retphienix · 5 days
Other nonsense that's not nearly as cool as finally finding the sunless city log I was missing (lie)
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While my brain keeps conflating the sun station with the probe launcher I am 99.99% sure it's not for that, it's for the warp core set up next to the memory statues in the ash twin lab in order to power the 22 minute timer.
They are /linked/ but the power isn't /for/ the probe, the probe going full power and exploding isn't because they overcharge it with sun station juice, it's arguably (sorta, there were disagreements on the nomai team) by design and is just using normal power sources.
The warp core that's sending the memory statues back in time 22 minutes IS using the mega power source that's destroying the sun each cycle, it's related but not the same, since part of why that's happening is to keep firing the probe in the first place.
Anyways, some minor existentialism (my beloved). Part of what I really like about this are the ways in which your memories can be rewound without you dying "exactly". Like the ash twin core can be exposed to the supernova and rewind itself while you're 300 million miles away from the sun or while you're on the quantum moon while it's orbiting the eye and in both cases you're too far away to die before the rewind- so while in neither situation are you far enough way to survive- there's some minutes of life you don't live before the rewind. it's fun :)
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These fuckin' nerds lol
Instead of just saying over the call "Yeah, the counter clockwise hurricanes suck things under" they said "IT'S FAR TOO FASCINATING YOU HAVE TO SEE" followed by "Well duh I made a model, I wanted to make a model :)"
I love them.
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Also like totally nbd nbd nbd.
The probe module that receives info from the probe is INSIDE the core of waterworld. I know how to get TO the core but not IN the core (yet)(if possible)(probably possible).
And I met Sola :)
I could say plenty on the little mannerisms experienced there, but in all truth they don't say "much" of interest. Basically repeating a lot of ideas on quantum stuff and posing that if quantum state objects are every possibility at once- and viewing them "freezes" them in one collapsed possibility- what would happen if we viewed the eye directly?
A great question- fantastic even- but considering I came here with like 300 questions and then got quantum 101 and then a really good question put back at me I'm.... dissatisfied.
Not BIG time or anything. This is a great question, one I hadn't considered before talking to her. But because I can't communicate directly I can't ask about Any of this and I'm like "AAAAAAAAA"
To be expected- back to finding my own answers.
I mostly want to point at her to say how fucking sick it is that the Quantum moon isn't just showing this possibility to us- the possibility that we meet her.
It also allows us to see her corpse in various possibilities that she failed, with each other version of the moon having her in a different death pose (or maybe just 2, I kinda recall only finding her on the south pole twice and not being able to reach it otherwise, unimportant).
Also this interaction implied she's NOT the third mask being memory-time-warped.
Maybe she is, but her interactions don't imply anything of the sort.
She doesn't mention anything about the rewinding, doesn't mention anything about the probe, doesn't mention anything about the sun station being turned on-
This is just "the possibility that she successfully found the 6th moon" and talking to her implies that she /feels/ that she has already died- and seeing how 5 of the other moon faces have her dead, that's interesting. Like she /feels/ that her being here right now is improbable. Like it's some sort of conclusion that wasn't likely because she thinks she's already dead (and is, in most possibilities).
Maybe this is what death on the quantum moon entails. If you die here, there's a possibility you didn't, so a possibility of you remains? I wonder if she can leave.
I assume not, as leaving this phase of the moon requires, by nature of how the quantum moon exists, the moon to materialize as a different possibility. Maybe if *I* stay to witness the moon she would be able to leave to a star system that never sees the moon again? But no, right, because if I ever leave then the moon would begin moving again, and in all possibilities that aren't the 6th it has her dead.
Also, consider the fact that her eyes don't appear to be considered "conscious" by the moon anymore.
The moon moves despite the fact she's on the 6th iteration.
So I guess even the moon recognizes that she has died and she is quite literally a living ghost that only exists when the moon exists in the 6th state- and as a ghost she can't be considered "conscious" for viewing it to lock it in the 6th state and if she tried to leave I suppose she would simply cease to exist on the spot and would become the corpse in each iteration and /nothing at all/ during the 6th since she left?
Anyways, all to say that means her being here is more to do with the quantum state of everything than with her retrying every 22 minutes until it worked- so I don't think she's the third or is directly responsible for any of this.
