patch test first and avoid using it if you experience irritation or itching.
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earth123 · 8 months
Earthgoglow | Chemical Free, Natural Skin Care Product
Earth Go Glow OUR STORY We are a family-owned company creating beautiful natural products that will awaken your mind and Body. Our years of experience in Skincare and Haircare products and our expertise in product knowledge, safe ingredients, consumer needs, sourcing and supply chain gave us an added advantage to launch our own brand.
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on-new-years-tay · 4 years
Here’s a guide to cheap but very good and universal beauty products :)
can tame frizzy hair, make your brows stay at its place & enhance growth, be a mouisturizer, bodylotion, highlighter, make your nails look healthy & shiny, clean off your makeup 
Apple Cider Vinegar 
pls be careful with it but basically it works as a toner, balances your hair if you put it in after washing; let sit & rinse, whitens your teeth 
Glossier’s Balm Dotcom Skin Slave 12$
is a lip balm, mousturizer, bodylotion, soothes dry spots and protects your skin
Weleda Skin Food 19$/6€
very good mouisturizer even with makeup, very good against dryness, can be a mask, tame your hair, be a body& hand lotion, soothe skin
Garnier Facial Mist Spray Rose Water 16€
is a very nice toner & works well as makeup prep, refreshes face & mouisturizes too
Eye Drops
not only mouisturizes & refreshes eyes but works well against pimples and makes your eyes look bigger too 
Coconut oil
can make hair & nails look healthy, be a highligter, enhances growth for brows & lashes, makes your skin smooth when shaving, improves skin
Olive oil
good for brow, hair, lashes growth
Argan Oil
moisturises skin, protects from sun damage, enhances growth, moistures hair, treats acne, anti aging, heals wounds, reduces stretch marks, improves skin 
frozen Green Tea Bags (can burn, pls look at the ingredients!)
cold spoons
both work against eyebags
just drink a lot of water? stay hydrated!
wash your brows to help them grow
brush your lips with toothbrush to smoothen 
message your face 
basically if you have lipstick you can also use it as blush and eyeshadow 
Good& cheap Skincare brands
the ordinary (nice skincare for 10 each)
CeraVe (has very good eye cream, moisturiser and cleanser)
Neutrogena (nice moisturizer and eye cream which you can also use to plump up your lips)
Good & cheap Make-up brands
BH Cosmetics
LA Girl
NYX (some products are overprized, but you’ll definately find a lot of products that are worth it)
Models own (very good concealer) 
L’ Oreal (their matte lipstick is getting a lot of praise) 
also here is a guide for black-owned beauty companies:
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Natural Beauty Tips - For a Beautiful You
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Every girl strives to look her best. While this practice is excellent to boost one's self-confidence, it may play havoc on one's pocket, looking at the sky-rocketing prices of beauty products in the market today. Have you ever wondered what enhanced the beauty of the generations of women before us, when beauty products were not so common in the market and there was literally no cosmetic industry? Simple! They just raided their kitchen shelves and refrigerators for natural beauty enhancing ingredients and you can do so too! It's not only inexpensive but completely safe as well! So, feel beautiful from head to toe with these tried and tested natural beauty tips for girls:
Remove cellulite with a coffee-sugar scrub Just mix 2 cups of ground coffee, 1/2 cup of brown sugar, and 2 tbsp of olive oil. This will not only remove all the excess fat from the body, but leave the skin feeling soft and silky too!
Anti-dandruff treatment with apple cider vinegar Spray apple cider vinegar onto your scalp before washing your hair. Leave the vinegar on the scalp for about 5 minutes and then rinse your hair. This will help you get rid of dandruff.
Remove blackheads with lemon and honey Cut half a lemon, mix the juice with 3-4 drops of honey and then rub the same on your nose and other blackhead-prone areas. Leave the lemon and honey mixture on your face for 5 minutes, then wash it with cold water. Not only will this instantly help you get rid of blackheads, but lemon will also help fade other marks/spots on the face and honey will moisturise the skin.
Coconut mask for nourished hair Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil with a little bit of honey. Warm up the mixture and then massage it on to your scalp, using slow and circular motions. This will not only nourish the scalp and the hair roots, but also improve blood circulation and promote hair growth.
Whiter teeth with baking soda and lemon This is the most popular natural beauty tip for a sparkling smile. Mix baking soda with some lemon juice. Dip your toothbrush into this paste and brush your teeth with it. Rinse after a few minutes. Give way to naturally white teeth within minutes!
Avocado hair mask for split ends This is the perfect treatment for nourishing your hair, repairing any damage and making them shiny and lustrous. Just make a paste of avocados and honey and mix it well before applying it to your tresses. Rinse off after about 20 minutes.
Scrub for cracked heels Add 4 tablespoons salt or sugar in 1/2 cup of almond oil with a little bit of milk. Scrub your chapped heels with the same after soaking them in warm water for 5-10 minutes. Discover beautiful feel within minutes!
Cucumber and lemon mask for fair skin Mix cucumber juice, lemon juice, turmeric and rose water, and apply the same to your face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.
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lotstradamus · 5 years
LAH TEE!! So I’ve been over on skincare addiction zhuzzing tf out of my routine because I finally have nearly flawless skin baby so let’s fuck with it because we’re giant nerds who don’t know how to quit when they’re ahead. And I’m wondering what your current skincare routine is like!! I remember you posting about it like maybe a year or two ago? Back when I thought skincare was apricot scrub and ponds cold cream. Anything working for you these days? Any new holy grail products?? Please share!