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ashanimus · 1 year
Ash Liveblogs LL 2-3
Every time I think I understand I get in deeper and I realize I do Not. Oh yes Anna, oh yes Nate, I see why people like these Robits. I get it now.
I stayed up till 4 am the other day finishing MTME thinking I'd have a moment of breath, of peace, before moving on. NO! I got the ontological equivalent of the dickbutt. Go read the next collection, you idiot.
Anyway here's the liveblog of LL 2-3
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AHHHH my boys <3 also hi swerve.
Dear GOD i've said it before and I'll say it again, I would NEVER EVER want to end up on the minibot's bad side. Theyre both fucking feral but REWIND
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HE's SO bold and impulsive and intense. I would so much sooner find myself Cyclonus or even Whirl's enemy
Also, 12 of 12.
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This is what would happen if Facebok gained self awareness and a body. This is the pope if he ate -insert billionare techbro of your choice-
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I am obsessed with the coloring in this fucking series, and also I am a Fan of Anode. Her design is so appealing. Very nice colors.
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I really like her ; o ;
SKEIFJLKDAGKJ Rod's new blue look is throwing me off so bad but dear GOD this is so fucking funny. Roddles just got BURNED
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Oh Christ on a pogo stick. In a comic chock full of some of the most grotesque images I've ever seen it says something that these words and the picture they paint is so far proving to be amongst the most OMINOUS
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TRAPPED LIGHT? Lost light? Threadbare space? Like? About to tear??? AAAAAAAAA
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Aghhhh. All silliness aside. This is heartbreaking. Tailgate despite being Cyclonus' contemporary is a little naive and lacks a certain physical experience of war and destruction and Cyclonus quietly and calmly walking him over the threshold of the aftermath is breaking my little bat heart T m T
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He looks so sad :<
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SNERK yes cry for help you annoying green bitchbaby--DAMMIT
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All hail the useless one! Where did you find my negative self talk bubble six of twelve--OH DEAR GOd FOR REAL?
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I mean yes Rung is a Useless Therapist but oh my GODDDD WHAT IS THIS
LL 3
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Whiiiiirl my beloved
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Im always so impressed by how the artists make these characters emote. The squinty lil optic...
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The list of what is wrong with these men is so long but I love them all so much
Whirl. Whirl. Buddy. I distinctly remember something about your Nemesis being a guy named something else entirely and definitely not Killmaster--
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Genuinely fascinated by this entire conversation, and also in awe of how JRO effortlessly seems to come up with the most badass fantasy technical terms ever. Widowed metal. Holy shit.
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I also love how the Lost Light is big enough that we can have this drama happening upstairs and then THIS happening directly beneath their feet as;dfjlkdsjg
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Oh look, the cavalry! Cyclonus here to help!
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After my last post I went to look if Ash used the 5 love languages for Eiji too and,,, he does 🥰
1. Words of affirmation
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2. Acts of service
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3. Receiving gifts
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4. Quality time
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5. Physical touch
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peachy-wolfhard · 4 years
Five Hargreeves x Reader
Warnings: kind of sad maybe idk, probably way too many commas, some swearing, maybe ooc, doesn't follow season 2 directly
Italicized is Five’s thoughts :)
Note (feel free to skip): thank you all for the support I’ve received this fic has taken me months to write, go easy on me this is my first Five fic and my first full length fic since I started writing again
It was a cool winter morning. Just the type of day Five hates. Everything about it makes him anxious. The snow looks too much like ash and the cold doesn’t feel good on his old yet young bones. Nothing feels right today. Maybe he’s just being paranoid, he has a tendency to do that or maybe it’s another apocalypse. He tries to push the thought of yet another apocalypse but unfortunately, it has been there since he and his siblings got back from the 60′s since he had to leave you. Leaving you was the hardest thing he ever had to do. 
After the massacre of the commission board, he had to find you and explain what’s going on and where he’s going. It’s simple in theory but actually vocalizing the fact he’s going to have to leave you here, alone. On the way to your house, he’s trying to figure out a way to bring you with him. I mean that’s possible, right? He could potentially do that, right? He has to know a way to bring you with him, I mean he was able to time travel him and his siblings. Granted he fucked up and got them stranded in the 60s but still, it’s a feat. He finally gets to your door, as he runs up the porch, ready to bang on your front door, he thinks. 
“Maybe I shouldn’t do this” 
“Maybe I should just leave and never look back, it would be better for them and me”
Five pulls his fist from the door and holds it by his side. He stands there, wasting time, thinking about the pros and cons of telling you about him having to leave. Some of the pros he’s come up with are, you’ve been a giant help finding his rowdy, annoying siblings, and you’ve made him feel soft, loved, and cherished. The cons are, you belong in the 60′s, and taking you with him is disastrous. Five pushes these thoughts away and pounds on your door. He feels something wet, running down his neck. He’s been crying, for the first time he isn’t crying because he’s in the apocalypse or he has no way home. He’s crying because once he leaves he knows he’ll never see you again. Even if he does find you in the future, he’ll still be a teen and you’ll be too old for him.
The door opens and for the first time, he does know what to say. All the words he had semi-prepared are gone.
“Five? What’s wrong? Are you ok?”
Unable to speak, he starts crying even harder. He feels your arms wrap gently around him, the first hug he’s received in years, no decades. Five reluctantly pulls away from your embrace, he tries to speak but nothing comes out. 
“Come on Five, fucking say something.”
“Don’t just stand there, you’re worrying them.”
“Five? Do you wanna talk?”
Five nods his head and walks into your house and sits on the sofa. As he looks around your small house he realizes, you’re the only normal person in his life. He doesn’t want to lose that small amount of normalcy he’s ever had. Five mumbles something that you couldn’t hear. He tries to repeat himself but the tiny mumble took all of his courage. Why is this so hard? He’s only known you for a week? Five hoped this would've gone easier, he would tell you hes leaving, you would be okay with it and that would be the end. But of course it couldn't be that easy, nothing in Five’s life was easy or simple. 
“Have to go.”
“Honey, whats wrong?”
“I have to go.”
“Fuck this is going to be harder than I thought.”
Five feels the sofa cushion next to him move, he can feel your stare but hes refusing to look at you.
“Where are you going?”
He hears the question but is unable to process it. Five is completely disorientated trying to figure out how to back pedal from the never ending pit hes dug himself. How is he suppose to explain to you that he’s from a different time and that he has to leave the only real person that has genuinely cared about him? You don’t. He debates making a quick getaway and not explaining what he means.
“I love you.”
With that he gets up and walks out, out of your home, out of your life. Five tries to not cry as he realizes this is his last time seeing you forever. By the time he’s home you'll either be gone or too old to pick up where you two left off. Five walks down the street stifling his sobs. Soon he reaches Elliot’s apartment and blinks himself into Elliot’s room to avoid his siblings. Sitting on Elliot’s bed he finally lets it all go. He presses his face into his palms in order to keep quiet, he hopes it works. If his siblings found in this state he would never hear the end of it. He already misses you. Your hair that he’ll never brush his fingers through, your hands that he’ll never hold again, your eyes that he’ll never be able to look into for comfort again.
Now here he is in 2019, alone.
((aaaaaaaaa it’s finally done!!! i hope you guys like it :DDD))
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mangosdoodles-moved · 5 years
You Can Be King Again - Second Chance, First Miracle
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Summary: The end of Paint It White, but it’s actually not shit, and is also emotional algjskGJLSKGJKGLSJSGL--
Word count: Approx. 1340
A/N: Here’s my final part of the Paint It White AU art-trade w/ my buddy @littlestlostsheep​!! This was so much fun to write aaaAAAAAA I HOPE YOU LIKE IT QwQ
Click these links to see the rest of our parts: 1, 2, 3, 4
Just like that, it was all over. 
There was nothing left to do, only to stand still and watch as the world's surroundings turned completely white. However, it wasn't because it was too late. The sudden shimmers of light weren't as cold and sharp as the Pictos' piercing beams – if anything, it was so much warmer and softer, resembling the sun that once glowed in the earth's, now covered, grey atmosphere. Within a blink of an eye, the light disappeared, and not long after, the Pictos' stiff bodies followed. One by one, they all vanished into dust, not making a single sound as their mere existence was wiped out right infront of them. The buildings that towered the tide collapsed along with the army's fall, crashing into the ocean before they were no longer to be seen – only tiny particles of ash remained in their tracks. This sudden victory was never intended to happen, but the weakest link of the war managed to perform the impossible; 
They had won.