I have pretty much Perfected my skincare routine and for the first time in at least two years I’m not constantly on the hunt for products to shove into my routine willynilly that will undoubtedly break me out, so I have a Refined List for you (of products that YOU can shove into your routine willynilly, ayyyyy).
Kiehl’s Calendula Foaming Face Wash – a nice gentle cleanser so I have a fresh, clean, bebe face to start the day
Glossier Solution exfoliator – god! send! (I will only use this in the morning if I HAVEN’T used Good Genes the night before, otherwise it’s too much for my face and I turn into a tomato) 
LUSH Eau Roma Water – I will spritz morning noon and night
Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream – The Only Moisturiser For Me
Caudalie Anti-Aging Face Suncare SPF50 – I’m baby (and baby exfoliates with acids) 
night (makeup removers):
Johnson’s Baby Lotion on a cotton pad – so, so gentle on delicate skin; destroys mascara in seconds 
Bioderma Sensibio Micellar Water – if I’ve had heavy makeup on then I use this after the Baby Lotion for stubborn eyeliner and any residue
Glossier Milky Jelly cleanser – if I’m showering at night I take my makeup off while I’m in there with Milky Jelly (it also DISAPPEARS my pores after use, which is nice) and then double cleanse with the Kiehl’s Calendula cleanser 
night night:
LUSH Eau Roma Water
Sunday Riley Good Genes Glycolic Acid Treatment – I KNOW I’M BOUGIE. I KNOW IT. but this is my #1 holy grail product and is worth every single spenny penny. I started using it once a week and have worked up to using it every second or third night, and it is just so good. I wake up and I look like a glowing angel. it smoothes, it exfoliates, it knocks spots on the head, it’s everything. and my INCREDIBLY PRICEY bottle has lasted me almost 6 months now, so it has the range. 
Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream
optional extras depending on how much junk food I’ve been eating: 
COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patch – if you have a spot that needs poppin these are gonna save your whole life - pop, put one of these hydrocolloid bad boys on it, go to bed, wake up healed 
Bioré Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser – I like using this with freezing cold water when I’m hungover and want to punish myself but also look beautiful and not greasy 
Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay mask – I use it with apple cider vinegar. it smells so weird and it’s a hassle to make up and apply but it’s THE BEST clay mask out there! and I say that with the authority of someone who tried GlamGlow Supermud and had an allergic reaction 
Swiss Kriss herbal laxative flakes – listen. LISTEN. tablespoon of this HERBAL LAXATIVE + a bowl of boiling water + your head and the bowl in a towel tent hot box = clear, bouncy, refreshed skin. it’s everything. I’m sorry you have to buy laxatives to make that happen but it is what it is
there you have it. I always feel like I have Too Much, but then I read an Into the Gloss Top Shelf and I’m like lol. IF you fancy trying some Glossier but think it’s a bit spenny, use this link to get 10% off!
I would also like to say for the record that Pond’s Cold Cream is an institution and a classic and I have a pot of it to hand at all times JUST IN CASE I do shit like this to my face and don’t have the energy to painstakingly take it off with 50000 cotton pads 
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allurebeautyworld · 2 years
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Natural Beauty Tips - For a Beautiful You
Every girl strives to look her best. While this practice is excellent to boost one's self-confidence, it may play havoc on one's pocket, looking at the sky-rocketing prices of beauty products in the market today. Have you ever wondered what enhanced the beauty of the generations of women before us, when beauty products were not so common in the market and there was literally no cosmetic industry? Simple! They just raided their kitchen shelves and refrigerators for natural beauty enhancing ingredients and you can do so too! It's not only inexpensive but completely safe as well! So, feel beautiful from head to toe with these tried and tested natural beauty tips for girls:
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Remove cellulite with a coffee-sugar scrub Just mix 2 cups of ground coffee, 1/2 cup of brown sugar, and 2 tbsp of olive oil. This will not only remove all the excess fat from the body, but leave the skin feeling soft and silky too!
Anti-dandruff treatment with apple cider vinegar Spray apple cider vinegar onto your scalp before washing your hair. Leave the vinegar on the scalp for about 5 minutes and then rinse your hair. This will help you get rid of dandruff.
Remove blackheads with lemon and honey Cut half a lemon, mix the juice with 3-4 drops of honey and then rub the same on your nose and other blackhead-prone areas. Leave the lemon and honey mixture on your face for 5 minutes, then wash it with cold water. Not only will this instantly help you get rid of blackheads, but lemon will also help fade other marks/spots on the face and honey will moisturise the skin.
Coconut mask for nourished hair Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil with a little bit of honey. Warm up the mixture and then massage it on to your scalp, using slow and circular motions. This will not only nourish the scalp and the hair roots, but also improve blood circulation and promote hair growth.
Whiter teeth with baking soda and lemon This is the most popular natural beauty tip for a sparkling smile. Mix baking soda with some lemon juice. Dip your toothbrush into this paste and brush your teeth with it. Rinse after a few minutes. Give way to naturally white teeth within minutes!
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Avocado hair mask for split ends This is the perfect treatment for nourishing your hair, repairing any damage and making them shiny and lustrous. Just make a paste of avocados and honey and mix it well before applying it to your tresses. Rinse off after about 20 minutes.
Scrub for cracked heels Add 4 tablespoons salt or sugar in 1/2 cup of almond oil with a little bit of milk. Scrub your chapped heels with the same after soaking them in warm water for 5-10 minutes. Discover beautiful feel within minutes!
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