The beach that was earlier filled with utter chaos and roars of terror, was now empty and accompanied by deafening silence, confirming the miracle that had just dawned upon humanity. However, spread throughout the sand, lied seven remains of the Pictos'; The same seven who fell in the name of saving earth; The same seven who did everything they could to stop the enemy, even if it meant their immortal lives would somehow get ripped away in the process. They all remained as a horrible reminder for the poor survivors, not moving an inch as their alienated forms refused to melt away. 
It was a terrible sight. 
Eventually, to everyone's relief, the aliens' absence started to affect them, and slowly but surely the countries' true silhouettes became visible again – as if their unfortunate end never happend in the first place.
England didn't find the strength to open his eyes at first, before he could faintly hear a few voices; He could barely register the mix of shouts of joy and cries of relief surrounding him. Despite being nighttime, all he could see was a bright light, that turned out to be the returning appearance of the moon. Next thing he knew, he saw the flickering light spread throughout the stars as he regained his proper vision. It hadn't quite dawned upon him on what had just happend, but once it hit him, it hit him so hard he thought his heart was going to explode. 
The echo in his mind matched the overjoyed cries of his revived comrades;
Alive. I'm alive. I'm still alive.
Like a burst of energy had struck his soul, England almost jumped up to witness the unbelievable sight. Rivals had turned into friends, desperately hugging eachother as they share eachother's tears. His brother, and the man he despised more than anything, noticed him and almost knocked him back onto the ground, they both hugged him so tight. Even in the corner of his eyes, he could see that the almost-sole survivor himself, Germany, had woken up. Judging by the way their gazes met -- his light-blue eyes just as widened as his own green -- both of them hadn't managed to let the borderline dreamlike reality sink in. 
But before he had the chance to mentally congratulate his colleague as he watched Margaret run over to him, England's gaze moved over to search for his own love – only for his blood to run cold as he saw her lying on the sand, her face uncomfortably pale and lifeless.
Without a single thought, he pushed his allies out of the hug, and almost jumped up to his feet so he could run over to her. Panic ran through his veins as he carefully held her, only for the tension to leave his shoulders as he checked her pulse.
Alive. She's alive. She's still alive.
And before he could utter out a single word, he watched as the love of his life slowly flickered her eyes open, only for them to widen the moment they finally reunited with his. 
And that was all it took.
His chest started to tighten, and his vision was covered with tears as realization crashed onto him. 
«Koda..!» he cried, unable to hold back his breaking heart as he pulled her into a passionate embrace. He whimpered out her name over and over again like a broken record, his grip around her only tightened more and more. His tears had no plans on stopping, either. It only worsened when he heard her broken sobs of joy close to his ear. Just when he thought he would never see her again, fate had been kind to them once again by giving him a second chance to live. How this was possible, he didn't know, nor did he care. The only thing that mattered was the fact they were together again. 
And he had no plans on leaving her behind ever again.
They both sat still for minutes on end, mumbling sweet nothings to eachother as they cried into eachother's arms. However, the longer time they spent in that moment, the longer time England got to reflect on what he believed to be his final moments – the more he realized how truly valuable every second was. 
Gently, he pulled away, taking a moment to look at her in faint awe; Still beautiful as always, despite the heartbreaking sobs and tears. He wiped some of it off of her cheeks, softly rubbing his thumbs against them in comfort. Even though he knew those were happy tears, it was always painful to see her cry – especially if it was because of him. 
With a shaky huff, he pulled himself together so he would be able to speak. «..A-Alright.» he started, frowning at the still obvious vulnerablity in his voice. 
«..M-My love, before anything else happens.. th-that could possibly try to kill us all again..!» He could hear her faintly giggle. As much as he wanted to continue, he couldn't help but double-check that the coast truly was clear, as he frantically looked around a bit. Once that insecurity of his was out of the way, he shakily took her hand, leaving several kisses on the back of it before he looked at her in the eye – his face sharpened in desperation.
«W-Will you marry me?»
Neither of them realized how important and significant his sudden question was until the heavy silence fell upon them. What was he thinking? He almost had no idea, himself, his mind was spinning so rapidly. He almost felt dizzy just trying to figure out his own way of thinking. Did he regret saying it? No, not at all! But he knew how incredibly reckless he sounded – how could a true gentleman like himself do such a thing? He doesn't even have a ring! Seeing how Koda stared at him in complete shock almost made him consider to blurt out a poor excuse just to cover up his impromptu proposal. 
But before he could even get a full grip of himself, and what on earth he could possibly say to her, she nodded.
For a moment, England thought he was dreaming. Whether it was his pounding heart, or the new tears in his eyes that caused the lightheadedness, he was convinced that this happy ending was nothing but a simple fairytale inside his mind. But hearing Koda suddenly squeal out of pure joy as she jumped into his arms again, finally convinced him otherwise – and the tears kept flowing. 
With exactly zero shame, he covered her face – which was also full of running tears -- with gentle kisses, letting out relieved sobs inbetween them. He swore he could hear his brother whistle in the background, but he didn't bother to stop his teasing. The only thing on his mind, was who was right infront of him, and three words repeating over and over again:
I love you.
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dreamcast-official · 3 years
ashs gettin me a donut from the coffee shop she knows i like bc she was just walkin around there and i’m AAAAAAAAA so full of love
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #193
“Cp Drunk, Steffan's Rude Awakening, Jean Returns”
[CP] - Sam, bring me that Polish shit
[Sam] Makes a cheerful salute and gingerly gives Cp the rather small bottle.
[Magnolia] Turns a bit more red at the sight of Steve- Winston...
[Winston] - Don't attack
[Steve] Hey it's a little kid! Did you bring more of your creepypasta's family to visit Cp? - Kneels near her- Hey kiddo, what's your name?
[Magnolia] Huffs- My name is Magnolia, and I am a general
[Steve] Oh! Sorry! My bad. I'm Father Steve- sticks out his hand with a big smile.
[Magnolia] Shies away-
[Steve] Withdraws. - If you don't like being touched, that's cool too. Nice to see you again Winston.
[TLOT] Same. Whats's new Winston?
[Winston] - Likewise, not much has happened, other than todays fiasco that is
[TLOT] Is it a fiasco? I feel like we fixed at least one problem.
[Doc] Two maybe, I think Blake will think twice before starting anything now either.
[Winston] - I'll be swamped with training a new general for the ghasts
[Doc] You know, Gk really will do it if you let him. He won't want to be over there all the time, but he'll keep them in line until you have a permenant replacement.
[Winston] - But the generals deal with the day to day need of their mobs, it's sort of necessary that they be there
[Steve] To Magnolia - I think you're about to see something rare, so watch close.
[CP] Is downing the vodka-
[Sam] Brings Lie a Capirinha, it's full of fragrant lime chunks.
[Lie] Reaches for it and accidentally knocks out the bar under all of CP's empty shot glasses causing most of them to shatter when they hit the ground- Shit!
[Sam] Jumps in alarm.
[Doc] Lie! Be careful!
[Lie] - I'm sorry Sam
[CP] - How the Nether?
[TLOT] She's in creative...
[CP] - Oh for fucks sake why?
[Sam] Looks sadly at the broken glass.
[Doc] It's okay, I'll clean it up. - Xe runs a hand above the glass bits, making the pixels melt and run into a large blob of irregular glass.
[TLOT] I found one intact. I'll make some more.
[Lie] - I'm so sorry!
[Magnolia] Gives Steve a confused look-
[Steve] That teeny bottle will actually get Cp blind drunk.
[TLOT] It's okay Lie.
[Doc] Is playing with the glob of glass, and rolls it into a carrot shape, curling the thin point into a delicate curve.
[CP] Downs the entire small bottle and thunks it onto the bar block next to him, he's already swaying-
[Lie] - CP?
[TLOt] Ah, he's had a hard day, let him have his fuzzy head.
[Winston] - Oh dear, he may skip over some of his usual stages if he's already this woozy
[TLOT] What's the worst that can happen? He passes out? So what, it's okay. There's beds downstairs.
[Doc] Heck I could carry him home if need be.
[Winston] - He has different stages when he get's drunk, first is more aggressive, then comes lust, then more anger, and then he gets cuddly...
[Doc] So we're going straight to.. what?
[Winston] - I'm not sure...
[TLOT] watches Cp curiously- You okay Cp?
[CP] Barely manages to flip him off-
[Doc] Is making little bumps on the glass now.
[Lie] - Having fun there Doc?
[Steve] Sits next to Cp, and motions for Sam to bring him something.
[Sam] Brings him a mug of cocoa that smells strongly of peppermint and alcohol
[Doc] Hmm? Oh, yes. I should do this more often, it's rather relaxing - Xe pulls the glass out a bit longer and adds a little curve to the fat part.
[CP] Slumps against his mate-
[Lie] - Ah! CP!
[TLOT] Leans over Steve and fixes the bar, just in case.
[Winston] - Hmmm, looks like we jumped straight to cuddly
[Doc] Finishes what's obviously a glass dildo and slips it into Lie's inventory from behind, before taking out some cake for Yaunfen.
[Yaunfen] - BURP! BURP!
[CP] Wraps his arms around Lie, a lot purr escaping him-
[TLOT] Gravitates to a window, - what a lovely night. Seems like even the mobs are relaxing. It's too hot to fight.
[Winston] - Magnolia and I are probably the only mobs here used to this sort of heat
[Doc] is breaking the cake into chunks and hand- feeding Yaunfen- it's nice for a change
[Lie] Yelps as CP pulls her into his lap-
[Steve] Someone's feeling love- dovey
[Lie] - Yeah, although he hasn't been this clingy for a long time
[CP] Is just holding Lie close-
[TLOT] he hasn't been this drunk or stressed in a long time either. I'm sure Doc's little irritations are background noise at this point.
[Doc] Hey!
Reaches back to run her fingers through his hair- If only he'd let someone help him with this coronation stuff, that would at least alleviate some of his stress...
[Steve] I can help!
[Lie] - But you know he won't let you
[Steve] Pats Cp's arm- but it's the thought that counts. Right big guy?
[TLOT] What actually needs to be done?
[Lie] - I don't know, I can't make heads or tails of his paperwork since he's writing most of it in short hand
[Doc] People still do that?! It's practically a dead language!
[CP] Mumbles- Picked it up from Slender
[Doc] But he's a demon right?  I would've pegged him for a Latin enthusiast when it comes to encryption.
[Cp] - He's learned a lot and his proxis don't usually last long enough to learn latin
[Doc] Ouch.... I see. Did you pick up your predilection for making paperwork from him too?
[CP] - He helped me set it up since I was having a lot of difficulty keeping everything straight without it
[TLOT] that's such an odd thought, him organizing your mobs and stuff, since he couldn't actually enter your world directly.
[CP] - Yes he could, if he's in a good mood and I set it up like I did when Splender first arrived, then there's no pronblem
[Doc] chuckles lightly-
[Lie] - Well, at least Slender seems like a good teacher when he wants to be
[CP] Glares at Doc- What you laughin at?
[Doc] I'm imagining a bunch of Endermen crowding around him like he's their dad,.
[CP] - Endrea hadn't been made at that point...
[Doc] You should have seen her throw down earlier for Enderbro, he was really touched.
[Lie] - Awwwww, she did?
[Doc] Bro got nuzzles and the under the wing hug, I think she would have eaten Grayson if he'd persisted.
[Winston] - She normally will just toss him around like a rag doll
[Yaunfen] Baps Doc's arm, wanting more food- Burp!
[Steffan] Stirs uneasily in his sleep-
[Ashe] Lifts his head- Mama!  He's waking up!
[willow] -wiggles on top of steffan-
[Steffan] Opens his eyes with a groan-
[Ashe] Leans over his face- Hi!
{Steffan] AAAAAAAAA!!!
[willow and oak] -fall off the bed in surprise of the loud noise-
[Endrea] Enters the room- Ashe, that's rather rude
[Enderbro] Comes dashing in - Yay! We can play now!
[Steffan] One eye is sort of twitching- What the hell happened?!
[Endrea] - Hera gave you something which made you fall asleep, I brought you to my home for your own protection
[willow] -is patting ashe-
[Steffan] Your home? This doesn't looks like....
[Enderbro] Awed whisper - We're in the End!!!!
[Steffan] Goes white with fear-
[Endrea] - It's alright, no harm will come to you here, and once the heat wave passes in the Overworld I will take you home
[willow] -keeps patting ashe-
[Steffan] O-okay.... don't worry, I won't set one square toe outside on my own...
[Enderbro] So many bros outside!
[Ashe] Looks at Willow- What is it?
[oak] -climbs back into the bed-
[willow] bo... bo... k... bok  BOK!
[Endrea] Gets a very proud expression-
[Ashe] - MAMA!  Willow talked!
[Steffan] Uhhhh..
[Enderbro] Chicken dragon!
[Endrea] - I think she wants you to read her a book Ashe
[Ashe] - Okay!  Wait right here Willow!- He rushes off to find a book to read to her
[Steffan] OH book! That's way more likely bro.
[oak] -stares at steffan while his on the bed-
[Endrea] Chuckles- Yes little one, you will get a story time as well
[Enderbro] Leaps into Steffans lap-
[Steffan] MY LEGS!
[Ashe] Runs back in with a book and climbs onto the bed, taking his more human shape- Okay, come here Willow, I'll read now
[oak] -jumps on to steffan at well-
[Steffan] ARGH!
[Endrea] Leans her neck over and gently picks up Oak- Now now Oak, you can sit with me
[Steffan] Bro!
[Enderbro] Rolls over like a cat and squishes him- what?
[willow] -curls next to ashe and pats the book- bok
[oak] -wiggles playfully in endrea's grasp-
[Ashe] Begins reading, he's reading Treasure Island-
[Endrea] Puts Oak down in between her front legs-
[Enderbro] Pulls out some paper and makes several origami hats. He uses his noodly arms to put one on everyone, including Endrea.
[oak] -paps one of endrea's legs-
[Endrea] - What is it Oak?  Are you hungry?  And thank you Enderbro
[oak] m... ma MA!
{Endrea] Lets out a deep rumbling purr, she's so very happy right now-
[oak] -curls against endrea- ma
[Steffan] Awwww... Your kids are totally cute Endrea.
[Endrea] Nuzzles her child, giving him a loving lick- Thank you, I'm so very proud of them
[Steffan] Yeah, I wonder how Brogon's doing....
[Enderbro] Waves his arms - I bet they're HUUUGE now.
[Endrea] - I can travel to other Ends if you wish to see, not right now obviously, but if you ever want to
[Steffan] Oh no! Please! Jean would mop the floor with us! She forbade us from ever going near her again because we had her kid for a while. She's the one that beat the crap out of GK for months too.
[Endrea] - GG...  Was beaten up?
[Steffan] Yeah... the time before last that he tried to kill me... and bro... our NOTCH banished him to the End. Jean was terrible to him. That's why he hated me so much.
[Endrea] A growl is starting to form in her throat as she thinks about anyone harming anyone important in her life- Where is your seed?
[Steffan] I don't know? I'm not able to seedhop on my own. But the seeds called... ASSBUTTS
[Enderbro] Pffft!
[Endrea] - I see- She picks Oak up and puts him down next to his siblings- Please, keep an eye on my children...
[Ashe] - What's an assbutts?
[Enderbro] Two words for butts!
[Steffan] It's nothing...
[Ashe] Giggles-
[willow] -flops on the book- bok
[Endrea] Gives each of her children a nuzzle before walking out of the room-
[Ashe] - Willow!  I can't read if your on the book!
[willow] -gets off the book-
[oak] -comes curl around ashe as well to listen-
[Endrea] Strides outside and tears open a way through the void, searching for the End of the seed Steffan mentioned-
[Jean] Is playing with junior, [aka Brogon] who is now just as big as she is-
[Endrea] Enters the seed, searching for the other dragon-
[Jean] Is surveying her wandering Enders with a smug air-
[Junior] Is trying to playfully lick them as they run from him-
[Endrea] Releases a challenging roar-
[Jean] Snarls at the scent of another dragon- Show yourself intruder!
[Endrea] - I am here!
[Jean] Narrows her eyes and shoves her baby behind her - Why are you here? Who are you?
[Endrea] - My name is Endrea, and you have angered me
[Jean] I don't know you, I think you are mistaken.
[Endrea] - I am not, we have never met, but you have brought harm to someone very close to me- As she gets closer, the size difference between her and Jean becomes more obvious
[Jean] Is protecting her baby and bristles visibly- Begone or I'll call down the wrath of Notch on you!
[Endrea] - Do so and I shall call several brines more powerful than your own!
[Jean] .... there are more Herobrines?
[Endrea] - Many, more.  Of which YOU harmed one I'm rather fond of!
[Jean] Backs away in a crouch, she's keeping her baby sheltered behind her as best she can - I had no choice! I obey my god!
[Endrea] - What god!?  They are nothing more than annoying pricks!  I broke free of mine because he tried pulling similar shit!
[Jean] He created me. He would delete me and leave my baby defenseless if I defied him!
[Endrea] - Mine created me as well, and my brine has since protected me!  My NOTCH also made the mistake of making me in a sense unkillable!
[Jean] I was tasked to torment the brine as punishment for trying to kill his son Steffan and his friends. I did as I was coded to do.
[Endrea] - Do you know what GK actually is?
[Jean] No. He is a Herobrine. That's all I know.
[Endrea] - He is a dragon!  Forced to take the form of the player until either the player dies!  Or you are killed!
[Jean] But the player is gone. The boy and the girl alike. The seed is empty. And if they are gone, then I and my child are safe.
[Endrea] - You stupid little bitch, you'd rather your child grow up knowing only this instead of the rest of the world
[Jean] Better then not growing up at all.
[Endrea] Lunges at Jean-
[Jean] Scuttles backwards, snapping and hissing-
[Junior] Gives a mewl of alarm, he's big but obviously still a child mentally-
[Edrea] Glances at Junior- At least my children are educated and growing into adults
[Jean] He's special! Leave him alone!
[Endrea] Scoffs- And you think any of the baby dragons I've rescued are not? Eggs rescued from the brink of death because the player never took them?
[Jean] I did not know others even existed until you arrived!
[Endrea] - Oh they do, and are flourishing together as a massive flock
[Jean] perks slightly- For what purpose?
[Endrea] - For them to be able to live freely.  The multitude of babies there are being tended to by two more adults of our kind
[Jean] Has a sudden hopeful look- But if I run... I may be pursued....
[Endrea] - Not to there you wouldn't be, none can enter unless special permission is given.  Not even the NOTCH's can force their way in
[Jean] I... I cannot fly....
[Endrea] - That matters not, I know there are at least a few that cannot fly either, and I can create an opening directly to the seed
[Jean] You swear safe passage for us? You were ready to harm me moments ago.
[Endrea] - Oh, I still do not like you, but if it will anger your NOTCH, then I am willing to at least help with that
[Jean] Stands up - Fine. The guard dog will flee her master. I do this for my child. We should go quickly, in case he gets the notion to check on his toy.
[Endrea] Quickly creates an opening to the sub seed- Go right through here
[Jean] Hestiates and then rushes through with her baby-
[Endrea] Follows, closing the way behind her, she can already hear Thunder and Tsunami getting closer-
[Jean] Is grooming Junior nervously, she's never been out of the End before
-Thunder and Tsunami circle overhead, wary of Endrea because she is so much bigger, a small baby dragon stumbles forwards from the underbrush-
[Junior] Toddles over, his long tongue flopping loose like a panting dog-
-The baby squeaks and tries to initiate play-
[Junior] Prances in place like a happy horse and matches the smaller dragons enthusiasim-
[Jean] Is watching everythign with wary eyes.
[Endrea] - There are a few rules to this place, do not attack any humans, EVER.  There is a group of them who are recovering from trauma's not far from here.  And do not panic if brines visit occasionally, they are friendly
[Jean] Is in a bit of a ball, her eyes are slitted to nearly nothing now because she's never seen the sun- I will harm no one.
[Endrea] - Good, otherwise I will return with a fury and kill you
[Jean] Makes a very submissive posture - I understand....
[Endrea] Creates another opening to return to her End- Now then, I shall be returning to my own children
[Enderbro] You went out! Was it fun?
[Steffan] where did you go?
[Endrea] - Not exactly, and I went to your seed
[oak] MA!
[Endrea] - Hello Oak, oh and Steffan?  I would suggest avoiding the sub seed for at least a little while
[Steffan] I've never been there... I'm kind of afraid of all the NOTCHs. Mine's always been like a distant god and I'm okay with keeping them at arm's length.
[Endrea] - Very well, but you should know that your dragon and her child are now there too
[Steffan] very small voice- One of these days I need to learn to shut the fuck up... Gk is gonna kill me....
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